Multilinear Image Analysis for Facial Recognition
Multi-scale structural similarity for image quality assesment

MULTI-SCALE STRUCTURAL SIMILARITY FOR IMAGE QUALITY ASSESSMENT Zhou Wang1,Eero P.Simoncelli1and Alan C.Bovik2(Invited Paper)1Center for Neural Sci.and Courant Inst.of Math.Sci.,New York Univ.,New York,NY10003 2Dept.of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Univ.of Texas at Austin,Austin,TX78712 Email:zhouwang@,eero.simoncelli@,bovik@ABSTRACTThe structural similarity image quality paradigm is based on the assumption that the human visual system is highly adapted for extracting structural information from the scene,and therefore a measure of structural similarity can provide a good approxima-tion to perceived image quality.This paper proposes a multi-scale structural similarity method,which supplies moreflexibility than previous single-scale methods in incorporating the variations of viewing conditions.We develop an image synthesis method to calibrate the parameters that define the relative importance of dif-ferent scales.Experimental comparisons demonstrate the effec-tiveness of the proposed method.1.INTRODUCTIONObjective image quality assessment research aims to design qual-ity measures that can automatically predict perceived image qual-ity.These quality measures play important roles in a broad range of applications such as image acquisition,compression,commu-nication,restoration,enhancement,analysis,display,printing and watermarking.The most widely used full-reference image quality and distortion assessment algorithms are peak signal-to-noise ra-tio(PSNR)and mean squared error(MSE),which do not correlate well with perceived quality(e.g.,[1]–[6]).Traditional perceptual image quality assessment methods are based on a bottom-up approach which attempts to simulate the functionality of the relevant early human visual system(HVS) components.These methods usually involve1)a preprocessing process that may include image alignment,point-wise nonlinear transform,low-passfiltering that simulates eye optics,and color space transformation,2)a channel decomposition process that trans-forms the image signals into different spatial frequency as well as orientation selective subbands,3)an error normalization process that weights the error signal in each subband by incorporating the variation of visual sensitivity in different subbands,and the vari-ation of visual error sensitivity caused by intra-or inter-channel neighboring transform coefficients,and4)an error pooling pro-cess that combines the error signals in different subbands into a single quality/distortion value.While these bottom-up approaches can conveniently make use of many known psychophysical fea-tures of the HVS,it is important to recognize their limitations.In particular,the HVS is a complex and highly non-linear system and the complexity of natural images is also very significant,but most models of early vision are based on linear or quasi-linear oper-ators that have been characterized using restricted and simplistic stimuli.Thus,these approaches must rely on a number of strong assumptions and generalizations[4],[5].Furthermore,as the num-ber of HVS features has increased,the resulting quality assessment systems have become too complicated to work with in real-world applications,especially for algorithm optimization purposes.Structural similarity provides an alternative and complemen-tary approach to the problem of image quality assessment[3]–[6].It is based on a top-down assumption that the HVS is highly adapted for extracting structural information from the scene,and therefore a measure of structural similarity should be a good ap-proximation of perceived image quality.It has been shown that a simple implementation of this methodology,namely the struc-tural similarity(SSIM)index[5],can outperform state-of-the-art perceptual image quality metrics.However,the SSIM index al-gorithm introduced in[5]is a single-scale approach.We consider this a drawback of the method because the right scale depends on viewing conditions(e.g.,display resolution and viewing distance). In this paper,we propose a multi-scale structural similarity method and introduce a novel image synthesis-based approach to calibrate the parameters that weight the relative importance between differ-ent scales.2.SINGLE-SCALE STRUCTURAL SIMILARITYLet x={x i|i=1,2,···,N}and y={y i|i=1,2,···,N}be two discrete non-negative signals that have been aligned with each other(e.g.,two image patches extracted from the same spatial lo-cation from two images being compared,respectively),and letµx,σ2x andσxy be the mean of x,the variance of x,and the covariance of x and y,respectively.Approximately,µx andσx can be viewed as estimates of the luminance and contrast of x,andσxy measures the the tendency of x and y to vary together,thus an indication of structural similarity.In[5],the luminance,contrast and structure comparison measures were given as follows:l(x,y)=2µxµy+C1µ2x+µ2y+C1,(1)c(x,y)=2σxσy+C2σ2x+σ2y+C2,(2)s(x,y)=σxy+C3σxσy+C3,(3) where C1,C2and C3are small constants given byC1=(K1L)2,C2=(K2L)2and C3=C2/2,(4)Fig.1.Multi-scale structural similarity measurement system.L:low-passfiltering;2↓:downsampling by2. respectively.L is the dynamic range of the pixel values(L=255for8bits/pixel gray scale images),and K1 1and K2 1aretwo scalar constants.The general form of the Structural SIMilarity(SSIM)index between signal x and y is defined as:SSIM(x,y)=[l(x,y)]α·[c(x,y)]β·[s(x,y)]γ,(5)whereα,βandγare parameters to define the relative importanceof the three components.Specifically,we setα=β=γ=1,andthe resulting SSIM index is given bySSIM(x,y)=(2µxµy+C1)(2σxy+C2)(µ2x+µ2y+C1)(σ2x+σ2y+C2),(6)which satisfies the following conditions:1.symmetry:SSIM(x,y)=SSIM(y,x);2.boundedness:SSIM(x,y)≤1;3.unique maximum:SSIM(x,y)=1if and only if x=y.The universal image quality index proposed in[3]corresponds to the case of C1=C2=0,therefore is a special case of(6).The drawback of such a parameter setting is that when the denominator of Eq.(6)is close to0,the resulting measurement becomes unsta-ble.This problem has been solved successfully in[5]by adding the two small constants C1and C2(calculated by setting K1=0.01 and K2=0.03,respectively,in Eq.(4)).We apply the SSIM indexing algorithm for image quality as-sessment using a sliding window approach.The window moves pixel-by-pixel across the whole image space.At each step,the SSIM index is calculated within the local window.If one of the image being compared is considered to have perfect quality,then the resulting SSIM index map can be viewed as the quality map of the other(distorted)image.Instead of using an8×8square window as in[3],a smooth windowing approach is used for local statistics to avoid“blocking artifacts”in the quality map[5].Fi-nally,a mean SSIM index of the quality map is used to evaluate the overall image quality.3.MULTI-SCALE STRUCTURAL SIMILARITY3.1.Multi-scale SSIM indexThe perceivability of image details depends the sampling density of the image signal,the distance from the image plane to the ob-server,and the perceptual capability of the observer’s visual sys-tem.In practice,the subjective evaluation of a given image varies when these factors vary.A single-scale method as described in the previous section may be appropriate only for specific settings.Multi-scale method is a convenient way to incorporate image de-tails at different resolutions.We propose a multi-scale SSIM method for image quality as-sessment whose system diagram is illustrated in Fig. 1.Taking the reference and distorted image signals as the input,the system iteratively applies a low-passfilter and downsamples thefiltered image by a factor of2.We index the original image as Scale1, and the highest scale as Scale M,which is obtained after M−1 iterations.At the j-th scale,the contrast comparison(2)and the structure comparison(3)are calculated and denoted as c j(x,y) and s j(x,y),respectively.The luminance comparison(1)is com-puted only at Scale M and is denoted as l M(x,y).The overall SSIM evaluation is obtained by combining the measurement at dif-ferent scales usingSSIM(x,y)=[l M(x,y)]αM·Mj=1[c j(x,y)]βj[s j(x,y)]γj.(7)Similar to(5),the exponentsαM,βj andγj are used to ad-just the relative importance of different components.This multi-scale SSIM index definition satisfies the three conditions given in the last section.It also includes the single-scale method as a spe-cial case.In particular,a single-scale implementation for Scale M applies the iterativefiltering and downsampling procedure up to Scale M and only the exponentsαM,βM andγM are given non-zero values.To simplify parameter selection,we letαj=βj=γj forall j’s.In addition,we normalize the cross-scale settings such thatMj=1γj=1.This makes different parameter settings(including all single-scale and multi-scale settings)comparable.The remain-ing job is to determine the relative values across different scales. Conceptually,this should be related to the contrast sensitivity func-tion(CSF)of the HVS[7],which states that the human visual sen-sitivity peaks at middle frequencies(around4cycles per degree of visual angle)and decreases along both high-and low-frequency directions.However,CSF cannot be directly used to derive the parameters in our system because it is typically measured at the visibility threshold level using simplified stimuli(sinusoids),but our purpose is to compare the quality of complex structured im-ages at visible distortion levels.3.2.Cross-scale calibrationWe use an image synthesis approach to calibrate the relative impor-tance of different scales.In previous work,the idea of synthesizing images for subjective testing has been employed by the“synthesis-by-analysis”methods of assessing statistical texture models,inwhich the model is used to generate a texture with statistics match-ing an original texture,and a human subject then judges the sim-ilarity of the two textures [8]–[11].A similar approach has also been qualitatively used in demonstrating quality metrics in [5],[12],though quantitative subjective tests were not conducted.These synthesis methods provide a powerful and efficient means of test-ing a model,and have the added benefit that the resulting images suggest improvements that might be made to the model[11].M )distortion level (MSE)12345Fig.2.Demonstration of image synthesis approach for cross-scale calibration.Images in the same row have the same MSE.Images in the same column have distortions only in one specific scale.Each subject was asked to select a set of images (one from each scale),having equal quality.As an example,one subject chose the marked images.For a given original 8bits/pixel gray scale test image,we syn-thesize a table of distorted images (as exemplified by Fig.2),where each entry in the table is an image that is associated witha specific distortion level (defined by MSE)and a specific scale.Each of the distorted image is created using an iterative procedure,where the initial image is generated by randomly adding white Gaussian noise to the original image and the iterative process em-ploys a constrained gradient descent algorithm to search for the worst images in terms of SSIM measure while constraining MSE to be fixed and restricting the distortions to occur only in the spec-ified scale.We use 5scales and 12distortion levels (range from 23to 214)in our experiment,resulting in a total of 60images,as demonstrated in Fig.2.Although the images at each row has the same MSE with respect to the original image,their visual quality is significantly different.Thus the distortions at different scales are of very different importance in terms of perceived image quality.We employ 10original 64×64images with different types of con-tent (human faces,natural scenes,plants,man-made objects,etc.)in our experiment to create 10sets of distorted images (a total of 600distorted images).We gathered data for 8subjects,including one of the authors.The other subjects have general knowledge of human vision but did not know the detailed purpose of the study.Each subject was shown the 10sets of test images,one set at a time.The viewing dis-tance was fixed to 32pixels per degree of visual angle.The subject was asked to compare the quality of the images across scales and detect one image from each of the five scales (shown as columns in Fig.2)that the subject believes having the same quality.For example,one subject chose the images marked in Fig.2to have equal quality.The positions of the selected images in each scale were recorded and averaged over all test images and all subjects.In general,the subjects agreed with each other on each image more than they agreed with themselves across different images.These test results were normalized (sum to one)and used to calculate the exponents in Eq.(7).The resulting parameters we obtained are β1=γ1=0.0448,β2=γ2=0.2856,β3=γ3=0.3001,β4=γ4=0.2363,and α5=β5=γ5=0.1333,respectively.4.TEST RESULTSWe test a number of image quality assessment algorithms using the LIVE database (available at [13]),which includes 344JPEG and JPEG2000compressed images (typically 768×512or similar size).The bit rate ranges from 0.028to 3.150bits/pixel,which allows the test images to cover a wide quality range,from in-distinguishable from the original image to highly distorted.The mean opinion score (MOS)of each image is obtained by averag-ing 13∼25subjective scores given by a group of human observers.Eight image quality assessment models are being compared,in-cluding PSNR,the Sarnoff model (JNDmetrix 8.0[14]),single-scale SSIM index with M equals 1to 5,and the proposed multi-scale SSIM index approach.The scatter plots of MOS versus model predictions are shown in Fig.3,where each point represents one test image,with its vertical and horizontal axes representing its MOS and the given objective quality score,respectively.To provide quantitative per-formance evaluation,we use the logistic function adopted in the video quality experts group (VQEG)Phase I FR-TV test [15]to provide a non-linear mapping between the objective and subjective scores.After the non-linear mapping,the linear correlation coef-ficient (CC),the mean absolute error (MAE),and the root mean squared error (RMS)between the subjective and objective scores are calculated as measures of prediction accuracy .The prediction consistency is quantified using the outlier ratio (OR),which is de-Table1.Performance comparison of image quality assessment models on LIVE JPEG/JPEG2000database[13].SS-SSIM: single-scale SSIM;MS-SSIM:multi-scale SSIM;CC:non-linear regression correlation coefficient;ROCC:Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient;MAE:mean absolute error;RMS:root mean squared error;OR:outlier ratio.Model CC ROCC MAE RMS OR(%)PSNR0.9050.901 6.538.4515.7Sarnoff0.9560.947 4.66 5.81 3.20 SS-SSIM(M=1)0.9490.945 4.96 6.25 6.98 SS-SSIM(M=2)0.9630.959 4.21 5.38 2.62 SS-SSIM(M=3)0.9580.956 4.53 5.67 2.91 SS-SSIM(M=4)0.9480.946 4.99 6.31 5.81 SS-SSIM(M=5)0.9380.936 5.55 6.887.85 MS-SSIM0.9690.966 3.86 4.91 1.16fined as the percentage of the number of predictions outside the range of±2times of the standard deviations.Finally,the predic-tion monotonicity is measured using the Spearman rank-order cor-relation coefficient(ROCC).Readers can refer to[15]for a more detailed descriptions of these measures.The evaluation results for all the models being compared are given in Table1.From both the scatter plots and the quantitative evaluation re-sults,we see that the performance of single-scale SSIM model varies with scales and the best performance is given by the case of M=2.It can also be observed that the single-scale model tends to supply higher scores with the increase of scales.This is not surprising because image coding techniques such as JPEG and JPEG2000usually compressfine-scale details to a much higher degree than coarse-scale structures,and thus the distorted image “looks”more similar to the original image if evaluated at larger scales.Finally,for every one of the objective evaluation criteria, multi-scale SSIM model outperforms all the other models,includ-ing the best single-scale SSIM model,suggesting a meaningful balance between scales.5.DISCUSSIONSWe propose a multi-scale structural similarity approach for image quality assessment,which provides moreflexibility than single-scale approach in incorporating the variations of image resolution and viewing conditions.Experiments show that with an appropri-ate parameter settings,the multi-scale method outperforms the best single-scale SSIM model as well as state-of-the-art image quality metrics.In the development of top-down image quality models(such as structural similarity based algorithms),one of the most challeng-ing problems is to calibrate the model parameters,which are rather “abstract”and cannot be directly derived from simple-stimulus subjective experiments as in the bottom-up models.In this pa-per,we used an image synthesis approach to calibrate the param-eters that define the relative importance between scales.The im-provement from single-scale to multi-scale methods observed in our tests suggests the usefulness of this novel approach.However, this approach is still rather crude.We are working on developing it into a more systematic approach that can potentially be employed in a much broader range of applications.6.REFERENCES[1] A.M.Eskicioglu and P.S.Fisher,“Image quality mea-sures and their performance,”IEEE munications, vol.43,pp.2959–2965,Dec.1995.[2]T.N.Pappas and R.J.Safranek,“Perceptual criteria for im-age quality evaluation,”in Handbook of Image and Video Proc.(A.Bovik,ed.),Academic Press,2000.[3]Z.Wang and A.C.Bovik,“A universal image quality in-dex,”IEEE Signal Processing Letters,vol.9,pp.81–84,Mar.2002.[4]Z.Wang,H.R.Sheikh,and A.C.Bovik,“Objective videoquality assessment,”in The Handbook of Video Databases: Design and 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Long等人提出了全卷积网络[6](Full Convolutional Network,FCN),将卷积神经网络的最后一层全连接层替换为卷积层,得到特征图后再经过反卷积来获得像素级的分类结果。
Horng等人[11]将脊柱X线图像进行切割后使用残差U-Net 来对单个椎骨进行分割,再合成完整的脊柱图像,从而导致分割过程过于繁琐。
人脸识别 面部 数字图像处理相关 中英对照 外文文献翻译 毕业设计论文 高质量人工翻译 原文带出处

