
考研英语词汇同义词辨析考研英语词汇同义词辨析汇总1. victory,conquest,triumph【辨析】victory [viktri] 往往只用来表示在比赛或斗争中打败对手的意思,但用于斗争中,它则暗示胜利者产生的某种满意的情绪conquest [kkwest] 往往意味着对对手的控制或制服triumph [traimf] 胜利者因获得辉煌的或决定性的胜利,有得意洋洋的意思。
2.glance,glimpse【辨析】glance [ɡlɑ:ns] 意为“看一眼”或“扫视”,指在短暂的时间内从正面随便地匆匆地看上一眼。
glimpse [ɡlimps 多指在一瞬间瞥见某人或某物而有没看见全貌,往往含有不正眼看的意味。
3.publish,proclaim,declare,assert,announce【辨析】publish [pbli] 常指正式地公布一件事,现在尤其指在影响范围更广的报刊上颁布法律、公布决议proclaim [prkleim] 常指官方或当局正式宣布某件事情,极为庄重。
declare [dikl] 强调权威性的言辞。
assert [s:t]基本意义与declare [dikl]相似。
announce [nauns] 几乎专指公众或官方的言论。
4.surprise,astonish,amaze,shock【辨析】surprise [spraiz] 一般用语。
astonish [stni] 常指一种带有不可理解,是贬义词。
amaze [meiz] 强调某种惊愕使人迷惑不解,含有“惊叹”、“佩服”之意。
shock [k] 本组内语气最为强烈。
5. remark, comment, review【辨析】remark [rimɑ:k] 意思是口头的评价,比较简单,而且不定客观的评价comment [kment] 是比较正式的评价,而且具有权威的感觉。

最新考研英语常用同义词辨析必读Aabandon, desert, forsake, leave, give up这些动词或词组均含“抛弃、放弃”之意abandon :强调永远或完全放弃或抛弃人或事物等,这可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的。
desert :着重指违背法律责任和义务,或自己的信仰与誓言的行为,多含非难的意味。
forsake :侧重断绝感情上的依恋,自愿抛弃所喜欢的人或物。
leave :普通用词,指舍弃某事或某一职业,或终止同一某人的关系,但不涉及动机与果。
give up :普通用语,侧重指没有希望或因外界压力而放弃。
ability, capacity, capability, genius, talent, competence, faculty, gift, aptitude这些名词均可表示人的“能力,才能”之意。
ability :普通用词,指人先天的或学来的各种能力。
capacity :侧重指人的潜在能力,通常不指体力,多指才智,尤指接受与领悟能力。
capability :多用于人,指胜任某项具体工作的能力,也指本身具有、尚未发挥的潜在能力。
genius :语气最强,指天赋的高度才能与智力。
talent :着重指人某方面具有可发展和倍养的突出天赋才能,但语意比genius 弱。
competence :正式用词,侧重指令人满意的业务能力与水平,达到胜任某项工作等的要求。
faculty :指特殊的才能或智力。
gift :着重个人的天赋的才能或在某方面的显着本领,常暗含不能用一般规律作解释的意味。
aptitude :多指先天或后天习得的运用自如的能力,常暗示接受能力强,能迅速掌握一种学术训练或艺术技巧。
able, capable, competent这些形容词均含有“有能力的,能干的”之意able :最常用词,多用于褒义,着重指多方面的,经常性的,或潜在性的能力。

英语常用同义词辨析 English Synonyms K
keen, acute, sharp, shrewd
keen : 多指对复杂艰深的事物或问题有敏锐的观察和敏捷的`理解。
acute : 侧重感觉敏锐,能分辨出一般人难以觉察的细微区别。
sharp : 指人头脑精明、敏锐或机警。
shrewd : 指有头脑,善于判断分析,精明过人。
keep, retain, reserve, preserve, conserve, withhold
keep : 最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。
retain : 指继续保持。
reserve : 正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。
preserve : 主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。
conserve : 一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。
withhold : 指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。
kill, murder, slaughter, massacre, assassinate, execute
kill : 普通用词,含义广泛,泛指以任何方式使人、动物或植物死亡。
murder : 指谋杀或凶杀。
slaughter : 本义指大批宰杀动物,也指像屠宰牲畜一样一次杀死许多人。

考研英语近义词辨析700组abide, adhere, conform, comply这四个研究生入学考试中的高频考词都有“遵守”的意思,但是它们的搭配不同。
abide v.后接by表示“遵守,同意”。
I will abide by the director' decision.我将遵从主任的决定。
adhere v.后接to表示“遵守”。
)Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。
conform v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。
All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments.每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。
comply v.后接with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。
Our company complies with governmental regulations on payingtaxes.我们公司遵守政府有关纳税的规定。
abnormal, uncommon, disordered这三个单词都有“反常的”之意,在考研和CET-6当中经常让考生们辨析它们的细微差别。
abnormal a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。
His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degreecentigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。
)uncommon a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。
Hurricanes are uncommon in England.飓风在英国非常罕见。

考研英语:同义词辨析(字母N篇)name, call, designate这些动词均含“命名,称呼”之意。
name : 含义最泛,指给人或物命名以示区别或便于记忆。
call : 指给某人或某物取名字以某人或某物的特征称呼。
designate : 指用特别的名字、符号或词句来称某人或某物。
nation, state, country, land, power这些名词均含“国家”之意。
nation : 普通用词,指在某一国土定居的人民、民族,强调人民。
state : 正式用词,指政治概念上的国家,即由政府所代表的国家。
country : 普通用词,侧重国土与人民。
land : 常用于文学中,侧重国土,带感情色彩。
power : 特指拥有强大军事力量,在国际事务中有较强权威或影响的国家,即强国、大国。
nation, people, race这些名词均含“民族,种族”之意。
nation : 特指居住于同一区域,有共同历史、语言、文化及心理素质等的人类群体。
people : 侧重指由有共同文化、社会基础而所形成的人民整体。
race : 专指有共同祖先和相同肤色、面部特征等遗传特征以及共同风俗等的人群。
neat, tidy, trim, orderly这些形容词均含“整齐的,整洁的”之意。
neat : 指人或物外表既清洁又整齐。
tidy : 侧重整齐,井然有序。
trim : 着重因线条清晰、比例匀称而使外观呈现出紧凑和精确、美观。
orderly : 语义比上述几个词强,最常用。
neighbourhood, vicinity这两个名词均含“邻近,附近”之意。
neighbourbood : 指邻居或同居住者接近的地方,也指街坊四邻或居民点。
vicinity : 侧重指距说话人很近的地方。
nervous, restless, impatient, uneasy这些形容词均含“焦躁的,紧张的”之意。

【提要】考研英语信息 : 20XX年考研英语词汇:同义词辨析【6】
26.for instance, for example
【辨析】instance [instns] 表示从过去的实例中总结归纳出来的例子,不一定很典型,通常是消极的。
example [iɡzɑ:mpl] 表示某方面的一个典型。
27.adequate, enough, sufficient
【辨析】adequate [dikwit] 表示符合一个客观规范,兼有适当的意思;
enough [inf] 和sufficient [sfint] 侧重数量的足够,enough 能放在名词后面,sufficient不能。
28.task, job, assignment
【辨析】job [db] 常指短期任务;
assignment [sainmnt] 指上司分派的任务;
task [tɑ:sk] 是别人分派的责任,暗示令人腻烦
29.technical, techniques, technology,
【辨析】technical [teknikl] adj.技巧的,技术的
technique [tekni:k] 指解决问习题的技巧,常用于科技领域。
techniques n.技术,技巧,方法
technology [teknldi] n.工艺科技,技术。
30.code, doctrine
【辨析】code [kud]【律】刑法,刑事法典doctrine [dktrin] 表示教条的条文,贬义词。

考研英语词汇同义词辨析考研英语词汇同义词辨析年考研英语词汇:同义词辨析1.assess,estimate, appraise, evaluate对客体的重要性形成定论,评估,估算,评价【辨析】 estimate [estimeit] 暗示评价的主观性和不精确appraise [prez] 表示专业水准的评估 ,名词appraisalassess [ses] 表示为确定某物的应税价值而做出的权威估价evaluate [ivljueit] 表示在确定价值时经过了深思熟虑,不一定是金钱价值2. assume, suppose假定, 设想,担任; 承担; 接受【辨析】 suppose [spuz] 最不正式,表示根据一定证据做出的见解,assume [sju:m] 用于逻辑推理,强调一种缺乏证据的结论,以检验某种建议。
3. consistent, persistent【辨析】consistent [knsistnt] 表明持之以恒,表明一种好的意志品质persistent [psistnt] 也有坚持的含义,但有时表明顽固不化。
4.create,compose, invent, design, produce, manufacture创造, 创作, 引起, 造成【辨析】 create [krieit] 指“ 创造出原来不存在或与众不同的.事物”,compose [kmpuz] 指“ 创作(诗、画、音乐或文章等)”com是在一起,manufacture [mnjufkt] 强调大规模制造5.evident, apparently.明显, 显著, 明白, 迹象【辨析】evident [evidnt] 指明显的有根据,所以表达作者的赞成apparently [prntl] 指看起来的明显,但事实并非如此,经常是假象。

cabin, cottage, but, shed
cabin : 多指建造粗糙的简陋小木屋,也指旅客或船员住的船舱。
cottage : 指穷苦人住的乡间小茅屋。
but : 多指供居住或遮避风雨的简易小屋。
shed : 一般指四壁没有完全封闭,供牲畜用或储藏东西、停放车辆等的.简易棚屋。
cable, telegram, telegraph
cable : 通常指通过海底电缆打的电报,也可指广义的电报。
telegram : 常用词,指通过电报系统发出的信息,尤指具体的一份份电报。
telegraph : 侧重指通信方式和电报业各,不可数名词,表想象概念。
calculate, count, compute, reckon
calculate : 通常指要求细致精确和复杂的计算,以解决疑难问题,多用于自然科学、生产部门或要求专门计算的场合。
count : 指逐一计算而得出总数。
compute : 一般指已有数据的,较简单但数字长的数学运算。

⼀、acute, critical, crucial, urgent——严重的,重要的 1.acute a. 剧烈的,严重的;急性的(病) 举例:An acute lack of food brought hunger to the Iraqi people. 翻译:⾷品严重缺乏,伊拉克⼈民正在忍饥挨饿。
2.critical a.意为关键的,表⽰处于极度缺乏的状态或事件的转折点,与crucial相似。
区别:与crucial的区别在于它对缺乏的或危急的程度有更准确的衡量;还指批判性的,分析性的. 举例:It is critical that you study hard for the exam or you will fail it. 翻译:为了考好你必须⽤功学习,否则你会不及格的。
3.crucial a.意为决定性的,紧要关头的,⾄关重要的,最为笼统,适⽤于上述两种情况。
举例:Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery. 翻译:消费者信⼼的增强对经济的复苏是⾄关重要的。
4.urgent a.意为紧迫的,急迫的,紧要的,它不强调所指的问题是最重要的,仅强调紧急的状态。
举例:We have an urgent need for help; we are running out of water. 翻译:我们急需要帮助,我们的⽔就快要⽤光了。
⼆、adjust, regulate, rectify, amend, convert, alter, modify, transform, vary——调整、改变 1.adjust v. ⼀般指很⼩的改变或技术性的调整;修理 举例:I adjusted the air conditioner to stay cool. 翻译:我调节了空调以保持凉爽。
2.regulate v. 指根据规定或需要对某物(机器、钟表等)进⾏调整或调节,使之准确⼯作或运⾏;多含有控制之意。

