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The history ofpop art begins with abstract art. Pop art emerged from the foundation of abstract art in the 1950s, first gaining recognition in Great Britain, then establishing itself in the United States in the 1960s.
In the 1930s and 1940s, abstract art was greatly popular, but people began to hate this art form. Most abstract art produced in this era could be found in art galleries or the homes of the elite(名流), not in the homes of everyday people. Pop art sprung onto the scene as the people's art.
Some art critics say pop art is a rebellion against abstract art; others say it is an extension of abstract art. You can see elements of abstract art in many pop art prints, especially those that consist of a collage(拼贴画)of images. However, some pop art pieces have nothing to do with abstract art, looking more like a photo of a popular consumer item, which impressed people deeply.
Richard Hamilton and Eduardo Paolozzi were two of the first contemporary pop art pioneers recognised in Great Britain. They were a part of the Independent Group, an organised group of British artists who wanted to challenge ruling modernist approaches to culture. They recognised the value of modern advertising and comic book images. They used these popular images in art as a social commentary, often building irony and humour into their artworks, thus creating a new form of art. These pieces were mass-produced and sold at affordable prices.
When pop art took off in the United States, it expanded to include a celebration of kitsch and the common images found in movies and television. Andy Wharhol is perhaps the most famous American pop art artist, known for his prints of the actress Marilyn Monroe, the singer Elvis Presley and of Campbell's soup cans. Andy Wharhol was inspired by images from advertisements and common consumer items. He also made a series of paintings which showed images of car accidents.
1. Why did people dislike abstract art?
A. People found it hard to understand.
B. Ordinary people couldn't afford it.
C. People disliked enjoying it in galleries.
D. It wasn't based on everyday life.
2. What impression do pop art works leave on people?
A. They are a rebellion against abstract art.
B. They have many elements of abstract art.
C. They are created so real.
D. They are products of advertisers.
3. The Independent Group was set up to ________.
A. introduce a new art form to the world
B. develop modern advertising further
C. create new comic book images
D. make British culture better known
For decades, an organization, called Ulum Dalska, based in a small Swedish town called Alvdalen, hasbeen working hard to help save a language called EIfdalian. Elfdalian sounds nothing like the country's national language, Swedish, which press secretary Bjorm Rehnstrom said affected the language about 100 years ago. At that point, Elfdalian declined. Ulla Schitt, also a Ulum Dalska member, experienced the change while growing up in Alvdalen.
“My parents spoke Efdalian with each other, and with my grandma and my aunts and uncles and everyone around,”Schit said. “But when they turned to me, they spoke Swedish.” Schitt said her parents spoke Swedish with her because that's what was spoken in schools.
But people are getting creative in the fight to change that trend. Musicians are creating new songs with Elfdalian. Several children's books were also translated into EIfdalian, including Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Additionally, Bjorm Rehnstrom helps run a popular Facebook group that offers courses in the Elfdalian language, where he offers lessons to the group's 1,800 global members from America, Australia, South America, Indonesia, Haiti and Cape Verde.
The local government supports the teaching and preservation of Elfdalian. Bjom Rehnstrom said they eagerly paid for a sign that reads: “Welcome to Alvdalen” in Elfdalian. But the national government of Sweden is a different story. They currently consider Eidalian a dialect of Swedish, not its own language.
Schitt said every time a language dies it is a sad moment. To her, losing Elfdalian would be an especially tragic (悲剧的) loss. “It's a part of our identity. It's part of our culture,” she said. “And if part of your identity and culture dies, a part of yourself dies.” Getting Elfdalian recognized as a language by the Swedish government, she added, is key to making sure that death doesn't come.
