国家技术监督局1996-03-14批准1996-10-01实施该安全标志名称:禁止吸烟英文名称:No smoking国标代码:GB 2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止烟火英文名称:No burning国标代码:GB 2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止带火种英文名称:No kindling国标代码:GB 2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止用水灭火英文名称:No watering to put out the fire 国标代码:GB 2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止放易燃物英文名称:No laying inflammable thing国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止启动英文名称:No starting国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止合闸英文名称:No switching on国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:No turning国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止触摸英文名称:No touching 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止跨越英文名称:No striding国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止攀登英文名称:No climbing国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:No jumping down 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止入内英文名称:No entering国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止停留英文名称:No stopping国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止通行英文名称:No thoroughfare 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止靠近英文名称:No nearing国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止乘人英文名称:No riding国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止堆放英文名称:No stocking国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:No tossing国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止戴手套英文名称:No putting on gloves国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止穿化纤服装英文名称:No putting on chemical fibre clothings 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:禁止穿带钉鞋英文名称:No putting on spikes国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:No drinking国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:注意安全英文名称:Caution,danger国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心火灾英文名称:Caution,fire国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心落物英文名称:Caution, falling objects 国标代码:GB191-2000英文名称:Caution, drop down 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心爆炸英文名称:Caution,explosion 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心腐蚀英文名称:Caution, corrosion 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心中毒英文名称:Caution, poisoning 国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:Caution, infection国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心伤手英文名称:Caution, injure hand 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心扎脚英文名称:Caution, splinter国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心吊物英文名称:Caution, hanging国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:Danger! electric shock国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心电缆英文名称:Caution, cable国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心机械伤人英文名称:Cantion, mechanical injurey 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心坑洞英文名称:Caution, hole国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:Caution, scald国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心弧光英文名称:Caution, arc国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心塌方英文名称:Caution, collapse 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心冒顶英文名称:Caution, roof fall 国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:Caution, gas国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心电离辐射英文名称:Caution, ionizing radiation 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心裂变物质英文名称:Caution, fission matter国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心激光英文名称:Caution, laser国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:Caution, microwave 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心车辆英文名称:Caution, vehicle国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心火车英文名称:Caution, train国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:当心滑跌英文名称:Caution, slip国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:Caution, stumbling 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:紧急出口英文名称:Emergent exit国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:紧急出口英文名称:Emergent exit国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:可动火区英文名称:Flare up region国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:避险处英文名称:Haven国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:必须戴防护眼镜英文名称:Must wear protective goggles 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:必须戴防毒面具英文名称:Must wear gas defence mask 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:必须戴防尘口罩英文名称:Must wear dustproof mask国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:必须戴护耳器英文名称:Must wear ear protector 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:必须戴安全帽英文名称:Must wear safety helmet 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:必须戴防护帽英文名称:Must wear protective cap 国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:Must wear protective gloves 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:必须穿防护鞋英文名称:Must wear protective shoes 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:必须系安全带英文名称:Must fastened safety belt国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:必须穿救生衣英文名称:Must wear life jacker国标代码:GB2894-1996英文名称:Must wear protective clothes 国标代码:GB2894-1996该安全标志名称:必须加锁英文名称:Must be locked国标代码:GB2894-1996Welcome To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。
英文指示牌大全篇一:英文标示大全】各种标识英文大全当心触电danger! high voltage ,当心碰头mind your head ,当心踏空watch your step ,紧急时击碎玻璃break glass in emergency小心台阶mind the step ,注意上方watch your head 。
请勿登踏do not step on ,请勿乱扔废弃物no littering, 严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品进站dangerous articles prohibited ,禁止摆卖vendors prohibited序号中文名称英文名称1 当心触电danger !high voltage2 当心碰撞beware of collisions3 当心台阶mind the step/watch your step4 小心玻璃caution! glass5 小心滑倒/小心地滑caution! slippery /caution! wet floor6 小心碰头mind your head/watch your head7 注意安全caution! /caution!8 注意防火fire hazard area9 非公莫入staff only10 禁止鸣笛no horn11 勿扔垃圾/ 请勿乱扔废弃物no littering12 禁止停车no parking13 禁止停留no stopping14 禁止吸烟no smoking15 拉pull/pull16 推push/push17 入口entrance/ entrance18 出口/ 安全出口/安全通道exit/exit19 紧急出口emergency exit20 紧急救护电话(120)first aid call 12021 紧急疏散地evacuation site22 请勿跨越no crossing23 请勿拍照no photography24 请勿摄影no filming / no video25 请勿使用闪光灯no flash photography26 火警电话119fire call 119/fire alarm 11927 投诉电话complaints hotline28 危难时请速报110emergency call 11029 危险,请勿靠近danger! keep away30 请绕行detour31 请勿打电话no phone calls32 请勿带宠物入内no pets allowed33 请勿抚摸/ 请勿触摸do not touch34 请勿践踏草坪please keep off the grass 表 a.1 (续)序号中文名称英文名称34 请勿坐卧停留no loitering35 请爱护公共财产please protect public property36 请爱护公共设施please protect public facilities37 请节约用水please save water /don ' t waste water38 请您保管好自己的物品take care of your belongings39 请按顺序排队please line up40 安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图evacuation chart41 保持安静/ 请勿大声喧哗quiet please42 残疾人专用disabled only43 留言栏complaints suggestions44 伸手出水automatic tap45 随手关门keep door closed/please close the door behind you.46 禁止入内/ 严禁入内no entry/no admittance47 闲人免进/ 请勿入内staff only /no admittance48 谢绝参观/ 游客止步no admittance49 正在维修repairs in progress50 有电危险danger! electric shock risk51 请勿随地吐痰no spitting52 严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品dangerous articles prohibited53 暂停服务/ 临时关闭temporarily closed54 老年人、残疾人、军人优先priority for seniors and disabled55 请在此等候please wait here56 消防通道,请勿占用fire engine access. don ' t block!a.2 功能设施信息功能设施信息译法见表 a.2 。