10. considerate考虑周到的considerable相当多的11. clear 清楚的clean 清洁的12. definite 明确的infinite 无限的define 定义13. different 不同的Indifferent无关紧要的14. disappoint 使失望disapprove 不赞成15. deceive 欺骗receive 收到16. expensive 昂贵的experiment 实验17. ensure 保证assure 担保insure 给…保险18. expensive 昂贵的expansive 易扩张的extensive 广阔的intensive 强烈的19. expense 费用expansion 膨胀extension 扩充exposure 暴露20. efficient 有效的sufficient 充分的effective 有效的21. harvest 收获harness 马具22. high 高的highly 非常23. imply 暗示apply 应用supply 提供reply 答复24. impose 强加expose 揭露propose 计划suppose 假设25. inspect 检查expect 期待respect 尊敬suspect 怀疑26. include 包含conclude 结束27. infect 传染effect 结果affect 影响28.inquire 询问require 需要acquire 获得29.interfere 干涉interrupt 打扰interpret 解释interview 接见rm 通知reform 改革perform 履行31.jam 果酱jar 广口瓶jaw 下巴32.lie 说谎lay 放置33.note 注意notice 通知34.obtain 获得maintain 维持contain 包含sustain 支持35.object 物体subject 主题project 工程36.price 价格prize 奖品praise 赞扬37.present 礼物represent 象征38.possess 拥有process 过程39.prefer 更喜欢refer 谈及infer 推断40.project 工程reject 拒绝41.pretext 借口protect 保护protest 抗议42.produce 生产reduce 减少deduce 推论induce 劝诱43.preserve 保护reserve 储存conserve 保存44.review 复习revise 修改preview 事先查看45.resist 抵抗persist 持续insist 坚持assist 帮助consist 由…组成46.resume 履历consume 消耗assume 假定47.respond 回答correspond 符合48.respective 分别的respectful 尊敬的respectable 可敬的49.rise 上升arise 出现raise 提高arouse 唤醒50.status 身份statue 雕像51.staff 全体职员stiff 僵硬的stuff 原料52.sensible 有感觉的sensitive 敏感的53.succeed 成功proceed 进行exceed 超越54.transmit 传输transfer 转移transform 转换translate 翻译transport 运输transplant 移植55.temporary 暂时contemporary同时代的56.unite 联合unity 团结reunion 重聚unit 个体57.vary 变化varied 各式各样的various 不同的variety 种类variable 可变的58.wander 漫步wonder对…感到惊奇59.recommend 推荐demand 要求command 命令60.access 接近excess 过量61.adverse 敌对averse 反对的62.affectation 假装Affection 爱63.allusion 暗示Illusion 幻觉64.annual 一年一次的Annul 取消65.appraise 估价Apprise 报告66.argument 争论augment 增加67.bandage 绷带Bondage 奴役68.carton 用纸盒包装Cartoon 漫画69.censor 检查Censure 责难70.collision 猛烈相撞Collusion 共谋71.confidant 密友Confident 确信的72.consul 领事Council 会议Counsel 劝告73.dairy 乳牛场diary 日记74.decease 死亡Disease 疾病75.decent 适合desent 降下dissent 异议76.desert 沙漠dessert 甜点77.disassemble 分解dissemble 伪装78.drought,draft 草稿drought 久旱79.eligible 合格的Illegible 难读的80.eminent 闻名的Imminent 迫近的81.exalt 提升exult 欢腾82.ingenious 设计精巧的Ingenuous 天真的83.jealous 嫉妒的Zealous 热心的84.material 材料Materiel 军备85.moral 品行端正的Morale 士气86.ordinance 法令Ordnance 军械87.parish 教区Perish 死88.perpetrate 犯(罪)Perpetuate 使不朽88.personality 人格Personalty 私人财产89.persecute 迫害Prosecute 进行90.portable 可携带的Potable 可饮用的91.prescribe 开药方Proscribe 禁止92.reality 真实Realty 不动产93.statue 雕像Stature 身材94.vacation 假期Vocation 职业95.alumna 女毕业生Alumnus 男毕业生Alumni 毕业生96.amoral 非道德的Immoral 不道德的unmoral无关道德问题的97.avocation 嗜好Vocation 职业vacation 假期98.biannual一年两度的biennial两年一次的99.chord 琴弦Cord 细绳100.clench 要紧牙关Clinch 是订牢111.climate 气候Weather 天气pare 比较Contrast 对比113.connotation 涵义Denotation 意义114.contemptible可鄙的contemptuous藐视的115.continual 连续的continuous不断的116.credible 可信的credulous轻信的117.disinterested公正的uninterested不赶兴趣的118.disorganized杂乱无章的unorganized未加组织的119.divers 种种的Diverse 不同的120.dual 二重的Duel 决斗121.egoist 利己主义者Egotist 自大者122.merge 出现Immerge 浸入123.emigrant 自本国移居他国者Immigrant 自他国移入者124.father 更远的further更进一步的125.hanged 绞死Hung 悬挂126.historic历史上著名的historical有关历史的127.human 人类的Humane 慈悲的128.imaginary 虚构的imaginative富于想象的129.incomparable举世无双的uncomparable无法比较的130.incredible 难以置信的Incredulous 不信的131.apt 易于Liable 易患的Likely 有可能的132.luxuriant 繁茂的Luxurious 奢侈的133.moan 呻吟Mourn 哀悼134.oral 口头的Verbal 言辞的135.personal 私人的Personnel 人员136.register 登记Registrars 登记员137.sailer 帆船Sailor 水手138.salon 客厅Saloon 酒店139.subcoucious潜意识的unconscious失去知觉的140.transcript 副本Transcription 眷写141.altar 神坛Alter 改变142.ascent 上升Assent 同意143.cannon 大炮Canon 教规144.canvas 帆布canvass 兜售145.cession 割让Session 开会146.faint 昏厥feint 作假击147.intension激烈intention意图148.pray祈祷prey被捕食之物149.principal 首要的principle基本信条150.stationary固定的stationery文具151.address地址,发表演说attribute性质mittee委员会concert音乐会content内容153.converse N 相反的事物V 谈话154.desert N 沙漠V 舍弃155.digest N 摘要V 消化156.instinct N 本能A 充满的157.intimate A 亲密的V 暗示158.minute N 分 A 微小的159.object N 物体V 反对160.refuse V 拒绝N 垃圾161.tear N 泪V 撕ed A 用旧了的A 习惯于163.aboard adv/prep.在船或飞机上,abroad adv. 向国外;在国外,164.academic a.学术的,学者的academical a..学院的,大专院校的165.accept v.接受.except prep./v.除外167.acceptance n.接受acceptation n.字句的意义168.adhesive a.胶粘的cohesive a.紧密结合在一起的169.admission n.入场;入学,入会admittance n.入场170.adverse a. 相反的,不利的averse a. 反对的;不乐意的171.affectation n.影响;爱情affection n.矫揉造作affect v.影响effect v./n.产生结果;结果172. allusion n.暗示,隐喻illusion n.幻觉,错觉173.alternate a.轮流的,交替的,间隔的alternative a./n.二中择一的174.amend v.修正议案等emend v.校勘,校订175.amiable a.人和蔼可亲的am cable a.行为手势友好的176.ascend v.上升;攀登;追溯descend v.下降;代代传下来177.assent n./v. 同意,赞许ascent n. 上升;登高178.attempt n./v.试图,努力tempt v.诱惑179.blush v.因害羞或狼狈而引起的脸红flush v.因兴奋紧张喜悦而引起的脸红180.break n./v.休息;打破brake n. 刹车181.burnish v. 抛光;打磨furnish v. 供给182.bury v.埋葬berry n.浆果183.capital a./n.首要的;首都capitol n. 美国国会大厦184.cellar n. 地下室(贮藏粮食燃料)seller n. 卖主;售货之物185.childish a. 孩子所特有的,幼稚的childlike a. 孩子们天真的,诚实的pliment v,/n.向…致意,祝贺;表扬,赞美的话complement v./n.补充;补充物prehensible a.能懂的,可以理解的comprehensive a.综合的,全面的188.congenial a. 义气相投的,合适的congenital a.天生的189.considerable a.相当的considerate a.体贴的190.corps n.特种兵团,军团corpse n. 尸体191.course n.课程;路线coarse a. 粗糙的,粗俗的192.credible a.可信的,可靠的credulous a. 轻信的,易受骗的193.defective a.有缺点的有毛病的deficient a. 缺乏的,不足的194.detection n.查明,查出detention n. 扣留,扣押195.disinterested a.无私的,无偏见的uninterested a.不感兴趣的;漠不关心的196.dissent n./v. 持异议不同意descent n. 降下,下坡,家世197.distinct a.明显的;性质上不同的distinctive a. 区别的;鉴别性的;有特色的198.eatable a.新鲜的,可口的edible a. 可食的199.electric a. 用电的electrical a.与电有关的200.eminent a.杰出的imminent a.迫切的,逼近眼前的201.expand v.扩大膨胀,发展expend v. 花费202.extinguish v.熄灭(火光、希望等)distinguish v. 区别203.faint a.虚心的,怯懦的,微弱的feint n./v.佯攻假装204.flame n./v.光辉,火焰;燃烧,变红blame v.责备,归咎于205.flash n./v.闪光,闪烁flush n./v.脸色红润;面孔突然发红206.heal v.愈合heel n.脚后跟207.historic a.有历史意义的historical a. 历史的,有关历史的208.hoarse a.声音发哑的coarse a.粗糙的,粗鲁的209.ignoble a.卑鄙的,出身卑贱的ignorant a. 无知的210.imaginative a. 富有想象力的imaginary a. 假想的imaginable a.可以想象得到的211.legislative a.立法的,立法权的legitimate a. 合法的,,正当的,合理的212.literal a.字面的literary a. 书面的文学的213.minor a./n小的;未成年者miner n.矿工214.negligible a.可忽略的,微不足道的neglectful a.不留心的疏忽的215.practicable a.可行的,行得通的practical a. 有用的,现实的216.principal a./n.主要的;校长principle n. 主义,原则217.reserve v.保留(意见、权力、款项);预定(房间、座位)preserve v. 收藏保存防腐conserve v. 保持,保存218.respectable a. 可尊敬的respectful a.恭敬的219.responsible a.负责的responsive a. 回答的,响应的220.seasonal a. 季节性的seasonable a.当令的,合时的,及时的221.sensible a. 觉察的,明智的sensitive a. 敏感的神经过敏的222.sensual a.肉体上的,肉欲的,淫荡的sensuous a. 感觉上的,感官享受的,引起美感的223.shameful a.可耻的ashamed a. 以为…是羞耻224.sore a.痛的,酸痛的sour a. 酸的225.suit n. 一套衣服,诉讼suite n. 房间器具的一套225.unable a.不能够,不会disable a. 使残废,使无能226.zealous a. 热心的,热诚的jealous a. 嫉妒的227..relieve减轻,除,援助reveal 透露,暴露release 释放reject 拒绝,抛弃resolve 决心,决定,决议revenge 报复,复仇revenue 税收refuge 庇护,避难所revolt 造反,反抗228..contend vi.竞争,比赛,争论 vt.主张,坚信Content 内容Contest 比赛,竞赛context 上下文contrast 对照,对比continents 大陆,大洲constituents 构成constructs 建造,构造constitutes 构成229.acclaim 向……欢呼,为……喝彩proclaim 宣告,声明exclaim 呼喊reclaim 要求归还,收回declaim 高声朗读230..acid 酸,酸的acrid 辛辣的arid,干旱的avid 渴望的avoid 避免231.abrupt 突然的corrupt 腐败的disrupt 分裂,瓦解erupt 爆发232.deduce 演绎seduce 诱使educe 引出,得出induce 劝诱reduce 减少,缩小233.detail 琐事,详情retail 零售entail 使承担234.evoke 唤醒invoke 调用provoke 激怒revoke 撤回235.expel 驱逐repel 反击impel 推动dispel 驱散compel 强迫236.mission 使命,任务,代表团admission,允许进入commission 委任emission 发射,散发permission 许可transmission 播送,发射missionary 传教士237.bubble 泡,泡沫pebble 卵石rubble 瓦砾,碎石238.reject 拒绝,对齐,排斥eject 逐出inject 注射deject 使沮丧239.press 压suppress 镇压,抑制impress 印,留下印象depress 使消沉compress 压缩express 表达pressure 压力,压强,强制,压迫240.resource 资源,财力recourse 求助,求援241.pose 造成(困难等);提出(问题等);陈述(观点等)compose 组成,写作dispose 处理,处置expose 使暴露impose 征税,强加oppose 反对purpose 打算suppose 推想,假设propose 提议,建议,提名,推荐242. product 产品,强调由人力或机械力或自然力生产的东西production 生产produce 产物,农产品productivity 生产力243. success 成功succession 连续244. expansion 扩张,膨胀excursion 短途旅行existence 存在exchange 交换,交流245. recession 萧条,衰退concession 让步confession 招供,认错confusion 混乱,紊乱246. symptoms 症状,征兆syndrome 综合症状247. overhaul 彻底检查overflow 飞过overlap 部分重叠overcast 遮蔽248. process 过程,步骤,程序prospects 指经济方面的前景project 规则,方案,工程profile 侧影,外形249. praise 赞美braise 炖肉250. self-confident 自信的self-sufficient 自给自足的self-satisfied 自满的self-restrained 自我控制的251. assumption 假定,假设,多指无证据的设想;presumption 认定推测,侧重有根据的推论252. consumption 消费resumption 回复253. attain达到,获得,尤指经过一定的努力而获得obtain,获得abstain 放弃retain 保留contain 包含254. distort 歪曲,曲解contort 因扭曲而变形retort 反驳255. concede 承认,让步accede 同意recede 后退precede 领先256. barely 强调程度rarely 强调频率257. worth be ~sth/doing值得worthy be ~ of够得上,值得worthless 无价值的worthwhile 值得花时间的,值得做的258. distinguishing 分辨discovering 发现determining 确实detecting 察觉259. diluted 冲淡,稀释dissolved 解散,溶解dispersed 分散,散布diffused 散开,扩散260.interaction (with)与……的互相作用,互相影响assimilation (into)适应,同化,融入……cooperation (with)与……的合作consultation(with)和……的商议261. now that 既然(表条件)so that 以使,以至(表目的)262. even if 及时,表让步if only 但愿,希望,标示一种强烈的愿望,后接虚拟语气only if 只有在……的时候,表示对条件的强调as if 好像,仿佛,表比较263. origin 起源original 原创264. identical 同一的,同样的duplicate 复制的265. protest 抗议,反对(反对的内容已经实施)object 反对(反对的内容未曾实施)266. advise 给对方建议劝告对方,但对方是否接受不抱希望(弱势对强势);suggest 建议希望对方做某事,往往带有敦促、鼓励或警告之意(强势对弱势)propose 提议,供大家讨论267. sick of 对…厌恶(尤指因食、饮、听、看过度引起的)tire of 厌倦,对…不感兴趣268. bind 有约束力的restrain 抑制的,遏制的,可指彻底阻止也可指将……纳入控制、约束之中,强迫意味,可表示自我抑制vtlimit (能力或数量上)有限的confine (空间上)受限的269. grant (由于慷慨、仁慈)给予某物,(通常是上对下、官方正式地)允许allow (一般意义上)允许permit (法律上、制度上)允许270. fare (特指交通等)费用fee (进入一个地方,如场馆、学校等)费用bill (用餐、电话等)账单考研英语近义近形词辨析(二)1.climate:气候,风气,思潮circumstance:特指经济状况,表示环境,状况时常用复数atmosphere:气氛,氛围environment:指对人的感情、品德、思想等或动植物生存产生影响的环境surroundings:特指自然环境(地理概念)context:上下文2.vessel:血管,管道,一般指细小管道;route:路线,航线;path:乡间小路,公园小径;channel:海峡,渠道,管道;road:广阔平坦的大道,多指公路;way:可指各种路、道或通道,也可指抽象的道路、方法;street: 尤指城市中的道路;highway: 通常指市区外可以通行各种机动车辆的交通干线;motorway(free way,express way): 高速公路;lane: 指农村或城镇的小道或小径,也指小巷;pavement(sidewalk):街道两旁的人行道;trail: 指人或兽在森林、荒野或山中踩出的小径或崎岖小道3. in place of指以甲到乙;instead of除代替外有对乙否定的意味,有时译为不4. as to:关于;for instance:后接一个句子或作插入语,放在句子中间或末尾,后面不能直接接宾语;such as:列举同类人或事物中的几个例子,用在句子中间,后面是such as之前内容的一个方面或补充;in particular:特别的,尤其,详尽的for example:举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,可位于句首、句中或句末5. tighten:加紧,收紧,侧重强调数量,活动,情感,不和control搭配;intensify:加强,强化;fasten:系牢,扣紧,多接具体名词6. rough:指某物表面凹凸不平,不光滑;coarse: 指某物质地粗糙低劣或编织、加工等不精细、精巧。
考研英语总结 常见近义词辨析

