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Mayor B K McHugh, Councillors Alan Oliver; Glenda Connor; Geoff Jarrett;
Peter Reedman; Jim Davis; Frank Tuckwell; Anne Woolford; Barry
Featherston; Mary Beckett.
Cr R Potter; Cr R Medlyn.
John Coombe (Chief Executive); Lee Bailey (Executive Assistant); Mike
Shelley (Director Corporate Services); David Banks (Director Technical
Services); Kym Yeates (Director Finance and Information Services); Kim
Vivian (Acting Director Environmental Services); Graham Webster
(Strategic Planner); Simon Grenfell (Operations Manager); Dennis Zanker
(Infrastructure Manager); Mark James (Accountant); Rudy Vandenbroek
(Rates and Property Officer).
Minutes of Council Meeting held 1
Minutes of the Alexandrina Council held on Monday 16th February 2004.
Moved Cr Bekcett, seconded Cr Oliver that the minutes of the Alexandrina
Council Meeting held on Monday 16th February 2004 as circulated to
members be received as a true and accurate record.
•Cr Reedman
o Re 5AA Outside Broadcast – Langhorne Creek
5.1 Environmental Services - Listing Of Items For Information Only.
Item No Subject Officer
5.2 150th Anniversary Goolwa – Port Elliot Railway
M Przibilla
5.3 Delegated Building Approval Stats I Riches
5.4 Coastal Run Meningococcal Program K Vivian
5.5 Development Statistics I Riches
ACF697 Moved Cr Jarrett seconded Cr Davis That items 5.2 to 5.5 be received for information only.
Minutes of Council Meeting held 2
5.2 150th Anniversary Goolwa - Port Elliot Railway Celebrations
File Ref: 1.025.026
Officer (full name): Mark Przibilla
Officers Consulted (full name):
Corporate Plan Objective No:1:05.02
Budget Allocation: $173,000 Budget Spent to Date: $14,947
Chart of Account: Job Number: 50975
ESD Impact/Benefit:-
* Environmental: Additional people to area.
* Social: Tremendous community pride surrounding
* Economic: Extra visitation and expenditure over an off
peak period.
Work on the 150th Anniversary celebrations surrounding the Goolwa – Port Elliot
Railway have been proceeding well.
All committees working on the celebrations have all met at least once since the
Christmas / New Year break.
As Council are aware a media launch was recently held at the National Railway
Museum, Port Adelaide. The purpose of the launch was to initiate interest within
the media and the rail fraternity. It was felt that having the launch at the National
Railway Museum would stir greater interest in the media, hence providing
greater exposure of the event. Four significant pieces of coverage took place as
a result of the media launch :
• 4 – 5 minute interview with the Steering Committee Chairman, John Evans live from Port Adelaide on the day on Mathew Abraham’s
program on ABC Adelaide radio from 9:30am.
• 1 piece of editorial, including photo in the Advertiser on Thursday 12th February, following launch
• 4 – 5 minute interview with Historical Book Author, Malcolm Thompson, aired on Sunday 15th February on Ashley Walsh’s program o n ABC
Adelaide. Including previews during Ian McNamara’s Australia All Over
• 1 – 2 minutes of discussion on 5AA with Keith Conlon and Tony Pilkington on the day of the launch
ACF698 Moved Cr Jarrett seconded Cr Davis that the report be received.
Minutes of Council Meeting held 3
5.3 Delegated Building Approval Statistics
File Ref: 1.160.004
Officer: Ian Riches
ACF699 Moved Cr Jarrett seconded Cr Davis that the report be received.
CARRIED 5.4 Coastal Run Meningococcal Program
File Ref: 4.050.001
Officer (full name): Kim Vivian
Budget Allocation: $10,000 Budget Spent to Date: $2,800
Chart of Account: 5020320 Job Number: 50252
ESD Impact/Benefit:-
* Environmental:
* Social: Positive, minimize vaccine preventable
* Economic: Cost neutral, funding subsidy from State
As previously reported to Council, the Coastal Run Meningococcal Program was
held at various beaches located from Glenelg to Horseshoe Bay during January.
