make a difference



1. lead sb to do sth 引导某人做某事 lead to 导致;通向
2. set up a foundation 成立一个基金会 3. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 4. attract support from 吸引来自……的支持 5. go on 继续 6. benefit from 得益于,因……而得到好处
2. We should always be ready to help others, because one small act can make a big difference.
视频:Always Ready to Help
2 Look at the pictures of the three people and read the quotations(语录). Talk about the following points: • the contribution these people made to society • the qualities you admire in each of them • other people who have similar qualities
1. The video shows good deeds such as visiting an elderly neighbors and asking if they need anything, letting a restaurant manager know just how great their waiter or waitress is, helping a classmate with their studies, asking someone who looks lost if they need directions, and offering to help out with something in the home.

人教版高二Unit 1 Make a difference(教案)

人教版高二Unit 1 Make a difference(教案)

人教版高二Unit 1 Make a difference(教案)Ⅰ.Teachingaimsanddemands.Topic:Talkaboutscienceandscientists2.Function:describingpeopleanddebatingThat’scorrect.It’sclearthat…Idoubtthat…Thereisnodoubtthat…It’shardtosay.well,maybe,but…That’strue.what’syouridea?Haveyouthoughtabout…?3.Vocabularyundertakeanalysiswithingravitysimilarparagraph debatescanboundaryincurableengagepromiseexplorationdisabletheoryseekthatmisunderstandscientificmethodobservematchpredictastronomer curiousmicroscopetelescopepunishintelligentpatientbesimilartoworkongobybe/eupgoonwithdreamofturnoutbesatisfiedwithtakealookattheotherwayroundonfiremakeadifferencebecurioustodosth./aboutsth./that –clause4.GrammarTheinfinitiveusedaspredictive/adverbial/attribute/s ubject/objectⅡ.TheanalysisoftheteachingmaterialThetopicofthisunitis “makingadifference”.Inthisunit,firstwecanlearnabo utthesciencesubjectsandknowtheimportanceofeachsubje ct.Second,wecangetfamiliarwithsomegreatscientistsan dtheirfamousquotesandachievements,suchasStephenHawk ing,Galileo,AlbertEinstein,ZhangHengandsoon.Third,w ewillknowhowthediscoveriesandinventionsofthegreatsc ientistshelpusbetterunderstandtheworldandimproveour life.Byknowingthis,studentsareencouragedtostudyhard ,andtheirloveofscienceandtheirhopeofbecomingscienti stsareinspired..warmingup:Itoffersusfivepicturesofforeigngreatscientistswiththeirfamousquotes.Bylearningtheirquot esandtalkingabouttheirachievements,studentscanknowa boutthekeytosuccessandmaketheirmindstobesuccessful.2.Listening:Itcontains4greatmindsincludingthestuden ts.Infact,itprovidesthreepassagesandthestudentsarea skedtohaveaguesswhotheyare,whichissointerestingthat itmayfurtherarousethestudents’enthusiasminscience.3.Speaking:Thestudentsareaskedtohaveadebateaboutwhi chbranchofscienceisthemostimportantandusefultosocie ty.Bydoingso,studentscanpracticedebatingskillsandus esomeusefulexpressionsfreely.Atthesametime,theywill findthatknowledgeplaysanimportantpartinourdailylife.4.Pre-readingThethreequestionsinpre-readingpavethew ayforreading.5.Reading:ThetextdescribesHawking’sdisease,dream,achievementsandopinionsonscienceands cientificresearch.6.Post-reading:Theexerciseshelpthestudentsfurtherunderstandthisgreatscientist.nguagestudyItcontainswordstudyandgrammar.Studen tswillhaveabetterknowledgeoftheusesoftheinfinitivei nthispart.8.IntegratingskillsItincludesreadingandwriting.Inth ereadingpassage,studentscanlearnaboutcharacteristic soffivescientistsandtheirscientificspirit.Inthewrit ingpart,studentsareaskedtowriteaparagraphtodescribe afavouritescientist.9.TipsUnitonealsogivesstudentssomeadviceonhowtouset hescientificmethodtolearnEnglish.0.checkpointItsumsuptheusesoftheinfinitive.Ⅲ.TeachingarrangementsPeriod1&2:warmingup,listeningandspeakingPeriod3&4:readingPeriod5:LanguagestudyPeriod6:IntegratingskillsandwritingNotes:.AmendingInwarmingup,it’stooabstractforthestudentstotalkaboutthequotes,sowe dealwithitasaunittasktothestudentsattheverybeginnin g¬―makeupacolumnaboutscientistsandtheirquotes.2.ReplacementInspeaking,thetextgivesthestudentsthed ebate:whichbranchofscienceismoreimportantandusefult ooursociety?It’stoodifficultandabstractforthestudentstocarryitout. Thereasonsareasfollows:)Theirvocabularyisnotlargeenough.2)It’stoodifficulttodivideeachbranchofscienceinourdailyl ife.Infact,eachbranchcan’tbedividedfromtheothers.onlybycombiningthemtogether ,canwemakeourworldmorebeautiful.Sowechangethetopic,andaskthestudentstotalkaboutwhat hashappenedinourdailylife.Thatis,shouldanuclearpowe rstationbebuiltinSanmen?Thistopiccangivethestudentslotsofspacetotalkabout.3.AddingThisunitdoesn’tgiveagoodsampleforthestudentstowriteaboutascientis t.Soitisalsoverydifficultforthestudentstodothewriti ngwell.Becauseofthis,weaddaresearchtasktothestudent safterfinishingthereadingmaterialNoBoundaries.witht hehelpofthefirstunittask---tomakeupacolumnaboutscie ntistsandtheirquotes,it’spossibleforthestudentstowriteagoodarticleaboutafav oritescientist.