Unit 10 Futures and Swap
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Unit10 Futures and Swap
Futures Market
在期货市场150余年的历史上,最重要的一个里程碑即是1972年5月16日,芝加哥商业交易所(CME)的国际货币市场(IMM)推出外汇期货合约(Foreign Gurrency Futures),标志着金融期货这一新的期货类别的诞生,从而掀起一个期货市场发展的黄金时代。
短短十年间,利率期货(Interest Rate Futures)和股票指数期货(Stock Index Futures)相继问世,标志着金融期货三大类别的结构已经形成。
How does Futures Market Work?
How-Futures Markets Work ( I )
Futures markets arose in the mid-1800s in Chicago.
The economic functions of futures markets are to provide a competitive market price discovery mechanism, a hedging mechanism for price risk, and a means to improve market efficiency. The price of futures contract for a commodity or financial instrument represents the expectations of a large number of buyers and sellers concerning the current and prospective effect of all market influence. As events shape the current situation, the expected change are reflected in the form of changing prices for futures contracts. In short, futures markets provide a current consensus of knowledgeable opinions about the future price of commodities or financial instruments, Future markets improve market efficiency by providing a central marketplace where price offers, are known and compared. This free flow of information defuses attempted monopoly position. Futures markets enhance competition by allowing the free flow of information relative to prices, volume, and market expectations. Thus, futures markets help eliminate market imperfections and contribute to more efficient economic activity.
How-Futures Markets Work ( I )期货市场业务如何运作
Futures markets arose in the mid-1800s in Chicago. 期货市场源于19世纪中叶的芝加哥。
The economic functions of futures markets are to provide a competitive market price discovery mechanism, a hedging mechanism for price risk, and a means to improve market efficiency.
This sentence tell us the function of the future markets: 这句话告诉我们期货市场的功能functions of futures markets are to provide a competitive market price discovery mechanism, 提供价格发现的竞争市场机制, (这句话中,我们主要把握一点one of the functions of future market is price discovery. 价格发现) ,a hedging mechanism for price risk 价格风险的规避机制a means to improve market efficiency改进市场效率的手段。
The price of futures contract for a commodity or financial instrument represents the expectations of a large number of buyers and sellers concerning the current and prospective effect of all market influence.
The sentence tells us that: The price of futures contract for a commodity or financial instrument 商品或者金融工具期货合约的价格represents the expectations of a large number of buyers and sellers 代表着许多买者和卖者的预期concerning the current and prospective effect of all market influence. 有关目前和未来所有影响市场的因素的预期。
As events shape the current situation, the expected change are reflected in the form of changing prices for futures contracts. 人们对于未来预期的变动。
are reflected in the form of 由。
形式而反映出来的changing prices for futures contracts.不断变化的期货价格
In short, futures markets provide a current consensus of knowledgeable opinions about the future price of commodities or financial instruments, 简而言之,期货市场提供了对商品或金融工具未来价格综合各方信息后所作出的市场判断。
Future markets improve market efficiency by providing a central marketplace where price offers, are known and compared. 期货市场提高了市场效率,它提供了一个中心市场,这个市场可以公开竟价和比较价格。
This free flow of information defuses attempted monopoly position. 信息的自由流动冲破市场垄断,
Defuse: 冲破
Defuse: to improve a difficult or dangerous situations, for example by making people less angry or by dealing with the causes of a problem 缓和,改善
defuse a situation/crisis/row etc缓和现场的情况/危机/争吵
His quiet voice helped to defuse the situation. 他温和的声音有助于缓和现场的情况。
defuse tension :改善冲突
The agreement was regarded as a means of defusing ethnic tensions. 协议被认为是改善种族冲突的手段
Futures markets enhance competition by allowing the free flow of information relative to prices, volume, and market expectations. 期货市场促进了市场竞争的发展,由于允许价格、交易数量和市场预期信息自由流动
Thus, futures markets help eliminate market imperfections and contribute to more efficient economic activity.,从而期货市场有助于消除市场的不完善,促使经济活动更加有效地进行。
Futures contracts, simply stated, are a promise between two parties to exchange a commodity at a specified time and place in the future for a stated price. As a commitment between a buyer and seller, a futures contract specifies precisely the commodity being traded and the terms of delivery. The clearinghouse of the commodity exchange, made up of exchange members, guarantees contract performance by both parties. Individual traders cease to deal with each other and instead become obligated to the clearinghouse, which be comes the guarantor of performance of all futures contracts traded on a particular exchange. At the close of every trading day, the clearinghouse matches buy and sell contracts for the day and informs every exchange member of their net settlement status.
