



重庆三峡学院 2012 至 2013 学年度第 2 期期末考试 大学物理上 课程考核试题参考答案(A 卷)一、 选择题(本题共24分,共8小题,每小题各3分)1.A 2.C 3. B 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.B二、 填空题(本题共 16分,共10小题,每空各1分)1.)(12N j 2.2s 3.2/80s m ;2/2s m 4.l g 23;lg 3 5.0k k x x - 6. 频率相同,振动方向相同,相位恒定 7. 0.05m 8. 23λ,n 23λ 9. 6π± 10. 波动,横波三.(12分)解:重力做功A=()2221aL g Fdl la -=⎰λ 根据动能定理:A=2221021Lv mv λ=- 得 )(22a L Lg v -= 四.(12分)解: 分别以1m ,2m 滑轮为研究对象,受力图如图(b)所示.对1m ,2m 运用牛顿定律,有a m T g m 222=- ①a m T 11= ②对滑轮运用转动定律,有β)21(212Mr r T r T =- ③ 又, βr a = ④联立以上4个方程,得2212s m 6.721520058.92002-⋅=++⨯=++=Mm m g m a五.(12分)解: (1)由题5-12图可知,1.0=A m ,4=λm ,又,0=t 时,0,000<=v y ,∴20πφ=,而25.01==∆∆=t x u 1s m -⋅,5.042===λυu Hz ,∴ππυω==2 故波动方程为]2)2(cos[1.0ππ+-=x t y m (2)将1=P x m 代入上式,即得P 点振动方程为t t y ππππcos 1.0)]22cos[(1.0=+-= m六. (12分)解: (1)由图知,d L =θsin ,即d L =θ故 43100.41012.0048.0-⨯=⨯==L d θ(弧度) (2)相邻两明条纹空气膜厚度差为7104.32-⨯==∆λe m(3)相邻两暗纹间距641010850100.421068002---⨯=⨯⨯⨯==θλl m 85.0= mm (4)141≈=∆lL N 条 七.(12分)解:由马吕斯定律ο20160cos 2I I =80I = 32930cos 30cos 20ο2ο20I I I == ∴25.2491==I I。


1. 物体的速度作为时间的函数显示在下图中,则在 A-E 图中,哪个最好地显示了物体受到的合力和 时间的关系:
2. 若产生如图所示的自感电动势方向,则通过线圈的电流是:
(A) 恒定向右
(B) 恒定向左
(C) 增大向左
(D) 增大向右

5.(本小题 2 分)一个带电为 Q 的空腔导体,其内部无其他带电体,则电荷将分布于空腔导体的 ___________________(选填:内表面;外表面;导体体内;内表面和外表面)。
6.(本小题 2 分)在均匀磁场中放置一半径为 R 的半圆形导线,电流强度为 I,导线两端连线与磁感
B t



二、判断题(每小题 2 分,共 16 分。请将表示正确的符号:T,表示错误的符号:F,填入相应 题号后的括号内。填入其它符号和其它位置处答案不得分)
1.( 2.(
3.( 4.( 5.( 6.(
7.( 8.(
)一对大小相同、方向相反的作用力,所做的功也一定相消为零。 )花样滑冰运动员以一只脚为轴旋转,当她两臂收拢时, 则绕轴转动角动量减小,转动角速度
为 l 、截面积为 S,质量为 m 的棒,且这根棒安放在运动方向上,则乙测得此棒的密度为

2.(本小题 2 分)有一边长为 a 的正方形平面,在其中垂线上距中心 O 点 1 a 处, 2



河南理工大学2012~2013学年第 1 学期各位监考老师和考生请注意:1.本试卷的选择题答案涂在答题卡上;答题卡上的准考证号为学号的后9位,试卷类型涂A 。



1.在匀强磁场B中,取一半径为R的圆,圆面的法线n与B成60°角,如图所示,则通过以该圆周为边线的如图所示的任意曲面S的磁通量==⎰⎰⋅SmSBdΦ_______________________.2.在真空中,将一根无限长载流导线在一平面内弯成如图所示的形状,并通以电流I,则圆心O点的磁感强度B的值为_________________.3.图示一平面简谐波在t = 2 s时刻的波形图,波的振幅为0.2 m,周期为4 s,则图中P点处质点的振动方程为___________________________.4.两相干波源S1和S2的振动方程分别是)cos(1φω+=tAy和)cos(2φω+=tAy.S1距P点3个波长,S2距P点4.5个波长.设波传播过程中振幅不变,则两波同时传到P点时的合振幅是________________.5.在双缝干涉实验中,双缝间距为d,双缝到屏的距离为D (D>>d),测得中央零级明纹与第五级明之间的距离为x,则入射光的波长为_________________.6.一束自然光垂直穿过两个偏振片,两个偏振片的偏振化方向成45°角.已知通过此两偏振片后的光强为I,则入射至第二个偏振片的线偏振光强度为________________.10分)(磁导率μ0),半径为R,通有均匀分布的S (长为1 m,宽为2 R),位置如右图中画斜2.(本题7分)如图所示为一平面简谐波在t = 0 时刻的波形图,设此简谐波的频率为250 Hz,且此时质点P的运动方向向下,求(1) 该波的表达式;(2) 在x=100 m处质点的振动方程3.(本题5分)曲率半径为R的平凸透镜和平板玻璃之间形成空气薄层,如图所示.波长为λ的平行单色光垂直入射,观察反射光形成的牛顿环.设平凸透镜与平板玻璃在中心O点恰好接触.求:(1) 从中心向外数第k个明环所对应的空气薄膜的厚度e k.(2) 第k个明环的半径r k。



四川师范大学 13级 工程造价 专业 ( 本科层次半脱产)2012—2013学年度第一学期期末考试 《大学物理》课程试卷(A) 参考答案及评分标准 1、 选择题 1-5:BACDB 6-10:DBCCC 11-15:ABDBC 2、 判断题 1、√ 2、× 3、× 4、√ 5、× 3、 填空题 1、地球的重力(引力) 2、惯性 小 3、 4 4、224x y += 5、 200 4、 计算题 1、 解:(1)21(35)(34)2r t i t t j =+++- ……………………………………4分 (2)21[(35)(34)]2dr d t i t t j dt dt υ==+++- …………………………………5分 3(3)i t j =++ ……………………………………………………………6分 当1t =s 时,有(34)i j υ=+ 米/秒…………………………………………7分5υ== 4arctan 3θ=……………………………………………8分 (3)[3(3)]d d a i t j j dt dt υ==++= …………………………………10分 1a = 方向沿y 轴的方向………………………………………………12分 2、 解:由题意可得020υ=米/秒,物品作平抛运动, 则有201(1)2(2)H gt S t υ⎧=⎪⎨⎪=⎩ ………………………………………………8分由(1)得t=10.1s 代入(2)可得S=202米………………………………11分 则在202米处投放物品………………………………………………………12分3、 解:(1)2624/d t rad s dt θω===……………………………………………3分21224/d t r a d s dt ωβ===…………………………………………6分 (2) 4.8/R m s υω==……………………………………………………8分 22115.2/n a R m s ω==……………………………………………10分24.8/t a R m s β==……………………………………………12分5、 简答题答:可以平衡(2分)。