This joint Program co-ordinated by the City of Onkaparinga, City of Holdfast Bay,
Alexandrina Council, Southern Division of General Practice and the SA
Immunisation Unit of the Dept. of Human Services was an outstanding success.
The campaign was viewed as a success for a number of reasons. The total
number of persons vaccinated at the five sites totalled 158 and this was
recognised that those people receiving the vaccines would perhaps not have
had a future opportunity to receive the immunisation. The other major benefit of
the project was the increased awareness that the campaign achieved for the
target audience. The fact that the campaign generated a significant amount of
media attention was recognised by the project team as extremely positive.
In concluding, the campaign was unique and believed to be an Australian first.
To physically take an immunisation clinic/campaign to the beach and actively
pursue a target audience was an innovative concept in itself. As indicated, the
scale of success was not only gauged on a quantitative level, but the qualitative
component from the increased community awareness is expected to generate
and impact on future public immunisations clinics.
ACF700 Moved Cr Jarrett seconded Cr Davis that the report be received.
CARRIED Minutes of Council Meeting held 4
5.5 Development Statistics
File Ref:7.010.001
Officer: Ian Riches
The figures presented here in this report relate to Development Approvals
granted and should not be confused with Development Applications lodged with
Council in any particular year.
The attached graphs compare the last 5 years and highlights a significant
increase in the number of Development Approvals issued in the 2003 calendar
year compared with the previous years and also shows the increased estimated
value of that approved development.
The 2003 year not only saw the most number of approvals issued – an increase
over the preceding year of approximately 21% but, for the first time, the total
estimated value of development approved in one year exceeded 100 million
dollars. This dollar value represents an increase over the 2002 year of
approximately 43%.
The major area of development in the Alexandrina Council continues to be in the
residential sector with approximately 550 new houses being approved in 2003
with an estimated value of nearly 82.4 million dollars, equating to an average
estimated value of around $150,000 per dwelling. The preceding year 2002, saw
approximately 460 new dwellings approved, valued at just under 54.3 million
dollars. This giving an average estimated value of around $117,500 per
Another interesting trend over the last 5 years or so has been the approval of
horticulture/viticulture developments in the Council area. The estimated value of
such approved developments peaked at approximately 11.8 million dollars in the
year 2000 and then reduced to around 2.6 million dollars for the 2003 year. ACF701 Moved Cr Jarrett seconded Cr Davis that the report be received.
CARRIED Minutes of Council Meeting held 5
6.1 Environmental Services - Listing Of Items For Council Decision
Item No Subject Officer
J Nightingale
6.2 Petition Regarding An Application For
Land Division At Garwood Avenue,
B Green
6.3 Land Management Agreement -
6.4 Application To Waive Building & Planning
I Riches
Assessment Fees - 455/134/04 -
Ashbourne Cricket Club
M Przibilla
6.5 Australian National Irrigation Industry
Minutes of Council Meeting held 6
File Ref:455/9660/03
Officer (full name): Joanne Nightingale
From: Trevor Jones
Officers Consulted (full name): Matt James, Dennis Zanker, Kallan Dennis,
Kim Vivian, all consulted re the application
but not the petition as yet.
Corporate Plan Objective No:5:01
Budget Allocation: N/A Budget Spent to Date:
Chart of Account: N/A Job Number:
ESD Impact/Benefit:-
* Environmental: The impact of the original plan was already
deemed to have had a negative impact on
the Angas River ecosystem. An amended
plan was requested with the road forming
a buffer to the River system and allowing
better access for maintenance to a river
* Social: The social impact of the cul-de-sac
development would be the Garwood
Avenue neighbour discontent at the
current plan of division. However there
will be neighbour discontent if the road is
joined to Close Court also.
* Economic: The economic benefit of slightly less road
may mean slightly lower costs to the
developer and a tiny bit less road for
Council to maintain in the future.
On the 10th February 2004 Council received a petition of 10 signatures regarding
an application for land division at Garwood Avenue, Strathalbyn. Residents of
Garwood Avenue would like to see the land division having dual access from
both Garwood Avenue and Close Court for emergency services and access to
the river reserve for the public and emergency services. This petition was in
response to an earlier superceded plan, the current amended plan addresses the
issue of access to the river with the road fronting this resource.