人脸识别相关文献翻译,纯手工翻译,带原文出处(原文及译文)如下翻译原文来自Thomas David Heseltine BSc. Hons. The University of YorkDepartment of Computer ScienceFor the Qualification of PhD. — September 2005 -《Face Recognition: Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Techniques》4 Two-dimensional Face Recognition4.1 Feature LocalizationBefore discussing the methods of comparing two facial images we now take a brief look at some at the preliminary processes of facial feature alignment. This process typically consists of two stages: face detection and eye localisation. Depending on the application, if the position of the face within the image is known beforehand (fbr a cooperative subject in a door access system fbr example) then the face detection stage can often be skipped, as the region of interest is already known. Therefore, we discuss eye localisation here, with a brief discussion of face detection in the literature review(section 3.1.1).The eye localisation method is used to align the 2D face images of the various test sets used throughout this section. However, to ensure that all results presented are representative of the face recognition accuracy and not a product of the performance of the eye localisation routine, all image alignments are manually checked and any errors corrected, prior to testing and evaluation.We detect the position of the eyes within an image using a simple template based method. A training set of manually pre-aligned images of feces is taken, and each image cropped to an area around both eyes. The average image is calculated and used as a template.Figure 4-1 - The average eyes. Used as a template for eye detection.Both eyes are included in a single template, rather than individually searching for each eye in turn, as the characteristic symmetry of the eyes either side of the nose, provides a useful feature that helps distinguish between the eyes and other false positives that may be picked up in the background. Although this method is highly susceptible to scale(i.e. subject distance from the camera) and also introduces the assumption that eyes in the image appear near horizontal. Some preliminary experimentation also reveals that it is advantageous to include the area of skin justbeneath the eyes. The reason being that in some cases the eyebrows can closely match the template, particularly if there are shadows in the eye-sockets, but the area of skin below the eyes helps to distinguish the eyes from eyebrows (the area just below the eyebrows contain eyes, whereas the area below the eyes contains only plain skin).A window is passed over the test images and the absolute difference taken to that of the average eye image shown above. The area of the image with the lowest difference is taken as the region of interest containing the eyes. Applying the same procedure using a smaller template of the individual left and right eyes then refines each eye position.This basic template-based method of eye localisation, although providing fairly preciselocalisations, often fails to locate the eyes completely. However, we are able to improve performance by including a weighting scheme.Eye localisation is performed on the set of training images, which is then separated into two sets: those in which eye detection was successful; and those in which eye detection failed. Taking the set of successful localisations we compute the average distance from the eye template (Figure 4-2 top). Note that the image is quite dark, indicating that the detected eyes correlate closely to the eye template, as we would expect. However, bright points do occur near the whites of the eye, suggesting that this area is often inconsistent, varying greatly from the average eye template.Figure 4-2 一Distance to the eye template for successful detections (top) indicating variance due to noise and failed detections (bottom) showing credible variance due to miss-detected features.In the lower image (Figure 4-2 bottom), we have taken the set of failed localisations(images of the forehead, nose, cheeks, background etc. falsely detected by the localisation routine) and once again computed the average distance from the eye template. The bright pupils surrounded by darker areas indicate that a failed match is often due to the high correlation of the nose and cheekbone regions overwhelming the poorly correlated pupils. Wanting to emphasise the difference of the pupil regions for these failed matches and minimise the variance of the whites of the eyes for successful matches, we divide the lower image values by the upper image to produce a weights vector as shown in Figure 4-3. When applied to the difference image before summing a total error, this weighting scheme provides a much improved detection rate.Figure 4-3 - Eye template weights used to give higher priority to those pixels that best represent the eyes.4.2 The Direct Correlation ApproachWe begin our investigation into face recognition with perhaps the simplest approach,known as the direct correlation method (also referred to as template matching by Brunelli and Poggio [29 ]) involving the direct comparison of pixel intensity values taken from facial images. We use the term "Direct Conelation, to encompass all techniques in which face images are compared directly, without any form of image space analysis, weighting schemes or feature extraction, regardless of the distance metric used. Therefore, we do not infer that Pearson's correlation is applied as the similarity function (although such an approach would obviously come under our definition of direct correlation). We typically use the Euclidean distance as our metric in these investigations (inversely related to Pearson's correlation and can be considered as a scale and translation sensitive form of image correlation), as this persists with the contrast made between image space and subspace approaches in later sections.Firstly, all facial images must be aligned such that the eye centres are located at two specified pixel coordinates and the image cropped to remove any background information. These images are stored as greyscale bitmaps of 65 by 82 pixels and prior to recognition converted into a vector of 5330 elements (each element containing the corresponding pixel intensity value). Each corresponding vector can be thought of as describing a point within a 5330 dimensional image space. This simple principle can easily be extended to much larger images: a 256 by 256 pixel image occupies a single point in 65,536-dimensional image space and again, similar images occupy close points within that space. Likewise, similar faces are located close together within the image space, while dissimilar faces are spaced far apart. Calculating the Euclidean distance d, between two facial image vectors (often referred to as the query image q, and gallery image g), we get an indication of similarity. A threshold is then applied to make the final verification decision.d . q - g ( threshold accept ) (d threshold ⇒ reject ). Equ. 4-14.2.1 Verification TestsThe primary concern in any face recognition system is its ability to correctly verify a claimed identity or determine a person's most likely identity from a set of potential matches in a database. In order to assess a given system's ability to perform these tasks, a variety of evaluation methodologies have arisen. Some of these analysis methods simulate a specific mode of operation (i.e. secure site access or surveillance), while others provide a more mathematicaldescription of data distribution in some classification space. In addition, the results generated from each analysis method may be presented in a variety of formats. Throughout the experimentations in this thesis, we primarily use the verification test as our method of analysis and comparison, although we also use Fisher's Linear Discriminant to analyse individual subspace components in section 7 and the identification test for the final evaluations described in section 8. The verification test measures a system's ability to correctly accept or reject the proposed identity of an individual. At a functional level, this reduces to two images being presented for comparison, fbr which the system must return either an acceptance (the two images are of the same person) or rejection (the two images are of different people). The test is designed to simulate the application area of secure site access. In this scenario, a subject will present some form of identification at a point of entry, perhaps as a swipe card, proximity chip or PIN number. This number is then used to retrieve a stored image from a database of known subjects (often referred to as the target or gallery image) and compared with a live image captured at the point of entry (the query image). Access is then granted depending on the acceptance/rej ection decision.The results of the test are calculated according to how many times the accept/reject decision is made correctly. In order to execute this test we must first define our test set of face images. Although the number of images in the test set does not affect the results produced (as the error rates are specified as percentages of image comparisons), it is important to ensure that the test set is sufficiently large such that statistical anomalies become insignificant (fbr example, a couple of badly aligned images matching well). Also, the type of images (high variation in lighting, partial occlusions etc.) will significantly alter the results of the test. Therefore, in order to compare multiple face recognition systems, they must be applied to the same test set.However, it should also be noted that if the results are to be representative of system performance in a real world situation, then the test data should be captured under precisely the same circumstances as in the application environment.On the other hand, if the purpose of the experimentation is to evaluate and improve a method of face recognition, which may be applied to a range of application environments, then the test data should present the range of difficulties that are to be overcome. This may mean including a greater percentage of6difficult9 images than would be expected in the perceived operating conditions and hence higher error rates in the results produced. Below we provide the algorithm for executing the verification test. The algorithm is applied to a single test set of face images, using a single function call to the face recognition algorithm: CompareF aces(F ace A, FaceB). This call is used to compare two facial images, returning a distance score indicating how dissimilar the two face images are: the lower the score the more similar the two face images. Ideally, images of the same face should produce low scores, while images of different faces should produce high scores.Every image is compared with every other image, no image is compared with itself and nopair is compared more than once (we assume that the relationship is symmetrical). Once two images have been compared, producing a similarity score, the ground-truth is used to determine if the images are of the same person or different people. In practical tests this information is often encapsulated as part of the image filename (by means of a unique person identifier). Scores are then stored in one of two lists: a list containing scores produced by comparing images of different people and a list containing scores produced by comparing images of the same person. The final acceptance/rejection decision is made by application of a threshold. Any incorrect decision is recorded as either a false acceptance or false rejection. The false rejection rate (FRR) is calculated as the percentage of scores from the same people that were classified as rejections. The false acceptance rate (FAR) is calculated as the percentage of scores from different people that were classified as acceptances.For IndexA = 0 to length(TestSet) For IndexB = IndexA+l to length(TestSet) Score = CompareFaces(TestSet[IndexA], TestSet[IndexB]) If IndexA and IndexB are the same person Append Score to AcceptScoresListElseAppend Score to RejectScoresListFor Threshold = Minimum Score to Maximum Score:FalseAcceptCount, FalseRejectCount = 0For each Score in RejectScoresListIf Score <= ThresholdIncrease FalseAcceptCountFor each Score in AcceptScoresListIf Score > ThresholdIncrease FalseRejectCountF alse AcceptRate = FalseAcceptCount / Length(AcceptScoresList)FalseRej ectRate = FalseRejectCount / length(RejectScoresList)Add plot to error curve at (FalseRejectRate, FalseAcceptRate)These two error rates express the inadequacies of the system when operating at aspecific threshold value. Ideally, both these figures should be zero, but in reality reducing either the FAR or FRR (by altering the threshold value) will inevitably resultin increasing the other. Therefore, in order to describe the full operating range of a particular system, we vary the threshold value through the entire range of scores produced. The application of each threshold value produces an additional FAR, FRR pair, which when plotted on a graph produces the error rate curve shown below.False Acceptance Rate / %Figure 4-5 - Example Error Rate Curve produced by the verification test.The equal error rate (EER) can be seen as the point at which FAR is equal to FRR. This EER value is often used as a single figure representing the general recognition performance of a biometric system and allows for easy visual comparison of multiple methods. However, it is important to note that the EER does not indicate the level of error that would be expected in a real world application. It is unlikely that any real system would use a threshold value such that the percentage of false acceptances were equal to the percentage of false rejections. Secure site access systems would typically set the threshold such that false acceptances were significantly lower than false rejections: unwilling to tolerate intruders at the cost of inconvenient access denials.Surveillance systems on the other hand would require low false rejection rates to successfully identify people in a less controlled environment. Therefore we should bear in mind that a system with a lower EER might not necessarily be the better performer towards the extremes of its operating capability.There is a strong connection between the above graph and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, also used in such experiments. Both graphs are simply two visualisations of the same results, in that the ROC format uses the True Acceptance Rate(TAR), where TAR = 1.0 - FRR in place of the FRR, effectively flipping the graph vertically. Another visualisation of the verification test results is to display both the FRR and FAR as functions of the threshold value. This presentation format provides a reference to determine the threshold value necessary to achieve a specific FRR and FAR. The EER can be seen as the point where the two curves intersect.Figure 4-6 - Example error rate curve as a function of the score threshold The fluctuation of these error curves due to noise and other errors is dependant on the number of face image comparisons made to generate the data. A small dataset that only allows fbr a small number of comparisons will results in a jagged curve, in which large steps correspond to the influence of a single image on a high proportion of the comparisons made. A typical dataset of 720 images (as used in section 4.2.2) provides 258,840 verification operations, hence a drop of 1% EER represents an additional 2588 correct decisions, whereas the quality of a single image could cause the EER to fluctuate by up to 0.28.422 ResultsAs a simple experiment to test the direct correlation method, we apply the technique described above to a test set of 720 images of 60 different people, taken from the AR Face Database [ 39 ]. Every image is compared with every other image in the test set to produce a likeness score, providing 258,840 verification operations from which to calculate false acceptance rates and false rejection rates. The error curve produced is shown in Figure 4-7.Figure 4-7 - Error rate curve produced by the direct correlation method using no image preprocessing.We see that an EER of 25.1% is produced, meaning that at the EER threshold approximately one quarter of all verification operations carried out resulted in an incorrect classification. Thereare a number of well-known reasons for this poor level of accuracy. Tiny changes in lighting, expression or head orientation cause the location in image space to change dramatically. Images in face space are moved far apart due to these image capture conditions, despite being of the same person's face. The distance between images of different people becomes smaller than the area of face space covered by images of the same person and hence false acceptances and false rejections occur frequently. Other disadvantages include the large amount of storage necessaryfor holding many face images and the intensive processing required for each comparison, making this method unsuitable fbr applications applied to a large database. In section 4.3 we explore the eigenface method, which attempts to address some of these issues.4二维人脸识别4.1功能定位在讨论比较两个人脸图像,我们现在就简要介绍的方法一些在人脸特征的初步调整过程。


