



0.96inch OLEDUser Manual 1.Driver Chip SSD1306Interface 3-wire SPI、4-wire SPI、I2CResolution 128x64Display Size 0.96 inchDimension 29mm*33mmColors Yellow, BlueVisible Angle >160°Operating Temp. (℃) -20℃~70℃Storage Temp. (℃) -30℃~80℃2.We will illustrate the usage of the module with an example of 4-wire SPI mode (defaultworking mode) by connecting Waveshare Open103R development board (STM32V MCU onboard).2.1.Hardware configurationThis module provides 3 kinds of driver interfaces; they are 3-wire SPI, 4-wire SPI and I2C interface. In its factory settings, BS0/BS1 pins are set to 0/0 and 4-wire SPI is selected as default.Different working mode and pin function of the module can be set by hardware selection on BS0/BS1 pins. (Notice: In this operation, welding is required. Any changes under no guidance from Waveshare will be considered as a waiver of warranty).Table 1: Working mode setting122.2.Software configurationOpen the project file .\IDE\ OLED.uvproj in Keil, navigate to the following text, delete the ‘//’ (Double slash) before #define INTERFACE_4WIRE_SPI After compiling successfully, download the project to Open103R development board. Note: You should delete the ‘//’ (Double slash) corresponding to the mode selection2.3. Hardware connectionsConnect module to the SPI2 interface of Open103R development board, power up. OLED displays information as Figure 1 shows.Figure 1: OLED information display3. 4-wire SPI and I2C interfaces of SSD1306 OLEDThis module provides 3 kinds of driver interfaces. We introduce 4-wire SPI and I2C interfaceshere. You can read Chap. 8.1 from SSD1306-Revision_1.1.pdf for more details.The 4-wire serial interface consists of serial clock: SCLK, serial data: SDIN, D/C#, CS#. In 4-wire SPI mode,D0 acts as SCLK, D1 acts as SDIN. For the unused data pins, D2 should be left open. The pins from D3 to D7, E and R/W# (WR#)# can be connected to an external ground.Table 2: 4-wire SPI Control pins of 4-wire Serial interfaceNote(1) H stands for HIGH in signal(2) L stands for LOW in signalSDIN is shifted into an 8-bit shift register on every rising edge of SCLK in the order of D7, D6 0D/C# is sampled on every eighth clock and the data byte in the shift register is written to the Graphic Display Data RAM (GDDRAM) or command register in the same clock.Under serial mode, only write operations are allowed.Figure 2: Write procedure in 4-wire Serial interface modeThe I2C-bus interface gives access to write data and command into the device. Please referto Figure 2 for the write mode of I2C-bus in chronological order.a)Slave address bit (SA0)SSD1306 has to recognize the slave address before transmitting or receiving any information by the I2C-bus. The device will respond to the slave address following by the slave address bit (“SA0”bit) and the read/write select bit (“R/W#” bit) with the following byte format,b7 b6 b5 b4 b6 b2 b1 b00 1 1 1 1 0 SA0 R/W#“SA0” bit provides an extension bit for the slave address. Either “0111100” or3“0111101”, can be selected as the slave address of SSD1306. D/C# pin acts as SA0 for slave address selection. “R/W#” bit is used to determine the operation mode of the I2C-bus interface.R/W#=1, it is in read mode. R/W#=0, it is in write mode.b)I2C-bus data signal (SDA)SDA acts as a communication channel between the transmitter and the receiver. The data and the acknowledgement are sent through the SDA.It should be noticed that the ITO track resistance and the pulled-up resistance at “SDA” pinbecomes a voltage potential divider. As a result, the acknowledgement would not be possible to attain a valid logic 0 level in “SDA””SDAIN” and “SDAOUT” are tied together and serve as SDA. The “SDAIN” pin must be connected to act as SDA. The “SDAOUT” pin may be disconnected. When “SDAOUT” pin is disconnected, the acknowledgement signal will be ignored in the I2C-bus.c)I2C-bus clock signal (SCL)The transmission of information in the I2C-bus is following a clock signal, SCL. Each transmission of data bit is taken place during a single clock period of SCL.Table 3. I2C I2C-bus data format1)The slave address is following the start condition for recognition use. For the SSD1306, the slaveaddress is either “b0111100” or “b0111101” by changing the SA0 to LOW or HIGH (D/C pin acts as SA0).2)The write mode is established by setting the R/W# bit to logic “0”43)An acknowledgement signal will be generated after receiving one byte of data, including theslave address and the R/W# bit.4)After the transmission of the slave address, either the control byte or the data byte may be sentacross the SDA. A control byte mainly consists of Co and D/C# bits following by six “0” ‘s.a)If the Co bit is set as logic “0”, the transmission of the following information will containdata bytes only.b)The D/C# bit determines the next data byte is acted as a command or a data. If the D/C# bitis set to logic “0”, it defines the following data byte as a command. If the D/C# bit is set tologic “1”, it defines the following data byte as a data which will be stored at the GDDRAM.The GDDRAM column address pointer will be increased by one automatically after eachdata write.5)Acknowledge bit will be generated after receiving each control byte or data byte.5。



nRF24L01P 无线模块E01系列本说明书可能会随着产品的不断改进有所更改,请以最新版的说明书为准成都亿佰特电子科技有限公司保留对本说明中所有内容的最终解释权及修改权产品概述E01系列是成都亿佰特公司标志性产品的 2.4G 无线模块, SPI 接口,目前已经稳定量产,并适用于多种应用场景。

E01系列采用挪威 Nordic 公司原装进口的 nRF24L01P 芯片,所有阻容感器件均采用进口元器件,尤其是晶体,我们使用了高精度宽温晶体,保证其工业特性。

发射功率为 20dBm 的模块内置了 PA 功率放大器与 LNA 低噪声放大器,从而提高通信稳定性,延长通信距离;发射功率为 0dBm 的模块均采用进口器件, 优秀的设计亦保证了卓越的射频性能,是追求低功耗的客户首选。

