
途中患重病, 以为无法继续生存便遗弃了这对双胞胎。
她哭着离开, 等死。

3.《喜福会》中美文化的碰撞与兼容【J】罗艳丽三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2005年

四、归化翻译在《喜福会》中的应用分析在《喜福会》的翻译中,归化翻译策略的运用主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 语言习惯的归化:为使译文更符合目标语的语言习惯,译者对原文中的一些表达进行了改写,使译文更加地道。
2. 文化背景的归化:对于一些具有中国文化特色的词汇或表达,译者通过解释性翻译或意译的方式,使目标语读者更好地理解其背后的文化含义。
五、异化翻译在《喜福会》中的应用分析异化翻译在《喜福会》中的运用主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 保留文化特色:对于一些具有中国文化特色的词汇或表达,译者采用音译或直译的方式,保留了其原有的文化特色。
2. 传达情感色彩:异化翻译有助于传达原文中的情感色彩,使目标语读者能够感受到原文中所蕴含的情感。

1. 归化翻译的应用在《喜福会》中,为了使观众更好地理解电影中的情节与人物关系,归化翻译被广泛运用。
2. 异化翻译的应用尽管归化翻译在《喜福会》中发挥了重要作用,但异化翻译同样不可或缺。

The Joy Luck Club:Collision and Compatibility Between Chinese and American CultureAbstract:Basic on the study of The Joy Luck Club, this thesis discusses the mother-daughter collision and compatibility between Chinese and American culture,which is caused by the two generations of Chinese American in the novel.The paper is entirely sepertated by four major parts: Introduction, Conflict between Chinese &American culture, Compatibility between Chinese &American culture,and Conclusion.It argues basically on the differen living environment,different heritage and different value etc.Key words: The Joy Luck Club ,mother-daughter collision and compatibility Outlines:Chapter1 Introduction1.1Brief introdution about The Joy Luck Club1.2Introduction about about the thesisChapter2 Conflict between Chinese &American culture2.1The culture of Chinese mahjong2.2Different living environment,different valueChapter3Compatibility between Chinese &American cultureChapter4ConclusionChapter 5ReferencesChapter 1 Chapter1 Introduction1.11.1Brief introdution about The Joy Luck ClubThe Joy Luck Club' is a well-known American-Chinese writer Amy Tan's representative works.In the novel,she presented to the reader four Chinese immigrant mothers and their daughters .Although living in America,the immigrant mothers cling to Chinese traditional culture.They organize the Joy Luck Club regularly,a weekly meeting of best Chinese friends. Four mothers with their own view of the world, their world view is based on their experiences of life in China. However,the girls from their mothers can not understand the Chinese culture because the are America-born. So there are conflicts that have been vividly described in this book.As time goes by,aftter a series of misunderstandings and conflicts, they begin to understand each other .The two generations go into harmony with their effors of love..1.2 Introduction about about the thesisThe thesis is the discussion about the mother-daughter collision and compatibility between Chinese and American culture,entirely sepertated by four major parts: Introduction, Conflict between Chinese &American culture, Compatibility between Chinese & American culture,and Conclusion.In addition,the paper argues the different living environment,different culture heritage as well as different value which are the main causes of mother-daughter conflict in the novel.More importantly, after a series of misunderstandings,the two generations are in harmony which means cultural compatibility between China and America.It brings hope that contradiction or oppositions in our lives between past and present,between generation and between culture can be possibly even well reconciled.Chapter2 Conflict between Chinese &Amerian culture2.1The culture of Chinese mahjongIn the novel,we can see that the four mother-immigrants hold The Joy Luck Club every week.All their best friends and related people will attend.They cook Chinese food,wear Chinese traditional clothes.Especially,they prefer to playing mahjong.It undoubtedly provides a place for the others to get in retrospect.However,the girls look down upon such gathering.Chinese cusine and clothes are not their taste.They even distain the mahjong.In their eyes ,that is boring and stupid.In my oppinion,I think that playing mahjong reflects the character of a person and the cultuer of a nation.In the movie The Joy Luck Club,we can see four vivid characters on the mahjong table.Jingmei (the leading actor)plays mahjong with three eldly women,the expression and behaviour of Auntie Lindo,she is aggressive and mighty as we see after he movie telling the stories between she and her daughter.Analysing the character of Auntie Lindo,culture of themahjong can present.When playing mahjong ,every person prefers to suppress the others,making every endeavor to win.If something indicates he will lose,he will destroy all the games to make every lose.But people are enjoying strifing openly and secretly.Such game mirrors most of Chinese characters :passive,defended,selfish .Instead,as we know,poker are more popular in America. So it is hard to be accepted by the America-born girls.2.2Different living environment,different valueIt is universally acknowledged that languages and cultures are