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Unit one
1. The company may be reluctant to ________ too far from the basic terms of this agreement, but there are a number of things that are negotiable.
A. deviate偏离;违背
B. disconnect 拆开;断开
C. detach 分离;派遣;使超然attach的反义词
D. distract 转移;分心;分散
2. As manager of our computer department, I ________ your employee, John Doe, for the prompt and polite service he provided to us last week.
A. comment
B. celebrate
C. claim 要求;声称;索赔;断言;认领
D. commend表扬;称赞/推荐
3. Let us be exact in what we say so as to ________ any possibility of misunderstanding.
A. reply
B. alleviate 减轻,缓和
C. preclude排除;妨碍
D. proclaim 宣告,公布,声明
4. She has remained loyal to him throughout his ________.
A. shortcoming
B. misfortune不幸,灾祸
C. circuit 电路,线路
D. tragedy
5. The company has been developing in a big way and is gaining ________ internationally.
A. prestige威望,声望,声誉
B. dedication 奉献,献身
C. humanity 人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科
D. persecution 迫害;烦扰
6. The glamorous actress always went shopping with many ________ crowding round her.
A. participants
B. managers
C. statesmen
D. attendants服务员,大明星小跟班,侍从
7. When he is confronted with a ________, he usually makes an arbitrary decision by throwing a coin.
A. paradox 悖论,反论,似非而是地论点,相互矛盾的人和事
B. prejudice
C. dilemma困境,两难选择
D. conflict
8. During the construction of high buildings, cranes (起重机) are used to ________ building materials to the upper floors.
A. toss 投掷
B. increase
C. hoist升起,吊起/起重机
D. enhance
9. Students and teachers should have ________ attitudes toward each other.
A. respectful恭敬的,有礼貌的
B. respected 受尊敬的,德高望重的
C. respective 分别的,各自的
D. respectable 值得尊敬的
10. My usual feeling of respect, ________ with a little fear, had been replaced by the warmest concern.
A. migrated
B. matched
C. mingled
D. melted 溶化,溶解
11. The purpose of many such small-scale adaptations is to ________ the enterprise forward.
A. propose
B. doom
C. toss 投掷
D. propel 推进,驱使
12. The pill cannot cure a common cold, but it can ________ the symptoms (症状).
A. aggravate 加重
B. alleviate 减轻
C. medicate 用药治疗
D. bypass 绕开,忽视,迂回
13. I did not switch on the light in case it should ________ her.
A. glare 凝视,瞪眼
B. shine 光亮,照射
C. faint 昏厥,昏倒
D. dazzle 使…眼花,使…目眩
14. The crime was ________ by evidence of child abuse and the fact that the victim was very young.
A. increased
B. strengthened 加强,强化
C. reinforced 加强,增援
D. aggravated 加重
15. Good television programs should ________ to different types of interest and taste among the public.
A. match
B. cater
C. adopt
D. cling
16. Lawren was well off and able to ________ painting as his favorite pastime.
A. submit to 提交/屈服
B. take into 考虑到,说服
C. participate in 参加,分享
D. indulge in 沉湎于,沉溺于
17. She ________ my suggestion that everyone should make a donation to the handicapped soldier.
A. poured scorn on 嘲笑,对…不屑一顾
B. took pains with 尽力,费苦心
C. preclude vision from
D. cast light upon 阐明,使明白
18. The top managers are full of ________ toward the sales volume of mobile phones next year.
A. optimism
B. endeavor 努力,尽力
C. attitude
D. deliberation 熟思,考虑,从容
19. If the ________ guest is unable to pay, then the receptionist may refuse to accommodate that person.
A. prospective 未来的,预期的
B. perspective
C. permissive 许可的,自由的,宽容的
D. prominent 突出的,显著的
20. As a small boy, Thomas Edison was slow ________ learning to read and write.
A. on
B. with
C. about
D. in
21. This ________ accident can serve as a reminder to our future generations.
A. weak
B. tragic
C. patriotic
D. suspicious
Reminder 提醒,提示
22. Fortunately, there is a more ________ attitude towards other religions in most parts of the world today.
A. impatient
B. tolerant
C. crude
D. inevitable
23. They got themselves in a mess by losing millions on loans to foreign countries and ________ borrowers at home.
A. prospective 未来的,预期的
B. consistent 始终如一的,一致的
C. dubious 可疑的,无把握的
D. glamorous 迷人的,富有魅力的
