Introduction Multiprocessor File System Interfaces

三、process模块介绍Process(\\\[group \\\[, target \\\[, name \\\[, args \\\[, kwargs\\\]\\\]\\\]\\\]\\\]),由该类实例化得到的对象,表⽰⼀个⼦进程中的任务(尚未启动)强调:需要使⽤关键字的⽅式来指定参数args指定的为传给target函数的位置参数,是⼀个元组形式,必须有逗号参数介绍:group参数未使⽤,值始终为Nonetarget表⽰调⽤对象,即⼦进程要执⾏的任务args表⽰调⽤对象的位置参数元组,args=(1,2,'egon',)kwargs表⽰调⽤对象的字典,kwargs={'name':'egon','age':18}name为⼦进程的名称3.1 ⽅法介绍p.start():启动进程,并调⽤该⼦进程中的进程启动时运⾏的⽅法,正是它去调⽤target指定的函数,我们⾃定义类的类中⼀定要实现该⽅法p.terminate():强制终⽌进程p,不会进⾏任何清理操作,如果p创建了⼦进程,该⼦进程就成了僵⼫进程,使⽤该⽅法需要特别⼩⼼这种情况。

filesystem库用法文件系统库(filesystem library)是C++17新增的标准库之一,用于简化和统一文件和目录的操作。
使用filesystem库的一般步骤如下:1. 包含头文件:`#include <filesystem>`2. 命名空间:`using namespace std::filesystem;`3. 使用库中的功能,例如:- 创建目录:`create_directory(path);`- 删除目录或文件:`remove(path);`- 拷贝或移动目录或文件:`copy(path1, path2);` 或`rename(path1, path2);`- 获取文件大小:`file_size(path);`- 判断路径是否存在:`exists(path);`- 判断是否为目录:`is_directory(path);`- 遍历目录中的文件和子目录:使用迭代器或递归函数等。
以下是一个简单的示例代码,演示了filesystem库的基本用法:```cpp#include <iostream>#include <filesystem>using namespace std::filesystem;int main() {path filePath = "path/to/file.txt";if (exists(filePath)) {if (is_directory(filePath)) {std::cout << "Path is a directory." << std::endl;} else {std::cout << "Path is a file." << std::endl;std::cout << "Size: " << file_size(filePath) << " bytes." << std::endl;}} else {std::cout << "Path does not exist." << std::endl;}return 0;}```上述代码会判断给定的路径是否存在,并输出路径类型(文件还是目录)和文件大小(如果是文件的话)。

Node.js中⽂件操作模块FileSystem的详细介绍File System的缩写是fs,该模块提供本地⽂件的读写能⼒。
Nodejs导⼊⽂件系统模块(fs)语法如下所⽰:var fs = require("fs");异步和同步Node.js⽂件系统(fs模块)模块中的⽅法均有异步和同步版本,例如读取⽂件内容的函数有异步的fs.readFile()和同步的fs.readFileSync()。
打开⽂件语法如下,flags[,mode],[callback(err,data)]);//异步path - ⽂件的路径。
mode - 设置⽂件模式(权限),⽂件创建默认权限为0666(可读,可写)。
callback - 回调函数,带有两个参数如:callback(err,fd) 。
flags - ⽂件打开的⾏为。
具体如下:flag descriptionr以读取模式打开⽂件。
wx类似 ‘w',但是如果⽂件路径存在,则⽂件写⼊失败。
w+类似 ‘w+',但是如果⽂件路径存在,则⽂件读写失败。
wx+类似 ‘w+',但是如果⽂件路径存在,则⽂件读写失败。
a 以追加模式打开⽂件,如果⽂件不存在则创建。
ax类似 ‘a',但是如果⽂件路径存在,则⽂件追加失败。
ax+类似 ‘a+',但是如果⽂件路径存在,则⽂件读取追加失败。

普通文件(常规文件) 是指系统中最一般组织格式的文件,一般是字符 流组成的无结构文件 目录文件 是由文件的目录信息构成的特殊文件,操作系统 将目录也做成文件,便于统一管理 特殊文件(设备驱动程序) 在UNIX或Linux操作系统中,所有的输入输出外 部设备都被看作特殊文件便于统一管理。操作系统会 把对特殊文件的操作转接指向相应的设备操作,真正 的设备驱动程序不包含在这特殊文件中,而是指向与 链接到操作系统核心中存放在内存高端部分。
(1)顺序结构 顺序结构是一种最简单的物理文件结构,它将一 个在逻辑上连续的文件信息依次存放在外存连续的物 理块中。 优点:简单 顺序存取速度快 所需的磁盘寻道次数和寻道时间最少 缺点:要求连续的存储空间 会产生碎片 不利于文件的动态扩充
(2)链接结构 隐式链接:一个文件的信息存放在若干不连续的物理 块中,各块之间通过指针连接,前一个物理块指向下 一个物理块 优点:提高了磁盘空间利用率,不存在外部碎片问题 有利于文件插入和删除,有利于文件动态扩充。 缺点:存取速度慢,不适于随机存取 可靠性问题,如指针出错 更多的寻道次数和寻道时间 链接指针占用一定的空间
临时文件:用于系统在工作过程中产生的中间文件,一 般有暂存的目录,正常工作情况下,工作完毕会自动 删除,一旦有异常情况往往会残留不少临时文件 永久文件: 指一般受系统管理的各种系统和用户文件, 经过安装或编辑、编译生成的文件,存放在软盘、硬 盘或光盘等外存上 档案文件: 系统或一些实用工具软件包在工作过程中记 录在案的文挡资料文件,以便查阅历史挡案
操作系统中负责管理和存取文件信息的软件机构成为 文件管理系统,简称文件系统。
文件系统由三部分组成:与文件管理有关的软件、被 管理的文件以及实施文件管理所需的数据结构。

