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The major cause of the escalating tensions.
Uruguay think there are two causes of the escalating tensions.
Firstly,some country's offensive containment policy towards D.P.R.K should be responsible for the crisis mostly.Affected by new conservatism,some countrys took strong mistrust of D.P.R.K and closed the door for dialogue with D.P.R.K.They even declared the D.P.R.K to be part of an"axis of evil"
Secondly, D.P.R.K's nuclear brinkmanship is the direct fuse of crisis.It is a dangerous path to seek its own absolute security and to modify the relationship with US. From an international perspective, a North Korean regime with control of nuclear weapons is highly dangerous.
The necessity of DPRK returning to six party talks
Launched in 2003 as an informal multilateral mechanism for tackling the Korean nuclear issue, the SPT has facilitated negotiations aimed at the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.Although it has not solved the nuclear problem, after six rounds of formal talks and numerous meetings among chairmen of the delegations during the five years between August 2003 and December 2008, the SPT has succeeded in making a lot of achievements.Since having the talks stalled is not in any of the party’s interests,efforts aimed at kick starting them have been underway. the SPT is the only feasible option acceptable to all.whatever the talks may achieve in the long run, their early resumption is in line with the national interests of all the parties involved at this very sensitive stage.
The appropriate solutions to DPRK's nuclear issue
Uruguay believes that firstly,sanctions are important tools for finding a comprehensive solution to a problem In order for the dialogue to be effective, there has to be pressure at the same time. That is the very reason that we should have robust resolution.
Secondly,Sanctions are not an end in themselves, and Security Council resolutions cannot fundamentally resolve the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula.Sanctions should be a new starting point, paving the way for a political settlement of the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula.
Imposing more sanctions to DPRK.
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s obsessive pursuit of weapons of mass destruction not only cause profound suffering for the people of North Korea, but also poses an extraordinary and growing threat to peace and security on the peninsula and in the region and the world. Our collective security demands that we stop North Korea from continuing along this destructive and destabilizing course.Previous multilateral efforts have undoubtedly made it more difficult for North Korea to advance its weapons programmes, the regime continues to plough ahead That is why the resolution we have to impose more sanctions to DPRK.
Forcing DPRK return to Korean War Armistice Agreement
The Korean War Armistice Agreement is the accord maintaining stability on the Korean Peninsula. Although the agreement has not been viewed as a satisfactory solution over the decades, it has largely served the purpose of ceasing military operations, maintaining the status quo of the military demarcation line and creating peace in the context of confrontation.
The armistice agreement was maintained as the countries concerned had long bid farewell to their wartime relations.
But the agreement have not been settled as a peaceful settlement of the Korean question.a peace accord is both necessary and inevitable to shape lasting peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.
Discussing the peaceful use of nuclear technology
lt is virtually unlimited potential to use Nuclear power as a clean energy.For developing countries, the rights of peaceful use of nuclear energy is inalienable, nuclear safety should also be the first priority.This is not only refers to the safety of their use of nuclear energy, but also should include the safety of the other countries and the international community.Uruguay take this opportunity to call on Each nuclear-weapons state undertakes not to assist any non-nuclear weapon state to manufacture or acquire such weapons or devices.and undertake to facilitate the fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
Each nuclear-weapons state undertakes not to assist any non-nuclear weapon state to manufacture or acquire such weapons or devices.
Each nuclear-weapons state undertakes not to receive any assistance in their manufacture. Article III: Each nuclear-weapons state undertakes to conclude an agreement with the IAEA for the application of its safeguards to all nuclear material in all of the state's peaceful nuclear activities and to prevent diversion of such material to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
Article IV: 1. Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the Parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I and II of this Treaty.
2. All the Parties to the Treaty undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Parties to the Treaty in a position to do so shall also co-operate in contributing alone or together with other States or international organizations to the further development of the applications of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, especially in the territories of non-nuclear-weapon States Party to the Treaty, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world.
Article VI: Each party "undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control".
Article X. Establishes the right to withdraw from the Treaty giving 3 months' notice. It also establishes the duration of the Treaty (25 years before 1995 Extension Initiative).
12.reviewing the supervision system
14.discussion of the further details of one year plan
16.prolonging the last topic
4.solving the honesty issues between DPRK and international community .
10.specific ways to supervise nuclear weapons。
