





















1. 固溶处理固溶处理是常用的热处理方法之一。




2. 淬火处理与固溶处理不同,淬火处理通过将金属材料迅速冷却至室温,使晶界处的稀土元素发生析出作用。





1. 晶界阻挡效应稀土元素可以阻碍晶界上新晶粒的生长,减缓了晶体的晶化速度。



2. 晶界扩散速率的改变稀土元素的存在可以改变晶界的扩散速率。







L 前沿技术 eading-edge technology
(合肥工业大学材料科学与工程学院,安徽 合肥 230000)
摘 要 :近年来,我国工业制造水平的不断提升,使铝合金成为工业制造业的重要原材料,铝合金的力学性能更是直接
试验结果表明,铝合金试样的力学性能及组织结构会在 很大程度上受到固溶处理温度的影响,通过观察不同固溶处 理温度下,铝合金试样在硬度及力学性能上的变化曲线可以 发现,固溶处理温度的不断升高,会使 7075 铝合金的力学 性能在抗拉、硬度以及屈服强度上分别出现先增后降趋势, 当固溶处理温度达到 470℃时,此时铝合金的抗拉、屈服以 及 硬 度 也 达 到 了 一 个 峰 值,分 别 是 625MPa、550MPa 和 46.5HRB。
铝合金凭借其低密度、高韧、高强的优良性能,使其被 广泛应用于交通运输、航天航空、建筑业等多个领域。由于 铝合金中掺入了较高含量的 Zn、Mg 等元素,这使得铝合金 在热处理工艺中未得以充分固溶时,这些元素的存在很容易 影响到铝合金的综合性能,而且 Zn、Mg 元素的含量过高, 还会对铝合金造成严重的应力腐蚀问题,这势必会大幅降低 铝合金的结构强度。
为了解决上述问题,本文便以热处理工艺作为出发点, 深入研究热处理对铝合金力学性能的作用机制,以期能够为 铝合金的应用提供可靠的技术依据。
1 研究材料及方法 1.1 材料
本文将 7075 铝合金作为研究材料,该铝合金材料预先 已经进行了均匀化的退火处理,其内部化学元素的主要成分 包括 Zn、Mg、Cu、Mn、Fe、Si、Cr、Ti 以及 AL, 这些化学 元素的含量分别为 6.5%、2.2%、1.5%、0.6%、0.5%、0.5%、 0.15% 以及 0.1%。 1.2 热处理工艺








关键词:退火温度,Ni/Al复合带,金属间化合物Intermetallic Compounds’ Change of the Ni/Al Clad Composite Strip In the Different Annealing TemperatureYu Kun,Song Jue-min(School of Materials Science and Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China)Abstract: Al/Ni clad composite strip is widely applied as aelectronic packaging materials in the battery. It needs high bonding strengthand that is consanguineously relative to intermetallic compound. The growth of intermetallics on the composite interface in Ni/Alcladding strip was studied in the different annealing temperature. The results shou that: 1) The intermetallics firstly form and grow rapidly in certian zones on the interface under proper thermodynamics conditions and then the intermetallics is jointed to a whole layer. 2)The intermetallic layer thickens with temperature rise. 3) brittleness compound was generated on the interface because of high tempurature in the annealing.Key: Annealing Temperature,Ni/Al Composite Strip,Intermetallic CompoundNi/Al层状复合带作为广泛应用于电池中的电子封装材料,主要用于铝壳手机电池重要的零部件原料。



层间冷加工和热处理对增材制造铝合金中孔隙的影响和孔隙闭合机制1.引言1.1 概述铝合金的增材制造是一种先进的制造技术,其在航空航天、汽车制造和船舶建造等领域具有广泛应用前景。













1.2文章结构文章结构部分的内容可以根据实际情况进行编写,以下是一个示例:1.2 文章结构本文主要研究层间冷加工和热处理对增材制造铝合金中孔隙的影响以及孔隙闭合机制。











关键词:形变;热处理;NiCrAlFe合金;组织;性能1. 引言NiCrAlFe合金是一种具有优异高温性能的金属材料,因此被广泛应用于航空航天、能源和石油化工等领域。



