
二、规格尺寸:0.15~20mm×1000×2000 0.5~15mm×1200×2400 0.5~15mm×1220×24400.15~4mm×1000×C 0.15~4mm×1220×C 1.0~8.0mm×1900×C以上各规格铝板可按客户需求长度来加工、分条。

International Alloy DesignationsandChemical Composition LimitsforWrought Aluminum andWrought Aluminum Alloys1525 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209With Support for On-line Access From:A luminum E xtruders C ouncilA luminium F ederation of S outh A fricaA ustralian A luminium C ouncil L td.E uropean A luminium A ssociationJ apan A luminium A ssociationA lro S.A, R omaniaRevised: February 2009Supersedes: April 2006© Copyright 2009, The Aluminum Association, Inc.Unauthorized reproduction and sale by photocopy or any other method is illegal.Use of the InformationThe Aluminum Association has used its best efforts in compiling the information contained in this publication. Although the Association believes that its compilation procedures are reliable, it does not warrant, either expressly or impliedly, the accuracy or completeness of this information. The Aluminum Association assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the information herein.All Aluminum Association published standards, data, specifications and other material are reviewed at least every five years and revised, reaffirmed or withdrawn. Users are advised to contact The Aluminum Association to ascertain whether the information in this publication has been superseded in the interim between publication and proposed use.CONTENTSPage FOREWORD (i)SIGNATORIES TO THE DECLARATION OF ACCORD ..................................... ii-iii REGISTERED DESIGNATIONS AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION LIMITS .... 1-13 Footnotes .. (14)TABLE OF NOMINAL DENSITIES FOR ACTIVE ALLOYS ............................. 15-20 TABLE OF INACTIVE ALLOY DESIGNATIONS ............................................. 21-22 Table of Chemical Composition Limits for Inactive Original Alloys (23)CROSS REFERENCES OF INTERNATIONAL DESIGNATIONS— DECLARATION OF ACCORD (DOA) TO ISO (24)RECOMMENDATION TO THE DECLARATION OF ACCORD (25)Footnotes (26)Appendix A—Use of Designations (27)Appendix B—Deactivation of Registered Alloys (27)Appendix C—General Guidelines for Determining Compliancewith "Sale of Alloy" and "Commercial Quantity" forPurposes of Registering Wrought Aluminum andWrought Aluminum Alloys (27)DECLARATION OF ACCORD (28)FOREWORDL isted herein are designations and chemical composition limits for wrought aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys registered with The Aluminum Association. Numerical designations are assigned in accordance with the Recommendation—International Designation System for Wrought Aluminum and Wrought Aluminum Alloys, which is printed on pages 25 through 27. Additions may be made in accordance with the rules outlined in the Declaration of Accord printed on page 28, and alloys will be deleted when no longer in commercial use (see table of inactive alloys printed on pages 21-22).S ince the International Designation System for Wrought Aluminum and Wrought Aluminum Alloys is based on USA's national standard "American National Standard Alloy and Temper Designation System for Aluminum ANSI H35.1," the system limits introduction of experimental alloy compositions to USA registrations. An experimental alloy registered by USA under this system is indicated by the prefix "X" and is subject to the following rules:1. A composition shall not be designated as experimental ("X") for more than five years.2. During its experimental status, the registering organization may request changes in thecomposition limit of the alloy, provided that it does not invalidate any assigned designation.3. The "X" is dropped when the alloy is no longer experimental.4. An experimental composition that is inactivated shall retain the prefix "X" for the duration ofits inactive status. If reactivated, the "X" shall be removed.S ome of the registered alloys may be the subject of patent or patent applications, and their listing herein is not to be construed in any way as the granting of a license under such patent right.A list of the organizations that are signatories to the Declaration of Accord on the Recommendation is printed on pages ii-iii.SIGNATORIES TO THE DECLARATION OF ACCORDThe following organizations are signatories to the Declaration of Accord on an International Alloy Designation System for Wrought Aluminum and Wrought Aluminum Alloys which is printed on page 28 of this publication.The Aluminum Association Inc. USA 1525 Wilson BoulevardSuite 600Arlington, VA 22209USAAFA Association Francaise de l’Aluminium FRANCE 17, rue Hamelin75016 ParisFRANCEAll-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM) RUSSIA 17 Radio Ulitza105005 MoscowRUSSIAwww.viam.ruAlro S.A. ROMANIA 116 Pitesti Street230048 SlatinaROMANIAwww.alro.roAluminium Association of Canada CANADA 1010 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1600Montreal, Quebec H3A2R7CANADAwww.aac.aluminium.qc.caAluminium Center Belgium BELGIUM Z.I. Research Park 3101731 ZellikBELGIUMwww.aluminiumcenter.beAluminium Federation Limited UK National Metalforming Centre47 Birmingham RoadWest Bromwich B70 6PYUNITED KINGDOMAluminium Federation of South Africa SOUTH AFRICA P. O. Box 423Isando, 1600REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA.zaAluminium – Verband Schweiz SWITZERLAND Hallenstrasse 15PostfachCH-8024 ZurichSWITZERLANDwww.alu.chAssociacão Brasileira do Aluminio—ABAL BRAZIL Rua Humberto 1, No. 220-4o.AndarSao Pãulo-SPCEP 04018-030BRAZIL.brAssociation for the Dutch NETHERLANDS Metallurgic Industry (VNMI)P.O. Box 190NL-2700 AD ZoetermeerNETHERLANDSwww.vnmi.nlAssomet - Associazione Nazionale ITALY Industrie Metalli non FerrosiVia dei Missaglia, 97I-20142 MilanoITALYwww.assomet.itAustralian Aluminium Council Limited AUSTRALIA Level 1, Dickson SquareP. O. Box 63Dickson, ACT 2602AUSTRALIA.auAustrian Non-Ferrous Metals Federation AUSTRIA Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63/3317Postfach 338A-1045 ViennaAUSTRIAwww.nemetall.atCentro Nacional de Investigaciones SPAIN Metalurgicas (CENIM)Avenida Gregorio del Amo, 8Ciudad Universitaria28040 MadridSPAINwww.cenim.csic.esChina Nonferrous Metals Techno-Economic CHINA Research InstituteNo. 