[判断题]原始海绵体表穿插无数孔细胞,形成海绵的出水小孔。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]()是指上级管理者所直接领导下级人员的数量。A.管理幅度B.组织构成C.组织规模D.组织形成 [单选]在溶解或熔融状态下不能导电的物质叫做()。A.电解质B.非电解质C.电介质D.非电介质 [单选]中国第一艘千吨级轮船是()号。A、杨武B、威远C、万年清D、平远 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]发热微恶寒,口渴咽干,干咳,舌干苔黄,脉浮数。证属()A.伤暑证B.温燥证C.凉燥证D.内燥证E.阴虚证 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]胸部触诊时语音震颤增强常见于()。A.大叶性肺炎实变期B.胸壁皮下气肿C.肺气肿D.大量胸腔积液E.气胸 [单选]患者,男,40岁。患"类风湿关节炎"2年,现症见关节肿胀,以四肢小关节为主,僵硬变形,屈伸不利,痛处固定,昼轻夜重,口干不欲饮,舌质紫暗,苔白腻,脉细涩。实验室检查:RF阳性。其证型是()A.风寒湿阻证B.痰瘀互结证C.风湿热郁证D.肝肾阴虚证E.以上皆不是 [单选]导致中药泛油的决定性因素是()。A.微生物的作用B.储存保管不当C.湿度D.温度E.中药本身的性质 [单选]不属于矿业工程项目工程量变更的条件的是()。A.因设计局部修改B.因工程施工中客观条件变化而修改施工图设计C.超过本单位工程预备费率部分的"三材"D.因材料代用所增加的费用 [单选]了解胎儿宫内生长发育的情况可根据().A.每天早晚自测胎动B.宫高、腹围及胎头双顶径测定C.羊水L/S测定D.NST或OCTE.羊膜镜检查 [多选]有扬程无限高、流量与排出压力无关、具有自吸能力的特点的泵包括()。ABCD [填空题]在超声波探伤中,由于波的传播方向改变使声程增加或由于波形转换后使声速变慢出现的波形通常称为()波。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下自杀的相关因素不正确的是()A.重大的负性应激事件可能成为自杀的直接原因或诱因B.独身、离婚、丧偶者自杀率高于婚姻状况稳定者C.从事专门职业的医生、律师、作家、音乐家等的自杀率低于普通人群D.西方国家的自杀率大多是男多于女,而我国则相差不大 [单选]关于WHO推荐的葡萄糖耐量试验,正确的是()A.口服葡萄糖100克B.糖耐量减低即可诊断糖尿病C.口服糖耐量试验前3日,每日碳水化合物摄入量应少于250克D.空腹血糖小于7mmol/L,不必做此检查E.同步查尿糖,可大致判断肾糖阈 [单选]某患者腰部伸展时疼痛,并会伴有下肢放射痛,屈曲时疼痛缓解,初步怀疑腰椎滑脱,应选择以下哪种检查确诊()A.X线B.CTC.MRID.造影E.穿刺 [问答题,简答题]埃尔托霍乱先后何时传人我国,流行情况如何? [单选]双金属片是由两种()不同的金属片叠焊在一起构成的。A、温度B、质量C、体积膨胀系数D、线膨胀系数 [填空题]为了增强基础的整体性,常在垂直于条形基础的另一个方向每隔一定距离设置(),将条形基础联系起来。 [单选]冷却速度快,过冷度较大,经处理的工件强度、硬度、韧性较高,而且生产周期短,能量耗费少,应优先考虑的热处理方法是()。A.淬火B.回火C.正火D.高温回火 [单选]游乐园的()应该执行国家有关标准和规范。A、计划、设计、施工B、引进、安装C、制造、安装D、规划、设计、施工 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]第一斜位又称为()A.右后斜位B.左后斜位C.左侧位D.右前斜位E.左前斜位 [单选]根据企业所得税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,在计算企业所得税时适用25%税率的是()。A.在中国境内设立机构、场所且取得的所得与其所设机构、场所有实际联系的非居民企业B.符合条件的小型微利企业C.国家需要重点扶持的高新技术企业D.在中国境内未设立机构、场所的非居民企 [问答题,简答题]缠绕式立井箕斗提煤系统,如因煤仓仓满卸煤时发生卡箕斗现象,操作工怎样从运行异常地讯号或现象来判断?应采取什么应急措施? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于高渗性脱水,描述错误的是().A.细胞内液增加B.细胞外液减少C.细胞内液减少D.血浆钠浓度增加E.体重明显下降 [多选]安装工程分部分项工程量清单编制的原则有()。A.满足工程计价、施工招标的需要B.全面、准确计算工程量、避免错项、漏项C.查阅设计文件,分析拟建安装工程构成D.严格遵守法律、法规和规范 [单选]设L是以O(0,0)、A(1,0),B(0,1)为顶点的三角形的边界,则(x+y)ds的值为()A.-B.1-2C.1+D.-1+ [判断题]半抗原不具有反应原性,但具有免疫原性。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]小儿肘关节脱位发病的高峰年龄是()A.6~8岁B.8~10岁C.10~11岁D.11~12岁E.13~14岁 [问答题,案例分析题]病例摘要:关某,男,56岁,教师,于2013年5月6日就诊。患者1个月前出现中上腹、右上腹隐痛,食欲不振,疼痛多发生在餐前,2周来由于工作紧张导致病情加重,频繁出现夜间疼痛,以致无法入睡,进食后可稍有减轻。为进一步治疗特来我院。现症见:胃脘灼热疼痛, [单选]产后恢复排卵时间为()A.不哺乳产妇恢复排卵时间平均为产后12周B.哺乳产妇恢复排卵时间平均为产后8周C.哺乳产妇恢复排卵时间平均为产后6~8个月D.哺乳产妇恢复排卵时间平均为产后2~4个月E.以上都不是 [单选]一条高速公路的通信系统由()子系统构成。A.光纤数字传输系统、数字程控交换系统、会议电视系统、通信电源系统、光电缆工程及通信管道工程B.光纤数字传输系统、数字程控交换系统、有线广播系统、通信电源系统、光电Байду номын сангаас工程及通信管道工程C.光纤数字传输系统、数字程控交换系 [单选]制动瓦磨损超过(),应及时更换。A.50%B.60%C.70%D.80% [单选,A1型题]生理性贫血最明显的时间为生后()A.1个月以后B.2~3个月C.4~5个月D.6个月E.7~9个月 [填空题]分析和计算复杂电路的主要依据是()定律和()定律。 [问答题,简答题]什么是“抄表段”? [问答题,简答题]防护镜的选择要求 [单选,A1型题]医师在执业活动中,违反《执业医师法》规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门给予警告或者责令暂停六个月以上一年以下执业活动;情节严重的,吊销其医师执业证书()A.未经批准开办医疗机构行医的B.经患者或家属同意,对患者进行实验性临床医疗的 [单选]手工焊接常用的助焊剂是()。A、松香B、无机助焊剂C、有机助焊剂D、阻焊剂 [单选]确诊不明原因性不孕首先选用()A.输卵管通液试验B.腹腔镜子宫镜联合检查C.B超检查D.子宫输卵管碘油造影E.输卵管通气实验 [单选]涡轮往复式发动机的废气门控制().A.增压器齿轮比B.排出气体的流量C.节气门打开
9.We each have an autumn festival. We have an …each.
10.The weather in Picture 3 is colder than that in Picture 1.
11.Are you free tomorrow?
at the sห้องสมุดไป่ตู้hool gate. the most carefully
4.He is a c_a_r_e_fu_l_(care) student.He does everything ________(care) in our class.We must learn from him.
5.How _ca_r_e_le_s_s_(care) Jack was! He fell down from the ladder. 6.Do you know a boy _c_a_ll_e_d_(call) Li Ping? 7.The boy i_s_c_a_l_le_d_(call) Li Ping. 8.It is raining hard.But they are going onw__o_r_k_in_g_(work) in the fields. 9.He lives on the _t_w_e_lf_t_h_(twelve) lesson today. 10.The food tastes _g_o_o_d__(well,good).
从容不迫;稳重:面容~|举止~|老人~地坐在靠椅里。 【安享】动安安稳稳地享受或享用:~清福|~晚年。 【安歇】动①上床睡觉:天已不早,大家 该回房~了。②休息:走得太累,先找个地方~一下。 【安心】∥ī动存心;居心:~不善|谁知他安的什么心? 【安心】ī形心情安定:~工作|家里事多, 在外也难~。 【安逸】形安闲舒适:老人晚年在乡下过着~的生活。 【安营】∥ī动(队伍)架起帐篷住下。 【安营扎寨】原指军队架起帐篷、修起
[单选,A1型题]关于产后出血预防正确的是()A.宫口开全时肌注缩宫素10UB.应在宫缩较强时娩出胎头C.双胎妊娠,在第一胎肩部娩出后肌注催产素D.胎儿娩出后,应用手按摩子宫帮助胎盘娩出E.产后在产房密切观察宫缩及阴道流血情况2小时 [单选]2007年是内蒙古自治区成立60周年,中共中央在给内蒙古自治区的贺电中说:“内蒙古自治区的成立,是中国共产党把马克思主义基本原理同我国民族实际相结合的一个伟大创举。”这里的“伟大创举”是指()。A.率先实行了民族区域自治B.率先赢得了民族独立C.率先由当地民族当家作 [判断题]冷冻油的作用有润滑压缩机内各运动部件及降低压缩机噪声。()A.正确B.错误 [多选]多个单位共同承担的建设项目,向海局申请办理《水上水下作业许可证》时可由()申办。A.多个单位的总负责单位统一B.从事某一类型施工的单位就该类型作业C.从事某一科目施工的单位就该科目申办某单位申办其他单位免办D.任意选一单位 [多选]肾蒂损伤有如下特点()A.较少见B.手术效果佳C.多发生于右肾D.出血量大,病人多处于休克状态E.应力争及早手术探查,否则死亡率极高 [单选]关于饭店营销,下列说法错误的是()。A.饭店营销是指饭店经营者通过为客人创造产品和价值并进行交换而满足其需要和欲望的一系列有计划、有组织的活动B.饭店营销就是对饭店所提供服务的销售C.饭店营销是通过客人的满意来实现饭店目标D.饭店营销先通过确定客人的需求,然后向 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]骨折的定义为()A.骨的完整性或连续性遭到破坏,即称骨折。临床上对骨折的描述,常根据创伤的原因、创伤的解剖部位、骨折线的特点、皮肤或黏膜破裂来命名B.骨受到外力作用产生损害,即称骨折C.骨积劳断裂即称骨折D.骨受到外力作用产生损害,即称骨折。临 [单选]作屏蔽材料用于屏蔽β射线的物质()A.铅B.铝C.铁D.铜E.锌 [单选,A1型题]二尖瓣狭窄时的最主要的临床表现是()。A.二尖瓣面容B.心脏呈梨形C.二尖瓣区收缩期杂音D.心尖区隆隆样舒张中晚期杂音E.肺动脉区第二心音增强 [多选]下列关于计算机撮合成交的说法正确的是()。A.计算机撮合成交是根据公开喊价的原理设计的B.一般将买卖申报单以价格优先、时间优先的原则进行排序C.当买人价大于、等于卖出价时自动撮合成交D.集合竞价采用最大成交量原则 [问答题,简答题]引烧真空瓦斯的操作? [单选]计算机病毒是(1)。特洛伊木马一般分为服务器端和客户端,如果攻击主机为A,目标主机为B,则(2)。空白(2)处应选择()A为服务器端,B为客户端B.A为客户端,B为服务器端C.A既为服务器端又为客户端D.B既为服务器端又为客户端 [单选,A1型题]关于生长发育评价方法错误的是()A.离差法可分为等级评价和曲线图法B.相关回归法既能评价发育水平,又能反映发育的匀称程度C.身高标准体重可反映儿童现实营养状况D.发育年龄又称生物年龄可评价儿童的发育状况E.百分位数法,其原理和制作过程与离差法完全相同 [单选]有关食管癌哪项不正确()A.多为鳞状细胞癌B.壁内扩散多向下浸润C.常转移至肝、肺、骨D.淋巴结转移为主要方式E.血行转移多见于晚期 [单选]尺骨的构造是()。A、分为一体两端,上端称尺骨冰,下端称尺骨茎突B、分为一体两端,上端钩状突出的是鹰咀,下端称尺骨头C、分为一体两端,上端钩状突出的是鹰咀,下端有滑车切迹D、分为一体两端,上端粗大有滑车切迹,下端有尺骨鹰咀 [单选]关于自行组织招标应具备的条件,说法错误的是()。A.具有项目法人资格B.有从事同类工程建设项目招标的经验C.设有专门的招标机构或者拥有2名以下专职招标业务人员D.具有与招标项目规模和复杂程度相适应的工程技术、概预算、财务和工程管理等方面专业技术力量 [单选,A1型题]不属于红细胞生成不足性贫血的是()A.营养性缺铁性贫血B.原发性再生障碍性贫血C.继发性再生障碍性贫血D.自身免疫性溶血性贫血E.营养性巨幼细胞贫血 [单选]下列情况易因使用抗生素而诱发呼吸肌麻痹,不包括()A.肾功能不全患者用药蓄积B.全麻与筒箭毒碱和琥珀胆碱等肌松药合用C.静脉内、腹腔内和胸腔内用药D.血钙增高E.重症肌无力病患者 [单选]心室颤动时,首次直流电除颤用()A.100JB.150JC.200JD.300JE.360J或以上 [单选]胶结类型是指胶结物在砂岩中的分布状况以及与碎屑()的接触关系。A、粗粒B、中粒C、细粒D、颗粒 [问答题,简答题]如何制定企业培训计划? [单选,A1型题]第一类精神药品每次处方()A.不得超过1日常用量B.不得超过2日常用量C.不得超过3日常用量D.不得超过5日常用量E.不得超过7日常用量 [判断题]接地线沿墙敷设时必须穿PVC管,同一级电压的电力电缆可穿在同一管孔内。A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列不属于物业管理车辆管理方法与要求的是()。A.建立健全车辆管理队伍B.车辆出入管理C.消防通道的车辆管理D.车辆停放管理 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]LD酶有几种结构不同的同工酶().A.2B.3C.4D.5E.6 [判断题]锂电池为9类危险品,法规对符合相关规定的锂电池标示了例外条款。A.正确B.错误 [单选]高压供电系统中,计算时,基准电压一般取短路点()。A.额定电压B.计算电压C.末端电压D.最小电压 [单选]痹证所以有风寒湿痹与热痹,大多数医家认为取决于()A.感邪性质的不同B.病变部位的不同C.感邪季节的不同D.地理、气候、环境的不同E.人体素质的阳气盛衰不同 [问答题,简答题]张力减径机的作用是什么?一套张力减径机一般由几架组成? [单选]行全子宫及单侧附件切除术时,切除下列哪项最不易损伤输尿管?()A.骨盆漏斗韧带B.卵巢固有韧带C.子宫骶骨韧带D.子宫动脉E.主韧带 [单选]用户进行长途通信时.用户访问的正确路径是().A.用户所在地网络—传送网—交换网—接入网B.用户所在地网络—接入网—交换网—传送网C.用户所在地网络—交换网—接入网—传送网 [判断题]转动的轴和固定的泵壳间的密封称轴封A.正确B.错误 [单选]关于书刊装订样式的说法,错误的是()。A.平装也称简装,分普通平装和勒口平装两种B.精装的封面质地较硬,包括软精装和半精装C.按照成品的书脊形状,精装还可分为圆脊精装和平脊精装D.勒口平装的勒口宽度一般不少于30毫米,且可增大变为"拉页" [单选]某企业生产甲、乙两种产品,2009年12月共发生生产工人工资70000元,福利费10000元。上述人工费按生产工时比例在甲、乙产品间分配,其中甲产品的生产工时为1200小时,乙产品的生产工时为800小时。该企业生产甲产品应分配的人工费为()元。A.28000B.32000C.42000D.48000 [判断题]婴幼儿急性胃肠炎的主要病原体是人类轮状病毒。A.正确B.错误 [填空题]质量文化的功能包括()、()和辐射功能。 [单选]关于输精管的叙述,下列哪项不对?()A.为一个肌性管道B.是构成精索的主要结构C.起自附睾尾D.管腔较细,管壁较薄E.末段膨大形成输精管壶腹 [问答题,简答题]投资连结保险有什么特点? [单选,A1型题]精神药品处方至少保存()A.1年B.2年C.3年D.5年E.7年 [单选]在MCS51系列单片机中,4个I/O口,其中()口是双重功能口。A、P0;B、P1;C、P2;D、P3。
U20090727九年级上学期英语错题集班级:______________姓名:______________组别: _______________要求:1.封皮上写好班级、姓名、组别,夹在透明拉杆夹里2.每道题画出答案的证据,做完对照后面答案红笔批改,周一检查Module 19.21.The Great Wall is one of the greatest man-made w_____________of the world.2.She ___________(see)the film twice, so she doesn’t want to see it any more.3.The mountain lies in the ____________(east)part of Australia.4.I’d like to _____________(参加)the class meeting.5.The sun rose behind me and ___________(shine)on the rocks.6.It’s good to keep __________(silence)in the library.7.While some students were playing, the wall ____________(fall)away behind them.8.During the past three days, we _____________(visit)many places of interest.9.51.I ____________(remain)by the canyon for about an hour and then left.2. Listen! It _____________(rain)outside.3.In ________ _________(据她看来),reading can bring her a lot of knowledge and pleasure.4.Mount Qomolangma is the _____________(high)mountain in the world.5.They ______________(have)an English class at nine o’clock yesterday morning.6.The teacher always let us ______________(discuss)questions in groups in class.7.The Grand Canyon is one the ____________(nature)wonders of the world.8.--How soon ________ they _________(get)here?--In about two hours.9.The sun ____________(shine)and the birds sang in the sun.10.To stay healthy, Lingling has decided ___________(join)a club.11. .It’s good to keep __________(silence)in the library.12.Linda’s mother asked her ___________(stay)at home when she went shopping.13.The teacher said the sun ______________(be)much bigger than the earth.14.The Smiths __________(live)in China for about 5 years since they moved here.15.Hurry up!The last bus ___________(arrive)in ten minutes.16.Tom __________(go)to the shop. He’ll be back in an hour.17.I _____________(not see)it before, so I’m not sure I agree with you.18.While some students were playing, the wall ____________(fall)away behind them.19.The sun __________(go)through the window and shines on us on sunny days.20.He __________(reply)to my message with only two words last night.21.在你看来,最伟大的人造奇观是什么?__________________________________________________22.兵马俑有2000多年的历史。
