初中英语电影欣赏教案设计一、教学目标1. 情感目标:通过观看电影,培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,提高学生的文化素养,培养学生的团队协作能力和创新思维能力。
2. 能力目标:提高学生的听说读写能力,尤其是听力和口语表达能力。
3. 知识目标:通过电影学习,使学生掌握一定的电影文化知识,了解电影中的基本情节,理解电影中的对话和字幕。
二、教学内容1. 电影简介:介绍电影的基本情节、主要角色、导演和编剧等相关信息。
2. 电影片段:观看电影中的精彩片段,引导学生关注电影中的语言表达和文化现象。
3. 电影讨论:针对电影中的情节、角色、导演手法等问题进行讨论,提高学生的批判性思维能力。
4. 电影写作:让学生撰写观后感,锻炼学生的写作能力。
三、教学步骤1. 课前准备:提前给学生发放电影介绍资料,让学生对电影有所了解。
2. 课堂导入:简要介绍电影的基本情节和主题,激发学生的兴趣。
3. 观看电影片段:选取电影中的精彩片段进行观看,让学生关注电影中的语言表达和文化现象。
4. 电影讨论:针对观看的片段,引导学生进行讨论,提高学生的批判性思维能力。
5. 电影分析:分析电影中的语言表达和文化现象,引导学生学习电影相关的英语知识。
6. 课堂练习:让学生进行听力练习,提高学生的听力能力。
7. 观后感写作:让学生撰写观后感,锻炼学生的写作能力。
8. 总结与反馈:对学生的讨论和写作进行点评,总结课堂所学内容。
四、教学评价1. 学生参与度:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与情况,包括发言、讨论等。
2. 听力理解能力:通过课堂练习和课后作业,评估学生的听力理解能力。
3. 口语表达能力:通过课堂讨论和角色扮演等方式,评估学生的口语表达能力。
4. 写作能力:通过观后感写作,评估学生的写作能力。
5. 文化素养:通过课堂讨论和提问,评估学生对电影文化的理解和认识。
五、教学资源1. 电影介绍资料:包括电影海报、剧情简介、导演和演员介绍等。
2. 电影片段:选取电影中的精彩片段进行观看。
看电影学英语教学计划English Answer:I. Introduction."Watching Movies to Learn English" is a unique and engaging approach to language acquisition that harnesses the power of entertainment to enhance language comprehension, vocabulary expansion, and cultural understanding. This teaching plan outlines a comprehensive framework for utilizing film as a pedagogical tool in English language instruction.II. Benefits of Watching Movies for Language Learning.Immersive Language Experience: Movies provide a rich and authentic context for language immersion, exposing learners to natural speech patterns, accents, and everyday vocabulary.Vocabulary Enrichment: Films introduce a wide range of new words, phrases, and expressions, broadening learners' lexical repertoire.Cultural Understanding: Movies offer insights into cultural practices, values, and perspectives, fostering cultural awareness and empathy.Improved Listening Comprehension: Repeated exposure to spoken language through movies helps improve learners' listening comprehension skills.Retention and Engagement: The entertainment value of movies makes learning more enjoyable and memorable.III. Teaching Plan.A. Movie Selection.Choose age-appropriate movies with clear plots and language that is accessible to learners.Consider movies that reflect the target culture or themes relevant to the curriculum.B. Pre-Viewing Activities.Vocabulary Pre-Teaching: Introduce key vocabulary related to the movie's plot or themes.Background Information: Provide context about themovie's setting, characters, and cultural relevance.Previewing Discussion: Engage learners in discussions about their expectations for the movie.C. Movie Viewing.Active Viewing: Encourage learners to pay attention to the language, plot, and cultural details.Listening Comprehension Checks: Pause the movie at key points for listening comprehension questions or discussions.Note-Taking: Provide learners with note-taking templates to capture important vocabulary, phrases, or cultural insights.D. Post-Viewing Activities.Vocabulary Review: Review the vocabulary introduced in the movie and encourage learners to practice using it.Plot Summary and Analysis: Discuss the movie's plot, characters, and themes in detail.Cultural Reflection: Engage learners in discussions about the cultural aspects of the movie and how they compare to their own culture.Movie Review Writing: Ask learners to write movie reviews that incorporate their language learning observations.IV. Assessment.Listening Comprehension Quizzes: Test learners' understanding of the movie's dialogue.Vocabulary Quizzes: Assess learners' retention of the new vocabulary introduced in the movie.Cultural