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卡拉ok 夏威夷 珍珠港
一次水下勘探正在进行An expedition is underway,
我们正试图观察它的内部We will try and see inside there
搞清船首的状况and get the condition at bow cabin
这有可能会改写and it may rewrite the history
日本袭击珍珠港的历史of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,
那永远耻辱的一天a day that forever lives in infamy.
年月日...December th, ,
美利坚合众国the United States of America
遭到蓄意偷袭was suddenly and deliberately attacked.
正是从这一刻起This is the exact moment
美国被拖入二战泥潭when the United States was drawn into World War II.
你会认为我们已经对You would think that we would know
这次偷袭了如指掌just about everything about this attack.
其实不然We don't.
大多数人认为偷袭珍珠港是一场空袭Most people think of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor as an aerial assault
自上而下席卷而来raining down from the sky.
而如今这具失踪近年的But now the mysterious wreck of a Japanese submarine,
神秘的日本潜艇残骸missing for almost years,
在珍珠港外的海域中被发现has been found in the waters just outside Pearl Harbor.
水下也同样发起过袭击吗Could the attack have also come from below?
在分析了数据之后 我的结论是It's my conclusion that—after analyzing the data—
这艘潜艇在沉没之前发射过鱼雷that this sub fired its torpedoes prior to its sinking.
这很像犯罪现场调查的情形It's almost like a C.S.I. Situation,
犯罪现场就摆在我们面前we have a crime scene.
水下有明显的鱼雷穿过的痕迹we have numerous torpedo tracks in the water
鉴定科学能否解开神秘潜艇之谜Can forensic science unlock the secrets of the mystery sub
揭开偷袭珍珠港的真相呢and reveal the true story of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
起爆Fire in the hole
珍珠港事件一直迷雾重重Pearl Harbor is wrapped in enigma and mystery,
而真相就藏匿其中and somewhere is the truth.
《珍珠港水下杀手》Killer Subs in Pearl Harbor,
卡拉ok 珍珠港水下杀手

瓦胡岛 夏威夷群岛之一Oahu:One of the Hawaiian Islands;
太平洋上的度假胜地a vacation paradise in the Pacific;
壮丽的景观spectacular vistas,
热带沙滩tropical beaches
和生动的古迹and vivid reminders of the past.
年月日For a few hours,
在短短几个小时内early on December th, ,
这个度假天堂瞬间化为人间地狱this little piece of heaven became a living hell.
那个周日早上的天空The sky, that Sunday morning,
被猛烈空袭的火光和硝烟所映红blazed in the crossfire of a fierce aerial assault:
余架日军飞机more than Japanese aircraft
轰炸和扫射了停泊于珍珠港的bombing and blasting the American Pacific Fleet
美国太平洋舰队berthed in Pearl Harbor;
俯冲式轰炸机扫射着士兵 飞机dive-bombers strafing people, planes

和岸上建筑and structures on the shore.
这次偷袭不仅荡平了整个海港The surprise attack shook not only the entire harbor,
而且让整个国家醒悟but also an entire nation
意识到战争的来临that suddenly found itself at war.
余名美国人在战斗中丧生Over , Americans lost their lives in the battle.
其中接近一半都死于一艘船上Almost half of them died on just one ship,
美国海军亚利桑那号战列舰the U.S.S. Arizona.
它静卧于海床之上It remains under the sea,
成为那灾难性一天的有力象征a powerful symbol of a devastating day.
如今一座纪念碑矗立其残骸之上Today a monument is built on top of the wreck.
每年都有超过万人次来观摩游赏Over a million people visit each year
并向那牺牲的名烈士致敬and pay their respects to the , men,
他们中的大多数长眠于most of whom remain entombed
下面亚利桑那号的船舱之中inside the hull of the Arizona below,
那是一具沉没的英尺长的钢铁棺材a sunken, -foot-long steel coffin.
现在的这块皮肤是从我的臀部移植的The skin come off the side of my butt.
在亚利桑那号起火沉没时Don Stratton was on the Arizona,
唐?斯特拉顿正在舰上directing anti-aircraft guns at incoming planes,
指挥高射机枪射击来袭敌机when the ship caught fire and sank.
我头发烧没了My hair was burned off;
我的鼻子和耳朵的一部分也没了I lost part of my nose, part of my ear;
唐?斯特拉顿 [亚利桑那号幸存者]
背部和两条腿都烧伤了my back was burnt; both my legs are burnt.
那简直是地狱般的一天 It was just a hell of a day,
我也不想再多说什么but I don't talk about it that much,
我能说的就是这些了so that's all I've got to say about that.
而日本人的另一路攻势却But there was another part of the Japanese offensive
全然不为人知completely hidden from view.
主流看法认为偷袭珍珠港popular perception is that the pearl Harbor attack
入江昭[当代美国杰出历史学家 哈佛大学教授]
主要是一次空袭was primarily an aerial attack,
自高空袭来coming from the sky.
那是终极的空中浩劫It's the ultimate air raid,
然而仔细研究珍珠港之战会发现but a closer look at the battle of Pearl Harbor really reveals
那只是冰山一角that there's a lot more to it than that.
这也透露给我们日本人的战略企图It also tells us a lot about the Japanese expectations
那就是他们迫切想要that they really wanted to
完全击溃太平洋舰队completely cripple the Pacific Fleet.
目前确凿的证据显示Compelling evidence now suggests
珍珠港不仅遭遇了空袭that Pearl Harbor was attacked not only from above,
袭击同样来自水下but below.
在瓦胡岛北面Hours before Japanese aircraft
日本航母出动飞机的carriers launched their planes
数小时前from a position north of