汇编多文件编程-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述汇编多文件编程是一种在汇编语言中使用多个文件来编写程序的技术。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容可以包括以下内容:文章结构部分旨在介绍本文的整体组织架构,用以引导读者了解本篇长文的内容安排和逻辑结构。
Chorus Vs Unix Operating Systems

Design Principle - Chorus
A Chorus system is composed of a small nucleus and a set of system servers, which cooperate s. Chorus Nucleus is not the core of a specific operating system; rather it provides generic tools designed to support a variety of host subsystems, which can coexist on top of the Nucleus. This structure supports application programs, which already run on an existing operating system, by reproducing the operating system’s interface within a subsystem.
Chorus Operating System
Chorus was a research project on distributed systems at INIRA in France. It was bought by Sun Microsystems in 1997. The Chorus operating system is a highly scalable and reliable embedded operating system. Chorus is a micro kernel-based operating system.
Unix Operating System
system.file 用法

系统文件(system file)是计算机系统中用于存储操作系统和程序信息的文件。
一、系统文件的作用1. 存储操作系统信息:系统文件包含了操作系统的核心代码和配置信息,如Windows系统中的NTFS文件、MAC系统中的HFS+文件等。
2. 存储程序信息:除了存储操作系统信息,系统文件还用于存储各种软件和程序的代码和配置信息。
3. 维护系统安全性:系统文件中还包含了系统的安全设置信息,如访问权限、加密密钥等。
4. 优化系统性能:系统文件的存储位置和大小对计算机的性能有一定影响。
5. 数据管理:系统文件还用于存储用户的数据,如配置文件、日志文件等。
二、系统文件的操作1. 创建和修改系统文件:创建和修改系统文件需要管理员权限,一般通过管理员账户登入系统进行操作。
2. 删除系统文件:删除系统文件需要谨慎操作,因为错误的删除可能导致系统无法启动或软件无法正常运行。
3. 恢复系统文件:当系统文件损坏或丢失时,可以通过系统自带的恢复功能或第三方恢复工具来修复系统文件。
4. 移动系统文件:系统文件的存储位置对系统的性能有一定影响,可以通过移动系统文件来优化系统的性能。

