的情况下,仍然把计划要做的事情往后推迟的一 种行为。 拖延是一种普遍存在的现象,一项调查显示大约 75%的大学生认为自己有时ill not surf the Internet today. 1 I must finish my thesis. 3 There are a lot of data to check. 2 It seems that several stores updated. 5
增强自我效能感 增强自我效能感,可以在很大程度上预防拖延 的发生。鼓励个体在任务完成过程中对自己进 行自我管理,积极监控自己的行为并评估干预 期。 4. 发挥群体的作用 群体氛围可以为成员提供一种特殊的情境,充 满理解、关爱、信任,这种环境的变化必将引 起个体行为的改变。
体的身心健康带来消 极影响,如出现强烈 的自责情绪、负罪感, 不断的自我否定、贬 低,并伴有焦虑症、 抑郁症等心理疾病, 一旦出现这种状态, 需要引起重视。
1.改变认识 拖延与一些认知心理呈负相关,可以通过一些方法来
改变这些不正确的认知,如运用积极暗示、增加成功 体验和放大优点等方法获取自信;改变完美主义,帮 助拖延者分析完成任务带来的益处。 2. 积极情绪和调节动机 可以通过适当休息,转移注意力,适当地放松娱乐等 来转换心情,获得暂时的积极情绪,不能逃避现实, 忽视长远利益和问题的根本解决。在动机方面,任务 性质中的任务厌恶影响拖延,所以需要将厌恶的任务 转换为喜欢的任务或附加一些奖励。
Too much data to check through the Internet. Don't get to the Internet is impossible. The handsom 4 man upload new photos
2.Have you ever stayed up late to finish your homework?
3.Do you often put off your important work later and later?
Or have you experienced something like..........
Don’t want to make a mistake until you’re sure it’s right. Everyone will know you made a mistake.
Four Complex Reasons
Low Frustration Tolerance Self-Downing
why ?
Four Simple Reasons
Lack of Knowledge /skills
The task seems too hard to do.
Free time is unavailable until the weekend.
Don't procratinate any more,
What makes you most happy is to be able to do what you wanted to do.
Thank you~
If I can’t do it right, don’t do it at all
Withhold best efforts out of spite
1. Feeling overwhelmed(受打击) 2. Unfairness
英文主题小演讲:Presentation_拖延症 PPT
Don't procratinate any more,
What makes you most happy is to be able to do what you wanted to do.
Thank you~
Acknowledge that you are postponing (推迟)a task.
Fear of failure
Lack of focus
Unclear goals
Tips for avoiding procrastination.
1. Think and plan on paper.
If I can’t do it right, don’t do it at all
Withhold best efforts out of spite
1. Feeling overwhelmed(受打击) 2. Unfairness
Minimize(轻视) your abilities
How to overcome procrastination?
you always say: I want !
but you hardly take any action
Anyway,it's bad
Negative effects
Stress & Anxiety Bad Mood
Health Problem
Impeding your ability to achieve your goal.
If you want to go travel
If you want to see a movie
If you want to clean your room
If you want to do some reading
if you want to keep fit
or,if you want to show your love to your family or the special person
Don't procratinate any more,
First,let's consider the following question
1.Have you always been reluctant (不情愿的)to go to bed in the evening, while reluctant to wake up in the morning?
• Overcoming procrastination will do you a great favor in terms of study and life!
If you want to go travel
If you want to see a movie
If you want to clean your room
What makes you most happy is to be able to do what you wanted to do.
