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Analysis on the model o f Chinese foreign trade
This p aper clarified contact actual implementation in China shall actively future import substitution and export-oriented strategy model combining the compound in view,and expounds the select and implement the strategic mode of economic exhibition should consider the problem.
A country's foreign economic development strategy mode can be summarized as import substitution and export-oriented two basic modes of population,th e market in China,its large capacity development space,bu t also vast exist,and per capita under developed productivity development and utilization of natural resources are limited and economic efficiency,low enough and limited capital accumulation restraints.This kind of situation determines that China cannot implement single import-substituted strategy,also cannot implement single export-oriented strategy should be implemented,and import substitution and export-oriented combination of complex strategy,can we mak e full use of and development of domestic and foreign two resources and markets,t o better achieve strategic balance and China's economic development goals.
1.Implementation o f import substitution and export-oriented
strategy model combining with China
1.1In China since last century the development situation o f pp
By the middle of the last century,in a single planned economic system restriction and the influence of political and economic environment at home and abroad,China's foreign economic development strategy,with a single plan experience associated economic system closing economic development strategy mode namely single import-substituted strategy mode.In this economy under the guidance of the strategic thought,from the1950s t o the late 1970s,after20years of construction and development,our preliminary realized industrialization,creating a mor e complete suitable for China's national conditions of industrial system,and have achieved some results.However,implementing a single import substitution didn't achieve desired success.When our country is economically backward agricultural country,the construction funds shortage,industrial technology is low,national low per capita income,residents purchasing power and consumption level is very low,this kind of situation has determined t he domestic market at the limited space in China.Therefore, in the implementation of import substitution strategy,development in the process of import substitution industry difficulties and of all obstacles.Meanwhile,the industrial system in China in countries under the highly pr otected is established and developed,enterprise mainly rely on increase production inputs t o expand the scale of production,t o realize the economic growth,its economic infrastructure,technology strength rather weak,the industrial equipment dated,enterprise's lack of market ideas,a lack of market awareness,consumption,high cost of enterprise and economic high quality and economic benefit is low,the international market competition ability and export disabilities,this kind of situation is serious impact on the alternative levels of improving,and restricted the development of import and export trade in China.First incompetence,and export export ability inadequacy and influenced directly restricts the import,introduce adv anced technology from abroad,and the end result is the proportion of China in international trade from the19531.5%dropped to1977o.6%.And in the s ame period,Japan and other emer ging east Asian economies bu t borrowing and seize this period world economic prosperity and international trade development will bring gr eat opportunity,implement export-oriented strategy,mak e full use of the international market and
its resources,and actively develop export-oriented economy,the development of its economy, its much to raise the economic strength.Unfortunately,our country missed the chance to develop export-oriented economy.
1.2Since China's reform and opening trade development
In1979China began to gradually implement opening,economic reform policy.S tarted from a single planned economy into planned economy to market economy,combining economic system then to1992established a system of socialist market economy.China's economic development strategy is also associated with the reform of the economic structure and g e t innovation,in the implementation of import substitution strategy is introduced, meanwhile,export orientation strategy,began t o develop export-oriented economy and achieved considerable development.Our country is a developing country,industrialization development process is in the intermediate stage,according t o the international development of the general rule of industrialized countries,a period of our country should implement Jackie import substitution and export orientation and development strategy,this is actually "composite"industrialization development strategy.According t o the international division of labor theory,a comparative adv antage in our country should be within the industry,such as labor-intensive industries thr ough foreign absorbing funds,technology,project,talent and so on a series of can in a relatively short period of time effectively improve our country industrialization level,improve our pr oduct international market competition ability of the measur es and formulate actively encourage export foreign trade policy,encourage and mak e efforts to expand the product export.However,in the international market competition developed countries in manipulation and control status,developing countries at a no t equal status,developing country exports primary pr oducts imported products for export trading prices of primary products,developing countries disadvantage.Therefore,our country should in product,price,cost of a comparative adv antage n o t capital intensive industries and tech-intensive industry field,continue t o implement the strategy of import substitution to set up,consolidate,the development of domestic industrial base,perfect our country's industrial development system.
2.Import substitution and combination of export-oriented
strategy is necessary
2.1China international and domestic market
2.1.1China trade dev elopment prospects
For our country,our domestic market for development space,although economic volume is broad,only accounted for25%of the Japanese,American12%.But China's economic growth rate faster growth rate of7%-every year,mo r e than9%,far higher than the3%t o4% in developed countries.The national economy growth,determines the rapid growth of the national income,the rapid growth of the national income personal income increase makes residents,thereby improving the residents purchasing power and consumption levels,it exp anded the total social needs.Then,if the single export-oriented strategy,mainly rely on imported from abr o ad commodity t o meet the need of domestic market consumption market, obviously doesn't work,is also unable t o realize.Can predict,in our country's huge population b ase in front,the future of social purchasing power and a gg r ega te demand will continue t o improve,new consumer market will k eep formation and appear.The expansion of domestic market this market and the growth of total,is not only the market"quantity"of simple expansion,and the market's"mass''get promoted continuously.From this point,China's domestic market in the future for quite a long time,it is quite wide development space for the enterprise,it will be a huge market opportunities,it is import substitution industrial development o pe n s up a br o ad prospect and space.Therefore,our country industrialization development direction,and its overall goal should be facing domestic market,its pr oduct market objectives should be also the domestic market of the consumers.That is,thr ough meet domestic market demand,from domestic market to promote economic development. Therefore,impossible t o China's economy as a whole and all industrial areas have included the export-oriented orbit.