2. 形变对NiCrAlFe合金组织和性能的影响形变是一种材料加工方法,通过施加外力使材料发生塑性变形。













[ j 占泽 升 , 6 夏 l , 海 波 , 稀 ± 硼 铝 共 渗 朝 渗 层 的 相 组 戚 片 工 等
J ]中匡柏 色金属学报 .9 8 8 S Ip 一5 3 J 9 ,( I I :05 P 【
f ] 吉 泽 升 , 立 芳 稀 土 对 硼铝 共 淳 动 力 学 的 影 响 盐 l 箅 机 拟 台 7 夏 f
广 — — — — ̄ l
l工 艺}
… .Leabharlann 热处 理对铁 铝 涂层 相组成 及 滑 动磨损 性 能 的影 响
朱子 新 徐 滨士 马世 宁 杜 则裕: 一. , , (. 1 出国机撇 工程学会 表 面工程研 究所 , 京 10 7 ; 北 00 2 2 天津 大学材 科学 与工程学 院 , 津 30 7 ) . 天 0 02
3 3 性 能 .
石子源等 对 比了 4 “ 5钢 6 0 /1h和 80 ×4 5℃ 0 5℃ h渗 硼试样的磨损 实验 。结果表明 : 在磨损的初级阶段 . 温稀土 低 渗硼显示出优 良的耐磨性能 ; 在稳定阶段 , 低温渗硼层 的磨损 性能要好于高温渗硼层 , 但进人剧烈 磨损阶段 的时闻要 比高 温渗珊早。林祥丰等【 在对 4 j 5钢 60 ×1 h 8 0 ×4 5C 0 和 4C h

热处理后 ,
部分 F 3 / e 将转变成 F . 涂层 的显徽硬度有明 屁的影 响 剥层磨损 是铁铝 涂层 的 主要 磨损帆理 A 对
通过热 处理提 高涂层
的显微硬度 . 将有利于提高涂层 的耐磨 胜 关键词 : 涂层 ; 铁铝金属 间化合物 ; 热处理 ; 相组成 ; 滑动磨损性能 中图分类号 :G14 4 2 ] 1 .1 T 7 .4 ;Gl 53 4 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 :2 46 5 【0 2 0 .0 40 05 .0 120 )40 2 -4


图1 镀层表面 S EM 形貌
1. 1
Fig. 1
S EM m icrograph of surf ace morph ol ogy
分别采 用 Q 235 低 碳钢 , 1Cr17 铁 素体 不锈 钢, 201 奥氏体不锈钢作为基体试样 ( 阴极 ) , 试样的尺寸 为 30m m ! 10mm ! 1m m 。电沉积前, 基体试样经砂纸 打磨、 酸洗、 丙酮浸泡等处理, 洗净后烘干。阳极材料 选用纯度为 99. 99% 的高纯铝丝, 并经磷酸洗、 水洗、 甲醇洗、 丙酮洗、 干燥等预处理过程。 在氮 气保 护 的真 空 手套 箱 内将 分 析纯 的 无水 AlCl3 与 EM IC 配制成摩尔比 AlCl3 EMIC= 2 1的 室温熔盐体系, 并用铝丝精制 7 天以上 , 备用。 电沉积过程在氮气气氛下的真空手套箱内进行。 接通直流稳压电源, 调节阴极电流密度为 2A/ dm 2 , 沉 积时间 2500s, 得 到约为 17 m 的铝 镀层。沉 积过程 中, 熔盐均经 78 1 型磁力搅拌器磁力搅拌, 以保证熔 盐成分的均匀性。 1. 2 热处理 将电沉积了均匀铝镀层的试样在空气气氛下用电 阻炉 ( Nabert herm ) 进行热处理, 温度 670 , 时间 5~ 60m in, 经热处理后的 试样随炉冷却。对 热处理后的 样品进行相分析及界面观察。 1. 3 检测方法 用金相显微镜( L eica) 对镀层界面进行观察 , 用扫 描电子显微镜 ( F EI) 观察铝镀层的 表面形貌及界面, 用电子能谱 ( EDAX. Phoneix ) 分析镀 铝层的成分, 用 X 射线衍射仪 ( DM AX RA) 分析热处理后铝镀层的相 组成。 2 结果与分析 2. 1 热处理对低碳钢表面铝镀层相组成的影响 三种基体上镀层表面形貌 相近, 典型 的 SEM 照 片如图 1 所示, 镀层均匀致密 , Al 颗粒大小 10 m 左 右, 晶体特征明显。 镀铝 Q235 低碳钢 在 670 下保温 5m in, 外表即 呈灰黑色。10min 热处理后界面的形貌如图 2 所示,



