


A.In a library.
B.In a hospital.
C.At a bank.
D.In a store.
(11~13/共15题)You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing [A]、[B]、[C] or [D]. You will hear each passage or conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet.
Where is the Bank of English created?
A.At the University of Buckingham.
B.At the Oxford University.
C.At the Cambridge University.
D.At the University of Birmingham.
C.The professor had chosen a mystery book for him instead.
D.The homework assignment isn´t clear.
What does the man mean?



四川省成都市2015级高中毕业班第三次诊断性检测理综试题物理试题一、选择题1. 下列四幅图涉及到不同的物理知识,其中说法正确的是()A. 卢瑟福通过分析甲图中的α粒子散射实验结果,提出了原子的核式结构模型B. 乙图表明:只要有光射到金属板上,就一定有光电子射出C. 丙图表示的是磁场对α、β和γ射线的作用情况,其中①是β射线,②是γ射线D. 丁图表示的核反应属于重核裂变,是人工无法控制的核反应【答案】A【解析】A、卢瑟福通过分析α粒子散射实验结果,提出了原子的核式结构模型,故A正确;B、乙图表明:只有入射光的频率大于金属板的极限频率时,才能发生光电效应,B错误;C、根据左手定则可得,图射线①是α粒子,而图线③是β粒子流,故C错误;D、图丁表示的核反应属于重核裂变,是人工可以控制的核反应,故D错误;故选A。

2. 2016年6月和8月,我国在西昌和酒泉卫星发射中心,分别发射了第二十三颗北斗导航卫星G7和世界首颗量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”。


关于在轨运行的这两颗卫星,下列说法正确的是()A. “墨子号”的运行速度大于7.9km/sB. 北斗G7的运行速度大于11.2km/sC. “墨子号”的运行周期比北斗G7大D. “墨子号”的向心加速度比北斗G7大【答案】D【解析】A、7.9km/s是绕地球表面运动的速度,是卫星的最大环绕速度,则“墨子号”的运行速度小于7.9km/s,故A错误;B、运行速度不能大于11.2 km/s,大于11.2km/s会脱离地球引力的束缚,成为绕太阳运行的人造行星,或成为其他行星的卫星,故B错误;D、根据可知,轨道半径小的量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”的向心加速度比北斗G7大,故D正确;故选D。








在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合要求的选项字母代号选出,填涂在答题卡上)1.胃中等充盈程度时大部分位于A.脐区B.左季肋区C.右季肋区D.腹上区2.衬于心内表面的上皮属于A.单层扁平上皮B.单层立方上皮C.单层柱状上皮D.变移上皮3.关于成熟红细胞的叙述,错误的是A.为双面凸的圆盘状B.无细胞核C.细胞质内充满血红蛋白D.寿命120天左右4.人体运动幅度最大、最灵活的关节是A.髋关节B.膝关节C.肘关节D.肩关节5.与第二肋平对的是A.颈静脉切迹B.胸骨角C.肋弓D.剑突6.分泌盐酸的是A.贲门腺B.幽门腺C.胃底腺D.肠腺7.胆总管和胰管的共同开口位于A.十二指肠上部B.十二指肠降部C.十二指肠水平部D.十二指肠升部8.肺通气的原动力是A.肺内压与大气压之差B.呼吸运动C.胸膜腔负压D.肺通气的阻力9.硬膜外隙位于A.硬脊膜与椎管内骨膜之间的狭窄腔隙B.硬脑膜与颅骨内面之间的狭窄腔隙C.硬脊膜与蛛网膜之间的狭窄腔隙D.硬脑膜与蛛网膜之间的狭窄腔隙10.位于右房室口的是A.二尖瓣B.三尖瓣C.主动脉瓣D.肺动脉瓣11.患者伸舌偏向右侧,说明损伤了A.舌咽神经B.三叉神经C.面神经D.舌下神经12.喉腔最狭窄的部位是A.咽峡B.喉口C.前庭裂D.声门裂13.正常情况下影响终尿量的关键因素是A.肾小球滤过率B.必需重吸收C.调节重吸收D.集合管的分泌14.关于甲状腺激素生理作用的叙述,错误的是A.生理剂量能促进蛋白质的合成B.升高血糖的作用较强C.影响脑的发育D.对脂肪的作用合成大于分解15.不含有消化酶的消化液是A.小肠液B.胃液C.胆汁D.胰液16.机体功能最主要的调节方式是A.神经调节B.自身调节C.体液调节D.反馈17.临床上用冰帽、冰袋降温依据的原理是A.蒸发B.辐射C.对流D.传导18. 正常生理状态下,心肌细胞收缩性的特点不包括A.对细胞外液钠离子浓度依赖性大B.不发生强直收缩C.同步收缩D.同步兴奋19.关于远视的说法,错误的是A.眼球前后径过短B.晶状体折光力过强C.物像成于视网膜之后D.矫正方法是配戴适宜的凸透镜20.关于胸膜腔负压的说法,错误的是A.降低胸导管内压力B.由肺的回缩力造成C.有利于淋巴液的回流D.吸气时胸膜腔负压的绝对值减小21.关于交叉配血试验的说法,正确的是A.供血者的红细胞与受血者的血清相混合是次侧试验B.受血者的红细胞与供血者的血清相混合是主侧试验C.主侧凝集次侧凝集为配血不合D.主侧凝集次侧不凝集为配血基本相合22.腺垂体不能分泌的激素是A.生长激素B.抗利尿激素C.催乳素D.卵泡刺激素23.细胞兴奋的标志是A.静息电位B.舒张反应C.收缩反应D.动作电位24.关于心源性休克的描述,错误的是A.心脏泵血功能减弱B.心输出量增加C.有效循环血量减少D.可见于心肌梗死25.关于细菌荚膜的说法,错误的是A.与其致病性有关B.具有免疫原性C.多由蛋白质构成D.具有抗干燥作用26.最常见的栓塞类型是A.血栓栓塞B.脂肪栓塞C.空气栓塞D.羊水栓塞27.化脓性炎渗出物中的主要成分是A.红细胞B.中性粒细胞C.纤维素D.清蛋白28.癌主要的转移方式是A.淋巴道转移B.血道转移C.种植性转移D.直接蔓延29.关于慢性肺淤血的描述,错误的是A.肺体积增大,重量增加B.肺颜色暗红,质地变实C.肺泡壁毛细血管和小静脉高度扩张充血D.常见于右心衰竭30.药物的副作用是A.药物发挥治疗作用时产生的不良后果B.治疗量时出现的与治疗目的无关的作用C.用药剂量过大引起的损害反应D.治疗量时引起的变态反应31.动脉粥样硬化的复合性病变不包括A.斑块破裂B.斑块内出血C.钙化D.淤血性硬化32.下列可引起骨、关节病变的药物是A.青霉素类B.喹诺酮类C.头孢菌素类D.氨基糖苷类33.抢救过敏性休克的首选药物是A.阿托品B.糖皮质激素C.肾上腺素D.麻黄碱34.体内、外均有抗凝血作用的药物是A.肝素B.华法林C.枸橼酸钠D.维生素K35.利多卡因一般不用于A.表面麻醉B.传导麻醉C.硬膜外麻醉D.蛛网膜下腔麻醉36.下列抗高血压药物,属于β受体阻断药的是A.普萘洛尔B.硝苯地平C.氢氯噻嗪D.卡托普利37.阿司匹林的作用不包括A.解热镇痛B.抗炎抗风湿C.增强抗凝血酶Ⅲ的活性D.抑制血栓形成38.动物免疫血清属于A.异种抗原B.异嗜性抗原C.同种异型抗原D.异体抗原39.能激活补体旁路途径的物质是A.抗原B.抗原-抗体复合物C.脂多糖D.抗体40.血清中含量最少的免疫球蛋白是A.IgGB. IgMC.IgAD. IgE41.关于乙型肝炎病毒的说法,错误的是A.大球形颗粒具有双层衣壳B.潜伏期血液不具有传染性C.抗-HBc为非保护性抗体D.抗-HBe对机体有一定的保护作用42.肺源性心脏病失代偿期最突出的表现是A.呼吸衰竭B.心力衰竭C.颈静脉怒张D.腹水43.下列关于人工被动免疫的说法,错误的是A.产生免疫力快B.免疫效果维持时间较短C.输入的物质是类毒素D.主要用于治疗或紧急预防44.脑出血最常见的病因是A.高血压B.情绪激动C.先天性动脉瘤D.血液病45.慢性支气管炎急性加重期的治疗原则不包括A.控制感染B.解痉平喘C.加强体育锻炼D.维持呼吸道通畅46.关于妊高症子痫患者的治疗要点,错误的是A.解痉镇静B.合理扩容和利尿C.防止并发症D.无需终止妊娠47.子宫内膜癌最常见的症状是A.阴道排液B.疼痛C.阴道流血D.白带增多48.对围绝经期功血患者的处理要点,错误的是A.止血B.调整周期C.促进排卵D.防止癌变49.不需要特殊治疗的气胸是A.伤侧肺萎缩10%的闭合性气胸B.开放性气胸C.张力性气胸D.高压性气胸50.下列一般不引起腹膜刺激征的疾病是A.外伤性肠破裂B.急性化脓性阑尾炎C.胃炎绞窄性肠梗阻卷二(非选择题,共100分)二、简答题(本大题9个小题,共65分)1、(本小题7分)写出图中各数字所指部位的名称。

