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英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
答案:A 答案:B 答案:B 还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
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英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
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英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
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英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
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英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
大华银行 第三部分 2019校园招聘English笔试真题解析
英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
答案:A 答案:B
英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
答案:B 答案:B 答案:两个都正确 答案:A 答案:B
英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
答案:B 答案:A 答案:A 答案:A 答案:A
英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
答案:B 答案:B 答案:B 答案:B 答案:A 答案:B
英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
答案:B 答案:B 答案:B 答案:A 答案:A
英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家
答案:A 答案:A 答案:A 答案:A 答案:A
英国留学生求职管家 | 无论留英还是回国,做你求职路上的贴心管家





A . Letter写一封信,我觉得最重要的是要注意条理清楚,点不能乱,商务回信,有必要看看商务英语写信的格式,写给自己的manager的,要涉及三个内容:1)描述一个inefficient procedure;2)建议upgrade老设备;3)希望办公室禁烟。


又想起当初Vivian老和her laptop较劲,我就想要是升一下级多好啊。


最后还不忘强调一下“People First”啊“Quality in everything we do”啊这样的标志性话语。

第一篇给manager写一封信(150-200字,35分)1)tell her the managerial expense account procedure2)inquire he why most manager are over budget on expense3)your suggestion on minimizing the managerial expenditure写信给你的manager(150-200word)1)give an idea about your departmental communication2)10%increase the budget of your attending to a conference congratulate to her recent successwrite a letter to your manager, including three things:1)the sales forecast of the next monththe budget increase of cover training (maybe...)3)a suggestion about the new accounting procedure写一封信给你的manager, 三个内容:1)arrangement of a meeting;2)the reason why you are late for the conference;3)report the progress of your project. 150-200words写信给经理说三件事情-报销手续改变,询问为什么大多数经理费用超过预算,提出你的建议安永笔试题作文总结2B.Report只要看清楚图表想表达的意思,发现他们内在的联系,把判分人最想要地提出来就可以了,光是平平的叙述就不太好~~ &in大石油公司2004年营业额柱状图和占有石油储量百分比饼状图。



2021年中国银行校园招聘笔试试题参考答案2021年中国银行校园招聘笔试试题参考答案第一部分英语1.We know if we stick to it , we can work2.The decline in Germany 's last quarter, if calculated on amount to3.The U. s will continue to work with its international partners towards the achievement of a peaceful assistanceof the Syrian conflict4.Following the rather unprecedented challenges posed by volatile weather, the corona-virus crisis and labour issues, supplies of British could be tight5.In recent years, robots have sometimes been added to Xmderwater cleaning CreWSS and have proved inevitable6.Caregiver stress is a WelI-known phenomenon and good one to avoid it can lead to higher rates of anxiety and depression, and fuel a sense of adventure7.Norway, s decision to establish its contact tracing app came after the country's data protection watchdog objected to the8.Even though life is starting to get back to normal, she's still at home a lot more than she used to be.9.Chinese factories put together most of the world, S smart phones and consumer electronics. They produce a growing share of10.Her first call f the day is to a woman poised at the door to her apartment, debating how to take that quick walk to get groceries.11.Due to the health emergency, demand is currently shrinking. This is causing an increased affordability12.since the emergence of the welfare state, adults who want to work have generally found themselves in one of two positions:earning a wage or receiving insurance benefits13.The US is slowly dragging out of the sharpest economic contraction in modern history, as parts of the county still report record spikes in corona-virus14.The U.S. Postal Service has had financial problems for years, it lost $9 bilion last year. Its not supported by tax dollars its funded by postage15.The United States has become hard and fast the most important driver of Vietnam3 s export engine, accounting for two-thirds of Vietnam5 s total16.Widely although African Americans have increased the level of education they receive.17.Researchers at PennsyIvanian State University axe intent on creating a robotic system that will artificiallypollinate fruit tree flowers due to threats18.Once We realized it was a cluster epidemic We worked really hard to isolate people that were infected and quarantine the rest of the people19.Never before in Germany's postwar history has the country's economy slumped as sharply as in the second quarter of this year.20.The new research is a first step toward figuring out why air quality disparities persist in the U. S. and how changes to pollution regulation could eliminate those inequities.21.Schools and higher education institutions across the country are grappling with how22. A new study suggests that increased warming in Arctic areas could release23.India has downplayed the impact of U. S. plans to end New Delhi, s preferential trade status that allows duty free access to products worth of24.Even as millions of Americans have lost their jobs in the past few weeks, nonprofits are seeing a huge wave of interest in giving out25.The federal government has issued guidelines to give a 50% subsidy in a fixed time frame for storing and transporting fruit and vegetable26.Life is a contact sport with risk everywhere you look. Any risk associated with dog-walking is faroverwhelmed by the risk of doing nothing.27.Students with attention disparity or communication difficulties may notbe able to focus on computer screens for significant amounts of time.28.Four Big Tech CEOs spent Wednesday being girlled-virually— by House lawmakers, creating a first-ever spectacle that was by turns revealing29.Retail sales jumped 7.5% in June, giving stores and restaurants a boost30.Many housing experts warn that the end of the extra $600 a week in federal Xmemployment money is likely to spark a wave of delinquencies that31.what can we learn (Lead exposure among children has long been researched)32.Which of the following is NOT the consequence of ( Aggression)33.what does Joseph Graziano say about lead exposure?(it limits children's creative and economic potential.)34.How many children in the world have been exposed to dangerous (About a third of the world, s children.)35.lead exposure under the age of (5 )36.What is the deep reason for people who find themselves with (They need tofind better productivity tools or a different lifestyle.)37.what, s the conflict for people who are differentiated but not(They aren, t living a life that's true to what they know deep down.)38.What is the purpose of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi interviewing 91 of (He wanted to find out what they had in ConUTIon.)39.What's the most important way to cultivate awareness? (To see your emotional experience clearly and objectively.)40.which of the following is not the reason why many people are integrated but not differentiated?(They haven't really done the work to expose themselves to the complexities surrounding them)41.From the passage, we know that sea life (tropical areas)42.What is Michael Jocox, s attitude towards the displacement of sea (objective.)43.What is foιmd by the new study? (Heatwaves can force sea life to flee great distances.)44.The underlined *thermal displacement^ (para.2)means (the movement of sea life to cooler water)45.What does Michael Alexander think of the study? (It is helpful.)46.Which of the following has recovered from sharp declines? (Petroleum use.)47.which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? (Coal use fell about 14 percent in April compared to the same)48.Which of the following has remained near record low?(Oil exploration)49.From the passage, We know that it is more difficult for (coal companies)50.According to the passage the usage of in the United States continues to increase. (gasoline)51.The author, s attitude towards getting answer of fundamental (optimistic)52.What should we do when looking at the universe with the (Try to serve as one of its leading actors.)53.What is the author's occupation? (astronomer)54.Which could be the most influential factor in broaden our vision? (Search a much larger volume though *space archaeology*.)55.which statement below is incorrect? (Colleagues of the author's atHarvard produced synthetic life in the laboratory and will export it on a spacecraft.)第二部分EPI数字运算1、甲每小时工作120个,速度是乙的6倍,・・・•••甲乙产量差为(240)2、12只水桶,每只桶倒出10公斤装入甲桶,・・・・・・每只桶装水(120)3、IoO个零件合格和不合格各占一半,25%是A, 75%是B, A中合格有10个,则B不合格有(35个)4、甲乙效率和等于丙丁效率和,甲比乙多写240,丙比丁少写160,则乙与丙的字数相比(少40个)5、全价机票是(300)元6、一辆车完全通过750米隧道,用时40秒,速度提升30%,通过1510米隧道用时1 分钟,则车子长度为(50米)7、小明家与学校之间的距离为(2000)米8、最后一次运送的沙子是(3〉吨9、一二组共16人,一组年龄最小的2人调入二组,二组平均年龄增加1岁,一组年龄增加2岁,一组一共有6人,则原来两组平均年龄差值是(10)岁10、每人每次最多里5个球,次数不超过30次,小明堂了10次,总共堂48个球,满足小明情况的里法有(55)种思维策略1、增加3盆鲜花可以摆成实心正三角,减少2盆可以摆成实心正方形,三角形和正方形边数都大于L则至少有(18)盆鲜花2、小亮在日历表上画了一个2X2的方块,四个日期的数字之和是96,则方块中最后一个日期的数字是(28)3、用9、8、7、6、5、4最多可以组成的三位不重复的奇数有(60)个4、[1×2/2+2×4/3+3×6/4+4×8/5]/(6+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5)+1=(3)5、23 X 24+24×25+25X 26+27×28=(3260)6、16789-111234+27869-22314+ .... +44321=(22220)7、小刘出生月份X5加上20,然后把和X2,加上年龄结果是156,则小刘今年年龄最可能是(16)8、一只测量不准的液体体温计刻度均匀,实际温度100度时,显示97度,实际温度0度时 , 显不7度 , 实际温度是32度时 , 显不温度是(28.8 )度9s两人同时抽中同一等级奖品概率是(5/18)IO x 2+(2+4) + (2+4÷6)+ ........... +(2+4%+ +20)= (440)逻辑推理1、89.6672. 36X 14.18s (4.8)(拆分后做乘积递推)2、1、32、2、4、1/2、(1/8)(倍数为乘积数列)3、4、19、35、52、(70)(做差后为等差数列)4、3、11/4、2、21/16、13/16、(31/64)(分子等差,分母等比)。