Futures contracts, simply stated, are a promise between two parties to exchange a commodity at a specified time and place in the future for a stated price. 简单地讲,期货合约是交易双方就在未来确定的时间和地点,按照确定的价格交换某种商品的一份承诺。
As a commitment between a buyer and seller, a futures contract specifies precisely the commodity being traded and the terms of delivery. 作为双方责任和义务的承诺,期货合约必须具体、准确地规定交易的商品和交割条件。
Delivery Price:交割价格
Delivery instrument: 交割文件
Delivery date: 交割日期
The clearinghouse of the commodity exchange, made up of exchange members, guarantees contract performance by both parties.由清算会员组成的商品交易所的清算公司,保证交易双方履约。
Individual traders cease to deal with each other and instead become obligated to the clearinghouse, which becomes the guarantor of performance of all futures contracts traded on a particular exchange. 单个交易商之间不再直接进行交易,而是由双方分别与清算公司间的责任义务取而代之。
Cease: 停止
At the close of every trading day, the clearinghouse matches buy and sell contracts for the day and informs every exchange member of their net settlement status.在每天的交易结束之后,清算公司将当天的买卖合约进行撮合,并且将各自的净结算头寸通知每一个交易所清算成员。
Match: 撮合
net settlement status净结算头寸
Financial Futures Contract
Financial futures contracts are not different from commodity futures contracts, except that the item delivered is a financial instrument, rather than a commodity, such as a wheat or cattle. Today, financial futures based on currencies, debt instruments, and financial indexes trade actively. Currency futures, based on specific foreign currencies, allow various commercial incrests to hedge against fluctuations in exchange rates. Foreign currency futures are futures contracts calling for the delivery of a specific amount of a foreign currency at a specified future date in return for a given payment of U.S. dollars. In addition, financial futures trade based on financial indexes. For these kinds of financial futures, there is no delivery, but traders complete their obligations by making cash payments based on changes in the value of the index.
A recent innovation is stock index futures. Based on the performance of a group of stocks, these futures allow investors to protect a portfolio of stocks from a decline in value. The narrower term interest-rate futures refers to specific contracts for interest sensitive financial instruments.
Financial futures contracts are not different from commodity futures contracts, except that the item delivered is a financial instrument, rather than a commodity, such as a wheat or cattle.金融期货合约和商品期货合约完全一样,只是交割的对象不是小麦、牲畜这样的实际商品,而是金融工具。
Today, financial futures based on currencies, debt instruments, and financial indexes trade actively.目前,基于货币、债务工具和金融指数的金融期货交易非常活跃。
Currency futures, based on specific foreign currencies, foreign Currency futures allow various commercial interests to hedge against fluctuations in exchange rates. 基于某种外汇的货币期货即外汇期货可以使商业利益有关各方来防范外汇汇率波动的风险。
various commercial interests: 各种商业利益,实际上是指获得各种商业利益人或机构,英文为了简洁,就用various commercial interests 来指代获得各种商业利益人或机构,翻译汉语时我们可以简洁的翻译为商业利益的有关各方
Foreign currency futures are futures contracts calling for the delivery of a specific amount of a foreign currency at a specified future date in return for a given payment of U.S. dollars. 外汇期货是在未来特定日期交割特定数量某种特定外汇以换取给定数量美元的期货合同。
Call for: 要求,规定
In addition, financial futures trade based on financial indexes.此外,金融期货也以金融指数为基础进行交易。
For these kinds of financial futures, there is no delivery, but traders complete
their obligations by making cash payments based on changes in the value of the index. 这类金融期货没有实际交割,交易者完成其义务(即交易),通过进行以指数价值变化为基础的现金支付。
A recent innovation is stock index futures. 期货市场最近的创新是股票指数期货。
Based on the performance of a group of stocks, these futures allow investors to protect a portfolio of stocks from a decline in value.股票指数期货以一组股票的市场业绩为基础,投资者利用这种期货规避投资股票组合市场价值下跌的风险。
Interest rate Futures
The Mechanics of Interest Rate Futures
Interest-rate futures are based on long and short-term, fixed-income financial debt instruments with prices that vary inversely to their interest rates. For example, U. S. Treasury bills are sold on a discount basis and then redeemed at maturity at face value. The difference between the face value and the discounted selling price equals the amount of interest earned. Similarly, the price of a futures contract is inversely related to the interest rate of the underlying debt instruments.