9 Xizhang Hutong, Xizhimennei StreetBejing, 100035PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINAEuropean Aluminium Association EAA Avenue de Broqueville, 12B-1150 BrusselsBELGIUMiiEuropean Organization for ASD-STAN Aerospace Standardization270, Avenue de Tervuren1150, BrusselsBELGIUMGesamtverband der Aluminium- GERMANY industrie e.V. (GDA)Am Bonneshof 5D-40474 DusseldorfGERMANYwww.aluinfo.deInstitute of Non-Ferrous Metals POLAND Light Metals Divison32-050 SkawinaUl. Pilsudskiego 19POLANDwww.imn.gliwice.plInstituto Mexicano del Alumino, A.C. MEXICO Francisco PetrarcaNo. 133 Piso 9MEXICO, 11560, DF.mx IRAM-Instituto Argentino De ARGENTINA NormalizacionPeru 556C1068AABBuenos AiresARGENTINA.arJapan Aluminium Association JAPAN Tsukamoto-Sozan Building2-15, Ginza 4-ChomeChuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061JAPANwww.aluminum.or.jpSwedish Aluminium Association SWEDEN Aluminiumriket SverigeFramtidsvagen 21ASE-351 96 VaxjoSWEDENSignatories (Continued)iiiCALCULATED NOMINAL DENSITIES FOR ACTIVEWROUGHT ALUMINUM AND WROUGHT ALUMINUM ALLOYSDensity is dependent upon composition and nominal density is determined by computation rather than by a weight method. The values shown below have been computed in accordance with the Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Density Calculation Procedure appearing on pages 2-12 and 2-13 of Aluminum Standards and Data. These calculated densities are nominal values and should not be specified as engineering requirements but may be used in calculating nominal values for weight per unit length, weight per unit area, covering area, etc.Limiting the expression of nominal density to the number of decimal places indicated is based on the fact that composition variations are discernible from one cast to another for most alloys. The expression of nominal density to more decimal places than allowed by the following implies higher precision than is justified and should not be used.1. Alloys listed below which have a minimum aluminum content of 99.35% or greater have nominal densityvalues which are rounded in the US customary system (lbs/in3) to the nearest multiple of 0.0005 and in the metric system [(kg/m3) x 103] to the nearest multiple of 0.005.2. Alloys listed below which have a minimum aluminum content of less than 99.35% have nominal densityvalues which are rounded in the US customary system (lbs/in3) to the nearest multiple of 0.001 and in the metric system [(kg/m3) x 103] to the nearest multiple of 0.01.The US customary (lbs/in3) unit values are derived from metric values and subsequently rounded and are not to be back-converted to metric values.Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 1050 0.0975 2.7051050A 0.0975 2.7051060 0.0975 2.7051065 0.0975 2.7001070 0.0975 2.7001070A 0.0975 2.7001080 0.0975 2.7001080A 0.0975 2.7001085 0.0975 2.7001090 0.0975 2.7001098 0.0975 2.7001100 0.098 2.711100A 0.098 2.711200 0.098 2.701200A 0.098 2.711300 0.098 2.711110 0.098 2.701120 0.098 2.711230 0.098 2.701230A 0.098 2.701235 0.0975 2.7051435 0.0980 2.7101145 0.0975 2.7001345 0.0975 2.7051445 0.0975 2.7001150 0.0975 2.7051350 0.0975 2.7051350A 0.0975 2.7001450 0.0975 2.7051370 0.0975 2.7001275 0.0975 2.7051185 0.0975 2.700Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 1285 0.0975 2.7001385 0.0975 2.7001188 0.0975 2.7001190 0.0975 2.7001290 0.0975 2.7001193 0.0975 2.7001198 0.0975 2.7001199 0.0975 2.7002001 0.102 2.822002 0.099 2.732004 0.102 2.822005 0.102 2.832006 0.099 2.742007 0.102 2.822007A 0.102 2.81+2007B 0.102 2.81 2008 0.098 2.722009 0.099 2.752010 0.098 2.722011 0.102 2.832011A 0.102 2.822111 0.102 2.832111A 0.102 2.832111B 0.102 2.832012 0.102 2.822013 0.099 2.732014 0.101 2.802014A 0.101 2.802214 0.101 2.802015 0.102 2.832016 0.101 2.792017 0.101 2.79Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 2017A 0.101 2.792117 0.099 2.752018 0.102 2.822218 0.101 2.812618 0.100 2.762618A 0.100 2.772219 0.103 2.842319 0.103 2.842419 0.102 2.842519 0.102 2.822021 0.103 2.842022 0.101 2.802023 0.100 2.772024 0.100 2.782024A 0.100 2.772124 0.100 2.782224 0.100 2.772224A 0.100 2.782324 0.100 2.772424 0.100 2.772524 0.100 2.782025 0.101 2.812026 0.100 2.772027 0.101 2.792028 0.102 2.83+2028A 0.101 2.80+2028B 0.102 2.81+2028C 0.102 2.82 2030 0.102 2.812031 0.100 2.772032 0.100 2.762034 0.101 2.792036 0.100 2.752037 0.099 2.742038 0.099 2.732039 0.101 2.812139 0.102 2.812040 0.102 2.81+2041 0.103 2.84+2044 0.102 2.81+2045 0.102 2.82 2050 0.098 2.702056 0.100 2.782090 0.093 2.592091 0.093 2.582094 0.098 2.722095 0.098 2.702195 0.098 2.712196 0.095 2.632097 0.096 2.652197 0.095 2.642297 0.096 2.65Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 2397 0.096 2.652098 0.097 2.702198 0.097 2.692099 0.095 2.632199 0.095 2.643002 0.098 2.703102 0.098 2.713003 0.099 2.733103 0.099 2.733103A 0.098 2.723103B 0.098 2.733203 0.098 2.733403 0.099 2.733004 0.098 2.723004A 0.098 2.713104 0.098 2.723204 0.098 2.713304 0.098 2.723005 0.098 2.733005A 0.099 2.733105 0.098 2.723105A 0.098 2.713105B 0.098 2.723007 0.098 2.723107 0.098 2.723207 0.098 2.713207A 0.098 2.723307 0.098 2.723009 0.099 2.733010 0.098 2.723110 0.098 2.723011 0.099 2.733012 0.098 2.72+3012A 0.098 2.72 3013 0.099 2.743014 0.099 2.753015 0.098 2.723016 0.098 2.723017 0.099 2.733019 0.099 2.733020 0.099 2.733025 0.098 2.723026 0.098 2.723030 0.098 2.723130 0.098 2.714004 0.096 2.654104 0.096 2.654006 0.098 2.714007 0.099 2.744008 0.096 2.674009 0.097 2.704010 0.096 2.67Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 4013 0.098 2.714014 0.097 2.704015 0.098 2.71+4015A 0.098 2.71+4115 0.098 2.72 4016 0.099 2.734017 0.098 2.724018 0.096 2.674019 0.099 2.744020 0.098 2.714026 0.099 2.734032 0.097 2.684043 0.097 2.694043A 0.097 2.694343 0.097 2.684643 0.097 2.694044 0.097 2.674045 0.096 2.674145 0.099 2.744145A 0.099 2.744046 0.096 2.664047 0.096 2.664047A 0.096 2.664147 0.096 2.665005 0.098 2.705005A 0.097 2.695205 0.097 2.705305 0.097 2.695505 0.097 2.695605 0.097 2.695006 0.098 2.715106 0.098 2.715010 0.098 2.715110 0.097 2.695110A 0.098 2.705210 0.097 2.695310 0.097 2.695016 0.097 2.705017 0.097 2.695018 0.096 2.675018A 0.097 2.675019 0.096 2.655019A 0.096 2.655119 0.096 2.655119A 0.096 2.655021 0.097 2.685022 0.096 2.665023 0.095 2.64+ 5024 0.096 2.65 5026 0.097 2.695027 0.096 2.655040 0.098 2.72Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 5140 0.098 2.715041 0.097 2.675042 0.096 2.675043 0.098 2.725049 0.097 2.705149 0.097 2.695249 0.097 2.705349 0.097 2.705449 0.097 2.705050 0.097 2.695050A 0.097 2.695150 0.097 2.685051 0.097 2.695051A 0.097 2.695151 0.097 2.685251 0.097 2.695251A 