nguages,the carriers of cultures,plays an important role in understanding and communication.If people do not communicate in the same language,misunderstanding may appear.Because of the different living environment, the mothers in The Joy Luck Club speak Chinese for several years and they are reluctant to speak broken English when they have to.On the contrary,their daughters are born in America.They knows little about Chinese,but speak idiomatic and fluent English,which they are poud of.Because the language barrier,mothers and daughters cannot understand each other,even misinterpret each other.A mother ,Lindo ,speaking poudly of Taiyuan,her hometown,only find that her daughter mistakes it to Taiwan.Although sometims the girls can guess the exact meaning from mother’s broken a broken English,they only strengthen their piont of views that their mothers are unlearned and in the low social status.Different living environment,different languages cause misunderstandings, estrangements,even the collisions.The Chinese-born mothers, in spite of living in America,cannot get rid of the traditional Chinese cultuer,especially the way they bring up their children.In Chineses culture ,children are supposed to be parts of parents,and they must obey everything they parents arrange. The immigrant mothers follows this.They interfere in their daughters’affair,like the monarch,run things all by themselves without asking girls opinions,hoping their daughters can understand their heritage. Daughters ,on the other hand,do not understand the monarch relationship.They are sad ,angry and fighting that mothers fail to understand American culture which mothers have to know because they are raised in America.To their disappiontment that is useless.What they do just brings more embarrassment and contradition.They try to find the balance between independence and loyalty.However,it is the different living environment that leads to many unaviodable conflicts,difficult to concile.Chapter3Compatibility between Chinese &American cultureIn the book, conlicts between mothers and daughters,between Chinese and American culture are everywhere.At first,mothers and daughter do not know how to handle the problems.No efficient mesures are taken.Even one daughter say,“I wish I am not your daughter.”to express her dissatisfaction.However ,as time goes by,when the girls gouw up, they gradualy understand their mother.With mutual efforts,mothers and daughters overcoming the misunderstanding and achieve harmony.Take Jingmei for an example. When Jingmei is a child, she is asked to play piano.But,ridiculously,the teacher is a little bit deaf ,and Jingmei is regarded as a genius,like Mozart.In the talent show ,she failes,which loses her mother’s face.After that ,her mother become more strict about Jingmei’s piano.But Jingmei dose not play piano any more,which dissapionts her mother.Aftering her mothers’death and kowning about her mothers hard expeirence in China ,she understands why her mother is so rifour about her,why they cannot communicate and express well before and she is sure that her mother do loves her.She decides to find the other two sisters in China.When Jingmei finally reaches China ,she tells the sisters that the mother they do not know,and forges two other mother-daughter bonds as well.Her journey represents the concilation between the mother and daughters,between two cultuers.In addition,the travel to China changes Jingmei’s prejudice about the Chinese traditional culture and finally accepts Chinese culture.Most importantly,the other three mothers reexame the way of communicantion with her daughters because of the death of Jingmei’s mother.All the collisions come into hamony,all the different culture come into compalibility.Chapter 4 ConclusionAccording to The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan shows two different but charming cultures which run into series conflicts,but they eliminates collisions and achieve campalibility.Some people will doubt that why America,a nation with a history of more than 200 years can have such an imppact on people.You may as well consider why it can rise abrutly and become a strong country in the world.Then you know the answer of its powerful culture.China ,one the contrary,with its special ,typical and deep-rooted traditional culture,absoluty will be ultimately respected by Amecicans.From collision to copalibility,we can be sure that differernt languages,diffrernt living environment ,different values even more will ger accordance.Chapter5 References[1] Wang Jin.Cultural conflicts and compalibility between the East and the West in The Joy Luck Club[J].Wuhan:The Science Education Article Collects.2007.[2]谭恩美, 程乃珊(译) . 喜福会[M]. 上海:上海译文出版社, 2006.[3]葛树慧.不同文化背景下的中美家庭教育—《喜福会》引起的对中美家庭教育的思考[J]. 中国电力教育, 2009,(8).[4]张瑞华.解读谭恩美喜福会中的中国麻将[J].外国文学评论.2011.[5]李雪峰.中西文化的冲突与融合—解读喜福会中的母女关系[D].平原大学学报.2007.。