成都市2015届高中毕业班第三次诊断性检测 英语答案

成都市2015届高中毕业班第三次诊断性检测 英语答案

英语 三诊 参考答案第1㊀页(共3页)成都市2015届高中毕业班第三次诊断性检测英语试题参考答案及评分标准单项选择1~5D B C D A㊀㊀㊀㊀6~10A B D C A 评分标准:第1~10题,每题1分㊂完形填空11~15A D D C B ㊀16~20C A B A C ㊀21~25D B A D C ㊀26~30B A C A D 评分标准:第11~30题,每题1.5分㊂阅读理解31~35A D B D C ㊀36~40A D B C A㊀41~45C C B A D㊀46~50A C D A B 评分标准:第31~50题,每题2分㊂对话理解51~55G F B A D评分标准:第51~55题,每题2分㊂阅读表达56.T h e i r d i f f e r e n t g r o w i n g -u p /l i v i n g b a c k g r o u n d /s i t u a t i o n .57.A f t e r a n o t h e r b a b yi s b o r n /W h e n t h e t h i r d i s b o r n .58.B e c a u s e t h e y h a v em o r e o n e -o n -o n e t i m ew i t h p a r e n t s .59.B y l e a r n i n g f r o mt h e i r b i g g e r /o l d e r s i b l i n gs .60.C h i l d r e n s e e k i n g/w h o s e e km o r e a t t e n t i o n f r o m p a r e n t s .评分标准:(1)意义达成㊁结构完整㊁无拼写错误,每题2分;(2)意义达成㊁结构不完整或有些许拼写错误,每题1分;(3)仅写出有关单词而未能达成意义,均不给分㊂短文改错T h e o t h e r d a y ,m y f r i e n d s a n d I t a l k e d t o a b o u t /o f t h e r u l e s t h a tw eh a v e i n s c h o o l .A t o u r s c h o o l ,w eh a d h a v e t ow e a r t h e s c h o o l u n i f o r m s e v e r y d a y ,o r a n d /b u t t h e p r o b l e mi s t h a t a l l m y c l a s s m a t e s f e e l t h eu n i f o r m s a r e u g l y .W e t h i n k t h a t y o u n gp e o pl e s h o u l d l o o k l i k e \s m a r t a n d y o u w e w o u l d l i k e t ow e a r o u r o w n c l o t h e s .O u r t e a c h e r s b e l i e v e t h a t i fw e d o i t ,w ew i l l c o n c e n t r a t e m u c h m o r e /m u c h 后加m o r e o no u rc l o t h e s t h a no u rs t u d i e s .B u tw ed i s a g r e e .W e w i l l f e e lm o r ec o m f o r t a b l y c o m f o r t a b l e i fw ew e a ro u ro w nc l o t h e s .I fw ec a n td oi t ,w es h o u l db e a l l o w i n g a l l o w e d t o d e s i g n o u r o w nu n i f o r m s .T h a t c o u l d b eɡa g o o d s o l u t i o n t o t h i s p r o b l e m s p r o b l e m .评分标准:每改对一个给1.5分㊂有任何错误,包括用词错误㊁单词拼写(含大小写)错误或语法形式错误,或答案改在对应词的上面,均不给分㊂书面表达一㊁评分原则1.本题总分为35分,按5个档次给分㊂2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分㊂3.词数少于100的,从总分中减去2分㊂4.评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点㊁应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上㊁下文的连贯性㊂5.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面㊂评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑㊂英㊁美拼写及词汇用法均可接受㊂6.如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次㊂二㊁各档次给分范围和要求第五档:(29~35分)完全完成了试题规定的任务㊂覆盖所有内容要点㊂应用了较多的语法结构和词汇㊂语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽量使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言应用能力㊂有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑㊂完全达到了预期的写作目的㊂第四档:(22~28分)完成了试题规定的任务㊂虽漏掉一两个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容㊂应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求㊂语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致㊂应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文结构紧凑㊂达到了预期的写作目的㊂第三档:(15~21分)基本完成了试题规定的任务㊂虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容㊂应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求㊂有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解㊂应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容连贯㊂整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的㊂第二档:(8~14分)未恰当完成试题规定的任务㊂漏掉或未描述清楚 些主要内容,写了 些无关内容㊂语法结构单调,词汇项目有限㊂有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解㊂较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性㊂信息未能清楚地传达给读者㊂第一档:(1~7分)未完成试题规定的任务㊂明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求㊂英语 三诊 参考答案第2㊀页(共3页)语法结构单调,词汇项目有限㊂较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解㊂缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯㊂信息未能传达给读者㊂0分㊀未能传达给读者任何信息:内容太少,无法评判:写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清㊂三㊁内容要点认定及计分参考标准1.学校最近规定:在校期间禁止学生到校外就餐(说明清楚㊁表达正确,计7分);2.学校制定此规定的理由(阐述清楚㊁表达正确,计8分);3.同学们对此规定的反应(阐述清楚㊁表达正确,计5分);4.学生如此反应的理由(阐述清楚㊁表达正确,计8分);5.你对此规定的看法(阐述清楚㊁表达正确,计7分)㊂四㊁扣分参考依据1.其表达未能达成正确句意的,不给分,如:写出了主语或谓语等关键词,但未能达成符合要点要求㊁意义正确的句子;2.句子结构完整㊁但关键点出现错误或漏掉部分关键词,扣半个要点分,如:主谓一致错误,或关键词拼写错误(如主语,关键性名词等),或谓语动词时态/语态错误等;3.凡使用铅笔答题㊁或答题中使用了涂改液或不干胶条,一律不给分;4.凡多次出现非关键性单词拼写错误或其它同类错误,原则上每4处扣1分;5.文章内容要点全面,但写出了一些多余内容(连接或过渡词句不在此列),原则上不扣分;6.凡书写超出规定的答题区域,全卷不给分;7.书写潦草凌乱㊁但基本不影响阅卷的,酌情扣卷面分1~2分㊂五㊁O n e p o s s i b l e v e r s i o nD e a r e d i t o r,I m w r i t i n g t o t a l ka b o u t o u r s c h o o l sn e wr u l e t h a t a l l s t u d e n t s a r e f o r b i d d e n t oe a t o u t d u r i n g s c h o o l d a y s.T h e s c h o o ls a y s,f o ro n et h i n g,t h ef o o do u t s i d et h ec a m p u s i s n th e a l t h y a n di t s s a f e t y c a n t b e g u a r a n t e e d,a n df o ra n o t h e r,i f s t u d e n t sh a v em e a l s i nt h ec a n t e e n,t h e y m a y s a v em o n e y b e c a u s e t h e f o o d t h e r e i s c h e a p e r.H o w e v e r,s o m e s t u d e n t s a r e a g a i n s t t h e r u l e f o r t w o r e a s o n s.F i r s t,t h e y d i s l i k e t h e f o o d i nt h ec a n t e e nb e c a u s eo f i t s p o o r q u a l i t y.I na d d i t i o n,t h es c h o o l s e e m st ot r y t o m a k em o r em o n e y i f a l l s t u d e n t s a r e f o r c e d t oh a v e e v e r y m e a l i n s c h o o l.P e r s o n a l l y,t om a k em o r e s t u d e n t sh a v em e a l s i n s i d e t h e c a m p u s,t h e s c h o o l s h o u l d m a k e t h e f o o d t a s t en i c e r a n do f f e r t h e ma l a r g e r v a r i e t y o f f o o d,t o o.(129w o r d s)B e s tw i s h e s!Y o u r s,L i P i n g英语 三诊 参考答案第3㊀页(共3页)。



