
more than 30 brands;
the central government of china buy more than100kgs every year;
(2)洞庭碧螺春茶 Dongting biluochun tea green tea; one of the top ten chinese tea; a hard-working, kind-hearted orphan girl, named biluo; •in 1954,premier Zhou attend the Geneva meeting, taking 2kgs;
❖ In the Spring and Autumn Period copper(铜)and iron chopsticks appeared. With the Han Dynasty came lacquered (上漆)chopsticks followed by gold and silver chopsticks in later dynasties. Today we have chopsticks made of plastic. The most expensive are made from elephants tusks and hard green stone. Chopsticks in their own waytell us something about Chinese tradition(传统). In ancient times the rich used hard green stone or gold chopsticks to show their wealth.

谈到中国的茶叶,可以追溯到远古时代,它是从唐代与宋代兴 盛起来的。
We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
1998年中国国际和平茶文化交流馆建成。随着茶文化的兴起,各地茶 艺馆越办越多。国际茶文化研讨会已开到第五界,吸引了日、韩、美、 斯及港台地区纷纷参加。各省各市及主产茶县份份主办“茶叶节”, 如福建武夷市的岩茶节、云南的普洱茶节,浙江新昌、泰顺、湖北英 山、河南信阳的茶叶节不胜枚举。都以茶为载体,促进全面的经济贸 易发展。
(4) Liuan guapian
•Green tea; •Anhui province; piece tea; • designated as the special tea for the Central Military Commission of China;被中国中央 军事委员会指定为特殊茶
新中国成立后,我国茶叶从1949的年产7500T发展到1998年的60余万T。茶 物质财富的大量增加为我国茶文化的发展提供了坚实的基础,1982年,在 杭州成立了第一个以宏扬茶文化为宗旨的社会团体--“茶人之家”,1983年 湖北成立“陆羽茶文化研究会”,1990年“中国茶人联谊会”在北京成立, 1993年“中国国际茶文化研究会”在湖洲成立,1991年中国茶叶博物馆在 杭州西湖乡正式开放。
1998 China International Tea Cultural Exchange Center established peace. With the emergence of tea culture, tea houses around more to do more. International Tea Culture Seminarh sector, has attracted Japanese, Korean, United States, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong and Taiwan have joined. Main producing provinces and cities and counties were organized tea "tea Festival", such as Fujian Wuyi Rock Tea Festival City, Yunnan Pu'er tea festival, Zhejiang Xinchang, Taishun, Hubei British Hill, Xinyang tea festival too numerous to mention. All the tea as the carrier, to promote comprehensive economic and trade development
We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
1998年中国国际和平茶文化交流馆建成。随着茶文化的兴起,各地茶 艺馆越办越多。国际茶文化研讨会已开到第五界,吸引了日、韩、美、 斯及港台地区纷纷参加。各省各市及主产茶县份份主办“茶叶节”, 如福建武夷市的岩茶节、云南的普洱茶节,浙江新昌、泰顺、湖北英 山、河南信阳的茶叶节不胜枚举。都以茶为载体,促进全面的经济贸 易发展。
(4) Liuan guapian
•Green tea; •Anhui province; piece tea; • designated as the special tea for the Central Military Commission of China;被中国中央 军事委员会指定为特殊茶
新中国成立后,我国茶叶从1949的年产7500T发展到1998年的60余万T。茶 物质财富的大量增加为我国茶文化的发展提供了坚实的基础,1982年,在 杭州成立了第一个以宏扬茶文化为宗旨的社会团体--“茶人之家”,1983年 湖北成立“陆羽茶文化研究会”,1990年“中国茶人联谊会”在北京成立, 1993年“中国国际茶文化研究会”在湖洲成立,1991年中国茶叶博物馆在 杭州西湖乡正式开放。
1998 China International Tea Cultural Exchange Center established peace. With the emergence of tea culture, tea houses around more to do more. International Tea Culture Seminarh sector, has attracted Japanese, Korean, United States, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong and Taiwan have joined. Main producing provinces and cities and counties were organized tea "tea Festival", such as Fujian Wuyi Rock Tea Festival City, Yunnan Pu'er tea festival, Zhejiang Xinchang, Taishun, Hubei British Hill, Xinyang tea festival too numerous to mention. All the tea as the carrier, to promote comprehensive economic and trade development