The Joy Luck Club:Collision and Compatibility Between Chineseand American CultureAbstractThe Joy Luck Club, a masterpiece of Amy Tan,was one of the best-sellers in America in 1989;it is Amy Tan's first full-length novel.Amy Tan,American born Chinese,was born in Oakland,USA in 1952.The Joy Luck Club is about misunderstanding, collision and comprehension between the four groups of immigrant mothers and their American daughters.Under the influence of the daughters’defiance,the mothers realise chinese cultural marginalization in American cultural environment and confront the chinese cultural identity.At the same time,faced with the mothers’intervention, the daughters see the defect and shortage in American culture and accept the chinese culture heritage.The relationship between the mothers and the daughters reflects the collision and compatibility between Chinese and American culture and proclaims the possibility and inevitability in the development of compatibility between Chinese and American culture.Key words: The Joy Luck Club ,mother-daughter collision , mother-daughter compatibility, collision between Chinese and American culture,compatibility between Chinese and American culthre.《喜福会》中的中美文化的碰撞与融合摘要:《喜福会》是谭恩美的一部杰作,它是她的第一部真正意义上的小说,是美国在1989年畅销书之一。

The Joy Luck ClubAbstractThe Joy Luck Club is written by Amy Tan,a famous Chinese American writer. In the novel, she presents the stories of four Chinese-immigrant women and their American-born daughters. Each of the four Chinese women has her own view of the world based on her experiences in China and wants to share her experiences with her daughter, and they never cease to try to build a bridge over the cultural differences and conflicts between them and their daughters with their maternal love of vari ous forms. At first the daughters don’t understand their mothers and the Chinese culture that their mothers represent, but as time elapses, the daughters begin to understand and appreciate their mothers' past and accept their mothers in the end. In fact, it is the maternal love the Joy Luck Club mothers extend to their daughters that finally makes their daughters understand them and the Chinese culture that they represent. In this sense, the maternal love not only symbolizes Chinese culture, but more importantly serves as a bridge over the mothers and daughters, and over Chinese culture and American culture.Key WordsThe Joy Luck Club; conflicts; understanding; culture; maternal love摘要《喜福会》是美国著名的华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作品。


Cultural Conflicts and Integration Between China and America in the Joy Luck ClubbyXXXA thesis presented to the School of English EducationofXi’an International Studies Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree ofBachelor of ArtsMay 18, 2012Class: 08-4Advisor: ________外国语大学毕业论文开题报告AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I wish to thank all those who have given me consistent help, encouragement, and advice.Then, I am greatly indebted to my advisor, Wang Tong, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar,who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of thisthesis.Her effective advice, shrewd comments have kept the thesis in the right direction. Without her enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, Icould not have completed my thesis. Her keen and vigorous academic observationenlightens me not only in this thesis but also in my future study.Last but not least,thanks all my friends, especially my lovely roommates, for their encouragement and supportwhen I felt frustrated with this thesis.分析《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突与融合摘要:《喜福会》是美裔女作家谭恩美的处女作,小说主要描述了四对移民母女的关系和她们之间由于中美文化差异导致的一系列冲突,呈现了四对母女从误会,隔膜到相互理解的过程。

The Joy Luck Club:Collision and Compatibility Between Chineseand American CultureAbstractThe Joy Luck Club, a masterpiece of Amy Tan,was one of the best-sellers in America in 1989;it is Amy Tan's first full-length novel.Amy Tan,American born Chinese,was born in Oakland,USA in 1952.The Joy Luck Club is about misunderstanding, collision and comprehension between the four groups of immigrant mothers and their American daughters.Under the influence of the daughters’defiance,the mothers realise chinese cultural marginalization in American cultural environment and confront the chinese cultural identity.At the same time,faced with the mothers’intervention, the daughters see the defect and shortage in American culture and accept the chinese culture heritage.The relationship between the mothers and the daughters reflects the collision and compatibility between Chinese and American culture and proclaims the possibility and inevitability in the development of compatibility between Chinese and American culture.Key words: The Joy Luck Club ,mother-daughter collision , mother-daughter compatibility, collision between Chinese and American culture, compatibility between Chineseand American culthre.《喜福会》中的中美文化的碰撞与融合摘要:《喜福会》是谭恩美的一部杰作,它是她的第一部真正意义上的小说,是美国在1989年畅销书之一。