联立解得线圈产生的焦耳热:Q线 = 51m2(v20 -v2 +2gBRLq) (其他合理解法,参照给分)
理科综合“三诊”参考答案第 2 页(共6页)
(1)2NO2(g)+4CO(g)���������������4CO2(g)+N2(g) ΔH =-868������8kJ������mol-1(2分) (2)① 4×10-4 mol/ (L������min)(2分)
2 k
(1 分 )
23.(9 分 )
(1)2.25B –0.3(3分.其它合理表达式参照给分)
内接得2分) ②0.8(3分)
解:(1)A、B 碰后一起向右做匀减速直线运动
由牛顿第二定律有:μ(m+m)g=(m+m)a 由运动学规律有:v共 =at
②体系内气体颜色不再改变 (1分,其它合理也给分)
n(NO2) ③n(CO)=
1 2

NO2与 CO 扣1分)
(3)① E(A)(1分) ② 低 于 300℃,反 应 未 达 到 平 衡,温 度 升 高,反 应 速 率 加 快;高 于
300℃ ,反 应 已 平 衡 ,随 温 度 升 高 ,反 应 逆 向 进 行 (2 分 )
(1)500℃(2分) 温度过高,NH4Cl分解导致与 MnCO3 的 反 应 不 彻 底,使 浸 取 率 减 小 (或 MnCO3 分解发生其它副反应,使浸取率减小或 MnCl2 挥发导致 Mn损失或高温下 锰 被 氧 化 成 高 价 态 造 成 浸 取 率 低 或 高 温 固 体 烧 结 ,固 体 表 面 积 减 少 等 )(2 分 ,其 它 合 理



2015年3月公共英语二级真题及答案第一部分听力 1-20略第二部分英语知识运用第一节单项填空从A、B、C、D.四个选项中,选出可以填空白处的最佳选项。

21.We hurried to__________station,hoping to catch__________8:15 train to New York.A./;allB.the;/C.a;anD.the;the22.The hospital agreed to give care free of charge to__________with low incomes.A.thoseB.themC.theseD.ones23.It’s about time we got the kitchen__________.A.repaintB.repaintedC.repaintingD.to repaint24.-Has tom finished his experiment today?-No idea.He__________it this morning.A.is doingB.was doingC.had doneD.has done25.I__________admit the plan is a limited one and is not as successful as we thought.A.canB.mayC.needD.must26.Morn was busy cooking in the kitchen__________Dad was watching TV comfortably.A.whileB.soC.sinceD.though27.I don’t need any help,Polly,but it was nice of you to__________.A.demandB.promiseC.offerD.present28.If they wanted to go out,they could always__________me to stay with the baby.A.believe inB.count on afterD.hear from29.She prepared__________good iileals for the family that nO one ever thought of going out to eat.A.soB.suchC.evenD.ever30.sometimes he would make himself__________in the kitchen by cleaning and tidying.A.beautifulB.wonderfulefulD.careful31.I phoned him twice and__________messages,but he never returned my call.A.keptB.droppedC.receivedD.left32.Please keme fully informed__________any progress in the plan.A.forB.withC.onD.of33.All mobile phones must be turned off from when the aircraft doors areclosed__________the doors open again on arrival.A.untilB.unlessC.beforeD.when34.Shall we eat Italian food tonight?-__________.A.Yes,that’S all rightB.Never mindC.Yes,good ideaD.You’re welcome35.The furniture__________on Friday,so until then we’11 have to sit on the floor.A.is being deliveredB.was deliveredC.has been deliveredD.had been delivered参考答案21.【D】【精析】句意:我们匆忙地赶往车站,希望赶上8:15开往纽约的火车。

全国公共英语考试PETS2 2015年3月真题

全国公共英语考试PETS2   2015年3月真题


26. --May I come in?--________.What can I do for you?A.I'm not sureB.No,thank youC.Yes,please27.Morgan wanted to show her father that she could take care________a horse.A.forB.ofC.about28.The man over there under the tree is________teacher.A.Peter and Bob'sB.Peter and BobC.Peter's and Bob's29.David is still in high school.When he________,he wants to go to college.A.EndsB.stopsC.finishes30.The Browns spent________holidays in the country last summer.A.TheirB.HisC.her31.She goes to the same school________my brother.A.likeB.AsC.than32.Seven years have passed by _______ we last met.A.WhileB.SinceC.Until33.Some of the apples in the basket have gone________Throw them away!A.illB.wrongC.bad34.Mr.Watson asked the students to________their homework.A.hand inB.fill inC.get in35.More and more people are using the Internetthings.A.buyB.to buyC.bought36.James ate a big meal________he said he wasn't hungry.A.ifB.ThoughC.because37.Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as________as the nurses.A.muchB.moreC.most38.He'll give you a call as soon as he.A.is arrivingB.will arriveC.arrives39.He raised his voice in order to make himself________by more people.A.HeardB.HearingC.hear40.She________South America at the age of15and has never returned.A.leavesB.leftC.has left第二节完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A.、B.、C.三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



成都市2015届高中毕业班第三次诊断性检测1.C2.D3. C4. B5.A6.B7.C8.D9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 1.控制烟草,消灭烟草的危害是当今社会文明发展的必然趋势。














例:0. How much is the shirt?[A] £19.15.[B] £9.18.[C] £9.15.请看选项:衬衫的价格为9镑15便士,所以你选择[C]项,并在试卷上将其标出。


1. What can we conclude from the woman’s reply?[A] She thinks John is joking.[B] She is sure John is selling his shop.[C] She thinks John likes business.【答案】B【解析】录音中男士对女士说“约翰昨天说他打算卖掉他的店铺,他不是在开玩笑吧”,女士回答说“不,我不知道他对我说过多少遍了,他希望自己学了一些专业技能,而不是去经商了”。



【录音原文】M: John said yesterday he was planning to sell his shop. Wasn’t he joking? W: No. I don’t know how many times he said he wished he had studied for some profession instead of going into business.2. What does the man mean?[A] The new teacher is sick.[B] He hasn’t met the teacher yet.[C] He didn’t like the teacher.【答案】B【解析】录音中女士问男士昨天有没有见到那位新老师,男士回答说“我已经生病三天了”,即他没有见到那位新老师。



2015年3月全国英语等级考试(PETS)三级笔试真题及详解笔试时间:120分钟SECTION I Listening ComprehensionDirections:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part ADirections: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer—A, B, Cor D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answerthe question and you will hear each dialogue only once.1. What does the woman mean?[A] She prefers the artists she has studied.[B] She hopes they will take some of the paintings away.[C] She hasn’t gone to see the exhibits yet.[D] She doesn’t want to describe the exhibit.【答案】C【解析】录音中男士问女士觉得艺术画廊的新展览怎么样,女士回答说她还没有从学习中抽出任何时间,即她还没有来得及去看这个展览。