力学部分一、选择题1.某质点作直线运动的运动学方程为x =3t -5t 3 + 6 (SI),则该质点作 DA.匀加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴正方向.B.匀加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴负方向.C.变加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴正方向.D.变加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴负方向.2.某一滑雪装置,其在水平面上的运动学方程为x =3t 2-5(SI),则该质点作(a=6) AA.匀加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴正方向.B.匀加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴负方向.C.匀速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴正方向.D.匀速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴负方向.3.一质点沿x 轴作直线运动,其v -t 曲线如图所示,如t =0时,质点位于坐标原点,则t =4.5 s 时,质点在x 轴上的位置为 B A.5m . B.2m .C.0.D.-2 m . 4.一质点在平面上由静止开始运动,已知质点位置矢量的表示式为 j bt i at r22+=(其中a 、b 为常量), 则该质点作 BA.匀速直线运动.B. 变速直线运动.C. 抛物线运动.D.一般曲线运动.5.一质点在x 轴上运动,其坐标与时间的变化关系为x =4t-2t 2,式中x 、t 分别以m 、s 为单位,则4秒末质点的速度和加速度为 ( B )A.12m/s 、4m/s 2;B.-12 m/s 、-4 m/s 2 ;C.20 m/s 、4 m/s 2 ;D.-20 m/s 、-4 m/s 2;6.一质点在y 轴上运动,其坐标与时间的变化关系为x =4t 2-2t ,式中x 、t 分别以m 、s 为单位,则2秒末质点的速度和加速度为 ( B )A.14m/s 、-8m/s 2;B.-14 m/s 、-4 m/s 2 ;C.14 m/s 、8m/s 2 ;D.-14 m/s 、-8 m/s 2;7.下列哪一种说法是正确的 CA.运动物体加速度越大,速度越快B.作直线运动的物体,加速度越来越小,速度也越来越小 −12OC.切向加速度为正值时,质点运动加快D.法向加速度越大,质点运动的法向速度变化越快8.下列哪一个实例中物体和地球构成的系统的机械能不守恒? CA.物体作圆锥摆运动.B.抛出的铁饼作斜抛运动(不计空气阻力).C.物体在拉力作用下沿光滑斜面匀速上升.D.物体在光滑斜面上自由滑下. 9.用水平压力F 把一个物体压着靠在粗糙的竖直墙面上保持静止.当F 逐渐增大时,物体所受的静摩擦力f BA.恒为零.B.不为零,但保持不变.C.随F 成正比地增大.D.开始随F 增大,达到某一最大值后,就保持不变10.谐振动过程中,动能和势能相等的位置的位移等于 D A.4A ± B. 2A ± C. 23A ± D. 22A ± 11.质量为20 g 的子弹沿X 轴正向以 500 m/s 的速率射入一木块后,与木块一起仍沿X 轴正向以50 m/s 的速率前进,在此过程中木块所受冲量的大小为 AA.9 N·s . B .-9 N·s .C.10 N·s .D.-10 N·s .12.一质点作匀速率圆周运动时 CA.它的动量不变,对圆心的角动量也不变。



2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试新课标1理科综合物理部分(物理部分)第I 卷二、选择题。





早期物理学家关于惯性有下列说法,其中正确的是A.物体抵抗运动状态变化的性质是惯性B.没有力作用,物体只能处于静止状态C.行星在圆周轨道上保持匀速率运动的性质是惯性D.运动物体如果没有受到力的作用,将继续以同一速度沿同一直线运动答案:AD15.如图,x 轴在水平地面内,y 轴沿竖直方向。

图中画出了从y 轴上沿x 轴正向抛出的三个小球a 、b 和c 的运动轨迹,其中b 和c 是从同一点抛出的,不计空气阻力,则A.a 的飞行时间比b 的长B.b 和c 的飞行时间相同C.a 的水平速度比b 的小D.b 的初速度比c 的大答案:BD 16.如图,一小球放置在木板与竖直墙面之间。

设墙面对球的压力大小为N 1,球对木板的压力大小为N 2。


不计摩擦,在此过程中A.N 1始终减小,N 2始终增大B.N 1始终减小,N 2始终减小C.N 1先增大后减小,N 2始终减小D.N 1先增大后减小,N 2先减小后增大答案:B17.自耦变压器铁芯上只绕有一个线圈,原、副线圈都只取该线圈的某部分,一升压式自耦调压变压器的电路如图所示,其副线圈匝数可调。

已知变压器线圈总匝数为1900匝;原线圈为1100匝,接在有效值为220V 的交流电源上。

当变压器输出电压调至最大时,负载R 上的功率为2.0 kW 。

设此时原线圈中电流有效值为I 1,负载两端电压的有效值为U 2,且变压器是理想的,则U 2和I 1分别约为A.380V 和5.3AB.380V 和9.1AC.240V 和5.3AD.240V 和9.1A答案:B18.如图,平行板电容器的两个极板与水平地面成一角度,两极板与一直流电源相连。



华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A 卷)2012-2013学年第1学期 考试科目: 大学物理AII 考试类型:(闭卷)考试 考试时间: 120 分钟 学号 姓名 年级专业参考数据....:电子质量kg m e 311011.9-⨯=;电子电量C e 19106.1-⨯=。

一、填空题(本大题共10小题,共10空,每空2分,共20分)1、平行板电容器两极板间的距离为d ,两极板的面积均为S ,极板间为真空,则该平行板电容器的电容=C dS0ε。

2、如图1所示一个假想的球面,其中心有一运动电荷,速度方向如图所示,则图中所标注的球面上的三个点,哪个点具有最大的磁感应强度 B点3、在静电场中,导体达到静电平衡的条件是 导体内部场强处处为零,即E =0 。

4、以速度v相对于地球作匀速直线运动的恒星所发射的光子,其相对于地球的速度大小为___ _____C __。

5、对于频率为ν的光子,其能量=E h ν 。

6、自然光从空气(n=1)入射到某介质表面上,当入射角为600时,反射光成为线偏振光,则此介质的折射率为7、电荷为q +,质量为m 的带电粒子,以初速率0v 进入磁感强度为B的均匀磁场中,且0v与B 垂直,若略去重力作用,则带电粒子的回旋半径=R qBmv 0。

8、真空中磁场高斯定理的数学表达式为 0=∙⎰S d B S。

图19、人眼的瞳孔直径约为3.0mm ,对视觉较为敏感的光波波长为550nm ,若在教室黑板上写一等号,其两横线相距6.71mm ,则人距离黑板 30 m 恰好能分辨这两条横线。

10、匀强电场的电场强度E与半径为R 的半球面对称轴平行,则通过此半球面的电通量=φ E R 2π 。







0 ________________。
8、图 4 是

9、 它在静止时的寿命为 2.5 10 s 。 介子是不稳定的粒子,
当 介子以速率 0.8c 相对实验室运动时, 在实验室测得它在 衰变前飞行的距离为 m(c 为真空中的光速)。
3、设谐振子的振幅为 A ,周期为 T ,下列说法正确的是( (A)谐振子从平衡位置运动到最远点所需的最短时间为 T 8 ;
(B)谐振子从平衡位置运动到最远点的一半距离所需最短时间为 T 8 ; (C)谐振子从平衡位置出发经历 T 12 ,运动的位移大小为 A 3 ; (D)谐振子从平衡位置运动到最远点所需的最短时间为 T 4 。
9、 10 ;
2 2 2 10、 。 or or 2 4
(2) 0, 1, 3 条(2 分) ;

(3 分) ;
(4)主要区别:主极大的强度、主极大明纹的宽度、相邻两主极大之间的光强分布不 同。 (3 分) 四、 (10 分)选择以下两种方法求解即可: (1)利用薛定谔方程
) (c 表
c ; k 1
1 k2 c; k

c ; k 1
k2 1 c。 k
(A)准静态过程和可逆过程都是物理学中的理想过程; (B)气体向真空中绝热自由膨胀的过程可近似看成是准静态过程; (C)在孤立系统中所发生的自然过程总是沿着熵增大的方向进行; (D)孤立系统进行可逆过程时熵不变。
n1 n2 n3
λ e
3、 处于基态的氢原子吸收了 13.056 eV 的能量后跃迁到某一激发态能级, 当它从激发态向下 跃迁时,可能辐射出_______条巴耳末系的谱线。 4、用波长为 的单色光垂直照射到空气劈尖上,从反射光中观察干涉条纹,距棱边 L 处为 暗条纹。现连续增大劈尖角 ,直到该点处再次出现暗条纹为止,由此可知劈尖角的改变量