温州大学外国语学院文献综述毕业论文题目《喜福会》与华裔美国人的边缘处境The Joy Luck Club and the ChineseAmericans between the Two Worlds撰写者***专业英语年级05英语本科学号0504115209指导教师***职称副教授完成日期:二OO 八年12月28 日《喜福会》与华裔美国人的边缘处境文献综述一、国内外研究现状美国是一个移民国家,世界各个民族文化的融合形成了现今美国的主流文化,然而这并不是说外来文化已经完全被同化。
随着华裔文学的不断发展,对华裔美国文学的研究也越来越受关注(Zhang Ziqing, 2008: 120)。
(单德兴、何文敬,1994:41)还有很多书著,如Ed. King-Kok Cheung的“Re-viewing Asian American Literary Studies.”An Interethnic Companion to Asian American Literature.还有很多华裔美国知名作家如张敬珏、汤亭亭、林英敏等,他们的作品为推进中外华裔美国文学研究的互动和对话做出了很大的贡献(程爱明,2003:2)。

从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合内容简介:Abs tratTheJo Luk C lub is t he first novel o f Am Tan,a famou s Chines e-Ameria n riter. In thenovel sh e mainldesribes therel ationshi p beteen the JoLuk Club mothers and the ir daugh ters and ultural onflits.论文格式论文范文毕业论文Abstr atThe Jo Luk Clu b is the first n ovel ofAm Tan,a famousChinese-Amerianriter. I n the no vel shemainl de sribes t he relat ionshipbeteen t he Jo Lu k Club m others a nd their daughte rs and u ltural o nflits.The nove l is set in theage ofg lobaliza tion and in themultiult ural Ame rian soi et; itr epresent s the pr oess ofmisunder standing, onflit s,under standing and ble nding be teen the mothers and the daughte rs. Glob alizatio n not on l brings man han es to hi na but a lso brin gs ultur al halle nges toChina. A s the de gree ofglobaliz ation is getting deeper, Chinese ulturefaes the dangerof beingintegra ted andhanged b other u ltures.Throughontextua l analsi s of the Jo LukClub and the ult ural onf lits and blendin g embodi ed in it, this p aper dem onstrate s that i n the ag e ofglo balizati on a bal ane shou ld be ke pt among differe nt ultur es, anda rightattitude toardsulturalonflitsshould b e taken, and itsuggests that th e native ultureshould n ot be th ron XX h en learn ing from others,and ins tead, it shouldbe trans mitted t o others.Ke Word sThe JoLuk Club; onflit; unders tanding; ultural blendin g摘要《喜福会》是著名美国籍华裔女作家谭恩美的处女作,作者在小说中主要描述了四对移民母女的关系和她们之间由于文化的差异而引起的冲突,小说以全球化时代和美国多元文化社会为背景,呈现了4对母女由误会,冲突到理解的过程。
课题研究论文:电视电影论文34174 解读电影《喜福会》中的女性形象


Analyzing the Cultural Conflicts and amalgamations From TheMother-Daughter Relationships In THE JOY LUCK CLUBWang Zhangni1.Synopsis2.Brief introduction of the author and the novel2.1 Brief introduction to the author2.2 Background of writing the novel2.3 Brief introduction of the novel3.Culture differences between Chinese and American which cause the conflicts between the mother and daughter3.1 Different ways of education3.2 Different views on love and marriage3.3 Different senses of value4.Ways to relax the relationships between mothers and daughters when cultural differences exist4.1 The communication between mothers and daughters and the changes of education style4.2 Daughter’s understanding and respect of their mothers4.3 Mother’s and daughter’s compromise and concessions5.Exploring the methods of the harmonious coexistence of sino-US culture from THE JOY LUCK CLUB5.1 To enhance political and cultural exchanges while promoting commercial intercourse5.2 To show understanding and respect for foreign cultures5.3 To seek common points while reserving differences6.Conclusion从《喜福会》的母女关系看中美文化的冲突与融合王张旎1. 绪论2. 作者和小说简介2.1 作者简介2.2 小说创作的背景2.3 小说内容简介3. 中美文化差异造成的母女矛盾与冲突3.1 教育方式的不同3.2 婚恋观的不同3.3 价值观的不同4. 文化差异下母女关系缓和的途径4.1 母亲与女儿的沟通及对女儿教育方式的改变4.2 女儿对母亲的理解与尊重4.3 母女的相互妥协和退让5. 从《喜福会》探索中美文化和谐共存的途径和方法5.1 以经济交流带动政治和文化的交往5.2 理解和尊重异国文化5.3 在存异中求同6. 结论。

