

阳历 2020 年 1 月阴历己亥年猪年周一周二周三周四周五周六周日1元旦初七2腊八节初八3初九4初十5十一6小寒十二7十三8十四9十五10十六11十七12十八13 十九14 二十15 廿一16 廿二17 小年廿三18 廿四19 廿五20 大寒廿六21 廿七22 廿八23 廿九24 大年夜三十25 春节正月初一26 初二27 初三28 初四29 初五30 初六31 初七February阳历 2020 年 2 月阴历庚子年鼠年周一周二周三周四周五周六周日1初八2初九3初十4立春十一5十二6十三7十四8元宵节十五9十六10 十七11 十八12 十九13 二十14 情人节廿一15 廿二16 廿三17 廿四18 廿五19 雨水廿六20 廿七21 廿八22 廿九23 二月初一24 龙头节初二25 初三26 初四27 初五28 初六29 初七March阳历 2020 年 3 月阴历庚子年鼠年周一周二周三周四周五周六周日1 初八2初九3初十4十一5惊蛰十二6十三7十四8妇女节十五9 十六10 十七11 十八12 植树节十九13 二十14 廿一15 花费者权益日廿二16 廿三17 廿四18 廿五19 廿六20 春分廿七21 廿八22 廿九23 三十24 三月初一25 初二26 初三27 初四28 初五29 初六30 初七31 初八April阳历 2020 年 4 月阴历庚子年鼠年周一周二周三周四周五周六周日1愚人节初九2初十3十一4清明十二5十三6十四7十五8十六9十七10十八11十九12二十13 廿一14 廿二15 廿三16 廿四17 廿五18 廿六19 谷雨廿七20 廿八21 廿九22 三十23 四月初一24 初二25 初三26 初四27 初五28 初六29 初七30 初八May阳历 2020年5月周一周二周三4 五四青年节十二5 立夏十三6 十四11 十九12 二十13 廿一18 廿六19 廿七20 小满廿八阴历庚子年鼠年周四周五周六周日1劳动节初九2初十3十一7十五8十六9十七10母亲节十八14 廿二15 廿三16 廿四17 廿五21 廿九22 三十23 闰四月初一24 初二25 初三26 初四27 初五28 初六29 初七30 初八31 初九June阳历 2020年6月周一周二周三1小孩节初十2十一3十二8十七9十八10十九15 廿四16 廿五17 廿六22 初二23 初三24 初四阴历庚子年鼠年周四周五周六周日4十三5十四6十五7十六11 二十12 廿一13 廿二14 廿三18 廿七19 廿八20 廿九21 父亲节五月初一25 端午节初五26 初六27 初七28 初八29 初九30 初十July阳历 2020 年 7 月阴历庚子年鼠年周一周二周三周四周五周六周日1建党节十一2十二3十三4十四5十五6小暑十六7十七8十八9十九10二十11廿一12廿二13 廿三14 廿四15 廿五16 廿六17 廿七18 廿八19 廿九20 三十21 六月初一22 大暑初二23 初三24 初四25 初五26 初六27 初七28 初八29 初九30 初十31 十一August阳历 2020年 8月周一周二周三3十四4十五5十六10 廿一11 廿二12 廿三17 廿八18 廿九19 七月初一24 初六25 七夕节初七26 初八阴历庚子年鼠年周四周五周六周日1建军节十二2十三6十七7立秋十八8十九9二十13 廿四14 廿五15 廿六16 廿七20 初二21 初三22 处暑初四23 初五27 初九28 初十29 十一30 十二31 十三September阳历 2020 年 9 月阴历庚子年鼠年周一周二周三周四周五周六周日1十四2中秋节十五3抗战成功日十六4十七5十八6十九7白露二十8廿一9廿二10廿三11廿四12廿五13廿六14 廿七15 廿八16 廿九17 八月初一18 初二19 初三20 初四21 初五22 秋分初六23 初七24 初八25 初九26 初十27 十一28 十二29 十三30 十四October阳历 2020 年 10 月阴历庚子年鼠年周一周二周三周四周五周六周日1国庆节十五2十六3十七4十八5十九6二十7廿一8寒露廿二9廿三10廿四11廿五12 廿六13 廿七14 廿八15 廿九16 三十17 九月初一18 初二19 初三20 初四21 初五22 初六23 霜降初七24 初八25 重阳节初九26 初十27 十一28 十二29 十三30 十四31 十五November阳历 2020 年 11 月阴历庚子年鼠年周一周二周三周四周五周六周日1 十六2十七3十八4十九5二十6廿一7立冬廿二8廿三9 廿四10 廿五11 廿六12 廿七13 廿八14 廿九15 寒食节十月初一16 初二17 初三18 初四19 初五20 初六21 初七22 小雪初八23 初九24 初十25 十一26 十二27 十三28 十四29 下元节十五30 十六December 周一7大雪廿三14 三十21 冬至初七阳历 2020 年 12 月周二周三1十七2十八8廿四9廿五15 十一月初一16 初二22 初八23 初九阴历庚子年鼠年周四周五周六周日3十九4二十5廿一6廿二10 廿六11 廿七12 廿八13 廿九17 初三18 初四19 初五20 初六24 安全夜初十25 圣诞节十一26 十二27 十三28 十四29 十五30 十六31 十七。


化学试卷 第1页(共12页) 化学试卷 第2页(共12页)绝密★启用前浙江省2020年1月普通高校招生选考科目考试化 学可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 Li 7 C12 N14 O16 Na 23 Mg 24Al 27 Si 28 S 32 Cl 35.5 K 39 Ca 40 Mn 55 Fe 56 Cu 64 I127 Ba 137一、选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。
每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分)1.有共价键的离子化合物是( )A .22Na OB .24H SOC .22CH ClD .SiC 2.萃取碘水中的碘并分液,需要用到的仪器是( )ABC D3.下列属于有机物,又是电解质的是( )A .己烷B .乙酸C .葡萄糖D .纯碱4.反应()2222MnO 4HCl MnCl Cl 2H O ++↑+△浓中,氧化产物是 ( ) A .2MnOB .HClC .2MnClD .2Cl 5.下列物质的名称不正确...的是( )A .NaOH :烧碱B .4FeSO :绿矾C .:甘油D .:3−甲基己烷6.下列表示不正确...的是 ( )A .羟基的电子式:B .乙烯的结构简式:22CH CHC .氯原子的结构示意图:D .3NH 分子的球棍模型:7.下列说法不正确...的是( )A .168O 和188O 互为同位素B .金刚石和石墨互为同素异形体C .和互为同系物D .323CH COOCH CH 和322CH CH CH COOH 互为同分异构体 8.下列说法不正确...的是( )A .二氧化硅导电能力强,可用于制造光导纤维B .石灰石在高温下可用于消除燃煤烟气中的2SOC .钠着火不能用泡沫灭火器灭火D .利用催化剂可减少汽车尾气中有害气体的排放 9.下列说法不正确...的是( )A .()344Cu NH SO ⎡⎤⎣⎦可通过4CuSO 溶液与过量氨水作用得到B .铁锈的主要成分可表示为232Fe O H O nC .钙单质可以从4TiCl 中置换出TiD .可用2H 还原MgO 制备单质Mg 10.下列说法不正确...的是( )A .天然气的主要成分甲烷是高效,较洁净的燃料B .石油的分馏、煤的气化和液化都是物理变化C .石油的裂化主要是为了得到更多的轻质油D .厨余垃圾中蕴藏着丰富的生物质能 11.下列有关实验说法,不正确...的是( )A .碱液不慎溅到手上,先用大量水冲洗,再用饱和硼酸溶液洗,最后用水冲洗B .KCl 和2MnO 的混合物经溶解、过滤,洗涤、干燥,可分离出2MnOC .用容量瓶配制溶液,定容时若加水超过刻度线,立即用滴管吸出多余液体D .火柴头的浸泡液中滴加3AgNO 溶液,稀3HNO 和2NaNO 溶液,可检验火柴头是否-------------在------------------此------------------卷------------------上-------------------答-------------------题-------------------无--------------------效---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ _____________化学试卷 第3页(共12页) 化学试卷 第4页(共12页)含有氯元素12.下列关于铝及其化合物说法,不正确...的是( )A .明矾可用作净水剂和消毒剂B .利用铝热反应可冶炼高熔点金属C .铝可用作包装材料和建筑材料D .氢氧化铝可用作治疗胃酸过多的药物 13.不能..正确表示下列变化的离子方程式是( )A .3BaCO 溶于盐酸:2322BaCO 2H Ba CO H O ++++↑+B .3FeCl 溶液腐蚀铜板:3222Fe Cu2Fe Cu +++++C .苯酚钠溶液中通入少量2CO :D .醋酸钠水解:323CH COO H O CH COOH OH--++14.下列说法不正确...的是( )A .强酸、强碱、重金属盐等可使蛋白质变性B .用新制氢氧化铜悬浊液(必要时可加热)能鉴别甲酸、乙醇、乙醛C .乙酸乙酯中混有的乙酸,可加入足量的饱和23Na CO 溶液,经分液除去D .向苯和苯酚的混合液中加入浓溴水,充分反应后过滤,可除去苯中少量的苯酚15.下列关于的说法,正确的是 ( )A .该物质可由n 个单体分子通过缩聚反应生成B .0.1mol 该物质完全燃烧,生成33.6L (标准状况)的2COC .该物质在酸性条件下水解产物之一可作汽车发动机的抗冻剂D .1mol 该物质与足量NaOH 溶液反应,最多可消耗3mol n NaOH 16.下列说法正确的是( )A .同一原子中,在离核较远的区域运动的电子能量较高B .原子核外电子排布,先排满K 层再排L 层,先排满M 层再排N 层C .同一周期中,随着核电荷数的增加,元素的原子半径逐渐增大D .同一周期中,ⅡA 与ⅢA 族元素原子的核电荷数都相差1 17.下列说法不正确...的是( )A .pH 7>的溶液不一定呈碱性B .中和pH 和体积均相等的氨水、NaOH 溶液,所需HCl 的物质的量相同C .相同温度下,pH 相等的盐酸、3CH COOH 溶液中,()OH c -相等 D .氨水和盐酸反应后的溶液,若溶液呈中性,则()()4ClNH c c -+=18.在氯碱工业中,离子交换膜法电解饱和食盐水示意图如下,下列说法不正确...的是 ( )离子交换膜A .电极A 为阳极,发生氧化反应生成氯气B .离子交换膜为阳离子交换膜C .饱和NaCl 溶液从a 处进,NaOH 溶液从d 处出D .OH -迁移的数量等于导线上通过电子的数量19.在干燥的HCl 气流中加热22MgCl 6H O ,能得到无水2MgCl 。

