KOD Dash 2109使用手册说明书

F0939K KOD DashLDP-101 250 U 200 reactionsStore at -20°C Contents[1]Introduction[2]Components[3]Quality testing[4]Primer design[5]Cloning of PCR products[6]Protocol1. Standard reaction setup2. Cycling conditions[7]Examples[8]Troubleshooting[9] Related products[10] ReferencesC AUSIONAll reagents in this kit are intended for research purposes. Do not use for diagnosis or clinical purposes. Please observe general laboratory precaution and utilize safety while using this kit.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD.Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio 1JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD. Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio **********************1[ 1 ] Introduction [ 2 ] Components DescriptionKOD Dash is a highly efficient DNA polymerase mixture developed based on the Barns’ method1). This method uses a DNA polymerase which lacked a 3’♑5’ exonuclease (proofreading) activity and a small amount of an archaeal DNA polymerase with proofreading activity. In the reagent, the 3’♑5’ exonuclease activity-deficient mutant <KOD EXO(-)> of KOD DNA polymerase2)and KOD DNA polymerase are used. Because the proofreading activity repairs misincorporated nucleotide bases causing the termination of a polymerase reaction, PCR with this mixed enzyme solution enables highly efficient amplification.KOD Dash generates dA overhang-ended PCR products. Therefore, the PCR products can be cloned using a standard TA cloning method.Features-This enzyme mixture is effective for the amplification of various targets from a small template amount. The elongation ability of this enzyme mixture is much greater than that of the normal Taq DNA polymerase.-This enzyme mixture shows greater elongation velocity than Taq DNA polymerase (2 folds) and Pfu DNA polymerase (6 folds) due to the property of KOD DNA polymerase. -The PCR error ratio of this enzyme mixture is approximately 3 to 4 times less than that of Taq DNA polymerase.Fig. 1. The principles of the Barns’ technology.The provided reagents include the following components for 200 reactions:KOD Dash (2.5 U/μl) 100 μl10x PCR Buffer for KOD Dash* 1.2 ml2 mM dNTPs 1.0 ml*The final Mg concentration in the reaction mixture is 1.2 mM.JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD. Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio **********************2[ 3 ] Quality Testing[ 4 ] Primer Design[ 5 ] Cloning ofPCR products [ 6 ] Protocol A quality check was performed by amplifying the human β-globin gene (8.5 kb) and the lambda phase gene (12 kb).PCR primers should be designed according to general guidelines. For the amplification ofa long target (≥ 4 kb), the melting temperature (Tm) of the primers should be set over72 °C.The PCR products obtained with amplification by KOD Dash can be cloned according toa standard TA-cloning method.1. Standard reaction setupThe following procedures have been designed for use with the components provided in this kit. Before preparing the reaction mixture, all components should be completely thawed, except for the enzyme solution.*10x Buffer may precipitate. If precipitation occurs, dissolve it completely by overturning and mixing before use. The precipitate on the bottom of the tube can be easily dissolved by tapping it and then mixing it with the solution. If the precipitate is difficult to dissolve, repeat both heating the reagent at 50℃ for 5 min and mixing it. Before preparing the reaction solution, mix each reagent thoroughly before use.* Do not use dNTPs from other kits or companies.Notes:-Thin-wall tubes are recommended for PCR use. A total reaction volume of 50 μl is recommended.-For amplification of a long target (≥ 8 kb), the use of a final concentration of 0.35 mM dNTPs may reduce non-specific amplification.Component Volume Final Concentration10x Buffer for KOD Dash 5 μl 1x2 mM dNTPs* 5 μl 0.2 mM each10 pmol/μl Primer #1 1 μl 0.2 μM10 pmol/μl Primer #2 1 μl 0.2 μMTemplate DNAX μlGenomic DNA 10-1000 ng/50 μlPlasmid DNA 1-50 ng/50 μlcDNA ≤1 μg (RNA equiv.)/50 μlE. coli cells (small amount)PCR grade water Y μlKOD Dash (2.5 U/μl) 0.5 μl 1.25 U / 50 μlTotal reaction volume 50 μlJAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD. Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio **********************3[ 7 ] Examples2. Cycling conditionsThe following cycling steps are recommended.(1) Cycling conditions for < 4kb targets.*Tm value of the primer minus 0°C-5°C(2) Cycling conditions for ≥ 4kb products.Note : If the Tm value of the primer is under 70 °C, the 3-step cycle is recommended.Notes:-Extension time should be set at 30 sec. per 1 kb of target length.-For colony-direct PCR, the pre-denaturation step should be set for 4 min. Example 1.Colony-direct PCR using E. coli cells.< 3-step cycle >Pre-denaturation 94 °C, 0-2 minDenaturation 94 °C, 30 sec.Annealing Tm-[0-5] o C*, 1-5 sec.Extension 74 °C, 30 sec./kb< 2-step cycle >Pre-denaturation 94 °C, 0-2 minDenaturation 94 °C, 30 sec.Extension 68-70 °C, 30 sec./kb25-35 cycles25-35 cyclesM 1 2 3 4Lane 1: Insert (+)Lane 2: Insert (-)Lane 3: Insert (+)F primer: TCGAGGTCGACGGTATCGAT (20mer GC=55%)R primer: CGCTCTAGAACTAGTGGATC (20mer GC=50%)JAPAN CHINATOYOBO CO., LTD. TOYOBO Bio-Technology, CO., LTD. Tel(81)-6-6348-3888 Tel(86)-21-58794900.4140 www.toyobo.co.jp/e/bio **********************4[ 8 ] Troubleshooting[ 9 ] Related products[ 10 ] References1) Barns WM, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91: 2216-2220 (1994)2) Takagi M, Nishioka M, Kakihara H, Kitabayashi M, Inoue H, Kawakami B, Oka M, and Imanaka T, Appl Environ Microbiol ., 63: 4504-10 (1997)Product namePackage Code No. Highly efficient cDNA synthesis kitReverTra Ace ® - -100 rxns FSK-101 Highly efficient reverse transcriptaseReverTra Ace ®10,000 U TRT-101 RNase inhibitor (Recombinant type)2,500 U SIN-201 Highly efficient Taq DNA polymeraseBlend Taq ®250 U BTQ-101 Highly efficient Taq DNA polymerase (Hot start version)Blend Taq ®-Plus-250 U BTQ-201 High fidelity PCR enzymeKOD -Plus-200 U KOD-201 Highly reliable PCR enzymeKOD FX200 UKFX-101SymptomsCauseSolutionsNo PCR product / low yieldCycling conditions are not optimal Lower annealing temperature increments to a maximum of Tm-10 °C.Increase the number of cycles by 2-5 cycles.Primers are not goodCheck the design and/or quality of primers. Too much E. coli cells (Colony direct PCR)Decrease the amount of E. coli cells from colonies. Smearing / extra band(s)Cycling conditions are not optimalDecrease the number of cycles by 2-5 cycles.。

(请务必在使用之前阅读)为了安全使用本产品▲在安装和使用之前,请务必详细阅读本说 明书,一定要注意安全,正确使用本产品, 并遵守本说明书中的各种规定。
▲基于VDE 0160。
本张力控制器是采用CPU 控制的电子设备,用来控制设备的张力, 所以要严格遵守电子设备有关规定和法则,适用标准,进行搬运安装操作和维护。
对以下几点要特别注意:● 容许保护等级:保护接地,只有正确连接保护接地,才能减少外界电磁干扰。
● 请勿将产品直接安装在易受震动冲击的环境中。
● 任何单位部门(Kortis 和Kortis 指定公司除外)未经允许不得擅自拆卸、修理、更改产品。
设计注意事项1.1 概述TC9000-NDA型张力控制器是一种高精度数字式可以自动控制卷材张力的自动控制仪器,它可以控制材料的放卷、送料、牵引及收卷张力。
1.2 功能及特点●采用16位高精度A/D转换器,传感器采样精度高,响应快。

▪ 两药联合低血糖发生风险低
Adapted from Williams-Herman et al, Poster presentation IDF 19th World Diabetes Congress, South Africa, 2006; Nauck MA, et al
单药治疗:胰岛素、磺脲类或二甲双胍 9
平均 HbA1c (%)
0 0
传统治疗 (n=200)
氯磺丙脲 (n=129) 格列苯脲 (n=149) 二甲双胍 (n=181) 胰岛素 (n=199)
传统治疗 = 饮食治疗; UKPDS = UK Prospective Diabetes Study
从α 细胞(GLP-1) 葡萄糖依赖性
↑胰岛素 ↓胰高糖素 减少肝糖输出
DPP-4 = dipeptidyl peptidase 4
Adapted from Brubaker PL, Drucker DJ Endocrinology 2004;145:2653–2659; Zander M et al Lancet 2002;359:824–830; Ahrén B Curr Diab Rep 2003;3:365–372; Buse JB et al. In Williams Textbook of
16 现在是16页\一共有53页\编辑于星期五
DPP-4 抑制剂和二甲双胍的联合治疗 机制互补,较少副反应
通过肠促胰岛激素作用增加胰岛素分 泌

D−LX 200 D−LX 720 一体化火焰检测器任何工作开始前,请先阅读说明书!DURAG GmbH · Kollaustraße 105 · 22453 Hamburg · www.durag.de目录目录1声明····················································································3 概述1.1 印刷符号惯例.....................................................................5 1.2 安全..............................................................................6 1.3 使用意图.........................................................................8 1.4 在发生系统故障时防止间接损害..................................................8 1.5 人员资质..............................................................v. (9)1.6 出厂设置和可选设置······························································9 使用2.1 前提条件········································································10 2.2 相关认证········································································12 装配···················································································13 安装4.1 安装地点选择指导·······························································14 4.2 法兰安装········································································14 4.3 电气连接········································································15 4.4 电缆及屏蔽······································································17 4.5 吹扫风供应······································································17 4.6 调试步骤········································································18 设置5.1 门限开关········································································20 5.2 电流增益········································································21 5.3 测量通道········································································23 5.4 通讯地址········································································23 5.5 安全时间········································································25 5.6 设置过程········································································26 5.7 设置流程图······································································27 拆卸6.1 拆卸方法········································································28 6.2 拆卸过程········································································29 故障7.1 错误信息········································································31 技术数据8.1 基本型技术数据.................................................................32 8.2 防爆型技术数据.................................................................33 8.3 出厂设置........................................................................34 设备外形尺寸图9.1 D-LX200........................................................................35 9.2 D-LX720........................................................................36 9.3 D-LX200Ex......................................................................37 9.4 D-LX720Ex. (38)23 4567 89声明郑重声明本手册由DURAG整理,为DURAG公司生产的D-LX200,D-LX720系列产品的简化版手册,仅供现场调试人员参考使用。

Formula Ident B Components Ident D Ident E Ident F
• Rugged, waterproof housing, protected to IP69K • BIG WEIGHT® display – for easy reading, even from a great
Time is money – and you can save both with the IND690form With expensive labour costs and valuable materials, the IND690form is particularly economical. The powerful software, combined with accurate scales, prevents complaints about incorrect proportioning. METTLER TOLEDO offers tailor-made scales and terminals, ranging from industrial precision balances with an internal resolution of 3.2 million points, to competitively priced strain gauge/analogue weighing platforms with measuring ranges from milligrammes to tonnes.
pensed into a separate container. Each
formula and component can be provided
with an identification.
Richtek RT9194 低滴通线性调压器控制器说明书

Test CircuitFigure 1. Typical Test CircuitFigure 2. DRI Source/Sink Current Test CircuitV CC VOUTV CC DRIAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)z Supply Input Voltage, V CC-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15Vz Enable Voltage-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7Vz Power Good Output Voltage---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7Vz Power Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25°CSOT-23-6---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.4Wz Package Thermal ResistanceSOT-23-6, θJA---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------250°C/Wz Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.)-------------------------------------------------------------------------260°Cz Junction T emperature-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150°Cz Storage T emperature Range---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−65°C to 150°C z ESD Susceptibility (Note 2)HBM (Human Body Mode)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2kVMM (Machine Mode)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------200V Recommended Operating Conditions (Note 3)z Supply Input Voltage, V CC-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.5V to 13.5Vz Enable Voltage-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0V to 5.5Vz Junction T emperature Range--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−40°C to 125°C z Ambient T emperature Range--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−40°C to 85°C Electrical CharacteristicsTo be ContinuedTypical Operating CharacteristicsQuiescent Current vs. Temperature0.450.460.470.480.490.5-50-25255075100125Temperature Q u ie s c e n t C u r r e n t (m A )(°C)Feedback Voltage vs. Temperature0.70.750.80.850.9-50-25255075100125Temperature F e e d b a c k V o l t a g e (V )(°C)R e f e r t o T e s t C i r c u i t F i g u r e 1PGOOD Delay Time vs. Temperature1.522.533.54-50-25255075100125Temperature P G O O D D e l a y T i m e (m s )(°C)DRI Sink Current vs. Temperature12151821242730-50-25255075100125Temperature D R I S i n k C u r r e n t (m A )(°C)Sink Current vs. DRI Voltage05101520250.511.522.53DRI Voltage (V)S i n k C u r r e n t (m A )DRI Source Current vs. Temperature354045505560-50-25255075100125Temperature D R I S o u r c e C u r r e n t (m A )(°C)R e f e r t o T e s t C i r c u i t F i g u r e 1Load Transient Response020-205V IN = 2.5V, V OUT = 1.2V C IN = C OUT = 100uF Time (50us/Div)V CC = 12VC IN = C OUT = 100uFR e f e r t o T e s t C i r c u i t F i g u r e 1I Load (A)V EN (V)V OUTV PGOODV CC = 12V, C IN = C OUT = 100uF , I LOAD = 100mAR e f e r t o T e s t C i r c u i t F i g u r e 1V EN (V)V OUT V PGOODR e f e r t o T e s t C i r c u i t F i g u r e 1Capacitors SelectionCareful selection of the external capacitors for RT9194 is highly recommended in order to remain high stability and performance.Regarding the supply voltage capacitor, connecting a capacitor which is 1μF between V CC and ground is a must. The capacitor improves the supply voltage stability to provide chip normally operating.Regarding the input capacitor, connecting a capacitor which 100μF between V IN and ground is recommended to increase stability. With large value of capacitance could result in better performance for both PSRR and line transient response.When driving external pass element, connecting a capacitor 100μF between V OUT and ground is recommended for stability. With larger capacitance can reduce noise and improve load transient response and PSRR.Output Voltage SettingThe RT9194 develop a 0.8V reference voltage; especially suit for low voltage application. As shown in application circuit, the output voltage could easy set the output voltage by R1 & R2 divider resistor.Power Good FunctionThe RT9194 has the power good function with delay. The power good output is an open drain output. Connect a 100kΩ pull up resistor to V OUT to obtain an output voltage. When the output voltage arrive 90% of normal value the power good will output voltage with 3ms delay time.When the output voltage falling arrive 75% of normal value the power good will turn off with less than 1ms delay time. But, there are two exceptions. One is the enable pull low the power good will turn off quickly. The second is the V CC falling arrive POR value (4V typ.) the power good also will turn off quickly.Chip Enable OperationPull the EN pin low to drive the device into shutdown mode. During shutdown mode, the standby current drops to 5μA(MAX). The external capacitor and load current determine the output voltage decay rate. Drive the EN pin high to turn on the device again.Under Voltage ProtectionRT9194 equips the V OUT under-voltage (UV) protection function. The UV protection circuits will start monitoring the power status after the PGOOD pin goes high. If the output voltage drops to below 75% of its setting value, the PGOOD and DRI pins will be pulled low and latch RT9194. The UV latch status will be released only when V CC or Enable pin goes low and returns high again, which will also cause RT9194 to re-activate.MOSFET SelectionThe RT9194 are designed to driver external N-Channel MOSFET pass element. MOSFET selection criteria include threshold voltage V GS (V TH), maximum continuous drain current ID, on-resistance R DS(ON) ,maximum drain-to-source voltage V DS and package thermal resistance θ(JA).The most critical specification is the MOSFET R DS(ON). Calculate the required R DS(ON) from the following formula:For example, the MOSFET operate up to 2A when the input voltage is 1.5V and set the output voltage is 1.2V, R ON = (1.5V-1.2V) / 2A = 150mΩ, the MOSFET's R ON have to select lower than 150mΩ. A Philip PHD3055E MOSFET with an R DS(ON) of 120mΩ(typ.) is a close match.And carry on consider the thermal resistance from junction to ambient θ(JA) of the MOSFET's package. The power dissipation calculate by :P D = (V IN − V OUT) x I LOADThe thermal resistance from junction to ambient θ(JA) calculate by :In this example, P D = (1.5V − 1.2V) x 2A = 0.6W. The PHD3055E's θ(JA) is 75°C/W for its D-PAK package, which translates to a 45°C temperature rise above ambient. The package provides exposed backsides that directly transfer heat to the PCB board.DAJ(JA)P)T(T−=θLOADOUTINDS(ON)IVVRNMOSFET−=Application InformationInformation that is provided by Richtek Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. Richtek reserves the right to make any change in circuit design, specification or other related things if necessary without notice at any time. No third party intellectual property infringement of the applications should be guaranteed by users when integrating Richtek products into any application. No legal responsibility for any said applications is assumed by Richtek.Richtek Technology CorporationHeadquarter5F, No. 20, Taiyuen Street, Chupei City Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8863)5526789 Fax: (8863)5526611Richtek Technology CorporationTaipei Office (Marketing)5F, No. 95, Minchiuan Road, Hsintien City Taipei County, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8862)86672399 Fax: (8862)86672377Email:*********************Outline DimensionA1HSOT-23-6 Surface Mount Package。
Mettler Toledo IND690xx 重量表面显示器说明书

