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Marxist Philosophy Dialectical materialism马克思主义辩证唯物论 Historical materialism 马克思主义历史唯物论 English Classical Political Economy and Marxist Political Economy Capital is the most important work by Marx about Marxist economics Surplus value was the source of profit, the source of the wealth of the capitalist class Doctrine of surplus value in Capital is the cornerstone of Marx’s economic theory Utopian Socialism and Scientific Socialism Robert Owen: English industrialist and social reformer Henri de Saint-Simon: French social philosopher Charles Fourier: French social philosopher
Division 9: Marxism and Darwinism
马克思主义和达尔文主义 Marxism and Darwinism The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism German Classical Philosophy and Marxist Philosophy: Hegelian dialectics 黑格尔辩证法 Feuerbach’s materialism费尔巴哈唯物论
Darwin’s works and Theories: On the origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
The Descent of Man
Music 早期浪漫主义音乐家: Beethoven(贝多芬) German Composer
<Symphony No. 6 (Pastoral> marked the
beginning of 19th century programme music Schubert(舒伯特)Austrian composer Chopin(肖邦)Polish composer Schumann(舒曼) German composer Mendelssohn(门德尔松)German
Romanticism in Russia Russia Romanticism began that wayadapting French plays and translating German and English poetry Pushkin: <Euslan and Liudmila><Boris Godunov>俄国浪漫主义先锋(van) a Byronic character his masterpiece is <Eugene Onegin>创造了俄国文学中 的第一个“多余的人“的典型
现实主义Realism arise in the 50s of the 19th century and had its origin in France
Realism in France Stendhal 司汤达 <the red and the black>红与黑是法国批 判现实主义第一部成 熟的作品 <the charterhouse of Parma>巴马修道院 Balzac巴尔扎克 Balzac has been called the French Dickens as Dickens has been called the English Balzac <The human comedy> <Le Pere Goriot> Flaubert 福楼拜 非常重视艺术形式he is often called the first French realist <Madame Bovary> 包法利夫人 Zora 左拉 founder of the naturalist school <Les Rouge-Macquart>鲁贡玛-马卡尔家族史 Maupassant 莫伯桑<the necklace> <the piece of string>
Lermontov:<A hero of Our Time> draws a fine portrait of Pushkin
Romanticism in Poland
Adam Mickiewicz: <Ballads and Romances> beginning of Polish Romanticism <Pan Tadeusz> is hismasterpiece
David: French Painter <The Death of Socrates><The Death of Marat> Delacroix <The Massacre at Chios><Dante and Virgil> 代表着法国浪漫主义绘画的最高成就 Gericault French painter<Raft of Madusa> Turner English landscape painter Constable English landscape painter Turner and Constable代表了浪漫主义画派的最高 成就
greatest poet of his day George Sand:<Indiana>法国浪漫主义文学最杰出 的女作家
Romanticism in Italy
Manzoni: <The Betrothed>约婚夫妇是意大利 文学史上第一部以爱压迫的劳动人 民为主人公的小说 Leopardi: <To Sylvia> he was the greatest poet of Italy Romanticism
Division 8: Romanticism
浪漫主义 Romanticism
late 18th and early 19th century starting from the ideas of Rouseau in France and from the Storm and Stress Movement in Germany The enlightenment brought about two revolutions and they caused Romanticism to rise: the French Revolution and the Industrial revolution New economic ideas were put forward by Adam Smith in his book <The Wealth of Nations>, which laid the theoretical groundwork for capitalism.
Romanticism in France
Chateaubriand :<Genius of
Christianity><Atala><Rene> Vict;Preface to Cromwell>是法国浪漫主义运动的一篇重要宣言。 他的长篇小说 <Notre Dame de Paris> 巴黎圣母院 <Les Miserables>悲惨世界宣 扬了“爱”与“仁慈”等人道主义精神。The
Shelley <Ode to the West Wind> <Prometheus Unbound> noted for his lyrics Keats <Ode to a Nightingale><Ode on a Grecian Urn>famous for his sonnets Walter Scott <The Heart of Mid-lothian><Ivanhoe>
Romanticism in Germany The Storm and Stress Movement prepared
the way for European Romanticism
Goethe combined Romanticism with
It was Love and Intrigue that made Schiller
the best dramatist for the Storm and Stress
The Jena School: Schlegel Brothers,
Novalis and Tieck Heine: <Book of Songs><Die Lorelei>海涅 在1836年发表<<论浪漫派>>,宣告浪漫主义 在德国文学中的统治地位的结束
Darwinism As Newton dominated 17th century science with the discovery of the laws governing the bodies of the universe, Charles Darwin dominated the 19th century science for his discovering of the laws governing the evolution of man himself. In the history of science he takes up a position as important as these occupied by Copernicus, Galileo and Newton. Darwin was not the first man to put forward the theory of evolution Lamarck was the first man whose conclusion on the subject. However, he failed to produce any evidence, French naturalist(自然主义者) Lyell English geologist
Romanticism in England Blake: <Songs of Innocence><Songs of Experience><Preface to Milton> The Lakers: Wordsworth and Coleridge <Lyrical Ballads> Byron: <Don Juan> is considered his masterpiece <Isles of Greece> the fact that the poet died for the Greek causes made him more respected his poem expressed an ardent love of liberty and a fierce hatred of tyranny
后期浪漫主义音乐家: Berlioz(伯辽兹)French composer Liszt(里斯特)Hungarian composer Wagner(瓦格纳)German composer Brahms(伯拉姆斯)German composer Tchaikovsky(柴科夫斯基)Russian
Art and Architecture Goya Spanish: painter and etcher(蚀刻家)欧洲浪 漫主义先驱<The Parasol><The Execution of the Third of May><Family of Charles IV><Saturn Devouring his Children>