Mind the Step/Watch Your Step5 小心滑倒 /小心地滑 Caution! Slippery /Caution! Wet Floor6 小心碰头 MindYour Head/Watch Your Head7 注意安全 CAUTION! /Caution!8 注意防火 Fire Hazard Area9 非公莫入 Staff Only10 禁止鸣笛 No Horn11 勿扔垃圾 /请勿乱扔废弃物 No Littering12 禁止停车 No Parking13 禁止停留 No Stopping14 禁止吸烟 No Smoking15 拉 PULL/Pull16 推 PUSH/Push17 入口 ENTRANCE/ Entrance18出口/安全出口 /安全通道 EXIT/Exit19 紧急出口 Emergency Exit20 紧急救护电话( 120) First Aid Call 1201 当心触电2 当心碰撞 序号 中文名称英文名称Danger !High VoltageBeware of Collisions4 小心玻璃 Caution! Glass3 当心台阶21 紧急疏散地 Evacuation Site22 请勿跨越 No Crossing23 请勿拍照 No Photography24 请勿摄影 No Filming / No Video25 请勿使用闪光灯 No Flash PhotographyFire Call 119/Fire Alarm 119 27 投诉电话 Complaints Hotline29 危险,请勿靠近 Danger! Keep Away30 请绕行 Detour31 请勿打电话 No Phone Calls32 请勿带宠物入内 No Pets Allowed33请勿抚摸 /请勿触摸 Don't Touch34 请勿践踏草坪 Please Keep Off the Grass序号中文名称英文名称34 请勿坐卧停留 No Loitering35 请爱护公共财产 Please Protect Public Property36 请爱护公共设施 Please Protect Public Facilities37 请节约用水 Please Save Water /Don't Waste Water38 请您保管好自己的物品 Take Care of Your Belongings39 请按顺序排队 Please Line Up26 火警电话 11928 危难时请速报 110 Emergency Call 11040 安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图Evacuation Chart41 保持安静/请勿大声喧哗Quiet Please42 残疾人专用Disabled Only43 留言栏Complaints & Suggestions44 伸手出水Automatic Tap45 随手关门Keep Door Closed/Pl ease close the door behi nd you.4禁止入内/ 严禁入内No Entry/No Admittance47 闲人免进/请勿入内Staff Only /No Admittance48 谢绝参观/游客止步No Admittance49 正在维修Repairs in Progress50 有电危险Danger! Electric Shock Risk51 请勿随地吐痰No Spitting52严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品Dangerous Articles Prohibited53暂停服务/临时关闭Temporarily Closed54老年人、残疾人、军人优先Priority for Seniors and Disabled55请在此等候Please Wait Here56 消防通道,请勿占用Fire Engine Access. Don't Block!序号中文名称英文名称1 停车场Parking2 医务室Clinic3 厕所Toilet4 男厕所Gents/Men5 女厕所Ladies/Women6 女更衣室Women's Dressing Room7 男更衣室Men's Dressing Room8 步行梯/ 楼梯Stairs9 自动扶梯Escalator10 电梯Elevator/Lift11 问询处/ 咨询(台)Information12 前台/服务台/接待Reception13 消防栓Fire Hydrant序号中文名称英文名称14 派出所Police Station15 急救中心First Aid Center16 公用电话Telephone17 磁卡电话Magnetic Card Phone18 餐厅Restaurant19 员工通道Staff Only20 疏散通道Escape Route21 消防通道Fire Engine Access22 废物箱/垃圾箱Trash/Litter23紧急呼救设施/紧急报警器Emergency Alarm 24 自行车停放处Bicycle Parking25 出租车Taxi26 残疾人设施For Disabled27 火情警报设施Fire Alarm28 紧急呼救电话Emergency Phone29 失物招领Lost & Found30 收银台/收款台/结帐Cashier31 商店Shop32 食品部Food Shop33 酒吧Bar/Pub34 快餐厅Snack Bar/Fast Food35 西餐厅Western Restaurant36 中餐厅Chinese Restaurant37咖啡馆/咖啡厅Caf e38 一/二/三/四/五层(楼)F1/F2/F3/F4/F539 地下一层/二层/三层B1/B2/B340 灭火器Fire Extinguisher41 饮水处Drinking Water42 自动取款机ATM43 吸烟室Smoking Room44 吸烟区Smoking Area45 报刊亭Kiosk46 消防应急面罩Fire Mask47 配电柜Power Distribution Cabinet48 配电箱Power Distribution Box49 衣帽寄存Cloakroom50 行李寄存Left Luggage/Luggage Deposit。
1、火灾时不得使用电梯NEVER USE ELEVATOR IN CASE OF FIRE2、防火卷帘控制按钮FIRE SHUTTER CONTROL (Emergency ,you can press)No Damage, Remove, Cover, Demolish , or, Stop use.Method of Use:According to isolation fireworks and evacuation need to use button (out to use manual pull chain) control and fire roller shutter.person responsible3、手动报警按钮MANUAL SHUTTER(Emergency ,you can press)No Damage, Remove, Cover, Demolish, or, Stop use.In the case of the fire, manual press (shatter) the glass to set alarm.person responsible:4、常闭防火门FIRE DOOR Close The Door Offer You!To block fire and use for escape. No occupy, block and close.5、消火栓FIRE HYDRANTNo Damage, Remove, Cover, Demolish, or, Stop use.Method of Use:1、Press the star button, cut off the fire power.2、The priority in use fire extinguishing water volume boxes.3、Spread hose, connect bolt, sinks and water cannons, and unscrew the valve supply.person responsible:6、灭火器FIRE EXTINGUISHERNo Damage, Remove, Cover.Method of Use:Carry the extinguisher towards the fire. Remove the fuse, the nozzle must set against the fire root. Press the handle to put out the fire.person responsible:7、禁放易燃物PROHIBITED IMFLAMMABLE MATERIALS8、疏散通道禁止堵塞NO BLOCKING EVACUTION EXIT。
各种标识英文当心触电Danger! High V oltage,当心碰头Mind Your Head,当心踏空Watch Your Step,紧急时击碎玻璃Break Glass in Emergency小心台阶Mind the Step,注意上方Watch Your Head。
请勿登踏Do Not Step On,请勿乱扔废弃物No Littering,严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品进站Dangerous Articles Prohibited,禁止摆卖Vendors Prohibited序号中文名称英文名称1 当心触电Danger!High Voltage2 当心碰撞Beware of Collisions3 当心台阶Mind the Step/Watch Your Step4 小心玻璃Caution! Glass5 小心滑倒/小心地滑Caution! Slippery /Caution! Wet Floor6 小心碰头Mind Your Head/Watch Your Head7 注意安全CAUTION! /Caution!8 注意防火Fire Hazard Area9 非公莫入Staff Only10 禁止鸣笛No Horn11 勿扔垃圾/请勿乱扔废弃物No Littering12 禁止停车No Parking13 禁止停留No Stopping14 禁止吸烟No Smoking15 拉PULL/Pull16 推PUSH/Push17 入口ENTRANCE/ Entrance18 出口/安全出口/安全通道EXIT/Exit19 紧急出口Emergency Exit20 紧急救护电话(120)First Aid Call 12021 紧急疏散地Evacuation Site22 请勿跨越No Crossing23 请勿拍照No Photography24 请勿摄影No Filming / No Video25 请勿使用闪光灯No Flash Photography26 火警电话119 Fire Call 119/Fire Alarm 11927 投诉电话Complaints Hotline28 危难时请速报110 Emergency Call 11029 危险,请勿靠近Danger! Keep Away30 请绕行Detour31 请勿打电话No Phone Calls32 请勿带宠物入内No Pets Allowed33 请勿抚摸/请勿触摸Do Not Touch34 请勿践踏草坪Please Keep Off the Grass表A.1(续)序号中文名称英文名称34 请勿坐卧停留No Loitering35 请爱护公共财产Please Protect Public Property36 请爱护公共设施Please Protect Public Facilities37 请节约用水Please Save Water /Don’t Waste Water38 请您保管好自己的物品Take Care of Your Belongings39 请按顺序排队Please Line Up40 安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图Evacuation Chart41 保持安静/请勿大声喧哗Quiet Please42 残疾人专用Disabled Only43 留言栏Complaints & Suggestions44 伸手出水Automatic Tap45 随手关门Keep Door Closed/Please close the door behind you.46 禁止入内/严禁入内No Entry/No Admittance47 闲人免进/请勿入内Staff Only /No Admittance48 谢绝参观/游客止步No Admittance49 正在维修Repairs in Progress50 有电危险Danger! Electric Shock Risk51 请勿随地吐痰No Spitting52 严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品Dangerous Articles Prohibited53 暂停服务/临时关闭Temporarily Closed54 老年人、残疾人、军人优先Priority for Seniors and Disabled55 请在此等候Please Wait Here56 消防通道,请勿占用Fire Engine Access. Don’t Block!A.2功能设施信息功能设施信息译法见表A.2。
消防英语专业词汇(F2)消防英语专业词汇(F2) fire hall 消防站fire hat 消防头盔fire hazard classification 火险分类<根据建筑物或构筑物内物品和作业的情况fire hazard index 灭险指数fire hazard test 火险试验fire hazard 火灾危害性fire hazardous area 火险地区fire head 火头fire headquarters 火场指挥所fire heat 火热fire hole 火孔fire hook 消防钩fire horse 拉消防车的马fire hose cabi 消防水带箱fire hose coupling 消防水带接口fire hose fitting 消防水带配件fire hose nozzle 水枪fire hose rack 消防水带架fire hose reel 消防水带卷盘fire hose 消防水带fire house 消防站fire hydrant chamber 消火栓井fire hydrant pillar 地上消火栓fire hydrant 消火栓fire ignition due to spontaneous bustion of coal 煤自燃造成的火灾fire ignition energy 引燃能量fire ignition sequence 着火顺序fire ignition to external heat 外因火灾fire ignition 着火fire in stem 树干火fire in the open 露天火灾fire indemnity 火灾损失赔偿fire indicating lamp 火灾确认灯fire indication 火警信号fire indicator 火警指示器fire information retrieval system techniques 火灾情报检索系统技术fire information 消防信息<与消防有关的语言fire inhibitor 火焰抑制剂fire injury 烧伤fire inspection 防火检查fire inspector 防火检查员fire installation 消防设备fire insurance pany 火灾保险公司fire insurance contract 火险契约fire insurance on stock and supply 库存物资火险fire insurance policy 火灾保险单fire insurance premium 火灾保险费fire insurance rate 火灾保险费率fire insurance rating 火灾保险级别fire insurance surveying 火灾保险测定fire insurance tariff rate 火灾保险协定率fire insurance tariff ratio 火灾保险协定率fire insurance tree 火灾保险树fire insurance 火险fire integrity 耐火完整性<在标准耐火试验条件下fire intensity 火灾强度fire international 《国际消防》fire investigation program 火灾调查计划fire investigation 火灾调查fire investigator 火因调查员fire irons 炉用具<如火钳fire isolation 火区隔离fire journal 《消防杂志》fire jump 空降灭火fire knockdown 控火fire ladder 消防梯fire lagging 防火绝缘层fire lamp 火警指示灯fire lane 消防车通道fire layer 沼气聚积层fire less cooker 无火炊具fire life 火灾延续时间fire lift priority switch 消防电梯优先开关fire lift switch 消防电梯开关fire lift 消防电梯<具有耐火时间结构fire lighter = firelighter 点火剂fire lighting 点火fire limit 消防界线防火线fire line force 灭火战斗前线的队伍fire line 灭火战斗前线fire lintel 货物起卸口防火过梁fire load 火灾荷载fire lookout 火警了望员fire loss adjustment 火灾损失调整fire loss as 火灾损失帐户fire loss information 火灾损失资料fire loss insurance 火灾保险fire loss investigation 火灾损失调查fire loss prevention manager 预防火灾损失主任fire loss prevention 预防火灾损失fire loss statistics 火灾损失统计fire loss 火灾损失fire machine 防爆式电机fire main pipe 消防总管fire main system 主消防系统fire main with fire valve 带消火阀的消防总管fire main 消防总管fire maker 打火器fire management area 有消防管理目标的地区fire management notes 消防管理 ___fire management plan 消防管理计划fire management system 消防管理系统fire management 消防管理fire margin 火缘fire mark 火灾险牌<某些陈旧建筑物上挂的一种金属牌子fire marshal 防火处处长fire marshal's office 防火处fire mask 消防面具fire master bp6 阻燃剂bp6<六溴联苯fire model 火灾模型fire modeling putational system 火灾模化计算系统fire modeling 火灾模化fire monitor 消防炮fire museum work 消防博物馆网络系统fire 消防网络fire nomenclature 林野火灾术语fire nozzle 水枪;水炮;消防炮fire ourrence map 火灾发生图fire office 火灾保险公司fire official 消防官员fire operation 灭火战斗活动fire origin 起火源fire out time 熄灭时间fire out 放火烧除fire pack 森林消防战斗员背包<用于装工具fire pail 太平桶fire pan 火盆fire parameter 火灾参数fire party 消防队fire patrol=fire-patrol 消防巡逻fire patrolman 消防巡逻队队员fire pentration test 燃烧穿透测试fire performance 耐火性能fire performance-based code 以火灾性能为基础的规范fire peril 火灾危险fire perimeter 火线长度fire permit 动火许可fire personnel 消防人员fire picket 驻防消防人员fire pillar 防火矿柱fire pit 火山坑fire place 壁炉fire plan 消防设备布置图fire planning 消防规划fire plate 防火板fire play 玩火fire plotting map 林野火灾定位图fire plough 防火犁fire plow 太平犁fire plug 消防龙头fire plume above roof 窜出屋顶的火焰fire plume 火羽流fire pocket 隐蔽火点<在灭火进攻后fire point theory 着火点理论fire point 燃点fire policy = fire-policy 火灾保险单fire pool 消防水池fire pot 盛火的罐fire precaution measure 防火措施fire precaution 防火措施fire precautions legislation 防火法规fire presuppression 灭火预备工作fire preventing 防火;防火的fire prevention bureau = fire prevention division = fire marshal's office 防火处fire prevention code appeals board 防火法规上诉委员会fire prevention code 防火规范fire prevention district 防火区fire prevention division 防火区域fire prevention education officer 防火教育官员fire prevention education 防火教育fire prevention forest 防火林fire prevention officer 防火官员fire prevention principle 防火原则fire prevention science and technology 