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1.What do we call the place where you can see many plants?
A. Garden
B. Forest
C. Park
D. Field
2.The cat plays with a _____ ball of string.
3.I can ______ (利用) my skills to help others.
4.I like to _____ (draw/color).
5. A ________ (植物观察志愿者) contributes to knowledge.
6.The capital of Hungary is __________.
7.What do we celebrate on December 25th?
A. New Year
B. Halloween
C. Christmas
D. ThanksgivingC
8.The Earth's magnetic field protects us from harmful ______ from space.
9.What is the name of the famous explorer known for his voyages to the Pacific Ocean?
A. Ferdinand Magellan
B. Christopher Columbus
C. Marco Polo
D. Vasco da Gama
10.My dad drives a _____ (truck/car).
11.The __________ is a famous landmark in Egypt. (金字塔)
12.What do we call the study of the universe?
A. Astronomy
B. Astrophysics
C. Cosmology
D. Astrology
13.What is the capital of Vietnam?
A. Ho Chi Minh City
B. Hanoi
C. Da Nang
D. HueB
14.We are going to the __________ for dinner.
15.What do we call the time when leaves fall from trees?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. WinterC
16.What is the capital of Greece?
A. Athens
B. Sparta
C. Corinth
D. Rhodes
17.The ________ (向日葵) turns towards the sun.
18.The ancient Romans built ________ to honor their military victories.
19.The bark of a tree protects its ______ (内部).
20.I call my family every ____.
21.can Revolution was influenced by Enlightenment ________ (思想). The Amer
22.The __________ is a large area of flat land in Europe.
23.What is the name of the famous waterfall in Africa?
A. Iguazu
B. Victoria
C. Niagara
D. AngelB
24.We go to bed at _____ (九点).
25.The __________ (历史的璀璨) shines brightly.
26.The teacher is _____ (kind/strict).
27.The __________ (农业) is important for our economy.
28.When it rains, I use my ________ (雨伞) and wear my ________ (雨鞋). I still enjoy going outside!
29.The ______ is known for its beautiful song.
30.The Milky Way is a ______ galaxy.
31.What do we call the time when the sun rises?
A. Morning
B. Evening
C. Night
D. NoonA
32.How many colors are in a rainbow?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Eight
33. A chemical bond is a force that holds ______ together.
34. A _______ can measure the amount of energy consumed by an appliance over time.
35.The ancient Greeks held _____ to honor their heroes.
36. A _______ is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume.
37.What do we call a person who plays sports?
A. Athlete
B. Player
C. Competitor
D. All of the above
38.What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to go around the sun?
A. Year
B. Month
C. Day
D. HourA
39.My friend is a ______. He enjoys watching movies.
40.What is the capital of Cyprus?
A. Nicosia
B. Limassol
C. Larnaca
D. Paphos
41.I want to be a ___ (scientist/artist).
42.I enjoy cooking ________ (晚餐) with my family.
43.The study of how landscapes change over time is called ______ geography.
44.My __________ (玩具名) is very __________ (形容词) and fun to use.
45.My brother is a ______. He loves to ride his bike.
46.The ______ has thick fur for warmth.
47. A __________ is a natural resource that is non-renewable.
48.What do you call a young squirrel?
A. Kit
B. Pup
C. Baby
D. FawnA
49.What is the capital of Russia?
A. St. Petersburg
B. Moscow
C. Kiev
D. MinskB
50.Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Rabbit
D. HamsterB Dog
51.What is the name of the famous wall in China?
A. Great Wall
B. Berlin Wall
C. Hadrian's Wall
D. China's BarrierA
52.Which day comes after Monday?
A. Sunday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. ThursdayB
53.The ______ helps with the sense of temperature.
54.What is the main ingredient in pancakes?
A. Rice
B. Flour
C. Sugar
D. Salt
55.My friend is a ______. She loves to paint.
56.What do we call a young lion?
A. Cub
B. Kitten
C. Pup
D. Foal
57.My grandfather tells __________ (故事) about his childhood.
58.I like to watch ______ with my family.
59.I call my mom _____ (妈妈).
60.Chemical reactions can produce heat, light, or ______.
61.What do we call the tool used to cut wood?
A. Knife
B. Saw
C. Axe
D. Cutter
62.The sun is very ________ today.
63.The chemical formula for magnesium sulfate is ______.
64.My friend has a pet ______ (小狗) named Max.
65.In a __________ (化学方程式), reactants are written on the left side.
66.Christopher Columbus discovered America in ______ (1492年).
67.The __________ is a large body of water between Europe and Asia. (黑海)
68. A ______ (蛙) can be found in ponds and marshes.
69.What do you call the act of creating a sculpture?
A. Carving
B. Shaping
C. Molding
D. All of the above
70. A healthy garden requires good __________ (照顾).
71.What is the opposite of ‘sweet’?
A. Sour
B. Bitter
C. Spicy
D. Salty
72.Which shape has four equal sides?
A. Triangle
B. Rectangle
C. Square
D. Circle
73.I want to learn to ________ (打击乐器).
74.What is the name of the famous war fought between the North and South in the United States?
A. World War I
B. World War II
C. Civil War
D. Revolutionary WarC
75.What do you call the time when the sun sets?
A. Dawn
B. Noon
C. Dusk
D. MidnightC
76.Which planet is known as the "Giant Planet"?
A. Earth
B. Saturn
C. Jupiter
D. Neptune
77.My favorite animal is a ______ (金鱼).
78.I can customize my ________ (玩具名称).
79.I often take my __________ (玩具名) to the __________ (地方).
80.Metalloids have properties of both ________ and nonmetals.
81.What is the term for a baby rabbit?
A. Kitten
B. Bunny
C. Pup
D. FoalB Bunny
82.Which shape has four equal sides?
A. Rectangle
B. Triangle
C. Square
D. CircleC
83.The ________ is a friendly creature.
84.My grandmother has a __________ garden. (美丽的)
85.What is 60 ÷ 3?
A. 15
B. 20
C. 25
D. 30B
86.The fox is very _______ (聪明).
87. A ______ (养护) schedule keeps plants healthy.
88.The bat uses _______ (回声定位) to navigate.
89.She has a _____ backpack. (red)
90.I watched a _______ (小蝴蝶) land on a flower.
91.I can ___ very well. (run)
92.What is the capital of Vanuatu?
A. Port Vila
B. Luganville
C. Tanna
D. Espiritu SantoA
93.ts have developed traits to survive in nutrient-poor ______. (某些植物已发展出特征,以在养分贫乏的土壤中生存。

) Some pla
94.My favorite season is ________ (春天) because of the flowers.
95.Which of these is a renewable resource?
A. Coal
B. Oil
C. Solar Energy
D. Natural GasC
96.Cacti are perfect for ______ (干旱) regions.
97.The chemical symbol for palladium is ______.
98.We go to the library to ___. (read)
99.I love to watch the __________ fall in winter. (雪花)
100.The __________ (历史的回归) brings clarity.。