Interest rate futures take a debt instrument, such as a Treasury bill (T-bill) or Treasury bond (T-bond), as their underlying good.利率期货是以债务工具——例如国库券或国债——作为合同标的金融期货。
With these kinds of contracts, the trader must deliver a certain kind of debt instrument to fulfill the contract. 在这类合同项下,交易者必须交割一特定种类的债务工具来完成合同义务。
The Mechanics of Interest Rate Futures利率期货的交易机制
Interest-rate futures are based on long and short-term, fixed-income financial debt instruments with prices that vary inversely to their interest rates.利率期货以长期和短期固定收益的金融债券为基础,这些债券价格随它们市场利率的变化呈相反方向波动。
Inverse: adj. 向相反方向变动的,反向的,
Inversely: adv.
Vary inversely: 反向波动
For example, U. S. Treasury bills are sold on a discount basis and then redeemed at maturity at face value.例如,美国国库券一般折价发行,到期按照票面值赎回。
Redeem: 赎回
Face value: 票面值
The difference between the face value and the discounted selling price equals the amount of interest earned.面值和折价值的差额代表该债券的收益。
Similarly, the price of a futures contract is inversely related to the interest rate of the underlying debt instruments. 类似地,一种期货合同的价格与其基础债券利率的变动负相关。
Participants in futures markets can take one of two positions in the market. A buyer of a futures contract takes a long position in the market. This is true because the buyer owns a contract that can be sold at any time. To profit from a long position, he must sell the contract for a price higher than the purchase price. In the case of an interest-rate futures contract, such as a Treasury-bill contract, a long position profits from a decline in interest rates. A lower interest rate
means a higher contract price, since the two are inversely related. Thus, a long position in a Treasury bill futures contract can be sold at a profit when interest rates fall. An increase in interest rates, on the other hand, produces a loss in a long position.
Participants in futures markets can take one of two positions in the market. 期货市场的入市者可以在两种市场部位之间选择一个:
A buyer of a futures contract takes a long position in the market. This is true because the buyer owns a contract that can be sold at any time.期货合约买方在市场上处于多头部位,由于买方持有合约,并且可以随时售出,因而称为多头。
To profit from a long position, he must sell the contract for a price higher than the purchase price.以多头部位获利,交易者必须在高于买价的价格上售出该合约。
In the case of an interest-rate futures contract, such as a Treasury-bill contract, a long position profits from a decline in interest rates.
A lower interest rate means a higher contract price, since the two are inversely related.因为双方负相关,利率下跌意味着合约价格上升。
Thus, a long position in a Treasury bill futures contract can be sold at a profit when interest rates fall. An increase in interest rates, on the other hand, produces a loss in a long position.在国库券期货合约中持多头部位,在利率下跌时售出合约可以获利。
A seller of a futures contract takes a short position in the market. That is true because the seller sells a contract that is a promise to deliver on a specific date a commodity or financial asset, even he may not currently own that asset. To profit from a short position, he must buy the contract at a price lower than the selling price. In the Treasury bill futures contract example, a short position profits from an increase in interest rates, because the contract price then declines, allowing the contract to be bought at a profit. A decline in interest rates produces a loss in a short position.