1、blunder, error, mistake这一组词都表示"错误"。
blunder n. (因为无知、疏忽犯下的)大错,愚蠢的错误。
I think that I committed a blunder in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.这位女士由于我的问题感到很难过,我感觉到犯了一个大错。
error n.指判断、计算或行为上的错误,也指智力或道义上的错误。
The accident was the result of human error.这事故是人为的错误造成的。
mistake n.误会,误解;(粗心、遗忘所导致的)错误。
I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.我错拿了你的手提包。
2、brittle, fragile, frail, crisp, invalid都有"弱"的意思。
brittle a.易碎的,易损坏的,通常是指坚硬的东西。
The bones of elderly people become brittle and easily broken.老年人的骨头变得脆弱,很容易骨折。
fragile a.常常修饰使用时必须小心才不会破碎的东西,也引申为体弱的,虚弱的。
He 's feeling a bit fragile after last night's party.他参加了昨晚的聚会以后,现在感觉有些虚弱。
frail a. (指人)体弱的,虚弱的,也可以指东西易碎的。
His mother has grown old and frail.他母亲已经年老体弱。
crisp a.指食品的松脆;清新的,爽快的;活跃的,有生气的,干净利落的。

开场Begin, start, begin with, spring, start up, set off on, break out, strike up, originate from,;Initiate, launch, originate, sprout; unfold; unleashoutset, onset,Rudimentary, elementary,出现Appear, appear to be, emerge, arise, loom, turn out, show up, out, come into sight/view, come forth发生Happen, occur, take place, come about,Happening occurrence产生,创造create, produce, bring about, yield, give birth to, bear, bring into being, generate, beget,germinate;Invent, innovate, renovate, plan, design, imagine, conceive, devise, formulate, imagine, envision,建立Found, set, built up, construct, institute, constitute, set up, establish制造,组成Make, make up, produce, construct, turn out, manufacture, form, shape, compose, compile, concoct, fabricate生长壮大复制,繁殖58Copy, duplicate, reproduce, multiply.发育,开展Grow, develop, breed, bring up, nurture, cultivate, hone, raise, foster, (主动)Develop, advance, progress, move forward, go forward, proceed〔自我成长〕Burgeon, flourish, thrive, bloom, blossom, boom, prosper;保持,延续Continue, last, carry on, keep on, keep, remain maintain retainPerpetuate,Persevere, stick with, insist on, persist in,Continuous, incessant, permanent, constant, steady, unbroken, perpetual, everlasting, eternal, lasting, unending, uninterrupted, undying, immortal, invariable,存在,生存Exist,found, stand, lay in, be rooted in,be embedded in,Substance, matter, object, material, stuff, things, entity,individual, creature, beings,Topic, subject, issue, theme, gist, item, content, point,Extant, existing, in existence, substantive, ubiquitous, omnipresent, universal,survive,outlive,outlast, remain alive,Endure, undergo,完毕,停顿53stop,finish, be over, cease, discontinue, wind up, bring to an end(close, halt), end,come to an end, end up,terminate,quench,quell,run out, expire, concludeadjourn/dissolve/lull/subvert,abortaive,Surcease, cessation,impasse, deadlock, logjam, stalemate,Ultimate, final, eventual,Abeyance, suspend, interruption, brake, halt, pause,死亡,消灭Perish, annihilate, kill, exterminate, take life, slay, hatchet, slaughter, assassinate, famish, smother, throttle, strangle,stifle, decimate,Die, pass away, perish, expire, run out,decease, death, demise, Defunct, moribund, dying,Fatal, formidable, deadly, fatality.取消,废除550Cancel, annul, call off, do away with,Abolish, desuetude, disuse, abandon, repeal, revoke, invalidate, rescind, nullifyObsolete, out of date, outmoded, out of fashion, old-fashioned,除去551Remove,erase,delete, extinguish, exterminate, eliminate, eradicate, extirpate, efface,clear away, throw away, do away with, wipe out, get rid of , rule out,Obliterate, expurgate, expunge, purify, purge,破坏Destroy, damage, wreck, devastate, raze, ravage, knock down, demolish, vandalize, tear down, ruin, spoil, dilapidate,Perdition,detrimental,harmful, injurious,topple down/inclement/伤害Damage Bruise, mar, maul, do harm to, injure, wound, hurt, impair, harm, hurt, wound, harm, break, fracture, maim, cripple, mangle, mutilate;cut, gash, fracture, break灾祸Disaster, catastrophic, calamity, cataclysm, carnage, massacre, holocaust, decimate, wreck, accident, Misfortune, hapless, mishap,逐渐消亡Rot way, perish, decay, disintegrate, decompose, deteriorate, molder, aggravate, worsen, exacerbate, corrupt, Rotten, decayed, corrupt, damaged;decrepit ,decrepitude, dilapidate状态之改变正面能力,强,权力Enable, facilitate, empower, entitle, enhance,Strengthen, reinforce, sustain, countenance, consolidate,Able, be capable of doing , competent, potent, omnipotent, puissant, resourcefulAbility, capability, capacity, skill, forte,competence, facultyIntelligence, aptitude, flair, talentClever, bright, talented, astute, wisdom, wise, smart, acumen,Hegemony, puissance, resource, power, energy, authority, influence, impact, supremacy, potency, strength, force,vigor;大Aggrandize, amplify, augment, broaden, widen, extend, enlarge, magnify, enlarge,Exaggerate, overstate, overstress, overemphasize,多,增加Enrich, increase, add to, abound, fill, fill up, replenish, stock up, add, put in, raise,Accrue, mount up, augment, accumulate, riseAbundant, plentiful, more than enough, profuse, copious, rich, wealthy, generous, numerous, in great numbers;sufficient, enough, adequate, ample, as much as necessary,Increment, accretion, growth, augmentation,高Raise, lift up, improve, enhance, elevate, escalate, heave, heighten, hoist,Rise, increase, ascend, mount, go up, climb scale, jack up, skyrocket, surge, upsurgeHigh, tall, in height, lofty, towering, lanky;Height, stature, elevation, altitude有助Help, assist, aid, subsidize, help to, conduce to,, contribute to, function to, be of assistance, lend a hand, facilitate, enhance,Helper, aide, assistant, accessory, ancillary, accomplice, auspices,支持Support, bolster, boost, brace, buttress, espouse, proponent, underpin, embrace, exponent,快216Accelerate, hasten, speed up, quicken up, expediteRun, scurry, scuttle, scamper, prance, gallop, sprint, scud, Dart, fleet, rush,Fast, quick, rapid, swift, expeditious, speedy, fleeting, briskSpeed, swiftness, pace, velocity, rapidity, tempo, rate, quickness, promptness,有效,起作用Effective, efficient, effectual, successful, useful, helpful, functional, applicable, operative, working, active, functioning, in operation, in use,Available, serviceable,Impact, influence,自由,解脱Release, free, set free, set off, liberate, unshackle, unfetter, emancipate, manumit, disentangle, untangle, extricate,unravel,中性变Change, alter, modify, vary, turn, become, adjust, amend, transform, distort, modulate, transmute, shift, transfigure, Fluctuate, move, revolutionize, alternate, shiftDiversified, volatile, fickle, mercurial, protean, erratic, eccentric, irregular, inconsistent,Changeable, unsettled, variable, malleable, mutable,Change, alteration, variation, modification, transition, renovation, recondition, mutation;修改Redress, rectify, revise, emend, renovate, innovate, recondition,负面弱Weaken, enervate, vitiate, sap, impair, emaciate, attenuate, diluteWane, sag, fade, flag, deteriorate, exacerbate, wither, blight, dry up, wilt, sere, sear, shrink, shrivel,Weak, feeble, effete, wan, frail, lacking in strength, impotent, feeble, lethargicInfirmity, weakness, decadence, decadent,减少,降低Lower, reduce, decrease, drop off, abate, decline, dwarf, dwindle, rarefy, curtail, shorten, abridge, truncate, dock, decline, slump, eclipse, subside, shrink, ebb,Diminish, lessen, debase, dilute, moderate, die down, grow less intense, cut down, ebb, cut back,慢Decelerate, slow, slow down, retard, hold back,Slow, sluggish,Postpone, put off, delay, defer, procrastinate, adjourn,Dilatory, tardy, slack, sluggish,平息reconcile, comfort, placate, conciliate, reassure,allay, calm, console, soothe, pacify, assuage, mitigate, palliate, salve, temper,palliation, reconciliation,制止,限制Prohibit, proscribe, forbid, ban, restrain, interdict, overrule, veto, stop fromLimit, restrict, confine, blockade, fetter, shackle, circumscribeProhibited, forbidden, banned, illegal, outlawed, proscribed, taboo;Durance, taboo,控制, 抑制Control, wield, hold, steer, helm, maneuver, manipulate, dominate, regulate, rein in, direct, rule, govern, reign, regimentCurb, bridle, yoke, restrain inhibit smolder, suffocate,refrain from阻碍455Hinder, hamper, check, stunt, impede, block, obstruct, retard, interrupt, hold back, prevent from, forestall, keep from, deter from, discountenance, lumber, thwart, stem, stymie, frustrate, stump, stem,Entangle, enmesh, ensnare, entrap,Barrier, obstacle, obstruction, impediment, setback, hindrance, hurdle, blockade, blockage,morass, predicament, plight, straits, quandary,strait,预防Forestall, proselytize, preclude, prevent,干预432Interfere, intervene, intercede, meddle, annoy, vex, nettle, perturb, disturb, discomfit, molest, pester, bother, annoy, harass, intrude,Mediate,Inroad, raid, assail, assault, attack, trespass, infringe, attack, foray, intrude, encroach,Turbulence, disturbance得到,付出,付,出给Give, offer, endow, endue, present, bestow, provide, supply, furnishImpart, instruct, apprise, teach, instill, inculcate,Proffer, confer, donate, contribute, subscribe, bequeath,Issue, flow out, release,支出Cost, spend, pay, pay out, expend, disburse,Prodigal, profligate, splurge, spendthrift, dissipatefrugal, scrimp, skimp, abstemious,Expenditure, subvention,归还,偿439Return, hand out, restore, reciprocate, remunerate, revert,Compensate, reimburse, indemnify, expiate, atonement,Salary, remuneration, Emolument, honorarium,分配Distribute, allocate, issue, hand out, apportion, allot, dispense, ration, allot, assign, designate;Distribution, dispensation ration, allotment施加impose, entail, exert, inflict, suppress, subjugate, compress ,repress, coerce,使满Suffice, satiate, satisfy, cater, sate, meet requirement, gratifySuffuse, implant, instill, infuse, fill, impregnate,放弃Relinquish, give up, disclaim, abdicate, abjure, waive, renounce, recant, wean, forsake, abdicate, desert, forswear, renounce, repudiate, forgo, disown, disavow, abandon,Renunciation,获得,得到Get, receive, Accept, attain, acquire, obtain, gain, repossess, retrieve, procure, catch,Earn, profit, embezzle, peculate, defalcate, graft, appropriate,Obtainable, accessible, receptive,Receiver, recipient, procurement夺Deprive, take away, exact, extort, dispossess, bereave, divest, strip,Loot, ravage, ransack, sack, despoil, plunder, rapine, snatch, ,exploit, distill,Confiscate, impound, sequestrate, forfeit, expropriateExaction, depredation, spoliation,吸引Attract, appeal, fascinate, draw, charm, intrigue, enchant, tempt, allure, enchant, enthrall, rivet, fix, spellbind, intoxicate, engross, occupy, captivate, enamor,Attractive, appealing, charming, pleasing, attractiveness, fascination, charisma, personal, magnetism, attraction, fascination,包含510Contain, consist of, comprise, cover, encompass, span, contain, encompass, subsume, consist of, include, involve, embroil, implicate, ;Configuration component,需要,Require, call for, need, demand, necessitate,Necessary, required, requisite, essential,Requisite, prerequisite, requirement, precondition,使Cause to be, make, lead to, render, turn into, trigger, activate, cause,要求,请求,Request, ask, entreat, demand, petition, appeal toSolicit, invoke, plead, implore, beseech, adjure,Dictate, command, mandate, order, instruct, charge,Imperative, essential, compulsory, mandatory, urgent, obligatory,Request, requisition, petition, invocation;促使,劝说,Advise, urge, argue, advocate, persuade, sway, influence,Convince, expostulate, exhort, hortative刺激,激发,鼓励Stimulate, activate, spur, incite, agitate, inspire, arouse, excite, provoke, actuate, incite, foment, stir up, trigger, Kindle, enkindle, igniteencourage, motivate, invigorate, prompt, instigate,Impetuous, impulsive;Drive, motivation, incentive, inducement, impetus推动,驱动,迫使Push, drive, propel, force, oblige, propel, compel goad威逼利诱,欺骗,伪装Deceive, dupe, cheat, swindle, hoodwink,Disguise,Duplicity, artifice, chicanery, deception, scheme, subterfuge, duplicity.引诱Beguile, lure, tempt, allure, entice, tantalize, coax, delude, cozen, beguile,,Guile, deceit, cunning, wile, trickery,Wily威吓Threaten, menace, intimidate ,hector, frighten, bully,Threatening, menacing,Threat, menace允许,成认Allow, let, permit, licenseAllowance, license, permission, consent, sanction, authorization心理,想要,期望Expect, look forward to, wait for, look ahead to, suppose, anticipate, await欲望,欲求Wish, want, desire, long, yearn, aspire, crave, hanker, covet:Desirous, eager, avid, greedy, acquisitive, much desired, coveted, ambitious, enterprising;Longing, aspiration, yearning, ambition, avarice, desire for, appetite, desire意图Intend, tend to, mean, plan, be inclined to, predispose, resolve, prone to, apt to, disposed to, attempt to, aim to, be set to, have in mind, slantIntentionally, purposely, deliberately, consciously,Intention, motive, tendency, trend, proclivity, inclination, acclivity declivity,Liable, inclined to, willingly, likely不愿意Waver, hesitate, oscillate, vacillate, boggle, pause, falter,reluctant, unwilling,irresolute, indecisive, undetermined, uncertain, undecided, unsure,Reluctantly, unwillinglyReluctance, unwillingness认知,感觉,发觉Sense, feel, savor, be conscious of, be aware of, regain consciousness, perceive, Cognize, regard,Detect, identify, notice, recognize, observe,Heed, pay/give heed to, take heed/notice of, notice, pay/give attention toConscious, aware capable of feeling, sentient, percipient, cognizant,Consciousness, awareness, feeling, sense, sensation,Attention, heed, notice思考Think, consider, ponder, speculate, contemplate, reflect, muse, ponder, contemplate, muse, meditate, ruminate, chew, deliberate, take into account, take into consideration, cross one's mind, flash across one's mind, pass through one's mind, occur to sbthoughtful, meditative, pensivethought,consideration,reflection,contemplation理解know, understand, realize, appreciate, grasp, apprehend, figure out, be informed about, read, make out, go one’s idea across, decipher, decode, recognize, comprehend, be acquainted with, be familiar with,无视,忘记, 没感觉Forget, not remember, neglect, ignore, overlook, disregard, pay no attention to, take no notice ofCondone, excuse, and forgive, pardon, absolve, exonerate, extenuate,Oblivious, remiss, delinquent, negligent,Neglectful, forgetful,Oblivion, remission, omission.Amnesia, amnesty, inattention, oversightIgnorant, unknown,unconscious, unaware, insensitive, unresponsive清楚clarify, elucidate, shed light on, illuminate, make clearexplicit, overt, precise, unambiguous, plain, clear, unequivocal,clarity, clearness, lucidity, transparency, simplicity, precision.