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1 建筑方案Civil Construction Scheme
1.1 工程测量Project Survey
1.1.1 一级施工控制网的布置及施测Lay out & Survey for the First-class
Construction Control Net
根据业主提供测量成果资料,委托有专业资质的测绘单位,在测区内布设E级GPS 控制网作为厂区的一级施工控制网。

Based on the survey information provided by client, invite a professional company to do the work of survey. Setting Class-E GPS control net within the survey area, which is the first class control net for construction.
1.1.2 施工二级控制网布置及施测Lay out & Survey for the Second-class
Construction Control Net


In order to meet the requirements of construction precision of all buildings, the lay out of the Second-class Construction Control Net will be set in accordance with the result of first-class and the General Lay Out drawings and the other building construction drawings; the second-class net will be arranged around the square corner net point. The net point will be the higher control point for the second-class net, then increase the precision of second-class surveys. The control line of second-class net will be set with the line of square grid together, so as to re-check and modify the control point, and assurance the connection of the centre line of the neighbor axial.
1) 沉降观测Settlement Observation

To guarantee the safety of operation and the quality of construction, settlement observation shall be done during the construction periods.
2) 主要建构筑物的施工定位放线Construction Locating Line for Buildings & House

Construction Locating Line for Buildings & House will adopt the second-class control net, the measure will select polar coordinate, coordinate, cross coordinate etc according to the precision of locating; however, one spare observation point shall be more set so as to re-check.
3) 测量文件Survey Document

All the first hand Survey data and records will be edited by survey team, and checked by Quality Department.
4) 桩位定期复测与保护Protection and Recheck of the Pile Locating

The control net of elevation level and height level shall be rechecked after the earth of foundation piles has been excavated; and the control net shall be rechecked once a month during the construction periods till the project turned over.


So as to strength the management of the survey, to increase the usage of survey results, the measure locating point shall be remain 3 meter as a safety control area; Excavation and equipment storage within these area is forbidden so as to guarantee the sight view. The control locating point area shall be enclosure and marked to avoid damaging.
1.1.3 测量仪器Surveying Instrument
本工程配备的测量仪器(暂定)见下表:The surveying instruments equipped in this project are as bellows.
1.2 施工降排水措施Construction Measures for the Water Lowered
and Dewatering
1.2.1 排水措施Dewatering Measures

While excavating earth of foundation or constructing, great deal of underground water will come on, the foundation pit will full of water, the stability of the edge will be affected. When excavating the foundation pit, drainage ditch shall be located around the pit, so as to dewater.
1.2.2 井点(或深井)降水Well or Deep Well Unwatering



Unwatering well points shall be located according to the site situation before the deep foundation of Main building, Boile r, Chimney Stack excavated. The depth of the light well or spraying well shall be 0.5~1 meter lower then the elevation of the foundation pit, to prevent edge from running sand or landslip and assure the stability of the foundation pit.
Construction procedures for the pipe of well points: Setting out→Main pipeline→Percaussion boring→Branch pipe and sand filter→Sealed with clay→Connect the branch pipe and main pipe→Insta ll dewatering pipe and drain pit→Start up suction pump→Start up centrifugal pump→Measure and observe elevation change of the underground water level.


When the well points work, the unwatering shall be continuing, and spare electrical power shall be matched to avoid power off. Normally 3~5days later on the elevation of the underground water will be smooth.


The well points can be removed only after the foundation or underground building have been finished and backfilled. After the well pipes pulled by updown hoist or crane, the hole shall be sealed by sand or earth.
1.3 主厂房基础施工方案Construction Scheme for the Foundation of
Main Building and Boiler


The foundation of main building and boiler structural steel is the similar, the upper structure are all steel; the upper structure and reinforced concrete foundation
are connected by anchor bolts. Therefore, the construction schemes are almost the same.
1.3.1 工艺流程Construction procedures:
Excavation for foundation→bed course concrete→pile capping and beam→embedded bolts→foundation short column →backfill foundation pit→equipment foundation and ditch at zero elevation
1.3.2 钢筋施工Reinforcement Construction


All the qualification and certificate of the steel bar materials supplier shall be checked before purchasing. This item shall carry out the quality follow-on system, for each lot steel, the certificate of manufacturer shall be complete, sample shall be checked; after materials sample test pass, it can be used at project.