Thank you~
If you answer is yes, congratuiations, you are a procrastinator
• What is procrastination? • Negative effects of procrastination • Reasons For Procrastination • How to overcome procrastination
英语课前演讲稿procrastination拖延症(大全5篇)第一篇:英语课前演讲稿procrastination拖延症Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Today, our topic is about procrastination.Well, what is procrastination? Generally speaking, procrastination is an act of putting of an essential task until a later time.And there is no doubt that procrastination will do harm to our study and health.Let’s see some behavior of a procrastinator.When the deadline is set, he will think there is one week until the assignment is due.So he has the false sense of security.I have plenty of time.As time passes, he will think that I will get started soon because I can only work under great pressure.And when the last day is coming, he hurries to do his work panickily and under great pressure.And the case of us is often that.Today I must write my paper, so I haven’t to be online.Well, I need to search some statistics, so I must use computer.And the tragedy happens on us.An evening is killed by our entertainment.And let’s see its four reasons.First, perfectionism.Everything you want to do should be done at a high level.You want to succeed by one time and don’t want to repeat again.Second, resistance and hostility.The teacher’s attitude towards me is so bad, so I don’t want to do his homework.Third, be easy to be decadence.The task is so difficult.Why other people needn’t do but I have to do? I can’t tolerate doing that.Maybe I will do it st, self-depreciation.My ability becomes lower and lower gradually as I usually can’t finish my tasks well.Maybe everybody have procrastination to some degree.But how do to deal with it? Let’s see some measures.First, realize it's no need to procrastinate Second, write down the reason why you will procrastinatepiece by piece Third, overcomeAnd then, take action right now.If you want to finish your homework, if you want to get a high score for TEM4, if you want to do reading, if you want to keep fit, or if you want to show your love to your relatives or a special person.Don’t procrastinate any more.What make you the most happy is be able to do what you want to do.That’s all.Thank you.第二篇:拖延症英语演讲ProcrastinationFpg Before I start my topic,I want to show you a picture,which show us a common phenomenon,or a problem that everyone sit here may have.Look,the picture is here,about efficiency and time.This is the work efficiency and this is time line.This point stand for the day you got your assignment or work.The truth is,only at the day before DDL,can you achieve the highest efficiency.And we always call that “procrastination”,which means “willingly” deferring something even though you expect the delay to make you worse.In my word,it is although you have known you have do it now,but still,youdon’t move on until last time.So,as you see,today my topic is How to solve “procrastination”,I divide my topic into 3 parts.First,disadvantages of procrastination.Second,reasons of st,methods to solve this problem.In this part I will bring you an interesting practice about time control andsome suggestions,believe me,it is very practical.Now,the disadvantagesof procrastination.First,you cannot achieve your goal.For example: Girls always say:“ oh I’m on diet,I want to put out my weight” But one problem is that few people can do this fitness plan,for FpgFpg many reasons:today I feel depressed,only eating can cure me/I’m really tired now,so just do some exercisetomorrow~ you always have various excuses to take action,and then,your goals become dreams,you can never achieve it.Second,procrastination makes you in hurry,so you cannot do things better.For example,you have a date in the evening,but you browsed micro blog again and again,chatted with your friends,thinking about you still have time to prepare.But at last,you have to make up in a short time.So this is the appearance you should have had,butthisisthereality.It cut down the quality of work.You should have done you better,don’t you?Last,procrastination does harm to mental health.Some people don’t start to deal with their work until the last minute,so once they start,they usually become extremely nervous,because so much work put a lot of pressure on them.Sometimes, whenpeople faced with much work to be done, they may become anxious and upset.There is no doubt that these negative emotion anFpgFpg d great pressure can make people feel depressed,and less confident.In a nutshell, putting things