迷惑Confuse, puzzle, muddle, bewilder, perplex, baffle, nonplus, flummox, disconcert, confound, mix up, fluster, obscure, obfuscate, perplex,Quandary, dilemma, plight, predicament,态度正面,赞成,同意Approve, endorse, grant, confirm, ratify, agree with, consent, endorse, approbate, assent, approve, accord, agree, accede, resonate,Unanimous, in full accord,Approval, agreement, concurrence, unanimity, approbation. Uniformity, consistency, endorsement, confirmation, ratification, sanction,allow, permit, let, consent to肯定,相信Certain, sure, ascertain,positive, confident, convinced, assured,Inevitable, certainly, surely, positively, definitely, confidently, assuredly, inevitably, undoubtedly, unquestionably, unequivocallyBelieve, trust, entrust, have faith in,fidelity, loyalty, faith, affidavit, conviction喜欢,赞美Love, be fond of, like, favor,worship, adore,Laud, praise, commend, extol, exalt, exult, eulogize, honor, pay tribute to,hymn, paean, carol, psalm, encomium,不喜欢,Loath, hate, dislike, abhor, repulse, repel, abominate, detest,Heinous, odious, hateful, repellent, repulsive, repugnant obnoxious,Aversion, odium, aversion, revulsion, abhorrence,不同意,反对Disagree, dissent, reject, and disallow discord,Contradict, gainsay, say the opposite to, oppose, counter, be in opposition to, go up against, defy, controvert, impugn,Inconsistent, contradictory, in disagreement, at oddsDisharmony, dissonanceOpposing, dissenting, opposite, contradictory, override contrariwise, oppositely;Dispute, argue,反驳Refute, rebut, retort, deny, confute, contest, disprove羞辱,贬义Embarrass, humiliate, disgrace, dishonor, mortify, demean, discomfit, degrade, undermineEmbarrassed, ashamed, unembarrassed, unabashedHumiliation, chagrin忧虑Worry about, fret over, feel anxious, uneasy about, be concerned about,fret, agony,Anxious, uneasy;Anxiety, concern, uneasiness, disquietedness, nervousness疑问,不相信Doubt, query, question, inquiry,Discredit, distrust, disbelieve, mistrust, suspect, be suspicious of, have doubts aboutDoubtful, misgiving, skeptical, dubious, incredulous,;Doubt, incertitude, questioning, skepticism, implausibility, incredibility批评,谴责Criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, attack, rail, rebuke, blame, reprove, reprimand,reproach; diatribe, reproof, reprimand分久必合,合久必分合,和,同,等, 似Accord, match, equal, like, resemble, approximate,Same, unified, matching, much the same, be similar to, akin to, the same as, equivalent, identical parallelEquivalent, congruity, concord, parallel, similarity, parallelism, tantamount, tally,Resemble, bear a resemblance to, be like, look like, simulate, take after, imitate, mimic, copy, emulate,比拟Compare, contrast, weigh against, judge against, balance, parallelComparatively, relatively适合Suitable, fit, suited, proper, right, appropriate, apposite, apropos, opportune, fitting, apt,suitably, properly, rightly, appropriately, fittingly, aptly,相容Compatible, well-matched, well-suited, attuned, companionable, congenial, affable, amicable,Accommodate, Harbor, lodge,陪伴Accompany with, go along with, go together with, go with, come with, keep sb. Company, join, escort, convoy, cling to合作,合并Work together, cooperate, come together, and collaborate, join forces, team up,Merge, unite, connect, bond, bring together, combine, associate, amalgamate, swallow up, become one, come together, Affiliate, annex, coalesce, incorporate, integrate, put together, join together.Involve, embroil, include,Weld, join, solder,Merger, combination, solidarity, coalition, cohesion, conglomeration, agglomeration, confluence, Rapport, rapprochement, inseparable,聚集Gather, accumulate, amass, collect, pile up, heap up, compile, assemble, garner, convene, summon, organize, call together,swarm, throng, teem, crowdRally, confer, muster, congregate, aggregate, put together, amass, convoke, convene, collect a supply of;Collection, group, multitude, flock, herd, array, accumulation, accretion, backlog.Gregarious,联系,依靠Link, relate, connect, associate, correlate, attach, fasten, clinch, cling to, tie, adhere, affiliate, pertain, trace;Relevant, pertinent, germane,Link, bond, nexus, linkage, relationship, attachment,Rely on, trust, depend on, count on;Reliable, foolproof, dependable, independent, sovereign;trust, reliance, dependence,整体,全部,广义Complete, total, entire, full, whole, thorough, comprehensive, all-round, versatile, plenaryGenerally, entirely, fully, wholly, thoroughly, exhaustively, usually, largely, mainly, mostly, for the most part, on the whole, in generalAll over, throughout;交易,遇见,互相Trade, exchange, deal, do business, transact, interact, intertwine, swap, switch,Trade, commerce, interplay, commodity, goods, merchandise, transaction, interactionMeet, encounter, run into, run across, come across, happen to see, discover;Mutual, reciprocal, vice versa,遵守,认同Obey, comply with, act upon, follow, meet the terms, act in accordance, submit, observe, conform, Accordance, tractable, obedient, ductile, compliant, docile, manageable, tame,分,分开,局部Divide, break up, separate, undo, seclude, sever, diversify, bifurcate, ramify, disconnect, cede, sunder, asunder, part, partition, isolate, part, detach,Exclude, occluded, preclude, segregate, secludeDisband, dismiss, scatter, estrange, segment, cleave, rift, disintegrate, split up, fall apart, collapse,Fission, crevice, partition, detachment, secession,Section, aspect, feature, facet, respect, side, sector, division, part, segment, fragment, piece, portion背离Digress, deviate, diverge, astray, depart, swerve, deflect, defection, apostate, betray, divagate, secede egress, Perfidious, infidelity, disloyal, unfaithfulness, disaffected,不同Different, dissimilar, unlike, incongruous, discordant, disparate,Multifarious, motley, various varied, diversified,Diversity, shade, nuance, disparity, discrepancy, difference, variance, multiplicity,不相容,不适合Incompatible, mismatched, unsuited, discordant, inharmonious, unsuitable, improper, wrong, inappropriate, inopportune, unfitunsuitably, inappropriately,违背,对立Contravene, defend, break, breach, disobey, counter, resist, violate, defy, flout, infringe,infraction,对立争,斗,努力Compete, via, contend, struggle, wrestle, tussle, challenge, fight against, emulate, rival, conflict, contest, strife,confront, face up to,Strive, make an effort, endeavor to, try to do, attempt to do, struggle;Effort, attemptantagonistic, hostile, friction躲避Avoid, escape, keep away from, stay away from, shun, wince, flee, run away, flight, parry, evade, dodge, sidestep,elude, shirk,成Win, succeed, triumph, prevail, outstrip, outwit, transcend, exceed, surmount, overcome surpass,Fulfill, complete, accomplish, finish, achieve, reach, approach, realize, soar,Subdue, suppress, override, overrule, subvert, topple,Consummation, achievement, feat, attainment, accomplishment.Accessible, reachable, attainable, obtainable, approachable,败Fail, be unsuccessful, be abortive, flunk, founder, bungle, sink, be fruitless, bungle, blunder, bumble, muffFailure, abortion, crashstranded,处理,对付,处置Deal with, cope with, and dispose, handle, manage, process,Disposition选择Choose, select, favor, prefer, pick,传递Transmit, pass, hand on, transcribe, transfer, move, convert, convey, send, ferry, transport,Impart, inculcate, instruct, teach, inform, apprise, pass ontransfusion,采用,利用Make use of, use, employ, utilize, exploit, consume, harness, assume, take on手段,工具By means of, by way of, by virtue of , method, manner, means, device, instrument, facility, implement, apparatus, appliance, mechanism, gadget, utensil, tools,contrivance, maneuver, tactic, mean, expedient, stratagem, tact, ploy,artifice, chicanery, scheme, plan, project, program行为,Act, perform, behave, work, serve as, operate, run, function to, conduct;Be engaged in, carry on, indulge in, participate, endeavor to, take part in, devote to, dedicate to,Behavior, demeanor, conduct, action, performance,信息处理表达说,表达say, tell, talk, speak, utter, express, voice, state, articulate, pronounce, emote,Declare, pronounce, claim, announce, address, intimateEquivocate, prevaricate, prattle, stammer,chat, discuss, converse, bargain, negotiate,talk, chat, discussion, debate, conversation, colloquy提出Suggest, propose, present, put forward, recommend, advocate, advise, posit, aver, allege, postulate, propound, tender,Hint, imply, insinuate, allude,描述Describe, depict, illustrate, limn, recount, portray, represent, define, characterize, delineate, sketch out,;description, version解释,说明Explain, interpret, explicate, detail, clarify, make clear, construe, misconstrue, elucidate, shed light on, decipher,,expound, disabuse, explain in detail, account for;Exposition, exhibition, connotation, exegesis, gloss annotate,说明Show, demonstrate, evince, indicate, display, exhibit,获取信息观察,探求observe, view, see, spot, watch, notice, make out, perceive, bring attention to, be aware of,distinguish, discern, detect, scrutinize, monitor, study, sight, inquire, probe, search, explore,Search, grope, probe, plumb, fathom, research,quest;调查,检查Inspect, examine, scan, study, check, investigate, censor, peruse, look into, look over, scrutinize, survey,Inspection, examination, census, censor, investigation, scrutiny, survey, inquiry, census, poll纪录,记载Record, register, document ,write down, take down, put down, note down, detail, keep details,逻辑分析证明Analyze, consider, infer, extrapolate, prove, justify, confirm, verify, validate, testify, attest, authenticate,substantiate, give evidence, corroborate假设Presume, assume, suppose, imagine, premise, surmise,推断Induce, infer, deduce, reason, derive from, ratiocinate, conclude,因果result from, result in, according to, attribute to, ascribe to, credit to, account for, derive from, arise from,proof, evidence, inference, conclusion,convince,cogent, sound, logical, rational,真,正确True, right, correct, proper, real, actual, genuine, veritable, veracious, authentictruly, really, actually, in fact, authentically, realistically, pragmatically;genuinely veraciously,faultless, impeccable, in the right wayTruth, canon, criterion, norm, axiom, veracity. Rationale, truism, maxim,correct, revise, rectify假,错False, wrong, incorrect, fallacious mistaken, erroneous, unreal, errant, faultyFake, sham, phony, pretended, simulated, pseudoMistakenly, erroneously;Mistake, error, fault, fallacy, misconception, illusion;take A as B, confuse A with B, mistake A for B, erroneously identify A as B, falsify,发现, 提醒Discover, find out, learn, reveal, disclose, unveil, expose, divulge, make known, debunk, declassify, decode,decipher, translate, make out, revelation,其它强调的,Absolutely, incontrovertible, indispensable,indisputable, inalienable, indubitable, incontestable, irrefutable, incontrovertible;重要的Consequential, imponderable, paramount, substantial, major, significant, important, leading, major, dominant, predominant, prevailing, key, pivotal, decisive, critical, crucial, basic, fundamental, radical, essential, primary, integral, inherent, indispensable, necessary优缺点Advantage, benefit, advantageous, valuable, precious, positive, positive aspect, helpful, asset, valuable quality. Disadvantage, drawback, weakness, shortcoming, downside, negative aspect, unfavorable feature.明显的,突出的,优秀的,出色的Obvious, apparent, evident, conspicuous visible, noteworthy, noticeable, notable, manifest, outstanding, remarkable, salient, prominent, eminent, distinguished, striking, extraordinary, excellent, monumental, phenomenal,主要mainly, chiefly, principally, predominatly, basically, fundamentally, primarily, inherently,考研英语常用的阅读同义词替换artificialsynthetic, fabricated, contrived, fake, mock, bogus, counterfeit, pseudoconventionaltraditional, historical, past; accepted, common, regular, routine, mainstream, ordinaryearlyfirst, old, ancient, primitive, previous, former, remotesimulatevirtual, create, reproduce, pretend, imitateartificialsynthetic, fabricated, contrived, fake, mock, bogus, counterfeit, pseudoreducecurtail, cut, decrease, halve, impair, lessen, moderate, trim, slashfuturewhat's next, prospect, approaching, expected, destined, forthcomingworldwideinternational, cosmopolitan, global, universal, ubiquitous, widespread, around the worlddevelopevolve, advance, grow, improve, progress, flourishfinddiscover, come across, encounter, hit on, expose, notice, note, observe, recognize, spot, uncoverdemandrequest, claim, need, order, require, call fordeclinedecrease, degeneration, drop, fall, recession, depression, reduction, slump, worseningsignificanceimportance, milestone, impact, justification, gist, implication, point, purport, vitalprevelantcommon, usual, prevailing, widespread, systematic, collective, general, popularobjectionchanllenge, complaint, disapproval, opposition, protest, query, question, remonstrationobstaclebar, barricade, barrier, block, blockage, check, obstruction, problem, snag, hurdlecommercialbusiness, economic, financial, mercantile, profitable, pecuniaryinevitableunavoidable, certain, destined, fated, inescapable, suremillitaryarmed, belligerent, army, weapon, warlikerolefunction (provide, support, weaken, smooth, solve), job, position, duty, post, task, contributionrecentmodern, current, now, nowadays, today, contemporaneous, new, novel, present, up-to-datedifficultyhandicap, hardship, adversity, challenge, complication, dilemma, perplexity, plight, troublehowdescribe, operate, explain, clarify, demonstrate, eludicate, expound, illustrate, interpret, account for。

