



科目代码:611 科目名称:地球科学概论






试题名称:地球科学概论试题代码: 611 请注意:所有答案不要答在试卷上,一律答在试题纸上!
第1 页(共2页)。



北京科技大学2012年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题=============================================================================================================试题编号:833 试题名称:无机化学(共8 页)适用专业:化学、应用化学说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。

=============================================================================================================一、选择题(共28小题, 每小题2分, 共56分)1、下列分子中偶极矩最大的是..................................... ()。

(A) HCl;(B) HI;(C) HBr;(D) HF。


(A) 氧族元素与其它元素化合时,均可呈现+2,+4,+6 或-1,-2 等氧化值;(B) 氧族元素电负性从氧到钋依次增大;(C) 氧族元素的电负性从氧到钋依次减小;(D) 氧族元素都是非金属元素。


(A) ⅠA;(B)ⅡA ;(C)ⅢA ;(D)ⅠB 。




北京科技大学2012年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题============================================================================================================= 试题编号: 621 试题名称:管理学原理(共 4 页)适用专业:行政管理说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。

=============================================================================================================一、名词解释(20分)1.利益相关者2.目标管理3. 顾客部门化4. 群体偏移二、单项选择(10分)1.()是指决策制定者有重点地选择事物的某些方面,而摒弃别的方面。










北 京 科 技 大 学2012年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题============================================================================================================= 试题编号: 610 试题名称: 单独考试数学 (共3 页) 适用专业: 全校各专业单独考试考生 说明: 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。

=============================================================================================================一、单项选择题(本题8小题,每题4分,满分32) 1. =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎰⎰--→2020022lim x t x t x dt te dt e ( )(A )0. (B )1. (C )2. (D )∞.2. 设)(x f 在),(+∞-∞内由定义, 则下列函数中必为奇函数的是(A ))(x f y =. (B ))(x f y -= . (C ).)(x f y = (D ))(2x xf y =. 3. 函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤<-≤<-=312101)(x x x x x f 在1=x 处间断是因为( )(A ) )(x f 在1=x 处无定义. (B ))(lim 1x f x -→不存在. (C ) )(lim 1x f x +→不存在. (D ) )(lim 1x f x →不存在. 4. ∑是)(2122y x z +=介于0=z 及2=z 之间的下侧, 则⎰⎰∑-+zdxdy dydz x z )(2=( )(A )π. (B )π2. (C )π4. (D )π8.5. 设幂级数∑∞=1n n n x a 的收敛半径为R )0(+∞<<x ,则∑∞=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛13n nn x a 的收敛半径为 ( )(A )3R . (B )R3. (C )R . (D )R 3.6. 设L 是由直线1,0==x y 及1=+y x 所围成的三角形的正向边界,则曲线积分⎰=-L ydx xdy 3( )(A )1. (B )2. (C )3. (D )4.7. 设x x f tan ln )(=, 则=')(x f ( )(A ) x tan 1. (B ) x 2sin 2. (C )-22tan x . (D ) x x 2sin cos .. 8. 设D 是圆域422≤+y x , 则=+⎰⎰dxdy y x D 22( )(A ) 38π. (B )316π. (C ) 4π. (D ) π. 二、填空题(本题6小题,每题4分,满分24)9. 设⎰+=3241)(x x t dt x P ,则=')1(P _____.10. )(x f y =由方程03275=--+x x y y 所确定,则曲线)(x f y =在点)0,0(处的 切线斜率k =_____. 11.⎰=++3011dx xx _____. 12.=+⎰⎰102arcsin 2cos 1cos dx x x dy y π _____. 13.=⎰+1012dx e x _____. 14.⎰=dx x x 2cos 2sin _____.三、计算题(本题7小题,每题10分,满分70)15. 求4212+-=x x y 极值和拐点. 16. 设)ln(yzz x =,求dz . 17. 判定交错级数∑∞=-+-1)1()1(n n n n 的.18. 求由方程0)ln(22=+-xyz xyz xz 所确定的隐函数),(y x z z =在点(1,1)处的全微分.19. 设⎰>+=xx dt t t x f 10,1ln )(,求)1()(xf x f +. 20. 求⎰+dx xx 32)1ln(. 21. 已知)(x g 具有二阶连续导数,且1)0(=g ,又函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠-=0,0,c o s )()(x a x x x x g x f确定a 的值使)(x f 在0=x 处连续;(2)求)(x f ';(3)讨论)(x f '在0=x 的连续性.四、应用证明题(本题2小题,每题12分,满分24) 22. 求曲线xy 1=与直线2,4==x x y 围成区域的面积S 绕x 轴旋转所成的旋转体的体积V .23. 证明:当0>x 时,1)1ln(+<+x xx ..。