1. Why has the man moved to New York?A. To receive education.B. To work there.C. To look after his parents.2. Which of the following channels does the man like best?A. Movie channel.B. Fashion channel.C. Sports channel.3. What is the man doing now?A. Making the work plan.B. Buying something for office.C. Arranging his schedule.4. What's the relationship between the two speakers?A. Boss and employee.B. Mum and son.C. Teacher and student.5. How was the weather last week?A. Windy.B. Sunny.C. Foggy.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What do the two speakers talk about?A. A film star.B. An interesting movie.C. A book.7. When did Dennis Hopper begin his career?A. When he was 9 years old.B. When he was 13 years old.C. When he was 19 years old.听第7段材料,回答第8至第9两个小题。



2015年山东省普通高校(春季)考试英语试题卷一(选择题, 共50分)一、英语知识运用(本题30个小题,每小题1分,共计30分)I. ----Hi, Tom. ?---- Fine, thanks. And you?A. How are youB. How do you doC. What are you doingD. Who are you2. ----What’s the young lady like at the school gate?---- .A. She is a teacherB. She is 18C. She is beautifulD. She is a friend of mine3. The more you practice, you will be.A. betterB. bestC. the bestD. the better4. ---- Oh! We’ve just missed the 7 o’clock bus·---- . The next bus will come in half an hour.A. Excuse meB. Don’t worryC. Have funD. With pleasure5. It’s very cold outside. You’d better your coat.A. have onB. wearC. put onD. dress6. ---- May I look at your new camera?---- . Here you are. My mother bought it for me last week·A. Of courseB. Good ideaC. Thank youD. I’m sorry7. ---- Please send my Christmas to your grandparents.---- I will. Thank you.A. greetB. greetingC. greetingsD. greets8. ---- Don’t too late, or you will feel tired in class tomorrow.---- I won’t, Mom.A. stay upB. put upC. wake upD. pick up9. ---- Can you help me carry the box upstairs?---- .A. Thanks a lotB. With pleasureC. You’d better notD. Yes, please10. ---- First let me introduce myself. I’m Bill Cart from Canada.---- .A. I’m very sorryB. Nice to meet youC. It’s a pleasureD. Nothing special11. ---- Could you tell me the way the post office?---- Walk straight ahead and turn left at the first crossing.A. forB. onC. atD. to12. ---- Have you ever been to the Great Wall?---- Yes. I there last year.A. wentB. have goneC. have beenD. go13. ---- Are you ready to order, sir?----- .A. Not at allB. Yes, sit down pleaseC. Sorry, I have no timeD. Yes, a sandwich and a beef14. ---- useful advice the teacher gave us!---- Yes, it has helped us a lot.A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a15. you have dreams, something nice will happen.A. UnlessB. As long asC. AlthoughD. As if16. ---- Lovely weather, isn’t it? How about playing football with us?---- . But thanks anyway.A. All rightB. Sorry, I can’tC. That sounds greatD. Don’t mention it17. He doesn’t know he should accept his friend’s suggestion or not.A. thatB. whatC. whetherD. if18. ---- I’m sorry, I forgot to bring your book.---- .A. No, thanksB. My pleasureC. It doesn’t matterD. I’d love to19. ---- I’ve got high marks in English exam.----Well done, Lily. Your parents must be with you.A. satisfyB. satisfiedC. satisfyingD. satisfaction20. ---- The weather report says there will be a storm tomorrow.---- . I planned to go climbing with my classmates.A. What a pity!B. I’m afraid so.C. Sounds good.D. I hope so21. ---- How much should I for this dictionary?---- 120 yuan.A. costB. take C spend D. pay22. Computers in our daily life nowadays.A. will useB. are usedC. have usedD. were used23. ---- Mary, what about the fried chicken?---- It tastes nice, it’s bad for you to eat too much.A. butB. and C or D. so24. ---- Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?---- . I prefer milk.A. BothB. EitherC. NoneD. Neither25. ---- Mr. Wang isn’t a teacher, is he?---- . He’s taught in our school for 5 years.A. No, he isB. No. he isn’tC. Yes, he isD. Yes, he isn’t26. On weekends, everything in this supermarket is sold at a 5%.A. payB. saleC. accountD. discount27. ---- Do you know where the sales department is?---- It’s on floor.A. nineB. ninthC. the ninthD. a ninth28. Everybody should do something to save water, for it is in the world.A. uselessB. limitedC. rich D convenient29. ---- Is this the school your best friend is studying?---- Yes, it’s a famous school in our country.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. whose30. ---- Congratulations! You have won the first prize in the English contest.---- .A. Enjoy yourself.B. Thank youC. Good ideaD. Good luck二、阅读理解(本题10个小题,每小题2分,共20分)AEveryone has a dream. No matter whether your dream comes true, you’ll never31. What is Li Ming’s dream?A. To invent a language machine.B. To visit the moon.C. To be a doctor.D. To be a news reporter.32. Whose dream is to invent a machine?A. Wu DongB. Wang HaoC. JomaD. Wei Hua33. People in Tibet can get to Beijing in about 48 hours now.A. by trainB. by busC. by planeD. by ship34. Which statement is NOT true?A. Li Ming is studying English in LondonB. Wei Hua comes from Tibet.C. Wu Dong likes traveling.D. Joma wants to go to Beijing.35. The topic of the passage should be ““.A. A DoctorB. My DreamC. An English TeacherD. Introduce YourselfBMore and more people like cycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that’s why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighborhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can cycle to work and benefit from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You don’t even have to ride all the way.Folding (折叠式) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.Health Benefits of Cycling:●It helps to prevent heart diseases.●It helps to control your weight.●It can improve your mood.●It is healthier than driving.36. From the passage, we know that cycling is becoming very .A. surprisingB. boringC. popularD. expensive37. When you are riding your bicycle around your neighborhood, you can .A. pollute the environment aroundB. find something you didn’t noticeC. find it difficult to park your bikeD. not benefit from cycling38. If you travel with a folding bike, it can .A. be carried onto an airplane if permittedB. be taken onto a trainC. be packed in a suitcaseD. all the above39. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Cycling can help to protect the environment.B. Cycling can improve your mood.C. Safety rules of Cycling.D. You may lose weight by cycling.40. The writer wants to tell us .A. we should cycle more instead of driving carsB. driving cars is healthier than riding bikesC. riding a bike pollutes your neighborhoodD. common bikes are welcomed by all airlines卷二(非选择题,共30分)三、根据情景内容补全对话(本题10个空,每空只填一词,每词1分,共10分)41. ---- May I have your ?---- Just call me John。



2015年3月28日星期六职称英语答案西部教育提供综合A:1accept 2.talent 3.refusal 4.brave 5.deadly 6.tempt 7.clear 8.d isorder 9.die 10coexisting 11.c综合A(代码12)完型:51-55:21144 56-60:22424 61-65:12313综合B 代码211-10 22131 34134,11-20 32211 1421321-30 13234 15132,31-40 43214 1422341-50 23442 32142,51-60 43241 2431161-65 1324综合C代码321-10,34214,14443 11-20,14323,11231。




51-65,32323,12112,11214理工A 代码13理工B代码21答案1.the organized +brave2. I will not +accept3. I realized +fear4. Most people +refusal5. She’s extremely+hardworking6.The doctors+disclose7. He tried+gather8. The law +punishment9. Prisoners+terrible10.These product + A poorer than11. The political +worsened12. There was +co existing13. They’re fetitioning+requesting14. He said+unkind15.We we re+tempt16. perera+wrong 17. the man+ wrong18.nonsmoking+wrong19. the blood +not mentioned 20 .kids +not mentioned 21.the women+right 22 .traffic +right.23 B artificial 24 D function 25 C popularity 26 F i mprovement 27 the new systemE +current 28 the new systemis+B machine 29when+ C information 30 the new system was+D document :31.what is +importance 32. which of +D it is decreasing 33 what is + there 34.what does +they have 35.it can +there is36 what does +wome n 37 giussani +babies 38 it can be+the finding 39 the results+reduct ion 40 it can be learn +highattitude41.what is +farmers 42. functio n+a change 43.what does+higher profits 44. how do+they guy 45. the fu ll-sun+air理工B,补全短文46.B the city trying47.E now the city48.A soon,their49.D the mutal50.this striking完形填空51.people can`t+tell 52.was having++trouble53.was not++pose r`s brains++work55.they take++out56.what is++left57.cope built++huge58.;it++bined the++piec es60.it could++collect61.The++ed the++ones63.a great++suc cess64.knew exactly++how65.her music++so卫生A。