防火科学与技术fire prevention supervisor 防火负责人fire prevention system 防火系统fire prevention week 防火周fire prevention zone 消防分区fire procedure plan 消防措施计划fire production manager 消防管理员fire progress map 火场形势图fire proofing finish 防火fire proofing = fire-proofing 阻燃材料、阻燃剂fire propagation index 火焰传播指数fire propagation 火焰传播fire protection criteria 消防标准fire protection device 防火装置fire protection district 消防区fire protection engineer 消防工程师fire protection engineering 消防工程fire protection expense 消防费用fire protection flap 防火挡板fire protection industry 消防产业fire protection layer 防火层fire protection map 消防车行程图fire protection measure 消防措施fire protection organization 消防组织fire protection professional 消防专业人员fire protection rating 耐火等级fire protection review 消防周报fire protection rule 消防规范fire protection safety sign 消防安全标志fire protection signaling system 消防信号系统fire protection switch 防火开关fire protection system 消防系统fire protection tree 防火树fire protection wall 防火墙fire protection water tank 消防水罐fire protection water 消防用水fire proximity suit 避火服fire pump station 消防泵站fire pump trailer 带消防水泵的挂车fire pump with drive 带发动机的消防泵fire pump 消防泵fire pumper 泵浦消防车fire radio munication work 消防无线通信网<在一定的通信区域fire raiser 纵火犯fire raising 纵火fire rake 火耙fire rate 消防费fire rated partition 耐火隔板fire rated peration 防火洞孔<建筑防火构件上用来穿过管子fire rated 耐火的fire rating test 耐火等级试验fire rating 防火等级fire reconstruction 火灾再现fire reel 水带卷筒fire refractory brick 焙烧砖fire refractory 粘土质耐火材料fire regulation 防火规范fire repeater 火警转发机fire report 火灾报告fire reporting telephone 火警电话fire research institute of japan 日本消防研究所fire research 火灾研究fire reservoir 消防水池fire resistance class 耐火等级fire resistance classification 耐火性分级fire resistance grading 耐火性分级fire resistance period 耐火时间fire resistance rating = fire-resistance rating 耐火等级fire resistance rolling shutter door 防火卷帘门fire resistance steel door 钢质防火门fire resistance test 耐火性试验fire resistance 抗燃烧性fire resistant = fire-resistant 抗火的fire resistant building 耐火建筑物fire resistant cable 耐火电缆fire resistant conveyor belt 防火运输带fire resistant coverall 防火服fire resistant hydraulic liquid 耐火液压油fire resistant material engineering 防火材料工程fire resistant paint 耐火油漆fire resistant wall = fire-resistant wall 耐火墙fire resisting bulkhead 耐火舱壁fire resisting concrete = fire-resisting concretefire resisting construction 防火结构fire resisting division 防火分隔fire resisting finish = fire-resisting finish 防火罩面漆fire resisting magazine 防火暗盒fire resisting material 耐火材料fire resisting property 耐热性fire resisting quality 耐热性fire resisting roof 耐火天花板fire resisting sand = fire-resisting sand 防火砂fire resisting stanchion 防火窗间小柱fire resisting suspended ceiling 耐火吊顶棚fire resisting trunking 耐火管道fire resisting wall 阻火墙fire resistive = fire-resistive 耐火的fire resistive construction = fire-resistive construction 耐火构造fire resistive file room 耐火档案室fire resistive material 耐火材料fire retardancy test 阻燃试验fire retardancy 防火性fire retardant adhesive 阻燃粘合剂fire retardant chemical = fire-retardant chemical 阻燃剂fire retardant chemistry 阻燃化学fire retardant coating = fire-retardant coating 防火涂料fire retardant dipped paper 阻燃浸渍纸fire retardant fiber 阻燃纤维fire retardant finish 阻燃fire retardant flight suit 防火飞行服fire retardant foam 阻燃泡沫材料fire retardant glass 防火玻璃fire retardant material = fire-retardant material 阻燃材料fire retardant mechanism 阻燃机理fire retardant paint = fire - retardant paint 阻燃漆fire retardant plasticizer = fire-retardant plasticizer 阻燃增塑剂fire retardant polyester resin 阻燃聚酯树脂fire retardant rating 耐火等级测定fire retardant treatment 阻燃处理fire retardant wood 阻燃木料fire retardant 阻燃的<具有抑制fire retardant-type flame arrester 耐烧型阻火器fire retarded 用耐火材料保护的fire retarding agent 阻燃剂fire retarding bulkhead 阻燃舱壁fire retarding chimical 阻燃化学品fire retarding division 阻燃分隔fire retarding treatment of timber 木材阻燃处理fire retarding treatment of wood 木材阻燃处理fire retarding treatment 阻燃处理fire retarding wood 阻燃木材fire risk analysis 火灾风险分析fire risk clause 火灾保险条款fire risk extension clause 火险附加条款fire risk management 火险管理fire risk measure 火灾危险性量度fire risk on freight 货运火险fire risk 火灾危险性fire room 火室fire run 火头迅速推进fire runner 消防安全检查员fire safety certificate 消防安全合格证书fire safety clothing 消防安全服fire safety mittee 防火安全委员会fire safety design 防火安全设计fire safety education 消防安全教育fire safety engineering 防火安全工程fire safety evaluation system 防火安全评估fire safety jounal 《防火安全杂志》<瑞士杂fire safety officer 消防安全委员fire safety problem 防火安全问题fire safety science 防火安全科学fire safety shutter 防火安全板fire safety system analysis 防火安全系统分析fire safety system approach 消防安全系统法fire safety system 防火安全系统fire safety week 消防安全周fire safety 防火安全fire sale 火灾受损物资拍卖fire sand box 灭火沙箱fire sand 耐火砂fire scale 耐火氧化皮fire scan 红外探火仪<用于从fire scanning 火情扫描fire scar 火伤疤痕fire scenario investigation procedure 火fire scene 火场fire school 消防学校fire science 消防科学fire screen= fire-screen 壁炉防火屏fire seal = fireseal 防火密封垫fire sealing 封闭火区fire season 火灾季节fire seat 火源fire security measure 防火安全措施fire security routine inspection 消防安全例行fire separation 防火间距fire sequence 火灾环境信号显示顺序fire service act 消防条例fire service and snow melting system 消防及fire service belt 安全带fire service equipment 消防装备fire service expert 消防工作专家fire service implement 消防器材fire service information 消防业务信息fire service inspection system 消防检查体系fire service instructor 消防教官fire service inventory 消防用品fire service ladder 消防梯fire service location package 消防机构位置软件包fire service main 消防水管fire service pump 消防水泵fire service recognition day 消防服务表彰日fire service system 消防部门系统fire service training 消防训练fire service 消防业fire setter 放火犯fire setting 放火fire severity concept 火灾烈度概念fire severity 火灾损害潜势;火灾烈度fire shaft 垂直火道fire shot 爆破fire shutdown indicator 失火停车指示器fire shutter 防火板;防火百叶窗;防火活门;防火卷帘门fire sighting 着火fire signal 火警信号fire size class 火灾规模类别fire smothering gas 惰性灭火气体fire smothering steam 窒息灭火用蒸汽fire smothering system 窒息灭火系统fire smothering 窒息灭火fire source 火源fire space plate 火警地区指示牌fire spread index 火势蔓延指数fire spread 火势蔓延fire spreading 火势蔓延fire stability 耐火稳定性<在标准耐火试验条件下fire stage 火灾的阶段fire standpipe 消防竖管fire station 消防队fire statistics 火灾统计fire statute 火灾法规<指美国和英国制订的"火灾法规".法规规定除了预谋或疏息fire stick 打火棒fire stink 烟火气味fire stone 耐火岩石fire stop = firestop 挡火物、防火墙fire stop product 阻火产品fire stopping 安装挡火物fire storage 消防储水fire storm 风暴性大火fire strategy 灭火战略fire stream = firestream 消防射流fire suction hose 消防吸水管fire suit 消防服fire supply 消防给水fire suppressant 灭火剂fire suppression bottle 灭火瓶fire suppression organization 灭火组织fire suppression rating schedule 灭火条件分级制fire suppression 灭火fire suppressor 阻火器fire symbol 消防标志fire system 消防系统fire tactics 灭火战术fire technique and products information 《消fire technology 《消防技术》fire telephone line 消防电话线fire telephone 消防电话fire tender = fire-tender 消防船fire test procedure 燃烧试验程序fire test 着火点测定fire testing 耐火试验fire tetrahedron 燃烧四面体<即温度fire tile 防火瓦fire timed 耐火的fire tool cache 配套贮芷的消防工具fire tower 消防了望塔fire trace 火灾控制线<临时清除可燃物的狭长地带fire trail 防火生土带fire trailer 消防拖车fire training facility 消防训练设施fire training 消防训练fire tray 燃烧盘fire trench 防火壕fire triangle 燃烧三要素<燃料fire trier 沼气检查员fire truck reel 消防车胶管卷fire truck 消防车fire tube test 风洞燃烧试验fire tube 烟管fire tug 消防拖轮fire under control 基本上得到控制的火灾fire underwriter 火灾保险业者fire unsealing 打开火区fire up 生(起fire valve 灭火阀fire vehicle 消防车fire vent 事故排烟口fire vessel 消防船fire victim 火灾受害者fire viewer 沼气检查员fire wagon 消防车fire walking 渡火fire wall = fire-wall 防火墙fire ward 水桶传递队队长fire warden 消防管理员fire warning light test button 火警信号灯检查按钮fire warning light 火警灯fire warning sensor 火警信号传感器fire warning system 火灾报警系统fire warning 火警fire warp 火警电缆<装运危险品船靠码头时将此缆带在浮筒上fire waste 烧损fire watch miner 矿工兼安全检查员fire watch tower 防火了望塔fire watch 火场留守分队fire water box 消防水箱fire water duration 消防供水持续时间fire water line 消防供水线fire water storage tank 消防用水储罐fire water supply = fire water supply 消防水源fire water supply duration 消防供水持续时间fire water tank 消防水箱fire water 消防用水fire weather forecast 火险天气预报fire weather 火险天气fire whirl 火焰旋涡fire wind 大火风暴引起的风fire window 防火窗fire wire = firewire 火线fire woman 女消防员fire work 烟火具<如爆竹fire wound 火伤fire zone 防火分区fire zoning 防火分区fire 火fire- resistance cloth 耐火布fire-alarm sounding system 声响火灾报警系统fire-alarm thermostat 火灾热动开关fire-back boiler 橱灶fire-bar 加热条fire-barrier ceiling 防火天花板fire-barrier material 挡火材料fire-box steel 火箱钢fire-breeding 有火灾征兆fire-brick lined 火砖衬砌fire-check beys 高温锥商品名fire-check door 防火门fire-clay lining 耐火粘土衬fire-mittal button 灭火按钮fire-control aess door 消防设施门fire-crash water tender 救援水罐消防车fire-damp machine 防火式电机fire-damp tester 沼气检定器fire-danger scale 火险计算表fire-danger tables 火险计算表fire-demand rate 消防需水率fire-dike 防火堤fire-escape ladder 太平梯fire-escape trailer 带消防梯的挂车fire-evil 火邪fire-exit bolt = fire exit bolt 安全门闩fire-extinguisher equipment 灭火器设备fire-extinguisher fluid 灭火液fire-extinguisher handle 灭火器手柄fire-extinguishing bottle 灭火剂钢瓶fire-extinguishing foam 灭火泡沫fire-extinguishing gas 灭火气体fire-extinguishing installation 灭火设施fire-extinguishing medium 灭火剂fire-extinguishing sand 灭火沙fire-extinguishing system = fire extinguishing system 灭火系统fire-extinguishing tanker 水罐消防车fire-extinguishing test 灭火试验fire-fighting aess lobby 灭火通道大厅<有一定大小fire-fighting aess 消防通道fire-fighting behavior 灭火行为fire-fighting bomb 灭火弹fire-fighting crew 消防车fire-fighting efficiency 灭火效率fire-fighting exit staircase 消防出口楼梯fire-fighting grenade 灭火手雷fire-fighting lance 消防水枪fire-fighting line 灭火水带线路fire-fighting monitor 消防炮fire-fighting operation 灭火活动fire-fighting order 灭火规定fire-fighting party 消防队fire-fighting plan 消防设备布置图fire-fighting pool 消防水池fire-fighting powder 灭火干粉。