All parts shall be fabricated at steel bar factory, then transport to construction site by truck, then lift it at the construction area by crane, then move it by hand, for the diameter of steel barΦ22 or above will connected by machine, for the diameter of steel bar belowΦ22 will connected by bond.


Mark the distance line of steel bar and centre line of column, locating the bottom and upper bar; after the form installed, set up the bent frame, insert the steel bar of column, fixed the steel bar by pipe frame, the elevation of bed course shall be rechecked prior to steel bar installed. Protect the fixed shim while bonding the steel bar; determine the position of the different direction bar.

For the bond length of connection tensile steel bar, it shall be constructed in accordance with the national standards or code “Code of the Inspection and construction for concrete structure engineering” (GB50204-2002).
1.3.3 模板施工Form Construction



Form works will adopt plywood which is 18mm thickness. The technicians shall draw the assembly size of form based on the construction drawings. It will be assembled at site. To protect the plywood and increase the usage, the form works of foundation should be cut less, For the form assemble works, a detailed materials drawing shall be drawn.
基础侧模模板根据具体情况进行组合,用长钢管作横档, 用短钢管作立档,以双头螺栓对拉加固,并以钢管在外壁支顶以保证稳定性。


The lateral form of foundation shall be assembled based on the detailed situation, strength both parts with stud bolt, support the form wall outside to guarantee the stability. The pre-hole shall be drilled over the plywood so as to fit the bolts. Bolt will be fasten by 3 sharp fastener. For the details, please refer to the drawing: 基础钢管立档
1.3.4 地脚螺栓的安装施工Installation of Anchor Bolts

在浇筑螺栓脚底部基础混凝土时,在混凝土面上四个角预埋四块T1515埋件,安装螺栓时,在埋件上焊L75×5的等边角钢作为立柱,立柱上焊上同样的角钢作横梁;事先用轻型[8槽钢按螺栓的相对距离开孔,孔径比螺栓略大1~2mm ,轻型槽钢调整好孔位后焊在横梁上,螺栓穿过槽钢上事先开的孔,调整准确后用螺母上下夹紧。



The installation of anchor bolts will adopt a separate steel frame to fix. Four pieces T1515 shall be embedded at the four corner of the bed course concrete surface, while installing, weld L75*5 angle steel over the embedded piece as support column, then weld the same size angle steel at the support column as cross beam. Use 8 channel steel as a fixed steel, drill some holes over the channel steel, the diameter is 1~2mm larger size then the bolt size. Adjust and fix the bolts. For the details, please refer to the embedded drawings.


The instrument for the locating measure shall be calibrated prior to the operation. The measure of anchor bolts locating shall refer to the centre line of main building or the boiler frame, which is the base axial over the cross beam, the centre position of bolts shall be determined by the base axial. The elevation shall be controlled by the same theodoliite point.

When the concrete is vibrated, the vibrating needle is forbidden to touch the bolts and the form.
1.3.5 混凝土施工Construction of Concrete


Mixture ratio of concrete will be matched by test room based on the strength of concrete, site temperature, construction position, poring, transportation, moisture content ratio. While pouring the concrete, the sample shall be fetched at site by Test Room, the 28 days compressive strength for the sample shall be done, and quality of concrete shall be strict controlled.




Pouring and rodding is one of key sequence to a nice density concrete; a primer cement mortar shall be laid at the bottom prior to pouring the column, so as to avoid the voids and pits. The concrete shall be poured layer by layer,each layer of pouring shall be 1.25 times length as the vibrating needle. While unloading the concrete, pouring at the same time. Construction joint will not remain at the middle of column. Removing the form, take care of the surface and the edge. After remove the form, curing with water, cover by gunny-bag.








Using insert vibrating needle shall follow the rule of “Fast Insert, Slow Pull”; vibrating needle shall fall into concrete vertically. To combinate the upper and bottom concrete well, the vibrating needle shall be 3~5cm deep to the layer concrete. It shall be twitched up and down, so as to assure the concrete uniform. The end of vibrating needle shall be remain 1/3~1/4, the soft portion shall not be into the concrete, the insert points shall be uniform, and shall not over 1.5 times effective radius. The vibrating shall last till no bubble or air bubble from concrete. Try to avoid touch the steel bar, embedded and forms while vibrating concrete.