classification of tea
• 绿茶 green tea • 红茶 black tea • 乌龙茶 oolong tea • 黑茶 dark tea • a
1.2 Lu Yu & Tea Classics
Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty is respecte d as the Sage of Tea(茶圣) for his con tribution to Chinese tea culture. He is
best known for his book the Classic of Tea (茶经), which is the first monogra
Categories of Tea
茶的分类 classification of tea
Chinese tea can be classified in different ways.In this section,we will introduce the basic classification system of Chinese tea to you,which is based on the degree of fermentation (发酵程度)of the tea. According to the system ,Chinese teas can be roughly classified into six species: 中国茶可根据不同方式来分类。基于发酵(发酵程度)的不同,中国茶大致可 以分为六种:
茶园 Tea garden
民间茶艺 Tea ceremony
茶馆 Teahouse
The ancient tea horse road

柴早 米晨 油起 盐来 酱七 醋件 茶事 。,
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
The History Of Tea Drinking
“Shen Nong tasted
a hundred herbs,
at seventy case of
drugs, have tea and
bad health.
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
Categories Of Tea
It warms the stomach
and helps with digestion.
It is most suitable
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
Other Uses of Tea
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
Other Uses Of Tea
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
the tea in Tang Dynasty and
the pre-Tang times.
tea seh i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
Categories of Tea
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
Chinese tea culture中国茶文化英文[优质ppt]
![Chinese tea culture中国茶文化英文[优质ppt]](
The Chinese tea ceremony thoughts is the fusion of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. The core of Chinese tea ceremony spirit is 'harmonious'.
中国茶道融合了儒、道、佛学思想, 其核心精神是“和”。
➢It is said that the first person to discover the effects of tea was Sheng Nong –the father of agriculture and herbal medicine in China.
TIthiesrseaisdathfatmSohuesnleNgoenngdtorife“d 7S2hedniffNeorenngtTkaisntdinsgoAf HpouinsdorneoduPs lpalnatnst”s i.nOandeadyaayn, adfhteerlwayaloknintghefogrraoulonndg, tbiamrel,ySahleivneN. Aotngthfiesltmtoirmedenatn,dhtehnirostiyc,esdosheevererastled urantdheerr afrtargereanatnldeastvaersteddroapfpirinegtofrboomiltwheatterreeinbaepsiodte. Shuimdd. eOnultyosfocmueriolesaitvyesanfedllhianbtoit,thSehepnotNfornogmpautnethaerby tlereaev.eSshinetnoNhoisnmg doruatnhkatnhdecwhaetweerdanthdefmou.nAdftietrnaotlittle ownhliyleswheefetlatnwdetlal satnyd, beuntefrrgeesthicenaginagina.sSwo ehlel.pHieckfeedlt lmesosretirleadv, essotwoeenattoanndtothdurisndkeatlol xthifeiewd ahtiesrbforodmy atnhde palol tt.he poison.
中国茶道融合了儒、道、佛学思想, 其核心精神是“和”。
➢It is said that the first person to discover the effects of tea was Sheng Nong –the father of agriculture and herbal medicine in China.
TIthiesrseaisdathfatmSohuesnleNgoenngdtorife“d 7S2hedniffNeorenngtTkaisntdinsgoAf HpouinsdorneoduPs lpalnatnst”s i.nOandeadyaayn, adfhteerlwayaloknintghefogrraoulonndg, tbiamrel,ySahleivneN. Aotngthfiesltmtoirmedenatn,dhtehnirostiyc,esdosheevererastled urantdheerr afrtargereanatnldeastvaersteddroapfpirinegtofrboomiltwheatterreeinbaepsiodte. Shuimdd. eOnultyosfocmueriolesaitvyesanfedllhianbtoit,thSehepnotNfornogmpautnethaerby tlereaev.eSshinetnoNhoisnmg doruatnhkatnhdecwhaetweerdanthdefmou.nAdftietrnaotlittle ownhliyleswheefetlatnwdetlal satnyd, beuntefrrgeesthicenaginagina.sSwo ehlel.pHieckfeedlt lmesosretirleadv, essotwoeenattoanndtothdurisndkeatlol xthifeiewd ahtiesrbforodmy atnhde palol tt.he poison.
中国茶文化的 英文版ppt课件