Awareness Quizzes: Evaluate learners' ability to identify and explain cultural aspects of the movie.Movie Review Analysis: Review learners' movie reviews to assess their language use and cultural insights.V. Conclusion."Watching Movies to Learn English" is an effective and enjoyable teaching plan that utilizes the power of entertainment to enhance language acquisition. By incorporating movies into their curriculum, educators can create immersive language learning experiences, expand learners' vocabulary, foster cultural understanding, and improve their overall listening comprehension skills.中文回答:一、导言。
一、教学目标1. 培养学生的英语听、说、读、写能力。
2. 提高学生对英语文化的理解。
3. 增强学生的团队合作精神和口语表达能力。
4. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
五、教学过程第一课时:1. 导入(1)展示电影海报,激发学生兴趣。
2. 预习(1)学生观看电影片段,了解故事梗概。
3. 观看电影(1)学生分组,每组选择一个片段进行观看。
4. 讨论与分析(1)每组学生分享观看片段的感受,讨论电影主题。
5. 活动环节(1)角色扮演:学生分组扮演电影中的角色,进行对话练习。
第二课时:1. 复习(1)教师回顾上一节课的学习内容,检查学生对电影知识的掌握。
2. 课堂讨论(1)教师提出与电影相关的问题,引导学生进行讨论。
3. 角色扮演(1)学生分组,每组选择一个片段进行角色扮演。
4. 总结与反思(1)教师引导学生总结电影中的英语表达和语法知识。
5. 作业布置(1)学生观看整部电影,并写下观后感。
六、教学评价1. 学生对电影内容的理解程度。
2. 学生在活动环节中的表现,如角色扮演、翻译比赛等。
3. 学生对英语表达的掌握程度。
4. 学生对英语文化的了解程度。
七、教学反思1. 教师反思教学过程中存在的问题,如学生参与度、课堂氛围等。
英语影视作品欣赏教案Finding Nemo授课学时5第一课时教学目标:1. 使学生通过分享台词及自己的心得体会,加深对剧情的了解,体会电影主题。
2. 总结经典台词,提高学生词汇量。
3. 通过欣赏,练习片段,使学生能够进行简单的配音或是能够表演出其中自己欣赏的小片段。
教学重点:1. 帮学生记住经典台词。
2. 给电影小片段配音教学方法:教师讲解,学生分组讨论和观看影片Teaching step:1、通过幻灯片和学生一起回顾整个电影的主要内容。
教师总结经典台词:1.Good thing I was here. If I hadn't shown up-- 还好我在这里—2.He wasn't going to go. -He was too afraid. -他不会去的 -没错,他胆小3.No, I wasn't. 不,不小4.This does not concern you, kids... 好了,孩子们我不怪你们...5.and you're lucky I don't tell your parents. 我也不会把今天的事告诉你们家长6.You know you can't swim well. 你明知道你的游泳技术不行7.I can swim fine, Dad, OK? 我行,老爸,你让我去吧!8.No, it's not OK. You shouldn't be near here. 不,不行,你不该来这种地方9.OK, I was right. You'll start school in a year or two. 看来,我是对了. 我决定了过两年我们再上学吧10.No, Dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean-- 不,老爸! 你不能因为害怕大海就—11.Clearly, you're not ready... 显然你还没准备好...Marlin: Dory, do you see anything?Dory: Aah! Something's got me.Marlin: That was me. I am sorry.Dory: Who's that?Marlin: Who's that could it be? It's me.Dory: Are you my conscience?Marlin: Yeah, yeah. I am your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while. How are you?Dory: Can't complain.Marlin: Yeah? Good. Now Dory, I want you to tell me—Do you see anything?Dory: I see a … I see a light.Marlin: A light?Dory: Yeah. Over there. Hey, conscience, am I dead?Marlin: No. I see it, too. What is it?Dory: It's so prettyMarlin: I am feeling happy, which is a big deal for me.Dory: I want to touch it.Marlin: Hey, come back. Come on back here.Dory: I am gonna get you.Marlin: I am gonna swim with you. I am gonna be your best friend. Good feeling's gone.2、观摩经典片段17′~21′,给学生十分钟左右分组练习配音.4、请学生汇报表演配音。
看电影学单词课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够通过观看电影片段,掌握并运用10个与日常生活相关的英语单词。
2. 学生能够理解电影片段中出现的单词在具体语境中的意义和用法。
3. 学生能够运用新学的单词进行简单的句子编写。
技能目标:1. 学生能够借助电影情境,提高英语听力理解能力,准确捕捉单词发音和意义。
2. 学生能够在小组活动中,运用新学的单词进行有效沟通,提升口语表达能力。
3. 学生能够通过看电影学单词的方式,培养自主学习英语的能力。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生对英语学习保持积极的态度,激发学习兴趣,增强自信心。
2. 学生在小组活动中,学会合作与分享,培养团队精神。
3. 学生通过了解电影中的文化背景,拓宽国际视野,增强跨文化交际意识。
教学内容主要包括以下三个方面:1. 单词学习:挑选10个与日常生活紧密相关的单词,如:detective、suspicious、brave、inclusive、proud、ambitious、persistent、humorous、confident、justice。
2. 语境应用:通过观看电影片段,让学生在具体语境中感知和理解单词的用法,并能将这些单词应用到日常对话和写作中。
3. 小组活动:组织学生进行小组讨论和角色扮演,运用新学的单词创编故事,提高学生的口语表达和团队合作能力。
1. 挑选适合自己的电影学习英语要掌握基本的语法和词汇,但是更重要的是听力和口语的培养。
2. 制定学习计划学习英语不能只学习一两个小时,就期望马上能够掌握。
3. 打印电影对话将电影的对话打印出来,可以帮助自己更好地理解电影里的语言表达,也能够更好地掌握电影中的生词和词汇。