2021⁃04⁃10计算机应用,Journal of Computer Applications2021,41(4):1142-1147ISSN 1001⁃9081CODEN JYIIDU http ://基于多通道图像深度学习的恶意代码检测蒋考林,白玮,张磊,陈军,潘志松*,郭世泽(陆军工程大学指挥控制工程学院,南京210007)(∗通信作者电子邮箱hotpzs@ )摘要:现有基于深度学习的恶意代码检测方法存在深层次特征提取能力偏弱、模型相对复杂、模型泛化能力不足等问题。
因此,提出一种基于多通道图像视觉特征和AlexNet 神经网络的恶意代码检测方法。
该方法首先将待检测的代码转化为多通道图像,然后利用AlexNet 神经网络提取其彩色纹理特征并对这些特征进行分类从而检测出可能的恶意代码;同时通过综合运用多通道图像特征提取、局部响应归一化(LRN )等技术,在有效降低模型复杂度的基础上提升了模型的泛化能力。
利用均衡处理后的Malimg 数据集进行测试,结果显示该方法的平均分类准确率达到97.8%;相较于VGGNet 方法在准确率上提升了1.8%,在检测效率上提升了60.2%。
实验结果表明,多通道图像彩色纹理特征能较好地反映恶意代码的类别信息,AlexNet 神经网络相对简单的结构能有效地提升检测效率,而局部响应归一化能提升模型的泛化能力与检测效果。
关键词:多通道图像;彩色纹理特征;恶意代码;深度学习;局部响应归一化中图分类号:TP309文献标志码:AMalicious code detection based on multi -channel image deep learningJIANG Kaolin ,BAI Wei ,ZHANG Lei ,CHEN Jun ,PAN Zhisong *,GUO Shize(Command and Control Engineering College ,Army Engineering University Nanjing Jiangsu 210007,China )Abstract:Existing deep learning -based malicious code detection methods have problems such as weak deep -level feature extraction capability ,relatively complex model and insufficient model generalization capability.At the same time ,code reuse phenomenon occurred in large number of malicious samples of the same type ,resulting in similar visual features of the code.This similarity can be used for malicious code detection.Therefore ,a malicious code detection method based on multi -channel image visual features and AlexNet was proposed.In the method ,the codes to be detected were converted into multi -channel images at first.After that ,AlexNet was used to extract and classify the color texture features of the images ,so as to detect the possible malicious codes.Meanwhile ,the multi -channel image feature extraction ,the Local Response Normalization (LRN )and other technologies were used comprehensively ,which effectively improved the generalization ability of the model with effective reduction of the complexity of the model.The Malimg dataset after equalization was used for testing ,the results showed that the average classification accuracy of the proposed method was 97.8%,and the method had the accuracy increased by 1.8%and the detection efficiency increased by 60.2%compared with the VGGNet method.Experimental results show that the color texture features of multi -channel images can better reflect the type information of malicious codes ,the simple network structure of AlexNet can effectively improve the detection efficiency ,and the local response normalization can improve the generalization ability and detection effect of the model.Key words:multi -channel image;color texture feature;malicious code;deep learning;Local Response Normalization (LRN)引言恶意代码已经成为网络空间的主要威胁来源之一。

