A Connection Between Bulge Properties and the Bimodality of Galaxies



asesqled sql 编辑 ase sql 编辑器
aspect 纵横向间距 纵横向间距
aspect ratio 宽高比 纵横比
assign 指定 指定
assist 助理 辅助
associative dimension 关联标注 关联式标注
associative hatches 关联填充 关联式剖面线
backup 备份 备份
backward 反向 左右反向
bad 不正确的 不正确
base 基点 基准,底端,底部
base dimension 基准标注 基线式标注
base grips 基夹点 基准掣点
base point 基点 基准点
baseline 基线 基准线 基线式
color depth 颜色深度 颜色深度
color map 色表 颜色对映
color wheel 颜色轮盘 色轮
color-dependent 颜色相关
color-dependent plot style table 颜色相关打印样式表
column 列 栏 (for database)
approximation points 近似点 近似点
arc 圆弧 弧
architectual ticks 建筑标记 建筑斜线
area 区域,面积 区域 ,面积
argument 参数 引数
arrange icons 排列图标 排列图示
array 阵列 阵列
arrowhead 箭头 箭头
clipboard 剪贴板 剪贴簿
clipping boundaries 剪裁边界 截取边界
clipping planes 剪裁平面 截取平面



1影响电性及外观Affect upon electrical performance or appearance2过度的Excessively3异常Abnormal4规格不符specification is below standard5品质异常quality is below standard6严格按照QC规定Strictly according to QC regulation7定期研磨To make regularly re-sharpen8设备device(另義:主動零件) \ machine \9参数设置错误parameters setting error10依保养计划According to the maintaining plan11压力过小lack of pressure12曝光不全\过度exposure-energy insufficient\excessive 13间距不足spacing nonenough14线细width reduce15光强度Light Intensity16缺口nick\chipping17气泡Bubble\blister\air inclusion18异物foreign particle \ foreign material(壓合異物)\dust(灰塵)19被污染contaminated20干膜附著力不足 Poor adhesion of dry film21固定点开路fixed position open22固定点短路fixed position short23线路针孔trace pin-hole24孔破void in PTH hole\Barrel Crack25断脖子Open near pad26静置时间Holding time27识别方法identify method28膜屑反粘Contrary to adhere of scum29碎屑,残材 Debris30显影不洁Developing uncleanness 31外观不良Appearace defective32传动\传送速度convey speed33偏离deviation\shifted34单轴single axis35底片涨缩A/W expand or contract 36漏失率 Loss Rate37补偿compensation\balancing 38零件孔\面component hole\side39覆铜箔层压板\铜箔基板copper clad laminates (CCL)40线路露铜copper exposure41织纹显露weave exposure42光学点\基准标记fiducial mark43环氧树脂epoxy44蚀刻速率etch rate45网布fabric46助焊剂不均匀flux coating uneven 47过滤filtration48电测治具fixture49钻尖分离gap50标准板golden board1影响上件及外观affect upon mounting or appearance2铜厚测量仪Copper thickness Measuring Instrument 3佐证evidence4微蚀量microetching quantity5 湿度humidity6内部校正周期(校验矫正)internal proofread cycle\calibrationsystem cycle7板面刮伤Surface Scratch8制定handling 标Define standard of handling 9目视检查\目检visual inspection10规定频率defined frequency11压力计\表pressure gauge12工程程式designed program13超规格out of the tolerance14毛头\去毛头burr\deburring15影响下工序制作difficult to product in the following process16化学铜electroless plating17除胶速率desmearing rate18电流current19分层delamination\bulge20湿润Damped21预浸Pre-dipped22活化液activator23速化accelerator24漂锡solder float25热应力测试thermal stress test26孔环(焊垫)Lifted land\annular ring 27热水洗Hot water rinsing28震动马达vibrating motor29铜渣copper residue (copper splash)\cosmetics island獨立銅渣30清洁滤网purifying filters31定期换水replace water regularly32回收槽recovery tank33加强管控to strengthen the control of sth.34酸洗\硷洗acid\alkali rinse35定期分析浓度Analyze Conc. regularly36金属杂质污染Contamination of metal impurities37碳化物carbide38碳处理carbon treatment39整流器(电流矫正)Current rectifier40铜厚测量仪Copper Thickness Measuring Instrument 41刷磨速度Brush Speed42速度控制器velocity controller43电流控制器current controller44吸水滚轮破旧water-absorptive roller worn-out45新水补充不足Insufficient for water replenishment 46滤芯Filter element47化学药液chemicals liquid48孔塞(孔内异物)dirty hole49多与\少与1mil厚度Less\More than 1 mil Thickness50色差color variation1板面粘油墨屑(显影段)sticky ink debris2挡水滚轮water apart roller3网板高度Screen height4网板张力不足Screen tension insufficient5刮刀行程Squeegee distance6刮刀刃钝化Squeegee edge blunt7油墨黏度过大viscosity of ink too thick8张力应力tensile stress9后烤Post cure10印C面Printing Top(COMP) Side11印S面Printing (SOLD)Bottom Side12静电喷涂Spray Coating13印可剥胶Peelable Solder Mask14风刀air knife15隔离环clearance16烧焦burning17化镍金immersion nickel and gold18铜镍层接著不良Poor combination the copper and nickel 19刷磨滚轮brush roller20刷幅测试brush breadth\width test21脱脂温度Defatting Temp.22流量计flowmeter23执行\导电Conduct24助焊剂\熔合液rosin(天然松香)\flux\fusing fluids25锡粗Tin roughness26焊料中铜离子含量过高The cu2+ content out of upper in solder 27机台异常machine-motion error28缺点标示卡nominal card of defects29程序\程式错误Programbug30人员疏忽operator's carelessness31日保养daily maintainance32人员技能不熟练Operator is not skilled33口头考核examine orally34阻抗异常Impedance Abnormal35阻抗测量仪impedance measuring instrument36漏气puncture37受潮moisture absorption38膜面污染film surface contaminated39漏检Leaking inspection40二次元 2D(biaxial) dimension-measuringinstrument41工单run card\work order42飞针Flying Probe43目检Visual Inspection44专用治具测试Dedicated Tester45特殊特性Critical Feature46重要特性Important Feature47铜箔厚度Copper foil Thickness48板弯翘Bow and Twist(warp)49尺寸(含对角)Size(Diagonal)\dimensions(成型) 50拉力计\张力计tensile meter1棕化\黑化Brow\black oxide2循环水洗circulating water rinsing3PP胶片Prepreg4物理性质\化学性质physical\chemical character5暂存时间Temporary store time6铆钉组合Eyelet7叠板结构stacking(lay up) structure8铆钉rivet9热熔机heat-melting machine10有用寿命useful life11印制电路板Printed Circuit Board(PCB)12根本原因\真因Root Cause13围堵措施Containment Plan14现状Current Status15原因分析Gap Analysis16内部稽核\外部稽核Internal\outside Audit17修改\变更Modify18无卤素Halogen Free19更新\修订Update/Revise20改进措施ure Plan21长期异常Chronic22突发异常Excursion23陶尔(压力单位)Torr24靶孔距Space between target holes25层偏misalignment26组合线Combined producing line27钢板\隔板steel plate\caul plate\separator28板厚测量仪Board-thickness measuring instrument 29钢印机 steel seal machine30品质检验 quality examination31介质厚度dielectric thickness32吸水性moisture absorbability33耐磨性wear resistance34剥离强度stripping strength35焊锡耐热性heat-resistant of solder36抗麻斑测试spot-resistant test37信赖性测试reliability test38介电常数测量仪dielectric constant measuring device 39包装标籤packing tag40电子天平electrical balances41焊锡炉solder furnace42孔径规calliper gauge43比色计color comparing meter44密度计density meter45蚀刻均匀性Etching uniformability46化验单 laboratory list47出货单manifest48双面板\多层板 Reversible Board\Multi layer board 49定位孔 Location Hole50叠板数stack boards count1硝基戊烷amylnitrite2阳极泥anode slime (sludge)3液态光阻aqueous photoresist4纵横比aspect ratio5预留在制品banked work in process 6贝他射线照射法beta backscattering7斜边beveling8吹孔blow hole9黏结层bonding plies10焊桥solder bridge11接单生产Build To Order(BTO)12金手指斜边\倒角chamfering13网框chase14螯合剂chelator15化学键chemical bond16热膨胀Thermal Expansion17同心圆concentric circle18密贴性conformance19消费类产品consumer products20库伦定理coulombs law21喇叭孔countersink22试样coupon\sample23覆盖力covering power24挖空cut-outs25交期缩短cycle-time reduction 26专用型dedicated27缩锡dewetting28介质常数dielectric constant29孔黑\孔灰discolor hole30停机\稼动时间downtime\uptime31钻针切削面drill facet32钻针研磨机drill pointer33裸板(未镀铜) blank board34延展性ductility\Elongation35留边宽度edge spacing36金手指edge-board contact ( gold finger )\tab 37电化学反应器electrochemical reactor38脆性embrittlement39植PIN法\外部插梢法external pin method40织维突出fiber protrusion41成品final board42固著fixing43燃烧等级flammability rating44抗菌性\抗酶性fungus resistance45胶化时间gel time46一般阻焊油墨general resist ink47玻璃态转换温度glass transition temperature (Tg)48多孔\少孔Extra/Missing Hole49硬化剂hardener50空气滤清器\过滤器hepa filter1规范specification\standard2铣靶spot face3衝压\钢印stamping4标准液压法standard hydraulic lamination 5缺胶starvation6应力\应度strain7应力计stress meter8板面突起surface convex\swelling9板面检查surface examination10板面粗糙度surface roughness11热震荡试验thermal shock12厚度不均uneven thickness distribution 13抗污抗氧化剂tarnish and oxide resist14透光度transmittance15裁切线trim line16测试undercut17万用型universal18有形库存visible inventory19仓库warehouse20湿化学制程wet chemistry process21灯芯\渗铜wicking22纵横比width-to-thickness ratio23良率yield24点灯次数Times of Light switch25真空延迟时间Vacuum delayed time26+/-2 周The front or rear two weeks 27无尘室clean room28上喷压Upper spray pressure29下喷压Lower spray pressure30显影剂developer31主轴转速(RPM) Spindle Revolution Speed\Revolution PerMinute RPM32光电耦合器(Charge Couple Device) CCD3390° 孔切破90 degree breakage34缺点侦测\检测defect detection35聚焦focus36光校正calibration37极性Polarity38正极\阳极Positive39负极\阴极Negative40下钻点\下刀点entry41量杯measuring cup42微切片Microsection43爆孔hole breakout(鑽孔)\hole overflow(防焊油墨)44温差temperature difference45文字不清marking(symbol) blurred46文字白点S/L white point47补充显影additional developing48烘烤baking49确认检修系统Visual Repair System(VRS)50图表Diagram1腐蚀Corrosive2致癌物carcinogenic3有机体突变的Mutagenic4染色体错位chromosome aberration5畸形teratogenic6有害气体poisonous gas7易燃性Inflammability8爆炸性explosion9吸入\吸入剂inhalation10护目镜goggle11棉手套Cotton glove12化学特性Chemical properties13熔点Melting point14抽样检查spot check15沸水boiling water16冲模Punching17氢溴化物hydrochloride18醇\酒精alcohol19持续改进continual improvement20纠正措施corrective action21环境因素\影响\方针environment aspect\impact\policy22环境管理体系environment management system23污染预防prevention of pollution24品质关键点critical to quality(CTQ)25客户需求分析Customer Needs Mapping(CNM)26质量功能分布Quality Function Deployment(QFD)27失效模式及后果分析Failure Mode & Effects Analysis(FMEA) 28跨功能小组Cross-functional involvement29传感器sensor30点阵图tally chart31全面品质管理Total Quality Management(TQM)如QC七大手法32柏拉图Pareto Chart33因果图\鱼骨图Cause and Effect diagrams34脑力激荡Brainstorming35散布图Scatter diagrams36全面设备保养Total Productive Maintenance(TPM)37控制图Conttrol Chart38测定系统分析Gage Repeatability&Reproducibility(GRR) 39印制电路板协会Institute of printed circuit(IPC)40有机保焊膜Organic Solderability Preservative(OSP) 41进刀Feed42金盐Potassium Gold Cyanide(金氰化鉀PGC)43辐射式红外线焊接Radiation(輻射) Infrared Rays(IR)Reflow(焊接)44锡膏熔焊Reflow Soldering45缩锡Dewetting46锡炉浮渣Dross47锡尖Solder Icicle48锡球Solder Ball49电容器capacitor50波峰焊Wave Soldering1石油petroleum2线圈\缠绕coil3代理商agency4自由基Free Radical5镀金Golden Plating6防焊阻剂Polymer coating(solder resistent) 7内层(外层)孔环Internal(external) Annular ring8隧道式烤箱transmission toaster9直立式烤箱vertical toaster10光面\雾面油墨glossy\matte ink11晶片直接组装Chip On Board(COB)12组装密度packaging density13球状阵列Ball Grid Array(BGA)14焊膏solder paste\solder cream15焊料粉末(焊粉)solder powder16触变性thixotropy(粘度變化特性)17储存寿命shelf life18网版(脱网)高度snap off distance19拉丝stringing20平移偏差shifting deviation21贴装几Placement equipment22虚焊点(焊点不佳)colder solder connection23焊盘起翘lifted land24锡珠solder ball25波峰焊wave soldering26迴流焊reflow soldering27离子清洁度ion cleaning28印制电路元件printed circuit assembly(PCA)29特采Accept on Deviation\Use As It30首件检验报告First Piece Inspection Report31工序变更通知Process Chang Notice(PCN)32孔铜厚度Barrel Copper thickness\Hole CopperThickness33面铜厚度Surface Copper Thickness34皱折wrinkle35置信区间Confidence interval36相关性Correlation37相关矩阵Correlation Matrix38任意抽样法Haphazard Sampling39不合格品Nonconforming units40不合格Nonconformity41正态分布Normal Distribution42排列图(柏拉图)Pareto Chart43预测区间Prediction Interval44基于概率的控制图Probability Based Chart45制程能力Process Capability46二次函数Quadratic47随机抽样Random sampling48极差Range49合理子组Rational Subgroup50回归控制图Regression control chart1故障failure\breakdown2夹头grip holder3解析度\解像度resolution4可靠度reliability5孔位错误(孔偏)mis hole location6孔径\钻孔直径错误Hole Diameter error7离子污染度试验ionic contamination testing8线距line space9线宽line width\trace width10感光油墨liquid photoimageable solder resist ink 11批batch\lot12 裂痕\白斑\白点\白边crazing\mealing(白點)\Haloing(白邊)13对位不准misregistration14钉头nail heading15数位钻孔机NC drill16原稿底片original art work (A/W)17钻针重叠overlap18氧化oxidation19剥离\抗撕强度peel strength20感光起始剂photo initiator21凹陷dent22塞孔plug hole\stuffing23补线不良poor touch-up24循环周期Periodically cycle25初始资料protocal26喷砂pumice scrub27对位孔registration hole28文字印刷silk screen printing\printing of legend29胶渣resin smear30孔壁粗糙度roughtness31防焊文字S/L32毛边serrated edges 33跳印skip printing34漂锡solder float35喷涂spray coating36刮刀Squeegee37孔规taped hole gauge 38薄基板\内层板thin core39工作片工作母片working gerberworking master gerber40粗化abrade41电流密度Current Density42风刀Air Knife43获取资格的Qualify/qualified + n. or + to44现场locality(PD)45浓度偏低Conc. Lower46浓度偏高Conc. Higher47人员疏忽Operator careless48经纬向错误longitude and latitude contrary49上件不良failed componmt mounting50防呆孔Poka-Yoke hole\ mistake proofing hole1假性露铜unreal copper exposure2积墨ink accumulation3印偏ink printing deviated4遵照现场作业规范comply with the handling standardization 5放置时间Holding time6烘乾温度不足Insufficient in dry temperature7设备故障breakdown of machine8压膜滚轮 D/F laminated roller9sth. 受损或污染Damaged or contaminated10粘尘压力sticky pressure11曝光灯管exposure fluorescent tube12光阶 light step condition13曝偏Exposure misregistration14层间对准度alignment registration15吸气不良vacuum treatment abnormal16曝光藏点Exposure shelter17人员动作不当improper handling18显影Developing19蚀刻Etching20去膜stripping21Mylar 未撕Mylar non tearing off22教育训练instruction and trainning23进行显破点测试conduct developing point broken test 24喷压Spraying pressure25蚀刻不洁Etching incompletely\underetch26蚀刻液Etchants27首件确认First article confirm28电性不良Electrical performance defective29去膜不净Film stripping uncleanness 30几台漏测Equipment test leaking31领班Foreman32主管Chief33稳定性Stability34误判Misjudgement35混料Mixture36铝粉浓度(火山灰)Aluminum percentage37超音波测试(锡箔纸)Tin foil perforating test 38水破测试water broken test39油墨黏度ink viscosity40黏度计viscosimeter41数孔机hole counter42振动马达vibration motor43网版调偏net screen misregistration 44试印膜trial printing film45机台未清洁worktable uncleaness46万用塞孔垫板universal plugging back-up 47预烤Precure48上锡\焊锡性不良poor solderability49温度均匀性Temp. uniformability5010倍放大镜10X magnifier1捲尺measuring tape2千分尺micrometer3剥离强度Peeling strength4尺寸安定性Dimensional stability5有害物质Hazardous substance6元素分析仪 element analyzing instrument7显微镜microscope8游标卡尺vernier caliper9膜厚测量仪membrane thickness measuring intrument 10铣刀milling cutter\routing bit11钻针drill bit12化学元素chemical elements13化学药水chemical liquid14裁切刀具cutting tool15控制面板control panel16日点检表daily check list17光面油墨glossy green ink\resist(阻焊劑防染劑) 18公差\误差 tolerance\variance\bias(偏差)19量产mass production20白色文字white ident21成型外型routed outline22连片尺寸PNL drawing dimension23折断边break-away tabs24检查表inspection sheet25记录表data sheet\record chart26报表report forms27点检表Check list28磨边机Grind- edging machine\ Edger29打磨机polisher30板面光滑Board surface smooth31滴定法分析Titration analysis32温度计Temp. meter\Thermograph33压力计Pressure meter34能量格测试Energy-step tablet test35黏纸viscosity paper36六点测温仪Six points Temp. uniformability testInstrument37催化剂catalyst38稳定剂\安定剂stabilizer39硫酸铜回收机CuSO4 retrieve equipment40秒錶stopwatch41预热preheat42计时器chronograph\timepiece43能量计energy meter44靶孔机target hole equipment45铜含量The contents of Cu46液体比重计hydrometer47比重测定法stereometry48杀菌剂sterilant49蚀刻因子Etching factor\value\element50自动光学检测Automatical optical inspection(AOI)1精度Precision2栈板pallet3电动拖车\叉车electric trailer\fork lifter4针盘bit holder5放置架placement rack6静止消泡时间static\rest defoaming time7转板Transfer plate8水性笔Mark pen9尼龙\不织布\陶瓷nylon\non-woven fabric\ceramic10比色计chromo meter11湿度卡Humidity Indicator Cards12测温仪Thermoscope13龙门吊gantry crane14摇摆\摆动swing15PIN孔重合pin hole superposing16首躺first cycle17中和洗neutralization cleaning18流量flow amount19除胶速率desmear rate20湿润(电镀)moisten21获准供应商supplier warrant22供应商批准程序书Supplier Part Approval Process(SPAP) 23V-cut残厚Remain thickness of V-cut24冷媒油refrigerant oil25压力脚pressure foot26块规block gauge27高度规vernier height gage28金刚砂carborundum\Emery29火山灰volcanic ash30高阻计high resistance meter31模具图mold draw32支架Chassis33治具fixture34超音波浸洗ultrasonic dip35酸浸acid dipping36电流强度current amperage37化验分析表Assay analysis report forms38加压水洗Pressurized water rinsing39酸洗acid rinsing40溢流水洗cascade water rinsing\overflow 41沉淀缸sediment tank42冲污水waste water rinsing43水柱式冲洗Jet cleaning44高压水柱式冲洗High pressure rotating jet rinse 45清水洗Fresh water rinsing46干板组合Drying module47抗腐蚀测试accelerated corrosion test48速化反应acceleration49实际在制品active work in process50总量amount1高性能(电子)工业级high performance industrial2高延展性铜箔high temperature elongation copper(HTEC) 3高温树脂high temperature epoxy (HTE)4孔数hole number5哈氏槽hull cell6水解hydrolysis7改善方案implementation8努普(硬度单位)Knoop(Hardness)9牛皮纸kraft paper10压膜机laminator11刃角磨损lay back12牵引\定位螺丝lead screw13平整剂levelling additive14线性可变差动转换器linear variable differential transformer(LVDL)15 刷磨清洁法machine scrub16钻头刃带margin17主图\机构图master drawing18基材利用率material use factor19湿度与绝缘电阻测试moisture and insulation resistance test 20锯齿\蚀刻缺口mouse bite21负片negative film22结瘤\铜瘤nodule23流胶量百分比resin flow percentage24胶含量resin content25报废因素obsolescence factor26一铜panel plating27二铜pattern plating28透电率\介电常熟permittivity29极性吸引力polar-polar interaction30聚酯类polyester31孔变形poor drill32预聚合物prepolymer33原始资料protocal34喷砂清洁法pumice scrub35挂架rack36折光率refraction37对位元用标记register mark(對位點)38孔内沾文字S/L on hole39孔内防焊S/M on hole40干膜屑\透明残膜scum41漏印\跳印skip printing42表面附著元件SMD ( surface mount device )43表面附著技术SMT ( surface mount technology )44锡突solder bump45漂锡solder float46油墨附著力solder mask adhesion47金手指上锡solder on G/F48线路沾锡solder on trace49锡塞solder plug50统计制程管控SPC ( Statistical Process Control )1自检Self-examine2柠檬酸浓度Citric acid conc.3液位Liquid Level4析出物educt5垂直的perpendicular6喷砂能力pumice capability7阀门 Valve8外包加工contract-production9退货拒收REJ ( reject )10植PIN深度Depth of external pin11上PIN beat PIN12精确度Precision13准确度accuracy14操作员技术不娴熟operator technique unskilled 15套环深度depth of sleeve-ring16精修(成型)finely couting17漏钻\漏捞Leaking drilling\routing18多钻\多捞surplus drilling\routing19排屑chip load20排屑槽flute21蜂鸣器check beeper22建立档案资料(建档)Archive data building23合格qualified24电子称Electronic scale25封口时间sealing time26超出范围out of scope27微蚀速率Micro-etching ratio28变色\褪色discolor29破损breakage30电导率conductance ratio31履历表biographic sketch32公式formula33扩孔针reaming drill bit34电木板bakelite board35允收水准general criteria36理想状况Target Condition37模板\模具Template38基准孔reference holes39压敏开关Piezo-switch40指示灯indicator41直方图Histogram42并联导体parallel conductors43导体连接处area of adjacent conductors44金属导体Metal conductors45防焊侧露(焊垫\线路)Adjacent isolated lands or conductorsexposed46有害物质公约Restriction of Hazardous Substances(RoHS) 47预防措施Precaution48生物可降解Biodegradability49生态环境ecology50(垃圾\废弃物)处Disposal理1浸焊Immersion Soldering2焊接点Solder Joint3焊锡丝Solder Wire4待工温度Idle Temp.\+Time(空轉時間)5静电释放Electrostatic Discharge(ESD)6静电压力Electrostatic Overstress(ESO)7电阻係数Electrical Resistivity8内应力Internal Stress9导热係数Thermal Conductivity10磷含量Phosphorous11颗粒大小Grain Size(μm)12X光测量X-ray Diffraction13抗拉强度Tensil Strength(N/mm2)14介面化合物Intermstallic Compound(IMC)15贾凡尼效应Galvanic Effect(不同金屬電位差加速腐蝕)16高频信号High Frequency Signal17肌肤效应Skin Effect(高頻線路沿道題表面傳輸)18阻隔效应Barrier Effect(合金層可有效減低離子遷移度) 19银Silver20硫酸sulfuric acid21仪器Apparatus(測試用儀器)22抛光Polish23磨切片grind microsection24文件保存期限Documentation of age25内部管理政策Internal Policies26工资支付Salary payments27责任书Responsibility28法定最小年龄The legal minimum age29熟练\技能Facility30隐私权right to privacy31贪污\腐败corruption32有效日期valid period33温度循环实验Temperature Cycling Test(TCT)34热衝击实验Thermal Shock Test(TST)35离子迁移试验Electrochemical Migration Test(ECM) 36绝缘电阻试验Surface Insulation Resistance(SIR) 37阳极灯丝Conductive Anode Filament(CAF)38爆板popcorn39生产车间Fabricating Plant40吊车crane41危险物品hazardous substance42文字脱落symbol fading43锯齿Worm-Eaten-Crack44经纬方向Grain Direction45V-cut Slit46幻灯片slide47预算budget48运输工具transport49货物cargo50容器vessel。



