Deck logbook




无限航区船舶二/三副问答题参考答案第一章1.My date of birth is ---2.My seaman’s book number is -----3.I am from ---4.My Captain’s nationality is ---5.I think the most important thing on board is safety navigation.6.We often an Shanghai, Xiamen, Hong Kong.7.My favorite TV program is news.8.My favorite Web site is ----9.My favorite day of the week is Saturday, because it is holiday.10.My favorite kind of movie is action movies.11.My favorite kind of music is pop music.12.My favorite magazine is ---13.There are 5 thousand people in my hometown.14.The population of my country is 1.3 billion.15.The best thing about my hometown is ---16.The worst thing about my hometown is ---17.My hometown is a small village.18.Yes, there are typhoon, flood.19.I like to watch football game on TV.20.I think playing football is the most popular sport in the world.第三章1.Yes I can. They are spring line, breast, headline, stern line.2.I should prepare pilot ladder, overside (search) light, heaving line, pilot card etc. before the …3.The maximum speed through the water is 2 knots that the ship can anchor without riskingbreaking the cable.4.The signal flag “Golf” should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot.5.She can use VHF calling, Telex etc. to get in touch …6.Pilot station often asks ship’s maximum draft, LOA, air draft, displacement, cargo on board.ETA. Ship’s position etc.7.Same as above (we should ……. To the pilot station)8.We should confirm the ETA, pilot on board time and boarding position. Which side to rig pilotladder etc.9.When the vessel enters the VTS area, we have to report the ship last port of call, next port ofcall, ship’s position, cargo onboard, ship’s draft, air draft to the VTS center.10.“ Foul of anchor” means that the anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled anobstruction.11.If ……….” I should reply “stand by both engines” and report “both engines are stand by, sir”12.Yes, the 3 famous canals are Suez Canal, Panama canal and Kiel canal.13.When I request…, I would say “ please stand by VHF channel 16”14.If I want to rectify the mistake in VHF , I will say “ Mistake. Correction” , Plus the correctedpart of the message.15.To emphasis the important part of the message in maritime VHF communication, we should say“Repeat”, followed by the important part of the message.16.“Abandon vessel” means to evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress.17.“ETD” means “ estimated time of departure”18.The phrase “dredging of an anchor” means moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to controlthe movement of the vessel.19.The phrase “under way’ means the vessel which is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, oraground.20.“Dragging of anchor” means moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because itis no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.第四章1.There are 9 classes of dangerous cargoes divided according to the IMDG. For example Class 1.Means explosive material, class 2. Flammable gas, class 3. Flammable liquid.2.Oil is classified as flammable cargo.3.General cargo means the cargo consists of a variety of goods, which are packed separately. Theyare different in shape and size.4.Bulk cargo means the cargo consists of a single cargo, which is usually carried loose, such asgrain, coal, etc.5.Canvas sling is suitable for lifting bags of grain, rice, coffee.6.Chain sling is suitable for lifting logs, iron rails. sling is suitable for lifting small packages of cargo. Such as mails.8.COW stand for Crude Oil Washing.9.Jettison of cargo means throwing overboard of goods in order to lighten the vessel or improveits stability in case of an emergency.10.“Compatibility of goods” means states whether different goods can be stowed together in onehold.11.SWL stand for Safe Working Load.12.“ Shifting of cargo” means transverse movement of cargo, especially bulk, caused by rolling aheavy list.13.“Union purchase” means a common method of cargo handling by combining two derricks, oneof which is fixed over the quay, the other over the hatchway.14.Cargo list, stowage plan, dunnage planks and mats, unlocking the hatch covers, rigging thehatchrails, must be prepared before loading cargo.15.The loading capacity if my vessel is 5000 tons.16.My vessel has derricks and winches.17.Dispersant, suction equipment, skimmers can be used to remove spillage.18.If there are any toxic gas in the enclosed space.19.Cargo list, cargo plan, cargo manifest.20.I must wear breathing apparatus, safety helmet, safety shoes etc. when I enter…第五章1.To sound fog signal can notice other ship alert, it can reduce the risk of collision.2.When the ship is on fire or emergency.3.heavy traffic in the navigating area, restricted visibility and in any other situation that he is indoubt..4.The OOW use CPA and TCPA to assess risk of collision generally.5.The relieving officer must defer taking over the watch until the bridge manoeuvre has been over.6.draft forward, draft aft, draft amidships, etc.7.I should monitor the risk of aground.8.I can know it from port entry or list of radio signal..9.The master expect that the ship will navigate safety.10.Third officer should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder.11.When navigating in heavy traffic area or restricted visibility.12.All crew have to go to their assembly station.13.Because the record is of great help to resolve disputes in accidents.14.Apart from those for navigation safety, I should give a caution to crew members safety, preventfire and oil pollution .15.We can use magnetic range to check the compass error in pilotage water.16.The name of our vessel is Blue whale and call sign is WXCP17.My flag state is China.18.My position is 47 degrees N 050 degrees W.19.My present course is 120 degrees and speed is 15 knots.20.My ETA at pilot station is 1200 hours UTC.21.My ETD from the port is 1400 hours UTC.22.My forward draft is 8 meters and aft draft 8.5 meters.23.My freeboard is 6 meters.24.My air draft is 30 meters.25.Yes, I am underway.26.My full speed is 18 knots.27.No, I have not carried any dangerous cargo.28.No, I am on even keel.29.Yes, I am on even keel.30.The position was obtained by GPS.31.Yes, my radar is in operation.第七章1.The purpose is to save the evidence for the future judgment.2.The deck logbook, bell book and statement of facts should be attached to the report on theaccident.3.When any dispute appears or master have any suspicion on any accident, sea protest shouldbe …4.Generally speaking, the vessel under way should be responsible for the damage.5.It is 5-short blasts on ship’s whistle.6. I would push the vessel at slow speed and take measure to control the damage.7. As a chief officer, my responsibility is to reduce the cargo and ship damages.8.“SOPEP” stand for “ ship board oil pollution emergency plan”9.In case of an oil pollution, Port control, consignee, the shipper, ship’s owner, Charter, PSCofficer, P&I club.10.The first step is to report the damage to the consignee, the shipper and ship’s owner if thecargo damage caused by the stevedores.11.We should carry out a stowaway search carefully before the vessel sails from a port.12.My first response is to sound alarm when I detect a fire.13.Booms, suction equipment, skimmers, biodegradation, dissolution, etc14.The ways to refload a grounded vessel are jettison of cargo, pump out forepeak or afterpeak,transfer cargo or ballast and waiting tide rising.15.Yes. Transferring fuel, ballast, fresh water, cargo or restowing cargo16.I first stop bunkering if I find some oil near my vessel while bunkering.17.I will do the first aid if a crewmember was seriously injured.18.Sound alarm, ask for military assistance.第八章1.CO2 (carbon dioxide) fire extinguisher can be used for an electric fire2.The water type fire extinguisher (and form fire extinguisher) can not be used for an electric fire3.They are flammable (or combustibles) material, heat and the combustion supporter.4.Fire drill is required at least once a month for cargo ship.5.He must sound alarm firstly if he…6.The muster list shows list of crew, passengers and all on board and their functions in s distressor drill.7.If a person falls overboard, we should sound alarm, record ship’s position, throw out the lifebuoy, stand by engine, broadcast urgency message.8.Boat drill is required (should be carried out) at least once a month for (on) cargo ship.9.Yes, I can, they are foam fire extinguisher, CO2 fire extinguisher, dry powder extinguisher.10.In general, there are fire-fighting (emergency) part, support part, first aid part and generalcommand part in a fire-fighting drills.11.Fire control plan should be located in bridge, engine room, corridor, and mess room etc.12.At least once three months. Generally speaking it is not allowed to launch lifeboat in theharbor.13.Retreat signal means the sound, visual or other signal to a team ordering it to return to its base.14.General alarm signal is a sound signal of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast given withthe vessel’s sound system.15.Fire patrol means a crew member of the watch going around the vessel at certain intervals sothat an outbreak of fire may be promptly detected.16.Damage control team is a group of crew members trained for fighting flooding in the vessel.17.Fuel/cargo/cars/container on fire.18.Yes, smoke toxic.19.Yes, fire under control.20.Yes, fire is extinguished.21.Yes, flooding has stopped.22.Major/minor water is in the vessel.23.Yes, danger of capsizing/sinking.24.Sea bottom is rocky/soft.25.Sea smooth/moderate/rough.第九章1.Course directed by the OSC to be steered at the beginning of a search.2.“Jettison of cargo” means throwing overboard of goods in order to lighter the vessel or improveits stability in case of an emergency.3.“Heel”means The difference between the starboard and port drafts due to wind or seas but“list” was caused by shifting a weight transversely4.“EPIRB” stands for emergency position-indicating radio beacon.5.“SAR” stands for search and rescue.6.“INMARSAT” stands for the international maritime satellite organization.7.“UTC” stands for universal time co-coordinated.8.“RCC” stands for rescue coordination center.9.“SART” stands for search and rescue radar transponder.10.Yes, I can. They are expanding square partner, sector search partner and parallel track searchpartner.11.Hampered vessel means a vessel restricted by her ability to manoeuvre by the nature of herwork or her deep draft.12.MMSI is Maritime Mobile Service Identity number.13.Must list is a list of crew, passengers and all on board and their functions in a distress or drill.14.OSC stands for On Scene Co-ordinator.15.VHF stands for Very High Frequency(30—300MHz).16.The result of search is negative.17.Yes, I will abandon vessel.18.2 lifeboats will be launched.19.5 persons will stay on board.20.Yes, I can proceed to distress position.21.My ETA at distress position is 1500 hours UTC.22.I require medical/fire fighting/tug/military/navigational assistance.第十章1.MADAY calling means a distress message.2.MADAY message should include ship’s name, call sign, position, ship’s distress time andnature.3.PAN-PAN calling means an urgency message .4.SECURITE calling means a safety message.5.Passengers are advised to put on warm clothing; long trousers, long-sleeved shirts; strong shoesand head covering while abandon the vessel.6.General emergency alarm is a sound signal of seven short blast and one prolonged blast givenwith the vessel’s sound system.7.Yes, pull the lifejacket over your head; tighten the strings well; pull the strings around yourwaist and tie in front.8.Parachute signal/hand signal/buoyant smoke/electric torch/daylight signal mirror/whistle can beused to attract attention after abandoning vessel.9.Bridge/engine room/cargo hold is the fire10.Fire fighting/tug/escort assistance is required.11.I have problems with engines/steering gear/navigation.12.Above/below waterline is the damage.13.Forward of my vessel is aground.14.I expect to refloat when the tide rising.15.Yes, I am ready for helicopter.16.2 persons injured.17.Yes, fire is under control.18.No.2 hold is flooding.19.Yes, I can proceed without assistance.20.The visibility is poor/good in my position.21.the wind direction is NE. force 8.第十一章1.Yes. Checking that the load line, are clearly marked on shell plating on each side andcorrespond with ILLC.2.Yes. Compass, Radar, ARPA, Echo-sounder, Speed and distance indicator, Ruder angle indicator,PRM indicator, Navigational lights will be checked.3.Yes. Lifeboats, lifeboat engine, lifeboat davit, lifebuoys, lifejackets, inflatable liferafts will bechecked.4.Yes. Fire detectors, fire fighting equipment, fire dampers, emergency fire pump will be checked.5.Yes. VHF and MF/HF radio installation, INMARSAT Ship Earth Station, NA VTEX Receiver,Satellite EPIRB, Radio life saving appliances, Radar transponder will be checked.6.Yes. Fire doors, Fire fighting equipment, Fire control plan, Fire detectors, Ventilation, Sanitaryfacilities will be checked.7.Yes. Oily-water filtering equipment, Oil discharge monitoring and control system. Oil recordbook, Garbage management plan, Garbage record book will be checked.8.Yes. Checking for the corrosion, deformation, cracking and fracture of hull, bulkheads and deck.9.The deficiencies are clearly hazardous to safety, health or the environment, and cannot berectified before leaving port.10.The deficiencies are clearly hazardous to safety, health or the environment.11.Yes. Understanding the PSC message of the destination port. Warmly greeting PSCO when theycome aboard.12.Life saving appliances and fire fighting apparatus are the key items to be checked within myduties onboard.第十二章1.SSO stands for Ship Security Officer.2.SSP stands for Ship Security Plan.3.DOC stands for Documents of Compliance .4.SSAS stands for Ship Security Alert System.5.CSO stands for Company Security Officer.6.ISSC stands for International Ship Security Certificate.7.CSR stands for Continues Synopsis Record.8.Yes. The restricted areas onboard are bridge, engine room, wheel house, cargo place and so on.9.Yes. The security officer must conduct regular security inspections, ensure that adequatetraining has been provided to shipboard personnel, connect with the CSO and the PFSOs.10.Yes. They are Security Alert System, AIS, etc.11.Require personal identification and reason to board. Manned to prevent unauthorized access.12.Patrolling deck areas. Preparations taken for a full or partial search of the ship. Access points toship limited.13.Conducting full or partial search of ship. Access restricted to single point. Suspend embarkationor debarkation.14.Call sign, ship’s name, the ship’s speed and course and destination can be receive and transmitby AIS.15.Manned gangway watch. Require personal identification and reason to board.。