Ⅳ.TeachingproceduresPeriod1&2:warmingup,listening&speaking Goals:.Toencouragethestudentstalkaboutthescienceandsc ientists2.Todevelopthestudents’abilityoflisteningforinformation3.Toenablethestudentstohaveabetterunderstandingofth eimportanceofscience.TeachingproceduresStep1.warmingupTask1.classworkT:Nicetoseeyouagain.Imissyouverymuch.AndI’mgladtomeetsomenewstudentshere!Nicetomeetyou!T:whatmakesyougettogetherhere/getapartwithyourforme rclassmates?Someofuslearnarts/sciencewhileotherslearnscience/ar ts.Task2classwork.whatareartssubjects?whataresciencesubjects?Task3.Pairworkwhydoyoulearnarts/science?I’mgood/poorat…Iprefer…to…I’minto…BecauseIlike/dislike...Iwanttobemyparentswantmeto…mydreamis…Task4.Individualworkwhatisyourdream?whatwillyoudotomakeyourdreamcometru e?Step2.ListeningPre-listeningHavingheardyourdreams,Iamgladtoknowallofyouhavegrea tmind.I’msureonedayyou’llbecomegreatminds.Beforewerealizeourdreams,weshoul dlearnaboutsomegreatmindsfirstsothatwecanfollowthem ,doyouthinkso?Task1.classworkwhatgreatscientistsdoyouknow?Task2.IndividualworkEnjoythevideo,listencarefullyandfindoutwhoarementio nedinthevideo.Task3PairworkEnjoyoncemore.whataretheyfamousfor?Task4IndividualworkListentothethreepassages,finishtheexercisesandtalkaboutthescientists.Enjoyavideoanddothelisteningcomprehensiononthescree n.Step3.SpeakingThankstothediscoveryofmadamcurie----Uraniumandtheeq uationofEinstein,nuclearpowerstationcanbebuiltnowad ays.ItisreportedanuclearpowerstationisbeingbuiltinS anmen.Someonesaysitisagoodthing,whileothersdon’tthinkso.Task1GroupworkDebatingThefollowingusefulexpressionmaygivethestudentshelp.That’scorrect.It’sclearthat…Idoubtthat…That’strue.It’shardtosay.well,maybe,but…Thereisnodoubtthat…what’syouridea?Haveyouthoughtabout…?Step4.Homework.FinishoffthewBlistening.2.makeupacolumnaboutscientistsandtheirquotesPeriod3&4:Pre-reading,reading&post-reading Goals:.TogettoknowsomethingaboutthefamousscientistSte phenHawking.2.TolearnthespiritofHawking3.TodevelopsomebasicskillsofreadingTeachingProceduresStep1.Pre-readingTask1:classworkDuringthelastperiod,wetalkedaboutalotofscientistsan dtheirgreatachievements.canyouuseoneadjectivetodescribescience?Doyouknowanydisabledscientist?Todaywearegoingtotalkaboutadisabledscientist.Task2.classworkEnjoythevideoandguesswhoheis.Doeshemovehislipswhilespeaking?Task3.IndividualworkListenandanswer:).Howdoeshemakeaspeechwithoutmovinghislips?2)whatisitthatHawkingdoesn’tlikeabouthisspeechcomputer?Step2.ReadingT:DoyouwanttoknowmoreaboutHawking?S:yes.T:whatdoyouwanttoknowabouthim?S:hisfamily,hisachiev ements…T:TurntoP3Task1:GroupworkSkimthetextandgiveonewordtoeachparagraph.Task2:Individualwork)Howwouldordinarypeoplefeelwhentheyweretoldthat theyhadanincurabledisease?2)whatdidStephenHawkingdowhenhewastoldthathehadanin curabledisease?3)whatisHawking’sdream?4)ReadPara3andPara4.Fillintheblanks.5.whatarethestepsofthescientificmethod?6.Howdopeoplemisunderstandscience?7.whatisHawking’sopinionaboutscience?Task3.GroupworkNowweknowthatinHawking’sopinioneventhebesttheorycanturnouttobewrong..SupposeHawking’stheoryofBlackHoleswasfoundwrongbyhimself,wouldhead mitit?Haveadiscussionandgiveyourreasons.2.Showthestudentsthefactwiththeslide.Task4.classworkHowdoyouunderstandthetitle“Noboundaries”?Suggestedanswers:Unansweredquestionshavenoboundaries.scienceinthinking.imagination.Therearenoboundariesbetweentruthandfalsehoodthehealthyandthedisabled.Step4.Homework:Groupworkresearchworkwhatisscienceandwhatisthespiritofascientist?Doresea rchonyourfavoritescientistandtrytofindoutwhatmakesh im/hersuccessful.UsealibraryortheInternettofinishtheresearchwork.Period5wordStudy&GrammarGoals:.Togetthestudentstoreflectontheusefulwordsandph rasesinthisunit2.Toenablethestudentstohaveabetterknowledgeoftheuse softheInfinitiveTeachingProcedures:Step1.Individualwork.Askthestudentstotellthespiritsofdisabledpeople andwhattheycanlearnfromthem.2.FinishtheexercisesintheSBPage5Suggestedanswers:.这对夫妇花光了所有的钱去找他们六个月前失踪的五岁儿子.2.大家很容易看出她不高兴.3.牛顿自言自语:“为什么苹果会落到地上,而不会飘向空中?”。

