
牛津英语5B词组归纳Unit 11、on Monday morning在星期一上午2、this afternoon今天下午3、three Maths lessons三节数学课4、a new term一个新学期5、the first lesson第一节课6、the first lesson of the new term新学期的第一节课7、have a lesson上一节 8、this term这个学期9、eight subjects八门学科 10、what subject什么学科11、an interesting lesson一节有趣的课12、how many English lessons多少节英语课13、in a week在一周内 14、on Monday在星期一15、near the clock在钟附近 16、my timetable我的课程表17、many English lessons许多英语课 18、Sunday evening星期天晚上19、this week这个星期 20、at once立刻,马上21、have an Art lesson上一堂艺术课 22、every day每天23、tell her a trick告诉她一个窍门 24、tell you告诉你25、tell me告诉我 26、let me see让我想想27、very much非常 28、I’ll show you.我将展示给你看。
29、What’s the trick?窍门是什么? 30、Welcome back to school.欢迎回到学校31、How about you?/What about you?你呢?Unit 21、a bad cold重感冒2、stay at home呆在家里3、after lunch午饭后4、at school在学校5、take some medicine吃药6、a telephone call一通电话7、classes are over / school is over放学了8、class is over下课了9、see you soon一会见 10、stay in bed呆在床上11、call her给她打电话 12、get some fruit for her买些水果给她13、get better soon很快好起来 14、get a high fever发高烧15、have a lot of rest多休息 16、a bad cough严重的咳嗽17、go to see a doctor去看病 18、speak to us和我们通话19、She is absent.她缺席了。
《 牛津英语》词汇表