在OTPAE五步训练法中的第四步是___。A.案例分析B.训练准备C.活动导向D.效果评估 在我国,引起咯血的首要原因A.肺炎B.肺脓肿C.肺结核D.肺梗死E.肺寄生虫病 下列各项中,可用来协调公司债权人与所有者矛盾的方法有。A.增加财务杠杆B.规定借款的信用条件C.要求提供借款担保D.收回借款或不再借款 传播途径是A、由一系列相互联系相继发生的疫源地构成的B、传染源及其排出的病原体可以波及到的地区C、病原体从受感染的机体排出后、再侵入易感机体前、在外环境所经历的全部过程(病原体从传染源排出后,侵入宿主之前,在外界环境中停留和转移所经历的全部过程)(病原体从传染来 下列不是库存控制的关键决策。A.订货点问题B.订货量问题C.库存成本问题D.库存基准问题 血友病A的病人治疗时应该输注的是()A.抗血友病球蛋白制剂B.白蛋白C.红细胞D.白细胞E.血小板 常见的误诊、漏诊的原因包括下面哪几种()A.病史资料不完整、不确切B.观察不细致或检验结果误差C.先人为主、主观臆断D.医学知识不足、缺乏临床经验E.疾病的临床表现不同 在抢救危重病人时,哪一条是保证抢救成功的前提是</br>哪一条可以先不考虑A.要有急病人所急的紧迫感B.要有敢担风险团结协作的使命感C.要有深厚的同情威D.抢救前先让患者知情同意E.要有经济头脑,保证少花钱多办事 在纯电容电路中超前90度。 矿业工程施工的技术准备工作主要包括掌握施工要求与检查施工条件、掌握与会审施工图纸以及。A."五通一平"B.编制施工组织设计及相关工作C.技术交底和技术培训工作D.及时完成施工图纸的收集和整理 细菌性食物中毒发生的先决条件是A.有传染源B.有传播途径C.机体抵抗力力降低D.夏秋季节,气温较高E.细菌在被污染的食物中大量繁殖并产生大量毒素 透平膨胀机内出现液体时,间隙压力表指针有什么变化? 强直性脊柱炎最早受累的脊柱部位是A.胸椎B.腰椎C.骶椎D.颈椎E.尾椎 人体内具分化能力的最早的造血细胞是A.T淋巴系祖细胞B.红系祖细胞C.粒系祖细胞D.造血干细胞E.巨核系祖细胞 保险合同中规定了受益人的保险金请求权。A.财产B.海上C.信用D.人身 下列关于行政主体的表述中正确的有()。A.行政主体跟行政机关是等同的B.行政主体包括行使行政职权的社会组织或个人C.行政主体是指行政法律关系的主体D.行政主体是享有行政职权、实施行政活动并能独立承担行政责任的组织E.能够以自己的名义行使行政职权,是判断行政机关及其他组织能 预防尿路感染的措施正确的是A.多饮水,每2~3小时排尿1次B.保持会阴部清洁C.尽可能避免使用尿路器械检查D.性生活后排尿E.以上均正确 干细胞培养中常将40个或40个以上细胞组成的细胞团称为A.集落B.微丛C.小丛D.大丛E.集团 生活史属于完全变态的节肢动物是A.蟑螂B.蚊C.虱D.臭虫E.以上均不正确 患者男性,42岁。感乏力、低热约3个月,咳嗽、有痰,体重下降。抗HIV阳性,查体发现颌下及腋下淋巴结肿大。青霉素、环丙沙星等治疗3周,症状无缓解。胸片显示间质性肺炎,进一步检查最需要做的是A.查血清抗HIVB.查找痰肺孢子虫C.结核菌素试验D.血清衣原体抗体E.插管吸痰做细菌培养 设U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},A={3,4,5},B={1,3,6},则集合{2,7,8}是。ABCD 对于土地登记代理合同而言,是不准确的。A.土地登记代理合同是双务合同B.土地登记代理合同是有偿合同C.土地登记代理合同为非要式合同D.土地登记代理合同一般为书面合同 音强的物理学基础是.A.振幅B.频率C.频谱D.相位 女性,35岁,患类风湿关节炎已10年,双膝屈曲畸形,肌肉萎缩,四肢关节无肿胀,个别关节有疼痛,ESR15mm/h,血尿常规正常,X线示双髋、双膝关节间隙消失,关节融合。该病人的治疗选择是A.MTX+激素B.非甾体类药C.非甾体类药+激素D.外科治疗,如关节置换等手术E.小剂量激素 过期妊娠应立即终止妊娠的指标,不正确的是A.胎儿体重≥4000g或胎儿生长受限B.12小时内胎动<10次或NST为无反应型,OCT阳性或可疑C.持续尿E/C比值高D.羊水暗区<3cm和(或)羊水粪染E.宫颈条件成熟 监理工程师定期组织现场协调会议,要解决处理的问题有。A.工作面交接和阶段成品保护责任问题B.场地与公用设施利用中的矛盾问题C.各承包单位之间的进度协调问题D.某一方面断水、断电、断路、开挖要求对其他方面影响的协调问题以及资源保障、外协调配合问题E.改善工作条件 《本草纲目》为后人留下了较完备的医药知识,人们在秉承这些医药知识的同时,其作者在行医时常为病人送药、煎药、喂药的高尚医德更为后人所称道,此人为A.孙思邈B.张仲景C.李时珍D.龚延贤E.喻昌 销售配送合同 公共财政的职能包括。A.资源配置职能B.收入分配职能C.调控经济职能D.监督管理职能E.调控社会职能 在大型设备采购合同履行过程中,监理工程师。A.有权进入制造现场进行见证,签署检验报告后免除供货方的质量责任B.有权进入制造现场进行见证,签署检验报告后不能免除供货方的质量责任C.无权进入制造现场进行见证,签署检验报告后不能免除供货方的质量责任D.无权进入制造现场进行见 男,45岁,右侧腹股沟斜疝入院。护士在病史采集中尿急史D.慢性咳嗽史E.工作种类 视网膜母细胞瘤最常见的生长方式是A.内生型B.外生型C.混合生长型D.弥漫性生长型E.苔藓状生长型 低钾血症的病因中,以下哪项不正确。A.结肠吻合术后长期进食不足B.输尿管乙状结肠吻合术后C.急性肾功能衰竭D.肠瘘E.静脉营养液中盐补充不足 “甘温除热”的代表方是A.四君子汤B.参苓白术散C.归脾汤D.补中益气汤E.生脉散 清除焊点时,的操作方法是错误的。A.要清理掉所有的焊点油漆B.不能破坏下层板C.可以用钻和磨削的方法切割 患者,女,50岁,高血压性心脏病,排便后,突然感胸闷咳嗽、大汗淋漓,脉搏120次/分,呼吸30次/分,不能平卧,烦躁不安,两肺布满湿啰音。给患者的卧位是()A.头低足高位B.半坐卧位C.端坐两腿下垂位D.仰卧位头侧一边E.侧卧位 2008年第29届奥运会比赛将在青岛市举行。A.帆船B.马术C.足球D.篮球 银行对银行账户的使用要求: 外阴鳞状上皮细胞增生病理特点哪项除外A.表皮层角化过度B.表皮层角化不全C.棘细胞层不规则增厚D.有淋巴细胞浸润E.上皮细胞层次紊乱,核染色深 受遗传和环境影响比较明显,受营养短期影响不明显的指标是A.体重B.身高C.胸围D.上臂围E.腹围
牛津英语九年级期末选择易错题精选50题1. The old man lived alone all his life and he _a rainy winter evening.A. passed away inB. past away inC. passed away onD. past away on2. A quarrel between the couple, which made their son leave the family.A. broke intoB. broke awayC. broke throughD. broke out3.—Will your wife go to Outlets Shopping Mall in Wuxi this coming Saturday? —If I don't go, .A. so does sheB. so will sheC. neither does sheD. neither will she4. —How much difficulty did you have this problem?—It's quite easy.A. to solve; Nothing B to solve; None C solving; None D solving; Nothing5. ,when Charles was already , he found it important tostudy the situation in Kussa.A. In 1870s; in his ninetiesB. In 1870; in ninetiethC. In the 1870s; in ninetiethD. In the 1870s; in his nineties6.—My friend Millie has made little great progress, she?—, although she did her best.A. has; NoB. has; YesC. hasn’t; NoD. hasn’t; Yes7. I don’t know if he _______ in the exam, but he’ll do better if he _________ har der.A. succeeds; worksB. succeeds; will workC. will success; worksD. will succeed; works8. After Anne died _______ illness, her father had her diary _______________.A. from; publishB. of; publishedC. from; publishingD. of; was published9. —Are these _______girls’ wonderful performances recorded?—No, they are covered __________.A. alive; liveB. lively; aliveC. alive; livingD. lively; live10. His elder brother hasn’t found out .A. what’s wrong with his computerB. how should he deal with his broken bike.C. how long he has fallen in love with MaryD. which was the way to the nearest bus stop11. They were________ that they couldn’t understand ________difficult sentence .A.so little children; such aB. such little children; such aC. so little children; so aD. such little children; so a12.____________great progress the girl you worry about has made!There is no doubt your advice.A. How; that she tookB. What; if she has takenC. What; that she has taken C. What a; if she took13.His sister wanted to get him ______ the radio, but he had had it ______ already.A. repair; fixB. repair; fixedC. repaired; to fixD. to repair; fixed14.— Excuse me, could you tell me_________? --In five minutes.A. how soon will the film beginB. how soon the film will beginC. how long the film has been onD. how long has the film been on15.My teacher always encourages me English every day.A.to keep practising speakingB.keeping practising speakingC.keeping to practise speakingD.to keep practising to speak16.- My dream is to build______________university on the moon some day-It sounds like _________unusual dream. I wish you could realize itA.a aB.an,aC.an,anD.a an17.—What a heavy haze(雾霾)! The air pollution is terrible now.—It _________ worse unless we _________ action to protect the environment.A. is; will takeB. will be; takeC. will be; will takeD. won’t be; take18.--Look! She is one of ________Hollywood’s greatest actresses.--Well, of course she is famous, and I think the dress she’s wearing is_____up-to-date one.A. /, aB. the, /C. the, aD. /, an19.Bad luck! Jack _______ down while he _______ the mountain. He got hurt badly.A.was falling; was climbingB. was falling; climbedC.fell; was climbingD. fell;climbed20. I want to be an honest person. I’d rather ______ than ______ a lie.A. be punished; tellB. to be punished; to tellC. punish; tellD. to be punished; to be told21.—Look! Lots of students are waiting in line in front of the library .—Yes. ______them is more than two_______.A. A number of; hundredB. The number of; hundredC. The number of; hundredsD. A number of; hundreds22.Bad luck! The ____ of the guide map made me get _____ easily in the strange city.A. lose; lostB. lost; lossC. loss; loseD. loss; lost23.—What happened this morning?—A woman was found _____ in her house. She was attacked and bled to _____.A. dead; deathB. dead; diedC. death; deathD. died; death24.________with his flat, mine looks__________ new.A. Compared; as good asB. To compare; as well asC. Compared; as well asD. To compare; as good as25. —Our English teacher often tells us that success needs lots of _______.—Yes. We must study hard ________ we can achieve our goals.A. efforts, in order toB. charm, in order thatC. efforts, so thatD. charm, so as to26.Everyone except Tom and Mary_________ Jack to pass the exam__________.A. expect; successfulB. excepts; successfullyC. expects; successfulD. expects; successfully27.—It was a bit doubtful at first, but the plan _______ to be a really good idea.—I agree with you. Although too much time may ________.A. turned out, be taken upB. was turned out, be taken upC. turned out, take upD.was turned out, be taken up28.Zhong Nanshan was presented _______ the Medal of the Republic for hisoutstanding contributions to China's fight ________ COVID-19.A. for, forB. with. forC. with, againstD. for, against29.—In the middle of Gulou Square ______ a national flag last week.—Yes. We got together there and watched the _______ of the national flag.A. hanged, riseB. hanged, raisingC. hung, raisingD. hung, rising30. —It's reported that Chang'e-5 landed on the Moon successfully.