24. You must insist that students give a truthful answer ________ with the reality of their world.
A. proficient
B. insistent
C. consistent
D. sufficient
25. His ________ to help the poor people earn him great prestige.
A. dilemmas
B. icons 图标,偶像人物
C. endeavors
D. accommodation
26. Due to the ________ domestic market, the business has to adjust its import and export policies.
A. diligent
B. tedious 单调乏味的,冗长的
C. suspicious
D. slack
27. He realized that it was difficult to ________ on this infertile land any longer.
A. inhibit 抑制;禁止
B. inhabit 栖息,居住
C. gather
D. retreat 撤退,后退/隐居
28. A national ________ is someone who, by the mere mention of his name, will remind people of his country.
A. icon 偶像
B. cowboy 牛仔,牧童
C. pedestrian 行人
D. senator 参议员
29. Members of society tend to cooperate ________ the goals they share.
A. in reward of 酬答,作为奖励
B. in pursuit of 寻求,追求
C. in view of 鉴于,考虑到
D. in light of 根据,鉴于,从…观点
30. One expert in psychology believes that people like jobs mainly because they need other people — to chat with, to ________ with, and to build relationships with.
A. hang up 挂断电话,搁置,拖延
B. hang in 坚持
C. hang out 闲逛/挂出
D. hang onto依附,紧紧抓住
1-5: ADCBA
6-10: DCCAC
11-15: DBDDB
16-20: DAAAD
21-25: BBCCC
26-30: DBABC
Unit two
1. I suggest we put the scheme into effect, for it is quite ________.
A. vulnerable
B. probable
C. practicable
D. sustainable
Correct answer:C
2. That part of the city has long been ________ for its street violence.
A. responsible
B. illegal
C. historical 历史的,历史上的,史学的historic有历史意义的,历史上著名的
D. notorious
Correct answer:D
3. Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat ________ by steam.
A. hauled 拖运,拖拉
B. towed 拖
C. tossed 投掷
D. propelled 驱动,推动
Correct answer:D
4. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into ________ ones.
A. vulnerable
B. turbulent 骚乱的,混乱的,动荡不安的
C. suspicious
D. tragic
Correct answer:B
5. The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the ________.
A. vain 徒劳,白费,无用
B. proximity接近,在附近
C. jail
D. court
Correct answer:B
6. There is supposed to be a safety ________ which makes it impossible for trains to derail.
A. mechanism
B. machine
C. mechanics 力学,机械学
D. machinery
Correct answer:A
7. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly ________ to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather-sensitive people.
A. subjective 主观的,个人的,自觉的
B. liable 易于的,有…倾向的
C. inferior 差的,劣等的
D. vulnerable 易受伤害的
Correct answer:D
8. In spite of the ________ economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.
A. bleak 荒凉的,暗淡的,无希望的
B. feeble 微弱的,无力的
C. obscure 模糊的,晦涩的
D. shadowy 朦胧的,模糊的,有阴影的
Correct answer:A
9. The winners of the football championship ran off the field carrying the silver cup ________.
A. imperatively 命令式地
B. tremendously 巨大地,非常地
C. turbulently 动荡地,骚动地
D. triumphantly 成功地,耀武扬威地
Correct answer:D
10. Here he was stressing ________ his original principle that his unit should be used strategically.
A. regrettably 遗憾地,抱歉地
B. forcibly 有力地,强制地
C. graciously 和蔼地,仁慈地
D. gravely 严重地,严峻地
Correct answer:B
11. All the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons ________ slowly into the sky.
A. elevating 上升,提升
B. lingering 徘徊
C. ascending
D. escalating 逐步上升,升级
Correct answer:C
12. Professor Hawking is ________ as one of the world's greatest living physicists.
A. clarified 阐明,澄清
B. acknowledged 公认
C. dignified 庄严的,有尊严的,高贵的
D. illustrated
Correct answer:B
13. Military orders are ________ and cannot be disobeyed.
A. alternative 二中选一,供选择的
B. defective 有缺陷的,不完美的
C. imperative 势在必行的,命令的
D. conservative 保守的
Correct answer:C
14. The ball ________ two or three times before rolling down the slope.
A. bounced 反弹,弹跳
B. hopped 单脚跳行
C. swayed 摇摆
D. escorted 护送,陪同
Correct answer:A
15. ________that the demand for power continues to rise at the current rate, it will not be long before traditional sources become inadequate.