4. 多次听觉为了掌握电影中的语言表达,需要多次听觉。
5. 记录生词和句型在看电影的时候,可以记录生词和句型,这样能够方便自己记忆和掌握新的语言表达。
6. 讲究发音和语调在学习英语的时候,发音和语调都是非常重要的要素。
7. 利用互联网资源互联网资源是非常丰富的,可以利用其资源来提高自己的英语学习能力。
英语电影教学教案教案标题:英语电影教学教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语听说能力和综合语言运用能力。
2. 培养学生对电影的欣赏能力和文化理解力。
3. 通过电影的故事情节和对话,帮助学生学习和掌握生活中常用的英语表达方式。
4. 培养学生的团队合作和学习兴趣。
教学重点:1. 学习电影中的单词和日常用语表达。
2. 进行听力训练,提高学生对快速英语对话的理解能力。
3. 学习电影中的常见情景对话。
教学准备:1. 英语学习电影(建议选择具有教育意义的动画片或喜剧片)。
2. 单词和表达用语的词汇表。
3. 评估学生听力理解和口语表达的评估表。
教学过程:步骤一:引入1. 来自电影中的片段:播放电影中的一个简短片段,让学生在不理解对话的情况下,通过观察表情和动作来猜测场景和情节。
步骤二:单词和表达学习1. 教师根据影片中出现的单词和表达,为学生呈现相关的词汇表。
2. 学生可以分组进行角色扮演,模仿电影中的对话和情景。
步骤三:影片观看1. 学生观看整个电影,并根据教师提供的问题和任务进行观察。
2. 教师可以根据电影中的情节和对话准备一些问题,用于学生观影后的讨论和分享。
步骤四:听力理解练习1. 教师可以准备一些电影中的短视频片段,并将其转为音频让学生进行听力练习。
2. 学生之间可以进行小组竞赛,谁能精准地听出对话内容并回答问题,获胜。
步骤五:表达训练1. 学生根据电影中的情节和对话,展开小组讨论,讨论电影中的主题、人物性格等。
2. 学生可以准备一个电影评论或剧评,进行演讲和分享。
步骤六:评估和反馈1. 教师进行听力理解和口语表达的评估,记录学生的学习进展。
2. 教师进行反馈和讨论,指导学生如何进一步提高听说能力。
教学延伸:1. 学生可以选择其他喜欢的英语电影,进行类似的教学活动和训练。
2. 学生可以制作自己的英语学习视频,将学到的英语知识和表达方式进行展示和分享。
《Seeing a film》 教学设计
![《Seeing a film》 教学设计](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/155c3ea58ad63186bceb19e8b8f67c1cfad6eea8.png)
《Seeing a film》教学设计一、教学目标1、知识目标(1)学生能够掌握与电影相关的词汇,如:cinema, ticket, popcorn, comedy, action film 等。
(2)学生能够运用句型“I want to see a film” “Let’s go to the cinema” 表达自己想看的电影以及邀请他人去电影院。
四、教学过程1、导入(5 分钟)(1)播放一段电影片段,如《冰雪奇缘》,引起学生的兴趣。
(2)提问学生:Do you like watching films? 引导学生回答 Yes or No,并简单说一说原因。
2、词汇学习(10 分钟)(1)通过图片、实物等展示与电影相关的词汇,如 cinema, ticket, popcorn 等,带领学生认读。
例如,教师描述:It’s a kindof food It’s sweet and salty We can eat it when we watch films 让学生猜出是 popcorn。
3、句型学习(10 分钟)(1)教师呈现不同类型电影的图片,如 comedy, action film, cartoon 等,引导学生用“I want to see a film” 句型表达自己想看的电影。
幼儿园影视少儿英语学习教案教学主题:影视少儿英语学习教学目标:1. 学生能够用英语表述一些基本单词和短语。
2. 学生能够从影视中学习并理解英语表达方式。
3. 学生能够通过观看影视来设置学习目标。
教学内容:1. 视频学习:学生观看一些适合幼儿园年龄段的英语儿童电视节目或动画片,如《熊出没》、《小猪佩奇》等,并学习相关的单词和短语。
2. 语音习得:教师可以将视频内容转化为练习口语和发音的材料,让学生跟读单词和短语,同时注意口音和语调。
3. 学习目标:教师可以通过讨论视频中的内容,让学生根据自身的学习目标来选择学习的内容,并帮助学生了解如何设置自己的学习计划。
教学过程:Step 1 引入新课1. 教师播放一段儿童英语影视,向学生介绍教学内容,并引出本节课的目标。
2. 教师与学生共同回忆上次学习的课程,并为本次学习做好心理准备。
Step 2 观看视频1. 教师播放视频,并让学生跟读与内容相关的单词和短语。
2. 教师为学生提供一些语言支持,比如视频中出现的重要单词及它们的意思。
Step 3 学习语音1. 教师准备一些与视频相关的语音练习,可以是与内容有关的迷你游戏或练习,比如句型问答。
2. 教师帮助学生纠正发音和语音语调。
3. 教师鼓励学生参与课堂互动。
Step 4 观看课后视频1. 教师播放一个与本次学习有关的课后视频。
2. 学生在视频播放完之后,分享对这次学习的感受与理解。
Step 5 结束课程1. 教师总结本节课所学的内容。
2. 教师鼓励学生通过观看更多的音频和视频来练习口语和理解能力。
二、教学重点与难点通过观看电影中的其精彩部分(highlight ),在“质感”的英语中感受体悟原汁原味的英语,逐渐培养学生独立思考的能力,让学生大胆表达自己对电影的真实感悟,从真实的交流中体会语言的文化内涵。
三、教法、学法及教学手段1. 学情分析从学生的认知水平和能力状况来看,学生已初步具备了一定的查找材料和信息的自主学习能力,但学习的方法和习惯还有待养成。
2. 教法(1)采用问题教学法采取实践、参与、合作、交流的学习方式,如:教师引导、查阅资料、分析探究、小组讨论、模拟对白,情景剧表演(2)谈话教学法设置情境——引导思考——交流互动3. 学法自主探究学习法,在课前,学生查阅相关资料课上教师扮演学生领路人的角色,学生在教师的引导下探究并自我总结,形成知识结构。
4. 教学手段多媒体教学时安排程共时4部影片:1》、《冰河世纪2》《哈利波特与魔法石》龙高手 2》 课程内容:影欣赏2. plot outline(故事梗概)》的述一只生活在美国达上的蓝,一直是世存的一只。
直到有一天,类研里奥来里,鹉的主人琳达要是再进行人工繁殖可能绝,研 究所就有一。
于了,他们从美飞往巴,一情之旅 就这么开始了。
3. movie time 带问题看电影 question 1which role in the movie do you like best?question 2what can we learn from the movie? (protect animals, love the nature, be brave ⋯ )4. s l a n g i come in peace. 我是和平使者。
看电影学英语教学计划English.Lesson Plan: Learning English from Movies.Objectives:Students will be able to improve their listening skills by watching movies in English.Students will be able to expand their vocabulary by learning new words and phrases from movies.Students will be able to enhance their cultural understanding by learning about different cultures and perspectives through movies.Materials:A movie in English with subtitles in the students'native language.A whiteboard or projector.Markers or pens.Paper.Procedure:1. Introduction (10 minutes)。