2012-2013基础英语A卷 答案

2012-2013基础英语A卷 答案

华北水利水电学院2012 -2013 学年第一学期考试试卷标准答案学院《基础英语》课程试题(□A卷□B卷) ) 共页第页pletion1 attaches great importance to2. survived3 have much in common4 judging by5 get to his feet6 ranging in price7. made a name for himself8. worth9. its effects will be felt10. be well on the way2. Cloze.11-15 D A C C A16-20 D B D B B21-25 C A A C B26-30 C A D B D3. Reading Comprehension.31-35 A B C B D36-40 A C B D A41-45 B D D C B4. Rewriting the sentences1) Being very short of money, I applied for the job.2) It so happened that both of them had been absent from England a year exactly.3) It is such a good play that it is worth seeing twice.4) Not until in the evening did I get in the car.5) It is expected that the price of fuel will go down.6)Threat Jenny as if she was/were one of your sister.7) This class consisted of twenty-four boys, ranging in age from seven to thirteen.8) Most people hold the belief that Shakespeare himself wrote all his plays.9) I was likely to arrest the driver’s attention.10) Suppose you fall ill on the way, a dose of this medicine will put you right.5. Paraphrase1. The fact that I would have to work under a woman in future made me feel totally humiliated.2. As far as the British are concerned, the Chunnel has changed the geographical pattern which long separated Britain from Continental Europe.3. We are so uncertain about his activates that we might as well say that he was born when the Romans occupied Britain a long time ago.4. Theoretically it is possible, now that atomic energy has been used to drive submarines andan atomic engine has been made.5. usually/more often than not, town gardens are small; the same is the case with the Long’s garden,6. Translation1. They all think that he stands little chance to success.2. No one who has heard about her misfortune will not feel deep sympathy for her.3. We would rather die than live in disgrace.4. Nothing you do can prevent me from pursuing my ideal.5. The helicopters will be used to send the rescue party to the scene of disaster in case of an emergency.6. She is a well-liked physics teacher with a lot of teaching experience.7. Our different views of life made no difference at all to our friendship.8. Most of the representatives at the meeting firmly opposed the plan of constructing an amusement park in the urban area of the city.9. As is known to all, the Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which deserves our careful protection.10. According to the new rule, a football team may consist of 24 players. In other words, 24 football players may make up a football team.。

2012-2013学年第一学期 大学物理2 期末考试

2012-2013学年第一学期 大学物理2 期末考试

上海第二工业大学 (试卷编号: A0609A )2012-2013学年第一学期 大学物理2 期末考试 试卷姓名: 学号: 班级: 成绩:(本试卷共5页,请先查看试卷有无缺页,然后答题,请将答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上的无效。

考试时间90分钟;总分100分)一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.以下矢量场中,属于保守场的是( )。

A .静电场B .稳恒磁场C .涡旋电场D .变化磁场2. 已知均匀带电长直线附近的电场强度公式为:re r E02πελ=,λ为电荷线密度。

设距导线垂直距离为B r 处为电势能零点,则在距导线垂直距离r 处一点电势为( )。

A .r r r B ln 40επλ B .rr r B ln 20επλ C .B r r ln 40επλ D .r r ln 20επλ3.如图所示,AB 和CD 为同心的两段圆弧,它们所对的圆心角都是θ。


设AB 和CD 在O 点产生的电势分别为1U 和2U ,则以下成立的是( )。

A . 1U =2UB .1U >2UC .1U <2UD .都有可能4.在Oxy 面上倒扣着半径为R 的半球面,半球面的球心O 位于坐标原点,且电荷均匀分布,电荷密度为σ,A 点的坐标为()20R ,,B 点的坐标为()023,R ,则电势差AB U 为( )。

A .06εσR B .02εσR C .0εσR D .023εσRABCDOθB rrλ5. 用图示分别表示三种球对称电场:(1)半径为R 的均匀带电球面;(2)半径为R 的均匀带电球体;(3)半径为R 电荷体密度为ρ =A/r (A 为常数)的非均匀带电球体,r E -关系曲线顺序正确的是( )。

A.a 、b 、cB. c 、a 、bC. c 、b 、aD. b 、c 、aa b c6.如图所示,均匀磁场B中,作一半径为R 的半球面S ,已知S 边线所在的平面法线方向与磁感应强度方向的夹角为α,则通过半球面S 的磁通量为( )。



一、Choice (4pts*5)1. Free expansion . A adiabaticcontainer has two parts connected bya valve (阀门). The volume of thetwo parts is the same ( Fig.1 ). Theleft part is filled with ideal gas (diatomic molecule 双原子分子)with temperature T . When the valve is opened, the gas will expand freely to fill both parts. After the system reach thermal equilibrium, the temperature of the gas is () (a) T (b) 2/T (c) 3/22/T (d) T 22 A red star and a blue star, which has higher surface temperature?(a) The red star (b) The blue star(c) They have the same surface temperature (d) Unable to determine3. A particle’s location is measured and specified as being exactly at x = 0, with zero uncertainty in the x direction. How does that location affect the uncertainty of its momentun component in the y direction?(a) It does not affect it. (b) It makes it infinite. (c) It makes it zero.4. Unpolarized light passes through two polarizers whose optical axes are in the same direction. The intensity of the emerging light is I 0. If a third polarizer is placed between the polarizers so that its axis is at an angle θ with the other two, the intensity of the emerging light is(a) zero (b) I 0 (c) I 0 cos 2θ (d) I 0 cos 4θ5. The following functions may represent the wave motion f (x ,t ) in a one-dimensional elastic medium in terms of position x , time t , and positiveconstants A , a , and b . Which function represents a traveling wave moving in the negative x-direction?(a) ()()bt ax At x f +=sin , (b) ()()bt ax A t x f -=sin ,(c) ()bt ax A t x f cos cos ,= (d) ()bt ax A t x f sin sin ,=Fig.1二、Blanks (20pts)6. (8 pts) A 500 g mass is undergoing simple harmonic oscillation that is described by the following equation for its position x (t ) from equilibrium:()⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+=rad 0.6rad/s 0.6cos )m 50.0()(ππt t x The amplitude A of the oscillation is m. The frequency of the oscillation is Hz. The period T of the oscillation is s. The phase of oscillator at t = 0 s is rad. The maximum speed of the oscillator is m/s .7. (3pts) When Newton ring apparatus is immersed in a liquid, the diameter of the eighth dark ring decreases form 2.92cm to 2.60cm, the refractive index of the liquid is .8. (3pts) In single slit diffraction experiment, 680nm light falls on a slit 0.0345mm wide. The angular width of the center diffraction peak is .9. (3pts) The angular separation of the two components of a double star is 8×10-3 rad and the light from the double stat har a wavelength of 550 nm. According to the Rayleigh criterion, the smallest diameter of a telescope mirror that will resolve the double star is ______ m.10. (3pts) The De Broglie wavelength of a electron moving at 5.9×106m/s is .三、Questions (10pts)11. (5pts) The oceans contains a tremendous amount of thermal energy. Why, in general, it is not possible to put it into useful work.12. (5pts) what are the two postulates of Einstein ’s Special Theory of Relativity?四、Problems (50pts)13. (10pts) For 1 mole O 2 at room temperature (20℃),(1) what is the average transitional kinetic energy of the molecules?(2) what is the rms speed of the molecules?(3) what is the internal energy of the gas?14. (10pts) The PV diagram of the cycle in Carnot ’s engine is shown in Fig 2. The Carnot cycle has 4 processes:1 2: Isothermal expansion with addition of heat |Q H |;2→3: Adiabatic expansion;3→4: Isothermal compression with heat |Q L | flowing out;4→1: Adiabatic compression.(1) Calculate |Q H | and |Q L |. (Suppose the gas is n mole) (2) Show that the efficiency of Carnot engine is H LT T -=1ηFig.215 (17pts) In the double - slit interference experiment (Fig. 3a), 550 nm light falls on the double-slit with two very narrow slit 0.10 mm apart. A viewing screen is 1.0 m far from the double-slit.(1) What is the separation between the 2nd-order bright fringe and the 3rd-order bright fringe?(2) A thin flake of mica (云母, n =1.58) is used to cover one slit of a double – slit (Fig. 3b). The central point on the viewing screen is now occupied by what had been the seventh bright slid fringe (m =7) before the mica was used. What is the thickness L of the mica?(3) Is the separation between adjacent bright fringes changed?16 (13 pts) A 1 kg mass oscillates on the end of a spring whose spring constant is k =2500N/m. If this system is in a spaceship moving pass the Earth with a speed of 0.8c, what ’s the period of the system seen by (1) the observers on the spaceship; (2) the observers on the Earth L 0.11mm 1.0m Fig. 3b 0.11mm1.0mFig. 3az。