热处理温度对Al复合低碳MgO-C材料组成和结构的影响任桢;马成良;钟香崇【期刊名称】《耐火材料》【年(卷),期】2015(49)2【摘要】为了更清楚地观察镁碳材料中Al在200~1 400℃埋炭热处理过程中的变化,以62%(w)的电熔镁砂颗粒(≤5 mm)、32%(w)的电熔镁砂粉(≤0.088 mm)、2%(w)的鳞片石墨和4%(w)的Al粉制备了Al复合低碳MgO-C材料,并采用XRD 和SEM研究了试样分别于200、400、600、800、900、1 000、1 100、1 200、1 300、1 400℃保温3h热处理后的物相组成和显微结构.结果表明:1)200~800℃,材料的物相组成无变化,结合方式为碳结合.2)800 ~1 200℃,粒状Al4C3在900℃开始生成,1 200℃时与N2反应转化为粒状AlN.AlN在1 000℃开始生成,到1 200℃发育长大为针状晶体,材料的结合方式开始转变为非氧化物结合.3)1 200~1 400℃,AlN晶体发育长大,形成交叉连锁的网络,填充在方镁石骨架结构中,致使非氧化物结合更牢固.【总页数】5页(P81-85)【作者】任桢;马成良;钟香崇【作者单位】郑州大学高温材料研究所河南郑州450052;郑州大学高温材料研究所河南郑州450052;郑州大学高温材料研究所河南郑州450052【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ175【相关文献】1.金属复合添加剂对低碳MgO-C砖抗氧化性能的影响 [J], 彭肖仟;张巧莲;王志强2.SiC含量对ZrB2-SiC/MgO-C低碳复合耐火材料性能的影响 [J], 王军凯;程峰;韩磊;李赛赛;葛胜涛;宋健波;张海军3.氧化镁含量对MgAl2O4/W复合材料组成和结构的影响 [J], 韩兵强;李楠4.埋炭热处理温度对低碳MgO-C材料相组成、显微结构与力学性能的影响 [J], 伊竟广;朱伯铨;李享成5.热处理温度对Al2 O3 -SiC-Al复合材料性能和结构的影响 [J], 阮国智;李楠;张智慧因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。






关键词:焊后热处理、铝/钢固态连接、金属间化合物、界面组织演变1. 引言铝/钢固态连接广泛应用于汽车、电子、建筑等领域,焊后热处理对界面组织演变具有重要意义。



2. 实验方法2.1 实验材料本实验选择常见的6061铝合金和普通碳钢作为材料。

2.2 实验步骤1) 进行铝/钢固态连接焊接2) 进行不同热处理工艺,如固溶处理、时效处理等3) 制备金属log样品并对其进行显微组织分析4) 测量金属间化合物生成速率、晶粒尺寸和界面形貌3. 实验结果与分析3.1 金属间化合物生成速率实验结果显示,焊后热处理能够显著影响金属间化合物的生成速率。



3.2 金属间化合物晶粒尺寸热处理工艺对金属间化合物的晶粒尺寸也有明显影响。



3.3 界面形貌焊后热处理还能够影响铝/钢固态连接界面的形貌。



















K ywo d e r s: h a e t e t h r n s ; a e it n e c n ru a a t g; / 2 e t r a m n ; a d e s we rr ss a c ; e ti g l s i Si t f c n Mg Si
功 能梯度材料 (u ci a y rd d t i ,简称 F n t n l ae e a o lG Ma r l
wa t de Th e ut h w h tte h r n s f h n rly r f h u e c r r a h te hg e t ssu id. e r s l s o t a h a d e so e i e e e t b a ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ c h ih s s t n a o t v le o au f HRB9 f rs lt n h a r a m e ta 1 ℃ f r6 h n h n e a e ft e t b 0 a e ou i e tte t n t5 t o 0 o .a d t e in rly ro h u e
b n r u a s ig y Ce ti g l f Ca t n
L N Xu — o g. I a g m ig I e d n L U Ch n - n
( ol eo t r l c n ea dE gn e i , o g igU i ri , o g i 0 0 0 Chn ) C l g f e Maei i c n n i r g Ch n qn nv st Ch n qn 4 0 3 , ia aS e e n e y g
F b.2 0 e 01
VoI59 N0. . 2
热 处 理对 离 心 铸 造 自生梯 度 功 能 复 合 材 料A一 0 i5 合 金 的组 织 性 能 影 响 I2 S一 Mg








以下是热处理对金属晶粒生长的主要影响:1. 温度:温度是影响金属晶粒生长速率的关键参数。


2. 时间:热处理时间也是影响晶粒生长的重要因素。



3. 冷却速率:不同的冷却速率会导致晶粒尺寸和分布的差异。


4. 杂质元素:杂质元素的存在也会对金属晶粒生长产生影响。



以下是热处理在材料工程中的几个主要应用:1. 细化晶粒:通过适当的热处理方法,可以使金属材料的晶粒尺寸减小到纳米级别。


2. 改善材料的韧性:对于一些易脆断的金属材料,通过热处理可以改善其韧性。


3. 消除残余应力:金属材料在加工过程中会产生残余应力,对材料性能和结构稳定性造成不利影响。


4. 改善耐腐蚀性:热处理可以改变金属材料的晶粒形貌和化学成分分布,从而提高其耐腐蚀性。



Ni/Al双金属层状复合带的轧制及热处理工艺研究的开题报告题目: Ni/Al双金属层状复合带的轧制及热处理工艺研究一、研究背景及意义Ni/Al双金属层状复合带是一种由两种不同金属材料组成的复合材料。