Greet students and introduce the topic of learning English from movies.Ask students if they enjoy watching movies in English and if they find it helpful for language learning.Explain the objectives of the lesson.2. Movie Selection (5 minutes)。
Choose a movie that is appropriate for the students' level of English and interests.Consider the length of the movie and the amount of time available.3. Pre-Viewing Activities (15 minutes)。
三、教法、学法及教学手段1. 学情分析从学生的认知水平和能力状况来看,学生已初步具备了一定的查找材料和信息的自主学习能力,但学习的方法和习惯还有待养成。
2. 教法(1)采用问题教学法采取实践、参与、合作、交流的学习方式,如:教师引导、查阅资料、分析探究、小组讨论、模拟对白,情景剧表演(2)谈话教学法设置情境——引导思考——交流互动3. 学法自主探究学习法,在课前,学生查阅相关资料课上教师扮演学生领路人的角色,学生在教师的引导下探究并自我总结,形成知识结构。
4. 教学手段多媒体教学四、课时安排本课程共4课时。
欣赏4部影片:《里约大冒险1》、《冰河世纪2》《哈利波特与魔法石》、《驯龙高手2》课程内容:第一时《里约大冒险1》电影欣赏2. plot outline(故事梗概)《里约大冒险》的故事讲述一只生活在美国明尼苏达州小镇上的蓝色金刚鹦鹉,一直是世界上仅存的一只公金刚鹦鹉。
《看电影学英语》校本课程纲要---英文原版电影之旅一.一.基本信息:1. 1.课程名称: 《看电影学英语》---英文原版电影之旅2.开发教师: 涂画3.教学教材: 创编, 配合英文原版电影影音资料4.课程类型: 人文素养类5.授课时间: 一学年,共32课时,每周一课时6.教学对象:初二年级二.二.课程简介:目前初中英语教学中文化教学课程多以英美文化基础知识为主要内容。
在内容上, 多涉及人物、历史、地理、政治、传统与习俗等大量笼统、概括性文化知识以及对象国文学作品及作者介绍等。
在教材方面, 以介绍知识性信息的阅读材料为主, 附加一些练习以提高语言能力, 如阅读理解, 词汇练习等。
但同时我们又看到, 把握文化知识只是学习文化的开始。
从英语教学角度来看, 技能比知识更重要。
学校教育的意义不仅在于传授给学习者知识, 更在于培养学习者解决问题的能力。
( The great use of school education is not how much to teach but the art of learning.) 电影是文化的传播者,无论是故事的叙述,情节的发展以及人物关系的变迁都有着很多和中式思维不太相同的地方,而这些通过语言表达出来的文化差异,却不能仅仅用语言分析透彻,这就需要我们对西方文化,尤其是美国文化的一些特点加以了解,在了解的基础上再逐点分析,不断地加以总结,专心体会东西方价值观念的不同,以及由此产生的思维方式的差异,通过对西方历史文化等方面的综合理解,将语言上升到真正意义上的交流,让英语活起来。
【教案】通过看电影学英语《Slumdog Millionaire》
![【教案】通过看电影学英语《Slumdog Millionaire》](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fa47495eb52acfc789ebc9da.png)
Improve Your Reading Skills through Watching English Movies ---- Slumdog MillionaireTeaching aims:Knowledge objects1. To raise students’ interest s in English through watching an English movie2.To make the students know how to appreciate an English movie3.To help the students learn some useful and common phrases in the movie4.To help the students pay attention to the oral English5.To develop students’ reading ability by learning the useful expressions in the movi e. Moral objects6.To encourage students to be themselves no matter what happens and be brave enough toovercome all kinds of difficulties.Teaching Key Points:1. To develop students’ reading ability by learning the useful expressions in the movie Teaching Difficulties:1.To help the students pay attention to the oral English2.To develop students’ reading ability by learning the useful expressions in the movie. Teaching Aids:Multi-media computer; overhead projector; Software: PowerPointTeaching Methods1.Task-based Approachmunicative ApproachTeaching Procedure:step1: lead inGive a brief introduction of this movie to the studentsStep2: Watching the movie to learn some usagesShow the movie to students, and ask students to pay attention to some oral English and write down some sentences during watching the movie.Step3: TalkingAsk some of the students to say something about the movie and share their feelings with the classStep4: ReadingShow students some authoritative comments on this movie, and then ask students to read and answer some questions.Text:It has been an earth-shaking few days for British director Danny Boyle, screenwriter Simon Beaufoy and the cast of their Mumbai-set movie Slumdog Millionaire. The film has captured the imagination of the public and critics alike, and is the clear front-runner for the forthcoming Bafta and Oscar awards. On Sunday evening it dominated the Golden Globes, triumphing in all four categories in which it was