TEM4近义词辨析1、beat, win, conquer, defeat, overcome这些动词均有“获胜,征服,击败”之意。
2)win指在竞赛或战斗中击败对方,其对象一般应是物,如battle, race, victory等。
We can easily beat you at baseball.打垒球我们可以轻易地击败你们。
The Chinese team won in the end.最后中国队赢了。
The Normans conquered England in 1066.1066年,诺曼底人征服了英格兰。
He defeated his opponents in this election.在这次竞选中,他击败了对手。
He made efforts to overcome every difficulty.他努力克服每一个困难。
2、award, reward这些动词均有“授予,给予”之意。
He was awarded a medal for his outstanding contribution to science.由于对科学作出了杰出贡献,他被授予一枚奖章。
He rewarded me with 30 dollars for taking him to the airport.我把他送到机场,他给了我30美元作酬金。

考研英语近义近形词辨析(一)1. adapt 适应adopt 收养2. alive 活着的living 活的,起作用的lively 活泼的live 直播(节目)3. alone 单独的,孤独的lonely 寂寞的,(地方)偏僻的4. attribute 归结与contribute 贡献distribute 分发tribute 贡品,礼物5. afford 供应得起effort 努力6. believe 相信relieve 减轻7.confirm 确定confine 限制confess 承认confuse 使糊涂refuse 拒绝8. commit 犯(错误) submit 递交permit 允许admit 承认omit 省略9. cure 治愈curve 使弯曲curse 诅咒10. considerate 考虑周到的considerable 相当多的considering 考虑到,顾及11. clear 清楚的clean 清洁的12. definite 明确的infinite 无限的define 定义13. different 不同的indifferent 无关紧要的14. disappoint 使失望disapprove 不赞成15. deceive 欺骗receive 收到16. expensive 昂贵的 experiment 实验17. ensure 保证assure 担保insure 给…保险18. expensive 昂贵的 expansive 易扩张的 extensive 广阔的intensive 强烈的19. expense 费用expansion 膨胀extension 扩充exposure 暴露20. efficient 有效的sufficient 充分的effective 有效的21. harvest 收获harness 马具22. high 高的highly 非常23. imply 暗示apply 应用supply 提供reply 答复24. impose 强加expose 揭露propose 计划suppose 假设25. inspect 检查expect 期待respect 尊敬suspect 怀疑26. include 包含conclude 结束27. infect 传染effect 结果affect 影响28.inquire 询问require 需要acquire 获得29.interfere 干涉interrupt 打扰interpret 解释interview 接见rm 通知reform 改革perform 履行31.jam 果酱jar 广口瓶 jaw 下巴32.lie 说谎lay 放置33.note 注意notice 通知34.obtain 获得maintain 维持contain 包含sustain 支持35.object 物体subject 主题project 工程36.price 价格prize 奖品praise 赞扬37.present 礼物represent 象征38.possess 拥有process 过程39.prefer 更喜欢 refer 谈及infer 推断40.project 工程reject 拒绝41.pretext 借口protect 保护protest 抗议42.produce 生产reduce 减少deduce 推论induce 劝诱43.preserve 保护reserve 储存conserve 保存44.review 复习revise 修改preview 事先查看45.resist 抵抗persist 持续 insist 坚持assist 帮助consist 由…组成46.resume 履历consume 消耗assume 假定47.respond 回答correspond 符合48.respective 分别的respectful 尊敬的respectable 可敬的49.rise 上升arise 出现raise 提高arouse 唤醒50.status 身份statue 雕像51.staff 全体职员stiff 僵硬的stuff 原料52.sensible 有感觉的sensitive 敏感的53.succeed 成功proceed 进行exceed 超越54.transmit 传输transfer 转移transform 转换translate 翻译transport 运输transplant 移植55.temporary 暂时contemporary 同时代的56.unite 联合unity 团结reunion 重聚unit 个体57.vary 变化varied 各式各样的 various 不同的variety 种类variable 可变的58.wander 漫步wonder 对…感到惊奇59.recommend 推荐demand 要求command 命令60.access 接近excess 过量61.adverse 敌对averse 反对的62.affectation假装affection爱63.allusion 暗示illusion幻觉64.annual 一年一次的annul取消65.appraise估价apprise报告66.argument 争论augment 增加67.bandage绷带bondage奴役68.carton用纸盒包装cartoon漫画69.censor检查censure责难70.collision猛烈相撞collusion共谋71.confidant 密友confident确信的72.consul 领事council会议counsel劝告73.dairy乳牛场diary日记74.decease死亡disease疾病75.decent适合desent降下dissent异议76.desert 沙漠dessert甜点77.disassemble分解dissemble伪装78.drought,draft草稿drought 久旱79.eligible 合格的illegible难读的80.eminent闻名的imminent迫近的81.exalt提升exult欢腾82.ingenious设计精巧的ingenuous天真的83.jealous嫉妒的zealous热心的84.material材料materiel军备85.moral 品行端正的morale士气86.ordinance法令ordnance军械87.parish教区perish死88.perpetrate犯(罪)perpetuate使不朽88.personality人格personalty私人财产89.persecute迫害prosecute进行90.portable可携带的potable可饮用的91.prescribe开药方proscribe禁止92.reality真实realty不动产93.statue雕像stature身材94.vacation假期vocation职业95.alumna女毕业生alumnus男毕业生alumni毕业生96.amoral 非道德的immoral不道德的unmoral无关道德问题的97.avocation嗜好vocation职业vacation 假期98.biannual一年两度的biennial两年一次的99.chord琴弦cord细绳100.clench要紧牙关clinch是订牢111.climate气候weather天气pare 比较contrast对比113.connotation涵义denotation意义114.contemptible可鄙的contemptuous藐视的115.continual连续的continuous不断的116.credible 可信的credulous轻信的117.disinterested公正的uninterested不赶兴趣的118.disorganized杂乱无章的unorganized未加组织的119.divers种种的diverse不同的120.dual 二重的duel决斗121.egoist利己主义者egotist自大者122.merge 出现immerge浸入123.emigrant 自本国移居他国者immigrant自他国移入者124.father更远的further更进一步的125.hanged绞死hung悬挂126.historic历史上著名的historical有关历史的127.human 人类的humane慈悲的128.imaginary虚构的imaginative富于想象的129.incomparable举世无双的uncomparable无法比较的130.incredible 难以置信的incredulous不信的131.apt易于liable易患的likely有可能的132.luxuriant繁茂的luxurious奢侈的133.moan呻吟mourn哀悼134.oral口头的verbal言辞的135.personal私人的personnel人员136.register登记registrars登记员137.sailer帆船sailor水手138.salon客厅saloon酒店139.subcoucious潜意识的unconscious失去知觉的140.transcript副本transcription眷写141.altar神坛alter改变142.ascent上升assent同意143.cannon大炮canon教规144.canvas帆布canvass兜售145.cession割让session开会146.faint 昏厥feint作假击147.intension激烈intention意图148.pray祈祷prey被捕食之物149.principal 首要的principle基本信条150.stationary固定的stationery文具151.address地址,发表演说attribute性质mittee 委员会 concert 音乐会 content 内容 153.converse N 相反的事物 V 谈话 154.desert N 沙漠 V 舍弃 155.digest N 摘要 V 消化 156.instinct N 本能 A 充满的 157.intimate A 亲密的 V 暗示 158.minute N 分 A 微小的 159.object N 物体 V 反对 160.refuse V 拒绝 N 垃圾 161.tear N 泪 V 撕 ed A 用旧了的 A 习惯于 163.aboard adv/prep.在船或飞机上, abroad adv. 向国外;在国外, 164.academic a.学术的,学者的 academical a..学院的,大专院校的 165.accept v.接受. except prep./v.除外 167.acceptance n.接受 acceptation n.字句的意义 168.adhesive a.胶粘的 cohesive a.紧密结合在一起的 169.admission n.入场;入学,入会 admittance n.入场 170.adverse a. 相反的,不利的 averse a. 反对的;不乐意的 171.affectation n.影响;爱情 affection n.矫揉造作 affect v.影响 effect v./n.产生结果;结果 172. allusion n.暗示,隐喻 illusion n.幻觉,错觉 173.alternate a.轮流的,交替的,间隔的 alternative a./n.二中择一的 174.amend v.修正议案等 emend v.校勘,校订 175.amiable a.人和蔼可亲的 am cable a.行为手势友好的 176.ascend v.上升;攀登;追溯 descend v.下降;代代传下来 177.assent n./v. 同意,赞许 ascent n. 上升;登高 178.attempt n./v.