北京科技大学2012年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题================================================================================================= ============试题编号: 847 试题名称:安全原理(共 4 页)适用专业:安全科学与工程说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。

================================================================================================= ============一、名词解释(每题2分,共10分)1 风险:2 可承受风险:3 危害辩识:4 系统安全:5 职业安全健康管理体系:二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)1、目前,我国矿山安全避险“六大系统”包括:。




5、安全生产责任追究是指对安全生产责任者未履行安全生产有关的法定责任,根据其行为的性质及后果的严重性,追究其 责任的一种制度。

6、职业病是指企业、事业单位和个体经济组织的劳动者在职业活动中,因接触 等因素而引起的疾病。

7、我国劳动法第五章第53条规定的劳动安全卫生设施必须符合国家规定的标准,并要求遵循“四同时”原则,即,“新建、改建、扩建工程的劳动安全卫生设施必须与主体工程 。



一次安全信息是指生产过程中的 ;二次安全信息包括 等。



北京科技⼤学普通物理2012考研试题北京科技⼤学 2012年硕⼠学位研究⽣⼊学考试试题=============================================================================================================试题编号: 612 试题名称:普通物理(共 4 页)适⽤专业:物理学说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上⽆效。

=============================================================================================================⼀、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1、质点系的动量守恒条件是:【】(A )质点系所受的合外⼒为零;(B )质点系所受的合外⼒矩为零;(C )合外⼒对质点系作功为零;(D )质点系所受的⼒是有⼼⼒。

2、质量为m 的⼩球放在光滑的⽔平⽊版上,⼀轻质细绳穿过⽔平⽊版上O 点的洞与⼩球连接,如图1所⽰。

若初始时刻m 作半径为r 圆周运动,今⽤⼒向下拉绳⼦使r 减⼩,问r 减⼩过程中下列说法正确的是:【】图1(A )m 的动量守恒;(B )m 与地球的机械能守恒;(C )m 过O 轴的⾓动量守恒;(D )不能确定。