News5Industrial weighing and measuringFine ChemicalsSpeed up your filling processes also in classified areasManual or semi-automatical, filling of drums or large bags requires great precision. Standalone, or incorporated into a system, the weighing instrument has to ensure you achieve the target weight quickly and accurately.Optimize your manufacturing process in classified areas with METTLER TOLEDO’s new IND690xx weighing indicator. The versatile software options allow you to speed-up filling, batching or formulation processes, increase product quality and reduce costs generated by material waste or prolonged downtime. The IND690xx is effective to guarantee a highly accurate and reliable process: the stainless steel design makes it tough enough for any type of aggressive environment without compromising on sensitivity or speed to weigh and measure. The software pac IND690fill has many intelligent features to allow operation of a filling bay either as a standalone solution or integrated with your process control system. Connect your IND690xx to up to four scales and/or balances, and you can quickly upgradefrom manual operation to a fully auto-matic dispensing system with IND690fill. Just plug and play!Key features of the software pac IND690fill• Learn mode – upon target weight speci-fication, cut-off of each component will be determined automatically.• Safe filling through controlled valve shut-off in case of power loss.• Customized dispensing through switch-able functions such as scale change-over, residue and fill quantity control,material leveling or manual correction.M ETTLER TOLEDO Fine Chemicals News 5B a t c h i n g s o l u t i o n sIND560• Water and dust-proof• Easy to operate filling solution: the Fill-560 application software allows prompt configuration of sequences for filling, blending, dosing and dispensing• TraxDSP™ filtering system provides accurate weight measurements even in unstable environments• High reliability: calibration manage-ment monitors performance and alerts operators of maintenance needs formaximum uptimeThe IND560 process weighing instrument helps you achieve the higest product qual-ity at high speed. Embedded in the weigh-ing indicators is TraxDSP™, super-fast, multi-stage digital filtering software that provides maximum accuracy during fill-ing and mixing processes. TraxDSP™ up-dates weight signals very fast and elimi-nates noise and vibrations generated for example:• by tank’s mixing• due to the presence of nearby machinery • in unstable environmentsDue to these capabilities, all compo-nents are added accurately to the mixer as if there was no agitation or harsh environment.In your process there are numerous steps where weighing requires the most reliable and accurate technology. In your mixing processes, for example, speed and accuracy are crucial to optimize productivityand to satisfy the strict requirements of your end-users with high quality products.TraxDSP™ – supreme noise and vibration filtering• No loss of accuracy in a dynamic environment• Keeps pace with your process speed, update rate > 300Hz• Ideal for mixing, agitating or dynamic processes• Filters-out background noise and vibration• Multi-stage digital filter:– Low-pass filter (0.0-9.99Hz)– Cutoff corner frequency (0.1-99.9Hz)– Notch and stability filterPublisherMettler-Toledo AG IndustrialHeuwinkelstrasse CH-8606 Nänikon Switzerland ProductionMarCom Industrial CH-8606 Nänikon SwitzerlandSubject to technical changes © 04/ 008 Mettler-Toledo AG Printed in SwitzerlandSupreme noise and vibration controlMaximum accuracy during batching and mixing stepsM ETTLER TOLEDO Fine Chemicals News 5Connect your analog load cells over:• Profibus ® DP • Allen-Bradley RIO • RS232directly to your PLC or DCS for batch-ing, filling, tank/hopper weighing, and for inventory control without detouring data flow through any intermediate de-vice such as an indicator, local display, repeater, etc.Our smart weight transmitter is your pain-reliever. The IND130 can be placed on the weighing spot close to your tank, silo, re-actor or wherever you want to weigh. A stainless steel enclosure guarantees for smooth operation even in harsh environ ments.Key benefits• Highest yield achieved by accurate weighing of chemicals and material transfer• Fully automated and closed systems weighing of chemicals minimize cross-contamination• Reduced installation/maintenance costs • Easy calibration with CalFREE™ without test weights• Stable weight data through TraxDSP™• Digital vibration filteringIND130 quick facts • 4 x 350 Ω load cells• Stainless steel enclosure (optional)• Configuration and calibration via PC-tool • CalFREE™ calibration w/o test weights • TraxDSP™ digital vibration filtering• 1 input, 2 outputs and 1 programmable setpoint • 24VDC power supply (optional)• DIN-rail mountCalFREE™ – the easy way to a quick calibration • No need of test weights• Ideal for higher capacity thanks• Big savings due to the minute scale calibration– Enter units, scale capacity and Increment, mV/V gain – Enter load cell capacity, output and– Hit enter and you’re done!IND130PLCLoad Cells,Scale basesSmart IND130Direct to destination without detourCourtesy AltanaM ETTLER TOLEDO Fine Chemicals News 54Courtesy BASFV e h i c l e w e i g h i ngGet to know the flow of your goodsUp and running in no timeMTX POWERCELL ® brand load cells are easily exchangeable through a protected water-proof connectorDigital MTX POWERCELL ® load cells • Five years warranty• 25-90t / 55 000-200 000lbs • Instant failure notification • IP68/IP69k protection • 3000e – 6000e OIML • 5000e – 10 000e NTEP• ATEX Zone 1/21 & 2/22 and FM Divisions 1 & 2 approved • Worldwide approval• Worldwide calibration and expert service • Integral lightning protectionMETTLER TOLEDO truck and rail scales are government certified to precisely weigh to 20kg and deliver highest accuracy and reliability even under harsh weather conditions.The industry-leading MTX POWERCELL ® based scales, insure your trucks and rail cars are quickly and accurately weighed and that your scale is up and running 24/7. The only time you should see the service technician is during routine main-tenance – this translates directly into real cost savings. And, in the very rare event of a cell failure, usually due to a physi-cal damage to the cell or cable, the MTXPOWERCELL ® network instantly reports the failure as well as the failure location – and a technician is quickly onsite get-ting you back up and running.With MTX POWERCELL ® load cells, vehicle scales are successfully operating in many normal and extreme environments, includ-ing deserts, Siberia and the Antarctic.Many METTLER TOLEDO customers realize immediate and significant revenue savings by weighing vehicles and by filling or discharging on a weighbridge.Connect your scale to OverDrive™vehicle management software The powerful OverDrive™ vehicle scale software is designed to fully control inbound/outbound transactions of your production/storage facility. It enables you to determine what data is important, allows you to customize the user interface, tickets and reports, and provides import/Highlights of the OverDrive™basic software package• Database tables for Account, Carrier, Company, Container, Contract, Driver, Permit, Product, Remark 1, Remark 2, Surcharge, Tax, Trailer, Vehicle, and 25 additional tables• Multi-axle and split weighing• Security setup for assigning access rights to users• Transaction maintenance• Weights and measures log• Standard reports and tickets• Wizards for data conversion, database import/export, alarms, and pricing Highlights of the OverDrive™advanced transaction module • Capability to customize reports and tick-ets (Crystal Reports 9.0 required)• Synchronization module for network installations synchronizes master data-base on a server to databases on indi-vidual PCs• Oracle support module can use Oracle®8i database• Unattended module enables unat-tended weighing with transaction wizard, touch screen• Internet package module processes remote transactions via the Internet • Additional scale module enables softwareto control as many as six scales1export capabilities for use with your CRM/MES/ERP system. OverDrive software canconnect to as many as six scale indicatorsand to peripheral devices such as trafficlights, gates, card readers, and unattendedweighing stations.456M ETTLER TOLEDO Fine Chemicals News 55M ETTLER TOLEDO Fine Chemicals News 56I n -l i n e c o n t r o l s o l u t i o n sConductivity measurement for high process securityIn-line conductivity measurement technology plays an essential role in the efficient operation of Cleaning-In-Place systems, ensuring the high-est possible levels of cleanliness as well as optimal control over the cleaning solutions.Cleaning-in-Place (CIP)e quipment, a part of the production systemCIP systems are an integral part of produc-tion systems in the API & Fine Chemicals Industry. Cleaning is carried out in compliance with clearly defined official regulations. At the end of each cleaning cycle, the cleaning solutions involved are returned to storage tanks for later reuse. Controlled recovery of the acid and alka-line solutions enables to determine their degree of reusability.Control of acids and alkalines via conductivity measurementThe level of concentration of the recovered acids and alkalines is established through conductivity measurement. In order to ensure the correct concentration in the individual tanks, the recovered solutions are automatically re-concentrated to the required strength.Cleaning procedureControl of various CIP process stages such as start of dosing of alkaline or acid, or rinsing with water, is carried out efficiently and cost-effectively via in-line measure-ment of conductivity. Conductivity meas-urement allows to establish the degree of contamination of the cleaning solutions in the return pipe and thereby also allows to determine whether the solutions can be recycled or should be rejected.requirements on hygiene and designed to suppress the growth of unwanted bac-teria. Process safety and minimization of production losses and laboratory costs clearly take first priority. The precision of the in-line conductivity measurement for quality control of the different solutions before and after the cleaning process, and assessment of the degree of reusability of the cleaning solutions, combine to under-line the advantages of in-line conductivity measurement in CIP plant in the strictly regulated industry.InPro 7108: User benefits No dead pockets Designed for hygiene requirements Guards against bacterial growth No contamination of wetted parts Minimized production losses Short process cycle time /condInPro 7108.The CIP cleaning procedure is a multi step process. In a first step, the different wash solutions are prepared in storage tanks with the assistance of conductivity measurement. Final rinse with ultrapure water takes place at the end of the proce-dure. Conductivity measurement value of the ultrapure water determines the end of the CIP cycle.Conductivity controls CIP process Conductivity measurements allow to dis-tinguish between the separate cleaning agents, the product, and the rinse water. Contamination can be successfully detect-ed and the concentration of each washsolution can be established very accu-rately. The cleaning program is simpleto control via the limit switch contactsof the transmitter, and easy to integrateinto a Process Control System (PCS). Theconductivity sensors used to monitor the dosing apparatus are built directly into thesolution tanks, so that if a concentration falls below a set value, the appropriate preprogrammed transmitter limit contact is activated and the acid or alkaline feed pump switches on accordingly.InPro 7108-VAR-VP, widely used in the regulated industryEstablishing the contamination level of the CIP cleaning solutions via conductiv-ity measurement greatly contributes to quality control before and after the clean-ing cycle. The InPro 7108-VAR-VP is opti-mally suited for applications with highM ETTLER TOLEDO Fine Chemicals News 57/turbControl of turbidityoptimizes crystallization processIn-line turbidity measurements provide early indication of quality deviation in the precipitation reaction of the crystallization process. It saves time and costs in downstream processing.BackgroundAn amine (R-NH 2) produced by synthesis in the API industry exists in the form of a hydrochloride salt ([R-NH 3]+ Cl -) and is precipitated from a clear solution through the addition of caustic soda (NaOH). Samples of the precipitated amine revealed strong and unacceptable fluctuations in product purity.Clear turbidity signal of crystalli-zation is requiredPrecipitation conditions, solvent composi-tion, concentration and dosage rate of the caustic soda all have an influence on the quality of the intermediate product. The use of an in-line turbidity measure-ment system has provided important infor-mation contributing to optimization of this reaction step. The figure graphically illustrates the gradient of the signals of the turbidity sensor in relation to the dosing rate(s) of caustic soda. A linear increase in the dosing rates was accompanied by an increase in the level of turbidity, followedby signal decay before the concentration of solid particles slowly evened out to a stable value. The decay of the turbidity signal points to conglomeration of the finer crystals, pos-sibly also includes entrapped impurities. A more rapid, optimized dosing of caustic soda leads to spontaneous precipitation of the whole product which, furthermore, also displays a higher degree of purity.The goal: time saving and avoidance of faulty charges Detailed understanding of the optimum precipitation conditions therefore results in being able to achieve a product with the required degree of purity. The use of an in-line turbidity sensor in the process pro-vides information on how these condi-tions are to be maintained and therefore gives early indication of any quality de-viation in the precipitation reaction. This successfully prevents time-consumingand costly downstream processing of faulty charges.Reliable measurement with METTLER TOLEDO solution The turbidity sensor InPro 8200 has beenproven to be the ideal solution for this typeof application. The use of scratchproof sapphire windows allows long-term opera-tion even in the presence of abrasive crys-tals. Signal transmission between sensor and transmitter employing optical fiber cable technology in conjunction with the principle of backscattered light results ina sensor with a compact design of whichinstallation is equally possible in small research reactors and in large production-scale vessels.Features of the InPro 8200Ideal for medium to low concentration and where high resolution is required. Two optical fibresSmooth sensor design prevents fouling and reduces maintenance Wide measuring range High accuracySapphire window for fiber protectionInPro 8 00.Gradients of the turbidity signal.Rapid dosing Ethanol addition/fine-chemicalsFor more informationMettler-Toledo AG CH-8606 Greifensee SwitzerlandTel. + 41 44 944 22 11Fax + 41 44 944 30 60Your METTLER TOLEDO contact:ErgoSensIndividually configurable sensor – for hands-free operation of the XPIn the API & Fine Chemicals Industry, accurate and efficient sampling is key for higher yields. Samples of powders and liquids are weighed on a daily basis for quality control.The XP analytical balance with the two revolutionary optical sensors “SmartSens”, offers a secure way to weigh even while wearing gloves!With either “SmartSens” or the freely placeble “ErgoSens”, you can carry out up to four weighing operations without touching the balance at all!Hand-free technology for trouble-free weighingWeighing of harmful or toxic substances for quality control purposes is part of your daily business and requires strict procedures to avoid contact and contamination.Key benefits• Efficient and accurate sampling• Highest safety in handling toxic sub-stances• Minimized balance contamination • Up to four hands-free operations can be programmed, i.e. zeroing, taring, opening & closing doors, printoutdisplay, or a PC.。

