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layer had an important influence on the formation of aerosol accumulation. The volume concentration spectrum under 2200 m was presented
in trimodal distribution. The maximum value of the peak was around 450 m. The distribution characteristics of concentration spectrum
distribution over Beijing ̄Tianjin ̄Hebei Region were the same as those of the atmospheric airborne particles of 600 and 2400 mꎬ showing a
monotonously decreasing and unimodal distribution. The differences in the peak of concentration spectrum between different cities were
The volume concentration spectrum under 2200 m was presented in trimodal distributionꎬ which ranged from 0 30 to 0 40 μmꎬ 0 50 to
收稿日期: 2017 ̄12 ̄06 修订日期: 2018 ̄02 ̄28
Abstract: Taking the Yun12 ( Y ̄12) plane as the observation platform of atmospheric particulate matterꎬ aircraft measurements of aerosol
properties in central Beijing ̄Tianjin ̄Hebei Region were carried out in the summer of 2016. It was found that the concentration spectrum
较大. 研究显示ꎬ京津冀中部 600 和1 200 m大气颗粒物多来源于山东、河南ꎬ经近地面输送ꎻ 2 400 m大气颗粒物多来源于内蒙古
关键词: 大气颗粒物ꎻ 飞机观测ꎻ 数浓度ꎻ 粒径谱分布ꎻ 京津冀区域
中图分类号: X51 文章编号: 1001 ̄6929(2018)05 ̄0814 ̄09
摘要: 为研究京津冀地区雾霾成因ꎬ以 Y ̄12( 运 ̄12) 飞机为大气颗粒物观测平台ꎬ对 2016 年夏季京津冀中部大气颗粒物污染特
征进行了观测研究. 结果表明ꎬ天津市颗粒物数浓度垂直分布特征为 1 500 m( 以下均为标准气压高度) 以下呈单峰分布ꎬ1 500 m
以上呈单调下降ꎬ峰值均出现在 0 35 ~ 0 40 μm 之间ꎬ峰值的最大值出现在 900 m 左右ꎻ颗粒物体积浓度谱呈三峰分布ꎬ分别在
研业务专项( No.2016YSKY ̄023)
Supported by National Key Scientific Instruments and Development Special ProgramꎬChina ( No.2011YQ060111) ꎻ National Key Technology Research and
81 5
0 60 and 1 00 to 2 00 μmꎬ respectively. The maximum value of the peak occered at around 450 m.The concentration spectrum of 600 m
volume concentration spectrum of 600 m and 2400 m in Tianjinꎬ Baoding and Hengshui were presented in trimodal distributionꎬ which
ranged from 0 30 to 0 40ꎬ 0 50 to 0 60ꎬ 1 00 to 3 00 μm respectively. The vertical distribution characteristics of Tianjin were in the
文献标志码: A
DOI: 10 13198∕j issn 1001 ̄6929 2018 03 17
Spatial Distribution Properties of Atmospheric Particles over Central Beijing ̄
Tianjin ̄Hebei Region in Summer
2.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessmentꎬ Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciencesꎬ Beijing
100012ꎬ China
3.Beijing Weather Modification Officeꎬ Beijing 100089ꎬ China
single peak distribution of the concentration spectrum under 1500 mꎬ which appeared in the accumulation modeꎬ and the concentration
spectrum above 1500 m was monotonically decreasing. The maximum value of the peak was about 900 m. It was found that the inversion
层对气溶胶累积的形成有重要影响. 城市间数浓度谱峰值高低受地面颗粒物质量浓度大小影响. 京津冀中部大气颗粒物表面积
浓度谱在 600 m 呈三峰分布ꎬ在2 400 m 呈双峰分布ꎬ可能是因为2 400 m 空中以细粒子为主. 京津冀中部大气颗粒物体积浓度谱
在 600 与2 400 m空中均为三峰分布ꎬ而国外为双峰分布ꎬ发现粗粒子峰值粒径范围差别较大ꎬ这是由于国内 PM 2 5 在 PM 10 中占比
Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China ( No. 2014BAC23B01) ꎻ Basic Scientific Research Funds in National Nonprofit
Institutesꎬ China ( No.2016YSKY ̄023)
之间ꎻ 2 400 m 表面积浓度谱呈双峰分布ꎬ分别在 0 30 ~ 0 40 和 0 50 ~ 0 60 μm 之间ꎻ6Байду номын сангаас0 与 2 400 m 体积浓度谱均呈三峰分布ꎬ
分别在 0 30 ~ 0 40、0 50 ~ 0 60 和 1 00 ~ 3 00 μm 之间. 天津市大气颗粒物数浓度谱峰值的最大值出现在 900 m 左右ꎬ说明逆温
under 1500 m ( the heights in the following were all standard pressure height.) was unimodal distribution which ranged from 0 35 to 0 40
μmꎬ while the concentration spectrum of above 1500 m was monotonically decreasing. The maximum value of the peak was about 900 m.
