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1.I dream of going to ________ (太空) one day.
2.My _____ (朋友) loves to collect stickers of animals. 我的朋友喜欢收集动物贴纸。
3.The __________ (历史的持久性) reflects stability.
4.The baby is ________ in the crib.
5.What is the name of the American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November?
A. Christmas
B. Thanksgiving
C. Independence Day
D. Halloween
6. A __________ is a famous destination for birdwatching.
7.The nurse gives _____ (疫苗) to children.
8.The teacher is ___ the students. (helping)
9. A _______ can add charm to any setting.
10.I want to learn how to ________ (做蛋糕).
11.What do you call the natural satellite of Earth?
A. Sun
B. Moon
C. Star
D. Planet答案:B
12.What is the term for a baby capybara?
A. Pup
B. Kit
C. Calf
D. Hatchling答案:c
13.I want to _____ (learn/play) a song.
14.Planting _____ (生态友好) gardens can enhance urban areas.
15.The _____ (狐狸) is clever and quick on its feet.
16.The ______ (果实) of a tomato is actually a berry.
17. A ________ (园艺产业) boosts local economies.
18.makes funny sounds when you press it. (玩具名称) The ____
19.The ancient Sumerians are credited with creating the first ________.
20.The antelope runs very ________________ (快).
21.I enjoy playing ________ (动词) games with my toys. It helps me understand teamwork.
22.The garden is _______ (full) of vegetables.
23.What do you call a house made of ice?
A. Igloo
B. Cabin
C. Castle
D. Hut答案: A
24.The ________ has soft fur and gentle eyes.
25.In a chemical reaction, the total number of atoms of each element must be the same on both _____.
26.The main component of proteins is _____.
27.What is the shape of a soccer ball?
A. Cube
B. Sphere
C. Cylinder
D. Pyramid答案: B
28.My dad enjoys __________ (写作).
29.I like to go ______ (滑雪) during winter vacations.
30.The bear climbs trees in search of _____ honey.
31.My mom likes to _____ new recipes. (try)
32.My parents work very . (我的父母工作很。
33.What is the name of the famous theme park in California?
A. Universal Studios
B. Disneyland
C. SeaWorld
D. Busch Gardens
34.Do you have a _____ (小汽车) at home?
35.The __________ can indicate the presence of valuable minerals.
36.We are ___ to school. (walking)
37.The __________ (朝鲜战争) took place from 1950 to 1953.
38.The chemical symbol for bismuth is ______.
39.What do we call the process of changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly?
A. Transformation
B. Evolution
C. Growth
D. Metamorphosis答案: D
40.An _______ is an atom that has a charge.
41.I want to _______ a big cake for my birthday.
42.I have a _____ (风筝) that I fly during the spring. 我有一个春天放的风筝。
43.The process of heating a solid to produce a gas is called _______.
44.An electric motor converts electrical energy into ______ energy.
45.When it snows, everything looks __________. (洁白的)
46.My dad works in an _____ (办公室).
47.________ (观赏植物) are often used in landscaping.
48.The ________ was a key treaty that stabilized a region.
49.The chemical formula for palmitic acid is ______.
50.The ________ (桥) connects two sides of the river.
51.I drink water ___. (every day)
52.green initiatives) promote sustainability in cities. The ____
53.The property of matter that describes its resistance to change is called ______.
54.There are _______ (three/four) apples on the table.
55.I have a toy ________ that can roll.
56.I always carry my _____ to school. (backpack)
57.The birds are ______ in the bright blue sky. (flying)
58. A __________ (自然保护区) helps protect both wildlife and plants.
59.The turtle can live for _______ (许多年).
60.What do you call a cloud that brings rain?
A. Cumulus
B. Stratus
C. Nimbus
D. Cirrus答案:C
61.My brother is very __________ (善良) to his classmates.
62.The ostrich lays the largest _______ (鸟蛋).
63.The __________ (历史的艺术作品) tell stories of the past.
64.ts are ______ (毒性的). Some pla
65.My favorite holiday is ________ (圣诞节) with family.
66.My dad teaches me the importance of __________ (责任感).
67.What is the name of the famous ancient structure in England?
A. Stonehenge
B. Colosseum
C. Great Wall
D. Pyramids答案:
A. Stonehenge
68.The capital of Sweden is ________ (瑞典的首都是________).
69.What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?
A. Core
B. Mantle
C. Crust
D. Lithosphere答案:C.Crust
70.The _____ (植物季节变化) affects local ecosystems.
71.The term "catalyst" refers to a substance that speeds up a chemical _______.
72.What is the name of the famous rock formation in Australia?
A. Uluru
B. Ayers Rock
C. Great Barrier Reef
D. Both A and B答案:D
73.In a neutral solution, the number of hydrogen ions equals the number of _____ (hydroxide ions).
74.I have a toy _______ that can run and jump.
75.Which animal has a pouch for carrying its young?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Kangaroo
D. Elephant答案: C
76. A beam of light can be ______ by a mirror.
77.The __________ (历史的回声) resonates through time.
78.The ______ is a predator of many small animals.
79.The ________ (生态友好型技术) supports sustainability.
80.The rabbit is ______ in the garden. (hiding)
81._____ (earthworms) help aerate the soil.
82.The ______ is known for her research.
83.What is the name of the largest rainforest in the world?
A. Congo Rainforest
B. Amazon Rainforest
C. Taiga Forest
D. Deciduous Forest答案:B.Amazon Rainforest
84.The __________ (历史的展现) reflects our journey.
85.She is ___ (happy/sad) today.
86.The chemical symbol for zinc is ______.
87.The capital city of Malta is __________.
88.What is the name of the famous mountain range in Asia?
A. Rockies
B. Andes
C. Himalayas
D. Alps答案: C
89.I can create a race track with my toy ________ (玩具名称).
90._____ (自然保护区) help preserve plant diversity.
91.Wildflowers bloom in _____ (开放的) fields.
92.I built a _____ (迷宫) with my blocks.
93.We have a _____ (照片) on the wall.
94.What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates?
A. Dubai
B. Abu Dhabi
C. Sharjah
D. Ajman答案:B.Abu Dhabi
95.I love to ______ (跳舞) at parties.
96.I like to tell stories about my toy ____. (玩具名称)
97.We should always be ________ (尊重) to others.
98. A ______ is a small, flying insect that can bite.
99.What do we call a person who studies the social implications of scientific discoveries?
A. Science Historian
B. Sociologist
C. Anthropologist
D. Philosopher 答案: A
100.He is a firefighter, ______ (他是一名消防员), saving lives every day.。