实现利润增减变化表项目名称2020年一季度2019年一季度2018年一季度数值增长率(%) 数值增长率(%) 数值增长率(%)营业收入30,522.77 21.81 25,057.55 5.96 23,648.03 0 实现利润2,670.36 250.31 762.28 364.17 164.23 0 营业利润2,659.18 281.54 696.95 353.35 -275.1 0投资收益973.59 1,163.65 -91.53 69.83 -303.37 0 营业外利润11.18 -82.88 65.33 -85.13 439.33 0二、成本费用分析1、成本构成情况2020年一季度拓维信息成本费用总额为24,450.95万元,其中:营业成本为16,765.27万元,占成本总额的68.57%;销售费用为4,142.93万元,占成本总额的16.94%;管理费用为3,501.31万元,占成本总额的14.32%;财务费用为-20.58万元,占成本总额的-0.08%;营业税金及附加为62.03万元,占成本总额的0.25%。

实现利润增减变化表项目名称2020年一季度2019年一季度2018年一季度数值增长率(%) 数值增长率(%) 数值增长率(%)营业收入6,243.01 -49.81 12,437.53 0.52 12,372.9 0 实现利润-461.49 -119.32 2,388.82 15 2,077.28 0 营业利润-498.3 -133.26 1,498.12 -28.88 2,106.5 0投资收益-166.88 -305.53 -41.15 -109.35 440.22 0 营业外利润36.81 -95.87 890.69 3,148.74 -29.22 0二、成本费用分析1、成本构成情况2020年一季度三盛教育成本费用总额为5,669.21万元,其中:营业成本为3,582.66万元,占成本总额的63.2%;销售费用为638.26万元,占成本总额的11.26%;管理费用为1,681.24万元,占成本总额的29.66%;财务费用为-254.09万元,占成本总额的-4.48%;营业税金及附加为21.14万元,占成本总额的0.37%。

0.68 1,626.44
0.30 1,459.07
2020年一季度营业成本为318,103.23万元,与2019年一季度的 426,607.14万元相比有较大幅度下降,下降25.43%。
2020年一季度销售费用为24,000.16万元,与2019年一季度的 29,267.87万元相比有较大幅度下降,下降18%。2020年一季度销售费用 大幅度下降的同时营业收入也有较大幅度的下降,但收入下降快于投入下 降,经营业务开展得不太理想。
81.05 426,607.14
79.70 439,411.75
0.33 2,309.3
0.43 1,855.95
6.11 29,267.87
5.47 24,136.894.4129,787.84
7.59 31,336.62
5.85 34,665.07
营业收入 营业成本 营业税金及附加 销售费用 管理费用 财务费用
数值 百分比(%) 数值 百分比(%) 数值 百分比(%)
392,483.54 100.00 535,269.27 100.00 547,133.12 100.00
一、成本费用分析 1、成本构成情况 2020年一季度航天信息成本费用总额为375,845.17万元,其中:营业 成本为318,103.23万元,占成本总额的84.64%;销售费用为24,000.16万 元,占成本总额的6.39%;管理费用为29,787.84万元,占成本总额的 7.93%;财务费用为2,669.94万元,占成本总额的0.71%;营业税金及附 加为1,302.14万元,占成本总额的0.35%。



CATTI三级笔译综合能力模拟题2020年(1)(总分100,考试时间120分钟)Cloze TestDo students learn as much when they read digitally as they do in print? For both parents and teachers, knowing **puter-based media are improving or【C1】______ education is a question of concern. With the surge in【C2】______ of e-books, online learning and open educational resources, investigators have been trying to determine whether students do 【C3】______ well when reading an assigned text on a digital screen as【C4】______ paper. The answer【C5】______ the question, however, needs far more than a yes-no response.In my research, I **pared the ways in which we read in print and onscreen. Between 2013 and 2015, I gathered data from 429 university students【C6】______ from five countries (the U.S., Japan, Germany, Slovenia and India).The students in my study reported that print was【C7】______ more enjoyable, 【C8】______ things such as "I like the smell of paper" or that reading in print is "real reading". What's more, print gave them a sense of where they were in the book — they could "see" and "feel"【C9】______ in the text.Print was also judged to be【C10】______ on the eyes and less【C11】______ to encourage multitasking than digital reading. Almost half the **plained【C12】______ eyestrain from reading digitally ("my eyes burn"), and 67 percent indicated they were likely to multitask while reading digitally (compared with 41 percent when reading print).At the same time, respondents praised digital reading on【C13】______ counts, 【C14】______ the ability to read in the dark, 【C15】______ of finding material ("plenty of quick information"), saving paper and even the fact they could multitask【C16】______ reading.But the bigger question is whether students are learning as much when they read onscreen.A number of researchers have sought to measure learning by asking people to read a passage of text, 【C17】______ in print or on a digital device, and then testing **prehension.Most studies have found that participants scored about the same when reading in each【C18】______, though a few have indicated that students performed better on tests when they read in print.The problem, however, with learning-measurement studies is that their notion of "learning" has tended to be simplistic. Reading passages and answering questions【C19】______ maybe a familiar tool in standardized testing, but tells us little about any deeper level of understanding.In my view, 【C20】______ short-and-to-the-point materials may be a good fit for digital consumption, it's not the sort of reading likely to nurture the critical thinking we still talk about asa hallmark of university education.1. 1.【C1】3. 3.【C3】4. 4.【C4】5. 5.【C5】6. 6.【C6】7. 7.【C7】8. 8.【C8】9. 9.【C9】10. 10.【C10】11. 11.【C11】12. 12.【C12】13. 13.【C13】14. 14.【C14】15. 15.【C15】16. 16.【C16】17. 17.【C17】18. 18.【C18】19. 19.【C19】20. 20.【C20】V ocabulary Selection21. 21.With global oil prices______, the new cabinet raised domestic fuel and power prices.A. sneakingB. soaringC. soakingD. spinning22. 22.He kept making______remarks instead of straight forward yes-or-no replies.A. ambiguousB. advantageousC. ambitiousD. adventurous23. 23.It was______that the restaurant discriminated against black customers.A. assaultedB. ascribedC. addictedD. alleged24. 