E01系列均严格遵守 FCC 、 CE 、 CCC 等国内国外设计规范,满足各项射频相关认证,满足出口要求。

目录1. 技术参数 ································································································································································································3 1.1. 通用参数 . ......................................................................................................................................... .......................................... 3 1.2. 电气参数 . ......................................................................................................................................... .......................................... 3 1.2.1发射电流 ··················································································································································································3 1.2.2. 接收电流 ··············································································································································································3 1.2.3. 关断电流 ··············································································································································································3 1.2.4. 供电电压 ··············································································································································································4 1.2.5. 通信电平 ··············································································································································································4 1.3. 射频参数 . ......................................................................................................................................... .......................................... 4 1.3.1. 发射功率 ··············································································································································································4 1.3.2. 接收灵敏度··········································································································································································4 1.3.3. 推荐工作频率 ·····································································································································································5 1.4. 实测参数 . ......................................................................................................................................... (5)1.4.1. 实测距离 (5)2. 机械特性 ································································································································································································5 2.1. 尺寸图 ........................................................................................................................................... ............................................. 5 2.1.1. E01-ML01D ·········································································································································································5 2.1.2. E01-ML01DP4 ····································································································································································6 2.1.3. E01-ML01DP5 ····································································································································································7 2.1.4. E01-ML01IPX ······································································································································································7 2.1.5. E01-ML01S ··········································································································································································8 2.1.6. E01-ML01SP2 (9)2.1.7. E01-ML01SP4 (9)3. 推荐连线图 (10)4. 注意事项 (10)5. 生产指导 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................11 5.1. 回流焊温度 ........................................................................................................................................... . (11)5.2 回流焊曲线图 . ......................................................................................................................................... .. (11)6. 常见问题 ······························································································································································································12 6.1. 通信距离很近 ........................................................................................................................................... (12)6.2. 模块易损坏 ........................................................................................................................................... . (12)7. 重要声明 (12)8. 关于我们 (12)1. 技术参数 1.1. 通用参数1.2. 电气参数 1.2.1. 发射电流1.2.2. 接收电流1.2.3. 关断电流1.2.4. 供电电压1.2.5. 通信电平1.3. 射频参数 1.3.1. 发射功率1.3.2. 接收灵敏度1.4. 实测参数2. 机械特性 2.1. 尺寸图 1.3.3. 推荐工作频率1.4.1. 实测距离2.1.1. E01-ML01D 2.1.2. E01-ML01DP42.1.3. E01-ML01DP52.1.4. E01-ML01IPX2.1.5. E01-ML01S2.1.6. E01-ML01SP22.1.7. E01-ML01SP4nRF24L01P 无线模块引脚序号引脚名称 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VCC CE CSN SCK MOSI MISO IRQ GND ★ E01 系列用户使用手册引脚方向供电电源,必须 2.0 ~ 3.6V 之间输入输入输入输入输出输出模块控制引脚模块片选引脚,用于开始一个 SPI 通信模块 SPI 总线时钟模块 SPI 数据输入引脚模块 SPI 数据输出引脚模块中断信号输出,低电平有效地线,连接到电源参考地关于模块的引脚定义、软件驱动及通信协议详见 Nordic 官方《nRF24L01P Datasheet》★引脚用途 3. 推荐连线图序号 1 2 模块与单片机简要连接说明(上图以 STM8L 单片机为例) CE 可以长期接高电平,但是模块写寄存器时必须首先设置为 POWER DOWN 掉电模式,推荐 CE 用单片机引脚控制。



谐振式高频开关整流模块(F X22010技术手册)国电南京自动化股份有限公司目录第一章概述-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1一、前言-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1二、系统性能特点----------------------------------------------------------------- 1三、模块主要特点----------------------------------------------------------------- 1四、模块主要功能----------------------------------------------------------------- 2五、技术指标--------------------------------------------------------------------- 4六、型号命名--------------------------------------------------------------------- 5第二章模块构成----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5一、模块工作原理----------------------------------------------------------------- 5二、模块外观及外形尺寸-------------------------------------------------------- 6三、模块安装---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7四、操作说明----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9第三章使用环境-------------------------------------------------------------------- 15第一章概述一、前言当前我国电力系统使用的直流系统大部分采用传统的全桥软开关技术,开关频率是一个恒定值,只在某个输出电流值实现了软开关技术。









二、使用准备在使用0.96寸OLED显示屏之前,首先需要准备以下设备和材料:1. 0.96寸OLED显示屏模块2. 微控制器或单片机(例如Arduino、Raspberry Pi等)3. 杜邦线或排针4. 电源供应器(如果需要外部供电)三、连接方法0.96寸OLED显示屏通常通过SPI或I2C接口与微控制器或单片机连接。

以下是连接方法的具体步骤:1. 将0.96寸OLED显示屏模块的VCC引脚接到电源正极,将GND引脚接到电源负极,确保接线正确并稳固。

2. 根据所采用的通信方式,将SCL和SDA引脚(对于I2C通信方式)或DC和RES引脚(对于SPI通信方式)连接到微控制器或单片机相应的引脚上。

3. 如需外部供电,连接合适的电源供应器并接通电源。


以下是一个简单的Arduino示例代码:```#include <Wire.h>#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>#define OLED_RESET -1Adafruit_SSD1306 display(128, 64, &Wire, OLED_RESET);void setup() {display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);display.display();delay(2000);display.clearDisplay();}void loop() {display.setTextSize(1);display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE);display.setCursor(0,0);display.println("Hello, World!");display.display();delay(1000);display.clearDisplay();}```通过以上示例代码,您可以实现在0.96寸OLED显示屏上显示“Hello, World!”的效果。

HG96 系列说明书

HG96 系列说明书

1. HG9620 智能配电仪表性能特点 ............................................................................................1 1.1 HG9620 智能配电仪表实时测量的参数范围 ........................................................................1 1.2 HG9620 智能配电仪表实时累积的电能参数范围 ................................................................1 1.3 HG9620 智能配电仪表的接口 ...............................................................................................1 2. 技术参数.....................................................................................................................................2 2.1 输入信号...................................................................................................................................2 2.2 测量精度......................................................................