make a difference英文解释

make a difference英文解释

make a difference英文解释Make a Difference - Definition and Importance"Make a difference" is an English expression that means to have a positive impact on something or someone, to bring about a change or improvement. It implies taking action, contributing, and making a lasting difference in one's surroundings or communities. It is about making a positive change, however small, in the world.Making a difference can take many forms. It can be volunteering for a cause, helping someone in need, donating to charity, advocating for justice and equality, or simply being kind and compassionate towards others. It can also mean taking steps to protect the environment, promoting education and awareness, or supporting local businesses and communities.The phrase "make a difference" emphasizes the power of individuals to create change and influence others. It is a call to action, encouraging people to step up and take responsibility for the world around them. It reminds us that each of us has the capacity to make a positive impact, no matter how big or small.There are several reasons why making a difference is important. Firstly, it can improve the lives of others. By helpingthose in need, advocating for important causes, or promoting positive change, we can create a better world for everyone. Secondly, making a difference can give us a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Knowing that we have made a positive impact can boost our self-esteem and happiness. Finally, making a difference can inspire others to do the same. By leading by example, we can encourage others to take action and create a ripple effect of positive change.In conclusion, making a difference is a powerful concept that highlights the importance of individual actions and contributions. It encourages us to be proactive and take steps to create positive change in the world. By making a difference, we can improve the lives of others, find fulfillment and purpose, and inspire others to do the same. So let's all strive to make a difference, one small action at a time.。



makeadifferenceto的用法"Make a difference to" 是一个常用的短语,用于描述对事物或人产生积极的改变或影响。


下面是一些关于"make a difference to" 的常见用法:1. Education makes a difference to people's lives. 教育对人们的生活产生影响。