龙岩市一级达标校2014 ~ 2015学年高三毕业班联合考试英语试题(考试时间:120分钟满分:150分)第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。




1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In a shop.C. In a bank.2. Whom does the man want to talk to?A. Shirley.B. Peter.C. The woman.3. What’s the time now?A. It’s 6:50.B. It’s 7:10.C. It’s 7:30.4. Why does Jack stop playing sports now?A. He is too busy.B. He has lost the interest.C. The training is too hard.5. How does the man feel about the news?A. Happy.B. Anxious.C. Unconcerned.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。




6. What is Josh’s problem?A. He dislikes the new university.B. He hasn’t made any friends yet.C. He’ll move to another city soon.7. Why does the woman have many friends?A. She always does something special.B. She minds her appearance at all times.C. She cares about other people’s feelings.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。











1. --- I haven’t seen the new film X-Men: Days of Future Past yet.---_____! It’s about saving the future of mankind. Well wor th watching.A. CongratulationsB. Well doneC. You miss the pointD. What a shame2. LeBron James described the difficulty he had making himself______ as a professional NBA basketball player.A . to be accepted B. accepted C. accept D. accepting3.Football, _______ has a major effect on Brazilian culture, was introduced to Brazil in 1894.A . where B. when C. which D. that4. – I went to the Australia Embassy yesterday to apply for a visa.--Oh, you _____ that because you can apply on line.A. don’t need to doB. mustn’t doC. can’t have doneD. needn’t have done5. Charging drivers more money to park will probably work because the traffic jams ______ many cities recently.A . have been troubling B. troubled C. had troubled D. was troubling6. Poachers kill antelopes for huge profits, ___ the extinction of the endangered species.A. speeding upB. to speed upC. having sped upD. speed up7. The final event of the Olympics is ______ we call marathon, a sport from Ancient Greece.A .that B. what C. which D. why8. Although I had been told about all these exciting activities, I still felt upset as I experienced ____ of them.A. nothingB. neitherC. no oneD. none9. ______ his career as a painter began at the age of 13, Picasso had received formal art training from his father. After B. Unless C. Before D. While10. They had a spare room, so they agreed to ___ the two travelers for a night.A. put upB. take upC. call upD. pick up第二节完形填空(共20个小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。







Play00:00…Volume第1题What can we conclude from the woman´s reply?A.She thinks John is joking.B.She is sure John is selling his shop.C.She thinks John likes business.第2题What does the man mean?A.The new teacher is sick.B.He hasn´t met the teacher yet.C.He didn´t like the teacher.第3题What time is it now?A.7:55B.7:05C.8:05第4题What does the woman mean?A.She thinks they shouldn´t go to French restaurants.B.She´s recommending a good place to go for dinner.C.She is inviting them to dinner.第5题Which of the following can we know from the dialogue?A.The woman is going to have a trip this summer vacation.B.The woman is going to stay at home this summer vacation.C.The woman hasn´t decided how to spend the summer vacation.下一题(6~7/共15题)对话二听下面每段对话或独白。



