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My Good and Bad Habits
We all have habits, things we do regularly without really thinking about it. Some habits are good and helpful, while others are bad and can cause problems. I've got a mix of both good habits and bad habits that I want to share.
One of my really good habits is that I always make my bed first thing in the morning. As soon as I wake up, before I do anything else, I make sure to pull up my covers and fluff my pillows so my bed looks neat and tidy. My mom taught me this habit when I was little and I've stuck with it. Making my bed in the morning helps me start my day feeling organized and accomplished, even if it's just a small task. It makes my room look cleaner too. Sometimes I get lazy in the evenings and don't make my bed then, but I never miss making it first thing when I wake up.
Another good habit I have is drinking a big glass of water as soon as I wake up. I keep a glass right next to my bed and as
soon as my eyes open, I chug the whole thing. It really helps wake me up and get me going for the day. I've read that staying hydrated is super important for your health and can help your body and brain work better. My parents are always nagging me to drink more water, so this way I get a big head start right when I wake up. I try to drink plenty of water throughout the day too.
I also have a homework habit that I'm really proud of. As soon as I get home from school, I go straight to my desk and start on any homework I have for that day before doing anything else. I don't wait until after dinner or later in the evening. I get my homework done first while I'm still in "school mode" and it's fresh in my mind. That way, I have the rest of the night free to relax and do what I want without homework hanging over my head. Sometimes it's really hard and I just want to take a break as soon as I get home, but I know I have to power through my homework first. Having this good homework habit helps me get better grades.
Unfortunately, I do have some bad habits too that I need to work on. One of my worst habits is biting my nails. I've been a nail-biter for as long as I can remember. My nails always look ragged and chewed up because I constantly bite and pick at them when I get nervous, bored, or just out of habit. My parents
are always telling me how unsanitary and germy it is to bite my nails. I've tried tons of bitter-tasting nail polishes and other tricks to try to stop, but nothing seems to work. I just can't seem to break this bad habit no matter how hard I try.
Another bad habit of mine is staying up too late. I have a really hard time self-regulating my bedtime. Even when I know I should be going to bed early to get enough sleep for school the next day, I just can't pull myself away from the TV, video games, my phone, or whatever else I'm doing. Before I know it, it's midnight or later and I'm still wide awake. Then I pay for it by being a zombie the next day at school. My mom has started setting a strict bedtime for me and taking away my electronics at night to try to break this bad habit. I really need to get better about listening to my body and putting myself to bed at a reasonable hour.
My last bad habit is leaving my stuff all over the place. I'm a pretty messy and disorganized person in general. I'll take off my shoes and leave them in the middle of the floor. Books, toys, clothes, you name it - I leave trailed in my wake all around the house. My mom is constantly nagging me to clean up after myself. I really need to get in the habit of putting things back where they belong after I use them instead of just dropping
them wherever. A messy environment makes it harder for me to focus and get things done. I need to be more conscientious about keeping my spaces clean and organized.
Overall, I have a mix of good habits and bad habits like everyone else. I'm proud of the good habits I've developed around making my bed, drinking water, and doing my homework right after school. Those habits help me be productive, healthy, and successful. But I definitely need to work on breaking some of my bad habits too, like biting my nails, staying up too late, and being messy and disorganized. Having good habits makes life so much easier, while bad habits just get in the way and cause problems. I'll keep working on my habits so I can make my good ones stronger and break my bad ones. Improvement is a constant process, but having good habits will set me up for success!
My Good and Bad Habits
Everyone has habits, some good and some bad. Habits are the little things we do over and over again, sometimes without even thinking about it. I have quite a few habits myself - some that are really helpful and make my life better, and others that
get in the way or cause problems. Today I want to tell you about some of my biggest habits, both the good ones and the bad ones.
