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They are watching the washing machine.
• Why are they doing that?
Because their TV is broken.
• What does this cartoon imply?
It implies that TVs are important in people's daily lives.
In groups, discuss the question below.
Wwk.baidu.comat may happen after that?
Skim the story. Then complete the diagram below.
Setting: at the studio ________ The elements of the story Characters: Denise, Angela ___________
• Opening (Lines _____ 1–7 ) : Angela and Denise took part in ____________________ . a TV programme • Rising action (Lines ____ 8–14) : One of the passed out contestants _______________. –24) : Angela • Turning point (Lines 15 _____ replaced the contestant ___________________________. • Falling action (Lines 25 _____ –44) : Angela answered correctly and was all the questions _________ ___________ ahead ofthe other two contestants. –51 ) : Angela won the prize . • Ending (Lines 45 ______ ____________
Angela kept getting the questions right and won the prize.
Surprises at the studio
Read paragraphs 1 to 3 of the story and answer the questions.
What would Angela like to be, one of the contestants or someone in the audience?
_________ were sitting on the stage. The two big lights were shining down upon them. It was very hot. Suddenly, one of them felt sick and ____________.
Brainstorm the question below.
What is your favourite TV programme?
What do you know about …?
The picture below shows the filming of a TV programme. Write the words in the correct boxes.
Reading (2)
Read the story. Then in pairs, complete the chart below to talk about the main plot of the story. Beginning: Angela and Denise sat in the audience and were prepared to watch the quiz show. Middle: One of the contestants passed out and Angela was chosen to be the contestant. Ending:
What is the difference in character between Denise and Angela?
Read paragraphs 4 to 7 of the story and answer the questions.
• What might have made the woman pass out? • What did the director do after the woman fell across the desk? • Why was Angela chosen to be the contestant? • What was done to Angela after the director chose her?
英 语 全册优质课件2
Unit 5 Action!
• (Period 1&2)
Getting ready Reading (1)
Getting ready
Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.
• What are the family doing?
Before you read
Look at the picture and the title of the article on page 67. Then answer the questions below.
Read lines 1 to 12 of the story.
Fill in the blanks. Denise and Angela were at the TV ______. They were in the audience. The Travel Quiz was about to begin. The _______ was checking if everything was OK. The