1第1次课(上) 坐标系 质点 位置矢量 位移 速度 加速度1、一物体连续完成两次大小相同的位移,第一次速度大小1-1⋅20=s m v ,与x 轴正方向成060角;第二次速度大小1-2⋅40=s m v ,与x 轴正方向成0120角,求该物体平均速度大小。

2、一物体悬挂在弹簧上作竖直振动,其加速度为ky a -=,式中k 为常量,y 是以平衡位置为原点所测得的坐标,假定振动的物体在坐标0y 处的速度为0v ,求速度v 与坐标y 的函数关系式。

解:a ky =- dv dv dy dv a v ky dt dy dt dy====- vdv kydy =-oovyv y vdv kydy =-⎰⎰()()22221122o o v v k y y -=-- ()2222o o v v k y y -=- ()2222o o v v k y y =+- ∴()222oo v v k y y =+-23、某作直线运动的质点的运动规律为t kv dtdv2-=,式中k 为常数,当0=t 时,初速度为0v ,求该质点在任意时刻t 的速度。

4、如图,某人用绳拉一高台上的小车在地面上以匀速v 奔跑,设绳端与小车的高度差为h ,求小车的速度及加速度。

解:建止标如图绳长l小车位置x ' 人位置x22x x h l '-+= 绳长不变220dx dtdt x h '-+=+2222dx v dt dt x hx h'==='++车 沿x 轴正向()222222223/22222dv v x h v x x h h a v x h x h ++===++车车dt 沿x 轴正向3第2次课(上) 自然坐标系 切向、法向加速度 圆周运动的角量描述1、一质点在y x -平面内运动,运动方程为:t y t x 4sin 3,4cos 3==,求t 时刻质点的速度及切向加速度。

2、质点沿半径m R 1.0=的圆周运动,其角坐标与时间的关系为342t +=θ(SI ),求当切向加速度的大小为总加速度的一半时质点的角位置θ43、半径m R 2=的飞轮作加速转动时,轮边缘上一点的运动方程为S=31.0t (SI ),求当此点的速率s m v /30=时的切向加速度与法向加速度的大小。




1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.C12.C非选择题物理部分29~37题:每空1分,共20分。

29.黄 30.60 A 31.座椅【公交车或其上固定物体】32.9.2×108 33.取相等的路程,比较时间 34.410 97.6%35.导体运动【导体切割磁感线运动】 导体没有做切割磁感线运动【导体运动方向与磁感线方向平行】36.均匀受热 温度变化【温度】 状态变化【状态或物质熔化过程】37.(1)机械能【势能】 内能【热能、光能】 (2)密度 比热容【热值、沸点、磁性、导电性、放射性】 (3)30吨【3×104kg 】 5.4×104 3.75×10338.(1分)无法看出电阻的变化【需串联一只电流表、需串联一盏灯炮、无法看出电流的变化】39.(3分)(1)4.40【4.4】 (2)(2)题评分说明:①满分2分;②在滑块上作图且拉力和摩擦力相等得2分(摩擦力作用点取在摩擦面上视为正确);③在滑块上作图但拉力和摩擦力不相等得1分(只画其中一个力不给分);④在滑块上作图正确,但又在其它物体上作图,不给分;⑤重力和支持力不作评分点。

40.(3分)(1)S 1 (2)闭合S 1、S 2,测出干路中的电流I 【再闭合S 2, 测出干路中的电流I 】 (3)I 0R 0/(I-I 0)41.(1)评分说明:①满分2分;②指出“图中所示液柱F=G ”得2分;③引用步骤1“液体中有一段竖直放置的液柱”说明F=G ,得2分;④只是指出F=G ,得1分。


42.(1)评分说明:①满分2分;②指出“小翔经过水平楼道时未对储物箱做功”得2分;③写出正确的解答过程得2分;④只给出了最后结果(1600J )但没有计算过程得1分。