他们通常委托气导公司(如WNI,OCEANROUT,AWT等)对船舶进行导航及航速监控,有些有实力的租家甚至利用象“Fleet View Online”这样的系统对船舶进行全航程在线监控,以确保因船舶非正常失速导致的损失能得到船东的赔偿。








1.船舶航速及油耗条款通常规定为:船东保证船舶在好天气条件下(如:SPEED13.5 B /13 L KTS ON ABT 26T/28MT IFO 380CST, NDAS BSS GOOD WEATHERCONDITION, WINDS MAX BEAUFORT FORCE 4 AND/OR DOUGLAS SEA STATE 3)能够达到合同规定的航速;如本船航速减低及/或耗油增多则由此造成的时间损失和多耗用燃料费用,应从租金中扣除。


船舶进出港操作 中英文双语 模板

船舶进出港操作 中英文双语 模板

船舶进、出港操作Notice to Ship Enter/Outer Port1港口引航注意事项Attention in pilot leading1.1引航员登船前Before Pilot Embark−控制船速,配合引航员登船,值班驾驶员在引水梯口接待,并直接负责引航员的安全。

Control speed to cooperate pilot’s boarding. Duty officer should meet pilot at the place pilotboarded (Pilot ladder) and take care of pilot’s safety.−根据引航站指示,备好合格的引水梯,保证有足够的照明、安全通道、抛绳救生圈,根据港口要求显示信号。

Ready pilot ladder according to the required form the Port control. Ensure sufficient lighting,safe passageway, Life-buoy, and give right signals according to order of port authorities.1.2引航员登船Pilot boarding−在有风浪时,应禁止引航员从舷梯登船。

No boarding via gangway with high wind and waves−船长应尽量全面地介绍船舶性能及吃水、船长等情况。

Captain should give a comprehensive introduction on draft and length etc to pilot −引航员的姓名及登船时间要记录在航海日志上。

Pilot’s name and boarding time should be entered into deck logbook−船长应了解引航操作方案,必要时提出自己的意见。

1.17 英文书写海事声明,海事报告及业务函电

1.17 英文书写海事声明,海事报告及业务函电



17 英文书写海事声明,海事报告及业务函电日期:15/7/2005 (FUNCTION): (NUMBER OF THE TASK):NO. DA TE:1.17 英文书写海事声明,海事报告,业务函电一.NOTE OF SEA PROTESTPORT: FANGCHENGDA TE:NOV 16TH 2008TO: Port AuthorityName of Vessel: “CHS MAGNIFICENCE”Tonnage of cargo: 161022MTGross tonnage:89659MTS Sailed from Port Hedland on 07-NOV-2008Port of Registry: HONG KONG Bound for FANGCHENG,CHINAShip owner: Whole World Shipping LTD Arrived at 1936LT on 16TH -NOV-2008Kind of Cargo: IRON OREIn view of the followingThe said vessel encountered very heavy weather during the voyage on the way between Lat 06ْ 34’N,Long 109 10’E and Lat 15 31’N, Long109 44’E as per Logbook abstracts attached.And fearing loss and/or damage, I hereby note my protest against all loss, damage, etc and reserving the right to extend the same at time and place convenient.Witnesses on board:______________Chief Officer______________Bosun PAGE 57_____________ A.B.Master of MV “C H S MAGNIFICENCE”_________________Enclosures: Abstract of deck logbook covering the said accidentNOV 13,2008, at sea1200 -- 24001200 GPS fix Lat 06ْ 34’N Long 109 10’E2400 GPS fix Lat 08ْ 41’.7N Long 109 36’.5ESouthwest wind force 8 to 9, rough to high sea, VSL rolling and pitching heavily, Shipping heavy seas and spraying over hatch covers and main deck frequently, overcast with poor visibility.C/O Sun Zheng Yu,2/O Si Tu Cao Fu,3/O Fan Xin SuNOV 14,2008, at sea0000 –24000000 GPS fix Lat 08ْ 41’7N Long 109 36’.5E2400 GPS fix Lat13 ْ13’.8N Long 109 53’.9ESouthwest wind force 8 to 9, rough to high sea, VSL rolling and pitching heavily, Shipping heavy seas and spraying over hatch covers and main deck frequently, overcast with poor visibility.C/O Sun Zheng Yu,2/O Si Tu Cao Fu,3/O Fan Xin SuNOV 15 2008, at sea0000 –12000000 GPS fix Lat13 ْ13’.8N Long 109 53’.9E0800 GPS fix Lat15ْ 31’0N Long 109 44’0ESouthwest wind force 8 to 9, rough to high sea, VSL rolling and pitching heavily, Shipping heavy seas and spraying over hatch covers and main deck frequently, overcast with poor visibility.C/O Sun Zheng Yu,2/O Si Tu Cao Fu,3/O Fan Xin Su二.海事报告1.船舶,设施发生海上交通事故,必须用VHF或其他有效手段向就近港口的港务监督报告。



船岸通讯制度Ship/shore communicating system1.为保持船舶与公司的日常联系,及时沟通船岸信息,确保船舶安全和防止污染,特定本规定。

In order to maintain daily communication between ship and ship’s company, learn of ship-shore information promptly, and ensure ship safety and pollution prevention, this system is formulated specially.2.公司与船舶日常通讯的时间为:北京时间0730一1200与1330—1700时,若通话时间要做变动,应及时互相沟通,确定下次通话时间。

The communicating time between ship and company is from 0730 to 1200 and from 1330 to 1700 in Beijing time, if there is a charge about communicating time, should give a notice timely to make new communicating time.3.船岸之间通讯使用单边带进行通讯联络。


Ship to shore communication uses the way of single side band. During non-routine communication time, the ship with the company’s contact can be achieved through the following ways: contact company directly if the mobile phone has signal on board; if no signal on board, try to contact with the nearest coast radio station, then use the shore station telephone contact with the company .(including the time in daily communication , for the reason of single side band signal cannot be contacted)4.公司与船舶日常通讯交换的信息应包括:Such information should be covered in daily communication between ship and company:4.1.船舶向公司报告的内容Ship should report such information to company as below:4.1.1.船舶动态、海区气象。

