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23.Ryan P Randolph Alexander Hamilton's Economic Plan:Solving Problems in America's New Economy 2003
24.Peter McNamara Political Economy and Statesmanship:Smith,Hamilton,and the Foundation of the Commercial Republic 1997
45.华盛顿·欧文.吉尔斯·奈德华盛顿传 1984
46.司美丽汉密尔顿传 1999
47.刘祚昌杰斐逊传 1990
48.麦迪逊.尹宣辩论:美国制宪会议记录 2003
49.斯科特·戈登控制国家--西方宪政的历史 2001
50.沃浓·帕灵顿美国思想史 2002
51.纳尔逊·布莱克美国社会生活与思想史 1994
52.梅里亚姆美国政治学说史 1988
53.理查德·霍夫斯塔特美国政治传统及其缔造者 1994
54.张少华美国早期现代化的两条道路之争 1996
55.路易斯·哈茨.张敏谦美国的自由主义传统 2003
56.查尔斯·比尔德美国宪法的经济观 1984
57.查尔斯·比尔德.玛丽·比尔德美国文明的兴起 1991
58.查尔斯·比尔德美国政府与美国政治 1987
59.塞谬尔·莫里森美利坚合众国的成长 1980
60.李道揆美国政府和美国政治 1990
61.戈登·伍德.傅国英美国革命的激进主义 1997
62.埃里克·方纳.王希美国自由的故事 2003
63.王希原则与妥协--美国宪法的精神与实践 2000
64.卡尔·贝克尔论'独立宣言'--政治思想史研究 2005
11.Robert A Hendrickson The Rise and Fall of Alexander Hamilton 1985
12.Henry Cabot Lodge.Alexander Hamilton查看详ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 1997
13.Richard Brookhiser Alexander Hamilton 2000
2.Morton J Frisch Selected Writings and Speeches of Alexander Hamilton 1985
3.Clinton Rossiter The Federalist Papers 1961
4.Garry Wills The Federalist Papers 1982
30.马基雅维利君主论 1997
31.霍布斯利维坦 1996
32.洛克.叶启芳.瞿菊农政府论 1997
33.亚当·斯密.郭大力.王亚南国民财富的性质和原因的研究 1984
34.大卫·休谟.关文运人性论 1980
35.大卫·休谟休谟经济论文选 1984
36.大卫·休谟休谟政治论文选 1993
37.孟德斯鸠.张雁深论法的精神 1997
65.雅各布·尼德曼美国理想--一部文明的历史 2005
66.文森特·奥斯特罗姆.毛寿龙复合共和制的政治理论 1999
67.文森特·奥斯特罗姆美国联邦主义 2003
68.王炎宪政主义与现代国家 2003
69.许纪霖共和、社群与公民 2004
70.刘军宁共和·民主·宪政--自由主义思想研究 2000
27.Joseph J Ellis Founding Brothers:The Revolutionary Generation 2002
28.Peter McNamara The Noblest Minds:Fame,Honor,and the American Founding 1999
29.亚里士多德.吴寿彭.秦典华政治学 1997
1.Harold C Syrett.Jacob E Cook The Papers of Alexander Hamilton 1987
38.托克维尔.董果良论美国的民主 2004
39.杰斐逊杰斐逊选集 1997
40.汉密尔顿.杰伊.麦迪逊.程逢如.在汉.舒逊联邦党人文集 2004
41.乔治·华盛顿华盛顿选集 1983
42.约翰·罗德哈梅尔.吴承义华盛顿文集 2005
43.梅利尔·D·彼得森杰斐逊集 1993
44.詹姆斯·托马斯·弗莱克斯纳华盛顿传 1994
71.钱永祥纵欲与虚无之上--现代情境里的政治伦理 2003
72.汤普森宪法的政治理论 1997
73.顾肃自由主义的基本理念 2003
74.蔡拓西方政治思想史上的政体学说 1991
75.徐大同西方政治思想史 2005
76.约翰·麦克里兰西方政治思想史 2003
77.霍布豪斯.朱曾汶自由主义 2002
5.Louis M Hacker Alexander Hamilton in the American Tradition 1975
6.Mitchell Broadus Alexander Hamilton:A Concise Biography 1976
7.John Miller Alexander Hamilton:Portrait in Paradox 1979
19.Richard B Morris Alexander Hamilton and the Founding of the Nation 1957
20.John Chester Miller Alexander Hamilton and the Growth of the New Nation 2004
The relations between Tuyuhun and the Central Plains can be mainly separated into two parts according to the different developing periods. The first part is the close relationship established between Tuyuhun and other political powers in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, such as the Xiqin and the northern Wei in its early times, and when the Regime began to crumble, the relationship with the Sui and Tang Dynasties seems important. Tuyuhun kept a friendly and peaceful connection with the Southern political powers, while set wars sometimes with the Northern political powers. Tuyuhun also admit defeat when they could not beat the rivals, and this plot played an important role in the Kingdom's development.