OLED 模块 使用说明

OLED 模块 使用说明


所有资料均以官方数据为准,此文仅供参考,谢谢!)2014年12月22日重要提示:OLED屏裸露,玻璃板易碎,使用过程中请勿用力挤压、猛烈撞击,以免造成模块损坏!一、OLED简介:OLED,即有机发光二极管(Organic Light-Emitting Diode),又称为有机电激光显示(Organic Electroluminesence Display,OELD)。

因为具备轻薄、省电等特性,因此从2003年开始,这种显示设备在MP3播放器上得到了广泛应用,而对于同属数码类产品的DC 与手机,此前只是在一些展会上展示过采用OLED屏幕的工程样品。


二、0.96寸模块板子尺寸:SPI接口IIC接口三、1.3寸SPI接口模块尺寸图SPI接口IIC接口四、外观三种颜色任你选:蓝色、白色、蓝黄双色五、通讯模式:4线SPI、IIC接口六、SPI电路连接GND:电源地VCC:2.2V~5.5VSCL(D0):CLK时钟(高电平2.2V~5.5V)SDA(D1):MOSI数据(高电平2.2V~5.5V)RST:复位(高电平2.2V~5.5V)D/C:数据/命令(高电平2.2V~5.5V)兼容3.3V和5V控制芯片的I/O电平(无需任何设置,直接兼容)板子管脚依次为G(地),3.3V/5V(电源),SCL(CLK时钟),SDA(MISO数据),RES(复位),DC(数据/命令单片机采用 3.3V/5V电压的接线模式,下图以XS128单片机接线图为例:其他单片机只要有4个IO口就可以驱动移植程序非常简单:驱动程序以标准的.C.H文件写出,轻松移植七、IIC电路连接IIC接口:GND:电源地VCC:2.2V~5.5VSCL:CLK时钟(高电平2.2V~5.5V)SDA:MOSI数据(高电平2.2V~5.5V)注意事项:OLED显示屏不同于LCD,OLED上电是没有反应的,需要程序驱动才会有显示!。



0.96寸OLED显示屏一、OLED简介OLED,即有机发光二级管(Organic Light Emitting Diode)。















CRIO-4010 单相、三相全参数交流 电量采集模块 用户手册说明书

CRIO-4010 单相、三相全参数交流 电量采集模块 用户手册说明书







国控精仪公司信息网址: 英文中文销售服务: **************销售分机:801 电话: 400 9936 400 ************传真: ************地址: 北京市海淀区安宁庄东路18号2号办公楼420-423室请将您下列的信息通过邮件或传真发送给我们1概述...................................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.1产品特性.................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.2产品应用.................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.3产品详细指标.......................................................................................................... - 2 -1.3.1电量参数...................................................................................................... - 2 -1.3.2系统稳定时间.............................................................................................. - 2 -1.3.3物理特征...................................................................................................... - 3 -1.3.4产品功耗(典型值) ..................................................................................... - 3 -1.3.5工作环境...................................................................................................... - 3 -1.3.6存储环境...................................................................................................... - 3 -1.4软件支持.................................................................................................................. - 3 -2设备安装.............................................................................................................................. - 5 -2.1产品开箱.................................................................................................................. - 5 -2.2软件安装.................................................................................................................. - 5 -2.3产品布局图.............................................................................................................. - 6 -3信号连接说明...................................................................................................................... - 7 -3.1连接器管脚分配...................................................................................................... - 7 -3.2电源与通讯连接...................................................................................................... - 8 -3.3信号连接.................................................................................................................. - 9 -4 模拟量输入(AI)模块功能码........................................................................................ - 10 -4.1读保持寄存器........................................................................................................ - 10 -4.2读输入寄存器........................................................................................................ - 11 -4.3设置单个保持寄存器............................................................................................ - 13 -4.4设置多个保持寄存器............................................................................................ - 13 -5产品注意事项、保修、校准............................................................................................ - 15 -图2-1 CRIO4010产品图................................................................................................... - 6 -图3-1 电源与通讯接线图 ................................................................................................ - 8 -图3-2 单相电示意图 ........................................................................................................ - 9 -图3-3 三相电示意图 ........................................................................................................ - 9 -表3-1 16P端子标注 .......................................................................................................... - 8 -1概述CRIO-4010是基于RS485的高性能通信模块。