24.It gives an opportunity to reflect a lot, ______a lot about not only your own daily activities, but just what's going on in the world around you.A. contaminateB. contemplateC. consolidateD. contradict25. 25.Our journey was slow because the train stopped______at different villages.B. graduallyC. continuouslyD. continually26. 26.The seller shall not______any information relating to this order to any person not entitled to receive it.A. discoverB. uncoverC. revengeD. disclose27. 27.Different cultural backgrounds and values have deep influence on the______mode and the creation of the advertisement.A. expressiveB. efficientC. impressiveD. intensive28. 28.A new study shows that while mulling over a few options may weigh heavily on your mind, finally choosing one may just plain wear you______.A. downB. outC. offD. away29. 29.There is still a vast economic______between developing countries and the United States.A. cheatB. chasmC. chaseD. charm30. 30.You should not______your father's advice. Anyway he is much more experienced than you in this matter.A. deduceB. deliberateC. defyD. denounce31. ually the suspects will protest their innocence at first, and then______.A. acknowledgeB. recognizeC. concedeD. confess32. 32.This time he established war exploits, and his status grew______.A. chieflyB. correctlyC. currentlyD. eminently33. 33.The ideological make-up of the union is now______different from what it had been.A. restrictivelyB. radicallyC. inclusivelyD. intensively34. 34.The______lawyer asked that the charge against his client should be dismissed.A. protectingB. guardingC. shieldingD. defending35. 35.No doubt many will regard these as harsh words, but______they are true.A. gravelyB. forciblyC. regrettablyD. graciously36. 36.At every stage of processing, products and materials should be protected from microbial and other______.A. configurationB. constitutionC. condemnationD. contamination37. 37.I will______my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.A. tear offB. tear outC. tear awayD. tear down38. 38.Another way of making______less likely is to reduce the amount of choice we have: often when people are afraid of making the wrong choice they end up doing nothing.A. deliberationB. slownessC. punctualityD. procrastination39. 39.Public's trust in government is necessary and______for building a harmonious society.A. incompatibleB. incredibleC. indefiniteD. indispensable40. 40.One American study found that in a single year's teaching the top 10 % of teachers_____ three times as much learning to their pupils as the worst 10 % do.A. rescueB. witnessC. transmitD. bequeathV ocabularly Replacement41. 41.The space shuttle program entails the use of sophisticated technology.A. enhancesC. createsD. involves42. 42.If police are carrying arms as a matter of course then doesn't it encourage criminals to carry them?A. automaticallyB. obviouslyC. traditionallyD. resignedly43. 43.Overuse of those drugs, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration.A. followed byB. deriving fromC. combined withD. mixed with44. 44.Mary McCarthy's satires are couched in the prose style that has a classic precision.A. fusedB. prefacedC. expressedD. standardized45. 45.It would be futile to sustain his life when there is no chance of any improvement.A. encouragingB. unpleasantC. helpfulD. pointless46. 46.He was not a great talker, but he was quite a mild, affable sort of man.A. despondentB. irresponsibleC. agreeableD. uncertain47. 47.This meeting will highlight recent advances in the application of genomics techniques to the study of epigenetics.A. revealB. emphasizeC. play downD. indicate48. 48.About 2 percent of the population suffers from allergies to the venom from bees, wasps and hornets.A. fluidB. ejectionC. biteD. poison49. 49.The Wright brothers conceived the design of the first successful motor-powered plane.A. receivedB. believedD. conceptualized50. 50.These are malicious acts of aggression, abductions and wanton killing.A. deceptiveB. keenC. criticalD. hateful51. 51.Magician Robersdee takes you through some basic sleight of hand and other magic tricks.A. useB. involvementC. skillD. touch52. 52.The chapter one discusses the primal religion and the dissemination of Christianity in the Rome-Britain period.A. obtainableB. fundamentalC. workableD. instinctive53. 53.These sundry calamities in the West have provided **mentators with an unmissable chance to unveil Western hypocrisy.A. concealB. uncoverC. sweepD. prevail54. 54.The CIA has refused to say whether Haspel had direct involvement in the use of controversial techniques or what her role was in drawing up orders to destroy videotapes that documented their use.A. contentiousB. committedC. comparativeD. competent55. 55.The pharmacy industry insists that worries over error rates are overblown.A. overchargedB. exaggeratedC. reasonableD. unusual56. 