In contrast to DNA, RNA is very unstable in alkali solutions
due to hydrolysis of the phophodiester backbone. The 2'OH
group in ribonucleotides renders RNA molecules susceptible
Sugar pucker (shape & geometry of the polymer) Alkaline hydrolysis
Special staining reactions (e.g. Orcinol) Catalytic properties
August Macke
≠ distance between P & bond angles
differences RNA vs DNA
The base difference (U vs T) is not particularly relevant for structural and functional aspects
How can we determine the structure of an RNA molecule in the absence of crystallographic and/or NMR data?
What is the chemical & enzymatic probing of an RNA molecule?
Alkali (pH >12) have different effects



autocad机械制图英语词汇(1)2d solid 二维实体 2d 实面2d wireframe 二维线框3d array 三维阵列 3d 阵列3d dynamic view 三维动态观察 3d 动态检视3d objects 三维物体 3d 物件3d orbit 三维轨道 3d 动态3d orbit 三维动态观察 3d 动态3d studio 3d studio 3d studio3d viewpoint 三维视点 3d 检视点3dpoly 三维多段线 3d 聚合线3dsin 3ds 输入 3d 实体汇入3dsolid 三维实体 3d 实体3dsout 3ds 输出 3d 实体汇出abort 放弃中断abort 中断中断absolute coordinates 绝对坐标绝对座标abut 邻接相邻accelerator key 加速键快速键access 获取存取acisin acis 输入 acis 汇入acisout acis 输出 acis 汇出action 操作动作active 活动(的)作用中adaptive sampling 自适应采样最适取样add 添加加入add a printer 添加打印机新增印表机add mode 添加模式add plot style table 添加打印样式表add plot style table 添加打印样式表add plotter 添加打印机add plotter 添加打印机add to favorites 添加到收藏夹加入我的最爱adi adi(autodesk 设备接口) adi (autodesk 设备介面)adjacent 相邻相邻adjust 调整调整adjust area fill 调整区域填充调整区域填满adlm (autodesk license manager) adlm(autodesk 许可管理器)administration dialog box 管理对话框管理对话方块advanced setup wizard 高级设置向导进阶安装精灵aerial view 鸟瞰视图鸟瞰视景affine calibration 仿射校准关系校正alert 警告警示alias 别名别名aliasing 走样锯齿化align 对齐对齐aligned dimension 对齐标注对齐式标注alignment 对齐(方式) 对齐allocate 分配配置altitude 标高高度ambient color 环境色环境颜色ambient light 环境光环境光源angular dimension 角度标注角度标注angular unit 角度单位角度单位annotation 注释注解anonymous block 无名块匿名图块anti-aliasing 反走样消除锯齿aperture 靶框锁点框apparent intersections 外观交点外观交点append 附加附加application key 授权申请号应用程式码appload 加载应用程序载入应用程式apply 应用/申请套用approximation points 近似点近似点arc 圆弧弧architectual ticks 建筑标记建筑斜线area 区域,面积区域,面积argument 参数引数arrange icons 排列图标排列图示array 阵列阵列arrowhead 箭头箭头ascii ascii (美国标准信息交换码) ascii aseadmin ase 管理 ase 管理aseexport ase 输出 ase 汇出aselinks ase 链接 ase 连结aserows ase 行 ase 列aseselect ase 选择 ase 选取asesqled sql 编辑 ase sql 编辑器aspect 纵横向间距纵横向间距aspect ratio 宽高比纵横比assign 指定指定assist 助理辅助associative dimension 关联标注关联式标注associative hatches 关联填充关联式剖面线attach v.附着贴附attdef 属性定义属性定义attdisp 属性显示属性显示attedit 属性编辑属性编辑attenuation 衰减衰减attenuation of light 灯光衰减光源衰减attext 属性提取属性萃取attredef 属性重定义属性重新定义attribute definition 属性定义属性定义attribute display 属性显示属性显示attribute extraction file 属性提取文件属性萃取档attribute extraction template file 属性提取样板文件属性萃取样板档attribute prompt 属性提示属性提示attribute tag 属性标签属性标签attribute value 属性值属性值audit 核查检核authorization code 授权码授权码autocad library search path autocad 库搜索路径 autocad 资源库搜寻路径autocommit 自动提交自动确定autotrack 自动追踪自动追踪axis tripod 三轴架三向轴azimuth 方位角方位back clipping on 后向剪裁打开back view 后视图后视景background color 背景色背景颜色backup 备份备份backward 反向左右反向bad 不正确的不正确base 基点基准,底端,底部base dimension 基准标注基线式标注base grips 基夹点基准掣点base point 基点基准点baseline 基线基准线基线式baseline dimension 基线标注基线式标注basic color 基本色基本颜色batch plotting 批处理打印批次出图beam angles of spotlights 聚光灯光束角度点光源光线角度beep on error 出错报警错误时发出哔声bevel 倒角斜切bevel 倒角斜切beveling objects 斜角对象斜切物件bezier curve bezier 曲线 bezier 曲线big font 大字体大字体bind 绑定并入bitmap 位图点阵图blend 合成混成blipmode 点标记模式点记模式block 块图块block definition 块定义图块定义block reference 块参照图块参考block table 块表图块表格bmpout bmp 输出 bmp 汇出body 体主体boolean operation 布尔运算布林运算borders 边框图框bottom view 仰视图下视景boundary 边界边界boundary sets 边界集边界集bounding 边(框)边界框break (v.) 打断切断bring above object 置于对象之上置于物件上方bring to top 顶置置于最上方brower 浏览器浏览器built-in 内置的内建bulge 凸度凸度bump map 凹凸贴图凸纹贴图button menu 按钮菜单按钮功能表byblock 随块 byblockbylayer 随层 bylayerbyte 字节位元组cabling 电缆布线配线cal 计算器校正calibrate 校准校正call 调用呼叫callback 回调(for lisp) 回覆callback 回叫回覆camera 相机照相机camera angle 相机角度相机角度cancel 取消取消cap 封口封口cascade 层叠(的)重叠排列case (大小)写大小写cast 投射投射catalog 目录目录cell 单元储存格center 圆心中心center mark 圆心标记中心点标记centerline 中心线中心线centroid 形心,质心矩心chamfer 倒角倒角change 修改变更character 字符字元check 检查检查check box 复选框勾选框check spelling 拼写检查拼字检查child dimension style 下级标注样式子标注型式chord 弦翼弦chprop 修改特性变更性质circle 圆圆circular external reference 循环外部参照循环外部参考circumference 圆周圆周class 类等级, 类别clause 子句子句clean 清除清理clean 清除清理clear 清除清除client 客户机用户端clip 剪裁截取clipboard 剪贴板剪贴簿clipping boundaries 剪裁边界截取边界clipping planes 剪裁平面截取平面close 闭合关闭(用于档案),闭合(用于边界,线,面域) cluster 组丛集code pages 代码页字码页color 颜色著色color depth 颜色深度颜色深度color map 色表颜色对映color wheel 颜色轮盘色轮color-dependent 颜色相关color-dependent plot style table 颜色相关打印样式表dangle 不固定的悬挂dark color 暗色暗色dash 虚线虚线data integrity 数据完整性资料完整性database 数据库资料库datum 基准基准面datum axis 基准轴基准轴datum dimension 基准标注基准标注datum identifier 基准标识基准识别字datum reference frames 基准参考框架基准参考框datum reference letters 基准参考字母基准参考文字dbconnect 数据库连接资料库连结dbconnect manager 数据库连接管理器dblist 数据库列表资料库列示dbms drivers dbms 驱动资料库管理系统 (dbms)ddattdef 属性定义对话框动态属性定义ddatte 属性编辑对话框动态属性编辑ddattext 属性提取对话框动态属性萃取ddcolor 颜色对话框动态颜色设定ddedit 文字编辑对话框编辑文字与属性定义ddgrips 夹点对话框动态掣点设定ddim 标注设置对话框标注设定ddinsert 插入对话框图块插入ddmodify 图元编辑对话框动态修改ddptype 点类型对话框点型式ddrename 重命名对话框动态更名ddrmodes 绘图模式对话框绘图设定ddselect 对象选择对话框动态选取设定dducs ucs 对话框动态 ucs 设定dducsp ucs 方向对话框动态 ucs 预设ddunits 单位对话框动态单位设定ddview 视图对话框动态视景ddvpoint 视点对话框动态检视点deactivate 释放停用dealer 经销商经销商decal effect 修剪效果除去杂质效果decimal dimensions 十进制标注十进位标注decurve 非曲线化直线化default 缺省预设值,预设default drawing 缺省图形预设图面default drawing 缺省图形预设图面definition point 定义点定义点degenerate 退化退化delay 延迟延迟delete 删除删除delta 增量差值demand loading 按需加载应要求载入dependent symbols 依赖符号deployment 展开布署depth map 深度贴图深度贴图derive 导出导出description 说明描述design center 设计中心设计中心detach 拆离分离detection 检测侦测deviation 极限偏差偏差deviation tolerances 极限公差偏差公差device 设备设备device 设备设备device and default selection 设备和默认选择设备和预设值选取dia 直径直径diameter 直径(标注)直径dictionary 词典字典diffuse color 漫射色漫射颜色digitizer 数字化仪数位板digitizing puck 数字化仪游标数位化指向器digitizing puck 数字化仪游标数位化指向器dim 标注标注dimaligned 对齐标注对齐式标注dimangular 角度标注角度标注dimbaseline 标注基线基线式标注dimcenter 圆心标注中心点标注dimcontinue 连续标注连续式标注dimdiameter 直径标注直径标注dimedit 标注编辑标注编辑dimension 标注标注dimension definition points 标注定义点标注定义点dimension format 标注格式标注格式dimension geometry 构成要素标注几何dimension line arc 尺寸线圆弧标注线弧dimension properties 标注特性标注性质dimension scale 标注比例标注比例dimension style 标注样式标注型式dimension style families 标注样式族标注型式家族dimension style name 标注样式名标注型式名称dimension style overrides 标注样式替代标注型式取代dimension text 标注文字标注文字dimension units 标注单位标注单位dimension variables 标注变量标注变数dimlinear 线性标注线性标注dimordinate 坐标标注座标式标注dimoverride 标注替代标注取代dimradius 半径标注半径标注dimstyle 标注样式标注型式dimtedit 标注文字编辑标注文字编辑direct hatch 直接填充直接剖面direction control 方向控制方向控制directory 目录目录disable 禁用取消,停用discard 放弃舍弃discontinued 停止使用的取消,停用dish 下半球面圆碟disk space 磁盘空间磁碟空间displacement point 位移点位移点display 显示显示器, 显示, 显示画面display order 显示次序显示顺序dist 距离距离distant light 平行光远光源distributing 分布分散式dithering 抖动递色diverge 分散的分散的divide 等分等分divide 等分等分division 等分分割,除法dock(undock) 固定(浮动)固定document 文档文件dome 上半球面圆顶donut 园环环draft 草图草图drafting standards 绘图标准制图标准drafting techniques 绘图技术制图技巧drag and drop 拖放拖放draw 绘制/绘图(如果后面未接宾语) 绘图drawing 图形图面,图档drawing aids 绘图辅助工具绘图辅助drawing area 绘图区域绘图区drawing boundaries 图形边界图面边界drawing browser 图形浏览器图面浏览器drawing database 图形数据库图形资料库drawing environment 图形环境绘图环境drawing extents 图形范围图面实际范围drawing file 图形文件图档drawing limits 图形界限图面范围drawing order 图形次序绘图顺序drawing project 图形项目绘图专案drawing scale 图形比例图面比例drawing standard 图形标准图面标准drawing status 图形状态图面状态drawing time 绘图时间绘图时间drawing units 图形单位图面单位driver 驱动程序驱动程式dropdown list 下拉列表下拉式列示dsviewer 鸟瞰视图鸟瞰视景dtext 动态文本动态文字dump 转储倾出duplicate 重复重复的duplicating 复制复制dview 动态观察动态检视dxbin dxb输入 dxb 汇入dxfin dxf输入 dxf 汇入dxfout dxf输出 dxf 汇出dynamic 动态动态dynamic dragging 动态拖动动态拖曳dynamic update 动态更新动态更新dynamic viewing 动态观察动态检视dynamic zooming 动态缩放动态缩放edge 边边缘edge surface 边界曲面边缘曲面edgesurf 边界曲面边缘曲面editor 编辑器编辑器education version 教学版教育版effect 效果效果element 元素元素elev 标高高程elevation 标高高程ellipse 椭圆椭圆embed 内嵌,嵌入嵌入encapsulated 封装see also "eps" 压缩end 端点结束,终点end angle 端点角度结束角度end tangent 端点切向结束切点end width 端点宽度结束宽度ending 终止端点english units 英制单位英制enter enter(输入)输入entity 图元元件 . 图元entry 条目资料项environment 环境环境environment variable 环境变量环境变数equation 方程式方程式erase 删除删除existing 现有的既有的exit 退出结束export 输出汇出expression 表达式表示式extend 扩展延伸extend 延伸,超出量(用于标注)延伸extension line 尺寸界线延伸线extent(s) 范围实际范围external data 外部数据外部资料external database 外部数据库外部资料库external reference 外部参照外部参考extract 选集萃取extrude 拉伸挤出face 面面facet 镶嵌面产生刻面factor 因子(see scale factor) 系数fade 褪色度渐层falloff angle 收缩角衰退角度fast zoom mode 快速缩放模式快速缩放模式fatal 致命错误致命错误favorites 收藏夹我的最爱favorites 收藏夹我的最爱feature 功能/(几何)特征特征fence 栏选(see also selection fence) 篱选field 字段栏位file 文件档案fill 填充填实filled text 填充文字文字填实(用于填实线条、实体或实面) filmroll filmroll 胶卷filter 过滤器过滤器find 查找寻找工具finish 完成修饰finish 修饰(for render only) 修饰fit 自适应设置布满(用于预览时,布满视窗或图纸)fit points 拟合点拟合点flag 标志旗标flat shaded, edges on 带边框平淡着色flat-shaded (平淡)着色floating viewports 浮动视口浮动视埠flood 布满大量flyout properties 弹出特性对话框图示列性质fog 雾雾fold 折叠折痕follow 跟随自动平面视景font 字体字体font map file 字体映射文件字体对映档form tolerance 形状公差成型公差formatting text 设置文字格式格式化文字frame 框架画格frame 帧画格frame 边框画格free-form 自由形式(的)自由形式freehand line 徒手画线手绘线freeplotting 自由绘图自由出图freeze 冻结冻结freezing layers 冻结图层冻结图层from 自自front clipping on 前向剪裁打开front view 主视图前视景full preview 全视口预览完整预览。



第52卷第9期表面技术2023年9月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·397·激光加工工艺参数对Invar 36合金表面微织构质量的影响王斌,郭岩宝*,张政,王经鑫,王德国(中国石油大学,北京 102249)摘要:目的提高微织构的加工效率和加工质量,为改善Invar 36合金的表面性能及微织构加工工艺参数提供理论依据。






此外,当激光扫描次数为15次,激光扫描速率为400~500 μm/s时,加工的微织构表面粗糙度更低,且根据摩擦试验结果,发现该条件下加工的微织构摩擦副的减摩耐磨效果更佳。

结论激光扫描次数和激光扫描速度是影响凹槽型微织构加工质量和表面性能的关键因素,试验结果表明在适当的激光加工工艺参数下(P=0.04 W,f=20 kHz,v=500 μm/s,n=15)微织构凹槽具有较高的加工质量,从而有效改善Invar 36合金的摩擦学性能,对未来进一步提高Invar 36合金的表面性能及加工质量具有一定的指导意义。

关键词:光纤激光;Invar 36合金;表面微织构;摩擦磨损中图分类号:Q819 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)09-0397-11DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.09.036Effect of Laser Processing Parameters on SurfaceMicro-texture Quality of Invar 36 AlloyWANG Bin, GUO Yan-bao*, ZHANG Zheng, WANG Jing-xin, WANG De-guo(China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China)ABSTRACT: Fiber laser surface micro-texture technology is an advanced surface modification technology, which can improve surface characteristics, such as wear resistance, oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance, without changing the properties of the matrix material. However, laser processing parameters directly affect the width and depth of micro-texture and heat loss effect. Therefore, with the aim of improving the processing efficiency and quality of laser micro-texture, the processing收稿日期:2022-08-26;修订日期:2023-02-06Received:2022-08-26;Revised:2023-02-06基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51875578)。