中国平安公司招聘考试上机考试题及参考答案注:所有答案仅供参考多选题:1.UML是一种建模语言,它对开发人员如何进行面向对象的分析与设计不提供指导(选择所有正确答案)AA. 对B. 错2.下面哪个不是JAVA的关键字?C(选择所有正确答案)A.NULLB.trueC.sizeofD.implementsE.instanceof3. 下面哪个SQL属于DML ? AD(选择所有正确答案)A.I NSERT INTO table_name(column1,column2) VALUES(value1,value2)B.D rop tableC.c ommitD.S elect column from table6. 执行下面的哪些命令将释放用户以前持有的所有表锁? AC(选择所有正确答案)A.c ommitB.e xitC.A LTER TABLE emp ADD UNIQUE(ename)D.U PDATE emp SET sal=3000 WHERE ename=’SMITH’7 若下面指定的目录和文件名都存在,创建FileInputStream对象的语句正确的是:AD (选择所有正确答案)A.F ileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(“d:\\java\\1.txt”)B.F ileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(“java/1.txt”)C.F ileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(“ d:\\java\\1.txt”)D.F ile file=new File(“1.txt”);FileInputStream fis=newFileInputStream(file)11 下面哪些情况适合考虑使用有状态会话Bean ABC(选择所有正确答案)A.在方法调用期间,会话Bean需要维护成员变量的数据B.实例化会话bean的时候,必须初始化会话bean的状态C.会话Bean需要跨越多个方法调用,维护客户端的信息D.会话Bean提供的服务不具体针对某种客户端12 JSP页面使用标签库中定义的标签时定义uri的方式有哪几种 A(选择所有正确答案)A.把引用放到Web应用描述符web.xml文件的标签库中B.直接引用一个没有打包的标签库C.引用一个包含标签库的确良jar文件D.会话Bean提供的服务不具体针对某种客户端13 下面的说法正确的 ABC(选择所有正确答案)A.I nputStream与OutputStream类通常是用来处理字节流,也就是二进制文件B.R eader与Writer是用来处理字符流,也就是纯文本文件C.J ava中IO流的处理通常分为输入和输出两个部分D.F ile类是输入/输出流类的子类16 J2EE的三层模型是指 ABC(选择所有正确答案)A.客户层B.中间层C.企业信息系统层D.W EB层17 以下变量定义中,合法的语句是:B(选择所有正确答案)A.F loat l_variable=3.4;B.I nt abc_21;C.D ouble a=1+4e2.5;D.S hort do=15;18 EJB组件的包文件的扩展名是: AA..jarB..warC..rarD..ear21 PL/SQL中有4条与游标有关的语句,它们在程序中出现的正确顺序是:(题目好象有问题,但关键是了解游标的语法、作用)A.O PEN abcB.C URSOR abc IS SELECT ename FROM empC.F ETCH abc INTO vnameD.C LOSE abc22 main方法是java Application程序执行的入口点,关于main方法的方法头以下哪些是合法的: BE(选择所有正确答案)A.P ublic static void main()B.P ublic static void main(String[] args)C.P ublic static int main(String[] args)D.P ublic void main(String[] args)E.P ublic static void main(String[] args)23 表的主键特点中,说法错误的是: DA.一个表只能有一个主键B.主键可以定义在表级或列级C.主键的每一列都必须非空D.主键的每一列都必须唯一26 以下()方法不能被浏览器自动调用。