1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND SUPPLIERPRIMACORD ● PRIMACORD 4 DETONATING CORD ● PRIMACORD DETONATING CORD ● PRIMALINE ● PRIMALINE 10 DETONATING CORD ● PRIMCORD 5 DETONATING CORD ● SPECIAL 18 DETONATING CORD ● SPECIAL 18AA DETONATING CORD ● SPECIAL 18T DETONATING CORD ● SPECIAL 25DETONATING CORD ● SPECIAL 25A DETONATING CORD ● SPECIAL 25AA DETONATING CORD ●SPECIAL 25T DETONATING CORD ● SPECIAL 50 DETONATING CORD ● SPECIAL 50AA DETONATING CORD ● SPECIAL 50T DETONATING CORDSynonymsDETONATING CORD Uses1.2 Uses and uses advised against1.3 Details of the supplier of the productDYNO NOBEL ASIA PACIFIC LIMITED Supplier name 282 Paringa Rd, Gibson Island, Murarrie, QLD, 4172, AUSTRALIA Address (07) 3026 3900Telephone (07) 3026 3999Fax 1800 098 836Emergency1.4 Emergency telephone numbers Website1.1 Product identifier DETONATING CORDProduct name 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONCLASSIFIED AS HAZARDOUS ACCORDING TO SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA CRITERIA 2.2 GHS Label elements Signal word DANGERExplosive; mass explosion hazard.H201Hazard statementsPictogramsPhysical HazardsExplosives: Division 1.1Health HazardsNot classified as a Health HazardEnvironmental HazardsNot classified as an Environmental Hazard 2.1 Classification of the substance or mixtureNo information provided.2.3 Other hazardsRefer to manufacturer/supplier for information on disposal/recovery/recycling.P503Disposal statements Store in accordance with relevant site and storage provisions.P401Storage statements In case of fire: Explosion risk. Evacuate area. DO NOT fight fire when fire reaches explosives.P370 + P372 + P380 + P3Response statements Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking.P210Keep wetted.P230Keep only in original packaging.P234Ground and bond container and receiving equipment.P240Do not subject to grinding/shock/friction/rough handling.P250Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection/hearing protection.P280Prevention statements 3. COMPOSITION/ INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSIngredientCAS Number EC Number Content >60%78-11-5201-084-3PENTAERYTHRITOL TETRANITRATE (PETN)RemainderNot AvailableNot AvailableNON HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS3.1 Substances / Mixtures4. FIRST AID MEASURESIf in eyes,hold eyelids apart and flush continuously with running water.Continue flushing until advised to stop by a Poisons Information Centre, a doctor, or for at least 15 minutes.4.1 Description of first aid measuresEyeIf inhaled, remove from contaminated area. Apply artificial respiration if not breathing.Inhalation If skin or hair contact occurs,remove contaminated clothing and flush skin and hair with running water.Continue flushing with water until advised to stop by a Poisons Information Centre or a doctor.Skin For advice,contact a Poisons Information Centre on 131126(Australia Wide)or a doctor (at once).If swallowed, do not induce vomiting.Ingestion Eye wash facilities and normal washroom facilities should be available.First aid facilitiesSee Section 11 for more detailed information on health effects and symptoms.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed4.3 Immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Treat symptomatically.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESEXPLOSIVE.Will explode under specific conditions.May evolve toxic gases (carbon/nitrogen oxides,hydrocarbons)when heated to decomposition.Eliminate all ignition sources including cigarettes,open flames,spark producing switches/tools,heaters,naked lights,pilot lights, etc when handling. CAUTION: Will explode if exposed to heat or with heavy impact.5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureEvacuate area and contact emergency services.Toxic gases may be evolved in a fire situation.Remain upwind and notify those downwind of hazard.Do not attempt to fight e waterfog to cool intact containers and nearby storage areas.May explode from heat, pressure, friction or shock.5.3 Advice for firefightersEEvacuation of people in and around the immediate vicinity of the incident should be considered.5.4 Hazchem code DO NOT attempt to extinguish burning explosives. Evacuate area immediately. Notify trained emergency response personnel.5.1 Extinguishing media6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESClear area of all unprotected personnel.Contact emergency services where appropriate.CAUTION:Heating,impact or static charge may cause explosion.6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPrevent product from entering drains and waterways.6.2 Environmental precautionsHANDLE WITH CARE:Spilled explosive powder is extremely sensitive to initiation and may detonate.If cords or containers are damaged, contain spillage, then collect and place in suitable containers for disposal. Eliminate all sources of ignition.6.3 Methods of cleaning upSee Sections 8 and 13 for exposure controls and disposal.6.4 Reference to other sections7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStore in clean,dry magazine licensed for Explosives.Separate magazines are required for cords and explosives.Store removed from incompatible substances,mechanical shock,heat or ignition sources.Ensure cords are adequately labelled and protected from physical damage. Large storage areas should have appropriate ventilation and fire protection systems.7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesNo information provided.7.3 Specific end uses 7.1 Precautions for safe handlingBefore use carefully read the product e of safe work practices are recommended to avoid eye or skin contact and inhalation.Observe good personal hygiene,including washing hands before eating.Prohibit eating,drinking and smoking in contaminated areas.Take precautionary measures against electrostatic discharges.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Control parameters Exposure standardsNo exposure standards have been entered for this product.Biological limits IngredientDeterminantBEISampling Time1.5% of hemoglobinDuring or end ofshiftMethemoglobin in bloodPENTAERYTHRITOL TETRANITRATE (PETN)Reference: ACGIH Biological Exposure IndicesPPEEye / Face Wear dust-proof goggles.Hands Wear PVC or rubber gloves.Body Wear coveralls.RespiratoryNot required under normal conditions of use.Avoid e in well ventilated areas.Where an inhalation risk exists,mechanical explosion proofextraction ventilation is recommended.8.2 Exposure controlsEngineering controls 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesCORD WITH WHITE POWDER CORE AppearanceODOURLESS OdourEXPLOSIVE FlammabilityNOT RELEVANT Flash pointNOT AVAILABLE Boiling point140°C (PETN)Melting pointNOT AVAILABLE Evaporation rateNOT AVAILABLE pHNOT AVAILABLE Vapour density1.76Relative densityINSOLUBLE Solubility (water)NOT AVAILABLE Vapour pressureNOT RELEVANT Upper explosion limitNOT RELEVANT Lower explosion limitNOT AVAILABLE Partition coefficientNOT AVAILABLE Autoignition temperatureNOT AVAILABLEDecomposition temperature NOT AVAILABLE ViscosityEXPLOSIVE Explosive propertiesNOT AVAILABLE Oxidising propertiesNOT AVAILABLE Odour threshold10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.2 Chemical stabilityExplosive material. Detonation may occur from impact, friction, or excessive heating.10.4 Conditions to avoidAvoid shock, friction, heavy impact, heat, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources.10.5 Incompatible materialsIncompatible with oxidising agents (e.g.hypochlorites),combustible materials,acids (e.g.nitric acid),mechanical shock and heat or ignition sources.May evolve toxic gases (carbon/ nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons) when heated to decomposition.10.6 Hazardous decomposition productsPolymerization will not occur.10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions 10.1 ReactivityCarefully review all information provided in sections 10.2 to 10.6.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONDue to the product encapsulation,acute toxicity associated with the contents is not anticipated with normal e safe work practices to avoid dust/fume inhalation after detonation.WARNING:May explode with shock, heat, friction or static charge. Serious damage may result from explosive fragments.Acute toxicityInformation available for the ingredients:IngredientOral LD50Dermal LD50Inhalation LC501660 mg/kg (rat)----PENTAERYTHRITOL TETRANITRATE (PETN)Not classified as a skin irritant.Due to product form,exposure can only occur during detonation.Serious damage may result from explosive fragments.Skin Not classified as an eye irritant.Due to product form,exposure can only occur during detonation.Serious damage may result from explosive fragments.EyeNot classified as causing skin or respiratory sensitisation.Sensitisation Not classified as a carcinogen.CarcinogenicityNot classified as a mutagen.Mutagenicity 11.1 Information on toxicological effectsNot classified as causing organ damage from single exposure.However,serious damage may result from explosive fragments.STOT - single exposure Not classified as causing aspiration.AspirationNot classified as causing organ damage from repeated exposure.STOT - repeated exposure Not classified as a reproductive toxin.Reproductive 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1 ToxicityNo information provided.12.2 Persistence and degradability No information provided.12.4 Mobility in soil No information provided.No information provided.12.5 Other adverse effects 12.3 Bioaccumulative potential No information provided.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSReturn to manufacturer/supplier or dispose of in accordance with State and Federal legislative requirements for Explosives. Contact the manufacturer/supplier for additional information (if required).13.1 Waste treatment methodsWaste disposalDispose of in accordance with relevant local legislation.Legislation14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONLAND TRANSPORT (ADG)SEA TRANSPORT (IMDG / IMO)AIR TRANSPORT (IATA / ICAO)None allocated.1.1D 1.1D None allocated.None allocated.None allocated.14.3 Transport hazard class 14.4 Packing Group CORD, DETONATING, flexible0065CORD, DETONATING, flexible0065PROHAir transport PROHIBITED under the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations for transport by air in passenger and cargo aircraft.14.1 UN Number 14.2 Proper Shipping NameNot a Marine Pollutant.14.5 Environmental hazards E Hazchem code F-B, S-XEmSEXP1GTEPG 14.6 Special precautions for userCLASSIFIED AS A DANGEROUS GOOD BY THE CRITERIA OF THE ADG CODE15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONA poison schedule number has not been allocated to this product using the criteria in the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP).15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixturePoison scheduleAUSTRALIA: AIIC (Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals)All components are listed on AIIC, or are exempt.Inventory listingsSafe Work Australia criteria is based on the Globally Harmonised System (GHS)of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS Revision 7).Classifications 16. OTHER INFORMATIONDISCLAIMER:The information provided herein concern explosive products which should only be handled by persons having the appropriate technical expertise,training,and licence(s).The result is largely dependent upon the conditions of storage, transportation and use.Whilst Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific make every effort to ensure the information contained within this SDS is as accurate and up-to-date as possible,the conditions under which its products are used are not within Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific's control.Each user has the responsibility to ensure awareness of the details contained within this SDS,the product applications,and the specific context of the intended usage.Buyers and users assume all risk,responsibility and liability arising from the use of this product and the information within this SDS.Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific is not responsible for damages of any nature resulting from the use of its products or reliance upon the information.Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific makes no express or implied warranties other than those implied mandatory by the Commonwealth, State or Territory Legislation.EXPLOSIVES &BLASTING AGENTS:Refer to Local State and Federal legislation that specifically relates to the use of ers of products described in this ChemAlert Report are advised to ensure familiarity and compliance with the appropriate legal requirements (e.g.Regulations)prior to the use of this product.Where any further information is required,users may contact their local authority in Explosives and Dangerous Goods.EXPLOSIONS:Fires involving explosives or explosive mixtures may undergo further explosions and rapid propagation.Police and emergency personnel should be notified immediately.Evacuate individuals to a safe sheltered area at least 800metres away.If possible remove vehicles and further heat and ignition sources from the area.Do not return to areas until at least one hour after fire and explosions have ceased.EXPLOSIONS:For further information please refer to Australian Standard 1216,for classification of explosives and Local and Federal Explosive and Dangerous Goods legislation (Act and Regulations).EXPLOSIVES - BURNING SAFETY:Note: Disposal in a blast with fresh explosives may be preferable to burning.PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT GUIDELINES:The recommendation for protective equipment contained within this report is provided as a guide only.Factors such as form of product,method of application,working environment,quantity used,product concentration and the availability of engineering controls should be considered before final selection of personal protective equipment is made.HEALTH EFFECTS FROM EXPOSURE:It should be noted that the effects from exposure to this product will depend on several factors including:form of product;frequency and duration of use;quantity used;effectiveness of control measures;protective equipment used and method of application.Given that it is impractical to prepare a report which would encompass all possible scenarios,it is anticipated that users will assess the risks and apply control methods where appropriate.Additional informationACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial HygienistsAbbreviationsCAS #Chemical Abstract Service number - used to uniquely identify chemical compoundsCNS Central Nervous SystemEC No.EC No - European Community NumberEMS Emergency Schedules (Emergency Procedures for Ships Carrying DangerousGoods)GHS Globally Harmonized SystemGTEPG Group Text Emergency Procedure GuideIARC International Agency for Research on CancerLC50Lethal Concentration, 50% / Median Lethal ConcentrationLD50Lethal Dose, 50% / Median Lethal Dosemg/m³Milligrams per Cubic MetreOEL Occupational Exposure LimitpH relates to hydrogen ion concentration using a scale of 0 (high acidic) to 14 (highlyalkaline).ppm Parts Per MillionSTEL Short-Term Exposure LimitSTOT-RE Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure)STOT-SE Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure)SUSMP Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and PoisonsSWA Safe Work AustraliaTLV Threshold Limit ValueTWA Time Weighted AverageThis document has been compiled by RMT on behalf of the manufacturer,importer or supplier of the Report statusproduct and serves as their Safety Data Sheet ('SDS').It is based on information concerning the product which has been provided to RMT by themanufacturer,importer or supplier or obtained from third party sources and is believed to representthe current state of knowledge as to the appropriate safety and handling precautions for the productat the time of issue.Further clarification regarding any aspect of the product should be obtaineddirectly from the manufacturer, importer or supplier.While RMT has taken all due care to include accurate and up-to-date information in this SDS,it doesnot provide any warranty as to accuracy or completeness.As far as lawfully possible,RMT acceptsno liability for any loss,injury or damage(including consequential loss)which may be suffered orincurred by any person as a consequence of their reliance on the information contained in this SDS.Risk Management TechnologiesPrepared by5 Ventnor Ave, West PerthWestern Australia 6005Phone: +61 8 9322 1711Fax: +61 8 9322 1794Email:************.auWeb: [ End of SDS ]。
Fri-Jado Multi Deck 24 40 48 热销售展示机说明书