3、花样滑冰运动员绕通过⾃⾝的竖直轴转动,开始时两臂伸开,转动惯量为J 0,⾓速度为ω0.然后她将两臂收回,使转动惯量减少为J 0/3.这时她转动的⾓速度变为【】(A)31ω0. (B) ()3/1 ω0. (C) 3 ω0. (D) 3 ω0.4、⼀质点在如图2所⽰的坐标平⾯内作半径为R 的圆周运动,有⼀⼒作⽤在质点上.在该质点从坐标原点运动到(0,2R )位置过程中,⼒)(0j y i x F F rr r +=F r对它所作的功为【】(A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . 20R F 202R F 203R F 204R F 图25、⼀质量为M 的弹簧振⼦,⽔平放置且静⽌在平衡位置,如图3所⽰.⼀质量为m 的⼦弹以⽔平速度v v射⼊振⼦中,并随- 1 -图3之⼀起运动.如果⽔平⾯光滑,此后弹簧的最⼤势能为【】(A) 221v m . (B) )(222m M m +v . (C) 2222)(v Mm m M +. (D) 222v M m .6、已知⼀⾼斯⾯所包围的体积内电荷代数和∑q =0,则可肯定: 【】(A) ⾼斯⾯上各点场强均为零. (B) 穿过⾼斯⾯上每⼀⾯元的电通量均为零. (C) 穿过整个⾼斯⾯的电通量为零. (D) 以上说法都不对.7、如图4所⽰,半径为R 的均匀带电球⾯,总电荷为Q ,设⽆穷远处的电势为零,则球内距离球⼼为r 的P 点处的电场强度的⼤⼩和电势为: - 2 -【】(A) E =0,r Q U 04επ=. (B) E =0,R QU 04επ=.图4 204r Q E επ=,r Q U 04επ= . (D) 204r Q E επ=,RQU 04επ=(C) .、平⾏板电容器两极板⾯积为,距离为,中间充满介电常数为ε的均匀介质,若给此平⾏板电容器充电Q ,则此平⾏板电容器内部的电场能量是【】(A)8S d . (D) d S Q 202εε. (C) S dQ εε022S ε2d Q 2 . (B) d S Q 22ε.9、在真空中有⼀根半径为R 的半圆形细导线,流过的电流为I ,则圆⼼处的磁感强度为:【】(A)R π4I0µ. (B)R π2I0µ. R I40µ (C) 0. (D).线圈.(D) 不能判断⼆、填空题(每题2分,共20分)10、如图5所⽰,条形磁铁的旁边有⼀圆形线圈,欲使线圈产⽣图⽰⽅向的感应电流i ,下列哪⼀种情况可以做到?【】(A) 条形磁铁向线圈靠近. (B) 条形磁铁离开图5 (C) 条形磁铁不动.1、质点质量为m ,初速度⼤⼩为0v ,在⼒F kv =?u v v)的作⽤下做直线减速运动,历⼀段时间后停⽌,在这段时间内运动的距离为(k 为常数经. 是θ = 2 + 4t 2 (SI).在=2 s 时,它的法向加速度a n =________;切向加速度a t =________.2、⼀质点沿半径为 0.1 m 的圆周运动,其⾓位移θ随时间t 的变化规律t3、⼀长为l ,质量可以忽略的直杆,可绕通过其⼀端的⽔平光滑轴在竖直平⾯内作定轴转动,在杆的另⼀端固定着⼀质量为m 的⼩球,如图6所⽰.现将杆由⽔平位置⽆初转速地释放.则杆刚被释放时的⾓加速度β0=____________,杆与⽔平⽅向夹⾓为60°时的⾓加速度β=________________.4、⼀根质量为m 、长为l 的均匀细杆,可在⽔平桌⾯上绕通过其⼀端的竖直固定轴转动.已知细杆与桌⾯的滑动摩擦系数为µ,则杆转动时受的摩擦⼒矩的⼤图6⼩为___________.5、⼀⾯积为S 的平⾯导线闭合回路,置于载流长螺线管中,回路的法向与螺线管轴线平⾏.设长螺线管单位长度上的匝数为n ,通过的电流为t I I m ωsin =(电流的正向与回路的正法向成右⼿关系),其中I m 和ω为常数,t 为时间,则该导线回路中的感⽣电动势为__________________. +σ +2σ A B C6、两个平⾏的“⽆限⼤”均匀带电平⾯,其电荷⾯密度分别为+σ和+2 σ,如图7所⽰,则A 、B 、C 三个区域的电场强度分别为:E A =________ ,E B =______ ,E C =_____ _(设⽅向向右为正).- 3 -7、如图8所⽰,在纸⾯上的直⾓坐标系中,有⼀根载流导线AC 置于垂直于纸⾯的均匀磁场B v中,若I = 1 A ,B = 0.1 T ,则AC 导线所受的磁⼒⼤⼩为_________________.8、⽆限长密绕直螺线管通以电流I ,内部充满均匀、各向同性的磁介质,磁导率为µ.管上单位长度绕有n 匝导线,则管内部的磁感强度为________________,内部的磁能密度为________________. O A c 34x (cm) y (cm)× × ×× × ×× × ×I 图79、写出麦克斯韦⽅程组的积分形式:_____________________________,_____________________________,_____________________________,_____________________________.10、在图9⽰的电路中,导线AC 在固定导线上向右匀速平移,速度v = 2m/s .设5=AC cm ,均匀磁场B = 0.5 T ,则这时动⽣电动势的⼤⼩为________________,动⽣电动势的⽅向为______________.三、计算题(共110分)1、(15分)质量分别为m 1和m 2的物体通过轻质细绳穿过质量为m 、半径为r 的定滑轮,如图10所⽰。
