pending on the variations observed in each subspace and the importance given to the associated factor [17]. The effectiveness of such a representation results in better face recognition performance than the linear models, as reported by Vasilescu in [16]. However, in their approach, only the person-mode decomposition is used for recognition, whilst other mode decompositions are used optionally to reduce the dimensionality of associated vector-spaces (e.g. removing the dimensions with low variance). More precisely, if we want to identify persons when the facial images are only subjected to varying lighting and viewpoints, a set of eigenmodes are calculated for each combination of lighting and viewpoint. These eigenmodes are similar to eigenfaces, however, whilst eigenfaces capture variations over all the images, eigenmodes capture variations over images at particular combinations of lighting and viewpoint. These eigenmodes constitute the basis of each vector space, and thus there is a separate vector space for each combination of lighting and viewpoint. The notion of multilinearity implies that for training images, each person is defined by the same coefficient vector across all the bases. A test image is projected on every basis and a set of candidate coefficient vectors is generated. The set is then compared pair-wise to the set of stored person-specific combination vectors and the best match is found. A similar approach has also been used in [18] for expression invariant face recognition, in [9] for simultaneous super-resolution and recognition and in [10] for gait recognition. A similar recognition approach has also been used for Multilinear ICA decomposition [15]. An analysis of these approaches reveals the following shortcomings: 1. Though multilinear decomposition is used, essentially they compute a set of coupled bases, based only on person-mode decomposition. This, we believe, is a severe under-utilisation of the multilinear decomposition, which provides a mechanism to unearth the hidden multilinear relationship between all factors of variations (i.e. person, lighting and viewpoint) 2. The recognition procedures in [16] [18] need to per-

细胞生物学 第五版 超高分辨率显微技术 名词解释

结构照明显微 Structure 术
在显微镜的硬件系统增加光栅和控制元件 原理:通过光栅的旋转和移动将多重相互衍射的光束照射到样本上,并 再次发生干涉,然后从收集到的发射光模式中提取高分辨信息,生成一 幅完整的图像。 优点:对于普通的免疫荧光标记样本和各种荧光蛋白表达样本,无需特 殊处理直接观察 缺点:分辨率远低于其他超高分辨显微术。
心位置,重复 10000 次以上,可以重构出内源蛋白分布的高分辨图像。
reconstruction 名词解释:利用能在荧光态和暗状态之间不断切换的荧光探针标记待观
microscopy 察分子,任何一帧荧光像只探测一小部分光学上可分辨的荧光基团,因
PA-GFP 的突变体
PA-GFP 在激活之前对 488nm 的光没有反应,需先用 405nm 的激光激活 一段时间,再用 488nm 激光照射时才可发出绿色荧光。
超高分辨率显 微技术Байду номын сангаас
Total Internal 全内反射荧光
Reflection 显微术
基于斯涅尔定律,当光线从光密介质进入光疏介质时,一部分光会发生 折射,而另一部分光会发生反射,当光线的入射角大于临界角时,会发 生全内反射(TIR)现象,此时光线会在介质的另一面产生隐失波。隐 失波的能量范围通常在 200nm 以内,降低了背景噪声的干扰,提高图像 分辨率。 该技术只能观察细胞紧靠玻片的大约 100nm 的范围。


mmsegmentation多光谱语义分割算法介绍1. 背景介绍mmsegmentation是一个备受关注的多光谱语义分割算法,在计算机视觉领域具有广泛的应用。
2. mmsegmentation的特点mmsegmentation是一个开源的多光谱语义分割工具包,其核心特点包括:- 多模态支持:支持多光谱图像和其他类型的多模态图像,适用于不同领域的应用。
- 多任务学习:支持多任务学习,可以同时处理多个任务,如语义分割、实例分割和检测等。
- 高性能:基于深度学习框架,具有较高的分割性能和准确度。
- 灵活性和可扩展性:提供丰富的模型和数据增强方法,可以根据具体应用进行定制和扩展。
3. mmsegmentation的应用领域mmsegmentation在多个领域都有着广泛的应用,包括但不限于: - 农业领域:用于作物生长监测、病虫害识别和土壤调查等。
- 城市规划:用于城市地物分类、道路提取和建筑物检测等。
- 医学影像:用于医学图像分割、病变检测和器官定位等。
- 环境监测:用于植被覆盖度评价、水体监测和土地利用分类等。
4. mmsegmentation的未来发展随着深度学习和人工智能技术的不断进步,mmsegmentation在多光谱语义分割领域仍然具有广阔的发展前景。
未来,mmsegmentation有望在以下方面取得进一步突破:- 模型优化:进一步优化算法模型,提高分割性能和鲁棒性。
- 多模态融合:研究多模态数据融合的方法,实现更全面和准确的信息提取。
- 实时应用:探索在实时场景下的应用,如自动驾驶、智能农业等。
- 应用拓展:拓展到更多新兴领域,如海洋监测、气象预测等。