14.Stephen F Knott Alexander Hamilton and the Persistence of Myth 2002
15.Ron Chernow Alexander Hamilton 2004
16.Morton J Frisch Alexander Hamilton and the Political Order:An Interpretation of His Political Thought & Practice 1991
Tuyuhun was one of the important minorities in the northwest part of ancient China. The Tuyuhun Kingdom existed such a long time in Chinese history and experienced many dynasties, which complicated its relationship with surrounding nations. In this paper, we will analyze and explore the relationship between Tuyuhun and the Central Plains, the Tubo Regime from different perspectives.
78.列奥·斯特劳斯霍布斯的政治哲学 2004
79.林达如彗星划过天空 2006
2.马凌美国建国初期政党报刊的形成 --杰斐逊与汉密尔顿之争的另一个侧面[期刊论文]-哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)2002,4(4)
3.庄晓华.Zhuang Xiaohua联邦党人对现代民主的理论贡献[期刊论文]-广州社会主义学院学报2007,5(2) 1.周洋洋分权制衡理论的演变以及在美国建国初期的实践[期刊论文]-剑南文学(经典阅读) 2011(5)
25.Daniel G Lang Foreign Policy in the Early Republic:The Law of Nations and the Balance of Power 1985
26.Claude G Bowers Jefferson and Hamilton:the Struggle for Democracy in America 1925
8.Jacob D Cooke.Alexander Hamilton查看详情 1982
9.Noemie Emery Alexander Hamilton:An Intimate Portrait 1982
10.Forrest McDonald Alexander Hamilton:A Biography 1982
引用本文格式:马林海汉密尔顿政治思想研究[学位论文]硕士 2006
17.Karl-Friedrich Walling Republican Empire:Alexander Hamilton on War and Free Government 1999
18.Gerald Stourzh Alexander Hamilton and the Idea of Republican Government 1970
21.John L Harper American Machiavelli:Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of U.S.Foreign Policy 2004
22.John Steele Gordon Hamilton's Blessing:The Extraordinary Life and Times of Our National Debt 1996
24.Peter McNamara Political Economy and Statesmanship:Smith,Hamilton,and the Foundation of the Commercial Republic 1997
45.华盛顿·欧文.吉尔斯·奈德华盛顿传 1984
46.司美丽汉密尔顿传 1999
47.刘祚昌杰斐逊传 1990
48.麦迪逊.尹宣辩论:美国制宪会议记录 2003
49.斯科特·戈登控制国家--西方宪政的历史 2001
50.沃浓·帕灵顿美国思想史 2002
51.纳尔逊·布莱克美国社会生活与思想史 1994
52.梅里亚姆美国政治学说史 1988
53.理查德·霍夫斯塔特美国政治传统及其缔造者 1994
54.张少华美国早期现代化的两条道路之争 1996
55.路易斯·哈茨.张敏谦美国的自由主义传统 2003
56.查尔斯·比尔德美国宪法的经济观 1984
57.查尔斯·比尔德.玛丽·比尔德美国文明的兴起 1991
58.查尔斯·比尔德美国政府与美国政治 1987
59.塞谬尔·莫里森美利坚合众国的成长 1980
60.李道揆美国政府和美国政治 1990
61.戈登·伍德.傅国英美国革命的激进主义 1997
62.埃里克·方纳.王希美国自由的故事 2003
63.王希原则与妥协--美国宪法的精神与实践 2000
64.卡尔·贝克尔论'独立宣言'--政治思想史研究 2005
11.Robert A Hendrickson The Rise and Fall of Alexander Hamilton 1985
12.Henry Cabot Lodge.Alexander Hamilton查看详ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 1997
13.Richard Brookhiser Alexander Hamilton 2000
2.Morton J Frisch Selected Writings and Speeches of Alexander Hamilton 1985
3.Clinton Rossiter The Federalist Papers 1961
4.Garry Wills The Federalist Papers 1982
30.马基雅维利君主论 1997
31.霍布斯利维坦 1996
32.洛克.叶启芳.瞿菊农政府论 1997
33.亚当·斯密.郭大力.王亚南国民财富的性质和原因的研究 1984
34.大卫·休谟.关文运人性论 1980
35.大卫·休谟休谟经济论文选 1984
36.大卫·休谟休谟政治论文选 1993
37.孟德斯鸠.张雁深论法的精神 1997
65.雅各布·尼德曼美国理想--一部文明的历史 2005
66.文森特·奥斯特罗姆.毛寿龙复合共和制的政治理论 1999
67.文森特·奥斯特罗姆美国联邦主义 2003
68.王炎宪政主义与现代国家 2003
69.许纪霖共和、社群与公民 2004
70.刘军宁共和·民主·宪政--自由主义思想研究 2000
27.Joseph J Ellis Founding Brothers:The Revolutionary Generation 2002
28.Peter McNamara The Noblest Minds:Fame,Honor,and the American Founding 1999