二、研究内容1. Ni/Al双金属层状复合带的制备方法研究。


2. Ni/Al双金属层状复合带的轧制工艺研究。


3. Ni/Al双金属层状复合带的热处理工艺研究。


4. 对制备的Ni/Al双金属层状复合带进行表征分析。


三、研究方法1. 采用真空感应熔炼技术制备合金材料。

2. 采用机械合金化方法制备原始合金粉末。

3. 采用热轧工艺制备Ni/Al双金属层状复合带,并进行相应的质量控制。

4. 对制备的复合带进行退火、固溶和时效处理,并对不同工艺条件下的材料性能进行测试和分析。

四、拟解决的问题1. Ni/Al双金属层状复合带的表面氧化问题。

2. Ni/Al双金属层状复合带的轧制过程中产生的拉伸和剪切损伤问题。

3. Ni/Al双金属层状复合带的热处理过程中组织的演变规律和转变温度的确定问题。

五、工作计划1. 前期阅读相关文献,理解Ni/Al双金属层状复合带的制备、轧制和热处理工艺以及表征分析方法。

2. 开展合金材料的制备工作,并对合金液进行淬凝实验,制备Ni/Al 双金属层状复合带。

3. 对不同轧制工艺条件下的复合带进行质量控制,并对轧制带进行性能测试和表征分析。

4. 对制备的复合带进行热处理工艺优化,包括退火、固溶和时效等工艺的优化和改进。



第三章电冶样品的热处理性能表征.............................................................. 21 3.1 密度的影响........................................................................................ 21 3.2 微观结构分析.................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 .淬回火后的组织形态................................................................................ 22 3.2.2 XRD 分析....................................................................................................24 3.2.3 SEM 分析....................................................................................................27
1.2.1 复合材料的概念.......................................................................................... 1 1.2.2 复合材料的分类........................................................................................ 2










Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 279−284Effects of Fe −Al intermetallic compounds oninterfacial bonding of clad materialsQian WANG, Xue-song LENG, Tian-hao YANG, Jiu-chun YANState Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, ChinaReceived 29 October 2012; accepted 13 March 2013Abstract: The growth of intermetallic compounds at the interface between solid Al and Fe and the effects of intermetallic compound layers on the interfacial bonding of clad materials were investigated. The results showed that the interface between the solid Fe and Al formed by heat-treatment consisted of Fe 2Al 5 and FeAl 3 intermetallic compound layers, which deteriorated the interfacial bonding strength. Fractures occurred in the intermetallic compound layer during the shear testing. The location of the fracture depended on the defects of microcracks or voids in the intermetallic compound layers. The microcracks in the intermetallic compound layer were caused by the mismatch of thermal expansion coefficients of materials during cooling, and the voids were consistent with the Kirkendall effect. The work will lay an important foundation for welding and joining of aluminum and steel, especially for fabrication of Al −Fe clad materials.Key words: Al −Fe clad materials; interfacial bonding; Fe −Al intermetallic compounds; interface structure; mechanical properties1 IntroductionAluminum can effectively improve the properties ofFe with excellent corrosion resistance, reduced mass anddurability. To achieve the combined properties of Al andFe, it is necessary to join these metals. Some differentmethods are used to produce Al/Fe clad materials [1−3].The methods of hot-dipped-aluminum and roll bondingare important production method commonly used tomanufacture Al −Fe cladding materials [4−7]. However,intermetallic compound (IMC) layers composed of FeAl 3, Fe 2Al 5 and others were observed at the interface of Al coating and the steel substrate in theprocess [1−7].The microstructure and phase evolution of the interface of hot-dipped-aluminized mild steel (at 700 °Cfor 180 s) during high-temperature treatment (at 750 °Cfor 5 min to 480 h) have been studied [5]. Fe 2Al 5 andFeAl 3 are observed at the interface of materials. Duringhigh-temperature treatment, FeAl 2 is formed at the interface of Fe 2Al 5−steel substrate in the hot-dipped-aluminized mild steel. Increasing the diffusion treatmenttime, Fe 2Al 5 and FeAl 3 are gradually replaced by FeAl 2and FeAl. Finally, the intermetallic compound layers arecomposed of FeAl 2 and FeAl. The growth of the IMC layers has been found to be controlled by diffusion, and the solutions of diffusion equations have been presented [4]. The liquid −solid roll bonding (750 and 850 °C) methods of joining Al −Sn −Pb alloy and steel have been studied previously [6]. Al −clad Fe sheet is produced by solid −solid (450 and 600 °C) rolling process [7]. In these researches, the Fe −Al intermetallic compound layers were observed at the interface. The intermetallic compound layers are important to obtain materials with excellent performance. Thus, it is essential to understand the effect of different types ofintermetallic compounds at the interface. In this study, solid Al and Fe were heat-treated, and the microstructure of intermetallic compounds was studied. The reactionbetween solid Al and solid Fe as well as influence of the Al −Fe intermetallic compound layers on interfacial bonding was discussed. This work provided guidelines for the prediction and control of interface intermetallic compounds during the welding and joining processes,including producing Al −clad Fe material by roll-bonding under solid-phase conditions, and it also provided a reference for the influence on the interfacial bonding of clad materials.Foundation item: Project (2011DFR50630) sponsored by the International S&T Cooperation of China Corresponding author:Jiu-chunYAN;Tel:+86-451-86416607;E-mail:*************.cn DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(14)63058-2Qian WANG, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 279−284 2802 ExperimentalThe 1.5 mm-thick plate of pure Fe coated with a 0.07 mm-thick film of Al was used as core material in this study. The plates were cut to dimensions of 45 mm× 10 mm×1.5 mm. Figure 1 shows the interfacial microstructure of the Fe coated with Al produced by roll-bonding. The interface was clean and not composed of Al−Fe intermetallic compounds.Fig. 1 Backscattered electron image of Al−Fe clad materialsIn this work, the solid Fe and solid Al were heated to 620 °C or (630±2) °C and held for 120 min in air. Thereafter, they were cooled to room temperature.The mechanical properties of the interfacial bonding were measured using a special method for shear strength tests. A 5A06 aluminum plate with dimensions of 45 mm×10 mm× 4 mm was joined to a Fe−Al clad materials plate, as shown in Fig. 2. The bonding strength between the 5A06 Al and the pure Al coating layer is stronger than that between the Fe substrate and the Al coating layer. Tensile shear strength tests were carried out at room temperature at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min using a tensile testing machine (Instron−5569).Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of tensile shear samplesThe specimens were cross sectioned for metallographic analyses using an electrical-discharge cutting machine. The cross sections of the metallographic specimens were polished with a diamond polishing agent. The interfacial structure and elemental distribution in the joint were analyzed by SEM equipped with an EDX spectroscopy analysis system (HITACHI S−4700). The phase structure on the surface of fracture of the joints was determined by XRD (D/max-rB). 3 Results and discussion3.1 Interface structure of Al−Fe clad materials heatedat 630 °CFigure 3 shows the microstructure and elemental distributions of the interface of Al−Fe clad materials heated at 630 °C for 120 min. There were defects (Fig. 3(a)), such as microcracks and voids, in the intermetallic compound layers. Most of the microcracks ran along almost the length of the interface direction. Figure 3(b) shows the lap joints consisted of four parts: an un-reacted Al coating, a darker gray phase, a lighter phase layer and a Fe substrate. There were continuous lines in Fig. 3(b), indicating that intermetallic compound layers existed at the interface. The darker gray phase was Al-rich, and the lighter phase was Fe-rich. The Al-rich and Fe-rich intermetallic compound layers were termed IMC1 and IMC2, respectively. A small amount of IMC1 existed close to the Al coating. Majority of the intermetallic compounds was IMC2.Figure 4 shows the cross section of the fracture of Al−Fe clad materials heated at 630 °C for 120 min after the tensile test. The fracture location was in the IMC2,Fig. 3 Microstructure and elemental distributions of Al−Fe clad materials heat treated at 630 °C for 120 min: (a) Backscattered electron image; (b) Elemental distribution along white scanning line in (a)Qian WANG, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 279−284 281Fig. 4 SEM image showing fracture location of Al−Fe clad materials heat treated at 630 °C for 120 min after tensile testand the fracture was along almost the length of the interface direction with IMC2.Figure 5 (a) shows the secondary electron image of the fracture surface of Al−Fe clad materials heat treated at 630 °C for 120 min after the tensile test. In Fig. 5(a), the bright and dark zones occurred because the fracture occurred in different compound layers. The fracture location of the black zones was deeper from the Fe side and closer to the Fe substrate than the light zones.Fig. 5 Secondary electron image (a) and XRD pattern (b) of tensile fracture surface morphology of Fig. 4To further determine the type of intermetallic compound layers formed at the interface of Al−Fe clad materials heated at 630 °C for 120 min, the XRD pattern from the fractured surfaces of the Fe sides was analyzed (Fig. 5(b)). Fe2Al5, FeAl3, Fe, Al and Al2O3 were detected in the XRD pattern and majority of the intermetallic compounds was Fe2Al5 phase. Therefore, the interface of Al−Fe clad materials heated at 630 °C for 120 min mainly consisted of Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 layer. IMC1 was FeAl3 and IMC2 was Fe2Al5. The fractures mainly occurred at the Fe2Al5 intermetallic compound layer during the tensile−shear test.3.2Interface structure of Al−Fe clad materials heatedat 620 °CFigure 6 shows the microstructure and elemental distribution at the interface of Al−Fe clad materials heated at 620 °C after 120 min. The continuous lines were observed in Fig. 6(b), indicating that intermetallic compound layers were generated. Figure 6(a) shows that the lap joints consisted of four parts: an un-reacted AlFig. 