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Grammatical Differences
3) Some of the prepositions are used differently in AmE and BrE.
e.g. He saw his ex-wife on/in the street.
The book caters to/for the readers below the age of 12.
Lecture 4
• 讲授题目: Varieties in the
English World
• 所属章节:《社会语言学与英语学习》之第 • • • • 计划学时:2 periods 教学方法:传统讲授法 参考资料: 《社会语言学导论》 教学目的和要求:通过本章的学习,学 生对英语世界英语语言的几种变体形式, 特点等问题有初步了解。
Hawaii Pidgin English
Auntie Pua Lei Nani, she so chang. Da dress she had wear fo da prom, she had return on da next day.
My Aunt Daisy-May is frugal to a fault. After wearing her prom dress, she requested a refund the next day.
Grammatical Differences
1) The treatment of collective nouns in AmE and BrE is different.
Americans tends to treat the collectives as single nouns whereas the British people were more likely to use them as plurals. e.g. The family was/were invited to the party.
He worked Monday through/to Sunday.
4.2 Pidgin
Pidgin is a language which has no
native speakers. It is a simplified language derived from two or more languages. It is a contact language developed and used by people who do not share a common language in a given geographical area. Pidgin (皮钦语 ,又译“洋泾浜语”)是17世纪 以后在殖民地、半殖民地的通商口岸常见的一种语 言现象。
2) The speakers of these two varieties use the verb do with auxiliaries can and have differently.
Q: Have you repaired the bicycle for the girl? AmE: No, I haven’t. BrE: No, I haven’t done yet.
The English world generally refers to the countries and
areas where English is the official language or the second language, including those non-English speaking countries in which English is the first foreign language. Types of English are identified with the residents of particular places, such as American and British varieties of English; Canadian English; Australian English; South African English. Sociolinguists claim that world Englishes are various. This lecture mainly discusses the five typical varieties of English: American English; Chinglish; Pidgin; Creole; Black English.
4.2 Pidgin
Cameroonian Pidgin English:
e.g. Gif di buk fo mi. (Give the book to me.) Di moni dei fo tebul. ( The money is on the table.)
General Remarks
4. 1 BrE & AmE
BrE is the basis for the varieties spoken in England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, and South Africa. AmE includes chiefly the English of Canada and the United States.
Definition of Chinglish
影响而生搬硬套、拼造出不符合英语表达习 惯的,具有中国特征的不规范的或畸形的英 语。这是中国人在学习英语过程中普遍出现 的,尽管暂时、却是必然的一种语言现象。 随着英语在中国已经成了一个流行的话题, 许多新鲜事也跟着出来了。据说,2006年 全球最流行的10个词中,就有一个词叫 chinglish,也就是中式英语。
• 一个同学在饭馆里看到童子鸡的英文后面写着:
• ① “Young chicken without sex”. • ②” Unmarried chicken”.
1994年以来加入国际英语行列的词汇中,中式英语贡献了5%至20 %,超过任何其他来源;
最早期的中式英语应该在香港出现。当时英国 强行租借香港岛,在货物起卸区,有不少经常 与洋人打交道的人慢慢从洋人口中学得几个简 单的英文词语,就用自己的方式把这些刚学会 的英语组成字句。这些字句,有不少甚至已经 溶入英语之内。(例如:打照呼时说的 “Long time no see!”). 后来英国在上海 的租界发展,中式英语亦在当地兴起,并以英 租界边界洋泾浜的名字命名为“洋泾浜英语”. 中式英语经常应用于书面语。著名的例子有 “san q” ,即是中文“谢谢”的意思 (在普通 话中通常作 ‘三Q’),还有ok lah. (第二个例 子同时适用于中国式英语与新加坡英语)
Examples and influences
• (1) give you some color to see see. • (2) she is my watch sister. • (3) “long time no see”(很久不见)已成为标准英文词组; • “good good study,day day up”(好好学习,天天向上) • “one car come, one car go, two car pengpeng, the people die.”