ModelsSolid back 3 and 5 level Pass through 3 and 5 levelSERVICE MANUALMULTI DECK HOT MERCHANDISERS MD 24 - 40 - 48- NOTICE -This manual is prepared for the use of trained Service Technici-ans and should not be used by those not properly qualified. If you have attended a training for this product, you may be quali-fied to perform all the procedures in this manual.This manual is not intended to be all encompassing. If you have not attended training for this product, you should read, in its entirety, the repair procedure you wish to performto determine if you have the necessary tools, instruments and skills required to perform the procedure. Procedures for which you do not have the necessary tools, instruments and skills should be performedby a trained technician.Reproduction or other use of this Manual, without the expresswritten consent of Fri-Jado, is prohibited.MD 40 - 3 solid backVersionsRemarksVersion Issue datedd/mm/yy04/201216/03/2012MD 24 Solid Back 3 level 120V added.06/201501/06/2015Replacement side glass changed. Instruction mounting side glass ad-ded. Glass doors added. Update exploded views. Various updates. 12/201601/12/2016Replacement of EKC to ERC thermostat. Update front doors andelectric diagrams. Various small updates.INDEXIndex (4)General technical data (5)Removal and replacement of parts (6)Panels bottom side (6)Top cover (6)Display / illumination (7)Lamp holder (7)Tumble switch illumination (solid back) (8)Tumble switch illumination (pass through) (8)Electronic ballast (8)Drawer with telescopic slide (9)Danfoss thermostat (9)Sensor Danfoss thermostat (9)Contactor (10)Transformer (10)Swing door (10)Side glass (11)Top plate of the shelf (pass through) (12)Top plate of the shelf (solid back) (13)Blower (14)Mounting instruction glass door(s) (15)Changing Danfoss EKC to ERC thermostat (23)Electrical tests and service procedures (24)Heating element test (24)PTC 1K Sensor test (24)Contactor, blower and transformer test (25)Adjusting Danfoss ERC 211 thermostat (26)Error codes ERC 211 (28)Adjusting Danfoss EKC 102A thermostat till serial number 100080772 (29)Adjusting Danfoss EKC 102A thermostat till serial number 100080772 (30)Control locations (31)Troubleshooting (32)Trouble shooting Multi Deck 24/40/48 - 3 and 5 level (32)Exploded views & Part lists (35)Multi Deck 24/40/48 - 3 level solid back (35)Multi Deck 24/40/48 - 3 level pass through (39)Multi Deck 24 - 3 level solid back 120 V (43)Multi Deck 24/40/48 - 5 level solid back (45)Multi Deck 24/40/48 - 5 level pass through (49)Electrical diagrams (53)Circuit Diagram Multi Deck with ERC thermostat (53)Circuit Diagram Multi Deck with EKC thermostat till serial number 100080772 (54)Circuit Diagram Multi Deck 24 - 3 level 120 V (55)GENERAL TECHNICAL DATAGENERAL TECHNICAL DATAThis manual covers the Multi Deck 24-40-48 Hot 3 and 5 level series Merchandiser cabinets. The cabinets come in 3 sizes: 24, 40 and 48 inches, and in 2 different higths: 56 7/8 inch for the 3 level version and 77 5/8 inch for the 5 level version.• Multi Deck 24 - 3 and 5 level - Merchandiser 24 inches wide.• Multi Deck 40 - 3 and 5 level - Merchandiser 40 inches wide.• Multi Deck 48 - 3 and 5 level - Merchandiser 48 inches wide.All of the information, illustrations and specifications contained in this manual are based on the latest product information available at the time of printing.342Tools• Standard set of tools.• Metric wrenches, sockets and hex socket key wrenches.• Multi-meter and AC current clamp meter.• Insulation value tester (Megger)• Temperature tester.WARNING: Disconnect the electrical power to the machine at the main circuit box. Place a tag on the circuit box indicating the circuit is being serviced.2. Remove the bolts on the front panel andremove the panel.3. Remove the bolt that secures the side pa-nel and slide the panel to the backside to remove this.4. Remove the bolts that secure the back pa-nel and remove this panel.5. Reverse the procedure to install.Note: The panels are fitted with a folding in-side a slotted hole.1. Remove the plastic plugs on the back side that cover the bolts.2. Loosen the bolts that secure the panel and remove the panel.3. Reverse the procedure to install.Note: The plastic plugs cannot be re-used, so you have to replace them. Part.number plug is 9281039.REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF PARTS1. Remove the plastic rail profile on the top side.2. Pull, with both hands, on the bottom side of the plastic cover to remove the cover out of the “click system”. Remove the to-tal length out of the click system.3. Lift the top side out of the Aluminium rail and remove the display.4. Replace lamp.5. Reverse the procedure to install.1. Remove the transparent price rail. Lift this up on the edge and remove this from the holder. Now slide the rail out to the side.2. Remove the screws on top of the lamp hol-der.3. Bend the lamp holder profile open. This is a special construction that enables you to open and close this profile.4. Loosen the blocking clips on the sides of the lamp holder en lift the holder out.5. Remove the wiring from the holder.6. Reverse the procedure to install. Note: If the lamp holder profile breaks, just screw it back on again.1. Remove the top cover according prior pro-cedure.2. Remove the wiring from the switch and re-move the switch by pushing the clamps on both sides.3. Reverse the procedure to install.1. Remove the top cover according prior pro-cedure.2. Remove the bolts that secure the magnet holder profile and remove this profile.3. Remove the bolt that secures the blackcover plate and remove this plate by lifting this.4. Remove the wiring from the switch and re-move the switch by pushing the clamps on both sides.5. Reverse the procedure to install.1. Remove the top cover according to prior procedure.2. Remove the bolts on the mounting plate and lift the plate out.3. Remove the screws on the ballast and re-move the wiring.4. Reverse the procedure to install.Note: There is also a ballast on the bottom side of the mounting plate.1. Open the drawer and remove the bolt that secures the electric wiring box and lift the box out.2. If necessary remove the wiring of the sen-sor on the thermostat.3. Lift the black plastic locking pin of the te-lescopic slide on the right hand side up and push the locking pin on the left hand side down. Now you can pull the drawer out.4. Reverse the procedure to install.1. Open the drawer and remove the bolt that secures the electric wiring box and lift the box out.2. Remove the wiring from the thermostat.3. Loosen the blocking clips on the side of the thermostat and remove the thermostat.4. Reverse the procedure to install.Note: When changing the thermostat verify all parameters after installation. Start with parameter 07 by setting it to heating HE.1. Lift out the stainless steel drip tray from underneath.2. Lift out the electric wiring box according prior procedure.3. Remove the wiring of the sensor on the thermostat.4. Remove the screws, under the bottom shelf, that secure the holder of the sensor and remove the holder with sensor.5. Reverse the procedure to install.1. Lift out the electric wiring box according prior procedure.2. Remove the contactor by sliding it upwards over the rail.3. Remove the wiring from the contactor.4. Reverse the procedure to install.1. Open the swing door and remove the screws that secure the door hinges and re-move the door.Note: The doors are delivered as a totalassembly with glass, hinges, handle and snap rivets.1. Lift out the electric wiring box according prior procedure.2. Remove the bolt (white arrow) that secures the cover box of the transformer and re-move the box.3. Remove the wiring of the transformer.4. Remove the bolt and nut that secures the transformer and remove the transformer.4. Reverse the procedure to install.1. (Pass through only ) Remove the top andback panel(s) according prior procedures.2. (Solid back only ) Remove the top coverand the rear panel according prior proce-dures.3. Open the drawer.4. Remove the bolts that secure the bracketsof the glass and remove the brackets.5. Remove all broken glass and silicon resi-due and clean the surface.6. Place the new glass and secure the glassto the machine with the 2 taptite boltsin each mounting bracket. Use the sidepanel on the bottom side as a support forthe glass. To secure the glass with one ortwo clamps makes it easier.7. Seal the edge between the bottom, blackcoloured, drip tray and the side glass.with transparent Dow Corning 732 Siliconsealant (part.nr. 4302373). See white linein picture below.1. Remove the top cover, the magnet holderprofile (only for top shelf) and the black co-ver plates on the backside according priorprocedures.2. (Bottom shelf only) Remove the bolts thatsecure the black horizontal cover profile onthe bottom side and remove the profile.3. Remove the screws on the bottom sideof the cross sectional profile with the bigplugs.4. Remove the plastic plugs from this profile.5. Loosen the screws through the big holesand remove the profile. Better to guidethis with both hands on the outside of theprofile.6. Remove the transparent price rail accordingprior procedure.7. Remove the plastic caps on the nuts on thefront side of the shelf and remove the boltsand nuts.8. Remove the screws on the back side that se-cure the top plate of the shelf and removethe plate by lifting it up from the back andremove the plate to the front side.Note 1: When replacing the plate make sure the rubber profiles are in place.Note 2:The plastic plugs can get damagedand need to be replaced. Part number plug is 9172419.1. Remove the top cover, and the rear panel ac-cording prior procedures.2. Remove the transparent price rail, the plasticcaps on the nuts on the front side and these bolts and nuts according prior procedures. 3. Remove the screws on the back side thatsecure the rear plate and the top plate of the shelf and remove the rear plate.4. Remove the top plate by lifting it up fromthe back and remove the plate to the frontside.Note: When replacing the plate make sure therubber profiles are in place.1. Remove the top cover, the magnet hol-der profile (pass through only), and all theblack cover plates on the backside accor-ding prior procedures.2. Remove the bolts that secure the bottomclamp plate on the backside. This plate does not have to be removed.3. Remove the bolts that secure the base plateof the blower and remove this plate inclu-ding the blower. Take care that the con-nections of the air tubes on the blower are loose.4. Slide the upper tubes in the horizontal tee-joint as far as possible to the outside.5. Pull the upper tee-joint towards yourself toloosen the joints and remove the tee-jointand the 2 horizontal tubes.6. Lift the base plate with the blower outsidethe unit and remove the wiring of the blo-wer.7. Remove the bolts that secure the blower onthe base plate and remove the blower.8. Reverse the procedure to install.Note: The models MD 40 and 48 with 5 shelves have 2 blowers. Each blower operates forthe left or right hand circulation.Part number Description9229813Front door ass. MD 24-3 9229814Front door ass. MD 24-5 9229833Front door ass. MD 40-3 9229834Front door ass. MD 40- 5 9229853Front door ass. MD 48-3 9229854Front door ass. MD 48-5 9220170S Ass. front door MD 24-3 9220171S Ass. front door MD 24-5 9220202S Ass. front door MD 40-3 left 9220192S Ass. front door MD 40-3 right 9220203S Ass. front door MD 40-5 left 9220193S Ass. front door MD 40-5 right 9220204S Ass. front door MD 48-3 left 9220194S Ass. front door MD 48-3 right 9220205S Ass. front door MD 48-5 left9220195S Ass. front door MD 48-5 rightFor adjusting instructions and parameter settings see electrical tests on pages 26 and 27.The wiring connection numbers 1-4-2-5-13-14 on the Danfoss EKC thermostat are differentthan the wiring connections 3L-2-4N-1-9-10 on the ERC thermostat. keep this in mind when you change the EKC for the ERC thermostat. See also the drawing below.Instructions for exchanging Danfoss EKC to ERC thermostatWARNING: Disconnect the electrical power to the machine at the main circuit box. Place a tag on the circuit box indicatingthe circuit is being serviced.ELECTRICAL TESTS AND SERVICE PROCEDURESType Wattage/VoltageResistance Ω -0% + 10%Current AMD 24400 / 12036.0 3.3MD 24600 / 12024.0 5.0MD 24400 / 208108.1 1.9MD 24 + 40600 / 20872.1 2.8MD 40 + 48900 / 20848.0 4.3MD 481060 / 20840.85.0Note: When testing the resistance of the element remove the wiring from the connecting block.Temperature Resistance °F °C ± 10 Ohms 60 16930 70 21970 80 27 1016 90 321056100 381107125 521227150 651347200 941636250 12119351. Remove the right side panel according prior procedure.2. Remove the wiring from the sensor.3. Connect a temperature sensor to the probe for comparison.4.Test the probe with an Ohmmeter.Note: When testing the resistance remove the wiring.Type Description Voltage ResistanceMD 120V and 208 V Contactor208 V Resistance of coil (A1 - A2) ~ 525 ΩMD 120V and 208 V Blower120 V Between 1-2 ~3.5 MΩSee picture belowMD 208 V Transformer 208 / 120 V Between orange and brown wire ~5.0 ΩBetween red and red wire ~2.5 ΩBetween all other combinations infinite1 2 earthIn order to adjust the thermostat, first open the panel on the backside with the key.75.4 A1A2A3A5 A4A6A1 Heating on/offA2 Indication °C or °FA3 Back keyA4 OK/set keyA5 Up keyA6 Down keyIf the elements are switched on, the indicator lamp A1 will go on.Error codes on display:E29: PT sensor broken or wiring problem sensor. A01: High temperature alarm.A02: Low temperature alarm.A99: High voltage alarm.AA1: Low voltage alarm.oFF: Main switch alarm. Check parameter r12. Wrong temperature displayed: Wrong type of sensor selected. Check o06.When reporting error codes the unit is switched in stand-by mode and cannot be used until the problem is resolved.Note: In order to adjust the thermostat, first remove the thermostat according prior procedure. Changing set point1. Press the middle button until the temperature value is shown.2. Change value with upper or lower button.3. Press the middle button to confirm.Setting internal parameters1. Press the upper button for 3 seconds. In display the first parameter appears (ro1).2. Press the middle button to read out value.3. Change value with upper or lower button.4. Press the middle button to confirm.5. Press the lower button for the next parameter. Follow instructions 2 to 4.When no key is pressed after last confirmation, system goes back to normal operation mode after 20 seconds.Replacing of thermostatWhen you install a new thermostat, then always change parameter r05 first to 1 (°F) and chan-ge parameter o07 to HE. Otherwise some other parameters cannot be changed to the desired value. Otherwise some other parameters cannot be changed to the desired value. You can run through the parameters with the up or down keys, once you are inside the parameter settings.Options1. Return to factory settings: Turn the power off. Press and hold the upper and lower buttonand switch the power on at the same time.2. Actual temperature of sensor 1 (Thermostat): Press up key shortly 2 times.Error codes on displayE1: Fault in controller.E29: Cabinet sensor broken or wiring problem sensor.M D 25-40-483 a n d 5 l e v e l Setpoint °F 185r01Differential°F 2r02Higher setpoint limit °F 210r03Lower setpoint limit°F 32r04 Off-set temperature indication °F 0r05Temperature unit (°C / °F)°F °F r09 Correction of signal from air output °F -18r12 Start / stop of temperature control 1c01 Minimum “ON” time compressor min 0c02 Minimum “OFF” time compressor min0c30 Reversed function of relay contact OFF d01 Defrost method (EL / OFF)OFF d02Defrost end temperature °F 40d03 Defrost intervalhour 8d04 Maximum defrost time min 45d05 “ON” delay after defrostmin0d10 Defrost sensor (0=time, 1=air)0d13 Defrost at start upno o01 Output delay after start up sec0o05 Access code all settings 0o06 Sensor typeptc o07Warm (HE) / cold (rE)HE o15 Step value display (yes = 0.5°C / no = 1°C)no o67 Store current parameter as factory default OFF u58Status relay 1-Parameters Danfoss EKC 102A thermostatNote: r09 is a compensation when using a long sensor cable. That means that the sensor registrates/works actually 18° higher then the setpoint. So temp. regulation is in fact on 185 + 18.ELECTRICAL TESTS AND SERVICE PROCEDURESon/off switchOn the back side with pass through version.On the front side with solid back version.thermostat EKC 211 or EKC 102A (till serial nr. 100080772)75.4TROUBLESHOOTINGTROUBLESHOOTINGTROUBLE SHOOTING MULTI DECK 24/40/48 - 3 AND 5 LEVELTROUBLESHOOTINGThis is an analytic description for servicing and repairing all major parts of the Multi Deck 24, 40 and 48 - 3 and 5 level. It consists of 4 basic steps to recognize and solve the problems:1. Symptoms.2. Possible causes.3. Solving of the problem: checking/action.4. Replacing of parts and testing: a. Replacing is described in this service manual.b. For testing see control locations on page 16 of this manual.TROUBLESHOOTINGPTC 1000 sensor The cabinet is not reachingthe adjusted temperature ordoes not heat up at allThe cabinet becomes too hot Broken sensor.Loose sensor.Broken sensor.Sensor shorted.Replace sensor.Check wiring.Replace sensor.Check wiring.Ringcore transformer Blower motor doesn’t run Wiring.Transformer malfunction.Check the wiring.Check the power on the trans-former.Check the 120V outgoing sig-nal on the transformer. Check the resistance of the coils:Between the brown and orange wire 5.6Ω.Between the red and red wire 3.1Ω.Blower heating system Blower doesn’t runMain fuse burned WiringCoolingShort circuit in coil toearthCheck wiring.Check voltage on blower.Check cooling of blower.Check if unit is close to anotherheat source.Measure temperature of blo-wer during process.Check insulation value of coilwith a Megger on max. 500VMinimum value is 0.5MΩ.TROUBLESHOOTINGEXPLODED VIEWS AND PART LISTS EXPLODED VIEWS & PART LISTSEXPLODED VIEWS AND PART LISTSEXPLODED VIEWS AND PART LISTSEXPLODED VIEWS AND PART LISTSEXPLODED VIEWS AND PART LISTS。
达诺(Dorner)MFG. 纵向支撑架安装、维护和零部件手册说明书