北京科技大学2012年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题============================================================================================================= 试题编号: 811 试题名称:传热学(共 2 页)适用专业:动力工程及工程热物理、动力工程说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。

============================================================================================================= 一.(30分,每小题5分)简要回答下列问题:(1)对于第一类边界条件的稳态导热问题,其解析解与导热系数有没有关系?(2)采用集总参数法求解物体非稳态导热时,需满足什么条件?说明为什么要满足此条件。





二.(25分)考察一管长6m,内、外径分别为7.4 cm、8.0 cm,导热系数为14 W/m · °C 的压缩空气管道。


管内空气的平均温度为 10°C,管道内表面的对流换热系数为30 W/m2 · °C。



经过固溶处理后形成过饱和固溶体,在一定温度下保温一段时间会析出第二相而本身保留,浓度由过饱和状态过渡到饱和状态的过程就叫脱溶。一般的脱溶贯序为 。在固溶度过低或者温度过低时可能会在GP区充分发展后就停止,长期处于亚稳态;若是温度过高可直接析出平衡相,使得时效效果减弱。



装 订 线 内 不 得 答 题自觉遵 守考试规则,诚信考试,绝不 作弊其中构造节理按其形成的力学机制不同又可分为_________和__________。

8. 影响变质作用的因素有___________,_____________和________________。


A.火山喷发;B. 河流沉积;C. 变质作用;D. 岩溶作用2.岩浆作用可分为:()。

A.喷出作用和侵入作用;B. 深成侵入作用和浅成侵入作用;C. 深成岩和浅成岩;D.喷出作用和火山作用3.地壳增温层中每向下100米温度升高的度数(地温梯度)为:()。

A.30;B.33;C. 3;D.0.34.大陆地壳和大洋地壳的不同之处包括()。

A.大陆地壳的硅铝层较大洋地壳厚;B. 大陆地壳平均厚度大于大洋地壳;C. 大陆地壳较大洋地壳时代新;D.大陆地壳较大洋地壳铁镁含量高5.下列哪个矿物是组成铁矿石的主要矿石矿物()。