船舶进港前准备 中英文双语 模板

船舶进港前准备 中英文双语 模板

船舶进港前准备Preparation Prior Enter Port1靠泊作业前的准备Preparation before Berthing1.1大副应负责完成下列准备工作:Chief officer should finish the following preparations−系泊缆绳、钢丝缆、撇缆、拖缆Fasten mooring lines,/mooring wire, heaving line, tow line−封锚绑扎解除Remove anchor lashing−缆车、锚机试运转,状态正常Windlass testing−号灯、号型、挡鼠板Horn light, Model No. n Rat guard−船长应告知驾驶员以下信息:Master should inform officers of the following information •拖轮数量以及应由何方提供拖缆Number of tugs and provider•系泊安排Mooring arrangement•应先系哪一根缆绳Which mooring line to fasten first•有何种潜在危险Any potential danger•与它船距离Distance with other vessels•如果抛锚,应备哪一个锚/准备抛多少节/锚地水深If anchoring, which anchor/Nos of cable to release/depth of water2引水Pilot2.1引水登船前Before Pilots Embarking−值班驾驶员应提前用VHF 通知引水站,告知船舶的ETA并核实引水登船时间/ 由哪一舷登船Duty officers should use VHF to inform piloting station in advance of ETA of vessels andconfirm pilot boarding time/from which side to get on vessels.−值班驾驶员应不间断守听VHF,以了解引水的最新动态;当船长确认引水的登船时间后,值班驾驶员应:Duty officers should listen to VHF to get updated to the latest information. When masterconfirm pilot’s boarding time, duty officers should ensure:−确定引水梯安装正确the correctness of gangway installation−引水登船处弦外照明illumination outside board around gangway−撇缆和带有自亮灯浮的救生圈安放在引水登船处Heaving line and life buoys with self Igniting lifebuoy around pilot boarding place.2.2引水登船后After Pilots Embarking−引水员登船后,值班驾驶员应将其姓名登记在航海日志上Duty officers should write the pilot’s name in the deck logbook after his boarding.−引水员登船后并不解除船长和值班驾驶员的职责Master and duty officers’ duty is not revoked after pilots get on b oard.3港口信息/通讯联系Ports Information/ Communication Contact3.1二副应提供如下信息和资料:Second officers should provide the following information and material−港口介绍Port introduction−“航路指南”中有关该港口的信息Information about ports in Route Guide.−港口以及附港的潮汐Tide in ports and auxiliary ports−港口限制(水深、船速、进港时间等)Port restrictions( water depth, vessel speed, time of going into port etc)3.2报务员(如无专职报务员,应由船长或其指定人员负责)应提供如下信息和资料:Radio operators(master or other designated people act as radio operator is no full time one) shouldprovide the following information.−最新的气象报告Latest weather report−最新的航海警告Latest navigational warning−大副应提供如下信息:Chief officer should provide the following information−吃水/最大吃水Draft/maximum draft−空高Air Draft−吃水差Trim−船速Speed−总吨/净吨Gross tonnage/Net tonnage−上一港口Last port of call−集装箱数量Number of containers−代理Agents4“航路指南”、“潮汐表”和海图Route Guide, Tide Table and Charts进港用的海图应为最大比例尺的海图,而且必须根据最新的航海通告进行了相应的改正。


标志红/兰/绿/黄/黑red lead
钢丝绳油wire dressing oil/ tar oil
撇缆绳heaving line
测水绳sounding rope
长柄铲刀long hand flat scraper
万能胶水general purpose glue
手摇钻hand drill
量油尺oil gauging tape
封舱胶布seal adhesive tape
尼龙旗绳halyard nylon
国旗national flag
海图橡皮eraser , rubber
秒表stop watch
活动扳手adjustable spanner
手电锯electric saw machine
不锈钢尺stainless steel ruler
量水尺wooden sounding ruler
量水绳sounding rope
三合板three-lay board
五合板five-lay board
Suez Canal Special Tonnage Certificate
Panama Canal Tonnage Certificate
Certificate of Port of Registery
modification regarding items of registry
be ready for mooring








注意:当船舶离开美国港口时也还要发AMVER报,直至离开AMVER 区域。


二.及时递交eNOA/D:每次抵达美国水域96小时前,要向USCG (递交ARRIVAL REPORT (INITIAL NOTICE)。


递交INITIAL NOTICE只可提前,而不能推迟。



需要注意的是:船东是指船籍证书上的登记的船东,而不是指的实际船东;OPERATOR指的是COFR上的公司,REPORTING COMPANY 指的是船舶管理公司;在填写24小时联系人时,一般指的是当地的代理的联系方式;在填写:ARRIVE INFORMATION一栏时,如不知所靠港口属于哪个州,可以在右栏帮助栏中找(或在进港指南中找);ARRIVE TIME是指抵达所靠港口泊位的时间,而不是指抵达引水站的时间,因为美国有些港口是河港,两者相差太大,一定要分清楚;在RECEIVING FACILITY是指你船所要靠泊的泊位,这一信息你要事先向代理索要;ARRIVE PLACE是指所要抵达的引水站,要填写上抵达引水站的名称及ETA时间。

podcaat 甲板日志

podcaat 甲板日志

podcaat 甲板日志
航海日志草本(deck logbook):甲板日志。






Deck logbook

Deck logbook

deck logbook(航海日志草本,甲板日志) ship’s logbook (船舶航海日志) official logbook (海事日志) abstract logbook(摘抄日志)
Logbooks required by law, are to be filled out(填写) by master(船 长) or officers on duty(值班驾驶员) of every ship, on theduty/ forms of 值班驾驶员: officer officer which must be approved by the shipping companies or marine on watch (OOW)/duty officer authorities.
法律所要求的日志是由每条船的船长和值班 驾驶员填写的,填写的形式必须获得船公司或 海事局的批准。
be of + 抽象名词 = be + 该词的形容词 eg. be of great = be very Since the logbook is of great importance and its contents are value admissible valuable
as evidence when they are called for(要求,需要) in the accident suit, everything recorded in it must be true and accurate.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
因为日志非常重要,并且在事故案件中它被允许 作为证据提供,所以日志中记录的所有内容都必 须真实、准确。
Introduction of the Logbook



The function of deck logbook 航海日志的作用Legal record 法律记录Daily events occurring during the ship’s stay in a harbor, at anchorage, or underway 船舶停港,锚泊或在航期间每天发生的事件To produce evidences in case of … 一旦……提供证据Everything recorded in logbook must be true and accurate 记入航海日志的一切内容必须真实准确The tracks of the vessel can be re-drawed on charts according to the records in the logbook 船舶航迹能根据航海日志记录的内容在海图上重画出来Never make any comment, estimate or guess in your logbook, but the facts only 在航海日志中出了事实外,决不能记有评估,估计和猜测内容In case a mis-entry bas been made in the log, a red line should be drawn on the parts and the correct entry with signature should be made near or above them. No erasures or cuts are to be allowed. 一旦在航海日志填写时出现错误,应该在错误处划一红线,再在临近处添入正确内容并签字不准许用橡皮擦掉或用小刀刮掉Rain squall 暴风雨For fear of incriminating 担心被控告有罪In matters of litigation 关于诉讼/起诉Pose a question of liability 引起责任问题To suspect that … 怀疑……Contents to be entered in the logbook 记入航海日志中的内容In certain districts in various seasons 在不同季节的某区域Under various wind force and directions 在各种风向和风力情况下The deck logbook-Space limitations 航海日志篇幅限制Based on the times and events 依据时间和事件The bell symbols 车钟符号Diminished visibility 能见度变坏Comply with Rules of the Road 遵守航路规则Applicable to low visibility 适用于低能见度Foc’sle crew posted 指派船首瞭头Port anchor seized up, Starboard anchor ready for letting to. 左锚刹住,准备抛右锚Proceeding to Pilot Station to the Master’s Orders 根据船长的命令使往引航站Notified E.R. 通知机舱S/B eng 备车Stbd anchor 右锚Pd (passed) 通过Com’ced (commence) 开始Ahd (ahead) 全速Var. (varibble) 不定的Obsd (observed) 观测Abm (abeam) 正横R/O (ring off) 定速|||AF (astronomical fix) 天文定位Abt (about) 大约Adjusted cargo booms and opened hatches 调吊杆并开舱Change of gangs 装卸工班换班Drop stbd anchor, turn on anchor light 抛右锚,开启锚灯Turn off navigation lights and turn on deck lights 关闭航行灯,开启甲板灯Wait for port entry formalities 等候办理进港手续Switch off deck lights and anchor light, hoisted anchor ball 关闭甲板灯和锚灯,升起锚球Start to heave anchor 开始起锚Lower port gangway into place & fasten safety net 放下左舷梯并就位,安装安全网Evening fell. Switch on deck lights and place cargo lights. Lower anchor ball and turn on anchor light. 夜来临,开启甲板灯,安放货舱灯,降下锚球,开启锚灯Cease loading due to rain, close all hatch covers. 因雨停止装货,关闭所有舱盖Patrolled from stem to stem, all was well 从船首巡逻到船尾,一切正常Switch on gyro-compass 启动电罗经Start to untie mooring ropes 开始解缆绳Single up F. & A. 首尾单绑Cast off all lines 解掉所有缆绳Let go F. & A. tug 解掉首尾拖轮Passed entrance buoy. Observed transit bearing 323o (G), found GE -0.2 o通过进口浮标,观测叠标电罗经方位323 o,算出电罗经差为负0.2 o。

航海英语 deck logbook

航海英语  deck logbook

3. Anchoring
1800: one hour notice to E/R 1830-1900: checked and tested all NAV equipment with E/R. found all in good condition. 1900: S/B eng. 1920: port anchor got ready 1925: let go port anchor RF “A” is. 240(T) 2 off hdg 300(T) 1948: port anchor B/up with 7 shackles in water Turned on anchor lights, turned off navigational lights and turned on deck lights F.W.E 0600-0630: anti-fire and security patrol carried out, all well. 0630: switched off anchor lights and hoisted anchor ball Checked anchor POSN by bearing frequently. Found all normal 1200-1230: checked and tested all NAV equipment with E/R. found all in good condition. 1300: P.O.B and S/B eng. 1310: started to heave anchor 1325: anchor aweigh, lowered anchor ball and proceeded towards berth under pilot’s orders








1. Can you tell me about your education background and working experience? (Omitt ed) Please refer to the same questions for the master.2. Can you tell me about your last vessel? (Omitted) Please refer to the answers to the same questions to the master or chief officer.3. What are your responsibilities as a Second Officer? The Second Officer is the navi gational officer and sometimes also medical officer on board. Besides, the Second Of ficer shall assist the Chief Officer. His duties may include the following:(1) Navigation watch keeping (from 1200 to 1600, and from 0000 to 0400);(2) Chart and navigational publication corrections;(3) Passage plan making;(4) Usually working as the designated communications officer;(5) Maintenance of communication equipment, instruments and spare parts on board the ship;(6) Care of all the basic navigation equipment and instruments, including magnetic co mpasses, gyrocompasses, gyro repeaters, rime changes, depth sounders and course re corder.(7) Maintenance of inventories of the stationery(8)Medical duties, and other duties designated by the Master or Chief Officer. (9) So me other work designated by master or Chief Officer.二副应该能用自己的语言流利地说出自己的职责。