0.097 2.695351 0.097 2.685451 0.097 2.685052 0.097 2.685252 0.096 2.675352 0.097 2.675154 0.096 2.665154A 0.096 2.675154B 0.096 2.67+ 5154C 0.096 2.66 5254 0.096 2.665354 0.097 2.695454 0.097 2.695554 0.097 2.695654 0.096 2.665654A 0.096 2.665754 0.097 2.675954 0.096 2.665056 0.095 2.645356 0.096 2.645356A 0.096 2.645456 0.096 2.665456A 0.096 2.665456B 0.096 2.665556 0.096 2.665556A 0.096 2.655556B 0.096 2.655556C 0.096 2.665257 0.097 2.705457 0.097 2.695557 0.097 2.705657 0.097 2.695058 0.097 2.675059 0.096 2.665070 0.097 2.685180 0.097 2.70Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 5180A 0.097 2.705082 0.096 2.655182 0.096 2.655083 0.096 2.665183 0.096 2.665183A 0.096 2.665283 0.096 2.655283A 0.096 2.655283B 0.096 2.665383 0.096 2.665483 0.096 2.665086 0.096 2.665186 0.096 2.665087 0.096 2.665187 0.096 2.665088 0.096 2.656101 0.097 2.706101A 0.097 2.696101B 0.097 2.706201 0.097 2.696201A 0.097 2.696401 0.097 2.696501 0.098 2.706002 0.097 2.706003 0.097 2.706103 0.098 2.706005 0.097 2.706005A 0.098 2.706005B 0.097 2.706005C 0.098 2.706105 0.097 2.706205 0.098 2.716006 0.098 2.706106 0.098 2.706206 0.098 2.716306 0.097 2.706008 0.098 2.706009 0.098 2.716010 0.098 2.716110 0.098 2.716110A 0.098 2.716011 0.099 2.736111 0.098 2.716012 0.099 2.746012A 0.099 2.746013 0.098 2.716113 0.098 2.716014 0.098 2.706015 0.097 2.696016 0.098 2.706016A 0.098 2.706116 0.097 2.70Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 6018 0.099 2.746019 0.098 2.716020 0.099 2.736021 0.098 2.726022 0.097 2.696023 0.099 2.736024 0.098 2.726025 0.097 2.706026 0.099 2.74+6028 0.099 2.74 6033 0.099 2.736040 0.099 2.73+6041 0.099 2.73+6042 0.098 2.72+6043 0.098 2.72 6151 0.098 2.716351 0.098 2.716351A 0.098 2.716451 0.098 2.706951 0.098 2.706053 0.097 2.696056 0.098 2.726156 0.098 2.726060 0.097 2.706160 0.097 2.706260 0.098 2.706360 0.098 2.706460 0.097 2.706560 0.098 2.706061 0.098 2.706061A 0.098 2.706261 0.098 2.706162 0.097 2.706262 0.098 2.726262A 0.098 2.726063 0.097 2.706063A 0.097 2.706463 0.097 2.696463A 0.097 2.696763 0.097 2.696963 0.097 2.70+6064 0.098 2.72+6064A 0.098 2.72 6065 0.098 2.726066 0.098 2.726069 0.098 2.706070 0.098 2.716081 0.097 2.706181 0.097 2.696181A 0.098 2.706082 0.098 2.706082A 0.098 2.70Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 6182 0.098 2.716091 0.097 2.706092 0.098 2.707003 0.101 2.807004 0.100 2.777204 0.100 2.787005 0.100 2.777108 0.100 2.787108A 0.101 2.787009 0.101 2.807010 0.102 2.827012 0.101 2.817014 0.101 2.797015 0.100 2.777016 0.100 2.787116 0.101 2.787017 0.100 2.767018 0.101 2.797019 0.100 2.767019A 0.100 2.757020 0.100 2.787021 0.101 2.787022 0.100 2.777122 0.100 2.767023 0.100 2.787024 0.100 2.777025 0.100 2.777026 0.100 2.787028 0.100 2.777029 0.100 2.777129 0.100 2.787229 0.100 2.777030 0.101 2.797031 0.099 2.747032 0.102 2.827033 0.101 2.797034 0.105 2.907035 0.099 2.75+7035A 0.099 2.75 7036 0.104 2.887136 0.104 2.88+7037 0.103 2.85 7039 0.099 2.747040 0.102 2.827140 0.102 2.83+7041 0.101 2.80 7046 0.102 2.827046A 0.102 2.817049 0.103 2.847049A 0.103 2.847149 0.103 2.847249 0.103 2.84Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 7349 0.103 2.857449 0.103 2.857050 0.102 2.837050A 0.102 2.827150 0.102 2.837250 0.102 2.827055 0.103 2.86+7155 0.104 2.87 7056 0.104 2.877060 0.103 2.857064 0.103 2.857068 0.103 2.857168 0.103 2.867072 0.098 2.727075 0.101 2.817175 0.101 2.807475 0.101 2.817076 0.102 2.847178 0.102 2.837278 0.102 2.837278A 0.102 2.827081 0.102 2.837085 0.103 2.857090 0.103 2.857093 0.103 2.867095 0.104 2.898005 0.098 2.718006 0.099 2.748007 0.100 2.768008 0.099 2.748010 0.098 2.728011 0.098 2.718011A 0.098 2.718111 0.098 2.718211 0.098 2.728112 0.098 2.728014 0.099 2.738015 0.098 2.728016 0.098 2.728017 0.098 2.718018 0.098 2.728019 0.106 2.928021 0.098 2.738021A 0.098 2.728021B 0.098 2.728022 0.102 2.838023 0.099 2.748024 0.088 2.438025 0.098 2.71+8026 0.099 2.73 8030 0.098 2.718130 0.098 2.71Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103 8040 0.098 2.718050 0.099 2.738150 0.098 2.738076A 0.098 2.718176 0.098 2.718077 0.098 2.708079 0.098 2.728090 0.092 2.548091 0.092 2.548093 0.092 2.55Density Designation lbs/in.3(kg/m3) x 103PREVIOUSLY ASSIGNED BUT PRESENTLY INACTIVE ALLOY DESIGNATIONS12DATEDESIGNATION RECLASSIFIED103081988-05-23103582005-04-13104082005-04-13104582005-04-131130 1966-09-091330 1964-12-181135 1997-02-031335 1966-09-091245 1966-09-091250 1988-05-231055 1988-05-231160 1958-04-22(Superseded by 1060)1260 2005-04-131360 1965-12-091165 1966-07-121170 1997-02-031270 1966-07-12107581988-05-231175 1997-02-031180 1997-02-031187 1958-09-10(Superseded by 1188)1095 1988-05-231197 1958-09-10(Superseded by 1199)109981965-12-09200381997-11-28X231681965-03-31X2119 1966-03-072020 1974-11-012225 1966-07-12204882005-04-132053 1983-11-09208082005-06-02X209682000-12-083303 1997-02-033205 1965-11-05300682005-04-133008 1996-03-153018 1998-01-164001 1965-11-054101 1965-11-054002 1981-05-29X4003 1975-01-27X4005 1977-06-01401182005-06-024012 1965-11-054543 1997-02-03DATEDESIGNATION RECLASSIFIED4245 1968-08-19(Redesignated 4048)404882005-04-13X5002 1963-06-035004 1967-04-265105 1960-04-285405 1966-07-125007 1968-05-135008 1968-05-135009 1968-05-135011 1967-04-26X5012 1970-06-305013 1996-10-02501481997-11-28X5015 1968-08-19X5020 1977-08-04X5220 1962-01-11502582005-06-025034 1973-08-095039 1975-11-245250 2005-04-135050B 1996-03-155152 1963-06-03X5452 1971-06-175552 1997-02-035652 2005-04-135053 1968-08-19X5153 1967-04-265854 1996-10-02X5055 1956-10-195155 1971-07-145056A141992-02-215357 2005-04-135757 1963-05-145857 1963-06-105957 1963-06-03X508081963-10-225280 1996-10-02X5084 1965-04-27X5184 1965-04-27X5085 1977-08-04X5090 1977-07-18509182000-04-26600181955-07-086301 2005-04-13600482005-04-13600782005-04-13601781997-02-03PREVIOUSLY ASSIGNED BUT PRESENTLY INACTIVE ALLOY DESIGNATIONS12 (continued)DATE DESIGNATION RECLASSIFIED605181963-12-12X6251 1965-03-316253 2002-05-22X6161 1963-06-03606281964-09-04X6163 1964-12-186263 1955-07-126363 1964-12-186563 1967-04-266663 1967-04-266863 1996-10-02X6064181965-03-31X6067 1974-11-016071 1966-07-126090 1992-06-01700181997-02-037002 1966-07-127104 1988-05-23X7006 1963-09-10X710681980-04-16X7007 1972-02-16700882005-04-13 7109 1996-03-15701181999-06-17701381997-02-037027 1996-06-26X7038 1967-04-267139 1966-09-097146 1997-02-037051 1996-10-027070 1988-05-23X7272 1965-03-317472 1997-02-03X7275 1963-06-03727782000-11-067079 