该书讲述的是采用了一个MIPS 处理器来展示计算机硬件技术、流水线、存储器的层次结构以及I/O 等基本功能。
采用ARMv6(ARM 11系列)为主要架构来展示指令系统和计算机算术运算的基本功能。
描述一种度量多核性能的独特方法——“Roofline model”,自带benchmark测试和分析AMD Opteron X4、Intel Xeo 5000、Sun Ultra SPARC T2和IBM Cell的性能。
将AMD Opteron X4和Intel Nehalem作为贯穿《计算机组成与设计:硬件/软件接口(英文版·第4版·ARM版)》的实例。
用SPEC CPU2006组件更新了所有处理器性能实例。
图书目录:1 Computer Abstractions and Technology1.1 Introduction1.2 BelowYour Program1.3 Under the Covers1.4 Performance1.5 The Power Wall1.6 The Sea Change: The Switch from Uniprocessors to Multiprocessors1.7 Real Stuff: Manufacturing and Benchmarking the AMD Opteron X41.8 Fallacies and Pitfalls1.9 Concluding Remarks1.10 Historical Perspective and Further Reading1.11 Exercises2 Instructions: Language of the Computer2.1 Introduction2.2 Operations of the Computer Hardware2.3 Operands of the Computer Hardware2.4 Signed and Unsigned Numbers2.5 Representing Instructions in the Computer2.6 Logical Operations2.7 Instructions for Making Decisions2.8 Supporting Procedures in Computer Hardware2.9 Communicating with People2.10 ARM Addressing for 32-Bit Immediates and More Complex Addressing Modes2.11 Parallelism and Instructions: Synchronization2.12 Translating and Starting a Program2.13 A C Sort Example to Put lt AU Together2.14 Arrays versus Pointers2.15 Advanced Material: Compiling C and Interpreting Java2.16 Real Stuff." MIPS Instructions2.17 Real Stuff: x86 Instructions2.18 Fallacies and Pitfalls2.19 Conduding Remarks2.20 Historical Perspective and Further Reading2.21 Exercises3 Arithmetic for Computers3.1 Introduction3.2 Addition and Subtraction3.3 Multiplication3.4 Division3.5 Floating Point3.6 Parallelism and Computer Arithmetic: Associativity 3.7 Real Stuff: Floating Point in the x863.8 Fallacies and Pitfalls3.9 Concluding Remarks3.10 Historical Perspective and Further Reading3.11 Exercises4 The Processor4.1 Introduction4.2 Logic Design Conventions4.3 Building a Datapath4.4 A Simple Implementation Scheme4.5 An Overview of Pipelining4.6 Pipelined Datapath and Control4.7 Data Hazards: Forwarding versus Stalling4.8 Control Hazards4.9 Exceptions4.10 Parallelism and Advanced Instruction-Level Parallelism4.11 Real Stuff: theAMD OpteronX4 (Barcelona)Pipeline4.12 Advanced Topic: an Introduction to Digital Design Using a Hardware Design Language to Describe and Model a Pipelineand More Pipelining Illustrations4.13 Fallacies and Pitfalls4.14 Concluding Remarks4.15 Historical Perspective and Further Reading4.16 Exercises5 Large and Fast: Exploiting Memory Hierarchy5.1 Introduction5.2 The Basics of Caches5.3 Measuring and Improving Cache Performance5.4 Virtual Memory5.5 A Common Framework for Memory Hierarchies5.6 Virtual Machines5.7 Using a Finite-State Machine to Control a Simple Cache5.8 Parallelism and Memory Hierarchies: Cache Coherence5.9 Advanced Material: Implementing Cache Controllers5.10 Real Stuff: the AMD Opteron X4 (Barcelona)and Intel NehalemMemory Hierarchies5.11 Fallacies and Pitfalls5.12 Concluding Remarks5.13 Historical Perspective and Further Reading5.14 Exercises6 Storage and Other I/0 Topics6.1 Introduction6.2 Dependability, Reliability, and Availability6.3 Disk Storage6.4 Flash Storage6.5 Connecting Processors, Memory, and I/O Devices6.6 Interfacing I/O Devices to the Processor, Memory, andOperating System6.7 I/O Performance Measures: Examples from Disk and File Systems6.8 Designing an I/O System6.9 Parallelism and I/O: Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks6.10 Real Stuff: Sun Fire x4150 Server6.11 Advanced Topics: Networks6.12 Fallacies and Pitfalls6.13 Concluding Remarks6.14 Historical Perspective and Further Reading6.15 Exercises7 Multicores, Multiprocessors, and Clusters7.1 Introduction7.2 The Difficulty of Creating Parallel Processing Programs7.3 Shared Memory Multiprocessors7.4 Clusters and Other Message-Passing Multiprocessors7.5 Hardware Multithreading 637.6 SISD,MIMD,SIMD,SPMD,and Vector7.7 Introduction to Graphics Processing Units7.8 Introduction to Multiprocessor Network Topologies7.9 Multiprocessor Benchmarks7.10 Roofline:A Simple Performance Model7.11 Real Stuff:Benchmarking Four Multicores Using theRooflineMudd7.12 Fallacies and Pitfalls7.13 Concluding Remarks7.14 Historical Perspective and Further Reading7.15 ExercisesInuexC D-ROM CONTENTA Graphics and Computing GPUSA.1 IntroductionA.2 GPU System ArchitecturesA.3 Scalable Parallelism-Programming GPUSA.4 Multithreaded Multiprocessor ArchitectureA.5 Paralld Memory System G.6 Floating PointA.6 Floating Point ArithmeticA.7 Real Stuff:The NVIDIA GeForce 8800A.8 Real Stuff:MappingApplications to GPUsA.9 Fallacies and PitflaUsA.10 Conduding RemarksA.1l HistoricalPerspectiveandFurtherReadingB1 ARM and Thumb Assembler InstructionsB1.1 Using This AppendixB1.2 SyntaxB1.3 Alphabetical List ofARM and Thumb Instructions B1.4 ARM Asembler Quick ReferenceB1.5 GNU Assembler Quick ReferenceB2 ARM and Thumb Instruction EncodingsB3 Intruction Cycle TimingsC The Basics of Logic DesignD Mapping Control to HardwareADVANCED CONTENTHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES & FURTHER READINGTUTORIALSSOFTWARE作者简介:David A.Patterson,加州大学伯克利分校计算机科学系教授。

"ConcurrentRotatingFileHandler" 是Python logging 模块中的一个处理器类,用于将日志消息写入到指定的文件中,并支持日志文件的自动轮转。
下面是该处理器的一些常用参数的解释:1. filename: 指定日志文件的名称或路径。
2. mode: 指定日志文件的打开模式,默认为"a"(追加模式)。
3. maxBytes: 指定单个日志文件的最大字节数。
4. backupCount: 指定保留的旧日志文件的个数。
5. encoding: 指定日志文件的编码方式,默认为None,表示使用系统默认编码。
可以使用常见的编码如"utf-8"、"ascii" 等。
6. delay: 指定是否延迟打开日志文件,默认为False。
当设置为True 时,在第一次写入日志消息时才会打开日志文件。
这些参数可以在创建ConcurrentRotatingFileHandler 实例时通过关键字参数进行配置。
例如:```pythonimport loggingfrom logging.handlers import ConcurrentRotatingFileHandlerhandler = ConcurrentRotatingFileHandler(filename='logs/myapp.log', mode='a', maxBytes=1024, backupCount=3, encoding='utf-8', delay=False)```请根据具体需求和使用场景适当配置以上参数,以满足你的日志记录和轮转需求。