For other service manuals visit our website at:/service_manuals.aspDORNER MFG. CORP .INSIDE THE USA OUTSIDE THE USA P.O. Box 20 • 975 Cottonwood Ave.TEL: 1-800-397-8664TEL: 262-367-7600Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USA FAX: 1-800-369-2440FAX: 262-367-5827851-707 Rev. AA-Frame Support StandsInstallation, Maintenance & Parts ManualDorner Mfg. Corp.2851-707 Rev. AA-Frame Support StandsTable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................... 2Warnings - General Safety.................................................. 3Product Description............................................................. 4Specifications...................................................................... 4A-Frame Support Stand................................................... 4Installation........................................................................... 5Required Tools................................................................. 5Recommended Installation Sequence.............................. 5Stand Attachment to the Conveyor.................................. 5Horizontal Mount......................................................... 5Angle Mount................................................................ 5Diagonal Brace Attachment......................................... 6Proper Methods of Attachment to Side Rails.................. 6Self-Drilling Screws.. (6)Pre-Drill for Standard Screws....................................... 7Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment............................ 8Stand Height Adjustment................................................. 8Required Tools.............................................................. 8Stands With Feet........................................................... 8Stands With Casters...................................................... 8Service Parts....................................................................... 10A-Frame Stand for 2200and 3200 Series Conveyors............................................ 10A-Frame Stand Mounted Under Bottom Drivesfor 2200 Series Conveyors............................................. 11A-Frame Stand for 2300 Series DustPruf Conveyors.... 12A-Frame Stand for 5200 and 5300 Series Conveyors.... 13Return Policy. (14)IntroductionUpon receipt of shipment:•Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factory regarding discrepancies.•Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrier regarding damage.•Accessories may be shipped loose. See accessory instruc-tions for installation.Dorner’s Limited Warranty applies.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice or obligation.IMPORTANTSome illustrations may show guards removed. DO NOT operate equipment without guards.851-707 Rev. A3Dorner Mfg. Corp.A-Frame Support StandsWarnings - General SafetyA WARNINGThe safety alert symbol, black triangle with white exclamation, is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Climbing, sitting, walking or riding on conveyor will cause severe injury.KEEP OFF CONVEYORS.DO NOT OPERATE CONVEYORS IN ANEXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guardsor performing maintenance.A WARNINGLoosening stand height or angle adjustment screws may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.SUPPORT CONVEYOR SECTIONS PRIOR TO LOOSENING STAND HEIGHT OR ANGLE ADJUSTMENT SCREWS.A WARNINGDorner cannot control the physicalinstallation and application of conveyors. Taking protective measures is the responsibility of the user.When conveyors are used in conjunction with other equipment or as part of a multiple conveyor system, CHECK FOR POTENTIAL PINCH POINTS and other mechanical hazards before system start-up.Dorner Mfg. Corp.4851-707 Rev. AA-Frame Support StandsProduct DescriptionRefer to Figure 1 for typical stand components.Figure 1SpecificationsA-Frame Support Stand1 Pivot Plate2 Support Stand3 Foot Pad213A-Frame Support Stands InstallationRequired Tools•Level•17 mm wrench•24 mm wrench•30 mm wrenchRecommended Installation Sequence•Attach the stand(s) to the conveyor.•Attach the diagonal bracing, if applicable.•Adjust the stand height and level.Stand Attachment to the ConveyorHorizontal Mount1.Properly support the conveyor or place the conveyorupside down on a flat surface.2.Attach the stand (Figure 2,item1) to the conveyor(Figure 2,item2) and tighten the four bolts (Figure 2,item3). For 2300 and 5300 series conveyors see“Proper Methods of Attachment to Side Rails” onpage6.Figure 23.Repeat for other stands.4.Adjust the stand height.Refer to “Stand HeightAdjustment” on page8.Angle Mount1.Properly support the conveyor or place the conveyorupside down on a flat surface.2.For slotted brackets, loosen the two bracket bolts(Figure 3,item1) and adjust the bracket(Figure 3,item2) so that the top is at approximately thesame angle as the conveyor. Do not tighten the bolts.Figure3A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severeinjury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guardsor performing maintenance.A WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 2,item3)may cause conveyor sections to drop downcausing severe injury.TIGHTEN SCREWS (Figure 2,item3) AFTERADJUSTMENT.31221851-707 Rev. A5Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp.6851-707 Rev. AA-Frame Support StandsInstallation3.Attach the bracket (Figure 4,item 1) to the conveyor (Figure 4,item 2) and tighten the four bolts(Figure 4,item 3). For 2300 and 5300 series conveyors see “Proper Methods of Attachment to Side Rails” on page 6.Figure 44.Adjust the bracket angle on the slotted brackets(Figure 4,item 1) to match the conveyor angle until the legs are vertical and tighten the bolts (Figure 4,item 4).5.Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the other stands.6.Adjust the stand height. Refer to “Stand Height Adjustment” on page 8.Diagonal Brace Attachment1.Install the end of brace with non-threaded hole(Figure 5,item 1) onto the inside of the stand (Figure 5,item 2).Figure 52.Secure the brace with a hex head bolt and nut (Figure 5,item 3).3.Attach the end of brace with threaded hole (Figure 6,item 1) to the conveyor with hex head bolt (Figure 6,item 2). For 2300 and 5300 series conveyors see “Proper Methods of Attachment to Side Rails” on page 6.Figure 64.Repeat steps 1 through 3 for opposite leg.5.Tighten all hardware.Proper Methods of Attachment to Side RailsThe 2300 and 5300 DustPruf side rail is designed for self-drilling attachment of brackets and accessories. This can be done in two methods: self-drilling screws or pre-drill for standard screws.Self-Drilling ScrewsAll Dorner accessories are provided with 1/4-20 self-drilling screws.A WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 4,item 4) may cause conveyor sections to drop down causing severe injury.TIGHTEN SCREWS (Figure 4,item 4) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.1243123A WARNINGInstalling self-drilling screws into thedustpruf side rail requires substantial force.Failure to properly support the conveyor while installing self-drilling screws may cause the operator or conveyor to slip, causing severe injury.SUPPORT CONVEYOR FRAMES WHILE INSTALLING SELF-DRILLING SCREWS.12851-707 Rev. A 7Dorner Mfg. Corp.A-Frame Support StandsInstallation1.Locate and hold bracket (Figure 7,item 1) to side rail. Hole should line up with notch (Figure 7,item 2) in side rail.Figure 72.With a cordless drill or equivalent install self-drilling screws (Figure 7,item 3). Use high speed setting to drill through side wall. Once the tap portion is started switch drill power to a lower speed. Do not fully tighten with drill.3.Hand tighten the screws to secure (Figure 8). Recommended torque is 150 in.lbs (17 Nm).Figure8Pre-Drill for Standard ScrewsThe DustPruf side rail will also accept standard screws. M6-1.0 and 1/4-20 are acceptable. Strength grade 8 is recommended.1.Locate and hold bracket (Figure 9,item 1) to side rail. Hole should line up with notch (Figure 9,item 2) in side rail. Mark the hole locations with a center punch (Figure 9,item 3) and remove the bracket.Figure 92.Drill the hole locations (Figure 10,item 1) with a 3/16" drill bit (Figure 10,item 2).Figure 103.Position and hold bracket (Figure 11,item 1) to side rail. With a standard M6-1.0 or 1/4-20 screw, install screws (Figure 11,item 2) with cordless drill or equivalent. Do not fully tighten with drill.Figure 114.Hand tighten the screws to secure (Figure 12). Recommended torque is 150 in.lbs (17 Nm).Figure 121232131212Dorner Mfg. Corp.8851-707 Rev. AA-Frame Support StandsPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentStand Height AdjustmentRequired Tools•Level •17 mm wrench •24 mm wrench •30 mm wrenchStands With Feet1.To adjust stand height, loosen the upper nut(Figure 13,item 1) on the foot stem. Rotate the lower nut (Figure 13,item 2) up or down to raise or lower the stand (Figure 13,item 3) to desired height.Figure 132.Repeat steps on the opposite stand leg.3.Use a level (Figure 14,item 1) to verify that both stand legs are the same height.Figure 144.Tighten the upper nut (Figure 13,item 1) on the foot stem to secure each foot assembly.Stands With Casters1.Loosen the upper nut (Figure 15,item 1) on the caster stem (Figure 15,item 2).Figure 15A WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance. Exposed moving parts can cause serious injury.132Maximum Height 5" (127 mm)A WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance. Exposed moving parts can cause serious injury.1123Maximum Height 6" (165 mm)851-707 Rev. A9Dorner Mfg. Corp.A-Frame Support StandsPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment2.Rotate the lower nut up or down(Figure 15,item 3) to raise or lower the stand to the desired height.3.Repeat steps 1 and 2 on the opposite stand leg.4.Use a level (Figure 16,item 1) to verify that both stand legs are the same height.Figure 165.Tighten the upper nut (Figure 15,item 1)on the caster stem (Figure 15,item 2) to secure each foot assembly.A WARNINGSEVERE HAZARD!DO NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 10-1/2" (267 mm) from the floor to the bottom of the stand.Exceeding the maximum height will allow parts to separate and may cause serious injury.1Dorner Mfg. Corp.10851-707 Rev. AA-Frame Support StandsService PartsA-Frame Stand for 2200 and 3200 Series ConveyorsNOTEFor replacement parts other than those shown in this section, contact an authorized Dorner Service Centeror the factory. Key Service Parts and Kits are identified by the Performance Parts Kits logo . Dorner recommends keeping these parts on hand.Item Part Number Description 1708180P Tri Lobe Screw, M6-1.0 x 25 mm 2712041-LLLLL Upper Crossmember 3712041-LLLLL Lower Crossmember 4712041-LLLLL Leg 5712043Ear Bracket 6712049Foot Assembly 7712048Caster Assembly 8712045-L Angled Mount Plate Left Hand9712045-R Angled Mount Plate Right Hand 10712055Joint Bracket 11712056Foot Plate 12639717M Drop-In T ee-Bar 13920693M Low Head Cap Screw, M6-1.00 x 16 mm 14960812M Hex Head Cap Screw, M8-1.25 x 12 mm LLLLL - Length in inches with 2 decimal places.Length Example: Length = 95.25" LLLLL = 09525Item Part Number DescriptionA-Frame Support Stands Service PartsA-Frame Stand Mounted Under Bottom Drives for 2200 Series ConveyorsItem PartNumber Description1708180P Tri Lobe Screw, M6-1.0 x 25 mm2712041-LLLLL Upper Crossmember3712041-LLLLL Lower Crossmember4712041-LLLLL Leg5712043Ear Bracket6712049Foot Assembly7712048Caster Assembly8712051-L Angled Mount Plate Left Hand9712051-R Angled Mount Plate Right Hand10712055Joint Bracket11712056Foot Plate12960812M Hex Head Cap Screw, M8-1.25 x 12 mmLLLLL - Length in inches with 2 decimal places.Length Example: Length = 95.25" LLLLL = 09525851-707 Rev. A11Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp.12851-707 Rev. AA-Frame Support StandsService PartsA-Frame Stand for 2300 Series DustPruf ConveyorsItem Part Number Description 1708180P Tri Lobe Screw, M6-1.0 x 25 mm 2712041-LLLLL Upper Crossmember 3712041-LLLLL Lower Crossmember 4712041-LLLLL Leg 5712043Ear Bracket 6712049Foot Assembly 7712048Caster Assembly 8712045-L Angled Mount Plate Left Hand 9712045-R Angled Mount Plate Right Hand 10712055Joint Bracket 11712056Foot Plate 12960812M Hex Head Cap Screw, M8-1.25 x 12 mm LLLLL - Length in inches with 2 decimal places.Length Example: Length = 95.25" LLLLL = 09525A-Frame Support Stands Service PartsA-Frame Stand for 5200 and 5300 Series ConveyorsItem PartNumber Description1708180P Tri Lobe Screw, M6-1.0 x 25 mm 2712041-LLLLL Upper Crossmember3712041-LLLLL Lower Crossmember4712041-LLLLL Leg5712043Ear Bracket6712049Foot Assembly7712048Caster Assembly8712051-L Angled Mount Plate Left Hand 9712051-R Angled Mount Plate Right Hand 10712055Joint Bracket11712056Foot Plate 12960812M Hex Head Cap Screw, M8-1.25 x 12 mm 13639974M Washer14639717M Drop-In T ee-Bar15920693M Socket Head Cap Screw,M6-1.00 x 16 mmLLLLL - Length in inches with 2 decimal places.Length Example: Length = 95.25" LLLLL = 09525Item PartNumber Description851-707 Rev. A13Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp. reserves the right to change or discontinue products without notice. Allproducts and services are covered in accordance with our standard warranty. All rights reserved. © Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2010DORNER MFG. CORP.975 Cottonwood Ave., PO Box 20Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USATEL 1-800-397-8664 (USA)FAX 1-800-369-2440 (USA)Internet: Outside the USA:TEL 1-262-367-7600FAX 1-262-367-5827Return PolicyReturns must have prior written factory authorization or they will not be accepted. Items that are returned to Dorner without authorization will not be credited nor returned to the original sender. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner factory representative or your local distributor:1. Name and address of customer.2. Dorner part number(s) of item(s) being returned.3. Reason for return.4. Customer's original order number used when ordering the item(s).5. Dorner or distributor invoice number (if available, part serial number).A representative will discuss action to be taken on the returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization (RMA)number for reference. RMA will automatically close 30 days after being issued. To get credit, items must be new and undamaged. There will be a return charge on all items returned for credit, where Dorner was not at fault. It is the customer’s responsibility to prevent damage during return shipping. Damaged or modified items will not be accepted. The customer is responsible for return freight.Conveyors and conveyor accessoriesStandard catalog conveyors 30%MPB, 7200, 7300 Series, cleated and specialty belt 50%AquaGard & AquaPruf Series conveyors non-returnable itemsEngineered special products case by caseDrives and accessories30%Sanitary stand supports non-returnable itemsPartsStandard stock parts30%Plastic chain, cleated and specialty belts non-returnable itemsReturns will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date. The return charge covers inspection, cleaning, disassembly, disposal and reissuing of components to inventory. If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Contact Dorner for the name of your local representative. Our Customer Service Teams will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner's Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website at .For replacement parts, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.851-707 Rev. A Printed in U.S.A.。
QuickTiter Adenovirus Quantitation Kit 产品说明书