A.方铅矿;B. 赤铁矿;C. 磁铁矿;D.黄铁矿6.下列岩层产状的描述和表示方法中,你认为可以准确表示出岩层产状特征的有()。

A. 350°∠23°;B. 走向350°∠50°;C.倾向350°,倾角45°;D.走向350°,倾角23°7.下列对断层的描述中正确的是()。

A. 断层可以有一个明显的断层面;B. 断层两盘要有一定的位移;C. 断层面总是很平直;D. 断层可以表现为一个破碎带或角砾岩带8.下面说法中正确的是:()。

A. 大比例尺地形图空间精度高;B. 小比例尺地形图表现的图面范围小;C. 矿区地形图一般是大比例尺的;D. 地形图在矿区一般不用9.下列按不同岩石类型的密度排序中,正确的是:()。

A. 基性岩>中性岩;B. 中性岩>超基性岩;C. 酸性岩>基性岩;D. 辉长岩>花岗岩10.下列关于板块构造的描述中,正确的是:()。























(D) 线状光谱
13、正极为饱和甘汞电极,负极为氢电极,分别插入以下各种溶液,组成四种电 池,使电池电动势最大的溶液是 ( ) -3 -3 (A) 0.10 mol·dm HAc (B) 0.10 mol·dm HCOOH (C) 0.10 mol·dm-3 NaAc (D) 0.10 mol·dm-3 HCl 14、 下列轨道上的电子, 在xy平面上的电子云密度为零的是 ( ) (A) 3pz (B) 3 d z 2 (C) 3s (D) 3px 15、易于形成配离子的金属元素是位于周期表中的 ( ) (A) p区 (B) d区和ds区 (C) s区和p区 (D) s区 16、 下述叙述中正确的是 ( ) (A) 在恒压下,凡是自发的过程一定是放热的 (B) 因为焓是状态函数,而恒压反应的焓变等于恒压反应热,所以热也是状态函数
2、极化能力最强的离子应具有的特性是 (A)离子电荷高、离子半径大 (C)离子电荷低、离子半径小
(B)离子电荷高、离子半径小 (D)离子电荷低、离子半径大
3、对弱酸与弱酸盐组成的缓冲溶液,若c(弱酸):c(弱酸根离子)=1:1时,该溶液的p H值等于
(A) pK w (B) pK a
( (C) c(弱酸)
5、将过氧化氢加入用稀H2SO4酸化过的KMnO4水溶液中,发生反应。对于此反应 中的过氧化氢,下列说法正确的是 (A) 是氧化剂 (B) 是还原剂 (C) 分解成氢气和氧气 ( ) ( )
(D) 被H2SO4氧化
6、晶格能的大小,常用来表示 (A) 共价键的强弱 (C) 离子键的强弱 (B) 金属键的强弱 (D) 氢键的强弱
(C) 液体的饱和蒸汽压
(D) 化学反应速率常数k
22、难溶电解质CaCO3在浓度为0.1 moldm3的下列溶液中的溶解度比在纯水中的溶解度大的有























北京科技大学2012年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题================================================================================================= ============试题编号: 874 试题名称:综合英语(共 7 页)适用专业:外国语言学与应用语言学英语语言文学说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。