氧化硅硬度1. 简介氧化硅(Silicon Dioxide),化学式SiO2,是一种无机化合物,也是地壳中最丰富的化合物之一。





2. 氧化硅硬度测试方法2.1 莫氏硬度莫氏硬度是常用的硬度测试方法之一,它通过比较不同材料对硬度标准矿物的抗刮擦能力来确定硬度。


2.2 维氏硬度维氏硬度是另一种常用的硬度测试方法,它通过在测试样品表面施加一定负荷,测量产生的压痕面积来确定硬度。


2.3 纳米硬度纳米硬度测试是一种用于测量材料表面硬度的高精度测试方法。



3. 影响氧化硅硬度的因素3.1 结晶度氧化硅的结晶度对其硬度有着重要的影响。



3.2 杂质含量氧化硅中杂质的含量也会影响其硬度。



3.3 烧结温度烧结温度是指在制备氧化硅过程中,将材料加热至一定温度以促使粉末颗粒结合成块体的温度。



4. 氧化硅的应用领域由于氧化硅具有优异的硬度和化学稳定性,它在许多领域中得到了广泛的应用。

failed to establish a new connection -2

failed to establish a new connection -2

failed to establish a new connection -2"Failed to establish a new connection -2" is a commonly encountered error message in network communication. This error typically occurs when a client, such as a web browser, tries to establish a connection with a server and is unable to do so. There can be several reasons for this error, including network connectivity issues, incorrect server configurations, firewall blocking, or a problem with the client-side software.One possible reason for this error is a network connectivity problem. It could be due to a temporary network outage, a misconfiguration of network settings, or a physical problem with the network infrastructure. In such cases, it is recommended to check network cables, routers, and switches to ensure proper connectivity. Additionally, running network diagnostics tools or contacting the network administrator can help identify and resolve any network-related issues.Another possibility is incorrect server configurations. The server may not be properly configured to accept incoming connections or may be using incorrect port or protocol settings. It is essential to review the server configuration files and ensure that they match the expected settings. Common configuration files include the hosts file, which maps network names to IP addresses, and the server's firewall rules. Verifying these configurations, restarting the server, or seeking assistance from server administrators can help in resolving the issue.Firewall blocking is another frequent cause for "Failed to establish a new connection -2" error. Firewalls, either built-in on the clientor server-side, are security measures designed to protect networks by restricting incoming and outgoing connections. Sometimes, a firewall may block the connection attempts from the client. In such cases, checking the firewall settings, adding exceptions for the necessary ports or applications, or disabling the firewall temporarily can help establish a successful connection.Lastly, the error can be attributed to a problem with the client-side software, such as a web browser or an application making the connection. Outdated or incompatible software versions, conflicting extensions or plugins, or misconfigured proxy settings can all lead to connection failures. Updating the software, disabling conflicting extensions, verifying proxy settings, or even trying a different client tool can help resolve the issue.To summarize, encountering a "Failed to establish a new connection -2" error message indicates a problem in establishing a connection between the client and server. It can be caused by network connectivity issues, incorrect server configurations, firewall blocking, or client-side software problems. By troubleshooting these potential causes and addressing them accordingly, it is possible to resolve the issue and establish a successful connection.。



关于Abortedconnection告警日志的分析前言:有时候,连接MySQL的会话经常会异常退出,错误日志里会看到"Got an error reading communication packets"类型的告警。








2.客户端睡眠时间超过了wait_timeout或interactive_timeout 参数的秒数。




2.Got an error reading communication packets原因分析哪种情况会导致error log中出现“Aborted connection xxxx to db: 'db' user: 'dbuser' host: 'hostname' (Got an error reading communication packets)”类似告警呢?下面我们根据上面可能的原因来做下具体测试。



锅炉焊接和维修1. Butt welding must be used for tube sheets whenever possible. 在可能的情况下,管板须采用对接焊。

2. They did not require any radiographic testing.3. The weld metal shall be deposited by the manual shielded metal arc process using low hydrogen electrodes.4. The initial layer of weld metal shall be deposited over theentire area with a 1/8 in. maximum diameter electrode.第一层熔敷金属须用最大直径为1/8英寸的焊条焊满。

5. Subsequent layer shall be deposited with a 5/32in. maximum diameter electrode ina manner to ensure tempering of the prior beads and their heat affected zones.6. Prior to welding, the rivets or staybolts from which the cracks extend and the adjacent rivets should beremoved.7. The cracks should be prepared for welding by chipping, grinding or gouging. 裂缝处应用凿子凿去或磨平,以备焊接。

8. In riveted joints, cracks which extend past the inner edge of the plate lap should be welded from both side. 在铆接中, 若裂缝延伸超过搭接钢板的内边时,应进行双面的焊补。



Prices of prime properties around the world are falling世界各地的豪宅都在跌One Blackfriars soars into the sky from the south bank of the River Thames, announcing its presence to central London.The new50-storey tower contains274luxury flats that range in value from a merely expensive£1m ($1.3m)to an eye-watering£15m.坐落在泰晤士河南岸的布莱克法尔一号直插云霄,仿佛在向伦敦市中心宣示着它的存在。


Thanks to its distinctive midriff the building has been nicknamed“The Tummy”by Robert Shiller,who won a Nobel economics prize for his work on spotting asset bubbles.The name might also apply to London’s bloated housing market.Prices have nearly doubled since2009.由于其独特的类似于人体腹部的造型,这座建筑被罗伯特·希勒戏称为“大肚子”,希勒曾因发现了资产泡沫而荣获诺贝尔经济学奖。



It is not only in London that property values bulged in the decade after a housing bust that nearly took down the world’s financial system:prices are near new highs in manyplaces,according to The Economist’s latest roundup of global housing markets.根据《经济学人》对全球住宅市场的最新概览,在几乎摧毁了世界金融体系的房地产泡沫破灭后的十年时间里,不仅伦敦的房价大幅上涨,许多地方的房价都创下新高。


Check transaction failures on the server side. BEA Jolt clients should resend the request after the transaction problem has been fixed on the server side.
A service routine has encountered an exception duringtpreturn()ortpforward()in BEA Tuxedo.
The service routine is returning application-level failures, which may include any of the following: an application callstpreturn()ortpforward()with invalid flags, the caller descriptor is no longer valid, or there are invalid return values.
This type of exception should have been handled during the application development cycle. You should not receive this exception in a production environment.
A function was called in an improper context.
For this exception, an improper context could include arollback()orcommit()method called by a participant, an unsubscribe event that is called while "unsubscribe all" is in progress, or when the caller is not a client.



英语天文作文The vastness of the universe has captivated humanity for millennia. From the earliest civilizations gazing up at the night sky to the modern era of space exploration, our fascination with the cosmos has only grown stronger. As an avid student of astronomy, I am in awe of the incredible discoveries and advancements that have been made in our understanding of the universe.One of the most fundamental aspects of astronomy is the study of the solar system. Our sun, a relatively average star in the grand scheme of the galaxy, is the center of this intricate system of planets, moons, asteroids, and other celestial bodies. The eight major planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune –each with their own unique characteristics, orbit the sun at varying distances, creating a delicate balance that has allowed life to flourish on our own blue planet.Beyond the confines of our solar system lies the Milky Way galaxy, a spiraling collection of hundreds of billions of stars. Our sun is just one of these stars, nestled in the Orion Arm of the galaxy, a merespeck in the grand cosmic tapestry. As we gaze outward with increasingly powerful telescopes, we are able to observe the intricate structure of the Milky Way, from the dense central bulge to the sweeping spiral arms. Each star in this galactic dance is a world unto itself, with the potential to harbor its own planetary systems and, perhaps, even life.But the universe extends far beyond the boundaries of our own galaxy. Scattered throughout the vast, empty spaces between the galaxies are innumerable other galaxies, each with their own unique shapes, sizes, and compositions. Some are spiral like the Milky Way, while others are elliptical or irregular in form. These galaxies, numbering in the trillions, are organized into larger structures called galaxy clusters and superclusters, creating a cosmic web of matter and energy that spans unimaginable distances.At the heart of this cosmic web are the most enigmatic and powerful objects in the universe – black holes. These incredibly dense regions of spacetime, formed by the gravitational collapse of massive stars, exert such a strong gravitational pull that not even light can escape their grasp. Astronomers have made remarkable strides in understanding the behavior of these cosmic monsters, from the supermassive black holes that lurk at the centers of most galaxies to the smaller, stellar-mass black holes that dot the cosmos.But the true frontier of modern astronomy lies in the study of the universe's earliest moments – the Big Bang. Through observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the faint echo of the universe's birth, and the distribution of matter and energy in the cosmos, astronomers have pieced together a remarkably detailed picture of the universe's origins. We now know that the universe began in an unimaginably hot, dense state some 13.8 billion years ago, and has been expanding and cooling ever since, giving rise to the structures we observe today.The implications of this understanding are profound. By studying the cosmic microwave background and the large-scale structure of the universe, we can gain insights into the fundamental nature of space, time, and the laws of physics that govern our universe. Theories of cosmic inflation, dark matter, and dark energy have emerged to explain the observed properties of the universe, and these theories have far-reaching consequences for our understanding of the cosmos.As an astronomy enthusiast, I am constantly in awe of the incredible progress that has been made in our understanding of the universe. From the exploration of our own solar system to the observation of distant galaxies and the unraveling of the universe's earliest moments, each new discovery seems to open up a whole new realm of possibilities. And with the continued advancement of technology,from space-based telescopes to powerful supercomputers, I am confident that the pace of astronomical discovery will only accelerate in the years to come.But the true wonder of astronomy lies not just in the facts and figures, but in the sense of cosmic wonder and humility that it instills. When we gaze up at the night sky and contemplate the vastness of the universe, we are reminded of our own insignificance in the grand scheme of things. Yet, paradoxically, this realization can also fill us with a deep sense of awe and appreciation for the incredible complexity and beauty of the cosmos.It is this sense of wonder that drives me to continue my study of astronomy. I am endlessly fascinated by the mysteries of the universe, from the formation of stars and planets to the nature of dark matter and dark energy. And as I continue to learn and explore, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the incredible progress that has been made in our understanding of the cosmos.In the end, I believe that the study of astronomy is not just a pursuit of scientific knowledge, but a journey of self-discovery. By contemplating the vastness of the universe and our place within it, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world around us, and perhaps even a greater understanding of our own place in the grand cosmic tapestry.。



msflexgrid1(msflexgrid1)The AllowBigSelection attribute in the head or click on the column header, (whether) can make the entire row or column are selected.The AllowUserResizing property (whether) you can use the mouse to adjust the size of columns and rows in the control MSFlexGrid.The drawing style of Appearance attribute designBorderStyle property border styleThe BackColorBkg attribute table 'excess colorBackColorFixed property 'table header part colorBackColorSel property 'selects some colorsThe BackColor attribute 'all uncertain color unitThe background and foreground color CellBackColor and the CellForeColor property returns or sets a single unit or group of units.ForeColor, ForeColorFixed and color of each part of the ForeColorSel attribute text.TextStyle and TextStyleFixed[= style] property returns or sets the 3D style of text on a specified cell or a group of cells.FixedAlignment (index) = [value] attribute column number, setting valueFlexAlignLeftTop 0 left topFlexAlignLeftCenter 1 left middleFlexAlignLeftBottom 2 left bottomTop of flexAlignCenterTop 3FlexAlignCenterCenter 4 middleBottom of flexAlignCenterBottom 5Right top of flexAlignRightTop 6FlexAlignRightCenter 7 right middleRight bottom of flexAlignRightBottom 8ColAlignment (number) [= value] property returns or sets the alignment of data in a column of the number= column, or -1 (one of all columns set). Setting value of value:FlexAlignLeft 0 left alignedRight align of flexAlignRight 1FlexAlignCenter 2 in the middleTextStyle and TextStyleFixed[= style] property returns or sets the 3D style of text on a specified cell or a group of cells.The CellTextStyle property [= value] unit or group of units of the 3D text styleFlexTextFlat 0 plane (general text)FlexTextRaised 1 bulgesSubsidence of flexTextInset 2FlexTextRaisedLight 3 slightly raisedFlexTextInsetLight 4 slightly sunkenThe alignment of the CellPictureAlignment property [= value] unit or group of units selected picturesFlexLeftTop 0 left top alignmentFlexLeftCenter 1 left middle alignmentFlexLeftBottom 2 left bottom alignmentAlign flexCenterTop 3 center topFlexCenterCenter 4 centered, middle alignedAlign the bottom of flexCenterBottom 5FlexRightTop 6 right top alignmentFlexRightCenter 7 right middle alignmentRight bottom alignment of flexRightBottom 8The CellAlignment property unit or a group of selected data alignment in the unit.FlexLeftTop 0 left top alignmentFlexLeftCenter 1 the left middle alignment (which is the default case for string.)FlexLeftBottom 2 left bottom alignmentAlign flexCenterTop 3 center topFlexCenterCenter 4 centered, middle alignedAlign the bottom of flexCenterBottom 5FlexRightTop 6 right top alignmentFlexRightCenter 7 right middle alignment (this is the default for the case number,)Right bottom alignment of flexRightBottom 8FlexGeneral 9 the general situation is: the string, the left middle alignment, the number of,Align the middle of the right. Set the alignment of all units Static K As IntegerIf k > 9 Then k = 0For I = 0 To MSFlexGrid1.Rows - 1For J = 0 To MSFlexGrid1.Cols - 1MSFlexGrid1.Row = IMSFlexGrid1.Col = JMSFlexGrid1.CellAlignment = kNext JNext IK = K + 1CellFontBold the bold style of the current unit text CellFontItalic the italic style of the current unit text CellFontName the font name of the current unit textThe size of the current unit text for CellFontSizeCellFontStrikeThrough (or not) applies the FontStrikeThrough style to the current unit text.CellFontUnderline underline the current unit textThe width of the current unit text represented by CellFontWidth pointsThe CellHeight, CellLeft, CellTop, and CellWidth attributes return the location and size of the current unit in units of a.. Not available at design time.The ColPos (index) attribute returns the distance between the upper left corner of the control and the upper left corner of the specified column.The RowPos (index) property returns the distance between the upper left corner of the control and the upper left corner of the specified row.ColWidth (number)] [= value property returns or sets in twips for a specified column unit width of the column number number. If it is -1, then all columns are set at once. The width of value column 0 creates invisible columns, and the -1 width is reset to its default value, depending on the size of the current font.RowHeight (number) value [=] this property returns or sets for the specified row in twips unit height. If you set RowHeight to 0, you create invisible rows. If it is set to -1, then the line height is reset to its default value, depending on the size of the current font The RowHeightMin property returns or setsthe minimum row height of the whole control in the unit of a..The image shows the current CellPicture attribute [= picture] unit or group of units in theThe Clip property [= string] (when the data into the MSFlexGrid control unit cell selection) selection this property returns or sets the contents of the MSFlexGrid control. Not available at design time. Tab Chr (9) moves to the right one, and carriage return character Chr (13) moves to the next lineThe coordinates Col and Row [= number] property returns or sets of action units (the unit of row and column)The ColSel and RowSel[= value] attributes return or set the start or end rows or columns of a group of units. Not available at design time. After the Row and Col attributes are set, the RowSel and ColSel are reset automatically. The current cell value (determined by the settings of Col and Row) is the text contained in that unit. You can modify the value of the unit without changing the selected Row and Col attributes by the TextMatrix property.Cols and Rows [= value] return or total number of columns or rows in a MSFlexGrid setting.The total number of FixedCols and FixedRows [= value] fixed columns or fixed line. Defaults to a fixed column and a fixed lineColData (number) and RowData (number) value] [= propertyreturns or sets an arbitrary row and column associated with each of the long values of type number controls in the row or column number.The ColIsVisible (index) property specifies whether a column is visible at present (or not)ColPosition (number)] [= value (horizontal movement) attributeRowPosition (number)] [= value (vertical movement) of attribute row or column position setting,To allow the row and column moved to the specified position. Number will be moving a row or column number, the new position of the value columns or rows. When you use these properties to move a row or column, all formatting information will move along with it. If you want to move the text, use the Clip property. For example, the following code moves the line to the first position when a user clicks on a line:Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click ()MSFlexGrid1.ColPosition (MSFlexGrid1.MouseCol) = 0End SubThe container Container [= container] property returns or sets the control: Form, Frame, PictureBoxThe DataBindings property returns the DataBindings collection object, which contains useful binding attributes.The DataSource property sets a value that specifies the value of the Data control, and connects the current control to the database through this control. The connection between fields in the Recordset managed by the Data control and the name of the Field object in the DataField property must also be provided when the runtime is unavailable. Different from the DataField property, the DataSource property is not available at run time.DragIcon [= icon] property returns or sets the icon, it will drag the pointer as a display.? DragMode [= number] property manually or automatically drag.Enabled [= boolean] attribute to the user is able to react to the events.FillStyle [value] = the attribute returns or sets a value that determines the value of the Text property or the MSFlexGrid of one unit of the format attribute set affect all selected units. The setting of value value is: 0 single (default). 1 repeats. Change the Text or any unit properties will affect all selected unitsFocusRect [= value] attribute should draw a focus rectangle around the current cell. The setting value of value is:FlexFocusNone 0 No.FlexFocusLight 1 fine (default).FlexFocusHeavy 2 thick.HighLight [= value] the attribute value determines whether the selected unit to highlight the value value is set:FlexHighlightNever 0 never highlighted the selected unit.FlexHighlightAlways 1 always highlight the selected unit. (default)FlexHighlightWithFocus 2 when the control has focus, highlight the selected unit.FontWidth [= value] property returns or sets in points using the font width text display unit. 0: default width: default of valueText text [= string] property returns or sets the unit or group of units. When searching the Text attribute always retrieve the current unit defined by the Row and Col properties of the content. When setting, the Text property sets the current unit or the currently selected content, depending on the setting value of the FillStyle property.TextArray (cellindex) string] [= text of the attribute of returns or sets of arbitrary element.TextMatrix (rowindex, COLINDEX) [= string] the text content of the attribute of returns or sets of arbitrary element.FormatString [= string] attribute fixed line and fixed column format string ^ < > respectively: left, right, | (vertical) saidunit separator; (semicolon) separator column header and wardrobe. For example, s$= "|<Name|>Address|^Telephone|Social Security#" set column head s$= s$+ "; |Robert|Jimmy|Bonzo|John Paul" set the head line MSFlexGrid1.FormatString = s$The GridColor property (effective GridLines is set to 1 common line)The GridColorFixed property (effective GridLinesFixed is set to 1 common line) returns or sets the drawing lines in each unit between the use of colorGridLines and GridLinesFixed[= value] property returns or sets the type of line between units. The setting value of value is:FlexGridNone 0 has no line.FlexGridFlat 1 (general line for GridLines is the default).FlexGridInset 2 in line (for GridLinesFixed is the default)FlexGridRaised 3 convex line.The number of pixels in GridLineWidth [= value] property returns or sets the width of the grid lines. 1 (the default) -.The Height and Width properties of the external height and width? The Left and Top attributes are expressed in the form of units in the form of units; the control is determined by the coordinate system of its container.HelpContextID [= number] property returns or sets an associated context to help number 0 (the default) without context number. > 0 is used to specify the valid context number Handle the hWnd property returns a form or control. For example: Windows API call mandatory form StayOnTop (see code Vb519, 20)? The Index property is set to create a default object in the collection order. The index of the first object in the collection is always 1TopRow [= number] property returns or sets the highest visible line (not fixed).LeftCol [= value] visible property returns or set the leftmost (rather than a fixed column) can have the purpose of rolling MSFlexGrid in the code to use this attribute.RowIsVisible (index) for specific attribute indicates whether the current visible.MergeCells [= value] this property returns or sets a value, this value determines whether a packet should unit will have the same content to span multiple rows or columns of the same element. The setting value of value is:FlexMergeNever 0 (default) does not have the same content of the unit groupFlexMergeFree 1 free groupingFlexMergeRestrictRows 2 has restrictions on linesRestrictions on flexMergeRestrictColumns 3 columnFlexMergeRestrictBoth 4 rows and columns are restrictions: Limited mergerMergeCells = 2MergeRow (0) = TrueMergeRow (1) = TrueMergeRow (2) = TrueMergeRow (3) = FalseThe ability of merging unit which can display data in a clear and attractive way. Unit with classification and sort out ability to coordinate the MSFlexGrid control to use. In order to use the MSFlexGrid control unit with the ability, must do the following two things:MergeCol and MergeRow (number) two] Boolean [= attribute property returns or sets a value that determines the value when the MergeCells property is set to 0 (with) after a value outside of which the rows and columns of the content should be merged. If the MergeCells property is set to a value other than 0, so with the same values of adjacent units, if they are in the MergeRow property to True in the same row, or in the MergeCol property to True in the same column, will be merged.MouseCol and the MouseRow property returns the mouse in a table row and column number.MouseIcon = LoadPicture (pathname) [= picture]Type MousePointer attribute [= value] mouse pointer.Name attributeThe Object property [.Property |.Method] returns the object and / or object or attribute set. The specified objects to be used in the Automation task with this attribute. Attributes supported by property objects. Methods supported by method objects.OLEDropMode属性[ =模式]?母属性返回包含控件、或其它对象或者集合的窗体、对象、或集合。

failed to establish a connection

failed to establish a connection

failed to establish aconnectionFailed to establish a connection is a common error message encountered by internet users. This error message usually indicates that the user's device is unable to establish a connection with a remote server or website. It can be caused by various factors such as network connectivity issues, incorrect IP configuration, or server problems. Understanding the causes and solutions to this error message can go a long way in resolving the issue and ensuring uninterrupted internet connectivity. In this document, we will explore the various causes of failed to establish a connection error message and how to fix them.Causes of Failed to Establish a Connection Error Message:1) Network Connection Issues: The most common reason for the failed to establish connection error message is network connectivity issues. These issues may occur due to a weak Wi-Fi signal,improper network configuration, router problems, or malfunctioning network adapter.2) Firewall Restrictions: Firewalls can also cause connectivity issues. Firewalls are security programs that restrict access to certain ports and websites. If a website is blocked by a firewall, it can cause the failed to establish connection error message.3) DNS Problems: Domain name system (DNS) servers convert domain names into IP addresses. When the DNS server is not functioning correctly,it can cause connectivity issues, leading to a failed to establish a connection error message.4) Browser Issues: The browser can also cause the failed to establish a connection error message.A web browser may have corrupted files, files that were not correctly installed, or plugins that interfere with the connection process.5) Proxy Configuration: Proxy servers can also cause connectivity issues, leading to the failed to establish a connection error message.Solutions to Failed to Establish a Connection Error Message:1) Check Network Connection: The first step in resolving the failed to establish connection error message is to check the network connection. Check the Wi-Fi signal strength and ensure that therouter is functioning correctly.2) Disable Firewall: If the firewall is causing connectivity issues, it may be necessary to disable it temporarily to establish a connection. Once the connection is established, the firewall can be re-enabled.3) DNS Configuration: Ensure that the DNS server is correctly configured by checking the settings and making changes if needed.4) Browser Cache and Cookies: Clearing the browser cache and cookies may help solve issues related to browser-specific websites.5) Restart the Computer: Restarting the computer can terminate any background processesthat may be interrupting the connection, leading to the failed to establish a connection error message.6) Proxy Settings: If the proxy server is causing the error message, try changing the proxy settings or disabling it.Conclusion:In summary, failed to establish a connection error message can be caused by various factors such as network connectivity issues, firewall restrictions, DNS problems, browser issues, and proxy configuration problems. Identifying the cause of the error message and applying the correct solution can help resolve the issue and ensure uninterrupted internet connectivity. In situations where the above steps do not work, contacting the internet service provider or system administrator may be necessary to resolve the issue.。