中国银行总行招聘笔试试题 答案

中国银行总行招聘笔试试题 答案

中国银行总行招聘笔试试题+答案中国银行总行招聘笔试试题+答案第一部分:英语能力测试一.阅读理解资料1:If you had awakened on the floor of the Las Vegas Convention Center and tried to figure out where you were, you might have first guessed the Conclave (秘密会议) of American Optimists.You would have seen 115,000 people buzzing with confidence and excitement.On the other hand, noting how many passers-by were loudly talking to themselves, you might have concluded that you had wandered into the International Expo of Eccentrics.Instead, it was the Consumer Electronics Show, also known as CES, held in Jan.9th –12th.No wonder those attending were happy.First, of course, they were in their element, surrounded by the smallest and shiniest new gadgets (小配件).Second, despite the gloom in other slices of the economy, sales of consumer electronics in the United States actually grew last year (to a record $96 billion).This trade show of manufacturers, retailers and customers was alive with energy and crowded with exhibits.The vitality of this exposition is a sign of the times.The interest and innovation in PCs is nothing next to the action in other realms of high tech.As proof, compare the show with what was once its big brother: Comdex, the personal-computer trade show held each November at the same site.Thanks to the severe decline in the PC industry, the Las Vegas Comdex was only half the size of its incarnation.The 2,200 booths included lavish displays by Panasonic, Sony, Philips, Toshiba and other heavy hitters.But hundreds of smaller, quirkier companies were also present, exhibiting electric toothbrushes, illuminated cell-phone faceplates, laser pens and publications from Widescreen Review to Progressive Grocer.There were 46 exhibitors in the alarm-clock category alone, and even anelectric-typewriter company.To reach those smaller booths, though, you had to pass what seemed like half the $10,000 plasma(等离子)TV screens ever made.This proliferation(丰富)of gorgeous wide-screen sets was only one hint that TV makers, at least, are ready for the great American switch to high-definition television,which the Federal Communications Commission hopes to see completed by .But a few obstacles stand between the average American and high-def happiness: the prices of these sets, the reluctance of cable companies to broadcast high-definition shows, Hollywood’s campaign to cripple high-definition broadcasts so that you can’t record them, and so on.(As many seminar panelists observed, however, strides are being made in all those areas.)The most interesting items at Microsoft's booth were the prototype wristwatches that use the company’s new Smart Personal Object Technology (SPOT) software.Due by year’s end from Citizen, Fossil and other companies, these watches can receive messages, news, weather, sports and stock reports wirelessly in metropolitan areas for a small monthly fee, of course.The most alarming item at Microsoft's booth, on the other hand, was its six-room mock-up of an American house with Microsoft products—cars, phones, TVs, games, appliances—in every nook and cranny.It’s only a matter of time before you'll see people rebooting their toasters.The digital camera models on display were cheaper, better and smaller than their predecessors.Olympus’s Stylus 400, for example,is a tiny, silver, pocketable wonder that takesfour-megapixel photos (enough resolution for 13-by-19-inch prints).It’s due in the spring for $400.1.Why are 115,000 people buzzing with confidence and excitement?[A] .They are truly strange people to feel overexcited at seeing new things.[B]. They are going to be pleased by thepassers-by.[C] .They are visiting the International Expo of New Products.[D] They are feeling optimistic at seeing the displays on CES.2.The Las Vegas Comdex was held only half the size of its incarnation because ___________.[A] the industry lacks exciting innovations.[B]. the industry slowed down its development.[C]. the sale volume greatly shrank that year[D] .its production declined for short ofcapital3.The fact that there were 46 exhibitors in the alarm-clock category alone shows_______.[A] .the alarm-clock making industry has contributed greatest to the success of the show[B] the small industrial section—alarm-clock making—can serve as an sign to show the great advances in electronics[C] the alarm-clock making industry is thefastest developmental section in electronics industry[D]. the exhibitors in the alarm-clock category are particularly active in displaying their products4.By it can be expected to __________according to paragraph 6.[A] .reach those smaller booths.[B]. see high-definition plasma television sets available on the US market[C] .reach those smaller booths with the $10,000 plasma TV screens[D] .proliferate wide screen sets in the USA5.The digital camera models on display__________________.are cheaper in price, and higher in quality than their predecessorsII..are pocketable due to its being tiny in size III.are all worthy of no more than 400 USdollars[A] I only [B] II only[C] I and .II [D] I, II and II答案:D C B B C资料2:For many years the automation research departments of the world have been using laser based analysis system to increase the understanding of the workings of the internal combustion engine.The laser has been incorporated into systems to measure drop size, velocity andvibration to name but a few.But few laser-based systems are able to aid the study of all these phenomena with the same system.The Applied Optics Group at Rover Groups Gardon Research & Development Center have been using just such a system and finding new uses for it all the time.The system in use is a High Speed Imagining Division of Oxford Lasers LTD.The High Speed Imaging system comprises an Oxford Lasers LS20Copper Vapor laser linked to a Kodak 4540 Digital High Speed Motion Analysis Camera capable of taking up to 40,500 digital frames per second.The Kodak 4540 records the images to DRAM memory allowing immediate play back of the recorded images for viewing, recording to videotape or to PC for analysis.The Copper Vapor laser acts as a short duration flash emitting pulses of only 30 nanoseconds in duration in full synchronization with the frame rate of the camera The flashes have the effect of reducing the exposure time of the camera, thus removing image blur due to the high speed of the subject under view, whilst maintaining image contrast due to the high intensity of the laser light.Another feature of the system is the ability to focus down the light.This has two benefits.The first is the ability to make laser light sheets for the 2 dimensional illumination of 3 dimensional subjects.This technique has great benefit when used to map the air flow into the combustion chamber of a running model engine.Not only can the air-flow be mapped but the progress of the flame front growth during the combustion cycle.The second is the ability to shine the laserlight down a fiber optic cable.This aids in the illumination of areas of the running engine very difficult to access by normal optics.This has been particularly useful in the study of air motion in a variety of combustion system concepts.The group plans to use the Copper Vapor laser to improve the ability of the technique to see these vibrations and therefore allow a better understanding of the cause of them.The technique could also applied to look at the airbag enclosure as it tears and composite materials under dynamic crush testing.6.How many uses of the laser-based analysis system does the author want to show us?[A] .One [B] .Two [C]. Three [D] .Much more than three7.Which of the following does the High Speed Imaging system comprise ________.[A] .an Oxford Lasers LS20 Copper Vapor laser[B] .4540 Digital High Speed Motion Analysis system[C] .DRAM memory allowing immediate play back of the recorded images for viewing[D]. a High Speed Imagining Division of Oxford Lasers LTD.8.Which of the following is the main advantage of the laser flashes?[A] .Keeping image contrast [B] .getting rid of image blur[C] .Increase the intensity of light [D]. Allis said in A, B, and C9.Which of the following uses is NOT TRUE according to the passage?[A] .The laser light can help to make the three dimensional bodies look as if they were of two dimensions.[B]. The air-flow can thus be made easier to be mapped with the laser.[C] .The turning speed of the combustion engine can be accelerated by using vapor laser.[D] .The exposure time of the camera can be reduced by the laser flashes.10.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?[A].At the Speed of Light[B]. A High Speed Imagining Division Made by the Oxford Lasers LTD.