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Listen again to find out Dr. Smith’s advice.
Dr. Smith’s advice
Effective English learning
Learning words
Learning grammar
Increase your knowledge of English _b_e_y_o_n_d__th_e__c_la_s_s_r_o_o_m_ by _r_e_a_d_in__g_more and _l_is_t_e_n_in_g__ more
Listen for understanding
DS: Hi, Yang An. So what do you _n_o_r_m__a_ll_y do to memorise new words? Y: I just try to memorise the _w_o_r_d__li_st_ and it is so difficult and _b__o_ri_n_g_. DS: Well, I don’t think memorising the word list is the best way to learn words. First, you should learn words in context. For example, when reading English stories, try to _k_e_e_p__r_ea_d__in_g__o_n_ even when you _c_o_m_e__ _a_c_r_o_s_s some new words. A lot of the time, you’ll be able to _g_u_e_s_s_ the meaning of an _u_n__fa_m__il_i_a_r word without looking it up. Also, you should learn words in chunks. For example, we say “open the book”, but “turn on the computer”. Or we say “eat an apple”, but “take the medicine”. Y: Ok. I see. So I need to learn words in context and in chunks. Thank you very much.
How to: increase knowledge of English use a dictionary deal with unfamiliar words learn new words learn grammar be a good learner
Listen for understanding Listen to find out the 3 callers’ questions about learning English.
exercises • ...
eg: My tip for learning English is to … because …
Ⅱ Listen for understanding
Listen for understanding
Before listening, predict which topics will be mentioned.
I: Welcome to today’s programme. We’ve invited Dr. Smith to share with us _e_f_f_e_ct_i_v_e_ strategies for learning English. Hello, Dr. Smith, many of our listeners have questions about learning English. I suppose you’re ready to take __c_a_ll_s_ from our listeners. So start phoning in!
Unit 9 Learning
Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips
目Байду номын сангаас录 页
I Activate and Share II Listen for Understanding III Focus on Function
Ⅳ Speak
Ⅰ Activate and Share
Activate and Share What tips do you know about learning English? Which way do you think is useful?
• To read simplified classic works • To check the dictionary while reading • To guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word • To memorise grammar rules and do a lot of
Learn words in __co_n__te_x_t_ and in chunks
Use it in _s_p_e_a_k_in_g__ and _w_r_i_ti_n_g__ activities
Listen for understanding
Listen and complete the missing information.
Listen for understanding
C1: Hello, Dr. Smith. I’ve spent a lot of time reading English _c_o_u_r_s_e_b_o_o_k_s_, but I’ve made little _p_r_o_g_r_e_ss_. My questions is how to learn English effectively. DS: Well, my advice is to __i_n_c_r_e_a_se__y_o_u_r_k_n_o_w__le_d_g_e__ of English beyond the classroom. One way to do that is by reading more. I would _r_e_co_m__m__e_n_d_ that you try _s_im__p_l_if_ie_d_ classic literature, such as short stories and novels rewritten in simple English. The other way is to listen more, for example, listening to English programmes. With sufficient _la_n_g_u__a_g_e_in__p_u_t, I’m sure you can learn English effectively. Y: Hello, Dr. Smith. My name is Yang An. I find _m__e_m_o_r_i_si_n_g_ new words very difficult.
callers Caller 1 Yang An Su Qin
Questions about learning English How to learn English effectively How to learn new words How to learn English grammar
Listen for understanding