Let's start with the good habits! One of my very best habits is being organized with my schoolwork and chores. Every night after dinner, I take out my backpack and go through all my homework assignments, tests to study for, permission slips to return, you name it. I make a checklist of everything I need to get done and put it in my agenda. Then I get to work, crossing things off one by one until it's all complete. Mom and Dad don't have to nag me about homework because I'm totally on top of it.
I also have a habit of keeping my room clean and organized.
I make my bed every morning as soon as I get up. Before I go to bed at night, I spend a few minutes picking up any clothes or toys on the floor and putting them away neatly. My closet and drawers are arranged so I can always find what I need. Having an organized space really helps me feel calm and in control. My parents love that I'm so tidy without being asked.
Another good habit is that I'm really physically active. After school most days, I go outside and play sports or games rather than just sitting around. I love basketball, riding my bike, playing tag or hide-and-seek with friends. On the weekends, my family
and I go for hikes, swims, or bike rides together. Staying active makes me feel energized and strong. It's a healthy habit for sure!
I also have a good habit of being a helper at home. I do my chores like taking out the trash, folding laundry, and loading the dishwasher without being asked. I pack my own lunch for school and help cook dinner a few nights a week. Whenever my parents or siblings need an extra hand, I'm there to pitch in. Helping out just feels good and brings our family closer together.
Those are some of my good habits, but sadly I have plenty of bad ones too. My biggest bad habit is probably nagging my parents for things I want. If I see a toy, game, or clothing item that looks cool, I start begging them constantly to buy it for me. "Please please please, I really really need this!" I'll say over and over again until they get annoyed. Sometimes I even have a tantrum if they say no. I know I should be more patient and understanding, but I get focused on what I want in the moment.
Another bad habit is taking too long to get ready in the morning. I tend to dawdle around getting dressed, brushing my hair and teeth, having breakfast, and getting my backpack together. If I'm not careful, I end up rushed and almost late for school. My teacher has had to speak to me about this a few times.
No matter how early I wake up, those precious morning minutes just seem to slip away from me.
I also have a bad habit of leaving a mess wherever I go. I'll discard wrappers, clothes, and items on the floor without a thought. My room gets messy within a day or two if I'm not tidy. At school, I sometimes leave pencils, notebooks, or half my lunch debris scattered around. My friends and family are always having to pick up after me when I should be cleaning up my own messes. It's a bad habit I've had since I was little that's really hard to break.
My final bad habit is a tough one - I have a bad habit of getting distracted way too easily, especially by screens. If I'm doing homework and my phone beeps with a text, you can bet I'll stop everything to check it. I get pulled in by videos, games, and social media for hours without realizing how much time has gone by. I zone out during class and miss important information the teacher says. This terrible habit of not being able to focus makes it really hard for me to get things done and truly learn.
Those are some of my biggest habits, good and bad. I'm really proud of the good ones that help me stay organized, healthy, and helpful around the house. But I know I need to work on breaking those bad habits that make me naggy, messy, late,
and distracted. Habits are hard to change once they're ingrained, but I'm going to keep trying my best. Maybe by middle school, I'll have a whole new set of good habits!
My Good and Bad Habits
Everyone has habits, some good and some bad. Habits are things we do regularly, often without even thinking about them. Some of my habits are really helpful and make my life better, while others can cause problems or hold me back. Today I'm going to tell you about some of my biggest good habits and bad habits.
One of my very best habits is that I always do my homework as soon as I get home from school. I never wait until later or put it off. As soon as I walk through the door, I go straight to my room, take out my books, and start on any assignments I have for that day. I do this for a few reasons. First, it makes sure I don't forget to do it later. I know lots of kids who wait until night time and then realize they didn't do their work! Second, it gets my homework over with so I can relax and have fun the rest of the night without it hanging over my head. And third, I find it's easier
to focus and do a good job when I'm not tired from playing all evening.
Mom and Dad are always saying how proud they are of me for this good habit. They know I'm being responsible and putting my education first. It definitely makes me feel good about myself too. Even though doing homework isn't super fun, I feel accomplished when it's all done. My teachers have noticed this good habit as well, and they often compliment me on always getting my work done on time. It makes me feel like a star student!