一种秘密武器已然从南面抵近a secret weapon was already approaching from the south.
根据军事记录的记载According to military records,
午夜一过shortly after midnight,
五艘日本潜艇悄悄潜伏至five Japanese submarines slipped undetected
距珍珠港只有几英里的海域to within just a few miles of Pearl Harbor,
每艘艇尾都载有一种尖端武器each one carrying a technological marvel on its back:
两人袖珍潜艇a two-man midget sub.
五艘A型袖珍潜艇The five Type A midget submarines
约有其母艇的四分之一长were about a quarter the length of the mother sub.
仅有六英尺宽的艇身塞满了各种设备Just six feet wide and packed with equipment,
这些微型潜艇的设计以效率优先these miniature subs were designed for efficiency,
而非舒适度not comfort.
一台马力的电动马达A -horsepower electric motor
可使袖珍潜艇以节的速度水下航行propelled the midget subs swiftly under water at knots,
是当时许多美国潜艇航速的两倍twice as fast as many American submarines of the day.
袖珍潜艇不仅能奇袭敌军The midget subs could not only take the enemy by surprise,
而且能重创敌人they could hit the enemy hard.
这艘陈列在日本海军学院的The bow of a midget sub on display
袖珍潜艇的船首展示了其威力at the Naval Academy in Japan shows how.
它载有两条式长矛鱼雷It carried two Type Long Lance torpedoes,
是为袖珍潜艇专门设计的specially made for this midget sub.
仅一枚改进型的长矛鱼雷Just one of these modified Long Lance torpedoes
就可以洞穿一艘巨型战列舰could punch a hole in a towering battleship.
二战期间 日军制造了数百艘The Japanese built hundreds of midget submarines
袖珍潜艇during World War II
并部署在整个太平洋和印度洋and deployed them all across the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
奇袭珍珠港将会是The surprise attack on Pearl harbor
袖珍潜艇在战争中的would be the midget sub's opening act
处子秀for the war that followed.
夏威夷美国军队博物馆夏威夷 火奴鲁鲁
作家伯利?伯林盖姆Author Burl Burlingame
潜心调查日军的那次绝密行动has investigated their top-secret operation.
这些袖珍潜艇按计划本应潜入港口The midget submarines were supposed to get in the harbor,
潜伏下去 等待袭击的开始lie low, wait for the attack to happen,
然后上浮and then surface,
向美舰发射鱼雷fire their torpedoes into the American ships,
在空袭的同时 从水下进行打击attacking them from the bottom as well as from the top.
而这个计划又进展如何呢But how well did the plan succeed?

我们得知那天早上出发的五艘潜艇中的We know that four of the five midget subs
四艘没能完成任务launched that morning failed in their mission.
号袖珍潜艇 沉没
一艘袖珍潜艇One midget submarine
在发动攻击之前就被击沉了was sunk before the attack.
它没能发射出鱼雷It did not fire its torpedoes.
号袖珍潜艇在日军战机空袭前一小时Midget sub number was shelled by the U.S.S. Ward,
被美国海军沃德号所击沉over an hour before the Japanese warplanes attacked.
地点 珍珠港外
它仍位于其沉没之地It remains where it sank,
就在珍珠港之外just outside the harbor.
二号袖珍潜艇 沉没
号袖珍潜艇摸进了珍珠港Midget sub number entered Pearl Harbor,
但在接连射失两发鱼雷后but after missing its target with both torpedoes,
该艇被数艘美军舰只所击毁the sub was destroyed by a pair of American ships.
地点 于珍珠港福特岛烧毁
它在空袭两周之后被打捞上来It was raised two weeks after the attack
被当做废品填埋了and buried as landfill.
两艘已沉没Two down,
另外两艘潜艇and another two
甚至都未能靠近港口would never make it even close to the harbor.
三号袖珍潜艇 被俘
号袖珍潜艇Midget sub number
在瓦胡岛东岸搁浅ran a ground on the east side of Oahu,
而它的艇长则成为了第一名日本战俘and its captain became the first Japanese prisoner of war.
{\move(,,,)}酒卷和男编号HJ 军事情报处
它的两枚鱼雷皆未被发射Neither of its torpedoes had been fired.
地点 德克萨斯州 弗雷德里克斯堡
该艇现在位于德克萨斯的It is now on display
太平洋战争国家博物馆展出at the national Museum of the Pacific War, in Texas.
四号袖珍潜艇 沉没
号艘袖珍潜艇数年后在珍珠港以东The fourth midget sub turned up years later,
几英里处被发现several miles south of Pearl Harbor.
另一艘袖珍潜艇Another midget submarine
年在奇西拉古恩被发现was found in , at Keehi Lagoon,
它的鱼雷亦未被发射and it still had its torpedoes in it.
那艘袖珍潜艇被运回日本That midget submarine was shipped back to Japan.
地点 日本江田岛
现被陈列于江田岛市的海军学院之外It now stands outside the Naval Academy in Etajima.
很显然四艘潜艇事实上都未能It's pretty clear that four of the submarines
完成任务did not actually complete their mission.
那么最后的希望What about number ,
号袖珍潜艇又结果如何呢the last of the midget subs?
第五艘袖珍潜艇是一个谜The fifth one was a mystery.
历史学家们对这艘袖珍潜艇可能做了什么Historians differed on what it could have done,
或是在哪里沉没 持有不同的观点or where it could've ended up.
我们获悉号袖珍潜艇We know that midget sub number

从日本吴市起航began its journey in Kure, Japan.
号潜艇发射当晚 海军士官出羽吉治Petty Officer Kichiji Dewa was aboard its mother sub
正在其母艇上the night number launched into battle.
出羽在一本秘密日记上记录下了他的想法Dewa recorded his thoughts in a secret diary.
长达数天的等待之后 那一天终于来了After long days of waiting, X Day has come.
艇员衣着整洁 准备就绪The crew were dressed in clean clothes and prepared.
战争期间 日本人被告知During the war, the Japanese were told
号袖珍潜艇取得了惊人的战绩that the fifth midget sub had scored a devastating kill.
在日本 日军袖珍潜艇艇员The Japanese midget submariners
成为了偷袭行动中的功臣became the heroes of the attack, in Japan.
他们被赋予了亚利桑那号终结者的荣耀They were given credit for sinking the U.S.S. Arizona.
偷袭珍珠港当天 号袖珍潜艇是否Did midget sub number sink the Arizona
击沉了亚利桑那号或者其他美军舰艇呢or any other American battleship that day in Pearl Harbor?
我想这就像是一场从未停止的猫鼠游戏I think that a cat and mouse game is still going on,
丹尼尔?帕特内茨[历史学家 美国国家公园管理局]
历史学家们仍在试图搞清with historians trying to find out
号潜艇究历经了怎样的故事what happened to the fifth sub.
在近年之后的今天Now, after almost years,
这个谜团或许将被解开the mystery may be solved
偷袭珍珠港的真相and the true story of the attack on Pearl Harbor
终将揭晓finally revealed.
特里?克尔比是一位Terry Kerby is a submersible pilot
探索夏威夷周围海床多年的who has been exploring the ocean floor
潜水器操做员around the Hawaiian Islands for years.
这是我刚发现它时的样子This is what it looked like when I first found it
珍珠港外的这片水域The area just outside of Pearl harbor
是个二战兵器残骸的水下博物馆is an underwater museum of World War II debris.
我们找到了飞机和汽车的残骸We found wrecks of airplanes and vehicles
特里?克尔比[潜水器操作员 国家海洋和大气局/夏威夷海底研究工作实验室]
还有破损的码头以及许多废弃物and pier parts and lots of junk.
在一次常规试潜中During a routine test dive,
在珍珠港以西英里处three miles south of Pearl Harbor,
特里有了非同寻常的发现Terry spotted something unusual.
看起来是被击穿艇体爆炸了It looks like it's holed and blown off
它是一个钢结构的长筒状物It was a long tube of steel,
在专家的眼里and to an expert eye
它与日本袖珍潜艇非常相似it resembled part of a Japanese midget sub.
特里最后又找到了散落在海床上的Terry eventually found two more sections
另两个部分spread out across the ocean floor.
船首 船中