automobile car
Orthographical Differences
Some words are spelt differently in AmE and BrE. On the whole, the words in AmE are spelt more simply than those in BrE. Words ending with –our in BrE usually end with –or in AmE. (color, favor, labor, behavior, neighbor) Words ending with –re in BrE usually end with –er in AmE. (liter, meter, center, theater) Words ending with –ogue in BrE usually end with –og in AmE. (dialog, monolog, catalog) Words ending with –ce and –ze in BrE usually end with –se in AmE. (license, defense, realise)
Lecture 4
Varieties in the English World
Reasons for the development of pidgin:
a: the fast-developing commercial and political exchange b: the colonization
4.2 Pidgin
Most pidgins originate from a fusion of several totally unrelated languages and they typically have a limited vocabulary and very simple grammar. Many pidgins have been identified and altogether 巴布亚 there are as many as sixty varieties of English - based pidgins: e.g. Nigerian Pidgin English, Papuan Pidgin English, Vietnamese Pidgin English, 巴布亚新 几内亚 Chinese Pidgin English… Tok Pisin: widely used in Papua New Guinea, has about 1500 lexical items, and about 80% derived form English. e.g. Mi driman long kilim wanpela snek. (I dreamed that I killed a snake.)
Hale Waihona Puke 主讲教师:郑家钦4.3 . Chinglish/ Chinese Pidgin English
• Definition • Representation of Chinglish • Histry of Chinglish • Influences of Chinglish
Phonological differences
/α:/ /æ/
fast, glass, half, dance
The treatment of ‘r’.
In the standard BrE, such sound has usually disappeared. 卷舌音 In AmE, it is pronounced in all positions. Most Americans have a retroflex /r/ when ‘r’ appears after a vowel in words like car, floor, four, etc…
Lexical Differences
cookies vest
biscuit waistcoat
semester vacation garbage sick
term holiday rubbish ill
Grammatical Differences
3) Some of the prepositions are used differently in AmE and BrE.
e.g. He saw his ex-wife on/in the street.
The book caters to/for the readers below the age of 12.
Lecture 4
• 讲授题目: Varieties in the
English World
• 所属章节:《社会语言学与英语学习》之第 • • • • 计划学时:2 periods 教学方法:传统讲授法 参考资料: 《社会语言学导论》 教学目的和要求:通过本章的学习,学 生对英语世界英语语言的几种变体形式, 特点等问题有初步了解。
Hawaii Pidgin English
Auntie Pua Lei Nani, she so chang. Da dress she had wear fo da prom, she had return on da next day.
My Aunt Daisy-May is frugal to a fault. After wearing her prom dress, she requested a refund the next day.
Grammatical Differences
1) The treatment of collective nouns in AmE and BrE is different.
Americans tends to treat the collectives as single nouns whereas the British people were more likely to use them as plurals. e.g. The family was/were invited to the party.
He worked Monday through/to Sunday.
4.2 Pidgin
Pidgin is a language which has no
native speakers. It is a simplified language derived from two or more languages. It is a contact language developed and used by people who do not share a common language in a given geographical area. Pidgin (皮钦语 ,又译“洋泾浜语”)是17世纪 以后在殖民地、半殖民地的通商口岸常见的一种语 言现象。
2) The speakers of these two varieties use the verb do with auxiliaries can and have differently.
Q: Have you repaired the bicycle for the girl? AmE: No, I haven’t. BrE: No, I haven’t done yet.
The English world generally refers to the countries and
areas where English is the official language or the second language, including those non-English speaking countries in which English is the first foreign language. Types of English are identified with the residents of particular places, such as American and British varieties of English; Canadian English; Australian English; South African English. Sociolinguists claim that world Englishes are various. This lecture mainly discusses the five typical varieties of English: American English; Chinglish; Pidgin; Creole; Black English.