56.Extrapolating from his American findings, he reckons about 80% of these deaths might be attributed to smoking.A. be diverted toB. be due toC. be worsened byD. be corrected by57. 57.He worked as a banana vendor at a market in East Jakarta where poultry meat was sold.A. agentC. sellerD. advertiser58. 58.When you cook at home, experts counsel to use only half the salt the recipe calls for.A. consultB. inquireC. contactD. advise59. 59.While the world is agog over international transmission of the swine flu, let me take this teachable moment to remind people, animals bite back.A. eagerB. openC. timidD. bold60. 60.Shot on the sly in Greece last summer, the movie talked about Celine and Jesse's reunion after nine years and they reignite their relationship.A. hastilyB. happilyC. sneakilyD. openlyError Correction61. 61.What an unusual news it is! I can't believe my ears that the famous writer **e to my city.A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How an62. 62.The UK became the first non-Asian country to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), before that more than 30 other countries joined, including Germany and France.A. before whichB. among thatC. after whichD. which63. 63.Restaurant industry leaders have blamed fair pay movements for the rise of restaurant automation, with the assumption that using more robots equal to employing fewer human workers.A. equals toB. equalC. equalsD. equivalent to64. 64.It will not be worthy much if only the most enlightened firms abide by the rules.A. be worthwhileB. worthC. be worthD. be worthless65. 65.Miss Zhang was not more than just an English teacher, because she also taught me invaluable lessons in life.A. less thanC. more thanD. no more than66. 66.Each child to the classroom was given a gift on Children's Day, it was specially prepared for the occasion.A. of whichB. thatC. asD. which67. 67.Good news was sometimes released prematurely, with the American recapture of the port having announced half a day before the defenders actually surrendered.A. announcingB. announcedC. was announcedD. have been announced68. 68.According to the latest news from Tiantai County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, a foot bath shop broke out fire, being injured at least 18 people.A. having been injuredB. having injuredC. injuredD. injuring69. 69.I know what you will join me in expressing our deep condolences to the people of Haiti and our gratitude to the many who are rushing to provide assistance.A. whenB. whetherC. whoD. /70. 70.—"Why are you so sure that Ann didn't commit the crime she's been accused of committing?" —"She mustn't **mitted that crime because I was with her, and we were out of town on that day."A. may not **mittedB. wasn't supposed to commitC. might not **mittedD. couldn't **mitted71. 71.Over the past 30 years, her writings have influenced debates concern animal rights, the environment and evolutionary theory.A. have influenced debates concerningB. have influenced debates concernedC. influence debates concerningD. influence debates have concerned72. 72.She occurred to that she had forgotten to take her notebook when she was asked to write something down.A. That occurred to herB. It occurred thatC. It occurs to her thatD. It occurred to her that73. 73.The UK is desperately short of scientists and engineers, which means science festivals now have a more important role than ever in conveying to young people how science and engineeringcan be a funny and rewarding career.A. a funny and rewardlessB. a funny and rewardedC. a fun and rewardingD. fun and rewarding74. 74.Every time the students are lazy and in arrears with their homework, the teacher in charge of the class will instill chicken soup to the students and always end up with a sentence "time and tide is waited for no man".A. waitedB. waitC. are waitingD. is waiting75. 75.The treatment must continue until this patient reaches the point when he can walk flexibly.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. whose76. 76.Without the friction between our feet and the ground, we may not be able to walk.A. wouldn't beB. wereC. were notD. can't be77. 77.According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a person driving a typical car is as five times likely to die if hit by a sport-utility vehicle as if hit by another car.A. more than five timesB. five times moreC. five times asD. more five times78. 78.There are three beautiful large old square brown French wood tables.A. square large old French brown woodB. old large square brown French woodC. large square old brown French woodD. large brown old square French wood79. 79.The future of **pany is promising: many of its talented employees are flowing into more profitable net-based business.A. at oddsB. in prospectC. in vainD. at stake80. 