2015年3月英语高级口译第一阶段笔试真题及答案解析2015年3月英语高级口译第一阶段笔试真题及答案解析(1~20/共20题)Part A Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.Play00:0003:01VolumeGlobal warming? You may accept or reject those who say it is a dangerous phenomenon. But if the planet is warming, and humanity is contributing to it, shouldn′t someone be__1__? If the Earth is, in fact, engaged in a long-term warming cycle? And if humanity is partly responsible —__2__?Possible solutions to global warming range from the simple to the complex, from changing__3__to engineering giant reflectors in space. The most talked about solutions involve expanded use of__4__, and less reliance on fossil fuels.Volcanoes, forest fires, ocean and atmospheric variability are __5__that change climate conditions. Might nature correct the warming trend itself? Climate scientists say that it seems very unlikely. __6__. Science gives us likelihood. We think that it′s likely that__7__of th e last few decades isn′t due to the usual causes such as changes__8__, changes in the sun, volcanoes, but it′s due primarily to humans__9__.John Topping of the nonprofit Climate Institute says it will be __10__, not governments, coming up with solutions. He argues that we need to__11__in the direction of emerging clean energytechnologies and part of that′s going to happen because we, as consumers, step forward and we are conscious__12__to get more energy-efficient products. Higher gas prices are making __13__more attractive to consumers. Building and home constructions are becoming more energy efficient. Climate change is__14__. But climate change also provides an opportunity for countries__15__, and the only way to advance much globally, is to look at approaches that protect the environment at the same time that they__16__.Wider application of renewable energy resources could reduce greenhouse gases and__17__. Some scientists are suggesting grander solutions, involving__18__: building huge sunshades in space, for example, tinkering with clouds to make them __19__, perhaps tricking oceans into soaking up __20__.第1题第2题第3题第4题第5题第6题第7题第8题第9题第10题第11题第12题第13题第14题第15题第16题第18题第19题第20题下一题(21~25/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0003:44Volume第21题A.Quitting drinking.B.Treating drug addiction.C.Getting rid of smoking.D.Hypnotizing for medical purposes.第22题A.Four.B.Five.C.Six.D.Unknown.第23题A.Acupuncture.B.Hypnotization.C.Psychotherapy.D.Physiotherapy.A.She lives with her husband and two daughters.B.She has been married for just a couple of years.C.She′s a full-time housewife with no kids.D.She′s a single mother with a 12-year-old son.第25题A.Three.B.Two.C.One.D.Half a year.上一题下一题(26~30/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0006:08Volume第26题A.0.4%.B.0.7%.C.1.1%.D.1.7%.第27题A.$8 billion.B.$18 billion.C.Over 90%.D.Three-quarters.第28题A.Start afresh an era for a vibrant auto production base in Australia.B.Reduce the costs to make Australia an attractive auto-making base.C.Cut 2500 jobs in its Australian plants before the end of this year.D.Stop making cars and engines in Australia by the end of 2017.第29题A.Its jobless rate is 12 % at present.B.1. 38 million people are officially jobless.C.The number of people out of work is 1. 9 million.D.Its unemployment rate is expected to drop further.第30题A.She drove the wrong way on freeways and caused an accident.B.She ran down six people in drunk driving on a "girls′ night out".C.She did killing under the influence of alcohol and drugs.D.She got involved in a horrific drug crime in Los Angeles.上一题下一题(31~35/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWERBOOKLET.Play00:0005:14Volume第31题A.In his early childhood.B.In late 1965.C.In the early ′90s.D.In the 21st century.第32题A.The boy had sold one of his paintings.B.The boy had found a special training method.C.The boy could give his father an art lesson.D.The boy could draw better than his father.第33题A.He learnt a variety of artistic styles and created one of his own.B.He copied paintings of different artistic styles by way of tracing.C.He taught himself painting using methods that are different from others′.D.He had been tutored by an artist when he was only four years old.第34题A.She was a commercial artist all her life.B.She was constantly creating something.C.She was not as encouraging as her husband.D.She outlived her husband for five years.第35题A.Working with a grocery store.B.Cooking pizza.C.Acting in a drama.D.Editing a newspaper.上一题下一题(36~40/共20题)Part B Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0004:36Volume第36题A.Globalization and exporting activities.B.Different types of overseas markets.C.Different relationships between export and import.D.The transition from export marketing to global marketing.第37题A.The overall investment costs are low.B.It is common to use agents, but not distributers.C.All sales centers are in home markets.D.Management is centered on the overseas base.第38题A.The investment is not so high as export marketing.B.There is much more employment of home management.C.Production has expanded to overseas markets.D.Local management is not responsible for making a profit.第39题A.The business is established in all major world markets.B.The brand name or names are international.C.The business has a global identity.D.The business has cost centers all over the world.第40题A.Export marketing.B.International marketing.C.Global marketing.D.It′s not mentioned in the talk.上一题下一题(41~45/共20题)SECTION 2 READING TESTDirections: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write tile letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Since a gigantic Sainsbury is my local corner shop, I have a purseful of those coupons: "Here′s £l. 45 off your next visit", etc. But lately I′ve felt 1 deserve another voucher: "Here′s a tax rebate on the cash you pay our low-paid workers so they can subsist. " The chances are they couldn′t get by without you. A survey of Sainsbury employees by Unite last year found that 60% relied upon government working tax credits to top up their salaries. Even so, in the previous six months, a third had resorted to borrowing money to settle their bills. Low pay is always seen as a leftie, bleeding-heart issue. Poor oppressed workers. Aux barricades! Rather it should raise the blood pressure of every taxpayer.The constant conniptions of supermarkets competing formarket share, discounting their rivals, fighting off the German upstarts Aldi and Lidl, distract from the fact that they are vastly wealthy. Sainsbury′s underlying profits for 2012-13 were £758 million: these have trebled in a decade. Who could begrudge Sainsbury′s new CEO Mike Coupe his £900,000 basic salary, if only he paid all his 157,000 retail staff enough to live on without you and me chipping in? But he doesn′t and, bizarrely, no one is inclined to make him.Voters abhor a high welfare bill or the notion that benefits arc rising faster than wages. But if the chancellor wanted to take £300 a year from every low-paid household, £490 from families with children, could he not at least have added: "I call upon our friends in business to make up the difference: to help cut the welfare bill, by paying all their employees a living wage. " Because the problem is not just soaring welfare but stagnating wages. For the first time in British history, the majority of those classified in poverty already have jobs. In the last decade, food bills have increased by 44% , energy costs more than doubled, but even now that the economy has rallied, wages have barely picked up. Now 5. 2 million of the workforce are paid below a rate at which decent life is sustainable. And since, without government support, families on minimum wage would barely be able to feed their children, in-work benefits cost taxpayers £28 billion a year. During the Tory and Labour conferences, much was said about "political disconnect" —theangry distrust voters feel towards the major Westminster parties. It was ascribed to ideological differences on Europe. But deep down, it′s about money, stupid. Life is a trudge and people see no one capable of lightening their step. The idea that prosperity should be shared, increased productivity linked towages, fell apart in the 1980s. As Warren Buffett said recently, the class war was won "by my class, the rich class". Employees know that even low-paid jobs are precious, that if they contemplate something as audaciously retro as striking, a pool of labour could rush to take their place.Companies relish their upper hand, play the austerity card during pay rounds even now times are better. When the retailer Next was asked why, despite record profits, its wages were still below the living wage, it replied that since 30 people applied for every job advertised, how could it be paying too little? While the executive googles ski-breaks in Verbier, the cleaner emptying his bin walks to work to save on bus fares. The low-paid don′t merely have less stuff: they have less stable relationships and weaker health. Are their struggles invisible to those who pay their terrible salaries, or do they not care?I was encouraged to read in the report by the Living Wage Commission that not all lack heart. Sir John Bond, then chairman of HSBC, was moved by a speech from a Canary Wharf cleaner. Both then introduced the living wage. Indeed Guy Stallard of KPMG, whose company has paid it since 2006, says staff turnover is lower and morale up. Give people the means to be fully human and they will be loyal. Now eight companies on the FTSE 100 index pay the living wage. But in retail, which has the biggest proportion of low-paid workers, not a single high street name has signed up. These days our only political muscle is as consumers, choosing Fairtrade, making ethical investments. And there would be great kudos for the first of the big four supermarkets who stopped sitting on its mega-profits while adding staff wage bills to the welfare tab.第41题Why does the author say that low pay of supermarket workers "should raise the blood pressure of every taxpayer"(para.1)?A.Because the low-paid workers would pay less income tax.B.Because the tax office would give them more tax credits.C.Because the supermarket employees could only get by with customers.D.Because taxpayers would have to pay more for their in-work benefits.第42题What does the author imply when she says that "the majority of those classified in poverty already have jobs" for the first time in British history(para. 3)?A.Unemployment remains a major issue in the U. K.B.Employment is the key to eradicate poverty.C.Instead of unemployment, low wages become the major issue.D.Social welfare is always connected to employees′ income.第43题The author introduced Warren Buffet in paragraph 4 to illustrate that______.A.a company′s success is mainly attributable to its top executivesB.workers′ wages are no longer closely related to increased productivityC.in the Western world today the rich people win the war against the poorD.people with low pay should not resort to striking第44题What is the argument of the retailer Next?A.As too many people applied for every job advertised, the pay could not be low.B.Record profits have already shown that workers got their living wage.C.If fewer people apply for jobs advertised, then they will consider raising salaries.D.The retailer has to play the austerity card even in better time.第45题Which of the following best shows the author′s attitude towards the issue of supermarkets employees′ low wages?A.Indifferent, neutral, and matter-of-fact.B.Sympathetic, argumentative, and suggestive.C.Vehement, antagonistic, and opposing.D.Political, negotiating, and diplomatic.