================================================================================================= ============说明: This paper covers FOUR subjects: (1) A Survey of Great Britain and the United States, (2) British Literature, (3) American Literature, and (4)General Linguistics. You have 180 minutes to complete the whole paper.Please time your pace well.Part I. Survey of Great Britain and the United States (30 points)I. Fill in the blanks:Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished sentence or question four suggested choices marked A, B, C, and D are given. Choose the ONE that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of your choice in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet after the numbers. (10 points)1. Thanksgiving Day is a historical, national and religious holiday that began with the pilgrims. The first was celebrated by the English settlers in __________ on December 13, 1621.A. Plymouth, MassachusettsB. VirginiaC. James TownD. California2. In the early 1960s hope had run high among millions of Americans. Kennedy’s call for a ___________ had inspired many Americans to work to wipe out poverty and end segregation and voting rights abuses,A. New DealB. the Civil Rights ActC. New FrontierD. the Law on Poverty3. Britain is one of the world’s major centers for theatre, and it has some world-famous contemporary playwrights like ____________ whose representative plays include The Caretaker and The Homecoming.A. Tom StoppardB. Harold PinterC. Arnold WeskerD. David Hare4. ___________ is uniquely related to the Crown in that the Sovereign must be a member of that Church, and it is not free to change its form of worship without the consent of Parliament.A. Christian churchB. The Church of IrelandC. Catholic churchD. The Church of England5. The post-war years were not peaceful to England. When Nasser, the Egyptian president, nationalized the Suez Canal in__________, British and French forces invaded Egypt. The action was widely condemned at home and abroad.A. 1960B. 1956C. 1945D. 19326. Under ________, the feudal system in England was established. One feature of the feudal system of England was that all landowners took the oath of allegiance for the land they held, not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king.A. King EdwardB. King AlfredC. Roman conquestD. William the conqueror7. The three conditions on which the Sino-US diplomatic relation was established are: the U.S.A must withdraw its troops from Taiwan and the Taiwan Straits, end diplomatic relations with Taiwan and cancel ___________.A. the Taiwan Relations ActB. the Mutual Defence TreatyC. American allianceD. Shanghai Communique8. The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was originally in the form of __________, which had little in common with the later officially adopted constitution in 1787.A. Common SenseB. Continental CongressC. the Articles of ConfederationD. Declaration of Independence9. During the last decades of the 19th century and the first decade of the 20th century, some American writers in their works reported truthfully and objectively the life in the slums. They called themselves naturalists, and _______ who was famous for Sister Carrie and An American Tragedy, was one of the representatives.A. Theodore DreiserB. Jack LondonC. Richard WrightD. Ernest Hemingway10. The 18th century was an age of Enlightenment in America. _________ was aspokesman of it: people still believed that God was the center of the world, but they began to see the importance of man, of reason and order.A. Thomas JeffersonB. Lord CornwallisC. Benjamin FranklinD. George WashingtonII. Answer the following questions in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet.(20 points, 5 for each)1. What is meant by the term “welfare state” in Britain?2. What do you know about James Joyce and his works?3. What were the causes of New Conservatism that led to the election of RonaldReagan as the president?4. Who were the first Americans? How was America discovered by Europeans inthe 15th century?Part II. British Literature (30 points)I. Fill in the blanks:write your answers on your Answer Sheet after the numbers. (8 points)1. The shift in English literature from emphasis on reason to instinct and emotion was intellectually prepared for by a number of thinkers in the later half of the 18th century. One is __________, the French philosopher who is generally regarded as the father of romanticism. Another two are Edmund Burke and Thomas Painer.2. Except for Satan in Paradise lost, the revengeful Heathcliff in __________ has no equal in English literature. His intense love for Catherine and his relentless revenge on his enemy mark him a unique figure.3. In the first two books of ________ the Christian God is described by Satan and his followers as a tyrant, while on the other hand all the fallen angels in council voice unanimously their determination to fight for their freedom and their will to defy tyranny and plot revenge.4. The title of Thackeray’s novel Vanity Fair is taken from John Bunyan’s ________, in which the protagonist Christian passes a Vanity Fair, where all sorts of vanity are sold.5. Although the novel was the predominating genre of literature in the _______age, there were still some prominent romantic poets like Alfred Tennyson and Robert Browning.6. The works by the Bronte sisters are marked by a new concept of women as heroines of vital strength and passionate feelings. In Jane Eyre, it is Jane’s rebelliousness, her dislike for servility, and her insistence on _______ that make the book unique.7. As the last important novelist of the Victorian age, Hardy was ______ in his view of life. His philosophy was that every thing in the universe is determined by the Immanent Will, which is hostile towards human beings’ desire for joy.8. In the last thirty year of the 16th century there was a flourishing of drama which England had never seen before. Several predecessors to Shakespeare were called University Wits, among whom the most prominent was Christopher Marlowe, who was famous for ____________.II. Identify the title of the work of the following excerpts: write the titles of the works on your Answer Sheet. (10 points)1. Earth has not anything to show more fair:Dull would he be of soul who could pass byA sight so touching in its majesty…2. Jimmy: God, how I hate Sundays! It’s always so depressing, always the same. Wenever seem to get any further, do we? Always the same ritual. Reading thepapers, drinking tea, ironing. A few more hours, and another week gone. 3. The isles of Greece, the isles of Greece!Where burning Sappho loved and sung,Where grew the arts of war and peace,Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung!4. Old Mrs. Linton paid us several visits, to be sure, and set things to rights, and scolded and ordered us all; and when Catherine was convalescent, she insisted on conveying her to Thrushcross Grange: for which deliverance we were very grateful.5. To record of Mr Dombey that he was not in his way affected by this news (his wife is dying), would be to do him an injustice. He was not a man of whom it could properly be said that he was ever startled, or shocked ….6. On nothing per annum, then, and during a course of some two of three years, of which we can afford to give but a very brief history, Crawley and his wife lived very happily and comfortably at Paris. It was in this period that he quitted the Guards, and sold out of the army.7. Go, and catch a falling star,Get with child a mandrake root,Tell me, where all past years are,Or who cleft the Devil’s foot…8. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.9. I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children. Infant’s flesh will be in season throughout the year....10. She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that?Her eye discourses: I will answer it.I am too bold, ‘tis not me she speaks.III. Answer the question concerning the following paragraph from The Merchant of Venice: write your answers on your Answer Sheet. (12 points)The quality of mercy is not strain’d,It droppeth as the gentle rain from heavenUpon the place beneath: it is twice bless’d;It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes:‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomesThe throned monarch better than his crown;His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,The attribute to awe and majesty,Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kingsBut mercy is above this sceptral sway:It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,And earthly power doth then show likest God’sWhen mercy seasons justice.Question: Paraphrase the lines above. (Pay special attention to the words and phrases underlined.)Part III. American Literature (30 points)I. Fill in the blanks:write your answers on your Answer Sheet after the numbers.(10 points)1. Culminated around the 1840s, from Jefferson’s death in 1826 to the Civil War in 1861, was the age of the literary giants. They developed the new national literature of America founded by__________ and______________.2. With open, fluid and long lines sweeping across the pages, ______ wrote in his poems about all kinds of things, the ants, leaves, our hearing and even breathing, expressing his love of life and philosophy about life particularly in the image of grass.3. Name two fiction writers in the first part of 19th c American literature:____________, ___________.4. The 1920s was another golden age of American literature, which boasted of a number of great writers. Among them, ________ is regarded as the spokesman of the Lost Generation; ____________ as an active participant of the Jazz Age, and ____________ as a representative of the Harlem renaissance.5. With _________ as his representative work, and depicting sympathetically about the poor, oppressed California farmers, migrants, and laborers, John Steinbeck is recognized as the foremost writer of the Great Depression in America.6. The 1960s are remembered as a time of widespread social disturbances in America. In the South, ________ organized the black Civil Rights Movement, demanding fully equal treatment for blacks under the law.II. Identify the title of the work of the following excerpts: write the titles of the works on your Answer Sheet. (8 points)1. To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But ifa man would be alone, let him look at the stars.2. And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sittingOn the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;3. A child said what is grass? fetching it to me with full hands,How could I answer the child? I do not know what it is any more than he.I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopeful green stuff woven.4. A Slave Warehouse! Perhaps some of my readers conjure up horrible visions ofsuch a place. They fancy some foul, obscure den, some horrible Tartarus“informis, ingens, cui lumen ademptum.” But no, innocent friend! In these days men have learned the art of sinning expertly and genteelly ….5. “Miss Watson your runaway nigger Jim is down here two mile below Pikesville and Mr. Phelps has got him and he will give him up for the reward if you send.”6. When Caroline Meeber boarded the afternoon train for Chicago, her total outfit consisted of a small trunk,…It was in August, 1889. She was eighteen years of age, bright, timid, and full of illusions of ignorance and youth.7. Down, down, he swam till his arms and legs grew tired and hardly moved… This hurt was not death, was the thought that oscillated through his reeling consciousness. Death did not hurt. It was life, the pangs of life, this awful, suffocating feeling; it was the last blow life could deal him.8. My long two-pointed ladder’s sticking through a treeToward heaven still,And there’s a barrel that I didn’t fillBeside it, and there may be two or threeApples I didn’t pick upon some bough.III. Essay questions: write your answers on your Answer Sheet. (12 points)Read the except from Hemingway’s “In Another Country”, a story about the First World War, and then answer the questions.We all had the same medals…. The boys at first were very polite about my medals and asked me what I had done to get them. I showed them the papers …. After that their manner changed a little toward me, although I was their friend against outsiders. I was a friend, but I was never really one of them after they had read the citations, because it had been different with them and they had done very different things to get their medals. I had been wounded, it was true; but we all knew that being wounded, after all, was really an accident. I was never ashamed of the ribbons, though, and sometimes, after the cocktail hour, I would imagine myself having done all the things they had done to get their medals; but walking home at night through the empty streets with the cold wind and all the shops closed, trying to keep near the street lights, I knew that Ì would never have done such things, and I was very much afraid to die, and often lay in bed at night by myself, afraid to die and wondering how I would be when back to the front again.The three with the medals were like hunting-hawks; and I was not a hawk, although I might seem a hawk to those who had never hunted; they, the three, knew better and so we drifted apart.Questions:1. What kind of writer is Hemingway?2. How different are the metals of the boys and the narrator? And what differentcourage is depicted in the paragraph here through the images of the three boys and the speaker? How can you understand the image of hawks in the secondparagraph?Part IV General Linguistics (60 points)Part I Define the following linguistic terms in your own words (20 points, 4 points each).1.Metalanguage2.Allophones3.Inflection4.The referential theory5.The illocutionary actPart II Finish the following according to the requirements for each (15 points, 5 points each):1.What is macrolinguistics? List no less than three branches of macrolinguistics anddefine them briefly.2. Discuss the difference between DEEP and SURFACE structures.3. What is the difference between sense and reference? Use specific examples toillustrate three kinds of sense relations.Part III Provide as much information as you know about each of the following topics (25 points, 12.5 points each).1.What are the central notions Halliday’s systemic functional grammar?2. What is the theory of conversational implicature? Discuss the characteristics ofimplicature.。