全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:带着宝物去旅行英语作文不少于350字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Traveling with a TreasureAs I zipped up my backpack and double checked that I had everything I needed for my summer adventure, my eyes landed on the one item that meant more to me than anything else I waspacking - my teddy bear, Teddy. He's been by my side through thick and thin ever since I was a baby. While just a tattered old stuffed animal to others, to me Teddy represented security, comfort, and a lifetime of memories. I couldn't imagine going on this big trip without him.I was about to embark on a three-week tour around Europe with a group of students from my high school. We'd be visiting Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and England. It was a dream trip, but also quite daunting for me as I had never traveled internationally before, nor been away from my family for that long. Having Teddy with me was a must - he was my little piece of home that I could squeeze tight whenever I got homesick or anxious about being so far away.The morning we departed, I made sure Teddy was safe and secure in the outside zipper pocket of my backpack. I could feel his soft, matted fur through the fabric as we went through airport security, boarded the plane, and took off into the clouds. Looking down at the teddy-shaped bulge in my bag's pocket gave me a sense of calm amongst the chaos of travel.Our first stop was Rome, with its ancient ruins, winding cobblestone streets, and amazing pasta and gelato. I pulled Teddy out at every iconic sight, making sure to snap silly photosof him in front of the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, and Vatican City. Having him there somehow made the larger-than-life attractions seem less intimidating. It was like I had a familiar friendly face accompanying me.As we traversed from country to country, city to city, hotel to hotel, Teddy became my constant companion. He sat on my bed at night as I wrote in my journal about that day's adventures. He went with me for team dinners, sometimes peeking his head out of my bag as I ate. He came along on walking tours, bus rides, even a boat cruise down Venice's Grand Canal. Teddy was my little travel buddy that connected me to my childhood home no matter how far away I roamed.There were definitely times I was tempted to leave him behind at the hotel for safety, but I could never bring myself to do it. What if I lost him or someone took him? The nightmare scenarios made me cling to Teddy even tighter. Looking back, I realize how ridiculous it might have seemed - a 17-year-old boy so attached to a tattered old toy. But Teddy meant the world to me. He made me feel loved, secure, and brave enough to venture out into the unknown. Having him there helped me navigate the thrills and uncertainties of international travel.One of my favorite memories from the trip was in Amsterdam. Our group had the afternoon free to explore, so my friends and I rented bikes and rode along the city's iconic canals.I had Teddy strapped to my chest in a front-pack, and he basically got to be my super adorable but very experienced cycler that afternoon. We zoomed past charming Dutch homes, peered down twinkling waterways, and even stopped to sample some sweet stroopwafels from a street vendor. At one point, I rang my little bell and shouted, "Bike lane coming through, baby!" holding Teddy up lion king-style as we rolled on. Some passersby chuckled, but I didn't care. This was our adventure!As our time in Europe wrapped up, I found myself feeling more and more apprehensive about going home. While I missed my family terribly, a part of me wanted to keep exploring, to keep having a companion and protector like Teddy by my side wherever I went. He had given me the courage to step out of my comfort zone, to embrace new experiences and cultures wholeheartedly. Teddy showed me that homeis where the heart is, and he'll always be a reminder of the journey we went on together.Now when I look at Teddy sitting on a shelf in my bedroom, his fur is a bit more tousled, he's got some new stains, and he'sslightly more frayed. But he's also got a lifetime of new memories and adventures etched into his wise old eyes and endless hugs. He'll forever be my travel buddy, my protector, my friend who showed me how to explore the world with equal parts curiosity andbravery. Teddy is more than just a teddy bear. He's my treasure.篇2Traveling with My Treasured PossessionAs students, we're often encouraged to broaden our horizons, explore the world, and gain new experiences through travel. But when we embark on these adventures, there's one thing many of us can't bear to leave behind – our treasured possessions. For me, that invaluable item is my tattered,dog-eared copy of "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger.I know what you're thinking – how could a book be considered a treasured possession? To the untrained eye, it's just a bunch of pages bound together with a cover. But to me, this book is so much more than that. It's a constant companion, a source of solace, and a reminder of the person I strive to be.You see, when I first read "The Catcher in the Rye" in high school, I was immediately drawn to Holden Caulfield's cynical yet authentic voice. His disdain for phoniness and superficiality resonated with my own struggles to find my place in a world that often felt fake and contrived. Holden's musings on the human condition spoke to me in a way that few other works of literature had.As I navigated the turbulent waters of adolescence, this book became my life raft. Whenever I felt misunderstood or lost, I could crack open its worn pages and find solace in Holden's words. His inner turmoil and quest for meaning mirrored my own, and his refusal to conform to societal expectations inspired me to stay true to myself.So, when the opportunity arose to travel abroad during my gap year, there was no question that my trusty copy of "The Catcher in the Rye" would be coming along for the ride. It was a non-negotiable part of my packing list, right up there with my passport and toothbrush.And what a journey it's been! My beloved book has accompanied me across continents, from the bustling streets of London to the serene beaches of Bali. It's been my constant companion on long train rides, plane journeys, and solitary hikes.Its well-thumbed pages have soaked up the salty sea air and absorbed the scents of exotic spices from faraway markets.But more than just a physical object, this book has been a constant source of comfort and familiarity in unfamiliar surroundings. Whenever I've felt homesick or overwhelmed by the novelty of a new place, I've found solace in its familiar words and characters. Holden's voice has been a grounding force, reminding me of who I am and where I come from, no matter how far I've roamed.And just as this book has been a companion to me, it's also been a conversation starter and a bridge to new friendships. Fellow travelers have spotted its well-worn cover peeking out of my backpack and struck up conversations about their own favorite books. We've swapped stories, shared perspectives, and forged connections over our mutual love of literature.Through these interactions, I've come to realize that my treasured possession is more than just a book – it's a symbol of my identity, a reflection of my values, and a reminder of the power of storytelling to bring people together.As my travels wind down and I prepare to embark on the next chapter of my life, one thing is certain: this beloved copy of "The Catcher in the Rye" will remain by my side. Its dog-earedpages and faded cover are a testament to the adventures we've shared and the lessons I've learned along the way.For in the end, the true value of a treasured possession lies not in its monetary worth or physical appearance, but in the memories, emotions, and experiences it represents. And for me, this book encapsulates the essence of my journey – a quest for authenticity, connection, and self-discovery in a world that often feels phony and confusing.So, fellow travelers, hold your treasured possessions close, for they are more than just objects – they are repositories of our stories, our struggles, and our triumphs. And just as they've accompanied us on our journeys, may they continue to guide us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.篇3My Journey with Grandma's LocketAs I zipped up my backpack and double checked that I had everything for my solo trip across Europe, I felt a small lump in the front pocket. Reaching in, my fingers closed around the delicate gold locket that had belonged to my grandmother. Awarm smile spread across my face as I remembered the day she gifted it to me before she passed away."This has been in our family for generations," she had said, her wrinkled hands trembling as she fastened the chain around my neck. "It's supposed to protect the wearer and guide them through life's adventures. I want you to have it, my daring granddaughter, as you set off to explore the world."Her words echoed through my mind as I clutched the heart-shaped locket tightly. Though I had my doubts about its magical properties, this piece of antique jewelry was my most prized possession - a connection to my roots and a reminder of the resilient, free-spirited woman I hoped to embody.With Grandma's locket secured safely under my shirt, I headed off on the adventure of a lifetime. My first stop was the enchanting city of Paris. As I wandered the romantic rues, I couldn't resist ducking into quaint cafes and patisseries to sample creamy hot chocolates and delicate pastries. I spent hours getting delightfully lost in the Louvre, gazing upon the enigmatic smiles of the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo.At night, I would wander along the Seine, the locket resting warmly against my skin. Catching glimpses of the twinkling Eiffel Tower through the buildings, I felt a thrill of pure freedom andcontentment. This was the life Grandma had wanted for me - seeing the world, basking in new cultures, and forging my own path.From Paris, I took a train to Switzerland and fell head over heels for the storybook village of Grindelwald. I imagined Grandma would have loved it here, knitting on the porch of a rustic chalet and taking invigorating morning hikes through the wildflower-dotted meadows. During a fondue lunch at a mountainside chalet, I traced the engraved design on the locket as panoramic views of the majestic Alps unfurled before me.In Italy, I sampled fresh pasta and gelato daily as I meandered through the artistic cities of Florence, Venice, and Rome. The locket bounced against my chest as I walked for miles, craning my neck to take in magnificent sculptures, paintings, and architectural marvels around every corner. One evening after visiting the bone-chilling Catacombs, I found myself clutching the locket for reassurance it was still there, a solid tie to my family amidst the overwhelming magnitude of antiquity surrounding me.As the weeks flew by, the locket became my beloved travel companion, bringing me solace and reminding me of home when I felt small pangs of loneliness or uncertainty. Grandmaseemed to be there with me, whispering encouragement and delight whenever I tried an adventurous new activity like skydiving in Switzerland or took a impromptu overnight train to Munich for a beer festival.On a sweltering afternoon in Venice, I stepped inside the blessedly cool interior of an ancient church. Sinking onto a pew, I pulled out the locket and ran my thumb over the engraved design as sunlight streamed through the stained glass windows. Though my grandmother never had the chance to travel, her spirit had been right there alongside me for every breathtaking view, delicious bite of food, and spontaneous detour that made up the journey of a lifetime.After two months of traveling, it was finally time to return home. As the plane took off over the rolling Italian countryside, I slipped the locket out from under my shirt, cradling it in my palm. This humble piece of jewelry had been my connection to family, my talisman against uncertainty, and a reminder of the infinite possibilities that awaited me in life, just as it had for the generations of wanderers before me.I thought of Grandma's wizened face and the fierce gleam in her eyes as she gifted me the locket before I left. "You're a fierce, unstoppable soul, just like your ancestors," she had said with aproud smile. "This locket will keep you safe as you go out and seek your greatness."As I traced the familiar engraved design one last time, I silently thanked Grandma for giving me such a meaningful treasure - one that didn't have a monetary value, but a value thicker than blood that wove our lives together in an unbreakable journey across years and miles. Wherever life took me from here, her locket would forever be my anchor, pushing me towards uncharted waters in search of my next grand adventure.。



赤道圆度和两级圆度The equatorial roundness and two-level roundness are important concepts in the field of geodesy and geophysics. The equatorial roundness refers to the shape of the Earth at the equator, which is slightly flattened due to the centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation. This deviation from a perfect sphere is known as the Earth's oblateness, and it is measured by the equatorial bulge, which is the difference between the equatorial and polar radii of the Earth.The two-level roundness, on the other hand, refers to the deviations in the Earth's shape at different scales. At the global scale, the Earth is best approximated by an oblate spheroid, with the equatorial radius being larger than the polar radius. However, at smaller scales, the Earth's surface is not perfectly smooth and can exhibit variations in elevation and curvature. These deviations are known as geoid anomalies and can be caused by factors such as tectonic activity, gravitational variations, and thedistribution of mass within the Earth.Understanding the equatorial roundness and two-level roundness of the Earth is crucial for a variety of applications in geodesy, geophysics, and earth sciences. For example, accurate knowledge of the Earth's shape is essential for navigation, mapping, and satellitepositioning systems. By accounting for the Earth's oblateness and geoid anomalies, scientists and engineers can improve the accuracy of GPS measurements, satellite orbits, and geodetic surveys.In addition, the equatorial roundness and two-level roundness of the Earth play a key role in studying the planet's interior structure and dynamics. By analyzing the distribution of mass and density variations within the Earth, scientists can gain insights into processes such as mantle convection, plate tectonics, and the formation of mountain ranges. These studies help us better understand the forces that shape the Earth's surface and influence its geological evolution over time.Furthermore, the equatorial roundness and two-level roundness of the Earth are also important for studying climate change and sea level rise. By accurately measuring the Earth's shape and monitoring changes in its oblateness and geoid anomalies, scientists can track shifts in the distribution of mass and water across the planet. This information is crucial for predicting the impacts of global warming on sea levels, ocean currents, and the frequency of extreme weather events.Overall, the equatorial roundness and two-level roundness of the Earth are fundamental properties that shape our understanding of the planet's physical characteristics, geological processes, and environmental dynamics. By studying these concepts, scientists can unravel the complex interactions between the Earth's surface, interior, and atmosphere, leading to advancements in fields such as geodesy, geophysics, and climate science. Through ongoing research and technological advancements, we continue to refine our knowledge of the Earth's shape and improve our ability to model and predict its behavior in a changing world.。