0.96inch LCD ModuleUser ManualOVERVIEWThis is a general LCD display Module, IPS screen, 0.96inch diagonal, 160x80 HD resolution, with embedded controller, communicating via SPI interface.Examples are provided for testing. Examples are compatible with Raspberry Pi (bcm2835, wiringPi and python), STM32 and ArduinoSPECIFICATIONOperating Voltage : 3.3VInterface : SPIType : TFTControl Driver : ST7735SResolution : 160 (V) RGB x 80 (H) mmViewing Area : 21.7 (V) x 10.8 (H) mmPixel size : 0.1356(V)x 0.135(H)mmDimension : 32.5 x 26.00 (mm)PINOUTOverview (1)Specification (1)Pinout (2)Hardware (5)Controller (5)Communication protocol (5)Demo codes (7)Download (7)Raspberry Pi (7)Copy to Raspberry Pi (7)Libraries install (8)Hardware connection (10)Running examples (10)Expected result (11)STM32 (12)Hardware connection (12)Expected result (12)Arduino (13)Hardware connection (13)Expected result (13)FAQ (14)CONTROLLERST7735S is a controller for 162 x RGB x132 LCD. Note that the resolution of this LCD module is 160(H)RGBx80(V) indeed.ST7735S supports RGB444, RGB565 and RGB666 three formats. This LCD module we use RGB565.Because that the first pixel of the LCD is different with the origin point of controller, therefore, we should offset the position when initialize the module: Horizontal: begin from the second pixel; Vertical: begin from the 27th pixel. Make sure that the display position of LCD is same as RAM.For most of the LCD controller, there are several interfaces for choosing, this module we use SPI interface which is fast and simple.COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLNote: It is not like the tradition SPI protocol, it only uses MOSI to send data from master to slave for LCD display. For details please refer to Datasheet Page 105. RESX: Reset, should be pull-down when power on, set to 1 other time.CSX: Slave chip select. The chip is enabled only CS is set LowD/CX: Data/Command selection; DC=0, write command; DC=1, write dataSDA: Data transmitted. (RGB data)SCL: SPI clockThe SPI communication protocol of the data transmission uses control bits: clock phase (CPHA) and clock polarity (CPOL):CPOL defines the level while synchronization clock is idle. If CPOL=0, then it is LOW. CPHA defines at wh ish clock’s tick the data transmission starts. CPHL=0 – at the first one, otherwise at the second oneThis combination of two bits provides 4 modes of SPI data transmission. The commonly used is SPI0 mode, i.e. GPHL=0 and CPOL=0.According to the figure above, data transmitting begins at the first falling edge, 8bit data are transmitted at one clock cycle. It is SPI0. MSB.DOWNLOADVisit Waveshare wiki and search for 0.96inch LCD Module. Download the demo code:Extract and get the folders as below:Arduino: For Arduino UNORaspberry Pi: Includes three examples, BCM2835, WiringPi and PythonSTM32: For XNUCLEO-F103RB, which integrate STM32F103RBT6RASPBERRY PICOPY TO RASPBERRY PI1.Insert SD card which has Raspbian installed to your PC2.Copy RaspberryPi extracted to root directory (BOOT) of SD card3.Power on your Raspberry Pi and open Terminal, you can find that the examples islisted in boot directory4.Copy the RaspberryPi folder to /home/pi and change its execute permission.LIBRARIES INSTALLTo use the demo codes, you need to first install librariesInstall BCM2835:xx is the version of library. For example, if the library you download is bcm2835-1.52, the command should be : sudo tar zxvf bcm2835-1.52.tar.gzInstall wiringPi:Install Python libraries:HARDWARE CONNECTIONRUNNING EXAMPLESEnter the folder: cd RaspberryPi/bcm2835 example:Press Ctrl and C to stop running wiringpi example:Press Ctrl and C to stop running python example:Press Ctrl and C to stop running EXPECTED RESULT1.Clear screen2.Display number and strings3.Draw figures4.Display 40 x 40 image5.Display 160x80 imageSTM32The development board used is XNUCLEO-F103RB, based on HAL library HARDWARE CONNECTIONEXPECTED RESULT1.Clear screen2.Display number and strings3.Draw figures4.Display 40x40 image5.Display 160x80 imageARDUINOThis example is compatible with Arduino UNO HARDWARE CONNECTIONEXPECTED RESULT1.Clear screen2.Display number and strings3.Display figures4.Display 40x40 imageFAQ1.How to control backlight?- You can use the function LCD_SetBacklight() to control the backlight2.Why the LCD is black when working with Raspberry Pia) Check if SPI interface was enabledb) Check if the BL pin work normally, if the pin has no output, please try todisconnect the BL control pin3.What does it happen if using Raspberry Pi improperly?If you run python or bcm2835 examples after wiringPi, the LCD may cannot work normally, please try to restart Raspberry Pi can try again.4.How to rotate display?-You can use the function Paint_SetRotate(Rotate) to rotate display. Rotate should be 0, 90, 180 or 270.-Python can call rotate(Rotate) function for any angle.5.Python Image library- For some of the OS, you should execute command to install python-imaging library: sudo apt-get install python-imaging。



Write mode for I2C1)The master device initiates the data communication by a start condition. The definition ofthe startcondition is shown in Figure 8-8. The start condition is established by pulling the SDA from HIGH toLOW while the SCL stays HIGH.1)主设备通过一个启动条件启动数据通信。



2) The slave address is following the start condition for recognition use. For the SSD1306, the slaveaddress is either “b0111100” or “b0111101” by changing the SA0 to LOW or HIGH (D/C pin acts asSA0).2)从机地址在开始条件下进行识别使用。

对于SSD1306,通过将SA0更改为低或高(d/c pin为SA0),该从属地址是“b0111100”或“b0111101”。

2)The write mode is established by setting the R/W# bit to logic “0”.3)An acknowledgement signal will be generated after receiving one byte of data, includingthe slaveaddress and the R/W# bit. Please refer to the Figure 8-9 for thegraphicalrepresentation of theacknowledge signal. The acknowledge bit is defined as the SDA line is pulled down during the HIGHperiod of the acknowledgement related clock pulse.5) After the transmission of the slave address, either the control byte or the data byte may be sent acrossthe SDA. A control byte mainly consists of Co and D/C# bits following by six “0” …s.a. If the Co bit is set as logic “0”, the transmission of the following information will containdata bytes only.如果将Co位设置为逻辑“0”,那么以下信息的传输将仅包含数据字节。



7.6 系统显示设计控制系统显示常用的显示器件有数码管、LCD、OLED等。

OLED即有机发光二极管(Organic Light Emitting Diode),其同时具备自发光,不需背光源、对比度高、制程较简单等优异之特性,被认为是下一代的平面显示器新兴应用技术。


7.6.1 OLED显示原理如图4所示为0.96寸OLED显示模块,其分辨率为128*64,采用4线SPI接口方式,模块的接口定义如表1所示。

图4 0.96寸OLED显示模块种并行接口方式、3线或4线SPI接口方式、IIC接口方式。

这里介绍OLED模块4线SPI 通信方式,只需4根通信线就能实现对OLED模块的显示控制,这4根线为:D0、D1、DC、CS。







图5 4线SPI写操作时序图令较多,具体的可以参考相关手册,这里介绍如表3所示几个比较常用的指令。



第二个命令为 0XAE/0XAF。

0XAE 为关闭显示命令; 0XAF 为开启显示命令。



7 / 20
1、42、96、80 显示屏介绍: 全屏显示信息
页面 1
分别显示电压 Ua、Ub、Uc(三
相四线)和 Uab、Ubc、Uca(三相
电压。左图中 Ua=380.0V、Ub=
测量 显示 状态
PASS 0000
-InU.SCL 100v
-InU.SCL 220v
-InU.SCL 380v
按确认键,确认更 改,其它此类菜单 相同
r. Pt
r. Pt
r. Pt
EP:代表最下边一排 8 位数据
是有功电能,当前数值是 83.6kWh。
高压时,当电压是 10kV 时,右 上角“×103”代表三排数据在当前 数值基础上乘以 1000,如:10.00V ×1000 = 10.00kV,当出现此标识时 皆做如上处理,正文不在赘述。其
”键输入用户级密码(默认为 0001),按确认键人后进入编程