A seller of a futures contract takes a short position in the market.期货合约的售出方处于空头部位。
That is true because the seller sells a contract that is a promise to deliver on a specific date a commodity or financial asset, even he may not currently own that asset.售出的期货合约是在一定日期交割某种商品或者金融资产的承诺,即使售出期货时可能并不拥有该项资产。
To profit from a short position, he must buy the contract at a price lower than the selling price.以空头部位获利,交易者必须在低于售价的价格上买入该合约。
In the Treasury bill futures contract example, a short position profits from an increase in interest rates, because the contract price then declines, allowing the contract to be bought at a profit.以国库券合约为例空头部位将从利率上升中获利,因为这时合约价格将下跌,买入该合约即可获利,
A decline in interest rates produces a loss in a short position.
Only rarely do buyers and sellers of futures contracts ever make or accept delivery of the actual instrument. Rather, most participants offset their positions by taking a market position opposite to the original one. For instance, if the original position was to buy a March Treasury bill contract, the position would be offset by subsequently selling a March Treasury bill contract. When futures positions are offset this way, the final result is a loss or profit, not an exchange of
securities. Only 2 percent of all futures contracts are believed to result in actual delivery of the financial instrument or commodity involved. Most market participants prefer to offset futures positions, rather than to make actual delivery, for many reasons. The most common reason, however, that the market is used primarily for either risk management or speculation, and neither purpose
Only rarely do buyers and sellers of futures contracts ever make or accept delivery of the actual instrument. Rather, most participants offset their positions by taking a market position opposite to the original one. 期货买卖双方实施和接受实际金融工具交割的情况极为少见,大多数入市者通常采用与初始交易相反的部位对冲了结。
For instance, if the original position was to buy a March Treasury bill contract, the position would be offset by subsequently selling a March Treasury bill contract.例如:若初始部位是买入一份3月期国库券合约,这一多头部位可以用后来售出一份3月期国库券合约加以对冲。
When futures positions are offset this way, the final result is a loss or profit, not an exchange of securities.期货市场上部位的对冲可能亏损也可能盈利,不必进行实际证券的换手。
Only 2 percent of all futures contracts are believed to result in actual delivery of the financial instrument or commodity involved. 最终进行实际金融工具或者商品交割的仅占全部交易期货合约的2%。
Most market participants prefer to offset futures positions, rather than to make actual delivery, for many reasons.期货市场人市交易者大部分不愿意进行实际交割,而愿意对市场部位对冲了结。
The most common reason, however, that the market is used primarily for either risk management or speculation, and neither purpose-------
The Essential Concept of Hedging
Hedging in futures markets is synonymous with shifting risk.
A hedge is placed by taking a future position opposite to the position held in the cash market, and exactly equivalent in value. For example, a banker who expects to invest $1 million in a Treasury bill in three months needs to protect himself against a decline in interest rates. A decline would lower his interest income. To hedge, he buys a Treasury bill futures contract, thus taking a long position.
Essential Concepts of Hedging套期保值的基本概念
Hedging in futures markets is synonymous with shifting risk.期货市场上的套期保值实际上就是转移风险。
Antonymous: 反义的
A hedge is placed by taking a future position opposite to the position held in the cash market, and exactly equivalent in value. 套期保值是指在期货市场上采取和现货市场头寸方向相反、价值完全相等的合约部位的交易。
For example, a banker who expects to invest $1 million in a Treasury bill in three months needs to protect himself against a decline in interest rates.例如一位银行家打算在3个月后在国库券上投资100万美元,他需要防范利率下降的风险。
A decline would lower his interest income. To hedge, he buys a Treasury bill futures contract, thus taking a long position.利率下降就会使投资收益率下跌,为了套期保值,他购买一份国库券期货合约,从而在期货市场处于多头部位。
Later, when he actually invests the $1 million, he offsets his futures position by selling a Treasury bill futures contract. Such a strategy protects the banker against the risk of an adverse movement in interest rates, because reduced yields in the cash market resulting from lower interest rates are offset by profits in the futures position.