nominated, including best dramatic picture. Boyle and Beaufoy walked away with individual awards, as did A R Rahman, the celebrated Indian film composer who wrote its score.Here in Britain, Slumdog Millionaire opened brightly on Friday, accumulating a weekend gross of some £1.75 million. By last night, it was confidently expected to have overtaken all rivals to become the number one film at the UK box office.These are heady days, then, for this film, which is both likeable and, despite its Mumbai setting, very British (more of which later). In the current awards season, it clearly has what industry insiders like to call "momentum". But the influence of Slumdog Millionaire could be felt well beyond this year's Oscar ceremony. Indeed, I wonder whether, in coming years, we shall not regard it as the first emblematic film of the Barack Obama era.This is not merely because I think the US President-elect would like Slumdog Millionaire –though I am confident that he would. It is more that the film is such a radical contender for Oscars, and in ways that correspond to what appears to be Obama's world view.To recap briefly, Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal, a sweet-natured, uneducated teenage orphan from Mumbai's appalling slums who serves tea to call-centre workers. By a fluke, he becomes a contestant on the Hindi version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? and, astonishingly, finds himself on the verge of winning a fortune. Suspected of cheating, he is brutally interrogated by police. But in recounting incidents in his eventful life, he shows how he knew the answers to the specific questions.The first striking thing about this British-made film is its even-handed, generous spirit of universality. It is set in India and it's about Indians. There is no hint of Merchant Ivory decorum, the predicaments of rich westerners far from home, nor any notion that Boyle and his team were engaged in a David Lean-style imperial adventure in what was once one of the pink regions on the globe. Refreshingly, there is also no white character to "explain" the story (which needs no explanation) to western audiences.Similarly, Slumdog Millionaire is faithful to the language of its characters. At least a third of it is spoken in Hindi; Boyle playfully placed his subtitles in different parts of the screen in various scenes, a tacit concession to American and British audiences traditionally deterred by them.It is also notable that Jamal is a Muslim. Screenwriter Beaufoy profoundly altered his source material, Indian author Vikas Swarup's agreeable, amusing novel Q&A. Swarup's hero was called Ram Mohammed Thomas, a name with Hindu, Muslim and Christian connotations, suggesting an Indian everyman. Beaufoy deliberately plumped for a specifically Muslim hero.Furthermore the film is decidedly 21st century in its portrayal of a teeming city. One of the mixed blessings of globalisation is the tendency of Third World populations to migrate from rural areas, thereby creating sprawling, unwieldy mega-cities, such as Mexico City, Sao Paulo,Nairobi and, of course, Mumbai.Boyle and Beaufoy show in detail the devastating social problems in such a place – pimps, prostitutes, men who exploit children as beggars, murderous race riots and organised crime – as well as its frenetic buzz, its juxtaposition of extreme wealth and poverty and, despite everything, its giddy sense of exhilaration. Most urban films don't come close to capturing the modern city in this way.Nor are they made as cheaply as this one. Boyle, who used hand-held cameras and a mostly