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1.I built a race track for my toy ____. (玩具名称)
2.What do you call a story about someone's life?
A. Novel
B. Biography
C. Fiction
D. PoemB
3.What do we call the study of the interactions between humans and their environment?
A. Environmental science
B. Sociology
C. Geography
D. AnthropologyA
4.The _______ can be a wonderful way to teach about biology.
5.What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?
A. The Starry Night
B. Mona Lisa
C. The Scream
D. Girl with a Pearl EarringB
6.The ________ can sometimes be very shy.
7.The __________ is a landform that is surrounded by water.
8.The process of mixing two liquids to form a solution is called ______.
9.I can ______ (提升) my communication skills.
10.I saw a _______ (蝴蝶) in my garden.
11.What is the name of the famous European city known for its canals?
A. Paris
B. Venice
C. Berlin
D. AmsterdamB
12.What do we call the layer of gases surrounding the Earth?
A. Atmosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Lithosphere
D. HydrosphereA
13.What is the name of the famous toy company that produces Lego?
A. Hasbro
B. Mattel
C. Bandai
D. Lego Group
14.The Earth's atmosphere contains gases that are vital for ______.
15.The flamingo wades through shallow ______ (水) to find food.
16.The _______ can vary in size and shape.
17.I like to explore new ________ with my friends.
18.What is the term for a baby whale?
A. Calf
B. Pup
C. Kid
D. FawnA
19.Dogs are known for their _________ (忠诚).
20.What do we call a young fish?
A. Fry
B. Fingerling
C. Larva
D. Pup
21.What do you call the device used to call someone?
A. Television
B. Phone
C. Radio
D. Computer
22.I like to help my dad ________ (清理院子).
23.The _______ (小企鹅) waddles on the ice to find food.
24.What is the shape of a baseball diamond?
A. Circle
B. Square
C. Triangle
D. RectangleB
25. A __________ is a valley formed by glacial activity.
26.The dog likes to _____ in the sand. (dig)
27.The crab walks sideways on the _______ (沙滩).
28.The main component of air is _____.
29.It is important to _______ your dreams.
30.My pet is a small ____.
31.I like to ______ (参与) in student leadership roles.
32.In my garden, I plant ______ (花) and vegetables. I water them every day and watch them ______ (生长).
33.What do we call the process of converting a solid into a gas?
A. Sublimation
B. Evaporation
C. Condensation
D. FreezingA
34.My ______ loves to cook new recipes.
35. A _____ (植物实验) can teach students about biology.
36.The Earth's magnetic field protects us from ______.
37. A ____ is a small, agile creature that loves to explore.
38.The tortoise is much ______ (慢) than the rabbit.
39.My brother is a _____ (学生) who excels in sciences.
40.What is the opposite of happy?
A. Sad
B. Joyful
C. Excited
D. Cheerful
41.My ______ loves to organize events.
42.The sun shines ______ (brightly) in the sky.
43.Many plants can be grown from __________ (种子或切割).
44.My cat loves to nap in the ______ (阳光).
45.The amount of substance in a solution can be expressed in ______.
46.ayas separate India from ________ (中国). The Holo
47.What do we call the soft part of the tree that transports water?
A. Heartwood
B. Bark
C. Xylem
D. Phloem
48.The sun is ______ (shining).
49.What is the name of the person who invented the telephone?
A. Thomas Edison
B. Alexander Graham Bell
C. Nikola Tesla
D. Albert Einstein
50.What do we call a person who sells vegetables?
A. Grocer
B. Farmer
C. Vendor
D. All of the above
51.What is the primary source of energy for the Earth?
A. Wind
B. Water
C. Sun
D. CoalC
52.The clock ticks _____ (slowly/quickly).
53.My dad loves to ________ (钓鱼).
54.I like to take pictures with my ________ (玩具).
55.What do we call a person who plays soccer?
A. Player
B. Footballer
C. Athlete
D. Referee
56.The fish swims in the ______ (water).
57.The soup is _____ (hot/cold) today.
58.What is the main ingredient in a traditional Greek salad?
A. Cucumber
B. Tomato
C. Feta cheese
D. Olive oil
59.An experiment must be _____ to ensure accurate results.
60.The chemical formula for potassium bromide is ______.
61.I see a plane in the ___. (sky)
62.My mom grows _______ in the garden (我妈妈在花园里种_______).
63.My friend is very ________.
64. A ______ is the result of a chemical reaction.
65.The ______ helps with the processing of information.
66. A __________ is a famous location for whale watching.
67.What do we celebrate on the Fourth of July in the USA?
A. Thanksgiving
B. Independence Day
C. Christmas
D. New YearB
68.My teacher is very __________ (支持性).
69.What is the capital of France?
A. London
B. Paris
C. Berlin
D. MadridB
70.What is the name of the famous art museum in New York?
A. Tate Modern
B. Louvre
C. Metropolitan Museum of Art
D. National GalleryC Metropolitan Museum of Art
71.The __________ (十字军东征) were military expeditions to the Holy Land.
72.The _____ (花粉) is transferred during pollination.
73.The __________ (历史的理解深度) enriches perspectives.
74.The man drives a ________.
75.The book is on the ______ (shelf).
76.What is the opposite of 'up'?
A. Down
B. Left
C. Right
D. Across
77. A ______ is a large animal that can graze on grass.
78.I need to ______ my lunch for school. (pack)
79.What do you call the person who studies the history and culture of people?
A. Historian
B. Anthropologist
C. Archaeologist
D. Sociologist
80.Which animal is known as the king of the jungle?
A. Elephant
B. Lion
C. Tiger
D. Bear
81.I like to write ______ stories.
82.The chemical symbol for potassium is _____ (K).
83.The process of osmosis involves the movement of __________.
84.What do we call the art of making pottery?
A. Sculpture
B. Painting
C. Pottery
D. WeavingC
85.How many sides does a hexagon have?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8B
86.My brother's favorite toy is a ________.
87.Which insect makes a web?
A. Ant
B. Bee
C. Spider
D. FlyC
88. A mixture of metals is known as an _______.
89.What is the term for a word that sounds the same but has a different meaning?
A. Antonym
B. Synonym
C. Homonym
D. AdjectiveC
90.What is the term for a large natural elevation of the Earth's surface?
A. Mountain
B. Hill
C. Plateau
D. ValleyA
91.The boy plays the ________.
92.The sun is ______ behind the clouds. (peeking)
93.She has a nice ________.
94. A ____(collaborative agreement) outlines shared goals.
95.ts need a lot of _____ (水) to survive. Some pla
96.What do we call the time it takes Earth to go around the sun?
A. Day
B. Month
C. Year
D. HourC
97.What do you call the center of an atom?
A. Nucleus
B. Proton
C. Electron
D. Neutron
98.What do you call a baby giraffe?
A. Calf
B. Kid
C. Pup
D. FoalA
99. A __________ is a type of reaction where heat is released.
100.The train goes _____ (fast/slow) on the tracks.。