4. Why was Ulum Dalska founded?
A. To teach Swedish.
B. To save Elfdalian.
C. To improve Alvdalen.
D. To help schools.
5. Why Schitt's parents spoke Swedish with her?
A. They could only speak Swedish fluently.
B. Schitt longed to speak Swedish at home.
C. Swedish was the language of schools.
D. It was required by her school teachers,
6. What can we infer from paragraph 4?
A. Many people are trying to help to save Elfdalian.
B. Songs in Elfdalian are becoming more popular.
C. Le Petit Prince was translated into various languages.
D. Courses in Eldalian are provided to the world freely.
7. What does Schitt think of preserving Elfdalian?
A. Satisfactory.
B. Vital.
C. Dangerous.
D. Meaningless.
Smart speakers have proven to be handy devices in hospitals, allowing patients to control independently . And now, researchers from theUniversityofWashingtonhave developed an artificial intelligence system that enables these devices to monitor heartbeats.
Using technology to remotely monitor heart rates isn't new. These days most smartwatches and fitness trackers are capable of it. The good thing here is that researchers have figured out a way to use the microphones in smart speakers to do it without requiring physical contact.
In a study published inCommunications Biology, the researchers had the smart speakers send out signals that couldn't be heard which were then reflected off a person's body. They then analyzed these signals to identify small chest wall motions related to heartbeats, as well as separate those signals from surrounding noise and breathing.
For this particular proof — of — concept setup, the researchers tested this smart speaker on 26 healthy participants and 24 hospitalized patients with various heart conditions, including atrial fibrillation(心房颤动)and heart failure. In both cases, the smart speaker was within 28 -30 milliseconds of an ECG(心电图),the gold standard used in hospitals to discover arrhythmia(心律不齐).
Like smartwatches with advanced heart features, using smart speakers in this way opens up the possibility for passive, remote heart monitoring. ECGs, while highly accurate, require a visit to the doctor and several electrodes (电极)to be placed on the body. They,re not capable of continuous monitoring so you're limited to what it picks up at that exact moment in time ——one reason why heart arrhythmia can be so hard to discover.
Smartwatches are capable of passive, remote, continuous monitoring, but they require you to wear the device at all times to be effective. It's not something that's comfortable for everyone, especially when it comes to sleep and for those with highly sensitive skin. Another issue is that these advanced smartwatches are expensive, while smart speakers are much cheaper.
“If you have a device like this, you can monitor a patient on an extended basis and then develop corresponding care plans that satisfy the patient' s needs,“ said Dr. Arun Sridhar, co — senior author on the study. "And the beauty of using this kind of devices is that they are already in people's homes.”
8. What does the author focus on in Paragraph 3?
A. How the smart speaker works.
B. Why the smart speaker is useful.
C. The advantages of smart speakers.
D. The importance of the study.
9. Why is heart arrhythmia difficult to find?
A. ECGs are not highly accurate.
B. ECGs can't monitor continuously.
C. Doctors know little about heart arrhythmia.
D. An ECG test is hard to operate and expensive.
10. Which statement best explains the characteristics of smartwatches?
A. They are comfortable to wear.
B. They are friendly to sensitive skin.
C. They are effective and cheap.
D. They are able to monitor remotely.
11. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A. We need to invent more smart devices.
B. Care plans are vital to patients with heart failure.
C. Smart speakers could be contactless heart monitors.
D. Different devices are needed to meet patients,demands.
Kenyan mother Beth Mwende heard her sleeping child cry out, but did not worry after the three-year-old quickly quietened down. The next morning, however, she found her daughter, Mercy, nearly unconscious with two bite marks in the neck. “I didn’t know that it was a snake,” Mwende said.
Although snakebites are common in her hometown, antivenom medication is difficult to get. Mwende lives about 160 kilometers east of Nairobi, Kenya’s capital. So she took her daughter to a traditional healer. He placed stones over the bites. Mercy died within hours. She was one of about 700 Kenyans killed by snakebites each year,
notes a report in the scientific publicationToxicon.
The Kenya Snakebite Research and Intervention Center (KSRIC) is working to change that. The KSRIC hopes to have East Africa’s first antivenom medication on the market within five years. It estimates the cost will be about 30 percent of an imported product, which often sells for about US $ 30.