—______ big success!It's the third country that _______ samples to take back to the earth in historyA .What a, has collected B. What, has collectedC. How, collectsD. How a , has collected31.The music _______ by Tan Dun sounds _________.A. was written; wonderfulB. written; wonderfullyC. was written; wonderfullyD. written; wonderful32.The river is_______, I think _______river isn’t too long.A. 100-metres-long; an 100 meters longB. 100-metre-long; a 100-metre-longC. 100 meters long; a 100-metre-longD. 100 meters long; an 100-metre-long33.---I’m a little thirsty. Would you mind ______me some water?--- ______. I’ll do it right away.A. to pass; OKB. passing; Of course notC. passing; Of courseD. to pass; All right34. When I was a kid ______ your age, I tried out ______ our school volleyball team.A. at; forB. of; ofC. in; inD. of; for35.—Could I skate here, Mr. Green?—I’m afraid you _____, ______ you have the headmaster’s permission(允许).A. can’t; unlessB. couldn’t; unlessC. can’t; ifD. couldn’t; if36.The scientist was with the medal his achievements in the field.A.presented, because ofB.protected, becauseC.prepared, because ofD.provided, because37.---The scientists got as ______ as they could to the wild animals in order to watch them _________.--- How careful they were!A. closely; closeB. close; closelyC. close, closeD. closely; closely38.-It seems that your daughter shows an interest ____________ playing the guitar.-Exactly. Her teacher says she has a gift _______________ music.A. for; ofB. of; forC. in; ofD. in; for39.The number of the tourists to Taizhou______ and a number of them________ theirholiday during their stay.A. is getting larger and larger; enjoyB. are getting more and more; enjoysC. is getting more and more; enjoyD. are getting larger and larger; enjoys40. - So many people are sitting in the stands. __________ will the speech begin?- _______________ nine thirty.A. How soon; Not untilB. How long; Not untilC. How soon; UntilD. How long; Until41. Would you mind _______ the time ______ on watching drama series?A.controlled;spendingB.controlled;spentC. controlling;spendingD.controlling; spent42. —Which do you prefer, the white blouse or the blue one?—I don’t think _______ of them fits me. Could you show me ______ one?A.either; anotherB. neither; anotherC. neither; elseD. either; other43. We all know that the Anti-Japanese War____in 1937, and_____for fourteen years.A. was broken out; was lastedB. broke out; lastedC. broke out; was lastedD. was broken out; lasted44.He devoted his lifetime________it possible for women______better education.A. to make; to receiveB. to make; to receivingC. to making; to receiveD. to making; receive45.—Chen Wei and her team have failed in developing new vaccine(疫苗)several times, they still keeps on trying.—Certainly. They are of our country.A. Although; but; the prideB. Although; /; proudC. Although; /; the prideD. Although; but; proud46.—He is always seen to to do his homework till midnight!— Oh, he is a curve wrecker(学霸). His notes are always to us.A. stay out; valuableB. wake up; valueC. stay up; valuableD. get up; value47.—I my homework as soon as I get home.— Great! You have a good study habit. It is you shape your future. A. did; who B. do; who C. do; what D. did; that48.Some exercises appear to be ______ones that you have done. But aftertaking______second look,you will find that they are different.A./;the B.the; the C.the;a D./;a 49.—What do you think of the environment here, Mr Wang?—Wonderful! ________ of the land ________ covered with trees and grass. A.Two fifths; is B.Two fifth; is C.Two fifths; are D.Two fifth; are50.With the ________ of society, our environment is becoming worse and worse. So we should do what we can ________ our environment.A.develop; protect B.developing; to protect C.development; protect D.development; to protect参考答案:CDDCD ADBDA BCDBA DBDCA BDAACDADCA DCBDA ABDAA DBBCA CBCAD。
我国调控投资结构的经济手段包括。A.项目审批B.项目核准C.投资补助D.项目贴息E.项目备案 下列不属于改变病情的抗风湿药的是A.非甾体抗炎药B.柳氮磺吡啶C.青霉胺D.来氟米特E.抗疟药 电化学探头法测定水中溶解氧时,若水样中含有铁及能与碘作用的物质,会对膜电极法的测量产生干扰。A.正确B.错误 下列哪项不是由原发肿瘤引起的症状。A.咳嗽B.咯血C.喘鸣D.胸闷、气急E.胸痛 优质碳素结构钢45#钢中的45表示钢中的平均含碳量为A、45%B、0.45%C、4.5%D、0.045% 一般制定组织长期计划的人是A.中层管理者B.中、高层管理者共同制定C.高层管理者D.基层管理者E.被管理者 有一砖围墙长30m,高1.5m,厚240cm,每隔5m有一个370mm×120mm的附墙砖跺。已知砌砖每立方米用0.522工日,用砂浆0.26m³。每立方米砂浆用水泥180kg,砂1600kg。计算应用多少工日,多少水泥,多少砂子?砌砖总共用工日。A.5.45B.5.52C.5.68D.5.88 1924年,我国学者()编写了我国第一本《教育心理学》教科书,把西方的教育心理学引进到我国。A.潘菽B.房东岳C.廖世承D.小原 [单选,共用题干题]患者女,58岁,因“做家务过程中突发意识丧失10分钟”来诊。患者入院时呼吸和脉搏均消失,心电监护显示为心室颤动,立即行心肺复苏20分钟及2次电除颤后,患者恢复自主心律,呼吸仍未恢复,行气管插管后送入重症监护室继续治疗。患者既往有冠心病史。最不可能的诊 船舶浮力作用线垂直于船舶。A.甲板线B.水线面C.龙骨基线D.以上都是 男,6岁,因发热、头痛4天,病情加重一天,呕吐两次,于8月29日入院。体查:体温40,颈硬,克氏征(+),脑脊液:潘氏试验(+),糖正常,氯化物正常,白细胞200×109/L,多
( ) 1.More than a month ____ since the foreign friends came here.A. has passedB. have passedC. has pastD. have past( )2. Nobody except Mr. Zhang and his children ___ to London before .A. have beenB. has beenC. have goneD. has gone( )3. If you__ see her tomorrow, please ask her if she __ to work on the farm with us.A. See, goesB. will see, goesC. will see, will goD. See, will go( ) 4. The population of the USA is much smaller than __ Of China.A. oneB. thoseC. itD. that( ) 5. The radio is too hard. Could you please __ it __ ?turn, up B. turn, down C. turn, on D. turn, off( ) 6. He asked me __ during the winter holidays.where I had gone B. where I had been .C. where had I goneD. where had I been( ) 7. I guess she taught herself Japanese, __ ?don’t I B. did she C. do I D. didn’t she( )8. The pictures have been on show for __ hour and __ half.A. an, anB. a, aC. an, aD. a, an( )9. There are so many kin ds of CD players in the shop that I can’t make up my mind __ to buy .A. whatB. howC. whichD. where( )10. Would you like some coffee?Yes, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I prefer coffee __ milk.A. fromB. withC. toD. for( )11. This book __ Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on the book.may be B. can’t be C. must be D. mustn’t be( )12. The woman __ the child quickly and took him to hospital.A. put onB. dressedC. had onD. was wearing( )13. We are going to have __ holiday next month.a two weeks B. two week C. a twoweek D. two weeks( )14. If you don’t know the word, you may __ in the dictionary.A. look it upB. look up itC. look for itD. look it for( )15. The coats are different __ size.A. from .B. ofC. byD. in( )16. Do you have enough men to carry these chairs?No, I think we need __ menanother B. two others C. more two D. two more( )17. In our class__ of the students__ girls.three fifths , are B. three fifth, are C. three fifths, is D. three fifth, is( )18. This kind of skirt looks __ and sells __.nice , well B. nice good C. well, well D. good, nice( )19. Do you know __ over there?what happens B. what was happened C. what is happening D. what did happen( )20 My watch doesn’t work well, I’ll go and __ tomorrow.have repaired B. to repair C have it repaired D. have it repair( )21. Do you mind my taking this place?__. It’s for Mr. Smith.Not at all B. Yes, please C. Yes, of course not D. Better not( )22. The baby was __ by me last night.A. made laughB. made cryC. making laughD. made to laugh( )23. She’s asked a few friends to her home for supper, __ she?A. isB. hasn’tC. hasD. isn’t( )24. The number of the students __ growing.is, lager and larger B. is more and more C. are, more and more D. are larger and larger ( )25. To do __ the teacher tells you is important.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. how( )26. She didn’t e to school yesterday, did she?___, though she was not feeling very well.A. No, she didn’tB. Yes, she didn’tC. No, she didD. Yes, she did( )27. They are __ little children that they can’t carry the heavy bookshelf.A. soB. suchC. quite aD. a very( )28. Look at the numbers 2, 5, 11, 23, 47and 95. What will be the next number.A. 191 B 127 C 158 D 276( )29 Is it really true _____ Mr. Black will go back to England soon for a holiday?A thatB whetherC whenD how( )30. The train had left _____ we got to the station.A. before longB. long beforeC. beforeD. ago。
澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]下列关于会计凭证,表述错误的是()。A.会计凭证是记录经济业务、明确经济责任的书面证明B.会计凭证是登记账簿的依据C.填制原始凭证是会计处理程序的第一个关键步骤D.会计凭证根据填制的程序和用途不同分为原始凭证和记账凭证 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]微粒皮移植最佳供皮区选择是()A.上臂内侧B.胸、背部C.头皮D.腹部E.大腿 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [填空题]原上猿,(),森林猿,是人类的共同祖先. 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]输卵管阻塞造成不孕与下列哪项无关?()A.阑尾炎B.盆腔炎C.结核性腹膜炎D.先天性输卵管发育不全E.结肠炎 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]抛砂机的工作是在()下,通过液压传动,使机械系统运动的。A.手工摇动B.气压控制C.电气控制D.水压控制 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]以下对嗜铬细胞瘤的描述,错误的是A.90%的嗜铬细胞瘤发生于肾上腺髓质,10%发生于肾上腺外交感系B.绝大多数为单侧性,双侧病变占10%左右C.肿瘤属良性,有包膜,内部常有囊性变,偶可有出血D.主要症状为阵发性高血压或持续性高血压阵发性加剧E.嗜铬 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]为加强鄱阳湖生态经济区生活污染防治,对污水处理厂出水规定要达到几级排放标准?()A、三级B、二级C、一级 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]船政造船中的第三个阶段“钢船时期”是从1887到()年。A、1897B、1905C、1907D、1915 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选,A1型题]下列不属于医疗用毒性药品的是()A.闹羊花B.蟾酥C.雄黄D.朱砂E.红粉 澳大利亚00000元,按法律规定,至少要提取50000元的公积金。公司的目标资本结构为长期有息负债∶所有者权益=1:1,该公司第二年投资计划所需资金600000元,当年流通在外普通股为100000股,若采用剩余股利政策,该年度股东可获每股股利 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [多选]对于安装工程施工图预算,可采用()编制单位工程施工图预算。ABCD 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]采用特细砂配制商品混凝土时,以下措施中哪一项是不可取的?()A、采用较小砂率B、适当增加水泥用量C、采用较小的坍落度D、掺减水剂 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]产褥期保健重点不包括以下哪几项()。A.注意产妇情绪变化B.采用孕产妇营养膳食C.注射乙肝疫苗D.指导母乳喂养E.注意卫生 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]下列关于情报分析意义的说法不正确的是()。A、情报来源的合法性是情报分析结论合法性的前提B、情报来源的可靠性和情报的确实性对情报分析结论的可靠性有重要影响C、情报的秘密等级是情报分发范围的依据D、情报分析的过程是通过对情报资料之间关系的 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]具有氨基醇官能团药物鉴别反应所需的试剂为()A.三氯化铁试液B.重铬酸钾试液,过氧化氢试液C.发烟硝酸,乙醇,固体氢氧化钾D.盐酸和氯酸钾,氢氧化钠E.NaOH溶液,硫酸铜,乙醚 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]不适合做牵张训练的是()。A.骨性关节活动障碍B.影响日常功能活动或生活自理的挛缩C.肌肉无力而拮抗侧组织紧张D.由于挛缩、粘连、瘢痕所致软组织缩短性关节活动受限E.未能有效预防软组织缩短性关节活动受限而进一步造成的结构性变形 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]车辆辅修时,新装磨耗板与侧架立柱的间隙,用厚度()的塞尺检查,不得触及铆钉杆或螺杆。A.1mmB.2mmC.3mmD.4mm 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]妊娠合并心脏病孕妇分娩时应注意的是()。A.第一产程需延长B.第二产程需助产缩短产程C.第三产程需尽快结束D.可选择剖宫产E.第二产程需延长 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]按项目的产品(或服务)的属性,建设项目可分为()。A.政府投资项目和企业投资项目B.公共项目和非公共项目C.新建项目和改建项目D.经营性项目和非经营性项目 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [多选]接到老朋友的电话,知道对方是谁却叫不出名字,过一会儿就会想起来,这被称为()现象。A.暂时性遗忘B.舌尖现象C.抑制现象D.压制现象 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]患者,女,24岁。产后失血过多,突然晕眩,面色苍白,昏不知人,手撒肢冷,冷汗淋沥。舌淡无苔,脉微欲绝。治疗宜选用()A.参附汤B.生脉散C.当归补血汤D.夺命散E.生化汤 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [问答题,简答题]交叉杆擦伤深度、全长范围内弯曲的运用限度是多少? 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]煤的水分是评价煤炭经济价值的基础指标。煤的变质程度越低,其内在水分越()。A.低B.高C.无影响 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]在电路中,()起到把用电器与电源接通或断开的作用。A、电源B、导线C、电器D、开关 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选,A1型题]新生儿颅内出血治疗不适宜的是()A.保持安静,尽量避免惊扰B.烦躁不安,惊厥时可用镇静剂C.早期使用甘露醇以降低颅内压D.可使用维生素Ki以控制出血E.可用细胞活化剂 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]未来一段时期是鄱阳湖生态经济区什么加速推进的重要时期。()A、工业现代化、农业现代化B、农业现代化、城镇工业化C、工业化、城镇化 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选,A1型题]膀胱肿瘤最主要的诊断方法为()A.X线膀胱造影B.膀胱镜检查必要时活检C.尿脱落细胞学检查D.超声波检查E.膀胱区触诊 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [多选]精神康复的主要任务有()A.训练心理社会功能B.改善生活环境条件C.实施支持性心理治疗D.开展家庭和社会干预E.改善患者的生活自理能力 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]少渣膳食要点()A.蔬菜、水果不限制B.少用调味品C.选用含纤维少的食物D.少用动物油E.注意烹调方法 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]无限大容量电源供电系统中,三相短路电流的计算方法有()。A.利用系数法B.标幺值法C.需用系数法D.逐点计算法 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选,A1型题]下列各项,不属于风淫证临床表现的是()。A.皮肤瘙痒B.肢体麻木C.关节游走痛D.突发丘疹E.头昏沉如裹 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]广大投资者将资金集中起来,委托给专业的投资机构,并通过商品交易顾问进行期货期权投资交易,投资者承担风险并享受投资收益的这种集合投资方式称为()。A.对冲基金B.共同基金C.对冲基金的组合基金D.商品投资基金 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]下列哪一项不是肝部、叶的正确分法A.正中裂把肝分为肝左、右半肝B.中肝静脉将肝分为右肝前、后两叶C.右肝静脉将肝分右前、后两叶D.左肝静脉将肝分为左内、外叶E.胆囊与下腔静脉左侧壁连线将肝分为左、右半肝 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]以下()项指的是边际效用A.张某吃了第二个面包,满足程度从10个效用单位增加到了15个单位,增加了5个效用单位B.张某吃了两个面包,共获得满足15个效用单位C.张某吃了四个面包后再不想吃了D.张某吃了两个面包,平均每个面包带给张某的满足程度为7 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]脑实质内出现局限性混合回声一般不见于下列哪个病变()。A.血肿或脓肿未完全液化B.实质性肿瘤合并出血坏死C.脑手术后D.脑积水E.脓肿穿刺后 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]在使用药物进行治疗的过程中,医生恰当的做法是()。A.使用能为医院和医生带来较高回报的药物B.药物使用与选择是医生的权利,不用征求患者的意见C.为了尽快取得效果,加大药物剂量D.按需用药,考虑效价比E.联合使用多种药物,力求最 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选,A1型题]共同参与型的医患关系模式最适合于()。A.急性病人B.绝症病人C.慢性病人D.重症病人E.精神病人 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于妄想性障碍,以下说法错误的是()A.妄想常具有系统化的倾向B.可伴有短暂幻觉C.慢性病程D.往往出现人格衰退E.有一定的工作和社会适应能力 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]根据营业税法律制度的规定,下列业务中,属于营业税征税范围的是()。A.汽修厂修理汽车B.百货商店销售日用品C.建材商店销售装修材料D.电信公司销售移动电话并提供相关电信服务 澳大利亚自雇人士房贷 [单选]要了解某张海图的现行版日期时可查阅()。A.现行版航海图书总目录B.月末版航海通告C.季末版航海通告D.A+C
[单选,A2型题]1岁小儿滚落床下,恰巧碰翻地上热水壶,小儿全身皮肤与衣服粘连一起,这时对烫烧伤的小儿,错误的措施()A.是B.迅速将小儿抢离火场或脱离烫伤源C.迅速将烫烧伤部位衣服撕掉D.用清洁被单包裹E.较小灼伤可清洗创面F.及时送往医院 [问答题,简答题]什么是近交系动物? [单选,A型题]能抑制敏感细胞蛋白质合成的细菌毒素为()A.白喉毒素B.肉毒毒素C.霍乱毒素D.表皮剥脱毒素E.红疹毒素 [名词解释]移植苗 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]出生后半年身长每月平均增长()。A.1cmB.1.5cmC.2.5cmD.3cmE.3.5cm [单选]关于家庭承包经营的描述,下列说法有误的是()。A.承包期内,发包方可以收回承包地B.承包期内,承包方全家迁入小城镇落户的,应当按照承包方的意愿,保留其±地承包经营权或者允许其依法进行土地承包经营权流转C.承包期内,承包方全家迁入设区的市,转为非农业户口的 [单选]K空间周边区域的数据主要决定()。A.图像的矩阵B.图像的信噪比C.成像的速度D.图像的解剖细节E.图像的对比 [单选]对客观事物不加人工干预的观察研究称为()。A、咨询B、调查研究C、案例D、战略研究 [单选]女,35岁,毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿患者,结束抗甲状腺药物疗程已4年,判断是否会复发的最佳指标为()A.血清总T3、T4测定B.血清游离甲状腺激素(FT3,FT4)测定C.血rT3(反T3)测定D.甲状腺吸131I率测定E.TSAb测定 [单选]根据《行政复议法》的规定,下列各项中不属于行政复议中一并申请审查范围的有()。A.国务院各部门的规定B.省政府所在地的市的人民政府制定的规章C.县级以上地方人民政府及其工作部门的规定D.乡、镇人民政府的规定 [填空题]东方电机厂QFSN—300—2型汽轮发电机定子绕组冷却水进口温度异常,上限()℃,下限()℃,冷却水出口温度高于()℃报警,电导率高于()μS/cm排污、补水,高于()μS/cm应考虑树脂再生。 [判断题]个人对外贸易经营者办理对外贸易购付汇、收结汇可通过任何外汇结算账户进行。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]新生儿化脓性脑膜炎,脑膜刺激征不明显的原因是()A.机体的反应能力差B.脑膜炎症不如年长儿严重C.颅缝及前囟未闭,对颅内压升高起缓冲作用D.颈肌尚不发达E.大脑处于抑制状态 [名词解释]非法抛传 [单选]下列属于室外消火栓按其安装场合的分类的是()。A.承插式消火栓B.法兰式消火栓C.地上式消火栓D.100mm消火栓 [单选]热痹的治法应为()A.清利湿热,通络止痛B.清热通络,祛风除湿C.清热解毒,养阴止痛D.清热化湿,活血止痛E.清热化湿,凉血止痛 [单选]甲烷化炉入口二氧化碳含量设计值是()PPM。A.1800B.1500C.800D.400 [判断题]进境邮寄物,带有规定禁止邮寄进境的、证单不全的、在限期内未办理检疫审批或报检手续的、经检疫不合格又无有效处理方法的,将作退回或销毁处理。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列()不是保安押运人员的基本素质要求。A.遵纪守法B.特立独行C.严于律己D.团结协作 [单选]患者男性,16岁,以呼吸困难和乏力就诊。体征有颈静脉怒张,肝肿大,腹水,下肢浮肿。听诊无杂音。超声示双房明显扩大,心包增厚,回声增强,有钙化点,下腔静脉增宽,最可能的诊断A.冠心病心衰B.缩窄性心包炎C.扩张型心肌病D.限制型心肌病E.肥厚型心肌病 [问答题,简答题]口罩的选择要求 [单选]患者男性,34岁,现经口气管插管,口腔pH值中性,护士选用0.02%呋喃西林溶液为患者进行口腔护理的作用是()A.遇有机物放出氧分子杀菌B.改变细菌生长的酸碱环境C.清洁口腔,广谱抗菌D.防腐生新,促进愈合E.使蛋白质凝固变性 [单选]有关听神经鞘瘤组织学,下列哪项描述不正确()A.肿瘤有完整包膜B.一般不侵犯小脑C.血供主要来自小脑前下动脉D.与听神经瘤关系最密切的脑神经是三叉神经E.不会发生恶变和转移 [判断题]假币是指伪造、变造和残缺的货币。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]上消化道出血的主要临床表现为()A.中下腹疼痛B.右下腹腹块C.鲜血便或略红色血便D.呕血呈咖啡色,大便呈柏油样E.恶心、呕吐胃内容物 [单选]当飞机重量增加时,诱导阻力和寄生阻力之间的关系如何变化?()A.寄生阻力的增加要比诱导阻力多B.诱导阻力的增加要比寄生阻力多C.诱导阻力和寄生阻力增加相同 [单选]对于手工切割编织袋的长度确定,要从()点开始测量,在规定的长度处划线标记。A.切割B.调整C.校验D.试验 [单选]离心泵敞口运行()。A.效率最高B.功率最大C.允许吸入真空度最大D.扬程最高 [单选]城乡规划卫生的目的是()。A.预防疾病B.增进人民身心健康C.延长寿命D.提高生活质量E.以上都是 [单选]当前的飞行计划何时可擦掉:()A、飞行员调飞行状态页B、在着陆时机轮按触跑道C、着陆后,飞机已在地面30秒D、在停机位,一台发动机关车 [单选]信访调查的步骤正确的是()。①事前通知②说明理由③表明身份④实施调查⑤制作笔录A.①②③⑤④B.①②③④⑤C.①③②④⑤D.①③②⑤④ [判断题]国家以协议方式将国有土地使用权在一定年限内出让给土地使用者,土地使用者必须向国家支付土地使用权出让金。()A.正确B.错误 [多选]多个单位共同承担的建设项目,向海事局申请办理《水上水下作业许可证》时可由()申办。A.多个单位的总负责单位统一B.从事某一类型施工的单位就该类型作业C.从事某一科目施工的单位就该科目申办某单位申办其他单位免办D.任意选一单位 [单选]下列关于传染病流行病学特征的描述,错误的是()A.霍乱是外来性传染病B.发病率高于一般水平为流行C.流行范围超过国界或洲界时为大流行D.短时间内病例集中发生为暴发E.不同人群中的分布不属于流行病学特征 [单选]某运输企业2008年底全部运输车辆的固定资金净值为136万元,固定资金原值为200万元,则该企业当前的车辆新度系数为()。A.45%B.53%C.60%D.68% [问答题,简答题]简述OptiX2500+设备组成SNCP环带链时,交叉点的业务解释规则。 [单选]下列哪一项不是超声诊断胎儿宫内生长迟缓指标?A.胎头双顶径B.胎儿头围C.胎儿腹围D.胎儿股骨长度E.胎盘厚度 [单选]《铁路旅客运输规程》是依据()制定的。A.《铁路旅客运输管理规则》B.《铁路技术管理规程》C.《中华人民共和国铁路法》D.《铁路旅客运输办理细则》 [单选,A1型题]关于抗原因素对免疫耐受形式哪项是正确的()A.抗原的持续存在是维持免疫耐受的重要条件B.耐受原多为大分子颗粒性物质C.抗原有多种不同的决定簇易形成耐受D.抗原经皮下或肌内注射易形成耐受E.TD-Ag无论多少剂量均不易引起T细胞耐受 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]当代医学科学研究和创新的“双刃剑”效应是指()A.当代医学科学研究和创新带来了医学的进步B.当代医学科学研究和创新带来了道德的退步C.当代医学科学研究和创新促进了人类健康D.当代医学科学研究和创新可能用于危害人类健康E.当代医学科学研究和创新既有
牛津译林版 九年级 第一学期 英语 期末复习易错题---单选(含答案)
