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【关键词】 安宫 牛黄 丸 ; 肺性脑病 ; 病机相合 ; 心得体会 基 金项 目 :国家 中医药管 理局 “十二五 ”重点专科 建设 项 目(2012.2);天津 市 中医药重点 领域科 研项 目 (2017006);天津市中医药管理局一般项 目(2017053);王今 达思想学术研究室项 目 (201208)
The experience of treating pulmonary encephalopathy with Angong Niuhuangwan Li Qiaoru,Li Zh驰
Wang Dongqiang
Tianfin First Center Hospital,Tianjin 300192,China Corresponding author:Li Zh ̄un,Email:doctorzhijun@aliyun.cor n
[Key words] Angong Niuhuangwan; Pulmonary encephalopathy; Pathogenesis; Experience Fund program :”12th Five—Year”Key Specialty Construction Projects of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’S Republic of China f2012.2);Key Fields Research Project of Tianjin Traditiona1 Chinese Medicine(2017006);General Items Research Project of Tianjin Traditional Chinese Medicine(2017053);Wang Jinda Academic Thought Research Ofice Project(201208)
[Abstract] Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of Angong Niuhuangwan on patients with pulmonary
eneephalopathy, and to provide a theoretical basis of using this pill for treatment of pulm onar y eneephalopathy. M ethods The modern pharmacological effects of Angong Niuhuangwan and the pathogenesis of pulmonar y encephalopathy were analyzed,and the clinical ef i cacy of applying Angong Niuhuangwan for treatment of 3 patients with pulmonary encephalopathy were observed. Results Patient 1,the body temperature dropped after he took 2 Angong Niuhuangwan,and the body tem perature had not exceeded 37.1 oC within 1 week,consciousness was clear, blood picture was better than before:affer patient 2 taking 3 such pills the consciousness was clear.and the symptom s of asthm a and wheezing due to retention of phlegm at throat were signif icantly better than before;af ter patient 3 took 3 pills, his body temperature was lowered and the consciousness was better than before. Conclusion Traditional Chinese m edicine Angong Niuhuangwan can be used to help treat patients with pulmonar y encephalopathy,it can help them im prove their respiratory function,avoid m echanical ventilation,signif icantly elevate their cure rate and am eliorate their
【摘 要】 目的 观 察安 宫牛黄 丸对肺 性脑 病患 者临 床疗效 的影 响 ,为安宫 牛黄 丸用 于治疗肺 性脑病 提 供理 论依 据 。方 法 通 过分析 安宫 牛黄 丸的现 代药理 学作 用及肺 性脑 病 的发 病机 制 ,并将安 宫牛 黄丸用 于 3例肺性 脑病 患者 ,观察其 临床疗 效 。结 果 例 1患 者服 用安 宫牛黄 丸 2丸后 体温 下降 ,连续 1周 体温最 高 37.1℃ ,意识 清晰 ,血象较 前好转 ;例 2患者服用 3丸后患者 意识清 晰 ,喘 憋 、喉 中痰鸣 等较前 明显好 转 ;例 3 患者服用 3丸后患 者热势下降 ,意识较前好转 。结论 运用 传统 中药安宫牛黄丸辅 助治疗肺 性脑 ,可帮助患者 改善呼吸功能 ,避免 了机械通气 ,显著提 高了其治愈率 ,减轻 了患者 痛苦 。
中国中西医 合急救杂志 2018年 5月第 25卷第 3期 Chin JTCMWM CritCarБайду номын сангаас,May 2018,Vo1.25,No.3
安 宫牛 黄 丸 治疗 肺 性 脑 病 的应 用 体 会
· 31l ·
· 临 床 经 验 ·
李桥 茹 李 志军 王 东强
300192,天津市第一 中心 医院 通讯作者 :李志军 ,Email:doct0rZ un@a1iyun.corn DOI:10.3969 ̄.issn.1008-9691.2018.03.023
The experience of treating pulmonary encephalopathy with Angong Niuhuangwan Li Qiaoru,Li Zh驰
Wang Dongqiang
Tianfin First Center Hospital,Tianjin 300192,China Corresponding author:Li Zh ̄un,Email:doctorzhijun@aliyun.cor n
[Key words] Angong Niuhuangwan; Pulmonary encephalopathy; Pathogenesis; Experience Fund program :”12th Five—Year”Key Specialty Construction Projects of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’S Republic of China f2012.2);Key Fields Research Project of Tianjin Traditiona1 Chinese Medicine(2017006);General Items Research Project of Tianjin Traditional Chinese Medicine(2017053);Wang Jinda Academic Thought Research Ofice Project(201208)
[Abstract] Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of Angong Niuhuangwan on patients with pulmonary
eneephalopathy, and to provide a theoretical basis of using this pill for treatment of pulm onar y eneephalopathy. M ethods The modern pharmacological effects of Angong Niuhuangwan and the pathogenesis of pulmonar y encephalopathy were analyzed,and the clinical ef i cacy of applying Angong Niuhuangwan for treatment of 3 patients with pulmonary encephalopathy were observed. Results Patient 1,the body temperature dropped after he took 2 Angong Niuhuangwan,and the body tem perature had not exceeded 37.1 oC within 1 week,consciousness was clear, blood picture was better than before:affer patient 2 taking 3 such pills the consciousness was clear.and the symptom s of asthm a and wheezing due to retention of phlegm at throat were signif icantly better than before;af ter patient 3 took 3 pills, his body temperature was lowered and the consciousness was better than before. Conclusion Traditional Chinese m edicine Angong Niuhuangwan can be used to help treat patients with pulmonar y encephalopathy,it can help them im prove their respiratory function,avoid m echanical ventilation,signif icantly elevate their cure rate and am eliorate their
【摘 要】 目的 观 察安 宫牛黄 丸对肺 性脑 病患 者临 床疗效 的影 响 ,为安宫 牛黄 丸用 于治疗肺 性脑病 提 供理 论依 据 。方 法 通 过分析 安宫 牛黄 丸的现 代药理 学作 用及肺 性脑 病 的发 病机 制 ,并将安 宫牛 黄丸用 于 3例肺性 脑病 患者 ,观察其 临床疗 效 。结 果 例 1患 者服 用安 宫牛黄 丸 2丸后 体温 下降 ,连续 1周 体温最 高 37.1℃ ,意识 清晰 ,血象较 前好转 ;例 2患者服用 3丸后患者 意识清 晰 ,喘 憋 、喉 中痰鸣 等较前 明显好 转 ;例 3 患者服用 3丸后患 者热势下降 ,意识较前好转 。结论 运用 传统 中药安宫牛黄丸辅 助治疗肺 性脑 ,可帮助患者 改善呼吸功能 ,避免 了机械通气 ,显著提 高了其治愈率 ,减轻 了患者 痛苦 。
中国中西医 合急救杂志 2018年 5月第 25卷第 3期 Chin JTCMWM CritCarБайду номын сангаас,May 2018,Vo1.25,No.3
安 宫牛 黄 丸 治疗 肺 性 脑 病 的应 用 体 会
· 31l ·
· 临 床 经 验 ·
李桥 茹 李 志军 王 东强
300192,天津市第一 中心 医院 通讯作者 :李志军 ,Email:doct0rZ un@a1iyun.corn DOI:10.3969 ̄.issn.1008-9691.2018.03.023