1989-03-22 7179 1989-06-06X7279 1963-06-03X7080 1971-01-04709181997-02-03 800181997-02-03X8002 1964-12-18X8003 1964-12-188004 1996-10-02800982000-06-198212 1967-04-268013 1971-11-01802082005-04-138DATE DESIGNATION RECLASSIFIED8177 1997-02-03828082005-04-13X8380 1964-12-18X8480 1964-12-18808181997-02-03X8090A 1989-01-13X8092 1991-10-24X8192 1991-10-24CROSS REFERENCE OF INTERNATIONAL DESIGNATIONS DECLARATION OF ACCORD (DOA) TO ISO*DOA DESIGNATIONFORMER ISODESIGNATIONDOADESIGNATIONFORMER ISODESIGNATIONDOADESIGNATIONFORMER ISODESIGNATION1050A Al99.5 3105 AlMn0.5Mg0.5 6101 E-AlMgSi1350 E-Al99.5 4043 AlSi5 6101A E-AlMgSi(A) 1060 Al99.6 4043A AlSi5(A) 6005 AlSiMg1070A Al99.7 4047 AlSi12 6005A AlSiMg(A)1370 E-Al99.7 4047A AlSi12(A) 6351 AlSi1Mg0.5Mn 1080A Al99.8(A) 5005 AlMg1(B) 6060 AlMgSi1100 Al99.0Cu 5019 AlMg5 6061 AlMg1SiCu1200 Al99.0 5050 AlMg1.5(C) 6262 AlMg1SiPb2011 AlCu6BiPb 5251 AlMg2 6063 AlMg0.7Si2014 AlCu4SiMg 5052 AlMg2.5 6063A AlMg0.7Si(A) 2014A AlCu4SiMg(A) 5154 AlMg3.5 6181 AlSi1Mg0.82017 AlCu4MgSi 5154A AlMg3.5(A) 6082 AlSi1MgMn2017A AlCu4MgSi(A) 5454 AlMg3Mn 7005 AlZn4.5Mg1.5Mn 2117 AlCu2.5Mg 5554 AlMg3Mn(A) 7010 AlZn6MgCu2219 AlCu6Mn 5754 AlMg3 7020 AlZn4.5Mg1 2024 AlCu4Mg1 5056 AlMg5Cr 7049A AlZn8MgCu2030 AlCu4PbMg 5356 AlMg5Cr(A) 7050 AlZn6CuMgZr 3003 AlMn1Cu 5456 AlMg5Mn1 7075 AlZn5.5MgCu 3103 AlMn1 5083 AlMg4.5Mn0.7 7475 AlZn5.5MgCu(A) 3004 AlMn1Mg1 5183 AlMg4.5Mn0.7(A) 7178 AlZn7MgCu3005 AlMn1Mg0.5 5086 AlMg4*Source: ISO 209-1.NOTE: This table is included for informational purposes only. ISO 209-1 has been withdrawn and replaced by ISO 209 which references the Teal Sheets as the normative reference and the source for international alloy designations.The Aluminum Association RECOMMENDATION 15 December 1970 1525 Wilson Boulevard INTERNATIONAL DESIGNATION SYSTEM Revised March 2008 Arlington, VA 22209 FOR WROUGHT ALUMINUM AND WROUGHT ALUMINUM ALLOYSU.S.A.This Recommendation is based on the numerical designation system for wrought aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys which was adopted in the U.S.A. in 1954, andbecame its national standard in 1957. This Recommendation was officially adopted by the International Signatories of the Declaration of Accord on December 15, 1970.Designations in accordance with this Recommendation may be used by any country, but there is no obligation to use them. For use, see Appendixes A, B, and C.A numerical designation assigned in conformance with this Recommendation should only be used to indicate an aluminum or an aluminum alloy having chemicalcomposition limits identical to those registered with the Signatories to the Declaration of Accord on an International Alloy Designation System for Wrought Aluminum andWrought Aluminum Alloys.1. ScopeThis recommendation describes a four-digit numerical system for designating wroughtaluminum and wrought aluminum alloys.2. Alloy GroupsThe first of the four digits in the designation indicates the alloy group as follows:Aluminum, 99.00 percent and greater (1xxx)Aluminum alloys grouped by major alloying elements1,2,3Copper (2xxx)Manganese (3xxx)Silicon (4xxx)Magnesium (5xxx)Magnesium and Silicon (6xxx)Zinc (7xxx)Other elements (8xxx)Unused series (9xxx)3. 1xxx GroupThe designation assigned shall be in the 1xxx group whenever the minimum aluminumcontent is specified as 99.00 percent and greater. In the 1xxx group, the last two of the fourdigits in the designation indicate the minimum aluminum percentage4. These digits are thesame as the two digits to the right of the decimal point in minimum aluminum percentagewhen it is expressed to the nearest 0.01 percent. The second digit in the alloy designationindicates alloy modifications in impurity limits or alloying elements. If the second digit in thedesignation is zero, it indicates unalloyed aluminum having natural impurity limits; integers 1through 9, which are assigned consecutively as needed, indicate special control of one ormore individual impurities or alloying elements.4. 2xxx-8xxx GroupsThe alloy designation in the 2xxx through 8xxx groups is determined by the alloying element(Mg2Si for 6xxx alloys) present in the greatest mean percentage. If the greatest meanpercentage is common to more than one alloying element, choice of group will be in order ofgroup sequence Cu, Mn, Si, Mg, Mg2Si, Zn or Others. In the 2xxx through 8xxx alloy groupsthe last two of the four digits in the designation have no special significance but serve only toidentify the different aluminum alloys in the group. The second digit in the alloy designationindicates the original alloy5 and alloy modifications; integers 1 through 9, which are assignedconsecutively, indicate alloy modifications.5. ModificationsA modification of the original alloy 5 is limited to any one or a combination of the following:(a) Change of not more than the following amounts in the arithmetic mean of thelimits for an individual alloying element or combination of elements expressedas an alloying element or both:Arithmetic Mean of Limits for Alloying Elements in Original Alloy Maximum ChangeUp through 1.0 percent 0.15Over 1.0 through 2.0 percent 0.20Over 2.0 through 3.0 percent 0.25Over 3.0 through 4.0 percent 0.30Over 4.0 through 5.0 percent 0.35Over 5.0 through 6.0 percent 0.40Over 6.0 percent 0.50To determine compliance when maximum and minimum limits are specified for a combination of two or more elements in one alloy composition, the arithmetic mean of such combination is compared to the sum of the mean values of the same individual elements, or any combination thereof, in another alloy composition.(b) Addition or deletion of not more than one alloying element with limits having anarithmetic mean of not more than 0.30 percent, or addition or deletion of not morethan one combination of elements expressed as an alloying element with limitshaving a combined arithmetic mean of not more than 0.40 percent.(c) Substitution of one alloying element for another element serving the samepurpose.(d) Change in limits for impurities expressed singly or as a combination.(e) Change in limits for grain refining elements.