A 部份1Akron abrasion loss 阿克隆磨耗减量2 abrasion resistance 耐磨耗性能3 abnormal tread wear 胎面异常磨耗4 abrasion resistance index 磨耗指数5 abrasion resistant compound 耐磨耗胶料6 accelerator 硫化促进剂7 accelerated stock 加促进剂胶料8 acceptance test 验收试验9 accessory material 辅助物料10 accumulator 贮布架,蓄压器11 accuracy 准确度,精度12 activated calcium 活性碳酸钙carbonate13 activated zinc oxide 活性氧化锌14 activator 活性剂15 actual road wear test 道路试验16 additional test 追加试验17 additive 添加剂18 adhesive 粘合(着)剂19 adhesion strength 粘合(着)强度20 adhesion applying mach- 涂胶机ine=cementing machine21 adhesive cement 胶浆(糊)22 adjustable tire drum 可调整成型筒23 after cure= post cure 后硫化24 after market tire 替换轮胎=replacement25 after sale (technical) 售后(技术)服务26 AFV=Autoform A型定型硫化机Vulcanizer27 age 老化28 age color 老化变色29 aged properties 老化后性能30 age resistance 耐老化性31 agitating tank 搅拌槽32 agricultural implem- 农机具轮胎ent tire 33 agricultural tire 农业机械轮胎34 air bag 气(水)胎35 air blister 气泡36 air blower 鼓风机37 air bubble 气泡38 air build-up 残留空气=entrapped air39 air compressor 空气压缩机40 air cylinder 气缸41 air impermeability 不透气性;气密性42 air inflation pressure 充气压力43 air leakage 漏气44 alarm 警报器45 allowance 公差;容许差46 all purpose rubber 通用橡胶47 all purpose tire 全天候轮胎48 all season radial tire 全天候子午线轮胎49 all steel radial tire 全钢子午线轮胎50 all terrain vehicle=ATV 全地形越野车辆51 ambient condition 环境条件52 American Society for =ASTM 美国材料Testing and Materials 和试验协会53 antioxidant 抗氧化剂54 antiozonant 抗臭氧剂55 anti-stick agent 防粘剂;隔离剂56 apex 三角胶条57 apparent density 视密度;表观密度58 appearance defect 外观缺陷59 appearance inspection 外观检查60 AQL= 合格水平acceptable quality level61 aramid 芳族聚酰胺纤维62 aromatic oil 芳香族油63 ash content 灰分含量64 aspect ratio 扁平比=轮胎断面高宽比65 atmospheric exposure 大气曝露试验test66 autoclave 硫化罐B 部份67 bag black 袋装碳黑68 bag collector 袋滤器69 bagging 脱辊;不粘辊70 B0M=Bag-o-Matic B型硫化机71 bag opener 解包机;开袋机72 bag stripper 拔气胎机73 bale cutter 切胶机74 banana roll 扩展辊轮;扩展辊轮75 Banbury internal mixer 万马力密炼机76 band 帘布层(筒),胶带,带束层77 band applicator 套帘布层(筒)装置78 band building machine帘布层(筒)贴合机79 band building method 帘布层(筒)成型法80 bank 辊轮存胶;堆积胶81 bared 缺胶,凹陷,失肉82 bared cord 帘线缺胶(露白)83 barrel 押出机的机筒84 base 胎面胶垫层,底层85 batch 一批,分批式,一手(车)料86 batch-off-machine 吊挂式胶片冷却机87 bead 胎圈部位88 bead apex strip 钢丝圈三角胶条89 bead chafer 钢丝圈包布90 beaded edge tire= BE tire 软边轮胎91 bead filler 三角胶条;填充胶条92 bead flipper 钢丝圈外包布93 bead wire ring grommet line钢丝圈制造线94 bead wire insulation compound 钢丝圈胶95 bead toe 胎趾96 bead unsetting test 脱圈试验97 bead wire ring 钢丝圈98 bead wrapping fabric钢丝圈内包布99 bead wrapping machine钢丝圈内包布缠绕机100 bearing 轴承101 belt 胶带,输送带,带束层102 belt edge strip带束层封边条103 bias cutter 帘布斜裁裁断机104 bias tire 斜交轮胎105 bin 贮罐;料仓;储料桶106 black masterbatch 碳黑母炼胶107 bladder 胶囊108 bladder curing press胶囊硫化机109 bladder turn-up machine=BTU轮胎成型机110 blem 处理(整修)品轮胎111 blemish 缺陷,瑕疵,次级品112 blending 混合,搅拌,共混113 blister=trapped air 气泡114 blister pricker 剌孔(泡)机(器)115 blooming 喷(起)霜116 blowing agent 发泡剂117 blowout 爆破118 bobbin 纱筒,卷线轴,筒管119 body ply 骨架层;帘布层;胎体120 boiler 锅炉121 bolt 螺栓122 bonding 粘合123 booker rack 百页车124 booking 百页车存放125 booster 增压器126 boot 橡胶套,胶靴127 bored roll 空心辊轮128 boss 圆凸部(压模)129 brake 剎车;制动130 brand(mark) 商标131 brass coated(plated) steel wire镀黄铜钢丝132 breakdown 破胶,塑炼,软化133 breaker 缓冲层134 bromobutyl rubber溴化丁基橡胶butyl135 bubble 气泡136 bucket conveyor 斗式输送机137 buffing 打磨138 building drum 成型筒(鼓)139 bulge 鼓出;隆起,特大气泡,凸出140 burst=blow-out 爆破141 butadiene rubber =BR丁二烯橡胶142 butting splicer 对接接顗机143 butyl rubber=IIR丁基橡胶144 by-pass 旁通管;副线;支路C 部份145 calcium carbonate 碳酸钙146 calendar gauge 压延测厚仪147 calendaring 压延工艺,压延加工148 calibration 校正149 caliper type gauge 游标卡尺150 camber angle 汽车前轮倾斜角151 cambered roll 中高辊轮152 capacity 容量,能力,负荷量153 cap and base 胎冠与基部154 cap ply 冠带层,缓冲布层155 carbon black 碳黑156 carbon black master batch碳黑母炼胶157 carcass 胎体,骨架,帘布层158 cement 胶浆(胡涂),胶粘159 cement spraying machine喷浆机160 centering 定中心161 center line 中心线162 center poster BOM用中心机构(立柱) 163 center to center 中心距164 chafer 胎圈包布165 chamber 密炼室166 character 性质,特性167 charging door 密炼机入料口168 check valve 止回阀,逆止阀169 chilling roll 冷却辊筒170 chipping-chunking 花纹块掉崩171 chrome plated 镀铬172 circulating water 循环水173 clamping force 上下模闭合(如BOM) 174 clamping pressure 合模(锁模)压力175 clay 陶土176 clearance between rolls 辊距,辊缝177 Cl-IIR=chlorobutyl rubber氯化丁基橡胶178 clutch 离合器179 coating 涂胶,覆胶,贴胶180 code 代号,代码,编码181 coil 线圈,旋管182 cold feed extruder 冷喂料押出机183 cold flow 冷流现象184 collector 收集器185 color tire 彩色轮胎186 color variation 色差187 column type curing press立柱式硫化机188 compatibility of plasticizer增塑剂兼容性189 compensating roller=dancer roller松紧调节辊;活动辊190 compensator=accumulator补偿器191 component assembly部件组装成型192 component parts 组件;零组件193 composite tread 复合胶面194 compound 配方(合);胶料;化合物195 compound breakdown胶料软化;破胶196 compound design配方设计197 compounding 混合;配合;混炼;配料作业198 compression deflection characteristics压缩变形特性199 compression set 压缩永久变形200 AIR compressor 压缩机201 CAD=computer aided design计算机辅助设计202 consumption of energy 耗电量203 contamination 污染;沾污204 control panel 控制屏(板)205 cord 帘布206 core 气门阀之气心207 corrosion 腐蚀;侵蚀208 CIF=cost,insurance,and freight成本,保险,运费209 coupling 偶合;联结;联轴节210 cracking 龟裂;裂纹;裂缝;开裂211 creel room 锭子(筒子架)房212 curing 硫化213 curing press 硫化机214 cushion 缓冲215 cut growth resistance耐割口成长216 cyclone 旋风分离器217 cylinder 气缸;液压缸;机筒218 CZ=CBTS 促进剂CZ橡胶工厂常用字汇王该再编D 部份219 damaged tire 废胎;损坏轮胎220 damping rubber 减振橡胶221 dancer roll 浮动辊;张力调节辊222 day hopper 日贮斗;一天用量料斗223 daylight 上下热板间距224 daylight press 平板硫化机225 day storage bin 一天用量料仓226 DBP absorption test 碳黑吸油试验227 deadline 最后期限;截止期228 deep tread tire 深花纹轮胎229 deflect 缺陷230 deflection 变形;下沉量231 defoaming 消泡232 deformation 变形233 degradation of rubber 橡胶老化变质234 degree of cure 硫化程度235 delivery 发货236 demounting of tire拆卸轮胎237 density 密度238 deodorant 除臭剂239 depreciation 折旧240 depth of thread 螺纹深度241 design and construction设计与施工242 designation of tire 轮胎标称243 detail drawing 详图244 detector 探测器245 deviation 偏差246 diagonal construction tire斜交轮胎247 dial gage 厚度计248 diameter 直径249 diaphragm valve隔膜阀250 die 口型;口金;模型251 die swell ratio 押出膨胀率252 digital display unit 数字显示装置253 dimension 尺寸;尺度;大小254 dimensional stability尺寸稳定性255 dipping 浸渍; 浸胶256 dipped cord (fabric) 浸渍帘线(布)257 direct cure 直接蒸气硫化258 directional tread pattern有方向胎面花纹259 direction of rotation 轮胎滚动方向260 discharge door 卸料门261 discoloration 变色;褪色;脱色262 dispersion 分散263 displacement 位移264 display 显示;显示器265 disposal of sewage 污水处理266 distortion ply=wrinkled ply布层打折267 distribution curve 分布曲线268 distribution of particle size粒子分布269 distributor 分配器;分散剂270 dog-leg=bend 弯曲;不直271 dog-skin=surface roughness 表面粗糙272 dolly 混炼胶;厂间运搬车273 dome 硫化罩; 蒸气室274 DOT=Department of Transportation 美国交通运输部275 double check 复核276 double coated cord fabric双面覆胶帘布277 down stream line equipment 下辅机278 dressing 修饰剂;光亮剂279 dried air cure=hot air cure 热空气硫化280 dryer 干燥机281 drilled chamber(roll)钻孔式密炼室(辊) 282 drive motor 驱动马达283 drop door discharge device摆动式卸料装置(密炼机)284 drum 成型鼓285 drum test machine鼓式轮胎里程试验机286 dry heat autoclave间接蒸气硫化罐287 dual purpose calender line双用钢丝/帘子布覆胶流程线288 dumping temperature 密炼机排胶温度289 duplex extruder 双复合押出机290 durability test 耐久性试验291 duration of service (设备)使用年限292 dynamic/ static balancing tester动态/静态平衡试验机橡胶工厂常用字汇王该再编E 部份293 earth-moving tire 工程机械轮胎294 eccentric wear 偏磨耗;偏心磨损295 edge breaks 边裂;破边296 edge thickness of flap 垫带边缘厚度297 elasticity 弹性298 elastic resilience 回弹性299 elastomer 弹性体300 elbow 弯头301 electrical conductive rubber 导电橡胶302 electrical insulation compound绝缘材料303 electrical knife 电热刀304 electric power house(station)变电所(站) 305 electric lift truck 电动叉车306 electric utility sub-station变电站307 electric vehicle 电动车308 electric wire 电线309 elevation 标高310 elevator 升降机;电梯;提升机311 elevator bucket 提升机吊斗312 elevator platform 升降台313 elliptical tire 椭圆形轮胎314 elliptic contract area 椭圆形接地面积315 elongation 伸长率316 elongation at break扯断伸长率317 embedded parts 预埋件318 emboss roll 压花辊轮319 emergency 紧急320 emergency break-off紧急剎车装置321 emergency facility 应急设备322 emergency tire 备用轮胎323 empty sack baling machine空袋打包机324 empty weight 空车重量;车辆自重325 emulsion 乳化;乳液326 emulsion paint 乳液涂料327 emulsion rubber 乳液聚合橡胶328 emulsion type styrene butadiene rubber乳聚丁苯(SBR)橡胶329 end 端点;帘纱根数330 ends per inch 经纱(支)数/英寸331 endurance test 耐久性试验;疲劳试验332 end-use product (最终)产品333 energy capacity 破坏能;能量容量334 energy efficient 节能的;省油的;省电的335 engineering cost 工程设计费336 engineering design change工程设计变更337 engineering design review工程设计审查338 engineering feasibility study 技术上的可行性研究339 engineering specification 工程规模340 engraved tire mold 刻花(型)的胎模341 engraving machine刻花机(模具)342 entrained air=entrapped内部气泡;暗泡343 entrance 进口;入口344 environmental temperature环境温度345 environmental testing 天候老化试验346 EPDM=ethylene-propylene dienemonomer 三元乙丙橡胶347 equal distance wear 等距磨秏348 equilibrium tire=balanced tire平衡轮胎349 error allowance 容许误差350 escape hole 气孔;透气孔351 estimated delivery date估计交货日期352 etching 化学浸蚀刻花353 ETRTO=European Tire and RimTechnical Organization欧洲轮胎和轮圈技术组织354 evaluation test 验证试验355 even-speed mill 等速炼胶机356 even tread wear 胎面均匀磨秏357 examination inspection 肉眼检查358 excess rubber 溢胶;毛边359 expander roll 扩布辊360 expansion joint伸缩缝;伸缩接头;膨胀节361 expansion ratio 膨胀率362 experimental design实验计划363 exposed cord in bead胎圈露线364 extruder 押(挤)出机365 extrusion profile 押出物断面形状橡胶工厂常用字汇王该再编F 部份366 fabric 编织物;布;帘布367 fabric bias cutter帘布裁断机368 fabric festoon storage compensator蓄布器369 facility 设施;设备;装置370 factor of safety安全系数371 factory scrap 生产废料372 fading 褪色;脱色373 failure 破坏;不合格374 failure analysis 故障分析;失败分析375 farm front wheel tire农用拖拉机前轮轮胎376 farm implement tire 农机具轮胎377 fast cure rubber 快速硫化橡胶378 fatigue cracking 疲劳龟裂379 fatigue-to-failure test疲劳破坏试验380Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard =FMVSS美国联邦汽车安全标准381 feedback 回馈;反馈382 feed inlet 进料口383 feed zone 螺杆供料区384 FEF=fast extruding furnace black快押出炉黑385 festoon 蓄布器386 fiber=fibre 纤维387 fiber glass 玻璃纤维388 filament 丝;单纤维389 filament yarn 长丝纱(线)390 filler 填充剂;三角胶芯;填补胶条391 filling factor 填充系数392 filter 过滤器393 final batch 终炼胶394 final end-product制品;成品395 final inspection station成品检查站396 final mixing 终炼397 fineness 粒子细度;粒度;纯度398 finger FT成型机帘布卷上之机械指399 finish 表面修饰;表面修饰剂400 fire engine hose消防胶管401 fireproof coating 防火涂层402 first bandage 第一帘布筒403 first ply 第一层帘布404 first stage building machine一段成型机405 fitting line 安装线;定位线;轮圈线406 fit tire 装配轮胎407 fix 固定;装配408 flame resistant agent 耐燃剂;阻燃剂409 flange 法兰;凸缘410 flap 垫带;挡泥板411 flashing 溢胶;胶边412 flat–free tire 防爆轮胎413 flat spot 停车变形;(胎面)平点414 flat width of inner tube 内胎平迭宽度415 flaw 缺陷;瑕疵;毛病416 flex break 屈挠断裂417 flexibility test 屈挠性试验418 flipper 钢丝圈外包布;外护圈包布419 floating 浮动;密炼机上顶栓浮动420 flow chart 流程图421 foam filled tire 海绵芯轮胎422 foldable spare tire 可折迭备用轮胎423 footprint (contact area) 接地面积424 foreign material 杂质;异料425 fork lift 堆高机;叉车426 former 成型机头;钢丝圈缠卷机头427 formula 配方428 foundation bolt 底脚螺栓429 four-wheel drive 四轮传动430 frame 框架;机架431 free radius 自由半径;无负荷半径432 friction heat build-up摩擦生热433 front roll 前辊434 frosting 喷白霜;泛白;去光泽435 fuel efficiency 燃料热值;燃烧效率436 full scale production 全能生产437 full steel radial tire全钢子午线轮胎438 fully-automatic production line全自动生产线439 furnace black 炉法碳黑G部分440 gage=gauge 厚度;钢丝直径441 gap=nip 辊距;辊隙442 garden tractor tire园艺拖拉机轮胎443 gasket 密封垫;垫片;垫圈444 gasoline consumption 汽油消耗量445 gas permeability 透气性446 gate 卸料门;注口;料口447 gate valve 闸阀448 GC=gas chromatography气相色谱法449 gear box 齿轮箱;传动箱450 gear ratio 齿轮传动比;速比451 gear reducer 齿轮减速机452 gel 凝胶453 general purpose rubber通用橡胶454 generator 发生器;发电机455 glue 胶糊;胶浆456 Go-Kart tire 低速赛车轮胎457 go-no-go gauge 过与不过验规458 Goodrich Flexometer固特里奇屈挠试验机459 GPF=general purpose furnace back通用炉碳黑460 grass mover tire 割草机轮胎461 grease 润滑脂462 green strength 生胶强度463 green tire 生胎;胎坯;环保(绿色)轮胎464 green tire loader生胎装胎器465 green tire painting生胎喷隔离剂466 green tire shaping 生胎定型467 green tire truck 生胎搬运小车468 green tube 生内胎;内胎坯469 grinding machine 研磨机;粉碎机470 grip ability 轮胎抓着力471 grommet 垫环;绝对圈;橡胶密封圈472 groove 轮胎花纹沟;沟槽;螺纹473 groove cracking花纹沟龟裂474 groove depth 花纹沟深度475 gross output value 总产值476 gross volume of chamber密炼室总容量477 ground calcium carbonate重质碳酸钙478 ground contact area 轮胎接地面积479 grown dimension 轮胎膨胀尺寸480 grown inner tube 胀大内胎481 grown tire 胀大轮胎482 grown tire overall diameter胀大轮胎外径483 grown tire overall width胀大轮胎总幅度484 guaranteed tire mileage轮胎保证里程485 guide plate 开炼机档胶板486 guide roll 导轮487 gum 纯胶;橡胶;软胶H 部份(1)488 HAF=high abrasion furnace black高耐磨炉碳黑489 hair cracking 细龟裂;细裂纹490 half-and –half wear轮胎偏磨耗491 hand barrow 手推车492 hand cart tire 手推车轮胎493 handling and stability test 操纵性和稳定性试验494 handling equipment搬运设备495 handmade article 手工制品496 hand –operation 手工操作497 hand roller 手压辊498 hanging-up 挂料;工作架499 hardness 硬度500 headquarters factory 总厂501 heat ageing test 热老化试验502 heat build-up 生热性;发热性;生热503 heat exchanger 热交换器504 heat expansion 热膨胀505 heat growth 轮胎发热胀大506 heat hysteresis loss 热滞后损失507 heat insulation 保温;隔热508 heat resistant conveyor belt耐热输送带509 heat shrinkage 热收缩510 heat treatment 热处理511 heavy duty tire=truck tire载重汽车轮胎512 heavy equipment tire工程机械轮胎H 部份(2)513 heel 胎跟;鞋后跟514 HE (Hooked edge) tire钩边轮胎515 hexagonal bead insulating and winding line六角形钢丝圈押出缠绕联动线516 high filler loading capacity高填充量517 high frequency 高频率518 high loadings 高填充量519 high modulus compound高模量胶料520 high molecular weight高分子量521 high-performance tire高性能轮胎522 high precision calender 高精度压延机523 high pressure tire 高压轮胎524 high-quality tire 高质量轮胎525 high speed performance test高速性能试验526 high speed tire 高速轮胎527 high structure carbon black 高结构碳黑528 high-styrene rubber 苯乙烯丁苯橡胶529 high table bias cutter 高台式裁纱机530 high temperature vulcanization高温硫化531 highway tread pattern公路花纹532 hoist 起吊装置533 holes 气泡;气孔534 homogeneous mixing均匀混合535 hopper 料斗;加料斗536 horizontal bias cutter 卧式裁纱机537 horsepower 马力538 hot feed extruder 热喂料押出机539 hot room 烘胶房540 humidity stability 湿度稳定性541 hydraulic tire curing press液压式轮胎硫化机542 hydrostatic burst test水压爆破试验543 hysteresis property 滞后性质I 部份(1)544 idler roll 惰辊;空转辊545 idle time 闲空时间;停歇时间546 IIR=isobutene-isoprene rubber丁基橡胶547 impact tester 冲击试验机548 impermeability to gas不透性;气密性549 implement tire 农机具轮胎550 improper inflation不标准内压551 impurity 不纯物;杂物552 incorporation time混合时间;吃粉时间553 increment 增量;余差554 indicator 指示器;指示剂555 indirect drive 间接传动;大齿轮传动556 indoor drum test 空内里程试验557 industrial tire 工业用轮胎556 inflammability 易燃性559 inflated tire dimension充气后轮胎尺寸560 inflation pressure (of tire)轮胎内压561 ingredient 配合剂562 initial feasibility studies初步可行性分析563 injection molding machine射出成型机564 inlet 入口;进入565 inner-liner 内面胶;内衬层;气密层566 inner peripheral dimension内周长567 inner tube 内胎568 in-process material加工用原料;半成品569 inside green-tire painting生胎内喷涂570 insoluble sulfur 不溶性硫黄571 inspection 检验;检查572 insulated material 绝缘材料573 interchangeable parts可互换性配件574 internal mixer 密闭式混炼机575 International Rubber HardnessDegree=IRHD国际橡胶硬度(标度) 576 inventory 库存量577 iodine value 碘值578 ion exchange resin 离子交换树脂579 IR=Isoprene Rubber异戊二烯橡胶580 irregular tread wear胎面偏磨581 ISAF=Intermediate Super AbrasionFurnace Black中超耐磨炉黑582 ISO=International Organization forStandardization国际标准化组织583 isothermal 等温的J 部份584 jack 千斤顶585 jacket 夹套;外皮;外套586 jacket autoclave夹套式硫化罐587 JATMA=Japanese Auto TireManufacturers’ Association日本汽车轮胎制造者协会588 jig 夹具589 JIS=Japanese Industrial Standard日本工业标准590 JLB=jointless band 无接头带朿层591 joint angle 接头角度592 joint length 接头长度593 joint strength接头强度594 joint tube 有接头内胎595 JV=joint venture 合资企业K 部份596 Kaolin(clay) 高岭土597 kerbing damage 路边伤598 kerbing ribs 胎侧保护线599 key component 主要组成600 key properties 主要性能601 kick-off 开始602 kinetic energy动能603 kinetic friction动态摩擦604 kinetic wheel balancer车轮动平衡测试仪605 kiss roll 贴胶辊;涂布辊606 kneader 捏炼机607 knife bar 涂胶刀;刮浆刀608 knockout pin 推出销;推顶销609 know –how 专门技术;诀窍610 kps=kilopoises千泊(粘度单位)611 KWH=kilowatt-hour千瓦-小时=电度数L 部份612 lab.=laboratory 试验室613 label 商标胶条片;标签614 laboratory mixing mill试验室用炼胶机615 laboratory shop试验工场616 laminated structure 迭层结构617 lamp black 灯黑618 laser calibrator激光(激光)校正仪619 laser velocimeter激光(激光)测速仪620 lateral cracking胎肩周向(横向)龟裂621 lateral direction横向;侧向622 lateral force 侧向力623 lateral run-out=LRO侧向尺寸偏差624 lateral stability侧向稳定性625 latex 乳胶626 latex adhesive乳胶粘合剂627 lawn mover tire划草机轮胎628 layout 设备布置629 lay separation分层;脱层630 L/D=length-to-diameter ratio螺杆长径比631 leakage test 泄漏试验;气密性试验632 leak-proof tube自封式内胎633 left-hand mill 左传动开炼机634 let-off stand导出装置635 lettering轮胎(胎侧)刻字636 level control 料位控制;液面控制637 LFD=lateral force deviation横向力偏移638 LFV= lateral force variation横向力变化639 lifter 升降机;电梯640 light-colored sheet浅色胶片641 light truck tire轻型卡车轮胎642 limitation 限度;界限643 limit switch限位开关;行程开关644 linear speed (velocity) 线速度645 liner 垫布;气密层646 load 负荷;荷重647 load cell负荷传感器648 load index 负荷指数649 loading & unloading装模与卸模650 loading capacity 载荷能力;充填容量651 loading chamber 装(加)料室652 loading chuck 装生胎托盘653 load rating 负荷级别;额定负荷654 loose bead胎圈脱松散(松散)(破裂) 655 loose cord 帘布散乱(松弛)656 loose tread 胎面脱空橡胶工厂常用字汇王该再编657 loose wire 钢丝脱落658 loss angle 力学损耗角659 loss factor 损耗因素660 loss in weight 减量661 loose modulus 损耗模量662 loose of wear 磨耗损失663 lot=batch 批664 lot identification mark 产品批号665 lot inspection 按批检查666 low aspect ratio tire低偏平比轮胎667 low pressure tire 低压轮胎668 low profile tire 低断面轮胎669 low section (height) tire低断面轮胎670 low speed tire 低速轮胎671 low temperature resistance耐寒性672 low unsaturated rubber低不饱和橡胶673 LT tire=light truck tire轻型载重车轮胎674 lubricant 润滑剂;隔离剂;脱模剂675 lubricating grease 润滑脂676 lubricating oil 润滑油677 lug 花纹块(越野车)678 lug type tread pattern模纹胎面花纹M 部份679 M=MBT=mercaptobenzothiazole促进剂M680 machinery 机械;设备;装置681 machinery lay-out机械布置682 machine shop 机械修理场683 magnesium oxide=MgO氧化镁684 magnetic clutch 电磁离合器685 main control room主控制室686 maintenance downtime停(机检)修时间687 major service 大修688 mandrel 铁心;芯轴689 manual of engineering instruction 技术说明书690 manual operation 手工操作691 manual truck 手推车692 marginal effect 边际效应693 mark 标记;标线694 mask 面罩695 masterbatch 母炼胶696 master gear 大齿轮697 master sample 标准样品698 masticated rubber 塑炼胶699 masticating mill 塑炼机700 mastication 塑炼;捏炼701 material servicer 供料器702 maximum allowable pressure最大容许压力703 maximum clearance 最大间隙704 maximum load 最大负荷705 maximum overall diameter in service最大使用外直径706 maximum overall width in service最大使用总宽度707 maximum permissible inflation pressure最大允许充气压力708 maximum permissible service temperature 最大允许操作温度709 maximum speed 最高速度710 MBTS=DM=benzothiazyl diaslfide促进剂DM711 measurement 测量;测定;计量;尺寸;大小712 mechanical rubber goods橡胶工业制品713 mechanism of abrasion 磨粍机理(构) 714 medium-duty truck tire中型载重轮胎715 melting point=m.p. 熔点716 membrane for diaphragm pump隔膜泵膜片717 mesh 筛孔;筛号;每吋孔数718 metal detector 金属侦测器719 metal/rubber bonding 金属/橡胶粘合720 mica powder 云母粉721 micro-crystalline wax 微晶蜡(蜡)722 microscope camera 显微照相机723 migration of wax 石蜡迁移(喷出)橡胶工厂常用字汇王该再编M 部份724 mill banding 包辊(现象)725 mill mixing 辊轮(开炼机)混炼726 mill warm-up 辊轮(开炼机)热炼727 minimum burst pressure 最小爆破压力728 minimum dual spacing 最小双胎间距729 minimum width of flatting flap垫带最小展开宽度730 minor overhaul 小检修731 misaligned mould 未校准模型;错位模具732 misalignment of tire装胎偏斜不正733 misalignment of valve hole轮胎气门咀孔位置不正734 mixing chamber 混炼室(密炼机)735 mixing cycle time 混炼周期736 mixing order 混炼顺序737 mixing plant (room)炼胶厂738 mixture of antioxidants 混合防老剂739 mobile home 活动旅游家庭车740 modulus 模量;模量741 modulus at 300% elongation 300%定伸应力742 moisture content 含湿量;含水率743 mold alignment 合模准确744 mold clamping mechanism合模机构745 mold edge misalignment模边错位746 mold engraving machine模具雕刻机747 mold parting line 合模线748 moment 力矩;转矩749 monitor 监测(控)器750 monkey spanner 活动扳手751 mono-chafer 单丝编织的防擦布752 mono-ply tire 单层胎体轮胎753 mono-steel cord tire单层钢丝帘布轮胎754 Mooney scorch time木尼焦烧时间755 Mooney Viscometer 木尼粘度仪756 Mooney Viscosity 木尼粘度757 moped tire机器脚踏两用车胎758 motorcycle tire 摩托车胎759 mountain bike tire登山车轮胎760 mounting of tire 安装轮胎761 MPG=miles per gallon每加仑汽油行驶的哩数762 M & S tire=mud & snow tire雪泥轮胎763 multi-daylight press多层平板硫化机764 multiple extruder 多头复合押出机765 multiply tire 多层(帘布)轮胎766 multipoint recorder 多点记录仪767 multi-purpose furnace black多用炉黑768 multi-stage compressor多段压缩机769 multi-stage mastication 多段塑炼770 multi-stage mixing 多段混炼771 MVSS=Motor Vehicle Safety Standard美国汽车安全标准772 MW=molecular weight 分子量773 MWD= molecular weight distribution 分子量分布N 部份774 naphthenic oil 环烷基油775 natural rubber latex天然橡胶乳液776 NBR=nitrile-butadiene rubber丁腈橡胶777 neoprene 氯丁橡胶778 nip adjustment辊距调节装置779 nitrogen adsorption surface area氮吸附法表面积(碳黑)780 nitrosoable material可形成亚硝基的物质781 noise level 噪音强度782 nominal dimension 标称尺寸783 non-black reinforcing filler非黑色补强剂784 non-blooming ingredient 不喷霜配合剂785 non-destructive inspection非破坏性检验786 non-directional tire 无方向花纹轮胎787 non-discolouring 不变色的788 non-inflammability 不燃性789 non-skid 耐滑的;防滑的790 non-soluble sulfur 不溶性硫磺791 non-staining 非污染性的792 non-toxic formula 无毒的配方橡胶工厂常用字汇王该再编N 部份793 non-woven fabrics 不织布794 normal air pressure 正常内压795 normal distribution 常态分配796 nozzle 喷嘴797 NR=natural rubber 天然橡胶798 nylon 6 cord 尼龙6帘布799 nylon 66 尼龙66帘布800 nylon bandage 尼龙冠带层O 部份801 observation check 目眼观察检查802 observed value 观测值803 OD=outer diameter 外径804 odorant 芳香剂805 off-center tread 非对称胎面806 off-center ply 贴合不对称(帘布) 807 off-grades 格外品808 off-line operation 离线作业809 off-loading 卸料810 offset 偏位811 off-the-road tire=OTR tire越野/工程轮胎812 oil resistance test 耐油试验813 oil seal 油封814 one stage building machine一次法成型机815 on-line operation 联机(在线)作业816 on-off controller 通断双位控制器817 on stream 开工818 on-the-road tire好路面轮胎;公路轮胎819 open cords 帘线间隔变宽松(轮胎缺陷) 820 open mill 开放式炼胶机;开炼机821 open mold 模缝溢胶822 open splice=open tread joint胎面接头裂开823 open steam oven直接蒸汽硫化罐824 open steel cord 开放式结构钢丝帘线825 open tie in 帘布层反包端部脱开826 operating desk 操作台827 operating sequence diagram操作顺序828 operator 作业员829 optimum cure point正硫化点830 optimum cure time最适硫化时间831 organic chemicals 有机药品832 orifice 小孔;模口833 original equipment tire原装配轮胎834 original sample 原试样835 O-ring O型环836 O-ring gasket O型垫圈837 O-ring packing O型环密封838 O-ring seals O型环密封圈839 oscillating 振动840 osmosis 渗透作用841 osmotic pressure 渗透压力842 outdoor aging 室外老化843 outdoor (exposure) test室外(曝露)试验844 outdoor weathering test室外自然老化试验845 outer body plies 帘布外层846 outlet pressure/temperature出口压力/温度847 output rate 产量;生产率848 outside appearance 外观849 oven 烘箱;硫化罐850 oven aging 热老化851 oven-heated crude rubber预热生胶852 oven post cure 烘箱二次硫化853 over-acceleration 促进剂过量854 over-all cycle 总混炼周期855 overall performance总体性能856 overall tire width 轮胎最大断面宽度857 over cured 硫化过度858 over flow trimmer 修边机859 overhaul 检修860 overhead cost 间接费用;总开支861 over-inflated tire 内压过高的轮胎862 overlap 重迭;搭接863 overloaded tire 超载轮胎864 oxidation inhibitor 氧化抑止剂865 oxygen aging 氧老化866 ozone aging 臭氧老化867 ozone cracking test臭氧老化(龟裂)试验868 ozone test chamber 臭氧老化试验箱P 部份869 package 包装870 pad 垫871 painting 涂隔离剂;涂脱模剂872 pallet 托盘;托板;板条箱;栈板873 paraffinic oil 石蜡油874 paraffinic wax石蜡875 parameter 参数876 Para-rubber 巴拉橡胶877 part by volume(weight) 体积(重量)份878 partial automation 半自动化879 particle diameter 粒子直径880 particle fineness 粒子细度881 particle size distribution 粒子大小分布882 parting line 合模线;分型线883 parting line flash 分型线流失胶884 pass 合格;通过辊筒885 passenger tire 轿车轮胎886 paste adhesive 糊状胶粘剂887 patch 修补轮胎的胶片888 pattern 花纹;样式;模型889 pattern roll 刻花辊筒890 PCD=pitch circle diameter螺孔距圆周直径891 PCI=post cure inflation硫化后充气892 PCR=passenger car radial tire轿车子午线(辐射层)轮胎893 peel adhesion test 剥离试验894 peel off 剥离;掉块;脱皮895 pellet 颗粒(珠状;丸状)896 pelletizing of carbon black 碳黑造粒897 pencil bank 薄(小量)堆积胶898 pendulum impact test摆锤式冲击试验899 peptizer 塑解剂900 performance characteristics使用性能901 performance tire 高性能轮胎902 permanent compression set永久压缩变形903 permeability 渗透性;透气性904 PH=power of hydrogen酸碱值905 physical properties物理性能906 picking up 附胶量;附着量907 pigment 颜料;着色剂908 pilot plant 试验工厂909 pilot production 试产;试制910 pin barrel extruder 销钉式押出机911 pinhole 针孔912 pinion (gear)传动齿轮913 pin key 销键914 piping detail 配管详图915 piston 活塞;柱塞916 pitch 沥青;间距;节距;齿距;螺距917 pitch of tread design胎面花纹间距918 plain roll 光辊轮919 plain stitcher 平面滚压轮920 plant 工厂;装置;植物921 plant layout工厂布置;工艺布置922 plant water 生产用水923 plaster casting (molding)石膏模注型法924 plasticated rubber 塑炼胶925 plastication 塑炼; 塑化;软化926 plasticity test 可塑度(性)试验927 plastic tubing 塑料管928 plate 板材;压板;板929 platen press 平板硫化机930 platform 平台931 platform (weighing) scale 台秤932 plies 帘布层933 plug 塞子;芯孔;补洞胶塞934 plunger 柱塞935 plunger energy test轮胎柱塞(能量)试验;轮胎破坏能试验936 ply adhesion test 帘布层粘着试验937 ply angle 帘布贴合角度938 ply rating=PR 轮胎层级939 ply separation 脱层;脱空940 ply servicer 帘布层供料装置941 ply turn ups帘布反包端942 pneumatic tire 充气轮胎943 pneumatic transport 管道气体输送944 pocket building machine帘布筒贴合机945 point of tire-road contact轮胎接地面积956 polyester tire cord 聚酯轮胎帘布957 polymer 聚合物958 porosity 多孔性;气孔959 PCI= post cure inflation硫化后充气960 power consumption 功率消耗961 power factor 功率因子962 PPM=parts per million百万分之几; 963 precipitated calcium carbonate轻质碳酸钙964 precision calender 精密压延机965 pre-cure 预硫化966 pre-forming 预成型967 pre-heating 预热968 premium grades 优等品969 pre-scorch 早期焦烧970 press 平板硫化机;压台971 pressure reguater 压力调节器972 pressure gage 气压表973 pressure regulator 调压器974 pressure tank 压力槽975 pressure transducer 压力传感器976 pressure vessel 压力容器;高压罐977 pre-tire assembly 外胎成型前准备978 preventive maintenance预防性检修979 pre-warming of mold 硫化模预热980 PRI=plasticity retention index 塑性保持指数;抗氧指数981 pricker bar剌气泡棒(压延机消泡用) 982 pricker roll 带剌辊983 primary accelerator 主促进剂984 probability of acceptance合格(接收)概率985 probability of rejection不合格(拒收)概率986 processability 加工性能;操作性能987 process aid 加工助剂988 process chart 工艺流程图989 process control 操作控制990 process failure翻胎加工缺陷; 翻新损坏991 processing safety 操作安全992 processing scrap 返回胶;回收胶993 process oil 加工油994 process water 生产用水995 product failure 出废品;质量事故996 production bottle neck生产瓶颈环节997 production run 大量生产;成批生产998 production verification生产验证999 productive maintenance生产保全1000 product yield 产品产率1001 profile calender 压型压延机1002 profiling 压型;出型1003 programmable logic controller=PLC可编逻辑程控器1004 projected area 投影面积1005 promoting bonding 增进粘合1006 propeller blade 螺旋桨叶1007 proportional divider 比率分配器1008 proportioning by volume(weight)按体积(重量)比率定量供给。