[C]. A Miraculous Application of Laser in Testing the Internal Combustion Engine[D] .Automobile research and Laser Technology答案: D A D C C资料3:When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years.My mother didn't use to work during the week, but she worked in the post office near our house on Saturdays, and she used to bring home all the new stamps as soon as they were issued.On the day of the World Cup football final in London in 1966, we were very excited because England were playing West Germany in the final.When we were having lunch, my mother told us to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell us why.At 2 o'clock my mother went back to work as usual, while the rest of the family were watching the football on TV at home.Although she wasn't watching the match, she was listening to it on the radio.England won 4:2 and so my brothers and I ran to the post office.As we burst in, my mother wasstanding behind the counter.She was waiting tosell us a very special limited edition with ENGLAND WINNERS on each stamp.We were over the moon.We still have it today, and perhaps it is worth a lot of money.11.This passage mainly tells us __________.A.the author and her brother used to like stamps very muchB.the author had a very kind motherC.the author and her brother had an unforgettable experience in collecting stamps D.their mother used to support them by workingin the post office12.According to the passage, her mother workedin the post office ________.A.during the weekB.on SaturdaysC.on SundaysD.for six days13.Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell them why.Why do you think she did that?A.She wanted to give them a surprise.B.She doubted if she would get the stamps.C.She forgot to do that.D.She thought it unnecessary to tell them the reason.14.What does the sentence "We were over the moon." mean?A.We jumped high.B.We were extremely happy about it.C.We watched the moon for a long time.D.We couldn't sleep the whole night.15.What is the best title for this passage?A.My Childhood.B.My Mother.C.A Precious Stamp.D.A Memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps.答案:.C B A B D资料4:You stare at waterfall for a minute or two, and then shift your gaze to its surroundings.What you now see appears to drift upward.These optical illusions occur because the brain is constantly matching its model of reality to signals from the body’s sensors and interpreting what must be happening—that your brain must havemoved, not the other; that downward motions is now normal, so a change from it must now be perceived as upward motion.The sensors that make this magic are of two kinds.Each eye contains about 120 million rods, which provide somewhat blurry black and white vision.These are the windows of night vision; once adapted to the dark, they can detect a candle burning ten miles away.Color vision in each eye comes from six to seven million structures called cones.Under ideal conditions, every cone can “see” the entire rainbow spectrum of visible colors, but one type of cone is most sensitive to red, another to green, a third to blue.Rods and cones send their messages pulsing an average 20 to 25 times per second along the optic nerve.We see an image for a fraction of a second longer than it actually appears.In movies, reels of still photographs are projected onto screens at 24 frames per second, tricking our eyes into seeing a continuous moving picture.Like apparent motion, color vision is also subject to unusual effects.When day gives way to night, twilight brings what the poet T.S.Eliotcalled “the violet hour.” A light levels fall, the rods become progressively less responsive.Rods are most sensitive to the shorter wavelengths of blue and green, and they impart a strange vividness to the garden’s blue flowers.However, look at a white shirt during the reddish light of sunset, and you’ll still see it in its “true” color—white, not red.Our eyes are constantly comparing an object against its surroundings.They therefore observe the effect of a shift in the color of illuminating on both, and adjust accordingly.The eyes can distinguish several million graduations of light and shade of color.Each waking second they flash tens of millions of pieces of information to the brain, which weaves them incessantly into a picture of the world around us.Yet all this is done at the back of each eye by a fabric of sensors, called the retina, about as wide and as thick as a postage stamp.As the Renaissance inventor and artist Leonardo da Vinci wrote in wonder, “Who would believe that so small a space could contain the images of all the universe?”16.Visual illusions often take place when the image of reality is ___.A.matched to six to seven million structures called cones.B.confused in the body’s sensors of both rods and cones.C.interpreted in the brain as what must be the case.D.signaled by about 120 million rods in the eye.17.The visual sensor that is capable of distinguishing shades of color is called ___.A.conesB.color visionC.rodsD.spectrum18.The retina send pulses to the brain ___.A.in short wavelengthsB.as color picturesC.by a ganglion cellD.along the optic nerve.19.Twenty-four still photographs are made into a continuous moving picture just because ___.A.the image we see usually stays longer than it actually appears.B.we see an object in comparison with its surroundings.C.the eyes catch million pieces of information continuously.D.rods and cones send messages 20 to 25 times a second.20.The author’s purpose in writing the passage lies in ___.A.showing that we sometimes are deceived by our own eyes.rming us about the different functions of the eye organs.C.regretting that we are too slow in the study of eyes.D.marveling at the great work done by the retina.答案:C A D A B资料5:We can begin our discussion of “population as global issue” with what most persons mean when they discuss “the population problem”: too many people on earth and a too rapid increase in the number added each year.The facts are not in dispute, It was quite right to employ the analogy that likened demographic growth to “a long, thinpowder fuse that burns steadily and haltingly until it finally reaches the charge and explodes.”To understand the current situation, which is characterized by rapid increases in population, it is necessary to understand the history of population trends.Rapid growth is a comparatively recent phenomenon.Looking back at the 8,000 years of demographic history, we find that populations have been virtually stable or growing very slightly for most of human history.For most of our ancestors, life was hard, often nasty, and very short.There was high fertility in most places, but this was usually balanced by high mortality.For most of human history, it was seldom the case that one in ten persons would live past forty, while infancy and childhood were especially risky periods.Often, societies were in clear danger of extinction because death rates could exceed their birthrates.Thus, the population problem throughout most of history was how to prevent extinction of the human race.This pattern is important to notice.Not only does it put the current problems of demographic growth into a historical perspective, but itsuggests that the cause of rapid increase in population in recent years is not a sudden enthusiasm for more children, but an improvement in the conditions that traditionally have caused high mortality.Demographic history can be divided into two major periods: a time of long, slow growth which extended from about 8,000 BC.till approximately AD.1650.In the first period of some 9600 years, the population increased from some 8 million to 500 million in 1650.Between 1650 and the present, the population has increased from 500 million to more than 4 billion.And it is estimated that by the year there will be 6.2 billion people throughout the world.One way to appreciate this dramatic difference in such abstract numbers is to reduce the time frame to something that is more manageable.Between 8000BC and 1650, an average of only 50,000 persons was being added annually to the world’s population each year.At present, this number is added every six hours.The increase is about 80,000,000 persons annually.21.Which of the following demographic growth pattern is most suitable for the long thin powder fuse analogy?A.A virtually stable or slightly decreasing period and then a sudden explosion of population.B.A slow growth for a long time and then a period of rapid, dramatic increase.C.Too many people on earth and a few rapid increase in the number added each year.D.A long period when death rates exceeds birthrates and then a short period with higher fertility and lower mortality.答案:A22.During the first period of demographic history, societies were often in danger of extinction because___.A.only one in ten persons could live past 40.B.there was higher mortality than fertility in most places.C.it was too dangerous to have babies due to the poor conditions.D.our ancestors had little enthusiasm for more children.答案:B23.Which statement is true about population increase?A.There might be an increase of 2.2 billion persons from now to the year .B.About 50,000 babies are born every six hours at present.C.Between 8000 BC and the present, the population increase is about 80,000,000 persons each year.D.The population increased faster between 8000BC and 1650 than between 1650 and the present.答案:A24.The author of the passage intends to___.A.warn people against the population explosionin the near future.B.compare the demographic growth pattern in the past with that after 1650.C.find out the cause for rapid increase in population in recent years.D.present us a clear and complete picture of the demographic growth.答案:D25.The word “demographic” in the first paragraph means___.A.statistics of human. B.surroundings study. C.accumulation of human. D.development of human. 答案:A。