3. Every small action can make a difference to the environment. 每个小行动都可以对环境产生影响。


4. Donating money can make a difference to the lives ofthose in need. 捐款可以让有需要的人们的生活发生改变。


5. Being a mentor can make a difference to a young person's future. 作为导师可以改变年轻人的未来。


6. Taking care of your health can make a difference to your overall well-being. 关注自己的健康对整体幸福感产生影响。

make a difference英语演讲稿2篇

make a difference英语演讲稿2篇

make a difference英语演讲稿2篇make a difference英语演讲稿篇一Make a difference Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning! A few days ago, I listened a very wonderful speech from TED, given by Stacey Kramer. She told a true story about herself which really touched me. She got a rare jam as she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It’s a very serious and terrible disease. Well, what she impressed me is not how difficult to accept the reality, how painful to have the surgery, how incredible to have such an experience. But it is the faith she wanted to make a difference that really touched me. She just recognized it as a gift in her life, a brain tumor, as a gift. She said: “It was a gift that brought all of your family together. Adoration and admiration have overwhelmed you. It will recalibrate what's most important in your life. ” Yes, in a faithful heart, even an unexpected, terrible disease can turn to be a gift. Because they trust that your attitude towards life can make a difference. Have you ever thought about that? Your optimism, your strong mind, and your persistence do make a difference, for the people surround you, even for the whole world. Another true storyI’m going to tell you is about Steve Jobs. Yes , the former CEO of Apple. When he was 30, he got fired, he got fired from the company he started. It was very funny, but it was true.So he was out ,very publicly out, and it was devastating. He really didn't know what to do for a few months. He felt that he had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that he had dropped the baton as it was being passed to him.But fortunately, he was still quiet sure what he loved, and avoice was whispering in his inner heart: I can’t give up so easily and I can make a difference. So he decided to start over. It freed him to enter one of the most creative periods of his life.He told us that It was awful tasting medicine, but the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith.So, ladies and gentlemen, we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite. We need to take risks, follow our heart, and pursue our dreams. Just like the former president George Bush once said: everybody can be the president, and everybody can make a difference. And you just need to believe. Thank you.英语演讲稿篇二IQ&EQGood morning, ladies and gentlemen.As we all know, everybody has IQ and EQ. However, to a large extent, it is different from man to man. Maybe someone would ask: Which is more important?In our daily life, our capabilities of dealing with different things are determined by IQ, and whether we can get on well with our friends depends upon our EQ 。



USE: To talk about present actions that started in the past. Eg:
The Rolling Stones have played music for more than 40 years.
I have been lived in this house since 2006.
Make a decision
Make a donation
Make plans Make a mistake
Make a difference Make a living
Make an announcement Make a suggestion
I/ just/ make/ a decision _____________________________________ The baseball game/ already/ start _____________________________________ We / not do / the shopping / yet _____________________________________ You / not finish / your dinner / yet _____________________________________ The students / already / apply / to college _____________________________________ Natalie / just /: To talk about a period of time up to the present. Since: To talk about a point of time in the past.

make a difference的用法及短语

make a difference的用法及短语

make a difference的用法及短语
I.make a difference的用法
II.make a difference的短语
1.make a difference to
2.make a difference in
3.make a difference between
4.make a difference for
【I.make a difference的用法】
make a difference是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“有影响,有区别”。


【II.make a difference的短语】
1.make a difference to


2.make a difference in


3.make a difference between


4.make a difference for


make a difference to doing用法

make a difference to doing用法

make a difference to doing用法在英语中,我们常常会听到“make a difference”这个短语,它的意思是“有所改变,有所影响”。

而在这个短语的后面,通常会加上to doing,表示影响的对象。

在本文中,我们将详细介绍“makea difference to doing”的用法及其实际应用。

一、基本语法“make a difference to doing”这个短语的基本语法结构为: Make a difference to + 名词或动词-ing形式,表示对某事物或某行为产生影响或改变。

例如:- Your encouragement made a difference to my decision to apply for the job.(你的鼓励对我决定申请这份工作有所帮助。

) - The new policy will make a difference to reducing carbon emissions.(新政策将对减少碳排放产生影响。

)二、常见用法1. 形容词、副词或名词作对象“make a difference to doing”后面的对象可以是形容词、副词或名词。

例如:形容词:- The teacher's patience made a difference to the students' understanding of the subject.(老师的耐心对学生对这个科目的理解有所帮助。

)- The new equipment made a big difference to the quality of our products.(新设备对我们的产品质量有很大的影响。

)副词:- The extra practice made a big difference to my performance in the competition.(额外的练习对我在比赛中的表现有很大的影响。

Make a difference 造句关于环境

Make a difference 造句关于环境

Make a difference 造句关于环境1. It's up to us to make a difference in the environment.2. Every small action can make a difference in protecting the environment.3. Pollution affects not only the environment but also our health.4. Our environment needs urgent attention and action.5. Conserving water is vital for the environment and our planet.6. Investing in renewable energy can make a significant difference in our environment.7. We can reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a cleaner environment through public transportation.8. Recycling can make a positive impact on the environment by reducing waste.9. We have a responsibility to protect and preserve our environment for future generations.10. Destruction of the environment will have severe consequences in the long term.11. We must take immediate steps to conserve our planet's natural resources and protect the environment.12. We are all accountable for the state of our environment, and we all have a role to play.13. Climate change is the biggest threat to our environment, and we need to act now to mitigate its consequences.14. Planting trees is one of the best ways to improve the environment and enhance the beauty of our surroundings.15. The health of our planet is interconnected with the health of our environment and our own well-being.16. Adopting eco-friendly practices in our daily lives can make a huge difference in protecting the environment.17. The environment is not a luxury; it's a necessity for survival.18. We need to create a sustainable environment and economy that works for everyone.19. The destruction of wildlife and their habitats is a significant threat to our environment.20. Taking care of the environment should be a toppriority for us all.21. Our actions have a direct impact on the environment, and we must be mindful of the consequences of our choices.22. We need to work together across borders and boundaries to protect our environment.23. The environment is a precious gift, and it's our responsibility to take care of it.。

