SMTC 5 400 003
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1 Scope
本标准描述了纺织品表面组织、 塑料件、 橡 胶件、 涂层、皮革制品、装饰性木质件以及纺 织品和汽车内饰中胶合部件的色牢度、耐光性、 耐热性测试,同时也对经过光照曝晒的用于试 样和批量生产监测的零件进行了评估。 样品的曝晒采用测试设备中专有的已过滤 氙弧灯。 此外光照曝晒的样品也可用于残余的撕裂 强度、残余撕裂伸长率和残余耐磨损性的测定。
前言 Foreword.......................................................................... II 1 范围 Scope .......................................................................... 1 2 规范性引用文件 Normative reference.................................................... 1 3 术语及定义 Term and Definitions ....................................................... 1 4 标记 Designation ..................................................................... 2 5 要求 Requirements ................................................................... 2 6 测试 Test ............................................................................ 2 6.1 原理 Principle ................................................................................................................................2 6.2 测试设备 Test Equipment..............................................................................................................2 6.3 光照曝晒条件 Light Exposure Conditions......................................................................................2 6.4 样品制备 Specimen Preparation ...................................................................................................4 6.5 曝晒测试 Conducting the Exposure Test ................................................................................................ 6 7 评定 Evaluation .............................................................................................................................................. 8 7.1 评定法则 Evaluation Principles .....................................................................................................8 7.2 目视评定 Visual Evaluation ...........................................................................................................8 7.3 比色评定 Colorimetric Evaluation............................................................................................................... 8 8 试验报告 Test Report .................................................................................................................................... 8 附录 A(资料性附录)操作指南 Appendix A (informative) Operation Guideline ...................................... 9
Normative references The following documents contain provisions which , through reference in this text , constitute provisions of this national standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. As to the document without dates, the new versions will be valid for this version. SMTC 5 400 002 Components of the Vehicle Interior Trim; Colorimetric Evaluation DIN 5033-3 Colorimetry; Colorimetric Measures DIN EN 20 105-A02 Textiles; Tests for Color Fastness, Part A02: Gray Scale for Assessing Change in Color DIN EN 29073-3 Textiles; Test Method for Nonwoven Fabrics, Part 3: Determining the Maximum Tensile Strength and the Maximum Tensile Strength Elongation DIN 50014 Climates and Their Technical Application; Standard Climates DIN 75202 Determination of Color Fastness of Interior Materials in Motor Vehicles, Xenon Arc Lamp Test. 3 Term and Definitions 2
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SMTC 5 400 003-2010(V1)
1 范围
Non-Metallic Materials Exposure Test of Passenger Compartment Components
Enterprise Technical Standard of SAIC Motor Technical Center
SMTC 5 400 003-2010(V1)
Non-Metallic Materials Exposure Test of Passenger Compartment Components
This standard describes the testing of planar fabrics, plastic parts, rubber parts, paints, leather, decorative wooden parts as well as textile and film-laminated components of the vehicle interior trim with respect to their color fastness and resistance to light and heat as well as the assessment of parts that have been exposed to light for sample and standard production monitoring. It refers exclusively to the exposure of samples/specimens to a filtered xenon arc lamp in the test apparatus. Exposed specimens can furthermore be used to determine the residual tear strength, residual elongation at tear and residual abrasion resistance.
2010-04-13 发布/Issue
Technical Standardization Committee of SAIC Motor Technical Center
发 布 Issue
SMTC 5 400 003-2010(V1)
当中英文产生疑义时,以中文为准。 本标准由材料分标委提出。 本标准由 SMTC 技术标准化委员会批准。 本标准由标准化工作组归口管理。 本标准起草部门:车身部。 本标准主要起草人:吴海霞。 本标准于 2010 年 4 月 13 日首次批准发布, 2010 年 4 月 14 日实施。
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SMTC 5 400 003-2010(V1)前来自言Foreword
In the event of a conflict between the Chinese and English, the Chinese shall be taken precedence. This standard was proposed by material basic sub-committee. This standard was approved by the SMTC Technical Standardization Committee. This standard is under the management of Standardization working team. The drafting departments of this standard are: Body Dept. The main drafters of this standard are: Wu Haixia. This standard was first published on 13th Apr 2010 and implemented on 14th Apr 2010.