《牛津英语》(一年级第一学期) 【共91词】课数: 1(0/24) 2(0/12) 3(0/8) 4(0/10) 5(0/14) 6(0/10) 7(0/5) 8(0/8) 第1课【共24词】1 a [ei, ə, æn, ən] art.一(个)2 act [ækt] v.演,扮演3 and [ənd, ænd] conj.和,与4 are [ɑ:,ə] v.是(be的第二人称单数现在时)5 bag [bæg] n.书包6 book [buk] n.书7 close [kləuz] v.关,闭8 down [daun] adv.下面,在下面9 fine [fain] adj.很好,晴朗10 for [fə, fɔ:] prep.[表示对象]为,供11 good [gud] adj.好的12 I [ai] pron.我13 learn [lə:n] v.学习14 morning ['mɔ:niŋ] n.早上15 my [mai] adj.我的16 open ['əupən] v.打开17 stand [stænd] v.站18 take [teik] v.拿;乘(车,船等)19 talk [tɔ:k] v.讲话,谈话20 teacher ['ti:tʃə] n.老师21 thank [θæŋk] v.感谢,感谢22 to [tu:, tu, tə] prep.到;向;往23 unit ['ju:nit] n.(教学)单元24 up [ʌp] adv.向上第2课【共12词】1 am [m, əm, æm] v.是(be的第一人称单数现在时)2 five [faiv] num.五3 four [fɔ:] num.四4 give [giv] v.给,产生5 many ['meni] det.很多的6 me [mi:, mi] pron.我(I的宾语)7 number ['nʌmbə] n.数;号码8 one [wʌn] num.一9 this [ðis] pron.这10 three [θri:] num.三11 tree [tri:] n.树12 two [tu:] num.二1 ability [ə'biliti] n.能力2 can [kæn,kən] v.会,能够3 dance [dɑ:ns] v.跳舞4 draw [drɔ:] v.画5 hand [hænd] n.手6 jump [dʒʌmp] v.跳7 old [əuld] adj.年老的;旧的;...岁的8 write [rait] v.写,写(信)第4课【共10词】1 arm [ɑ:m] n.手臂2 ear [iə] n.耳朵3 eye [ai] n.眼睛4 face [feis] n.脸,面孔5 mouth [mauθ] n.口,嘴6 nose [nəuz] n.鼻子7 taste [teist] v.尝,品尝8 toe [təu] n.脚趾9 touch [tʌtʃ] v.碰,触摸10 wave [weiv] v.挥舞,挥动第5课【共14词】1 an [ən, æn] art.一(个)2 apple ['æpəl] n.苹果3 feel [fi:l] v.触摸,感觉4 fruit [fru:t] n.水果5 is [iz, s, z, əz] v.是(be的第三人称单数现在时)6 it [it] pron.它7 lemon ['lemən] n.柠檬8 melon ['melən] n.甜瓜9 no [nəu] det.不,不是10 not [nɔt] adv.不11 orange ['ɔrindʒ] n.橘子,橙子12 that [ðæt] pron.那,那个13 the [ðə, ði:] art.这(些),那(些)14 what [wɔt, wɑ:t] pron.什么1 at [æt, ət] prep.向,朝着2 autumn ['ɔ:təm] n.秋天3 bean [bi:n] n.豆4 leaf [li:f] n.树叶5 look [luk] v.看6 Mid-Autumn Festival n.中秋节7 moon [mu:n] n.月亮8 mooncake ['mu:nkeik] n.月饼9 taro ['ta:rəu] n.芋10 wash [wɔʃ] v.洗,洗涤第7课【共5词】1 brother ['brʌðə] n.兄弟2 family ['fæməli] n.家庭3 father ['fɑ:ðə] n.父亲4 get [get] v.有,得到,买到,收到5 mother ['mʌðə] n.母亲第8课【共8词】1 ball [bɔ:l] n.球2 balloon [bə'lu:n] n.气球3 bicycle ['baisik(ə)l] n.自行车4 doll [dɔl] n.洋娃娃5 go [gəu] v.去,到6 little ['litə] adj.小的,年幼的7 tongue [tʌŋ] n.舌头8 tongue-twister [tʌŋ'twistə] n.绕口令《牛津英语》(一年级第二学期) 【共59词】课数: 1(0/11) 2(0/8) 3(0/8) 4(0/7) 5(0/7) 6(0/5) 7(0/5) 8(0/7) 9(0/1) 第1课【共11词】1 aunt [ɑ:nt] n.阿姨,姑妈等2 card [kɑ:d] n.卡片3 fold [fəuld] v.折叠4 grandfather ['grændˌfɑ:ðə] n.祖父,外祖父5 grandmother ['grændˌmʌðə] n.祖母,外祖母6 like [laik] v.喜欢7 new [nju:] adj.新的8 try [trai] v.试,尝试9 uncle ['ʌŋkəl] n.叔叔,伯父等10 very ['veri] adv.很,十分,非常11 well [wel] adj.健康的第2课【共8词】1 animal ['æniməl] n.动物2 bee [bi:] n.蜜蜂3 bird [bə:d] n.鸟4 butterfly ['bʌtəflai] n.蝴蝶5 do [du, du:] v.做6 frog [frɔg] n.青蛙7 nine [nain] num.九8 ten [ten] num.十第3课【共8词】1 查看单词[blu:] adj.蓝色的2 brown [braun] adj.棕色的;褐色的3 colour ['kʌlə] v.涂颜色4 green [gri:n] adj.绿色的,青色的5 in [in] prep.在…地方,在…时候6 kite [kait] n.风筝7 orange ['ɔrindʒ] adj.橙色的8 out [aut] adv.在外,出第4课【共7词】1 driver ['draivə] n.驾驶员2 fireman ['faiəmən] n.消防队员3 follow ['fɔləu] v.跟随,跟着4 goodbye ['gud'bai] int.再见5 milkman ['milkmən] n.卖(送)奶人6 tall [tɔ:l] adj.高的7 turn [tə:n] v.转动:第5课【共7词】1 about [ə'baut] prep.关于2 all [ɔ:l] pron.全部3 cook [kuk] n.炊事员,厨师4 doctor ['dɔktə] n.医生5 listen ['lisən] v.听6 nurse [nə:s] n.护士7 tell [tel] v.讲述,告诉第6课【共5词】1 come [kʌm] v.来2 farmer ['fɑ:mə] n.农夫,农民3 fat [fæt] adj.肥胖的4 fisherman ['fiʃəmən] n.渔夫5 they [ðei] pron.他(她,它)们第7课【共5词】1 cake [keik] n.蛋糕2 Coke [kəuk] n.可口可乐3 ice-cream ['aiskri:m] n.冰淇淋4 jelly ['dʒeli] n.果冻5 milk [milk] n.牛奶第8课【共7词】1 chicken ['tʃikən] n.鸡2 drink [driŋk] v.喝3 eat [i:t] v.吃4 fish [fiʃ] n.鱼5 juice [dʒu(:)s] n.果汁6 meat [mi:t] n.肉7 noodle ['nu:dl] n.(常用复数)面,面条第9课【共1词】1 word [wə:d] n.词,单词《牛津英语》(二年级第一学期) 【共58词】课数: 1(0/7) 2(0/7) 3(0/6) 4(0/9) 5(0/7) 6(0/8) 7(0/7) 8(0/7) 第1课【共7词】1 bin [bin] n.垃圾箱2 park [pɑ:k] n.公园3 road [rəud] n.道路,公路4 building ['bildiŋ] n.大楼5 Shanghai ['ʃæŋ'hai] n.上海6 apple ['æpəl] n.苹果7 bird [bə:d] n.小鸟第2课【共7词】1 pizza ['pi:tsə] n.意大利肉饼,比萨饼2 biscuit ['biskit] n.(英)饼干;(美)软饼3 hot dog 热狗4 juice [dʒu(:)s] n.果汁5 water ['wɔ:tə] n.水6 cat [kæt] n.猫7 dog [dɔg] n.狗第3课【共6词】1 play [plei] v.玩2 run [rʌn] v.跑3 sleep [sli:p] v.睡觉4 swim [swim] v.游泳5 egg [eg] n.蛋6 fish [fiʃ] n.鱼第4课【共9词】1 plane [plein] n.飞机2 ferry ['feri] n.渡船3 train [trein] n.火车4 taxi ['tæksi] n.出租汽车5 car [kɑ:] n.小汽车6 bus [bʌs] n.公共汽车7 van [væn] n.面包车8 girl [gə:l] n.女孩9 hand [hænd] n.手第5课【共7词】1 stop [stɔp] v.停止n.停止2 light [lait] n.灯3 go [gəu] v.走,去4 fast [fɑ:st] a.快的5 slow [sləu] a.慢的6 ice-cream ['aiskri:m] n.冰淇淋7 jelly ['dʒeli] n.果冻第6课【共8词】1 in [in] prep.在…里2 on [ɔn] prep.在…上3 under ['ʌndə] prep.在…下4 bell [bel] n.钟,铃5 star [stɑ:] n.星6 present [pri'zent, 'prezənt] n.礼物7 tree [tri:] n.树8 kite [kait] n.风筝第7课【共7词】1 hat [hæt] n.帽子2 glove [glʌv] n.手套3 scarf [skɑ:f] n.围巾4 winter ['wintə] n.冬天5 cold [kəuld] a.冷的,寒冷的6 wind [wind] n.风7 snow [snəu] n.雪,下雪第8课【共7词】1 tie [tai] n.领带2 belt [belt] n.腰带,皮带3 sock [sɔk] n.短袜4 shirt [ʃə:t] n.(男式)衬衫5 dress [dres] n.女装,童装6 coat [kəut] n.上衣,外套7 moon [mu:n] n.月亮《牛津英语》(二年级第二学期) 【共66词】课数: 1(0/8) 2(0/8) 3(0/9) 4(0/8) 5(0/9) 6(0/8) 7(0/8) 8(0/8) 第1课【共8词】1 hen [hen] n.母鸡2 chick [tʃik] n.小鸡3 duck [dʌk] n.鸭子4 cow [kau] n.母牛,奶牛5 sheep [ʃi:p] n.羊;绵羊6 pig [pig] n.猪7 nose [nəuz] n.鼻子8 orange ['ɔrindʒ] n.桔子,橙子第2课【共8词】1 horse [hɔ:s] n.马2 bear [bɛə] n.熊3 elephant ['elifənt] n.(动物)象4 tiger ['taigə] n.虎;老虎5 monkey ['mʌŋki] n.猴子6 panda ['pændə] n.熊猫7 pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔8 quilt [kwilt] n.被子第3课【共9词】1 window ['windəu] n.窗子,窗户2 door [dɔ:(r)] n.门3 bed [bed] n.床4 room [ru:m] n.房间5 sofa ['səufə] n.沙发6 table ['teibəl] n.桌子,台子7 lamp [læmp] n.灯8 rubber ['rʌbə] n.橡皮擦9 sweet [swi:t] n.糖果第4课【共8词】1 walk [wɔ:k] v.走2 skip [skip] vi.跳绳3 swing [swiŋ] v.荡秋千n.秋千4 climb [klaim] v.攀登,爬5 fly [flai] v.放风筝6 ride [raid] v.骑(自行车等)7 tree [tri:] n.树8 umbrella [ʌm'brelə] n.伞,雨伞第5课【共9词】1 water ['wɔ:tə] n.水2 dirty ['də:ti] a.脏的3 wash [wɔʃ] v.洗4 towel ['tauəl] n.毛巾5 soap [səup] n.肥皂6 toothbrush ['tu:θbrʌʃ] n.牙刷7 toothpaste ['tu:θpeist] n.牙膏8 van [væn] n.面包车9 wind [wind] n.风第6课【共8词】1 bowl [bəul] n.碗2 plate [pleit] n.盘子3 glass [glɑ:s] n.玻璃杯4 fork [fɔ:k] n.叉5 knife [naif] n.刀6 spoon [spu:n] n.匙,汤匙,调羹7 chopsticks ['tʃɔpstiks] n.(通常用复数)筷子8 x-ray ['eks'rei] n.X光;X光照片第7课【共8词】1 summer ['sʌmə] n.夏天2 sun [sʌn] n.太阳3 cloud [klaud] n.云4 hot [hɔt] a.热的,炎热的5 beach [bi:tʃ] n.海滩,沙滩6 shell [ʃel] n.贝壳7 sand [sænd] n.沙8 yellow ['jeləu] a.黄的,黄色的n.黄色第8课【共8词】1 watch [wɔtʃ] n.手表2 clock [klɔk] n.钟3 day [dei] n.白天4 night [nait] n.夜晚,晚上5 breakfast ['brekfəst] n.早餐6 lunch [lʌntʃ] n.午餐7 dinner ['dinə] n.晚餐8 zoo [zu:] n.动物园《牛津英语》(三年级第一学期) 【共87词】课数: 11(0/1) 12(0/4) 13(0/7) 14(0/12) 21(0/9) 22(0/2) 23(0/8) 31(0/11) 32(0/8) 33(0/8) 41(0/4) 42(0/6) 43(0/7)第11课【共1词】1 how [hau] adv.怎样,如何第12课【共4词】1 cat [kæt] n.猫2 grandma ['grænmɑ:] n.祖母(奶奶),外祖母(外婆)3 see [si:] v.看到,看见4 you [ju, ju:] pron.你第13课【共7词】1 elephant ['elifənt] n.象2 insect ['insekt] n.昆虫3 name ['neim] n.姓名4 pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔5 rubber ['rʌbə] n.橡皮;橡胶6 ruler ['ru:lə] n.尺7 your [jə:, jɔ:, jər, jɔ:r] det.你的第14课【共12词】1 again [ə'gein] adv.再,又2 blackboard ['blækbɔ:d] n.黑板3 box [bɔks] n.箱子,盒子4 clean [kli:n] v.打扫,清洁5 eight [eit] num.八6 jam [dʒæm] n.果酱7 late [leit] adj.迟的8 lion ['laiən] n.狮子9 mouse [maus] n.老鼠10 school [sku:l] n.学校11 seven ['sevən] num.七12 six [siks] num.六第21课【共9词】1 baby ['beibi] n.婴儿2 big [big] adj.大的3 bow [bau, bəu] v.鞠躬,点头4 boy [bɔi] n.男孩5 queen [kwi:n] n.皇后,女王6 rain [rein] n.雨,下雨7 she [ʃi:, ʃi] pron.她8 short [ʃɔ:t] adj.矮的9 small [smɔ:l] adj.(指体积、数量)小的1 sad [sæd] adj.伤心的,悲哀的2 sun [sʌn] n.太阳;日光第23课【共8词】1 dad [dæd] n.[口]爸爸,爹爹2 long [lɔŋ] adj.长3 rabbit ['ræbit] n.兔子4 sister ['sistə] n.姐妹5 tail [teil] n.尾巴6 we [wi:, wi] pron.我们7 yellow ['jeləu] adj.黄色的8 zebra ['zi:brə, 'ze:-] n.斑马第31课【共11词】1 chair [tʃɛə] n.椅子2 clap [klæp] v.拍手,鼓掌3 classroom ['klɑ:sru:m] n.教室4 crayon ['kreiən] n.蜡笔5 hall [hɔ:l] n.会堂,礼堂,门厅6 library ['laibrəri] n.图书馆7 office ['ɔfis] n.办公室,办事处8 pen [pen] n.钢笔,(用有颜色液体书写的)笔9 playground ['pleigraund] n.操场,运动场10 this [ðis] det.这11 toilet ['tɔilit] n.厕所,盥洗室;抽水马桶第32课【共8词】1 banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n.香蕉2 circle ['sə:kəl] n.圆圈,圆形3 flower ['flauə] n.花4 pear [pɛə] n.梨5 shape [ʃeip] n.形状6 square [skwɛə] n.正方形;广场7 star [stɑ:] n.星星8 triangle ['traiæŋgəl] n.三角,三角铁(一种打击乐器) 第33课【共8词】1 black [blæk] adj.黑色的2 boat [bəut] n.小船3 colour ['kʌlə] n.颜色4 point [pɔint] v.指,指向5 red [red] adj.红色的6 slide [slaid] n.滑梯7 swing [swiŋ] n.秋千8 that [ðæt] det.那,那个1 count [kaunt] v.数,点2 gate [geit] n.大门3 pig [pig] n.猪4 shoe [ʃu:] n.鞋子第42课【共6词】1 body ['bɔdi] n.身体,躯体2 head [hed] n.头3 ladybird ['leidibə:d] n.瓢虫4 leg [leg] n.腿5 plant [plɑ:nt] n.植物6 root [ru:t] n.(植物的)根:第43课【共7词】1 apple pie n.苹果派2 camera ['kæmərə] n.照相机3 egg [eg] n.蛋,鸡蛋4 photograph ['fəutəgrɑ:f] n.照片5 pink [piŋk] adj.粉红色6 sandwich ['sænwidʒ, 'sændwitʃ] n.三明治7 sweet [swi:t] n.糖果《牛津英语》(三年级第二学期) 【共79词】课数: 11(0/10) 12(0/9) 13(0/6) 14(0/7) 21(0/3) 22(0/9) 23(0/2) 31(0/10) 32(0/9) 33(0/14) 第11课【共10词】1 cut [kʌt] v.切,割2 grey [grei] adj.灰色的3 hair [hɛə] n.头发,(动物的)毛发4 make [meik] v.做,制造5 mask [mɑ:sk] n.面罩,面具6 mirror ['mirə] n.镜子7 paper ['peipə] n.纸8 spin [spin] v.使旋转9 spinner ['spinə] n.转盘10 toothpick ['tuθˌpik] n.牙签第12课【共9词】1 cage [keidʒ] n.笼子2 cup [kʌp] n.杯子3 dot [dɔt] n.小圆点4 drill [dril] n.钻孔器5 hole [həul] n.孔,洞6 join [dʒɔin] v.连接,参加7 roof [ru:f] n.屋顶8 street [stri:t] n.街,街道9 telephone ['telifəun] n.电话,电话机第13课【共6词】1 hard ['hɑ:d] adj.硬的,困难的2 pineapple ['painæpəl] n.菠萝3 rough [rʌf] adj.粗糙,不平4 smooth [smu:ð] adj.平滑的5 soft [sɔft] adj.柔软的,软的6 toy [tɔi] n.玩具第14课【共7词】1 lime [laim] n.酸橙2 nice ['nais] adj.好看的,令人愉快的3 prawn [prɔ:n] n.虾4 smell [smel] v.闻,嗅5 sour ['sauə] adj.酸的6 strawberry ['strɔ:bəri] n.草莓7 sweet [swi:t] adj.甜(味)的1 giraffe [dʒi'rɑ:f] n.长颈鹿2 lizard ['lizəd] n.蜥蜴3 snake [sneik] n.蛇第22课【共9词】1 beautiful ['bju:tif(ə)l] adj.漂亮的,美丽的2 button ['bʌtn] n.钮扣3 foil [fɔil] n.箔4 glue [glu:] n.胶水5 robot ['rəubɔt] n.机器人6 skateboard ['skeitbɔ:d] n.滑板7 stick [stik] v.粘,粘住,粘贴8 super ['su:pə, 'sju:pə] adj.极好的,特大的9 these [ði:z] det.这些第23课【共2词】1 too [tu:] adv.也,还;太2 wolf [wulf] n.狼第31课【共10词】1 blouse [blaus,blauz] n.女衬衫2 dress [dres] n.连衣裙3 mountain ['mauntin] n.山4 purple ['pə:pl] adj.紫色的5 rainbow ['reinbəu] n.彩虹6 sea [si:] n.大海7 shirt [ʃə:t] n.男衬衫8 sky [skai] n.天空9 T-shirt ['ti: 'ʃə:t] n.T恤衫10 violet ['vaiələt] n.紫罗兰色第32课【共9词】1 fall [groundfɔ:l] v.跌落,落下2 lorry ['lɔri] n.货车3 loud [laud] adj.响亮的4 noise [nɔiz] n.响声,声音5 parrot ['pærət] n.鹦鹉6 quiet ['kwaiət] adj.安静,寂静7 radio ['reidiəu] n.收音机8 raindrop ['reindrɔp] n.雨点9 television ['teliˌviʒən, ˌteli'viʒən] n.电视1 blow [bləu] v.(风)吹2 cool [ku:l] adj.凉的,凉快的3 grow [grəu] v.成长,种植4 her [hə:,hə] det.她;她的5 nest [nest] n.窝,巢6 scarf [skɑ:f] n.围巾;领巾7 season ['si:zən] n.季节8 shell [ʃel] n.贝壳9 shine [ʃain] v.发光,照耀10 spring [spriŋ] n.春季11 summer ['sʌmə] n.夏季,夏(天)12 today [tə'dei] adv.今天n.今天13 warm [wɔ:m] adj.暖和的,温暖的14 wet [wet] adj.潮湿的;多雨的《牛津英语》(四年级第一学期) 【共79词】课数: 11(0/8) 12(0/5) 13(0/11) 21(0/6) 22(0/4) 23(0/4) 31(0/5) 32(0/10) 33(0/9) 41(0/9) 42(0/6) 43(0/2)第11课【共8词】1 classmate ['klɑ:smeit] n.同班同学2 cook [kuk] v.烹调,烧煮3 dive [daiv] v.跳水4 paint [peint] v.画画,油漆5 read [ri:d] v.朗读,阅读6 run [rʌn] v.跑步7 sing [siŋ] v.唱歌8 swim [swim] v.游泳第12课【共5词】1 birthday ['bə:θdei] n.生日,诞生日2 eleven [i'levən] num.十一3 from [frəm,frɔm] prep.从…来4 picture ['piktʃə] n.图片,照片5 ride [raid] v.骑第13课【共11词】1 ambulance ['æmbjuləns] n.救护车2 bring [briŋ] v.带来,拿来3 dentist ['dentist] n.牙医4 engine ['endʒin] n.发动机5 fire ['faiə] n.火,火警,火灾6 man [mæn] n.男人7 policeman [pə'li:smən] n.警察8 policewoman [pə'li:s,wumən] n.女警察9 postman ['pəustmən] n.邮递员10 shop assistant ['ʃɔpəˌsistənt] 营业员11 waiter ['weitə] n.服务员第21课【共6词】1 block [blɔk] n.木块;大楼;积木2 finger ['fiŋgə] n.手指3 foot [fut] n.脚;英尺(复数feet);底部4 knee [ni:] n.膝部,膝盖5 round [raund] adj.圆的6 shoulder ['ʃəuldə] n.肩1 afraid [ə'freid] adj.害怕2 angry ['æŋgri] adj.生气的,愤怒的3 full [ful] adj.满的,饱4 tired ['taiəd] adj.疲劳的,累的第23课【共4词】1 branch [brɑ:ntʃ] n.树枝2 brave [breiv] adj.勇敢的3 sharp [ʃɑ:p] adj.锐利的,锋利的4 strong [strɔŋ] adj.强壮的,坚固的第31课【共5词】1 eighteen ['ei'ti:n] num.十八2 hoop [hu:p] n.箍,环3 rope [rəup] n.绳子4 thirteen ['θə:'ti:n] num.十三5 twelve [twelv] num.十二第32课【共10词】1 bread [bred] n.面包2 butter ['bʌtə] n.黄油,奶油3 chocolate ['tʃɔkələt] n.巧克力4 coffee ['kɔfi] n.咖啡5 crisp [krisp] n.油炸马铃薯片6 flour ['flauə] n.面粉7 large [lɑ:dʒ] adj.大的8 some [sʌm,səm] det.一些9 sugar ['ʃugə] n.食糖10 supermarket ['su:pəmɑ:kit, 'sju:pəmɑ:kit] n.超级市场第33课【共9词】1 aviary ['eiviəri] n.大鸟笼,鸟舍2 feed [fi:d] v.喂3 fountain ['fauntin] n.喷泉4 grass [grɑ:s,græs] n.草5 on [ɔn] prep.在…上,在…旁,在…时候6 pick [pik] v.采,摘,拣,捡7 pond [pɔnd] n.池塘8 sketch-book ['sketʃbuk] n.写生薄,素描簿9 sunglasses ['sʌnˌglɑ:siz] n.太阳眼镜,墨镜1 chase [tʃeis] v.赶,追赶2 corn [kɔ:n] n.谷类,玉米3 everywhere ['evriwɛə] adv.到处4 hay [hei] n.干草5 leave [li:v] v.离开,留6 rubbish ['rʌbiʃ] n.垃圾7 sheep [ʃi:p] n.羊,绵羊8 stone [stəun] n.石头,石块9 throw [θrəu] v.扔第42课【共6词】1 into ['intu, 'intə] prep.[表示动作的方向,表示变化]到…里2 its [its] det.它的3 log [lɔg] n.圆木,干柴4 moth [mɔθ] n.蛾5 stalk [stɔ:k] n.梗6 trunk [trʌŋk] n.树干;象鼻第43课【共2词】1 answer ['ɑ:nsə] v.回答,答复2 question ['kwestʃ(ə)n] n.问题《牛津英语》(四年级第二学期) 【共106词】课数: 11(0/8) 12(0/11) 13(0/4) 14(0/9) 21(0/7) 22(0/12) 23(0/11) 31(0/12) 32(0/2) 33(0/30) 第11课【共8词】1 brush [brʌʃ] n.刷子,毛笔2 felt pen ['felt 'pen] n.毡头笔,水笔3 paint [peint] n.涂料,颜料4 sleep [sli:p] v.睡觉5 these [ði:z] pron.这些6 thick [θik] adj.厚的,粗的7 thin [θin] adj.细的,薄的,瘦的8 those [ðəuz] det.那些pron.那些第12课【共11词】1 basket ['bɑ:skit] n.篮子2 behind [bi'haind] prep.在…后3 beside [bi'said] prep.在…旁4 drum [drʌm] n.鼓5 each ['i:tʃ] pron.各自,每个6 guitar [gi'tɑ:] n.吉他7 music ['mju:zik] n.音乐,乐曲8 piano [pi'ænəu, 'pjɑ:nəu] n.钢琴9 play [plei] v.玩,玩耍,演奏10 recorder [ri'kɔ:də] n.录音机11 violin [ˌvaiə'lin] n.小提琴第13课【共4词】1 blunt [blʌnt] adj.不锋利的,钝的2 donkey ['dɔŋki] n.驴子3 put [put] v.放,贴4 sit [sit] v.坐第14课【共9词】1 apple juice ['æpl dʒu:s] n.苹果汁2 blind [blaind] adj.瞎的3 fox [fɔks] n.狐狸4 grape [greip] n.葡萄5 kitchen ['kitʃin] n.厨房6 lemon juice ['lemən dʒu:s] n.柠檬汁7 lime juice [laim dʒu:s] n.酸橙汁8 orange juice ['ɔrindʒdʒu:s] n.橘子汁9 shop [ʃɔp] n.商店第21课【共7词】1 bone [bəun] n.骨2 children ['tʃildrən] n.孩子们3 class [klɑ:s] n.班级4 dig [dig] v.挖,掘5 mop [mɔp] n.拖把6 pet [pet] n.宠物7 shake [ʃeik] v.摇第22课【共12词】1 bathroom ['bɑ:θrum] n.浴室2 bedroom ['bedrum] n.卧室3 dining-room ['dainiŋ rum] n.饭厅,餐厅4 help [help] v.帮助5 puzzle ['pʌzl] n.难题,拼字(图)游戏6 restaurant ['restrɔnt,'restərənt] n.酒店,餐馆7 rock [rɔk] n.岩石,石头8 sitting-room ['sitiŋrum] n.客厅9 soldier ['səuldʒə] n.士兵10 spaceship ['speisˌʃip] n.宇宙飞船,太空船11 thirty ['θə:ti] num.三十12 twenty-one [ˌtwenti'wʌn] num.二十一第23课【共11词】1 cousin ['kʌzən] n.堂(表)兄弟姊妹2 dish [diʃ] n.碟子,盘子3 drive [draiv] v.驾驶车4 dry [drai] v.弄干5 homework ['həumwə:k] n.家庭作业6 letter ['letə] n.字母,信7 motorbike ['məutəbaik] n.摩托车8 pilot ['pailət] n.飞行员,引航员9 singer ['siŋə] n.歌手10 student ['stju:dənt] n.学生,学员11 watch [wɔtʃ] v.观看,注视第31课【共12词】1 above [ə'bʌv] prep.在…上方2 afternoon ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n] n.下午3 at [æt] prep.在…4 bench [bentʃ] n.长凳5 between [bi'twi:n] prep.在…中间6 collect [kə'lekt] v.收集,采集7 evening ['i:vniŋ] n.晚上,傍晚,黄昏8 football ['futbɔ:l] n.足球9 near [niə] prep.在…附近10 sail [seil] n.驾(船),航行11 temple ['tempəl] n.寺庙12 top [tɔp] n.顶部,(物的)上面第32课【共2词】1 say [sei] v.说,讲2 thunder ['θʌndə] n.雷电,雷声第33课【共30词】显示/全部:30/301 April ['eiprəl] n.四月2 August ['ɔ:gəst] n.八月3 back [bæk] n.背部;背后4 cloudy ['klaudi] adj.多云的5 December [di'sembə] n.十二月6 duckling ['dʌkl iŋ] n.小鸭子7 February ['februəri] n.二月8 Friday ['fraidi] n.星期五9 January ['dʒænjuəri] n.一月10 July [dʒu(:)'lai] n.七月11 June [dʒu:n] n.六月12 March [mɑ:tʃ] n.三月13 May [mei] n.五月14 Monday ['mʌndi] n.星期一15 month [mʌnθ] n.月,月份16 November [nəu'vembə] n.十一月17 now [nau] adv.现在18 October [ɔk'təubə] n.十月19 rainy ['reini] adj.下雨的,多雨的20 Saturday ['sætədi] n.星期六21 September [səp'tembə] n.九月22 Sunday ['sʌndi] n.星期日23 sunny ['sʌni] adj.阳光充足的,阳光明媚的24 swan [swɔn] n.天鹅25 Thursday ['θə:zdi] n.星期四26 Tuesday ['tju:zdi] n.星期二27 ugly ['ʌgli] adj.丑陋的,难看的28 Wednesday ['wenzdi] n.星期三29 week [wi:k] n.星期30 windy ['windi] adj.有风的《牛津英语》(五年级第一学期) 【共94词】课数: 11(0/6) 12(0/6) 13(0/13) 21(0/3) 22(0/13) 23(0/4) 31(0/16) 32(0/4) 33(0/5) 41(0/5) 42(0/6) 43(0/13)第11课【共6词】1 cross [krɔs] v.横穿2 road [rəud] n.路,马路3 smoke [sməuk] n.烟4 station ['steiʃən] n.车站5 stop [stɔp, stɑp] v.停止,(使)停下来6 traffic light n.红绿灯第12课【共6词】1 French fries ['frentʃ'fraiz] n.炸薯条2 list [list] n.名单,表3 picnic ['piknik] n.野餐4 rice [rais] n.米饭5 tape [teip] n.胶带;录音带6 vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n.蔬菜第13课【共13词】1 bake [beik] v.烤烘2 but [bʌt,bət] conj.但是,可是3 buy [bai] v.买4 cheap [tʃi:p] adj.便宜的5 dear [diə] adj.昂贵的,贵的6 hour ['auə] n.小时7 salt [sɔ:lt] n.盐8 sock [sɔk] n.短袜9 spoon [spu:n] n.调羹,匙10 start [stɑ:t] v.开始11 term [tə:m] n.学期12 uniform ['ju:nifɔ:m] n.制服13 wear [wɛə] v.穿着,戴着第21课【共3词】1 group [gru:p] n.(一)群,小组2 home [həum] n.家3 outside ['aut'said] adv.向外面第22课【共13词】1 cabbage ['kæbidʒ] n.卷心菜2 carrot ['kærət] n.胡萝卜3 dessert [di'zə:t] n.甜食4 drink [driŋk] n.饮料5 know [nəu] v.知道,懂得,认识6 nod [nɔd] v.点头7 one [wʌn] pron.一个8 potato [pə'teitəu] n.土豆9 sausage ['sɔ:sidʒ] n.香肠10 shout [ʃaut] v.大叫11 show [ʃəu] v.给…看,出示12 sick [sik] adj.患病的,不适的13 tea [ti:] n.茶,茶叶第23课【共4词】1 first [fə:st] num.第一2 invitation [ˌinvi'teiʃən] n.邀请,请贴3 party ['pɑ:ti] n.聚会4 present ['prezənt, pri'zent] n.礼物第31课【共16词】1 break [breik] n.休息,间歇2 Chinese ['tʃai'ni:z] n.中国人;汉语3 cupboard ['kʌbəd] n.小橱,碗橱4 English ['iŋgliʃ] n.英语;英国人5 every ['evri] det.每一(天)6 fan [fæn] n.扇,电风扇7 hundred ['hʌndrəd] num.一百8 lesson ['lesən] n.课,一节课9 Maths [mæθs] n.数学10 Physical Education n.体育课11 quarter ['kwɔ:tə] n.一刻钟12 Science ['saiəns] n.科学课13 subject ['sʌbdʒikt, səb'dʒekt] n.科目,主题,题目14 then [ðen] adv.那时,接着,那么15 timetable ['taimˌteibəl] n.时间表,课程表16 tram [træm] n.有轨电车第32课【共4词】1 case [keis] n.箱子,盒子2 fifty ['fifti] num.五十3 money ['mʌni] n.钱4 note [nəut] n.纸币第33课【共5词】1 dangerous ['deindʒərəs] adj.危险的2 everything ['evriθiŋ] pron.每件事,每件东西3 park [pɑ:k] n.公园4 sign [sain] n.标志5 swimming pool ['swimiŋ pu:l] n.游泳池第41课【共5词】1 crocodile ['krɔkədail] n.鳄鱼2 jungle ['dʒʌŋgəl] n.密林,丛林3 through [θru:] prep.穿过,通过4 zoo [zu:] n.动物园5 zoo-keeper ['zu:ki:pə] n.动物园管理员第42课【共6词】1 caterpillar ['kætəˌpilə] n.毛虫2 cocoon [kə'ku:n] n.茧3 feeler ['fi:lə] n.触角,触须4 lay [lei] v.放置,生蛋5 spell [spel] v.拼写6 wing [wiŋ] n.翅膀第43课【共13词】1 aquarium [ə'kweəriəm] n.水族馆2 become [bi'kʌm] v.成为,变为3 catch [kætʃ] v.赶上;抓住4 diver ['daivə] n.跳水者5 dolphin ['dɔlfin] n.海豚6 garden ['gɑ:dn] n.花园7 island ['ailənd] n.岛,岛屿8 ocean ['əuʃən] n.海洋9 place [pleis] n.地点,地方,地区10 seal [si:l] n.海豹11 shark [ʃɑ:k] n.鲨鱼12 tower ['tauə] n.塔13 whale [hweil] n.鲸《牛津英语》(五年级第二学期) 【共82词】课数: 11(0/9) 12(0/15) 13(0/7) 14(0/14) 21(0/5) 22(0/7) 23(0/6) 31(0/5) 32(0/5) 33(0/9) 第11课【共9词】1 cherry ['tʃeri] n.樱桃2 flat [flæt] n.单元房3 glasses ['glɑ:siz] n.眼镜4 in front of prep.在前面5 or [ɔ:, ə] conj.或者,还是6 outside ['aut'said] prep.在…外面7 plum [plʌm] n.李子,梅子8 rise [raiz] v.升高,上涨9 shadow ['ʃædəu] n.影子第12课【共15词】1 asleep [ə'sli:p] adj.睡着的2 awake [ə'weik] adj.醒着的3 careful ['kɛəful] adj.小心的,仔细的4 empty ['empti] adj.空的5 hammer ['hæmə] n.锤子6 instrument ['instrumənt,-trə-] n.器械7 lady ['leidi] n.女士8 musical ['mju:zikəl] adj.音乐的9 over ['əuvə] prep.在…上方10 round [raund] adv.围绕地,循环地11 screwdriver ['skru:ˌdraivə] n.螺丝刀12 shaker ['ʃeikə] n.摇动器,混合器13 string [striŋ] n.线,细绳,带子14 tie [tai] v.系15 wheel [hwi:l] n.轮子第13课【共7词】1 cushion ['kuʃən] n.坐垫2 fluffy ['flʌfi] adj.蓬松的3 mine [main] pron.我的(东西)4 move [mu:v] v.移开,搬家5 panda ['pændə] n.熊猫6 parcel ['pɑ:sl] n.邮包,包裹7 yours [jɔ:z, jurz, jɔ:rz] poss.pron.[you的物主代词]你(们)的1 beanstalk ['bi:nstɔk] n.豆茎2 castle ['kɑ:səl] n.堡垒,城堡3 different ['difrənt] adj.不同的4 food [fu:d] n.食物5 giant ['dʒaiənt] n.巨人6 goose [gu:s] n.鹅7 lost [lɔst] adj.迷路的8 poor [puə] adj.贫穷的,贫困的9 rich [ritʃ] adj.富裕10 same [seim] adj.(通常和the连用)同样地,同一的11 save [seiv] v.救,搭救,挽救12 sell [sel] v.卖,销售13 smoke [sməuk] v.吸烟14 with [wið, wiθ] prep.用;和…一起第21课【共5词】1 along [ə'lɔŋ] prep.沿着2 breakfast ['brekfəst] n.早餐3 on [ɔn] prep.在…上,在…旁,在…时候4 step [step] n.脚步,步5 up [ʌp] prep.向上第22课【共7词】1 ask [ɑ:sk] v.问,询问2 both [bəuθ] det.两pron.两者;两人3 computer [kʌm'pju:tə] n.电脑,计算机4 dinosaur ['dainəsɔ:] n.恐龙5 key [ki:] n.钥匙6 puppet ['pʌpit] n.木偶,玩偶7 visit ['vizit] v.参观,访问,探望第23课【共6词】1 constable ['kʌnstəbəl] n.警察2 lamp [læmp] n.灯3 roll [rəul] v.滚动,打滚4 查看单词[rʌg] n.小地毯,厚毛毯5 shelf [ʃelf] n.架子;搁板6 sofa ['səufə] n.沙发第31课【共5词】1 grandpa ['grænpɑ:] n.祖父(爷爷),外祖父(外公)2 hers [hə:z] pron.她的(东西)3 open ['əupən] adj.开着的4 tadpole ['tædpəul] n.蝌蚪5 were [wə:] v.are的过去时1 goal [gəul] n.得分2 noisy ['nɔizi] adj.吵闹的;嘈杂的3 people ['pi:pl] n.人,人们4 score [skɔ:] v.(游戏,竞赛运动中)得分,比分5 shower ['ʃauə] n.阵雨;淋浴第33课【共9词】1 age [eidʒ] adv.在…以前2 build [bild] v.建筑,造3 China ['tʃainə] n.中国4 degree [di'gri:] n.度数5 everything ['evriθiŋ] pron.每件事,每件东西6 millimetre ['miliˌmi:tə] n.毫米7 plant [plɑ:nt] v.种植,播种8 rat [ræt] n.老鼠9 temperature ['temp(ə)ritʃə] n.气温,体温《牛津英语》(六年级第一学期) 【共307词】课数: 11(0/14) 12(0/20) 13(0/19) 21(0/9) 22(0/8) 23(0/25) 24(0/8) 31(0/20) 32(0/19) 33(0/22) 34(0/16) 41(0/19) 42(0/22) 43(0/12) 44(0/13) 51(0/15) 52(0/20) 53(0/18) 54(0/8)第11课【共14词】1 usually ['ju:ʒuəli, 'ju:ʒəli] adv.通常,平常,一般2 time for bed 上床睡觉的时间3 than [ðæn, ðən] conj.比较4 young [jʌŋ] adj.年轻的5 sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] adv.有时,不时6 right [rait] adj.正确的7 family ['fæməli] n.家,家庭;家族8 estate [i'steit] n.房地产;财产,产业9 always ['ɔ:lweiz] adv.总是,一直10 meet [mi:t] v.遇到;会见11 member ['membə] n.成员12 only ['əunli] adv.只,仅仅13 never ['nevə] adv.从未,未曾14 age [eidʒ] n.年龄第12课【共20词】1 after ['ɑ:ftə] prep.在..之后2 cycle ['saikəl] v.骑自行车3 centimetre ['sentiˌmi:tə] n.公分,厘米4 after school 放学后5 dress up 穿上盛装6 each other ['i:tʃ'ʌðə] 互相(多用作宾语)7 weekend ['wi:kend, ˌwi:k'end] n.周末,周末假期8 together [tə'geðə] adv.共同,一起9 skate [skeit] v.滑冰10 at the weekend 在周末11 weight [weit] n.重量12 share [ʃeə] v.分享13 puppy ['pʌpi] n.小狗14 height [hait] n.高度15 heavy ['hevi] adj.重的;大的16 housing estate 房地产业17 how about 怎么样18 just [dʒʌst] adv.正好19 like [laik] v.喜欢20 kilogramme ['kiləʊgræm] n.千克1 toucan ['tu:kən, -kæn] n.巨嘴鸟,犀鸟2 tomorrow [tə'mɔrəu] adv.在明天3 take (photograph) 拍摄(照片)4 yesterday ['jestədi] ad.昨天5 take (transport) [teik] vt.耗费(时间);需要6 space [speis] n.空间;(the space)太空7 pelican ['pelikən] n.鹈鹕8 nut [nʌt] n.坚果,干果9 museum [mju:'ziəm] n.博物馆; [美]展览馆10 pitch [pitʃ] n.球场11 quickly ['kwikli] adv.快地; 敏捷地12 soon [su:n] adv.不久,很快13 slowly ['sləuli] adv.慢慢地;缓慢地14 quietly ['kwaiətli] adv.静悄悄地15 love [lʌv] n.爱情;爱; 爱好16 loudly ['laudli] adv.大声地17 get to 到达18 ferry ['feri] n.渡船19 area ['eəriə] n.(区)域,面积,方面第21课【共9词】1 astronaut ['æstrənɔ:t] n.宇宙航行员,宇航员2 make [meik] v.制造3 job [dʒɔb] n.职业;工作4 fire-engine n.消防车5 plane [plein] n.飞机6 put out 熄灭7 teach [ti:tʃ] v.讲授8 spacecraft ['speiskrɑ:ft] n.航天器,宇宙飞船9 safe [seif] adj.安全的,无风险的第22课【共8词】1 top [tɔp] adj.最高的;头等的2 tennis court 网球场3 tennis ['tenis] n.网球,网球运动4 7-eleven 早7点开晚11点关的商店5 address [ə'dres] n.地址6 kindergarten ['kindəgɑ:tn] n.幼儿园7 room [ru:m] n.房间8 number ['nʌmbə] n.号码;数字。