The Official Logbook
The official logbook required by law is to be kept by the master. The form of the official logbook should be approved by the authorities of Marine Superintendent.
日志是用来每天全面记录船舶在港口、在锚 地或在航中所发生的事情。如果官方就事故 调查进行询问时可以被要求作为证据出示。
Logbooks required by law, are to be filled out(填写) by master(船 长) or officers on duty(值班驾驶员) of every ship, on theduty/ forms of 值班驾驶员: officer officer which must be approved by the shipping companies or marine on watch (OOW)/duty officer authorities.
因为日志非常重要,并且在事故案件中它被允许 作为证据提供,所以日志中记录的所有内容都必 须真实、准确。
No contradiction should occur in the logbook or between logbook and other documents. No stoppage is allowed. When a misentry has been made, no erasures or cuts are allowed. The way to put it right is to draw a red line on these parts and 正确改正日志的方法是在错误 a correct entry with signature should be made 的地方划上一条红线,把正确 Basicor Writing Requirement Logbook no contradiction near above them. It is of also to be : borne in mind . 填写内容写在旁边或上方并签名 no stoppage (铭记在心) not to make any comment, estimate no erasures or cuts no comment, or guess in the logbook, but the factsestimate only. or guess




他们通常委托气导公司(如 WNI,OCEANROUT,AWT等)对船舶进行导航及航速监控,有些有实力的租家甚至利用象“Fleet View Online”这样的系统对船舶进行全航程在线监控,以确保因船舶非正常失速导致的损失能得到船东的赔偿。






航次结束后,租家会收到气导公司的一份分析报告(SPEED AND BUNKER ANALYSIS REPORT),报告会显示该航次有无时间损失和燃油超耗索赔,而它也就成为租家向船东索赔的依据。


1.船舶航速及油耗条款通常规定为:船东保证船舶在好天气条件下(如:SPEED 13.5 B /13 L KTS ON ABT 26T/28MT IFO 380CST, NDAS BSS GOOD WEATHER CONDITION, WINDS MAX BEAUFORT FORCE 4 AND/OR DOUGLAS SEA STATE 3)能够达到合同规定的航速;如本船航速减低及/或耗油增多则由此造成的时间损失和多耗用燃料费用,应从租金中扣除。




学习必备欢迎下载授课提纲____________学年度第_______学期任课教师____________ 课程名称:航海英语阅读序号:章、节名称对应教材内容Logbook1 章节页次教学目标At the end of class, students will be able to grasp the contents of Logbooks and know how to keep a logbook.教学重点和难点1.The contents of Logbooks2.The characteristics of logbooks.3.The practical words and expressions used in a logbook.难点处理方法Discussion and detailed explanation,Pair work教学内容摘要、时间分配、板书设计、教学手段LogbookStep 1 preparation (10 minutes)Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons.Key words: Superintendent accurate entry execution dispute erasure Step 2 Extensive Reading(30 minutes)Read the passage, and try to finish the multiple choices.Step 3 Intensive Reading (25 minutes)The students are required to Read the passage in details, and answer some questions.Step 4 Consolidation (10 minutes)The students are required to point out the key points in this period.Step 5 Summary and assignment(5 minutes)1) Recite the words and expressions learnt today2) Learn by heart the key points of Logbook.课后追记Step 1 preparation (10 minutes)1.Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons.2.Learn some key words case of 假使; 万一prep.2.require 要求;命令v.3.request 请求;要求v.4.inquire 询问;查究n.5.superintendent 监督人; 主管人n.6.justification 正当的理由n.7.accurate 精确的; 准确的 a.8.entry 登记; 记载n.9.erasure 擦掉; 消除n.10.dispute 争论;争端n.11.execution 实施;执行n.12.contract 合同 保险n.14.consignee 收货人n.15.leeway 由于风压引起的船舶偏航n.16.summarization 概括,总结n.17.trend 走向;倾向,趋势n18.hint 暗示; 提示 再绘出vt.20.track 航迹n. 21.fundamental 基本的;主要的 a.22.behaviour 行为;(机器等)运行n.23.seaworthy 适航性的adj.24.specify 指定;规定vt.25.disappearance 消失;失踪 逃亡者n.27.estimate 评价;估计v.& n.28.disaster 灾难;天灾n..29.contradiction 矛盾n.30.investigation 调查n.31.grant 准予;授予vt.32.pratique 无疫通行证n.33.station (应急)岗位; 位置n.34.hawser 大缆n35.dismiss 打发;解雇vt.36.cease 停止; 结束vt.37.idle 闲着的 a.38.recondition 修理,修复vt39.transit 叠标线n.40.catch 观测vt.41.azimuth 方位角n.Step 2 Extensive Reading(20 minutes)Read the passage, and try to finish the multiple choices.1._________ is a full nautical record of a ship's voyage, written up at the end of eachwatch by the officer of the watch .A. Sea protestB. Deck logC. Accident reportD. Seamen’s book2.In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch, you make an error in writing anentry. What is the proper means of correcting this error? ____________A. Cross out the error with a single line , and write the correct entry ,then initial it.B. Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctly.C. Remove this page of the log book, and rewrite all entries on a clean page.D. Blot out the error complete and rewrite the entry correctly3. Logbooks are used to record the events occurring when ____________.A. the ship is in a harborB. the ship is at anchorageC. the ship is underwayD. all of the above4. Never make comment , estimate or guess in your logbook , but ____________only..A. the specificationB. the factsC. the descriptionsD. the detailsStep 3 Intensive Reading (35 minutes)Ss read passages about logbooks and figure out the key points.1).what is logbook and its characteristics?Logbook is used to record the full, daily events occurring during the ship's stay in aharbour, at anchorage, o r underway. It is a legal record required by law. It may berequested to produce evidences in case of official inquiries about accidents. Thereforeeverything recorded in it must be true and accurate. In case a mis-entry has been madein the log, a red line should be drawn on the parts and the correct entry with signatureshould be made near or above them. No erasures or cuts are to be allowed.2).Contents to be entered in the logbook include:the information and evidences relating to accidents, disputes or the execution ofregulations or contracts, etc., to owners, marine authorities, insurance companies,courts and consignees or shippers, etc.the records about the navigation, the cargo work, the various states of runningvessels for obtaining ship's speed, leeway under various wind force and directions,kind of cargo, loading and unloading rates at various ports and summarization ofweather and current trends in certain districts in various seasons. But this purposeis getting less important nowadays.3).What functions does a logbook have?You can re-draw the tracks of the vessel on charts according to the records in thelogbook.You can offer records about the fundamental facts to state the ship's continuousbehaviour including sailing (setting course, changing course, anchoring, piloting,berthing and unberthing, etc.) and staying in port (making formalities for entryinto a port or leaving, loading, unloading, waiting, repairing, etc.).You can state whether your ship is seaworthy or not.You can state whether your ship is suitable and ready for loading or dischargingcargoes.You can state whether all the things specified in the certain international and localrules or regulations as well as the related contracts have been done, such as therecords about boat drill (related to "SOLAS"), actions during sailing in poorvisibility (related to "COLREG") and cleaning in cargo holds (related to"Charter-Party'').4). What attentions are to be paid while keeping logbooks?If the documents issued or signed by authorities or parties concerned have beenobtained, the events entry in the logbook can be in briefer something be omitted.Never make any comment, estimate or guess in your log-book, but the facts only.When recording the natural conditions, always keep the current, the wind, theswell involved in the cause of accident in mind. If you deem the accident istail.caused by natural disasters and is ‘beyond the human's capacity’, state it in de There should be no contradictions or stoppage in the log-book or contradictionsbetween the log book and other documents.Remember that the deck log book is a formal document. If records have been es-tablished in it, you should always have it ready for check or investigation by theauthorities.Step 4 Consolidation (10 minutes)The students are required to point out the key points in this unitStep 5 Summary and assignment(5 minutes)1) Recite the words and expressions learnt today2) Learn by heart the key points of Logbook.授课提纲____________学年度第_______学期任课教师____________ 课程名称:航海英语阅读序号::章、节名称对应教材内容Logbook2 章节页次教学目标At the end of class, students will be able to write the entries of logbooks.教学重点和难点1. Practical phrases in different situations.2. Some abbreviations used in logbooks.3. reading materials.难点处理方法Pair work ,Discussion and detailed explanation教学内容摘要、时间分配、板书设计、教学手段LogbookStep 1 preparation (10 minutes)Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons.Key words: anchorage bearing deviation variation observedStep 2 Explanation (20 minutes)Pay attention to some general rules while writing logbooks. Introduce Some abbreviations used in logbooks.Step 3 Reading (35 minutes)The students are required to Read the entries in details, and answer some questions. Step 4 Consolidation (10 minutes)The students are required to point out the key points in this period.Step 5 Summary and assignment(5 minutes)1) Recite the words and expressions learnt today2) Learn by heart the key points of Logbook.课后追记Step 1 preparation (10 minutes)Review what they have learnt in the previous lessons.Answer the following questions:1)What are logbooks used for?2)What should be entered into logbooks?3)Why must everything entered in the logbook be true and accurate?4)In case a mis-entry has been made, how do you usually correct it?Step 2 Explanation1. 航海日志中的语言使用具有其特殊性,在阅读时要注意如下特点:(1) 记载航海日志一般都用过去时,如:a)Cast off buoy rope & left Hong Kong for Singapore.收进系浮缆绳,离香港前往新加坡。





船舶日志一般都有以下格式:首页(front page)、数字化内容(digitalised content)、例行记事(daily remarks)和重大事件记录(incident record)等。


船舶日志就其记录的内容来划分一般分为航海日志(deck logbook)和轮机日志(engine logbook);如果再细分,航海日志还包括甲板日志和无线电日志(radio logbook);轮机日志还包括轮机日志和电器工作日志(electrical logbook)。

有一些公司的船舶日志还有其他的变体,如摘要日志(abstract logbook)、官方日志(official logbook)等等,且分大副或二副等不同人员保管。