Product ManualQuickTiter™ Adenovirus Quantitation KitCatalog NumberassaysVPK-106 20FOR RESEARCH USE ONLYNot for use in diagnostic proceduresIntroductionRecombinant adenoviruses have tremendous potential in both research and therapeutic applications. There are numerous advantages they provide when introducing genetic material into host cells. The permissive host cell range is very wide. The virus has been used to infect many mammalian cell types (both replicative and non-replicative) for high expression of the recombinant protein. Recombinant adenoviruses are especially useful for gene transfer and protein expression in cell lines that have low transfection efficiency with liposome. After entering cells, the virus remains epichromosomal (i.e. does not integrate into the host chromosome so does not activate or inactivate host genes). Recently, recombinant adenoviruses have been used to deliver RNAi into cells.HEK 293 cells or their variants are used as host cells for viral amplification. Recombinant adenoviruses can be grown at high titer (1010 VP (viral particles)/mL, which can be concentrated up to 1013 VP/mL) and purified by Cell Biolabs ViraBind™ Adenoviral Purification Kit or traditional CsCl ultracentrifugation.A particular challenge in the delivery of a gene by a viral vector is the accurate measurement of virus titer. Traditionally, infectivity particles are measured in culture by a plaque-forming unit assay (PFU) that scores the number of viral plaques as a function of dilution. Others utilize antibodies that recognize adenovirus hexon proteins by immunohistochemistry staining or FACS analysis. These methods are time-consuming, require a long infection period, and suffer from a high degree of inter-assay variability and are affected by virus-cell interactions. For highly purified virus samples, an optical absorbance at 260 nm has been used to estimate the total number of virus particles. However this method can not be used in an unpurified viral supernatant, because some of the components it contains can contributes to the optical absorbance of 260 nm.Cell Biolabs’ proprietary QuickTiter™ Adenoviral Quantitation Kit does not involve cell infection; instead it specifically measures the viral nucleic acid content of purified viruses or unpurified viral supernatant sample (See Test Principle). Especially for unpurified viral supernatant, the kit is very useful for determining the supernatant titer before the purification step. The kit has detection sensitivity limit of 1 X 109 VP or 1 X 1010 VP/mL when 100 µL of adenoviral supernatant is used in the assay, which is sufficient for mid or high-titer adenovirus sample. The entire procedure takes about 45 to 60 minutes. Each kit provides sufficient quantities to perform up to 20 tests for viral samples and controls.QuickTiter™ Adenoviral Quantitation Kit provides an efficient system for rapid quantitation of adenovirus titer for both viral supernatant and purified virus. The system may be adapted to quantitation of other viral types, such as retrovirus and lentivirus.2Assay PrincipleRelated Products1.VPK-109: QuickTiter™ Adenovirus Titer Immunoassay Kit2.VPK-110: QuickTiter™ Adenovirus Titer ELISA Kit3.VPK-252: RAPAd® CMV Adenoviral Expression System4.AD-100: 293AD Cell Line5.VPK-099: ViraBind™ Adenovirus Miniprep Kit6.VPK-100: ViraBind™ Adenovirus Purification Kit7.AD-200: ViraDuctin™ Adenovirus Transduction Reagent8.VPK-112: QuickTiter™ Lentivirus Quantitation Kit9.VPK-120: QuickTiter™ Retrovirus Quantitation Kit10.VPK-145: QuickTiter™ AAV Quantitation KitKit Components1.QuickTiter™ Solution A (Part No. 90020): One tube – 200 µL.2.QuickTiter™ Adenovirus Capture Solution (Part No. 90021): One tube – 1.0 mL.3.QuickTiter™ Solution B (10X) (Part No. 90022): Two tubes – 1.8 mL each.4.QuickTiter™ Solution C (2X) (Part No. 90023): Two tubes – 1.5 mL each5.CyQuant® GR Dye (400X) (Part No. 105101): One tube – 50 µL.6.QuickTiter™ Adenovirus DNA Standard (Part No. 90025): One tube – 500µL containing 100µg/mL Adenovirus DNA StandardMaterials Not Supplied1.Recombinant adenovirus of interest: purified or unpurified high-titer virus supernatant2.HEK 293 cells and cell culture growth medium3.Cell culture centrifuge4.0.45 µm filter5.1X PBS containing 10 mM MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl26.1X TE (10 mM Tris, pH7.5, 1 mM EDTA)7.Fluorescence Plate ReaderStorageStore all kit components at 4ºC until their expiration dates.Safety ConsiderationsRemember that you will be working with samples containing infectious virus. Follow the recommended NIH guidelines for all materials containing BSL-2 organisms.Preparation of Reagents∙1X QuickTiter™ Solution B: Prepare a 1X QuickTiter™ Solution B by diluting the provided 10X stock 1:10 in deionized water. Store the diluted solution at room temperature.∙1X QuickTiter™ Solution C: Prepare a 1X QuickTiter™ Solution C by diluting the provided 2X stock 1:2 in deionized water. Store the diluted solution at room temperature.∙1X CyQuant® GR Dye: Estimate the amount of 1X CyQuant® GR Dye needed based on the number of assays including adenovirus DNA standard samples. Immediately before use, prepare a 1X CyQuant® GR Dye by diluting the provided 400X stock 1:400 in 1X TE. For best results, the diluted solution should be used with 2 hrs of its preparation.Preparation of Standard Curve1.To create adenovirus DNA standards from 100 µg/mL, 50 µg/mL, 25 µg/mL, 12.5 µg/mL, 0µg/mL (1:2 serial dilution), label nine microcentrifuge tubes #1 to #9.2.Add 20 µL of 1X QuickTiter™ Solution C to tube #2 to #9, transfer 20 µL of 100 µg/mLQuickTiter™ Adenovirus DNA Standard to tube #1 and #2. Mix tube #2 well, transfer 20 µL of the mixture (50 µg/mL) to the next tube. Repeat the steps until tube #8 and use tube #9 as a blank.3.Transfer 5 µL of each dilution including blank to a microtiter plate suitable for fluorometer.Add 95 µL of 1X CyQuant® GR Dye to each of the wells containing the 5 µL sample. Read the plate with a fluorescence plate reader using a 480/520 nm filter set.Harvesting Infected Cell LysateThe following procedure is suggested for a T75 flask and may be optimized to suit individual needs.e HEK 293 cells that have been passaged regularly 2-3 times prior to the infection. Culturethese cells until the monolayer is 90-100% confluent.2.Replace the cell culture media with new growth media, 15 mL per flask. Next, the adenovirusis added to the culture. Either crude or purified viral stock can be used. A multiplicity of 10 PFU (plague forming units) per cell is desired.3.After 24 hr, some cells should be floating. Add 10 mL growth media to the culture flask andallow the viruses to expand for another 24 hrs. When all the cells are floating, gently shake the culture flask several times and harvest all media, including cells, in a sterile tube.4.Release the adenoviruses from the cells with three freeze/thaw cycles. Centrifuge at 3000 rpmfor 10 minutes to pellet the cell debris. Discard the pellet and save supernatant. If a large amount of cell debris is still visible, centrifuge the supernatant again.5.The viral supernatant can be stored at -80 0C or immediately used in the titration step.Assay Protocol1.When unpurified viral supernatant is used, the supernatant is clarified by passing it through a0.45 µm sterile filter before proceed the next step.2.Add viral sample (1 to 100 µL) to a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube and adjust the final volume to1 mL with 1X PBS containing 10 mM MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2.Note: A proper negative control MUST be included. For purified viral sample, use the same volume of buffer solution that viruses are stored. For unpurified viral supernatant, use the same volume of uninfected 293 cell lysate supernatant that has been through three freeze/thaw cycles.3.Add 10 µl of QuickTiter™ Solution A to the assay tube and mix by inverting the tube severaltimes. Incubate at 37 0C for 30 minutes.4.Mix the QuickTiter™ Adenovirus Capture Solution by vortexing for 10 seconds. Quicklytransfer 40 µL of the bead capture solution to the assay tube containing the viral sample.Incubate at room temperature for 10 min on an orbital shaker.5.Spin down the beads at 2000X g for 30 seconds. Discard the supernatant and wash the beadswith 750 µL of 1X QuickTiter™ Solution B. Mix by inverting the tube several times, spin down the beads and discard the supernatant.6.Repeat the wash step once and aspirate the final wash. To remove the last bit of liquid,centrifuge the tube again at 2000X g for 30 seconds, and remove remaining supernatant with a small bore pipette tip to avoid the beads.7.Add 20 µL of 1X QuickTiter™ Solution C, mix with the beads by vortexing for 10 seconds,spin down the beads at 12000g for 30 seconds.8.Transfer 5 µL supernatant to a microtiter plate suitable for fluorometer. Add 95 µL of freshlyprepared 1X CyQuant® GR Dye to well(s) containing the 5 µL supernatant. Read the plate with a fluorescence plate reader using a 480/520 nm filter set.9.Calculate adenovirus virus titer based on the standard curve.Example of ResultsThe following figures demonstrate typical quantitation results. One should use the data below for reference only. This data should not be used to interpret actual results.Figure 1: Adenovirus DNA Standard Curve. The QuickTiter™ Adenovirus DNA Standard wasdiluted as described in the above instructions. Fluorescence measurement was performed onSpectraMax Gemini XS Fluorometer (Molecular Device) with a 485/538 nm filter set and 530 nm cutoff.Calculation of Adenovirus Titer (VP/mL)1. Determine Viral DNA amount:1) Calculate Net RFU (Relative Fluorescence Unit):Net RFU = RFU (viral sample) – RFU (negative control corresponding to viral sample)2) Use the standard curve to determine the viral DNA amount of each unknown sample.2. Calculate Viral Titer:The average genome size of an adenovirus is 40 kbp, therefore,1 ng adenoviral DNA = (1x10-9) g / (40,000 bp x 660 g/bp) X 6 x 1023 = 2.3 x 107 VP Virus Titer (VP/mL) = Amount of adenoviral ds DNA (ng) X 2.3 x 107 VP X (20 µL/5 µL) Viral sample volume (mL)Virus Titer (VP/mL) = Amount of adenoviral ds DNA (ng) X 9.2 x 107 VP/ngViral sample volume (mL)Examples of Ad-β Gal Titer Quantitation:Method: HEK 293 cells were infected with Ad-β Gal at 20 MOI for 48 hrs. After three freeze/thaw cycles to release ad-β Gal viruses from infected cells, 20 mL of viral supernatant was collected and filtered through a 0.45 µm sterile filter. Ad-β Gal was further purified using ViraBind™ Adenovirus Purification Kit (Cat.# VPK-100) or CsCl 2 ultracentrifugation. The adenovirus titers were determined as described in assay instructions.Sample #1: Ad-β Gal Viral Supernatant: 100 µL was usedAverage Net RFU = 165.7 – 22.3 = 143.4 or 51 ng of viral DNAVirus Titer (VP/mL) = 51 (ng) X 9.2 x 107 VP/ng = 4.7 X 1010 VP/mL0.1 mLSample #2: Purified Ad-β Gal (ViraBind™ Kit): 50 µL was usedAverage RFU = 529.4 – 3.7 = 525.7 or 197 ng viral DNAVirus Titer (VP/mL) = 197 (ng) X 9.2 x 107 VP/ng = 3.6 X 1011 VP/mL0.05 mLSample #3: Purified Ad-β Gal (CsCl2): 2 µL was usedAverage RFU = 64 – 4.0 = 60 or 22 ng viral DNAVirus Titer (VP/mL) = 22 (ng) X 9.2 x 107 VP/ng = 1.0 X 1012 VP/mL0.002 mLReferences1.Wu N and Ataai M. M (2000) Curr Opin Biotechnol. 11(2):205-8.2.Mizuguchi et al., (2001) Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 52:165–176.3.Vorburger, S. A. and Hunt, K. K. (2002) Oncologist 7:46–59.Recent Product Citations1.Bian, D. et al. (2006). The G12/13-RhoA signaling pathway contributes to efficientlysophosphatidic acid-stimulated cell migration. Oncogene 25:2234-2244.2.Rho, M. et al. (2007). Sensitization of vascular smooth muscle cell to TNF-alpha-mediated death inthe presence of palmitate. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 220(3):311-319.3.Kang, S-H. et al. (2008). Roles of ERK and NFkB in interleukin-8 expression in response to heatshock protein 22 in vascular smooth muscle cells. Korean J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 12:171-176.4.Reiter, C.E.N. et al. (2010). Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate reduces endothelin-1expression and secretion in vascular endothelial cells: roles for AMP-activated protein kinase, Akt, and FOXO1. Endocrinology151:103-114.License InformationCyQuant® GR Dye is licensed from Molecular Probes (Invitrogen).WarrantyThese products are warranted to perform as described in their labeling and in Cell Biolabs literature when used in accordance with their instructions. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES THAT EXTEND BEYOND THIS EXPRESSED WARRANTY AND CELL BIOLABS DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CELL BIOLABS’ sole obligation and purchaser’s exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be, at the option of CELL BIOLABS, to repair or replace the products. In no event shall CELL BIOLABS be liable for any proximate, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the products.Contact InformationCell Biolabs, Inc.7758 Arjons DriveSan Diego, CA 92126Worldwide: +1 858-271-6500USA Toll-Free: 1-888-CBL-0505E-mail: ********************2004-2010: Cell Biolabs, Inc. - All rights reserved. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form without permissions in writing.。
METTLER TOLEDO 逐捷客户支持指南说明书