可这个部分是否来自同一艘潜艇呢But are all three pieces from the same submarine?
如果是的话And if so,
它是不是年月日失踪了的is it the wreck of midget sub number ,
号袖珍潜艇的残骸呢missing since December th, ?
新星台集合了一支独一无二的调查团队NOVA has assembled a unique team of investigators
来找出事件的真相to find out.
他们来自交战的双方They come from both sides of the battle:
美国和日本America and Japan.
帕克斯?斯蒂芬森 [海军陆战队鉴定史学家]
领导调查的是海军陆战队鉴定史学家Leading the investigation is marine forensic historian,
帕克斯?斯蒂芬森Parks Stephenson,
一位前美海军军官 潜艇艇员a former U.S. Navy officer and submariner.
就是今天了 经过了数月的研究Today's the day. After months of study,
我们终于要潜到袖珍潜艇的残骸里去了we are actually going down to the wreck of the midget sub
我们认为这艘袖珍潜艇有可能是that we've identified as potentially
参与了偷袭珍珠港的the last of the missing Japanese midget subs
那最后一艘失踪的日本袖珍潜艇that participated in the attack on Pearl Harbor.
上田城和男上将加入了帕克斯的团队Joining Parks is Admiral Kazuo Ueda.
上田城上将同意加入让我感到无比荣幸I was honored that Admiral Ueda offered to come out here.
他是战争中幸存的资深袖珍潜艇艇员He was the senior surviving midget submariner from the war.
没人比他更了解日本袖珍潜艇No one knows the whole context of the Japanese midget subs better than he.
上田城上将对该袖珍潜艇提出了他的质疑Admiral Ueda has his doubts about the midget sub.
他认为那并不是号袖珍潜艇He doesn't think it's midget sub number ,
而是一艘战争后期被美军丢弃的受损潜艇but one damaged and dumped by American forces later in the war.
史学家亿本吴对袖珍潜艇Historian Go Okumoto knows midget subs
了如指掌from the inside out.
他写了一本介绍袖珍潜艇的书He wrote a book on the midget submarines,
他几乎是元老级的日本专家了he's probably the premier Japanese expert.
吴想要先研究一下残骸Go wants to study the wreck
再得出的结论before drawing any conclusions.
日本人在二战期间制造了上百只袖珍潜艇The Japanese built hundreds of midget subs during the war.
我们所知道的One of the few things we know
关于这种袖珍潜艇的信息非常的少about the midget submarines as a class of submarines
其中之一便是日本海军经常改良它们is that the Japanese navy was always tinkering with them.
被派往珍珠港的五艘潜艇是最早的模型The five midget subs deployed at Pearl Harbor were early models
与后来的潜艇结构大相径庭and unlike any that followed.

研究小组计划分别乘坐The team plans to dive over a thousand feet below the surface
两艘深潜器下潜至海底一千英尺以下in two deep-sea research submersibles,
双鱼座四号和双鱼座五号the Pisces IV and the Pisces V.
上田城上将乘坐双鱼座四号下潜Admiral Ueda will dive in the Pisces IV.
而吴和帕克斯?斯蒂芬森则乘坐Go joins Parks Stephenson in the Pisces V,
由特里?克尔比驾驶的双鱼座五号下潜with Terry Kerby at the controls.
仅仅能够容纳三人的深潜器Just big enough for a three-person crew,
可以下潜超过一英里的深度the submersibles can dive to a depth of over a mile
并且可以在水下作业长达个小时and stay down for up to hours.
装备海洋探测装置和Equipped with instruments
样本收集装置的to monitor the ocean and collect samples,
双鱼座四号和双鱼座五号the Pisces IV and the Pisces V
无疑是目前最先进的袖珍潜艇are state-of-the-art midget submarines.
但它们毕竟只是科技工具而非战争武器But they're tools of science, not weapons of war,
和年那时的袖珍潜艇截然不同entirely different from the Japanese midget subs of .
即使特里曾经下潜至海底Even though Terry's been down here before,
也并不意味着就能轻易地找到残骸doesn't mean the sub is easy to find.
在搜寻了一个多小时以后After searching for over an hour,
船员们终于发现了一些二战时期的残骸the crew sees some World War II wreckage.
这是几辆These are the wrecks
两栖突击车的残骸of several amphibious assault vehicles,
但在它们的中间...but nestled among them...
...第一眼看去 ...what, at first glance,
很有可能错把它当成鱼雷could be a torpedo,
事实上 这是一艘is actually the stern
日本袖珍潜艇的船尾of a Japanese midget submarine.
双鱼座四号 这里是五号
收到 我看到你了
历史学家亿本吴The size and shape
对该艇的形状和大小早已烂熟于心are unmistakable to historian Go Okumoto.
为了了解更多To learn more,
他和帕克斯想要研究艇舵he and Parks want to examine the rudder,
即操控潜艇方向的活动尾翅the moveable fin that steers the sub.
专为派往珍珠港的五艘袖珍潜艇The rudder design on the five subs
所设计的艇舵后来再也没被使用过sent to Pearl Harbor was never used again.
因为这东西是个累赘That's because it was a liability.
与整个船身相比The rudder is very small
艇舵体积所占比例非常小in proportion to the body of the ship.
这意味着艇舵没有足够的舵力This means that it is not very powerful.

得潜艇在转弯时This makes it necessary for the sub
需要很大的转弯半径to have a large turning radius.
珍珠港战役之后After Pearl Harbor,
日本人改良了艇舵的设计the Japanese would change the rudder design
使得袖珍潜艇更便于操控to make the midget subs more maneuverable.
双鱼座五号驶近船尾 以便就近观察 The Pisces V moves in for a closer look.
尽管船尾已经严重受损Though the stern is badly damaged,
但船尾后面的艇舵却依然清晰可见the rudder on its back is still visible.
破解谜团的关键也许就在不远处One piece of the puzzle may be in place,
但显然不会是悬荡在船尾上的缆绳but a cable dangling from the stern doesn't quite fit.
吴确信那缆绳和这里的一切格格不入Go believes this cable is completely out of place
也不属于任何一艘袖珍潜艇and not part of any Pearl Harbor midget sub.
双鱼座四号 我们继续
收到 向前进
特里?克尔比调转方向Terry Kerby steers the Pisces V
将双鱼座五号驶向第二块残骸toward the second piece of the wreck,
双鱼座四号紧随其后as the Pisces IV follows.
二战之前Before the war,
美国军队几乎对这些袖珍潜艇the American military knew almost nothing
一无所知about these midget subs.
这些是日本海军They were the Japanese navy's
看守最严密的秘密武器most guarded secret weapon.
我们对这些袖珍潜艇We simply didn't know
所知甚少about these midget submarines.
当它们出现在珍珠港港口时And when they appeared at Pearl Harbor,
确实造成了不小的轰动they actually caused quite a stir.
月日的珍珠港偷袭The December th attack
不仅成为了一场军事偷袭turned out to be not only a military surprise
也是一次科技的奇袭but also a technological one.
其他国家也在研发袖珍潜艇Other countries were developing midget subs,
但他们的潜艇和人工操作的鱼雷相差无几but they were mostly human-guided torpedoes;
制作粗糙 稳定性差 crude unreliable
常常成为自杀式武器and often suicide weapons.
英国 德国和意大利海军制造的潜艇
日本的潜艇形式更像是真正的潜水艇The Japanese versions were more like real submarines,
但是更小巧but much more compact.
他们成功将推进装置微型化They were able to miniaturize
并且应用蓄电池来驱动the propulsion technology and use batteries.
袖珍潜艇把有限空间运用到了极致The midget sub made ingenious use of its limited space.
这种潜艇拥有七个舱Divided into seven compartments,