We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
Classification of tea
green tea;
black tea;
oolong tea; yellow tea;
绿茶green tea
white tea;
dark tea (heicha);
红茶black tea
黄茶yellow tea
白茶white tea
黑茶Dark tea (heicha)
(Dongting biluochun tea
●green tea; ●one of the top ten chinese tea, ● a hard-working, kind-hearted orphan girl, named biluo
பைடு நூலகம்
(Huangshan maofeng tea
●green tea; ●one of the top ten chinese tea, ● the fresh leaves collected from the peak of huangshan h ● health effects;
(Liuan guapian tea
●green tea; ●Anhui province; ● piece tea;
(5) Lusan yunwu tea; (6) Xinyang maojian tea; (7) Tie guanyin tea; (8) Wuyi rock tea;

mountain,Jiangsu Province • one of the ten most fa mous teas in China
Huangshan maofeng tea
• green tea • birthplace:Mount
Huang,Anhui Province • one of the ten most fam
White tea
• slightly fermented (20%-30%)
• white leaves looking like silver color
Oolong tea
• half fermented (30%60%)
• golden tea water and dark green leaves
The origin of Chinese tea
The origin of Chinese tea
Classification of tea
• Green tea • Yellow tea • White tea • Oolong tea • Black tea • Dark tea
West Lake Longjing tea
• green tea • birthplace:Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province • one of the ten most famous teas in China
Dongting biluochun tea
• green tea • birthplace:Dongting
Huangshan maofeng tea
• green tea • birthplace:Mount
Huang,Anhui Province • one of the ten most fam
White tea
• slightly fermented (20%-30%)
• white leaves looking like silver color
Oolong tea
• half fermented (30%60%)
• golden tea water and dark green leaves
The origin of Chinese tea
The origin of Chinese tea
Classification of tea
• Green tea • Yellow tea • White tea • Oolong tea • Black tea • Dark tea
West Lake Longjing tea
• green tea • birthplace:Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province • one of the ten most famous teas in China
Dongting biluochun tea
• green tea • birthplace:Dongting

Qianlong visited West Lake during one of his famous holidays. He went to the Hu Gong Temple under the Lion Peak Mountain (Shi Feng Shan) and was presented with a cup of Longjing tea. In front of the Hu Gong Temple were 18 tea bushes. Emperor Qianlong was so impressed by the Longjing tea produced here that he conferred these 18 tea bushes special imperial status.
History& Classification of Tea Top Ten Tea of China Longjing Tea from West Lake(History、 Classification、How to purchase)
History of the Tea
The premium early season first-picking known as Ming Qian or Pre-Qingming (or Before Ching Ming) Longjing tea requires it to be produced from the first spring shoots prior to the Qingming Festival on the 5th of April each year (approximately). The production cycle is very short, usually only ten days before Qingming every year. Tea picked after this period is of a lower grade called Yuqian Longjing (雨前龙井), or "Dragon Well Before the Rain". Pure Brightness(清明) Grain Rain(谷雨)

Puerh Tea
Reduce blood-pressure Prevent cancer Protect your teeth Good for your stomach Make your eyes brighter Help lose weight ervant somehow went to neighbor's house to speak to neighbor, the neighbor was hing, and let him bring back ck of tea. It turned out that is a riddle, the servant is a son", wearing a straw hat is s radical and clogs means d;Following a herringbone d , is a word "tea". It is vellous!
Tea custom in some areas
Beijing Big bowl Tea
Chengdu Gaiwan Tea
Morning Tea
zhou Fengxi in Wanli of the Dynasty, a famous scholar Wu dian, was born there. He is a of humor, good at guessing es. Once, His tea bag was empty e time of his home. So he called of the servants wearing a straw nd clogs to the neighbors to ask bag of things and the servant to him to ask for what, please learly, he said do not speak, just glance.

