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摇 第8期
battlefield electromagnetic interference. The experiment and simulation were made, and the calculated re鄄 sults of the proposed algorithm was compared with those of the standard algorithm. The simulated results show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and accurate. Keywords: electromagnetic interference; cyberspace battlefield; self鄄adaption; grey target decision; dy鄄 namic indicator; indicator determination; spectrum control
Abstract: In the confrontation between friend and foe, the continuous electromagnetic conflict and inter鄄 ference may lead to the decrease in operational effectiveness or even functional loss of equipment. How to achieve rapid response and accurately configure the components and parts parameters in the electromag鄄 netic interference environment has become one of the key capabilities to win the modern war. According to the uncertain, dynamic and multi鄄dimensional characteristics of battlefield electromagnetic interfer鄄 ence, an adaptive dynamic indicator configuration method based on grey bullseye decision theory is pro鄄 posed for the decision鄄making environment with unknown index weights and time sequence weights. Tak鄄 ing the approaching degree as a measurement standard, an adaptive grey target decision model with multi鄄 ple time intervals is given vertically, and the adaptive adjustment method of the acquisition interval timing is given horizontally to realize the adaptive adjustment and determination of the countermeasure indica鄄 tors. A adaptive dynamic indicators configuration model is constructed based on the type and principle of
摇 摇 中图分类号: TP393郾 081
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1000鄄1093(2019)08鄄1648鄄10
摇 摇 DOI: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1000鄄1093. 2019. 08. 013
Adaptive Dynamic Indicators Configuration Method for Dealing with Electromagnetic Interference in Battlefield
WU Tianhao1,2 , WANG Jingsong1 , NIU Kan3 , SUN Miao1 , WU Shaoqiang1
(1. PLA Stragegic Support Force Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan, China; 2. Unit 32553 of PLA, Haikou 570100, Hainan, China; 3. Unit 31007 of PLA,Beijing 100079, China)
摇 摇 收稿日期: 2018鄄10鄄26 基金项目: 军内科研基金项目( b2803) ;军事科学研究基金项目(2016605907) ;全军军事类研究生资助课题项目(13QJ003鄄22) 作者简介: 吴天昊(1988—) ,男,工程师,硕士。 E鄄mail:93738869@ qq. com 通信作者: 王劲松(1965—) ,男,教授,硕士生导师。 E鄄mail:dywjs@ sina. com
第 40 卷第 8 期 2 0 1 9年8月
Vol. 40 No. 8 Aug. 2019
吴天昊1,2 , 王劲松1 , 牛侃3州 450001; 2. 32553 部队, 海南 海口 570100; 3. 31007 部队, 北京 100079)
适应调整和确定。 结合战场电磁干扰类型及原理,构建了自适应动态指标配置模型。 仿真实验结
摇 摇 关键词: 电磁干扰; 网络战场; 自适应; 灰靶决策; 动态指标; 指标确定; 频谱管控
摇 摇 摘要: 在敌我双方对抗中,持续性电磁冲突和干扰可能导致用频装备效能下降甚至瘫痪,如何
针对战场电磁干扰具有不确定、动态、多维等特点, 在指标属性权重和时序权重未知的决策环境
下,提出一种基于灰色靶心决策理论的自适应动态指标配置方法。 以靶心度为衡量标准,纵向给出