More than 70, 000 people are bitten in East Africa each year. Climate change and deforestation are worsening the problem as snakes get pushed out of natural surroundings into populated areas.
Nearly 100 snakes live at the research center in a forest near Nairobi. Researchers take venom from snakes and study it before injecting small amounts into other animals, such as sheep. The animals then create antibodies that can be made into antivenom.
“Up to now, no one has made any kind of antivenom in Kenya,’’ said Geoffrey Maranga Kepha, a senior snake handler.
Two effective antivenoms are available in Kenya, from India and Mexico, the center says.
The center is teaching communities that using antivenom immediately after receiving a snakebite can save lives, said head researcher George Adinoh.
“After seeing how people died in Kenya from snakebites I decided to devote my life to coming up with a rescue measure that will help or prevent people from dying from snakebites,” snake handler Kepha added.
12. How does the author introduce the topic of the text?
A. By telling a story.
B. By listing figures.
C. By referririg to documents.
D. By making a comparison.
13. Why did Mwende take her daughter to a traditional healer?
A. She couldn’t afford any modern treatment.
B. She lived where antivenom medication is not available.
C. The traditional way is very effective to treat snakebites.
D. She believed a traditional healer could cure her daughter.
14. What is causing more snakebites to happen in East Africa?
A. Lack of antivenom medication.
B. Environmental damage and climate change.
C. People’s low awareness of the danger of snakes.
D. People’s pursuit of traditional cures for snakebites.
15. What do we know about antivenom in Kenya from the text?
A. Itis taken from antibodies of sheep.
B. There is only one effective antivenom available.
C. KSRIC is trying to develop a local antivenom now.
D. People refuse to use antivenom after being bitten by snakes.

选项中有两项为多余选项It happens all the time-you are standing on a bus, listening to music, when you feel someone's breath on the back of your neck. You think to yourself: Is this person getting too close to me? The answer is yes. Everyone has a sense of personal space.____16____
According to a new study, the size of the space is different for different people,____17____reported Los Angeles Times. In the study, researchers from University College of London asked volunteers to hold their hands at different distances from their face. They then gave them an electric shock on their hand while measuring how often the volunteers blinked. The more they blinked(眨眼),___18___
The results among volunteers were a little different but the average personal space was 20 to 40 centimeters. Researchers also found that the more anxious a person was, the larger their personal space was because they were more sensitive.
Besides psychological factors,___19___. For example, a person who grew up in a country that hugs a lot has less of a problem with strangers getting too close than a person who grew up in one with more distance between people.
___20___"If you are chatting to someone in your living room, you won't have a large safety margin(界限)at all," explained researcher Gian Domenico Iannetti. "But if you are walking through a dangerous area, then that will be much bigger." Sadly, sometimes people just don't understand the idea of personal space and keep getting into yours. Whenever that happens, rather than trying to step backwards, researchers suggest that you "create a new space" by turning to wave at someone passing by or to get something out of your bag.
A.But how big is this space?
B.it shows that they are worried about their hands.
C.the more of a threat they felt the shock was to their face.
D.but generally it is between 20 to 40 centimeters in front of the face.
E.culture is also thought to be able to change your personal space.
F.People's senses of personal space also dependon the environments they are in.
G.It is clear that people's senses of personal space is considered to be very important.
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Last winter,we were on a vacationin Dubai. One day, we were ___21___Abu-Dhabi, traveling with a few passengers in a bus. At our first stop, we got out to___22___some pictures. At our second top, we___23___that we’d forgotten our shoulder bag at the first stop. The___24___part was that our passports and many other valuables were inside it. We were in great___25___, as we had to return to India in 2 days.
During the process of___26___our bag we met so many strangers who were quite concerned and helpful with our___27___.
A tour guide helped us stop a taxi so that we could travel back to the first stop to___28___our bag.