A. Concerning 关于
B. Assuming 假设
C. Regarding 关于
D. predicting 预测
Correct answer:B
16. Inquiries ________ the condition of patients may be made personally or by telephone.
A. giving
B. regarding
C. following
D. considering
Correct answer:B
17. You can't let your eyes ________ across the lines of a book and come up with an understanding of what you have read.
A. run
B. come
C. glide
D. encounter
Correct answer: C
18. The assumptions ________ this argument are strong, as was indeed recognized in Ricardo's discussion.
A. appraising 鉴定,评价
B. proposing
C. hovering 停悬,盘旋,空中停悬
D. underlying 潜在的,以…为基础的
Correct answer:D
19. Please analyze it ________ the principles discussed.
A. in the event of 发生,倘若,如果
B. in case of 万一,如果发生
C. in preparation for
D. in the light of 根据,按照
Correct answer:D
20. ________ several hypotheses have been made for the changing of the climate in the area, no conclusive evidence supports any of them.
A. Although
C. If
D. Despite
Correct answer:A
21. The author was ________ by the audience's lack of interest.
A. dreaded 惧怕,令人可怕的
B. encouraged
C. dismayed
D. impressed
Correct answer: C
22. Proper lightening is necessary for good eyesight, ________ human night vision can be temporarily damaged by extreme flashes of light.
A. whereas
B. moreover
C. furthermore
D. somehow
Correct answer: A
23. She felt ________, as if what he had done to her had somehow paralyzed not only her limbs but her senses too.
A. gasped 喘气,喘息
B. stunned 震惊,愕然
C. strapped 用皮绳捆住,
D. ousted 驱逐,赶下台/取代
Correct answer: B
24. The excuse was too ________ for the teacher to believe.
A. subtle
B. detailed
C. feeble
D. slender
Correct answer: C
25. Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it ________ necessary, including the use of armed force.
A. suggests
B. deems
C. requires
D. appraise
Correct answer: B
26. I could see that my wife was ________ on having that fur coat, whether I approved of it or
A. eager
B. dependent
C. focused
D. intent 意图,打算
Correct answer: D
27. Technological developments ________ new skills in many industries, leaving those workers with outdated skills out of work.
A. intend
B. necessitate 需要,使成为必要
C. request 请求,要求
D. deviate 偏离,越轨
Correct answer: B
Unit three
1. News media worked overtime to ________ the country as open and "ready" for all nuclear discussions.
A. thrill
B. transcend
C. portray
D. spot
2. We provided information to site administrators about typical functions of ________ library programs.
A. sampling 抽样
B. carefree 无忧无虑的
C. descriptive
D. exemplary 模范的,可效仿的
3. Gemini (双子座) is an airy, intellectual sign, and your ever-active mind tends to ________ from one thought to another with dizzying speed.
A. dart 飞奔,向前冲
B. damn 谴责
C. dare 敢,胆敢
D. deal
4. A soft evening breeze brought a ________ smell from the company sink.
A. formal
B. funny
C. foul
D. fool
5. We just go on in our habitual ways until we are stopped short by one of the many illnesses that ________ our civilization today.
A. occur
B. effect
C. afflict 折磨,使痛苦
D. exist
6. At the time, I could not stand my________ schedule and I would always be envious of my friends who enjoyed the luxury of sleeping in.
A. rigorous 严格的,严厉的
B. bored
C. energetic 精力充沛的,积极的,有力的
D. powerful 强大的,强有力的
7. Just thinking about all the ________ I received about my dramatic weight loss, and the proud way my husband looked when we went out in public, made me feel that what I had done was worthwhile.