Later, when he actually invests the $1 million, he offsets his futures position by selling a Treasury bill futures contract.等到他实际要投资于国库券时,他将售出一份国库券期货对冲掉自己原来的部位。
Such a strategy protects the banker against the risk of an adverse movement in interest rates, because reduced yields in the cash market resulting from lower interest rates are offset by profits in the futures position.采用这种战略使该银行家免受利率不利变动的风险,因为利率下降造成的现货市场收益率下降可以由期货市场的获利对冲。
There are few perfect hedges in the real world. This is because of basis risk. Basis is defined as the difference between the futures market price and the cash market price. Basis is both stable and predictable, because of the tendency of the cash and futures prices of a financial instrument to move together. Three market forces operate to assure similar price movements. First, arbitrage between the cash and futures markets help remove distortions in the basis. Second, Changes in economic and financial market conditions influence cash and futures prices simultaneously. Third, the possible delivery of the cash instrument forces cash and futures prices to converge as the delivery date approaches.
There are few perfect hedges in the real world. This is because of basis risk.在现实情况中完全套做保值的例子很少,这是因为存在基差险(basis risk)缘故。
Basis is defined as the difference between the futures market price and the cash market price.基差是指期货市场价格与现货市场价格的差额。
Basis is both stable and predictable, because of the tendency of the cash and futures prices of a financial instrument to move together.因为金融工具期货市场和现货市场价格运动的趋势一致,基差较稳定而且可预见程度较高。
Three market forces operate to assure similar price movements. 3种市场力量的运作确保了相似的价格运动方向:
First, arbitrage between the cash and futures markets help remove distortions in the basis.首先,现货市场和期货市场间的套利交易可以排除对于基差的扭曲;
Second, Changes in economic and financial market conditions influence cash and futures prices simultaneously.其次,经济和金融市场条件的变化同时影响期货和现货市场;
Third, the possible delivery of the cash instrument forces cash and futures prices to converge as the delivery date approaches.其三,可能发生的现货证券交割迫使现货和期货价格在交割期临近时趋于一致。
Converge: to come from different directions and meet at the same point to become one thing来自不同的方向,并交于一点,趋于一致
Antonym(反义词): diverge
Basis risk refers to unexpected changes in the cash-futures price relationship. These unexpected changes can arise for a number of reasons. In essence, however, to the extent that futures prices correctly anticipate impending movements in cash market interest rates, basis risk will be minimized.And while swings in the basis at times can be large,they are generally less than price movements in the cash or future’s markets alone.
Basis risk refers to unexpected changes in the cash-futures price relationship. 基差风险是指现货和期货之间价格关系出现的意外变化。
These unexpected changes can arise for a number of reasons.引起这种变化的原因很多,In essence, however, to the extent that futures prices correctly anticipate impending movements in cash market interest rates, basis risk will be minimized.但从根本上讲,基差风险依期货市场对现货市场利率变化的可预见性程度的增大而减少。
And while swings in the basis at times can be large,they are generally less than price movements in the cash or future’s markets alone.尽管有时基差变动的幅度也很大,但一般来讲,这种变动幅度总是小于现货或者期货市场价格单独的变动幅度。
Factors to Influence the Bases
Many factors interact to influence the basis.Changing economic conditions can cause interest rates in cash and futures markets to fluctuate differently.When a cross hedge--- hedging with a similar but not identical futures contract--is placed,the relationship between the prices of the cash instrument and the futures contract maybe more volatile than expected.If the cash instrument bears an administered rate while the futures instrument bears a free market rate,the basis can be affected by changing market conditions.Of greatest importance,changing expectations about future interest rates,particularly the future shape of the yield curve,can cause wide basis swings.On balance,however,basis risk remains less volatile and more manageable than cash market risk.