A taxi driver stayed with us for 3 hours. He took us to a mosque(清真寺)near the first stop,___29___that a cleaner might have found the bag and taken it to a___30___place. He took us to the nearest police station and helped us with our___31___with the policeman, who only spoke Arabic, He___32___comforted us by saying, “Nobody___33___their goods in our country. There’s no___34___for you to worry!”
A tourist who was walking outside the masque hail to be somewhere.___35___, he decided to lend us a helping hand.
A local man, who___36___found our bag,cheeked the bag and found a (n)___37___of a travel guide. He called him, so we got our bag back at last.
On that day t there was ___38___worry inside me and I was thinking of what would happen next all the time.
I’ll never forget those strangers. I’m grateful to them for their acts of___39___! The world needs more humane like them and I decide to try to___40___one of them.
21. A.following B.visiting C.evaluating D.distributing
22. A.enjoy B.purchase C.deliver D.take
23. A.realized B.ignored C.decided D.admitted
24. A.most test C.worst D.least
25. A.regret B.panic C.embarrassment D.disappointment
26. A.searching for B.aiming at ing across D.looking through
27. A.ambition B.dilemma C.situation D.expectation
28. ke over B.send for C.greet D.find
29. A.hoping B.remembering C.promising D.doubting
30. A.private B.safe C.busy D.new
31. A.relation B.negotiation C.discussion munication
32. A.eventually B.personally C.constantly D.immediately
33. A.leaves B.hides C.misses D.loses
34. A.time B.need C.chance D.luck
35. A.Besides B.Otherwise C.However D.Therefore
36. A.actually B.merely C.specially D.deliberately
37. A.address B.number C.certificate D.photo
38. A.real B.slight C.temporary D.innocent
39. A.bravery B.patience C.kindness D.generosity
40. A.benefit B.promote C.influence D.become
The novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒), now officially___41.___(name) COVID-19, is a new illness and scientists are still studying the best ways to control it. Defeating COVID-19,___42.___, is not only the job of scientists and doctors. People have an important role to play in the battle. The best way to help prevent the virus spreading is by protecting___43.___(you) and staying healthy.
Scientists are now sure that COVID-19 is passed between people through coughing and sneezing. The virus,___44.___travels through the air, can be breathed in by people nearby. It may also land___45.___surfaces such as tables and chairs. If these surfaces___46.___(touch), the virus may be on your hands. Touching your eyes or mouth without washing hands can let the virus enter your body.
___47.___(protect) yourself and others, wear a mask at all times when out in public. This stops healthy people from breathing in COVID-19 and___48.___(take) the amount of the virus ill people send into the air. Most importantly, wash your hands carefully and frequently, especially when you are outside your home. COVID-19 is undoubtedly___49.___serious social problem, but if we all behave____50.____(responsible), it is one that we can overcome.







Yesterday I returned to home and warmth filled my heart. My friends helped me through my illness with their kindnesses. I felt deeply thankful to them. Before the experience I seldom expressed my thanks to others, even to my parents. I always thought it was enough have love in my heart. But now I hold the belief that I should give love to whomever deserves it. I hope they can feel my love or gratitude. In the word, have experienced the serious disease, I seem to treasure what I have now. I am real lucky to have them as my friends. Wherever I go, his love and care would give me strength.



注意: 1.词数不少于100;

Dear Jim,
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. A 9. B 10. D 11. C
12. A 13. B 14. B 15. C
16. A 17. D 18. C 19. E 20. F
21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. D 32.
C 33.
D 34. B 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. D
41. named
42. however
43. yourself
44. which 45. on
46. are touched
47. To protect
48. taking 49. a/one
50. responsibly
(2). kindnesses → kindness
(4).whomever→ whoever
(5).or→ and
(6).the→ a
(7).have→ having
(8).real→ really
(9).his→ their
(10).would→ will
