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My home has a beautiful courtyard that I love spending time in. 我家有一个美丽的院子,我喜欢在那里花时间。

During the spring, the courtyard is filled with colorful flowers blooming everywhere. 春天,院子里到处都是盛开的五颜六色的鲜花。

I enjoy sitting on the swing under the shade of the big tree, feeling the gentle breeze on my face. 我喜欢坐在大树荫下的秋千上,感受着轻风拂面。

In the summer, my family often has barbecues in the courtyard, the smell of grilled meat filling the air. 夏天,我家经常在院子里烧烤,烤肉的香味充斥着空气。

I have a small vegetable garden where I plant tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. 我在院子里有一个小菜园,我种着西红柿、黄瓜和辣椒。

Watching the vegetables grow and picking them when they are ripe gives me a sense of accomplishment. 观察蔬菜生长,并在它们成熟时采摘,让我感到一种成就感。

In the autumn, the courtyard is covered with fallen leaves, and I love jumping into piles of them. 秋天,院子里落满了树叶,我喜欢跳进堆积

Even in the winter, when the courtyard is covered in snow, I still find joy in building snowmen and having snowball fights. 即使在冬天,当

My family often gathers in the courtyard for celebrations and special occasions. 我家经常在院子里聚在一起,庆祝特殊场合。

It is a place filled with laughter, love, and happy memories that I will always cherish. 这是一个充满笑声、爱和美好回忆的地方,我将永远珍惜。

The courtyard is not just a physical space but also a symbol of togetherness and family bond. 这个院子不仅是一个物理空间,也是团结和家庭纽带的象征。