September 2012
§1.2 Computer-System Organization
1.2.1 Computer-System Operation Fig. 1.2 A modern computer system
Commonly acknowledged classifications of OS PC/Desktop OS : Windows, Linux,Mac OS X Server OS : Unix, Linux, Windows NT Mainframe OS : Unix, Linux——open source!! Embedded OS : Vxworks, (Palm OS), (Symbian), (WinCE)/Windows Mobile/Phone, Android, iOS, embedded Linux (e.g. μcLinux)
September 2012 Operating System Concepts- Chapter1 Introduction 8
1.1.2 OS Concepts (cont.)
For OS definitions in other textbooks, refer to Appendix 1.B OS definitions
September 2012
Operating System Concepts- Chapter1 Introduction -
Fig.1.1-1 Components of a computer system
Application Software

以下是一些FileSystem的常用方法:•create(Path f): 创建一个新的文件,如果文件已经存在则抛出异常。
•delete(Path f, boolean recursive): 删除一个文件或目录。
•rename(Path src, Path dst): 重命名一个文件或目录。
•listFiles(Path f, boolean recursive): 列出文件和目录。
•setWorkingDirectory(Path new_dir): 设置当前的工作目录。
•getWorkingDirectory(): 获取当前的工作目录。
•getStatus(): 获取文件系统的状态信息。
•getBlockSize(Path f): 获取指定文件的块大小。
•getFileStatus(Path f): 获取指定文件的状态信息。

Amdahl's Law
1 结构的重点内 容。
2 Future Direction
Cache Coherency
缓存一致性保证了多处理器系统 中共享数据的一致性。
Performance Evaluation
I/O Devices
Types of Multiprocessing Interprocess
括数据通路、寄存器、算术逻辑单元(ALU) 和控制单元。
内存是计算机存储数据和指令的地方。 它包括内存层次结构、高速缓存和虚拟 内存等。
Input/Output System
Interrupts and Exceptions
计算机系统结构是指计算机硬件与软件之间的接口和交互方式。本讲座将介 绍计算机系统结构的定义、重要性以及概述。
Linux文件系统 (File System)

Traditionally, file systems have used a hierarchical, tree-structured namespace
Directories are objects that contain other objects
i.e. a directory may (or may not) have children
VFS Flowchart
Processes (usually) don’t need to know about low-level file system details
Process 1 Process 2
Relatively simple to add additional file system drivers
Partition 3 (NTFS) Partition 1 (NTFS) Partition 4 (FAT32)
Extended Partitions
In some cases, you may want >4 partitions Modern OSes support extended partitions
Includes the starting LBA and length of the partition
0x1D E
0x1E E
Partition Entry #3
Partition Entry #4
Disk 2 Disk 1
0x1F E MB R
linux 内核编译各个选项的含义