6 Microstructure and elemental distribution of Al−Fe clad materials heat treated at 620 °C for 120 min: (a) Backscattered electron image; (b) Elemental distribution along white scanning line in (a)Qian WANG, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 279−284 282coat, a darker gray phase, a lighter phase layer and a basematerial of Fe. The darker gray phase was Al-rich, and the lighter phase was Fe-rich, which were termed IMC3 and IMC4, respectively. The IMC3 layer was thicker than the IMC4 layer. There were no obvious microcracks or voids in IMC4. However, there were some defects such as voids and microcracks in IMC3.Figure 7 shows the cross section of the fracture of Al/Fe clad materials heated at 620 °C for 120 min after the tensile test. The fracture existed along almost the length of the interface direction, and occurred at IMC3. SEM micrograph of the fracture surface is shown in Fig. 8(a). The bright and dark zones were observed because the fracture occurred in different compound layers. The fracture location of the light zones was much shallower from the Fe substrate and closer to the Al coat layer than the dark zones.Fig. 7 SEM image showing fracture location of Al−Fe clad materials heat treated at 620 °C for 120 min after tensile testThe intermetallic compound layers formed at the interface of Al−Fe clad materials heat treated at 620 °C for 120 min were analyzed by XRD from the fractured surface of the Fe sides. The results from the fractures are shown in Fig. 8(b). The intermetallic compound of FeAl3 with Fe2Al5, Al and Al2O3 elements was found to be present. IMC3 was FeAl3 and IMC4 was Fe2Al5. The light zones were FeAl3 phase. The overwhelming majority of fractures occurred in the FeAl3 intermetallic compound layer during the tensile test and only a few fractures occurred in the Fe2Al5 intermetallic compound layer.3.3 Reaction of solid Al and solid FeFrom the above analysis and Fe−Al binary diagram, it was concluded that the interface of solid Al coating and solid Fe substrate involved the formation of Fe−Al intermetallic compounds. The layer composition gradually approached the composition of the Al-rich intermetallic compounds from the Fe substrate to the Al coating.Fig. 8 Secondary electron image (a) and XRD patterns (b) of tensile fracture surface morphology in Fig. 7During the reaction between solid Al and solid Fe, the formation of the Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 phase was detected and other Fe−Al phases were not found, which was consistent with the reaction between liquid Al and solid Fe as observed by other authors [4,5,8]. However, the morphology of intermetallic compounds at the solid–solid interface was different from that at the solid–liquid interface.The Fe2Al5 phase was slightly tongue-like and regular with peaks oriented towards Fe. However, the FeAl3 layer was slightly thicker than the Fe2Al5 layer in this work, and the morphology of the FeAl3 phase was not thin needles or platelets uniformly dispersed in the solidification aluminum matrix which was reported by other authors [4,5,8]. The thickness of the two intermediate phases was 20−50 μm. However, the thickness of the two intermediate phases was more than 100 μm when the solid–solid interface reacted only a few minutes [4,5,8]. The inter-diffusion controlled their growth, and the growth rate of the two intermediate at solid–solid interface was slower than that at solid–liquid interface.3.4 Effect of Fe−Al intermetallic compoundsFigure 9 shows that the shear strength to fractureQian WANG, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 279−284 283 occurred at different locations after the tensile−shear test.The shear strength of the original Al−Fe clad materials was about 70 MPa. However, the shear strength was only about 20 MPa when the fracture occurred at the intermetallic compound layers. Both Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 caused deterioration of the Al−Fe clad materials bonding.Fig. 9 Shear strength to fractures occurring at different locationsIn this study, the defects at the interface of Fe−Al reaction layers were observed [3,9,10]. However, the fractures mainly occurred at the intermetallic compound layer of Fe2Al5 or FeAl3, which was different from other reports [11−15]. The location of the fracture depended on the defects in Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 layers. The intermetallic compounds led to the fracture of the weakest part of the interface. Therefore, the intermetallic compound layer significantly deteriorated the mechanical properties of the interface.The thermal expansion coefficients for Fe (12.2× 10−6 K−1), Al (23.5×10−6K−1) and Al−Fe intermetallic compounds (18.94×10−6 K−1 for Fe2Al5, 19.68×10−6 K−1 for FeAl3) [16,17] were different from each other. The intermetallic compound layers usually formed at a higher temperature. During cooling, the different thermal expansion coefficients of the Fe substrate, Al coating and intermetallic compounds caused residual stress along the interface direction. This further caused internal microcracks which were found in the intermetallic compound layer. Microcracks were the main factor of the fracture.According to results of CHENG and WANG [5], the formation of internal voids resulted from the Kirkendall effect. The different diffusion rates of Fe and Al caused a net flux of vacancies to the interface where voids condensed out. The Kirkendall effect was a rational mechanism for voids observed at the interface. The voids resulted in stress concentration which accelerated the expansion of the crack. 4 Conclusions1) Intermetallic compounds of Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 were detected at the interface of Al−Fe clad materials with heat-treatment. The interface between the solid Fe and solid Al with heat-treatment consisted of Fe2Al5 intermetallic compound layer and FeAl3 intermetallic compound layer. The morphology of intermetallic compounds at the solid−solid interface was different from that at the solid–liquid interface.2) The intermetallic compound layers significantly deteriorated the mechanical properties of Al−Fe clad materials. Shear strength decreased from 70 to 20 MPa. The fractures mainly occurred at the Fe2Al5 or FeAl3 intermetallic compound layer after tensile test.3) The defects in the Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 layers are the dominant element of controlling the location of the fracture. 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铝中合金元素和杂质对性能的影响1 合金元素影响铜元素铝铜合金富铝部分平衡相图如图所示。




