off has so many bad influences on people’s life, so it is very essential for those delayers to try to get rid of this bad habit.So let us find the reasons of procrastination: 1lack of managing time Time treats everyone fairly that we all have 24 hours per day.Some of us are capable to make good use of time while some find it hard to do so.The vital reason of procrastination is you cannot control your time correctly,and you put too much time on non-essentialthings.2 find too many excuses.When you face a problem or some work,you always can find lots of excusestoavoidthem.You chat with your friends through QQ, surf the Internet and go shopping on taobao as if they are essential,but they are not,you know it,you just find some excuse to delay your work.FpgFpg After this analysis,I have some ideas that maybe can help you.First is a method of time-control.I kept on trying this method for a long time.It really benefits me and helps me reduce the symptoms of procrastination.So listening carefully~: List 3 most important things you want to do or you have to do when you wake up in the morning,then record them on paper or on your webpage.There should be attention:1,Choose only 3 things which you must finish today.2,you can also plan to do other things too,but you can forget them today if you want.3,the thing can be formal,such as I should finish my paper today.The things can be small and secret:I will sent a message to my dream lover.This method can make you know what you should do today clearly and exactly.It makes you realize where should your time spend on,why you should do them without hesitation,and then,you cannot find any other reason to delay them.FpgFpg And my second suggestion,about people find too many excuses when procrastination.It is quite simple:when you have known what you should do,just do it,and when you prepare to work,Don’t touch your mobile phone!Stay away from Internet!Never open We chat or micro blog!find all your excuses you have talked,and next time,they cannot be reasonsto procrastination.Procrastination has bad impacts on our lives and we should eliminate it as much as possible.I hope my advicewill help you!FpgFpg Outline Disadvantages of procrastination.λ You cannot achieve your goal 1.Girls on diet λ Procrastination makes you in hurry,so you cannot do things better.1.Makeup λProcrastination does harm to mental health.Reasons of procrastination.λLack of managing time λFind too many excuses.Methods to solve this problem.λ Time control method λExcuse control methodFpg第三篇:英语课堂演讲 presentation 主题:拖延症procrastinationAsweallknow,LastTuesday,Iwasoneofthefivestudentsselected tomakeapresentationinthefrontoftheclassroom.So madeaplanlikethis,thepowerpointwouldbedonestepbystep.“IPerfect!thatisjustapieceofcake”Isaidtomyself.But,thingswerenotproceed ingasplanned,astimewentby,actuallythepowerpointwasdoneliket his.Today,wewilldiscusssomethingaboutprocrastination.Oncewet alkaboutit,youwillsay “Iamsufferingfromit:,whichmakesmesoupset.”Forexamples,stayuptoolate, vocabularytaskofCET6unfinished,weightlossprogramevennotstarted,andso on.So,Today'spresentationisdividedintotwo parts:Whyareweprocrastinators?And how to cope with procrastination?Sometimes,procrastinationisadarkpenguinwholivesentirelyin thepresentmoment.Hehasnomemoryofthepast,noknowledgeoft hefuture.Andheonlycaresabouttwothings:easyandfun.Aslongasy ouarehappy,nothingisimportant.Whenhetakescontrolofyourmin d,thingswillbedifferent.When I am busy with scientific research in the lab alone,the dark penguin shows up,he says to me“it is so boring,let us play LOL(League of Legends)for relax”or “letuswatchDescendantsofthesun,itjustupdatedthefifteenthepisodelastnight ”,then the boat will turn over.Sometimes,procrastination isan umbrellawhichprotectsyoufromthejudgementoffailure.Duringmy seniorhighschooltime,Iwasnotgoodatstudy,everytimewhenthete acherannounced therankandscoresofeveryexamintheclass,Istaredsharplyattheclas smatewhogotthefirstintheexamandtoldtomyself“youarejustastudy-machine,ifI hadstudiedlikeyou,gettingupatsix o'clock inthemorning and going to bed until eleven o'clock in the night,I would have gothigher marks than you did.”Actually I wasalwaysapoorstudentacrossmyseniorhighschooltime.Thinkcar efully,Ijust feared that I would notgothighmarksevenif I hadstudiedlikethefirstdid,so I chosetoprocrastinateratherthanmakeachange,itseemsthatIamno taloserbecause I didnottrymybest.What can we do?here are some tips on how to cope with procrastination.1.Acceptthatnoonecanachievefullyperfect,wealla reprocrastinators.Thingswouldbeworsewhenyoublame yourself.2.Beawareofthedarkpenguinthatbringuinstantgratificati on,remindyourselfof what youreallywant.You're doing the activity(exercise, language learning)possibly because you want to do it.When we stop doing something, it's because we've forgotten that we wanted it.We start to fear it for some reason, and try not to think about it.Instead, think about it, but remind yourself of why you started doing it in the first place.3.