linux 内核编译各个选项的含义linux内核编译各个选项的含义codematurityleveloptions代码成熟度选项表明尚在研发中或尚未顺利完成的代码与驱动.除非你就是测试人员或者开发者,否则切勿挑选generalsetup常规设置localversion-appendtokernelrelease在内核版本后面加上自定义的版本字符串(小于64字符),可以用\-a\命令看到automaticallyappendversioninformationtotheversionstring自动在版本字符串后面添加版本信息,编译时需要有perl以及git仓库支持supportforpagingofanonymousmemory(swap)使用交换分区或者交换文件来做为虚拟内存systemvipcsystemv进程间通信(ipc)积极支持,许多程序须要这个功能.克雷姆斯兰县,除非你晓得自己在搞什么ipcnamespacesipc命名空间支持,不确定可以不选posixmessagequeuesposix消息队列,这就是posixipc中的一部分bsdprocessaccounting将进程的统计信息写入文件的用户级系统调用,主要包括进程的创建时间/创建者/内存占用等信息bsdprocessaccountingversion3fileformat使用新的第三版文件格式,可以包含每个进程的pid和其父进程的pid,但是不兼容老版本的文件格式exporttask/processstatisticsthroughnetlink通过netlink接口向用户空间导出任务/进程的统计信息,与bsdprocessaccounting 的不同之处在于这些统计信息在整个任务/进程生存期都是可用的enableper-taskdelayaccounting在统计信息中包含进程等候系统资源(cpu,io同步,内存交换等)所花费的时间utsnamespacesuts名字空间积极支持,不确认可以说实话auditingsupport审计支持,某些内核模块(例如selinux)需要它,只有同时选择其子项才能对系统调用进行审计enablesystem-callauditingsupport支持对系统调用的审计kernel.configsupport把内核的布局信息编程入内核中,以后可以通过scripts/extract-ikconfig脚本去抽取这些信息enableaccessto.configthrough/proc/config.gz允许通过/proc/config.gz访问内核的配置信息cpusetsupport只有所含大量cpu(大于16个)的smp系统或numa(非一致内存出访)系统才须要它kernel->userspacerelaysupport(formerlyrelayfs)在某些文件系统上(比如说debugfs)提供更多从内核空间向用户空间传达大量数据的USBinitramfssourcefile(s)initrd已经被initramfs取代,如果你不明白这是什么意思,请保持空白编程时优化内核尺寸(采用\而不是\参数编程),有时可以产生错误的二进制代码enableextendedaccountingovertaskstats搜集额外的进程统计数据信息并通过taskstatsUSB发送到用户空间configurestandardkernelfeatures(forsmallsystems)配置标准的内核特性(为小型系统)enable16-bituidsystemcalls容许对uid系统调用展开过时的16-bit外包装sysctlsyscallsupport不需要重启就能修改内核的某些参数和变量,如果你也选择了支持/proc,将能从/proc/sys存取可以影响内核行为的参数或变量loadallsymbolsfordebugging/kksymoops装载所有的调试符号表信息,只供调试时挑选includeallsymbolsinkallsyms在kallsyms中包含内核知道的所有符号,内核将会增大300kdoanextrakallsymspass除非你在kallsyms中辨认出了bug并须要报告这个bug才关上该选项supportforhot-pluggabledevices支持热插拔设备,如usb与pc卡等,udev也需要它enablesupportforprintk容许内核向终端列印字符信息,在须要确诊内核为什么无法运转时挑选bug()support显示故障和失败条件(bug和warn),禁用它将可能导致隐含的错误被忽略enableelfcoredumps内存格式化积极支持,可以协助调试elf格式的程序enablefull-sizeddatastructuresforcore在内核中使用全尺寸的数据结构.禁用它将使得某些内核的数据结构减小以节约内存,但是将会降低性能enablefutexsupport快速用户空间互斥体可以使线程串行化以避免竞态条件,也提高了响应速度.禁用它将导致内核不能正确的运行基于glibc的程序enableeventpollsupport积极支持事件轮循的系统调用usefullshmemfilesystem完全使用shmem来代替ramfs.shmem是基于共享内存的文件系统(可能用到swap),在启用tmpfs后可以挂载为tmpfs供用户空间使用,它比简单的ramfs先进许多usefullslaballocator采用slab全然替代slob展开内存分配,slab就是一种杰出的内存分配管理器,所推荐采用enablevmeventcountersfor/proc/vmstat容许在/proc/vmstat中涵盖虚拟内存事件记数器loadablemodulesupport可加载模块支持enableloadablemodulesupport打开可加载模块支持,如果打开它则必须通过\把内核模块安装在/lib/modules/中moduleunloading容许装载已经读取的模块forcedmoduleunloading允许强制卸载正在使用中的模块(比较危险)moduleversioningsupport容许采用其他内核版本的模块(可能会出来问题)sourcechecksumforallmodules为所有的模块校验源码,如果你不是自己编写内核模块就不需要它automatickernelmoduleloading使内核通过运转modprobe去自动读取所须要的模块,比如说可以自动化解模块的倚赖关系blocklayer块设备层enabletheblocklayer块设备支持,使用硬盘/usb/scsi设备者必选supportforlargeblockdevices仅在采用大于2tb的块设备时须要supportfortracingblockioactions块队列io跟踪支持,它允许用户查看在一个块设备队列上发生的所有事件,可以通过blktrace程序获得磁盘当前的详细统计数据supportforlargesinglefiles仅在可能将采用大于2tb的文件时须要ioschedulersio调度器anticipatoryi/oscheduler假设一个块设备只有一个物理查找磁头(例如一个单独的sata硬盘),将多个随机的小写入流合并成一个大写入流,用写入延时换取最大的写入吞吐量.适用于大多数环境,特别是写入较多的环境(比如文件服务器)deadlinei/oscheduler采用轮询的调度器,简约小巧,提供更多了最轻的加载延后和尚尽如人意的吞吐量,特别适合于加载较多的环境(比如说数据库)cfqi/oscheduler使用qos策略为所有任务分配等量的带宽,避免进程被饿死并实现了较低的延迟,可以认为是上述两种调度器的折中.适用于有大量进程的多用户系统defaulti/oscheduler默认io调度器。

简单阐述编译器和解释器的基本工作流程【中英文版】Title: Brief Explanation of the Basic Working Process of Compilers and InterpretersCompilers and interpreters are two essential tools in the field of programming.Although they both serve to translate high-level programming languages into machine code, they differ in their working processes.A compiler is a program that translates the entire source code into machine code before execution.This process is known as compilation.During compilation, the source code is analyzed, and an error message is generated if there are any syntax errors.Once the compilation is successful, an executable file is produced, which can be directly executed by the computer.On the other hand, an interpreter translates the source code line by line during execution.This process is known as interpretation.The interpreter reads and executes the source code line by line, without producing an executable file.If there is a syntax error in a line, the interpreter will stop the execution and display an error message.In summary, the main difference between compilers and interpreters lies in their working pilers translate the entire source code into machine code before execution, while interpreters translate andexecute the source code line by line.Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the program.。

ntterminateprocess参数## NtTerminateProcess参数在Windows操作系统中,NtTerminateProcess是一个重要的函数,可用于终止正在运行的进程。
### NtTerminateProcess函数概述NtTerminateProcess函数是Windows内核提供的一个功能强大的函数,用于终止指定进程的执行。
### NtTerminateProcess函数参数NtTerminateProcess函数有两个主要参数,分别是`ProcessHandle`和`ExitStatus`。
#### ProcessHandleProcessHandle参数是一个进程句柄,用于唯一标识待终止的进程。
#### ExitStatusExitStatus参数用于指定进程的终止状态。
### NtTerminateProcess函数的作用NtTerminateProcess函数的主要作用是终止指定进程的执行,并释放其占用的系统资源。