local Indian crew, told me recently that Slumdog Millionaire cost a mere $5 million to shoot – a pittance in modern film terms. But then he was not burdened by expensive western stars. Anil Kapoor, who plays the quiz show presenter, is a bona fide Bollywood superstar and Irrfan Khan, the police interrogator, is a distinguished Indian actor. But neither commands vast fees. The entire cast is largely unknown to western audiences, and it has not hindered its success a jot.If that hints at a new way forward for the film industry in this credit-crunch era, so does the theme of Slumdog Millionaire. One of the delights of Beaufoy's script is a contradiction: the portrayal of a city obsessed with amassing wealth – the hustle, the deal, the next get-rich-quick scheme –with a romantic young man at its centre who cares nothing for money. Instead, the overwhelmingly important thing in his life is his love for Latika, a slum girl he has known since childhood. He loses her for years at a time, and finally finds her living as a wealthy gangster's girlfriend and pleads with her to run away with him. "What will we live on?" she asks anxiously, in the story's key exchange. "Love," he says, simply.And in that single word lie the key qualities of Slumdog Millionaire. It does not have an ironic moment. It is utterly devoid of cynicism. Instead, it is bright-eyed, optimistic – idealistic, even. To generations reared on a drip-feed of corrosive cynicism, the elevation of greed for greed's sake and weary disillusion with our leaders and our institutions it feels almost shocking. Yet maybe we're ready for it. We saw these laudable qualities in the hundreds of thousands of people (most of them young) who toiled to elect Obama. Those whose work limits them to poring over the minutiae of life in Washington's Beltway and the Westminster village have already been murmuring that this idealism looks like naïveté. Yet look where our defensive cynicism has landed us: maybe we do need to look at the world anew.Slumdog Millionaire holds out this promise, and the one inescapable truth about the film is that the people who see it love it. Its word-of- mouth reputation, the strongest, most positive of any film in memory, has grown gradually since it was first screened in September at the Toronto Film Festival, where it won the audience award.Since then, its US distributors Fox Searchlight (a Hollywood studio subsidiary headed by an astute Englishman, Peter Rice) have shrewdly released the film gradually in relatively few American cinemas, allowing word-of-mouth to burnish its stature. Happily, that process finally bore fruit this last memorable weekend, and will surely continue to do so. Let us not forget this is a British triumph. Film 4, the film-production wing of Channel 4, originally optioned Sharup's novel before publication, and hired Beaufoy to adapt it. When Boyle came on board, he urged Beaufoy to focus on the love story he had devised (which was absent from Sharup's book). Film 4 was able to develop and finance the film with Celador, the British company that created WhoWants to be a Millionaire?The film has had its setbacks. Its original US distributors, Warner Independent, sceptical about its commercial prospects, pulled out, but Rice's Fox Searchlight stepped into the breach.In many respects, Slumdog Millionaire could only be British. It is technically adept in a manner that still eludes India's Bollywood cinema; Boyle is at the top of his form. Its subject matter is too foreign and remote to have been initiated by Hollywood; we British are not quite so insular in our