纺丝常用英语一、工艺管理Direct melt spinning (plant) 直接纺(工厂)polymerization process 酯化工艺控制丝条卷绕张力Polymer booster pump 聚酯增压泵control the winding tensionof the yarnspinning speed 纺丝速度isothemal 等温humidity 湿度air flow风向properties特性粘度location of oil jet 油嘴位置wingding speed 卷速temperature 温度Solidified凝固spinning tension 纺丝张力yarn tension(T1\T2\T3) 丝条张力winding tension 卷绕张力spinning process 纺丝工艺helix angle 交叉角emulsion concentration 浓度output/through put 泵供量traverse control 横动控制pump capacity 泵规格pump revolution 泵转速melting temp. 熔体温度molten polymer 熔体softening temp. 软化点pack internal pressure 组件压力melt viscosity 熔体粘度glass translation temp. 玻璃化温度conc. Emulsion 浓度air presure 风压bunched together集束air velocity 风速cohesiveness 内聚性air flow 风向yarn contact angle 丝条接触角度specified value 设定值pack internal pressure 组件压力polymer pressure 熔体压力quenching air 侧吹风extrude 挤出pump efficiency 泵效率specific property 特性actual content 实际成分cationic dyeable 阳离子可染active content 活性成分keep good spinability 保持纺丝性能二、质量管理Uster eveness 条干不匀率opu(oil pick up)含油率titer 纤度denier 旦尼尔elongation 伸长filament diameter 纤维直径tenacity 强度package density 卷装密度twister 捻度micron 微米litre 升denier checking machine 纤度检测仪器tensile tester强伸仪hand-held instrument 手持测量仪classify分等bar 巴lap 叠丝tight spot 紧点routine sampling 常规取样Downgrade/degrade 降等unit 单位1 / 5三、设备polymer filter 过滤器quench separator侧吹风隔板jacket 夹套 a set of ceramic guides 一组瓷件oil guide 油嘴瓷件drip pan纺丝用的接油盘spinneret 喷丝板set screw顶紧螺钉pack /spin pack 组件caliper卡钳gear pump 齿轮泵Static mixer 静态混合器suction gun 吸枪shutter切丝器drive roller 主动辊washer 垫圈godet roller 导丝辊panel 仪表板take-up machine/winder 卷绕机controller 控制器quenching chamber 侧吹风室interfloor-tube shutter 纺丝甬道隔板cap crews螺帽HTM reboiler 热媒炉idler gears从动齿轮stoppage故障铜/铝铲刀dismantled parts组件拆卸a sharp brass or aluminiumwipe stickplug 塞teeth spaces of the gears 齿轮间隙port 孔face of the spinneret 喷丝板面capillary 毛细孔lenz ring 卡簧wire mesh 金属网pigtail guide 猪尾巴瓷件filter 过滤器spin beam/block纺丝箱体squeeze ring 分配板pump parts 计量泵备件Inlet packing 内模板jig 镊子optical sensor 光学传感器extrusion hole 挤出孔gauge液位计Filter mesh 过滤器网shaft 轴filter 过滤器brass rod熟铜锤Alumina Sand 氧化铝idler spindle从动轮filteration medium 过滤介质driving spindle主动轮cap screws/Allen bolt螺母spin finish pump纺丝油剂泵Allen key内六角扳手discard非插件lubrication润滑quench chamber damper valve侧吹风调节阀metal filter金属烧结网anemomaster 风速仪hexagon wrench内六角扳手manifold 总管flowmeter流量计drive motor 传动马达fine holes of spinneret 喷丝板微孔inverter 变频器seal 密封distributor分配管take-up machine卷绕机intermingling nozzle网络喷嘴spinning duct 纺丝甬道doffing cart 落丝小车POY cart丝饼小车coupler 联轴节Reactor 聚酯反应器air hose 气管aspirator 吸丝器metering pump 计量泵vessel 容器 a set of godets 一组导丝辊2 / 5chip cutter 切粒机ring 环pre-interlace jet 预网络器surface roughness 表面粗糙度transfer line输送管线roller bail parallelism 分丝辊平行度chip silo 料仓precision 精度parts 备件tray 隔板pack body 组件壳体pack lid 盖子air wrench 气动枪oil jet 油嘴wrench 扳手四、管理人员Team Leader 组长Dedicated ManufacturingStaff指定的操作人员Quality Operator Coverage 质量员Maintenance Staff 维保人员Quality Manager 质量管理人员Maintenance Manager 维保管理人员Team CommunicationsCoordinator协调人Training Specialist 培训Top Manager from Plant 3 三厂高管Team Technical Leader 技术组长Lab Manager 分检管理人员DTY Quality ControlManagerDTY质量控制主管Manufacturing Shift Leaders 值班长Target Machines 生产线五、检查管理the water temp should be around 35C 水温保持在35摄氏度左右yarn fluctuation丝条波动conditioned air 空调风at patrol巡检时hammer 锤击OLT rejection 张力报警one more treatment of T.E.G for 6 hours at a temp.270 270°TEG处理6小时以上Monitoring unit 监视shut down 停车check point 检测点clean all these parts with the help of DM water and if necessary in ultrasonic and dry all the parts. 先用脱盐水清洗,再用超声波清洗,最后吹干defective pack 有缺陷的组件pack tightening 组件紧固energy consumption 能耗intermediate 中间物Squeeze filter bulge 膨胀refit 改装corrective action 改进rotate 旋转requirement from thecustomer客户需求serious accident 严重事故routine maintenance 例行维修proper action 规范操作polymer leakage 漏浆polymerization section 聚酯部份heavy denier 粗旦replacement 置换Light denier/finedenier/small denier细旦torque 扭矩OLT event 张力事件replace更换overthrow 绊丝loosen pack bolt 拧开组件螺栓original date 起始日期3 / 5polymer dust 浆块extra quench stock 备用侧吹风板drip 滴dye ability 染色能力certain position 确定的锭位routine work 常规作业wiping of spinneret 铲板mounting plate 固定Plugged or partially pluggedholes堵孔contamination 杂质pack dismantling device 组件分解装置punch 打孔pack leakage 组件漏浆bent filaments 弯头丝yarn path stability 丝道稳定inspect with microscope 镜检before works over 下班之前release limits 定等出厂控制线temperature uniformity 温度均匀trade standard 行业标准store 存贮state standard 国家标准troubleshoot故障检验period of validity/ end day 有效期pack change interval 组件更换周期cross sectionn 横截面shut off 切断soiling of spinneretsurface喷丝板面脏depend on inner pressure and yarn break 由组件压力和断头情况决定cleanness 清洁processing room condition 环境条件eye observation 目测abnormal sound 异响dimension 尺寸六、材料degreaser 去(油)污剂infrared ray 红外线silicone spray 硅油 A fine grade polish paper高级抛光纸cloth 布minor 镜子Antiseptic 防腐剂DM Water 脱盐水Raw Finish Oil 原油剂Dowtherm vapour 热媒蒸汽emery cloth砂布/金刚砂布liquid dowtherm液态热媒cleaner 清洁剂HTM vapour 热媒蒸汽finish oil纺丝油剂single filament 单丝magnifying glass 放大镜waste 废丝cardboard 纸板comprssed air 压缩空气sample 样品七、生产Vacuum pyrolysis 真空炉清洗strip 剥丝fluidished bath 流化床清洗yarn path 丝道salt bath 盐浴/碱洗ultrasonic 超声波清洗TEG bath 三甘醇清洗vibration level 振动水平taken out 落筒Cleaning process清洗工艺change over 换筒cleaning cycle time 清洗周期eye observation 目测emulsion preparation 油剂调配clean spinneret surface 铲板finish tube cleaning 油剂管线清洗single filament yarn flow 飘单丝hot water cleaning offinish system 油剂管线系统的热水清洗batch 批次Product changes 品种更换4 / 5before fixing on position 在固定之前spin pack dismantling组件拆卸Full bobbin 满卷丝饼building pack组件组装剥去表层丝Lot No 批号removing the top windingbunchidentification sticker 标识actual process实际操作过程equipment abnormality 设备异常quality abnormality 质量异常trace 跟踪Auxiliary area/section 辅助工区warehouse 仓库5 / 5。