(f) Maximum iron or silicon limits of 0.12 percent and 0.10 percent, or less,respectively, reflecting high purity base metal.An alloy should not be registered as a modification if it meets the requirements for a national variation.6. National VariationsNational variations of wrought aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys registered by another country in accordance with this Recommendation are identified by a serial letter after the numerical designation. The serial letters are assigned in alphabetical sequence starting withA for the first national variation registered, but omitting I, O, and Q.A national variation has composition limits which are similar but not identical to a modificationor an original alloy registered by another country, with differences such as:(a) Differences in arithmetic mean of limits for an individual alloying element orcombination of elements expressed as an alloying element, or both, notexceeding the following amounts:Arithmetic Mean of Limits for AlloyingElements in Original Alloy or ModificationMaximumDifferenceUp through 1.0 percent 0.15Over 1.0 through 2.0 percent 0.20Over 2.0 through 3.0 percent 0.25Over 3.0 through 4.0 percent 0.30Over 4.0 through 5.0 percent 0.35Over 5.0 through 6.0 percent 0.40Over 6.0 percent 0.50To determine compliance when maximum and minimum limits are specified for acombination of two or more elements in one alloy composition, the arithmetic mean ofsuch combination is compared to the sum of the mean values of the same individualelements, or any combination thereof, in another alloy composition.(b) Substitution of one alloying element for another element serving the samepurpose.(c) Different limits of impurities except for low iron. Iron maximum of 0.12 percent orless, reflecting high purity base metal, should be considered an alloy modification.See 5(f).(d) Different limits on grain refining elements.(e) Inclusion of a minimum limit for iron or silicon, or both.An alloy meeting these requirements should not be registered as a new alloy or alloymodification.See footnotes on page 2625See footnotes on page 14.。

合金化学成分变形铝合金化学成分化学成分(质量分数)/%序号牌号Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Ni Zn 其他Ti Zr 其他Al 备注1 1A99 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.00299.99LG52 1A97 0.015 0.015 0.005 0.00599.97LG43 1A95 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.00599.954 1A93 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.00799.93LG35 1A90 0.06 0.06 0.01 0.0199.9LG26 1A85 0.08 0.1 0.01 0.0199.85LG17 1A80 0.15 0.15 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 Ca0.03,V0.05 0.03 0.0299.88 1A80A 0.15 0.15 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.06 Ca0.03 0.02 0.0299.89 1070 0.2 0.25 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 V0.05 0.03 0.0399.710 1070A 0.2 0.25 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.03 0.0399.711 1370 0.1 0.25 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.04 Ca0.03,V+Ti0.02,B0. 1060 0.25 0.35 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.05 V0.05 0.03 0.0399.613 1050 0.25 0.4 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 V0.05 0.03 0.0399.514 1050A 0.25 0.4 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.0399.515 1A50 0.3 0.3 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.03 Fe+Si0.45 0.0399.5LB216 1350 0.1 0.4 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.05 Ca0.03,V+Ti0.02,B0. 1145 Si+Fe0.55 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 V0.05 0.03 0.0399.4518 1035 0.35 0.6 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.1 V0.05 0.03 0.0399.3519 1A30 0.10~0.20 0.15~0.30 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.0399.3L4-120 1100 Si+Fe0.95 0.05~0.20 0.05 0.1 ①0.050.159921 1200 Si+Fe1.00 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.050.159922 1235 Si+Fe0.65 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 V0.05 0.06 0.0399.3523 2A01 0.5 0.5 2.2~3.0 0.2 0.2-0.5 0.1 0.15 0.050.1余量LY124 2A02 0.3 0.3 2.6~3.2 0.45~0.70 2-2.4 0.1 0.15 0.050.1余量LY225 2A04 0.3 0.3 3.2~3.7 0.50~0.80 2.1-2.6 0.1 Be0.001-0.010 0.05-0.400.050.1余量LY426 2A06 0.5 0.5 3.8~4.3 0.50~1.0 1.7-2.3 0.1 Be0.001-0.005 0.03-余量LY627 2A10 0.25 0.2 3.9~4.5 0.30~0.50 0.15-0.300.1 0.15 0.050.1余量LY1028 2A11 0.7 0.7 3.8~4.8 0.40~0.8 0.4-0.800.1 0.3 Fe+Ni0.70 0.15 0.050.1余量LY1129 2B11 0.5 0.5 3.8~4.5 0.40~0.8 0.4-0.800.1 0.15 0.050.1余量LY830 2A12 0.5 0.5 3.8~4.9 0.30~0.9 1.2-1.8 0.1 0.3 Fe+Ni0.50 0.15 0.050.1余量LY1231 2B12 0.5 0.5 3.8~4.5 0.30~0.7 1.2-1.6 0.1 0.15 0.050.1余量LY932 2A13 0.7 0.6 4.0~5.0 0.30-0.500.6 0.15 0.050.1余量LY1333 2A14 0.6~1.2 0.7 3.9~4.8 0.40~1.0 0.40-0.800.1 0.3 0.15 0.030.1余量LD1034 2A16 0.3 0.3 6.0~7.0 0.40~0.8 0.05 0.1 0.10-余量LY1635 2B16 0.25 0.3 5.8~6.8 0.20~0.40 0.05 V0.05-0.15 0.08-0.200.1,余量36 2A17 0.3 0.3 6.0~7.0 0.40~0.8 0.25-0.450.1 0.10-余量LY1737 2A20 0.2 0.3 5.8~6.8 0.02 0.1 V0.02-0.15 B0.001-0.010.07-0.160.10-余量LY2038 2A21 0.2 0.20~0.60 3.0~4.0 0.05 0.8-1.2 1.8-2.30.2 0.05 0.050.15余量39 2A25 0.06 0.06 3.6~4.2 0.50~0.7 1.0-1.5 0.06 0.050.1余量40 2A49 0.25 0.8~1.2 3.2~3.8 0.30~0.6 1.8-2.2 0.8-1.20.08-余量41 2A50 0.7~1.2 0.7 1.8~2.6 0.40~0.8 0.4-0.8 0.1 0.3 Fe+Ni0.70 0.15 0.050.1余量LD542 2B50 0.7~1.2 0.7 1.8~2.6 0.40~0.8 0.4-0.8 0.01-0.200.1 0.3 Fe+Ni0.70 0.02-余量LD643 2A70 0.35 0.9~1.5 1.9~2.5 0.2 1.4-1.8 0.9-1.50.3 0.02-余量LD744 2B70 0.25 0.9~1.4 1.8~2.7 0.2 1.2-1.8 0.8-1.40.15 Pb0.05,Sn0.05,Ti+Zr0.200.1 0.050.15余量45 2A80 0.50~1.2 1.0~1.6 1.9~2.5 0.2 1.4-1.8 0.9-1.50.3 0.15 0.050.1余量LD846 2A90 0.50~1.0 0.50~1.0 3.5~4.5 0.2 0.4-0.8 1.8-2.30.3 0.15 0.050.1余量LD947 2004 0.2 0.2 5.5~6.5 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.30-0.500.050.15余量48 2011 0.4 0.7 5.0~6.0 0.3 Bi0.20-0.6 Pb0.20-0.6 0.050.15余量49 2014 0.50~1.2 0.7 3.9~5.0 0.40~1.2 0.20-0.80.1 0.25 ③0.15 0.050.15余量50 2014A 0.50~0.9 0.5 3.9~5.0 0.40~1.2 0.20-0.80.1 0.1 0.25 Ti+Zr0.20 0.15 0.050.15余量51 2214 0.50~1.2 0.3 3.9~5.0 0.40~1.2 0.20-0.80.1 0.25 ③0.15 0.050.15余量52 2017 0.20~0.8 0.7 3.5~4.5 0.40~0.10 0.40-0.80.1 0.25 ③0.15 0.050.15余量53 2017A 0.20~0.8 0.7 3.5~4.5 0.40~0.10 0.40-0.100.1 0.25 Ti+Zr0.25 0.050.15余量54 2117 0.8 0.7 2.2~3.0 0.2 0.20-0.500.1 0.25 0.050.15余量55 2218 0.9 1 3.5~4.5 0.2 1.2-1.8 0.1 1.7-2.30.25 0.050.15余量56 2618 0.10~0.25 0.9~1.3 1.9~2.7 1.3-1.8 0.9-1.20.1 0.04-余量57 2219 0.2 0.3 5.8~6.8 0.20~0.40 0.2 0.1 V0.05-0.15 0.10-余量LY1958 2024 0.5 0.5 3.8~4.9 0.30~0.9 1.2-1.8 0.1 0.25 ③0.15 0.050.15余量59 2124 0.2 0.3 3.8~4.9 0.30~0.9 1.2-1.8 0.1 0.25 ③0.15 0.050.15余量60 3A21 0.6 0.7 0.2 1.0~1.6 0.05 0.10④0.15 0.050.1余量LF2161 3003 0.6 0.7 0.05~0.20 1.0~1.5 0.1 0.050.15余量62 3103 0.5 0.7 0.1 0.9~1.5 0.3 0.1 0.2 Ti+Zr0.10 0.050.15余量63 3004 0.3 0.7 0.25 1.0~1.5 0.8-1.3 0.25 0.050.15余量64 3005 0.6 0.7 0.3 1.0~1.5 0.20-0.60.1 0.25 0.1 0.050.15余量65 3105 