Baboo tea sets
Making Tea
Make Tea
Tea appeared in some poems, and also was given to others as a present, it was precious in ancient time. Chinese people love tea and tea is a kind of spirit to chinese people.
the Type of Tea
representative tea
green tea
processing:Fixed(or de-enzymed) -Rolled -Dried
features:green soup,green leaves,,clear,a bit bitter prevent cancer,lower blood low-density lipoprotein and total cholesterol levels
Oolong tea
Withered -Bruised (shaken)Partially fermented -Fixed Rolled -Dried sweet and fruity,but clear and woody.lose weight,protect skin,make beauty ,prevent tooth decay Da Hongpao,Tie Guanyin, Oriental Beauty
Longjing , Bi Luo Chun , Rain Flower
black tea
processing:Fresh tea leaves -Withered -Rolled- Fully fermented- Dried

第一本关于茶的书《茶经》是由 中国作家陆羽写的。这本书共三 卷,涵盖了茶叶从生长到制作和 饮用,以及历史总结和著名的早 期茶园
We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
可以说,世界上其他国家直接或间接关于茶的事件,基本上都是 从中国传播出去的。中国是茶的故乡,茶已成为国饮
Classification of tea
green tea
black tea
乌龙茶 oolong tea
yellow tea
white tea
dark tea
Chinese tea Culture
The origin of Chinese tea
Classification of tea
Some famous tea in China
The benefits of tea
The origin of Chinese tea
According to the legend, tea was first discovered by the Chinese emperor and inventor Shennong in 2737 BC.
We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
可以说,世界上其他国家直接或间接关于茶的事件,基本上都是 从中国传播出去的。中国是茶的故乡,茶已成为国饮
Classification of tea
green tea
black tea
乌龙茶 oolong tea
yellow tea
white tea
dark tea
Chinese tea Culture
The origin of Chinese tea
Classification of tea
Some famous tea in China
The benefits of tea
The origin of Chinese tea
According to the legend, tea was first discovered by the Chinese emperor and inventor Shennong in 2737 BC.

Referring to Chinese tea, it can be traced back to the ancient times, and it was flourished in the Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty.
We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
After the founding of New China, China's annual output of 7500T Tea Development from 1949 to 1998, more than 60 million T. Tea, a substantial increase in material wealth for the development of tea culture in China provides a solid foundation, in 1982, in Hangzhou, to carry forward the establishment of the first tea culture for the purpose of social groups - "tea house" was established in 1983 in Hubei " Lu Yu Tea Culture ", 1990" Association of Chinese tea "established in Beijing in 1993," China International Tea Culture "Island in the lake was established in 1991, China Tea Museum in Hangzhou West Lake Township was officially opened. 1998 China International Tea Cultural Exchange Center established peace.
We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
After the founding of New China, China's annual output of 7500T Tea Development from 1949 to 1998, more than 60 million T. Tea, a substantial increase in material wealth for the development of tea culture in China provides a solid foundation, in 1982, in Hangzhou, to carry forward the establishment of the first tea culture for the purpose of social groups - "tea house" was established in 1983 in Hubei " Lu Yu Tea Culture ", 1990" Association of Chinese tea "established in Beijing in 1993," China International Tea Culture "Island in the lake was established in 1991, China Tea Museum in Hangzhou West Lake Township was officially opened. 1998 China International Tea Cultural Exchange Center established peace.