多重离子束成像(Multiple Ion Beam Imaging,MIBI)是一种高分辨率、高灵敏度的生物分子成像技术。

多模态光学分子影像技术评估多模态光学分子影像技术评估多模态光学分子影像技术(Multimodal Optical Molecular Imaging, MOMI)是一种结合多种光学成像技术的分子影像方法,可以提供更全面和准确的生物分子信息。
Meticulously Detailed Eye Model and its Application to Analysis of Facial Image

Meticulously Detailed Eye Model and Its Application to Analysis of Facial Image∗Tsuyoshi MoriyamaKeio University XiaoCarnegie Mellon Universityjxiao@Jeffrey F.CohnUniversity of Pittsburghjeffcohn@ Takeo KanadeCarnegie Mellon Universitytk@Abstract–We propose a system that is capable of de-tailed analysis of eye region images including position of the iris,degree of eyelid opening,and shape and texture of the eyelid.The system is based on a generative eye model that definesfine structures and motions of eye. The structure parameters represent structural individu-ality of the eye,including size and color of the iris,width and boldness of the double-fold eyelid,width of the bulge below the eye and width of the illumination reflection on the bulge.The motion parameters represent movements of the eye,including up-down position of the upper and lower eyelids and2D position of the iris.The system first registers the eye model to the input in a particu-lar frame and individualizes the model by adjusting the structure parameters.Then,it tracks motion of the eye by estimating the motion parameters across the entire image bined with image stabilization to compensate the head motion,the registration and mo-tion recovery of the eye are guaranteed to be robust. Keywords:computer vision,face analysis,facial ex-pression analysis,generative eye model,motion track-ing,texture modeling,gradient descent.1IntroductionIn facial image analysis for expression and identity recognition,eyes are particularly important[1][2].Gaze tracking plays a significant role in human-computer in-teraction and eye analysis provides strong biometrics for face recognition[3].In behavioral science,Facial Ac-tion Coding System(FACS[4]),the de facto standard for coding facial muscle activities,defines many action units(AUs)for eye.Automated analysis of facial images has found eyes yet to be a difficult target[5][6][7].The difficulty comes from the diversity in the appearance of eyes:they are from both structural individuality and motion of eyes as ∗0-7803-8566-7/04/$20.00c‚2004IEEE.Figure1:Diversity in the appearance of eye images shown in Fig.1.Past studies have not been able to rep-resent this diversity.For example,a couple of parabolic curves and a circle have been used for eye models in past studies,but they are compromised by double-fold eyelids causing inaccurate tracking of motion.More de-tailed models are necessary for perfect representation of eye images.We propose a meticulously detailed generative eye model and an eye motion tracking system that exploits the model.The model parameterizes both the struc-tural individuality and the motion of eyes.Structural individuality is represented by size and color of the iris, width and boldness of the double-fold eyelid,width of the bulge below the eye,width of the illumination reflec-upper eyelidsclera iris infraorbital furrow bulgebright regionFigure 2:Multi-layered 2D eye region modelυλheightheightυskewI r4curve1curve3region4υheightυskewλheightcurve1curve3curve7region5region6curve8Table2:Appearance changes controlled by structure parameters s.parameter0.00.5 1.0d ufd bd rr iI r7tion on the bulge and furrow below the bulge.Motion is represented by up-down positions of the upper and lower eyelids and2D position of the bined with the image stabilization with respect to head mo-tion,the system estimates motion of the eye accurately together with structural individuality of the eye.2Eye region modelWe exploit a2D parameterized generative model which consists of multiple components corresponding to the anatomy of an eye.The components include white region around iris(sclera),dark regions near left and right corners,an iris,upper and lower eyelids,bulge below the eye,bright region on the bulge,and a fur-row below the bulge(infraorbital furrow).The model for each component is rendered in a separate rectangle layer and overlayed together to make an eye region as illustrated in Fig.2.Pixels that render a component in a layer have color intensities otherwise transparent,so that a color pixel in a lower layer appears in the eye re-gion model when all of the upper layers are transparent at the same location.For example,the eyelid layer has two curves to represent upper and lower eyelids,where the region above the upper curve and that below the lower curve arefilled with skin color while the region between those curves(palpebralfissure)is transparent. The iris layer has a disk to represent an iris.When the eyelid layer is superimposed over the iris layer,only the portion of the disk between the eyelidcurves appearsintheeye region model while the restis occludedby theskin pixels.When the upper curvein theeyelid layercomes down to represent half-closed eye,moreportionof thedisk in the iris layer isoccluded.Table1showseye components represented in ourTable3:Appearance changes controlled by motion pa-rameters m.parameter0.00.5 1.0νheightνskewλheightηxηymulti-layered eye region model and their parameters.Curves and regions are realized by polygonal linesformed by predefined vertices,and all the graphics arerendered using Microsoft Foundation Class Library6.0.We call parameters d u,f,d b,d r,r i,and I r7the struc-ture parameters(denoted s)that define static and struc-tural detail of the eye region model,whereas we call pa-rametersνheight,νskew,λheight,ηx,andηy the motionparameters(denoted m)that define dynamic detail ofthe model.T(x;s,m)represents the eye region modelusing s and m,where x is a vector containing pixels inthe model coordinate system.Table2and Table3showappearance changes of the eye region model due to thechanges of s and m,respectively.3Model based eye image analy-sisThe input image sequence contains facial behaviorsof a subject.Facial behaviors usually accompany spon-taneous head motions.The appearance changes of fa-cial images thus comprise both rigid3D head motionsand non-rigid facial expressions.Decoupling these twocomponents is realized by recovering the3D head poseacross the image sequence and accordingly warping thefaces to a canonical head pose(e.g.frontal and upright).We call the warped images the stabilized images that aresupposed to include only appearance changes due to fa-cial expressions and use them in eye image analysis.Fig.3shows a schematic overview of the whole process in-cluding the head motion stabilization.The systemfirstregisters the eye region model to the input in the ini-tial frame and individualizes the model by adjusting thestructure parameters s(Table1).Then,it tracks mo-tion of the eye by estimating the motion parameters macross the entire image sequence.Figure3:Schematic overview of model based eye imageanalysis3.1Head motion stabilizationWe use a3D head tracker that is based on a cylindri-cal head model[8].Manually given the head region withthe pose and feature point locations(e.g.eye corners)in an initial frame,the tracker automatically builds thecylindrical model and recovers the3D head poses acrossthe rest of the sequence.The initial frame is so selectedas to be the most frontal and upright.The tracker tracksthe non-rigid motions of the feature points on the stabi-lized images.Full3D motion(3rotations and3transla-tions)is recovered for color image sequences in real-time.The performance evaluation on both synthetic and realimages demonstrated that it can track as large as40degrees and75degrees for yaw and pitch,respectively,within3degree error range.3.2Individualization of eye regionmodelThe systemfirst registers the eye region model to astabilized face in an initial frame t=t0by so scalingand rotating the model that both ends of curve1(u1)coincide the eye corner points in the image.t0is sucha frame that contains a neutral eye(an open eye with acenter-located iris),which can be different from the ini-tial frame specified in head tracking.Let˜s denote theindividualized structure parameters.˜s is manuallygivenTable4:Example results of structure individualization.input normalized model(a1)Single-fold eyelid(a2)Double-fold eyelid(b1)Bright iris(b2)Dark iris(c1)Bulge(c2)Reflectionin the current implementation through a graphical userinterface,andfixed across the entire sequence.Exam-ple results of individualization for different appearancefactors listed in Fig.1are shown in Table4.3.3Tracking of eye motionThe intensity of both the input eye region and theeye region model are so normalized prior to eye motiontracking as to have the same average and standard devi-ation.Let˜m t(t:time)denote thefinal estimates of themotion parameters m across the input sequence.Themotion parameter set in the initial frame,˜m t=t,is alsomanually adjusted simultaneously when the eye regionmodel is individualized.With the initial motion parameters˜m t=tand struc-ture parameters˜s,the system tracks eye motions acrossthe entire sequence starting from t=t0tofinally get˜m tfor all t.The system tracks the motion parameter set inthe current frame from that in the previous frame basedon a gradient descent algorithm.The converged set ofparameters in the current frame is used as the initialvalues in the next frame.We exploit an extended ver-sion of the Lucas-Kanade algorithm[9].The differencefrom the original Lucas-Kanade algorithm is that ourmethod allows the searched template to be deformableduring tracking.The motion parameter set˜m t at a par-ticular frame t is estimated by minimizing the followingobjective function D:D=[T(x;m t+δm t)−I(W(x;p t+δp t))]2(1)where I is the input eye region image,W is a warpfrom the coordinate system of the eye region model tothat of the eye region image,and p t is a vector of thewarp parameters that includes only translation in this implementation.Structure parameters s don’t show up in T because it isfixed across the sequence.δm t andδp t are obtained by solving the simultaneous equations obtained from thefirst-order Taylor expan-sion of Eq.(1).m t and p t are updated by the following Eq.(2):m t←m t+δm t,p t←p t+δp t(2) The iteration process at a particular frame t converges when the absolute values ofδm t andδp t become less than preset thresholds.The region surrounded by curve1(u1)and curve3(l1)is used for the calculation process to put more weight on the structure inside the eye,and to avoid the effect from other facial compo-nents including eyebrow that show up in the eye region. When parameterνheight is less than a preset threshold, position of region7,ηx andηy,are not updated because the iris is not visible enough to obtain the reliable po-sition.4ExperimentsWe applied the proposed system to image sequences from two large databases:The Cohn-Kanade AU-coded Face Expression Image Database[10]and the Ekman-Hager Facial Action Exemplars.Facial expressions of 118subjects from a variety of ethnicities,ages,and both genders are digitized in576image sequences(490in Cohn-Kanade and86in Ekman-Hager)with9530image frames in total.In-plane and limited out-of-plane mo-tion are included.The initial frames for tracking were chosen to thefirst frame in each sequence since all the sequences to be analyzed start from neutral expression in these databases.4.1Results of motion trackingResults are evaluated by humans for each factor of the appearance diversity shown in Fig. 1.In terms of the diversity from static structures,the tracking accuracy is evaluated in the last frames of the sequences.In terms of the diversity from dynamic motions,it is evaluated in the frames where the appearance changes due to eye motions reach the maximum intensity,and also in the last frames where the eye comes back to neutral.4.1.1Upper eyelidsMost likely failure in tracking upper eyelids was that a furrow on the upper eyelid fold was tracked as the boundary between the upper eyelid and the palpebral fissure by mistake.Our system can track the upper eyelid accurately in such a case,as well as single-fold eyelids,thick eyelids(upper eyelids with dark and thick eyelashes),and revealing eyelids(upper eyelids that ap-pear to be single-fold but reveal a furrow unfolded in eye widening)as shown in Table5.Table5:Example results for a variety of upper eyelids(a)Single-fold eyelid(b)Double-fold eyelid(c)Thick eyelids(d)Revealing eyelids4.1.2IrisesMost likely failure was that the model for the iris matches with other dark portions such as shadow be-tween the inner corner of the eye and the root of nose, especially when iris is bright.Our system can track irises accurately as shown in Table6.4.1.3Bulge with reflection below the eyeAn oblique furrow below the bulge tends to be tracked as the boundary between the palpebralfissure and the lower eyelid.When the bulge is very bright reflecting environmental illumination,the pattern formed by the oblique furrow and the bright bulge becomes similar to that formed by the boundary and the sclera,which makes tracking difficult.Our system can track lower eyelids correctly as shown in Table7.4.1.4MotionWhen the upper and lower eyelids get close in eye closure,tracking tended to fail.Besides,parabolic curve models used in past studies didn’t match when upper eyelids changed the shape in motion.Of action units defined in FACS[4],Table8shows the result for(a) AU5,(b)AU43+7,and(c)AU6+7.Our eye model can track motions of the eye accurately as shown in Table8 representing a variety of shapes of the upper eyelid. 4.1.5Performance evaluationOf576image sequences with9530frames,only2se-quences with40frames were not tracked well.This hap-pened because the head tracker was not able to stabilize the face well,accordingly eye regions were not obtained in the registration step.One of the causes of the failure in head tracking was that pixels in the face region were almost saturated so that the head tracker was not able tofind any texture.The other cause was that the head in the image turned totally to the side so that thereTable 6:Example results for different color of iris(a)Bright iris(b)DarkirisTable 7:Example results for different appearance below the eyewere no face pixels in the stabilized image though head motion was yet correctly tracked.Of 118subjects,5subjects had very weak edge in the eyelids causing unstable tracking of motion.An algo-rithm such as enhancing image before calculating Eq.(1)at the geometries of eye parts obtained in the previ-ous frame can improve the robustness for such subjects.5ConclusionA meticulously detailed eye region model and a facial image analysis system exploiting the model were pro-posed.Having pointed it out that the diversity in the appearance of eye images makes eye tracking problem difficult,we demonstrated that the proposed method had the capability of analyzing the structural individu-ality and the motion of the eye accurately even in diffi-cult cases.AcknowledgementThis research was supported by grants R01MH51435from the National Institute of Mental Health,U.S.A.References[1]M.Frank and P.Ekman,“The ability to detect de-ceit generalizes across different types of high-stake lies,”Journal of Personality &Social Psychology ,vol.72,pp.1429–1439,1997.[2]C.Padgett et al.,“Categorical perception in facialemotion classification,”Cognitive Science ,1996.[3]K.Fukuda,“Eye blinks:new indices for the detec-tion of deception,”Psychophysiology ,vol.40,no.3,pp.239–245,2001.Table 8:Example results for motion (a)Uppereyelidraising(b)Blinkingand eyelid tightening(c)Cheek 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[关键词]面部提升术;生物膜线性材料;颧脂肪垫;鼻唇沟加深[中图分类号]R622 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2013)11-1146-05面部容颜的衰老是我们人体衰老最先表现出来的征象,延缓这个过程和缓解这种征象会使人视觉上变得年轻,增加人的自信心。
1 资料和方法1.1 一般资料:本组68例,女性67例,男性1例。