领航员和船长同在控制舱中操控潜艇both pilot and captain operated inside a control room
在和壁橱差不多大的控制舱里the size of a closet,
堆满了电力仪表crammed with switches,
操纵装置和无线电接收发射装置instruments and a radio-telegraph.
这些设计精妙的机器These cleverly designed machines
是由一个戒备森严的工厂中的were constructed in a closely guarded plant,
三个独立部门制造而成的in three separate sections,
多年之后 这神秘潜艇almost the same way
几乎同样是以三节的形式被发现 the mystery sub would be found decades later.
特里?克尔比操纵深潜器靠近Terry Kerby maneuvers into position
疑似潜艇船中的物体next to what appears to be the midsection of a Japanese midget sub.
这和我预期的大不相同It is much different than I expected.
潜艇损伤很严重The sub is quite wrecked.
双鱼座四号 这里是双鱼座五号Pisces IV and Pisces V
帕克斯和吴在寻找一个滑轮Parks and Go are looking for a pulley.
珍珠港的入口处The mouth of Pearl Harbor
有防潜网的保护was protected by anti-torpedo nets,
所以袖珍潜艇的船首固定着割网器so the midget subs had net-cutters attached to the bow.
用通过滑轮的缆绳A cable was installed, with a pulley,
来使防潜网上移 高于潜艇to guide the net up and over the sub
这样就不会被防潜网所拦截了so it wouldn't get caught.
起初 他们并没有看到滑轮At first they can't see it.
好的 这就是张紧带滑轮
珍珠港战争后日本人改良了滑轮和缆绳After Pearl Harbor, both pulley and cable were modified.
根据历史学家亿本吴的看法According to historian Go Okumoto,
这个滑轮很有可能是属于this pulley looks like it belongs
当年的珍珠港袖珍潜艇的on a Pearl Harbor midget sub.
可是新的线索带来了新的谜团Yet with each new clue comes another puzzle.
他们发现了一根连接船中的神秘缆绳They find a mysterious cable attached to the midsection,
很像船尾上的那根缆绳just like the one on the stern.
但仍有一处有待检验But there's still one more piece to examine.
收到 你能告诉我船首部分
方位及范围吗 完毕
固定在五艘珍珠港袖珍潜艇船首上的The sharp-edged net-cutters
锋利割网器attached to the bow
是独一无二的 of the five Pearl Harbor midget submarines were unique.
与后来的任何一种割网器不同Unlike any others that followed,
它们是呈""字形的they were shaped like a figure eight.
偷袭珍珠港之后After the Pearl Harbor attack,
人们普遍猜测 由于袖珍潜艇it was assumed that the midget submarines
很难通过我们的防潜网had trouble getting through our nets,
所以他们才安装了这些大型割网器so they added these great bi

g net-cutters
看上去和儒勒?凡尔纳小说里的一模一样that looked like something out of a Jules Verne novel.
字形的割网器The figure-eight net-cutter
正是辨认出号袖珍潜艇的关键所在is key to identifying midget sub number .
双鱼座号深潜器慢慢靠近船首The Pisces submersibles move in on the bow.
上田城上将肯定了该项发现Admiral Ueda confirms the discovery.
它的确是""字形It is in the shape of a number eight.
我可以完全肯定One can conclude definitely
这就是曾用来偷袭珍珠港的that this was the special submarine
特制潜艇that was used in Pearl Harbor.
亿本吴同意他的看法Go Okumoto agrees.
在海底沉寂了大约年之后Out of sight at the bottom of the sea for almost years,
第五艘袖珍潜艇终于浮出了水面midget sub number has at last been found.
珍珠港之谜的巨大疑团A giant piece of the Pearl Harbor puzzle
已被解开has fallen into place.
而现在And now,
关键问题的答案已经呼之欲出了the key question can perhaps be answered.
我们知道其他的四艘袖珍潜艇都未能We know that none of the other midget subs
在珍珠港内成功地发射鱼雷successfully fired their torpedoes inside Pearl Harbor.
但不同于其他四艘潜艇But unlike the other four,
号袖珍潜艇发射出的鱼雷did midget sub number
是否击中了战列舰呢fire its torpedoes into a battleship?
日军战记揭露了Japanese war records reveal
年月日的午夜之后不久that shortly after midnight on December , ,
号袖珍潜艇曾在珍珠港外midget sub number surfaced seven miles
英里处浮出水面outside of Pearl Harbor
停靠在母艇之上on the back of its mother sub.
在母艇缓缓下潜 准备发射的同时As the mother sub slowly descended for the launch,
号艇的两位船员已为此次行动做好准备the two-man crew of number was ready for action.
领航员金田萨达姆将遗书寄给他父母Pilot Sadamu Kamita sent a final letter to his parents:
若我有任何不测Should anything happen to me,
请不要悲伤do not grieve,
我已将我的戎马生涯for I have dedicated my life in service
献给天皇陛下to His Imperial Majesty.
几年前Years earlier,
司令官横山正二曾在他的Commander Masaji Yokoyama had written four words
海军日志上写了四个词on his naval academy notebook,
魄力 意志 忍耐 忠实Vigor, spirit, patience and honesty.
数小时后 这些品质则正是这两名船员Both men would need these attributes
所需要的in the hours ahead.
海军士官出羽吉治回忆道Petty Officer Kichiji Dewa recalls
金田和横山that Kamita and Yokoyama