此外,一些特殊的记录簿具有日志的性质或类似于日志,如甲板车钟令记录簿(telegraph record book)、垃圾处理计划(garbage handling plan)、压载水处理记录(ballast water handling record)、雷达操作使用记录簿(radar operating handbook)、VHF记录簿(VHF operating handbook)、救生和消防设备的测试和保养记录(testing and maintaining record for life-saving appliance and fire-fighting appliance)、海图改正记录(record for fixing charts)、辅机日志(auxiliary engine logbook)、船长夜航命令(night orders)、轮机长指示(C/E Instructions)和油类记录簿(oil record book)等等。



deck decompression 甲板减压舱deck delivery 油轮主油管从油泵室到甲板出口的一段deck department 甲板部deck depression chamber 甲板减压舱deck dowel 甲板木栓deck dowel 甲板塞deck drain pipe 甲板 ...deck decompression 甲板减压舱deck delivery 油轮主油管从油泵室到甲板出口的一段deck department 甲板部deck depression chamber 甲板减压舱deck dowel 甲板木栓deck dowel 甲板塞deck drain pipe 甲板泄水管deck drain system 甲板泄水系统deck drain valve 甲板泄水阀deck drain 甲板泄水孔deck drain 排水孔deck drain 排水孔甲板泄水孔deck duty 舱面值班deck edge 甲板缘deck end plate 木甲板边板deck end roller 导向滚柱deck end roller 甲板端导缆滚轮deck end roller 甲板端滚轮deck engineer 舱面机械员deck engineer 舱面轮机员deck engineer 治理甲板机械的人员deck equipment and fitting 舱面属具deck equipment 舱面用具deck equipment 甲板用具deck erection 舱面建筑物deck erection 甲板上层建筑deck fastenings 甲板紧固件deck fitting 甲板固定用设备deck fittings 舱面属具deck fittings 甲板舾装deck flange 甲板唇口deck flange 甲板法兰deck flange 甲板法兰甲板唇口deck flushing system 甲板冲洗系统deck frame 甲板骨架deck framing 甲板构架deck framing 甲板支架deck gang 舱面人员deck gear 舱面用具deck gear 甲板机械deck girder 甲板纵桁deck glass 甲板玻璃deck glass 甲板天窗deck grating 甲板格子板deck guide bollard 甲板导向缆桩deck habitat 甲板居住室deck hand uncertificated 无证书的甲板人员deck hand 舱面人员deck hand 甲板人员deck hatch 甲板舱口deck hatchway 甲板舱口deck hawse 甲板锚链孔deck height 甲板高度deck height 甲板间高deck hook 甲板钩deck hook 甲板首肘板deck hook 甲板肘材deck hook 甲板肘材;甲板钩deck horse 驶帆矮铁架deck house 甲板房deck house 甲板室deck house 甲板室舱面室deck ice 船舶积冰deck ice 甲板积冰deck in bunting 挂满旗帜deck inventory 舱面属具清册deck inventory 甲板属具清单deck iron 捻缝刮刀deck iron 捻缝凿deck iron 捻缝凿捻缝刮刀deck ladder 甲板间扶梯deck ladder 交通梯deck lamp 甲板灯deck lashing container lock 甲板上固定集装箱之锁扣deck lashing turnbuckle 甲板捆扎伸缩螺丝deck lead block 甲板导索滑车deck leg 甲板支柱deck level 甲板平面deck light 甲板玻璃deck light 甲板玻璃甲板天窗deck light 甲板天窗deck lighting system 甲板照明系统deck line 舱面管路deck line 舱面管路甲板线deck line 甲板线deck load capacity 甲板货物装载量deck load certification 甲板装载证书deck load 舱面货deck load 甲板货deck load 甲板载荷deck loading 甲板载荷deck loading 甲板装货deck locker 舱面杂物柜deck locker 杂物柜deck log 航海日志deck log book 航海日志deck log book 航海日志航海日志deck log 航海日志deck logbook 航海日志deck logbook 航海日志驾驶台日志deck longitudinal 甲板纵材deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck longitudinal 甲板纵桁deck loss 舱面损失deck machinery foundation 甲板机械底座deck machinery work 甲板机械作业deck machinery 舱面机械Deck Machinery 甲板机械deck main 甲板总管deck man 舱面装卸工人deck module 甲板模块deck nail 大方钉deck nail 甲板钉deck nail 甲板钉大方钉大方钉deck office 舱面办公室deck officer 船舶驾驶员deck officer 驾驶部门高级船员deck officer 驾驶员deck opening corner 甲板开口角deck opening 舱口deck opening 甲板开口deck outfit 舱面设备deck outfit 甲板设备deck pad 甲板垫板deck paint 甲板漆deck panel 甲板分段deck passenger 统舱旅客deck passenger 统舱旅客统舱旅客甲板旅客deck passengers 统舱旅客deck pillar 甲板支柱deck pipe 甲板管系deck pipe 锚链管deck piping control panel 舱面管路控制台deck piping 舱面管系deck piping 甲板管系deck plan 甲板平面图deck planer 木甲板刨平机deck planing machine 木甲板刨机deck plank 甲板铺板deck planking 甲板铺板deck planking 木甲板deck plate 甲板deck plate 甲板板deck plating 钢甲板deck plating 甲板铺板deck plug 甲板木塞deck plug 甲板木栓deck pontoon 甲板箱体deck positioning cone 甲板定位锥deck prism light 甲板采光棱镜deck prism light 甲板棱形玻璃deck prism light 甲板天窗deck protection 甲板保?deck protection 甲板防护deck pump 舱面泵deck pump 甲板泵deck quoit 绳圈deck quoits 绳圈deck rate 舱面运费率deck rate 甲板运费率deck risk 舱面险deck rolling crane 舱面流动起重机deck runner 甲板纵材deck runner 托梁桁材deck scow 甲板驳deck scow 甲板货驳deck scrubber 甲板刷deck scrubber 甲板刷;洗刷甲板的人deck scrubber 甲板洗涤器deck scupper ipes and sanitary discharge 甲板排水及卫生水放泄系统deck scupper pipe 甲板排水管deck scupper system 甲板排水系统deck scupper 甲板排水孔deck scuttle 甲板煤舱孔deck seam 甲板接缝deck seamanship 船艺deck seat 舱面长椅deck seat 舱面长椅甲板长椅deck securing fitting 甲板绑扎固定用具; 甲板或舱盖上固定集装箱的装置deck securing fitting 甲板绑扎固定用具甲板或舱盖上固定集装箱的装置deck securing fitting 甲板或舱盖上固定集装箱的装置deck sheathing 甲板覆层deck sheathing 甲板铺面deck sheer curve 甲板舷弧曲线deck sheer 甲板脊弧deck side line 甲板边线deck size 甲板尺度deck socket 甲板承窝deck sprinkler pipe 甲板洒水管道deck sprinkler system 甲板洒水系统deck sprinkling system 甲板洒水系统deck stanchion 甲板支柱deck steam 甲板机械用蒸气deck steam 甲板机械用蒸汽deck steward 服务员deck steward 甲板乘务员deck stopper 甲板制止器deck stopper 锚链掣deck stopper 锚链制动器deck stops 甲板舵掣deck store keeper 甲板部物料治理员deck store 帆缆材料室deck store 甲板部门储藏室deck store 甲板部门储藏室甲板部物料间deck store 甲板部物料间deck stores 甲板部物料deck stowage only 只能在甲板装运deck stowage 甲板积载deck straddling crane 跨式甲板起重机deck strake 甲板列板deck strake 甲板铺板deck stringer angle 甲板边角材deck stringer bar 甲板边角材deck stringer plate 甲板边板deck stringer 甲板边板deck stringer 甲板边界deck strongback 甲板纵梁deck structure 舱面建筑deck structure 舱面结构deck stuffing box 甲板填料函deck stuffing box 稳舵盒deck sundry 甲板用具deck superstructure 甲板上层建筑deck superstructure 上层建筑deck tackle 舱面绞辘deck tackle 甲板滑车组deck tackle 甲板绞辘deck tank for water ballast 甲板压载水舱deck tank 舱机柜deck tank 甲板水柜deck testing 甲板试验deck tieplate 甲板牵板deck tonnage opening 甲板量吨开口deck trainee 见习水手deck transition 甲板过渡区deck transom 甲板艄梁deck transverse 甲板横材deck trunk 甲板箱deck tube 甲板电线套管deck valve 甲板阀deck wash hose 冲洗甲板软管deck wash hose 甲板冲洗软管deck wash pump 甲板冲洗泵deck washing piping system 甲板冲洗系统deck wask pump 甲板冲洗泵deck watch 比对表deck watch 船表deck watch 船表船表甲板值班航海比对表船钟天文钟)比对表deck watch 船表甲板值班航海比对表船钟deck watch 天文钟比对表deck watchman 甲板看舱员值班水手deck watchman 停泊时值班水手deck watchman 停泊值班水手deck water discharge pipe 甲板排水管deck water discharge valve 甲板排水阀deck water seal 甲板水封deck water system 甲板喷水系统deck wetness 甲板浸湿性deck wetness 甲板淹湿性deck 甲板deck 甲板舱面给装甲板deck 全甲板deck-cargo barge 甲板货驳deck-cargo space 甲板载货位置deck-cargo tanker barge 甲板货和液货驳deck-cooling panel 冷却式甲板贯通件deck-gear locker 舱面用具舱deck-girder angle 甲板纵桁角材deck-hand 舱面人员deck-hatch cover 甲板舱口盖deck-loaded 装在甲板上的deck-log 甲板日志deck-operated bulkhead valve 甲板操纵隔离阀deck-operated cargo oil valve 甲板操纵货油阀deck-piping control panel 舱面管路控制板deck-piping control panel 舱面管系控制盘deck-plate casting 甲板衬筒铸件deck-platform 平台甲板deck-supporting member 甲板支持构件deckcrane 甲板起重机decked boat 甲板艇decked lifeboat 浮箱式救生艇decked ship 甲板船decked vessel 甲板船deckedboat 甲板船decker 甲板船decker 甲板船;甲板水手decker 水手deckhand 水手deckhead cladding 天花板覆板deckhead 舱口空间deckhead 舱口空间天花板deckhead 天花板deckhook 甲板首肘材deckhouse casing 甲板室围壁deckhouse deck 甲板室甲板deckhouse forecastle 前桅甲板室deckhouse front 甲板室前端壁deckhouse light panel 甲板室照明分电盘deckhouse plating 甲板舱室外板deckhouse top 甲板室顶部deckhouse 甲板室decking chain 捆木链decking 甲板被覆decking 甲板覆层decking 甲板铺板decking 甲板涂料decklog 甲板日志decks for heavy cargo 甲板可载重货符号Declaration for Deck Cargo Stowage Plan 舱面货载证实书declaration for export 出口报关单declaration for import 进口报关单Declaration for Material Abandonment 物料放弃单declaration for warehousing 进栈申请单declaration form 申报单declaration house 报关行declaration of avoidance 宣告无效declaration of clearance 结关申报单Declaration of Deadweight Tonnage of Cargo 宣载declaration of deadweight tonnage of cargo 宣载通知书declaration of deadweight tonnage of cargo 宣载通知书宣载declaration of entrance 入港申报单Declaration of General Average 共同海损的公布declaration of hatches 各舱口报关单declaration of health 健康申报书Declaration of Human Environment 人类环境宣言Declaration of LoadingDischarging Ports 宣港Declaration of Refrigerated Cargo Shut out 冷冻货满载退关声明declaration of reshipment 重新装船申报单declaration of shipment 装船通知Declaration of Shut out 到达载重线要求退关声明Declaration of War 宣战declaration policy 长期有效保险单declaration 申报declaration 申报;陈述;宣言declaration 证言宣言declare deadweight 申报载重吨位declare dischargingloading port 公布装卸港declare dischargingloading port 公布装卸港公布装卸港declare general average 公布共同海损declare option 公布选择declare 公布declared value 申报价值declared value 申报值declared weight 申报的重量declared weight 填报重量declared 公开承认的呈报的declass 解除船级declass 解除等级declerometer 减速计declination change in one hour 每小时赤纬变化量declination chart 磁倾图declination circle 赤纬圈declination difference 赤纬差declination needle 磁偏指针declination of the needle 磁针倾角declination of zenith 天顶赤纬declination 赤纬declination 偏斜;倾角;下倾;赤纬declination 偏斜倾角下倾赤纬倾斜declination 倾斜declination 倾斜偏差偏角declinational inequality 日潮不等(两次高潮或低潮的潮高不等decline draft 拒付declinometer 磁偏计declinometer 磁倾计declivity board 斜度型板declivity of berth 船台斜度declivity of blocking 龙骨墩倾斜度declivity of keel 龙骨倾斜度declivity of ways 下水滑道倾斜度declivity of ways 下水滑道倾斜度数declivity ofways 下水滑道倾斜度declivity 倾斜declivity 