0 30 ~ 0 40、0 50 ~ 0 60 和 1 00 ~ 2 00 μm 之间ꎬ峰值的最大值出现在 450 m 左右. 天津市、保定市和衡水市 600 与 2 400 m 数浓
度谱分布特征为单调下降和单峰分布并存ꎻ600 m 表面积浓度谱呈三峰分布ꎬ分别在 0 30 ~ 0 40、0 50 ~ 0 60 和 0 90 ~ 1 00 μm
第 31 卷 第 5 期
环 境 科 学 研 究
2018 年 5 月
Research of Environmental Sciences
孟凡胜ꎬ王飞ꎬ殷宝辉ꎬ等.京津冀中部夏季大气颗粒物空间分布特征[ J] .环境科学研究ꎬ2018ꎬ31(5) :814 ̄822.
MENG FanshengꎬWANG FeiꎬYIN Baohuiꎬet al.Spatial distribution properties of atmospheric particles over central Beijing ̄Tianjin ̄Hebei Region in summer
[ J] .Research of Environmental Sciencesꎬ2018ꎬ31(5) :814 ̄822.
0 30 to 0 40ꎬ 0 50 to 0 60 and 1 00 to 2 00 μm respectively. The surface area concentration spectrum of 2400 m in Tianjinꎬ Baoding
and Hengshui was bimodal distributionꎬ one of which ranged from 0 30 to 0 40 μmꎬ and the other ranges from 0 50 to 0 60 μm. The
MENG Fansheng 1 ꎬ WANG Fei 3 ꎬ YIN Baohui 2 ꎬ GENG Chunmei 2 ꎬ YANG Wen 2 ꎬ LI Wei 1∗ ꎬ BAI Zhipeng 2
1.College of Environment & Resource Sciences of Shanxi Universityꎬ Taiyuan 030000ꎬ China
孟凡胜1 ꎬ 王 飞3 ꎬ 殷宝辉2 ꎬ 耿春梅2 ꎬ 杨 文2 ꎬ 李 伟1∗ ꎬ 白志鹏2
1.山西大学环境与资源学院ꎬ 山西 太原 030000
2.中国环境科学研究院ꎬ 环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100012
3.北京市人工影响天气办公室ꎬ 北京 100089
and 2400 m atmospheric particles in Tianjinꎬ Baoding and Hengshui were single ̄peak distribution and monotonically decreasing. The
concentration spectrum of 600 m surface area was presented in trimodal distribution in Tianjinꎬ Baoding and Hengshuiꎬ which ranged from
作者简介: 孟凡胜(1993 ̄) ꎬ男ꎬ黑龙江海伦人ꎬ1171168383@ qq.com.
∗责任作者ꎬ李伟(1964 ̄) ꎬ男ꎬ山西太原人ꎬ教授ꎬ硕士ꎬ主要从事环境化学和环境影响战略评价研究ꎬliwei@ sxu.edu.cn
基金项目: 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项( No.2011YQ060111) ꎻ 国家科技支撑计划课题( No.2014BAC23B01) ꎻ 中央级公益性科研院所基本科