试图,努力 tempt v.诱惑179.blush v.因害羞或狼狈而引起的脸红 flush v.因兴奋紧张喜悦而引起的脸红 180.break n./v.休息;打破 brake n. 刹车 181.burnish v. 抛光;打磨 furnish v. 供给 182.bury v.埋葬 berry n.浆果 183.capital a./n.首要的;首都 capitol n. 美国国会大厦 184.cellar n. 地下室(贮藏粮食燃料) seller n. 卖主;售货之物 185.childish a. 孩子所特有的,幼稚的childlike a. 孩子们天真的,诚实的pliment v,/n. 向…致意,祝贺;表扬,赞美的话complement v./n. 补充;补充物 prehensible a.能懂的,可以理解的 comprehensive a.综合的,全面的188.congenial a. 义气相投的,合适的 congenital a.天生的 189.considerable a.相当的 considerate a.体贴的190.corps n.特种兵团,军团 corpse n. 尸体 191.course n.课程;路线 coarse a. 粗糙的,粗俗的192.credible a.可信的,可靠的 credulous a. 轻信的,易受骗的193.defective a.有缺点的有毛病的 deficient a. 缺乏的,不足的194.detection n.查明,查出 detention n. 扣留,扣押195.disinterested a.无私的,无偏见的 uninterested a.不感兴趣的;漠不关心的 196.dissent n./v. 持异议不同意descent n. 降下,下坡,家世 197.distinct a.明显的;性质上不同的distinctive a. 区别的;鉴别性的;有特色的198.eatable a.新鲜的,可口的edible a. 可食的199.electric a. 用电的electrical a.与电有关的200.eminent a.杰出的imminent a.迫切的,逼近眼前的201.expand v.扩大膨胀,发展expend v. 花费202.extinguish v.熄灭(火光、希望等)distinguish v. 区别203.faint a.虚心的,怯懦的,微弱的feint n./v.佯攻假装204.flame n./v.光辉,火焰;燃烧,变红blame v.责备,归咎于205.flash n./v.闪光,闪烁flush n./v.脸色红润;面孔突然发红206.heal v.愈合heel n.脚后跟207.historic a.有历史意义的historical a. 历史的,有关历史的208.hoarse a.声音发哑的coarse a.粗糙的,粗鲁的209.ignoble a.卑鄙的,出身卑贱的ignorant a. 无知的210.imaginative a. 富有想象力的imaginary a. 假想的imaginable a.可以想象得到的211.legislative a.立法的,立法权的legitimate a. 合法的,,正当的,合理的212.literal a.字面的literary a. 书面的文学的213.minor a./n小的;未成年者miner n.矿工214.negligible a.可忽略的,微不足道的neglectful a.不留心的疏忽的215.practicable a.可行的,行得通的practical a. 有用的,现实的216.principal a./n.主要的;校长principle n. 主义,原则217.reserve v.保留(意见、权力、款项);预定(房间、座位)preserve v. 收藏保存防腐conserve v. 保持,保存218.respectable a. 可尊敬的respectful a.恭敬的219.responsible a.负责的responsive a. 回答的,响应的220.seasonal a. 季节性的seasonable a.当令的,合时的,及时的221.sensible a. 觉察的,明智的sensitive a. 敏感的神经过敏的222.sensual a.肉体上的,肉欲的,淫荡的sensuous a. 感觉上的,感官享受的,引起美感的223.shameful a.可耻的ashamed a. 以为…是羞耻224.sore a.痛的,酸痛的sour a. 酸的225.suit n. 一套衣服,诉讼suite n. 房间器具的一套225.unable a.不能够,不会disable a. 使残废,使无能226.zealous a. 热心的,热诚的jealous a. 嫉妒的227..relieve减轻,解除,援助reveal 透露,暴露release 释放reject 拒绝,抛弃resolve 决心,决定,决议revenge 报复,复仇revenue 税收refuge 庇护,避难所revolt 造反,反抗228..contend vi.竞争,比赛,争论 vt.主张,坚信content 内容contest 比赛,竞赛context 上下文contrast 对照,对比continents 大陆,大洲constituents 构成constructs 建造,构造constitutes 构成229.acclaim 向……欢呼,为……喝彩proclaim 宣告,声明exclaim 呼喊reclaim 要求归还,收回declaim 高声朗读230..acid 酸,酸的acrid 辛辣的arid,干旱的avid 渴望的avoid 避免231.abrupt 突然的corrupt 腐败的disrupt 分裂,瓦解erupt 爆发232.deduce 演绎seduce 诱使educe 引出,得出induce 劝诱reduce 减少,缩小233.detail 琐事,详情retail 零售entail 使承担234.evoke 唤醒invoke 调用provoke 激怒revoke 撤回235.expel 驱逐repel 反击impel 推动dispel 驱散compel 强迫236.mission 使命,任务,代表团admission,允许进入commission 委任emission 发射,散发permission 许可transmission 播送,发射missionary 传教士237.bubble 泡,泡沫pebble 卵石rubble 瓦砾,碎石238.reject 拒绝,对齐,排斥eject 逐出inject 注射deject 使沮丧239.press 压suppress 镇压,抑制impress 印,留下印象depress 使消沉compress 压缩express 表达pressure 压力,压强,强制,压迫240.resource 资源,财力recourse 求助,求援241.pose 造成(困难等);提出(问题等);陈述(观点等)compose 组成,写作dispose 处理,处置expose 使暴露impose 征税,强加oppose 反对purpose 打算suppose 推想,假设propose 提议,建议,提名,推荐242. product 产品,强调由人力或机械力或自然力生产的东西production 生产produce 产物,农产品productivity 生产力243. success 成功succession 连续244. expansion 扩张,膨胀excursion 短途旅行existence 存在exchange 交换,交流245. recession 萧条,衰退concession 让步confession 招供,认错confusion 混乱,紊乱246. symptoms 症状,征兆syndrome 综合症状247. overhaul 彻底检查overflow 飞过overlap 部分重叠overcast 遮蔽248. process 过程,步骤,程序prospects 指经济方面的前景project 规则,方案,工程profile 侧影,外形249. praise 赞美braise 炖肉250. self-confident 自信的self-sufficient 自给自足的self-satisfied 自满的self-restrained 自我控制的251. assumption 假定,假设,多指无证据的设想;presumption 认定,推测,侧重有根据的推论252. consumption 消费resumption 回复253. attain达到,获得,尤指经过一定的努力而获得obtain,获得abstain 放弃retain 保留contain 包含254. distort 歪曲,曲解contort 因扭曲而变形retort 反驳255. concede 承认,让步accede 同意recede 后退precede 领先256. barely 强调程度rarely 强调频率257. worth be ~ sth/doing值得worthy be ~ of够得上,值得worthless 无价值的worthwhile 值得花时间的,值得做的258. distinguishing 分辨discovering 发现determining 确实detecting 察觉259. diluted 冲淡,稀释dissolved 解散,溶解dispersed 分散,散布diffused 散开,扩散260. interaction (with)与……的互相作用,互相影响assimilation (into)适应,同化,融入……cooperation (with)与……的合作consultation (with)和……的商议261. now that 既然(表条件)so that 以使,以至(表目的)262. even if 及时,表让步if only 但愿,希望,标示一种强烈的愿望,后接虚拟语气only if 只有在……的时候,表示对条件的强调as if 好像,仿佛,表比较263. origin 起源original 原创264. identical 同一的,同样的duplicate 复制的265. protest 抗议,反对(反对的内容已经实施)object 反对(反对的内容未曾实施)266. advise 给对方建议劝告对方,但对方是否接受不抱希望(弱势对强势);suggest 建议希望对方做某事,往往带有敦促、鼓励或警告之意(强势对弱势)propose 提议,供大家讨论267. sick of 对…厌恶(尤指因食、饮、听、看过度引起的)tire of 厌倦,对…不感兴趣268. bind 有约束力的restrain 抑制的,遏制的,可指彻底阻止也可指将……纳入控制、约束之中,强迫意味,可表示自我抑制vtlimit (能力或数量上)有限的confine (空间上)受限的269. grant (由于慷慨、仁慈)给予某物,(通常是上对下、官方正式地)允许allow (一般意义上)允许permit (法律上、制度上)允许270. fare (特指交通等)费用fee (进入一个地方,如场馆、学校等)费用bill (用餐、电话等)账单考研英语近义近形词辨析(二)1.climate:气候,风气,思潮circumstance:特指经济状况,表示环境,状况时常用复数atmosphere:气氛,氛围environment:指对人的感情、品德、思想等或动植物生存产生影响的环境surroundings:特指自然环境(地理概念)context:上下文2.vessel:血管,管道,一般指细小管道;route:路线,航线;path:乡间小路,公园小径;channel:海峡,渠道,管道;road:广阔平坦的大道,多指公路;way:可指各种路、道或通道,也可指抽象的道路、方法;street: 尤指城市中的道路;highway: 通常指市区外可以通行各种机动车辆的交通干线;motorway(free way,express way): 高速公路;lane: 指农村或城镇的小道或小径,也指小巷;pavement(sidewalk):街道两旁的人行道;trail: 指人或兽在森林、荒野或山中踩出的小径或崎岖小道3. in place of指以甲到乙;instead of除代替外有对乙否定的意味,有时译为不4. as to:关于;for instance:后接一个句子或作插入语,放在句子中间或末尾,后面不能直接接宾语;such as:列举同类人或事物中的几个例子,用在句子中间,后面是such as之前内容的一个方面或补充;in particular:特别的,尤其,详尽的for example:举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,可位于句首、句中或句末5. tighten:加紧,收紧,侧重强调数量,活动,情感,不和control搭配;intensify:加强,强化;fasten:系牢,扣紧,多接具体名词6. rough:指某物表面凹凸不平,不光滑;coarse: 指某物质地粗糙低劣或编织、加工等不精细、精巧。