牛津小学英语5A词组归纳Unit 11所有的学生 1 all the students2回到学校 2 be back at school3许多花和树 3 a lot of flowers and trees4第一学期 4 the first term5一个漂亮的花园 5 a nice garden6在你家附近 6 near your house7互相 7 each other 8在街上 8 in the street9再次见到你 9 see you again10在花园附近 10 near the garden11三个阅览室 11 three reading rooms12回到学校 12 be back at school13一个大的乒乓球室 13 a big table tennis room 14一幢旧大楼 14 an old building15我不确定 15 I’m not sure16 one(序数词) 16 first17 new(反义词) 17 old18 a lot of(同义词) 18 lots of19look(同义词) 19 see20 新学期 20 the new term21there(反义词) 21 here22 good(反义词) 22 bad23let’s(完整形式) 23 let us24 isn’t(完整形式) 24 is not25 eye(同音词) 25 I26 I’d(完全形式) 26 I would27 driver(动词形式) 27 drive28 dress(复数) 28 dresses29 在篮子里 29 in the basket30 在傍晚 30 in the evening31 一个大家庭 31 a big familyUnit 21在墙上 1 on the wall2 两间客厅 2 two sitting-rooms3 在他的卧室里 3 in his bedroom4一间新房子 4 a new house5在门后面 5 behind the door6在床底下 6 under the bed7 一间大浴室 7 a large bathroom8 一张世界地图 8 a map of the world9 在沙发上 9 on the sofa10 在狗嘴里 10 in the dog’s mouth11一些新的图画 11 some new pictures12 在我的床附近 12 near my bed13 在我的课桌里 13 in my desk14 你的父母 14 your parents15 在树下 15 under the tree16 一张中国地图 16 a map of China17带着黑色帽子的兔子 17 the rabbit in the black hat18 看起来非常高兴 18 look very happy19 非常喜欢这房子 19 like the house very much20在图2中 20 in picture 221 住在苏州 21 live in Suzhou22 black(反义词) 22 white23little(近义词) 23 small24 on(反义词) 24 under25 I(物主代词) 25 my26 her(人称代词) 26 she27 large(反义词) 27 small28 study(复数) 28 studies29 they(宾格) 29 them30she (物主代词) 30 herUnit 31 骑自行车 1 ride a bike2 在教室里 2 in the classroom3 制作模型飞机 3 make a model plane4 上一节音乐课 4 have a Music lesson5 拉小提琴 5 play the violin6 唱歌和跳舞 6 sing and dance7 学英语 7 learn English8 在讲台下 8 under the teacher’s desk9 弹吉他 9 play the guitar10在下午 10 in the afternoon11做一个木偶 11 make a puppet12 跟着我 12 follow me13一间音乐教室 13 a music room14唱一首英文歌 14 sing an English song15唱一首歌 15 sing a song15 在一节音乐课上 16 at a Music lesson17 讲台 17 the teacher’s desk18 上午十点 18 ten o’clock in the morning19 在上午十点 19 at ten o’clock in the morning20 听老师 20 listen to the teacher21 waiter(对应词) 21 waitress22 拉小提琴 22 play the violin23 write(现在分词) 23 writing24 在一节音乐课上 24 at a Music lesson25 吃个冰激凌 25 eat an ice cream26 我和麦克 26 Mike and I27 灯附近的电话 27 the telephone near the lamp28 下课后 28 after class29 学英语 29 learn English30住在学校附近 30 live near the school31 骑马 31 ride a horseUnit41他的家庭 1 his family2 一个白色花瓶 2 a white vase3 许多新房子 3 a lot of new houses4 听音乐 4 listen to music5 听歌 5 listen to the song6 看一看 6 have a look7 一位公交车司机 7 a bus driver8 看电视 8 watch TV9 多少钱 9 how much10 一间大书房 10 a big study11 在门后 11 behind the door12 许多花 12 many flowers13喜欢游泳 13 like swimming14 为万圣节晚会买东西 14buy things for a Halloween party15 你的找零 15 your change16 南瓜灯笼 16 pumpkin lanterns17 一个南瓜灯 17 a pumpkin lantern18找到他 18 find him19 买东西 19 buy things20 一个大花瓶 20 a big vase21 需要一些花 21 need some flowers22 给你的找零 22 here’s your change23 在周六和周日 23 on Saturdays and Sundays24 本和他的家人 24 David and his family25 喜欢老虎和猴子 25 like tigers and monkeys26 一次万圣节晚会 26 a Halloween party27动物园里的斑马 27 the zebras in the zoo28 别的什么 28 what else29 吃面条 29 eat the noodles30 table(近义词) 30 deskUnit 61 扫地 1 sweep the floor2 一节数学课 2 a Maths lesson3 在家 3 at home4 在周日下午 4 on Sunday afternoon5 今天下午 5 this morning6 走着去学校 6 walk to school7 做家庭作业 7 do one’s homework8 做家务 8 do housework9 帮我学英语 9 help me with my English10 怎么样 10 how about11 洗衣服 11 wash clothes12 看起来不错 12 look good13 来帮我 13 come and help me14 扫地 14 sweep the floor15 弹吉他 15 play the guitar16 帮…做… 16 help…with…17 制作一个蛋糕 17 make a cake18 this (复数) 18 these19 write(同音词) 19 right20 make(现在分词) 20 making21 Sunday (缩写) 21 Sun.22 sit(现在分词) 22 sitting23 can’t(完整形式) 23 can not24 come(反义词) 24 go25u(物主代词) 25 you26 放风筝 26 fly a kite/fly kites27 下午三点 27 three o’clock in the afternoon28 擦门窗 28 clean the doors and windows29 制作一个漂亮的模型飞机 29 make a nice model plane30 帮助麦克学习数学 30 help Mike with his MathsUnit71下棋 1 play chess2 追赶 2 run after3 看画册 3 read a picture book4 寻找 4 look for5 寻找她 5 look for her6 寻找他 6 look for him7 打牌 7 play cards8 坐在篮球上 8 sit on a basketball9 在狗的头上 9 on the dog’s head10 在操场上 10 in the playground11 星期六上午 11 Saturday morning12 在星期六上午 12 on Saturday morning13 做她的家庭作业 13 do her homework14 坐在足球上 14 sit on a football15 放学后 15 after school16 洗衣服 16 wash clothes17 玩电脑游戏 17 play a computer game18 打扫图书馆 18 clean the library19 繁忙 19 be busy20 去操场 20 go to the playground21 洗一些东西 21 do some washing22 读杂志 22 read a magazine23 看电视 23 watch TV24 给我看怎么打牌 24 show me how to play cards25 做一个巧克力蛋糕 25 make a chocolate cake26 it(复数) 26 they27 right(同音词) 27 write28 taking(动词原形) 28 take29 把苹果放在你的头上 29 put the apple on your head30 读报 30 read a newspaper31玩溜溜球 31 play with a yo-yoUnit 81 一盒巧克力 1 a box of chocolate2 一些水果 2 some fruit3 一个鱼罐头 3 a tin of fish4 又跳又跑 4 jump and fish5野营营地 5 a camping site6 在她的帐篷旁 6 near her tent7 四个新望远镜 7 four new telescopes8 一个胖胖的玩具熊猫 8 a fat toy panda9 许多玩具 9 a lot of toys10 一个大帐篷 10 a big tent11 在那边 11 over there12 两条毛巾 12 two towels13 寻找望远镜 13 look for telescope14 一次野营旅行 14 a camping trip15 给我看你的邮票 15 show me your stamp16 长头发 16 long hair17 长着小眼睛的男孩 17 a boy with small eyes18 冰箱里的鱼 18 the fish in the fridge19 have(第三人称单数) 19 has20by(同音词) 20 buy21they(宾格) 21 them22skate(现在分词) 22 skating23 me (主格) 23 I24 families(单数) 24 family25 parents(名词所有格) 25 parents’26 glass(复数) 26 glasses27 let’s(完整形式) 27 let us28 fat(反义词) 28 thin29 child(复数) 29 children30 Nancy(名词所有格) 30 Nancy’s31 her(主格) 31 sheUnit 91 画一个正方形 1 draw a square2 一节艺术课 2 an Art lesson3 放风筝 3 fly a kite4 五个圆 4 five circles5 什么形状 5 what shape6 看黑板 6 look at the blackboard7 别忘记 7 don’t forget8 新年快乐! 8 Happy New Year!9 制作一张卡片 9 make a card10 到黑板前来 10 come to the blackboard11 在纸上 11 on the paper12 一颗红星 12 a red star13 三个圆 13 three circles14 开罐头 14 open the tin15 一块菱形橡皮 15 a diamond eraser16 画一个三角形 16 draw a triangle17 新年快乐 17 Happy New Year18 做饭 18 cook rice19 any(同义词) 19 some20 woman(复数) 20 women21she(物主代词) 21 her22 on(反义词) 22 under23drive(名词) 23 driver24him(复数) 24 them25 big(同义词) 25 large26 family(复数) 26 families27 one(序数词) 27 first28skate(现在分词) 28 skating29 get (现在分词) 29 getting30 画两个长方形 30 draw two rectangles。