Unfortunately, as good as that habit is, I have another habit that isn't so great. I have a really bad habit of biting my nails. I can't stand having long nails, so I'm always nibbling away at them with my teeth. My parents are constantly telling me how unsanitary and unbecoming it is, but I just can't seem to quit.
I've tried lots of things to break this nail biting habit. I have a special bitter nail polish that is supposed to make me not want to bite them anymore. But I've honestly gotten used to the horrible taste! I've put bandages on my fingers to try and remind myself not to bite. I've had motivational charts where I can add a sticker for each day I don't bite. Nothing has worked so far. My nails always end up short and uneven from all my biting. It's such an
unsightly and childish thing to do, but the habit is really hard to break.
Another great habit of mine is that I am an avid reader. I have loved reading ever since I was a little kid. There's something so magical about getting lost in a good book and exploring different worlds with my imagination. I probably read for at least an hour every single day. Sometimes I curl up in my cozy bean bag chair, or other times I'll take a book outside and read in the beautiful sunshine.
My favorite books to read are fantasy and adventure novels.
I love stories filled with magic, mythical creatures, and heroes going on epic quests. The Harry Potter series was one of the first big book series I got hooked on. I recently started the Lord of the Rings books too. Books like that make reading so fun and exciting!
Reading is such an important habit too. It exercises my brain, helps me learn new vocabulary words, and lets my creativity run wild. My parents love that I have this habit because it promotes literacy and intelligence. My teachers always compliment my reading levels and advanced vocabulary from being such an avid reader. Reading has definitely made me a stronger writer and student overall.
On the flip side, one detriment of my reading habit is that I tend to get a little distracted in school when I'm in the middle of a really good book. Sometimes I'll be reading secretly under my desk or drifting off daydreaming about the plot. I have to be careful not to let pleasure reading interfere with my actual schoolwork. There's a time and place for getting sucked into those fantasy worlds!
Another bad habit I have is that I am a total slob and very disorganized. My room is pretty much always a mess, with clothes scattered everywhere and items littered across the floor. My backpack and desk area are black holes of clutter and chaos. I've lost so many assignments and school supplies because they get buried under the piles of junk. It drives my parents absolutely crazy!
They're always telling me that I need to clean up after myself, stay organized, and keep my spaces neat and tidy. But I just hate spending time cleaning and get distracted from it so easily. I really need to work on this bad habit though. Being a slob makes me late because I can never find anything. It gives me anxiety knowing how messy everything is. And it's just kind of embarrassing having people over to such a pigsty. I need to make being organized a bigger priority.
A final habit of mine that I'm proud of is my commitment to physical activity and exercise. Ever since I was little, my parents made sure I stayed active by putting me in sports teams and getting me outside to play often. Those early habits built a lifestyle where exercise is just a normal part of my daily routine.
I play soccer and basketball throughout the school year which keeps me running around a lot. In the summer, I stay active by swimming, riding my bike all around the neighborhood, or just having epic games of freeze tag and capture the flag outside with my friends. Exercise isn't just something I dread and have to force myself to do. It's just built into my regular schedule and it's honestly fun for me most of the time.
Staying so physically active is amazing for my health and fitness. It helps me maintain a healthy weight, build strong muscles and bones, and have more energy overall. My endurance and athleticism continues improving with my exercise habits. Plus, team sports have taught me awesome lessons about teamwork, dedication, and pushing myself to do my best. I'm so thankful my parents instilled this habit in me from an early age.
Well, those are some of the biggest habits, both good and bad, that come to mind for me. As you can see, some help me be a better person while others can get in my way and cause
problems. I'll definitely keep working on breaking those bad habits like nail biting and messiness. And I'll keep leaning into those good habits surrounding homework, reading, and exercise. After all, habits form the foundation of who we are. Why not make them good ones?。