A. criticisms
B. skepticism 怀疑论
C. compliments
D. achievements
8. The situation could quickly develop into a ________ disaster if the world does not start paying attention to the plight of these people.
A. anonymous 匿名的,无名的
B. humanitarian
C. rigorous 严格的,严厉的
D. conspicuous 显著的,显而易见的
9. Then you do believe in God, but you guess that I do not, and you fear that the admission of your true belief would ________ your chance of employment.
A. jeopardize 危害,危及
B. contrive 设计,发明/密谋/谋划,设法做到
C. transform
D. mount 增加,爬上
10. Mrs. Cummins, very ________ in her duties, watched the whole process with a sensitive eye.
A. hopeful
B. conscientious 认真地,尽责的,本着良心的
C. modest
D. fascinating 迷人的,令人神魂颠倒的
11. All I wanted was a ________ log cabin in Maine, somewhere deep in the woods, to enjoy the
night under the stars.
A. enormous
B. stimulating
C. cozy
D. overwhelming 压倒性的,势不可挡的,令人难以招架的
12. Look, we're about to ________ the last and final stage of our academic careers together.
A. live on 以…为食,以…为生
B. believe in
C. embark on
D. save up 储蓄,贮存
13. The land is affected by a ________ and the cattle are dying fast for lack of drinking water.
A. flood
B. drought
C. premiere 首映,初演
D. misery
14. So will I have to buy replacement in order to make use of the software I have at the ________ moment?
A. upgrade 升级
B. contrive 设计,发明,密谋
C. divert 转移,转向
D. renew 更新
15. Josh Smith says perhaps the most important thing they should learn is to ________ themselves.
A. share in 分享,分担
B. live through 度过,经历过
C. relate to 涉及,有关
D. believe in
16. To promote particular organizational values, and encourage high levels of informal communication, the managers can attempt to lead ________ example.
A. with
B. to
C. for
D. by
17. One reason that I may be the last person in Manhattan without a cell phone is that I ________ the excitement of coming home and finding a call light flashing.
A. thrill 感到兴奋,紧张
B. cherish
C. abandon 遗弃,放弃/放任
D. deprive
18. When you get the right role, you want to stay focused; you want to ________ yourself as much as you can.
A. expose
B. explore
C. immerse 沉浸,使浸没
D. strive 努力,奋斗,力争
19. This allows the engineers to ________ every possible situation in order to test the system.
A. simulate 模拟,模仿
B. stimulate 刺激.激励
C. signify 表示,意味.预示
D. smuggle 走私,偷运
20. I don't know if many people could pull that dress off, but she looked ________ in it.
A. fragile 脆的,易脆的
B. terrific 好极了,极好的
C. skeptical 多疑的,怀疑的
D. manifest 显然的,明显的
manifest ['mænɪfest]
vt. 证明,表明;显示
vi. 显示,出现
n. 载货单,货单;旅客名单
adj. 显然的,明显的;明白的
21. Her ________ was rarely wrong where such things were concerned, but there was always the off chance.
A. institution 制度,机构,公共机构
B. tuition 学费
C. instruction 指令,命令,指示,教导,用法说明
D. intuition 直觉,直觉力
22. Rinny had ________ himself as a skilled craftsman at his father's gunmaking shop.
A. contrived 设计,发明;图谋
B. established
C. diverted 转移,呼叫转移
D. cherished 珍爱
23. ________ the pretext of showing Paul how to do it, Alan flew the kite himself.
A. In
B. On
C. With
D. Under 以…为借口
Under the pretext of
24. I went to a school where we had to speak French all the time, but outside school hours I ________ to English.
A. reverted 回复,
B. rectified 调整,矫正
C. removed
D. reversed 颠倒,翻转,倒车
25. A woman teacher can know you from the inside; you cannot hide from her so easily, or ________ her attention.
A. turn
B. land
C. divert 转移,转向
D. shoot
1-5: CDACC
6-10: ACBAB
11-15: CCBAD
16-20: DBCAB
21-25: DBDAC。