三年级牛津英语(上海版)单词、词组汇总三年级第一学期牛津英语单词M1U1Miss 小姐 Mr 先生 Mrs 女士night 夜晚 cut 剪 stick 粘贴plate 盘子 new 新的 puppet 木偶pupil 小学生 noon 中午M1U2open打开 close关上 door 门name 姓名 book书 write写get 拿 fold 折叠 jam 果酱colour 给......涂颜色sad伤心的 hand手M1U3one一 two二 three 三four四 five五 six六seven七 eight八 nine 九ten 十 today 今天 please 请only 只有 blow 吹灭 cut 切year 年 count 数数Chinese 中国人 Japanese 日本人study 学习 eleven 十一 twelve 十二M2U1fat胖的 thin瘦的 tall高的 short矮的boy男孩 girl女孩 friend朋友bow鞠躬rain 雨 baby 婴儿M2U2grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母parent父母亲 brother兄弟 sister姐妹me 我(宾格) high 高的M2U3eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 hair 头发 ear耳mouth嘴 small小的 long长的big 大的 tail 尾巴 neck 脖子arm手臂 leg腿 foot脚M3U1school学校 library 图书馆toilet 洗手间 hall 会堂playground 操场 classroom 教室there在那里 shine 闪耀 rose玫瑰photo照片 place地方 activity活动M3U2apple 苹果orange桔子 banana 香蕉peach桃 may可以 supermarket超市plum李子 shopping购物 list清单M3U3boat小船 balloon气球 flower花kite 风筝 red红色 orange橘红色yellow黄色 grey灰色 swing摇摆tube 管子 music 音乐M4U1bee 蜜蜂 ant 蚂蚁 duck 鸭子ladybird 瓢虫 butterfly蝴蝶fly飞 down 向下 up 向上size大小 insect昆虫M4U2hen 母鸡 chick 小鸡 duck 鸭子pig猪 dog 狗 cat 猫gate 大门 end结束M4U3plant植物 leaf树叶 leaves树叶(复数)branch 树枝 trunk 树干root 根green绿色 pink粉红色 seed 种子beautiful 美丽的 rainy 下雨的sunny 晴朗的 bud 芽sunflower 太阳花 tune曲调三年级第一学期牛津英语词组MIU11、good morning 早上好2、Mr Zhang 张先生3、good afternoon 下午好4、boys and girls 男孩和女孩们5、Miss Fang 方小姐6、Mrs Wang 王太太7、good evening 晚上好8、very well 非常好9、good night 晚安10、a new teacher 一位新老师11、we have 我们有12、mum and dad 爸爸和妈妈13、make some puppets 做玩偶14、play with your friends 和你的朋友玩15、draw and colour 画并上色16、make cakes 做蛋糕17、on the plates 在盘子上18、on the table 在桌上19、cut and stick 剪和粘20、Mr Dog 狗先生M1U21、her name 她的名字2、stand up 起立3、sit down 坐下4、my name 我的名字5、open the door 开门6、close the door 关门7、look at the blackboard 看黑板8、clean the blackboard 擦黑板9、thank you 谢谢10、make a name card 做姓名卡11、get a card取一张卡片12、fold the card 折卡片13、colour your name card 为你的姓名卡上色14、pick up your pencil 捡起你的铅笔15、pick it up 把它捡起来16、write your name on the paper 在纸上写下你的名字17、the fat man 胖男子18、like jam 爱果酱19、be sad 感到悲伤20、be bad 变质M1U31、your birthday 你的生日2、happy birthday to you祝你生日快乐3、how old 几岁4、in groups 小组活动5、Miss Bird 鸟小姐6、only one year old 只有一岁7、cut the cake 切蛋糕8、a yummy cake 一只美味的蛋糕9、three years old 三岁10、Mr Cat 猫先生11、count to three 数到三12、draw a tree 画一棵树13、can’t write or read 不会读和写14、study with me 和我一起学15、Chinese and Japanese中国人和日本人16、Peter and Eva 彼得和依娃17、blow the candles 吹蜡烛18、play a game 做游戏19、do a role-play 分角色表演20、a birthday party 一个生日会M2U11、my friends 我的朋友们2、2、look at the girl 看这个女孩3、tall and fat 又高又胖4、4、short and thin 又瘦又小5、play football 踢足球6、6、can’t swim 不会游泳7、write about your friends 写关于你们的朋友8、play a guessing game 做一个猜谜游戏9、ten red pens 十支红钢笔10、from his friends 来自她的朋友们11、two small babies 二个小婴儿12、three short mothers三个矮个子母亲13、seven tall teachers 七个高个教师14、five thin girls 五个瘦女孩15、eight fat boys 八个胖男孩16、bow and bow 不断鞠躬17、in the rain 在雨中18、ride and swim 骑车和游泳19、draw and sing 绘画和唱歌M2U21、my family 我的家庭2、e in 进来3、my grandfather 我的祖父4、my good friend 我的好朋友5、nice to meet you 见到你很高兴6、a picture of my family 我家庭的一张照片7、like eating cakes 爱吃蛋糕8、my tall father 我的高个子父亲9、my brother 我的兄弟10、Tom and my father汤姆和我的父亲11、like playing football 爱踢足球12、play it very well 玩得很好13、like my bicycle 爱我的自行车14、like his kite 爱他的风筝15、my nice bicycle 我的好看的自行车16、Mike’s kite 迈克的风筝17、Mother and Grandmother 母亲和祖母18、listen and enjoy 听并欣赏M2U31、my long hair 我的长发2、2、your small nose 你的小鼻子3、his big mouth 他的大嘴4、4、her big eyes 她的大眼睛5、its small ears 它的小耳朵6、6、look at our eyes 看着我们的眼睛7、their short hair 他们的短发8、small and brown eyes小而棕色的眼睛9、very short 非常短10、little animals 小动物们11、my short tail 我的短尾巴12、small and very fat 小又非常胖13、like playing with my pink ball 喜欢玩我的粉色皮球14、his big dog 他的大狗15、her pink pig 她的粉色的猪16、play with a stick 玩一根手杖17、our white rabbit 我们的白兔18、their black mouse 他们的黑老鼠M3U11、my school 我的学校2、2、your classroom 你的教室3、our library 我们的图书馆4、4、their hall 他们的礼堂5、in the toilet 在厕所里6、6、look at the picture 看图片7、big and nice 又大又好看8、8、can sing and dance 会唱歌跳舞9、your playground 你们的操场10、10、play basketball 打篮球11、read and write 读和写12、12、go down 落下13、Rainbow Primary School 彩虹小学14、14、go up 升起15、hold a photo 拿着照片16、16、an old photo 一张老照片17、a photo of a rose 一张玫瑰的照片18、in the playground 在操场上M3U21、how many apples 多少只苹果2、2、have some peaches 吃一些桃子3、here you are 给你4、4、help you 帮助你5、a fruit shop 一家水果店6、6、eight oranges 八只桔子7、seven yuan 七元8、8、how much 多少钱9、shopping list一张购物单10、10、three orange plums 三只黄杏11、two red apples 二只红苹果12、four pink peaches 四只粉色的桃子13、Peter and his Mum 彼得和他的妈妈14、go to a supermarket 去超市15、there are 有16、many toys 许多玩具17、this football 这只足球18、buy some bananas 买一些香蕉19、want an apple 想要一只苹果20、buy a balloon 买一只气球21、in the shop 在商店里M3U31、look at the boat 看小船2、2、what colour 什么颜色3、this blue flower 这朵蓝色的花4、4、mix the colour 混合颜色5、colour and write 上色并写一写6、a pink and yellow kite 一只粉黄相间的风筝7、a red and white ball 一只红白相间的球8、the girl’s flower 女孩的花朵9、swing to the sky 荡到空中10、the blue sky 蓝色的天空11、the round sun 圆圆的太阳12、the white clouds 白云13、have some tubes 有一些试管14、make the music with her tubes用她的试管奏乐15、a good pupil 一个好学生16、in the park 在公园里M4U11、an ant 一只蚂蚁2、a lady bird and a butterfly 一只瓢虫和一只蝴蝶3、red and black 红黑相间4、an insect 一只昆虫5、a small lady bird 一只小瓢虫6、yellow and purple 黄紫相间7、a small and black ant 一只小而黑的蚂蚁8、that butterfly 那只蝴蝶9、a beautiful butterfly一只美丽的蝴蝶10、make a paper butterfly 做只纸蝴蝶11、run down and up 跑上跑下12、in the summer sun 在夏天的太阳里13、like to run爱奔跑14、have some ducks 有些鸭子15、blue and green蓝绿相间16、an elephant一只象M4U21、a yellow chick一只黄小鸡2、2、a white duck一只白色的鸭子3、a brown dog 一条棕色的狗4、4、a pink pig 一只粉色的猪5、five hens五只母鸡6、6、count the hens 数一下母鸡的数量7、Kitty’s dream凯蒂的梦想8、8、put on my shoe 穿上我的鞋9、open the door 打开门10、10、open the gate 打开大门11、ask and answer 问和答12、12、they are 他们是13、play a guessing game with your friend 与你的朋友玩猜谜游戏M4U31、green plants 绿色植物2、2、three leaves 三片叶子3、a green leaf 一片绿叶4、thin and short roots又细又短的根须5、a pink beautiful flower一朵粉色的美丽的花6、look at the plant 看这棵植物7、a brown trunk 一只棕色的树干8、brown branches 棕色的树枝9、brown seeds 棕色的种子10、a rainy day 一个多雨天气11、a sunny day 一个阳光灿烂的日子12、feel warm 感到温暖13、grow and grow 不断的生长14、leaves and buds 叶子和芽15、two sunflowers 两棵向日葵16、how many green birds 多少只绿色的鸟17、under the tree 在树下18、count again and tell me 再数一遍告诉我19、make a name card 做一张姓名卡20、give a card to a classmate 把卡片给同学21、write about your school 写关于你的学校22、my favourite insect 我喜爱的昆虫三年级第二学期牛津英语单词M1U11. aeroplane 飞机2.bus 公共汽车3.ship轮船4.car轿车5.seeing视觉6.hearing听觉7.buses公共汽车复数8. else其它的9.circle圆10. use使用11. toothpick牙签12 spin旋转13 them他们(宾格)14.raindrop雨点M1U21. pineapple菠萝2.bread面包2. cake蛋糕4. glass玻璃杯5.bag包6.feel感到7.touch触碰8.touching 触觉9.feeling感觉10.smooth光滑的11.rough粗糙的12.hard坚硬的13.soft柔软的14.hungry饿的15.food食物16. pie馅饼17.finger手指18.shop商店M1U31. sweet糖果2.sweet甜的3. lemon柠檬4.sour酸的5.salt盐6.salty咸的7.coffee咖啡8.bitter苦的9.tasting味觉10.smelling嗅觉11.smell闻12.taste 尝13.sometimes有时14.sleep睡着15.whale鲸鱼16.photograph照片M2U11.tiger老虎2.lion狮子3.panda熊猫4.monkey猴子5.fox狐狸6.strong强壮的7.clever聪明的8.hat帽子9.rest休息10.cool凉爽的11.angry生气的12. kind种类 13.clock闹钟 14.rock岩石M2U21. toy train玩具火车2.doll洋娃娃3.skateboard滑板4.robot机器人5.toy玩具6.foil 6.glue胶水7.button纽扣8.together 一起9.fun有趣的事10.behind在......后面 11.lovely可爱的12. walk走路13. wall墙壁M2U31..scarf围巾2.jacket夹克衫3. clothes衣服(总称)4.these这些5.those那些6.funny有趣的7.try试8.gloves手套 9. socks 袜子10. shoes鞋子11. trousers长裤12. together一起13 try尝试14. glass玻璃窗M3U11.circle圆形2.square正方形3.triangle三角形4.star星形5.rectangle长方形6.shape形状7.side边8.hungry饿的9.fan电风扇10.light电灯11. bright亮的M3U21.sky天空2.sea大海3.mountain高山4.river河流5.violet紫罗兰色6.rainbow彩虹7.sunny晴朗的8.cloudy多云的 9.grasshopper蚱蜢10.outside外面M3U31. ice-skate溜冰2. ski滑雪3.rainy下雨的4.beach海滩5.sandcastle沙塔6.wind风7.blow吹 8. July七月9.fun有趣的事情 10. shine照耀M4U11.body身体2.shoulder肩膀3.arm手臂4.finger手指5. head头6.hand手7.leg腿8. knee膝盖9. foot脚 10.feet脚(复数)11.toe脚趾12.easy容易的13.stretch 伸展14.raise抬起15.stamp跺脚16.touch触动17.clap拍M4U21.Children's Day儿童节2.cinema电影院3.June六月4.July七月5.October十月6.January一月7.March三月8.May五月9.first第一10.second第二11.third第三12.fifth第五13.together一起14.parents父母亲15.China中国16.the UK英国17.Singapore新加坡18.Thailand泰国19.Japan日本M4U31.little小的2.own自己的3.house房子4.new新的5.busy忙碌的6.strong强壮的7.stop停止8. help救命9.bad坏的10.boil煮沸三年级第二学期牛津英语词组M1U11. hear a ship 听到一艘轮船2. hear an aeroplane 听到一架飞机3. some cars 一些轿车4. make a spinner 做个陀螺5.draw a circle 画个圆6.cut the circle 剪个圆7.colour the circle 给圆涂色8. use a toothpick 用一根牙签9. spin the spinner 转陀螺10. some children 一些孩子11. see a toy car and a toy ship看到玩具车和玩具船12. fall down掉下来13. sit on the chair 坐在椅子上M1U21. touch the glass 摸玻璃杯2. smooth and hard 光滑坚硬3. on the moon 在月球上4. go and get some food 去买些食物5. too hard 太硬6. soft and nice 柔软好吃7. In the shop 在小店M1U31. close your eyes 闭上双眼2. taste the lemon 品尝柠檬3. at night 在晚上4. in the photograph 在照片中5. Mr White 怀特先生6. toy whale 玩具鲸鱼7. its white tail 它的白色的尾巴M2U11. favourite animals 最喜欢的动物们2. look at the monkeys 看这些猴子们3. ride bicycles 骑自行车4. a hot summer day 一个炎热的夏天5. take a rest 休息一下6. under the tree 在树下7. take his hats 拿了他的帽子8. jump into the tree跳入树中9. be angry 生气10. get...back 拿回11. all kinds of 各种12. sit on a rock 坐在岩石上13.the chick in the clock 闹钟里的小鸡M2U21. like skateboards 喜欢滑板2. don’t like skateboards 不喜欢滑板3. make a robot 做个机器人4. stick the foil 黏住锡纸5. stick the boxes 黏住盒子6. stick the buttons 黏住纽扣7. play together 一起玩8.stand behind the wall 站在墙后M2U31. draw a robot画个机器人2. a pair of trousers 一条裤子3. a pair of gloves 一副手套4. a pair of socks 一双袜子5. a pair of shoes 一双鞋6. nice picture 漂亮的图画7. read English books together 一起读英语书8. the English word 英语词汇9. make a hat 做个帽子10. ride a horse 骑马11. miss the bus 错过公交车12.clean the glass 擦玻璃窗M3U11. have some shapes 有一些形状2. make a house 盖个房子3.a big rectangle一个大长方形4.some small rectangles 一些小长方形5.two small squares 两个小正方形6.a beautiful house 一桩漂亮的房子7.after school 放学8.home 回到家9.some cakes for you给你一些蛋糕10.turn off 关上11.take off 脱掉M3U21. Look at the rainbow 看彩虹2. in the sky 在天空中3.sleep in spring and summer在春夏天睡觉4.look at the grass 看草5. look at the leaves 看叶子6.like singing and dancing 喜欢唱歌跳舞7.look at the snow 看雪8.read at home in winter 冬天在家里读书9.cold outside 外面冷10e in 进来 11.in warm clothes 衣着暖和M3U31. favourite season 最喜欢的季节2. warm and rainy 温暖下雨3. plant trees 种树4. fly a kite 放风筝5. have picnics 去野餐6.go to the beach 去海滩7. make sandcastles做沙堡8. grow and grow 生长9.fly slowly 慢慢飞10.black clouds 乌云M4U11.draw myself 画自画像2. a big head 一个大头3.a big body 体型大4.two long legs两条长腿5.two big feet 两个大脚6.touch your shoulders 碰你的双肩7.touch your knees 碰你的双膝8.stretch your arms 伸展双臂9. raise your hands 举起上手10.stamp your feet 跺脚11.clap your hands 拍手M4U21. have a class party at school 在学校开班级派对2.sing a song together 一起唱歌3.take a photograph 拍张照4.go to the park with my parents 跟父母去公园5.go to the cinema 去电影院6.the first of June 六月一日7.the fourteenth of July 七月十四日8.the first of October 十月一日9.the second Saturday of January 一月的第二个周六10.the third of March 三月三日 the fifth of May 五月五日M4U31.three little pigs 三只小猪2.go fishing 去钓鱼3e in 进来4.over there 在那边5.boil the water 把水烧开6.go away 走开7.be afraid of 害怕祝考试好运喜欢今天的文章点击右上角分享出去喔~更多资讯可长按关注在阳光下一起学习。
牛津小学英语5Aunit1-4词组小结 2 - 副本 (2)

