cloth clothing clothes dress suit服装

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服装cloth clothing clothes dress suit"秀"

1.cloth指做衣服用的布料(包括棉、麻、丝、毛料),是不可数名词,不能加不定冠词,也不能加-s,但可以说a piece of cloth。例如:

He bought four yards of cloth.他买了4码布料。

This piece of cloth is long enough for you to make a shirt.这块布够你做一件衬衫。

注意:cloth指布料的种类或桌布、擦碗布等专供某种用途的一块布时则是具体可数名词,前面可加a,复数只加s(cloths)。例如:a table cloth一块桌布,many cloths很多种布料。


Most of her clothes were made by herself.她的大部分衣服是自己做的。

The clothes are hung up to dry.衣服被挂起来晾干。

注意:clothes 不能被数词修辞,不可说:two clothes,five cloths,但却可说many(these,a few,my)clothes,也可以说a good deal of(muels)clothes,a suit of clothes(一套衣服)。

3.clothing也是指服装的总称,是集合名词,不能加-s。可以说winter clothing(冬装),used clothing(旧衣服),man's(women's)clothing男(女)服装。例如:

We need warm clothing for the winter.冬天我们需要温暖的服装。

This shop sells men's clothing.这家商店卖男装。


People in Europe wear warm clothing(clothes)in winter.欧洲人冬季穿暖和的衣服。

I have a few articles of clothing(clothes误)to sell.我有几种衣服要卖。


Most girls like to have pretty dresses.大多数女孩子喜欢穿漂亮的裙子。(可数)

She was wearing an evening dress.她身穿晚礼服。(可数)

He doesn't care much about dress.他不太注重穿着。(不可数)


Father bought him a suit of new clothes.父亲给他买了一套新衣服。

He was wearing a gray suit.他穿着一套灰色的西装。