北京科技大学2012年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题============================================================================================================= 试题编号: 611 试题名称:基础日语(共 9 页)适用专业:日语语言文学说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。

============================================================================================================= 一、語彙(1点×30=30点)問題1:次の文の下線をつけた言葉はどのように読みますか。









目 录2014年北京科技大学837地质学考研真题2013年北京科技大学837地质学考研真题2012年北京科技大学837地质学考研真题2011年北京科技大学837地质学考研真题2010年北京科技大学837地质学考研真题2009年北京科技大学837地质学考研真题2008年北京科技大学837地质学考研真题2007年北京科技大学437地质学考研真题2006年北京科技大学437地质学考研真题2005年北京科技大学437地质学考研真题2004年北京科技大学437地质学考研真题2014年北京科技大学837地质学考研真题科目代码:837科目名称:地质学一、多项选择题(每选对一项得1分,选错一项扣1分,共50分)1.下列岩石中属于沉积岩的是( )。

A.闪长岩B.片麻岩C.千枚岩D.石灰岩2.下列哪种矿物是酸性岩的主要组成矿物( )。

A.钾长石B.石英C.辉石D.橄榄石3.下列地质作用中属于外力地质作用的有( )。


该岩石命名应为( )。

A.白云岩B.花岗岩C.石灰岩D.大理岩5.下列地质现象中属于内力地质作用的是( )。

A.火山灰沉积B.岩溶C.岩浆岩侵位D.接触变质现象6.岩浆作用可分为:( )。

A.喷出作用和侵入作用B.深成侵入作用和浅成侵入作用;C.深成岩和浅成岩D.喷出作用和火山作用7.从地表向下,每加深1000米,其压力增加约为(地压梯度):( )。

A.2.7 MPaB.27 MPaC.270 MPaD.27 bar8.下列哪个矿物是组成铜矿石的主要矿石矿物( )。

A.黄铁矿B.黄铜矿C.孔雀石D.磁黄铁矿9.下列地层代号分别按从老到新的顺序排列,其中排列正确的有( )。

A.C-P-TB.Ar -Pt-PzC.J-P-TD.Q-E-K10.地层的露头宽度与以下哪个因素有关( )。

A.真厚度B.岩层产状C.岩性D.地形11.下列描述中正确的是( )。



北京科技大学2012年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题=============================================================================================================试题编号: 629 试题名称:分析化学(共 4 页)适用专业:化学说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。

=============================================================================================================一、选择题( 共15题,30分,2分/题)1.为标定HCl溶液可以选择的基准物是-------------------------------------------------------------( )(A) NaOH (B) Na2CO3(C) Na2SO3(D) Na2S2O32.已知: H3PO4的p K a1 = 2.12, p K a2 = 7.20, p K a3 = 12.36, 调节磷酸盐溶液的pH至6.0时,其各有关存在形式浓度间的关系是------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )(A) [HPO42-] > [H2PO4-] > [PO43-] (B) [HPO42-] > [PO43-] > [H2PO4-](C) [H2PO4-] > [HPO42-] > [H3PO4] (D) [H3PO4] > [H2PO4-] > [HPO42-]3.现有pH分别为2.00的强酸溶液和13.00的强碱溶液等体积混合,其pH为-------------- ( )( A ) 5.5 ( B ) 6.5 ( C ) 11.0 ( D ) 12.654.含有0.02 mol / L AlY-的pH = 4.5的溶液A、B两份。

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