Key Units For Fire Prevention Safety
Do Not Bury or Occupy
Indoor Fire Hydrant
Outdoor Fire Hydrant
Emergency Exit
Evacuation Route
Evacuation Chart
Fire Protection Control Room
Mini Fire Station
Fire Alarm
Fire Alarm Button: Press in Case of Fire
Fire Call 119
Fire Telephone
Fire Pool
Fire Tank
Protected Stairway
Fire Escape
Fire Escape//Do Not Block
Exit//Do Not Lock
Do Not Lock
4.灭火器箱标识:用于指示灭火器箱的位置,通常是一个红色方形标志,标有白色的字母"FIRE BUCKET"。
7.灭火器检测标识:用于指示灭火器检测点的位置,通常是一个黄色方形标志,上面标有黑色的字母"TEST POINT"。
Fire Water Room
Ahu Water Supply Room
Ahu Room
Pump Room
Power Supply Room
Power Supply Room
Water Pump Room
Smoke Extraction Plant Room
Tool room
Property management division
Fire Well
Water Supply Well
New Wind Engine Room
Fire Pump Room
Wet Alarm Valve Room
Guest Lift Machine Room
Fire Lift Machine Room
Control Fire Station
Power Supply Room
Engineering department
Manager's office
Customer service
(整理)多专业标识中英文翻译标识类中英文翻译对照表1 当心触电Danger!High Voltage2 当心碰撞Beware of Collisions3 当心台阶Mind the Step/Watch Your Step4 小心玻璃Caution! Glass5 小心滑倒/小心地滑Caution! Slippery/Caution! Wet Floor6 小心碰头Mind Your Head/Watch Your Head7 注意安全CAUTION!/Caution!8 注意防火Fire Hazard Area9 非公莫入Staff Only10 禁止鸣笛No Horn11 勿扔垃圾/请勿乱扔废弃物No Littering12 禁止停车No Parking13 禁止停留No Stopping14 禁止吸烟No Smoking15 拉PULL/Pull16 推PUSH/Push17 入口ENTRANCE/Entrance18 出口/安全出口/安全通道EXIT/Exit19 紧急出口Emergency Exit20 紧急救护电话(120)First Aid Call 12021 紧急疏散地Evacuation Site22 请勿跨越No Crossing23 请勿拍照No Photography24 请勿摄影No Filming / No Video25 请勿使用闪光灯No Flash Photography26 火警电话119 Fire Call 119/Fire Alarm 11927 投诉电话Complaints Hotline28 危难时请速报110 Emergency Call 11029 危险,请勿靠近Danger! Keep Away30 请绕行Detour31 请勿打电话No Phone Calls32 请勿带宠物入内No Pets Allowed33 请勿抚摸/请勿触摸Don't Touch34 请勿践踏草坪Please Keep Off the Grass34 请勿坐卧停留No Loitering35 请爱护公共财产Please Protect Public Property36 请爱护公共设施Please Protect Public Facilities37 请节约用水Please Save Water /Don't Waste Water38 请您保管好自己的物品Take Care of Your Belongings39 请按顺序排队Please Line Up40 安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图Evacuation Chart41 保持安静/请勿大声喧哗Quiet Please42 残疾人专用Disabled Only43 留言栏Complaints & Suggestions44 伸手出水Automatic Tap45 随手关门Keep Door Closed/Please close the door behind you.46 禁止入内/严禁入内No Entry/No Admittance47 闲人免进/请勿入内Staff Only /No Admittance48 谢绝参观/游客止步No Admittance49 正在维修Repairs in Progress50 有电危险Danger! Electric Shock Risk51 请勿随地吐痰No Spitting52 严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品Dangerous Articles Prohibited53 暂停服务/临时关闭Temporarily Closed54 老年人、残疾人、军人优先Priority for Seniors and Disabled55 请在此等候Please Wait Here56 消防通道,请勿占用Fire Engine Access. Don't Block! 表A.2 功能设施信息序号中文名称英文名称1 停车场Parking2 医务室Clinic3 厕所Toilet4 男厕所Gents/Men5 女厕所Ladies/Women6 女更衣室Women's Dressing Room7 男更衣室Men's Dressing Room8 步行梯/楼梯Stairs9 自动扶梯Escalator10 电梯Elevator/Lift11 问询处/咨询(台)Information12 前台/服务台/接待Reception13 消防栓Fire Hydrant14 *** ****** Station15 急救中心First Aid Center16 公用电话Telephone17 磁卡电话Magnetic Card Phone18 餐厅Restaurant19 员工通道Staff Only20 疏散通道Escape Route21 消防通道Fire Engine Access22 废物箱/垃圾箱Trash/Litter23 紧急呼救设施/紧急报警器Emergency Alarm24 自行车停放处Bicycle Parking25 出租车Taxi26 残疾人设施For Disabled27 火情警报设施Fire Alarm28 紧急呼救电话Emergency Phone29 失物招领Lost & Found30 收银台/收款台/结帐Cashier31 商店Shop32 食品部Food Shop33 酒吧Bar/Pub34 快餐厅Snack Bar/Fast Food35 西餐厅Western Restaurant36 中餐厅Chinese Restaurant37 咖啡馆/咖啡厅Café38 一/二/三/四/五层(楼)F1/F2/F3/F4/F539 地下一层/二层/三层B1/B2/B340 灭火器Fire Extinguisher41 饮水处Drinking Water42 自动取款机ATM43 吸烟室Smoking Room44 吸烟区Smoking Area45 报刊亭Kiosk46 消防应急面罩Fire Mask47 配电柜Power Distribution Cabinet48 配电箱Power Distribution Box49 衣帽寄存Cloakroom50 行李寄存Left Luggage/Luggage Deposit 会议场所大礼堂Auditorium演讲厅Auditorium国际会议厅Conference Hall会议室Conference Room第一会议室Conference Room I第二会议室Conference Room II1111会议室Conference Room 1111会议准备室Staff Room会议中Meeting in Progress简报室Briefing Room多媒体简报室Briefing Room orMultimedia Room开标室Bidding Room视听室Audio-Visual Room音控室Audio Control Room录音室Recording Room放映室Screening Room教室、研究室及办公室实验室Laboratory /Lab LaboratoryLab 讨论室Seminar Room/Meeting Room研讨室Seminar Room/Meeting Room教师研究室Hsiao-Ming Wang 标示英文姓名Wang, Hsiao MingHsiao-Ming Wang, Ph.D. 标示英文姓名及最高学位缩写Hsiao-Ming Wang, Professor 标示英文姓名及职称Faculty Office第一研究室Faculty Office I第二研究室Faculty Office II院办公室College OfficeAdministration Office ofCollege所办公室Graduate Institute (School) OfficeAdministration Office ofGraduate Institute(School)系办公室Department OfficeAdministration Office ofDepartment院长室Dean’s OfficeDeanDean of College ofDean, College of所长室Director’s Office 另请参考院长室之标示法系主任办公室Chairperson’s Office Chairman’s Offi ce 另请参考院长室之标示法客座教授研究室Visiting Faculty Office助教室T eaching Assistant Office助理办公室(Research) Assistant Office研究生研究室Graduate Student Study Room Study Room for Graduates教师休息室Faculty Lounge兼任教师休息室Adjunct Faculty Lounge计算机教室Computer LaboratoryComputer Classroom计算机(工作)室Computer Room教室Classroom普通教室General Classroom第一教室Classroom I第二教室Classroom II阶梯教室Lecture Hall讲堂Lecture Hall专题教室Seminar Room多功能教室Multifunction Classroom纪念室Memorial Room学生活动室Student Activity Room学生联谊室Student Lounge阅览室Reading Room读书室Study Room自习室Study Room团体室Group-Work Room准备室Preparation Room展示室Exhibition Room教具室T eaching Aids Room仪器室Instrument Room共同仪器室Common Instrument Room贵重仪器室Precision Instrument Room院史室College Archives校史室University Archives讲义油印室Printing Room编辑室Editorial Room/Editorial Office出版品室Publication Room暗房Dark Room新闻影棚Studio教学馆Classroom Building研究大楼Research Building研究大楼Graduate Building综合大楼Common Building旧总图书馆The Old Main Library Building座位示意图Seating Plan秘书室座位示意图Secretariat Seating Plan系学会Student Association Student Society 出入口及专用道入口Entrance出口Exit管制入口Access Control汽车出入口Vehicles Exit入口车道Parking Entrance限高M Maximum Clearance __M限速Speed Limit ___kph身心障碍专用坡道Wheelchair Ramp导盲砖Route for the Visually Impaired Route for Disabled 遵行方向This Way上(下)坡请勿停车No Parking on Ramp车位已满请勿进入No Vacancy请勿停车No Parking请勿暂停No Standing停车检查Check Point慢行Slow停车场售票处Ticketing停车场Parking Lot停车区Parking Lot地下停车场Underground Parking立体停车场Parking Tower平面停车场Parking Lot机车停车位Motorcycle Parking脚踏车停车位Bicycle Parking来宾专用停车位Visitor Parking身心障碍专用停车位Disabled Parking Only主管车停车位编号Reserved Parking本立体停车场专供本署员工停放Staff Only车库Garage直升机停机坪Heliport临时洽公停车区T emporary Parking洽公来宾车辆请勿停放,谢谢合作No Parking电扶梯及楼梯电梯Elevator电扶梯Escalator楼梯Stairs/Stairways贵宾专用电梯Guest Only身心障碍专用电梯Disabled Only本电梯直达6、8楼Floor 6 and 8 Only本电梯限停B1,1,4,6,8,10楼层B1, 1, 4, 6, 8, 10 Only本电梯通达各楼层[第二,三层楼除外] All Floors (Except 2 and 3Fl.) 本电梯请勿载运货物No Cargo载重:1600KG载人:24人速度:210米/分Maximum Load:1600KgsPersons:24Speed:211M/Min开放空间大厅Lobby中庭Atrium广场Plaza阳台Balcony庭院Courtyard艺廊Gallery喷水池Fountain正门Main Entrance / Main Gate侧门Side Entrance后门Rear Entrance(东、北、西、南)区中央区East, West, South, North Wing Central Area顶楼Roof走廊Hallway骑楼Arcade通道Corridor楼层Floor吸烟区Smoking Area地下室Basement平面图Floor Plan平面配置图Floor Plan1楼平面配置图1F Floor Plan行政大楼1楼平面配置图1F Floor Plan, AdministrationBuilding您现在位置You Are Here展示厅Gallery / Exhibition Room / Exhibition Hall (大型)行政信息陈列室Exhibition Room标本陈列室Exhibition Room(植物)标本馆Herbarium文物陈列馆Cultural Artifacts Exhibition Hall语音导览Audio Tour多媒体展示区Multimedia Exhibition Room展售中心Sales Center / Gift Shop / Show Room (大型)出版品展售中心Sales Center照片资料区Photo Exhibition Room温室Conservatory /Greenhouse服务台Information/Information Desk询问处Information民众服务中心Service Center生活信息站Kiosk流通台Reader Services / Circulation Desk身心障碍服务Disabled Service办公时间Office Hours星期六、日及国定假日休息Closed on Saturday, Sunday and National Holiday 开放时间Service Hours柜台收件时间Service Hours民众意见箱Suggestions员工意见箱Suggestions检举信箱Complaints公布栏、公告栏Bulletin Board台湾大学公告栏Bulletin Board, National Taiwan UniversityNational Taiwan UniversityBulletin Board通告(公告) Announcement人事广告Career Opportunities自动提款机ATM公用电话Public Telephone邮局Post Office乘车处Bus Stop打卡刷卡区Clock In / Out巡逻箱Patrol Box来宾会客洽公请至会客室办理登记换证Visitor Registration 来宾请登记Visitor Registration访客登记处Visitor Registration行政大楼Administration Building蓄水池Reservoir待分配T o Be Assigned失物招领Lost and Found接待、服务及休闲区会客室Reception Room接待室Reception Room贵宾接待室Guest Reception Room贵宾室VIP Lounge休息室Lounge收发室Mail Room档案室Archives/File Room资料室Archives/Information Room发言人室Spokesperson's