5A Unit1-4词组短语unit11.the first day 第一天2.all the students所有学生3. the new term新学期4.at school在学校5. the first day of the new term新学期的第一天6. the first day at school在学校的第一天7.each other 彼此8. a lot of rooms许多房间9.a new building一幢新大楼10.how many classrooms多少个教室11.i’m not sure .我不能确定/我没把握。
12.let’s go and see. 让我们去看看。
13.in the building 在大楼里14.two reading rooms两个阅览室15.let me see.让我看看。
16.let’s go and have a look让我们去看一看。
17.a lot of flowers and trees许多花和树18.near your house在你的房子附近19.good idea好主意20.a small one 一个小的(这里指公园) 21.shall we go and play there?我们去那儿玩,好吗?22.in the street在街上23.on the table在桌上24.on the plate在盘子unit21. her parents她的父母亲2.live in a new house住在一间新房子里3.like the new house very much非常喜欢新房子4.near her school在她学校附近5.three bedrooms三个卧室6.a large study一个大书房7.in your bedroom在你的卧室里8. near my bed 在我的床附近9. on the wall在墙上10. a map of the world 一张世界地图11.a map of china一幅中国地图12. on the desk在书桌上13.behind the door在门后14.in the basket 在篮子里15. under the bed在床下面16. on the table在桌子上17. on my chair在我的椅子上18. under my desk在我的课桌下19. near my school bag在我的书包附近20. in the cat’s mouth在猫的嘴里21. in the black hat戴着黑色的帽子unit31.make a puppet做木偶2.make a model plane做一架模型飞机3.play the guitar弹吉他4.play the violin 拉小提琴5.play the piano 弹钢琴6.play basketball 打篮球7.play football 踢足球8 go skating 去滑冰9.play baseball 打棒球10.play volleyball打排球11.sing a song 唱一首歌12. learn the song学歌13.listen to the song听歌14 .listen to the teacher听老师讲15.at a music lesson在一节音乐课上16.have an english class/lesson上一堂英语课17.at three o’clock在三点钟18.in the afternoon 在下午19.in the classroom在教室里20.in the music room在音乐教室里21. follow me 跟我(唱)22.let’s start . 让我们开始吧。