牛津译林版九年级第一学期英语期末复习易错题----单选单选1.--- A l i t t l e b i rd ente red th rough the open window to jo i n us fo r d inner l a s t n igh t.--- Wo w,the unexpec ted gues t _______ welcomed.A.wi l l beB.won’t beC.mus t beD.mus tn’t be2.--- My grandpa i s ve ry c rea t ive. Look! H e’s ____ a car ro t ca re fu l ly.--- Wo w!I t’s so wonder fu l!I t looks l ike a rose.A. making3.What an unforget t ab le exper ience!I’l l wr i t e i t down ____i t i s s t i l l f r esh in my me mory.A.a f te rB.unt i lC.whi leD.s ince4. An adver t i sement somet imes _____ cus tomers(顾客)to buy someth ing t hey don’t need a t a l l.A.leadsB.makesC.causesD.connec t s5. _____ bug surpri se to see you here!I thought you were s t i l l in Eng land!A. WhatB.W ha t aC. HowD. How a6. You _____ can’t imagine how te r r i ble the super typhoon Lek ima i s.A.near lyB.hard lyC. e spec ia l lyD.s implyB.descr ib ingC.drawingD.shap ing7.“Chi ld ren,a l l your d reams can come t rue as long as(只要) you have the ____to f igh t fo r t hem,”sa id our head t eacher.A.in te res tB.thoughtC.sp i r i tD.courage8.--- Mus t I b r ing m y s tuden t ca rd every t ime I en te r the l ib ra ry?---I’m af ra id you_____, because i t’s open on ly to t eachers and s tuden ts.A.have toB.mus tn’tC.needD. don’t have to9. _____ people have v i s i t ed the _____ s tone b r idge, which has become a tour i s t a t t r ac t ion o f t his vi l l age.A.Two mi l l ion o f;500-foo t-long C. Two mi l l ion; 500-fee t-longB. Severa l mi l l ions o f; 500-fee t-long D.Mi l l ions o f; 500-foo t-long10. Nei the r Leo nor h i s twin b ro thers_____ ever _____abroad fo r fu r the r s tudy.A.has; goneB.has; beenC.have; goneD. have; been11. Div ing i s _____ grea t fun tha t he en joys i t ve ry much. He has become ____ conf iden t a f t er the ac t iv i ty.A. so;suchB.so;soC.such;suchD.such;so12.--- Don’t be angry wi th your k id when he makes a mis take aga in, wi l l you?--- No,I won’t.I know tha t ____ o f us a re pe r fec t a f t e r a l l.A. bothB.a l lC.ne i the rD. none13.--- Hey, Mike!Are you go ing t o the zoo wi th us?--- ______.I have t o f in i sh my home w ork f i r s t.A. Of course,I doB. Sor ry, bu t I haveC. Not un t i l 9:00 a.m.D.Yes, bu t I won’t14.---I’m p lann ing to c l imb Mount Huang th i s sum mer. Would you l ike t o come a long?--- Wo w! Tha t would be exc i t ing _____ cha l leng ing.I’m in.A. as we l l a sB. as good asC. as long asD. as fa r as15.--- Which o f these sh i r t s do you l i ke be t t e r?---I’d t ake ___.They a re bo th expens ive and ou t o f fa sh ion.A.ne i the r B. e i the r C. none D. bo th16. Tra f f i c ru les should be ____t ra f f i c acc iden t s.A.pa id a t t en t ion to avo idB.paid a t t en t ion to to avoidC.pa id a t t en t ion to avo id ingD.pa id a t t en t ion to to avo id ing17.--- Do you have any th ing e l se to s ay fo r be ing la te aga in?--- No, no th ing ______ sor ry.A. aboveB.beh indC.f romD. bu t18.--- Hi, Susan!W hat a re you go ing to do dur ing the s u m mer ho l iday?---I’m go ing to _____ cooking because I l ike ea t ing de l i c ious food.A. c lean upB. pu t upC.take upD. make up19.Whi le I was s peak ing, the boy i n b lack _____ h i s hand and asked me i f the p r ice o f these books had ____ a l ot.A. rose;r i sen B,ra i sed;r i sen C.rose;ra i sed D.ra i sed;r a i sed20.---I’m sor ry.M y advice abou t a nimal s igns wasn’t of much he lp.--- ______. And i t was mos t he lp fu l.A. Thanks anywayB.I t doesn’t mat te rC. Of course no tD. Sure,i t was21.--- Here a re two t i e s. Which do you pre fe r?---I’l l t ake ______ fo r a change.one B.e i the r C.ne i the r D.bothA.22. He made up h i s mind to devo te h i s l i f e _____ po l lu t i on _____ happi ly.A.to p reven t;t o l iveB.to p reven t;f rom l iv ingC.to p reven t ing;to l iveD.to p revent ing;f rom l iv ing23.--- Are you sure ____ he ____the f ina l exam?--- Yes,I saw h i s marks jus t now.i f; passed B.whether; has passed C.i f; passes D.tha t; has passedA.24.I don’t know i f Dad ____ton igh t.I f he ____,I wi l l c a l l you.es back; wi l l come backB.wi l l come back; wi l l come backD.wi l l come back;comes backC,comes back; comes back25.I had no idea _____.A. what’s wrong wi th m y b ikeB.which was the way to the neares t hosp i ta lC,who i s wa i t ing f or me a t the school ga te D.how to a r r ive the museum26.I s th i s s to ry the s ame as ____in tha t newspaper?A. i tB.the oneC.whichD. wha t27.--- He l lo,Jack. Th is i s Sandy.Wha t a re you do ing?---I’m watch ing a baske tba l l ma tch.I t s t a r t ed a t 7:00 and ______ on fo r one more hour.i s B.was C. wi l l be D. has beenA.28. The book i s very cheap.I t’s on ly____ 15 yuan. But i t i s ______.A.cos t; we l l wor th read ingB.wor th; ve ry wor th be ing readC.cos t; we l l wor th be ing readD.wor th; we l l wor th r ead ing29.Mr. Green asked h i s son no t to _____la te. He wouldn’t l eave the door open a f te r 11 p.m.A. s tay upB.s tay awayC.s tay ou tD.s tay in30.--- Could you t e l l me _____? --- No prob lem.A. what wrong i s wi th your t ee thB.where have the pol ice caught the th i evesC.what you wi l l do w i th the d i f f i cu l t prob lemD.who would be recom mended fo r the cha i rperson31. Your b i r thday i s coming . What p r esen t s ______ f rom your paren t s?A. you expec t you can ge t B .you expec t can you ge tD.do you expec t you can ge tC.do you expec t can you ge t 32. --- I don ’t ca re _____. In th i s camp , t he re ’s on ly one ha i r s ty le --- shor t ! Unders tand? --- Yes , madam!A. what you a re used to l ik ing B .wha t you used to be l ikeD.what d id you used to be l ikeC.what a re you used to l ik ing 33.--- Chr i s d idn ’t even look a t me . I did say he l lo to h i m wi th a b ig smi le!--- ______. But that i s jus t so Chr i s . He ’s a lways l iv ing in h i s own wor ld .A. No wonder B . No worr ies 34.The exchange s t uden ts wi l l l eave . W e had be t t e r ask our moni to r ____ a f a rewel l pa r ty .A. when wi l l we have B .when we wi l l haveC.I be t you d idD.I doub t you d idC.when we would haveD.when would we have35. Don ’t wor ry . _____ you do , I wi l l be on your s ide .A.Whatever 36. John worked s o wel l in a s t ronomy(天文学) tha t people _____ a s t a r a f t er h im.s B ,named C.a re named D.were namedB.Ho weverC. WhereverD. Whenever37. The pa lace caught f i res th ree t imes in the l a s t cen tur y , and l i t t l e o f the or ig ina l bu i ld ing ____ now.A.is remained 38. I t was qu ie t _____ those b ig t rucks s t a r ted coming through the town.A.before B .af te r C .un t i l D .un less39. _____ he can ’t answer the ques t ion , you ’d be t t e r a sk someone e l se .A.Before B . Since C . Though D. W henever40. The show he pa id a t t en t ion to _____ success fu l in the end .A.was p rovedB. provedC.prov ingD. t o proveB.remainsC.i s remain ingD. has been remained41. --- Dad , you said you would buy me a t rans former (变形金刚) i f I made p rogress in Engl i sh . --- _______. I ’m a man of my word .A. 42. I know he ’s been cur ious abou t e very th ing , bu t tha t ’s _______.A. wha t do k ids l ike B .wha t k ids l ike C .wha t a r e k ids l ike D. wha t k ids a re l ike43. --- Wha t ’s up , E m ma? --- ______.A. Noth ing muchB. I ’m f ine 44. --- I t ’s no th ing se r ious , doc to r? A. That ’s a l l . B . Tha t ’s fo r su re .C.I unders tand wha t you mean .D. I fo rgo t i t .C.Thank youD. Wel l done--- No , ________.you ’l l be a l l r igh t s oon B.the re ’s some t roub le wi th youC.you won ’t be a l l r igh t soonD.i t ’s ve ry se r ious45. The theory tha t he devo ted mos t of h i s t ime _______ t rue .A. i s p rovedB.provedC.to p rovedD.to be p roved46. ____ in the sea, the p ic tu re looks amaz ing .A. TakingB. TakeC. To takeD. Taken47. Nat iona l Treasure qu ick ly rose t o the top t e lev i s ion ra t ing ranks a f te r i t was p resen ted on C CT V. I t means a growing ____ in t r ad i t iona l cu l tu re a m ong China ’s you t h .A. in te res tB.d i rec t ionC.hab i tD. dream48. --- What d id he a sk on the phone j us t now? --- He wanted to know ______.A. when the mee t ing wil l beg inB.how long the mee t ing would be l as t edD.who i s the hos t of the mee t ingC.where I was go i ng to s i t the nex t morn ing 49. The t eacher found h im _____ and gave h im some d i f f i cu l t homework to do .A. was c lever B .was a c lever boy C.a c lever boy D.c lever a boy50. --- Can you t e l l me how soon the work wi l l be f in i shed? --- ______.A. Unt i l nex t Sunday B .Not un t i l nex t Sunday C.Afte r two weeks D .Two weeks l a te r51. --- We a re p lanning a Yangtze River Pro tec t ion Day t his weekend . Do you have any adv ice?--- You ’d be t t e r _____ s igns a round t he school to t e l l a l l the s tuden t s abou t tha t .A. make up 52. I th ink you should compla in , ____, o f course , you a r e happy wi th the s i tua t ion .A. un lessB.however C .unt i l D . thoughB.put upC.se t upD.show up53. --- I l ike the songs sung by Ce l ine D ion . What abou t you?--- Me too . She i s wel l -known _____ peop le a l l over the wor ld .A. fo r 54. Emi ly i s g lad t ha t she ___ fo r he r hones ty a t the meet ing .A. pra i ses B .p ra i sed C .has p ra i s ed D. was pra i sed55. Be i j ing Expo 2019 opened to the publ ic on 29 Apr i l . I t ____ fo r f ive m onths .B. toC. asD. f romth A. 56. --- What do you th ink o f the band ’s per formance?--- I t cou ld be _____. I th ink they ’re fee l ing very nervous .A. good B .be t t e r C . bad D . worse57. --- Mary , wha t ’s the mat te r? You don ’t seem happy .