倾斜度declutch shaft 分离轴declutch N.declutch 使……停止运行脱开离合器declutch 使…停止运行脱开离合器decodable code 可解码decode 解码decode 译decode 译码decoded signal 译码信号decoder matrix circuit 译码矩阵电路decoder 解码器decoder 译码器decoder 译码员decoding constraint length 解码制约长度decoding scheme 译码电路decoding table 解码表decoding 解码decohere 散屑decohere 散屑使散开decohere 使散开decoherer 散屑器decolor 使脱色decolorization 脱色decolorize 使脱色Decometer 台卡计decometer 台卡相位差计decommutation 反互换decomposable chain 可分解的链decomposable code 可分解的码decompose 分解decomposition of force 力的分解decomposition of motion 运动分解decomposition point 分解点decomposition potential 分解电位decomposition voltage 分解电压decomposition 分解decomposition 分析decompounded motor 差复励电动机decompress 减压decompression chamber 降压室decompression illness 潜水病decompression table 减压表decompression tank 减压柜decompression valve 减压阀decompression 减压decompressor 减压器decompressor 减压装置decontaminating apparatus 去污染设备decontamination area 消除的区域decontamination center 净化中心decontamination equipment 净化设备decontamination system of pressurized-water reactor 压水堆去污系统decontamination system 去污系统decontamination 净化decontamination 消除污染decontrol 解除控制decorate 装饰decorating seaming 锁边decorating with colourful light 张灯结彩decoration day 庆祝日decoration 装饰decorative illumination 装饰照明decorative 装饰的decorrelation radar 抗相关干扰雷达decorrelation 解相关decouple 去耦decoupling ability 去耦能力decoupling capacitor 去耦电容器decoupling circuit 去耦电路decoupling filter 去耦滤波器decoupling of cylinder 气缸的脱开decoupling of cylinder 汽缸的脱开decoupling resistor 去耦电阻decoupling 去耦decoy duck 引诱者decoy ship 伪装商船的军舰decoy 假目标decrease of acid-concentration 酸浓度的减少decrease of frequency 频率下降decrease of load 负载下降decrease of sensitivity 灵敏度降低decrease vi.减少decrease 减弱decrease 减少decreasing function 降函数decreasing 减少decree 法令decree 法令判决decrement 减量decrement 衰减量;减量decrement 衰减量减缩量decremeter 衰减计decrustation pliers 录线钳Dectra 台卡跟踪和测距导航系统decyl acrylate-iso 丙烯酸异癸酯decyl alcohol-iso 异癸醇decyl alcohol-n 正癸醇decypher 译解密码dedendum circule 齿根圆dedendum 齿根dedendum 齿根齿跟高dedendum 齿跟高dedicated bulk terminal 专用散货码头dedicated clean ballast tank system 专用清洁压载舱系统dedicated clean ballast tank 专用清水压载舱dedicated clean ballast 专用清洁压载dedicated connection 专线联结dedicated connection 专线连接dedicated line 专用管路dedicated microprocessor 专用微处理机系统dedicated receive facility 专用接收设备dedicated salvage tug 专用救助拖船dedicated 专用的dedition 放弃deduce 推论deduce 引出deduct 减去deduct 减去扣除deduct 相除deducted space 减除吨位deductible average clause 扣除海损条款deductible average 可扣除的海损deductible franchise 扣除的免赔额deductible franchise 免赔额deductible spaces 可减吨位Deductible 绝对免赔费率Deductible 绝对免赔费率可扣除deductible 可扣除Deduction from Cost of Repairs 修理费用的扣减deduction 减额deduction 扣除的deduction 折扣deductive franchise 绝对免赔额率deductive method 演绎法deed fire 桅上电火deed of appropriation 使用权证实书deed of charter 租船契约deed of contact 合约证书deed of covenant 契约证书deed of gift 赠与证书deed of indemnity 赔偿契据deed of security 保证书deed of transfer 转让证书deed of trust 信托契约deed 契约deed 证书事实deemed 被视为deenergize vt. 断开deenergize 断开deep sounding machine 深海测深仪deep bar winding 深槽绕组deep bar 加强肋骨deep beam 加强横梁deep beam 深梁deep beam 主梁deep bracket 加强肘板deep bulkhead 深舱壁deep cargo tank 深货舱deep channel 深槽形材深水航道deep channel 深水航道deep cream 深奶油色deep depression 深低气压deep diver 深水潜水员deep diving vehicle 深潜仪deep draft 载重吃水deep draught 深吃水船deep draught route 深水航路deep draught route 深水航线deep draught vessel 深吃水船deep draught vessels 深吃水船deep draught 深吃水deep drawing 吃水深的deep drawn 吃水深的deep fade 强衰落deep flexible I-beam 挠性加强窄缘工字梁deep floor 加强肋板deep floor 深肋板deep frame 加强肋骨deep frame 深肋骨deep framing 加强构架deep framing 深肋骨架deep freezing 深度冻结deep gate 深水闸门deep girder 深桁材deep hatch coaming 舱口高围槛deep hold cargo ship 深舱货船deep hold 深舱deep load mark 最大载重线标志deep loadline 最大限度载重线deep log lead 深水测深锤deep ocean environment 深海?境deep ocean object location and recovery system 深海目标定位与回收系统deep ocean survey vechicle 深海探测器deep ocean survey vehicle 深海调查船deep ocean survey vehicle 深海调查船深海探测船deep ocean survey vehicle 深海探测船deep ocean work boat 深海作业船deep penetrating electrode 深熔电焊条deep penetrating electrode 深溶电焊条deep quest 深水探测deep scattering layer 测深声波)深海散射层音波散射层deep scattering layer 深海散射层deep scattering layer 深散射层深水散射层deep sea anchor gear 深水起放锚装置deep sea cable 深水电缆deep sea drilling project 深海钻探计划deep sea fisheries 深海渔业deep sea hard hat 深海安全帽deep sea lead line 深海测深绳deep sea lead 深海测深锤deep sea mining vessel 深海采矿船deep sea moor buoy array 深水系泊浮筒群配置deep sea propagation 深海传播deep sea soundings 深海测深deep sea trade 远洋贸易deep sea 深海deep sea 深水公海deep six 把东西丢到海里去deep slot motor 深槽式电动机deep slotting 深切槽deep socket wrench 长套筒扳手deep sounding apparatus 测深仪deep sounding machine 深海测深机deep soundpath phenomenon 深水声道现象deep stowage 纵深堆货法deep stream 深航道deep submergence rescue vehicle 深潜救生艇deep submergence rescue vehicle 深潜救生艇深水救助船deep submergence rescue vehicle 深水救助船deep submergence rescue vessel 深潜救生艇deep submergence search vessel 深海潜水船深潜搜索艇deep submergence system program 深潜系统规划deep submergence system 深潜系统deep submersible vehicle batteries 深潜蓄电池组deep tank bulkhead 深舱舱壁deep tank cleaning 深柜清洗deep tank portside and starboard side 左右深舱deep tank 深舱deep tank 深舱深舱水柜deep tank 深舱深液舱深舱水柜deep tank 深水舱deep tanks 深舱deep V stern 深deep V stern 深V形船尾deep waisted vessel 深腰船deep water ballast tank 深压载水舱deep water berth 深水泊位deep water berth 深水码头Deep Water Channel 深水航道deep water drillship 深水钻探船deep water harbour 深水港口deep water line 满载水线deep water moorings 深水锚设备deep water port 深水港deep water quay 深水码头deep water route 深吃水航路;深水航道deep water route 深吃水航路深水航道深水航路远洋航线deep water route 深水航道deep water route 深水航路远洋航线deep water voyage 远洋航程deep water wave 深水波deep water 深水航道deep waterline 载重水线deep well pump 深井泵deep 深;手砣测深时无标记托数的报告用语;深渊;海图上等深线上的空白区deep 深的deep 深的深度deep 深的深深地深度deep 深手砣测深时无标记托数的报告用语深渊海图上等深线上的空白区deep-arc piling 拱形板桩deep-dive physiology 深潜生理学deep-draft craft 深吃水船deep-draft ship 深吃水船deep-draft vessel 深吃水船deep-drawing 吃水深的deep-freeze cabinet 深度冷冻室deep-freeze hold 深冻舱deep-freeze locker 深冻间deep-frozen cargo 深冷货deep-groove bearing 深槽轴承deep-groovebearing 深槽轴承deep-ocean nephelometer 深海浊度计deep-ocean trench 深海沟deep-sea anchor gear 深水起锚装置deep-sea anchor 深水锚deep-sea anchorage 深水锚泊地deep-sea cable 深水电缆deep-sea going vessel 远洋航行船deep-sea lead line 深水测深索deep-sea leadline 深水测深绳deep-sea merchant ship 深海商船deep-sea mooring 深水系泊设施deep-sea motor 深海电动机deep-sea motor 深水电动机deep-sea salvage service 深海救捞业务deep-sea salvage tug 远洋救助拖船deep-sea salvage vessel 深海救助船deep-sea thermometer 深海温度计deep-sea trade 远洋贸易远洋运输deep-sea tug 海洋拖船deep-sea vessel 深海船deep-sea winch 深水起锚绞车 slot motor深槽式电动机deep-sea 深水的deep-seaanchor 深水锚deep-slot squirrel-cage motor 深槽鼠笼式电动机deep-water basin 深水试验池deep-water berth 深水泊位deep-water echo-sounding instrument 深水回声测深仪deep-water port 深水港deep-water quay 深水码头deep-water resistance 深水阻力deep-water tank 深水舱deep-water 深水的deep-well cargo pump 潜水货油泵deep-well cargo pump 深潜货油泵deep-well pump 深潜泵deepbar 强肋骨deepdisplacement 满载排水量deepdiving 深潜deepen 使加深deepened beam 加深梁deepening 加深(对于气旋来说deeper continental shelf 深海大陆架deepest point 最深处deepest subdivision load line 分舱最深载重线deepest subdivision loadline 最深分舱载重线deeping 一种流网deeps 手砣测深绳上若干不作记号的托数deepsea reel 深水测深索卷筒deepsea research vehicle 深海研究潜水器deepsounding machine 深海测深仪deeptank starboard side 右舷深舱deepwater ambient noise 深水环境噪声deepwater depth mechanism 深水定深器deepwater harbor 深水港deepwater terminal 深水转运码头deexcitation voltage 去激励电压deexcitation 去激发去激活作用去激励deexcitation 去激活作用deface 毁损…外观deface 磨灭使失面子毁损…外观deface 损伤defacement 磨损Defamation Punishment 申诫罚Default Awards 缺席裁决default fine 违约罚金default interest 过期罚金default judgement 缺席裁决default notice 不履行通知书default of payment 拖欠付款default of pilot 引航员疏忽责任default 不履行default 违约default 违约;拖欠;欠缺defeasance 废除defeasance 废除;公布无效;解除defeasance 作废defeasible 可作废的defeasible 可作废的可取消的defeat 打破defeat 作废打破defecate 澄清defect of contact 触点缺陷defect 亏量defect 缺陷defection 缺点;过失;变节defection 缺点过失变节defective insulation 不良绝缘defective packing 包装不良defective packing 包装有缺点defective semiconductor 杂质半导体defective system 缺陷系统defective tightness 不够紧密性defective unit 有缺陷装置defective workmanship 工艺缺陷defective 损坏的defective 有缺陷的defectoscope 探伤器defectoscope 探伤仪defectoscopy 探伤法defects not discoverable 不能发现的缺点defects not discoverable 不能发现的缺陷defects of welding 焊接缺陷defence boom 防御拦障defence exercises 防御演习defence navigation satellite system 防导航卫星系统国防导航卫星系统Defence Navigation Satellite System 国防导航卫星系统defence problems 防敌航法defence defensedefence 防御defence 防御;守备;答辩defend sea sovereignty 保卫领海权defend 保卫defendant 被告defendant 被告的被告Defendent 被告defender 保?