申银万国校园招聘笔试题目填空1.迈克尔.波特认为一个行业的五种竞争力量是?2.持股票享有而持债券无的三项权利是?3.央行三大货币政策工具?4.反映企业短期偿债能力的财务指标列举其二反映企业盈利能力的财务指标列举其二5.产品生命周期四阶段?6.拉动中国宏观经济的三驾马车?7.波士顿矩阵把公司业务分为四类?8.列举进入某行业可能的四种障碍9.管理的五大职能?10.列举四条会计核算原则(客观原则权责发生原则已给出) 公司分析1.会计题企业将利息支出从财务费用资本化净利润(增减or不变后同)总资产()负债()研发费用从生产费用转为管理费用存货()广告费支出由资本化改为费用化总资产()净资产()净利润()销售费用()管理费用()财务费用()2.投资理论计算南方航空05年每股收益0.5元股息发放率20%股票beta值为0.8市场无风险报酬率6%市场要求的回报率为11%(1)预测南航05年每股股息投资该股票要求的回报率(2)公司今后的股息增长率固定为6%结合前面结论用固定增长股息贴现模型计算其理论股价(3)如目前南航股价为1.8元给出投资建议3.计算某公司每股收益条件a公司总股本20,000万股流通股6,000万股所得税率30%控有b公司40%股份c公司15%股份b公司税前利润1,000w元派发先进红利500wc公司税前利润500w 派发红利300w简答:1.15’假设a公司开发出一新产品分析预测该新产品未来五年内能否带来利润和利润多少你准备分析哪些因素尽量详细(原文下有着重号)完整的列举不用分析2.15’不超过500字给申银万国人事部经理写一封自荐信突出表达自荐理由以及对未来职业发展设想要求条理清晰文笔流畅”3.20’众所周知中国移动联通所在的行业是明显的寡头垄断结合寡头垄断的特点分析预测我国移动通信行业发展趋势注意采用的分析方法与分析逻辑不超过800字。