上一题下一题(46~50/共20题)SECTION 2 READING TESTDirections: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write tile letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.When young college graduates decide where to move, they are not just looking at the usual suspects, like New York, Washington and San Francisco. Other cities are increasing their share of these valuable residents at an even higher rate and have reached a high overall percentage, led by Denver, San Diego, Nashville, Salt Lake City and Portland, Ore. , according to a reportpublished Monday by City Observatory, a new think tank. And as young people continue to spurn the suburbs for urban living, more of them are moving to the very heart of cities. The number of college-educated people age 25 to 34 living within three miles of city centers has surged, up 37 % since 2000.Some cities are attracting young talent while their overall population falls, like Pittsburgh and New Orleans. And in a reversal, others that used to be magnets, like Atlanta and Charlotte, are struggling to attract them at the same rate. Even as Americans over all have become less likely to move, young, college educated people continue to move at a high clip—about a million cross state lines each year. Where they end up provides a map of the cities that have a chance to be the economic powerhouses of the future. "There is a very strong track record of places that attract talent becoming places of long-term success," said economist Edward Glaeser, "The most successful economic development policy is to attract and retain smart people and then get out of their way. "The economic effects reach beyond the work the young people do, according to economist Enrico Moretti, For every college graduate who takes a job in an innovation industry, he found, five additional jobs are eventually created in that city. "It′s a type of growth that feeds on itself—the more young workers you have, the more companies are interested in locating their operations in that area and the more young people are going to move there," he said. About 25% more young college graduates live in major metropolitan areas today than in 2000, which is double the percenta ge increase in cities′total population. All the 51 biggest metros except Detroit have gained young talent, either from net migration to the cities or from residentsgraduating from college. It is based on data from the American Community Survey and written by Joe Cortright, an economisl who runs City Observatory and Impresa, a consulting firm on regional economies.Denver has become one of the most powerful magnets. Its population of the young and educated is up 47% since 2000, nearly double the percentage increase in the New York metro area. And 7. 5% of Denver′s population is in this group, more than the national average of 5. 2%. Denver has many of the tangible things young people want, economists say, including mountains, sunshine and jobs in booming industries like tech. Perhaps more important, it also has the ones that give cities the perception of cultural cool. "With lots of cultural things to do and getting away to the mountains, you can have the work-play balance more than any place I′ve ever lived," said Colleen Douglass, 27, a video producer at a start-up Craftsy. "There′s this really thriving start-up scene here, and the sense we can be in a place we love and work at a cool new company. "Other cities that have had significant increases in a young and educated population and that now have more than their share include San Diego, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Nashville, Salt Lake City and Portland, Ore. At the other end of the spectrum are the cities where less than 4% of the population are young college graduates. Among those, Detroit lost about 10% of this group, while Providence gained just 6% and Memphis 10%. Atlanta, one of the biggest net gainers of young graduates in the 1990s, has taken a sharp turn. Its young, educated population has increased just 2. 8% since 2000, significantly less than its overall population. It is suffering the consequences of overenthusiasm for new houses and new jobs before the crash, economists say.The effects of the migration of the young are most vividly seen in urban cores. In 1980, young adults were 10% more likely than other people to live in these areas, according to the report from City Observatory, which is sponsored by the Knight Foundation. In 2010, they were 51% more likely, and those with college degrees were 126% more likely. The trend extends to all the largest metropolitan areas except Detroit and Birmingham. Of the most populous metropolitan areas, Washington and Philadelphia showed the largest increases of young adults living there, at 75 and 78%. Washington also had the largest share of young college graduates over all, at 8. 1%. "They want somelhing exciting, culturally fun, involving a lot of diversity—and their fathers′suburban lifestyle doesn′t seem to be all that thrilling," Mr. Glaeser said. How many eventually desert the city centers as they age remains to be seen, but demographers predict that many will stay. They say that could bolster city economies, lead to decreases in crime and improvements in public schools. If the trends continue, places like Pittsburgh and Buffalo could develop a new reputation— as role models for resurgence.第46题Which of the following can best serve as the title for the passage?A.More Young People arc Spurning the Suburbs for Urban LivingB.Urban Migration of College Graduates is ExpandingC.Innovation Industry Offers College Graduates More Urban PostsD.An Increasing Number of Young Adults Live in Washington and Philadelphia第47题The expression "(to)get out of their way"(para. 2)can best be paraphrased as______.A.to offer college graduates jobs in innovation industryB.to give full play to their initiativesC.to help them find additional jobs in city areasD.to study the migration trends of college-educated people第48题All of the following are true about City Observatory EXCEPT that______.A.it is a think tank newly establishedB.it is not a consulting firm on urban migrationC.it is sponsored by the Knight FoundationD.it is a consulting firm on urban migration第49题Denver has become one of the most powerful magnets. Which of the following does not contribute to this?A.Denver has the most colleges and universities in the region.B.Denver offers jobs in booming industries such as high tech.C.Denver owns a free and diversified cultural environment.D.Denver has many attractions, including mountains and sunshine.第50题What is the purpose of tracking the migration of young college graduates in America?A.To establish the successful economic development policy.B.To compare the migration of young people and that of Americans over all.C.To find out the relationship between young migration and long-term urban success.D.To set up role models for resurgence of major metropolitancities.上一题下一题(51~55/共20题)SECTION 2 READING TESTDirections: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write tile letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People moved quickly in April to cancel plans to bestow a lifetime achievement award on Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers and a longtime NAACP contributor, who was caught on tape scolding a female friend for posting online photos with black friends. Many people were surprised to learn the civil rights organization ever meant to praise a man with a history of discriminating against blacks. They shouldn′t have been. In 2009 the NAACP′s Los Angeles chapter honored Sterling with its President′s Award, as he agreed to pay $ 2. 8 million to settle federal civil charges that he unfairly treated blacks at L. A. apartment buildings he owns. Sterling is one of several individuals and institutions with reputations in need of repair who′ve received accolades or favorable treatment from the NAACP, at times before or after large donations. At the May 15 gala where Sterling was supposed to pick up his prize, the group′s L. A. chapter will honor executives from Wal-Mart Stores and FedEx, both major contributors embroiled in long-running controversies involving allegations of employment discrimination. The companies deny the allegations.The group′s financial disclosures show each company gave the NAACP $ 200,000- $ 999,999 in 2011. That year the U. S. Supreme Court backed Walmart in a major employment discrimination lawsuit brought against the company by women employees. The ruling made it harder to mount class actions alleging discrimination by employers. FedEx has settled many race discriminationclaims, including a $ 53 million payout to truck drivers in 2007. The NAACP also accepted more than $ 1 million from Bank of America in 2011, the same year the bank agreed to pay a record $ 335 million in a federal lawsuit alleging predatory lending to minorities. Spokesmen for Walmart and FedEx said their companies have long supported the NAACP solely because of i ts good work. Bank of America didn′t respond to requests for comment. Peter Dreier, director of the urban and environmental policy department at Occidental College in Los Angeles, says donating to the NAACP has become a painless way for corporations accused of racism to ensure a measure of sympathy, or at least silence, from the civil rights group, whose leaders rarely criticize the misbehavior of those who give it money. "The NAACP, with its glittering history of incredible activism, has become an empty shell," he says.The NAACP isn′t the only organization to spruce up big companies′ reputations. "It′s part of every communication specialist′s playbook to align clients who have particular issues with nonprofits that are strong in those issues," says crisis communications strategist Sam Singer. At times it can backfire when the relationship between sinner and redeemer seems a little too convenient—or has the whiff of quid pro quo. Environmentalists have taken the World Wildlife Fund to task foraccepting money from companies that use a lot of water and other natural resources, including Coca-Cola, then lending its respected panda logo to their corporate sustainability campaigns.The NAACP hasn′t been loo picky about where its donations come from. The late Benjamin Hooks once joked that the only thing "tainted" about tobacco industry money was "there ain′t enough of it," according to tobacco industry documents from lawsuits against cigarette makers. A 2009 resolution condemning the industry for targeting blacks—who suffer an inordinate health toll from smoking died without a floor vote at the NAACP′s centennial convention, says Carol McGruder, co chair of the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council. "When you let unethical corporations associate themselves with our organizations, it makes them look like they′re doing something for our community, and they′re not," McGruder says. "The harm they do to our people is not offset by their corporate giving. " The NAACP′s interim president and CEO, Lorraine Mil ler, wrote in an e-mail that money "docs not buy corporations a free pass if their actions run afoul of our mission. We do not hesitate to stand up to, speak out against or even sue our corporate contributors when we differ on an issue of civil rights. "In 2009 the NAACP did sue a contributor. Wells Fargo, over alleged predatory lending practices targeting blacks, allegations Wells Fargo denied. But the group dropped the case in 2010, saying it would instead "work constructively" with the bank. Wells Fargo announced it would donate $ 2. 5 million a year for five years to fund an NAACP financial literacy campaign. "The more we learned about each other, the more we decided to collaborate," says Wells Fargo Senior Vice President Gigi Dixon. The federal governm ent didn′t let the bank off so easily. In 2012,Wells Fargo agreed to pay $ 184 million to settle allegations that it steered black borrowers into subprime loans.第51题Which of the following can best serve as the title for the passage?A.Donald Sterling, A Longtime Contributors Rejected by NAACPB.For Donors, the NAACP Forgives and ForgetsC.The NAACP Fights Employment Discrimination LawsuitD.Reputations of NAACP′s Donors are in Need of Repair第52题。