2.1.2China's import and export oriented
Of course,we cannot therefore refute export-oriented,if n ot export orientation,do no t expand export,import substitution industry also could n ot succeed.In the development of import substitution of economy at the sa me time,should because when,in parts of the situation,part industry,part of the enterprise the export orientation strategy,establish the export-oriented economy.In order t o mak e full use of the international economic conditions
obtained thr ough the development of export,import adv anced technology and foreign equipment,production replace imported products supply domestic market,economic globalization and regional economic integration has become the tr end of the economic development,if we pu t too much emphasis on the domestic market and ignore the huge international market is untimely;Similarly,if pu t too much emphasis on the international market and ignore the domestic market on economic growth role is one-sided.W e should mak e full use of both domestic and overseas market to provide power for sustained economic growth,which is implemented to China's national conditions,namely,the economic development strategy,import substitution and export orientation and development strategy, essence is a"composite''industrialization development strategy.
3.Economic development strategy model selection and
3.1Should be taken into account in the domestic and international economic and political environment impact
For a nation t o choose economic development strategy,establish economic development model,we should consider international economic and political environment,domestic social economic system and national economic development foundation and development goals of influence and restriction role.Must a country period of economic development strategy, economic development pattern should a d a pt and obey the period of international economic and political environment,domestic social economic system and the development of domestic economy b a s e d and development objectives,and with the international economic and political environment,domestic social economic system and the development of domestic economy foundation and development goals change constantly adjusted by due to the above,avoid the development of influence and restriction factor to changes in the economic and strategic decision making mistakes.International economic and political environment contains the international political environment and change period,international security environment and change,the international economic relations and its development trend,the international market dynamic and change tr end and international economic relations theory and theories of the emergence,development,innovation and its role and influence.International economic
and political environment is to develop export-oriented mode have t o first consider the question,of course,international economic and political environment on import substitution industrialization is also a major influence.For the domestic social and economic system,main is t o focus on this period of national economic system pr esent situation and future trends and possible targets and related measur es and policies
And regulations,etc.Domestic economic development foundation or refers to a country, including this situation of resource endowment,economic development at the stage and level, the domestic market pr oduct supply and demand relation and changes,economic structure and industrial technology present situation and u pg ra de of economic development tendency,and strategic goals and positioning,etc.
Comprehensive national conditions,China's economic system,the international environment and the internal factors of economic and strategic consideration,the implementation of import substitution and export-oriented combination of economic development strategy will be long-term choice of science,and in the process of continuously according t o information feedback,promptly t o economic development strategy and the corresponding economic model appropriate adjustments,innovation,taking the strain of the new situation hair and requirements.
3.2The applicable conditions strategic mode t o implement step, multilayered composite strategy
For this problem,should be taken into account in import substitution type and export-led strategic adv antage and applicable environment and conditions,and two strategic mutual stimulative effect.Generally speaking,should no t a comparative adv antage in the capital tech-intensive industry,continue t o import substitution competency of strategy.Because our country is still mo r e weak industrial base,and economic development,industrial development imbalance in foundation is bad,the industry in the field of production the durable alternative consumer products is necessary,shall continue in the durable consumer goods industries in implementing import substitution,achieved certain industrial scale and industrial level,its import substitution fields namely exp anded to the consumer durables industry and basic industries and development t o export-oriented industries.And in industry developing fast, technical level is higher,and even reached the international advanced level of industrial areas
should implement durable consumer goods,and to replace export-driven economic development.Meanwhile,a comparative adv antage in China within the labor-intensive industries in introducing foreign capital,continued thr ough a series of measur es to increase competitiveness,adopt of export encouraged policies implementation export-led strategy.
3.3The government should take the necessary compound protection policy and incentives
Implement complex strategic pattern,the government should take the necessary compound protection policy and incentives.As to the import substitution industry cultivation and the protection and pr omotion of the industrial level,export orientation industry support and encourage and promote the original import substitution industry upgrading and translated into export-oriented industries.Practice has proved,import substitution and export-oriented model smoothly with whether the implementation of its success,all need consistent with the condition,need corresponding policy me ans and tools,and forming a corresponding mechanism and play a role.Meanwhile,the hybrid strategy model selection and implementation should also be considered,fully mobilize the enthusiasm of different market subjects,coordinating all social economic subject,in all sectors of the economy and regional balance development,and continuing t o inject new vitality into the economic development and power,mak e development,the innovation to become the aware behavior,mak e enterprises from different social economic subject parties bits,all levels play its internal power and vigor,form complex economic model effect.
3.4Should export orientation and comprehensive evaluation o f import-substituted strategy mode
For import substitution and export-oriented strategy pattern appraisal,should combine two strategic mode the essential contents of the structure and the development conditions and environmental analysis scientific conclusions could be drawn.The s a me countries in different stages of development of implementing import-substituted strategy or export-oriented strategy in the allocation of resources when different emphasis.Import-substituted strategy emphasize development and use of domestic market resources,export orientation strategy emphasized in
comparative advantage,emphasize the international division of labor,develop and utilize international market resources.These two ideas respectively expounds import-substituted strategy and export-oriented strategy thinking of the meaning,bu t he d o es no t throw import-substituted strategy or export-oriented strategy p aper tries to know,combined, evaluation and utilization,no comprehensive analysis of their interaction and mutual influence and consequences,because appear n o t too full.Only pu t import-substituted strategy and export-oriented strategy development strategic comprehensive up comprehensive analysis,by comparing t o clear their respective advantages,suitable condition and selection weaknesses and negative effect,can achieve in the implementation developing its long,avoid its short,realize two strategy model of complementary and alternative,accomplished already fully develop domestic market,and develop international market;Ma de full use of domestic resources,and mak e full use of international resources.