牛津译林初中英语七年级下Unit 8 Pets Integrated skills课件1

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day. 5. Play with him for some time every day. 6. Keep him warm at night. 7. Don’t pull his tail. 8. Don’t kick him.
3. put some stones at the bottom of the tank. (This is a good idea.)
1. You should change the water every week.
2. You _m__u_s_t_m__a_k_e_s_u_r_e_t_h_e_w__a_t_er__is__n_o_t_t_o_o _c_o_ld__o_r_t_o_o__h_o_t.____.
about how to look after them. Amy: That’s interesting. Can you tell me more
about them.
Peter: Sure. First, they need __c_le_a_n___ water.
Amy: Do you need to feed them often? Peter: No, not often, only once a day. They eat
Listen and answer
5. What is Peter’s pet? Some goldfish.
6. How does he look after them? He puts them in clean water, and he never feeds them too much food.
Make up a dialogue
A: Do you have a pet? B: Yes. It’s a …/No, but I want to have
a… A: Really? What does it look like? B: It … It … A: What do you feed it? B: I feed it… A: Where does it sleep? B: It sleeps… A: How do you look after your pet? B: I…
3. You _s_h_o_u_ld__p_u_t_s_o_m__e_s_t_o_n_e_s_a_t_t_h_e_b_o_t_t_om _o_f _th_e__t_a_n_k____.
Do not… 4. give it too much food.
(This is not a good idea.) 5. put your goldfish in the sun.
Peter recorded the talk. Listen again and help him prepare a fact sheet about goldfish with the correct information.
About goldfish
• Put them in __c_l_ea__n__ water. • Do not put them in _t_h_e__su__n___. • Do not pick them up and _y_o_u_r__h_a_n_d__s___. • They eat special fish food and _v_e_g_e_ta__b_le_s. • Feed them once _a__d_a_y_____. • They are usually __sm__a_l_l____. • They can grow up to be _2_0_ centimetres long
_r _a _b _b _i _t _c _a _t
I’m orange. I live in a tank. I have fins.
g_ _o _l d_ _f _i _s _h
Which is your favourite pet ? Can you tell me why ?
I like ________ because ___________.
_t _o _r _t _o _i s_ e_
I have long ears. I eat lots of vegetable.
I love to go to the park and play with balls and do sticks. Sometimes I bark at people.
1. Can you put a goldfish in the sun?
2. Is a goldfish heavy? 3. Does a goldfish weigh several kilograms
or grams? 4. Does it need clean water? 5. Can you pick them up with your hands ? 6. Does it need special fish food? 7. Is it difficult to look after a goldfish?
Unit 6
Integrated skills
Guess what it is.
1. It is very small and soft. Children like it very much. They can hold it in their hands and play with it. One of them is a superstar in an American film.
Peter is listening to a talk on goldfish and writing down some notes. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.
About goldfish
T or F:
1. Pick up goldfish with your hand. F
About goldfish
Peter: There was a talk in the Pet Club yesterday.
Amy: Really? What was the talk about?
Peter: It was a talk aboutg_o_l_d_f_is_h_. We learnt
I have two legs. I like to sing. I have feathers. I can fly.
_p _a _r _r o_ t_
I have fur. I sleep a lot. My favourite food is fish.
_c _a _t
I have four legs. I have a shell. I move very slowly.
(This is not a good idea. 6. take it out of the water.
(It is very important not to do it.) 4. You should not give it too much food.
5. You _s_h_o_u_l_d_n_o_t__p_u_t_y_o_u_r_g_o_l_d_f_is_h__in_____ t_h_e__su__n_. ____.
We must do…. We mustn’t do….
Do …
1. change the water every week. (This is a good idea.)
2. make sure the water is not too cold or too hot. ( this is very important.)
How to look after a dog?
1. Give him enough food every day. 2. Give him clean water. 3. Brush his fur every morning. 4. Take him out for a walk at least once a
special fish food and sometimes _v_e_g_e_ta__b_le_s__.
Amy: How big can goldfish grow?
Petewre:iTghheuypctaon_b_4e_0__0__2__0_g_r_amcesn.timetres long and
2. Put your goldfish in the sun.
3. A goldfish can weigh up to 40 grams. F
4. Some goldfish are black.
5. Goldfish are easy to look after.
6. Goldfish are v Nhomakorabeary expensive.
Amy: Do they make any noise?
Peter: No. They’re very __q_u__ie_t____.
When we look after pets, we have some Dos and Don’ts.
We should do…. We shouldn’t do….
6. You __m_u_s_t_n_’_t_t_a_k_e_i_t _o_u_t_o_f_t_h_e_w__a_te_r___.
Listen and answer :
The students are talking about how they look after their pets. Let’s listen to their conversation and answer some questions
Listen and answer
1. What is Millie’s pet? A dog.
2. How does she look after him? She walks him in the park every evening.
3. What is Amy’s pet? A cat
4. How does Amy look after her pet? She brushes her fur every day.
Say something about goldfish.
They don’t need beds. They aren’t any trouble. They don’t bark. They don’t miaow. They just bubble.
How to look after a goldfish?
and weigh up to _4_0_ grams. • They can be orange, _b_la__c_k_, white or green.
After the talk, Peter calls Amy to tell her about goldfish. Complete Peter’s answer with the help of the information.
Listen and answer
1. What is Millie’s pet? 2. How does she look after him? 3. What is Amy’s pet? 4. How does Amy look after her
pet? 5. What is Peter’s pet? 6. How does he look after them?