ediuGresUMETTLER TOLEDO Technology for FedEx CustomersSupport at your FingertipsC u s t o m e r P o r t a l U s e r G u i d eTable of ContentsAccessing the Site pg. 3User Settings pg. 3-4Placing an Order pg. 4-5Wish List pg. 6Order Management pg. 7FAQspg. 7-10C u s t o m e r P o r t a l U s e r G u i d eHow to Access the Site1. Visit the website at: https://You can access the website using any computer, tablet, or mobile device with anInternet connection. You may want to bookmark this URL for easy access in the future.2. Shop as a Guest or LoginIf you do not wish to login or register for an online account, you can simply shop and checkout as a guest. Please note that as aregistered user, you can benefit from additional features, including tracking order fulfillment, viewing your order history, and creating wish lists!Want to register for an online account? Click "Register for newaccount" under the Quick Links box on the homepage. Fill out your contact information, desired login credentials, and businessinformation. After submitting your registration, you will receive an automated email to activate your account. Click on the URL providedin the email and proceed to login (this URL will only be valid for 24 hours). Please note, this online account is not linked to a METTLER TOLEDO business account.If you would like to login, click "Login" under the Quick Links box. If you forgot your password, select the "Forgotten Password" option at the login screen and enter the email address associated with your account. You will receive an automated email with instructions on how to update your password.If you would like to update the email associated with your online account, please email ****************** and a member of our team will assist.User SettingsIf you have a registered online account, you can manage your account settings under your Profile, Address Book, and Payment Details.1. Account SettingsHow do I change my account settings?From any page, click the person icon displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Then, click "My Profile." Here you can edit your profile information or change your password.2. Managing AddressesFrom any page, click the person icon in the upper right hand corner and click Address Book. Here you can add or manage any shipping addresses and billing addresses associated with your account. You can also add any shipping or billing addresses needed during checkout.C u s t o m e r P o r t a l U s e r G u i d e3. Payment InformationFrom any page, click the person icon in the upper right hand corner and click Payment Details. Here you can add or manage any credit cards associated with your account. You can also add a different credit card during checkout.Placing an OrderHow to place an order:1. Search by Product Category Menu▪ Select the Products drop-down at the top of thepage▪ Select the Product Category for the item you wishto purchaseC u s t o m e r P o r t a l U s e r G u i d e▪On the Product Category page, there are Filters on the left-hand side of the page which allow a user to narrow the search results ▪ Or you may scroll through the list of products to find the item you wish to purchase▪ Once you find the item, click the item name to take you to the Product Detail page▪ You may change the item quantity by clicking the plus or minus buttons ▪ Click "Add to Cart"▪Go to cart for checkout or continue shopping2. Search by Product Category Homepage▪ Click on a Product Category banner on thehomepage▪ On the Product Category page, there areFilters on the left-hand side of the page which allow a user to narrow the search results▪ Or you may scroll through the list ofproducts to find the item you wish to purchase▪ Once you find the item, click the item nameto take you to the Product Detail page ▪ Select the item you want to purchase ▪ You may change the item quantity byclicking the plus or minus buttons ▪ Click "Add to Cart"▪ Go to cart for checkout or continue shopping3. Search by Product Number/Description▪ Enter the item number or description inthe Search box in the top right hand corner▪ Select the item you want to purchase ▪ You may change the item quantity byclicking the plus or minus buttons ▪ Click "Add to Cart"▪ Go to cart for checkout or continue shoppingC u s t o m e r P o r t a l U s e r G u i d eWish ListIf are logged in to your registered online account, you can take advantage of the Wish List feature.1. How to create a Wish ListIf you order the same product(s) throughout the year, a Wish List can be created to store your favorites to place on future orders.Create a list:▪ Go to the Lists icon in the upper right hand corner ofthe screen▪ Select Wish List▪ Select Create New Wish List ▪ Your List Type will be 'Private' ▪ Enter List Name ▪ Click SaveAdding products to a list:▪ Once the Wish List is created, select the Wish List Name to addproduct(s)▪ Add products by entering the product numbers and quantity inthe Quick Product Entry▪ Select the blue 'Add to Wish List' button▪ You can also add products from the Product Detail pages byclicking the blue List button and "Add to Wish List" Placing an order from a Wish List:▪ Go to the List icon in the upper right hand corner and select'Wish List'▪ Select the Wish List you wish to order ▪ Click on the Add to Cart icon▪ Go to the Cart to complete the orderC u s t o m e r P o r t a l U s e r G ui d eOrder Management1. Order ConfirmationsWhen/how will I receive my order confirmation?You should receive an order confirmation email shortly after placing your order. If you have not received a confirmation within 1 business day, please call us at 800-786-0812 (Choose Option 1: Sales Support).2. Order HistoryHow do I view my order history?If you are logged in to you registered online account, you can view your order history, which will include all orders you have placed on the website. From any page, click on the list icon displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Then, click "Order History."3. TrackingHow do I track current orders?Locate your order in the order history (see above). You can filter on the tabs to view Open Orders and past orders that have been placed in the last 30 days, 3 months, and 6 months. You can also use the Advanced Search feature to search for orders by reference number*, order number, by date, or by order status.Click into the details of an order to view tracking information.*Reference number is the field you enter into the "Your PO #" field during checkout. Please see FAQs Question #1 for further information.FAQs1. CheckoutAt checkout, what should I add to the ‘Enter Purchase Order Number ’ field?This field is for your internal reference only. We do not currently support PO orders via this website, so you can input a Company Reference number or a label for your own reference purposes.C u s t o m e r P o r t a l U s e r G u i d e2. PaymentWhat are my payment options?Credit Card payment is accepted through this website.3. Quick OrderHow do I use the Quick Product Entry box on the Cart page?If you need to add more products to your cart, you can speed up your ordering by using our Quick Order functionality on the cart page.Manual entry:▪ Enter item number and quantity separated by anumber sign (#), space, or comma▪ Press Enter to add the next item on a new line ▪ Click 'Add to Cart'Using an Excel File as source:▪ List the item numbers you want to add to cart on Column 1 and maintain respectivequantities in Column 2▪ Copy and paste into Quick Order Entry ▪ Click 'Add to Cart'4. Billing and Shipping AddressesCan I change my billing or shipping addresses online?C u s t o m e r P o r t a l U s e r G u i d eWhen checking out, you have the option to choose your billing and shipping addresses. If you are logged in to your registered online account, you can keep a list of billing and shippingaddresses in your Address Book. When checking out, you will see all available addresses for your account from the Address Book.You may also specify a new billing or shipping address during checkout and select whether or not to save the address to your Address Book for future use.5. Shipping Label FormatWhat fields print out on the shipping label?The shipping label prints in the format as shown below. The only fields which are not present on the shipping label are Company Name 3 and Address Line 3. These fields will only be shown on the order confirmation; therefore, it should only be used for your internal reference.Company Name 1 Company Name 2 Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State Zip Code6. Shipping MethodWhat shipping options are available?C u s t o m e r P o r t a l U s e r G u i d eFedEx shipping options vary depending on product.Daily order cutoff times exist for each shipping method (see next section for specifics).Only one shipping method may be selected for an entire order of in-stock products. If you wish to ship portions of your order using different methods, please submit separate orders.See Terms of Use (located in the website footer) for complete details.What are the daily cutoff times for each shipping method?FedEx Ground:▪ 3:00 PM EST for items shipping via ground: orders should be submitted no later than 2:45 PM ESTFedEx NDA, 2nd Day:▪ 6:00 PM EST for items shipping via priority method: orders should be submitted no later than 5:45 PM ESTFedEx Freight:▪ 3:00 PM EST for same-day shipping: orders should be submitted no later than 2:45 PM EST"Request consolidated delivery": what does this mean?"Request consolidated delivery" is an option in the Shipping Method box during checkout. When selected, this notifies METTLER TOLEDO that you prefer all items to ship in the same delivery if possible . Please note that this is not a guarantee of consolidated delivery. For items that areshipped from different locations, it may not be possible to consolidate all packages, in which case you will receive multiple deliveries.。
CastoTIG 1611 DC 产品说明书

Soldadura TIG y manual con electrodosCastoTIG 1611 DCSOLDADURA Tecnología de recargue y unIÓnMás potente, conCastolin EutecticEquipode soldadura TIG y manualcon electrodos extremadamentecompacto y ligero160 A - 230 V - 5,7 kg - aptapara generadorGenerador con onduladorcontrolado por microprocesadorIdeal para su uso móvil enobras, trabajos de montaje ypara reparacionesDatos técnicosCastoTIG 1611 DC - La soldadura TIG hecha perfecciónEl rectificador para soldadura CastoTIG 1611 DC es una versión mejorada del acreditado inversor Castolin.Este compacto equipo controlado por microprocesador es especial-mente apto para la soldadura TIG en el rango de corriente continua,pero también para soldadura manual con electrodos.Ventajas para el montaje, reparación y uso en obras: mínimotamaño de construcción, peso ligero, bajo consumo de energía y compatibilidad con generador.Fácil manejo por su diseño compacto y especialmente flexible gra-cias a su antorcha G 160.Manejo sencillo gracias a la operación guiada con el menú y a susclaros dispositivos de mando. Visualizador digital de alta visibili-dad para programación y estado.El dispositivo electrónico de ignición de alta frecuencia garantizauna ignición perfecta y sin contacto en todas sus aplicaciones. Ignición por arco levantado sin alta frecuencia para la soldaduraen entornos sensibles con componentes electrónicos delicados, p. ej. en sistemas de control y supervisión.Arco pulsado programable para un mejor control del baño de sol-dadura en fusión, especialmente en chapas finas. Todos los pará-metros para una soldadura TIG profesional son accesibles directa-mente. Modo de 2 y 4 ciclos.Marcados CE y S para un funcionamiento seguro.R efeRenciasCastoTIG 1611 DC: 757 963Antorcha TIG G 160, 4 m: 304 120 Antorcha TIG G 160, 8 m: 304 121Argón manorreductor: 301669C able de toma de tierra, 3 m: 300 789C able para soldadura manual con electrodos, 4 m: 301 094M aRgen de RegulaciónCorriente de soldadura (TIG): 5 - 160 A Corriente de soldadura(manual con electrodos): 0 - 150 A Tiempo de flujo del gas antesde la conexión a la corriente: 0 - 3 s Tiempo de rampa de subida 0 - 20 s Tiempo de rampa de bajada 0 - 20 s Corriente de relleno de cráter:5 - 150 A Tiempo de flujo del gas después de la conexión a la corriente: 0 - 20 s Frecuencia de arco pulsado: 0,5 - 250 HzSu socio en la protección contra el desgaste, las reparaciones y la técnica de unión/contact。
DAKE单相耐压 Durapress 10DA 产品说明书

DAKE SINGLE PHASE DURA-PRESSForce 10DAINSTRUCTIONAL MANUALWARNING!Read and understand all instructions and responsibilities before operating. Failure to follow safety instructions and labels could result in serious injury.Dake Corporation Phone: 800.937.3253 TABLE OF CONTENTSDAKE STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY (2)RETURN & REFUND POLICY (4)SAFEGUARDING THE POINT OF OPERATION (5)SPECIFICATIONS (6)SAFETY (7)SET UP (8)PRESS PLACEMENT (8)FILLING THE PRESS WILL OIL (8)WIRING INSTRUCTIONS (9)OPERATION (9)BEFORE FIRST TIME OPERATION (9)MAINTENANCE (10)LUBRICATION (10)HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGS (10)TROUBLESHOOTING (11)EXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LIST (12)10 DA WORKHEAD DIAGRAM (14)ORDERING INFORMATION (14)DAKE STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTYFinished MachinesDake warrants to the original purchaser the finished machine manufactured or distributed by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service within 1 year (12 months) from the delivery date to the end user.PartsDake warrants to the original purchaser the component part manufactured or distributed by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service within 30 days from the delivery date to the end user.The standard limited warranty includes the replacement of the defective component part at no cost to the end user.Sale of Service (Repairs)Dake warrants to the original purchaser the component part repaired by Dake Corporation at the manufacturing facility to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service within 90 days from the return date to the end user, as it pertains to the repair work completed. The standard limited warranty includes repair of the defective component part, at no cost to the end user.Warranty ProcessSubject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, the manufacturer will repair or replace any portion of the product that proves defective in materials or workmanship. The manufacturer retains the sole right and option, after inspection, to determine whether to repair or replace defective equipment, parts or components. The manufacturer will assume ownership of any defective parts replaced under this warranty.All requested warranty claims must be communicated to the distributor or representative responsible for the sale. Once communication has been initiated, Dake Customer Service must be contacted for approval:Phone: (800) 937-3253Email: ****************************When contacting Dake, please have the following information readily available:- Model #- Serial #- Sales Order #Purchasers who notify Dake within the warranty period will be issued a Case number and/or a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. If the item is to be returned per Dake’s request, the RMA number must be clearly written on the exterior packaging. Any item shipped to Dake without an RMA will not be processed.Warranty Exceptions:The following conditions are not applicable to the standard limited warranty:(a) Part installation or machine service was not completed by a certified professional, and is notin accordance with applicable local codes, ordinances and good trade practices.(b) Defects or malfunctions resulting from improper installation or failure to operate or maintainthe unit in accordance with the printed instructions provided.(c) Defects or malfunctions resulting from abuse, accident, neglect or damage outside of prepaidfreight terms.(d) Normal maintenance service or preventative maintenance, and the parts used in connectionwith such service.(e) Units and parts which have been altered or repaired, other than by the manufacturer or asspecifically authorized by the manufacturer.(f) Alterations made to the machine that were not previously approved by the manufacturer, orthat are used for purposes other than the original design of the machine.RETURN & REFUND POLICYThank you for purchasing from Dake! If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we are here to help.ReturnsAll Dake manufactured / distributed machines, parts and couplings include a 30-day return option. These policies are valid from the date of final shipment to the end user.To be eligible for a return, the item must be unused and in the same condition as received.All requested warranty claims must be communicated to the distributor or representative responsible for the sale. Once communication has been initiated, Dake Customer Service must be contacted for approval:Phone: (800) 937-3253Email:****************************Once the return request has been approved by Customer Service, a representative will supply a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. The returned item must have the provided RMA number clearly marked on the outside packaging. Any item received without an RMA number clearly visible on the packaging will not be processed.An RMA number can only be provided by the Dake Customer Service team and must be obtained prior to the return shipment.RefundsOnce the item has been received and inspected for damages, a representative will notify the requestor referencing the provided RMA number.If the return is approved, a refund will be issued to the original method of payment, less a 20% restocking fee. The restocking fee may be waived if an order is placed at the time of return with like-value merchandise.Transportation costs are the responsibility of the end user and will not be credited upon return approval.Any item that is returned after the initial 30 days or has excessive/obvious use will not be considered for a full refund.SAFEGUARDING THE POINT OF OPERATIONANSI B11.2 - Hydraulic Power Presses -Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and UseIt is important that Dake press users have a clear understanding of their responsibility involving the care and use of their Dake hydraulic press, including point-of-operation safe guards. Dake strongly recommends that Dake press users obtain a copy of the current American National Standard Institute (ANSI) B11.2 standard, for a more complete understanding of their responsibilities.ANSI B11.2 states the following, relative to point of operation safeguarding:“Normally, only the employer (press user) can determine the requirements of the press productions system components, including the dies and methods for feeding. Therefore, the employer is ultimately responsible to designate and provide the point-of-operation safeguarding system.”The standard also discusses additional responsibilities of the employer. Some of the key responsibilities are:•The employer is responsible for the safety, use, and care of the hydraulic power press production system.•The employer is responsible to consider the sources of hazards for all tasks to be implemented on the hydraulic power press production system.•The employer is required to eliminate, or control identified hazards in the scope of their work activity. •The employer is responsible for the training of personnel, caring for, inspecting, maintaining, and operating hydraulic press production systems to ensure their competence.•The employer is responsible to provide and ensure that point-of-operation safeguarding is used, checked, maintained, and where applicable, adjusted on every production operation performed on a press production system.A complete and current copy of the ANSI B.11.2 standard can be obtained by contacting the following:American National Standards Institute1430 BroadwayNew York, NY 10018AMT – The Association for Manufacturing Technology7901 Westpark DriveMcLean, VA 22102SPECIFICATIONSModel Force 10DA Number 909205 Capacity 10 tons Horse Power 1 HP Voltage 110V Single Phase Ram Travel 10”Pressing Speed20 ipmWidth between uprights 20”Max. ram to table 40”Height 80”Base 29-3/4” x 24”Weight 3,450 lbs.In the space provided record the serial number and model number of the machine. This information is only found on the black and gold Dake tag shown below. If contacting Dake this information must be provided to assist in identifying the specific machine.Serial No.Model No.Install Date:SAFETYThis is the safety alert symbol. When you see this symbol on your press be alert to the potential for personal injury.Employer is responsible to perform a hazard/PPE assessment before work activity.Label Placement ViewFollow recommended precautions and safe operating practices. It is important that the operator understand all safety instruction listed below in order to prevent damage to themselves, others, or the machine:•Carefully read all the safety messages in this manual and on your press safety labels.Keep safety labels in good condition. Replace missing or damaged safety labels.•Do not alter this press from its original design.•Do not make repairs or adjustments to any hydraulic system unless you are competent or working under competent supervision.•Only use Dake original parts.•This machine is intended to be operated by one person. This person should be conscious of the ram movement not only for themselves but also for persons in the immediate area of the machine.•This press is not intended for pulling operations. Personal injury or machine damage can result.SET UPPRESS PLACEMENT•The press needs to be placed so that it has a safety perimeter of 2-1/2 feet on all sides from any other objects or machines.•Press should be placed on level floor with base angles touching the floor at all points.Use shims where necessary.FILLING THE PRESS WILL OILFill the reservoir with DTE 24 Mobil hydraulic oil or equivalent.a. 10DA holds 2 gallons of oil. Make sure the oil is new and be cautious nocontaminants get in while filling the reservoir.b. Oil should be changed about once a year.WIRING INSTRUCTIONSWARNING:A licensed qualified electrician that follows all state and local laws must wire and install electrics on this press.110 VoltWARNING: Machine must have a designated 30 amp drop for 110 volts. This press will not operate correctly without 30 amps.For 110 volts this machine is ready to plug in. The machine can be wired 220-volt single phase. Always follow the wiring diagram provided in the moor cover when converting to 220-volt single phase. A cord and plug that is rated for a specific voltage and amperage must be used. This rating can be found on the motor.220 Volt Single PhaseThe press new is shipped out as a 110-volt machine. If wiring must be changed to suit 220-volt single phase.1. The leads on the motor must be changed to fit 220-volt, 17.2 amps, follow the diagram onthe motor.2. Install plug and wire that fits the rating on the motor, the plug and wire must be rated forthe voltage and amperage listed on the motor.OPERATIONBEFORE FIRST TIME OPERATION1. Make sure the reservoir is filled with 2 gallons of Mobil DTE 24 hydraulic fluid orequivalent.2. Turn the on/off power (toggle) switch to the “on” position (up).3. Move the control lever down, this will advance the ram in the downward position.4. Release the control lever and the ram will stop all movement.5. Move the control lever to the up position and the ram with move up.6. When the press is new be sure to move the ram up and down to work out any air thatmay be in the system.WARNING: When using the control lever in pressing operations or to return the ram stop applying pressure once the handle reaches its positive stop. Applying additional force on the lever does not increase ram speed and will lead to premature damage of the valve.MAINTENANCELUBRICATIONKeep all working parts of press well oiled for easier operation. Also, keep a light film of oil over the entire surface of the ram to prevent rust.HYDRAULIC LINES AND FITTINGSIf there is ever any maintenance done with the hydraulic components below is how to reinstall all components.TROUBLESHOOTINGSYMPTOM CAUSE SOLUTIONRam runs jerky while movingup and down Air is in the system This press has a self-bleeding system, continue to run the ram up and down approximately 15 times.Machine will not build desiredpressure Relief valve needs to be reset Remove octane cap from back of manifold and adjust set screw to correct pressure. WARNING: Do not exceed 2413 PSIPins are shearing or bending Relief valve needs to be reset Remove octane cap from back of manifold and adjust set screw to correct pressure. WARNING: Do not exceed 2413 PSIOil Leaks around the ram Cylinder seals are worn ordamaged Replace cylinder sealsOil leaks around holes otherthan the ram Bolts need to be tightened Tighten bolts around the ram Ram will not extend the full10 inches Oil level is too low Re-fill the reservoir with oil Hydraulic gauge will not readpressure Hydraulic gauge is bad Replace hydraulic gauge Motor will not start No power to press Double check electrical cordMotor overheats and shut down Duty cycle time is exceededCheck the duty cycle time onthe motor. (Has no coolingfan, 15-20 minutes) Extension cord is being usedExtension cord will lower theAPMS and will causeoverheating of the motor.Remove cord.EXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LISTPARTS NOT ILLISTRATEDItem Description Part No. Qty Breather Vent & Elbow Reservoir fill port 300267 1 Gauge Tons/PSI 302937 1Reservoir 2 Gallons 300269 1Valve Kit Fittings, hoses, valve,manifold, bolts, & O-rings 300266KIT 1 Optional Check Valve 302071 1 Optional Relief Valve 290-3625 PSI or 20-250 Bar 301949 1 Optional Relief Valve 43.5-435 PSI or 3-30 Bar 302197 1 Bolts SHC #10-24 x 1-3/4” Mounting bolts for valve only 43403 4Bolts SHC #10-24 x 2-3/4” Mounting bolts for valve,relieve valve, or check valve 76749 4Bolts SHC #10-24 x 4-1/2” Mounting bolts for valve,relieve valve, or check valve 302221 410 DA WORKHEAD DIAGRAMPlease contact factory for current prices.ORDERING INFORMATIONParts are available for direct purchase from Dake or through a distributor. When placing a parts order, you will need to provide the part number, name of part, and model number. All parts shipped F.O.B. Factory in Grand Haven, MI.ItemDescription Part # A Piston86690 B Cylinder Flange86689 C Cylinder86688 D Socket Head Cap Screw43450 E O-Ring 78483 F Seal 78484 G Wear Ring 78485 H Wear Ring 78486 J O-Ring Seal 78487 - Workhead Assembly 716514。