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atr rl n fe o l g,e tb ih d i s l e .T e r s l n i ae h tt e t i k e s o e F / 1 c mp u d e ta sg i c tr lt n h p a s h e u t i d c t d t a h h c n s f t e A o o n s k p in f a e ai s i s h in o i h t e h l i gt n od n e e au e h l t e p e r l n e t r ame t u d e e t l i i t e g w f h w t h o dn mea d h l i gt mp r t r ,w i h r —ol g h a e t n o l f c iey i hb t h o h o e i e i t c v n r t t
总第 1 1 8 期 21 0 1年 8月

S m.1 1 u 8 Au 2 1 g 01
文章编号 : 0 9— 7 0 2 1 )4— 0 7— 4 10 9 0 (0 1 0 0 2 0
热处理对 A/ e 1F 双金属 复合材料结合层 中间 相 生 长 规 律 的影 响
W AN Be ,L i i ,W A G i IL — n x NG a — a g Xio g n
( col f t i s dMeaug , h nU iesyo c n eadT c nl ,Wu a 30 1Hue) S ho o e a t lr Wu a nvrt f i c n eh o g Ma r l a n l y i Se o y hn4 0 8 , bi
S U H R L 0 T E N ME A S
1 实验材料与方法
1 1 实验材 料 .
1 2 实验方 案设 计 .
试验采 用 正 交 试 验 设 计 , 轧 前 保 温 温 度 以

保 温时 间 和轧 后热 处理保 温 温度 、 温 时 间 保
试 验选用 30 03与 Q 3 B作 为 复 合 原 料 , 样 25 试

. ‘ | 1 l
E co a  ̄tn t l e ma
广 ——— 而 —— —’ 。
图 1 透射 电镜下试样 8的组织
图1 为试 样 8在透 射 电镜下放 大 5 0倍 的界 面 0 情况 , 4为各测 点 的成分 分 析 结 果 . 然 , 1上 表 显 图 部分 灰暗组 织是 铝材 , 下部 分浅 灰组 织是钢 材 , 中 而 间参 差不 齐 的长 条纹 为 A/ e化合 物 FA 1F e 1 .
汪 蓓 , 立新 , 李 王小 刚
( 武汉科技 大学 材料与冶金学 院, 湖北 武汉 40 8 ) 30 1 摘 要: 为了探究轧制前后热处理工艺参数对 双金属 复合 材料结 合层 中间化合 物 (nem t l o pu d , i r e lccm o ns 以下 简 t ai
称 I 生长规律 的影 响 , MC) 设计正交实验 , 2 对 5组试样在 不 同轧前 及轧 后热处 理条 件下 中间化合物 的厚 度进行 了 实测 , 以此为基础 , 建立 了 F/ 1 eA 双金属界 面上 中间化 合物厚 度与轧 制前后 保温 温度 、 保温 时间 的相 关关 系模 型, 结果表 明 : 中间化合物 的厚度与轧制前后保 温温度 、 保温 时间均有 密切关 系 , 轧前 热处理 对 I MC的生 成 、 生长有 抑
t a n eoeadae ln nt rwhrl fh t m t l o p ud (MC nA 一ebm t .T et c— r t t bfr n f r o igo ego t e o ei e eai cm o n s I )i 1 iea h ik e me s t rl h us t nr lc F 1 h
尾 政 一 、 藤光 昭 等人 实 验 研 究 了 30 加 03和 Q 3 25分 别 在真空 和空气 中轧制后 热 处理 过程 中 I MC的生 长 规律, 结果表 明 : 同样条件 下 , 真空 中轧 制材 料 的 I MC 厚 度较大 . 一 现 象 说 明 轧后 热 处 理 是 促 使 I J这 MC 形成 的主要 因素 , 而空气 中轧制材料 表 面发生 的氧化
同, 即随 着 温度 的升 高 ,M 的厚 度增 加 ; 温 时 间 IC 保 越 长 , 同一 的保温 温度 下 , 在 I MC厚 度越 大 .