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be exposed to 遭受,暴露于,使某人接触到 draft bill 由立法委员提出的法律草案 in return for 作为· · · 的报答 in reply to 为答复· · · ,作为· · · 的答复 in reference to 关于 in response to 响应,反应 turn away 将脸背过去不看,拒绝接受,不许进入 turn back 使停止往前,往回走,重新提到 turn down 向下折转,拒绝 turn out 结果是,驱逐,生产,制造 carry out 坚持,继续 pay in cash 用现金付款 at one“s ease 自在,随便,不受约束 at fault 有毛病 hand over 交出 be hard on sb 对· · · 严厉 at one's last gasp 奄奄一息 be geared to 与· · · 相适应 labor at 努力做 penalty for 对· · · 的处罚 second to none 不亚于任何人、物 be in session 正在进行的(如开会等)活动 be jealous of 妒忌· · · on the verge of 某事即将发生,接近于,濒临
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
conform to=comply with 遵守 hold to=keep to 信守,坚持 consist in 在于,存在于 on(good)evidence 依据(充分的)证据 press on 使负重担,压迫 stand up to (人)经受的起折磨;(物)磨损 stick at=continue to work hard at 继续勤奋地致力于 in relation to 与· · · 相比 by nature 天生地 be inferior to 下层;(品质,程度)较劣的 take precaution against 对· · · 采取预防措施 neglect to do sth 忘记做某事 model on 以· · · 为基础或模式 hold the stage 引人注目 be attached to 附属于,隶属于 be critical of 对· · · 挑剔,对· · · 吹毛求疵 expect sth of sb 指望某人会做某事 get on one's nerves 使某人心烦 expire of 死于 at a loss of 困惑,不知所措,常与for words/what to do/what to say连用,意为:不知说什么或作甚么才好 at a profit 盈利 at a loss 亏本 be liable to =be subject to 易于· · · 的;应受(惩罚)的 subscribe to 订阅 in no mood for、to do 没有· · · 的情绪干某事 be subjected to 遭受 at a stretch 一连(多少时间) result from 来自于,产生于,是· · · 的结果 turn to sb for sth 为某事而求助于某人 in turn 反过来

考研英语近义近形词辨析(一)1. adapt 适应adopt 收养2. alive 活着living 活的,起作用lively 活泼的live 直播(节目)3alone单独的,孤独的lonely 寂寞的,(地方)偏僻的 4. attribute 归结与contribute 贡献distribute 分发tribute贡品,礼物5. afford 供应得起effort 努力6. believe 相信relieve减轻7.confirm 确定confine 限制confess 承认confuse 使糊涂refuse 拒绝8. commit 犯(错误)submit 递交permit 允许admit 承认omit 省略9. cure 治愈curve 使弯曲curse 诅咒10. considerate 考虑周到的considerable 相当多的considering 考虑到,顾及11. clear清楚的clean清洁的12. definite明确的infinite无限的define定义13. differen不同的indifferent无关紧要的14. disappoint使失望disapprove不赞成15. deceive欺骗receive收到16. expensive昂贵的experiment实验17. ensure保证assure担保insure给…保险18. expensive昂贵的expansive易扩张的extensive 广阔的intensive强烈的19. expense费用expansion膨胀extension扩充exposure暴露20. efficient有效的sufficient充分的effective有效的21. harvest收获harness马具22. high高的highly非常23. imply暗示apply应用supply提供reply答复4 impose强加expose揭露propose计划suppose假设25. inspect检查expect期待respect尊敬suspect怀疑26. include包含conclude结束27. infect传染effect结果affect影响28.inquire询问require需要acquire获得29.interfere干涉interrupt打扰interpret解释interview接见rm通知reform改革perform履行31.jam果酱jar广口瓶jaw下巴32.lie说谎lay放置33.note注意notice通知34.obtain获得maintain维持contain包含sustain支持35.object物体subject主题project工程36.price价格prize奖品praise赞扬37.present礼物represent象征38.possess拥有process过程39.prefer更喜欢refer谈及infer推断40.project工程reject拒绝41.pretext借口protect保护protest抗议42.produce生产reduce减少deduce推论induce劝诱43.preserve保护reserve储存conserve保存44.review复习revise修改preview事先查看45.resist抵抗persist持续insist坚持assist帮助consist由…组成46.resume履历consume消耗assume假定47.respond回答correspond符合48.respective分别的respectful尊敬的respectable可敬的49.rise上升arise出现raise提高arouse唤醒50.status身份statue雕像51.staff全体职员stiff僵硬的stuff原料52.sensible有感觉的sensitive敏感的53.succeed成功proceed进行exceed超越54.transmit传输transfer转移transform转换translate翻译transport运输transplant移植55.temporary暂时contemporary同时代的56.unite联合unity团结reunion重聚unit个体57.vary变化varied各式各样的various不同的variety种类variable可变的58.wander漫步wonder对…感到惊奇59.recommend推荐demand要求command命令60.access接近excess过量61.adverse 敌对averse 反对的62.affectation假装affection爱63.allusion 暗示illusion幻觉64.annual 一年一次的annul取消65.appraise估价apprise报告66.argument 争论augment 增加67.bandage绷带bondage奴役68.carton用纸盒包装cartoon漫画69.censor检查censure责难70.collision猛烈相撞collusion共谋71.confidant 密友confident确信的72.consul 领事council会议counsel劝告73.dairy乳牛场diary日记74.decease死亡disease疾病75.decent适合desent降下dissent异议76.desert 沙漠dessert甜点77.disassemble分解dissemble伪装78.drought,draft草稿drought 久旱79.eligible 合格的illegible难读的80.eminent闻名的imminent迫近的81.exalt提升exult欢腾82.ingenious设计精巧的ingenuous天真的83.j ealous嫉妒的zealous热心的84.material材料materiel军备85.moral 品行端正的morale士气86.ordinance法令ordnance军械87.parish教区perish死88.perpetrate犯(罪)perpetuate使不朽88.personality人格personalty私人财产89.persecute迫害prosecute进行90.portable可携带的potable可饮用的91.prescribe开药方proscribe禁止92.reality真实realty不动产93.statue雕像stature身材94.vacation假期vocation职业95.alumna女毕业生alumnus男毕业生alumni毕业生96.amoral 非道德的immoral不道德的unmoral无关道德问题的97.avocation嗜好vocation职业vacation 假期98.biannual一年两度的biennial两年一次的99.chord琴弦cord细绳100.clench要紧牙关clinch是订牢111.climate气候weather天气pare 比较contrast对比113.connotation涵义denotation意义114.contemptible可鄙的contemptuous藐视的115.continual连续的continuous不断的116.credible 可信的credulous轻信的117.disinterested公正的uninterested不赶兴趣的118.disorganized杂乱无章的unorganized未加组织的119.divers种种的diverse不同的120.dual 二重的duel决斗121.egoist利己主义者egotist自大者122.merge 出现immerge浸入123.emigrant 自本国移居他国者immigrant自他国移入者124.father更远的further更进一步的125.hanged绞死hung悬挂126.historic历史上著名的historical有关历史的127.human 人类的humane慈悲的128.imaginary虚构的imaginative富于想象的9.incomparable举世无双的uncomparable无法比较的130.incredible 难以置信的incredulous不信的131.apt易于liable易患的likely有可能的132.luxuriant繁茂的luxurious奢侈的133.moan呻吟mourn哀悼134.oral口头的verbal言辞的135.personal私人的personnel人员136.register登记registrars登记员137.sailer帆船sailor水手138.salon客厅saloon酒店139.subcoucious潜意识的unconscious失去知觉的140.transcript副本transcription眷写141.altar神坛alter改变142.ascent上升assent同意143.cannon大炮canon教规144.canvas帆布canvass兜售145.cession割让session开会146.faint 昏厥feint作假击147.intension激烈intention意图148.pray祈祷prey被捕食之物149.principal 首要的principle基本信条150.stationary固定的stationery文具151.address地址,发表演说attribute性质mittee委员会concert音乐会content内容153.converse N 相反的事物V 谈话154.desert N 沙漠V 舍弃155.digest N 摘要V 消化156.instinct N 本能 A 充满的157.intimate A亲密的V 暗示158.minute N 分 A 微小的159.object N 物体V 反对160.refuse V 拒绝N 垃圾161.tear N 泪V 撕ed A 用旧了的 A 习惯于163.aboard adv/prep.在船或飞机上abroad adv. 向国外;在国外,164.academica.学术的,学者的academical a..学院的,大专院校的165.accept v.接受.except prep./v.除外167.acceptancen.接受acceptation n.字句的意义168.adhesive a.胶粘cohesive a.紧密结合在一起的169.admission n.入场;入学,入会admittance n.入场170.adverse a. 相反的,不利的aversea. 反对的;不乐意的171.affectation n.影响;爱情affection n.矫揉造作affect v.影响effect v./n.产生结果;结果172. allusion n.暗示,隐喻illusion n.幻觉,错觉173.alternate a.轮流的,交替的,间隔的alternative a./n.二中择一的174.amend v.修正议案等emend v.校勘,校订175.amiable a.人和蔼可亲的am cable a.行为手势友好的176.ascend v.上升;攀登;追溯descend v.下降,代代传下来177.assent n./v. 同意赞许ascent n. 上升;登高178.attempt n./v.试图,努力tempt v.诱惑179.blush v.因害羞或狼狈而引起的脸红flush v.因兴奋紧张喜悦而引起的脸红180.break n./v.休息;打破brake n. 刹车181.burnish v. 抛光;打磨furnish v. 供给182.bury v.埋葬berry n.浆果183.capital a./n.首要的;首都capitol n. 美国国会大厦184.cellar n. 地下室(贮藏粮食燃料)seller n. 卖主;售货之物185.childish a. 孩子所特有的,幼稚的childlike a. 孩子们天真的,诚实的pliment v,/n. 向…致意,祝贺;表扬,赞美的话complement v./n. 补充;补充物prehensible a.能懂的,可以理解的comprehensive a.综合的,全面的188.congenial a. 义气相投的,合适的congenital a.天生的189.considerable a.相当的considerate a.体贴的190.corps n.特种兵团,军团corpse n. 尸体91course n.课程;路线coarse a. 粗糙的,粗俗的192.credible a.可信的,可靠的credulous a. 轻信的,易受骗的193.defective a.有缺点的有毛病的deficient a. 缺乏的,不足的194.detection n.查明,查出detention n. 扣留,扣押195.disinterested a.无私的,无偏见的uninterested a.不感兴趣的;漠不关心的196.dissent n./v. 持异议不同意descent n. 降下,下坡,家世197.distinct a.明显的;性质上不同的distinctive a. 区别的;鉴别性的;有特色的198.eatable a.新鲜的,可口的edible a. 可食的199.electric a. 用电的electrical a.与电有关的200.eminent a.杰出的imminent a.迫切的,逼近眼前的201.expand v.扩大膨胀,发展expend v. 花费202.extinguish v.熄灭(火光、希望等)distinguish v. 区别203.faint a.虚心的,怯懦的,微弱的feint n./v.佯攻假装204.flame n./v.光辉,火焰;燃烧,变红blame v.责备,归咎于205.flash n./v.闪光,闪烁flush n./v.脸色红润;面孔突然发红206.heal v.愈合heel n.脚后跟207.historic a.有历史意义的historical a. 历史的,有关历史的208.hoarse a.声音发哑的coarse a.粗糙的,粗鲁的209.ignoble a.卑鄙的出身卑贱的ignorant a.无知的210.imaginative a. 富有想象力的imaginarya. 假想的imaginable a.可以想象得到的211.legislative a.立法的,立法权的legitimate a. 合法的,,正当的,合理的212.literal a.字面的literary a. 书面的文学的213.minor a./n小的;未成年者miner n.矿工214.negligible a.可忽略的,微不足道的neglectful a.不留心的疏忽的215.practicable a.可行的,行得通的practical a.有用的,现实的216.principal a./n.主要的;校长principle n. 主义,原则217.reserve v.保留(意见、权力、款项);预定(房间、座位)preserve v. 收藏保存防腐conserve v.保持,保存218.respectable a. 可尊敬的respectful a.恭敬的219.responsible a.负责的responsive a. 回答的响应的220.seasonal a. 季节性的seasonable a.当令的,合时的,及时的221.sensible a. 觉察的,明智的sensitive a. 敏感的神经过敏的222.sensual a.肉体上的,肉欲的,淫荡的sensuousa. 感觉上的,感官享受的,引起美感的223.shameful 。