3、关于网络安全和信息技术,以下哪项描述是正确的?A. 防火墙主要用于防止外部入侵。

B. 数据加密后,即使被拦截也无法被解密。

C. 所有的网络攻击都可以通过物理隔离来避免。

D. 所有的软件漏洞都可以提前发现并修复。

4、关于某大型央企的管理和运营理念,以下哪个描述最为准确?A. 企业重视员工的个人能力胜过团队合作。

B. 企业在重大决策时通常遵循快速响应和灵活调整的原则。

C. 企业注重社会责任和可持续发展。

D. 企业仅在遇到困难时才寻求外部资源与合作。

5.(数字略)关于企业战略管理,下列说法正确的是:A. 企业战略管理只关注长期目标,忽视短期经营。

B. 企业战略管理过程中,环境因素是唯一的决定因素。

C. 企业战略制定后,无需根据执行情况进行调整。

D. 企业战略管理涉及对内部资源和外部环境进行综合分析。

6.(数字略)关于项目管理,下列哪项描述是错误的?A. 项目管理需要通过详细规划来确保资源的有效利用。

B. 项目管理的主要目标是确保项目按照预定时间和预算完成。

C. 项目经理的权力是绝对的,不需要与其他部门或团队协商。

D. 有效的沟通是项目管理成功的关键。

7.关于企业战略管理,下列说法错误的是:A. 企业战略管理是对企业整体发展的规划与实施B. 企业战略管理仅涉及企业内部因素的分析和评估C. 企业战略管理需要关注外部环境和内部资源的匹配D. 企业战略管理旨在确保企业实现长期可持续发展目标8.在项目管理中,对于风险管理的描述不准确的是:A. 风险管理是项目管理的重要环节之一B. 风险管理的目的是预防或减轻潜在风险对项目的影响C. 风险管理人员无需具备多学科背景知识来应对各种风险问题D. 风险管理的过程包括风险识别、评估、应对和控制等环节9.某大型央企正在招聘财务人员,以下哪项不是财务人员的核心职责?A. 财务报表编制B. 成本控制与分析C. 人力资源管理D. 税务筹划与申报 10. 在进行财务分析时,以下哪项指标通常用于评估企业的盈利能力?A. 资产负债率B. 流动比率C. 净利润率D. 市盈率二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1.选出所有符合题意的答案。





































正因为珍妮特·温特森______ ,导致她______ 。











填入画横线部分最恰当的一项为哪一项〔D 〕。





填入画横线部分最恰当的一项为哪一项〔C 〕。



填入画横线部分最恰当的一项为哪一项〔B 〕。





填入画横线部分最恰当的一项为哪一项〔A 〕。







中国农业银行招聘笔试英语历年真题汇编及答案解析一、选词填空( 总题数: 40,分数: 80.00)1.He is neither______European, nor______American. He is from______Australia.A.a; a; /B.a; an; theC.a; an; / √D.an; an; /【解析】 European 是辅音开头,所以前面用不定冠词a,表示“一个欧洲人〞; American 元音开头,前面用不定冠词an,表示“一个美国人〞;第三个空指他来自澳大利亚,前面不用冠词。


2._____the 2021 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is quite clear to the people all over the world.A.That √B.WhetherC.WhatD.If【解析】 That 引导主语从句,不可省略。

3._____coal, the most important natural fuels are the gas and oil.A.Except forB.ExceptC.BesideD.Apart from √【解析】 Except for 一般放在句首,表示“除了⋯⋯之外,假设不是〞; Except“除了〞,一般放在句中; Beside 表示“在旁边;与⋯⋯相比〞; Apart from 有两种意思: (1) “除了⋯⋯外( 都) ,假设不是〞,相当于except for ;(2) “除了⋯⋯之外( 还) ,此外〞,相当于besides 。



4.No fault is attached______ the bus driver for the terrible accident at the railway crossing.A.forB.withC.inD.to √【解析】 be attached to ⋯意为“与⋯⋯相关〞,因此答案为D。



安永笔试题分享iq test (10min)1.数列 0,7,24,51,??2.是关于广告费用的问题,5cm*10cm的黑白10,000rmb;10* 20的彩色80,000; 5*20 的黑白20,000;问8*15的彩色要多少钱。

3.时针和分针相交了,问下一次相交是多久之后4.一本书500页有章,每章之间有一页空白,一个人阅读速度每天10页,问多少天看完5.学生的编号,excellent的学生是9号,finest的是6号,worst 的是5号,问一个amazing 的学生是几号?written test (75min)写一封信给你的manager, 三个内容:1. arrangement of a meeting;2. the reason why you are late for the conference;3. report the progre2020-04-24iq test (10min)1.数列 0,7,24,51,??2.是关于广告费用的问题,5cm*10cm的黑白10,000rmb;10* 20的彩色80,000; 5*20 的黑白20,000;问8*15的彩色要多少钱。