文件描述符的概念和工作原理文件描述符的概念:文件描述符(File Descriptor)是操作系统中用来标识和访问文件或其他I/O资源的整数标识符。
在Unix、Linux等操作系统中,一切皆文件,在进行文件I/O 操作时都需要使用文件描述符。
文件描述符的工作原理:1. 打开文件:当应用程序需要访问一个文件时,通过系统调用(如`open()`)获取一个文件描述符。
2. 读写操作:通过文件描述符可以对文件进行读取(read)、写入(write)等I/O 操作。
操作系统根据文件描述符找到对应的文件控制块(File Control Block),实现数据的读写。
3. 关闭文件:当文件不再需要访问时,应用程序通过系统调用(如`close()`)关闭文件描述符。
4. 标准文件描述符:通常情况下,系统会预先定义三个标准文件描述符:0(标准输入stdin)、1(标准输出stdout)、2(标注错误输出stderr),分别对应键盘输入、屏幕输出和错误输出。
5. 文件描述符重定向:应用程序可以通过文件描述符重定向功能,将标准输入输出重定向到文件或管道,实现输入输出的灵活控制。
6. 文件描述符表:每个进程拥有独立的文件描述符表,通过索引文件描述符表可以快速定位到对应的文件控制块,实现文件操作的高效性。
文件描述符在操作系统中扮演着非常重要的角色,通过统一的整数标识符来管理和访问文件资源,为应用程序提供了一种方便且统一的文件I/O 操作方式。