29.亚里士多德.吴寿彭.秦典华政治学 1997
1.Harold C Syrett.Jacob E Cook The Papers of Alexander Hamilton 1987
38.托克维尔.董果良论美国的民主 2004
39.杰斐逊杰斐逊选集 1997
40.汉密尔顿.杰伊.麦迪逊.程逢如.在汉.舒逊联邦党人文集 2004
41.乔治·华盛顿华盛顿选集 1983
42.约翰·罗德哈梅尔.吴承义华盛顿文集 2005
43.梅利尔·D·彼得森杰斐逊集 1993
44.詹姆斯·托马斯·弗莱克斯纳华盛顿传 1994
71.钱永祥纵欲与虚无之上--现代情境里的政治伦理 2003
72.汤普森宪法的政治理论 1997
73.顾肃自由主义的基本理念 2003
74.蔡拓西方政治思想史上的政体学说 1991
75.徐大同西方政治思想史 2005
76.约翰·麦克里兰西方政治思想史 2003
77.霍布豪斯.朱曾汶自由主义 2002
5.Louis M Hacker Alexander Hamilton in the American Tradition 1975
6.Mitchell Broadus Alexander Hamilton:A Concise Biography 1976
7.John Miller Alexander Hamilton:Portrait in Paradox 1979
19.Richard B Morris Alexander Hamilton and the Founding of the Nation 1957
20.John Chester Miller Alexander Hamilton and the Growth of the New Nation 2004
The relations between Tuyuhun and the Central Plains can be mainly separated into two parts according to the different developing periods. The first part is the close relationship established between Tuyuhun and other political powers in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, such as the Xiqin and the northern Wei in its early times, and when the Regime began to crumble, the relationship with the Sui and Tang Dynasties seems important. Tuyuhun kept a friendly and peaceful connection with the Southern political powers, while set wars sometimes with the Northern political powers. Tuyuhun also admit defeat when they could not beat the rivals, and this plot played an important role in the Kingdom's development.
14.Stephen F Knott Alexander Hamilton and the Persistence of Myth 2002
15.Ron Chernow Alexander Hamilton 2004
16.Morton J Frisch Alexander Hamilton and the Political Order:An Interpretation of His Political Thought & Practice 1991
Tuyuhun was one of the important minorities in the northwest part of ancient China. The Tuyuhun Kingdom existed such a long time in Chinese history and experienced many dynasties, which complicated its relationship with surrounding nations. In this paper, we will analyze and explore the relationship between Tuyuhun and the Central Plains, the Tubo Regime from different perspectives.
78.列奥·斯特劳斯霍布斯的政治哲学 2004
79.林达如彗星划过天空 2006
2.马凌美国建国初期政党报刊的形成 --杰斐逊与汉密尔顿之争的另一个侧面[期刊论文]-哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)2002,4(4)
3.庄晓华.Zhuang Xiaohua联邦党人对现代民主的理论贡献[期刊论文]-广州社会主义学院学报2007,5(2) 1.周洋洋分权制衡理论的演变以及在美国建国初期的实践[期刊论文]-剑南文学(经典阅读) 2011(5)
25.Daniel G Lang Foreign Policy in the Early Republic:The Law of Nations and the Balance of Power 1985
26.Claude G Bowers Jefferson and Hamilton:the Struggle for Democracy in America 1925
8.Jacob D Cooke.Alexander Hamilton查看详情 1982
9.Noemie Emery Alexander Hamilton:An Intimate Portrait 1982
10.Forrest McDonald Alexander Hamilton:A Biography 1982
引用本文格式:马林海汉密尔顿政治思想研究[学位论文]硕士 2006
17.Karl-Friedrich Walling Republican Empire:Alexander Hamilton on War and Free Government 1999
18.Gerald Stourzh Alexander Hamilton and the Idea of Republican Government 1970
21.John L Harper American Machiavelli:Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of U.S.Foreign Policy 2004
22.John Steele Gordon Hamilton's Blessing:The Extraordinary Life and Times of Our National Debt 1996