world-view. And would any US studio bigwig approve a film with a Muslim hero?Next week, millions of Americans – and no doubt hundreds of thousands of Britons – will cluster around television sets to watch the inauguration of Barack Obama, whose election victory is rooted in the notion that while the world may be troubled, complex, and even ugly, our best instincts can help make it better. Slumdog Millionaire – a truly remarkable film – is rooted in that same idealismHomework:Learn some useful expressions in the movie and make sentences。
初中阅读英语电影教案一、教学目标1. 提高学生的英语听说能力:通过观看英语电影,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中提高英语听说能力,尤其是听力和口语表达能力。
2. 培养学生的跨文化交际意识:通过观看英语电影,让学生了解并感受不同的文化背景,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。
3. 提高学生的综合素养:通过观看英语电影,培养学生对艺术的鉴赏能力,提高学生的综合素养。
二、教学内容1. 电影名称:《疯狂动物城》(Zootopia)2. 电影简介:这是一部由迪士尼制作的3D动画电影,讲述了一个充满活力的动物世界,动物们在这个世界里和谐共处,然而,一个新的问题出现了,动物们开始失踪,为了解决这个问题,兔子朱迪和狐狸尼克组成了一支搭档,开始展开调查。
3. 教学重点:通过观看电影,让学生掌握电影中的重点词汇和句型,提高学生的英语听说能力。
三、教学过程1. 课前准备:教师提前为学生准备电影《疯狂动物城》的片段,并剪辑出重点词汇和句型,以便在课堂上进行讲解和练习。
2. 课堂导入:教师简要介绍电影《疯狂动物城》的背景和故事情节,激发学生的观看兴趣。
3. 观看电影:学生观看电影片段,注意听懂电影中的对话和情节。
4. 电影讲解:教师针对电影中的重点词汇和句型进行讲解,并进行口语练习,让学生模仿和运用电影中的语言。
5. 小组讨论:学生分组讨论电影中的情节和角色,并尝试用英语表达自己的观点。
6. 角色扮演:学生分组扮演电影中的角色,进行角色扮演练习,提高口语表达能力。
7. 电影欣赏:学生观看完整电影,感受电影的艺术魅力,提高对艺术的鉴赏能力。
8. 课后作业:教师布置有关电影《疯狂动物城》的课后作业,让学生巩固所学知识。
四、教学评价1. 学生的英语听说能力:通过课堂上的口语练习和课后作业,评价学生的英语听说能力是否有所提高。
2. 学生的跨文化交际意识:通过小组讨论和角色扮演,评价学生是否能够理解和尊重不同的文化背景。
3. 学生的综合素养:通过电影欣赏和课后作业,评价学生的艺术鉴赏能力和综合素养是否有所提高。
《Seeing a film》 教学设计
![《Seeing a film》 教学设计](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3da30b3f3a3567ec102de2bd960590c69fc3d81c.png)
《Seeing a film》教学设计一、教学目标1、知识目标学生能够掌握与看电影相关的词汇和短语,如:cinema, ticket, popcorn, seat 等。
学生能够理解并运用有关描述电影情节、感受的常用句型,如:The film was very interesting I enjoyed it a lot2、能力目标能够听懂关于看电影的简单对话和描述。
四、教学过程1、导入(5 分钟)播放一段简短的电影片段,引起学生的兴趣。
2、词汇学习(10 分钟)展示与看电影相关的图片,如电影院、电影票、爆米花、座位等,教授新词汇:cinema, ticket, popcorn, seat 等。
3、句型学习(10 分钟)呈现一些关于描述电影的句子,如:The film was very funny I laughed a lot 引导学生理解并模仿。
4、听力练习(10 分钟)播放一段关于看电影的简单对话,让学生回答问题,如:Where did they go to see the film? What did they buy?再次播放对话,让学生跟读,模仿语音语调。
一、教学目标1. 提高学生的英语听力和口语表达能力。
2. 培养学生对英语文化的理解和欣赏能力。
3. 增强学生的跨文化交际意识。
4. 激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。
二、教学内容选择一部适合英语学习者的电影,例如《The Pursuit of Happyness》(幸福终点站)。
五、教学步骤第一课时:导入与背景介绍1. 导入:播放电影预告片,激发学生兴趣。
2. 背景介绍:简要介绍电影的基本情节、主题和主要角色。
3. 目标设定:明确本节课的学习目标和重点。
第二课时:电影片段观看与词汇学习1. 观看:播放电影片段,学生边看边记录生词和短语。
2. 词汇学习:针对电影片段中的关键词汇进行讲解和练习,包括发音、拼写和用法。
3. 口语练习:学生分组,模拟电影片段中的对话,练习口语表达。
第三课时:语法点讲解与练习1. 语法点讲解:针对电影中的特定语法点进行讲解,如时态、语态、从句等。
2. 练习:设计相关练习题,帮助学生巩固语法知识。
第四课时:文化背景知识学习1. 文化背景介绍:介绍电影中的文化背景知识,如美国社会、生活习惯等。
2. 讨论:引导学生讨论电影中的文化差异,增强跨文化交际意识。
第五课时:角色扮演与表演1. 角色选择:学生分组,选择电影中的角色进行扮演。
2. 表演:学生进行角色扮演,锻炼口语表达能力。
3. 评价:教师对学生表演进行评价,指出优点和不足。
第六课时:电影主题探讨1. 主题讨论:引导学生围绕电影主题进行讨论,如幸福、家庭、梦想等。
2. 写作:学生根据讨论内容,写一篇关于电影主题的短文。
第七课时:电影片段分析1. 片段分析:选择电影中的精彩片段,分析其表现手法和语言特点。
2. 讨论:学生分组讨论,分享自己的观点。
第八课时:总结与评价1. 总结:回顾本课程的学习内容,总结电影中的重点词汇、语法和文化背景。
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Unit 1 My name is Charlotte 第一课时一、教学目标:知识与技能目标:通过对电影的欣赏与学习,提高学生对一些简单日常用语的应用与听说运用能力,例如句型My name is```等过程与方法目标:通过对原声电影背景介绍、电影欣赏、模仿对话、学唱电影歌曲等方式进行教学,使学生感受英语学习的乐趣,在快乐中学习英语。
二、教学重点:能够理解并模仿原声电影三、教学难点:能够在创设的情境下表演电影片段四、教学准备:多媒体课件五、教学过程:1.介绍故事背景:One spring, on a farm, a little girl learns that her father plans to kill a newborn pig. She saves his life and names him Wilbur. Charlotte, a spider, befriends Wilbur and decides to help prevent him from being eaten. The farm family, Wilbur and Charlotte go to a fair, where Wilbur takes part in a contest.2. 电影片段欣赏:播放电影片段,学生感受故事中人物特点及情感态度3. Let’s talk:请同学们说一说故事中的人物Wilbur和Charlotte的特点,并总结学习Wilbur:lovely, easygoing and kindCharlotte:friendly, clever and brave4. 跟读模仿:再次播放电影片段,学生进行跟读训练,并试着模仿故事中人物的情感,语音语调,使学生能够很好的融入到故事中去。