2012—2013学年第一学期期末试题2012—2013学年第一学期《大学物理(2-2)》期末试卷一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共计30分)1、根据高斯定理的数学表达式⎰∑⋅=S q S E 0/d ε 可知下述各种说法中,正确的是(A) 闭合面内的电荷代数和为零时,闭合面上各点场强一定为零.(B) 闭合面内的电荷代数和不为零时,闭合面上各点场强一定处处不为零.(C) 闭合面内的电荷代数和为零时,闭合面上各点场强不一定处处为零.(D) 闭合面上各点场强均为零时,闭合面内一定处处无电荷. [ C ]2、两个完全相同的电容器C 1和C 2,串联后与电源连接.现将一各向同性均匀电介质板插入C 1中,如图所示,则(A) 电容器组总电容减小. C 1C 2(B) C 1上的电荷大于C 2上的电荷.(C) C 1上的电压高于C 2上的电压 .(D) 电容器组贮存的总能量增大.[ D ]3、如图,在一圆形电流I 所在的平面内,选取一个同心圆形闭合回路L ,则由安培环路定理可知(A) 0d =⎰⋅L l B ,且环路上任意一点B = 0.(B) 0d =⎰⋅L l B ,且环路上任意一点B ≠0.(C) 0d ≠⎰⋅Ll B ,且环路上任意一点B ≠0.(D) 0d ≠⎰⋅L l B ,且环路上任意一点B =常量. [ B ]4、如图所示,电流从a 点分两路通过对称的圆环形分路,汇合于b 点.若ca 、bd 都沿环的径向,则在环形分路的环心处的磁感强度(A) 方向垂直环形分路所在平面且指向纸内.(B) 方向垂直环形分路所在平面且指向纸7、两个通有电流的平面圆线圈相距不远,如果要使其互感系数近似为零,则应调整线圈的取向使(A) 两线圈平面都平行于两圆心连线.(B) 两线圈平面都垂直于两圆心连线.(C) 一个线圈平面平行于两圆心连线,另一个线圈平面垂直于两圆心连线.(D) 两线圈中电流方向相反.[ C ]8、对位移电流,有下述四种说法,请指出哪一种说法正确.(A) 位移电流是由变化的电场产生的.(B) 位移电流是由线性变化磁场产生的.(C) 位移电流的热效应服从焦耳─楞次定律.(D) 位移电流的磁效应不服从安培环路定理.[ A ]9、如果(1)锗用锑(五价元素)掺杂,(2)硅用铝(三价元素)掺杂,则分别获得的半导体属于下述类型(A) (1),(2)均为n型半导体.(B) (1)为n型半导体,(2)为p型半导体.(C) (1)为p型半导体,(2)为n型半导体.(D) (1),(2)均为p型半导体.[ B ]10、在激光器中利用光学谐振腔(A) 可提高激光束的方向性,而不能提高激光束的单色性.(B) 可提高激光束的单色性,而不能提高激光束的方向性.(C) 可同时提高激光束的方向性和单色性.(D) 既不能提高激光束的方向性也不能提高其单色性.[ C ]二、简单计算与问答题(共6小题,每小题5分,共计30分)1、(本题5分)图示为一半径为a 、不带电的导体球,球外有一内半径为b 、外半径为c 的同心导体球壳,球壳带正电荷+Q .今将内球与地连接,设无限远处为电势零点,大地电势为零,球壳离地很远,试求导体球上的感生电荷. 解:内球接地时,其上将出现负的感生电荷,设为-q .而球壳内表面将出现正的感生电荷+q ,这可用高斯定理证明.球壳外表面的电荷成为Q-q (电荷守恒定律).这些电荷在球心处产生的电势应等于零,即0000444q q Q q a b c πππ 3分 1111q Q a b c c 解出 abq Q ab bc ac 2分2、(本题5分)边长为b 的立方盒子的六个面,分别平行于xOy 、yOz 和xOz 平面.盒子的一角在坐标原点处.在此区域有一静电场,场强为j i E 300200+= .试求穿过各面的电通量.解:由题意知E x =200 N/C , E y =300 N/C ,E z =0 平行于xOy 平面的两个面的电场强度通量01=±==⋅S E S Ez e Φ 1分 平行于yOz 平面的两个面的电场强度通量2002±=±==⋅S E S E x e Φ b 2N ·m 2/C 2分“+”,“-”分别对应于右侧和左侧平面的电场强度通量平行于xOz 平面的两个面的电场强度通量3003±=±==⋅S E S E y e Φ b 2 N ·m 2/C2分“+”,“-”分别对应于上和下平面的电场强度通量.3、(本题5分)如图,均匀磁场B 中放一均匀带正电荷的圆环,其线电荷密度为λ,圆环可绕通过环心O 与环面垂直的转轴旋转.当圆环以角速度ω转动时,试求圆环受到的磁力矩.解:带电圆环旋转等效成的圆形电流强度为:x z2π2πq R I R T λλωω===1分圆形电流的磁矩为:23ππp I S R R R m λωλω=== 方向垂直于纸面向外 2分磁力矩为:3M P B R B m λω=⨯=π 方向在图面中竖直向上 2分4、(本题5分)均匀磁场B 被限制在半径R =10 cm 的无限长圆柱空间内,方向垂直纸面向里.取一固定的等腰梯形回路abcd ,梯形所在平面的法向与圆柱空间的轴平行,位置如图所示.设磁感强度以d B /d t =1 T/s 匀速率增加,已知π=31θ,cm 6==Ob Oa ,求等腰梯形回路中感生电动势的大小和方向.解:大小:=⎪d Φ /d t ⎪= S d B / d t 1分= S d B / d t =t B Oa R d /d )sin 2121(22θθ⋅- 2分R B b θ ×× c d a O=3.68mV 1分方向:沿adcb 绕向. 1分5、(本题5分)(1) 试述德国物理学家海森伯提出的不确定关系.(2) 粒子(a)、(b)的波函数分别如图所示,试用不确定关系解释哪一粒子动量的不确定量较大.答:(1)不确定关系是指微观粒子的位置坐标和动量不能同时准确确定,两者不确定量之间的关系满足:x p x∆∆≥2h π。

2012-2013学年第一学期 期末考试 大学物理2 标答

2012-2013学年第一学期 期末考试 大学物理2 标答

0 Iv a l 2m v ln( ) ; 5、 cos ; 2 a Bq
0I 0r 2
cost ;
三、计算题:每小题 10 分(共 40 分) 1.解: 由: B0 B1 B2 (1)
0 I I 0 (2 ) 4R 4R

l 4
1 Bxdx Bx 2 2
3l 4 l 4

方向从 a b , b 点电势高。
无限长直电流磁场: B
0 I 2x
(2) (2)
由安培力公式: Fm Id l B
IHale Waihona Puke RIdF y
或 Fm IdlB sin
o x
(2) (2)
方向沿 x 轴正方向(水平向右) 。
B dl 0 I内
4.解: (1)由磁场安培环路定理: 得:
(2) (2)
2π r
( R1 r R2 )
(2)磁通量: m B dS
d BdS Bl dr
(2) (1) (2)
0 I I (cos cos 2 sin 0 tg 2 2 2 2 2 2R 2 4R cos 4R cos 2 2
0 I
方向 所以 B0 B1 B2 方向 2.解:
2π r