(Could u find the differences between two balls?The Balloon is big and empty,the shot put is small and solid,in the other word)Setarealisticandspecificgoalratherthanavague,globalone.NOT:“I wanttoloseweight!”INSTEAD:“Iwillrunforonehoureverynightif weatherconditionpermits.”4.Watch out for your excuses.Instead of using your excuse as an automatic reason to procrastinate,use your excuse as a reward for taking a step.NOT:“Where does the energy come from to lose weight if I don't eat enough?”INSTEAD:“Iwilleat a small piece of cookie as a reward forrunning an hour.”5.(Aha..it is a slogan of Nike sport,but now I am not a salesman for Nike company,I just want to remind you)Donotfeartobealoser,just do it.Instead of trying to do the whole project at once, just take one small step.Remember:“Thejourne y of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”Finally,IwillshareyouguysonebookabouthowtodefeatProcrast ination boughtittwoyearsagoanduntilrecentlyIhavejustfinishedit.Donota skmewhyYou know it..I ?第四篇:拖延症演讲稿Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, today my topic is about “what are the changes you like to see at your university?”——My answer is that I don’t want to be a procrastinator.First, let’s consider the following questions.1.Have you always been reluctant [rɪˈlʌktənt] to go to bed in the evening, while reluctant to wake up in the morning?2.Have you ever stayed up later to finish your homework?3.Do you often put off your important work later and later?4.Or have your ever experienced something like that? If you answer is yes, like me, congratulations, you are a procrastinator.[prəʊˈkræstɪˈneɪtə]However, what is procrastination? [prəʊˈkræstɪ'neɪʃn]Generally speaking, it is too lazy to do what you should do.I am always do like that.I don’t do my homework until deadline, and get up as late as I can.What’s more, I always say: I want!But I hardly take any action.Anyhow, I know it’s bad.And it also causes some negative effects which are bad mood, stress, anxiety and also some health problems.It even imped my ability to achieve my goal.I found some simple reasons that caused this strange situation.The first one is difficult.Sometimes, the tasks seem too hard to do so that we just procrastinate it later.The second one is time-consuming.In my busy college life, free time is unavailable until weekend.The next one is the lack of knowledge or skills.Because we usually don’t want to make amistake until you’re sure it’s right.The last one are fears.I am afraid that everyone will know I made a mistake and minimize my abilities.All of these are the reasons of being a procrastinator.But how can we overcome procrastination? There are some tips for avoiding procrastination.Firstly, you should acknowledge that you are postponing a task.Don’t consider too much about failure.Just have a clear goal, plan on paper and focus on that.Then, take small steps.Finally, create a sense of urgency.Procrastination is the thief of time.Overcoming procrastination will do us a great favor in terms of study and life.If you want to go travelling, if you want to see a film, If you want to clean your room, if you want to do some reading, If you want to keep fit, Don’t procrastinate any more, what makes you happy is to be able to do what you wanted to do.第五篇:拖延症演讲稿拖延症演讲稿范文(精选4篇)演讲稿可以帮助发言者更好的表达。
you always say: I want !
but you hardly take any action
Anyway,it's bad
Negative effects
Stress & Anxiety Bad Mood
Impeding your ability to achieve your goal.
Health Problem
why ?
Four Simple Reasons
Lack of Knowledge /skills
The task seems too hard to do.
Free time is unavailable until the weekend.
Don't procratinate any more,
What makes you most happy is to be able to do what you wanted to do.
Thank you~
2.Have you ever stayed up late to finish your homework?
3.Do you often put off your important work later and later?
Or have you experienced something like..........
What is Procrastination(拖延症)?
Generally speaking, It is too lazy to do what you
Something that can be done during the day are planned to do in the evening
Because of lazy, people always think to do things tomorrow
People always think there's plenty of time to do the work.