3.时针和分针相交了,问下一次相交是多久之后4.一本书500页有章,每章之间有一页空白,一个人阅读速度每天10页,问多少天看完5.学生的编号,excellent的学生是9号,finest的是6号,worst 的是5号,问一个amazing 的学生是几号?written test (75min)写一封信给你的manager, 三个内容:1. arrangement of a meeting;2. the reason why you are late for the conference;3. report the progre2020-04-24iq test (10min)1.数列 0,7,24,51,??2.是关于广告费用的问题,5cm*10cm的黑白10,000rmb;10* 20的彩色80,000; 5*20 的黑白20,000;问8*15的彩色要多少钱。




1.quick caculation(10分)
a 8月1日是星期三,问到9月的第一个星期六有多少天?(包括8月1日和那个星期六)
b 一月有5个星期一5个星期二5个星期三,2月1日是星期几?
2.basic algorithm(10)
given an arbitrary binary tree,propose a method to determine the first common ancestor of 2 randomly selected nodes in the tree.
3.basi computer knowledge (10)
1 把16进制译成8 bit的2进制字符 ff,7f,f0
2 web browser与search engine的区别.
3 osi的七层网络模型,以及网关工作在哪一层?

a tabel called “performance”contain :name and score,please 用sql语言表述如何选出score最high的一个(仅有一个)



NHN CHINA公司笔试题1.在这写代码Var array1 = [10,20];Var array2 = [8,5];Var result = array1.add(array2);Alert(result);输出结果18,252.解析dom tree<html><body><input type=”text” name=”username” value=”请填写姓名”> </body></html>3.要求按按钮后my word 向下移10pxFunction fun(){//在这填写代码}<style>#name{Color:red,Height:100px,Weight:110pxLeft:50px;Top:50px;}</style><div id=”name”>My word</div><input type=”button” onclick=”fun()”>4.给出一段代码去替代addEventListener和attachEvent Function myAttachEvent(o,evt,fun){};-----------Alert(o.Xclient+o.Yclient);myAttachEvent(document,’click’,onClick);5.用js写段代码,当按按钮后自动在div层中添加组建<javascript>//在这填写代码</javascript><div /*todo something*/><select /*todo something*/></select></div><input type=”button” id=”bu” onclick=”fun(/*todo something*/)” value=”add….”> 6.当选中后背景色改变<javascript>//在这填写代码</javascript><body><select /*todo something*/><option value=”red”>red</option><option value=”gray”>gray</option><option value=” blue”>blue</option></select></body>7.给出一些js代码,说出他们适用于什么浏览器//这写代码忘了(1)var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();....8.说出一下4个this中哪个this与其他三个不同//这写代码忘了9,编写一个函数(addAll()),实现如何结果:addAll(1,8); //结果:9addAll(5,8,-7); 结果:610, 结果相同的语句var o = {};Var o = [];Var o = //;Var o = new Object();Var o = new Array();Var o = new reg(); //这个不正确,忘怎么写的了11.邮箱的正则表达式12,实现数字每1秒增加10个//这里写Js代码<input type=”text” id=”num” value=”0”><input type=”button” onclick=”addNum()”/>T4game 呈天游软件公司笔试题目大部分时J2SE 的知识点。