2012-20131 大学物理A2(II 卷)数 理 学 院 全校56学时各专业 考试时间:2013-2 (答案写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上无效)一、 选择题(每题3分,共36分)1. 在磁感强度为B的均匀磁场中作一半径为r 的半球面S ,S 边线所在平面的法线方向单位矢量n 与B的夹角为α ,则通过半球面S 的磁通量(取弯面向外为正)为(A) πr 2B . . (B) 2 πr 2B . (C) -πr 2B sin α. (D) -πr 2B cos α.2. A 、B 两个电子都垂直于磁场方向射入一均匀磁场而作圆周运动.A 电子的速率是B 电子速率的两倍.设R A ,R B 分别为A 电子与B 电子的轨道半径;T A ,T B 分别为它们各自的周期.则(A) R A ∶R B =2,T A ∶T B =2. (B) R A ∶R B 21=,T A ∶T B =1. (C) R A ∶R B =1,T A ∶T B 21=. (D) R A ∶R B =2,T A ∶T B =1.3. 如图,流出纸面的电流为2I ,流进纸面的电流为I ,则下述各式中哪一个是正确的? (A) I l H L 2d 1=⎰⋅. (B)I l H L =⎰⋅2d(C)I l H L -=⎰⋅3d . (D)I l H L -=⎰⋅4d .4. 真空中一根无限长直细导线上通电流I ,则距导线垂直距离为a 的空间某点处的磁能密度为(A) 200)2(21aI πμμ (B)200)2(21a I μμ (C) 20)2(21Ia μπ (D) 200)2(21a I πμμn BαSL 2L 1L 3L 42II课程考试试题学期 学年 拟题人: 校对人: 拟题学院(系): 适 用 专 业:5. 两个同周期简谐振动曲线如图所示.x 1的相位比x 2的相位(A) 落后π/2. (B) 超前π/2. (C) 落后π . (D) 超前π.6. 如图所示,一质量为m 的滑块,两边分别与劲度系数为k 1和k 2的轻弹簧联接,两弹簧的另外两端分别固定在墙上.滑块m 可在光滑的水平面上滑动,0点为系统平衡位置.将滑块m 向右移动到x 0,自静止释放,并从释放时开始计时.取坐标如图所示,则其振动方程为:(A)]cos[210t mk k x x += (B) ])(cos[21210t k k m k k x x +=(C) ]cos[210π++=t mk k x x (D) ])(cos[21210π++=t k k m k k x x7. 如图,一平面简谐波以波速u 沿x 轴正方向传播,O 为坐标原点.已知P 点的振动方程为 t A y ωcos =,则(A) O 点的振动方程为 )/(cos u l t A y -=ω. (B) 波的表达式为 )]/()/([cos u l u l t A y --=ω.(C) 波的表达式为 )]/()/([cos u x u l t A y -+=ω. (D) C 点的振动方程为 )/3(cos u l t A y -=ω.8. 沿着相反方向传播的两列相干波,其表达式为)/(2cos 1λνx t A y -π= 和 )/(2cos 2λνx t A y +π=.在叠加后形成的驻波中,各处简谐振动的振幅是 (A) A . (B) 2A .(C) )/2cos(2λx A π. (D) |)/2cos(2|λx A π.9. 如图所示,平板玻璃和凸透镜构成牛顿环装置,全部浸入n =1.60的液体中,凸透镜可沿O O '移动,用波长λ=500 nm (1nm=10-9m )的单色光垂直入射.从上向下观察,看到中心是一个暗斑,此时凸透镜顶点距平板玻璃的距离最少是(A ) 156.3 nm (B ) 148.8 nm(C ) 78.1 nm (D ) 74.4 nm .xO u 2l l yC P10. 一束自然光自空气射向一块平板玻璃(如图),设入射角等于布儒斯特角i 0,则在界面2的反射光 (A) 是自然光.(B) 是线偏振光且光矢量的振动方向垂直于入射面.(C) 是线偏振光且光矢量的振动方向平行于入射面. (D) 是部分偏振光.11. 在某地发生两件事,静止位于该地的甲测得时间间隔为4 s ,若相对于甲作匀速直线运动的乙测得时间间隔为5 s ,则乙相对于甲的运动速度是(c 表示真空中光速)(A) (4/5) c . (B) (3/5) c .(C) (2/5) c . (D) (1/5) c .12. 在康普顿散射中,如果设反冲电子的速度为光速的60%,则因散射使电子获得的能量是其静止能量的(A) 2倍. (B) 1.5倍. (C) 0.5倍. (D) 0.25倍.二、填空题 (每空2分,共16分)13. 四根辐条的金属轮子在均匀磁场B 中转动,转轴与B平行,轮子和辐条都是导体,辐条长为R ,轮子转速为n ,则轮子中心O 与轮边缘b 之间的感应电动势为_____________,电势最高点是在______________处.14. 一简谐振动用余弦函数表示,其振动曲线如图所示,则此简谐 振动的特征量 A =_____________;ω =________________;φ =_______________.15. 已知一平面简谐波的波长λ = 1 m ,振幅A = 0.1 m ,周期T = 0.5 s .选波的传播方向为x 轴正方向,并以振动初相为零的点为x 轴原点,则波动表达式为 y = ___________________(SI).16. 在双缝干涉实验中,若使两缝之间的距离增大,则屏幕上干涉条纹间距___________;若使单色光波长减小,则干涉条纹间距_________________.三、计算题(12分)一根同轴线由半径为R 1的长导线和套在它外面的内半径为R 2、外半径为R 3的同轴导体圆筒组成.中间充满磁导率为μ的各向同性均匀非铁磁绝缘材料,如图.传导电流I 沿导线向上流去,由圆筒向下流回,在它们的截面上电流都是均匀分布的.求同轴线内外的磁感强度大小B 的分布.四、计算题(12分)有一很长的长方的U 形导轨,与水平面成θ角,裸导线ab 可在导轨上无摩擦地下滑,导轨位于磁感强度B竖直向上的均匀磁场中,如图所示.设导线ab 的质量为m ,电阻为R ,长度为l ,导轨的电阻略去不计,abcd 形成电路,t =0时,v =0.试求:导线ab 下滑的速度v 与时间t 的函数关系.五、 计算题(12分)已知一平面简谐波的表达式为 )37.0125cos(25.0x t y -= (SI)(1) 分别求x 1 = 10 m ,x 2 = 25 m 两点处质点的振动方程; (2) 求x 1,x 2两点间的振动相位差; (3) 求x 1点在t = 4 s 时的振动位移.六、计算题(12分)在牛顿环装置的平凸透镜和平玻璃板之间充满折射率n =1.33的透明液体(设平凸透镜和平玻璃板的折射率都大于1.33). 凸透镜的曲率半径为 300 cm , 波长λ=650 nm (1nm =10­9m )的平行单色光垂直照射到牛顿环装置上,凸透镜顶部刚好与平玻璃板接触.求: (1) 从中心向外数第十个明环所在处的液体厚度e 10.(2) 第十个明环的半径r 10.d。