临床神经外科杂志2021年第18卷第3期275 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-7770.2021.03.008-脊柱脊髓多模态影像融合联合多介质3D打印在复杂颈椎管内外沟通性肿瘤手术中的应用何光建,薛兴森,陈欣,张洪燕,刘静静,林江凯,储卫华!摘要】目的研究多模态影像融合联合多介质3D打印技术在复杂颈椎管内外沟通性肿瘤的临床应用价值)方法对21例累及2个节段以上、脊柱骨质破坏、肿瘤包绕椎动脉的复杂颈椎管内外沟通性肿瘤患者应用多模态影像融合技术,从MRI、CT薄层扫描、CTA中分割提取肿瘤、血管、骨质组织结构数据信息进行融合重建,形成三维可视化的多组织数字模型,并通过多介质3D打印技术将模型实体化,用于手术计划及术中操作指导)结果本组患者均融合出满意的肿瘤、血管、脊柱骨质三介质的三维可视化数字模型,以及3D打印的肿瘤和毗邻结构实体模型)模型直观显示出肿瘤破坏椎弓根、小关节及椎体骨质的程度与范围,肿瘤包裹椎动脉的空间位置关系)根据三维可视化数字和3D实体模型设计手术入路、指导术中操作)21例患者的肿瘤均在镜下全切,其中9例患者因脊柱失稳行一期内固定;无死亡及瘫痪病例)术后2例患者出现新发局灶性神经根损伤症状。
讨论多模态像融合联合多介质3D打印技术能直观显示出复杂椎管内外沟通肿瘤的瘤体与血管、骨质的三维空间位置关系,有助于手术规划及术中对神经血管和脊柱稳定性的保护,提高肿瘤全切率,降低并发症发生率,有显著的临床应用价值)!关键词】颈椎管内外沟通性肿瘤;多模态影像融合;3D打印!中图分类号】R739.42[文献标志码】A【文章编号】1672-7770(2021)03-0275-76Application of multimodal image fusion combined with multi-media3D printing in surgeryfor complex cervical spinal dumbbell ttmoru HE Guang-jian,XUE Xin-sen.,CHEN Xin,et al. Department of Neurosurgery,Southwest Hospital,Third Military Me.ical University&Army Me.ical University),Chongqing400038,ChinaCorrespooding Author:CHU WepjuaAbstract:Objective To explore the clinical value of multimodal image fusion combined withmulti-media3D printing technology in ccmplee cervical dumbbell tumors surgere.Methods21patients with complee cervical spinal canal internal and external communicating tumors involvingmore than two segments,spinal bone destruction and tumov surrounding vertebral arterg were treatedwith multimodal image fusion technology.The date of tumoe,blood assel,bone and other tissuestrnctures were extracted from MRI,CT thin7ayer scanning and CTA foe fusion and reconstruction teform a three-dimensional visual multi-tissue digital model.The model was materialized by multi-medio3D printing tehnologe foe operation planning,intraoperativv guinanco,operation propagandaand clinical teaching.R esult*All the21patients were reconstructed satisfactore3D visualizationdigital models and3D printed soliC models of tumoe,blood yessel and spine bone.The modelsintuitively showed the extent of destruction of pedicle,facet joint and vvrtebral bone,and the spatial relationship of vertebral arteiy wrapped by tumor.The three-dimensmnl digital mode and3D solidmode were used te design the surgical approach and guide the operation.Al l21cases of tumoiawere completely removed under the microscope,and9cases were trerted with primay internalfitaiion dueiospinalinsiabilii.Theeewasnodeaih oepaealsisaase.Onl2aaseshad newsymptoms of local nervv root i njure.Conclusions Multimodal image fusion combined with multi-基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC1100500)作者单位:400038重庆,陆军军医大学第一附属医院&西南医院)神经外科,全军神经外科研究所通信作者:储卫华,E-mail: weihua9871@276J Clin Neurosurg,June2021,\ol.18,No.3media3D printing technology can intuitiveiy display the three-dimensionai spatiai relationship of tumor,blood vessels,bone,eta.,which is helpfui for suryicai planning,intraoperative neurovascular protectionand spinai stability.It can improve the totai tumoo resection rate and reduca the complications.Key words:cervical dumbbet tumoro;multimodal image fusion;3D pyntiny颈段椎管内外沟通性肿瘤比较常见,占颈椎管肿瘤的比例可达30%〔t])复杂的颈椎管内外沟通性肿瘤常严重压迫脊髓、破坏颈椎骨质、侵犯椎动脉,涉及重要结构多、解剖复杂,手术全切难度大、风险大)一种影像学检查方法并不能对各种组织都清楚显示,如MRI对肿瘤显像、CT薄层扫描对骨质显像、CTA对血管显像有明显的优势;而构建准确的术区重要组织结构的三维模型,为术者提供病变区域的全景影像,将有助于提高肿瘤全切率、降低手术误伤风险。

