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1.What made them miss the deadline was not their lack of funding, but ________ their lack of planning.

A.even B.still

C.rather D.ever




考查副词。句意:使他们错过最后期限的不是缺少资金,而是缺少计划。A. even甚至;B. still仍然;C. rather宁愿;D. ever曾经。not...but rather表示“不是…相反而是…”,故选C。

2.Each working day,The Daily is updated on the website every hour,unless indicated. A.otherwise B.therefore

C.nevertheless D.moreover



3.He has been living in this country _______ since May 2012, with no visa.

A.apparently B.relatively

C.legally D.illegally




考查副词。句意:自2012年5月以来,他一直非法居住在这个国家,没有签证。A. apparently显然地;B. relatively相对地;C. legally合法地;D. illegally不合法地。故选D。

4.Michelle Obama told the audience not to “ let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great, that ____ we need to make it great again.”

A.somehow B.somewhat

C.somewhere D.otherwise




考查副词辨析。A. somehow不知何故,设法;B. somewhat有点儿;C. somewhere某地;D. otherwise否则,要不然;句意:迈克尔奥巴马告诉听众不要让别人告诉你这个国家不再伟大了,我们要设法让这个国家再次伟大。根据句意可知本句中的“somehow”意为“设法”,


5.--Our company had a hard time last year.

--But we managed ______. Now everything is progressing steadily.

A.moreover B.meanwhile

C.somehow D.therefore




考查副词词义辨析。句意:--我们公司去年经历了一段艰难的时期。 ---但我们还是设法做到了。现在一切都在稳步发展。A. moreover 而且; B. meanwhile 同时; C. somehow 以某种方式; D. therefore 因此。根据句意和四个选项的内容可知,不管怎样,我们度过了难关,故选C。

6.I call him ______ ; even when there is not much to say.

A.now and then B.by and by

C.step by step D.more or less




考查副词短语辨析。句意:即使没有太多的话要说,我也会时不时的给他打电话。 A. now and then 时而; B. by and by 不就之后; C. step by step 逐步地; D. more or less 或多或少。根据句意,结合四个选项可知是我时而会给他打电话,故选A.

7.Don’t defend him any more. It’s obvious that he ___________ destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology.

A.accidentally B.carelessly

C.deliberately D.clumsily




考查副词辨析。句意:别再为他辩护了。显然他是故意把花园的围墙弄坏的,而且还不道歉。A. accidentally偶然地;B. carelessly粗心地;C. deliberately故意地,刻意地;D. clumsily笨拙地。根据前一句Don’t defend him any more.可推知,他是故意把花园的围墙弄坏的,故选C项。

8.Computer-controlled robots are taking over jobs in many industries, which used to be done _______.

A.artificially B.manually

C.comprehensively D.gradually




考查副词词义辨析。句意为:计算机控制的机器人接管了许多行业中的工作,而这些工作过去都是手工完成的。artificially人造地,人为地,不自然地;manually手工地;comprehensively 全面地; gradually渐渐地。根据句意,选B。

9.(浙江卷)I’ve been writing this report________for the last two weeks,but it has to be handed in tomorrow.

A.finally B.immediately

C.occasionally D.certainly



考查副词辨析。finally最后,终于;immediately立即,马上;occasionally偶尔;certainly 当然。句意为:在过去的两周里,我________在写这份报告,但是明天就必须要上交了。根据句意和逻辑,此处应表示没完成之意。所以空格处用occasionally。


10.It is said the Great Wall_______ the Warring States, is _______worth visiting.

A.dated from; much B.dated from; well

C.dating from; much D.dating from; well




考查非谓语动词和副词。句意:据说长城始建于战国时期,非常值得参观。date from追溯到,用现在分词做伴随状语,be well worth doing很值得做某事,故选D项。

11.I can’t thank you _____much, because without your help I _____ have won the first place. A.too; wouldn’t B.very; shouldn’t

C.that; might not D.so; couldn’t



考查常用句型和虚拟语气。句意:我再怎么感谢你也不为过,因为要是没有你的帮助,我就不能赢得第一名。not… too much都不过分;without your help这是一个条件,主干是对过去的虚拟,故选A。