--- _____, Mu m. I ’m jus t f ee l ing a l i t t l e t i r ed a f te r a long day ’s s tudy .A. Forge t abou t i t B .Don ’t mention i t C .Noth ing the mat te r D .None o f your bus inessl a s t s B. has l a s ted C. las ted D. wi l l l a s t58. The Chinese Skyeye and High-speed Tra in in te rest peop le a lo t because ____ of them are l ead ing the wor ld i n sc ience and t echno logy(技术).A. 59. --- Ta i ’an i s a r ea l ly comfor tab le c i ty to l ive in .--- _____, and i t ’s wor ld -famous fo r M ounta in Ta i .A. So i t i sB. So i s i t C .So i t does ne i the r B.eachC.e i the rD.bothD. So does i t60. --- Nowadays m ore and more fo r e igners a re becoming in te res ted in kung fu .--- Tha t ’s t rue . I t ’s an impor tan t pa r t of Chinese _____.A. sp i r i tB.cus tomC.cu l tu reD.t rad i t ion61. --- The ac to r says he ’l l ce lebra te hi s 28 b i r thday next week . His fans ...th --- ______. Tha t can ’t be r igh t . I ’m pre t ty su re he was born in 1985.A. No k idd ingB. Sure he wi l lC.Never mindD. Wai t a minu te62. --- The boy _____ los t i s c ry ing t here .--- How do you know he ge t s los t?A. whoB.who mC.who ’sD. whose63. What a p leasant su rpr i se to see you here ! I supposed you _____ Shangha i .A. 64. My teacher was angry a t ____ he walked ou t o f the of f i ce wi thou t a word .A. wha t he d id andB.wha t d id he tha t C .he d id wha t tha t D .wha t he d id tha t65. Your b i r thday i s coming . What p r esen t s _____ f rom your pa ren t s?A. you expec t you can ge t B .you expec t can you ge t C .do you expec t can you ge t have been to B .had been to C.have gone to D.had gone tod .do you expec t you can ge t66. They ’ve _____us $150000 fo r the house . Sha l l we ta ke i t ?A. prov idedB. pa idC.shownD. of fe red67. _____ regu la r (定期) exerc i se i s very impor tan t , i t ’s never a good idea t o exerc i se too ____ to the bed t ime .A. 68. ____ then , I knew no th ing a t a l l a bout i t .A. S inceB. Af te r C . When 69. I wi l l say no more on these mat te r s , impor tan t ____ t hey a re .I f ; c losed B. As ; c los ing C. Unless ; c lose ly D. Al though; c loseD. Unt i lA. unlessB. s inceC. thoughD. un t i l70. --- I can do some shopping fo r you , i f you l ike .--- Tha t ’s a ve ry k i nd _____, thanks very much .A. of fe rB.serv iceC. promiseD. sugges t ion71. --- Mr Reed wil l go to X i ’an fo r a vis i t wi th h i s fami l y dur ing the long hol iday .--- ________.A. So we wi l lB. So wi l l weC. Nei the r wi l l weD. Nei ther we wi l l72. --- The ac to r says he ’l l ce lebra te hi s 28th b i r thday next week . His fans ...--- _____. Tha t can ’t be r igh t . I ’m pre t ty su re he was born in 1985.A. No k idd ingB. Sure he wi l lC. Never mindD. Wai t a minu te73. I t i sn ’t wha t you have o r who you are tha t makes you happy o r unhappy , bu t ____ you th ink about i t .A. whetherB. wha tC. howD. why74. --- Do you have any t rave l p lans f or your May Day vaca t ion?--- ______. Any good ideas?A. Of courseB.Not rea l lyC. Not exac t lyD. I t ’s coo l75. --- Could you pl ease t e l l me ____ The Reader , a TV program me hos ted by Dong Qing? --- I t i s fun and teaches us a lo t o f knowledge .A. how do peop le l ikeB.how peop le l ikeC.why do many people l ikeD.why many peopl e l ike76. Dan ie l i s su re ____ the sec re t . You can be sure ____ tha t .A. abou t f ind ing; abou t B . o f f inding ; o f C .to f i nd ou t ; o f D. tha t he ’l l f ind ou t ; for77. When ____ he l p , one o f ten says “Thank you ” or “I t ’s k ind o f you ”.A. of fe r ingB.to o f fe r C .of fe red D. to be of fe red78. The rea l r eason why pr ices ____, and s t i l l a re , too h i gh i s mixed , and no shor t d i scuss ion can expla in th i s p rob lem.A. 79. --- Are you feel ing t i r ed a f te r the game? A. Not a b i t B . Not a l i t t l e 80. --- I t ’s a shame to ask you to he lp me aga in , bu t ...were B.wi l l be C.have been D.had been--- _____. In fac t , I f ee l qu i te r e laxed .C. Qui te a l i t t l eD. Qui te a b i t--- ____. You have r ea l ly done your bes t and I am f ree .A.Tha t ’s r igh tB. Don ’t be s i l ly C .No prob lem 81. There a re over 500 ____ languages in the wor ld .A.a l ive B . l ive C . l iv ing D . l ive lyD. No way82. --- Wi l l your son go to wa tch the f ootba l l t eam?--- I f yours does , s o ___ mine .A. 83. I s th i s museum ____ you v i s i t ed t he o ther day?A. whichB. tha t C . the ones 84. Mr Col l ins has jus t a r r ived , bu t I didn ’t know he ___ unt i l yes te rday .A. was coming B .has come C .wi l l come D .came85. --- Nowadays W echa t i s ve ry popula r among f r i ends .--- Yes . I t seems to be the bes t way of com munica t ion ____ people l ike .i s B.do C. does D. wi l lD. the oneA. tha tB. whichC. wha tD. who参考答案单选:C D C A BD C D D BD D A D B D D C A A B D C B D B C D C C D A C C B D D D C A D B C B A B A B D C B D B B B B B C B B B C D A C C C A A BB D A A CD C D D DC D D A CA. 64. My teacher was angry a t ____ he walked ou t o f the of f i ce wi thou t a word .A. wha t he d id andB.wha t d id he tha t C .he d id wha t tha t D .wha t he d id tha t65. Your b i r thday i s coming . What p r esen t s _____ f rom your pa ren t s?A. you expec t you can ge t B .you expec t can you ge t C .do you expec t can you ge t have been to B .had been to C.have gone to D.had gone tod .do you expec t you can ge t66. They ’ve _____us $150000 fo r the house . Sha l l we ta ke i t ?A. prov idedB. pa idC.shownD. of fe red67. _____ regu la r (定期) exerc i se i s very impor tan t , i t ’s never a good idea t o exerc i se too ____ to the bed t ime .A. 68. ____ then , I knew no th ing a t a l l a bout i t .A. S inceB. Af te r C . When 69. I wi l l say no more on these mat te r s , impor tan t ____ t hey a re .I f ; c losed B. As ; c los ing C. Unless ; c lose ly D. Al though; c loseD. Unt i lA. unlessB. s inceC. thoughD. un t i l70. --- I can do some shopping fo r you , i f you l ike .--- Tha t ’s a ve ry k i nd _____, thanks very much .A. of fe rB.serv iceC. promiseD. sugges t ion71. --- Mr Reed wil l go to X i ’an fo r a vis i t wi th h i s fami l y dur ing the long hol iday .--- ________.A. So we wi l lB. So wi l l weC. Nei the r wi l l weD. Nei ther we wi l l72. --- The ac to r says he ’l l ce lebra te hi s 28th b i r thday next week . His fans ...--- _____. Tha t can ’t be r igh t . I ’m pre t ty su re he was born in 1985.A. No k idd ingB. Sure he wi l lC. Never mindD. Wai t a minu te73. I t i sn ’t wha t you have o r who you are tha t makes you happy o r unhappy , bu t ____ you th ink about i t .A. whetherB. wha tC. howD. why74. --- Do you have any t rave l p lans f or your May Day vaca t ion?--- ______. Any good ideas?A. Of courseB.Not rea l lyC. Not exac t lyD. I t ’s coo l75. --- Could you pl ease t e l l me ____ The Reader , a TV program me hos ted by Dong Qing? --- I t i s fun and teaches us a lo t o f knowledge .A. how do peop le l ikeB.how peop le l ikeC.why do many people l ikeD.why many peopl e l ike76. Dan ie l i s su re ____ the sec re t . You can be sure ____ tha t .A. abou t f ind ing; abou t B . o f f inding ; o f C .to f i nd ou t ; o f D. tha t he ’l l f ind ou t ; for77. When ____ he l p , one o f ten says “Thank you ” or “I t ’s k ind o f you ”.A. of fe r ingB.to o f fe r C .of fe red D. to be of fe red78. The rea l r eason why pr ices ____, and s t i l l a re , too h i gh i s mixed , and no shor t d i scuss ion can expla in th i s p rob lem.A. 79. --- Are you feel ing t i r ed a f te r the game? A. Not a b i t B . Not a l i t t l e 80. --- I t ’s a shame to ask you to he lp me aga in , bu t ...were B.wi l l be C.have been D.had been--- _____. In fac t , I f ee l qu i te r e laxed .C. Qui te a l i t t l eD. Qui te a b i t--- ____. You have r ea l ly done your bes t and I am f ree .A.Tha t ’s r igh tB. Don ’t be s i l ly C .No prob lem 81. There a re over 500 ____ languages in the wor ld .A.a l ive B . l ive C . l iv ing D . l ive lyD. No way82. --- Wi l l your son go to wa tch the f ootba l l t eam?--- I f yours does , s o ___ mine .A. 83. I s th i s museum ____ you v i s i t ed t he o ther day?A. whichB. tha t C . the ones 84. Mr Col l ins has jus t a r r ived , bu t I didn ’t know he ___ unt i l yes te rday .A. was coming B .has come C .wi l l come D .came85. --- Nowadays W echa t i s ve ry popula r among f r i ends .--- Yes . I t seems to be the bes t way of com munica t ion ____ people l ike .i s B.do C. does D. wi l lD. the oneA. tha tB. whichC. wha tD. who参考答案单选:C D C A BD C D D BD D A D B D D C A A B D C B D B C D C C D A C C B D D D C A D B C B A B A B D C B D B B B B B C B B B C D A C C C A A B B D A A CD C D D DC D D A C。