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.30~0.5 0.20-0.80.2 0.4 0.1 0.050.15余量66 4A01 4.5~6.0 0.6 0.2 Zn+Sn0.100.15 0.050.15余量LT167 4A11 11.5~13.5 1 0.50~1.3 0.2 0.8-1.3 0.1 0.50-1.30.25 0.15 0.050.15余量LD1168 4A13 6.8~8.2 0.5 Cu+Zn0.15 0.5 0.05 Ca0.10 0.15 0.050.15余量LT1369 4A17 11.0~12.5 0.5 Cu+Zn0.15 0.5 0.05 Ca0.10 0.15 0.050.15余量LT1771 4032 11.0~13.5 1 0.50~1.3 0.8-1.3 0.1 0.50-1.30.25 0.050.15余量72 4043 4.5~6.0 0.8 0.3 0.05 0.05 0.1 ①0.2 0.050.15余量73 4043A 4.5~6.0 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.2 0.1 ①0.15 0.050.15余量74 4047 11.0~13.0 0.8 0.3 0.15 0.1 0.2 ①0.050.15余量75 4047A 11.0~13.0 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.1 0.2 ①0.15 0.050.15余量76 5A01 Si+Fe0.40 0.1 0.30~0.7 6.0-7.0 0.10-0.200.25 0.15 0.10-余量LF15或77 5A02 0.4 0.4 1.12.0-2.8 Si+Fe0.6 0.15 0.050.15余量LF2Cr0.15~0.4078 5A03 0.50~0.80 0.5 0.1 0.30~0.6 3.2-3.8 0.2 0.15 0.050.1余量LF379 5A05 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.30~0.6 4.8-5.5 0.2 0.050.1余量LF580 5B05 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.20~0.6 4.7-5.7 Si+Fe0.6 0.15 0.050.1余量LF1081 5A06 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.50~0.8 5.8-6.8 0.2 Be0.0001-0.005②0.02-余量LF682 5B06 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.50~0.8 5.8-6.8 0.2 Be0.0001-0.005②0.10-0.300.050.1余量LF1483 5A12 0.3 0.3 0.05 0.40~0.8 8.3-9.6 0.1 0.2 Be0.005-Sb0.004-0.05 0.05-余量LF1284 5A13 0.3 0.3 0.05 0.40~0.8 9.2-10.50.1 0.2 Be0.005-Sb0.004-0.05 0.05-余量LF1385 5A30 Si+Fe0.40 0.1 0.50~1.0 4.7-5.5 0.25 Cr0.05-0.20 0.03-余量LF1686 5A33 0.35 0.35 0.1 0.1 6.0-7.5 0.50-1.5 Be0.0005-0.005②0.05-0.150.10-0.300.050.1余量LF3387 5A41 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.30~0.6 6.0-7.0 0.2 0.02-余量LT4188 5A43 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.15~0.40 0.6-1.4 0.15 0.050.15余量LF4389 5A66 0.005 0.01 0.005 1.5-2.0 0.0050.01余量LT6690 5005 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.50-1.10.1 0.25 0.050.15余量91 5019 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.10~0.6 4.5-5.6 0.2 0.2 Mo+Cr0.1+0.6 0.2 0.050.15余量92 5050 0.4 0.7 0.2 0.1 1.1-1.8 0.25 0.25 0.050.15余量93 5251 0.4 0.5 0.15 0.10~0.50 1.7-2.4 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.050.15余量95 5154 0.25 0.4 0.1 0.1 3.1-3.9 0.15-0.350.2 ①0.2 0.050.15余量96 5154A 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5 3.1-3.9 0.25 0.2 ①Mn+Cr0.10-0.50 0.2 0.050.15余量97 5454 0.25 0.4 0.1 0.50~1.0 2.4-3.0 0.05-0.200.25 0.2 0.050.15余量98 5554 0.25 0.4 0.1 0.50~1.0 2.4-3.0 0.05-0.200.25 ①0.02-余量99 5754 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.5 2.6-3.6 0.3 0.2 Mn+Cr0.10-0.60 0.15 0.050.15余量100 5056 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.05~0.20 4.5-5.5 0.05-0.200.1 0.050.15余量LF5-1 101 5356 0.25 0.4 0.1 0.05~0.20 4.5-5.5 0.05-0.200.1 ①0.06-余量102 5456 0.25 0.4 0.1 0.50~1.0 4.7-5.5 0.05-0.200.25 0.2 0.050.15余量103 5082 0.2 0.35 0.15 0.15 4.0-5.0 0.15 0.25 0.1 0.050.15余量104 5182 0.2 0.35 0.15 0.20~0.50 4.0-5.0 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.050.15余量105 5083 0.4 0.4 1 4.0-4.9 0.05-0.250.25 0.15 0.050.15余量LF4 106 5183 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.50~1.0 4.3-5.2 0.05-0.250.25 ①0.15 0.050.15余量107 5086 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.20~0.7 3.5-4.5 0.05-0.250.25 0.15 0.050.15余量或108 6A02 0.50~1.2 0.5 0.20~0.60.45-0.90.2 0.15 0.050.1余量LD2Cr0.15~0.35109 6B02 0.7~1.1 0.4 0.10~0.40 0.10~0.30 0.40-0.80.15 0.01-余量LD2-1 110 6A51 0.50~0.7 0.5 0.15~0.35 0.45-0.60.25 Sn0.15-0.35 0.01-余量111 6101 0.30~0.7 0.5 0.1 0.03 0.35-0.80.03 0.1 B0.06 0.030.1余量112 6101A 0.30~0.7 0.4 0.05 0.40-余量113 6005 0.6~0.9 0.35 0.1 0.1 0.40-0.60.1 0.1 0.1 0.050.15余量114 6005A 0.50~0.9 0.35 .0.30 0.5 0.40-0.70.3 0.2 Mn+Cr0.12-0.5 0.1 0.050.15余量115 6351 0.7~1.3 0.5 0.1 0.40~0.8 0.40-0.80.2 0.2 0.050.15余量116 6060 0.30~0.6 0.10~0.3 0.1 0.1 0.35-0.60.05 0.15 0.1 0.050.15余量117 6061 0.40~0.8 0.7 0.15~0.40 0.15 0.8-1.2 0.04-0.350.25 0.15 0.050.15余量LD30118 6063 0.20~0.6 0.35 0.1 0.1 0.45-0.90.1 0.1 0.1 0.050.15余量LD31 119 6063A 0.30~0.6 0.15~0.35 0.1 0.15 0.6-0.9 0.05 0.15 0.1 0.050.15余量120 6070 1.0~1.7 0.5 0.15~0.40 0.40~1.0 0.50-1.20.1 0.25 0.15 0.050.15余量LD2-2 121 6181 0.8~1.2 0.45 0.1 0.15 0.6-1.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.050.15余量122 6082 0.7~1.3 0.5 0.1 0.40~1.0 0.6-1.2 0.25 0.2 0.1 0.050.15余量123 7A01 0.3 0.3 0.01 0.9-1.3 Si+Fe0.45 0.03余量LB1 124 7A03 0.2 0.2 1.8~2.4 0.1 1.2-1.6 0.05 6-6.7 0.02-余量LC3 125 7A04 0.5 0.5 1.4~2.0 0.20~0.6 1.8-2.8 0.10-0.255月7日0.1 0.050.1余量LC4 126 7A05 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.15~0.40 1.1-1.7 0.05-0.15 4.4-5 0.02-0.060.10-余量127 7A09 0.5 0.5 1.2~2.0 0.15 2.0-3.0 0.16-0.30 5.1-6.1 0.1 0.050.1余量LC9 128 7A10 0.3 0.3 0.50~1.0 0.20~0.35 3.0-4.0 0.10-0.30 3.2-4.2 0.1 0.050.1余量LC10 129 7A15 0.5 0.5 0.50~1.0 0.10~0.40 2.4-3.0 0.10-0.20 4.4-5.4 Be0.005-0.01 0.050.15余量LC15 130 7A19 0.3 0.4 0.08~0.30 0.30~0.50 1.3-1.9 0.10-0.20 1.5-5.3 Be0.0001-0.004②0.08-余量LC19 131 7A31 0.3 0.6 0.10~0.40 0.20~0.40 2.5-3.3 0.10-0.20 3.6-4.5 Be0.001-0.0010 0.02-0.100.08-余量132 7A33 0.25 0.3 0.25~0.55 0.05 2.2-2.7 0.10-0.20 4.6-5.4 0.05 0.050.1余量133 7A52 0.25 0.3 0.05~0.20 0.20~0.50 2.0-2.8 0.15-0.25 4.0-4.8 0.05-0.180.05-余量LC52 134 7003 0.3 0.35 0.2 0.3 0.50-0.100.2 5.0-6.5 0.2 0.05-余量LC52 135 7005 0.35 0.4 0.1 0.20~0.7 1.0-1.8 0.06-0.20 4.0-5.0 0.01-0.060.08-余量136 7020 0.35 0.4 0.2 0.05~0.50 1.0-1.4 0.10-0.35 4.0-5.0 Zr+Ti0.08-0.25 0.08-余量137 7022 0.5 0.5 0.50~1.0 0.10~0.40 0.10-0.30 4.3-5.2 Zr+Ti0.20 0.050.15余量138 7050 0.12 0.15 2.0~2.6 0.1 1.9-2.6 0.04 5.7-6.7 0.06 0.08-余量139 7075 0.4 0.5 1.2~2.0 0.3 2.1-2.9 0.18-0.28 5.1-6.1 ⑤0.2 0.050.15余量140 7475 0.1 0.12 1.2~1.9 0.06 1.9-2.6 0.18-0.25 5.2-6.2 0.06 0.050.15余量141 8A06 0.55 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Fe+Si1.0 0.050.15余量L6 142 8011 0.50~0.9 0.6~1.16 0.1 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.08 0.050.15余量143 8090 0.2 0.3 1.0~1.6 0.1 0.6-1.3 0.1 0.25 Li2.2-2.7 0.1 0.04-余量①用于电焊条和焊带,焊丝时,铍含量不大于0.0008%.②铍含量均可按规定量加入,可不做分析.③仅在供需双方商定时,对挤压和锻造产品规定Ti+Zr含量不大于0.20%.④作铆钉线材的3A21合金的锌含量应不大于0.33%.⑤仅在供需双方商定时,对挤压和锻造产品规定Ti+Zr含量不大于0.25%.注:。

AC4C 0.25 Max 6.5-7.5 0.45 0.35 Max 0.55 Max 0.35 Max 0.10 Max 0.20 Max
AC4CH 0.20 Max 6.5-7.5 0.40 0.10 Max 0.20 Max 0.10 Max 0.05 Max 0.20 Max
AC4D 1.0-1.5 4.5-5.5 0.60 0.30 Max 0.60 Max 0.50 Max 0.20 Max 0.20 Max
AC5A 3.5-4.5 0.60 Max 1.2-1.8 0.15 Max 0.80 Max 0.35 Max 1.7-2.3 0.20 Max
AC7A 0.10 Max 0.20 Max 3.5-5.5 0.15 Max 0.30 Max 0.60 Max 0.05 Max 0.20 Max