• Work more when you are in the zone. Relax when you are not. • Respect your time and make it respected. • Set up a work routine and stick to it. Your body will adapt. • Stop multi-tasking. It merely kills your focus. • Take breaks sometimes.
Do not submit the results until the deadline
Play in the homework time, do homework at the last minute.
No plan, do not understand the time management
The meaning of procrastination is that “People can predict the consequences of harmful situation and still put a plan of action to do delayed.”
Thank you !
Teck-Pack Translator----Eva Wang
How to deal with it ?
It’s easy !
1.realize it’s no need to procrastinate 2.Write down the reason why you will procrastinate piece by piece 3.Overcome 4.Take action
• If you want to do some reading… …
• If you want to keep fit… …
Or you want to show your love to your family or the special person… …
Don’t procrastinate any more, What makes you most happy is to be able to do what you wanted to do .
Why do I came up with this topic??
Because it’s one of my bad habit !
My the alarm clock –time is 7:20, but when it rings, I feel so miserable and turn it off ,then go on sleeping. A moment later, my friends call me up, I see my watch ,oh, my God! I am going to late! So I get up quickly and wash my face in a hurry. Lucky, I spare the washing time in sleeping and it doesn’t effect my normal work or study!
First,let's consider the following question
1.Have you always been reluctant (不情愿的)to go to bed in the evening, while reluctant to wake up in the morning?
What is Procrastination(拖延症)?
Generally speaking, It is too lazy to do what you
should do
don't work until deadline
get up as late as you can!
you always say: I want !
but you hardly take any action
Anyway,it's bad
Negative effects
Stress & Anxiety Bad Mood
Health Problem
Impeding your ability to achieve your goal.
Don't procratinate any more,
What makes you most happy is to be able to do what you wanted to do.
If you want to go travel
If you want to see a movie
If you want to clean your room
If you want to do some reading
Are you procrastinators?
I am a procrastinators!
Anyway, it’s bad
To hard Have no idea about it Others’ view Self-abased Effect on normal work or study Effect on other people
Why do I came up with this topic??
Because it’s one of my bad habit !
My the alarm clock –time is 7:20, but when it rings, I feel so miserable and turn it off ,then go on sleeping. A moment later, my friends call me up, I see my watch ,oh, my God! I am going to late! So I get up quickly and wash my face in a hurry. Lucky, I spare the washing time in sleeping and it doesn’t effect my normal work or study!
How to deal with it ? It’s easy !
1.realize it’s no need to procrastinate
2.Write down the reason why you will procrastinate piece by piece
4.Take action
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wait or procrastination(拖延) ?
Generally speaking,
Too lazy to do Bad habit
If it’s getting worse, Mental illness Self-abased (自卑)
Are you procrastinators?
I am a procrastinators!
Anyway, it’s bad
To hard Have no idea about it Others’ view Self-abased Effect on normal work or study Effect on other people
Something about
ManChu Times Fashion Tech-pack Translator--Eva Wang
Why do I came up with this topic??
Because it’s one of my bad habit !
•Take action •Take action •Take action •Take action •Take action •………………..
If you want to travel
• If you want to see a movie… …
If you want to do some housing… …
My the alarm clock –time is 7:20, but when it rings, I feel so miserable and turn it off ,then go on sleeping. A moment later, my friends call me up, I see my watch ,oh, my God! I am going to late! So I get up quickly and wash my face in a hurry. Lucky, I spare the washing time in sleeping and it doesn’t effect my normal work or study!
• If you want to do some reading… …
• If you want to keep fit… …
Or you want to show your love to your family or the special person… …
Don’t procrastinate any more, What makes you most hapቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱy is to be
How to deal with it ? It’s easy !
1.realize it’s no need to procrastinate
2.Write down the reason why you will procrastinate piece by piece
4.Take action
able to do what you wanted to do .
Thank you !
Teck-Pack Translator----Eva Wang