Charlotte: I think now is the time for me to say salutations.Wilbur: What?C: Salutations.W: Oh. Okay. I’ll leave.C: No, Wilbur. Salutations is just a fancy way of saying hello.W: Oh! Hello. Hey, you know my name! what’s yours?C: My name? My name is Charlotte. Charlotte A. Cavatica.W: Charlotte. Great name.C: Thank you. I’ve always thought so.W: Hey, since you’ve said salu… Y ou know that word, does that mean we’re friends?C: I suppose it does.W: Yeah!5. 朗读片段在跟读模仿的基础上,学生试着自己朗读故事片段Unit 1 My name is Charlotte 第二课时一、教学目标:知识与技能目标:通过对电影的欣赏与学习,提高学生对一些简单日常用语的应用与听说运用能力,例如句型My name is…等过程与方法目标:通过对原声电影背景介绍、电影欣赏、模仿对话、学唱电影歌曲等方式进行教学,使学生感受英语学习的乐趣,在快乐中学习英语。
二、教学重点:能够理解并模仿原声电影三、教学难点:能够在创设的情境下表演电影片段四、教学准备:多媒体课件五、教学过程:1. 回顾故事片段:先请学生试着说一说故事的大概容,然后播放故事片段,学生进行跟读模仿练习2. Let’s read:把故事中比较难理解的词提出来一起读一读,认一认Salutations 致敬Fancy 奇特的Since 既然Mean 意味着Suppose 猜想3. Let’s practice:故事中的经典句型一起学习模仿I’ve always thought so.Does that mean we’re friends?I suppose it does.4. 分组练习:学生两人一组,练习电影片段Charlotte: I think now is the time for me to say salutations.Wilbur: What?C: Salutations.W: Oh. Okay. I’ll leave.C: No, Wilbur. Salutations is just a fancy way of saying hello.W: Oh! Hello. Hey, you know my name! what’s yours?C: My name? My name is Charlotte. Charlotte A. Cavatica.W: Charlotte. Great name.C: Thank you. I’ve always thought so.W: Hey, since you’ve said salu… Y ou know that word, does that mean we’re friends?C: I suppose it does.W: Yeah!5. 看电影配音表演请几组同学上前看着电影片段进行配音表演,表演好的小组在评价中给予加分奖励,以鼓励学生表演。
6. Let’s sing:欣赏歌曲《Ordinary Miracle》Unit 2 I just love the sea 第一课时一、教学目标:知识与技能目标:通过对电影的欣赏与学习,提高学生对一些简单日常用语的应用与听说运用能力,例如句型I just love ```等过程与方法目标:通过对原声电影背景介绍、电影欣赏、模仿对话、学唱电影歌曲等方式进行教学,使学生感受英语学习的乐趣,在快乐中学习英语。
二、教学重点:能够理解并模仿原声电影三、教学难点:能够在创设的情境下表演电影片段四、教学准备:多媒体课件五、教学过程:1.介绍故事背景:The story focuses on Ariel’s and Eric’s daughter Melody, a human princess who longs to swim in the ocean despite her parent’s law that the sea is forbidden to her. But by her 12th birthday, she’s been swimming there for years. She meets Morgana who tempts her by offering her fondest wish, to turn her into a mermaid; however, to remain a mermaid, she’ll have to steal the magic trident form King Triton( who, unknown to her, is her grandfather). She joins up with Tip( a penguin) and Dash(a Walrus). When she returns with the trident, Morgana’s evil nature is revealed, and there is a massive battle of good and evil.2. 电影片段欣赏:播放电影片段,学生感受故事中人物特点及情感态度3. Let’s talk:请同学们说一说故事中的人物Melody、Sebastian和Scuttle的特点,并总结学习Melody:naïve, curious and rebellious.Sebastian:loyal and timidScuttle: helpful4. 跟读模仿:再次播放电影片段,学生进行跟读训练,并试着模仿故事中人物的情感,语音语调,使学生能够很好的融入到故事中去。
Melody: Hey, Scuttle. Hey, Sebastian. What’s kicking?Scuttle: Uh, what’s kicking? Hmm. Let me see. Don’t rush me. Sebastian: Ha! You know perfectly well what’s kicking. Now , come along. You gonna be late for the-Melody: sorry, Sebastian.Sebastian: Melody, child, how many times do I have to tell you?Melody and Sebastian: It is expressly forbidden for you to be swimming```beyond the safety of the sea wall.Melody: Any such swimming is a reckless disregard of the rules, don’t you know?Sebastian: Stop that.Melody:Oh, Sebastian, I can’t help it. I just love the sea!Sebastian: Hey! Come back here! You are just like-like your mother. Flounder: Hi Melody.5. 朗读片段在跟读模仿的基础上,学生试着自己朗读故事片段Unit 2 I just love the sea 第二课时一、教学目标:知识与技能目标:通过对电影的欣赏与学习,提高学生对一些简单日常用语的应用与听说运用能力,例如句型I just love```等过程与方法目标:通过对原声电影背景介绍、电影欣赏、模仿对话、学唱电影歌曲等方式进行教学,使学生感受英语学习的乐趣,在快乐中学习英语。