CSC 留学奖学金申请

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Imperial College London and the China Scholarship Council (CSC) have created a scholarship programme to enable talented Chinese students to undertake a PhD programme at Imperial Fifteen full CSC Imperial Scholarships are available per year and students can apply

for a PhD in any subject area offered by Imperial although the majority of awards will

be in non-clinical areas.Who can apply

• C hinese students with a strong academic background

• S tudents must hold a PR Chinese passport

and can either be resident in China or studying overseas at the time of application

Please note that successful scholarship applicants are required to work in China for a period of two years after graduation.

What does the CSC Imperial Scholarships include

• Full cost of overseas tuition fees

• M aintenance allowance equal to Imperial’s minimum stipend allowance in any given year. For 2011–12, this was £15,700 per year

• U p to £1,000 per year to attend conferences and cover other costs associated with the PhD

• O ne economy class return journey to China Duration of CSC Imperial Scholarships

The CSC Imperial Scholarships will support either:• Three years of study for a PhD

• F our years in certain cases where the

student is required to undertake a one-year postgraduate degree prior to beginning

their PhD (i.e. a ‘1+3’ programme at one

of Imperial’s Doctoral Training Centres)

CsC Imperial scholarships

Please note that in order to be considered for a CSC Imperial Scholarship, applicants must first have submitted a PhD application to Imperial College London and have received an offer of a PhD place. The scholarship selection process is separate from applying and being accepted for a PhD at Imperial.

to apply, please follow these guidelines. Please check Imperial’s website for the latest updates on the application process.

1.P rospective PhD students should approach individual departments and supervisors at Imperial with details of their proposed project. It is essential that students make contact with departments/supervisors before submitting a PhD application.

•I nformation about the Departments at

Imperial can be found at:


2.O nce it has been established that the project is viable and the supervisor(s) is able and willing to supervise the student, the student should submit a PhD application to Imperial following standard College procedure.

• Details about how to apply can be found at:

w /pgprospectus/howtoapply A pplicants should mention their intention to apply for the CSC Imperial Scholarship in their PhD application.

3.W e recommend that students sit an IELTS or TOEFL test as soon as they apply to Imperial if they do not already meet the College’s English Language requirements.

• For further information:


admissions/pgenglish 4.T he Registry at Imperial will process the PhD application and will either issue a formal conditional/unconditional offer of a PhD place or reject the application. It can take 6–8 weeks for PhD applications to be processed.

5.A panel of Imperial’s senior faculty members will meet to review applications for the CSC Imperial Scholarships and produce a list of 15 students to be recommended for the scholarship. Students will be informed of the progress of their scholarship application and whether

they have been selected as one of 15 potential scholarship recipients or put on a reserve list. 6.T he 15 selected students are then required to apply online to CSC in March.

• For further information:

7.B etween April and July, CSC will review and approve the scholarships. After this, students will be informed of the final outcome of their application and issued with a formal CSC Imperial Scholarship letter.

8.U pon fulfilling any outstanding requirements for admission to a PhD programme (i.e. provision of a satisfactory Master’s qualification result

if necessary), CSC Imperial scholars will commence their PhD programme in October. •I f you have any questions about the CSC Imperial Scholarship, please contact Clare Turner in the International Office:


How to apply