由词 , 我们得 别 。对于两个英语单词来说也是如此 , 也许它们 的意思相同 , 但 等 。词 和句具有一种解不开也化不开的依存关系 , 是它们 的用法却 大相径庭 。但 是对于这一 点 , 学 生总是不 以为
然. 他们想 出千万种 方式 对经常 出现 词汇 的音 、 形、 意进行重 复 的记忆 , 甚至是 花上 大量的时 间将相 同意思 的单 词归纳到一 起 知句子 的意思 ; 由句 , 我们又清楚地辨析 出词 的类别和用法 。因 此. 在学 习英 语的时候 , 我们不应该割 裂词与句 的联 系 , 而 去单 方面地学习词或者单方 面的学 习句子 。这样会让词与句被置于
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้c u p ,p e n ,B o b ,h o w ,b r o w n ,n o w ,a r e ,y o u ,k e y ,s a y ,g o o d ,b l u e ,
r ' x a j a c k e t . S p e l l "i t , p l e a s e . Wh a t c o l o r i s ' - ' i t ?
要讲太多 , 点到 即可 。连读 ( L i a i s o n ) 指在同一个意群 中, 前 后相 连 的两个单词之 间 , 前一个 单词末尾 的辅 音和后一个单词 词首 的元音有时可连起来读 。连读现象是 在语言交 际中 , 特别 是随 着语速 的加快而 自然产 生的 。预备 篇 中的句子如 G o o d ' - ' a f t e r —
定 的重视 。 a s J e r e m y H a r m e r s a y s : “ T h e r e a r e t h r e e a r e a s ( s o u n d s ,

E1.ear, ears1) (1) give ear to the criticisms of the masses.(2) You should give an ear to the complaints of the examinees.2) (1) I would give my ears for a glimpse of it.3) (1) have an ear for music(2) listen with strained ears(3) Walls have earsE2. Easliy, easy, with ease1) (1) He figrued out the sum with ease (easily).(2) If you press the button, it will open easily.2) (1) I found it easily.(2) I found it easy.3) Take it easy. Go easy, Stand easy!Stand attention!E4.-ed1) able-bodied; apple-faced; bare-footed; bare-handed; big-thighed; big-bellied; broad-eyed; broad-fronted; cool-hearted; cross-armed; honey-mouthed; ill-favoured; long-tongued; near-sighted; regular-featured; rosy-cheeked; slim-wasted2) absent-minded; cold-blooded; cold-hearted; feeble-minded; good-humoured; high-spirited; hot-brained; hot-livered; ill-mannered; ill-tempered; ill-natured; large-hearted; low-spirited; pure-hearted; strong-willed; whole-hearted3) double-seated; gold-lettered; larger-sized; two-windowed; three-forkedE4.effecitve, effectual, efficacious1) (1) They promised to take effective measures to solve the problem.(2) the effective range of a weapon; effective forces; the number of effective members2) an effectual remedy; an effectual measure3) a medicine efficacious against feverE5. Engage in, be engaged in1) (1) Owing to the high cost of living more English women engage in industry than in the past.2) (1) The task on which he is engaged is not an easy one.(2) His family has engaged in farming for generations.E6. Enough, sufficient1) (1) Jack has acquired sufficient proficiency to read Chinese literary works.(2) Have you had sufficient? –I’ve had quite sufficient.2) (1) We haven’t enough time to do the work.(2) I am not scholar enough to name this plant.3) (1) I don’t know him well enough to ask him for help.(2) He was kind enough to help us.4) (1) We have had enough of this subject.E7. Ever1) (1) Nothing ever happened here.(2) If you ever go there, bring my best regards to the Smiths.2) (1) He worked as hard as ever, when he got a headache.(2) It has ever been so, and ever will be so.3) (1) It’s the nicest thing ever.(2) Be as quick as ever you can.4) (1) Why ever didn’t you say so?5) (1) He has been as good a boy as ever was.E8.every other1) (1) I got to the doctor’s every other day.(2) Write your answer every other line.(3) He would do every other service in his power.E9.except, but1) (1) I have written all my letters but one.(2) I looked everywhere except in the bedroom.’2) (1) I know nothing except that Xiao Lin was there.(2) Nothing remains for us to do, except to sort up the letters.E10. Except for, except that1) (1) Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.(2) The suit is suite satisfactory except that the sleeves are a little too long.2) (1) Except for its temples, Mount Hua is not worth seeing.(2) But for its temples, Mount Hua would not be worth seeing.3) (1) The street were deserted except fot the policemen on duty.(2) There was no one in the streets except the policemen on duty.。
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E1.ear, ears
1) (1) give ear to the criticisms of the masses.
(2) You should give an ear to the complaints of the examinees.
2) (1) I would give my ears for a glimpse of it.
3) (1) have an ear for music
(2) listen with strained ears
(3) Walls have ears
E2. Easliy, easy, with ease
1) (1) He figrued out the sum with ease (easily).
(2) If you press the button, it will open easily.
2) (1) I found it easily.
(2) I found it easy.
3) Take it easy. Go easy, Stand easy!
Stand attention!
1) able-bodied; apple-faced; bare-footed; bare-handed; big-thighed; big-bellied; broad-eyed; broad-fronted; cool-hearted; cross-armed; honey-mouthed; ill-favoured; long-tongued; near-sighted; regular-featured; rosy-cheeked; slim-wasted
2) absent-minded; cold-blooded; cold-hearted; feeble-minded; good-humoured; high-spirited;
hot-brained; hot-livered; ill-mannered; ill-tempered; ill-natured; large-hearted; low-spirited; pure-hearted; strong-willed; whole-hearted
3) double-seated; gold-lettered; larger-sized; two-windowed; three-forked
E4.effecitve, effectual, efficacious
1) (1) They promised to take effective measures to solve the problem.
(2) the effective range of a weapon; effective forces; the number of effective members
2) an effectual remedy; an effectual measure
3) a medicine efficacious against fever
E5. Engage in, be engaged in
1) (1) Owing to the high cost of living more English women engage in industry than in the past.
2) (1) The task on which he is engaged is not an easy one.
(2) His family has engaged in farming for generations.
E6. Enough, sufficient
1) (1) Jack has acquired sufficient proficiency to read Chinese literary works.
(2) Have you had sufficient? –I’ve had quite sufficient.
2) (1) We haven’t enough time to do the w ork.
(2) I am not scholar enough to name this plant.
3) (1) I don’t know him well enough to ask him for help.
(2) He was kind enough to help us.
4) (1) We have had enough of this subject.
E7. Ever
1) (1) Nothing ever happened here.
(2) If you ever go there, bring my best regards to the Smiths.
2) (1) He worked as hard as ever, when he got a headache.
(2) It has ever been so, and ever will be so.
3) (1) It’s the nicest thing ever.
(2) Be as quick as ever you can.
4) (1) Why ever didn’t you say so?
5) (1) He has been as good a boy as ever was.
E8.every other
1) (1) I got to the doctor’s every other day.
(2) Write your answer every other line.
(3) He would do every other service in his power.
E9.except, but
1) (1) I have written all my letters but one.
(2) I looked everywhere except in the bedroom.’
2) (1) I know nothing except that Xiao Lin was there.
(2) Nothing remains for us to do, except to sort up the letters.
E10. Except for, except that
1) (1) Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.
(2) The suit is suite satisfactory except that the sleeves are a little too long.
2) (1) Except for its temples, Mount Hua is not worth seeing.
(2) But for its temples, Mount Hua would not be worth seeing.
3) (1) The street were deserted except fot the policemen on duty.
(2) There was no one in the streets except the policemen on duty.。