牛津小学英语全册词组短语汇总4A-6Bmy ball pen 我的圆珠笔her pencil 她的铅笔come in 进来have a notebook要一本笔记本this pen 这支钢笔that ruler 那把尺in your pencil case在你的笔袋里a book 一本书all right 好的a big rubber 一块大橡皮May I have this book?我可以要这本书吗?Sure. Here you are.当然可以。
May I have a ball pen for Su Yang?我可以为苏阳要一支笔Yes. Here you are.好的。
This pen is for you.这支钢笔是给你的。
Thank you. 谢谢。
This ruler is for Gao Shan. 这把尺是给高山的。
All right. 好的。
Happy Teachers’ Day!教师节快乐!What’s in your pencil case? 你的笔袋里有什么?I’ve go t two pencils.我有两支铅笔。
May I come in?我可以进来吗?Come in, please. 请进。
Here’s a card for you.这是给你的贺卡。
my tiger 我的老虎on the desk 在书桌上his cat 他的猫have a look 看一看a nice monkey一只好看的猴子your lion 你的狮子a lovely rabbit一只可爱的兔子your toy bear 你的玩具熊my nice tiger 我的好看的老虎What’s this? 这是什么?It’s a panda. 它是一只熊猫。
What’s that?那是什么?It’s a dog. 它是一只狗。
This is your lion,I think.我想这是你的狮子。
牛津小学英语5AUnit 2 词组

Unit 2 词组1.一座新房子a new house2.她的父母her parents3.住在南京live in Nanjing4.在她学校附近near her school5. 很,非常very much6.一间大起居室a large sitting-room7.在你卧室里in your bedroom8. 在我床附近near my bed9.一些洋娃娃some dolls10.在墙上on the wall 11.一幅世界地图a map of the world 12.一幅中国地图a map of China 13.在我的课桌上on my desk 14. 在他的桌子下under his desk15. 在门后behind the door16.在猫嘴里in the cat’s mouth 17.戴着白色礼帽in a white hat 18.看起来很快乐look very happy 19.一只小老鼠a little mouse 20.两只老鼠two mice 21.我的厨师my cook句型: 1. A: 篮子里有什么? What's in the basket?B: 篮子里有一只狗。
There’s a dog in the basket.2. A: 床下有什么?What's under the bed?B: 床下有一个足球。
There is a football under the bed.3. A: 饭桌上有什么? What's on the table?B: 桌上有一些玻璃杯。
There are some glasses onthe table.4.. A: 门后有什么? What's behind the door?B: 门后有一些伞。
There are some umbrellas behind the door.5. A: 没有一盏台灯。
There isn't a lamp.B: 这有一盏台灯给你。