re highly qualified for the job.
他们都是历经千挑万选的战士They were specially selected ones
是军队中的佼佼者who proved to be at the top of their class.
我们不只是兄弟We were more than brothers.
特别是在袖珍潜艇上Especially, for midget submarines,
这是生死攸关的事it is something that deals with life and death.
出羽是最后一个和船员通话的人Dewa was the last person to speak with the crew.
在偷袭之前Before going off to attack,
袖珍潜艇的船长说the captain of the midget submarine said,
谢谢你对潜艇的维修Thank you for your maintenance work.
我唯一能回答他的只有The only response I could give him was,
请多保重 祝你好运Please take care, and good luck.
就这样With that,
子母潜艇分离开来the two submarines pulled apart.
母艇依旧留在海中The mother sub remained at sea,
而号袖珍潜艇则直接while number headed straight
驶向珍珠港港口for the mouth of Pearl Harbor.
但它是否造成了破坏呢But did it do any harm?
双鱼座五号上的摄像机The camera on Pisces V
能够让我们一探鱼雷发射管内的究竟is able to peer right inside the torpedo tubes.
两个鱼雷发射管都是空的Both of them are empty.
我们现在正在袖珍潜艇船首的We're right at the business end of the bow section
鱼雷发射区of the midget submarine,
直视着空空的鱼雷发射管staring right down the empty torpedo tubes.
这里看的很清晰It's an amazing sight.
但是如果号袖珍潜艇But if midget sub number
成功地发射了它所装载的鱼雷succeeded in firing its torpedoes,
那么这两枚鱼雷有没有击中目标呢did they find their target?
大约在晚上:分左右Around : p.m.,
偷袭后约十二个小时some hours after the attack,
海军士官出羽收到了从号袖珍潜艇上Petty Officer Dewa received a message
传来的摩尔斯电码in Morse code from midget sub number :
两个日本文字"Ki ra"the Japanese characters "Ki ra,"
一个无法解释的消息a message that made no sense.
出羽以为那个精疲力竭的船员打错了Dewa thinks the exhausted crew made a mistake.
横山原本想要发送"Tora"的Yokoyama's sub wanted to send the signal "Tora,"
但是我想他们错发成"Kira"了but I think they mistakenly sent "Ki ra" instead.
"Tora"的开始是 点 点"Tora" begins with a dot, dot.
而"Kira"的开始则是 线 点"KiRa" begins with a dash, dot.
只要在响片器上多停留一秒All it takes is an extra second on the clicker
就能把点变成线to turn a dot into a dash.
也许他们的手滑了Their hand might have slipped.
Tora是一个日军暗号Tora was a Japanese code word.
飞往夏威夷的战机就曾发出过相同的信号The airplanes that flew to Hawaii sent the same signal
Tora Tora Tora"Tora, tora, tora."
意为 "我们的偷袭成功了"It meant, "We have succeeded in ou

r surprise attack."
母艇将消息发给了日军最高指挥部The mother sub sent word to the Japanese high command,
指挥部确认了此次行动成功的报告where the report of success was taken as fact.
尽管袖珍潜艇的士兵阵亡了In their absence,
但他们却被授予了最高荣誉the midget submariners were accorded the highest honors.
类似介于人和神的存在Which is sort of like in between human and God.
日本人会售卖他们的海报And they,they sold posters of them.
他们就像是日本在二战时期的摇滚明星They were sort of like the rock stars of, of World War II Japan.
日本媒体非常确信The Japanese media embraced the idea
丹尼尔?帕特内茨[历史学家 美国国家公园管理局]
这些士兵that these men
为国家献出了一切had sacrificed everything to the nation,
还为他们制作了一部电影made a film about them.
他们的事迹也被写入书中They had books written about them.
这些袖珍潜艇员们的成功偷袭The midget submariners were given vast amounts of,
为他们带来了无数的荣誉of credit for, for the success of the attack.
但对于海军士官出羽来说And for Petty Officer Dewa,
由于他认识号潜艇的艇员who had come to know the crew of number ,
这条信息便有了特殊的意义the message had a special meaning.
"他们成功了" 这就是我的理解"They did it!" That's what I felt.
我们急切地等待着成功的消息We were eagerly waiting for the news of success.
当我们最终收到这个信息时When we finally received it,
我知道我们成功了I realized our success.
两个空载的鱼雷发射管The two empty torpedo tubes
似乎证实了他们的成功appear to support that success.
但仅凭两个空载的发射管But just because the tubes are empty
并不意味着鱼雷发射出去了doesn't mean the torpedoes were fired.
或许是有人移走了它们Perhaps they were removed?
我们无法在水下找到这个问题的答案The answer to this question cannot be found below.
双鱼座五号 亚洲老兄Pisces V KoK,
你可以浮出水面了you are clear to surface,
可以浮出水面了 结束clear for surface, over.
这绝对是一艘偷袭珍珠港时的潜艇Definitely a Pearl Harbor sub,
空载的鱼雷发射管实在太引人注目了the empty torpedo tubes just really stand out.
鉴定史学家帕克斯?斯蒂芬森Forensic historian Parks Stephenson
希望能够确认wants to discover exactly
这些空载的发射管到底意味着什么what those empty torpedo tubes mean.
他把所有信息He sends all the information
都交给了微生物生态学家罗里?约翰斯顿to microbial ecologist Lori Johnston,
她是研究水下金属变化状况的专家an expert in what happens to metals under water.
我认为那个潜艇正在逐渐融入大海I thi

nk the sub is melting into the sea
尽管鱼雷发射管上的硬壳很像是铁锈Even though the encrustation on the torpedo tubes looks like rust,
但实际上却不是it's not.
普通的铁锈是一种纯粹的化学反应Ordinary rust is a purely chemical reaction.
而这却是完全另外一种物质This is something entirely different,
被称为"噬铁细菌"known as a "Rusticle."
噬铁细菌是一种活体微生物A rusticle is a living organism.
它实际上是一种细菌It's actually bacteria, micro-organisms
一种自然界常见的微生物that are naturally found in the environment.
在泰坦尼克号的残骸上也同样发现了这种Also found on the wreck of the Titanic,
在海水中以金属为食物的噬铁细菌rusticles feed on metal in salt water.
这就是噬铁细菌的一个样本This is an example of a rusticle.
上面布满了细小的缺口 裂缝和小孔It's full of little crevices and cracks and tunnels.
研究对象并非一种细菌So, you're not dealing with one type of bacteria,
而是许多种细菌you're dealing with multiple types of bacteria:
叫做"集合体" 或者叫细菌联盟a "Consorm," or a consortium of bacteria.
每个不同的小洞里Each different tunnel
都有不同种类的细菌在共同作用has different types of bacteria working together.
这就是为什么它们能轻而易举地腐蚀钢铁That's why they are so good at being able to break down steel.
任何类型的金属 任何类型的营养物Any types of metal, any types of nutrients,
都能被噬铁细菌组织中的这些细菌吸收they're able to incorporate that within the rusticle structure.
很可能在五号袖珍潜艇沉入海底后不久Bacteria most likely would have started breaking down
细菌便开始腐蚀这艘潜艇midget sub number soon after it sank.
潜艇只要在海水中停留很短的时间Once the sub has been in the water for a very short period of time,
只用数周或数月within weeks and months,
便开始出现硬壳encrustation has already started to form.
所以这就像是将鱼雷和发射管粘贴在一起So it's almost like cementing the torpedo within the tube.
而移走鱼雷则是非常的危险That would make it extremely dangerous to remove.
你得冒着生命危险It would be taking your life in your own hands
才能将一颗已和发射管粘在一起的by removing an active alive torpedo
仍然处于活跃状态的鱼雷移动出去that had started to cement in the tube.
罗里相信 所有的证据都指向一个结论Lori believes all the evidence points in a single direction.
经过分析这些数据 我的结论是 It's my conclusion that—after analyzing the data—
这艘潜艇在沉没之前发射了鱼雷that this sub fired its torpedoes prior to its sinking.
如果号袖珍潜艇确实将If midget sub number fired
两颗威力巨大的长矛鱼雷都发射了出去both of its powerful Long