人保卫者defender 保卫者defender 辩护人;保?人;保?器Defense Navigation Satellite System 国防导航卫星系统Defense Telecommunications Network 国防通讯网defense 防御defensively armed merchant ship 武装商船defensively equipped merchant ship 武装商船defer red rebate 延期回扣defer 延迟defer 延期deference 服从;敬意deference 服从敬意deferment 延期deferred maintenace 延期维护Deferred Payment 迟期付款Deferred Payment 迟期付款延期支付deferred payment 延期付款deferred payment 延期支付deferred payment 逾期付款deferred processing 延期处理deferred rebate system 延期回扣制deferred repairs 递延修理费deferred 分期付关税deferred 推迟deferred 延期的defiance of law 藐视法律defiance 藐视deficiency clause 缺额条款deficiency in weight 重量不足deficiency of men or stores 人员或物料不足deficiency report 故障报告deficiency 缺乏deficiency 缺乏不足deficient 不足的deficit 赤字;亏空deficit 赤字亏空defile 山中的峡道;隘路;成单行行进defile 山中的峡道隘路成单行行进define way point 规定航路点define waypoint 限定转向点define 规定;弄明确;下定义define 解释defined ballasting 规定压载definite anchorage 定点锚泊地definite integral 定积分definite magnetic time controller 磁力定时控制器definite mechanical time controller 机械定时控制器definite policy 确定保单definite quantity 定量definite time lag 定时限definite time limit distance relay 定时限远距离继电器definite time of arrival 抵港确报时间definite time of arrival 抵港确报时间definite time relay 定时限继电器definite time 定时definite 明确的definite 确定的definite-correction servomechanism 间歇作用伺服机构definiting power 清楚度definition measurement 分解力测量definition of carrier clause 承运人定义条款definition of term 条款解说definition phase 技术要求确定阶段definition phase 确定阶段definition 定义;清楚度definition 定义确定definition 清楚度definition 清楚度分辨力definitized spare parts list 确定的备件表deflagrate 忽然燃烧deflagration 爆燃deflate 抽deflating valve 放气阀deflation 抽气deflcct 偏转deflect 偏转deflecting circuit 偏转电路deflecting coil 偏转线圈deflecting coil 致偏线圈deflecting coil 致偏线圈偏转线圈deflecting direction 偏转方向deflecting electrode 致偏电极deflecting force of the earth 地球偏向力deflecting force 偏向力deflecting force 偏转力deflecting magnet 偏转磁铁deflecting plate 折向板deflecting sensitivity 偏转灵敏度deflecting yoke 偏转系统偏转线圈deflecting 偏转deflecting 偏转的deflecting 偏转偏转的deflection angle 偏转角deflection coil 偏转线圈deflection curve 挠度曲线deflection device 偏转装置deflection distance 偏距deflection force of earth rotation 地球自转偏向力deflection gauge 开档表deflection indicator 垂度计deflection indicator 挠度计deflection indicator 偏航指示器deflection indicator 偏航指示器;挠度计deflection line 挠曲线deflection machanism 偏转机构deflection mechanism 偏转机构deflection method 挠度法deflection of beam 梁的弯曲deflection of crank shaft 曲轴拐档差deflection of floating dock 浮船坞挠度deflection of main journal 主轴颈下沉量deflection of the vertical 铅垂偏差deflection plates 偏转板deflection probability 偏移概率deflection profile 挠曲外形deflection sensitivity 偏转灵敏度deflection test 弯曲试验deflection wave 偏转信号deflection winding 致偏线圈deflection 船体挠度偏差偏转deflection 偏差偏转deflection 偏转deflection-type bossing 折向导流罩deflectometer 挠度表deflectometer 挠度计deflectometer 弯度表deflector cap 通风帽deflector cone 锥形导向板deflector plates 致偏板deflector 偏导器deflector 偏转仪;偏导器deflector 偏转仪偏导器deflocculated graphite 胶体石墨deflocculating 反絮凝剂defoam 消去…的泡沫defoamer 泡沫消除液defoaming 去泡沫剂defocus 散焦defocus 散焦使散焦defocus 散开deforcement 非法占有deform 变形deform 变形使变形deformation gauge 变形测量表deformation gauge 变形测量计deformation gauge 型变量具deformation stress 形变应力deformation 变形deformation 畸形deformation 型变deformed ice 畸形堆冰defraud 诈取;欺骗defraud 诈取欺骗defray 补偿defray 支付defrosing cycle 融霜周期defrosing pan 融霜水盘defrosing pipe 融霜管defrosing 融霜defrost receiver 融霜贮液器defrost 除去…的冰霜使不结冰对……解除冻结融霜defrost 除去…的冰霜使不结冰对…解除冻结融霜defrost 融霜defroster 除霜器defroster 融霜器融冰器defrosting cycle 融霜周期defrosting pipe 除霜管defrosting 融霜defruiter 同频干扰抑制器defuel 使……放出存油给……卸燃料放出存油卸燃料defuel 使…放出存油给…卸燃料放出存油卸燃料defueling pump 抽油泵defueling 放出存油卸燃料defueling 放出存油卸燃料取出燃料defueling 取出燃料defying departure order 抗拒出港指令degas 排除……的气消除……的毒气degas 排除…的气消除…的毒气degasifier 除气器degasifier 除气器除气剂degassing chamber 燃气分离器degassing system 除气系统degassing 除气degassing 除气消除毒气degassing 放气degausing range 消磁区degauss push button switch 消磁按钮开关degauss 使消磁degausser 消磁电路degaussing band 消磁绕组degaussing belt 消磁带degaussing cable 消磁电缆degaussing coil 消磁绕组degaussing coils 去磁线圈degaussing control board 消磁控制盘degaussing facilities 消磁设施degaussing field 消磁场degaussing gear 消磁装置degaussing generator 消磁发电机degaussing girdle 消磁绕组degaussing installation 消磁装置degaussing instrument 消磁仪器degaussing norm 消磁标准degaussing protection 消磁保?degaussing range buoy 消磁区浮标degaussing range 消磁观测场degaussing rig 消磁装置degaussing ship 消磁船degaussing system 消磁系统degaussing vessel 消磁船degaussing vessel 消磁船消磁船degaussing 去磁degaussing 消磁degaussing 消磁去磁退磁degenerate node 退化结点degenerate semiconductor 退化半导体degenerate 退化degeneration control 负反馈调整degeneration 负回授;负反馈;退化degeneration 负回授负反馈退化degeneration 退化degenerative amplifier 负反馈放大器degenerative feedback amplifier 负反馈放大器degenerative feedback 负反馈degenerative stabilizer 负反馈稳定器degenerative 退化的deglaciation 冰河消退而露出的区域degradation failure 退化故障degradation testing 老化试验degradation 降级;堕落;退化;减削;衰变degradation 降级堕落退化减削衰变degradation 弱化降级degrade 降级;退化degrade 降级退化degrease 去油degrease 使去脂degreaser 去脂器退脂剂degreasing 去油degreasing 去脂degree absolute 绝对温度degree amplification degree 电流放大率degree Celsius 摄氏度Degree Centigrade 摄氏温度度数degree entigrade 摄氏度degree Fahrenheit 华氏度Degree Fahrenheit 华氏温度度数Degree Fahrenheit 华氏温度度数华氏度degree Kelvin 开尔文Degree Kelvin 凯氏温度degree of accuracy正确度degree of admission 进气度degree of admission 进汽度degree of American Petroleum Institute 美国石油协会度degree of API 美国石油协会相对密度degree of approximation 近似度degree of automation 自动化程度degree of azimuth 方位角度数degree of cold work 冷加工程度degree of compression 压缩度degree of confidence 置信度degree of convexity 凸起程度degree of corrosion 腐蚀度degree of coupling 耦合度degree of curvature 曲率degree of decay 衰减度degree of deformation 变形度degree of dependence 可靠程度degree of dependence 可靠度degree of dependence 可靠性degree of deviation 偏差度degree of distortion 失真度degree of eccentricity 偏心度degree of enrichment 浓缩度degree of equation 方程的次Degree of Fault 过失程度degree of finish 光洁度degree of flexibility 柔韧程度degree of freedom 自由度degree of hardness 硬度degree of humidity 湿度degree of inflation 充气度degree of ionization 电离度degree of irregularity 不规则程度degree of latitude 纬度degree of longitude 经度degree of modulation 调制度degree of obscuration 食分degree of partial admission 部分进汽度degree of precision 精度degree of purity 纯度degree of reaction 反应度degree of risk 危险度degree of roughness 粗糙度degree of safety 安全程度degree of saturation 饱和度degree of sensitiveness 灵敏度degree of shrinkage 收缩度degree of supercharging 增压度degree of supersaturation 过饱和度degree of temper 回火度degree of treatment 处理程度degree of uniformity 均匀度degree of vacuum 真空度degree of viscosity 粘度degree of voltage rectification 电压整流表degree of wear 磨损程度degree of wetness 湿度degree Rankine 兰金度degree Reaumer 列氏度degree Reaumur 列氏度degree 等级程度度degree 调制度degree 调制度度度degree 度degree 度程度等级degrees Fahrenheit 华氏度数degrees rotation 旋转角dehardening filter 硬水软化滤器dehumidification of cargo hold 货舱干燥dehumidification of cargo hold 货舱减湿dehumidification system 干燥系统dehumidification system 去湿系统dehumidification system 去湿装置dehumidification 减湿dehumidification 减湿去湿dehumidification 去湿dehumidifier 减湿器dehumidifier 去湿器dehumidify 降低湿度dehumidifying equipment 空气降湿装置dehydrate 使脱水dehydrate 脱水dehydrate 脱水使脱水dehydrating agent 脱水剂dehydrating unit 除湿装置dehydration 干燥dehydration 脱水dehydrator 除水器dehydrator 脱水器dehydrator 脱水器脱水器dehydrator 脱水器脱水剂deice vt. 除去…的冰deice 除去…的冰deicer pump 除冰泵deicer 防冻器deicer 防冻器防冻剂deicer 防冻器防冻剂deicing 除冰deicing 去冰;防结冰装置;碎冰装置deionization effect 消电离作用deionization time 消电离时间deionization 去电离deionization 消电离deionize 消电离deionize 消电离deionized water 去盐的水deka 十;十进的deka 十十进的deka- 十dekatron 十进计数管Del credere 买主资力保证Delambre's analogies 德朗布尔相似式delay action fuse 延时熔断器delay action mine 定时水雷delay angle 滞后角delay base 迟缓制delay cable 延迟电缆delay characteristic 延迟特性delay circuit 延时电路delay control 延迟控制delay delivery 延迟交付delay delivery 延迟交货delay device 延迟装置delay distortion 延时失真delay eccentric 滞后偏心delay element 延迟元件delay equalization 时延均衡delay exclusion 不负因延期所造成损失的责任delay factor 延迟因数delay factor 延迟因素delay fault 延迟故障delay gate 延迟闸门脉冲;延迟选通脉冲delay gate 延迟闸门脉冲延迟选通脉冲delay generator 延迟振荡器Delay in Delivery of Cargo 延迟交货Delay in Delivery 迟延交付Delay in Performance 迟延履行Delay in Port Clause 码头延迟条款Delay in the Carriage of Goods by Road 公路运输延迟delay line integrator 延迟线积分器delay line memory 延迟线存储器delay line 延迟线delay line 延迟线延时线delay line 延时线delay network 延迟网络delay of swing-response 应舵时间delay on bearing 方位延迟。