80.Globalization has spurred on this trend through the ubiquitous internet to realize wireless connections, affordable devices to collect data, and the ability of easy connection to others.A. to easily connect withB. to easily connect toC. to easy connection withD. of easy connection with阅读理解Last December, visitors arriving in Vail, Colo., ready to kick off the winter ski season, immediately noticed something missing: the snow. The town was lush and green; only Vail Pass, at 10, 617 ft. above sea level, was dusted in the champagne powder Colorado is known for.Climate change has had a direct and aggressive effect on winter tourism — and not just in Vail. In 2016-17, the first frost came two weeks later than the 20th century average, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the last one nine days earlier. The season was nearly a month shorter than expected, a trend that's been worsening since the 1980s. NOAA's outlook for winter 2018-19 predicts warmer, drier and milder conditions across the US.Those working in ski towns and at resorts do not need meteorologists to tell them that; they can see the effects in their business. "Last year, we had radically less snow — our lowest snow year in 50 years, " says Auden Schendler, the Senior Vice President of Sustainability at Aspen Skiing Company in Aspen, Colo. "In low-snow years, you see about a billion dollars less in revenue." Those years also cost ski regions 17, 400 jobs, according to the 2018 economic report from Protect Our Winters, a nonprofit environmental organization.It's not just that there's less snow; it's that snow patterns are so unpredictable, ski towns, resorts and businesses can't count on conditions necessary for financial stability. To be considered "snow reliable, " a ski area must have more than 30 cm of snow depth (natural and man-made) during 100 days or during the entire Christmas through New Year's holiday period in at least seven out of 10 years. By those standards, all of the northeastern states (except Vermont) are projected to lose at least half of their ski areas, according to a review in the journal Current Issues in Tourism. And if climate change continues apace, 90% of ski resorts in the U.S. won't be able to open by Christmas by 2090.European ski areas have similar problems. By 2099, the Alps could lose up to 70% of their snow cover, according to research published by the European Geosciences Union — and just two to three weeks of operating at a loss could tank a ski area's financial season.In North America, multi-resort ski passes like the Epic Pass and Ikon Pass can help somewhat. "People can book last-minute trips to the resort with the best snow, " says Schendler. "But obviously, last-minute bookings make it harder to plan-for marketing, for occupancy and for projected revenue." Ironically, too much snow can also impact ski resorts. If a massive storm hits, as has happened more frequently, if unpredictably, in recent years, the sudden heavy snowfall can raise the threat of avalanches, leading resorts to shut down runs or even keep patrons indoors.Fluctuating snow patterns haven't completely derailed ski tourism yet. In fact, tourism numbers have remained static for two decades, Schendler says. But scientists and industry veterans feel like they can see a dark future. "At the current rate of warming, the ski industry is probably done by midcentury, " Schendler says. "We're not acting like we are in crisis, but we are."81. 81.This article was written to ______ .A. show some difficulties that the ski industry will meetB. demonstrate the future of the ski industryC. warn people the consequences of global warmingD. explain the relationship between snow and ski resorts82. 82.The word "aggressive" underlined in Paragraph 2 means______.A. angryB. boldC. hostileD. threatening83. 83.NOAA cannot be______.A. a government departmentB. an organization that cares about climate changeC. an organization that can predict changes in weatherD. a military institution84. 84.We can NOT learn from Paragraph 4 that______.A. the snow became less and unpredictableB. the standards which defines what is a "snow reliable ski area"C. all of the northeastern states have lost at least half of their ski areasD. 90% of the ski resorts in the US won't be able to open by the end of this century85. 85.The phrase "shut down" underlined in Paragraph 6 means______.A. to stop opening for businessB. to ask someone to stop talkingC. to keep someone or something inside a placeD. to block the entrances and exits86. 86.Auden Schendler is a (an)______.A. businessmanB. scientistC. officialD. skier87. 87.According to Auden Schendler, ______.A. last-minute trip is the future of the ski industryB. the ski industry is in crisisC. last year's snow was more than this yearD. a massive snow storm could offer some help to the ski industry88. 