本标准描述了纺织品表面组织、 塑料件、 橡 胶件、 涂层、皮革制品、装饰性木质件以及纺 织品和汽车内饰中胶合部件的色牢度、耐光性、 耐热性测试,同时也对经过光照曝晒的用于试 样和批量生产监测的零件进行了评估。 样品的曝晒采用测试设备中专有的已过滤 氙弧灯。 此外光照曝晒的样品也可用于残余的撕裂 强度、残余撕裂伸长率和残余耐磨损性的测定。
前言 Foreword.......................................................................... II 1 范围 Scope .......................................................................... 1 2 规范性引用文件 Normative reference.................................................... 1 3 术语及定义 Term and Definitions ....................................................... 1 4 标记 Designation ..................................................................... 2 5 要求 Requirements ................................................................... 2 6 测试 Test ............................................................................ 2 6.1 原理 Principle ................................................................................................................................2 6.2 测试设备 Test Equipment..............................................................................................................2 6.3 光照曝晒条件 Light Exposure Conditions......................................................................................2 6.4 样品制备 Specimen Preparation ...................................................................................................4 6.5 曝晒测试 Conducting the Exposure Test ................................................................................................ 6 7 评定 Evaluation .............................................................................................................................................. 8 7.1 评定法则 Evaluation Principles .....................................................................................................8 7.2 目视评定 Visual Evaluation ...........................................................................................................8 7.3 比色评定 Colorimetric Evaluation............................................................................................................... 8 8 试验报告 Test Report .................................................................................................................................... 8 附录 A(资料性附录)操作指南 Appendix A (informative) Operation Guideline ...................................... 9
Normative references The following documents contain provisions which , through reference in this text , constitute provisions of this national standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. As to the document without dates, the new versions will be valid for this version. SMTC 5 400 002 Components of the Vehicle Interior Trim; Colorimetric Evaluation DIN 5033-3 Colorimetry; Colorimetric Measures DIN EN 20 105-A02 Textiles; Tests for Color Fastness, Part A02: Gray Scale for Assessing Change in Color DIN EN 29073-3 Textiles; Test Method for Nonwoven Fabrics, Part 3: Determining the Maximum Tensile Strength and the Maximum Tensile Strength Elongation DIN 50014 Climates and Their Technical Application; Standard Climates DIN 75202 Determination of Color Fastness of Interior Materials in Motor Vehicles, Xenon Arc Lamp Test. 3 Term and Definitions 2
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SMTC 5 400 003-2010(V1)
1 范围
Non-Metallic Materials Exposure Test of Passenger Compartment Components
Enterprise Technical Standard of SAIC Motor Technical Center
SMTC 5 400 003-2010(V1)
Non-Metallic Materials Exposure Test of Passenger Compartment Components
This standard describes the testing of planar fabrics, plastic parts, rubber parts, paints, leather, decorative wooden parts as well as textile and film-laminated components of the vehicle interior trim with respect to their color fastness and resistance to light and heat as well as the assessment of parts that have been exposed to light for sample and standard production monitoring. It refers exclusively to the exposure of samples/specimens to a filtered xenon arc lamp in the test apparatus. Exposed specimens can furthermore be used to determine the residual tear strength, residual elongation at tear and residual abrasion resistance.
2010-04-13 发布/Issue
Technical Standardization Committee of SAIC Motor Technical Center
发 布 Issue
SMTC 5 400 003-2010(V1)
当中英文产生疑义时,以中文为准。 本标准由材料分标委提出。 本标准由 SMTC 技术标准化委员会批准。 本标准由标准化工作组归口管理。 本标准起草部门:车身部。 本标准主要起草人:吴海霞。 本标准于 2010 年 4 月 13 日首次批准发布, 2010 年 4 月 14 日实施。
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SMTC 5 400 003-2010(V1)前来自言Foreword
In the event of a conflict between the Chinese and English, the Chinese shall be taken precedence. This standard was proposed by material basic sub-committee. This standard was approved by the SMTC Technical Standardization Committee. This standard is under the management of Standardization working team. The drafting departments of this standard are: Body Dept. The main drafters of this standard are: Wu Haixia. This standard was first published on 13th Apr 2010 and implemented on 14th Apr 2010.