Lance torpedoes,
那目标又是什么what was the target?
卡拉ok,NTP,,,,,{\K}密苏里战列舰纪念馆 美国亚利桑那号战舰纪念馆夏威夷 瓦胡岛 战舰编队
就在珍珠港水下英尺处Just feet beneath the surface of Pearl Harbor
沉寂着美国亚利桑那号战舰的残骸lays the wreck of the U.S.S. Arizona,
一千多名美国士兵在此牺牲where over a thousand American servicemen lost their lives,
而他们的尸骨也仍长留海底and where most of them still remain.
线测试有波普了 线请测试一下I have plage on test on , test on ?
潜水员约翰?查特顿Diver John Chatterton
和国家公园服务处的考古学家and National Parks Service archaeologist
马特?罗塞尔Matt Russell
将会搜寻鱼雷击中亚利桑那号船体的证据will search for evidence of a torpedo hit on the hull of the Arizona.
这是一座战争的坟墓It's a war grave.
只有少数得到特许的人员可以下潜至此Only a select few are permitted to dive here,
而得以拍摄这座长眠水下坟墓状况的人and even fewer are allowed to film
则少之又少what lies at rest beneath the waves.
在查特顿和罗塞尔对残骸的探索下As Chatterton and Russell explore the wreck,
当日发生的事情渐渐重现眼前the events of the day come alive.
这里是个扶梯This is a stairway.
年月日这天On December th, ,
美国水兵们可能正跑上这些扶梯American sailors would have been running up these steps,
抓着这些扶手 试图抢救他们的舰艇grabbing onto these handrails and trying to save their ship.
这就是原来覆盖在亚利桑那号战列舰This is the original wood planking
船尾主甲板上的木质铺板that covered the main deck of Arizona back here in the stern.
看上去布满了弹片留下的伤痕This looks like scarring from shrapnel over here and, and over there.
可能是月日的偷袭造成的战斗损伤It could be battle damage from the December th attack.
我们都知道亚利桑那号战列舰We know that the Arizona was attacked
受到了日本空军的轰炸by bombs from above,
但有些目击者声称but some eyewitnesses say
它也受到了水下鱼雷的攻击it was also torpedoed from below.
几位艇员正在忙碌着The crew was doing that.
他们在这里划线They were cutting lines here
让其他船员们都过到线那边去and getting people across.
好的 但你肯定Ok, but you definitely
阿诺德?鲍尔当时正在停靠在Arnold Bauer was aboard the U.S.S. Vestal,
亚利桑那号战列舰旁边的a repair ship,
美国海军韦斯塔号修理舰上moored alongside the Arizona.
你百分之百地肯定So you are percent confident
亚利桑那号偷袭期间遭到了that the Arizona received one or more torpedoes
不止一次的鱼雷攻击during the attack.
是的 我亲眼看到了鱼雷的轨迹Yup, I saw the track.

这里Okay, so you were standing here, on the quarterdeck.
然后我来到这边 想要看看这里And I went over on this side to see
到底会怎样what was going to happen to this side.
你为什么要到这边来Why did you go running over here?
因为我发现有颗鱼雷马上就要击中这里了Because I figured if a torpedo was going to hit here,
所以我想到另一边去I wanted to be on the other side.
科罗拉多州 科罗拉多泉市
年月日的早上On the morning of December th, ,
唐?斯特拉顿正在亚利桑那号上Don Stratton was defending the Arizona
抵御炮火的袭击from incoming fire,
他记得有对鱼雷正向亚利桑那号逼近and he remembers a pair of torpedoes heading towards the ship.
我对天发誓I swear, to this day,
两枚鱼雷确实笔直的that two of them were headed
向亚利桑那号和韦斯塔号冲来right toward the Arizona and the Vestal.
有些人说For those people who say
亚利桑那号绝对没有受到鱼雷的攻击that the Arizona definitely wasn't torpedoed,
你有什么想对他们说的吗what do you have to say to them?
他们不在现场They weren't there.
但你看见那两颗鱼雷了But you saw them.
我看见了 确信无疑I saw them, for sure.
但在经历了数小时的搜寻之后But after hours of searching,
马特?罗塞尔和约翰?查特顿Matt Russell and John Chatterton
并未发现任何遭受鱼雷攻击的证据can't find any evidence of a torpedo hit.
我们找遍了亚利桑那号船首左舷的每一寸We've gone over virtually every inch of the port side of Arizona's bow.
我们并没有看到任何We don't see anything
能够表明舰艇遭到鱼雷攻击的迹象that would indicate damage from a torpedo.
但如果那个鱼雷是个哑弹 又会怎样呢But what if that torpedo was a dud?
中途岛号航母加利福尼亚 圣地亚哥
反潜专家汤姆?泰勒Anti-submarine expert Tom Taylor
在太平洋舰队总司令尼米兹上将has uncovered an obscure passage
所写的一篇国会报告里in a Congressional report by Admiral Nimitz,
发现了一段晦涩难懂的文章Commander of the Pacific Fleet.
这段文章描述了一个在珍珠港内发现的It describes an unexploded torpedo
未爆炸的鱼雷sighted inside Pearl Harbor,
它可能就是由号袖珍潜艇所发射的one that may have come from midget sub number .
其中一段的结尾At the end of one of the paragraphs,
描述了这个被找回的未爆炸的鱼雷it states a recovered, unexploded torpedo
它共携带了镑的炸药carried an explosive charge of , pounds.
我们知道航空鱼雷We knew that the aerial torpedoes
只能携带镑的炸药were only around pounds.
所以 这只可能是一枚潜艇鱼雷That could only be a submarine torpedo.
航空鱼雷携带的炸药量不到它的一半The aerial torpedoes were less than half that charge.