重点题 船长英语

重点题 船长英语

3867 Before entering an ice area, the ship should be _D__.A. either trimmed by the head or the sternB. on an even keelC. trimmed down by the headD. trimmed down by the stern 进入冰区前船舶应保持尾倾3866 _D_ shall be provided in every cargo tank and slop tank污油舱in accordance with the appropriate Resolutions.A. A load on top systemB. Direct line systemC. Circle line systemD. An inert gas system每个货舱和污油舱都应配备与相关协议一致的惰性气体系统3865 _A_, I hereby note my protest against all losses and damages, etc., reserving the right to extend same at time and place convenient.A. Fearing loss and/or damageB. To fear loss and/or damageC. For fear loss and/or damageD. Fear loss and/or damage担心货物丢失和(或)损坏,我特此声明:对同一时间和地点货物丢失和损坏等保留延伸的权利3864 _D_ any case or suspected case of quarantinable disease, or any case of eruptive disease or any death be discovered, the local quarantine officer must be notified immediately.A. IfB. ShallC. ShouldD. Whether如果任何情况或怀疑有传染病的情况或发疹子或任何死亡的情况被发现,必须立即通知地方检疫官员。

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No contradiction should occur in the logbook or between logbook and other documents. No stoppage is allowed. When a misentry has been made, no erasures or cuts are allowed. The way to put it right is to draw a red line on these parts and 正确改正日志的方法是在错误 a correct entry with signature should be made 的地方划上一条红线,把正确 Basicor Writing Requirement Logbook no contradiction near above them. It is of also to be : borne in mind . 填写内容写在旁边或上方并签名 no stoppage (铭记在心) not to make any comment, estimate no erasures or cuts no comment, or guess in the logbook, but the factsestimate only. or guess
-To draw a red line on these part and a correct entry with signature should be made near or above them.
10.Never make any comment, estimate or guess in the logbook, but the ____ only.
在航海日志填写的内容中常常省略主语; 值班结束时填写,所以时态一般用过去时; 大量使用缩略语(受篇幅限制); 在不影响正确理解的前提下常省略系动词、助动词、连词等;
(See the book on P342)
IV. Exercises
1. Logbooks are used to record the events occurring when ______. A. the ship is in a harbor B. the ship is at anchorage C. the ship is underway
日志是用来每天全面记录船舶在港口、在锚 地或在航中所发生的事情。如果官方就事故 调查进行询问时可以被要求作为证据出示。
There are generally four kinds of logbooks in use: the deck logbook, the ship’s logbook, the official logbook and the abstract logbook.
9. When there is not a chief officer on board,______should keep and write up the ship's logbook.
A. the assistant officer
B. the captain C. the officer on duty D. the third officer
C. erase the entry and rewrite
4. All entries in the Official Logbook must be signed by the Master and ______. A. the Union Representative B. the person about whom the entry concerns C. no one else D. one other crew member
II. Summary
1.Q:What is logbook?
2.Q: What is logbook used for?
—As evidence of accidents
3.Four kinds of logbooks:
Deck logbook
Ship's logbook Official logbook Abstract logbook
D. logbook shall recorded
D. All of the above
2. A journal kept by the officer of the watch in which day to day happenings are recorded regarding the deck department is the ______. A. cargo record book
4.Q: Who can fill out the logbook?
-The master or officers on duty .
5.Q: Who can approve the forms of logbook?
- Shipping company or maritime authorities.
5. Every entry required to be made in the Official Logbook shall be signed by the______.
A.Mate on watch B.Master and Chief Mate or other member of the crew C. Master only D.Purser,one of the Mates,and
8. All events relating to the voyage, such as ship's position,speed and details of the weather,are recorded in ______ A. Logbook
B. Bell Book C. Oil Record Book D. Compass Error Book
6. All entries in Logbook, _______ made, must not be erased or amended. A .just B. once C. whether
D. while
7. Never make comment,estimate or guess in your logbook,but ________ only. A. the specifications B. the facts C. the descriptions D. the details

deck logbook(航海日志草本,甲板日志) ship’s logbook (船舶航海日志) official logbook (海事日志) abstract logbook(摘抄日志)
Logbooks required by law, are to be filled out(填写) by master(船 长) or officers on duty(值班驾驶员) of every ship, on theduty/ forms of 值班驾驶员: officer officer which must be approved by the shipping companies or marine on watch (OOW)/duty officer authorities.
关联题/阅读理解 Finish the following questions according to the passage on page 338.
(1) “No stoppage is allowed” in this passage means _____. A. the vessel cannot stop at sea B. no stoppage is allowed for ship’s engine C. the crew shall continue work
B. deck rough log
C. bell book
D. Official Logbook
3. The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to ___. A. completely black out the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction B. draw several lines through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction
as evidence when they are called for(要求,需要) in the accident suit, everything recorded in it must be true and accurate.
因为日志非常重要,并且在事故案件中它被允许 作为证据提供,所以日志中记录的所有内容都必 须真实、准确。
At the end of class, students should get familiar with function, writing requirement and four kinds of logbook, and remember commonly-used abbreviations in logbook.
III. Abbreviations
1. 首字母缩写
E, W, S, N, MV, E.R., S/B, FWE, -- 2.首字节缩写
eng., kn, lat., long. dist. auto. --- 3.主要辅音字母 a/c, ab'm, C/O---
IV. Language Features in the Deck Logbook