The concrete shall not be poured from bottom to the upper one time when casting the foundation of step; pouring the bottom step first, and then pouring the upper steps prior to pre-setting so as to avoid voids and pits.




Concrete shall be cured enough time to assure the strength before removal form, to avoid toughing the edge of concrete. Clean the surface of joints and make it roughness prior to pouring the construction joints; the outside joints shall be dealt with a horizontal line.



Concrete will adopt with natural-cure by spray water, the date of natural-cure shall not less then 14days (normal cement), the cure times shall guarantee the wet-status of concrete.
1.3.6 预埋件工程Embedded Parts Items

The welding of embedded parts are mainly T sharp fillet weld, the main steel diameter φ25 or above shall be welded in plug welding; Take care of the welding joints to avoid damage the main steel bar and lock seam .

Inspection of joints of the embedded steel bar, 10% of the same embedded parts shall be sampling inspection, and shall not be less then 10 pieces .

300 pieces of the same type embedded parts can be treated as one lot when the mechanics test goes on, the numbers can be calculated sum if the welding is done within one week. If the total parts are less then 300 pieces, it should be also calculated as one lot.
1.4 大体积混凝土施工方案Construction Scheme for Large-size


According to the basic engineering and construction experiences, the foundation plate of Turbine generator, foundation of Chimney Stack, foundation of ash storage will be large-size concrete structure; it should be controlled and constructed in accordance with the requirements of Large-size concrete strictly.
1.4.1 施工顺序Construction Procedures
Foundation pit inspection→bed course concrete→install frame for steel bar→set up bent frame→bond steel bar→fix form→install temperature test pipe →pouring concrete→curing concrete→temperature test
1.4.2 主要分项工程施工方法Main Subdivision works
2.1 垫层砼施工Construction of bed course concrete



After the excavation of foundation, inspection of the foundation pits, the brick form can be done to pour the bed course concrete; the bed course should be 500mm wider then foundation; only some small bed course such as circulation pits is the same wide; the level and smooth degree of the concrete surface shall be controlled, especially the position for setting forms shall be controlled strictly. The pre-remain exposed steel bar of bed course, whose distance is 400mm can be the supporting to the form, the exposed steel bar shall be 250mm far from the form, 30 mm elevation difference shall be set from the middle of bed course to both side , so as to guarantee the dewatering smoothly.
2.2 模板工程Form Construction
1) 排架搭设Pipe frame works

Fixed pipe frame prior to install the form for turbine foundation, the longitudinal distance of the pipe frame is 1800mm, and the transverse distance of the pipe frame is 1050mm, the working access is setting of bamboo or steel footpath, the elevation of footpath is 300mm higher then form elevation.
2) 投点放线Measurement & Setting out

Setting out the axial of the turbine by a high precision Theodoliite, determine the other axial based on this reference, marked the other outside line to install the form.
3) 找平Leveling

常用的找平方法是沿模板内边线用1:3 水泥砂浆抹找平层或模板粘贴海绵条。

The surface of bed course shall be leveling prior to install the form, so as to assure the right position of form and avoid mortar leakage. The normal leveling way
is 1:3 motor drawn over the surface touched the form.
4) 模板的安装Installation of form:

Plywood will be adopt for the turbine support pier, form will be fixed by square steel, stud bolt will be used to strength the steel,

Installation of form shall be fixed, sealed and precision so as to assure the quality and size of concrete; to avoid mortar leakage at the joints, the joints between the forms will be sealed by double-pastem.
5) 模板拆除Removal form


The form of large-size concrete shall not be removed earlier, it should be removed after 14days of pouring, to avoid damaging the concrete, strong power or crash is forbidden when removing the form, the removed form shall be cleaned and stored layer by layer. After remove form, the concrete side surface shall be cured by gunny-bag.
2.3 钢筋工程Reinforced works
1) 钢筋进场Steel bar enter the site

View point inspection shall be carried out to steel bar, and sampling shall be mechanical tested in accordance with the present national regulations and code of inspection for construction, Only the materials which has past the test can be used in this project.
2) 钢筋加工Processing steel bar


All steel bar will be processed at construction site, the processing shed will set at site; raw materials and finished materials shall be stored separately; all the parts of steel bar shall be cut based on the bill of materials edited by engineer strictly; all the finished steel bar shall be marked and storied well so as to easy to identify and transport.
3) 钢筋的安装Installation of steel bar


The joints of the steel bar will adopt screw-threaded steel; the pre length of joints shall be set at the permitted area and should be 50% staggered. The joints sampling shall be tested based on the regulation, after past the test, the following sequence can be done.