88.According to the passage, by about______, the ski industry is probably done.A. 2099B. 2050C. 2090D. 207089. 89.The passage is a(n)______.A. reportB. narrationC. expositionD. argumentation90. 90.An appropriate title for the passage should be______.A. A Slippery Slope for Ski Resorts Facing Climate ChangeB. Ski Industry Needs a Turn in this EraC. Global Warming and the Ski IndustryD. Ski and SnowThe American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) just released its updated guidelines for children'sThe recommendations reflect what all parents instinctively know: children need less screen time. The corollary, of course, is that they desperately need more free time to ignite their imaginations, develop a sense of wonder and discover their passions and purpose.While we at Melissa & Doug are thrilled the AAP has created stronger guardrails and suggestions to help parents navigate this challenging terrain, this is only the beginning. Our children are overstimulated, over-scheduled and under pressure to perform academically and beyond school. This diminishes their ability to build creative thinking skills essential to self-discovery. Inventiveness occurs when kids have time for curiosity and exploration. With children spending up to eight hours a day on media devices and additional hours engaging in scheduled activities, opportunities for growth are stifled.What we are not sure about is how to get our kids to want the free, screenless time we know will benefit them. It may sound counter-intuitive but today's kids (and, frankly, many of us) need coaching to experience and discover the benefits of free time.What came easily to parents a few decades ago has become a challenge for our generation. It's not that yesterday's parents knew more about child development; they simply had fewer options. Boredom and downtime were an inescapable part of daily life. Today, boredom and downtime are synonymous with, "I'm bad parent and not doing enough to get my kid ahead."Recently, I had an eye-opening revelation while watching my 11-year-old daughter play in a softball tournament. I have six children and have attended dozens of such tournaments. I know the drill — or thought I did. Families settled in for the day with lawn chairs, coolers, sunscreen and siblings in tow. These spectator brothers and sisters would gradually gravitate toward each other. Games of catch and hide-and-seek began; friendships were formed in the span of an inning. At crucial moments, the newfound friends turned their collective attention to the field to cheer on their teams.Bu that was not happening. Though there were at least 15 children by the sidelines, I did not hear any of them. They sat in a silent huddle using their individual tablets. Even with the score tied in the final inning with runners on base, not a single child watched the game or spoke to each other. The situation was surreal and revealing: Kids have more planned activities and passive entertainment at their fingertips than ever before, but less free time to dream, make-believe and focus on what they truly love.I get that making time for "nothing" is difficult in a world where we're constantly worried our kids will fall behind if they don't excel in sports and academics or rack up "likes" on the latest social media app.But I refuse to sit back and watch this loss of childhood. We are taking back childhood. Imagination needs time and space to blossom.91. 91.What do parents instinctively know about children's media use?A. Updated guideline have been released for children's media use.B. Children are spending more and more time on their tablets and smartphones.C. Children are instinctively good at **puter games.D. The amount of time children spend in front of a screen, including TV, computers and video games should be controlled.92. 92.The underlined word "desperately" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to______.A. in a desperate wayC. extremelyD. despicably93. 93.What inference can we get from what parents instinctively know?A. Parents need more free time to stimulate their imagination.B. Children are in desperate shortage of time.C. Parents are anxious to stimulate children's imagination and arouse their curiosity.D. Children should cut their screen time and find more time to stimulate their imagination, arouse their curiosity etc.94. 94.The underlined word "thrilled" in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to______.A. very excited and pleasedB. scaredC. frightenedD. interested95. 95.What is the implied meaning of "guardrails" underlined in Paragraph 3?A. Rails that prevents people from falling from a bridge, cliff etc.B. Measures to protect children from losing their imagination.C. Suggestions to help guide parents.D. Ways for children to enrich their life.96. 