Office记者招待室Press Room新闻发布室Press Room影印室Copy Room传真室Fax Room茶水间Kitchen饮水机Drinking Fountain托儿所Day Care Center育婴室Nursery哺乳室Nursery / Nursing Room心理谘商室Counseling Room心辅室Counseling Room交谊厅Lounge康乐室Lounge网球场T ennis Court篮球场Basketball Court健身房Gym游泳池Swimming Pool储物柜Lockers物品寄放处Bag Check员工消费合作社(销售场所) Convenience Shop员工消费合作社(办公场所) Employee's Cooperative 卖店/纪念品Sales Center / Gift Shop / Souvenirs 点心贩卖部Snack Bar理发厅Barbershop美发院Beauty Salon餐厅Restaurant中餐厅Chinese Restaurant西餐厅Western Restaurant小餐厅Cafeteria执勤室Duty Room值班室Duty Room警卫室Security Room司机室/司机调度室Drivers' Lounge管理员室Custodian Office第一宿舍Dormitory I课外活动申请Extra-Curricular Activities Application经费补助Budget Supplement场地借用Facilities Service社团管理Student Club Management导师及操行Student Advisor and Conduct Grades学生奖惩Student Merits and Punishments学杂费减免Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees Exemption 谘商辅导Student Counseling奖学金Scholarships工读Part-Time Job请假Student Leave of Absence学生平安保险Student Accident Insurance图书、期刊区图书室Library期刊室Periodical Room(现期)期刊区Current Periodicals(装订)期刊区Bound Periodicals中文(现期)期刊区Current Chinese Periodicals西文(现期)期刊区Current Western Periodicals中文(过期)期刊区Back Issues, Chinese西文(过期)期刊区Back Issues, Western中日韩文图书区East Asian Publications中文图书区Chinese Publications西文图书区Western Publications法律图书室Law Library参考图书区Reference Room (Area)中文参考书区Reference Collection(Chinese)西文参考书区Reference Collection(Western Languages) 教师指定参考书区Course Reserves Area过期报纸阅览区Old Newspapers Reading Area当日报纸阅览区Current Newspapers ReadingArea博硕士论文区Dissertations/Theses目录检索区Catalog(s) 信息检索区OPAC and Information Retrieval Area电子数据库检索区Database Search Room卡片目录区Card Catalogue本校出版品区University Publications人文/社会科学资料区Monograph Collection (Humanities/Social Sciences)日据旧藏台湾资料区Pre-1949 Collections, Taiwan Information Area日据旧藏资料区Pre-1949 Collections,Information Area新书展示区New Acquisitions Display Area微缩资料区Microform Materials编目室Cataloging Room书库Book Vault公报室Bulletin Office地图室Map Room阅览室Reading Room阅卷室Reading Room缮本阅览室Rare Books Reading Room参考室Reference Room官书室Official Publications参考咨询台Reference Desk流通柜台Circulation Desk还书箱Book Drop盥洗场所洗手间/盥洗室Restroom/Lavatory女化妆室/女厕所Ladies' Room男化妆室/男厕所Men's RoomGentlemen's Room身心障碍专用厕所Disabled Restroom请靠近一点Please Stand Closer浴室Shower机械及电器场所总机Operator计算机机房Computer Facilities发电机房Generators空调机房Air Conditioning Facilities变电室Transformer Room电气室Electrical Control Room配电室Electricity Distribution Facilities水电室Pump & Electricians中控室Central Control Room机械室Machine Room帮浦间Pump Room冷冻空调室Air Conditioning Room空调机械室Air Conditioning Facilities维修室Maintenance Room锅炉间Boiler储藏及仓库库房Storeroom / Storage消耗品库房Storeroom / Storage备用库房Storeroom / Storage文具用品室Stationery弹药室Armory卸货区Loading Zone货车装卸专用30分钟Loading Zone (30 Minutes Only) 储藏室Storeroom / Storage样品室Samples Room工具间T ool Room清洁工具室Janitorial Supplies Room紧急逃生及救援缓降机/缓降梯Escape Sling紧急用升降机Emergency Elevator紧急专用电梯Emergency Elevator通报设备Alert Facilities紧急照明Emergency Light安全门Emergency Exit逃生梯Emergency Ladder室内逃生梯Emergency Ladder / Emergency Staircase室外逃生梯Emergency Escape紧急避难梯Emergency Ladder /Emergency Staircase紧急出口Emergency Exit疏散路线Evacuation Route紧急疏散方向图Evacuation Plan各楼层配置及紧急避难方向图Floor Plan & Evacuation Route 防火门火警时随手关门Fire Escape - Please Keep Closed东[西]侧逃生梯请随手关门East [West] Fire Escape - Please Keep Closed 防空避难处Air-raid Shelter浓烟逃生袋Emergency Smoke Bag避难引导Emergency Evacuation Routes避难方向Evacuation Route or Evacuation Path避难出口高楼逃生缓降机Emergency Exit &Escape Sling消防栓Hydrant消防箱Fire Hose灭火器Fire Extinguisher消防水Water for Emergency Use消防沙Sand for Emergency Use消防设备Hydrant紧急电源Emergency Power医务室Medical Room/Infirmary护理站First Aid Station紧急应变联络表Emergency Response Contact Chart 自动火灾受信器Automatic Fire Detection System警告标示危险Danger水深危险Danger:Deep Water高压危险,有电勿靠近Keep Clear - High Voltage高压电气设备请勿开启靠近Keep Clear - High Voltage 安全第一Safety First注意Caution施工中Under Construction修理中Under Repair载重Maximum Load注意-辐射区域Caution:Radiation Area中辐射管制区Medium Radiation Control Area白色管制区White Zone放射性燃料池Radiation Fuel Pool高辐射管制区High Radiation Control Area低辐射管制区Low Radiation Control Area黄色管制区Yellow Zone绿色管制区Green Zone辐射污染区Contaminated Area辐射侦测中心Radiation Detection Center辐射区域Radiation Area辐射管制区Radiation Control Area禁止吸烟No Smoking禁止饮食No Food or Drink禁止携带宠物No Pets禁止通话Turn Off Cell Phone禁止拍摄No Photo严禁烟火No Open Flames禁止闪光灯No Flash禁止左(右)转No Left (Right) Turn禁止回转No U Turn禁止触摸No Touch / Hands Off当放射灯闪烁时烟铬尽[ Inergen]气体放射中危险禁止进入Hazardous Gas - No Entry When Flashing往厕所Restroom → (←)此门不通No Exit请勿进入No Entry请用雨伞套Please Use Plastic Umbrella Sheath闲人勿进Authorized Personnel Only非公共空间Non-Public Area节约用水Please Conserve Water请勿践踏草坪Keep Off the Grass请勿攀爬No Climbing维护清洁你我有责Keep Clean请关紧Turn off Completely随手关门Keep Closed随手关灯Turn Off Lights When Leaving排烟栅门手动开关Ventilation Switch冷气开放中请随手关门Air-Conditioned Keep Door Closed请按区域电灯开关节省能源Please Use the Lights You Need进入大门请出示佩挂识别证Please Show ID在办公处所请佩挂识别证Please Display ID at All Times本大楼室内全面禁烟若欲吸烟请至大楼左侧楼梯间Smoking Area Located ____员工专用游客止步Staff Only监视系统Monitoring System资源回收及垃圾资源回收Recycling铁类Iron铝类Aluminum玻璃类Glass塑料类Plastic纸类Paper废纸回收Used Paper电池回收筒Battery Recycling Bin垃圾分类Recycling资源回收筒请勿投入一般垃圾Recyclables Only认识回收标志做好垃圾分类Please Recycle铁罐,铝罐,玻璃瓶,PET瓶,塑料容器,铝箔包,纸容器Please Recycle 垃圾桶Trash博物馆museum游船码头Cruise wharf餐厅Cafeteria停车场Parking area遗址厅Site hall贵宾厅VIP Room办公区Administrative area会议室Conference Room陈列厅Exhibit hall学术报告厅Academic report hall服务台Reception desk展教部Department of Exhibition & Education文保部Department of Cultural Relics Protection临时展厅Provisional Hall标识标牌---旅游景区景点标识标牌中英文对照1 导游服务/讲解服务Tour Guide Service2 照相服务Photo Service3 邮政服务Postal Service4 声讯服务Audio Guide5 票务服务Ticket Service/Tickets6 残疾人服务Service for Disabled7 免费Free Admission8 赠票Complimentary Ticket9 欢迎光临Welcome10 宣传资料Tourist Brochure/Travel Brochure11 半价50% Off/Half Price/50% Discount12 谢谢合作Thanks for Your Cooperation13 信用卡支付Credit Cards Accepted14 提供拐杖Crutches Available15 提供轮椅Wheelchairs Available16 游程信息Itinerary Information/Travel Info 二:1 售票处Ticket Office/Tickets2 游客中心Tourist Center3 客房部Guest Room Department4 游船码头Cruise T erminal5 办公区Administrative Area6 公园管理处Park Administrative Office7 广播室Broadcasting Room8 游船Sightseeing Boat9 索道Cableway10 缆车Cable Car11 拱桥Arch Bridge12 展览馆/陈列馆Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center13 陈列室Exhibition Room/Display Room14 展区Exhibition Area/Display Area15 展厅Exhibition Hall/Display Hall16 故居Former Residence17 团体接待Group Tour18 休息处Lounge19 导游处Guide Service20 表演区Performance Area21 游乐场/游乐园Amusement Park22 儿童游乐场/儿童乐园Children’s Playground23 民族歌舞Folk Dances24 手工艺展示Handicraft Display25 特色餐饮Food Specialties26 民族特色街Ethnic Culture Street27 导游亭T our Guide Booth28 模型Model29 主廊Main Corridor30 车道Vehicle Lane31 农家院Farm House32 专题展区Theme Display33 大石桥Great Stone Bridge34 博物馆Museum35 塔Pagoda/Dagoba(藏式塔)36 宫、院Palace37 亭、阁Pavilion38 寺Monastery (T emple)39 牌楼Memorial Archway40 桥Bridge41 廊Corridor42 牌坊Memorial Gateway43 庙Temple44 观堂Taoist Temple45 遗址Historic Site46 书房Study Room47 瀑布Waterfall48 滑雪场Ski Field49 滑雪道Ski Slope50 拓展区Outdoor Development Area51 狩猎区Hunting Area52 XX 养殖场XX Farm53 宠物乐园Pet Paradise54 无障碍售票口Wheelchair Accessible55 中央展厅Central Exhibition Hall/Central Display Hall56 报告厅Auditorium57 展厅入口Entrance58 休闲区Leisure Area59 贵宾厅VIP Hall60 序厅Lobby61 阅览室Reading Room62 贵宾通道VIP Only63 员工通道Staff Only64 租赁车Car Rental65 上楼楼梯Upstairs66 下楼楼梯Downstairs67 步行街Pedestrian Street68 货币兑换Currency Exchange69 走失儿童认领Lost Children Information70 行李手推车Trolley71 三轮车接待站Tricycle T our72 电动游览车Sightseeing Trolley73 服装出租处Costume Rental74 自行车租赁处Bicycle Rental75 租船处Boat Rental76 旅游纪念品商店Souvenir Shop77 字画店Calligraphy & Painting Shop78 公园Park79 儿童公园Children’s Park80 雕塑公园Sculpture Park81 体育公园Sports Park82 动物园Zoo83 植物园Botanical Garden84 街旁游园Community Park85 盆景园Mini-Scape Garden/Bonsai Garden86 景观Scenery87 景区Scenic Area88 景点Scenic Spot89 森林浴Forest Bath90 空气浴Air Bath91 温泉浴Hot Spring Bath92 日光浴Sun Bath93 泥沙浴Mud and Sand Bath94 摄像室Photo Studio95 无烟景区Smoke-Free Scenic Area96 大型水滑梯/戏水滑道Water Slide97 收费停车场Pay Parking ,98 茶室Tea House99 游泳池Swimming Pool100 残疾人客房Accessible Guestroom101 吸烟区Smoking Area102 非吸烟区Non-Smoking Area103 国家级文物保护单位State Protected Historic Site104 市级文物保护单位Municipality Protected Historic Site/City Protected Historic Site 105 区级文物保护单位DistrictProtected Historic Site106 爱国主义教育基地Patriotic Education Base107 浅水区Shallow Water108 深水区Deep Water109 采摘区Fruit-Picking Area110 工农业旅游示范点Industrial and Agricultural Site 111 游览观光车Sightseeing Trolley/Sightseeing Bus 112 标本室Specimen Room113 观赏区Viewing Area114 投喂区Feeding Area115 触摸区Petting Area116 科技馆Science & Technology Hall117 导览册Guide Book118 导览机Audio Guide119 世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage三:1 自动控制Auto-Control2 多媒体Multi-Media3 地质年代Geologic Age4 大事年表Chronology of Events5 自画像Self-Portrait6 碑记Tablet Inscription7 雕塑作品Sculpture8 