机械类论文下载Failure Analysis,Dimensional Determination And Analysis,Applications Of Cams(故障的分析、尺寸的决定以及凸轮的分析和应用)——中英文对照作者:不详来源于:机械论文文档在线免费下载网发布时间:2009-1-2 19:59:56Failure Analysis,Dimensional Determination And Analysis,Applications Of CamsINTRODUCTIONIt is absolutely essential that a design engineer know how and why parts fail so that reliable machines that require minimum maintenance can be d esigned.Sometimes a failure can be serious,such as when a tire blows out on an automobile traveling at high speed.On the other hand,a failur e may be no more than a nuisance.An example is the loosening of the radiator hose in an automobile cooling system.The consequence of this la tter failure is usually the loss of some radiator coolant,a condition that is readily detected and corrected.The type of load a part absorbs is just as significant as the magnitude.Generally speaking,dynamic loads with direction reversals cause greater dif ficulty than static loads,and therefore,fatigue strength must be considered.Another concern is whether the material is ductile or brittle.For exam ple,brittle materials are considered to be unacceptable where fatigue is involved.Many people mistakingly interpret the word failure to mean the actual breakage of a part.However,a design engineer must consider a broader und erstanding of what appreciable deformation occurs.A ductile material,however will deform a large amount prior to rupture.Excessive deformation,without fracture,may cause a machine to fail because the deformed part interferes with a moving second part.Therefore,a part fails(even if it has not physically broken)whenever it no longer fulfills its required function.Sometimes failure may be due to abnormal friction or vibration between t wo mating parts.Failure also may be due to a phenomenon called creep,which is the plastic flow of a material under load at elevated temperatur es.In addition,the actual shape of a part may be responsible for failure.For example,stress concentrations due to sudden changes in contour mu st be taken into account.Evaluation of stress considerations is especially important when there are dynamic loads with direction reversals and the m aterial is not very ductile.In general,the design engineer must consider all possible modes of failure,which include the following.——Stress——Deformation——Wear——Corrosion——Vibration——Environmental damage——Loosening of fastening devicesThe part sizes and shapes selected also must take into account many dimensional factors that produce external load effects,such as geometric disco ntinuities,residual stresses due to forming of desired contours,and the application of interference fit joints.Cams are among the most versatile mechanisms available.A cam is a simple two-member device.The input member is the cam itself,while the o utput member is called the follower.Through the use of cams,a simple input motion can be modified into almost any conceivable output motion t hat is desired.Some of the common applications of cams are——Camshaft and distributor shaft of automotive engine——Production machine tools——Automatic record players——Printing machines——Automatic washing machines——Automatic dishwashersThe contour of high-speed cams (cam speed in excess of 1000 rpm) must be determined mathematically.However,the vast majority of cams opera te at low speeds(less than 500 rpm) or medium-speed cams can be determined graphically using a large-scale layout.In general,the greater the ca m speed and output load,the greater must be the precision with which the cam contour is machined.DESIGN PROPERTIES OF MATERIALSThe following design properties of materials are defined as they relate to the tensile test.Figure 2.7Static Strength.The strength of a part is the maximum stress that the part can sustain without losing its ability to perform its required function.T hus the static strength may be considered to be approximately equal to the proportional limit,since no plastic deformation takes place and no dama ge theoretically is done to the material.Stiffness.Stiffness is the deformation-resisting property of a material.The slope of the modulus line and,hence,the modulus of elasticity are me asures of the stiffness of a material.Resilience.Resilience is the property of a material that permits it to absorb energy without permanent deformation.The amount of energy absorbed is represented by the area underneath the stress-strain diagram within the elastic region.Toughness.Resilience and toughness are similar properties.However,toughness is the ability to absorb energy without rupture.Thus toughness i s represented by the total area underneath the stress-strain diagram,as depicted in Figure 2.8b.Obviously,the toughness and resilience of brittle materials are very low and are approximately equal.Brittleness.A brittle material is one that ruptures before any appreciable plastic deformation takes place.Brittle materials are generally considered undesirable for machine components because they are unable to yield locally at locations of high stress because of geometric stress raisers such as s houlders,holes,notches,or keyways.Ductility.A ductility material exhibits a large amount of plastic deformation prior to rupture.Ductility is measured by the percent of area and per cent elongation of a part loaded to rupture.A 5%elongation at rupture is considered to be the dividing line between ductile and brittle materials.Malleability.Malleability is essentially a measure of the compressive ductility of a material and,as such,is an important characteristic of metals that are to be rolled into sheets.Figure 2.8Hardness.The hardness of a material is its ability to resist indentation or scratching.Generally speaking,the harder a material,the more brittle i t is and,hence,the less resilient.Also,the ultimate strength of a material is roughly proportional to its hardness.Machinability.Machinability is a measure of the relative ease with which a material can be machined.In general,the harder the material,the m ore difficult it is to machine.COMPRESSION AND SHEAR STATIC STRENGTHIn addition to the tensile tests,there are other types of static load testing that provide valuable information.Compression Testing.Most ductile materials have approximately the same properties in compression as in tension.The ultimate strength,however,can not be evaluated for compression.As a ductile specimen flows plastically in compression,the material bulges out,but there is no physical rup ture as is the case in tension.Therefore,a ductile material fails in compression as a result of deformation,not stress.Shear Testing.Shafts,bolts,rivets,and welds are located in such a way that shear stresses are produced.A plot of the tensile test.The ultima te shearing strength is defined as the stress at which failure occurs.The ultimate strength in shear,however,does not equal the ultimate strength in tension.For example,in the case of steel,the ultimate shear strength is approximately 75% of the ultimate strength in tension.This difference must be taken into account when shear stresses are encountered in machine components.DYNAMIC LOADSAn applied force that does not vary in any manner is called a static or steady load.It is also common practice to consider applied forces that seld om vary to be static loads.The force that is gradually applied during a tensile test is therefore a static load.On the other hand,forces that vary frequently in magnitude and direction are called dynamic loads.Dynamic loads can be subdivided to the follow ing three categories.Varying Load.With varying loads,the magnitude changes,but the direction does not.For example,the load may produce high and low tensile stresses but no compressive stresses.Reversing Load.In this case,both the magnitude and direction change.These load reversals produce alternately varying tensile and compressive stresses that are commonly referred to as stress reversals.Shock Load.This type of load is due to impact.One example is an elevator dropping on a nest of springs at the bottom of a chute.The result ing maximum spring force can be many times greater than the weight of the elevator,The same type of shock load occurs in automobile springs w hen a tire hits a bump or hole in the road.FATIGUE FAILURE-THE ENDURANCE LIMIT DIAGRAMThe test specimen in Figure 2.10a.,after a given number of stress reversals will experience a crack at the outer surface where the stress is greate st.The initial crack starts where the stress exceeds the strength of the grain on which it acts.This is usually where there is a small surface defect,such as a material flaw or a tiny scratch.As the number of cycles increases,the initial crack begins to propagate into a continuous series of crack s all around the periphery of the shaft.The conception of the initial crack is itself a stress concentration that accelerates the crack propagation phen omenon.Once the entire periphery becomes cracked,the cracks start to move toward the center of the shaft.Finally,when the remaining solid in ner area becomes small enough,the stress exceeds the ultimate strength and the shaft suddenly breaks.Inspection of the break reveals a very intere sting pattern,as shown in Figure 2.13.The outer annular area is relatively smooth because mating cracked surfaces had rubbed against each other.H owever,the center portion is rough,indicating a sudden rupture similar to that experienced with the fracture of brittle materials.This brings out an interesting fact.When actual machine parts fail as a result of static loads,they normally deform appreciably because of the duct ility of the material.Figure 2.13Thus many static failures can be avoided by making frequent visual observations and replacing all deformed parts.However,fatigue failures give to warning.Fatigue fail mated that over 90% of broken automobile parts have failed through fatigue.The fatigue strength of a material is its ability to resist the propagation of cracks under stress reversals.Endurance limit is a parameter used to me asure the fatigue strength of a material.By definition,the endurance limit is the stress value below which an infinite number of cycles will not ca use failure.Let us return our attention to the fatigue testing machine in Figure 2.9.The test is run as follows:A small weight is inserted and the motor is tur ned on.At failure of the test specimen,the counter registers the number of cycles N,and the corresponding maximum bending stress is calculated from Equation 2.5.The broken specimen is then replaced by an identical one,and an additional weight is inserted to increase the load.A new val ue of stress is calculated,and the procedure is repeated until failure requires only one complete cycle.A plot is then made of stress versus number of cycles to failure.Figure 2.14a shows the plot,which is called the endurance limit or S-N curve.Since it would take forever to achieve an inf inite number of cycles,1 million cycles is used as a reference.Hence the endurance limit can be found from Figure 2.14a by noting that it is the stress level below which the material can sustain 1 million cycles without failure.The relationship depicted in Figure 2.14 is typical for steel,because the curve becomes horizontal as N approaches a very large number.Thus the endurance limit equals the stress level where the curve approaches a horizontal tangent.Owing to the large number of cycles involved,N is usuall y plotted on a logarithmic scale,as shown in Figure 2.14b.When this is done,the endurance limit value can be readily detected by the horizontal straight line.For steel,the endurance limit equals approximately 50% of the ultimate strength.However,if the surface finish is not of polished e quality,the value of the endurance limit will be lower.For example,for steel parts with a machined surface finish of 63 microinches ( μin.),th e percentage drops to about 40%.For rough surfaces (300μin.or greater),the percentage may be as low as 25%.The most common type of fatigue is that due to bending.The next most frequent is torsion failure,whereas fatigue due to axial loads occurs very seldom.Spring materials are usually tested by applying variable shear stresses that alternate from zero to a maximum value,simulating the actual s tress patterns.In the case of some nonferrous metals,the fatigue curve does not level off as the number of cycles becomes very large.This continuing toward ze ro stress means that a large number of stress reversals will cause failure regardless of how small the value of stress is.Such a material is said to have no endurance limit.For most nonferrous metals having an endurance limit,the value is about 25% of the ultimate strength.EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON YIELD STRENGTH AND MODULUS OF ELASTICITYGenerally speaking,when stating that a material possesses specified values of properties such as modulus of elasticity and yield strength,it is impli ed that these values exist at room temperature.At low or elevated temperatures,the properties of materials may be drastically different.For examp le,many metals are more brittle at low temperatures.In addition,the modulus of elasticity and yield strength deteriorate as the temperature increas es.Figure 2.23 shows that the yield strength for mild steel is reduced by about 70% in going from room temperature to 1000o F.Figure 2.24 shows the reduction in the modulus of elasticity E for mild steel as the temperature increases.As can be seen from the graph,a 30% reduction in modulus of elasticity occurs in going from room temperature to 1000o F.In this figure,we also can see that a part loaded below the p roportional limit at room temperature can be permanently deformed under the same load at elevated temperatures.Figure 2.24CREEP: A PLASTIC PHENOMENONTemperature effects bring us to a phenomenon called creep,which is the increasing plastic deformation of a part under constant load as a function of time.Creep also occurs at room temperature,but the process is so slow that it rarely becomes significant during the expected life of the temper ature is raised to 300o C or more,the increasing plastic deformation can become significant within a relatively short period of time.The creep stren gth of a material is its ability to resist creep,and creep strength data can be obtained by conducting long-time creep tests simulating actual part op erating conditions.During the test,the plastic strain is monitored for given material at specified temperatures.Since creep is a plastic deformation phenomenon,the dimensions of a part experiencing creep are permanently altered.Thus,if a part operates wit h tight clearances,the design engineer must accurately predict the amount of creep that will occur during the life of the machine.Otherwise,probl ems such binding or interference can occur.Creep also can be a problem in the case where bolts are used to clamp tow parts together at elevated temperatures.The bolts,under tension,will creep as a function of time.Since the deformation is plastic,loss of clamping force will result in an undesirable loosening of the bolted joint.The extent of this particular phenomenon,called relaxation,can be determined by running appropriate creep strength tests.Figure 2.25 shows typical creep curves for three samples of a mild steel part under a constant tensile load.Notice that for the high-temperature cas e the creep tends to accelerate until the part fails.The time line in the graph (the x-axis) may represent a period of 10 years,the anticipated life of the product.Figure 2.25SUMMARYThe machine designer must understand the purpose of the static tensile strength test.This test determines a number of mechanical properties of met als that are used in design equations.Such terms as modulus of elasticity,proportional limit,yield strength,ultimate strength,resilience,and duct ility define properties that can be determined from the tensile test.Dynamic loads are those which vary in magnitude and direction and may require an investigation of the machine part’s resistance to failure.Stress reversals may require that the allowable design stress be based on the endurance limit of the material rather than on the yield strength or ultimate s trength.Stress concentration occurs at locations where a machine part changes size,such as a hole in a flat plate or a sudden change in width of a flat pl ate or a groove or fillet on a circular shaft.Note that for the case of a hole in a flat or bar,the value of the maximum stress becomes much lar ger in relation to the average stress as the size of the hole decreases.Methods of reducing the effect of stress concentration usually involve making the shape change more gradual.Machine parts are designed to operate at some allowable stress below the yield strength or ultimate strength.This approach is used to take care of such unknown factors as material property variations and residual stresses produced during manufacture and the fact that the equations used may be approximate rather that exact.The factor of safety is applied to the yield strength or the ultimate strength to determine the allowable stress.Temperature can affect the mechanical properties of metals.Increases in temperature may cause a metal to expand and creep and may reduce its yi eld strength and its modulus of elasticity.If most metals are not allowed to expand or contract with a change in temperature,then stresses are set up that may be added to the stresses from the load.This phenomenon is useful in assembling parts by means of interference fits.A hub or ring h as an inside diameter slightly smaller than the mating shaft or post.The hub is then heated so that it expands enough to slip over the shaft.When it cools,it exerts a pressure on the shaft resulting in a strong frictional force that prevents loosening.TYPES OF CAM CONFIGURATIONSPlate Cams.This type of cam is the most popular type because it is easy to design and manufacture.Figure 6.1 shows a plate cam.Notice that the follower moves perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the camshaft.All cams operate on the principle that no two objects can occupy the sa me space at the same time.Thus,as the cam rotates ( in this case,counterclockwise ),the follower must either move upward or bind inside the guide.We will focus our attention on the prevention of binding and attainment of the desired output follower motion.The spring is required to ma intain contact between the roller of the follower and the cam contour when the follower is moving downward.The roller is used to reduce friction and hence wear at the contact surface.For each revolution of the cam,the follower moves through two strokes-bottom dead center to top dead cen ter (BDC to TDC) and TDC to BDC.Figure 6.2 illustrates a plate cam with a pointed follower.Complex motions can be produced with this type of follower because the point can follo w precisely any sudden changes in cam contour.However,this design is limited to applications in which the loads are very light;otherwise the co ntact point of both members will wear prematurely,with subsequent failure.Two additional variations of the plate cam are the pivoted follower and the offset sliding follower,which are illustrated in Figure 6.3.A pivoted f ollower is used when rotary output motion is desired.Referring to the offset follower,note that the amount of offset used depends on such parame ters as pressure angle and cam profile flatness,which will be covered later.A follower that has no offset is called an in-line follower.Figure 6.3Translation Cams.Figure 6.4 depicts a translation cam.The follower slides up and down as the cam translates motion in the horizontal direction.N ote that a pivoted follower can be used as well as a sliding-type follower.This type of action is used in certain production machines in which the pattern of the product is used as the cam.A variation on this design would be a three-dimensional cam that rotates as well as translates.For exam ple,a hand-constructed rifle stock is placed in a special lathe.This stock is the pattern,and it performs the function of a cam.As it rotates and translates,the follower controls a tool bit that machines the production stock from a block of wood.Figure 6.4Positive-Motion Cams.In the foregoing cam designs,the contact between the cam and the follower is ensured by the action of the spring forces during the return stroke.However,in high-speed cams,the spring force required to maintain contact may become excessive when added to the dyn amic forces generated as a result of accelerations.This situation can result in unacceptably large stress at the contact surface,which in turn can res ult in premature wear.Positive-motion cams require no spring because the follower is forced to contact the cam in two directions.There are four b asic types of positive-motion cams: the cylindrical cam,the grooved-plate cam ( also called a face cam ) ,the matched-plate cam,and the scotch yoke cam.Cylindrical Cam.The cylindrical cam shown in Figure 6.5 produces reciprocating follower motion,whereas the one shown in Figure 6.6 illustrates the application of a pivoted follower.The cam groove can be designed such that several camshaft revolutions are required to produce one complete follower cycle.Grooved-plate Cam.In Figure 6.8 we see a matched-plate cam with a pivoted follower,although the design also can be used with a translation f ollower.Cams E and F rotate together about the camshaft B.Cam E is always in contact with roller C,while cam F maintains contact with roller D.Rollers C and D are mounted on a bell-crank lever,which is the follower oscillating about point A.Cam E is designed to provide the desired motion of roller C,while cam F provides the desired motion of roller D.Scotch Yoke Cam.This type of cam,which is depicted in Figure 6.9,consists of a circular cam mounted eccentrically on its camshaft.The strok e of the follower equals two times the eccentricity e of the cam.This cam produces simple harmonic motion with no dwell times.Refer to Sectio n 6.8 for further discussion.CAM TERMINOLOGYBefore we become involved with the design of cams,it is desirable to know the various terms used to identify important cam design parameters.T he following terms refer to Figure 6.11.The descriptions will be more understandable if you visualize the cam as stationary and the follower as mo ving around the cam.Trace Point.The end point of a knife-edge follower or the center of the roller of a roller-type follower.Cam Contour.The actual shape of the cam.Base Circle.The smallest circle that can be drawn tangent to the cam contour.Its center is also the center of the camshaft.The smallest radial si ze of the cam stars at the base circle.Pitch Curve.The path of the trace point,assuming the cam is stationary and the follower rotates about the cam.Prime Circle.The smallest circle that can be drawn tangent to the pitch curve.Its center is also the center of the camshaft.Pressure Angle.The angle between the direction of motion of the follower and the normal to the pitch curve at the point where the center of the r oller lies.Cam Profile.Same as cam contour.BDC.Bottom Dead Center,the position of the follower at its closest point to the cam hub.Stroke.The displacement of the follower in its travel between BDC and TDC.Rise.The displacement of the follower as it travels from BDC to TDC.Return.The displacement of the follower as it travels from TDC or BDC.Ewell.The action of the follower when it remains at a constant distance from the cam hub while the cam turns.A clearer understanding of the significance of the pressure angle can be gained by referring to Figure 6.12.Here F T is the total force acting on the roller.It must be normal to the surfaces at the contact point.Its direction is obviously not parallel to the direction of motion of the follower.Ins tead,it is indicated by the angle α,the pressure angle,measured from the line representing the direction of motion of the follower.Therefore,th e force F T has a horizontal component F H and a vertical component F V.The vertical component is the one that drives the follower upward and,the refore,neglecting guide friction,equals the follower F load.The horizontal component has no useful purpose but it is unavoidable.In fact,it attemp ts to bend the follower about its guide.This can damage the follower or cause it to bind inside its guide.Obviously,we want the pressure angle to be as possible to minimize the side thrust F H.A practical rule of thumb is to design the cam contour so that the pressure angle does not exceed 30o.The pressure angle,in general,depends on the following four parameters:——Size of base circle——Amount of offset of follower——Size of roller——Flatness of cam contour ( which depends on follower stroke and type of follower motion used )Some of the preceding parameters cannot be changed without altering the cam requirements,such as space limitations.After we have learned how t o design a cam,we will discuss the various methods available to reduce the pressure angle.故障的分析、尺寸的决定以及凸轮的分析和应用前言介绍:作为一名设计工程师有必要知道零件如何发生和为什么会发生故障,以便通过进行最低限度的维修以保证机器的可靠性。