找回这枚鱼雷的报告The fact that he reported that they recovered this torpedo
成为了有袖珍潜艇indicates corroborating evidence
穿过舰艇编队that a midget sub had penetrated Battleship Row
并发射出鱼雷的确凿证据and had fired upon it.
我们永远都无法知道We will never know
这个鱼雷是否是有意if that torpedo was intended
去袭击美国海军亚利桑那号的for the U.S.S. Arizona,
但如果这是个哑弹but if it was a dud,
那另一枚鱼雷则仍然无法得到解释that still leaves one more torpedo unaccounted for.
偷袭珍珠港的当天清晨On the morning of the attack,
美国海军西弗吉尼亚号和俄克拉荷马号the U.S.S.West Virginia and the U.S.S. Oklahoma
在战列舰编队中位于亚利桑那号的附近were close to the Arizona on Battleship Row.
美国海军博物馆 华盛顿
两位海军专家相信Two naval experts believe
他们发现了一张号袖珍潜艇they have found a photograph of midget sub number
在攻击其中至少一艘战列舰的照片in action against at least one of them.
战后发现的这张照片Recovered after the war,
是由日军战机上的相机this picture was taken by a camera on a Japanese plane
在月日早晨拍摄的the morning of December th.
尽管这张照片模糊不清It's fuzzy and unclear,
但一些专家则相信这是一艘but some experts believe it's a midget sub
正在向战列舰编队发射鱼雷的袖珍潜艇firing a torpedo straight into Battleship Row.
看这里 大约有英尺长To this point, there's a roughly feet,
我们可以看到水中有无数的鱼雷轨迹we have numerous torpedo tracks in the water.
海军情报官约翰?罗德加德Naval intelligence officer John Rodgaard
和鉴定工程师彼得?K?许and forensic engineer Peter K. Hsu
对该照片进行了多年的分析研究have spent years analyzing this single photograph.
我们可以在这张照片中看到What we see in this photo
最初的航空鱼雷对战列舰编队的攻击景象is the effects of the initial aerial torpedo strikes against Battleship Row.
我们可以看到战舰受到攻击后We can see the concussion waves radiating out
所散发出的震波from the ships that have been hit.
我们可以看到鱼雷在水中的运行轨迹We can see torpedo tracks in the water.
我们可以在水中看到一个We see an object in the water
拥有独特水平特征with a distinctive horizontal feature
和独特垂直特征的物体and a distinctive vertical feature.
这两个特征均为袖珍潜艇的特征Both are features of a midget submarine.
垂直的是驾驶室The vertical feature would be the sail,
水平的则是船身the horizontal feature, the hull.
我们可以看到在潜艇的后面We can see behind it,
是螺旋桨激起的羽状流水波plumes of w

ater caused by a propeller.
这些羽状流水波是否有可能Could those plumes of water
是飞机投下的鱼雷所激起的呢be caused by a torpedo being dropped by an airplane?
不可能 因为鱼雷撞击水面时No. Because a torpedo hitting the water
会激起一种独特的水花has a distinctive splash.
水花是向前运动的It is a forward movement.
而照片上的这个并不具有那种特征This does not have that characteristic.
这更像是螺旋桨造成的喷泉效应It is more of a fountain effect, caused by a propeller.
也就是号袖珍潜艇的螺旋桨激起的The propeller of midget sub number .
当日本袖珍潜艇发射鱼雷时Whenever a Japanese midget sub fires a torpedo,
潜艇会突然失去平衡there's a sudden loss of balance.
一颗鱼雷重达吨A torpedo weighs about one ton;
而潜艇的重量则为吨the sub weighs tons.
当鱼雷被发射出去When a torpedo is launched,
潜艇前部会突然间减轻一吨的重量the forward part suddenly gets one ton lighter.
因此 潜艇会上下晃动起来Which, in turn, rocks the sub up and down
而艇员则努力去重新平稳潜艇as the crew struggles to regain control.
这便造成了独特的This creates a unique plume of water
被称为船尾急流的羽状流水波called a rooster tail,
当螺旋桨飞离水面 船尾急流就产生了which occurs when the propeller flies out of the water.
但这颗鱼雷到底击中目标了吗But did the torpedo hit its target?
照片里的船尾急流提供了一个线索The rooster tails in the photograph could offer a clue.
这里产生了表面扰动It generates a surface disturbance.
彼得?K?许[造船技师 鉴定工程师]
根据流体动力学专家许的分析 According to Hsu, an expert in fluid dynamics,
这些船尾急流也可能是由于one of these rooster tails may also be
袖珍潜艇所发射的鱼雷击中了目标而造成the result of the midget sub torpedo hitting its mark.
我们做了段动画This's a kind of animation.
在约翰和彼得的指导下Under John and Peter's guidance,
新星台运用这个团队的原创机密算法NOVA has taken the team's original classified calculations
制作了重现场景的动画and re-engineered them into revealing animation.
当鱼雷在舰艇内爆炸时When a torpedo blasts into a ship,
会产生足以将潜艇抬出水面的强大冲击波it produces a shockwave powerful enough to lift a sub out of the sea,
即便是相距甚远even at a distance.
空投鱼雷所产生的冲击波The shockwave created by an airborne torpedo
无法波及袖珍潜艇isn't powerful enough to reach the midget sub.
冲击波所影响到的区域The area generated by the shockwave
并不能达到潜艇所在的地方does not reach the submarine.
而由于袖珍潜艇所发射的鱼雷Because a torpedo fired by a midget sub
弹头装载量几乎是空投鱼雷的两倍has a warhead almost twice the size as an airborne one,