96.What are the reasons to diminish children's ability to build their creative thinking skills?A. Children are overstimulated and greatly pressured to perform academically.B. Children have too many arrangements and are over-scheduled.C. Children have no enough time for curiosity and exploration.D. All of the above.97. 97.What are the things that we are NOT sure for children's growth?A. How to get children to want free, screenless time themselves.B. How to get children to benefit themselves.C. How to make children find more free, screenless time.D. How to make children to develop their creative skills.98. 98.What are the challenges for parents of young generation?A. They know a little about child development.B. They have too many options.C. They do not know how to fill in free time.D. They do not know how to get rid of boredom and downtime.99. 99.In Paragraph 6 and 7, the author talked about his experience with his children watching a softball tournament. What does the author want to illustrate from this example?A. The author wants to show the differences between parents in the past and nowadays.B. The author wants to show how what came easily to parents a few decades ago has become a challenge for our generation.C. The author wants to show how parents today are trying to help their kids escape from boredom and downtime.D. The author wants to show how parents today are making every effort to get their kids ahead. 100. 100.What revelation does the author find from his experience?A. Children played games of catch and hide-and-seek, and formed their friendship shortly.B. At crucial moments of the tournament, children would pay their attention to the field to cheer on their teams.C. Children have their own planned activities and entertainment at their fingertips and have less free time to focus on what they truly love.D. Parents should be worried if their kids do not excel in sports and academics.The ambitious mayor of a big city backs a project to put a garden on a bridge. Acelebrated designer is appointed and seductive images released. It **pared to the High Line in New York — that urban phenomenon envied as much by rival cities as the Eiffel Tower once was. It provokes controversy.This much the Skygarden in Seoul has in common with Garden Bridge in London, but then their stories diverge. Where the London version has foundered, the Korean one will be opened this Saturday by Mayor Park Won-soon, a former activist who built his career on opposing both corruption and the conservative establishment, and supporting human rights.There are significant differences in the conception and execution of the two projects. They vary in cost (about £40m for the Skygarden and £200m-plus for the Garden Bridge) and, where the London project has spent many years not happening, the Seoul one has taken two years to take shape since its Dutch architects, MVRDV, were appointed in 2015.Where the Garden Bridge would have been a cherry on the already rich cake that is the center of London, the Skygarden aims to regenerate and connect places near the main railway station that have been fragmented by roads and rail tracks. The Skygarden, which will be open to all 24 hours a day, re-uses an existing structure —like the High Line —in the form of a 1970 motorway flyover that was no longer deemed safe for its original purpose.It is also part of a bigger set of ideas about taking a big, dense — sometimes ugly — city, one which was created without a great deal of concern for public space and pedestrian movement, and giving it qualities of walkability, neighborliness, human scale and shared enjoyment of its places. To this end, the mayor has encouraged a range of public works and created the post of city architect to help make them happen.The Skygarden is one of the more eye-catching examples of several initiatives promoted by the first holder of this job, Seung H-Sang, and his successor and ally Young Joon Kim.Seoul resembles other cities of East Asia such as Tokyo and Shanghai in its scale and rapid post-war expansion, while major western cities like New York and London also **parable pressures of growth. If Seoul gets its program right, it can set examples for other megacities to learn from. An inaugural Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism will be held this autumn to help get the message across.South Korea's capital is an ancient city, with a beautiful natural backdrop of mountains, which was devastated in the 20th century by Japanese occupation and the Korean War. It was reconstructed on American-inspired lines, with multi-lane highways criss-crossing the city. Economic and population growth —it has about 10 million **pared with 1 million in 1950, although the increase has now levelled off— caused the spaces between to be filled in at levels of density that are nearly twice New York's.It is a business-minded city, its desire for prosperity being sharpened by the traumas and poverty of its recent history, and the need to erect office blocks to serve its economy has usually taken precedence over architectural and urban finesse. The lower levels of buildings tend to be intensely colonized by commercial activity.。