AC2B 2.0-4.0 5.0-7.0 0.50 Max 1.00 Max 1.00 Max 0.50 Max 0.35 Max 0.20 Max
AC3A 0.25 Max 13.0 0.15 Max 0.30 Max 0.80 Max 0.35 Max 0.10 Max 0.20 Max
2.50 8.00 0.30 Max 1.00 Max 0.80 Max 0.60 0.30 Max 0.20 Max
1.30- 17.00- 0.80-
1.80 20.00 1.50 0.20 Max 0.70 Max 0.60 Max 1.50 0.20 Max
0.80- 22.00- 0.80-
0.10 Max 0.10 Max 0.15 Max BAL 0.10 Max 0.05 Max 0.15 Max BAL 0.20 Max 0.10 Max 0.20 Max BAL

Al-Si9 Al-Si12(Fe) Al-Si10Mg(Fe) Al-Si8Cu3 Al-Si9Cu3(Fe) Al-Si9Cu3(Fe)(Zn) Al-Si11Cu2(Fe) Al-Si11Cu3(Fe) Al-Si12Cu1(Fe) Al-Si17Cu4Mg
JIS H 5302 - 2006
JIS H 5302 - 2006
JIS H 5302 - 2006
ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007 ISO 3522 - 2007
挤出用铝合金 标准
EN 573-3 EN 573-4 EN 573-3 EN 573-3 EN 573-3
Al Si8Cu3 Al Si9Cu1Mg Al Si9Cu3(Fe) Al Si9Cu3(Fe)(Zn) Al Si11Cu2(Fe) Al Si11Cu3(Fe) Al Si12(Cu) Al Si12Cu1(Fe) Al Si12CuMgNi Al Si17Cu4Mg
压铸用铝合金 标准
GB/T15114 GB/T15114 GB/T15115 GB/T15114 GB/T15114 GB/T15114 GB/T15114 GB/T15114

GB/T 15115-1994 YL102 YL104 YL108 YL112 YL113 YL117 YL302 (Cu )铜 0.60Max 0.30Max 1.0-2.0 3.0-4.0 1.5-3.5 4.0-5.0 0.10Max (Si)硅 10.0-13.0 8.0-10.5 11.0-13.0 7.5-9.5 9.6-12.0 16.0-18.0 0.8-1.3 (Mg)镁 0.05Max 0.17-0.30 0.4-1.0 0.30Max 0.30Max 0.45-0.65 4.5-5.5 (Zn)锌 0.30Max 0.30Max 1.00Max 1.20Max 1.00Max 1.20Max 0.20Max (Fe)铁 1.20Max 1.00Max 1.00Max 1.20Max 1.20Max 1.20Max 1.20Max (Mn)锰 0.60Max 0.2-0.5 0.3-0.9 0.50Max 0.50Max 0.50MAX 0.1-0.4 (Ni )镍 0.05Max 0.50Max 0.50Max 0.10Max -
0.10Max 0.10Max 0.30Max 0.15Max 0.50Max 0.10Max 1.00Max 0.30Max 0.8-1.5 0.8-1.3 0.10Max
ASTM B85-96 A356.1 A356.2 A360 A360.1 A380.0 A380.1 A383 A413.1 A413.2 (Cu )铜 0.25Max 0.10Max 0.60Max 0.60Max 3.0-4.0 3.0-4.0 2.0-3.0 1.00Max 0.10Max (Si)硅 6.5-7.5 6.5-7.5 9.0-10.0 9.0-10.0 7.5-9.5 7.5-9.5 9.5-11.5 11.0-13.0 (Mg)镁 0.25-0.45 0.30-0.45 0.4-0.6 0.45-0.6 0.30Max 0.10Max 0.10Max 0.10Max 0.05Max (Zn)锌 0.35Max 0.05Max 0.50Max 0.40Max 3.00Max 2.90Max 3.00Max 0.40Max 0.05Max (Fe)铁 0.50Max 0.12Max 1.30Max 1.00Max 1.30Max 1.00Max 1.30Max 1.00Max 0.60Max (Mn)锰 0.35Max 0.05Max 0.35Max 0.35Max 0.50Max 0.50Max 0.50Max 0.35Max 0.05Max (Ni )镍 0.50Max 0.50Max 0.50Max 0.50Max 0.30Max 0.50Max 0.05Max

0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量
AlMn0.5Mg0.5 3.0505 0.6
0.3 0.30-0.8 0.20-0.8 0.2
0.4 —
AlMn1Mg0.5 3.0525 0.6
0.3 1.0-1.5 0.20-0.6 0.1
0.25 0.1
AlMn1Mg1 3.0526 0.3
0.7 0.25 1.0-1.5 0.8-1.3
0.1 0.40-1.0 4.0-4.9 0.05-0.25 0.25 0.15
AlMg5Mn 3.3549 0.2
0.35 0.15 0.20- 4.0-5.0
0.25 0.1
3.0515 0.5
0.1 0.9-1.5 0.3
0.2 0.1
3.3555 0.4
0.1 0.10-0.6 4.5-5.6 0.2
0.2 0.2
AlMg2Mn0.3 3.3525 0.4
0.5 0.15 0.10- 1.7-2.4 0.15 0.15 0.15
AlMg2Mn0.8 3.3527 0.4 0.55 0.1 0.50-1.1 1.6-2.5 0.3
0.4 —
AlMn1Mg0.5 3.0525 0.6

国标ADC12铝锭铜1.5-3.5% 硅9.5-12% 镁0.3%以下锌1.0%以下铁1.0%以下锰0.5%以下余量铝
国标ADC10铝锭铜2.0-4.0% 硅7.5-9.5% 镁0.3%以下锌1.0%以下铁1.0%以下锰0.5以下余量铝国标ADC6铝锭铜0.1% Max 、硅1.0% Max、镁2.6-4.0 %、锌0.4 %Max 、铁0.8 %Max、锰0.4-0.6 、镍0.1 %Max 余量铝
国标YLD102铝锭铜0.3%Max 、硅10.0-13.0% 、镁0.25%Max、锌0.1 %Max 、铁0.9%Max、锰0.4%Max 、铬0.1 %Max 余量铝
国标A356.1铝锭铜0.25%Max 、硅6.5-7.5% 、镁0.25-0.45%、锌0.35 %Max 、铁0.5%Max、锰0.35%Max 、钛0.25 %Max 余量铝
国标A380铝锭铜3.0-4.0%、硅7.5-9.5% 、镁%、锌2.0-3.0%、铁1.0%Max、锰0.50%Max 、锡0.20 %Max 余量铝可按客户提供金属元素,生产不同牌号的铝合金锭
二.日本工业标准? JIS H5302:2000

铝合金锭化学成分对照表标准2009-11-2715:16:06阅读51评论0字号:大中小订阅JISH5202-1986AC1A 4.0-5.0 1.20 Max0.15 Max0.30 Max0.50 Max0.30 Max0.05 Max0.25 MaxAC1B 4.0-5.00.20 Max 0.15-0.350.10 Max0.35 Max0.10 Max0.05 Max0.05-0.30AC2A 3.0-4.5 4.0-6.00.25 Max0.55 Max0.80 Max0.55 Max0.30 Max0.20 Max AC2B 2.0-4.0 5.0-7.00.50 Max 1.00 Max 1.00 Max0.50 Max0.35 Max0.20 MaxAC3A0.25 Max 10.0-13.00.15 Max0.30 Max0.80 Max0.35 Max0.10 Max0.20 MaxAC4A0.25 Max8.0-10.00.30-0.60.25 Max0.55 Max0.30-0.60.10 Max0.20 Max AC4B 2.0-4.07.0-10.00.50 Max 1.00 Max 1.00 Max0.50 Max0.35 Max0.20 MaxAC4C0.25 Max 6.5-7.50.25-0.450.35 Max0.55 Max0.35 Max0.10 Max0.20 MaxAC4CH0.20 Max 6.5-7.50.20-0.400.10 Max0.20 Max0.10 Max0.05 Max0.20 MaxAC4D 1.0-1.5 4.5-5.50.40-0.600.30 Max0.60 Max0.50 Max0.20 Max0.20 MaxAC5A 3.5-4.50.60 Max 1.2-1.80.15 Max0.80 Max0.35 Max1.7-2.30.20 Max AC7A0.10 Max0.20 Max 3.5-5.50.15 Max0.30 Max0.60 Max0.05 Max0.20 Max AC7B0.10 Max0.20 Max9.5-11.00.10 Max0.30 Max0.10 Max0.05 Max0.20 MaxAC8A0.8-1.311.0-13.00.7-1.30.15 Max0.80 Max0.15 Max0.80-1.500.20 MaxAC8B 2.0-4.08.5-10.50.50-1.50.50 Max 1.00 Max0.50 Max 0.10-1.000.20 MaxAC8C 2.0-4.08.5-10.50.50-1.50.50 Max 1.00 Max0.50 Max0.50 Max0.20 MaxAC9A0.50-1.522-240.50-1.50.20 Max0.80 Max0.50 Max 0.50-1.500.20 MaxAC9B0.50-1.518-200.50-1.50.20 Max0.80 Max0.50 Max 0.50-1.500.20 Max铝合金锭化学成份(%)铜硅镁锌铁锰镍钛JISH2212-1990ADC 1 1.0 Max 11.0-13.00.30 Max0.5 Max0.9 Max0.3 Max0.5 MaxADC 30.6 Max9.0-10.00.4-0.60.5 Max0.9 Max0.3 Max0.5 Max ADC 50.2 Max0.3 Max 4.1-8.50.1 Max 1.1 Max0.3 Max0.1 Max ADC 60.1 Max 1.0 Max 2.6-4.00.4 Max0.8 Max0.4-0.60.1 Max ADC 10 2.0-4.07.5-9.50.3 Max 1.0 Max0.9 Max0.5 Max0.5 Max ADC 10Z 2.0-4.07.5-9.50.3 Max 3.0 Max0.9 Max0.5 Max0.5 Max ADC 12 1.5-3.59.6-12.00.3 Max 1.0 Max0.9 Max0.5 Max0.5 Max ADC 12Z 1.5-3.59.6-12.00.30 Max 3.0 Max0.9 Max0.5 Max0.5 MaxADC 14 4.0-5.016.0-18.00.5-0.65 1.5 Max0.9 Max0.5 Max0.3 MaxDIN226 2.0-3.58.0-11.00.1-0.5 1.20 Max 1.0 Max0.1-0.40.30 Max0.1 Max U.S.A铜硅镁锌铁锰镍钛A356.10.25 Max 6.5-7.50.25-0.450.35 Max0.50 Max0.35 Max0.25 MaxA3600.60 Max 9.00-10.000.40-0.600.50 Max 1.30 Max0.35 Max0.50 MaxA360.10.60 Max9.0-10.00.45-0.600.40 Max 1.00 Max0.35 Max0.50 MaxA380.03.00-4.007.50-9.500.30 Max 3.00 Max 1.30 Max0.50 Max0.50 MaxA380.13.00-4.007.50-9.500.10 Max 2.90 Max 1.00 Max0.50 Max0.50 MaxA3832.00-3.009.50-11.500.10 Max 3.00 Max 1.30 Max0.50 Max0.30 MaxA383.12.00-3.009.50-11.500.10 Max 2.90 Max 1.00 Max0.50 Max0.30 MaxA413.1 1.00 Max 11.0-13.00.10 Max0.40 Max 1.00 Max0.35 Max0.50 MaxA413.20.10 Max 11.0-13.00.05 Max0.05 Max0.60 Max0.05 Max0.05 MaxU.K铜硅镁锌铁锰镍钛LM20.70-2.509.00-11.500.30 Max 2.00 Max 1.00 Max0.50 Max0.50 Max0.20 MaxLM42.00-4.004.00-6.000.15 Max0.50 Max0.80 Max0.20-0.600.30 Max0.20 MaxLM50.10 Max0.30 Max 3.00-6.000.10 Max0.60 Max0.30-0.700.10 Max0.20 MaxLM60.10 Max 10.00-13.000.10 Max0.10 Max0.60 Max0.50 Max0.10 Max0.20 MaxLM90.10 Max 10.00-13.000.20-0.600.10 Max0.60 Max0.30-0.700.10 Max0.20 Max铜硅镁锌铁锰镍钛LM100.10 Max0.25 Max 9.50-11.000.10 Max0.35 Max0.10 Max0.10 Max0.20 MaxLM129.00-11.00 2.50 Max0.20-0.400.80 Max 1.00 Max0.60 Max0.50 Max0.20 MaxLM130.70-1.5010.00-12.000.80-1.500.50 Max 1.00 Max0.50 Max1.50 Max0.20 MaxLM161.00-1.504.50-5.500.40-0.600.10 Max0.60 Max0.50 Max0.25 Max0.20 MaxLM180.10 Max 4.50-6.000.10 Max0.10 Max0.60 Max0.50 Max0.10 Max0.20 MaxLM200.40 