一、多模态生物医学图像处理技术的研究1. 分割技术图像分割技术是多模态生物医学图像处理技术中的一项重要技术。
2. 图像配准技术生物医学图像处理技术要求图像具有高精度和高准确性,因此图像配准技术也是非常重要的。
3. 特征提取技术特征提取技术是多模态生物医学图像处理技术中的核心技术之一。
1. 肿瘤检测肿瘤是生物医学领域中最常见的疾病之一,也是最具威胁性的疾病之一。
2. 白癜风诊断白癜风是一种常见的色素脱失疾病,是一种常见的自体免疫性疾病。

PCA 技术可以通过对医学图像进行多维数据分析和降维处理,以得到具有更高可识别度和可区分度的图像。


【摘要】针对面部表情识别在复杂环境中遮挡和姿态变化问题,提出一种稳健的识别模型FFDNet(feature fusion and feature decomposition net)。

多颜色空间中三正交平面的WLDLBP活体人脸检测算法甘俊英;刘呈云;李山路【期刊名称】《五邑大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(031)002【摘要】基于动态纹理分析是活体人脸检测中一个重要的研究方法,然而这些算法主要从灰度视频进行研究,丢失了颜色纹理特征重要信息,导致检测识别率偏低.为了利用颜色特征信息来提高检测准确率,本文提出一种多颜色空间中三正交平面的动态局部纹理特征算法WLDLBP-TO P,并分析了视频帧数不同对活体人脸检测的准确率的影响.算法在公开数据库CASIA-FASD和REPLAY-ATTACK中进行验证,实验结果表明,本文所提算法在CASIA-FASD中获得EER(Equal Error Rate)为2.69%;在REPLAY-ATTACK中,当验证集EER为2.10%时,在测试集中的HTER(Half Total Error Rate)为3.24%,比现有动态纹理特征算法拥有更高的识别率.【总页数】6页(P14-19)【作者】甘俊英;刘呈云;李山路【作者单位】五邑大学信息工程学院,广东江门 529020;五邑大学信息工程学院,广东江门 529020;五邑大学信息工程学院,广东江门 529020【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391【相关文献】1.基于CNN和亮度均衡的人脸活体检测算法 [J], 蔡佩;全惠敏2.采用超复数小波生成对抗网络的活体人脸检测算法 [J], 李策;李兰;宣树星;杨静;杜少毅3.基于轻量化网络和近红外人脸活体检测算法 [J], 赵一洲;王浩4.基于多特征融合的人脸活体检测算法 [J], 栾晓;李晓双5.基于YCgCb新颜色空间的人脸检测算法的研究 [J], 郭秀梅;赵秀艳;王玉亮;杨峰;刘贤喜因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Multilinear Image Analysis for Facial Recognition M.Alex O.Vasilescu Demetri Terzopoulos Department of Computer Science Courant Institute University of Toronto New York University Toronto,ON M5S3G4,Canada New York,NY10003,USAAbstractNatural images are the composite consequence of multiple factors related to scene structure,illumination,and imag-ing.For facial images,the factors include different facial geometries,expressions,head poses,and lighting condi-tions.We apply multilinear algebra,the algebra of higher-order tensors,to obtain a parsimonious representation of facial image ensembles which separates these factors.Our representation,called TensorFaces,yields improved facial recognition rates relative to standard eigenfaces.1IntroductionPeople possess a remarkable ability to recognize faces when confronted by a broad variety of facial geometries,expres-sions,head poses,and lighting conditions.Developing a similarly robust computational model of face recognition remains a difficult open problem whose solution would have substantial impact on biometrics for identification,surveil-lance,human-computer interaction,and other applications.Prior research has approached the problem of facial rep-resentation for recognition by taking advantage of the func-tionality and simplicity of linear algebra,the algebra of matrices.Principal components analysis(PCA)has been a popular technique in facial image recognition[1].This method of linear algebra address single-factor variations in image formation.Thus,the conventional“eigenfaces”fa-cial image recognition technique[9,12]works best when person identity is the only factor that is permitted to vary. If other factors,such as lighting,viewpoint,and expression, are also permitted to modify facial images,eigenfaces face difficulty.Attempts have been made to deal with the short-comings of PCA-based facial image representations in less constrained(multi-factor)situations;for example,by em-ploying better classifiers[8].Bilinear models have recently attracted attention because of their richer representational power.The2-mode analysis technique for analyzing(statistical)data matrices of scalar entries is described by Magnus and Neudecker[6].2-mode analysis was extended to vector entries by Marimont and Wandel[7]in the context of characterizing color surface and illuminant spectra.Tenenbaum and Freeman[10]applied this extension to three different perceptual tasks,including face recognition.We have recently proposed a more sophisticated math-ematical framework for the analysis and representation of image ensembles,which subsumes the aforementioned methods and which can account generally and explicitly for each of the multiple factors inherent to facial image for-mation[14].Our approach is that of multilinear algebra—the algebra of higher-order tensors.The natural generaliza-tion of matrices(i.e.,linear operators defined over a vec-tor space),tensors define multilinear operators over a set of vector spaces.Subsuming conventional linear analysis as a special case,tensor analysis emerges as a unifying mathe-matical framework suitable for addressing a variety of com-puter vision problems.More specifically,we perform N-mode analysis,which wasfirst proposed by Tucker[11], who pioneered3-mode analysis,and subsequently devel-oped by Kapteyn et al.[4,6]and others,notably[2,3].In the context of facial image recognition,we apply a higher-order generalization of PCA and the singular value decomposition(SVD)of matrices for computing principal components.Unlike the matrix case for which the exis-tence and uniqueness of the SVD is assured,the situation for higher-order tensors is not as simple[5].There are mul-tiple ways to orthogonally decompose tensors.However, one multilinear extension of the matrix SVD to tensors is most natural.We apply this N-mode SVD to the represen-tation of collections of facial images,where multiple image formation factors,i.e.,modes,are permitted to vary.Our TensorFaces representation separates the different modes underlying the formation of facial images.After review-ing TensorFaces in the next section,we demonstrate in Sec-tion3that TensorFaces show promise for use in a robust facial recognition algorithm.2TensorFacesWe have identified the analysis of an ensemble of images resulting from the confluence of multiple factors relatedto scene structure,illumination,and viewpoint as a prob-lem in multilinear algebra[14].Within this mathematicalframework,the image ensemble is represented as a higher-dimensional tensor.This image data tensor D must be de-composed in order to separate and parsimoniously repre-sent the constituent factors.To this end,we prescribe the N-mode SVD algorithm,a multilinear extension of the con-ventional matrix singular value decomposition(SVD).Appendix A overviews the mathematics of our multilin-ear analysis approach and presents the N-mode SVD algo-rithm.In short,an order N>2tensor or N-way array D isan N-dimensional matrix comprising N spaces.N-modeSVD is a“generalization”of conventional matrix(i.e.,2-mode)SVD.It orthogonalizes these N spaces and decom-poses the tensor as the mode-n product,denoted×n(seeEquation(4)in Appendix A),of N-orthogonal spaces,asfollows:D=Z×1U1×2U2...×n U n...×N U N.(1) Tensor Z,known as the core tensor,is analogous to the diagonal singular value matrix in conventional matrix SVD (although it does not have a simple,diagonal structure).The core tensor governs the interaction between the mode matri-ces U1,...,U N.Mode matrix U n contains the orthonor-mal vectors spanning the column space of matrix D(n)re-sulting from the mode-nflattening of D(see Appendix A).The multilinear analysis of facial image ensembles leadsto the TensorFaces representation.To illustrate Tensor-Faces,we employed in our experiments a portion of theWeizmann face image database:28male subjects pho-tographed in5viewpoints,3illuminations,and3expres-ing a global rigid opticalflow algorithm,wealigned the original512×352pixel images relative to onereference image.The images were then decimated by a fac-tor of3and cropped as shown in Fig.1,yielding a total of7943pixels per image within the elliptical cropping win-dow.Our facial image data tensor D is a28×5×3×3×7943tensor.Applying multilinear analysis to D,using our N-mode decomposition algorithm with N=5,we obtainD=Z×1U people×2U views×3U illums×4U expres×5U pixels,(2) where the28×5×3×3×7943core tensor Z governs the interaction between the factors represented in the5modematrices:The28×28mode matrix Upeoplespans the spaceof people parameters,the5×5mode matrix Uviewsspans thespace of viewpoint parameters,the3×3mode matrix Uillums spans the space of illumination parameters and the3×3 mode matrix Uexpresspans the space of expression parame-ters.The7943×1260mode matrix Upixelsorthonormallyspans the space of images.Reference[14]discusses the at-tractive properties of this analysis,some of which we nowsummarize.(a)(b)Figure1:The facial image database(28subjects×45images per subject).(a)The28subjects shown in expression2(smile),viewpoint3(frontal),and illumination2(frontal).