This application will be referred to the Technical Services Dept for comment on
the access issue before going to the Development Assessment Panel for a
decision. If a decision is made to look at access through Close Court, public
consultation will have to be held with these residents who have previously
indicated that they would oppose any access through Close Court.
Continued/… Minutes of Council Meeting held 7
File Ref:455/9660/03
Officer (full name): Joanne Nightingale
ACF702 Moved Cr Jarrett seconded Cr Woolford that Council delegate the Development Assessment Panel to make a decision on the application f or
Land Division 455/D654/03 and consider any issues arising from the
petition giving regard to professional advice from the Technical Services
6.3 Land Management Agreement - 455/D611/03
File Ref:455/9611/03
Officer (full name): Ben Green
From: Weber Frankiw & Associates Pty Ltd
Officers Consulted (full name): Des Commerford
Corporate Plan Objective No:5:02
Budget Allocation: N/A Budget Spent to Date:
Chart of Account: N/A Job Number:
ESD Impact/Benefit:-
* Environmental: The proposed realignment of the allotment
boundaries will create a more orderly and
practical configuration of allotments and
potentially improve the agricultural use
and management of the subject land.
* Social: As titles are more even in land size there
should be less potential for land use
* Economic: To the benefit of the applicant for resale
value as land titles more orderly.
There is a Land Management Agreement registered on the property dated
17.4.91 between the District Council of Port Elliot and Goolwa and John William
Anderson. The Land Division application to re-align the boundaries of this
property meets the requirements of the current Zonings that lie over the subject
land being the Watershed Protection & General Farming Zones as there are no
Titles created.
Continued/… Minutes of Council Meeting held 8
6.3 Land Management Agreement - 455/D611/03
File Ref:455/9611/03
Officer (full name): Ben Green
There is a Land Management Agreement (LMA) over this land that sits above the
requirements of the Development Plan and the applicants are requiring that the
following clause be varied to permit the re-alignment of boundaries to take place.
Clause 2 of the LMA states:
The owner shall not apply for, or effect a division of the lot so as to
decrease the size of the lot.
Council Planning Staff agree with the discussion raised by the Planning
Consultant for the applicant. The reasoning behind the LMA being formed in the
first instance was to retain larger land holdings for on going agricultural
productivity, which has now been covered by the Mount Lofty Ranges Primary
Production Objectives and Principles of the current Development Plan.
ACF703 Moved Cr Connor seconded Cr Beckett that Council agree to vary the provisions of the existing Land Management Agreement (LMA), as
permitted under Clause 6, therefore allowing the proposed realignment of
allotment boundaries to take place subject to the applicant bearing the
costs of undertaking the necessary changes to the LMA.
CARRIED •Kim Vivian, Acting Director Environmental Services, Tabled correspondence received at the Council meeting by Trevor Jones
attending the meeting.
•Cr Reedman requested that information also be available in hardcopy format to the public also be noted in formal correspondence that it is
also available for perusal in the Council Offices; and Libraries, as not
all persons have access to the internet.
Minutes of Council Meeting held 9
6.4 Application To Waive Building & Planning Assessment Fees - 455/134/04 -
Ashbourne Cricket Club
File Ref:455/134/04
Officer: Ian Riches
From: Andrew Stidston
A letter has been received requesting the waiving of all fees associated with the
application to erect a storage shed at Lot 60, Part Sec. 2339 Meadows-Goolwa
Road, Ashbourne.
The fees applicable for a shed of this size are:
Lodgement $31-50
Development Plan Assessment $19-50
Building Rules Assessment $34-50
TOTAL $85-50
Council receives many similar requests from sporting and other organisations
and when the application does not require any referrals to other departments
external to Council the waiving of the two assessment fees is recommended.
The retention of the lodgement fee ($31-50) is to go towards the administration
cost of processing the application.
ACF704 Moved Cr Featherston seconded Cr Beckett that Council approve a total waiver in the fees and that the applicant be advised the fees applicable to
Development Application 455/134/04 be nil.