Marking the cross and horizontal line over the bed course prior to bonding the steel bar, all the cross points of the foundation circle shall be bonded, the middle parts shall be bonded in other way; Bond the foundation steel bar step by step after the steel pipe frame finished.


The protection layer shall be remained in accordance with the requirements of drawings, the brick of the same degree ratio mortar shall be made prior to pouring; the thickness of protection layer: the bottom of foundation plate 100 mm, side and top of foundation 70mm; column of turbine generator: 35mm; support pier of turbine generator 35mm.
2.4 柴油发电机大体积混凝土施工措施Construction Measures of Large-size
Concrete of Turbine Generator Plate

According to the construction regulation and the experience of similar projects, the allowable temperature difference between the surface and inner is 25℃. Based on the analyst and calculation of the allowable temperature difference, the following measures for temperature control shall be done during construction:
1) 合理的材料选择Choice of Reasonable Materials:

In the case of the pump size allowable, choose a larger size crusher based on the priority of the concrete ratio, to reduce the quantity of cement, and reduce hydration heat, postpone the release of heat.
2) 施工过程控制Construction Process Control

To release the heat easy, the concrete shall be poured in layer step by step,
technician should control the temperature of inner concrete on time and
record the data, the pouring temperature should not be exceeded 30℃.


To prevent the crack over the surface, three times leveling shall be done prior to the initial setting of concrete.Strickle primary by long ruler, roll by steel
roller times before initial setting, press solid by wood so as to close the crack;
12 hours later on, cover with membrane and gunny-bag and cured by spray

To assure that the temperature difference not exceed 25℃, the surface of
concrete shall be covered one layer membrane and two layer gunny-bag and cured by water so as to reduce the temperature difference.




Strengthen the curing of concrete: Curing is a very important procedure in
the construction of Large-size concrete, the surface of concrete can be
covered one layer membrane and two layer gunny-bag and cured insulation
and wet by water; the side surface of structure can be cured by two layer
gunny-bag at outside of form. According to the site situation, normally the
curing date shall not less then 15 days; after remove the form,Backfill and
curing by gunny-bag should be done immediately.
3) 混凝土的测温技术Temperature Measure for Concrete



Set up 18 groups of sensors at the inner of foundation plate, each group set three sensors at upper, middle, bottom of the parts on the foundation. Monitoring inner and out temperature by electrical instrument. A professional should measure and monitor the data, and make records, if the temperature difference exceeds 25℃,
a insulation measures should be taken.
4) 混凝土生产Production of Concrete


The production of concrete shall be continuously, the min. production shall be 35m3Per hour. If something is failure at machine, the spare machine can be run.
5) 砼浇筑Pouring of Concrete


The pouring of turbine bottom plate shall be pushed from one end to another. According to the characteristic of Large-size pump concrete, the plate can be divided into two strips, each strips are about 8~8.25m, one strip should be constructed by one concrete pump truck, the methods are” Layer by Layer, section by section, east to west, pouring once, one gradient, folium cover, proper sequence, one time finish”

In this kind way of construction, the slope concrete can be easy seasoned with the pump process, It is not necessary to remove and flush and lengthen the pipe of pump often, so as to increase the efficiency of pump, reduce the bleeding treatment of concrete. In this method, the time difference of pouring will not exceed the initial setting.
砼振捣Vibration of Concrete


Two vibrating needles should be located at each casting strips, the first needles are set at the concrete outlet, main are for vibrating the upper portion, the other needles are set at the foot of bottom to assure the density; while the pouring goes on, the vibrating follows on so as to assure the quality of concrete


移动间距不大于振动棒作用半径的1.5倍(一般为300--400 mm)。


Using insert vibrating needle shall follow the rule of “Fast Insert, Slow Pull”, insert points shall be uniformity so as to avoid missing vibration. The moving space of insert points shall not exceed 1.5 times effective radius (Normally 300~400mm). When vibrating the upper concrete, the depth of insert shall be 50mm more than the surface of the bottom so as to clean up the joints.
砼泌水处理Treatment of Concrete Bleeding