(b)The full image set for subject1.Left to right,the three panels show images captured in illuminations1,2,and3.Within each panel,images of expressions1,2,and3are shown horizontally while images from viewpoints1,2,3,4,and5are shown vertically.The image of subject1in(a)is the image situated at the center of(b).Our multilinear analysis subsumes linear,PCA analy-sis.As shown in Fig.2(a),each column of Upixelsis an “eigenimage”.These eigenimages are identical to conven-tional eigenfaces[9,12],since the former were computed by performing an SVD on the mode-5flattened data ten-sor D which yields the matrix D(pixels).The advantage of multilinear analysis,however,is that the core tensor Z cantransform the eigenimages in Upixelsinto TensorFaces,which represent the principal axes of variation across the various modes(people,viewpoints,illuminations,expressions)and represents how the various factors interact with each other to create the facial images.This is accomplished by simply forming the product Z×5U pixels.By contrast,the PCA basis vectors or eigenimages represent only the principal axes of variation across images.Our facial image database comprises45images per per-son that vary with viewpoint,illumination,and expres-sion.PCA represents each person as a set of45vector-valued coefficients,one from each image in which the per-son appears.The length of each PCA coefficient vector is 28×5×3×3=1260.By contrast,multilinear analy-sis enables us to represent each person with a single vector coefficient of dimension28relative to the bases comprising the28×5×3×3×7943tensorB=Z×2U views×3U illums×4U expres×5U pixels,(3)(a)people ↓viewpoints→people↓illuminations→people↓expressions→.. .......(b)(c)(d) Figure2:Some of the TensorFaces basis vectors resulting from the multilinear analysis of the facial image data tensor D.(a)The first10PCA eigenvectors(eigenfaces),which are contained in the mode matrix U pixels,and are the principal axes of variation across all images.(b,c,d)A partial visualization of the28×5×3×3×7943tensor B=Z×2U views×3U illums×4U expres×5U pixels,which defines45different bases for each combination of viewpoints,il-lumination and expressions,as indicated by the labels at the top of each array.These bases have28eigenvectors which span the peo-ple space.The eigenvectors in any particular row play the same role in each column.The topmost row across the three panels de-picts the average person,while the eigenvectors in the remaining rows capture the variability across people in the various viewpoint, illumination,and expression combinations.some of which are shown in Fig.2(b–d).Each column in thefigure is a basis matrix that comprises28eigenvectors. In any column,thefirst eigenvector depicts the average per-son and the remaining eigenvectors capture the variability across people,for the particular combination of viewpoint, illumination,and expression associated with that column. 3Recognition Using TensorFacesWe propose a recognition method based on multilinear anal-ysis analogous to the conventional one for linear PCA anal-ysis.In the PCA or eigenface technique,one decomposes a data matrix D of known“training”facial images d d into a reduced-dimensional basis matrix BPCAand a matrix C con-taining a vector of coefficients c d associated with each vec-torized image d d.Given an unknown facial image d,theprojection operator B−1PCA linearly projects this new imageinto the reduced-dimensional space of image coefficients.Our multilinear facial recognition algorithm performsthe TensorFaces decomposition(2)of the tensor D of vec-torized training images d d,extracts the matrix Upeoplewhichcontains row vectors c T p of coefficients for each person p,and constructs the basis tensor B according to(3).We in-dex into the basis tensor for a particular viewpoint v,illu-mination i,and expression e to obtain a subtensor B v,i,e ofdimension28×1×1×1×7943.Weflatten B v,i,e alongthe people mode to obtain the28×7943matrix B v,i,e(people).Note that a specific training image d d of person p in view-point v,illumination i,and expression e can be written asd p,v,i,e=B T v,i,e(people)c p;hence,c p=B−T v,i,e(people)d p,v,i,e.Now,given an unknown facial image d,we use the pro-jection operator B−Tv,i,e(people)to project d into a set of can-didate coefficient vectors c v,i,e=B−T v,i,e(people)d for every v,i,e combination.Our recognition algorithm compares eachc v,i,e against the person-specific coefficient vectors c p.Thebest matching vector c p—i.e.,the one that yields the small-est value of||c v,i,e−c p||among all viewpoints,illumina-tions,and expressions—identifies the unknown image d asportraying person p.As the following table shows,in our preliminary ex-periments with the Weizmann face image database,Ten-sorFaces yields significantly better recognition rates thaneigenfaces in scenarios involving the recognition of peopleimaged in previously unseen viewpoints(row1)and undera previously unseen illumination(row2):Recognition Experiment PCA TensorFacesTraining:23people,3viewpoints(0,±34),4illuminationsTesting:23people,2viewpoints(±17),4illuminations(center,left,right,left+right)61%80%Training:23people,5viewpoints(0,±17,±34),3illuminationsTesting:23people,5viewpoints(0,±17,±34),4th illumination27%88%4ConclusionWe have approached the analysis of an ensemble of facialimages resulting from the confluence of multiple factorsrelated to scene structure,illumination,and viewpoint asa problem in multilinear algebra in which the image en-semble is represented as a higher-dimensional -ing the“N-mode SVD”algorithm,a multilinear exten-sion of the conventional matrix singular value decompo-sition(SVD),this image data tensor is decomposed in or-der to separate and parsimoniously represent the constituentfactors.Our analysis subsumes as special cases the sim-ple linear(1-factor)analysis associated with conventionalSVD and principal components analysis(PCA),as wellas the incrementally more general bilinear(2-factor)anal-ysis that has recently been investigated in computer vi-sion.Our completely general multilinear approach accom-modates any number of factors by exploiting tensor machin-ery and,in our experiments,it yields significantly better recognition rates than standard eigenfaces.We plan to investigate dimensionality reduction in con-junction with TensorFaces(refer to thefinal paragraph=⇒of Appendix A).See[13]in these proceedings for the ap-plication of multilinear analysis to the recognition of people and actions from human motion data.A Multilinear AnalysisA tensor is a higher order generalization of a vector(first order tensor)and a matrix(second order tensor).Tensors are multilinear mappings over a set of vector spaces.The order of tensor A∈I R I1×I2×...×I N is N.Elements ofA are denoted as A i1...i n...i N or a i1...i n...i N,where1≤i n≤I n.In tensor terminology,matrix column vectors are referred to as mode-1vectors and row vectors as mode-2vectors.The mode-n vectors of an N th order tensor A are the I n-dimensional vectors obtained from A by vary-ing index i n while keeping the other indicesfixed.The mode-n vectors are the column vectors of matrix A(n)∈I R I n×(I1I2...I n−1I n+1...I N)that results by mode-nflattening the tensor A(see Fig.1in[14]).A generalization of the product of two matrices is the product of a tensor and a matrix.The mode-n product of a tensor A∈I R I1×I2×...×I n×...×I N by a matrix M∈I R J n×I n,denoted by A×n M,is the I1×...×I n−1×J n×I n+1×...×I N tensor(A×n M)i1...i n−1j n i n+1...i N =i n a i1...i n−1i n i n+1...i Nm jn i n.(4)The mode-n product can be expressed in terms offlattened matrices as B(n)=MA(n).1Our N-mode SVD algorithm for decomposing D accord-ing to equation(1)is:1.For n=1,...,N,compute matrix U n in(1)by com-puting the SVD of theflattened matrix D(n)and set-ting U n to be the left matrix of the SVD.22.Solve for the core tensor as follows:Z=D×1U T1×2U T2...×n U T n...×N U T N.(5) 1The mode-n product of a tensor and a matrix is a special case of the in-ner product in multilinear algebra and tensor analysis.Note that for tensors and matrices of the appropriate sizes,A×m U×n V=A×n V×m U and(A×n U)×n V=A×n(VU).2When D(n)is a non-square matrix,the computation of U n in the singular value decomposition(SVD)D(n)=U nΣV T n can be per-formed efficiently,depending on which dimension of D(n)is smaller, by decomposing either D(n)D T(n)=U nΣ2U T n and then computing V T n=Σ+U T n D(n)or by decomposing D T(n)D(n)=V nΣ2V T n and then computing U n=D(n)V nΣ+.Dimensionality reduction in matrix principal componentanalysis is obtained by truncation of the singular valuedecomposition(i.e.,deleting eigenvectors associated withthe 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