4.2 Pidgin
Cameroonian Pidgin English:
e.g. Gif di buk fo mi. (Give the book to me.) Di moni dei fo tebul. ( The money is on the table.)
General Remarks
4. 1 BrE & AmE
BrE is the basis for the varieties spoken in England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, and South Africa. AmE includes chiefly the English of Canada and the United States.
Definition of Chinglish
影响而生搬硬套、拼造出不符合英语表达习 惯的,具有中国特征的不规范的或畸形的英 语。这是中国人在学习英语过程中普遍出现 的,尽管暂时、却是必然的一种语言现象。 随着英语在中国已经成了一个流行的话题, 许多新鲜事也跟着出来了。据说,2006年 全球最流行的10个词中,就有一个词叫 chinglish,也就是中式英语。
• 一个同学在饭馆里看到童子鸡的英文后面写着:
• ① “Young chicken without sex”. • ②” Unmarried chicken”.
1994年以来加入国际英语行列的词汇中,中式英语贡献了5%至20 %,超过任何其他来源;
最早期的中式英语应该在香港出现。当时英国 强行租借香港岛,在货物起卸区,有不少经常 与洋人打交道的人慢慢从洋人口中学得几个简 单的英文词语,就用自己的方式把这些刚学会 的英语组成字句。这些字句,有不少甚至已经 溶入英语之内。(例如:打照呼时说的 “Long time no see!”). 后来英国在上海 的租界发展,中式英语亦在当地兴起,并以英 租界边界洋泾浜的名字命名为“洋泾浜英语”. 中式英语经常应用于书面语。著名的例子有 “san q” ,即是中文“谢谢”的意思 (在普通 话中通常作 ‘三Q’),还有ok lah. (第二个例 子同时适用于中国式英语与新加坡英语)
Examples and influences
• (1) give you some color to see see. • (2) she is my watch sister. • (3) “long time no see”(很久不见)已成为标准英文词组; • “good good study,day day up”(好好学习,天天向上) • “one car come, one car go, two car pengpeng, the people die.”
automobile car
Orthographical Differences
Some words are spelt differently in AmE and BrE. On the whole, the words in AmE are spelt more simply than those in BrE. Words ending with –our in BrE usually end with –or in AmE. (color, favor, labor, behavior, neighbor) Words ending with –re in BrE usually end with –er in AmE. (liter, meter, center, theater) Words ending with –ogue in BrE usually end with –og in AmE. (dialog, monolog, catalog) Words ending with –ce and –ze in BrE usually end with –se in AmE. (license, defense, realise)
Lecture 4
Varieties in the English World
Reasons for the development of pidgin:
a: the fast-developing commercial and political exchange b: the colonization
4.2 Pidgin
Most pidgins originate from a fusion of several totally unrelated languages and they typically have a limited vocabulary and very simple grammar. Many pidgins have been identified and altogether 巴布亚 there are as many as sixty varieties of English - based pidgins: e.g. Nigerian Pidgin English, Papuan Pidgin English, Vietnamese Pidgin English, 巴布亚新 几内亚 Chinese Pidgin English… Tok Pisin: widely used in Papua New Guinea, has about 1500 lexical items, and about 80% derived form English. e.g. Mi driman long kilim wanpela snek. (I dreamed that I killed a snake.)
Hale Waihona Puke 主讲教师:郑家钦4.3 . Chinglish/ Chinese Pidgin English
• Definition • Representation of Chinglish • Histry of Chinglish • Influences of Chinglish
Phonological differences
/α:/ /æ/
fast, glass, half, dance
The treatment of ‘r’.
In the standard BrE, such sound has usually disappeared. 卷舌音 In AmE, it is pronounced in all positions. Most Americans have a retroflex /r/ when ‘r’ appears after a vowel in words like car, floor, four, etc…
Lexical Differences
cookies vest
biscuit waistcoat
semester vacation garbage sick
term holiday rubbish ill