17. 11岁

4a期中词组复习(第一单元)1、my ball pen 我的圆珠笔2、her pencil 她的铅笔3、come in 进来4、have a notebook 要一本笔记本5、this bookmark 这张书签6、that ruler 那把尺7、in your pencil case 在你的笔袋里8、all right 好;行;不错9、a big rubber 一块大橡皮10、for you给你11、I’ve got我有;我得到12、sure当然13、a little book一本小书14、Happy Teachers’ Day! 祝教师节快乐!15、goodbye 再见;再会(第二单元)1、my tiger 我的老虎2、on the desk 在书桌上3、his cat 他的猫4、have a look 看一看5、a nice monkey 一只好看的猴子6、your lion 你的狮子7、a lovely rabbit 一只可爱的兔子8、your toy bear 你的玩具熊9、I’d like…我想要…10、in a toy shop 在一家玩具店里11、How lovely! 多么可爱啊!12、I think 我想;我认为13、I see 我明白了14、in which box? 在哪只盒子里?15、can’t =can not 不能;不可以16、in the green box 在绿盒子里(第三单元)1、over there 在那边2、come here 来这里3、on the book 在书上4、in my purse 在我的钱包里5、your crayon 你的蜡笔6、her storybook 她的故事书7、in the classroom 在教室里8、an umbrella 一把伞9、Helen’s tape 海伦的修正带10、Yang Ling’s purse 杨玲的钱包11、Where’s she? 她在哪里?12、Where’s he? 他在哪里?13、Let me see. 让我看看。
4B牛津英语Module 1词组

28.a soft pencil case一只柔软的笔袋
29.those thick books那些厚书
30.a rough pineapple一个粗糙的菠萝
31.put your toy bear in the bag
32.touch one thing摸一样东西
46.four blind brothers四个盲人兄弟
47.under the tree在树下
48.a man on an elephant
49.ask and answer问答
50.one of the brothers其中一个兄弟
51.another brother另一个兄弟
5.a bunch of grapes一串葡萄
6.some cherries and strawberries
7.look and guess看看猜猜
8.taste this plum尝这个李子
9.close your eyes闭上你的眼睛
10.smell the flower闻这朵花
67.in the evening在傍晚
68.on the path在小路上
69.grow long again又变长
70.cut them out把它们剪下
71.stick a pencil粘一支铅笔
72.shine the torch使手电筒发光
73.make a shadow制造一个影子
74.at seven o’clock在七点
40.something hard某样硬东西
牛津英语starter 词组

牛津英语starter 词组Unit 11. 早上好。
Good morning.2. 下午好。
Good afternoon.3. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。
How are you?I’m fine .Thank you4. 你叫什么名字?我叫米莉。
What’s your name? I’m Millie.5. 你是尼克吗?不,我是彼德。
You’re Nick, right? No, I’m Peter.6. 再见。
Good bye.7. 香港 HK8. 身份证IDUnit 21. 这是塞莉。
This is Sally.She is my sister.2. 他是我的双胞胎兄弟。
He is my twin brother.3. 我的一张全家福a photo of my family4. 她是我堂妹凯特。
She is my cousin Kate.5. 这个男人是谁?他是我的舅舅。
Who is this man? He is my uncle.6. 他是干什么的?他是一个警察。
What is he? He is apoliceman.7. 一个医生a doctor8. 一个老师a teacher9. 一个护士a nurse10. 我的婶婶是一个司机。
My aunt is a driver. 11. 我的爷爷是一个工人。
My grandfather is a worker.12. 中国PRC13. 联合国UN14. 美国USAUnit 31.即高又强壮tall and strong2.既小又瘦small and thin3.既高又苗条tall and slim4.既矮小又可爱short and pretty5.既有礼貌又乐于助人polite and helpful6.来自于……come from/be from 7.看一看have a look 8.看look at9.你几岁?我十二岁。
How old are you? I am twelve. 10.你们是同班同学吗?是的Are you classmates? Yes, we are.11.他伤心吗?不,他很开心。

牛津小学英语5A Unit1-5 词组Unit 11. the first day 第一天2. the new term 新学期3. all the students 所有的学生4. at school 在学校5. each other 互相6. a new building 一幢新教学楼7. a lot of rooms 许多房间8. how many 多少9. I’m not sure. 我不能确定。
10. have a look 看一看11. go and have a look 去看一看 12. a lot of flowers 许多花13. good idea 好主意 14. in the street 在街道上15. on the plate 在盘子里 16. on the table 在桌子上Unit 21. my parents 我的父母2. live in 居住3. near her school 在她的学校旁边4. very much 非常5. in Picture 1 在图片16. in your bedroom 在你的卧室7. some dolls 一些洋娃娃8. a new house 新房子9. on the wall 在墙上 10. behind the door 在门后面11.in the cat’s mouth在猫的嘴里 12. look happy 看上去高兴13.in the afternoon 在下午 14.in the music room 在音乐室里15. near the bed 在床边 16. on the desk 在桌上17. the rabbit in the black hat 带着黑帽子的那只兔子18. a map of the world 一张世界地图Unit 31. have a Music lesson 上音乐课2. sing a song 唱一首歌3. play the violin 拉小提琴4. listen to 听...5. follow me 跟着我6. sing it together 一起唱7. make a puppet 做木偶 8. make a model plane 做模型飞机9. play the guitar 弹吉它 10. in the afternoon 在下午11. at a Music lesson在音乐课上 12. ride a bike 骑自行车13. have an ice-cream 吃冰淇淋 14. find him 找到他15. play basketball 打篮球 16. after class 在课后17. put a book on your head 把书放在你的头上Unit 41. his family 他的家庭2. buy things 买东西3. a Halloween party 一个万圣节晚会4. need some masks 需要一些面具5. on Sunday 在星期天6. what mask 什么面具7. a bus driver 一个客车司机 8. like swimming 喜欢游泳9. in the evening 在晚上 10. listen to music 听音乐11. watch TV 看电视 12. on Saturday 在星期六13. play table tennis with... 和…打乒乓球Unit 51. open the door 开门2. copy the new words 抄写新单词3. read the book 读书4. draw a picture 画一幅画5. drink the water 喝水6. this red vase 这个红色的花瓶7. in the picture 在图片里8. eat the noodles 吃面条9. put the flowers in the vase 把花放在花瓶里10.put the vase on the desk 把花瓶放在课桌上11. play computer games 打电脑游戏。
牛津新版四年级上英语词组 中英版

1.喜欢马like horses2.不喜欢don’t like3.又胖又可爱cute and fat4.那只老虎that tiger5.那些熊猫those pandas6.孩子们boys and girls7.这只猫this cat8.一只肥猫a fat cat9.这只黑白相间的熊猫this black and white panda10.一只玩具狮子a toy lion11.这些玩具动物these toy animals12.在垫子上on the mat13.有一块蛋糕have a cake14.在木头上on the log15.和我一起跑run with me16.做一个蛋糕make a cake17.一些猫some cats18.做一个水果沙拉make a fruit salad19.有一个菠萝have a pineapple20.一些葡萄some grapes21.我们的水果沙拉our fruit salad22.喜欢芒果like mangoes23.多少个芒果how many mangoes24.吃一个热蛋糕eat a hot cake25.紫葡萄purple grapes26.十三辆公共汽车thirteen buses27.十五个盒子fifteen boxes28.许多球many balls29.做这个do this30.十八支铅笔eighteen pencils31.一些贴纸some stickers32.看一看have a look33.非常漂亮very beautiful34.多少张贴纸how many stickers35.在那个盒子里in that box 36.十二个足球twelve footballs37.在图书馆里in the library38.那么滑稽so funny39.那些蛋糕those cakes40.多长how long41.吃它们eat them42.多少个机器人how many robots43.打篮球play basketball44.踢足球play football45.打乒乓球play table tennis46.会跳can jump47.我会I can48.他会he can49.我不会I can’t50.她不会she can’t51.我的名字my name52.不会游泳can’t swim53.看着我look at me54.非常好very well55.游泳游得好swim well56.……怎么样what about…57.试一试have a try58.十一岁eleven years old59.会飞can fly60.不要伤心。

5A Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears班级_____________ 姓名__________________一、词组:1. in the forest 在森林里2. a beautiful house 一个漂亮的房子3. in the house 在房子里4. hungry and thirsty 又饿又渴5. some soup 一些汤6. on the table 在桌子上7. too cold 太冷8. too hot 太热9. just right 正好10. three beds 三张床11. too hard 太硬12. too soft 太软13. three bears 三只熊14. in front of her 在她前面15. in the room 在房间里16. on the chair 在椅子上17. a glass of milk 一杯牛奶18. have a cold 感冒19.put on 穿上20.have some cakes 吃些蛋糕21.in the fridge 在冰箱里22.in the kitchen 在厨房里23.find their cousin 找到他们的表弟24. in the living room 在客厅25. in the glass 在玻璃杯里26. in the tree 在树上二、句型:1.There’s a house in the forest. 在森林里有一座房子。
2. Goldilocks is in the house. 金发姑娘在房子里。
3.There’s some soup on the table.在桌子上有一些汤。
4. This soup is just right. 这汤刚刚好。
5.There are three beds in the room.在房间里有三张床。
6. This bed is too hard. 这张床太硬了。

1.that sounds healthy/good 听起来很健康/很好2.have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 吃早饭、午饭晚饭3.be hungry/important4.也too 用于肯定句either 用于否定句5.this morning 这个早上every morning 每个早上6. a glass of water/juice/milk 一杯水、果汁、牛奶7.keep the doctor away 远离医生8.like doing sth 喜欢做某事9. a lot of/some +可数名词/不可数名词10.watch too much TV 看太多电视11.eat too much sweet food 吃了太多甜食12.healthy 反义unhealthyhappy 反义unhappy13.do some exercises 做运动否定把some变成any14.be strong and healthy15.eat too much 吃太多了16.all day and all night 整天整夜17.become/get +a. 变得怎么样18.run fast 跑得快19.happen to sb 某人发生了什么20.go to see a film 去看电影21.want to do sth 想要做什么22.next time 下一次23.leave home 离开家leave sp for sp24.be on 上映25.let sb do sth 让某人做某事26.an adult27.have a look 看一看28.let her go 让她走29.stay with sb 和某人呆一块30.look like sb 看上去像某人31.fall asleep 睡着了32.wake up 醒来33.give sb sth 给某人某物34.give sth to sb35.in the morning/afternoon 在早上在下午36.It’s time for…37.each class 每节课38.from…..to….从。

Unit1 词汇1.很久以前long long ago2.有魔力的.神奇的magic3.聪明的clever4.愚蠢的foolish5.穿过through6.笑.大笑laugh7.穿wear8.讲.叙述tell9.每个each10.说say11.句子sentence12.迅速的.快的quick13.下一个next14.小的.年幼的little15.机会turn16.想.思考think17.努力地.费劲地hard18.孩子child19.变成turn into20.国王的新衣the king’s new clothes21.两天前two days ago22.拜访国王visit the king23.做新衣服make new clothes24.三个男士three men25.给国王看他的新衣服show the king his new clothesshow his new clothes to the king26.试穿这些神奇的衣服try on these magic clothes27.聪明的人们clever people28.一个愚蠢的男孩a foolish boy29.走路穿越城市walk through the city30.许多人a lot of people31.在大街上in the street32.多么漂亮的衣服啊!What beautiful clothes!33.一个小女孩a little girl34.指着国王point at the king35.指着他们point at them36.嘲笑他laugh at him37.非常合适fit well38.在四点半at half past four39.一个美国牛仔an American cowboy41.穿着苏格兰短裙wear a kilt42.穿着牛仔裤wear jeans43.玩游戏play games44.讲故事tell stories45.每个学生each student46.说两个句子say two sentences47.在大山上on the mountain48.下一个句子the next sentence49.一个老人an old man50.一个精彩的故事a wonderful story51.住在房子里live in a/the house52.轮到你了It’s your turn.53.努力思考think hard54.努力学习study hard55.努力工作work hard56.不得不开始have to start57.在森林里in the forest58.在房子前面in front of the house59.在房子边走过walk by the house60.摘花pick flowers/pick a flower61.生气的angry62.对着老人大叫shout at the old man63.照看她look after her64.变成王子turn into a prince65.生病的sick66.一些动物some animals67.把你的孩子给我give me your childgive your child to me68.许多孩子many children69.今天下午this afternoon70.喜欢新衣服like new clothesUnit2 词汇1.晴朗的sunny2.展示.展览show3.有趣的.有意思的interesting4.天气weather5.变成.变为become6.有风的windy7.多云的cloudy8.在高处high9.带来bring10.天空sky11.蜂蜜honey12.蚂蚁ant13.去公园go to the park14.云cloud15.下雨rain16.多雨的.有雨的rainy17.遇见meet18.丢失lose19.知道know20.出什么事了?What happened?21.爬上climb up22.抓紧hold onto23.飞走fly away24.饮料drink25.糟糕的一天!What a day!26.9月20号the twentieth of September27.骑自行车by bike/ride a bike28.一场鹦鹉表演a parrot show29.两场鹦鹉表演two parrot shows30.一些有趣的鹦鹉some interesting parrots31.放风筝fly kites/fly a kite32.在天空中in the sky33.风筝放的高fly kites high34.该吃午饭了time for lunch35.带一些饺子bring some dumplings36.一些面包some bread37.许多蜜蜂many bees38.吃我们的午餐eat our lunch39.在早晨in the morning40.乌云black clouds41.又饿又湿hungry and wet42.一个晴天a sunny day43.有风的一天a windy day44.在雨季.在雨天on rainy days45.天气怎么样?What’s the weather like?How is the weather?46.整天all day47.干的好well done48.挑三张卡片pick three cards49.打篮球play basketball50.在操场in the playground51.让我们一起欢呼.Let’s cheer together.52.遇到我们meet us53.丢了我的风筝lose my kite54.看上去悲伤look sad55.怎么了?What’s the matter?/What’s wrong?56.想知道为什么want to know why57.爬上小山climb up the hill58.在小山附近near the hill59.因为because60.看电影watch a film/watch films61.在你的日记里in your diary62.上周日last Sunday63.去游泳go swimming64.野餐have a picnic65.做家务do housework66.写日记write diaries/write a diary67.步行on foot68.一个阴天a cloudy dayUnit3 词汇1.假日.假期holiday2.国庆节National Day3.打电话call4.(上海)外滩Bund5.上海博物馆the Shanghai Museum6.星星star7.长城the Great Wall8.故宫the Palace Museum9.颐和园the Summer Palace10.天安门广场Tan’anmen Square11.时装表演.时装秀a fashion show12.激动的.兴奋的excited13.纸paper14.问ask15.瓶子bottle16.进展顺利go well17.开始.最初at first18.大雨heavy rain19.假期乐趣holiday fun20.返回学校come back to school21.国庆节假期the National Day holiday22.你去了哪里?Where did you go?23.你昨天在哪里?Where were you yesterday?我在家。