Many factors interact to influence the basis.许多因素综合影响到基差。
Changing economic conditions can cause interest rates in cash and futures markets to fluctuate differently.经济情况的变动可能会引起现货市场利率和期货市场利率发生不同的波动,
When a cross hedge -----hedging with a similar but not identical futures contract----is placed,the relationship between the prices of the cash instrument and the futures contract maybe more
volatile than expected.在交叉套利时即利用与现货相近但不完全相同的期货合约进行套利。
If the cash instrument bears an administered rate while the futures instrument bears a free market rate,the basis can be affected by changing market conditions.
Bear: v. 携带,to carry sth.
如果按照字面意思翻:意思是:如果现货证券携带受管理干预的利率,(听起来特别的不舒服,不像汉语,所以翻译一定要注意,在忠实于原文的基础上,要符合汉语表达习惯,因此我们把他翻译为:如果现货证券利率是受管理干预的利率,同样的while the futures instrument bears a free market rate,翻译为而期货证券的利率是自由市场利率,the basis can be affected by changing market conditions那么基差就会受到市场条件的变化的影响。
Of greatest importance,changing expectations about future interest rates,particularly the future shape of the yield curve,can cause wide basis swings.其中(影响基差)最具重要意义的因素是对未来利率预期的变动,尤其是对收益曲线未来形状的预期的变动将会引起基差大幅度的变动。
On balance,however,basis risk remains less volatile and more manageable than cash market risk.一般来说,基差风险比现货市场要小,而且较易控制。
Other important hedging concepts are margin requirement and leverage.The initial margin requirement on a futures transaction is simply a good—faith deposit to ensure performance according to the terms of the futures contract.For example,an investor might purchase a$1 million 90 day Treasury bill contract and be required to deposit$1 500 margin money,less than 1 percent of the face value of the contract.Daily settlements are made relative to each trader’s profits and losses—that is。
futures positions are marked—to-market daily.A trader that suffers a loss on a futures contract is required to post additional margin money to maintain the original margin level.A trader that profits from the futures transaction on a part icular day has any excess margin money added to the account,and it can be withdrawn.
Other important hedging concepts are margin requirement and leverage.和套期保值相关的其他重要概念有:保证金要求和杠杆效应。
The initial margin requirement on a futures transaction is simply a good faith deposit to ensure performance according to the terms of the futures contract.期货交易的初始保证金实质上是一个信誉存款(good faith deposit),为了保证按照期货合约条款履约()。
For example,an investor might purchase a$1 million 90 day Treasury bill contract and be required to deposit$1 500 margin money,less than 1 percent of the face value of the contract.例如,投资者可以购买100万美元90天国库券期货合约而只需交付1 500美元,不足合约面值的1%。
Daily settlements are made relative to each trader’s profits and losses—that is,futures positions are marked-to-market daily.每一位交易商的盈亏要每日结算——期货部位要逐日盯市
A trader that suffers a loss on a futures contract is required to post additional margin money to maintain the original margin level.当天合约交易亏损的交易商必须追加保证金以保持初始保证金水平,
A trader that profits from the futures transaction on a particular day has any excess margin money added to the account,and it can be withdrawn.而当天期货合约交易盈利的交易商,拥有超额的账面保证金,超出金额可以提取。
Margin requirements ensure the performance of both parties to a futures contract.They also provide traders with substantial leverage.A position can be taken in the futures market with less capital than in the cash market,which requires that a much higher percentage be deposited in a margin account with the broker.