石刻Stone Carving9 草原Grassland10 古树名木Old and Famous Trees11 温室采摘Greenhouse Fruit Picking12 数字特技Digital Stunt13 花卉Flowers & Plants14 野营露营Camping15 消闲散步Strolling16 郊游野游Outing17 垂钓Fishing18 登山攀岩Mountaineering/Rock-Climbing19 揽胜探险Expedition20 科普教育Popular Science Education21 游戏娱乐Entertainment22 健身Bodybuilding23 演艺Art Performance24 水上运动Aquatic Sports25 滑水Surfing26 潜水Scuba Diving27 冰雪活动Ice Skating & Skiing28 滑草活动Grass Skiing29 滑沙Sand Skiing30 水上漂流Drifting31 数字特技Digital Stunt32 电影录音Film Recording33 电影剪辑Film Editing34 电影洗印Film Processing35 电影拍摄Filming36 电影动画Film Animation体育场馆标识公共场所标识中英文双语翻译对照表序号中文名称英文名称1 禁坐栏杆Don't Sit on the Handrail/No Sitting on the Handrail2 小心轻放Handle with Care3 请勿外带食品No Food from Outside4 易碎Fragile5 报警指示牌Police Alarm6 消防指示牌Fire Alarm7 请在此处开票Get Your Invoice Here8 先试后买Try Before You Buy9 不外售Not for Sale10 单号入口Odd Numbers Entrance11 双号入口Even Numbers Entrance12 热Hot13 冷Cold14 按Press15 营业时间Open Hours/Business Hours16 场馆示意图Map/Sketch Map序号中文名称英文名称1 票务室/售票处Ticket Office/Tickets2 桑拿浴房Sauna3 更衣室Locker Room4 女淋浴室Women's Shower Room5 男淋浴室Men's Shower Room6 按摩室Massage Room7 医务室Clinic8 贵宾休息室/贵宾厅VIP Lounge9 力量训练房Strength Training Gymnasium10 运动员休息室Athletes' Lounge11 记者休息室Press Lounge/Media Lounge12 运动员席Athletes' Seats/Athletes' Box序号中文名称英文名称13 新闻发布厅Press Conference Hall/Media Conference Hall14 新闻办公室Press Office/Media Office15 文字记者席Press Seats/Press Box16 电视评论席TV Commentators17 播音室Broadcasting Room18 广播席Radio Commentators19 摄影记者区Photo Zone/Pool Positions (Pool Positions仅用于奥运场馆内)20 兴奋剂检查室Doping Control Room21 场地器材室Venue Equipment Room22 竞赛办公室Competition Office23 技术代表室Technical Delegates' Office24 裁判员室Referees' Office25 仲裁办公室Jury's Office26 公告栏Notice Board27 吸烟处Smoking Area28 运动员专用通道Athletes Only29 残疾人专用通道Wheelchair Accessible30 散场通道EXIT/ Exit31 观众通道For Spectators32 检录处Call Room/Call Area33 观众席Spectator Seats34 贵宾席VIP Box35 主席台Rostrum36 等候区Waiting Area37 残疾人(无障碍)观众席Seats for Disabled38 储藏室Storeroom39 风机房Ventilator Room40 电气室Power Supply Room41 计时控制室Timing Control Room42 公共广播系统PA(Public Address/Announcement system)43 运营区/场馆工作区BOH (Back of House)44 通行区/场馆公众区FOH (Front of House)45 打印复印室Photocopy46 洗衣房Laundry47 客房Guest Room48 警卫室Guard Room序号中文名称英文名称1 田径Athletics2 足球Football3 游泳Swimming4 跳水Diving5 竞技体操Artistic Gymnastics6 蹦床Trampoline7 射击Shooting8 篮球Basketball9 赛艇Rowing10 场地自行车Track Cycling11 皮划艇Canoe/ Kayak12 摔跤Wrestling13 乒乓球Table Tennis14 柔道Judo15 跆拳道Taekwondo16 羽毛球Badminton17 艺术体操Rhythmic Gymnastics18 现代五项Modern Pentathlon19 手球Handball20 拳击Boxing21 山地自行车Mountain Biking/Mountain Cycling22 水球Water Polo23 击剑Fencing24 飞碟射击Trap Shooting25 排球Volleyball26 举重Weightlifting27 棒球Baseball28 射箭Archery29 铁人三项Triathlon30 沙滩排球Beach Volleyball31 网球Tennis32 小轮车BMX (Bicycle Motocross)33 马术Equestrian。
1. 禁止吸烟(No Smoking):这个标识通常在公共场所、办公室、餐馆等地方使用,以提醒人们禁止吸烟。
2. 紧急出口(Emergency Exit):这个标识通常用于指示紧急情况下的出口位置,例如火灾逃生等。
3. 危险品(Hazardous Materials):这个标识通常用于指示存放或处理危险物质的区域,以提醒人们注意安全。
4. 警告(Caution):这个标识通常用于指示潜在的危险或需要特别注意的地方,例如湿地、坑洞等。
5. 消防设备(Fire Equipment):这个标识通常用于指示消防器材的位置,例如灭火器、灭火器箱等。
6. 厕所(Toilet):这个标识通常用于指示厕所的位置,以方便人们找到。
7. 残疾人士(Disabled Access):这个标识通常用于指示残疾人士通行的设施或路径,例如轮椅通道、无障碍电梯等。
8. 速限(Speed Limit):这个标识通常用于指示车辆在某一区域内的最高速度限制。
9. 禁止停车(No Parking):这个标识通常用于指示禁止在某一区域停车。
10. 禁止通行(No Entry):这个标识通常用于指示禁止进入某一区域。
11. 温度警示(Temperature Warning):这个标识通常用于指示某一区域的温度限制,以提醒人们注意。
12. 紧急医疗设施(Emergency Medical Facilities):这个标识通常用于指示紧急医疗设施的位置,例如急救室、医药箱等。
13. 没有手机(No Mobile Phones):这个标识通常用于指示禁止使用手机的区域,例如剧院、图书馆等。
14. 禁止摄影(No Photography):这个标识通常用于指示禁止拍摄照片或录像的区域,例如博物馆、私人活动等。
15. 绿色环保(Green Initiatives):这个标识通常用于指示某一区域的环保措施,例如垃圾分类、节能措施等。
25 人防设备间(横版)
Air Defence Equipment Room
Fire Emergency Exit Force Electricity Room Weak Current Room
Guest Elevator Room Fire Elevator Room
Pipem Blower Room Exhaust Fan Room Power Distribution Office Power Distribution Staff Only Force Electricity Duct Weak Current Duct Oil Separator Room Fire Equipment Room Air Defence Room Power Distribution Room Engineering Equipment Room Engineering Duty Room Engineering Warehuose
英文指示牌大全篇一:英文标示大全】各种标识英文大全当心触电danger! high voltage ,当心碰头mind your head ,当心踏空watch your step ,紧急时击碎玻璃break glass in emergency小心台阶mind the step ,注意上方watch your head 。
请勿登踏do not step on ,请勿乱扔废弃物no littering, 严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品进站dangerous articles prohibited ,禁止摆卖vendors prohibited序号中文名称英文名称1 当心触电danger !high voltage2 当心碰撞beware of collisions3 当心台阶mind the step/watch your step4 小心玻璃caution! glass5 小心滑倒/小心地滑caution! slippery /caution! wet floor6 小心碰头mind your head/watch your head7 注意安全caution! /caution!8 注意防火fire hazard area9 非公莫入staff only10 禁止鸣笛no horn11 勿扔垃圾/ 请勿乱扔废弃物no littering12 禁止停车no parking13 禁止停留no stopping14 禁止吸烟no smoking15 拉pull/pull16 推push/push17 入口entrance/ entrance18 出口/ 安全出口/安全通道exit/exit19 紧急出口emergency exit20 紧急救护电话(120)first aid call 12021 紧急疏散地evacuation site22 请勿跨越no crossing23 请勿拍照no photography24 请勿摄影no filming / no video25 请勿使用闪光灯no flash photography26 火警电话119fire call 119/fire alarm 11927 投诉电话complaints hotline28 危难时请速报110emergency call 11029 危险,请勿靠近danger! keep away30 请绕行detour31 请勿打电话no phone calls32 请勿带宠物入内no pets allowed33 请勿抚摸/ 请勿触摸do not touch34 请勿践踏草坪please keep off the grass 表 a.1 (续)序号中文名称英文名称34 请勿坐卧停留no loitering35 请爱护公共财产please protect public property36 请爱护公共设施please protect public facilities37 请节约用水please save water /don ' t waste water38 请您保管好自己的物品take care of your belongings39 请按顺序排队please line up40 安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图evacuation chart41 保持安静/ 请勿大声喧哗quiet please42 残疾人专用disabled only43 留言栏complaints suggestions44 伸手出水automatic tap45 随手关门keep door closed/please close the door behind you.46 禁止入内/ 严禁入内no entry/no admittance47 闲人免进/ 请勿入内staff only /no admittance48 谢绝参观/ 游客止步no admittance49 正在维修repairs in progress50 有电危险danger! electric shock risk51 请勿随地吐痰no spitting52 严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品dangerous articles prohibited53 暂停服务/ 临时关闭temporarily closed54 老年人、残疾人、军人优先priority for seniors and disabled55 请在此等候please wait here56 消防通道,请勿占用fire engine access. don ' t block!a.2 功能设施信息功能设施信息译法见表 a.2 。
消防英语专业词汇(英中)fire smothering 窒息灭火fire source 火源fire space plate 火警地区指示牌fire spread index 火势蔓延指数fire spread 火势蔓延fire spreading 火势蔓延fire stability 耐火稳定性<在标准耐火试验条件下fire stage 火灾的阶段fire standpipe 消防竖管fire station 消防队fire statistics 火灾统计fire statute 火灾法规<指美国和英国制订的"火灾法规".法规规定除了预谋或疏息fire stick 打火棒fire stink 烟火气味fire stone 耐火岩石fire stop = firestop 挡火物、防火墙fire stop product 阻火产品fire stopping 安装挡火物fire storage 消防储水fire storm 风暴性大火fire strategy 灭火战略fire stream = firestream 消防射流fire suction hose 消防吸水管fire suit 消防服fire supply 消防给水fire suppressant 灭火剂fire suppression bottle 灭火瓶fire suppression organization 灭火组织fire suppression rating schedule 灭火条件分级制fire suppression 灭火fire suppressor 阻火器fire symbol 消防标志fire system 消防系统fire tactics 灭火战术Fire Technique and Products Information 《消Fire Technology 《消防技术》fire telephone line 消防电话线fire telephone 消防电话fire tender = fire-tender 消防船fire test procedure 燃烧试验程序fire test 着火点测定fire testing 耐火试验fire tetrahedron 燃烧四面体<即温度fire tile 防火瓦fire timed 耐火的fire tool cache 配套贮芷的消防工具fire tower 消防了望塔fire trace 火灾控制线<临时清除可燃物的狭长地带fire trail 防火生土带fire trailer 消防拖车fire training facility 消防训练设施fire training 消防训练fire tray 燃烧盘fire trench 防火壕fire triangle 燃烧三要素<燃料fire trier 沼气检查员fire truck reel 消防车胶管卷fire truck 消防车fire tube test 风洞燃烧试验fire tube 烟管fire tug 消防拖轮fire under control 基本上得到控制的火灾fire underwriter 火灾保险业者fire unsealing 打开火区fire up 生(起fire valve 灭火阀fire vehicle 消防车fire vent 事故排烟口fire vessel 消防船fire victim 火灾受害者fire viewer 沼气检查员fire wagon 消防车fire walking 渡火fire wall = fire-wall 防火墙fire ward 水桶传递队队长fire warden 消防管理员fire warning light test button 火警信号灯检查按钮fire warning light 火警灯fire warning sensor 火警信号传感器fire warning system 火灾报警系统fire warning 火警fire warp 火警电缆<装运危险品船靠码头时将此缆带在浮筒上fire waste 烧损fire watch miner 矿工兼安全检查员fire watch tower 防火了望塔fire watch 火场留守分队fire watch 消防值班fire water box 消防水箱fire water duration 消防供水持续时间fire water line 消防供水线fire water storage tank 消防用水储罐fire water supply = fire water supply 消防水源fire water supply duration 消防供水持续时间fire water tank 消防水箱fire water 消防用水fire weather forecast 火险天气预报fire weather 火险天气fire well 消防水井fire whirl 火焰旋涡fire wind 大火风暴引起的风fire window 防火窗fire wire = firewire 火线fire woman 女消防员fire work 烟火具<如爆竹fire wound 火伤fire zone 防火分区fire zoning 防火分区fire 火fire- resistance cloth 耐火布fire-alarm sounding system 声响火灾报警系统fire-alarm thermostat 火灾热动开关fire-back boiler 橱灶fire-bar 加热条fire-barrier ceiling 防火天花板fire-barrier material 挡火材料fire-box steel 火箱钢fire-breeding 有火灾征兆fire-brick lined 火砖衬砌fire-check beys 高温锥商品名fire-check door 防火门fire-clay lining 耐火粘土衬fire-committal button 灭火按钮fire-control access door 消防设施门fire-crash water tender 救援水罐消防车fire-damp machine 