International Conference on Education, Management, Commerce and Society (EMCS 2015)Analysis on Windows illegal operationsYing Yu Chen and Hai Dong Jin*School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow UniversitySuzhou 215006, Jiangsu, ChinaKeyword: Operating system; Windows; GUI; System error; Illegal operations.Abstract. Graphical interface for Windows is a multitasking operating system, very easy to use and very broad, but Windows always appear "illegal operation" dialog box. "Illegal operation" operation dialog box has two options: "off" and "details". But the "details" which didn't really point out where problems, makes the most of the users are still bewildered. Below we analyze "illegal operations" details of each of the specific meaning and corresponding solutions.IntroductionGraphical interface for Windows is a multitasking operating system, very easy to use and very broad, but Windows always appear "illegal operation" dialog box. "Illegal operation" operation dialog box has two options: "off" and "details". But the "details" which didn't really point out where problems, makes the most of the users are still bewildered. Below we analyze "illegal operations" details of each of the specific meaning and corresponding solutions.Illegal operationThe stop error number: 0x0000000A.Description: IRQL-NOT-LESS-OR-EQUALCommon causes: driver uses an incorrect memory address.Solution: If you cannot login, then restart your computer. When the list of available operating system appears, and press the F8 key. On the Windows Advanced Options menu screen, select "last known good configuration" and press ENTER. Check whether any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, contact your hardware or software manufacturer to get any Windows updates or drivers that may be required. Run any system diagnostic software supplied by your computer manufacturer, especially the memory check. Or remove any newly installed hardware (RAM, adapters, hard disks, modems, and soon), the driver or the software. Make sure that your hardware device drivers and system BIOS are the latest version. Ensuring that manufacturers can help whether or not you have the latest version, will also give you access to the hardware.Disable BIOS memory options such as cache or shadow.The stop error number: 0x0000001E.Description: KMODE-EXPTION-NOT-HANDLEDCommon causes: a kernel-mode process attempts to perform an illegal or unknown processor instruction.Workaround: ensure that sufficient space, especially when we are performing a new installation. If the stop error messages indicate a specific driver, disable him. If you cannot start your computer. Try to boot in safe mode to remove or disable the driver. If you have non-Microsoft supported video drivers, try switching to the standard VGA driver or Windows to provide the appropriate driver. Disable any newly installed drivers. Ensure that the latest version of the system BIOS. Hardware manufacturers can help you determine whether you have the latest version, and can also help you to get him. BIOS memory options such as cache,shadow.The stop error number: 0x00000023 and 0x00000024.Description: FAT-FILE-SYSTEM or MTFS-FILE-SYSTEMCommon cause: the problem occurs in Ntfs. Sys (driver file allows the system to read and write NTFS drives).Solution: run a system diagnostic software supplied by your computer manufacturer, especially hardware diagnostics.Disable or uninstall any antivirus software, disk defragmentation or backup programs.At the command prompt, run the command to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.Stop number: 0x0000002E.Description: DATA-BUS-ERRORCommon causes: System memory parity error, typically caused by hardware problems.Solution: remove any newly installed hardware (RAM. Adapter. The hard drive. Modems, and so on). Run system diagnostic software supplied by your computer manufacturer, especially hardware diagnostics. Make sure that your hardware device drivers and system BIOS are the latest version. Use the system diagnostics supplied by your hardware vendor, run a memory check to look for faulty or mismatched memory. Disable BIOS memory options such as cache or shadow. After starting when the list of available operating system appears, press F8. On the Windows Advanced Options menu screen, select "Enable VGA mode". And then pressENTER. If this does not resolve the problem, you may need to switch to a different video adapter list, list of supported video adapters, see the hardware compatibility list.Stops number: 0x0000003F.Description: NO-MOR-SYSTEM-PTESCommon causes: clean drivers correctly.Workaround: disable or uninstall any antivirus software, Disk Defragmenter handler or a backup program.The stop error number: 0x00000058.Description: FTDISK-INTERN-ERRORCommon causes: a primary drive in a fault-tolerant set fails.Solution: start the computer by using the Windows installation disc, from the mirror (2nd) boot system drive. About how to edit the Boot. Ini file to point to the mirror image of your system drive Guide, available on the Microsoft support services Web site search for "Edit ARC path".The stop error number: 0x0000007B.Description: INACCESSI-BLE- BOOT-DEVICECommon cause: initialize the I/O system (usually refers to the boot device, or file system) failed.Workaround: boot sector viruses often cause this stop error. Is to use the latest version of antivirus software, check whether the computer has a virus. If a virus is found, you must perform the necessary he should not get removed from your computer, see your antivirus software documentation for information on how to perform these steps. Remove any newly installed hardware (RAM, adapters, modems, and so on). Check the MIcrosoft hardware compatibility list to ensure that all your hardware and drivers are compatible with Windows. If you are using the appropriate SCSI adapter, in addition to obtain the latest WINDOWS driver from the hardware vendor, disable sync negotiation for a SCSI device, check that the SCSI chain is ending, and check the SCSI ID of the device, if you are not sure how to perform these steps, refer to your hardware documentation. If you are using IDE devices, define the on-board IDE port as the only primary port. Check the master/slave/only settings for IDE devices. Remove all IDE devices except hard drive. If you are unable to confirm how they don't look for, you can refer to your hardware documentation. If the computer is formatted with the NTFS file system, you can restart the computer, and then running/r on the system partition command. If the system cannot be started due to an error, use the command console, and run the command. Run a command to determine whether the file system is damaged. If Windows cannot run Chkdsk command, move the drive to another computer running Windows on, and then run the Chkdsk command on the drive on this computer.The stop error number: 0x0000007F.Description: UNEXPECTED-KERNEL-MODE-TRAPCommon causes: is usually caused due to a hardware or software problem, but it is generally caused by a hardware failure.Solution: check the Microsoft hardware compatibility list to ensure that all your hardware and drivers are compatible with Windows. If this problem is not compatible with the computer's motherboard can produce. Removed by the newly installed hardware. Run any system diagnostic software supplied by your computer manufacturer, especially the memory check. Disable BIOS memory options such as cache or shadow.The stop error number: 0x00000050.Description: PAGE-FAULT-IN-NONPA GED-A REACommon causes: memory error (data cannot be swapped out to disk using the paging file).Solution: remove any newly installed hardware. Run any system diagnostic software supplied by your computer manufacturer. Especially the memory check. Check if any new hardware or software is properly installed, if this is a new installation, contact your hardware or software manufacturer to get any Windows updates or drivers that may be required. Disable or uninstall any antivirus programs. Disable BIOS memory options such as cache or shadow.The stop error number: 0x00000077.Description: KERNEL-STEL-STACK-INPAGE-ERROCommon causes: kernel data from the paging file in the required page is read into memory.Solution: use the latest version of anti-virus software, check for viruses on your computer. If a virus is found, and then performs the necessary steps to remove him from your computer. See all system diagnostic software provided by the manufacturer, especially the memory check. Disable BIOS memory options such as cache,shadow.The stop error number: 0x00000079.Description: MISMATCHED-HALCommon causes: hardware abstraction layer and the kernel or the machine type