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Never is a long word. 不要轻易说“决不”。 No cross, no crown. 未经苦难,得不到荣冠。 The road ahead will be long ,our climb will be steep. • 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。
Michael Jordan——迈克尔•乔丹
B3——U2 Iron and Effects of Exercise
Do you like sports?
• What sports do you usually do? • What’s your favorite sports? • Do you know how to take exercises in the right way?
New Words
plentiful derive striking substance interfere remedy a. Vt. vi. a. n. vi. Vt. n. 大量的;丰富的 取得;得到 源自 显著的;引人注目的 物质 介入;干涉;干扰 治疗法;补救措施;补救方 法;
New Words
• 注意安全。有的人喜欢倒走锻炼,应选择安全的地方进行, 场地、行人等都要注意,以免自伤或撞人。对抗性 • 运动要注意保护自己。 • 做好事先准备活动和事后整理活动。准备活动又叫热 • 身运动,准备活动可以减少运动中受伤,整理活动有助于 消除疲劳。 • 运动时间宜安排在下午或黄昏进行。一般认为,早上 是运动健身的最佳时间,其实不然。 • 研究表明,机体内血小板含量在一天之内有一定的变化规 律,早晨 • 要比下午高20%左右,所以早上血液更易凝固,易于造成 血管栓塞,而下午这种 • 危险性则下降很多。另外,下午机体对运动的反应最好, 吸氧量最大,运动效果 • 也较明显。
•ⅲ.Fill in the blanks with the words
given below. Change the form where necessary.
• Yes you wanted to harm me but that won’t work anymore • Uh, no more, oh no, it’s over • Cause if wasn’t for all of your torture • I wouldn’t know how to be this way now, and never back down • So I wanna say thank you • Cause it makes me that much stronger • Makes me work a little bit harder • Makes me that much wiser • So thanks for making me a fighter • Made me learn a little bit faster • Made me skin a little bit thicker
• • • • • • • • • •
It makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter Cause it makes me that much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder Makes me that much wiser So thanks for making me a fighter Made me learn a little bit faster Made me skin a little bit thicker It makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter.
• Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships. • 天才可以赢得一些比赛,团队合作才 能赢得冠军。 • I can accept defeat but could not accept to give up. • 我可以接受失败,但不能接受放弃。
[C]比率;比例 生孩子;生育 并且;而且 加 吸收;吸收…的注意力; 使…感兴趣 限制;控制 易出问题的;易做坏事的 易遭受…的 限额,定量 消化;领会;理解 影响;消化
New Words
vessel leak typical typically n. v. n. a. ad. 血脉;血管;船;舰 (使)漏;(使)渗 漏洞;裂缝 典型的;有代表性的
• 1.moderate • a room of moderate size 中等大小的房 间 • a moderate income 中等收入 • a moderate drinker 喝酒有节制的人 • vt.使缓和,使有节制。Moderate one’s temper (demands) 克制自己的 脾气(降低要求) • vi和缓,减轻The storm has moderated • 暴风雨已经减弱了。 • moderately adv.温和地,适度地。 • moderation n.自我节制,自我控制。 • in moderation 适度地,有节制地。
bounce back In general up to tip sb. over the edge out of breath throw up go up interfere with sum up 恢复健康;振作起来 大体上;通常 使某人受不了;使某人难 过得不得了 上气不接下气 呕吐 上升;上涨 妨碍;干扰 总结;归纳;概括
• • • • • •
Fighter When I , thought I knew you . Thinking, that you were true I guess I, I couldn't trust Called your bluff ,time is up Cause I've had enough .You were ,there by my side • Always ,down for the ride • But your,joy ride just came down in flames • Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm
• After all of stealing and cheating • You probably think that I hold resentment for you. • But ,uh uh ,oh no ,you're wrong • Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do • I wouldn't know just how capable I am to pull though . • So I wanna say thank you • Cause it makes me that much stronger • Makes me work a little bit harder • It makes me that much wiser • So thanks for making me a fighter • Made me learn a little bit faster • Made my skin a little bit thicker
Vt. v.
增补;补充 (使)弹来自百度文库;(使)反弹
respectively ad. 分别地;各自地
New Words
ratio n. childbearing n. plus conj. prep. absorb vt.
restrict liable allowance digest impact Vt. a. n. vt. n.
• 2.plus (conj.) 并且,而且 • It’s an old shabby house, plus there’s no sewer in it.这是个又老又 破的房子,而且还没有下水道。 • (prep.) 加 8 plus 4 equals 12 • 8加4等于12. • This job needs intelligence plus patience.这项工作需要智力加上耐心。 • (adj.)正的,阳性的,有利的,略好 的。 Her working experience in that big company is a plus factor.她在那家 大公司的工作经验是个有利条件。 • (n.) 优点,好处,有利条件。
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Makes me that much smarter So thanks for making me a fighter Oh , Ohh Never, saw it coming All of, your backstabbing Just so ,you could cash in On a good thing before I realized your game. I heard, you’re going around Playing, the victim now But don’t, even begin Feeling I’m the one to blame Cause you dug your own grave After all of the fights and the lies
New Words
endurance moderate evidence n. a. n. n. Vt. 忍耐;忍耐力 中等的;适度的;温和的; 不极端的 迹象;证据 杂志;期刊 吃;喝;消耗;花费
journal consume
ad. 以前;从前
• When I step out on to the basketball court, I consider myself to be the best basketball player I can be. I have total confidence that I can do all the things that I’m capable of doing. • 当我放大步伐走进篮球场的时候,我 把自己想象成最优秀的篮球运动员, 我有这样的信心:一旦我踏进球场我 能把所有我可以做的事情做好。
通常;一般;典型地;有代 表性地 molecule n. 分子 protein n. 蛋白质 calculate Vt. 计算;估计;推测 sufficient a. 足够的;充分的 compound n. 复合物;化合物
New Words
storage advisable yearly physician modify undo shortcoming leafy select cereal n. a. a. n. Vt. Vt. n. a. Vt. n. 储存;储藏 明智的;可取的 每年的;一年的一度的 (内科)医生 修改;改进 取消;消除;解开;松开 缺点;缺陷 多叶的;叶茂的 选择;挑选 谷类作物;谷类食物
• 3.interfere (vi.) 介入,干扰,干涉。 • Don’t interfere in others’ life . 不要干涉别人的生活。 • Don’t interfere with him when he is busy.他忙的时候别去打扰他。 • 4.remedy (vt.) 补救,纠正。 • (n.)补救措施,补救方法,治疗 法 • be beyond remedy 无可救药的 • remedy a fault 纠正错误。