毕业论文(设计)Title: An Analysis of the Cultural Differences Between China and the West from The Joy Luck Club 题目: 分析电影《喜福会》所表现的中西方文化差异黑龙江外国语学院本科生毕业论文(设计)任务书姓名学号专业班级英语本科五班毕业论文(设计)题目:分析电影《喜福会》所表现的中西方文化差异毕业论文(设计)的立题依据由于中西方文化差异,每个国家都有各自不同的文化之处。
进度安排10 月20 日选题10 月20 日~10 月30 日接受指导老师的指导 1 月 6 日~1 月20 日拟定论文大纲1 月21 日~ 2 月28 日搜集、查阅、整理相关资料 3 月 1 日~ 3 月20 日论文开题3 月21 日~4 月20 日初稿审定4 月21 日~4 月30 日第一次修改5 月1 日~5 月15 日第一次审定 5 月15 日~5 月30 日第二次修改5 月30 日~ 6 月 5 日定稿 6 月 5 日~ 6 月15 日论文评阅小组评审论文(设计)6 月10 日毕业论文(设计)答辩学生签字:指导教师签字:年月日摘要本文以电影《喜福会》系列为切入点,对比和比较了中国和美国在文化诸多方面的差异,主要从以下几方面进行了讨论:教育方式方面、爱情观和婚姻观方面、价值观方面、语言表达方面、称谓语方面。

万方数据论《喜福会》中的创伤记忆与家庭模式作者:顾悦, Gu Yue作者单位:南京大学外国语学院刊名:当代外国文学英文刊名:CONTEMPORARY FOREIGN LITERATURE年,卷(期):2011,32(2)被引用次数:1次参考文献(40条)1.Aliss,Laurie,P Contemporary Family Communication:Messages and Meanings 19932.巴金随想录 19873.Banmen,John Virginia Satir's Family Therapy Model 19864.鲁思·本尼迪克特;吕万和菊与刀 19905.Bump,Jerome wrence and Family Systems Theory 19916.约翰·布雷萧家庭会伤人 20077.陈爱敏认同与疏离:美国华裔流散文学批评的东方主义视野 20078.Corey,Gerald Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy 20059.Dodman,Trevor' Going Al1 to Pieces':A Farewell to Arms' as Trauma Narrative 200610.Farrell Kirby Post-Traumatic Culture:Injury and Interpretation in the Nineties 199811.Gilbert,Roberta M The Eight Concepts of Bowen Theory:A New Way of Thinking About the Individual and the Group 200612.古德诺;蔡向阳;李茂增解析中国 199813.辜鸿铭;黄兴涛;宋小庆中国人的精神 200114.Hamilton,Patricia L Feng Shui,Astrology,and the Five Elements:Traditional Chinese Belief in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club 199915.切斯特·何尔康比;王剑中国人的德性 200716.Heung,Marina Daughter-Text/Mother-Text:Matrilineage in Amy Tan's Joy Luck Club 199317.贾玉新跨文化交际学 1997rrabee,M.J;S.Weine;P.Woollcott"' The Wordless Nothing':Narratives of Trauma and Extremity 200319.李贽焚书续焚书 197520.刘海平;王守仁新编美国文学史 200221.刘小枫拯救与逍遥(修订本二版) 200722.陆薇走向文化研究的华裔美国文学 200723.鲁迅我们现在怎样做父亲 198024.McGoldrick,Monica;Randy Gerson;Sueli S.Petry Genograms 200825.Melley,Timothy Postmodern Amnesia:Trauma and Forgetting in Tim O'Brien's 'In the Lake of the Woods 200326.明恩溥;刘文飞;刘晓旸中国人的气质 200727.萨孟武水浒传与中国社会 200528.Shear,Walter Generational Differences and the Diaspora in The Joy Luck Club 199329.Sohn,Stephen Hong;Paul Lai;Donald C.Goellnicht Theorizing Asian American Fiction 201030.Souris,Stephen' Only Two Kinds of Daughters':Inter-Monologue Dialogicity in The Joy Luck Club 199431.谭恩美;卢劲杉我的缪斯 200732.谭恩美;程乃珊;严映薇喜福会 199933.维吉尼亚·萨提亚;易春丽;叶冬梅新家庭如何塑造人 200634.吴冰;王立礼华裔美国作家研究 200935.武志红为何家会伤人--揭示家庭中的心理真相 200736.徐行言中西文化比较 200437.Xu,Ben Memory and the Ethnic Self:Reading Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club 199438.余英时从价值系统看中国文化的现代意义 198739.赵文书和声与变奏:华美文学文化取向的历史嬗变 200940.张志扬创伤记忆 1999本文读者也读过(6条)1.李晶从《喜福会》看美国华裔女性的飞散身份[期刊论文]-电影文学2011(8)2.迟明赟.CHI Ming-yun从语言和文化角度解读电影《喜福会》中母女关系冲突的原因[期刊论文]-兰州教育学院学报2011,27(3)3.卢卓.LU Zhuo"他者"化的"中国"——解读谭恩美的《喜福会》[期刊论文]-钦州学院学报2011,26(2)4.姜苓从《喜福会》看中国式的"慈"与"孝"[期刊论文]-牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)2010(2)5.苗永敏东西文化的冲突与融合--解读谭恩美的小说《喜福会》[期刊论文]-徐州教育学院学报2004,19(2)6.凌来芳电影《喜福会》的跨文化解读[期刊论文]-电影文学2011(12)引证文献(1条)1.田恩侨浅析谭恩美小说《喜福会》中的创伤主题[期刊论文]-青年文学家 2013(33)本文链接:/Periodical_ddwgwx201102012.aspx。