产生的冲击波也会传播的更远the shockwave it creates radiates much farther.
当鱼雷击中目标时And when that torpedo hits its target,
气穴掠过潜艇 将其抬出水面cavitation extends beyond the submarine and lifts it above the surface.
但该动画与原始照片一致吗But how does the animation compare with the original photograph?
我们可以在动画中看到What we see in the animation
爆炸对潜艇的影响is the effect of the explosion on both the submarine
和产生的巨大船尾急流and the large rooster tail
这与我们在照片中看到的as we can see—as a snapshot in time of
潜艇后面的巨大羽状流the large plume behind the submarine, in the photograph,
和西弗吉尼亚号旁边所扬起的羽状流一样and the plume rising alongside the West Virginia,
二者完全一致and the correlation is perfect.
西弗吉尼亚号遭到了至少七枚鱼雷的攻击The West Virginia took at least seven torpedo hits.
俄克拉荷马号则遭到多达九枚鱼雷的攻击The Oklahoma was hit by up to nine torpedoes.
尽管大部分鱼雷是飞机发射的While most were launched from planes,
但罗德加德和许相信Rodgaard and Hsu believe that
其中的两枚鱼雷是由号袖珍潜艇发射的two of those torpedoes were fired by midget sub number .
一枚击中了西弗吉尼亚号One striking the West Virginia,
另一枚则似乎是朝着俄克拉荷马号冲去the other one appearing to move towards the Oklahoma.
这使得我们得出了相互冲突的结论This leaves us with conflicting conclusions.
我看到了鱼雷的轨迹I saw the track
那么 你是站在这里So, you were standing here
如果目击者们的描述if the accounts of some eyewitnesses
和尼米兹的报告是可信的and the Nimitz report are to be believed,
一枚鱼雷射向亚利桑那号one torpedo was fired at the Arizona
但却未能爆炸but turned out to be a dud.
如果图像专家是正确的If the photographic experts are to be believed,
那么两枚鱼雷则全部发射then two torpedoes were fired,
分别击中了西弗吉尼亚号和俄克拉荷马号hitting the West Virginia and the Oklahoma.
两种分析似乎都认为号袖珍潜艇Either way it appears likely that midget sub number
成功地在珍珠港内发射了所装载的鱼雷successfully fired its torpedoes inside Pearl Harbor.
那么在完成任务之后So after completing its mission
潜艇又到哪里去了呢where did it go?
通过文献We actively know, through documents
和原始照片的分析and through primary source photographs,
我们知道确实有过搜捕过这些潜艇的行动that there was a hunt for these submarines.
丹尼尔?帕特内茨[历史学家 美国国家公园管理局]
我觉得潜艇能够逃出去的几率是非常小的The chances of one getting out, I think, is extremely narrow.
偷袭期间During the attack,
一艘美国海军扫雷舰曾报告说a U.S.Naval minesweeper reported

观察到一艘both sighting and firing upon
正在试图逃出珍珠港的袖珍潜艇what appeared to be a midget submarine
并对其进行了攻击trying to escape the harbor.
他们手里有夏威夷的航海图They had nautical charts of Hawaii in their hand;
他们在脑子里记下了内港的基本地图they had the basic map of inner harbor memorized in their head.
潜艇会逃到哪里去呢Where would the sub go?
哪里才安全呢What was safe?
好了 如果我们在横滨OK. So if we were Yokohama here.
如果他想要逃离As he started to run out of options
那他就没什么可选择的余地if he trying to escape
帕克斯?斯蒂芬森研究了一张Parks Stephenson examines a Japanese map
从日本袖珍潜艇上缴获的日本地图from one of the recovered midget subs.
那么 如果是我在看这张地图So, if I'm looking at this chart,
那我几乎没有可选择的余地and I seem to be running out of options,
这个区域是开放的there's this area right here which is open
而根据地图边上的这个日文注释and according to this Japanese legend over here on the side,
西罗湖也没有太多选择the West Loch doesn't have a whole lot in it.
帕克斯相信五号潜艇Parks believes number
逃到了西罗湖相对偏僻的区域escaped to the relative isolation of the West Loch,
是当时的一处燃料供给区at the time, a backwater fueling area.
但袖珍潜艇和两位船员 船长横山正二But what happened to the sub and its crew,
以及引航员金田萨达姆又去向何方了呢Commander Masaji Yokoyama and Pilot Sadamu Kamita?
在调查潜艇残骸的过程中During the investigation of the wreck,
调查小组发现了一条令人恐怖的线索the team discovered what could be a frightening clue.
潜艇中部似乎缺少了大约十英尺About feet of the sub appears to be missing.
如果你仔细观察这里被撕裂的钢铁边缘If you look at the edges of this torn steel here,
你会发现它是向外弯曲的it's bent outward.
无论是什么造成了后面这里的损坏Whatever did the damage back here
都一定是来自于潜艇的内部came from inside the sub.
为了避免使日本的秘密武器落入敌手In order to keep Japan's secret weapon out of enemy hands
他们要求船员the crew was instructed to escape if they could,
在用捆绑于船中的炸药炸毁潜艇之后but to destroy their submarine by igniting a scuttling charge
方可逃生 lashed to the midsection.
那么横山和金田服从命令了吗Did Yokoyama and Kamita follow these instructions?
如果服从了命令 那他们是怎么做的呢And if so, how?
厄尔海军武器测试站 可斯勒 新泽西
新星台建立了一个专家小组来找寻答案NOVA has recruited a team of experts to find out.
如果两位船员将潜艇浮至水面If the two men scuttled their sub on the surface,

那么他们可以点燃导火线they could have lit the fuse
然后很可能生还and possibly escaped with their lives.
如果潜艇在水下If the crew was submerged,
那么船员很可能仍然被困在潜艇之中then the crew is probably still sealed inside.
这块薄金属非常适合模拟潜艇艇身This er thin metal here is skill fitness to the sub hole
海军工程师罗杰?朗Naval Engineer Roger Long
用废旧氧气筒制作了袖珍潜艇的比例模型has created a scale model of a midget submarine from an old scuba tank.
爆破专家大卫?洛林负责本次试验Demolitions expert David Loring is in charge of the action.
这里是厄尔海军武器测试站This is Naval Weapons Station Earle
爆炸物处理小组的爆破区E.O.D. Demolition range,
大约英亩的炸弹和子弹爆破区about , acres of bombs and bullets.
我们要敞开这个在水面上对它进行测试And we're going to test it on the surface with this open,
罗杰?朗[海军工程师 航海研究员]
模拟他们在潜艇漂浮情况下点燃沉船炸药as if they set off the scuttling charge floating,
然后我们要用塑料盖子封住and then we're going to explode under water
在水下引爆它with a plastic cap
来模拟只需很小冲击to simulate the fact that the hatch
便能炸开舱口这一情景only has a very small resistance to blowing open.
我们要观察潜艇在水上和水下爆炸And we'll be looking for differences in the damage patterns
所产生的破坏模式之间的差异between the surface submarine and the sunken submarine.
我们要用塑胶炸药进行水下爆破We're going to be utilizing underwater explosive, C.
我们会把塑胶炸药固定在潜艇内部We're going to place it inside the sub,
放置在沉船炸药所在的大体位置in the approximate location that the scuttling charges are placed,
也就是这个区域which is in this area here.
第一个试验将重现袖珍潜艇The first experiment will replicate a scuttling charge
在水面引爆沉船炸药的情景with the midget sub surfaced.
起爆 起爆 起爆Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole!
水能帮助我们The water help, the water help us...
第一个实验的结果令人失望The first result is disappointing.
和所发现的水下破损模式并不一致It doesn't match the damage discovered under water.
这和我们所设想的情景完全不同It doesn't look anything like the one we're thinking about.
小组决定用稍大的炸药量再进行一次实验The team decides to experiment with a slightly larger charge.
起爆Fire in the hole!
我想我们有点过头了I think we over did a little bit
我们得再找个水槽We're going to need another tank.
无论炸药量的多少Whether the charge is large or small,
看上去号袖珍潜艇it appears that midget sub number
都不是在水面被炸沉的was not scuttled on the surface.