防火式电机fire-damp tester 沼气检定器fire-danger scale 火险计算表fire-danger tables 火险计算表fire-demand rate 消防需水率fire-dike 防火堤fire-escape ladder 太平梯fire-escape trailer 带消防梯的挂车fire-evil 火邪fire-exit bolt = fire exit bolt 安全门闩fire-extinguisher equipment 灭火器设备fire-extinguisher fluid 灭火液fire-extinguisher handle 灭火器手柄fire-extinguishing bottle 灭火剂钢瓶fire-extinguishing foam 灭火泡沫fire-extinguishing gas 灭火气体fire-extinguishing installation 灭火设施fire-extinguishing medium 灭火剂fire-extinguishing sand 灭火沙fire-extinguishing system = fire extinguishing system 灭火系统fire-extinguishing tanker 水罐消防车fire-extinguishing test 灭火试验fire-fighting access lobby 灭火通道大厅<有一定大小fire-fighting access 消防通道fire-fighting behavior 灭火行为fire-fighting bomb 灭火弹fire-fighting crew 消防车fire-fighting efficiency 灭火效率fire-fighting exit staircase 消防出口楼梯fire-fighting grenade 灭火手雷fire-fighting lance 消防水枪fire-fighting line 灭火水带线路fire-fighting monitor 消防炮fire-fighting operation 灭火活动fire-fighting order 灭火规定fire-fighting party 消防队fire-fighting plan 消防设备布置图fire-fighting pool 消防水池fire-fighting powder 灭火干粉fire-fighting rack 消防梯fire-fighting resource 灭火资源fire-fighting safety 灭火安全fire-fighting school 消防学校fire-fighting stairway 消防楼梯<具有足够防火能力fire-fighting strategy 灭火战略fire-fighting suit 防火服fire-fighting tactics 灭火战术fire-fighting team 救火队fire-fighting technique =fire fighting technique 灭火技术fire-fighting train 消防列车fire-fighting truck 消防车fire-fighting tunic 消防战斗服fire-fighting window 消防窗fire-fighting 消防fire-finder map 火灾位图fire-float 消防艇fire-flood cycle 火灾-洪水周期<植被烧掉后fire-gas detector = fire gas detector 火灾气体探测器fire-gas-explosion 爆炸气体爆炸fire-hazard group 易燃类弹药fire-hazardous 易着火fire-leading 引火fire-load density 火灾负荷密度fire-mantle 防火树林fire-prevention bottle 防火瓶fire-prevention pipe 消防水管fire-prone 有火灾危险fire-prone 有火灾危险的、容易发生火灾的fire-proof belt 防火胶带fire-proof box 耐火舱fire-proof building 耐火房屋fire-proof cable=fireproof cable 防火电缆fire-proof casting 耐火衬套fire-proof cement 耐火水泥fire-proof cloth 防火布fire-proof coating=fire proof coating 防火涂料fire-proof concrete 耐火混凝土fire-proof covering 防火套fire-proof curtain 防火幕fire-proof dilatation 膨胀防火涂料fire-proof door 防火门fire-proof fiber = fireproof 防火纤维、不燃纤维fire-proof finishing 防火加工fire-proof floor 耐火楼板fire-proof frame 防火构架fire-proof galss 防火玻璃fire-proof gasoline tank 防火油箱fire-proof grease 耐火润滑油fire-proof insulation 防火绝缘fire-proof machine 防火电机fire-proof magazine 防火暗盒fire-proof mat 耐火席子fire-proof paint 耐火漆fire-proof petrol tank 防火汽油桶fire-proof plywood 防火胶合板fire-proof reagent 防燃剂fire-proof roll screen 防火卷帘fire-proof sealing material 防火封堵材料fire-proof spool box 防火片盒fire-proof structure 耐火结构fire-proof tile 耐火砖fire-proof timing 防火支架fire-proof treatment 耐火处理fire-proof trim 防火面饰料fire-proof wall 防火壁fire-proofed coating 耐火涂料fire-proofed 耐火的fire-proofing chemical 耐火剂fire-proofing material 耐火材料fire-protecting wall 防火墙、耐火砖fire-protection clothing 消防服fire-protection equipment 消防设备fire-protection ring 防火圈fire-protection suit 防火衣fire-protective paint 防火漆fire-pump room 消防泵房fire-rated door 标准防火门fire-rated wall 防火墙fire-resistance belting 耐火运输带fire-resistance concrete 耐火混凝土fire-resistance construction 耐火结构fire-resistance coverall 耐火工作服fire-resistance property 耐火特性fire-resistant belt 耐火运输带fire-resistant clamp 耐火卡箍fire-resistant cloth 防火布fire-resistant coating for steel structure 钢结构防火涂料fire-resistant concrete 耐火混凝土fire-resistant fabric 耐火织物fire-resistant finish 耐火整理fire-resistant fuel 防火燃料fire-resistant material 耐火材料fire-resistant oil 抗燃油fire-resistant property 耐火特性fire-resistant shield 耐火屏蔽;耐火隔板fire-resistant tarpaulin 防火帆布fire-resistant wire 耐火导线fire-resisting = fire-resistant 抗火的fire-resisting covering 耐热包皮fire-resisting damper 防火挡板fire-resisting door=fire resisting door 防火门fire-resisting dope 耐火涂料fire-resisting duct 耐火管道fire-resisting shaft 耐火竖井fire-resisting shutter 耐火卷帘门fire-resisting stair = fire resisting stair 耐火楼梯fire-resisting wood 耐火木材fire-retardant additive 阻燃添加剂fire-retardant preservative 防火防腐剂fire-retardant pressure impregnation 阻燃剂压力浸渍fire-retardant roof covering 阻燃屋面覆盖层fire-retardant sand 阻燃砂fire-retardant shingle stain 板墙防火色浆;板墙防火涂料fire-retardant suit flight 阻燃飞行服fire-retardant textile compound 耐火织物涂饰剂fire-retarding glazing 耐火玻璃fire-retarding paint 阻燃漆fire-safe furniture 防火安全家具fire-safe 无火险的fire-safety building code 防火安全建筑规范fire-service connection 消防泵接水口fire-service detector check meter 消防用检测水表fire-service meter 消防水表fire-slash 火灾迹地fire-smoke detection 烟火探测fire-smothering gear 气体灭火装置fire-sprinkling system 喷水灭火系统fire-suppressant gas 灭火气体fire-suppression ring 灭火圈fire-tank wagon 水罐消防车fire-test exposure-severity 燃烧试验暴露于火的强度fire-to-hydrant lay 反铺设fire-walker = fire walker 消防巡逻员fire-watch 防火检查fire-watcher 消防值班员fire-water pond 消防水池fire-weather station 防火气象站fire-wood = firewood 燃材fireball radius 火球半径fireball 火团firebomb 燃烧弹firebrick aggregate 耐火砖集料firebrick lid 耐火砖盖firebrick lining = fire-brick lining 耐火砖衬里firebrick structure 耐火砖结构firebrick 耐火砖firebug 纵火犯fireclay grog 耐火粘土熟料firecontrol unit 消防设备〔装置firecracker 爆竹fired ceramic coating 烧成陶瓷涂料;烧结陶瓷涂料fired clay 耐火粘土fired fly ash brick 烧结粉煤灰砖fired strength 混凝土耐火强度fired 爆破了的fired-to 有自由面的爆破firedamp accumulation 瓦斯积聚firedamp alarm 沼气警报firedamp content 沼气含量firedamp detector 沼气检定器firedamp drainage 沼气排放firedamp explosion 沼气爆炸firedamp fringe 工作面风流和采空区污浊气体的接触地带firedamp indicator 沼气检定器firedamp limit 瓦斯极限含量firedamp outburst 瓦斯喷出firedamp testing 瓦斯测定firedamp 沼气firefighter uniform 消防员制服Firefighter's International Exchange Program 消防战斗员国际交流程序firefighter's protective clothing 消防战斗服fireflow 火舌fireguard 防火员firehouse dog 消防狗firelight 炉火firemain system 消防管路系统fireman 消防员fireman's axe 消防斧fireman's cabin 井下消防站fireman's carry 抢救背负<营救受伤者的一种背负术fireman's escape 安全梯出口fireman's lift 抢救背负fireman's outfit 消防员装备fireman's red 消防红fireman's switch 消防开关<装在大楼外面fireman's uniform 消防员制服firemanic 消防工作的firemanship 消防实践〔技能Firemaster 100 阻燃剂<六溴环十二烷Firemaster 836 卤化磷酸酯<阻燃剂Firemaster BPAA 阻燃剂BPAAFiremaster CA 阻燃剂CAFiremaster TT 阻燃剂TTFIREMEN = fire resistant material engineering 防火材料工程firemen's boots 消防靴firemen's equipment cabinet 消防员装备橱firemen's lift 消防专用梯Firemen's Memorial Sunday 殉职消防队员纪念日firepath = fire path 火灾蔓延通道fireplace insert 装在壁炉里的火炉fireplace stove 壁炉式火炉fireplace unit 壁炉整套装置firepractice 消防演习fireproof agent 防燃剂fireproof aggregate 耐火集料fireproof bay = fire-proof bay 防火舱fireproof bulkhead = fire-proof bulkhead 防火壁fireproof cast stone 耐火铸石fireproof dying 防火染色法fireproof line 耐火绳fireproof lining 耐火盖层fireproof material = fire-proof material 耐火材料fire-watch 防火检查fire-watcher 消防值班员fire-water pond 消防水池fire-weather station 防火气象站fire-wood = firewood 燃材fireball radius 火球半径fireball 火团firebomb 燃烧弹firebrick aggregate 耐火砖集料firebrick lid 耐火砖盖firebrick lining = fire-brick lining 耐火砖衬里firebrick structure 耐火砖结构firebrick 耐火砖firebug 纵火犯fireclay grog 耐火粘土熟料firecontrol unit 消防设备〔装置firecracker 爆竹fired ceramic coating 烧成陶瓷涂料;烧结陶瓷涂料fired clay 耐火粘土fired fly ash brick 烧结粉煤灰砖fired strength 混凝土耐火强度fired 爆破了的fired-to 有自由面的爆破firedamp accumulation 瓦斯积聚firedamp alarm 沼气警报firedamp content 沼气含量firedamp detector 沼气检定器firedamp drainage 沼气排放firedamp explosion 沼气爆炸firedamp fringe 工作面风流和采空区污浊气体的接触地带firedamp indicator 沼气检定器firedamp limit 瓦斯极限含量firedamp outburst 瓦斯喷出firedamp testing 瓦斯测定firedamp 沼气firefighter uniform 消防员制服Firefighter's International Exchange Program 消防战斗员国际交流程序firefighter's protective clothing 消防战斗服fireflow 火舌fireguard 防火员firehouse dog 消防狗firelight 炉火firemain system 消防管路系统fireman 消防员fireman's axe 消防斧fireman's cabin 井下消防站fireman's carry 抢救背负<营救受伤者的一种背负术fireman's escape 安全梯出口fireman's lift 抢救背负fireman's outfit 消防员装备fireman's red 消防红fireman's switch 消防开关<装在大楼外面fireman's uniform 消防员制服firemanic 消防工作的firemanship 消防实践〔技能Firemaster 100 阻燃剂<六溴环十二烷Firemaster 836 卤化磷酸酯<阻燃剂Firemaster BPAA 阻燃剂BPAAFiremaster CA 阻燃剂CAFiremaster TT 阻燃剂TTFIREMEN = fire resistant material engineering 防火材料工程firemen's boots 消防靴firemen's equipment cabinet 消防员装备橱firemen's lift 消防专用梯Firemen's Memorial Sunday 殉职消防队员纪念日firepath = fire path 火灾蔓延通道fireplace insert 装在壁炉里的火炉fireplace stove 壁炉式火炉fireplace unit 壁炉整套装置firepractice 消防演习fireproof agent 防燃剂fireproof aggregate 耐火集料fireproof bay = fire-proof bay 防火舱fireproof bulkhead = fire-proof bulkhead 防火壁fireproof cast stone 耐火铸石fireproof dying 防火染色法fireproof line 耐火绳fireproof lining 耐火盖层fireproof material = fire-proof material 耐火材料first response district 责任区first unlocked door 太平门first water 一出水first work period 第一工作日first-aid extinguishing 自救灭火first-aid hose 小口径胶管水带first-aid outfit 小型水罐消防车first-aid post 急救站first-aid supply 急救材料first-aid-to-the-injured appliance 伤员急救用品first-degree burn 一度烧伤first-in officer 最先到达火场的消防官员FIRTO = Fire Insurers' Research And Testing Organization 火灾保险商研究与试验组织fish plate 接合板fission fragment 裂变碎片fission material 裂变物质fission product 裂变产物fission yield 裂变产物产额fission 