CARRIED Minutes of Council Meeting held 10
File Ref: 1.040.001
Officer (full name): Mark Przibilla
From: Jeff Parish, Central Irrigation Trust
Officers Consulted (full name): Des Commerford, David Cooney, Matt
James, Chris Veenstra.
Corporate Plan Objective No:1:05.06
Budget Allocation: Nil Budget Spent to Date:
Chart of Account: Job Number:
ESD Impact/Benefit:-
* Environmental: Additional rubbish around Sugar’s Beach.
* Social: Engage the local users of the Murray in
* Economic: Economical impact on businesses in
Council area.
Members of Council staff have met with the Chief Executive of the Central
Irrigation Trust who will be organising the National Irrigation Industry Conference
to take place at Goolwa & Hindmarsh Island on the 12th & 13th of October 2004.
The conference will cater for approximately 200 delegates from all over
Australia. The delegates attending will be from every major irrigation authority in
the country. The conference is one of the very few occasions where all of the
big water users in the Murray Darling Basin assemble at the one function.
The theme of the 2004 conference is “River of Dreams”, this will be reflected in
the presentation of the conference. Starting in the Barossa the conference will
move to Goolwa, with stopovers along the way looking at the Lower Murray
Dairy Industry, the Langhorne Creek Vineyards and irrigation around the Lakes.
A dinner is being proposed to take place at the Goods Shed on the Goolwa
Wharf on the evening of the 12th of October. A breakfast to take place at Sugars
Beach opposite the Murray Mouth on the following morning is being
investigated. The breakfast would be a major debate on the river issues. It is
expected that a significant media contingent will be present.
The major focus of the conference will be on the Murray Mouth. To highlight this
helicopter rides are being proposed to depart from Sugar’s Beach to give
delegates a greater appreciation of the status of the Lower Lakes. Boat trips are
also being looked into through the Boating Industry Association of South
Continued/… Minutes of Council Meeting held 11
File Ref: 1.040.001
Officer (full name): Mark Przibilla
During the discussions with Jeff Parish and other members of the organising
committee it has been suggested that Council could be paid for the time of the
Tourism Events Officer to facilitate proceedings from the Goolwa and Lower
Lakes. This would involve on the ground activities, not core conference
ACF751 Moved Cr Beckett seconded Cr Oliver Council negotiate with the Conference Organisers on the reimbursement of costs associated with the
Tourism Events Officer's time in the organising of aspects of the
conference from the Goolwa and Lower Lakes end.
CARRIED 6.6 Strategic Planning Consultation Process - Initial Township Consultations
File Ref:7.005.005
Officer (full name): Graham Webster
Officers Consulted (full name): John Coombe, Mike Shelley
Corporate Plan Objective No:
Budget Allocation: $15,000 Budget Spent to Date: $240
Chart of Account: 418320 Job Number: 41863
ESD Impact/Benefit:-
* Environmental: Positive as it builds on ESD Principles
* Social: Positive as community engagement and
partnerships are strengthened
* Economic: Positive as partnership with FRD and State
Grant opportunities will be strengthened REPORT
A timeline schedule for open forums in each township/surrounding region was
distributed at the meeting.
I am currently holding discussions with the elected members to determine
significant issues for those townships.
A discussion paper/survey form is currently being prepared which will have
generic Council wide issues and more local issues for those townships.
Continued/… Minutes of Council Meeting held 12
6.6 Strategic Planning Consultation Process - Initial Township Consultations
File Ref:7.005.005
Officer (full name): Graham Webster
We will post out a document to each ratepayer’s mailing address to reach them
at least one week prior to the Township Open Forum.
In addition, we will be addressing groups wherever they are interested in hearing
a presentation. Schools have also been included.
It is hoped that Elected Members will play a prominent role at forums along with
planners, David Tredrea and I and take on the task of speaking to some groups
ACF705 Moved Cr Connor seconded Cr Jarrett that Council endorse the dates/times proposed for township open forums as part of the Alexandrina
Strategic Planning Consultation process, with the Mt Compass and
Ashbourne presentations being changed to the 31/3 and 2/4 respectively.