mismatch (usually occurs in single-processor and multiprocessor configuration files are mixed in the same system).Workaround: to resolve this error, use the command console to replace the incorrect system files on your computer. Single-processor kernel file system is Ntoskml. Exe, and the multiprocessor kernel file systems is Ntkrnlmp. Exe, however, these files correspond to the file on the installation media; installing Windows2000and regardless of what the original file will be renamed to Ntoskrnl. Exe file. HAL file name Hal is also used after Setup. DLL in the installation media, but in the installation media, there are several possible HAL files.The stop error number: 0xC000021A.Description:STATUS-SYSTEM-PR OCESS-TERMINATED.Common cause: user mode subsystem, such as Winlogon or the client server runtime subsystem (CSRSS) have been damaged, and could no longer guarantee security.Solution: remove any newly installed hardware. If you cannot login, then restart your computer. When the list of available operating system appears, press F8. In Windows2000 advanced options menu screen, select: "last known good configuration". Then press the passing. Run recovery console, and allow the system to repair any errors detected.The stop error number: 0xC0000221.Description: STATUS-IMAGE-CHECKISU7M – MISMATCH.Common causes: the driver or system DLL has been corrupted.Workaround: run fault complex control console, and allow the system to repair any errors detected. If, after adding RAM to your computer, error occurs immediately, then the page file may be damaged, or if the new RAM by a faulty or incompatible. Delete Pagefile. Sys and return the system to the original RAM configuration. Run any system diagnostic software supplied by your computer manufacturer, especially the memory check.ConclusionIn the operation of Windows XP system is a program that appears illegal operation or an error is encountered by every computer will be. But this time, Windows XP will initiate an error reporting mechanism (Windows Error Reporting, WER for short) that asks the user whether or not to send error information to Microsoft, and the program will stop running.You can use Windows error reporting to report computer problems to Microsoft. Microsoft uses the problem reports to try to match each problem description and solution. If there are any steps you can take to solve the problem or to find more information using Action Center and Windows will notify you. If there is no solution, then the information sent from a problem report can help Microsoft find or create a new solution.AcknowledgementsYingyu Chen, student ID Number: 1127404017, currently is an undergraduate student of Computer Science and Technology School of Soochow University. This workwasdirectedbyHaidongJin,****************.cn.Reference[1].Zakariazadeh A, Jadid S, Siano P. Integrated operation of electric vehicles and renewable generation in a smart distribution system[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015:99–110.[2].Yin X, Guo S, Hirata H, et al. Design and experimental evaluation of a teleoperated haptic robot–assisted catheter operating system[J]. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2014.[3].Dawson R. Engler, M. Frans Kaashoek, James O. Acm Sigops Operating Systems Review,1995[4].Yvonne Coady, Gregor Kiczales,Mike Feeley, Norm Hutchinson. Communications of the ACM, 2001[5].Lycklama H, L. Bayer D. 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单道程序的运⾏过程:在A程序计算时,I/O空闲, A程序I/O操作时,CPU空闲(B程序也是同样);必须A⼯作完成后,B才能进⼊内存中开始⼯作,两者是串⾏的,全部完成共需时间=T1+T2。
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Extensions to the Conventional Interface
The Unix le system interface 5] is the typical conventional interface, supporting operations such as open, create, close, read, write, and seek on the le, considered to be an addressable sequence of bytes. Depending on the particular multiprocessor implementation of the Unix interface, there are many di culties in using the interface to program a parallel le access pattern. We describe our extensions as solutions to these problems. Sharing open les: Typically, each process must open the le independently, generating many open requests. This is both inconvenient and ine cient. We propose a multiopen operation, which opens the le for the entire parallel application when run from any process in the application. Self-scheduled access: One globally sequential access pattern reads or writes the le in a self-scheduled order. The conventional interface requires the programmer to synchronize the processes, determine a le location for the next record, seek to that location, and perform the access. This is inconvenient and error-prone. We propose to support a both a global le pointer (providing a single shared le pointer for all processes, atomically updated on each access) as well as the traditional local le pointer (providing each process with an independent, local le pointer).
Consider the task of writing a large output le. One possibility is to write all of one process's data, followed by the next, and so forth. In parallel, each process seeks to the beginning of its segment of the le, and starts writing. This is di cult to do if the sizes of the segments are not known in advance. It is extremely awkward to extend a process's segment later. For these situations, we provide a new type of le called a multi le. A multi le is a single le with one directory entry, and contains a collection of sub les, each of which is a separate sequence of bytes. A multi le is created by a parallel program with a certain number of sub les, usually equal to the number of processes in the program. Each process writes its own sub le. Later, when the multi le is opened for reading, each process reads its own sub le. Records: We support logical records, in addition to the traditional byte-stream abstraction. The record support can be combined with the global le pointer synchronization to provide atomic operations for reading and writing records. Mapped File Pointers: To support access patterns other than self-scheduled and segmented, we allow the user to specify a mapping function for each le pointer, which maps the le pointer to a speci c position. Some built-in functions (e.g., interleaved), are provided. Coercion: With record les and multi les, les are no longer simply a single sequence of bytes. To allow access by programs using the traditional interface, we provide automatic coercion of multi les or record-oriented les into plain byte-oriented les. The interface provides the conventional abstraction without physically changing the le's organization.
Segmented les:
Previous Work
One early implementation is the Intel Concurrent File System 4]. Crockett 1] outlines a multiprocessor le system design. The most exciting recent work is the new nCUBE le system 2] and the ELFS object-oriented interface 3].
Multiprocessor File System Interfaces
David Kotz Department of Math and Computer Science Dartmouth llege Hanover, NH 03755-3551 David.Kotz@
Copyright 1992 by David Kotz. Appeared in Usenix Workshop on File Systems, pp. 149-150. Available at URL /~dfk/papers/kotz:fsint2p.pdf
MIMD multiprocessors are increasingly used for production supercomputing. Supercomputer applications often have tremendous le I/O requirements. Although newer I/O subsystems, which attach multiple disks to the multiprocessor, permit parallel le access, le system software often has insu cient support for parallel access to the parallel disks, which is necessary for scalable performance. Most existing multiprocessor le systems are based on the conventional le system interface (which has operations like open, close, read, write, and seek). Although this provides the familiar le abstraction, it is di cult to use for parallel access to a le. Scalable applications must cooperate to read or write a le in parallel. We propose an extension to the conventional interface, that supports the most common parallel access patterns, hides the details of the underlying parallel disk structure, and is implementable on both uniprocessors and multiprocessors. It also supports the conventional interface for programs ported from other systems, programmers who do not require the expressive power of the extended interface, and access via a standard network le system. We concentrate on scienti c workloads, which on uniprocessors have large, sequentiallyaccessed les. Parallel le systems and the applications that use them are not su ciently mature for us to know what access patterns might be typical, but we expect to still see sequential access either locally, within the access pattern of each process, or globally, in the combined accesses of all processes cooperating to access a le.