图 4 理论上保 温时间相同时 I MC厚 度 与 时 间 的 关 系

图 2 保温 时间相同时 I MC厚 度 与 温 度 的 关 系

对 I C的形成起 抑制作用. M 依据这一结果 , 以推 可 断: 如轧前有意识地使材料表面形成一薄层氧化膜 ,
将对 I C的生长起更 好 的抑制 作 用. 照此 思路 , M 按 同
般来说 , 厚度介于 3— m的 I C不会减弱界面 5 M
层 的结合强度 , 但当其厚度增至 1 m时 , 铝双 O 钢/ 金属复合材料界 面的结合强度将急剧下降 . J 日本

3 2 轧 后保 温 时 间对 A/ e化合 物 生长 的影 响 . 1F
各保 温 温度 条 件 下 , 温 时 间对 A/ e结 合 界 保 IF 面化 合 物生 长 的影 响规律 如 图 3所 示 . 然 , 显 随着 保
温时间的增加 , 界面化合物 的厚度越来越大 , 并随保 温时间的延长, 生长速度有加快 的趋势. 但是在保温
h s f h o o n a e s me s r d,a d i e ain h p w t h od n e ea u e n o d n i eo e a d e s o e c mp u d l y rwa a u e t n t r lt s i i t e h l i g t mp r t r s a d h l i g t s o h me b fr n
关键词 : 铝复合材料 ;中间化合物 ;结合强度 ;扩散 钢/
中图分类 号 : G16 T 5 文献标识码 : A
Efe t fh a r a m e n h r wt ulso f c so e tte t nto t e g o h r e f t e i e m e alc c m p un n AIFe b m e a s h nt r t l o i o dsi - i t l
I C. M
Ke r s:A1 F i t ;i tr tl c c mp u d;b n te gh;d f s y wo d / e b mea l n emeal o o n i o d sr n t iu i o
钢/ 铝双金属复合材料因同时具有钢的高强度 、
良好 塑性 和 铝 的耐 腐 蚀 、 导 电 、 导 热 等 优 良性 高 高
h= . 2×1 ×E P 71 0t X (一10O 0 R ) ( ) 2 0 / T 1
将本文的实验数据保温时间和保温温度 , 代人
( ) 得 中 间层厚 度与 温度 及 保 温 时 间 的关 系 如 图 1式
4 5所示 . 、
合物的生长随保温温度的变化. 显然 , 在相同的保温 时间条件下, 1F 间化合物厚度生 成规律基本相 A/ e
化 学成 分 、 尺寸 和力学 性能 如表 1和表 2所示 .
为影 响 因子 , 方案如 表 3所 示. 其
表 1 30 、 2 5 0 3 Q 3 B的 化 学 成 分

表 2 30 、 2 5 0 3 Q 3 B的 尺 寸及 力学 性 能
保 温 温度取 20— 0 0 4 0℃ , 时间为 3~1 i; rn 轧后 保 1a 温温度 取 45~ 7 C, 间 为 l 2 , 用 的 退 7 55o 时 2~ 8h 所 火炉 型号 为 S 2— . X 2 5—1 . 0
Ab t a t sr c :Or o o a x e me tlt ssb s d o 5 go p fs mp e e e c n u td t n e t a et e e e t f h e t t g n l p r n a e t a e n 2 r u so a l sw r o d ce o iv si t h f cso e h a h e i g f t
图2 为不 同 轧 后 保 温 时 间 条 件 下 , 1F 间 化 A/ e
总第 1 1 8 期

蓓, : 等 热处理对 A/ e双金 属复合材料结合层 中间相生 长规 律的影响 1F

表 4 取样点的化学元素成分
中间层厚 度 h和轧 后保 温 时间 t保温 温度 间的关 、
系式 为
远 超过 本文 实验 的测定 值 , 另外 图 2 4及 图 3 5的 、 、
性 态也 有差 别 , 这说 明轧 前 热 处理 亦 是 影 响 I MC生
长 的重 要 因素 . 3 3 实验数 据 的拟 合处 理 .

般认为 , C的生成是结合面两边材料相互 I M
扩散 的结果 , 参照( ) , 中间层厚度与轧前保温 1式 设
能, 而在工 业和 民用等 领域 得到 越来越 广 泛 的应 用¨ . J制造 钢/ 双金 属 复合 材料 的关 键就 是 要 求 铝 其结合层之间具有较 高的结合强度 , 而轧制后 的热 处理工艺往往会导致脆性的结合层 中间化合物 ( — i n t m tl o pud , C 生成 , e e l cm on sI ) r ai c M 致使材料失效 . J
2 实验结果
编号 , r ℃ t mn T % n / o i / / th 保温后厚度 m /