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The Cultural Conflicts and Blending Embodied in the Joy Luck Club
I. Conflicts Between Mothers and Daughters in the Joy Luck Club
Conflict is the main plot in the Joy Luck Club. Because the two generations are born and grow up in different cultural environments, the Joy Luck Club mothers and their daughters have many conflicts. The mothers are deeply influenced by the traditional Chinese culture, while their daughters are born and get educated in the United States, whose culture is a completely different one. Thus the Joy Luck Club mothers and daughter can never understand each other. The daughters at first have a strong prejudice against their mothers and the Chinese culture. Born in the United States and brought up in American mainstream culture, they inevitably hold a prejudice against their mothers and the Chinese culture. They believe that American culture is superior to Chinese culture. In their eyes, their mothers symbolize backwardness and ignorance. They are dissatisfied with their mothers who use toothpick in public. They are ashamed of their mothers who open jars to smell the insides in grocery stores and they are angry with their mothers who like to use them to show off. Naturally the four daughters try to identify themselves with American mainstream culture. Both Rose and Lena marry Americans or what their mothers call Waiguoren. They admire the Americans and their culture so much that they are willing to make sacrifice for their American husbands. Waverly thinks that her mother’s Chinese outlook would make her lose face when she attends her wedding, so she conspires with her beauty parlor to dress up her mother in an American style. The Joy Luck Club mothers intervene so much in their daughters’ life that the daughters feel their mothers’ love is not embracing but suffocating. Waverly, a chess prodigy thinks she has grown cleverer than her mother who gives her “invisible strength.” Lena fears being drawn into her mother’s madness and consoles herself by imagining others who have a life worse than hers. Rose, whose mother cannot let go of the memory of her son who drowned, now believes that by hoping for less, one isn’t vulnerable to loss. And June believes it is her mother’s impossibly high expectations that make her feel that even today, she is a failure.
Through the stories of the Joy Luck Club, the secret-laden lives of four Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-born daughters are shown in front of the readers. The daughters reject their mothers’ seemingly constant criticism of everything they choose, from husbands to hairdos. They view their mothers’ warnings as irrelevant, and their advice as intrusive. The daughters do not know what has inspired their warnings and advice: the hardships their mothers suffered in China before coming to the United States. Thus, as the mothers see it, their daughters are flailing in their modern American circumstances, unable to use what is “in their bones,” the family’s inheritance of pain that led to their determined strength for survival, which their mothers try to bequeath them. The mothers, meanwhile, watch with heartache as their daughters’ marriages fail, as they expect less and less and so accept less and less. Conflicts have become something that prevents the understanding and communication between mothers and daughters. In fact, all the conflicts are caused by cultural differences. The Joy Luck Club mothers have accepted and been deeply influenced by Chinese culture, while their daughters are born and grow up in the United States and know little about Chinese culture. What they have accepted is the American mainstream culture which is somehow contradictory with Chinese culture.