make a difference造句简单

make a difference造句简单

make a difference造句简单1. Everyone has the power to make a difference in the world.2. One small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone's day.3. You can make a difference by donating your time to volunteer work.4. Making a conscious effort to reduce waste can make a difference for the environment.5. Educating others about social justice issues can makea difference in their perspectives.6. Fostering dogs and cats can make a difference in the lives of these animals.7. Starting a community garden can make a difference in promoting local food systems.8. Advocating for mental health awareness can make a difference in reducing stigma.9. Supporting small businesses can make a difference in the local economy.10. Choosing to use public transportation can make a difference in reducing traffic congestion.11. Raising funds for cancer research can make a difference in finding a cure.12. Recycling plastic bottles can make a difference in reducing plastic pollution.13. Voting in elections can make a difference in shaping public policy.14. Planting a tree can make a difference in improvingair quality.15. Leading by example can make a difference in inspiring others.16. Donating blood can make a difference in saving lives.17. Complimenting someone can make a difference in boosting their confidence.18. Writing a thank-you note can make a difference in showing gratitude.19. Using refillable water bottles can make a difference in reducing waste.20. Filling out surveys can make a difference in improving products and services.21. Donating old clothes to a homeless shelter can make a difference in providing warmth and comfort to those in need.。





1. Make a difference这个短语通常用来表示某些行为或决定对某人或某事产生了积极的影响。

比如:“Your donation will definitely make a difference in the lives of those in need.”2. Have an impact意为“产生影响”,常用于讨论某人或某事对周围环境造成的影响。

例如:“The new policy will have a significant impact on the company’s future.”3. Have a positive/negative effect on这是一个常见的表达方式,用来描述某事对某人或某物产生积极或消极的影响。

比如:“Stress can have a negative effect on your health.”4. Play a role (in)用来表达某事在某情况下发挥作用。

例如:“Education plays a crucial role in shaping a person’s future.”5. Make an impact这个短语意思与“have an impact”类似,表示对某人或某事产生深远的影响。

比如:“Her speech made a powerful impact on the audience.”6. Have an effect on类似于“have an impact”,表示某人或某事对其他事物产生了影响。

例如:“The w eather can have a significant effect on crop yields.”7. Be influential意为“具有影响力的”,通常用来形容某人或某事对他人产生影响。



2. She helps out at home three times a week. always sometimes never She sometimes helps out at home. 3. They don’t walk to school. never often usually They never walk to school.
Listen and write true (T) or false (F). 1. Hao Tongxin lives in a big city. ( F ) 2. He wanted to give up his studies last year. ( T ) 3. His teacher gave him hope. ( T ) 4. His teacher doesn’t want anyone to drop out of school. ( T ) 5. He doesn’t want to make a difference in the future. ( F )
difference也常与between连用,构成 difference between…and…意为“…… 与……之间的不同”。如: Can you tell the differences between the twins? 你能告诉我这对双胞胎的不同吗?
different adj. 意为“不同的,有区别
是be different from…, 意为“与……
e.g. My computer is different from
yours. 我的电脑与你的不一样。
in the future与in future 1) in the future是指较远的将来,未来。 e.g. The boy wants to become a teacher in the future. 那个男孩将来想要成为一名老师。 2) in future相当于from now on是较近 的将来,意为“今后,以后”。 e.g. In future I will work hard. 从今以后我会努力工作。
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make a difference
1. 区别对待
2. 有(重要)作用;有影响;有关系
一、make a difference in sth 使…不同;使一个引人注目的变化
1. Today is the only day when you can begin to make a difference in your life.

2. Do they have enough capability to find those two or three levers that
really make a difference in a business?
3. I will make a difference in this world!
二、make a difference to sb/sth 对 ... 产生影响
make a difference to do sth 对做什么产生影响
1. We’ll do something to make a difference to environment.
2.Your absence makes quite a difference to me!
3. Your submission will make a difference to reform the Sentencing and Parole Reform
Bill for tougher sentencing to protect the community!