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2. 职专培训学校热门班的老师感到压力过大向校方提出抗议甚至罢课。

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4. 你是县政府劳资办主任。

5. 在考察中你发现某村酱菜特别有名而且味道好,但村民只是做了自家吃,对此,你有哪些建议?。

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2012年3月锐捷渠道合作伙伴工程师认证考试-RCTE(笔试一、单选题( ) 共62 题题号: 1 本题分数:1 分下列关于地址池的描述,正确的说法是(B)?、只能定义一个地址池B、地址池中的地址必须是连续的C、当某个地址池已和某个访问控制列表关联时,允许删除这个地址池D、以上说法都不正确题号: 2 本题分数:1 分SFP模块对应的光纤接口类型为(C)、GBICB、SCC、LCD、STE、MTRJ题号: 3 本题分数:1 分RG-RCMS能够通过一个异步口连接多个设备的console,其关键技术是(B )、TelnetB、反向TelnetC、X-ModemD、rlogin题号: 4 本题分数:1 分三台交换机依次串联,互联接口配置为trunk。

第一台和第三台上创建有vlan20,那么连接在第一台交换机属于vlan20的PC1能否ping通连接在第三台交换机上属于vlan20的PC2?(PC1和PC2在同一个网段,并且没有开启防火墙等功能) B、能B、不能C、不确定题号: 5 本题分数:1 分默认情况下,EG的的WEB管理地址是(A)、、http:、、题号: 6 本题分数:1 分EG系列产品接口下是否需要开启REF功能?、需要,配置命令为ip refB、不需要,所有接口下已经默认打开了ip refC、GI 0/2需要开启D、GI 0/3需要开启题号: 7 本题分数:1 分EAPoL是IEEE 802.1x标准定义的一种报文封装格式,如下图所示,当type字段的值为03是表示()?、表示Logoff,即EAPoL-Logoff,表示退出认证B、为Key,即EAPoL-Key,表示密钥信息帧C、为Encapsulated ASF Alert,用于支持ASF(Alerting Standards Forum)的Alerting消息D、为EAP-Packet,表示认证信息帧,用于承载认证信息题号: 8 本题分数:1 分某交换机上vrrp的相关配置如下:int vlan 10ip address 10 ip 10 track ip请问地址10.1.1.1不可达后,该vrrp组的优先级为多少、255B、0C、100D、254E、90题号: 9 本题分数:1 分企业内部有一台服务器IP地址是192.168.12.3,需要对Internet提供WWW服务,为此,需要在出口路由器上把该地址映射为一个公网地址200.10.12.1,以下配置正确的是、ip nat inside source static tcp 80 80B、ip nat inside source static tcp 80 80C、ip nat inside source tcp 80 80D、ip nat inside source tcp 80 80题号: 10 本题分数:1 分启用了OSPF的路由器上配置如下:ip route ospf 1router-id area 1现在需要向其他ospf路由器通告缺省路由,当200.1.1.1不可达后要停止通告这条缺省路由,以下配置正确的是、redistribute staticB、redistribute static metric 2 subnetsC、default-information originateD、default-information originate always题号: 11 本题分数:1 分RSR20-24插入两块24ESW模块后,这两个模块默认是否在一个广播域内、在B、不在C、以上答案都不对,没有这种24口的模块下面不支持ACL的交换机系列为()?、S20系列B、S21系列C、S2300D、S2600E、S2900题号: 13 本题分数:1 分在校园网中为了防止不必要的VLAN内的广播流量在汇聚交换机与接入交换机之间的trunk链路上洪泛,锐捷交换机使用什么方法来避免?、使用VTP pruneB、使用ACLC、使用Trunk链路修剪D、使用端口下的风暴控制题号: 14 本题分数:1 分在ABR上,能看到五条来自区域1并且标识为O的路由172.16.0.0/24--,现在这台ABR路由器上使用命令area 1 range,那么,在骨干区域及其他区域可以看到几条标识为O IA的路由、五条,分别是172.16.0.0/24-、六条,分别是172.16.0.0/24-和172.16.0.0/22C、一条,、两条,和172.16.4.0/24以下哪个命令可以查看聚合端口中的现有成员?、ruijie#show aggregatePort summaryB、ruijie#show aggregatePort 1 briefC、ruijie#show aggregatePort 1 groupD、ruijie#show aggregatePort 1 neighgor题号: 16 本题分数:1 分在RSR20-14路由器上安装了一块SIC-1E1-F板卡,该板卡用于连接、网点交换机B、网点用户主机C、运营商的的SDH线路D、运营商的mstp线路题号: 17 本题分数:1 分在IEEE 802.1x标准中定义客户端在线检测机制,这种机制的作用是()?、用于防止用户频繁地对交换机发送认证请求而对交换机造成的威胁B、减少了RADIUS服务器的压力,并节省了带宽资源,而且提高了计费的精确度C、用于检测用户是否还在线,使计费更加正确,而且可以防止非法用户的冒用D、它可以防止非法的主机进行认证并访问网络资源题号: 18 本题分数:1 分在为NAT配置动态地址池后,为了防止非法外部用户的攻击,应该配置(D )、浮动静态路由B、递归静态路由C、黑洞路由D、代理ARP题号: 19 本题分数:1 分以下VLAN中,不应该放置用户的是(C)、VLAN1B、VLAN4094C、VLAN1005D、VLAN4088题号: 20 本题分数:1 分默认情况下RADIUS服务器的认证和授权端口号为()?、TCP 1812、TCP 1813B、UDP 1812、UDP1813C、UDP 1812、UDP1812D、TCP 1812、TCP 1812题号: 21 本题分数:1 分在锐捷系列交换机启动VRRP 协议后,若VRRP 虚IP 地址与交换机此虚接口真实IP 地址相同,则其优先级()?、可以进行设定B、固定为0C、固定为255D、若不做设定则默认为100在配置单臂路由时,会看到如下配置:int gig 0/0no shutdownint gig 0/0.10encapsulation dot1q 10ip address关于配置命令encapsulation dot1q 10中的数字10,以下说法正确的是、10表示子接口号B、10表示vlan号C、10表示IP子网号D、没有任何意义题号: 23 本题分数:1 分锐捷的ACL中,默认最后的规则是( )?、允许所有B、拒绝所有C、没有隐含规则题号: 24 本题分数:1 分802.1.x协议中,端口认证模式分为哪两种()?、基于用户的认证、基于IP地址的认证B、基于端口的认证、基于MAC地址的认证C、基于客户端的认证、基于非客户端的认证D、基于协议的认证、基于IP地址的认证交换机一个端口开启STP中bpdu-filter功能后,对于BPDU的描述正确的是?、接受但不发送BPDUB、发送但不接受BPDUC、不发送也不接受BPDUD、不确定题号: 26 本题分数:1 分某交换机上vrrp的相关配置如下:int vlan 10ip address 10 ip请问该vrrp组的优先级为多少、255B、0C、100D、254题号: 27 本题分数:1 分锐捷路由器上,ospf和静态路由都学习到了关于目标网络10.1.1.0/24的路由,缺省情况下路由器会选择静态路由。

请问,采用哪种方法可以使路由器优选ospf学习的路由,从而影响数据包转发、修改OSPF的costB、修改静态路由的管理距离(AD)C、无法实现D、在ospf的基础上,追加配置rip协议题号: 28 本题分数:1 分定义MSTP(Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol)的是()?、802.1dB、802.1qC、802.1wD、802.1s题号: 29 本题分数:1 分5750交换机上有一个RPS接口,该接口的作用是什么?、接万兆模块B、接poe模块C、接冗余电源D、以上说法都不对,没有接口题号: 30 本题分数:1 分只要配置了enable密码和vty密码,缺省任何主机都能通过telnet远程管理路由器,为保证路由器的管理安全,可以通过ACL限制只允许特定的主机访问路由器,以下哪种配置是正确的、ruijie(config)#line vty 0 4ruijie(config-line)#ip access-group 10 inB、ruijie(config)#line vty 0 4ruijie(config-line)# access-group 10 inC、ruijie(config)#line vty 0 4ruijie(config-line)# access-class 10 in题号: 31 本题分数:1 分下列设备中,宜安装在机柜底部空间的是()、RG-EG1000SB、RG-RSR20-04C、RG-S8610D、RG-S3760E题号: 32 本题分数:1 分两台汇聚层交换机上配置了VRRP,配置如下:SW1:int vlan 10ip address 10 ip vlan 10ip address 10 10 priority 120两台交换机能正常交换VRRP协议包,在SW1上使用sh vrrp brief查看,则显示正确的是、sw1#sh vrrp briefInterface Grp Pri timer Own Pre State Master addr Group addrVLAN 10 10 255 3 O P Master、sw1#sh vrrp briefInterface Grp Pri timer Own Pre State Master addr Group addrVLAN 10 10 255 3 O P Backup、sw1#sh vrrp briefInterface Grp Pri timer Own Pre State Master addr Group addrVLAN 10 10 100 3 - P Backup题号: 33 本题分数:1 分两台S3760E-24的25-26端口做聚合加入聚合组1,通过show interface gi0/25查看端口状态,端口的物理状态和协议状态为();通过show interfaces aggregateport 1查看聚合组状态,端口速率为()K bit、down/1000000B、down/2000000C、up/1000000D、up/2000000题号: 34 本题分数:1 分RG-EG的审计信息(设备审计、url审计、内容审计)存放在哪?、Flash中B、硬盘中C、内存中D、外置的管理服务器中题号: 35 本题分数:1 分关于配置NAT,以下说法正确的是?、在内网口配置ip nat insideB、在外网口配置ip nat inside题号: 36 本题分数:1 分RLDP环路检测()违例方式和STP协议存在冲突,建议采用()违例方式。