Logic IO ApS RT-EX-9063D 技术手册说明书

Logic IO ApS RT-EX-9063D 技术手册说明书

Technical Manual forRT-EX-9063DVersion 1.018 x Digital Input / 3 x Relay OutputPage 2 of 11IntroductionThe EX9063D MODBUS I/O Expansion module is a high-quality and low-cost add-on data acquisition device that allows expanding the on-board digital input/output capabilities on X32-based RTCU units almost indefinitely and completely transparent using MODBUS communication protocol.The EX9063D uses EIA RS-485 - the industry's most widely used bi-directional, balanced transmission line standard. It lets the module transmit and receive data at high data rates over long distances.The EX9063D can be used to expand the RTCU with additional 8 digital inputs and 3 relay outputs capable of switching 250VAC.The EX9063D works in a variety of environments and applications, including:Factory automation and control SCADA applications HVAC applicationsRemote measuring, monitoring and control Security and alarm systems, etc.Page 3 of 11Table of ContentsIntroduction....................................................................................................................................................2 Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................................3 Graphical view...............................................................................................................................................4 Pin Assignment..............................................................................................................................................5 Default Settings .............................................................................................................................................6 LED Indicator................................................................................................................................................6 INIT* Pin Operation (Configuration mode)..................................................................................................7 Wire Connections..........................................................................................................................................8 Open Collector signal input:......................................................................................................................8 TTL/CMOS signal input:...........................................................................................................................8 Dry contact signal input:............................................................................................................................9 Relay Outputs:...........................................................................................................................................9 Technical Specifications..............................................................................................................................10 Appendix A – Using the module as I/O extension in the RTCU IDE (11)Page 4 of 11Graphical viewPage 5 of 11Pin AssignmentThe 2 x 10-pins plug-terminals as seen in the following figure allow connecting supply, communication lines and digital inputs/outputs. Please refer to the following table for pin names and their function.2 IN3 Digital input 3 3 IN2 Digital input 24 IN1Digital input 15 IN COM Digital Common input6 INIT*Pin for initialization of the configuration routine 7 (Y)DATA+ RS485+ data signal 8 (G)DATA- RS485- data signal9 (R)+VS (+) Supply. Please refer to the specification for correct voltage level 10 (B)GND Supply ground.11 RL1 NO Relay 1 Normally OpenEX9063DI N 8I N 7I N 6I N 5Page 6 of 1112 RL1COM Relay 1 Common 13 RL2 NO Relay 2 Normally Open 14 RL2COM Relay 2 Common 15 RL3 NO Relay 3 Normally Open 16 RL3COM Relay 3 Common 17 IN8 Digital input 8 18 IN7 Digital input 7 19 IN6 Digital input 6 20 IN5 Digital input 5Please refer to the section ”Wire Connections ” for correct wiring to the external device/sensor.Default SettingsBaud rate 9600 Data bits 8 Parity None Stop bit 1 Device address 1These settings can easily be changed in RTCU IDE. Please refer to “Appendix A – Using the module as I/O extension in the RTCU IDE” for details.LED IndicatorThe EX9065 is provided with a system LED to indicate power, and LEDs to indicate state of their respective inputs/outputs. In the following table description of the different states of the LEDs can be found:ON Power onSystemOFF Power off ON Input is HIGH*InputsOFF Input is LOW* ON Relay is open (no connection)OutputsOFF Relay is closedPlease refer to the wiring scheme for correct indicationPlease note that the inputs are internally pulled up, and will therefore appear high when not connected or idle.Page 7 of 11INIT* Pin Operation (Configuration mode)The module has a build-in EEPROM to store configuration information such as address, type, baud rate and other information. Sometimes a user may forget the configuration of the module, or simply need to change it. Therefore, the module has a special mode named "INIT mode" to allow the system to change the configuration. To enable INIT mode, please follow these steps:1. Power off the module.2. Connect the INIT* pin to the GND pin.3. Power on the module.The module is now ready to be configured, afterward remove the power.When using the RTCU IDE to change the setting, select “setup module” from the right-click menu of the node in “I/O – Extension” tree, and a guide will go through each step of the configuration process. Please refer to the RTCU IDE on-line help for further information.Page 8 of 11Wire ConnectionsOpen Collector signal input:When connecting open collector signals into the digital inputs please follow one of the wiring schemes below:TTL/CMOS signal input:When connecting a device with TTL/CMOS outputs to the EX9063D please follow the wiring scheme:IN8IN8IN8Page 9 of 11Dry contact signal input:When connecting dry contact signals to the input of the module please follow the wiring scheme below:Relay Outputs:When connecting a device to the relay outputs please follow the wiring scheme below:IN8Page 10 of 11Technical Specifications8Input Channels 3Output Channels •-25 ~ 75°COperating Temperature1,5 W Power Consumption +10 VDC to + 30 VDCPower Input Isolation with Common Source3750 Vrms +1 V max +4 V to +30 V 3K Ohms•Isolation•Isolation Voltage •Digital Level 0•Digital level 1•Input Impedance Form A 5A @ 250 VAC 5A @ 30 VDC4000 V 6 ms max 3 ms max•Relay Type •Contact Rating Surge Strength •Operate Time •Release TimeTechnical Manual, RT-EX-9063D, v1.01Page 11 of 11 Logic IO ApS.Ph: (+45) 7625 0210 Holmboes Allé 14Fax: (+45) 7625 0211 8700 HorsensEmail: **************** Denmark Web: Appendix A – Using the module as I/O extension in the RTCU IDE To be able to use the MODBUS I/O Expansion module as an I/O extension, the RTCU IDE project needs to be configured correctly, by entering the correct parameters for the expansion module into the “I/O Extension device” dialog 1.The following figure shows the correct setting for an EX9063D connected to the RS485_1 port on a RTCU DX4 with default settings:To change the above mentioned default values, new values must be entered and transferred to themodule 2.Values in the “I/O Extension net” must be set according to communication between the module and the RTCU unit, the port numeration follows the principles of the serOpen function, which is described in the IDE online help. When changing baud, data bit(s), parity or stop bit(s) all units on the net must be reconfigured 3.The address field is per default “1”; if more modules are connected to same net each must have a unique address. Changing the address of a module is done, by selecting the new value and then reconfigure the module.A close attention must be paid to the Count, Index in the “Digital Inputs” section, which must be 8 and 0, and in the “Digital Outputs” section which must be 3 and 0 respectively, else will communication with the module fail. Optional all readings or writings can be inverted by selecting “Negate”. 1Please refer to the RTCU IDE online help for creating and editing I/O extension 2 Please see “Project Control - I/O Extension” in the IDE online help. 3To reconfigure: right click the device in the IDE and select “setup module”, and then follow the guide.。