Max 10.00-13.000.20 Max0.20 Max 1.00 Max0.50 Max0.10 Max0.20 MaxLM213.00-5.005.00-7.000.10-0.30 2.00 Max 1.00 Max0.20-0.600.30 Max0.20 MaxLM222.80-3.804.00-6.000.05 Max0.15 Max0.60 Max0.20-0.600.15 Max0.20 MaxLM243.00-4.007.50-9.500.30 Max 3.00 Max 1.30 Max0.50 Max0.50 Max0.20 MaxLM250.10 Max 6.50-7.500.20-0.450.10 Max0.50 Max0.30 Max0.10 Max0.20 MaxLM262.00-4.008.50-10.500.50-1.50 1.00 Max 1.20 Max0.50 Max1.00 Max0.20 MaxLM271.50-2.506.00-8.000.30 Max 1.00 Max0.80 Max0.20-0.600.30 Max0.20 MaxLM281.30-1.8017.00-20.000.80-1.500.20 Max0.70 Max0.60 Max0.80-1.500.20 MaxLM290.80-1.3022.00-25.000.80-1.300.20 Max0.70 Max0.60 Max0.80-1.300.20 MaxLM304.00-5.0016.00-18.000.40-0.700.20 Max 1.10 Max0.30 Max0.10 Max0.20 MaxU.K铜硅镁锌铁锰镍钛ZYCMAK2 2.5-3.00.02-0.05BAL0.1ZYCMAK30.25 Max 0.02-0.05BAL0.1ZYCMAK50.75-1.250.03-0.08BAL0.1ZYCMAK70.25 Max 0.005-0.02BAL0.075ZYCMAK80.8-1.30.8-1.3BAL0.075ZDC-10.75-1.250.03-0.06BAL0.02 MaxZDC-20.001Max0.03-0.06BAL0.01 MaxZDC-32.75-3.250.03-0.06BAL0.02 MaxZYC-A0.5 Max 0.02-0.06BAL0.1 Max锌合金锭化学成份(%)ZYC-B0.5 Max 0.02-0.06BAL0.1 MaxZYC-C0.5 Max 0.02-0.06BAL0.1 Max铅锡铬铝0.05 Max0.05 Max0.05 Max BAL 0.05 Max0.05 Max0.05 Max BAL 0.15 Max0.05 Max0.15 Max BAL 0.20 Max0.10 Max0.20 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.10 Max0.15 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.05 Max0.15 Max BAL 0.20 Max0.10 Max0.20 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.05 Max0.10 Max BAL 0.05 Max0.05 Max0.05 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.05 Max0.15 Max BAL 0.05 Max0.05 Max0.15 Max BAL 0.05 Max0.05 Max0.15 Max BAL 0.05 Max0.05 Max0.15 Max BAL 0.05 Max0.05 Max0.10 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.10 Max0.10 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.10 Max0.10 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.10 Max0.10 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.10 Max0.10 Max BAL铅锡铬铝0.1 Max BAL0.1 Max BAL0.1 Max BAL0.1 Max BAL0.3 Max BAL0.3 Max BAL0.2 Max BAL0.3 Max BAL0.3 Max BAL 0.20 Max0.10 Max BAL 铅锡铬铝BAL0.15 Max BAL0.15 Max BAL0.35 Max BAL0.35 Max BAL0.15 Max BAL0.15 Max BAL0.15 Max BAL0.05 Max BAL 铅锡铬铝0.30 Max0.20 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.10 Max BAL 0.05 Max0.05 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.05 Max BAL 0.10 Max0.05 Max BAL0.05 Max0.05 Max BAL0.10 Max0.10 Max BAL0.10 Max0.10 Max BAL0.10 Max0.05 Max BAL0.10 Max0.05 Max BAL0.10 Max0.10 Max BAL0.20 Max0.10 Max BAL0.10 Max0.05 Max BAL0.30 Max0.20 Max BAL0.10 Max0.05 Max BAL0.20 Max0.10 Max BAL0.20 Max0.10 Max BAL0.10 Max0.10 Max BAL0.10 Max0.10 Max BAL0.10 Max0.10 Max铅锡铬铝镉0.0050.003 3.5-4.30.0040.0050.003 3.5-4.30.0040.0050.003 3.5-4.30.0040.0030.001 3.5-4.30.0020.0060.0038.0-8.80.0060.0030.001Max 3.9-4.30.001Max0.0030.001Max 3.9-4.30.001Max0.0030.001Max 3.9-4.30.001Max0.015 Max 0.003Max 3.5-4.30.004Max0.015 Max 0.003Max 3.5-4.30.004Max0.015 Max 0.003Max 3.5-4.30.004Max。

0.03 99.4
1050 A1050
646-657 2.71 59
Si+Fe 0.95
0.05-0.2 0.05
1100 A1100
Be0.0008 0.05 99.0
646-657 2.71 59
1000 系 (純鋁)
2000 系 (鋁銅合金)
3000 系 (鋁錳合金)
5000 系 (鋁鎂合金)
6000 系
規格 規格 一般製造質別
Cu Me Mg Zn Ti
其他 AL
代表性機械性質 質別 抗拉 降伏
伸率 切削性
0.05 餘量
643-654 2.73 50
0.05 餘量
Hale Waihona Puke 628-654 2.72 42
0.05 餘量
593-649 2.68 35
0.05 餘量
568-638 2.64 27
0.05 餘量
579-641 2.66 29
0.05 餘量
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3.3555 0.4
0.1 0.10-0.6 4.5-5.6 0.2
0.2 0.2
AlMg2Mn0.3 3.3525 0.4
0.5 0.15 0.10- 1.7-2.4 0.15 0.15 0.15
AlMg2Mn0.8 3.3527 0.4 0.55 0.1 0.50-1.1 1.6-2.5 0.3
0.25 —
3.3315 0.3
0.45 0.05 0.15 0.7-1.1
0.2 —
AlMg1.5 3.3316 0.4 0.45 0.05 0.15 1.1-1.7 0.1
0.2 —
AlMg1.8 3.3326 0.3 0.45 0.05 0.25 1.4-2.1 0.3
3.0515 0.5
0.1 0.9-1.5 0.3
0.2 0.1
AlMn0.6 3.0506 0.3 0.45 0.1 0.4-0.8 0.1
0.1 —
AlMnCu 3.0517 0.6
0.7 0.05- 1.0-1.5 —
0.1 0.1
AlCuMg2 3.1355 0.5
0.5 3.8-4.9 0.30-0.9 1.2-1.8 0.1
0.25 0.15
AlCuSiMn 3.1255 0.50-1.2 0.7 3.9-5.0 0.40-1.2 0.20-0.8 0.1
0.25 0.15
3.1445 Si+Fe 0.7
AlZn4.5Mg1 3.4335 0.35 0.4
0.2 0.05- 1.0-1.4 0.10-0.35 4.0-5.0 —
Zr0.8-0.20Ti+Zr0.20 0.05
0.1 0.40-1.0 4.0-4.9 0.05-0.25 0.25 0.15
AlMg5Mn 3.3549 0.2
0.35 0.15 0.20- 4.0-5.0
0.25 0.1
3.0515 0.5
0.1 0.9-1.5 0.3
0.2 0.1
0.8 0.2 Bi+Cd+Pb+Sn1.0-2.5 0.05
AlCu2.5Mg0.5 3.1305 0.8
0.7 2.2-3.0 0.2 0.20-0.50 0.1
AlCuMg1 3.1325 0.20-0.8 0.7 3.5-4.5 0.40-1.0 0.40-1.0 0.1
AlMn0.5Mg0.5 3.0505 0.6
0.3 0.30-0.8 0.20-0.8 0.2
0.4 —
AlMn1Mg0.5 3.0525 0.6
0.3 1.0-1.5 0.20-0.6 0.1
0.25 0.1
AlMn1Mg1 3.0526 0.3
0.7 0.25 1.0-1.5 0.8-1.3
0.2 0.1
AlMg2.5 3.3523 0.25 0.4
0.1 2.2-2.8 0.15-0.35 0.1 —
3.3535 0.4
0.5 2.6-3.6 0.3
0.2 0.15
AlMg4.5 3.3346 0.2 0.35 0.15 0.15 4.0-5.0 0.15 0.25 0.1
0.4 —
AlMn1Mg0.5 3.0525 0.6
0.3 1.0-1.5 0.20-0.6 0.1
0.25 0.1
AlMn1Mg1 3.0526 0.3
0.7 0.25 1.0-1.5 0.8-1.3
0.25 —
其它杂质 Al含量 总计
0.03 ≥99.98 0.1 ≥99.90 0.2 ≥99.80 0.3 ≥99.70 0.5 ≥99.50 0.5 余量 1 ≥99.0
0.07 0.03
0.05 0.05
0.07 0.05
0.05 0.06
0.1 0.05
B. 变形铝合金(DIN1725-83)
— 0.35-0.6 0.8-1.1
0.03 0.35-0.6 0.03 0.8-1.1 0.03 0.30-0.60 0.03 0.7-1.1 0.03 0.35-0.7
0.02 余量 0.02 余量 0.01 余量 0.01 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.1 余量
0.15 余量
— 余量 0.25 余量 0.1 余量
0.1 余量
0.15 余量
0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.3 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量
AlZnMgCu0.5 3.4345 0.5
0.5 0.50-1.0 0.10- 2.6-3.7 0.10-0.30 4.3-5.2 —
AlZnMgCu1.5 3.4365 0.4
0.5 1.2-2.0 0.3 2.1-2.9 0.18-0.28/ 5.1-6.1 0.2
0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量
0.15 余量 0.15 余量 0.15 余量
AlMn0.6 3.0506 0.3 0.45 0.1 0.4-0.8 0.1
0.1 —
AlMnCu 3.0517 0.6
0.7 0.05- 1.0-1.5 —
0.1 0.1
AlMn0.5Mg0.5 3.0505 0.6
0.3 0.30-0.8 0.20-0.8 0.2
— — — — — —— —
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.01
0.03 0.35-0.7 —
0.05 0.02
0.05 0.7-1.2
— 0.35-0.6
0.1 3.8-4.6 0.02
0.1 0.40-1.0 0.6-1.2 0.3
0.3 0.2 Bi+Cd+Pb+Sn1.0-2.5 0.05
AlCuBiPb 3.1655 0.4
0.7 5.0-6.0 —
0.3 — Bi0.20-0.6Pb0.20-0.6 0.1
AlCuMgPb 3.1645 0.8
0.8 3.3-4.6 0.50-1.0 0.40-1.8 —
0.2 0.1
AlMg2.7Mn 3.3537 0.25 0.4
0.1 0.50-1.0 2.4-3.0 0.05-0.20 0.25 0.2
AlMg4Mn 3.3545 0.4
0.1 0.20-0.7 3.5-4.5 0.05-0.25 0.25 0.15
AlMg4.5Mn 3.3547 0.4
0.008 0.008 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.04
Al99.85MgSi 3.2307 0.35-0.7 0.08
Al99.8ZnMg AlFeSi
3.4337 0.1
3.0915 0.40-0.8 0.50-1.0
3.2305 0.50-0.6 0.10-
0.1 0.05
0.15 —
— 0.030Ga 0.03Ga
— — 0.03(Cr+Mn+Ti+V) —
(Fe+Ti)0.008 (Fe+Ti)0.008
— — — — —
Zr 0.15,(Fe+S—i+Ti+Mn)0.20
其它杂质 每个
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.05
— — — — — — 0.050.20 0.050.20 0.2 0.1 0.02
化 学 成 分,wt%