2200 SERIESSTANDARD BELTINGBELT SPLICINGPlastic Clipper**An optional plastic clipper splice is available for quick removal of belts or when conveyors are installed in tight spaces.Finger SpliceAll belts are available with a standard Thermoformed finger splice. This splice makes the belt continuous and is virtually undetectable. Splice bonding methods vary by belt type. Consultfactory for details.Metal Clipper**An optional metal clipper splice is also available for quick removal of belts or when conveyors are installed in tight spaces.** S ee belt charts for compatibility. Not for use with 2200 Series Nose Bar Transfers. Plastic and Metal Clippers are slightly thicker than base belt. Contact factory fordetails.V-GuidingStandard Belt Selection GuideStandard belt material is stocked at Dorner,B e l t T y p e - F i n g e r S p l i c eB e l t T y p e - P l a s t i cC l i p p e rB e l t T y p e - M e t a lC l i p p e rB e l t S p e c i f i c a t i o n sV -G u i d a b l e16 m m N o s e B a rB e l t T h i c k n e s sS u r f a c e M a t e r i a lM a x i m u m P a r t T e m p e r a t u r eC o e f f i c i e n t o f F r i c t i o nF D A A p p r o v e dA n t i -S t a t i cS t a t i c C o n d u c t i v eC h e m i c a l R e s i s t a n c eS p e c i a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o r A p p l i c a t i o n s01A11A FDA Accumulation x 1.7 mm Urethane 100˚C Low x x Good Packaging, clean room and inspection02A22A General Purpose x 1.8 mm Urethane 100˚C Med x x Good Most versatile belt offering 03A33A FDA High Friction x 1.7 mm Urethane 100˚C High x x Good Packaging, clean room and inspection05A55A Accumulation x x1.2 mm Urethane 100˚C V-Low xx Good Accumulation of products 06A66A Electrically Conductive x 1.6 mm Urethane 80˚C V-Low x xGood Electronics Handling 08A88AHigh Friction x 2.1 mm PVC 70˚C V-High xPoor Conveys up to 35˚ inclines*09iDrive General Purposexx 1.5 mmUrethane100˚CHighxGoodLower No Load TorqueNote: See below for splice details. Plastic Clipper splice requires longer lead times. Clipper splice not available on Z-Frame Series Conveyors.Note: B elts with V-Guiding may have a slight high spot or rib on the top surface. This rib would run longitudinally along the center of the belt.Consult factory with applications for which this may cause interference.*Incline varies due to factors like dust, fluids and part material.2200 SERIESSPECIALTY BELTINGB e l t T y p e - F i n g e r S p l i c eB e l t T y p e - P l a s t i cC l i p p e rB e l t T y p e - M e t a lC l i p p e rB e l t S p e c i f i c a t i o n sV -G u i d e a b l e16 m m N o s e B a rB e l t T h i c k n e s sS u r f a c e M a t e r i a lM a x i m u m P a r t T e m p e r a t u r eC o e f f i c i e n t o f F r i c t i o nF D A A p p r o v e dA n t i -S t a t i cS t a t i c C o n d u c t i v eC h e m i c a l R e s i s t a n c eS p e c i a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o r A p p l i c a t i o n s19Nose bar High friction x 0.7 mm Urethane 100˚C High x x Good Nose bar, high friction 50Heat Resistant 1.3 mm Silicone 180˚C Low xV-Good High temperature 53Translucent x0.5 mm Urethane 100˚C V-Low x GoodBack lit inspection54F44F FDA Sealed Edge**x 1.6 mm Urethane 80˚C Low x x Good Packaging, clean room and inspection 55F55F FDA Sealed Edge**x 1.6 mm Urethane 80˚C High xx Good Packaging, clean room and inspection 566F Cut Resistant x 2.1 mm Urethane 100˚C Med.x Good Oily product release, metal stamping 577F Cut Resistant x 2.5 mm Nitrile 80˚C Med.x Poor Felt-like, dry metal stamping, glassand ceramic588F Cut Resistant x 1.6 mm Urethane 90˚C Low x Good Surface gold colored 59F99FColor Contrasting x 1.6 mmPVC 70˚C Med.xPoor Black colored, hides overspray fromink jet60G00G Color Contrasting x x 1.3 mm Urethane 100˚C Low x xGood Green colored 61G11GColor Contrasting x x1.3 mm Urethane 100˚C Low xGoodBlue colored633G Electrically Conductive x 1.2 mm Urethane 80˚C Low x x Good Static conductive, electronics handling 644G High Friction x 4.4 mm PVC 80˚C V-High x Poor Dark Green colored, rough top surface, product cushioning, incline/decline apps 666GChemical Resistant x 1.7 mm Polyester 100˚C Med.x xV-Good Good cut resistance, metal stamping apps 67Low Friction Cleated (Do not use with Z-Frame)x1.6 mmPolyester100˚Cn/axGoodExcellent product release, consult factory for part number and how tospecify low friction 68G8FDA Encased**x 1.5 mm Urethane 80˚C Low x x Good Urethane enclosed for added sanitaryprotection 69G9FDA Encased**x 2.2 mm Urethane 80˚C Med.x xGood Urethane enclosed for added sanitaryprotection71FDA High Release x 1.8 mm Urethane 100˚C Low x GoodHigh release cover 72Nose barxx 1.2 mm Urethane 100˚C Med.x x Good 16 mm Nose bar, medium friction73Nose bar Low friction x 0.9 mm Urethane 100˚C Low xx Good Nose bar, low friction 75Black Urethane x 1.5 mm Urethane 80˚C Low x Good 76Black Nose bar x x1.2 mm Urethane 80˚C Med.x Good Black Color, 5/16" nose bar 77High Friction, green x2.2 mm Urethane 100˚C High xGood Green color, high friction, urethane, grooved 78Chemical, Polyolefin, HF 1.4 mm Polyolefin 60˚C High x V-GoodChemical resistant, food grade 79Chemical, Polyolefin, LF 1.3 mm Polyolefin 60˚C Med.x xV-Good Chemical resistant, food grade 80High Friction, silicone x x 1 mm Silicone 80˚C High x Good Silicone material, high friction 81Low Friction, siliconex x1 mmSilicone100˚CMed.xGoodSilicone material, low to medium frictionNote: Clipper Splices not available on Z-Frame Series Conveyors.Note: C onveyors wider than 1,016 mm require V-Guide belt trackingNote: B elts with V-Guiding may have a slight high spot or rib on the top surface. This rib would run longitudinallyalong the center of the belt. Consult factory with applications for which this may cause interference. ** Not available in 51 mm widthsCleat Type Base Belt Belt Thickness Surface Material Color Coefficient of Friction V-GuidableMaximum Part Temperature FDA Approved Chemical Resistance K, L, B, E G-3-ST 2 mm PVC Green Medium No 80º C No Poor K, L, M, B, E, N, P , RG-3-ST-W1.3 mmUrethaneWhiteMediumYes90º CYesGood• M inimum cleat spacing = 50 mmCleat Selection could impact the minimum spacing.Contact the factory for details.*Maximum cleat spacing for 457 mm and wider conveyors = 500 mm **Maximum cleat spacing for 2134 mm and longer conveyors = 500 mm 457 mm and wider conveyors are limited to 2100 mm longNote: For Straight Cleated Conveyors = 20, 30, 35 mmFor LPZ Cleated Conveyors = 20, 30, 35, 40, 50 mmFor LPZ Sidewall Cleated Conveyors = 20, 30, 35 mm2200 SERIESCLEATED BELTINGTolerance ± 2 mmCleated Belt SpacingCleated Belt ProfilesK, N L, P M, R B E。
Plasticade 产品说明书:速遮、速坡和车辆停止

Premium Textured Speed Humps• Available in 20” s ections • Use in heavy traffic areas• Grooved surface helps with traction • 8 rectangular yellow stripes per sectionSPEED BUMPS,SPEED HUMPS & CAR STOPSTF018 Rev. 7• Resistant to weather, oil, salt, moisture, UV light, and temperature• Will not warp, chip, or crack• Never needs painting, durable striping - molded-in reflective marking tape • Flexible, conforms to surface contours • Easy one person installation- install on asphalt or concrete (hardware sold separately)• Removable for road surface maintenance or snow plowing• 100% post-consumer recycled rubber with polyurethane binder CAR STOPS• Use in parking lots and garages - protects garage walls, delineates spaces • Available in 6’ and 4’ sections • Reflective stripes in yellow SPEED HUMPS Standard Speed Humps• Available in 24” sections• For traffic speeds 15 mph or less • Gentler than speed bumps- good for heavy truck traffic areas • Reflective stripes in yellow• Dual bottom channels for drainage- protects wire, hose, or pipe to 3/4” dia.SPEED BUMPSEnd Caps are optional Comes with 8Cat Eye Reflectors Premium Textured Speed Bumps • Available in 6’ s ections • Use in heavy traffic areas • Textured, vulcanized rubber performs well in extreme temperatures • For traffic speeds 10 mph or less • Cat eye reflectors included for increased visibility at night • 5 synthetic rubber yellow stripes, (EPDM) won’t degrade Standard Speed Bumps • Available in 6’ & 4’ sections • Use in moderate traffic areas • For traffic speeds 10 mph or less • Cut with a utility knife if necessary • Optional cat ey reflectors• Dual bottom channels for drainage - protects wire, hose, or pipe to 3/4” d ia..• Dual bottom channels for drainage - protects wire, hose, or pipe to 3/4” d ia.• Optional end caps sold separatelyCenter Sections Male End CapFemale End Cap SPEED BUMPS,SPEED HUMPS& CAR STOPSCenter SectionMale End CapFemale End Cap Des Plaines, IL 60018phone (800) 772-0355fax (847) 966-8074 MADE IN THE USABack ViewInstallation Hardware• Concrete- 4 1/2” Lag Bolt with Washer & Shield for Speed Bumps & Speed Humps- 6” Lag Bolt with Washer & Shield for Car Stops • Asphalt- 14” Rebar Spike with Washer• Epoxy can be used in addition to or as a replacement for the hardware in certain applications. See the installation instructions on our website.SPEED BUMPSBackViewCAR STOPSSPEED HUMPSBack Viewof Standard Speed HumpChannels for drainageChannels for drainageStandard End CapPremium End CapStandard Speed HumpPremium Speed HumpBack Viewof Premium Speed Hump。

Save these instructions. For your safety, read, understand, and follow the information provided with and on this jack. The owner and operator of this equipment shall have an understanding of this jack and safe operating procedures before attempting to use. The owner and operator shall be aware that use and repair of this product may require special skills and knowledge. Instructions and safety information shall be conveyed in the operator's native language before use of this jack is authorized. If any doubt exists as to the safe and proper use of this jack, remove from service immediately. Inspect before each use. Do not use if broken, bent, cracked, or damaged parts (including labels) are noted. Any jack that appears damaged in any way, operates abnormally or is missing parts, shall be removed from service immediately. If the jack has been or suspected to have been subjected to a shock load (a load dropped suddenly, unexpectedly upon it), immediately discontinue use until jack has been checked by a factory authorized service center. It is recommended that an annual inspection be done by qualified personnel. Labels and Owner's Manuals are available from manufacturer (see Replacement Parts, page 5).
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捷诺达商品介绍捷诺达通用名:西格列汀二甲双胍片(I)生产厂家: 波多黎各Patheon Puerto Rico Inc.批准文号:注册证号H20140774药品规格:50mg:500mg*28片【药品名】捷诺达西格列汀二甲双胍片(I)【通用名】西格列汀二甲双胍片(I)【英文名】SitagliptinPhosphate/metforminHydrochlorideTablets 【汉语拼音】JieNuoDaXiGeLieTingErJiaShuangGuaPian【主要成分】捷诺达为复方制剂,其组份为磷酸西格列汀和盐酸二甲双胍。
这两种药物联合治疗时,二甲双胍的血浆和全血的药物浓度的峰值升高了60%,血浆和全血的AUC 值升高了40%。
【生产企业】新加坡 MSD Pharma (Singapore) Pte. Ltd捷诺达的功效与作用捷诺达配合饮食和运动治疗,用于经二甲双胍单药治疗血糖仍控制不佳或正在接受二者联合治疗的2型糖尿病患者。