uOLED-160-G2 - 获取开始手册说明书

uOLED-160-G2 - 获取开始手册说明书

CONTENTS03 IntroductionSystem Requirements• Hardware Requirements • Software Requirements06 Connecting the Display Module to the PC • Connection Options• Let WS4 Identify the Display Module08 Getting Started with a Simple Project 14 Application Notes 15 Reference Documents 17Glossary • Hardware • SoftwareWHAT’S IN THE BOX5-way Female-FemaleJumper cableuOLED-160-G25-way Male-MaleAdaptorSupporting documents, datasheet, CAD step models and application notes areavailable on the 4D Systems website.In this Getting Started Manual we will briefly focus on the following topics:•Hardware and Software Requirements•Connecting the Display Module to your PC•Getting Started with Simple Projects•Reference DocumentsThe uOLED-160-G2 is designed and manufactured by 4D Systems. It is a compact and visually stunning display module using the latest state of the art Passive Matrix OLED (PMOLED) technology with an embedded GOLDELOX graphics processor that can deliver 'stand-alone' functionality to any project.Intelligent display modules are embedded solutions used in various applications in manufacturing automotive, medical, home automation, consumer electronics, and other various industries. In fact, there are very few embedded designs on the market today that do not have a display. Even many consumer white goods and kitchen appliances incorporate some form of display. Buttons, rotary selectors, switches and other input devices are being replaced by more colourful and easier-to-use touch screen displays in industrial machines, thermostats, drink dispensers, 3D printers, commercial applications - virtually any electronic application.For users to be able to design a user interface for their applications that will run on 4D intelligent display modules, 4D Systems provides a free and user-friendly software IDE (Integrated Development Environment) called “Workshop4” or “WS4”. This software IDE is discussed in more detail in the section “System Requirements”.SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSThe following subsections discuss the hardware and software requirementsfor this manual.1Hardware1.1 Intelligent Display ModuleThe uOLED-160-G2 intelligent display module and its accessories (5-way cable and male-male adaptor) should be included in the boxdelivered to you after your purchase from our website or through oneof our distributors. Please refer to the section “What’s in the Box” forimages of the display module and its accessories.1.2 4D Programming CableThe programming module is a separate device required to connect thedisplay module to a Windows PC. 4D Systems offers the followingprogramming modules:•4D Programming Cable•uUSB-PA5-II Programming Adaptor•4D-UPATo use any of the programming modules, the corresponding drivermust first be installed in the PC. You may refer to the product page ofthe given module for more information and detailed instruction.1.3 microSD CardWorkshop4 has built-in widgets that can be used to design yourdisplay UI. In order to use these widgets, they should be saved firstinto the microSD Card along with the other graphic files during thecompilation step.Note: The microSD Card is optional and is only needed with projects that areutilizing graphical files. Please note as well that not all cards on the market are SPIcompatible, and therefore not all cards can be used in 4D Systems products. Buywith confidence, choose the cards recommended by 4D Systems.1.4 Windows PCWorkshop4 only runs on the Windows operating system. It is highlyrecommended to be used on Windows 7 up to Windows 10 but should stillwork with Windows XP. Some older OS's such as ME and Vista has not beentested for quite some time, however, the software should still work.If you want to run the Workshop4 on other operating systems like Mac orLinux, it is recommended to set up a virtual machine (VM) on your PC.2 Software2.1 Workshop4 IDEWorkshop4 is a comprehensive software IDE for Microsoft Windowsthat provides an integrated software development platform for all ofthe 4D family of processors and modules. The IDE combines theEditor, Compiler, Linker and Downloader to develop complete 4DGLapplication code. All user application code is developed within theWorkshop4 IDE.Workshop4 includes three development environments, for the user tochoose based on application requirements or even user skill level-Designer, ViSi and Serial.Workshop4 EnvironmentsDesigner This environment enables the user to write 4DGL code inits natural form to program the display module.ViSi A visual programming experience that enables drag-and-drop type placement of objects to assist with 4DGL codegeneration and allows the user to visualize how thedisplay will look while being developed.Serial This environment is also provided to transform thedisplay module into a slave serial display module,allowing the user to control the display from any hostmicrocontroller or device with a serial port.Install Workshop4Download links for the WS4 installer and installation guide can befound on the Workshop4 product page.CONNECTING THE DISPLAY MODULE TO THE PC This section shows the steps for connecting the display to the PC. Please refer to the image below for the complete instructions.Hardware SoftwareCONNECTION OPTIONSConnect the Programming cable to the display. Please refer to the image below for proper insertion. Pin1 corresponds to 5V input.Option ADisplay Module 4D ProgrammingCableWorkshop4LET WS4 IDENTIFY THE DISPLAY MODULEAfter following the appropriate set of instructions in the previous section, you now need to configure and setup Workshop4 to make sure that it identifies and connects to the correct display module.1.Open Workshop4 IDE and create a new project.2.Select the display module you're using from the list.3.Select your desired orientation for your project.4.Click next.5.Choose a WS4 Programming Environment. Only the compatibleprogramming environment for the display module will be enabled.6.Click on the COMMS tab, select the COM port the display module isconnected to from the dropdown list.7.Click on the RED dot to start scanning for the display module. AYELLOW dot will show while scanning. Make sure that your module is connected properly.stly, a successful detection will give you a BLUE dot with the name ofthe display module shown alongside it.9.Click on the Home tab to start creating your project.GETTING STARTED WITH A SIMPLE PROJECTAfter successfully connecting the display module to the PC using your programming module, you can now start developing a basic application. This section shows you how to design a simple user interface using the ViSi environment and utilizing the LEDDIGITS and GAUGE widgets.The resulting project consists of LEDDIGITS and GAUGE widgets. The valueof the two widgets shall continuously change randomly, thus the shown digitand