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a r X i v :0705.0973v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 7 M a y 2007S UBMITTED TO A P JPreprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.10/09/06A CONNECTION BETWEEN BULGE PROPERTIES AND THE BIMODALITY OF GALAXIESN IV D RORY 1ANDD AVID B.F ISHERDepartment of Astronomy,The University of Texas at Austin,1University Station C1400,Austin,Texas 78712Submitted to ApJABSTRACTThe global colors and structural properties of galaxies have recently been shown to follow bimodal distri-butions.Galaxies separate into a “red sequence”,populated prototypically by early-type galaxies,and a “blue cloud”,whose typical objects are late-type disk galaxies.Intermediate-type (Sa-Sbc)galaxies populate both regions.It has been suggested that this bimodality reflects the two-component nature of disk-bulge galaxies.However,it has now been established that there are two types of bulges:“classical bulges”that are dynamically hot systems resembling (little)ellipticals,and “pseudobulges”,dynamically cold,flattened,disk-like structures that could not have formed via violent relaxation.Alas,given the different formation mechanisms of these bulges,the question is whether at types Sa-Sbc,where both bulge types are found,the red-blue dichotomy separates galaxies at some value of disk-to-bulge ratio,B /T ,or,whether it separates galaxies of different bulge type,irrespective of their B /T .In this paper,we identify classical bulges and pseudobulges morphologically with HST images in a sample of nearby galaxies.Detailed surface photometry reveals that:(1)The red –blue dichotomy is a function of bulge type:at the same B /T ,pseudobulges are in globally blue galaxies and classical bulges are in globally red galaxies.(2)Bulge type also predicts where the galaxy lies in other (bimodal)global structural parameters:global Sérsic index and central surface brightness.(3)Hence,the red –blue dichotomy is not due to decreasing bulge prominence alone,and the bulge type of a galaxy carries significance for the galaxy’s evolutionary history.We interpret this result as showing that the type of bulge a galaxy has is a signpost of the evolutionary history of the whole galaxy.Classical bulges are thought to indicate that a galaxy has undergone violent relaxation,e.g.during a major merger (of smaller fragments)in its past.This is more likely to have happened earlier when merging was frequent,in higher-density environments,and when there was still enough gas to subsequently form the disk.Therefore,these galaxies are likely to be red today.Pseudobulges are disk components and therefore indicate a disk-only galaxy.Such a galaxy has not suffered a major merger since the formation of its disk.This is more likely at later epochs,when the merger rate is lower and in low-density environments.Therefore,these are likely to be younger,blue galaxies.In addition,there is evidence that pseudobulge galaxies harbor supermassive black holes that follow the M BH –σrelation.We discuss the effect of black hole feedback in the host galaxy.If feedback during black hole growth in classical bulges is what quenches star formation in their host galaxies,why does this not happen in galaxies with pseudobulges?Subject headings:galaxies:bulges —galaxies:formation —galaxies:evolution —galaxies:structure —galaxies:fundamental parameters1.INTRODUCTIONThe study of the statistical properties of galaxies has ad-vanced rapidly due to the release of large amounts of ho-mogeneously sampled data from wide area surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS;York et al.2000).The most notable result of recent years has been the bimodal distribution of many galaxy properties.Galaxies are bi-modally distributed in the color–magnitude plane separating into a red sequence and a blue cloud (Strateva et al.2001;Balogh et al.2004;Baldry et al.2004)and also (Liske et al.2003;Driver et al.2006).Other structural parameters,such as luminosity,size,surface density,and concentration,separate similarly into two sequences (Blanton et al.2003;Shen et al.2003;Kauffmann et al.2003b;Driver et al.2006).Stellar populations and stellar masses and mass surface density fol-low as well (Kauffmann et al.2003a,b).It is worth pointing out that some aspects of this bi-modality in galaxy properties have been known in otherElectronic address:drory@1Current address:Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik,Giessenbachstraße,Garching,Germanyforms for a while.An example is the existence of a tight color–magnitude relation for early-type galaxies and the non-existence of such a relation for late-type galaxies (de Vaucouleurs &de Vaucouleurs 1973).The fact that the bimodality is manifested in many parame-ters in a similar way is perhaps not surprising.Structural and stellar population related parameters of galaxies are known to be well correlated,giving rise to galaxy classification schemes such as the Hubble Sequence (Hubble 1926;Sandage 1961;see Roberts &Haynes 1994for a review of parameter corre-lations along the Hubble Sequence).On the one extreme of the Hubble Sequence we find ellipti-cal (E)galaxies,which are thought to be the prototypical red-sequence objects,and on the other extreme pure disk galax-ies (Sd-Sm),which populate the blue cloud.Intermediate-type (Sa-Sbc)galaxies form a sequence in bulge-to-total ra-tio,B /T ,and therefore bridge the red and blue loci in the color–magnitude plane.It is therefore reasonable to attribute the bimodality seen in colors of galaxies to this bulge-disk two-component nature of galaxies,a point recently affirmed by Driver et al.(2006).Yet,identifying the physical structures that are respon-2Drory&Fishersible for the bimodal distribution is not entirely straight-forward.Firstly,colors of disks and their associated bulges are correlated,such that redder disks harbor redder bulges (Peletier&Balcells1996;de Jong1996;MacArthur et al. 2004).Secondly,it has now been established that there are at least two types of bulges,where“bulge”is defined as the ex-cess light over the inward extrapolation of the surface bright-ness profile of the outer disk.The common procedure in the literature to identify bulges is by surface brightness profile de-composition and this practice identifies all types of bulges in a common fashion.Thus we still refer to all the structures that are found in this way as“bulges”.A more physically moti-vated definition is given below,however the term“bulge”de-fined in such purely observational terms is still operationally useful and hence we will adopt this photometric definition in this paper.We will,however,prefix this observationally-motivated term“bulge”by physically-motivated qualifiers. Many bulges are dynamically hot systems resembling el-liptical galaxies that happen to have a disk around them(e.g. Renzini1999).These bulges are called“classical bulges”. Their formation is assumed to be similar to that of elliptical galaxies,which are thought to be the products of violent re-laxation during major mergers.This happens in environmen-tally driven evolution(hierarchical clustering),which was the dominant process driving galaxy formation in the early uni-verse.On the other hand,“pseudobulges”are bulges that have structure and kinematics resembling that of disks.They are believed to have formed via dramatically different formation channels than those responsible for the formation of classi-cal bulges(see Kormendy&Kennicutt2004for a comprehen-sive review).Pseudobulges are dynamically cold(Kormendy 1993).They haveflattening similar to that of the outer disk(Kent1985;Kormendy1993;Fathi&Peletier2003; Kormendy&Fisher2005;Kormendy et al.2006).Also,they may have embedded secondary bars,rings,and/or spiral struc-ture(Carollo et al.1997).All these are disk phenomena which do not occur in hot stellar systems.Therefore,these bulges could not have been formed by mergers involving vi-olent relaxation.Instead,they are thought to form through slow rearrangement of disk material.Disk galaxies form their structural analogs to these nuclear features as a result of hav-ing high angular momentum compared to random motions. We expect a similar phenomenon is occurring in pseudob-ulges.Kormendy(1993)shows that some bulges do have stel-lar dynamics which resemble inclined disks better than they do oblate rotators.What can drive disk galaxies to reshape themselves to form a pseudobulge?Non-axisymmetries in the gravitational po-tential(bars,ovals,spiral structure)redistribute energy and angular momentum in disks.A large body of literature re-viewed by Kormendy&Kennicutt(2004)makes a strong case that bars rearrange disk gas into inner rings,outer rings,and dump gas into the center.All indications are that internal evo-lution builds up the central gas density,resulting in star for-mation and bulge-like stellar densities,thus forming pseudob-ulges.Internal evolution is mostly“secular”–its timescales are much longer than the collapse time.Fisher(2006)shows that pseudobulges are experiencing enhanced star formation over classical bulges.This further favors the idea that pseu-dobulges form through a slower process(secular evolution), and hence are still being built today.For recent reviews on this subject see Kormendy&Kennicutt(2004)and Athanassoula (2005).Hence,if pseudobulges are truly disk phenomena(in some way like bars or rings),it is natural to expect that the di-chotomy of galaxy properties is not merely a product of changing bulge-to-total ratio,but distinguishes disks(includ-ing their pseudobulges)from classical bulges.This imposes us to ask two questions.Do galaxies with pseudobulges be-have like bulgeless pure disk galaxies?Secondly,is the loca-tion of a galaxy with respect to the(color)bimodality deter-mined by the relative prominence of its bulge and disk com-ponents alone?The existence of a dichotomy among bulges themselves of-fers an opportunity to test this.The question becomes whether at intermediate Hubble types of Sa-Sbc,where both bulge types are found,the color bimodality separates galaxies at some bulge-to-total ratio,or,whether it separates galaxies of different bulge type,irrespective of bulge-to-total ratio(or neither).In this paper,we answer these questions by comparing the location of galaxies with pseudobulges to that of galaxies with classical bulges with respect to the bimodality of the color and structural distributions of galaxies in general,i.e.we look for a relationship between the type of bulge a galaxy has and the global properties of the galaxy harboring the bulge.This paper is organized as follows.Sect.2discusses the galaxy sample used in this work and lays out the analysis methods and bulge classification scheme we use.In Sect.3 we present and discuss the dependence of galaxy properties on bulge type.Finally,we summarize and discuss our results in Sect.4.2.THE GALAXY SAMPLEThe aim of this work is to compare the location of galax-ies with pseudobulges to that of galaxies with classical bulges with respect to the bimodal distribution of global galaxy col-ors and structural properties.We will compare the loci of galaxies with pseudobulges to that of galaxies with classi-cal bulges in the color–magnitude plane(u−r vs.M r)and structure-color plane(central surface brightness,µ0,and global Sérsic index,n,vs.u−r).We select a sample of39galaxies spanning Hubble types S0to Sc by cross referencing the Third Reference Catalog of Bright Galaxies(RC3;de Vaucouleurs et al.1991),the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Four(SDSS-DR4)database (Adelman-McCarthy et al.2006),and the Hubble Space Tele-scope(HST)archive.We require that the galaxies have incli-nation i≤60◦to reduce the effect of dust.We will use the RC3Hubble classification,colors and total magnitudes from SDSS images,and surface brightness profilefits to combined HST and SDSS surface photometry.We identify pseudob-ulges and classical bulges using the high-resolution HST im-ages.We maintain a roughly even sampling of Hubble types from S0to Sc.2.1.Identification of pseudobulgesIn this study,we classify galaxies as having a pseudobulge using bulge morphology;if the“bulge”is or contains a nu-clear bar,nuclear spiral,and/or nuclear ring the“bulge”is actually a pseudobulge.Conversely if the bulge is featureless and more round than the outer disk,the bulge is called a classi-cal bulge.Fig.1illustrates typical examples of what we iden-tify as classical bulges(left panels)and a pseudobulges(right panels).Noticefirst,that the classical bulge(NGC3898)has a smooth and regular stellar light profile as seen in the WFPC2 F547M image in the middle panel of Fig.1.There is no reasonBulge properties and the bimodality of galaxies3F IG.1.—An example of pseudobulge(NGC4536;right panels)and classical bulge(NGC3898;left panels)identification.The top panels show an SDSS color image of each galaxy.The middle panels show HST WFPC2images of the bulges of their respective galaxy.The white box on the SDSS image shows the extent of the HST images,and10′′is marked as a white line in the HST images for scale.Bulge-disk decompositions of composite HST plus SDSS surface brightness profiles are shown in the bottom panels.evident in the image to think that this galaxy harbors a pseu-dobulge.On the other hand,NGC4536is a typical exampleof a galaxy with nuclear spiral structure and patchiness(i.e.apseudobulge).A decomposition of the stellar surface bright-ness profile shows that the pseudobulge dominates the lightprofile to a radius of∼9arcseconds.The WFPC2F606Wimage in the middle panel implies that the entire pseudobulgeappears to exhibit spiral structure.Notice that spiral struc-ture exists in the small region inside the box on the widerfield SDSS image.Also notice that the classical bulge has aµ(r)∝r1/3.4profile,while the pseudobulge is nearly exponen-tial.We identify pseudobulges using HST archival images inthe optical wavelength regime(B through I).This makesbulge classification subject to the effects of dust.However,the structures used to identify pseudobulges are usually ex-periencing enhanced star formation rates,and are easier todetect in the optical region of the spectrum where the mass-to-light ratios are more affected by young stellar populations,rather than in the near infrared where the effects of dust arelesser.Classical bulges may have dust in their center,as domany elliptical galaxies(Lauer et al.2005).The presence of4Drory&Fisherdust alone is not enough to classify a galaxy as containing a pseudobulge.Another caveat when using morphology is that the struc-tures we wish to identify as well as the color of a galaxy can be distorted or altered during early stages of a merger. For example NGC3169and NGC3166form a close pair (separation is∼50kpc).Sandage&Bedke(1994)note that NGC3169shows a warped disk and peculiar morphology. Both of these galaxies have nuclear structure that is similar to structure found in pseudobulges.However,given the presence of the companion,we cannot say whether the central struc-ture represents a secularly-evolved pseudobulge or is due to short-term merger-induced gas inflow and star formation(see Kannappan et al.2004).We use the NASA Extragalactic Database(NED)to search for any evidence of close companions of similar magnitude, tidal distortions,or peculiar morphology.We remove those galaxies which seem to be interacting with other galaxies from our sample.Three galaxies in our sample have com-panions at∼100kpc,which do not appear to affect the mor-phology of these galaxies’disks.Of the39galaxies in our sample,10galaxies are classified as having a classical bulge(3S0,3Sa,and4Sab)and29 galaxies are classified as having a pseudobulge(3S0,4Sa,1 Sab,5Sb,6Sbc,and10Sc).We do not distinguish between barred and unbarred galaxies in this work.The sample ends up favoring pseudobulges over classical bulges,most likely due to the constraint of even sampling along Hubble types as pseudobulges are more common in late type galaxies.Table1lists the galaxies in our bulge sample along with their bulge classification,Hubble types,magnitudes,colors, and other derived quantities(described below).2.2.PhotometryWe calculate total magnitudes and colors from direct in-tegration of2D surface brightness profiles in the SDSS u and r band images.We use the code of Bender et al. (1988)on images available publicly from the SDSS archive (Adelman-McCarthy et al.2006).First,interfering foreground objects are identified in each image and masked manually.Then,isophotes are sampled by 256points equally spaced in an angleθrelating to polar angle by tanθ=a/b tanφ,whereφis the polar angle and b/a is the axial ratio.An ellipse is thenfitted to each isophote by least squares.The software determines six parameters for each el-lipse:relative surface brightness,center position,major and minor axis lengths,and position angle along the major axis. To calculate the structural quantities central surface bright-ness,µ0,and global Sérsic index,n,wefit a Sérsic function,µ(r)=µ0+(r/r0)1/n,(1) to the mean isophote axis of SDSS surface brightness profiles. It is well known that surface brightness profiles of interme-diate type galaxies are not well described by single compo-nent models.At least two component functions(bulge plus outer disk)are required;also,many galaxies contain bars, rings and ovals that further complicate the surface brightness profile.For the nearby galaxies in our bulge sample a single-component Sérsicfit is clearly not an excellentfit to the galax-ies’light profiles.However,we wish to compare thesefits to the published manifestations of the galaxy bimodality.There-fore,we must calculate quantities similar to those in large sur-veys.Typical root-mean-square deviations of our Sérsicfits to the galaxy profiles are0.1-0.2mag arcsec−2.Bulge-to-total(B/T)ratios are calculated byfitting Sérsic functions combined with an exponential for the outer disk to the1D surface brightness profile of each galaxy:µ(r)=µ0,b+ r h,(2) where theµ0,b and r0,b reflect central surface brightness and scale length of the bulge,whileµ0,d and h are the analogous quantities for the outer disk.n b is the Sérsic index of the bulge.Equation2isfit to surface brightness profiles generated from HST archival images combined with SDSS r band pho-tometry as discussed above.For calculating B/T,we allow the bulge and the disk component to have individual elliptic-ities,which we take to be the average ellipticity within each component.This definitely adds a little uncertainty to the re-sulting B/T,as both bulges and disks are known to have vary-ing ellipticity profiles(Fathi&Peletier2003).However,for our purposes this method is sufficient.Finally,the B/T that we quote is the ratio of the radially integrated Sérsic function and the radially integrated sum of the Sérsic and the exponen-tial.We have checked that there is no trend of B/T with in-clination for pseudobulges,classical bulges,or the combined sample.We refer the reader to Table1,where these quantities are listed for all our bulge galaxies.3.DEPENDENCE OF BIMODAL GALAXYPROPERTIES ON BULGE TYPEDoes the shift from the blue cloud to the red sequence co-incide with a shift in predominance of the disk to the bulge? Using extensive2D photometry,Driver et al.(2006)find that the bimodality of galaxies in color–magnitude space be-comes more pronounced when the color is constrained to the central region of the galaxy.They also show that the concen-tration of the galaxy,parameterized by global Sérsic index, participates in the bimodality in galaxy properties as well. This motivates them to suggest that the fundamental division of galaxies is merely that of bulges(old,red,high concentra-tion)and disks(star forming,blue,diffuse).With this two-component nature of galaxies,the position of an object on the blue–red divide is thought of as a function of the bulge-to-total ratio,B/T,alone.The existence of intermediate-type Sa-Sbc galaxies on both the red and blue sequence challenges the sugges-tion that the bimodality of galaxies divides along the disk-bulge dichotomy.Intermediate type galaxies have roughly constant(and large)bulge-to-total ratios on average (Simien&de Vaucouleurs1986).Bulge-to-total ratios begin to fall much more rapidly only at Hubble types Sbc-Sc and later.Moreover,disk color and bulge color are correlated: redder bulges reside in redder disks(Peletier&Balcells1996; de Jong1996;MacArthur et al.2004).Galaxies are not made by randomly mixing disk and bulge components.At issue,therefore,is whether the galaxy bimodality is just a product of changing emphasis of each subcomponent(i.e. simply B/T),or possibly a signature of differing evolutionary histories of the whole galaxy.The existence of a dichotomy among bulges themselves offers the opportunity to test this.The question becomes whether at intermediate Hubble types of Sa-Sbc,where both bulge types are found,the color bimodality separates galaxies at some bulge-to-total ratio,or,whether it separates galaxies of different bulge type,irrespective of bulge-to-total ratio.Bulge properties and the bimodality of galaxies 5M Ru −rF IG .2.—The location of three different galaxy populations is shown in global color vs.total magnitude space,from left to right:early-type (E-S0),intermediate-type (Sa-Sbc),and late-type (Sc-Irr).Galaxies identified as having pseudobulges are represented by filled triangles,galaxies with classical bulges are shown as filled circles.Galaxies without bulge identification are shown as open symbols for comparison.The dashed line separates the red sequence from the blue cloud following Baldry et al.(2004).3.1.The color –magnitude plane and Hubble types We examine galaxies of Hubble types spanning S0-Sc in the global color (u −r )versus total magnitude (M r )plane,and we mark them according to their bulge type.Fig.2shows the location of galaxies with classical bulges (round symbols)and galaxies with pseudobulges (triangles;identified by bulge morphology as discussed in Sect.2.1)in our sample in the u −r vs.M r plane.Note that we plot the total galaxy color and total magnitude,not the bulge color and magnitude.We merely label the galaxies by their bulge type.As a reference sample,we also plot 542galaxies selected from the intersection of the SDSS-DR4spectroscopic catalog and the RC3,having inclination i <35◦,and that are at a dis-tance z <0.02.These galaxies divide into Hubble types as follows:50E,112S0,48Sa,36Sab,67Sb,57Sbc,52Sc,40Scd,47Sd,17Sm and 16Irr.We use SDSS redshifts for distances and SDSS “model”magnitudes for colors and total magnitudes for these objects.We note here that the magnitudes of the galaxies that we classify as having classical bulges or pseudobulges are com-puted by our own ellipse fitting discussed in Sect.2.2.This may give different results compared to the SDSS model mag-nitudes which we use only for the reference sample objects in the color–magnitude plane.However,for galaxies with low total Sérsic index (as the intermediate types mainly are)there is very little difference in the type of magnitude (Graham et al.2005).Also note that we do not correct the colors and mag-nitudes for the effects of extinction by dust.This may cause some disk galaxies to appear redder than their stellar popula-tions are.We moderate this effect by restricting ourselves to low-inclination galaxies.However,some disk galaxies at the locus of the red sequence may have been moved there by the effect of dust.For illustrative reasons,we also plot the line di-viding blue from red galaxies following Baldry et al.(2004).Late types (Right panel in Fig.2).As has been shown,late type galaxies (type Sc and later)are almost entirely on the blue sequence (e.g.Strateva et al.2001).Note the caveat on dust extinction in disk galaxies discussed above;the reddest galaxies in this bin are most likely affected by dust extinction.We emphasize that the panel with Sc-Irr galaxies does not contain a single classical bulge.As the Hubble sequence pro-gresses toward later types,galaxies tend to have small bulges or no bulge at all.This is indicative of a less violent past,as it is very likely that these galaxies have not experienced a merger event that would have formed a (classical)bulge since the time of formation of their disks.The fact that these galax-ies seem to contain pseudobulges if they have a bulge at all,provides a strong reinforcement of this statement.Intermediate types (Middle panel in Fig.2).The inter-mediate type Sa-Sbc galaxies give us a sample on which to test our hypothesis.Nearly all (87%)galaxies with pseudob-ulges are bluer than the red–blue divide,while all the galaxies with classical bulges are redder than the divide.To show that this is not simply the consequence of the pseudobulge galax-ies having lower bulge-to-total ratios than the classical bulge galaxies,recall first that the number of pseudobulges in our sample is not a step function at some late Hubble type (5Sa,2Sab,4Sb,6Sbc)and that as noted above,at these interme-diate types the Hubble sequence is not a strong sequence of bulge-to-total ratios (see Simien &de Vaucouleurs 1986and the review by Roberts &Haynes 1994).In fact,in the range of B /T values spanned by galaxies with pseudobulges we find plenty of classical bulge galaxies as well.This is illustrated in Fig.3,where we plot global u −r against B /T for 24of our bulge galaxies.We calculate B /T for all 10classical bulge galaxies and all the 16intermediate-type pseudobulge galaxies.Two of the latter (NGC 1068and NGC 5691)are not well-fit by a two-component model (Equa-tion 2)and hence we cannot obtain reliable B /T numbers for these and they are not included in the plot (see also Table 1).Therefore the plot contains 14pseudobulge galaxies.In our sample,galaxies on the red sequence with classical bulges have B /T ratios as low as 10%.Galaxies with pseu-dobulges have B /T ratios as high as 40%.The majority of galaxies with classical bulges in our (small)sample have B /T values in the same range as the galaxies with pseudobulges.Even at the lowest B /T ∼0.1values in our intermediate type Sa-Sbc galaxies,the assignment of a galaxy to the red se-6Drory &FisherF IG .3.—The distribution of bulge-to-total ratios,B /T ,of intermediate type (Sa-Sbc)galaxies with pseudobulges (blue triangles)and classical bulges (red filled circles)with respect to their global u −r color.The dashed line marks B /T =0.45.quence or the blue cloud is predicted by its bulge type.It is true that classical bulge galaxies extend to greater B /T values than do pseudobulge galaxies.This is easily under-stood given the different formation channels that are thought to lead to classical bulges and to pseudobulges.Classical bulges are an extension of elliptical galaxies (formed via mergers)that happen to have a disk around them.This sort of evolution naturally extends all the way to B /T =1(i.e.a pure elliptical galaxy;see also Kormendy &Bender 1996).Pseu-dobulges form secularly by rearranging disk material.There-fore it seems unlikely that a disk would be able to make a pseudobulge equal in size to itself (B /T ≃0.5)through secu-lar evolution.Also note that in Fig.2,there is no significant difference in the range of absolute magnitudes spanned by the pseudobulge galaxies and that of the classical-bulge galaxies.Pseudobulge galaxies are not systematically fainter in M r .Concluding this discussion,we find that the red–blue bi-modality cannot be a function of decreasing bulge prominence alone.Our results show that it is a function of bulge type.Pseudobulges are in blue galaxies and classical bulges are in red galaxies.Furthermore,galaxies with pseudobulges be-have just like pure disk galaxies if we compare their distribu-tion in global color to the distribution of pure disk (late-type)galaxies in Fig.2.The type of bulge a galaxy has is a signpost for an evolutionary history of the total galaxy.Early types (Left panel in Fig.2).The early-type bin (E -S0)is almost entirely populated by red sequence galaxies.There are three galaxies that we identify as harboring pseu-dobulges in this panel.All three peudobulges are in S0galax-ies and these are on the red sequence.This illustrates a caveat when dealing with pseudobulges.They do not have to be young.A disk galaxy could have undergone secular evolu-tion long ago and formed a pseudobulge.This is well illus-trated by the aforementioned correlation between disk color and bulge color.As a side note,this implies that identify-ing pseudobulges using color only is bound to misclassify some pseudobulges and underestimate their number.Also,S0galaxies exist at a wide range of bulge-to-total ratios,a point noticed by van den Bergh (1976).The processes that are thought to make S0galaxies (e.g.gas stripping by ram pres-sure,harassment;Moore et al.1996)operate independently of the processes that make bulges.It is reasonable to believe that the evolution which makes a galaxy an S0happens inde-pendently of the secular evolution that makes a pseudobulge (see the discussion in Kormendy &Kennicutt 2004).There-fore the position of S0galaxies in color–magnitude space may be due to separate phenomenona,rather than posing a counter example to our hypothesis.3.2.Global galaxy structureBlanton et al.(2003)show that the relation of structure to galaxy color is markedly different for red and blue galaxies.This can be illustrated by plotting the Sérsic index and a char-acteristic surface brightness against color.In Fig.4,we illus-trate the dependence of galaxy structure on bulge type.We mark the dividing line of red and blue galaxies with a hori-zontal line at u −g =2.2(Strateva et al.2001).Open sym-bols represent S0galaxies,which likely arise due to distinct phenomena not related to bulge formation as discussed above,and thus do not follow the normal behavior for pseudobulge galaxies.In general,blue galaxies are more diffuse and have lower Sérsic index than galaxies with classical bulges.In both structural parameters there is a sharp transition from galaxies with pseudobulges to galaxies with classical bulges.Again,as in Fig.2,we plot total color and Sérsic parameters from a global single-component fit.We mark galaxies by the type of their bulge.The surface brightness at zero radius is recovered from the single component Sérsic fits (Eq.1).Note that we report the fit value,which should be taken as a characteristic value of the galaxy as a whole.It is also worth noting that central sur-face brightness is more sensitive to the dichotomy in bulge types than surface brightness at the effective radius.Galaxies with classical bulges form a tight sequence in color that be-gins at µ0,r ∼16(vertical line in the left panel)and extends to higher central surface densities,well populated by giant ellip-tical galaxies.There is a sharp transition at µ0,r ∼16.Below this surface density,the diagram becomes completely popu-lated by galaxies with pseudobulges.The Sérsic index is normally interpreted as a parametriza-tion of the shape of a surface brightness profile of a galaxy.A typical disk galaxy has n =1and an intermediately sized el-liptical galaxy has n ∼4.In the right panel of Fig.4,galaxies with pseudobulges have lower global Sérsic index than galax-ies with classical bulges.And galaxies with classical bulges do not have global Sérsic index smaller than n ∼2.5(vertical line in the right panel).Galaxies with pseudobulges populate a broader range of color,yet the majority of pseudobulge galaxies are restricted to a more narrow range in central surface brightness than clas-sical bulges.The smaller variation in µ0and exponential surface brightness profiles are well known properties of disk galaxies (Freeman 1970).We restate that our galaxies with pseudobulges and galaxies with classical bulges both popu-late the intermediate Hubble types Sa-Sbc.Thus,at the same Hubble type,galaxies with pseudobulges are more like pure disk galaxies than galaxies with classical bulges.What is compelling is not only that global Sérsic index and central surface density are lower.In fact,the distribution of central surface brightness alone is not dichotomous.It is the combination of these quantities that reveals the structural di-。