成本费用总额 营业成本 销售费用 管理费用 财务费用 营业税金及附加
数值 百分比(%) 数值 百分比(%) 数值 百分比(%)
520,987.96 100.00 523,833.83 100.00 463,128.41 100.00
一、成本费用分析 1、成本构成情况 2020年一季度正泰电器成本费用总额为520,987.96万元,其中:营业 成本为411,238.58万元,占成本总额的78.93%;销售费用为60,455.92万 元,占成本总额的11.6%;管理费用为27,489.05万元,占成本总额的 5.28%;财务费用为19,620.18万元,占成本总额的3.77%;营业税金及附 加为2,539.64万元,占成本总额的0.49%。
78.93 438,270.03
83.67 372,178.74
11.60 36,485.18
6.97 30,092.7
5.28 29,678.81
5.67 39,903.88
3.77 15,889.08
第 2 页 共 11 页
5、管理费用变化及合理性评价 2020年一季度管理费用为27,489.05万元,与2019年一季度的 29,678.81万元相比有较大幅度下降,下降7.38%。2020年一季度管理费 用占营业收入的比例为4.82%,与2019年一季度的4.95%相比变化不大。 但企业经营业务的盈利水平出现较大幅度下降,应当关注其他成本费用增 长情况。

成本构成表(占成本费用总额的比例)项目名称2020年一季度2019年一季度2018年一季度数值百分比(%) 数值百分比(%) 数值百分比(%)成本费用总额306,536.53 100.00 346,319.72 100.00 396,859.83 100.00 营业成本299,921.27 97.84 342,342.59 98.85 381,466.62 96.12 销售费用1,716.09 0.56 1,444.87 0.42 920.27 0.23 管理费用9,838.08 3.21 9,795.74 2.83 12,364.15 3.12 财务费用-5,785.95 -1.89 -8,284.07 -2.39 311.37 0.08 营业税金及附加847.04 0.28 1,037.54 0.30 1,725.76 0.432、总成本变化情况及原因分析深科技2020年一季度成本费用总额为306,536.53万元,与2019年一季度的346,319.72万元相比有较大幅度下降,下降11.49%。

地理试卷第1页(共20页)地理试卷第2页(共20页)绝密★启用前浙江省2020年1月普通高校招生选考科目考试地理一、选择题I (本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分。
每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分)1.手机点餐类APP 为用户选择餐馆、点餐提供了便利。
通过APP 查询送餐员即时位置的技术是( )A .数字地球和遥感B .数字地球和虚拟现实C .遥感和地理信息系统D .地理信息系统和卫星定位系统2.近年来,我国城市地铁交通发展迅速,与常规公交方式相比,地铁的特点有( ) ①投资少,见效快 ②废气多,噪声大 ③用地省,客运量大④速度快,准点率高 A .①②B .②③C .③④D .①④右图为土壤与其他自然地理要素的关系图。
3.下列成土因素,比较活跃的是( )A .气候和地形B .气候和生物C .母质和生物D .地形和母质 4.与陡坡相比,缓坡土壤肥力一般较高是因为( )A .自然植被茂密B .有机质积累多C .生物残体分解快D .矿物养分流失快近年来,河北、河南、山东、甘肃等北方省份生产的蔬菜大量销往江苏、浙江和上海等南方沿海省市,形成了“北菜南运”格局。
5.“北菜南运”的主要原因是( )A .南方市场需求大B .北方耕地面积增大C .北方蔬菜品种多D .南方蔬菜种植减少 6.“北菜南运”有利于北方地区农业( )①粗放经营 ②规模化经营 ③集约化生产 ④“小而全”生产 A .①②B .②③C .③④D .①④下图为我国两大资源跨区域调配工程的局部示意图。
7.工程Ⅰ、Ⅱ分别是( )A .南水北调 西气东输B .南水北调西电东送 C .西气东输 南水北调 D .西气东输西电东送8.工程Ⅰ、Ⅱ对图示地区的有利影响是( )①减轻大气污染 ②缓解能源短缺 ③减轻水土流失 ④缓解洪涝灾情 A .①②B .②③C .③④D .①④-------------在------------------此------------------卷------------------上-------------------答-------------------题-------------------无--------------------效----------------毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ _____________下图为雅鲁藏布江流域示意图。

2020年1月2020年2月2020年3月周一 周二周三周四周 五周一周二 周三 周四 周五29 41123 45 6 7初四初十初八初八初九初十十一惊蛰十三十四56789101123456 78 8 9 1011 12 13 14十一十二十三十四十五十六十七初九初十立春十二十三 十四 元宵节 妇女节 十六 十七十八 植树节 二十廿一12131415161718910111213 1415 15 16 1718192021十八十九二十廿一廿二小年廿四十六十七十八十九二十 情人节廿二消费者日 廿三廿四廿五廿六春分廿八1617181920212222232425262728廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九廿九三十三月初二初三初四初五23 24 25 26272829293031二月 龙头节 初三初四初五初六初七初六初七初八2020年4月2020年5月2020年6月周一周二 周三 周四 周五1 2 34 5 6儿童节 十一十二十三 环境日 十五5678910113 4 5 678978910111213十三十四十五十六十七十八十九十一 青年节 立夏十四十五十六十七十六十七十八十九二十廿一廿二1213141516171810 11 12 13 14151614151617181920二十廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六母亲节 十九 护士节 廿一廿二廿三廿四廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九192021 22 23 2425171819202122 23 21 22 23 24252627谷雨廿八廿九 地球日 四月 初二初三廿五廿六廿七小满廿九三十 闰四月 父亲节 五月初二 奥运日 初四 端午节 初六初七262728293024252627282930282930初四初五初六初七初八初二初三初四初五初六初七初八初八初九初十31初九2020年7月2020年8月2020年9月周一周二周三周四周 五周一周二周三周四周 五周一周二周三周四周 五12 34112 3 4 5建党节 十二 十三十四建军节十四中元节 抗战胜利 十七十八567891011234567 8 6789 10 11 12十五十六十七十八十九二十廿一十三十四十五十六十七立秋 十九 十八十九廿一廿二 教师节 廿四廿五12131415161718910111213141513141516171819廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八二十廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿六廿七廿八廿九八月初二初三192021222324251617181920212220212223242526廿九三十六月大暑初三初四初五廿七廿八廿九七月初二初三处暑初四初五秋分初七初八初九初十2627282930312324252627282927282930初六初七初八初九初十十一初五初六初七初八初九初十十一十一十二十三十四3031十二十三2020年10月2020年11月2020年12月周一周二周三周四周 五 周一周二周三周四周 五周一周二周三周四周 五12 312345 6 71234 5 6国庆节 十六十七十六十七十八十九二十廿一立冬十七十八十九二十廿一廿二4567891089101112131478910111213十八十九二十廿一廿二廿三廿四廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九大雪廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九1112131415161715 16 17 1819202114151617181920廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九三十九月寒衣节 十月初二 初三初四初五初六初七三十冬月初二初三初四初五初六181920212223242223242526272821222324252627初二初三初四初五初六霜降初八初八初九初十十一十二十三十四冬至初八初九初十圣诞十二十三25 26 272829303129 30282930311 2 3重阳节 初十 十一十二十三十四十五下元节 十六十四十五十六十七元旦 十九二十周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 30 初五31 1 2 3初九初六元旦 腊八节19 廿五 20 大寒 21 廿七 22 23 24 25廿八 廿九 除夕 春节26 27 28 29 30 31初二初三初四初五初六初七周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六1 愚人节2 初十3 十一4 清明周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六1 2 劳动节 初十。
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