level shall change correspondingly.Note: This sample project can be found in Workshop4 upon installation. Click on Files > Samples > Goldelox ViSi > LEDDIGITS GAUGE.Create a New ViSi Project to Create a New ViSi ProjectYou can create a ViSi project by opening Workshop4 and choosing thedisplay type and the environment that you want to work with. This projectwill be using the ViSi environment.1.Open Workshop4 by double-clicking the icon.2.Create New Project with the New Tab.3.Choose your display type.4.Click Next.5.Choose ViSi.Add a Leddigits WidgetTo add a Leddigits widget, simply click on the Widgets Tab and choose the Digits sub-tab. From the list, you may choose the type of widget that you want to use. In this case, the Leddigits widget.Simply Drag-and-Drop the widget towards the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) area. You may change the properties (color, number of digits, etc.) of the widget in the Object Inspector window.Add a Gauge WidgetTo add a Gauge widget, go to the Gauges section and choose the gauge type that you want to use. In this case the Gauge widget.Drag and drop it towards the WYSIWYG area to proceed. You may change the properties (color, number of digits, etc.) of the widget in the Object Inspector window.Set the Orientation option to Vertical.The WYSIWYG area should now look like this:Programming the eventsTo control the widgets in the ViSi environment, 4DGL is used. Please paste the following code to the code editor area.#inherit "4DGL_16bitColours.fnc"#inherit "VisualConst.inc"#inherit "LedDigitsGaugeConst.inc"#inherit "LedDigitsDisplayGoldelox.inc"func main()var numx ;print("Starting\n") ;while(!media_Init())putstr("Drive not mounted...");pause(200);gfx_Cls();pause(200);wendmedia_SetAdd(iLeddigits1H, iLeddigits1L) ;// point to the Leddigits1 imagemedia_Image(0, 0) ; // show all digits at 0, only do this oncerepeatnumx := ABS ( RAND() % 1000) ;ledDigitsDisplay(numx, iiLeddigits1H, iiLeddigits1L, 0, 0, 4, 2, 32, 1);numx /= 10 ;media_SetAdd(iGauge1H, iGauge1L) ; // point to the Gauge1 imagemedia_VideoFrame(0, 108, numx) ; // where numx is 0 to 100 (for a displayed 0 to 100)pause(250) ;foreverendfuncThis code sets both widgets to change in value every 250ms. To know more about 4DGL, please see References section.Build and Compile the ProjectTo Build/Upload the project, click the Comp'nLoad icon.Copy the Required Files to the microSD CardIn order to display widgets on the display, it needs a microSD card to store graphic files like the leddigits and gauge widgets. To do this, make sure that you have a microSD card inserted in one of your PC ports and the display is properly connected.There will be a pop-up window asking for the microSD card that you want to write into. Choose your microSD card and click on OK. Click “Yes” for the User Account Control window and wait for the program to load.Note: The ViSi application writes the graphics files into the microSD card in RAW format forGOLDELOX display modules. In other words, the FAT formatting will be removed. Please make sure you backup any important files/data you have on the microSD card before proceeding.You may upload your graphics files after the conversion of the FAT format to RAW. It will also be indicated in the pop-up window that the microSD Card is already in the RAW format. Before proceeding, make sure that you have selected the right microSD Card.Unmount the microSD Card from the PC and insert it to the display’s microSD Card slot.APPLICATION NOTES4D-AN-00117 Designer GettingStarted - FirstProject This application note shows how tocreate a new project using the Designer Environment. It also introduces thebasics of 4DGL (4D Graphics Language).Designer4D-AN-00118 ViSi GettingStarted - FirstProject forGoldelox This application note shows how to create a new project using the ViSi Environment. It also introduces the basics of 4DGL (4D Graphics Languageand the basic use of the WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get)screen.ViSi4D-AN-00086 Serial GoldeloxGetting Started -The SPEApplication This application note shows how to configure a 4D display to act as a serialslave and how to use the Serial Commander (one of the several tools available in Workshop) to send commands to the display. This knowledge will then allow the user to properly program any external host controller for the display module.Serial4D-AN-00058 Designer or ViSiHow to DrawCircles andRectangles This application note shows how toprogram a 4D display module in theDesigner environment to make it drawcircles and rectangles on the screen.Designer, ViSi4D-AN-00059 Designer or ViSiHow to DrawCircles andRectangles This application note shows how toprogram a 4D display module in theDesigner environment to make it drawcircles and rectangles on the screen.Designer, ViSi4D-AN-00060 Designer or ViSiHow to DrawTriangles andPolygons This application note shows how toprogram a 4D display module in theDesigner environment to make it drawtriangles and polygons on the screen.Designer, ViSiREFERENCE DOCUMENTSThe following are documents to further enhance the user’s ViSi environment knowledge and to start learning about 4DGL programming:4DGL Programmer Reference Manual4DGL is a graphics oriented language allowing rapid applicationdevelopment. An extensive library of graphics, text and file systemfunctions and the ease of use of a language that combines the bestelements and syntax structure of languages such as C, Basic, Pascal, etc.This document covers the language style, the syntax and flow control. Quick Start GuideThe primary aim of this guide is to quickly and effectively teach theessentials to setting up and developing an application on any one of the4D GOLDELOX display modules.Goldelox Embedded Graphics ProcessorThe Goldelox is a custom embedded graphics controller designed tointerface with many popular OLED and LCD display panels. Thisdocument lists and describes the specifications and features of theGoldelox processor.Goldelox Processor Internal Functions Reference Manual4DGL has a number of internal functions that can be used for easierprogramming. This document covers the internal (chip-resident) functions available for the Goldelox Processor.Goldelox Processor Serial Commands Reference ManualThe Goldelox Processor can be programmed to act as a ‘SERIAL SLAVE’device, responding to the Serial commands sent from virtually any HostController. This document shows lists the commands applicable for theGoldelox processor.uOLED-160-G2 DatasheetThis document lists the detailed information about the uOLED-160-G2.Note: For more information on the Workshop4 Software in General or the otherEnvironments available in Workshop4, please refer to the Workshop4 User Guide,available from the 4D Systems website.NOTES1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.*******************.au。