1. A particle moves along the x axis. Its position as a function of time is given by x=6.0t+8.5t 2, where t is in seconds and x is in meters. What is the acceleration as a function of time? Solution:We find the velocity and acceleration by differentiating x = (6.0 m/s)t + (8.5 m/s 2)t 2:v = d x /d t = (6.0 m/s) + (17 m/s 2)t ;a = d v /d t = 17 m/s 2.2. What is the centripetal acceleration of a child3.6m from the center of a merry-go-round?The child ’s speed is 0.85m/s.Solution: The centripetal acceleration i sa R = v 2/r = (0.85 m/s)2/(3.6 m) = 0.20 m/s 2 ,direction: toward the center.3. Huck Finn walks at a speed of 1.0m/s across his raft(that is,he walks perpendicular to the raft ’s motion relative to the shore).The raft is traveling down the Mississipppi River at a speed of 2.5m/s relative to the river bank.What is the velocity(speed and direction)of Hack relative to the river bank? Solution:If v HR is the velocity of Huck with respect to the raft, v HB the velocity of Huck with respect to the bank, and v RB the velocity of the raft with respect to the bank, then v HB = v HR + v RB , as shown in the diagram.From the diagram we get v HB = (v HR 2 + v RB 2)1/2 = [(1.0 m/s)2 + (2.5 m/s)2]1/2 = 2.7 m/s .We find the angle fromtan θ = v HR /v RB = (1.0 m/s)/(2.5 m/s) = 0.40, which gives θ = 22° from the river bank .4. A 75-m-long train accelerates uniformly from rest.If the front of the train passes a railwayworker 140m down the track at a speed of 25m/s,what will be the speed of the last car as it passes the worker?Solution: We use a coordinate system with the origin at theinitial position of the front of the train. We can find the acceleration of the train from the motion up to the point where the front of the train passes the worker: v 12 = v 02 + 2a (D – 0);(25 m/s)2 = 0 + 2a (140 m – 0),which gives a = 2.23 m/s 2.Now we consider the motion of the last car, which starts at – L , to the point where it passes the worker: v 22 = v 02 + 2a [D – (– L )]= 0 + 2(2.23 m/s 2)(140 m + 75 m), which gives v 2 = 31 m/s .5.what is the maximum speed with which a 1200-kg car can round a turn of radius 80.0m on a flat road if the coefficient of friction between tires and road is 0.55?Is this result independent of theRBHRv = 0mass of the car?Solution: If the car does not skid, the friction is static, with F fr ≤ μs F N .This friction force provides the centripetal acceleration. We take a coordinate system with the x -axis in the direction of the centripetal acceleration.We write ∑F = m a from the force diagram for the auto: x -component: F fr = ma R = mv 2/R ;y -component: F N – mg = 0.The speed is maximum when F fr = F fr,max = μs F N .When we combine the equations, the mass cancels, and we get μs g = v max2/R ;(0.55)(9.80 m/s 2) = v max 2/(80.0 m), which gives v max = 21 m/s .The mass canceled, so the result is independent of the mass .6. A thin rod of length l carries a total charge Q distributed uniformly along its length.Determine the electric field along the axis of the rod starting at one end-that is,find E(x) for 0x ≥.Solution: We choose a differential element of the rod d x ' a distance x ' from the origin of the coordinate system, as shown in the diagram. the limits for x ' are0 to l . The charge of the element is d q = (Q /l ) d x '. We find the electric field by integrating along the rod:''2'2'000000001111()4()4()4()44()|lll dq Q dx Q Q QE i i i i i x x l x x l x x l x l x x x l πεπεπεπεπε--====-=+++++⎰⎰7. The resistance of a packing material to a sharp object penetrating it is a force proportional to the fourth power of the penetration depth,x:F=kx 4i.Calculate the work done to force the sharp object a distanced.Solution: The resisting force opposes the penetration. If we assume no acceleration, the applied forcemust be equal to this in the direction of the penetration. For a variable force, we find the work by integration:W =F ·d s =kx 4d x 0d =kx55d =kd 55.8. A ball of mass 0.540kg moving east (+x direction) with a speed of 3.9m/s collides head-on with a0.320-kg ball at rest.If the collision is perfectly elastic,what be the speed and direction of each ball after the collision? Solution:For the elastic collision of the two balls, we use momentum conservation for this one-dimensionalmotion: m 1v 1 + m 2v 2 = m 1v 1' + m 2v 2';(0.540 kg)(3.90 m/s) + (0.320 kg)(0) = (0.540 kg)v 1' + (0.320 kg)v 2'.Because the collision is elastic, the relative speed does not change:F Nm gF fryxa Rv 1 – v 2 = – (v 1' – v 2'), or 3.90 m/s – 0 = v 2' – v 1'. Combining these two equations, we getv 1' = 0.998 m/s , and v 2' = 4.89 m/s .9. Derive the formula for the moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod of length l about an axis throughits center,perpendicular to the rod. Solution:We select a differential element of the rod of length d x a distance x from the center of the rod. The element is equivalent to a point mass with a mass of d m = (M /l) d x . We integrate from x = – l/2 to x = l/2 to find the moment of inertia of the rod:/22223/23/2/22|()33212l l l l MM M l Ml I x dm x dx x ll l --=====⎰⎰ 10. what is the magnitude of the electric force of attraction between an iron nucleus(q=+26e) and itsinnermost electron if the distance between them is 121.510m -⨯?Solution:The magnitude of the Coulomb force isF = kQ 1Q 2/r 2=(9229.010/N m C ⨯•)(26)( 191.610C -⨯)( 191.610C -⨯)/(1.5 ⨯ 10–12m)2= 2.7 ⨯ 10–3 N .11. The total electric flux from a cubical box 28.0 cm on a side is 321.4510/N m C ⨯•.What charge is enclosed by the box?Solution: The total flux is depends only on the enclosed charge:0QεΦ=or 12223280(8.8510/)(1.4510/) 1.281012.8Q C N m N m C C nC ε--=Φ=⨯•⨯•=⨯=12. A boat can travel 2.20m/s in still water.(a)If the boat point its prow directly across a stream whose current is 1.2m/s,what is the velocity(magnitude and direction) of the boat relative to the shore?(b)What will be the position of the boat,relative to its point of origin,after 3.00s? Solution:(a ) If v BS is the velocity of the boat with respect to the shore,v BW the velocity of the boat with respect to the water, and v WS the velocity of the water with respect to the shore, then v BS = v BW + v WS , as shown in the diagram.From the diagram we getv BS = (v BW 2 + v WS 2)1/2 = [(2.20 m/s)2 + (1.20 m/s)2]1/2 = 2.51 m/s. We find the angle fromtan θ = v BW /v WS = (2.20 m/s)/(1.20 m/s) = 1.83, which givesWSv BWθ = 61.4° from the shore.(b ) Because the boat will move with constant velocity, the displacement will bed = v BS t = (2.51 m/s)(3.00 s) = 7.52 m at 61.4° to the shore.13. A charge Q creates an electric potential of +125V at a distance of 15cm.What is Q?Solution:We find the charge from V = Q /4πÅ0r ;125 V = (9.0 ⨯ 109 N · m 2/C 2)Q /(15 ⨯ 10–2 m), which gives Q = 2.1 ⨯ 10–9 C = 2.1 nC.14. (a)What is the force per meter of length on a straight wire carring a 7.40A - current when perpendicular to a 0.90T -uniform magnetic field?(b)What if the angle between the wire and field is 45.0?Solution: a ) The maximum force will be produced when the wire and the magnetic field areperpendicular, so we have F max = ILB , or F max /L = IB = (7.40 A)(0.90 T) = 6.7 N/m . (b ) We find the force per unit length fromF /L = IB sin 45.0° = (F max /L ) sin 45.0° = (6.7 N/m) sin 45.0° = 4.7 N/m .15. An electron experiences the greatest force as it travels 62.910/m s ⨯ in a magnetic field when it is moving northward.The force is upward and of magnitude 137.210N -⨯.What is themagnitude and direction of the magnetic field?Solution:The greatest force will be produced when the velocity and the magnetic field are perpendicular. We point our thumb down (a negative charge!), and our fingers north. We must curl our fingers to the east, which will be the direction of the magnetic field. We find the magnitude from F = qvB ;7.2 ⨯ 10–13 N = (1.60 ⨯ 10–19 C)(2.9 ⨯ 106 m/s)B , which gives B = 1.6 T east .16. Two different dielectrics each fill half the space between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor.Determine a formula for the capacitance in terms of 1K ,2K ,the area A of the plates,and the separation d. Solution:The potential difference must be the same on each half of the capacitor, so we can treat the system as two capacitors in parallel: C = C 1 + C 2 = [K 1Å0(1/2A )/d ] + [K 2Å0(1/2A )/d ] = (Å01/2A /d )(K 1 + K 2) = 1/2(K 1 + K 2)(Å0A /d )= Å0A (K 1 + K 2)/2d.17. Let two long parallel wires,a distance d apart,carry equal currents I in the same direction.One wireis at x=0,the other at x=d.Determine B between the wires as a function of x.Solution:Because the currents are in the same direction, between the wires the fields will be in opposite directions. For the net field we have B = B 1 – B 2 = [(μ0/4π)2I 1/x ]j – [(μ0/4π)2I 2/(d – x )]j = (μ0/4π)2I {[(d – x ) – x ]/x (d – x )}j= [(μ0/4π)2I (d – 2x )/x (d – x )]j .18. A 32-cm-long solenoid,1.8cm in diameter,is to produce a 0.30T - magnetic field at its center.If the maximum current is 5.7A ,how many turns must the solenoid have? Solution: We find the number of turns in the solenoid from B = μ0nI = μ0NI /L ;0.30 T = (4π ⨯ 10–7 T · m/A)[N /(0.32 m)](5.7 A), which gives N =1.3 ⨯ 104 turns .19. A spherical cavity of radius 4.50 cm is at the center of a metal sphere of radius 18.0 cm.A point charge 5.50Q C μ= rests at the very center of the cavity,whereas the metal conductor carries no net charge.Determine the electric field at a point(a)3.0 cm from the center of the cavity and (b)6.0 cm from the center of the cavity.Solution: From the symmetry of the charge distribution, we know thatthe electric field must be radial, with a magnitude independent of the direction.(a ) For a spherical Gaussian surface within the sphericalcavity, we have204enclosedQ QE dA E r πεε•=•==⎰,so we have692220(5.5010)(9.010/)4(0.030)QC N m C E r m πε-⨯⨯•==75.510/N C =⨯(away from the center)(b ) The point 6.0 cm from the center is inside the conductor,thus the electric field is 0.Note that there must be a negative charge of – 5.50 μC on the surface of the cavity and a positivecharge of + 5.50 μC on the outer surface of the sphere.20. How strong is the electricfield between the plates of a 0.80F μair-gap capacitor if they are2.0mm apart and each has a charge of 72 C μ? Solution: We find the potential difference across the plates fromdI 1B 1B 2I 2xxyQ = CV ;72 μC = (0.80 μF)V , which gives V = 90 V . We find the uniform electric field between the plates fromE = V /d = (90 V)/(2.0 ⨯ 10–3 m) = 4.5 ⨯ 104 V/m .21. Try to find out I of a uniform thin rod of mass m , length L about C (central )?dx dm λ=, dm x dI 2= dx x λ2= ⎰-=222L L c dx x I λ 3121L λ=2121mL =22. Protons move in a circle of radius 5.10cm in a 0.725-T magnetic field.What value of electric fieldcould make their paths straight?In what direction must the electric field point? Solution: For the circular motion, the magnetic force provides the radial acceleration: qvB = mv 2/r , or v = qBr /m .To make the path straight, the forces from the electric field and the magnetic field balance:qE = qvB = q (qBr /m )B , or E = qB 2r /m = (1.60 ⨯ 10–19 C)(0.725 T)2(0.0510 m)/(1.67 ⨯ 10–27 kg)= 2.57 ⨯ 106 V/m perpendicular to B .23.infinte line wire (E and B)。