9A (Unit3-Unit4)错题一、填空1.You look so ___________ (担心). What’s wrong with you?2.We should try our best to ____________ (应付) with us all kinds of challenges in our life.3.Hobbies can make people’s life __________ (colour).4.If you have a cold, you should drink __________ (much) water and have a good rest.5.________ (stay) up late is very bad for your health.6.I _________ (回答)to the question quickly.7.I can’t understand his ___________ (沉默) on such an important matter.8.I don’t know how to ________ (work out) this problem.9.The teacher encouraged us to use at least two ________(way) to work out the Mathsproblem.10.The match is __________ (good) worth watching and I don’t want to miss it.11.I often make __________ (拼写)mistakes in exams.12.What’s the main __________ (原因) of being unhappy?13.Thank you for your help. My p_____________ .14.Jack never works hard at English, so his teacher ______________ (怀疑) if he can pass thecoming English test.15.Are there any English –Chinese ___________ (字典) in the bookstore?16.Driving after drinking is one of the most common ______________ of many trafficaccidents.17.It is very important for us to have correct ___________ (pronounce).18.Mr. Zhang’s work has been attracting a great _________ of attention.19.Very few people ___________ (achieve something that you have been trying to do ) inlosing weight and keeping it off.20.Mr. Green became a(n) ________ (success) actor and started writing plays.21.Tony’s about the ___________ (high) as his sister now.22.Mary ___________ (graduate) from medical school last year and she is a nurse now.23.The workers __________ (force) to dig a tunnel in a cold winter.24.The two lost children were found and ___________ (remain) with their mother next month.25.You should make a good plan before you __________ (do) anything important.26.I ____________ (not believe) that little Bob can run 100 metres.27.While I was reading, my mother _________ (wash) clothes.28.What was your most important piece of _____________ (研究)?29.Sue showed great _____________ (the quality of being brave when you are in danger, inpain etc.) throughout her illness.30.The government has already ______________ (成功) in working out ground rules with thenew settlers.31.Many of you have written to us to express your _____________ (ideas) on the conflict.32.The country and its business people have reasons to be proud of their ___________ (veryold) history and the recent developments.33.Green can give you energy, as it is the colour of nature and _____________ (serve as ameans of expressing something) new life.34.Anne Frank’s diary was a record of that time, and it has become a symbol of the _________of the human spirit.35.Not only the students but also their teacher __________(know)about the three people.二、选择填空1.()Mum, I’m a little nervous before the test. What can I do to feel ________?Why not listen to music or have a walk in the garden? Both of them can help you _______.A relaxed, relaxedB relax, relaxC relax, relaxedD relaxed, relax2.()Do you have any problems if you ____ this job?Well, I’m thinking about the working day.A offerB will offerC are offeredD will be offered3.()Why did you throw away the box? I think it’s of ________.A no useB much useC not usefulD useless4.()It’s necessary to ask your father not to _______ too late. His health is falling becauseof it. OK. I will tell him to go to bed early.A look upB put awayC stay downD stay up5.()I found this pen on the ground just now. But I’m not sure ________ it belongs to. Let me have a look. Oh, it must be Zhang Yun’s.A whoB whatC whichD whose6.()I want to buy an iphone 6. But I don’t know _______ its price is. It must be veryhigh.A whyB whatC how manyD how much7.()These animals are in danger. We should think about _______ to protect them.A what can we doB what we can doC how can we doD how we can do8.()Can you tell me _______ last night? I watched ‘The Voice of China’ on TV.A where you wentB what did you doC what you didD where did you go9.()As for Mr. Brown, do you know __________?Sure, Canada. But he has been teaching French for two years in Shanghai.A where he is workingB where he comes fromC where is his motherlandD why he came to China10.()Excuse me. Could you tell me _________? At 8:30.A where the next train comesB where does the next train comeC when the next train arrivesD when will the next train arrive.11.()Can you tell me _____ you chatted with your e-friend online last night?Our talk started at 7:30 pm. And lasted until 10:45.A whenB whatC how longD how soon12.()________ progress he’s made since he joined the English Club!Yes. And I am sure he can do much better.A How a greatB How greatC What a greatD What great13.()Can you tell me _______ this CD player? No problem. Just press the first button.A how to repairB how to useC when to useD when to repair.14.()When do you think ________ ? I have no idea. Maybe last night.A the computer went wrongB did the computer go wrongC has the computer gone wrongD the computer has gone wrong15.()We _________ excited since we ________ the exciting news.A have been, heardB are, heardC have become, heardD have became, heard16.()The headmaster said they __________ library.A would build anotherB would build otherC will build anotherD will build other17.()It wasn’t long ________ the rain stopped and the sun came out again.A untilB beforeC whenD since18.()Are you _________ the plan? No, I ________ it.A for, am againstB agree, am againstC for, againstD against, for19.()It’s _______ that you have go so soon.A a pityB an excuseC funD luck20.()This is a useful dictionary, I think. So it is, and it’s ______ unusual one.A theB anC aD 不填21.()The fans were __________ to know the death of their favourite singing star.A gladB angryC excitedD surprised22.()After I graduate, I’ll try to become ________ university student.You’re hard-working. I’m sure you can realize your dream.A aB anC theD /23.()My parents had to sell the old house for my further study abroad even though it was________ their own wishes.A forB throughC againstD above24.()What did the old couple ____? They forgot to turn off the gas after cooking dinner.A die fromB die ofC die inD die on25.()Peter was so excited ________ he received the invitation to the important meetingA thatB thoughC whenD before26.()Can I be out of hospital today, Doctor? I’m afraid you will have to _______ inhospital for at least 5 days.A forceB succeedC surviveD remain27.()Mrs. Brown wanted to buy some fish in the supermarket on the way home,________ there was one left.A butB orC andD so28.()The famous singer has devoted ________ to charity activities in the past few years.A sheB herC hersD herself29.()Life is like a race. You may ________ take the lead __________ fall behind.A both, andB either, orC neither, norD not only, but also30.()Most people believe that personality ______ by both nature and the environment.A formsB has formedC is formedD formed31.()David is __________ and he loves to talk, so it’s ________ for him to work withoutany words all day long.A modest, popularB curious, possibleC active, terribleD patient, important32.()If you are feeling stressed, you should __________.A shout at other people around youB keep quiet and not tell anybodyC keep it to yourselfD share your problem with somebodyAnswers:1. worried2. deal3. colourful4. more5. Staying6. replied7. silence8. solve9. methods 10. well 11. spelling 12. cause 13. pleasure 14. doubts15. dictionaries 16causes 17. pronunciation 18. deal 19. succeed 20. successful 21. height 22. graduated 23. were forced 24. will remain 25. do 26. won’t believe 27. was washing 28. research 29. courage 30. succeeded 31. thoughts 32. ancient 33. represents 34. victory 35. knows1-5. DCADA 6-10BBCBC 11-15CDBCA 16-20ABAAB 21-25DACAC 26-30DADBC 31-32CD。
1、一年有四季:春、夏、秋、冬。 There are four seasons in a year: spring,summer autumn and winter
Spring comes in March and ends in May.The weather gets warmer.The days get longer and the nights get shorter.Everything begins to grow. Trees turn green and flowers come out.It’s the best season of the year.
until late at night
make snowmen
in town/in the country all the year round
pick corn
The way you speak
follow sb
find out the answer to this question the best time to visit China
谐!这时那伙校精组成的巨大沙袋杖角怪忽然怪吼一声!只见沙袋 摆客中国 h ttps://www.baike / 摆客中国 杖角怪摇动古怪的淡绿色肥肠似的三条尾巴,整个身体 一边旋转一边像巨大的怪物一样膨胀起来……突然,整个怪物像巨大的春绿色种子一样裂开……五十五条水蓝色泡菜模样的残疾巨根急速从里面伸出然后很快钻进泥土中…… 接着,一棵海蓝色舷窗模样的奇寒巨大怪芽疯速膨胀起来……一簇簇深青色蜜桃模样的凶恶巨大枝叶疯速向外扩张……突然!一朵葱绿色木马模样的贪婪巨蕾恐怖地钻了出来 ……随着淡绿色筷子模样的凶残巨花狂速盛开,无数浓绿色锄头模样的阴冷花瓣和暗灰色花蕊飞一样伸向远方……突然,无数烟橙色鱼尾模样的奇寒果实从巨花中窜出,接着 飞一样射向魔墙!只见每个巨大果实上都骑着一个沙袋杖角怪的小替身,而那伙校精的真身也混在其中……“哇!真有忽悠性!”壮扭公主道。“还多少带点利用性!咱们让 他们看看什么高层次!嘻嘻!”月光妹妹和壮扭公主一边说着一边念动咒语……只见巨大狗腿玉喉圣猛然间长啸一声!巨大果实的飞速顿时变得慢如蚂蚁,只见蛙掌枪心圣摇 动彪悍的身躯,整个身体快速变成一枚巨大的缤纷奇蛋,这枚奇蛋一边旋转一边射出万道奇光……突然,整个奇蛋像巨大的淡绿色花蕾一样绽开……四十五条淡紫色菜刀模样 的出色尾巴急速从里面伸出……接着,一颗墨绿色舷窗模样的残疾巨大驼头快速探了出来……一簇簇水绿色蜜桃模样的时尚巨大翅膀飘然向外伸展……突然!两只水绿色书架 模样的贪婪巨爪威武地伸了出来……随着亮黄色筷子模样的震撼粼光的狂速飞舞,无数天蓝色锄头模样的温柔羽毛和米黄色鳞甲飞一样射出……突