Unit 51、National Day 国庆节2、last week 上个星期3 last weekend 上周末4 after the holiday 假期之后5 early 早的,(反义词late)6 in the school playground 在学校的操场上7 before class 上课前(反义词组after class)8、watch a film 看电影9 fun 乐趣(名词)10 a lot of fun=lots of fun 很多乐趣11 funny 有趣的,滑稽的(形容词)12、a funny cartoon 一部有趣的卡通13 like it very much 非常喜欢它14、visit a farm 参观农场15、on the farm 在农场16 read a book about a farm 看一本关于农场的书17、water trees 给树浇水(water 动词)18 water flowers 给花浇水19、pull up carrots 拔胡萝卜20、milk cows 挤牛奶21、collect eggs 收鸡蛋22、pick oranges 摘桔子23、taste them 品尝它们24 cook food 烹饪食物25 wonderful 精彩的26 fruit trees 果树27 what else 别的什么28 at the weekends 在周末29 play volleyball 打排球30 sweep the floor 扫地31 visit sb. 看望/拜访某人32 visit the zoo 参观动物园33 visit a farm 参观农场34 her visit 她的拜访/参观(visit 名词)35 show sb sth. =show sth to sb. 给某人展示某物36 show her some pictures 向她展示一些图片37 be glad to do sth. 很高兴做某事38 stamps from different countries 来自不同国家的邮票39 clean the house 打扫屋子40 work for about two hours 工作了大约两个小时41 have a good time=have lots of fun 过得很愉快42、at a camp 在野营43、walk in the mountains 在山里走44、be tired 感到累45 feel tired 感到累46、go camping 去野营47 a camping trip 野营旅行48 group members 小组成员49 play table tennis 打乒乓50 play the piano 弹钢琴51 play the violin 拉小提琴52 wash clothes 洗衣服53 clean the bedroom 打扫卧室54 the light on my right 在我右边的灯55 tonight 今天夜里56 last night 昨天夜里57 yesterday evening 昨天晚上58 sing a song 唱歌59 sing songs 唱歌60、for hours (持续)几个小时61 by the campfire 在营火旁62 under a bright star 在明亮的星星下63 never 从不64、What did you do on Tuesday? 星期二你做了什么65、What else did you do? 你还做了别的什么事66、Where were you last week? 上个星期你(们)在哪里?。
牛津小学英语6A各单元 知识梳理

牛津小学英语6A各单元整理笔记1 Unit 1 Public signs一、词组:1. No smoking(禁止吸烟)/ smoke(吸烟)2. No littering(禁止乱丢杂物)/ litter (乱丢杂物)3. No parking(禁止停车)/ park(停车)4. Do not touch(禁止触摸)5. Danger(危险)6. No eating or drinking(禁止吃喝)7. Keep off the grass(不接近草坪)/ keep off(不接近)8. Be quiet / keep quiet(保持安静)9. his cousin(他的表弟)10. only four years old(仅仅只有四岁)11. a lot of questions(许多问题)12. some public signs(一些公共标志)13. ask ?? some questions(问??一些问题)14. mean different things(表示不同的意思)15. stay away from ??(远离??)16. walk on the grass(在草地上行走)17. the sign on the bird’s cage(鸟笼上的标志)18. make noise(发出吵闹声)19. know a lot about public signs(关于公共标志懂得很多)20. near the bird’s cage(在鸟笼附近)21. take a walk(散步)22. see something(看见某物)23. a ten-yuan note(一张十元纸币)24. look around(环顾四周)25. walk to the note(走向那张纸币)26. pick up ??(捡起??)/ pick it up(捡起它)27. a park keeper(一位公园看守者)28. come up to??(向??走上前来)29. point to a sign(指向一个标志)30. say to ??(对??说)31. Can’t you see ???(你没看见??吗?)32. fine ??10(罚款10 元)33. shouldn’t =should not(不应该)/ should(应该)always 总是must 必须suddenly 突然地nearby 附近的quickly 快地二、句型:1. What does this sign /that sign /it mean? It means you/we shouldn’t /should /must ??2. Can I ?? ? No, you can’t. You should ?? now.三、语法:1. mean 的用法。

English:3A\3B\4A\4B Topic1:问好。
Hi,…Hello,…What’s your name ?I’m …Good morning /Good afternoon /Good evening/ Good night /Goodbye Nice to meet you ./Glad to see you.Nice to meet you./Glad to see you,too.How are you ?Fine ,thank you. And you ?I’m fine ,too.Not bad ,thank you.Not so good. I’m sorry.This is my…Nice to meet you .Nice to meet you ,too. Topic2:发出命令。
Get up,… All right. Go to school now,…OK .Goodbye.Go home now,…All right .See you .Go to bed now,…Ok .Good night .Look at his shirt.It’s smart. Look, this is her jacket.Oh ,it’s nice.Look at his /her…Look ,this is …/That’s…Let’s go to … by …All right/OK/Good /Great.Close /open the/your…(及否定式) All right./OK./Good.I’m sorry.Sit down, please .Stand up , please .Read the new words.Write the new words in your notebook.Draw a dog for me ,please. Let’s go and play football now. Great. let’s go !Let’s go to the park. Good idea. Don’t be late again. All right. Don’t climb the tree. All right. Come here,… OK./All right.Topic3:购物。
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小学牛津英语词组大全1在星期一上午 on Monday morning2 今天下午 this afternoon3 三节数学课 three Maths lessons4 新学期 the new term5 第一节课 the first lesson6 我希望 I hope7 10门学科 ten subjects8 一节有趣的课 an interesting lesson9 你呢? How about you?10 在一周内 in a week11 欢迎回来 welcome back12 我的课程表 my timetable13 更多的英语课 more English lessons14 星期天晚上 Sunday evening15 这个星期 this week16 上一堂艺术课 have an Art lesson17 每天 every day18 告诉她一个窍门 tell her a trick19 让我想想 let me see20 非常 very much21 重感冒 a bad cold22呆在家里 stay at home23 午饭后 after lunch24 在学校 at school25 吃药 take some medicine26 一通电话 a telephone call27 放学了 classes are over / school is over28下课了 class is over29 再见 see you soon30 呆在床上 stay in bed31 给Mike打电话 call Mike32 买些水果给她 get some fruit for her33 很快好起来 get better soon34 发高烧 get a high fever35 多休息 have a lot of rest36 严重的咳嗽 a bad cough37 去看医生 go to see a doctor38 和我们通话 speak to us39 她缺席了。
She is absent.40张开嘴 open your mouth41感觉生病了 feel ill42感觉累 feel tired43集邮 collect stamps44 许多漂亮的花 many beautiful flowers45 这张船邮票 this ship stamp46 它们在这儿。
Here they are.47 摄影 take photos48 种花 grow flowers49 烧可口的食物 cook nice food50 做衣服 make clothes51 为我做一条漂亮的女衬衫make a press blouse for me52 去购物 go shopping53 收集钱币 collect coins54 养金鱼 keep goldfish55 做模型船 make model ships56 不喜欢don’t like57 听音乐 listen to music58 在花园里 in the garden59 浇花木 water the trees and flowers60 看一看 have a look61 同样的爱好 the same hobby62 照看孩子们 look after the children63 他的同学 his classmate64 和他交谈 talk to him65 一些爱好 some hobbies66 给我看你的图画 show me your pictures67 弹钢琴 play the piano68 写一封电子邮件 write an e-mail69 学中文 study Chinese70 我的英国朋友 my English friend71 大声地说话 speak loudly72 去学校 go to school73 在晚上 in the evening74 上网冲浪 surf the Internet75 舞跳得漂亮 dance beautifully76 游泳游得好 swim well77 同龄 the same age78 一个小镇 a small town79 在电脑室 in the computer room80 居住在上海 live in Shanghai81 给我的父母写封write a letter to my parents82 跳得高 jump high83 跑得快 run fast84 安静地坐 sit quickly85 小心地走 walk carefully86 做一些锻炼 do some exercise87 看杂志 read magazines88 从星期一到星期五 from Monday to Friday89 不强壮 not strong90 在三点 at three91 在体育活动房 in the sports hall92 下口令 give the orders93 站成一行 stand in a line94 向左向右转 turn left and right95 把你的脚并拢 put your feet together96 仰躺 lie on your back97 十次 ten times98 把膝盖弯曲(屈膝)bend your knees99 抬起你的右腿 lift up your right leg100 上下跳 jump up and down101 仔细听 listen carefully102 把它读五遍 read it five times103 用手摸你的脚 touch your feet with your hands 104 举手 lift up your hands105 起立 stand up106 坐下 sit down107 试着跟着口令 try to follow the orders108 把你的手指放在你的脖子上put your fingers on your neck109 坐在女孩肩膀上sit on the girl’s shoulders 110 忙碌的一天 a busy day111 没有时间休息 have no time for rest112 起床 get up113 准备吃早饭 ready for breakfast114 刷牙brush one’s teeth115 洗脸wash one’s face116 六点五十 ten to seven117 十二点四十五 a quarter to one118 值日 on duty119 观看足球比赛 watch a football game120 看电视 watch TV121 真的很热 really hot122 三点半 half past three123 十一点一刻 a quarter past eleven124 开始上课 classes begin125 洗淋浴 have a shower126 快点 be quick127 在晚上发光 glow at night128 步行 on foot129 随身带些面包 take some bread with me 130 让我们快点。
Let’s hurry131 骑自行车 by bike132 去睡觉 go to sleep133 关掉收音机 turn off the radio134 度过你的周末spend your weekends135 做家务 do housework136 谈论他们的爱好 talk about their hobbies 137 捉昆虫 catch insects138 在周末 at the weekends139 去游泳 go swimming140 在家 at home141 看卡通片 watch cartoons142 当然 of course143 从书上学习到很多learn a lot from books 144 去电影院 go to the cinema145 每个星期六 every Saturday146 去爬山 go climbing147 树上的蜜蜂 the bees in the tree148 喜欢打架 like to fight149 荡秋千 play on the swings150 我们的好朋友 our good friends151 许多人 many people152 喜欢运动 like sports153 在大热天里 on hot days154 把它们放在瓶子里 put them in the bottle 155 搬运大的东西 carry big things156 勇敢的蟋蟀 brave crickets157 漂亮的蝴蝶 beautiful butterflies158 分小组工作 work in groups159 观察蚂蚁 watch ants160 非常有趣 very interesting161 参观你们的学校 visit your school162 英语俱乐部 an English club163 教语文 teach Chinese164 她的美国朋友 her American friend165 来自澳大利亚 be from Australia166 小学 primary school167 向他学习法语 learn French from him168 长城 the Great Wall169 不同的国家 different countries170 参观北京 visit Beijing171 过来和我们见面 come here and meet us 172 晚饭前 before dinner173 说日语 speak Japanese174 游遍中国 go around China175 写一些关于他们的故事write some stories about then176 一个美国来访者 an American visitor177 喜欢旅行 like travelling178 想要去苏州园林want to go to the gardens in Suzhou179 不工作 do not work180 包揽家务活 do all the cleaning and cooking。