Minutes of Council Meeting held 13
10.1 Corporate Services - Listing Of Items For Information Only.
Item No Subject Officer
M Shelley
10.2 Southern Communities Transport Scheme
Annual Report 2002/03
10.3 Nominations – State Advisory Committee
on Accessible Transport M Shelley
10.4 Youth Week 2004 A Moffett
ACF706 Moved Cr Jarrett seconded Cr Oliver that items 10.2 to 10.4 be received for information.
CARRIED 10.2 Southern Communities Transport Scheme - Annual Report 2002/03
File Ref: 1.138.004
Officer (full name): Mike Shelley
From: Southern Communities Transport Scheme
Officers Consulted (full name): Cr Rod Potter, David Tredrea
The Southern Communities Transport Scheme has produced their 2002/03
Annual Report.
ACF707 Moved Cr Jarrett seconded Cr Oliver that the report be received.
Minutes of Council Meeting held 14
10.3 Nominations - State Advisory Committee On Accessible Transport
File Ref: 1.138.003
Officer: Mike Shelley
From: Local Govt Association – Circular 6.10
The LGA is calling for nominations for a Local Government representative on the
newly formed State Advisory Committee on Accessible Transport (SACAT)
which replaces the Accessible Transport Panel (ATAP).
The Government has abolished the Passenger Transport Board (PTB) and
replaced it with the Office of Public Transport (OPT), which will be part of the
Department of Transport and Urban Planning. Due to the importance of
continued feedback on matters associated with accessible transport the Minister
has decided to replace ATAP with SACAT.
The role of SACAT is to provide advice to the Office of Public Transport on
matters relating to the implementation, operation and evaluation of transport
facilities and infrastructure initiatives related to accessibility in its broadest
The term of appointment is 2 years. SACAT will meet every 2 months for up to 2
hours at the OPT Offices on Level 10 Roma Mitchell House, 136 North Terrace,
Adelaide, unless otherwise advised.
Nominations are now invited for the State Advisory Committee on Accessible
Transport and must be forwarded by a Council no later than 5.00pm on Thursday
11th March 2004.
ACF708 Moved Cr Jarrett seconded Cr Oliver that the report be received, and that Councillor Alan Oliver be nominated to the State Advisory Committee on
Accessible Transport.
CARRIED Minutes of Council Meeting held 15
File Ref: 1.127.006
Officer (full name): Alice Moffett
Officers Consulted (full name): Mike Shelley, David Tredrea, Mark Oliphant
(City of Victor Harbor)
Corporate Plan Objective No: 3.02
Budget Allocation: $5,900 ($3,900 Grant)
Budget Spent to Date: Nil
Chart of Account: Job Number: 42273, 42275
ESD Impact/Benefit:-
* Environmental: Nil
* Social: Positive, provides platform for young
people to create networks across Southern
Fleurieu, K.I., Adelaide Hills & Mid Murray.
Significant involvement of youth.
* Economic: State Government Grant received.
Youth Week activities for 2004 include the joining of the 3 Fleurieu Councils,
State Government grants and resources.
Working with the South Coast Inspirations (a youth health group supported by
the Southern Fleurieu Health Service and a Project Worker, Chad Mansbridge) a
group of 11 young people from Goolwa, Victor Harbor and Yankalilla are
spearheading Youth Week planning. The planning team has seen a new and
exciting expansion, encompassing young people and a Youth Health Officer from
Kangaroo Island. Together, the 16 young people are planning a camp titled
R.A.V.E. 04 (Relationships & Voicing Emotions) at the Mylor Baptist Camp
grounds April 2nd-4th 2004. The camp will feature workshops and youth lead
training on developing skills and awareness with positive relationships amongst
parents, friends and partners. To ensure that the training is exactly what the
young people need, the planning team is working in partnership with workers
from SHINE (Sexual Health, Information and Networking) and Relationships
Australia to come up with a program that is informative, interactive and youth
The camp will also feature a strong celebration element with fun activities and a
D.J. It is hoped that young people will come away from R.A.V.
E. 04 with raised
awareness of support networks, new coping skills and new personal networks.