2012—2013学年第二学期单元质量检测物理试卷参考答案及评分说明一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共30分)二、填空题(每空l 分,共14分)11.甲; 导线切割磁感线12.A ; 变强13.减小; 摩擦力(阻力)14.0.9×103 ; 2ρ/315.1.013×105; 减小16. >;>17. 2.1×107 ; 热传递三、作图、实验与探究题:本大题共6小题,共34 分18.略(3分)19.(3分)20. ⑴ 速度大小 木块被推动的远近(2分)⑵ 速度 距离 阻力 做匀速直线运动(4分)21. ⑴ A ;缩小(2分)⑵ 正立;虚(2分)22. ⑴ 匀速直线运动(1分); 二力平衡(1分)⑵ 1.6(2分)⑶ 如图所示(2分)。

⑷ 当接触面的粗糙程度一定时,滑动摩擦力跟压力的大小成正比(2分)23. ⑴ 从电压表3V 接线柱连到小灯泡右接线柱;(2分)⑵ 灯泡处断路(或灯丝断了)(2分)⑶ 滑片P 向右移动(2分)⑷ 0.5W ;10Ω(2分)⑸ 灯丝的电阻随温度的升高而增大(2分)四、计算题:共2 小题,共22 分。

24.①铁块未在水中时:根据总功和拉出距离求出拉力F=50N (1分) 再由F=1/2(G+G 动) 求出动滑轮的重力G 动=21N (1分)- N N S S +②求出铁块体积V=10-3m3(1分)铁块所受浮力F浮=10N(1分)③铁块浸没水中后拉力F′=45N(1分)此时拉力的有用功W有用′=138J(1分)总功W总′=180J(1分)此时机械效率η′=76.7﹪(1分)25.解:①P=ρgh=1.0×103㎏/m3×10N/㎏×10m=1.0×105Pa(2分)②m= ρV=ρsh =1.0×103㎏/m3×4.5×106m2×(10m-6m)=1.8×1010㎏(2分)③(2分)26.(1)I=P/U=2200W/220V=10A (2分)(2)W=Pt=880W×600s=5.28×105 J (2分)(3)R=U2/P=(220V)2/880W=55Ω(1分)P1=U1I1=(U1)2/R=(110V)2/55Ω=220W (3分)其他方法只要正确,同样给分。


2013-6-25 24
19.如图所示,在xOy平面(即纸面)内有一载流线 圈abcda,其中bc弧和da弧皆为以O为圆心半径R =20 cm的1/4圆弧, a b和 cd 皆为直线,电流I =20 A,其流向为沿abcda的绕向。设线圈处于B = 8.0×10-2 T,方向与a→b的方向相一致的均匀 磁场中,试求: (1)图中电流元Il1和Il2所受安培力 F1 和 F2 的方向和大小,设l1 = l2 =0.10 mm; y
均匀带 电球体 E
r 3 0 , ( r R)
4 0 r 球内能量等于零 两者球 0 ( r R) 外的能 q ˆ r , ( r R) 2 4 0 r 球内能量大于零 量相等。
ˆ r ( r R)
1 0 E 2dV 2
三、计算题 17.若电荷以相同的面密度σ均匀分布在半径分 别为r1=10 cm和r2=20 cm的两个同心球面上, 设无穷远处电势为零,已知球心电势为300V,试 求两球面的电荷面密度σ 的值。(ε 0=8.85×1012C2 / N· 2 ) m 解:球心处总电势应为两个球面电荷分别在球心 处产生的电势叠加,即 q1 q2 4r12 4r22 1 ( ) 1 ( U ) r1 r2 4 0 r1 r2 4 0 r1 r2 0
解: 孤立导体球的电容为:
C 40 r R (球外为电介质) q q C U U 40 r R
2013-6-25 15
13.半径为 0.5 cm的无限长直圆柱形导体上,沿轴线 方向均匀地流着I = 3 A的电流。作一个半径r = 5 cm、 长l = 5 cm且与电流同轴的圆柱形闭合曲面S,则该曲 面上的磁感强度沿曲面的积分 ________________________。
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1. a
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. a
二.Blanks (20分)
6. 0.5 (1分) 3 (1分) 1/2 (1分)
π/6(2分) 3π or 9.42 (3pts)
7. 1.26 (3分)
8. 2.26°(3分)
9. 3.56×10-28 (3分)
10. 1.14eV (3分)
11. (5pts)
The relativity principle: The laws of physics must be the same in all inertial reference frames. 一切物理规律在惯性系中相同。

The constancy of the speed of light: The speed of light in vacuum has the same value c in all inertial frames, regardless of the velocity of the observer or the velocity of the source emitting the light. 真空中的光速在任何惯性系中都是c ,与光源或观察者的运动无关。

12. (5pts)
The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is independent of light intensity. (2分)
No electrons are emitted if the incident light frequency falls below some cutoff frequency fc , whose value is characteristic of the material being illuminated, regardless of the light intensity.(3分)
四. Problems (50分)
13(10pts) (1) The average transitional kinetic energy 21101.623-⨯==
kT K t J ………………… 3pts (2) the rms speed s m M
RT v rms /4803≈= ………………… 3pts (3) the internal energy RT i E 2
= ………………… 1pts For O 2, i = 5, ………………… 1pts the internal energy 60912≈=
RT i E J ………………… 2pts 14(10pts)
(1) 1→2: Isothermal expansion )/ln(
12V V nRT Q H H = ………………… 2pts 3→4: Isothermal compression )/ln(
34V V nRT Q L L = ………………… 2pts (2) 2→3: Adiabatic expansion 1312
--=γγV T V T L H ………………… 1pts
4 1: Adiabatic compression. 1411--=γγV T V T L H ………………… 1pts Therfore, 4
312V V V V = ………………… 1pts H
L H L T T Q Q = ………………… 1pts The efficiency of Carnot engine is H
L H L T T Q Q -=-=11η ………………… 2pts 15 (17pts)
(1) The light path difference is
θδs i n
d = ………………… 2pts For bright fringes
λθδm d ==s i n
………………… 2pts The separation between the 2nd-order bright fringe and the 3rd-order bright fringe is
423105.523tan tan -⨯==-≈
-=∆d D d D d D D D x λλλθθm ………………… 3pts (2) The light path difference is
()L n d 1sin -+=θδ ……………………………………… 3pts
For bright fringes
()λθδm L n d =-+=1s i n …………………………… 1pts At the central, point θ=0 ……………………………………… 1pts
The central point on the viewing screen is now occupied by the seventh bright slid fringe (m =7) ()λδ710sin =-+=L n d ……………………………………… 1pts 61064.6)1/(7-⨯=-=n L λm ……………………………………… 2pts
(3) No ……………………………………… 2pts
16 (13pts)
(1) The period measured by the observers on the spaceship is the proper
time. ……………1pts
m T πs ……………4pts (2) The mass and the spaceship is moving at a very high speed relative to the Earth. The effect of special theory of relativity must be taken into account. ………2pts
The period measured by the observers on the Earth is not the proper
time. ……………2pts
According to the special theory of relativity,
209.0/1220=-=c v T T s ……………4pts。