裂变fissionable material 核分裂性物质fissionable 可分裂的fit out 装备fitting 装配fix 定位点fixed air 固定空气;二氧化碳fixed carbon 固定碳fixed dry chemical system 固定式干粉灭火系统fixed extinguishing system 固定式灭火系统<由固定安装的灭火剂供应源fixed fire escape 固定太平梯fixed fire extinguisher 固定式灭火器fixed fire extinguishing system 固定式灭火系统fixed fire suppression system 固定式灭火系统fixed gas 固定气体fixed guide way transit system 有轨快速客运系统fixed ladder 固定梯fixed monitor 固定式消防炮fixed point detection 固定点火灾探测fixed pressure detector 定压式爆炸探测器fixed radio station 固定无线电台fixed sprinkler system 固定喷水灭火系统fixed suction installation 固定吸水设施fixed system 固定系统fixed temperature detector using fusible alloy 易熔合金定温火灾探测器fixed temperature detector using mercury contacts 水银接点定温探测器fixed temperature detector using thermocouple 热电偶定温火灾探测器fixed temperature detector using timetable strips 双金属定温火灾探测器fixed temperature detector with heat sensitive resistance 热敏电阻定温火灾探测器fixed temperature detector 定温探测器fixed temperature heat detector 固定温度感温式火灾探测器fixed water spray system 固定喷雾灭火系统fixed-wing base manager 固定翼飞机基地经理fixture 夹具FI=fire insurance 火灾保险FL = fire launch 消防船Fl = flame 火焰flag marking the control point 指挥部标志旗flag signal 旗语flagpoles 条状信号flail 扑火器flake 水带的带束叠装flaked hose 带束叠装的水带flame - proof motor 防爆电动机flame ablation 溶化烧蚀flame absorption 火焰的吸收flame accelerator 促燃剂flame adjustment 火焰调节flame analysis 火焰分析flame anchor 火苗flame angle 火焰角flame arc lamp 焰弧灯flame arc 焰弧flame arch 焰弧flame area 火焰面积flame arrester for oil-tanker 油船用阻火器flame arrester for petroleum tank 石油储罐阻火器flame arrester for pipe 管道阻火器flame arrester 阻火器;消焰器flame attenuation 火焰吹拉flame augmentation 火焰加强flame axis 焰轴flame background 火焰背景flame band 火焰带flame base 焰底flame black 炭黑flame blow-off velocity 熄火速度flame blow-off 火焰吹灭flame body 焰体flame break point 火焰断裂点flame breakdown 火焰中断flame breakthrough 烧穿flame bridge 焰桥flame bush 火焰舌flame cap 焰晕flame chamber 火焰室flame characteristics 火焰特性flame checking 阻燃整理flame chemilumine sence detection 火焰化学发光检测flame chilling 火焰熄灭flame chipping 火焰熄灭flame coal 长焰煤flame color 焰色flame coloration 焰色flame combustion 有焰燃烧flame cone 焰心flame contact ignition 火焰接触点火flame contact 火焰控制flame covered area 火焰覆盖面积flame cross - section 火焰横截面flame cutting 火焰切割flame damper 灭火器flame depth 火焰深度flame desiccating 喷焰除鳞flame detection apparatus 火源检测仪flame detection device 火焰探测装置flame detector 火焰探测器flame distribution 火焰分布flame drip 燃烧溶滴flame drop-back 火焰后缩flameproof apparatus 防爆装置flameproof battery loco 防爆蓄电池机车flameproof bulkhead 防火壁flameproof canister 耐燃罐flameproof circuit breaker 防爆断路器flameproof compound 耐燃剂flameproof fabric 防燃织物flameproof fiber 防燃纤维flameproof fluorescent lamp fitting 防爆荧光灯具flameproof glass 防火玻璃flameproof lamp 防爆灯flameproof machine 防爆电动机flameproof mining transformer 矿用隔爆变压器flameproof paint 耐火漆flameproof starter 防爆型起动器flameproof textile 防火布flameproof ware 耐热器皿flameproof wire 耐火绝缘导线flameproofness 防燃flamer 空中被击中起火的飞机flameretardant grade 阻燃剂等级flaming arc 焰弧flaming coal 火焰煤flaming combustion 有焰燃烧flaming front 火头flaming phase 有焰燃烧阶段flaming surface combustion 有焰表面燃烧flaming time 燃烧时间flaming 有焰燃烧flammability classification 易燃性分级flammability fabric 易燃性织物flammability hazard 易燃性危险flammability index 易燃性指数flammability indexing test 易燃性指数试验flammability limit 易燃极限flammability of a dust cloud 煤尘易燃性flammability peak 发火峰值flammability point 燃点flammability range 发火范围flammability rating 易燃性等级flammability resistance 抗着火性flammability standard 易燃性标准flammability temperature limit 发火温度极限flammability test 易燃性试验flammability tester 易燃测定仪flammability testing 易燃性试验flammability 易燃性flammable aerosol 易燃烟雾剂flammable anesthetic atmosphere 易燃麻醉空气flammable anesthetic 易燃麻醉剂flammable cargo 易燃货物flammable compressed gas 易燃压缩气体flammable fabric 易燃性织物Flammable Fabrics Act 易燃织物条例flammable fluid 易燃液体flammable fringe 燃烧态区域flammable gas detector 易燃气体探测器flammable gas fire 易燃气体火灾flammable gas 易燃性气体flammable inhibitor 发火抑制剂flammable limit 易燃极限<有最稀flammable liquid hazard 危险易燃液体flammable liquid 易燃液体<闪点在37.8 0C以下flammable liquids training 易燃液训练flammable material 易燃材料flammable mixture 易燃混合物flammable range 可燃范围flammable roof covering 易燃屋面覆盖层flammable solid 易燃固体flammable solvent 易燃溶剂flammable space 易燃物资储存区flammable storage space 易燃物储藏区flammable storage tank 易燃物贮槽flammable storage warehouse 易燃品储存仓库flammable vapor 易燃性蒸气flammable 易燃的flammation 燃烧flanged fitting 法兰式接头flank fire 侧风火<沿火灾控制线点燃的火允许与风成直角flank of a fire 火灾侧翼flank 侧翼flanking attack 侧击灭火flap 火拍flare back 回火flare point 燃烧点flare stack 废气燃烧烟道flare up fire 火焰信号flare up 骤燃flare 火舌flare-up lamp 闪光灯flare-up light 应急灯flaring 骤燃flash and fire point test 引燃及燃点试验flash and flare triangulation 闪燃光三角测量flash and ground protecting relay 闪燃和接地保护继电器。
1、防火门door fire-proof door2、防火卷帘fire-proof roll screen3、防火窗fire window4、室外消火栓outside fire hydrant5、水泵接合器fire department connection;fire department pumper connection;pump adapter6、消防水泵fire(service)pump7、消防喷淋泵fire spray pump8、室内消火栓箱inside hydrant box9、消防软管卷盘Fire hose pipe reel 消防水袋fire hose10、湿式报警阀wet alarm valve11、压力开关pressure switch12、水流指示器flow detector 、water flow indicator13、洒水喷头head、sprinkler tip、sprinkle head14、消防联动控制器integrated fire control device15、火灾报警控制器fire alarm control equipment/unit16、火灾显示盘fire display panel17、点型感烟火灾探测器smoke point fire detector18、点型感温火灾探测器point (type)head fire detector19、手动火灾报警按钮hand fire alarm20、消防设备应急电源fire equipment emergency power21、防火阀fire damper22、排烟防火阀exhaust smoke fire damper23、消防排烟风机smoke exhaust fan灭火系统extinguisher system fire extinguisher system fire-fighting system24、二氧化碳灭火系统carbon dioxide extinguisher system25、七氟丙烷灭火系统heptafluoropropane / FM 200/HFC-227ea26、三氟甲烷灭火系统trichloromethane27、泡沫灭火系统foam extinguishing system28、干粉灭火系统dry chemical extinguishing system29、消防应急照明灯fire emergency illuminating light30、消防应急标志灯fire emergency marker light31、消防应急照明标志灯fire emergency32、消防安全标志fire protection safety sign/symbol33、手提式干粉灭火器hand-hold power-type fire extinguisher34、手提式水基型灭火器hand-hold35、手提式二氧化碳灭火器hand-hold36、推车式干粉灭火器wheeled/ transportable37、推车式水基型灭火器38、推车式二氧化碳灭火器1、火灾自动报警系统fire automatic alarm system2、自动喷淋系统automatic sprinkle system3、消火栓系统hydrant system4、气体灭火系统gas fire extinguishing system5、泡沫灭火系统foam extinguishing system6、防排烟系统smoke control system7、应急照明系统emergency illuminance system8、应急疏散指示系统emergency escape sign system9、应急消防广播系统emergency fire broadcast system10、灭火器fire extinguisherFire control fire protection。
消防标识牌英文翻译排烟风机Smoke extractor压力开关Pressure swifch湿式报警阀Wet alarm valve水力警铃Water motor alarm消火栓水泵Fire hydrant pump喷淋水泵Sprinkler pump送风机V entilator消防水泵控制柜请将转换开关保持在“自动”位置Fire fighting pump control cabinet喷淋水泵控制柜请将转换开关保持在“自动”位置Sprinkler pump control cabinet 常闭式防火门为了您的安全请保持关闭Normally closed type fireproof door Keep closed for your safety送风口Air-supply vent送风口严禁遮挡No cover消防中心闲人免入Fire Control CenterStaff Only消防水泵房闲人免入Fire Fighting Pump RoomStaff Only排烟口Smoke exhaust vent排烟口严禁遮挡No cover防火卷帘门下严禁堵塞Fireproof rolling shutter door Never jam 消防专用Used for fire fighting声光报警器Sound-light Alarm消防专用Used for fire fighting手动报警按钮Manual Warning Button火灾时请按下Press if when meet fire非紧急情况勿动Press in case of emergency灭火器使用方法How to use Fire-extinguisher取出灭火器Take out fire entmguisher拔掉保险销Pull out Safety pin一手握住压把When holding the pressure handle, please hold the nozzle and Jet on the root of the flame一手握住喷管对准火苗根部喷射(人站在上风)消防栓的使用方法How to use Fire-fighting Hydrant打开或击碎箱门,取出消防水带Open or break fire-fighting hydrantdoor and take out water pipe展开消防水带Spread the water pipe水带一头接到消防栓接口上Connect one side of water pipe to Fire-fighting Hydrant 另一头接上消防水枪Connect the other side to water gun另外一人打开消防栓上的水阀开头The other person opens the valve of fire-fighting hydrant对准火源根部,进行灭火Aim at fire's root to put out fire。
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Smoke extractor
Pressure swifch
Wet alarm valve
Water motor alarm
Fire hydrant pump
Sprinkler pump
请将转换开关保持在“自动”位置Fire fighting pump control cabinet
请将转换开关保持在“自动”位置Sprinkler pump control cabinet 常闭式防火门
为了您的安全请保持关闭Normally closed type fireproof door Keep closed for your safety
Air-supply vent
No cover
Fire Control Center
Staff Only
Fire Fighting Pump Room
Staff Only
Smoke exhaust vent
No cover
Fireproof rolling shutter door Never jam
Used for fire fighting
Sound-light Alarm
Used for fire fighting
Manual Warning Button
Press if when meet fire
Press in case of emergency
How to use Fire-extinguisher
Take out fire entmguisher
Pull out Safety pin
一手握住压把When holding the pressure handle, please hold the nozzle and Jet on the root of the flame
How to use Fire-fighting Hydrant
Open or break fire-fighting hydrant
door and take out water pipe
Spread the water pipe
Connect one side of water pipe to Fire-fighting Hydrant 另一头接上消防水枪
Connect the other side to water gun
The other person opens the valve of fire-fighting hydrant
Aim at fire's root to put out fire