Margin requirements ensure the performance of both parties to a futures contract.They also provide traders with substantial leverage.保证金要求是期货合约双方履约的保证,同时也给了交易商以极大的财务杠杆的便利。
A position can be taken in the futures market with less capital than in the cash market,which requires that a much higher percentage be deposited in a margin account with the broker.在期货市场上拥有和现货市场头寸金额相等的部位所需要的资本大大少于现货市场,在现货市场上需要存入经纪商账户的保证金比例远远高于期货市场。
Category of Futures
Types of futures
commodity futures商品期货
agricultural products futures 农产品期货
precious metals futures 贵重金属期货
energy futures 能源期货
financial futures金融期货
foreign currency futures 外汇期货 Based on foreign currency :基于某种外汇interest rate futures 利率期货 Based on debt instrument: 基于债务工具stock index futures 股指期货Based on financial index: 基于金融指数
Swap Deals
A swap is an agreement between two or more parties to exchange sets of cash flows over a period in the future. 互换是两方或多方在将来某一时期内交换现金流的协议。
For example, Party A might agree to pay a fixed rate of interest on $1million each year for five years to Party B.例如,A可能同意在5年内每年向B就1000万美元支付固定的利息。
In return, Party
B might pay a floating rate of interest on $1 million each year for five years.相对应,B要在5年内就1000万美元每年按浮动利率支付利息。
The parties that agree to the swap are known as counterparties.同意进行互换的双方称作对应方:The cash flows that the counterparties make are generally tied to the value of debt instruments or to the value of foreign currencies.对应方收付的现金流往往与债务工具或外汇的价值相联系。
Therefore, the two basic kinds of swaps are interest rate swaps and currency swaps.因此,两种基本的互换是利率互换和货币互换。
A swap involves the simultaneous buying and selling of a currency for different maturities. Swap deals used for forward cover are of two basic types: forward/forward and spot/forward. In either case, the exporter begins by covering the foreign currency transaction forward to an arbitrarily selected but fixed date, just as in an ordinary fixed-date forward contract. Then, if the precise settlement date is subsequently agreed before the initial forward contract mature, the original settlement date may be extended to the exact date by a forward/forward swap. Alternatively, if an exact settlement date is not agreed by the date when the initial forward contract matures, the forward cover may be extended by a spot/forward swap. This may sound quite complicated; a closer look shows that it is not all that difficult. A forward/forward swap, or forward swap as it is sometimes called, is merely a pair of forward exchange contracts involving a forward purchase and a forward sale of a currency, simultaneously entered into but for different maturities.
A swap involves the simultaneous buying and selling of a currency for different maturities. 互换包括同时买入和卖出期限不同的一种货币。
Swap deals used for forward cover are of two basic types: forward/forward and spot/forward.远期抛补的互换交易有两种基本形式:远期/远期和即期/远期。
In either case, the exporter begins by covering the foreign currency transaction forward to an arbitrarily selected but fixed date, just as in an ordinary fixed-date forward contract.在任何一种情况下,出口商开始是任意选择一个固定日期作为远期外汇交易的付款时间,就像通常确定日期的远期合约一样。
Then, if the precise settlement date is subsequently agreed before the initial forward contract matures, the original settlement date may be extended to the exact date by a forward/forward swap.
Well, the sentence tell us: if the precise settlement date is subsequently agreed如果准确的结算日期最后确定下来,before the initial forward contract matures, 在最初的远期合约到期之前,the original settlement date may be extended to the exact date最初结算日可能会延长至那天,by a forward/forward swap. 通过远期/远期互换.
Alternatively, if an exact settlement date is not agreed by the date when the initial forward contract matures, the forward cover may be extended by a spot/forward swap.另外,如果在最初的远期合约到期时还没有协商好准确的结算日,这个远期合约的风险安排可以用即期/远期互换来进行。
This may sound quite complicated; a closer look shows that it is not all that difficult.
A forward/forward swap, or forward swap as it is sometimes called, is merely a pair of forward exchange contracts involving a forward purchase and a forward sale of a currency, simultaneously entered into but for different maturities.
This sentence tell us what is a forward/forward swap, 这句话告诉我们什么是远期/远期互换,or forward swap as it is sometimes called有时称为远期互换is merely a pair of forward exchange contracts 两个远期外汇合约, involving a forward purchase and a forward sale of a。