SINAR 电子模块化系统指南说明书

SINAR 电子模块化系统指南说明书
The brain: - The SINAR DIGITAL shutter
This electronic behind-lens shutter automatically controls speeds from 1/500 to 80 seconds and sets the auto-aperture iris of the lenses. While inserting the film holder into the camera back , the shutter and aperture automatically close - and open again on removing the film holder. The central display indicates exposure settings in large LED numerals. For further versatility, each SINAR DIGITAL shutter has a terminal socket at the side to connect to external signal input units. The SINAR «Lenses and shutters» catalogue gives further details of the operation of the DIGITAL shutter which already incorporates all electronic featu res for system extension.
photographer can thus enter his film type
designations next to the reciprocity group



信意电子0.96寸OLED模块说明书目录一、OLED技术特点 (2)二、OLED模块介绍 (2)三、0.96寸OLED模块特点 (5)四、管脚定义 (5)五、客户应用案例 (6)一、OLED技术特点(1)OLED器件的核心层厚度很薄,厚度可以小于1mm,为液晶的1/3。















版 权 声 明........................................................................................................................................I 1 0.96’OLED 简介...........................................................................................................................1 2 OLED 点亮原理........................................................................................................................... 2
4 线 ISP 接口模式:时钟线
GT20L16S1Y 的时钟线
4 线 ISP 接口模式:串行数据线
GT20L16S1Y 的串行数据输入端口
4 线 ISP 接口模式:命令/数据标志位
IIC 接口模式:接 GND
4 线 ISP 接口模式:OLED 片选
2.1 取模.................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 显示部分............................................................................................................................ 5 2.3 驱动芯片 SSD1306........................................................................................................... 6 2.4 GT20L16S1Y 字库芯片....................................................................................................8 3 通讯方式..................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 SSD1306 通讯..................................................................................................................11 3.2 GT20L16S1Y 通讯..........................................................................................................12 4 连接方式..................................................................................................................................... 15 5 程序设计..................................................................................................................................... 17 附录 A:更新说明........................................................................................................................... 24 附录 B:联系方式........................................................................................................................... 25



液晶显示模块使用手册HD320240B-6型号:选 配 件 说 明■常温(0~50℃) □宽温(-20~+70℃)液晶片□黄绿膜 ■蓝膜 □灰膜 □黑白膜LED背光 ■白光 □翡绿光 □黄绿光 □蓝光 背 光EL背光 □白光 □蓝光 □CCFL背光负压电路 ■板载负压 □不带负压EL逆变器 □配备 □板载 ■不配备CCFL逆变器 □配备 ■不配备苏州华瑞光电科技有限公司www.frilcd.com项 目 标 准 尺 寸 单 位模 块 体 积 160L×109W×12.0H mm视 域 122×92 mm 行 列 点 阵 数 320×240 dots 点 距 离 0.36×0.36 mm 点 大 小0.33×0.33 mm一. 概述使用功能强大的RA8835作为控制器。

适配Intel8080系列和M6800 系列MPU 的两种操作时序电路,通过硬件设置,可选择二者之一。

4位显示数据线,传输数据迅速;具有强大的作图功能;支持文本显示、图形显示以及图形和文本混合显示;具备简捷的MPU 接口和功能齐全的控制指令集。

采用SMT 工艺制作,结构稳固,使用寿命长。

二.特性1. 工作电压:5.0V±10%2. 显示模式:320×240图形点阵3. 内建32KB 显示RAM4. 内部固化的160种5×7点阵的字符,用户最多可自建64个5×7点阵的字符5.文本显示、图形显示以及文本与图形混合显示功能三.外形尺寸1. 外形图HD320240B-6四.硬件说明1. 模块接口:管脚名称管脚编号CN1 J1电平功能描述1 VSS VSS 0V电源地2 VDD VDD5.0V电源电压3 V0 V0负压对比度调节端4 VOUT VOUT 负压负电源5 A0(=RS) A0(=RS) H/L 高:选择数据寄存器低:选择指令寄存器6 /RW /RWH/L 80时序:写信号;低有效68时序:/RW=R/W,读写选择信号端7 /RD /RDH/L 80时序:读信号;低有效68时序:/RD=E,操作使能信号DB0 DB08~~~DB715 DB7H/L数据总线16 CS CSH/L片选信号;低有效17 RESET RESET H/L复位信号;低有效18 FG NC 铁框地19 LED+ LED+ 5V 背光正极20 LED- LED- 背光负极管脚名称管脚编号CN1 J1电平功能描述1 ~ 4 D0~D3D0~D3H/L数据线5 DISPOFFB DISPOFFB H/L显示开关控制6 FLM FLM H/L行起始信号(帧信号)7 M MH/L LCD交变驱动信号8 CL1 CL1H/L显示数据锁存脉冲信号9 CL2 CL2H/L显示数据位移脉冲信号10 VDD VDD5.0V电源电压11 VSS VSS 0V电源地12 VOUT VOUT 负压负电源13 V0 V0负压对比度调节端14 FG FG 铁框地2. 原理简图3. 最大工作范围1)逻辑工作电压(Vdd): 5V±10%2)电源地(GND):0V3) LCD驱动电压(V op): 30Vmax4)输入电压:0~Vdd4. 电气特性(测试条件,Vdd=5.0±10%)1)输入高电平(Vih):0.8Vdd~Vdd2)输入低电平(Vil):Vss~0.2Vdd3)输出高电平(V oh): 2.4Vmin4)输出低电平(V ol): 0.4Vmax5)模块工作电流:95~109mA (不含背光)6)侧白光工作电流: 140mA五.模块主要硬件构成说明1. SEL1脚接低时选择Intel8080时序,接高时选择M6800时序也可由软件设置2. 忙标志(BF)MPU访问RA8835不需要判断其是否“忙”,随时准备接受MPU访问并在内部时序下及时地把MPU发来的数据、指令就位。




复位保持低电平的时间 tRW

us us
7.指令功能: 7.1 指令表
(display on/off)
(Display start line set)
图 4. 从 CPU 写到 SSD1306(Writing Data from CPU to SSD1306) 6.2I2C 接口:时序要求(AC 参数):
写数据到 SSD1306 的时序要求:
表 4.


(Data hold time)
*(VDD =1.65V~3.3V,Ta = 25℃)
图 7:电源启动后复位的时序
表 6:电源启动后复位的时序要求
输入高电平 VIHC 输入低电平 VILC 输出高电平 VOHC 输出低电平 VOHC 模块工作电流 IDD

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一、OLED技术特点 (2)
二、OLED模块介绍 (2)
三、0.96寸OLED模块特点 (5)
四、管脚定义 (5)
五、客户应用案例 (6)





