1. -I don't know how to use this machine.-It doesn't matter. Here is the ______.A. instruction.B. direction.C. information.D. advertisement.解析:- A. instruction“说明;指示”,机器的使用说明用instruction,符合题意。
- B. direction“方向;指导”,侧重于方位或做事的大致指引,与机器使用说明不符。
- C. information“信息”,比较宽泛,不具体指机器使用方面的内容。
- D. advertisement“广告”,与机器如何使用无关。
2. The number of the students in our school ______ about 2,000, and a number of them ______ interested in the English club.A. are; are.B. is; are.C. is; is.D. are; is.解析:- “the number of + 复数名词”表示“……的数量”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,所以第一个空填is。
- “a number of + 复数名词”表示“许多……”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,所以第二个空填are。
3. -______ have you had the bike?-For two years.A. How long.B. How often.C. How far.D. How soon.解析:- A. How long“多久;多长时间”,用于询问时间段,根据答语“For two years.”可知是问时间段,所以用How long。
- B. How often“多久一次”,询问频率。
错题集1、You are the very man _____ he is looking for.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. which2、The girl with some flowers in her hand is my sister. (改为同义句)The girl _____ _____ some flowers in her hand is my sister.3、孩子们随着优美的音乐翩翩起舞。
The children _____ _____ the beautiful music.4、When I came into his room , he pretended _____ his homework.A. to doB. be doingC. doingD. to be doing5、What does this word mean?(改为同义句)What’s _____ _____ of this word ?What _____ you _____ _____ this word ?6、如果他明天不来怎么办?What if he _____ _____ tomorrow ?7、I hope to have a chance of _____ (study) abroad.8、--- Are two students enough to help you carry the desk ?--- No , the desk is too heavy. I need _____ two.A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. others9、It’s nice _____ Mary _____ me with my English study.A. for ; helpB. of ; helpC. of ; to helpD. for ; to help10、I’m sorry to give you so much _____ (麻烦).11、Miss Zhao was ill , so Mr. Zhang took her class i_____.12、过去,我害怕跟外教用英语交谈。
[多选]产科检查包括()A.肛门检查B.测量体重与血压C.阴道检查D.腹部检查E.骨盆测量 [单选]船舶进坞操纵的关键,在于掌握好船在坞门外的()。A.舵效B.流速C.流向D.船位 [单选]经络的临床应用不包括()A.说明病理变化B.指导辨证归经C.指导针灸治疗D.说明气血状态E.指导药物归经 [单选]船体外板是由()构成的。①船底板()②舭列板③甲板板()④舷侧列板A.①③B.②③④C.①④D.①②④ [单选]下列哪种仲裁协议无效?()A.限制民事行为能力人订立的仲裁协议B.甲、乙双方约定,将汽车购买合同争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会进行仲裁C.甲、乙双方约定,将争议提交仲裁机构仲裁,同时约定仲裁规则D.甲、乙双方对仲裁委员会没有约定,在发生纠纷后,达成补充协议 [单选]关于仲裁协议,说法正确的是:()A.仲裁协议可以通过电子邮件的方式订立B.仲裁协议仅约定纠纷适用的仲裁规则的,以制作该仲裁规则的仲裁委员会为确定的仲裁委员会,仲裁协议有效C.仲裁协议未约定仲裁规则的,仲裁协议无效D.以口头方式订立的仲裁协议有效 [单选]在ECAM显示的失效中,名称被方框框住的是,系统前带有※号的是:()A、主要失效、次要失效B、主要失效、独立失效C、次要失效、独立失效 [单选]男性,64岁。因食管癌行手术治疗,留置胃管。手术后4d患者咳嗽,痰略带黄色,发热38.4℃,气急,右下肺闻及较多细湿啰音。X线胸片示右肺下大片炎性病变。推测其最可能的病原体是()A.金黄色葡萄球菌B.军团杆菌C.铜绿假单胞菌D.肠道革兰氏阴性杆菌E.流感嗜血杆菌 [问答题,简答题]什么年龄范围内的儿童按成人票价的50%购买机票?什么年龄范围的客人可以按成人票价的10%购买机票?乘机时年龄12周岁零一天的小旅客江丽丽可否购买半价票? [单选]下列哪些不属于颈浅丛属支()A.lesseroccipitalnerveB.greatauricularnerveC.transversenerveofnerveD.supraclavicularnerveE.trochlearnerve [单选]卧式车床最大回转直径参数在型号中是以什么折算系数表示的。()A.1B.1/10C.1/100D.1/1000 [单选]下列有关噪声的叙述中,错误的是()。A.当某噪声级与背景噪声级之差很小时,则感到很嘈杂B.噪声影响居民的主要因素与噪声级、噪声的频谱、时间特性和变化情况有关C.由于各人的身心状态不同,对同一噪声级下的反应有相当大的出入D.保证睡眼不受影响,室内噪声级的理想值为3 [单选]对于初乳与成熟乳比较,下列哪项是恰当的?()A.初乳持续约3天以后,逐渐变为成熟乳B.初乳及成熟乳中,均含有大量免疫抗体C.初乳中含有较多蛋白质,主要是白蛋白D.初乳中脂肪及糖类含量较高.E.大多数药物不经母血渗入乳汁中 [单选]Inmarsat通信系统由()组成。A、卫星、地面站、移动站、网络协调站B、移动站、海岸电台、卫星、控制中心C、卫星、网络协调站D、陆地移动电台、移动站、地面站 [单选]下列对关节的描述,错误的是()A.关节面上有关节软骨B.关节囊外层称纤维膜C.关节囊的内层称滑膜D.内、外两层之间的腔隙称关节腔E.关节腔内有少量滑液,腔内呈负压 [单选]男性,30岁。体力劳动时突然出现剧烈头痛,难以忍受,急送医院。体检:神清,颅神经正常,四肢活动正常,颈有抵抗,克氏征阳性,最可能的诊断为()A.蛛网膜下腔出血B.偏头痛C.脑血栓形成D.神经官能症E.头痛性癫痫 [单选]提高()是实现职业道德维护公德的手段A、专业B、知识C、理论D、专业技能 [单选]产后子宫缩小至妊娠12周大小,需要时间为().A.1周B.2周C.3周D.4周E.5周 [单选]在类风湿关节炎中,对组织起主要作用的是()。A.IgA型类风湿因子B.IgG型类风湿因子C.IgM型类风湿因子D.IgG型类风湿因子和抗原IgM形成的免疫复合物E.IgG型类风湿因子和抗原IgG形成的免疫复合物 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]女,45岁,间歇上腹隐痛、饱胀不适6年,查体无异常。胃镜检查胃窦粘膜稍苍白,变薄,可透见粘膜下紫蓝色血管网。慢性萎缩性胃炎的特征病变是()A.粘膜腺体萎缩B.粘膜炎症C.血清自身抗体阳性D.肠上皮化生E.假幽门腺化生 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]成人子宫体与子宫颈的长度比例为()A.2:1B.3:1C.1:2D.1:3E.1:1 [单选]关机及不可及转移的编码操作方式是()?A.**21*DN#发送键;B.**62*DN#发送键;C.**67*DN#发送键;D.**61*DN#发送键。 [单选,A1型题]关于芳香化湿药的论述,以下哪项是错的()A.多辛温,归脾胃经B.入汤剂多宜后下C.多具利小便作用D.多用治湿阻中焦E.易耗气伤阴 [单选]下列关于类风湿关节炎药物治疗正确的是()。A.早期应用快作用抗风湿病药B.大部分患者用一种慢作用药就可以阻止关节破坏C.可以常规应用糖皮质激素D.非甾体抗炎药是改善关节症状的一线药物E.不能使用中枢性镇痛药 [单选]产褥期保健重点不包括以下哪几项()。A.注意产妇情绪变化B.采用孕产妇营养膳食C.注射乙肝疫苗D.指导母乳喂养E.注意卫生 [单选]()型生产过程一般采用通用设备。A.单件小批量B.项目C.多品种小批量D.单一品种大批量 [单选]某酒店项目经公开招标,由某施工单位承建,包工包料。施工过程中,建设单位要求更换外墙保温材料。根据《条例》规定,以下不属于建设单位质量责任的是()。A.不得迫使承包方以低于成本价格竞标B.对更换后的外墙保温材料进行检验C.不得擅自改变主体结构进行装修D.未取得保修书 [单选,A1型题]能够温肺化饮,治疗肺寒痰饮之咳嗽气喘,痰多清稀者的药组是()A.干姜、细辛B.附子、干姜C.干姜、吴茱萸D.附子、细辛E.干姜、高良姜 [单选]《女职工劳动保护特别规定》共有()条(不含附录)。A、12B、16C、21D、28 [问答题,案例分析题]蓝天公司2×14年发生的与或有事项有关的业务如下。(1)2×14年10月1日,蓝天公司与甲公司签订一项不可撤销的产品销售合同,合同规定:蓝天公司于3个月后提交甲公司A产品,合同价格(不含增值税额)为5000万元,如蓝天公司违约,将支付违约金1000万元。至2×1 [单选]可确诊支气管扩张的诊断方法为()A.支气管造影B.支气管镜检查C.详细的病史D.肺部前后位X线片E.用上述检查方法均无效 [单选,A2型题]1岁小儿滚落床下,恰巧碰翻地上热水壶,小儿全身皮肤与衣服粘连一起,这时对烫烧伤的小儿,错误的措施()A.是B.迅速将小儿抢离火场或脱离烫伤源C.迅速将烫烧伤部位衣服撕掉D.用清洁被单包裹E.较小灼伤可清洗创面F.及时送往医院 [单选]刮片细胞学检查时,常用的固定液是()A.甲醛B.丙酮C.乙醇D.冰醋酸E.甲醇 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]老年男性急性尿潴留常见的病因是()A.前列腺增生B.尿道结石C.尿道外伤D.膀胱异物E.尿道肿瘤 [单选]依照我国的会计准则,利润表采用的格式为()。A.单步式B.多步式C.账户式D.混合式 [单选]申请行政复议的一般期限是()。A.30日B.40日C.50日D.60日 [单选]患者,女性,56岁,半月前出现左肩外侧疼痛,疼痛时与活动有明显关系,半个月来疼痛逐渐加重,范围扩大,不能外展及前屈,后伸,牵涉到上臂中段,体检时,可见三角肌轻度萎缩,肩部有明显的压痛点,肩关节活动明显受限。最可能的诊断是()A.胸廓上口综合征B.肩周炎C.肩关节 [单选]从下列药物中选出治疗耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌感染最为有效的药物()A.半合成青霉素B.二代头孢菌素C.三代头孢菌素D.碳氢酶烯类抗生素E.多肽类抗生素 [单选]根据《行政复议法》的规定,行政复议申请人在对具体行政行为申请行政复议时,可以一并向行政复议机关提出申请,就该具体行政行为所依据的有关规定的合法性进行审查。这些规定不包括下列()。A.国务院部门规定B.国务院部、委员会规章和地方人民政府规章C.乡、镇人民政府的规 [单选]建筑平面图上的尺寸,一般标有三道,最外处为总包尺寸,中间为()尺寸,最里处为细部尺寸。A.结构B.做法C.轴线D.局部
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[单选]子宫颈癌复发时最为少见的是()A.不规则阴道流血B.下肢水肿C.坐骨神经痛D.肾盂积水E.腹水 [单选]某孕妇,26岁,孕1产0,妊娠40周。检查:胎方位枕左前,有规律宫缩已18小时,宫颈扩张3cm,胎心140次/分,产妇一般情况良好。宫缩较初期间歇延长,为5~10分,持续30秒,宫缩高峰时子宫不硬。经详细检查无头盆不称、骨盆狭窄。该产妇除有宫缩乏力外,还应诊断()A.第二产程 [问答题,简答题]编入列车的车辆对车钩缓冲装置的质量要求是什么? [填空题]电压互感器的二次额定电压为()V,电流互感器的二次额定电压为()A [单选]糖尿病控制饮食的主要目的不是()A.纠正代谢紊乱B.稳定血糖C.保护胰岛功能D.预防慢性并发症E.控制血脂升高 [单选,A1型题]乳腺癌出现表面皮肤凹陷的机制是()A.癌细胞堵塞乳房皮下淋巴管B.癌肿侵入乳腺管使其收缩C.癌细胞浸润大片皮肤D.癌肿侵犯Cooper韧带使其收缩E.以上都不是 [多选]专利资产评估在涉及如下哪种行为必须进行登记簿副本查询()A、经济合作B、法律诉讼C、质押融资D、破产清算E、投资入股 [单选]如图,气管隆突的高度相当于()A.颈静脉切迹B.第二肋间C.第三肋间D.胸骨柄E.胸骨角 [单选]能对护士的行为起到评价和激励作用的道德规范是()。A.良心B.情感C.审慎D.荣誉E.兴趣 [单选]下列对加油站信用卡(银联卡)加油管理制度的描述错误的是()。A、严格执行操作规程,按规定与银行交换数据,核对加油情况和油款进账情况B、对于需冲销原交易或进行补偿交易的业务,应立即操作C、读写银联卡的机器出现故障时,操作人员应立即终止刷卡结算操作D、在月末前将 [名词解释]表现性 [单选]设卫星的轨道平面与地球的赤道平面夹角为i,则极轨道的夹角为()A.i=0°B.i=90°CC.0° [单选]最适宜的腮腺超声检查方法A.空腹B.理发后C.应用凸阵探头D.应用高频线阵探头E.只行纵切检查 [单选]胃癌最好发的部位是()A.幽门管B.胃窦大弯侧C.胃体大弯侧D.胃窦小弯侧E.贲门小弯侧 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]孤独症的康复,"针对孤独症儿童在语言、交流以及感知觉运动等方面所存在的缺陷,有针对性地进行教育"属于()A.社交故事B.结构化教育C.听觉综合训练D.感觉综合训练E.应用行为分析疗法 [填空题]医疗保险按经营的性质可分为()、()。 [填空题]常用的温度单位有()、()、()。 [填空题]铁路运输部门应当将()列为重要运输物质,应对其优先运输,重点保证。 [单选]人体内的循环系统包括().A.血液循环系统和体循环系统B.血液循环系统和淋巴系统C.淋巴系统和体循环系统 [单选]()是家长和幼儿园之间的桥梁,促进家园合作,家长学校D.电话联系 [单选,A1型题]关于胰岛素的作用下列哪项错误()。A.促进脂肪合成,抑制脂肪分解B.抑制蛋白质合成,抑制氨基酸进入细胞C.促进葡萄糖利用,抑制糖原分解和产生D.促进钾进入细胞,降低血钾E.促进蛋白质合成及氨基酸转运 [单选]以下治疗甲状腺危象的方案中,最完善的是()A.抗甲状腺药物、强心药、镇静剂、抗生素B.抗甲状腺药物、强心药、镇静剂、β受体阻滞剂C.大剂量抗甲状腺药物、糖皮质激素、镇静剂D.大剂量丙硫氧嘧啶、大量复方碘溶液、糖皮质激素、β受体阻滞剂E.大剂量复方碘溶液、糖 [多选]以下eSpaceU1910说法正确的是:()A.eSpaceU1910支持100个以下内部用户的业务需求B.eSpaceU1930支持100个以上、300个以下内部用户的业务需求C.eSpaceU1930支持300个以上、1000个以下内部用户的业务需求。D.eSpaceU1980支持300个以上、10000个以下内部用户的业务需求 [单选]创伤后现场、途中及急诊室救护中的一种理想的复苏液体是()A.平衡液B.低分子右旋糖酐C.全血D.生理盐水E.高张盐液 [问答题,简答题]什么叫预拌砼?它分哪几种基本品种和等级? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]女性,45岁。新诊断糖尿病,用胰岛素治疗后第5天,血糖从原来甚高很快降至接近正常水平,但突然发生视力模糊,应首先考虑可能是由于().A.已有白内障B.视网膜微血管病变C.合并青光眼D.晶体渗透压改变E.玻璃体出血 [单选,A1型题]1岁小儿营养性贫血时肝脾肿大多由于()A.感染B.铁和维生素B缺乏C.营养不良D.心力衰竭E.骨髓外造血 [填空题]颜料的着色力是指某种颜料与另一种颜料在油料中混合时,所能呈现它本身的()的能力。 [单选]属于PSC初始检查的内容是()。A.船舶证书B.船体构造C.无线电设备D.操作性检查 [单选]《公路安全保护条例》自()起施行。1987年10月13日国务院发布的《中华人民共和国公路管理条例》同时废止。A、2010年7月1日B、2011年7月1日C、2012年7月1日 [单选]给二维线上的点做倒角用下例的什么命令()A.BreakB.WeldC.FilletD.Refine [填空题]刀具材料应具备较高的硬度、足够的()和()、高耐磨性、高耐热性。我们制图中常用的刀柄材料一般用()刀片材料一般用() [单选,A1型题]下列各项,不属于风淫证临床表现的是()。A.皮肤瘙痒B.肢体麻木C.关节游走痛D.突发丘疹E.头昏沉如裹 [单选]氮氧化物控制技术中的()是与SCR工艺操作相关的关键因素。A.催化剂活泼B.催化剂失活和烟气中残留的氨C.空气预热D.燃烧产生的烟尘 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]酒渣鼻红斑期,毛细血管扩张最明显的部位是()。A.鼻翼、鼻尖B.面颊部C.额部D.唇周E.唇红 [单选]航空器可否飞入空中危险区或临时空中危险区:()。A.不行B.可以,但必须得到相关部门的批准C.可以,但必须在规定时限以外 [单选]建立流行病学模型的最重要的基础是A.明确建模目的B.提出假设C.有适当的数学模型结构D.精通计算机技术E.已知疾病的分布特征、流行过程、主要影响因素及其相互制约关系等相关知识和理论 [判断题]各种储蓄存款计息,以本金元为起息点,元以下角分一律不计息。A.正确B.错误 [问答题,简答题]如何检测土方路基的弯沉值? [单选]促进消防工程师行业发展的动力是()。A.公平竞争B.精益求精C.团结互助D.爱岗敬业