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The world's smallest pig, a boar, live mainly in northeast India. 60 centimeters long, about 25 cm tall, into swine less than 10 kg. Once abounds in the Himalayan region, India only now he region's manas national park has one of the few head.
Garamba national park has the world's only remaining 25 Sumatran rhinocerous. It could disappear entirely on earth.
3、Sumatran tigers (苏门答腊虎)
4.Orinoco crocodile (奥里诺科鳄鱼)
The world's
monkeys,living in
7.L. Kemp’sRidleyTurtle (兰.坎皮海龟)
There are only 250-700 in the wild world,living in Cube and Venezuela.
9.Kittis Hog-nosed Bat (泰国猪鼻蝙蝠)
5.monachus-monachus ormonkseal (僧海豹)
According to expert estimates,there are only 500 in the world.They live in The Mediterranean Sea.Under the influence of sea and beach ecological environment deteriorate, range by fishermen,it is in danger.
6.Mouse lemur (小嘴狐猴)
Now only one of the 12 most endangered animals worldwide number into the growth trends of the animals.
8.OrinocoCrocodile (奥瑞纳克鳄鱼)
1、Sumatran rhinocerous (北部白犀牛)
2.Lipotesvexillifer Miller (白鳍豚)
The baiji population is small, for our country unique rare aquatic animals, to strengthen protection. It is called "living fossil" and listed as one of China's level of protection of wild animals.
1、Habitat loss, degradation and crushing(生境丧失、退化与破碎)
2、Excessive development(过 度开发)
3、Blind introduction(盲目引 种)
4、The environmental pollution (环境污染)
10.genus Achatinella (夏威夷蜗牛)
11.Bewkes parr猪)
In 1990 to find the bird ornithologist just find a bird surviving male, living in the far northeast Brazil. Now being captured about 31 bird is the bird can only hope to survive.
There are only 20 in thewild state.According to the expected, the species in the near future will also disappear in the earth.
It is the largest carnivore in South America and it's one of the twelve kinds endanger animals in the world
———A13行政一班 倪梦婷 吴亚红 王丽琴 丁亚雯 方雯雯 吴娴婷 王鲁佳 黄锦铭 陈钰冰 王铮
An endangered species is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. Endangered animals face a very high risk of extinction in the near future.And the followings below are some animals in danger most.