Continued/… Minutes of Council Meeting held 16
File Ref: 1.127.006
Officer (full name): Alice Moffett
In total, 80 young people will attend from Kangaroo Island, Southern Fleurieu, Mt
Barker, Adelaide Hills and the Murray Lands (Pinnaroo, Lameroo). While we are
excited about the formation of networks and collaborative partnerships with
regional towns – local impact is still very high on the agenda. In light of this, post
Youth Week evaluations will include focusing on strengthening local impact,
through peer education and possibly a local event, activity, project or resource. ACF709 Moved Cr Jarrett seconded Cr Oliver that the report be received for information.
11.1 Corporate Services - Items For Council Decision
Item No Subject Officer
11.2 Signing of Purchase Orders M Shelley
11.3 E-Type on the Bremer M Shelley
M Shelley
11.4 Request for Financial Sponsorship – Radio
11.5 Langhorne Creek Wine Industry Art Exhibition D Tredrea 11.2 Signing Of Purchase Orders
File Ref: 1.095.005
Officer: Mike Shelley
Officer Consulted: John Coombe
I would like Council to consider authorising Christine Hamlyn approval to sign
Council purchase orders up to a value of $200. This would assist not only the
Corporate Services Dept but Governance as well, when Chris relieves the
Executive Assistant (Lee Bailey).
ACF710 Moved Cr Reedman seconded Cr Jarrett that Council authorises Christine Hamlyn to sign Corporate Services and Governance purchase orders up to
a value of $200.
Minutes of Council Meeting held 17
11.3 E-Type On The Bremer
File Ref:16.16.7
Officer: Mike Shelley
From: Langhorne Creek Wine Industry Council
Over the last four years The Bremer Restaurant and Cellar Door has hosted the
E-Type on the Bremer, Langhorne Creek annual wine, food and jazz day. The
event, showcasing the local produce has been held in the restaurant garden.
Following the sale of the restaurant, the Langhorne Creek Wine Industry Council
has taken over the event but are looking at an alternative venue.
The proposed venue is the Frank Potts Reserve, Wellington Road, Langhorne
Creek and is scheduled for Sunday 25th April 2004.
Public liability insurance has been arranged through the Langhorne Creek Wine
Industry Council.
ACF711 Moved Cr Featherston seconded Cr Woolford That approval be granted subject to receiving a copy of current public liability insurance and that the
area be left in a neat and tidy state at the conclusion of the event.
That all rubbish be removed from the Reserve.
CARRIED Minutes of Council Meeting held 18
11.4 Request For Financial Sponsorship - Radio Alexandrina
File Ref: 1.075.004
Officer (full name): Mike Shelley
From: Radio Alexandrina (Alex FM) Community
Broadcasters Assoc. Inc.
Officers Consulted (full name): Mayor, Chief Executive
Corporate Plan Objective No:
Budget Allocation: $20,000 Budget Spent to Date: $4,086.91
Chart of Account: 3010330 Job Number: 30110
ESD Impact/Benefit:-
* Environmental:
* Social:
* Economic:
Reference is made to Item 31.2 from Council Meeting held on 1st December
Alex FM request that the matter and decision taken on 1st December 2003 be
reviewed. Alex FM requested Council consider assistance with the purchase of
an STL (Studio Transmitter Link) costing $8,888. Radio Alexandrina has already
raised $5,000 towards this cost and are now seeking the remaining amount from
corporate sponsorship.
Alex FM has advised that they are working towards obtaining a Temporary
Community Licence to serve the Lake Alexandrina area, north from Goolwa and
east across the Lake.
At the meeting held on 1st December 2003 it was resolved that:
“Moved Cr Connor, seconded Cr Reedman that this group be informed there is
no funding available in Council’s budget for this proposal.”
Alex FM requests that the decision be reviewed on the basis that Council may be
able to assist under the discretionary funds allocation in the Governance budget. ACF712 Moved Cr Reedman seconded Cr Featherston that representatives from the Radio Alexandrina (Alex FM) Community Broadcasters Association Inc
be invited to address Council at their next meeting, with a view to
potentially assisting.
CARRIED Minutes of Council Meeting held 19。