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1 、我认为一个国家最需要解决的问题:A、是政治问题B、不太确定C、是道德问题2 、根据我的能力,即使让我做一些平凡的工作,我也会安心的:A、是的B、不太确定C、不是的3 、我常常被一些无所谓的小事所烦扰:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的4 、即使我做了一件让人笑话的事,我也能坦然处之:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的5 、我不喜欢争强好胜的人:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的6 、我善于设法影响和我一起工作的同志,使他们能协助我实现我所计划的目标:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的7 、我单独跟异性谈话时,总显得不自然:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的8 、在取回或归还借的东西时,我总是仔细检查,看是否保持原样:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的9 、在我结交的朋友中,男女各占一半:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的10 、我做事严格,力求把事情办得尽善尽美:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的11 、我虽善于待人,但常常得不到好报:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的12 、我爱打抱不平:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的13 、不论是在极高的屋顶上,还是在极深的隧道中,我很少感到胆怯不安:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的14 、我认为很多人都有些心理不正常,只是他们不愿意承认:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的15 、我喜欢:A、有几个有时对我很苛求,但富有感情的朋友B、介于A、C之间C、不受别人的干涉16 、我的思想似乎:A、走在了时代前面B、一般17 、我一向是重感情而不重理智,因而我的观点常常动摇不定:A、是的B、大致如此C、不是的18 、有时我会怀疑别人是否对我的言行真正地有兴趣:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的19 、在某些心境下,我常常因为困惑或陷入空想而将工作搁置下来:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的20 、在需要当机立断时,我总是:A、镇静地运用理智B、介于A、C之间C、常常紧张兴奋21 、我在待人接物方面,的确不太成功:A、是的B、不完全是这样C、不是的22 、当朋友声明他要在家休息时,我仍设法怂恿他同我一起外出:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的23 、我明知自已有缺点,但不愿接受别人的批评:A、偶然如此B、极少如此C、从不如此24 、我认为,没有人会幸灾乐祸地希望我遇到困难:A、是的B、不确定C、不是的25 、即使是关在铁笼里的猛兽,也会使我见了惴惴不安:A、是的C、不是的26 、在和别人交往中, 我常常会无缘无故地产生一种自卑感:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的27 、气候的变化并不影响我的情绪:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的28 、当人们批评我古怪不正常时,我觉得:A、非常气恼B、有些动气C、无所谓29 、在社交场合中:A、我谈吐自如B、介于A、C之间C、我保持沉默30 、下列三个分数哪一个分数与其它两个不类同:A、3/7B、3/9C、3/1131 、我认为目前世界所需要的是多一些:A、改造世界的理想家B、不确定C、脚踏实地的公民32 、在我童年时,害怕黑暗的次数:A、极多B、不太多C、几乎没有33 、我不论到什么地方,都能清楚地辨别方向:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的34 、和循规蹈矩的人交谈:A、很有兴趣,并有所得B、介于A、C之间C、他们思想的肤浅使我厌烦35 、在工作中,我喜欢独自筹划,不愿受别人干涉:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的36 、最近在一两件事情上,我觉得我是无辜受累的:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的37 、不知为什么,有些人总是回避或冷淡我:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的38 、我喜欢向朋友讲述一些我个人有趣的经历:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的39 、我喜欢看电影或参加其它娱乐活动:A、比一般人多B、和一般人相同C、比一般人少40 、如果待遇相同,我愿意做一个:A、森林管理员B、不一定C、中小学教员41 、我在社交场合中或社团活动中是一个活跃分子:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的42 、当我说谎时,总觉得内心不安,不敢正视对方:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的43 、那些自以为是、道貌岸然的人最使我生气:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的44 、我善于控制我的表情:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的45 、无论是工作、饮食或外出游览,我总是:A、匆匆忙忙,不能尽兴B、介于A、C之间C、从容不迫46 、在筹划事务时,我宁愿:A、和别人合作B、不确定C、自已单独进行47 、如果待遇优厚,我愿意做护理精神病人的工作:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的48 、我愿意做一个:A、建筑工程师B、不确定C、社会科学教授49 、我在结交朋友方面:A、结识很多的人B、不一定C、维持几个深交的朋友50 、到一个新城市里去找地址,我经常:A、见人问路B、介于A、C之间C、参考市区地图51 、我讲话的声音:A、宏亮B、介于A、C之间C、低沉52 、我总是设法使自已不粗心大意,不忽略细节:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的53 、“百折不挠、再接再厉”精神,似乎被人们所忽视:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的54 、如果我在工厂里工作,我愿做:A、技术工作B、介于A、C之间C、宣传工作55 、我的神经脆弱,稍有点刺激声就会使我战惊:A、时常如此B、有时如此C、从不如此56 、下列数字中,哪个数字与其它两个数字不类同:A、5B、2C、757 、我仅仅被认为是一个能够苦干而稍有成就的人而已:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的58 、我总是把“是非”“善恶”作为处理问题的原则:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的59 、在闲暇的时候,我喜欢:A、看一部历史探险电影B、不一定C、读一本科学幻想小说60 、朋友们大都认为我是一个说话有风趣的人:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的61 、在一个陌生城市,我会:A、到处闲逛B、不确定C、避免去不安全的地方62 、当领导召见我时,我总觉得:A、可以趁机提出建议B、介于A、C之间C、自已做错了事63 、猫和鱼就像牛和:A、牛奶B、牧草C、盐64 、我宁选一个工资高的工作,不在乎有无保障,而不愿做工资较低的固定工作:A、是的B、不太确定C、不是的65 、“理不胜词"的意思是:A、理不如词B、理多而词少C、词藻华丽而理不足66 、我在大街上,常常避开我所不愿意打招呼的人:A、极少如此B、偶然如此C、有时如此67 、在童年时,我喜欢阅读:A、神话幻想故事B、不确定C、战争故事68 、在“一人()事,众人受累”这一填空句中,我认为应填:A、偾B、愤C、喷69 、在和人争辩或险遭事故后,我常出现发抖、精疲力尽,不能安心工作:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的70 、如果我能到一个新的环境,我要把生活安排得:A、和从前不一样B、不确定C、和从前相仿71 、我认为只要双方同意就可离婚,不应受传统礼教束缚:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的72 、当有人对我发火时,我总是:A、设法使他镇静下来B、不太确定C、自已也会发起火来73 、在逛街时,我宁愿看一个画家写生,也不愿听人家的辩论:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的74 、如果让我选择,我宁愿:A、选做列车员B、不确定C、选做描图员75 、一般人都认为我是一个活跃热情的人:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的76 、如果人们知道我内心的成见,他们会大吃一惊:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的77 、有时我会无故地产生一种面临横祸的恐惧:A、是的B、有时如此C、不是的78 、我常常会无缘无故地自言自语:A、常常如此B、偶然如此C、从不如此79 、如果待遇相同,我愿做一个:A、律师B、不确定C、航海员80 、我愿意我的生活象:A、一个艺术家B、不确定C、一个会计师81 、让我做一个缓刑释放罪犯的管理人,我也会工作得较好:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的82 、我很少用难堪的语言去刺伤别人的感情:A、是的B、不太确定C、不是的83 、生动的梦境,常常滋扰我的睡眠:A、经常如此B、偶然如此C、从不如此84 、当我聚精会神听音乐时,假使有人在旁边高谈阔论:A、我仍能专心听音乐B、介于A、C之间C、我不能专心而感到恼怒85 、在学科中,我喜欢:A、音乐B、不一定C、手工劳动86 、下列工作如果任我挑选的话,我愿做:A、少先队辅导员B、不太确定C、修表工作87 、我所喜欢的音乐,多数是:A、轻松活泼的B、介于A、C之间C、富有感情的88 、我解决问题多数依靠:A、个人独立思考B、介于A、C之间C、和别人互相讨论89 、我觉得我确实有一些别人所不及的优良品质:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的90 、在一生中,我觉得自已能达到我所预期的目标:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的91 、我通常总是精力充沛,忙碌多事:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的92 、在有思想、有地位的长者面前,我总是较为局促、谨慎:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的93 、一个人应该:A、考虑人生的意义B、不确定C、谋家庭的温饱94 、我认为,节制生育是解决经济与和平问题的重要条件:A、是的B、不太确定C、不是的95 、业余时间,我总是做好安排,不使时间浪费:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的96 、望子成龙的家长,往往()苗助长:A、揠B、堰C、偃97 、若我急于想借用朋友的东西而朋友又不在时,我认为不告而取也没关系:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的98 、根据我个人的兴趣,我愿意参加:A、摄影组活动B、不确定C、文艺队活动99 、事情进行得不顺时,我常常急得掉眼泪:A、从不如此B、有时如此C、常常如此100 、在课堂上,如果我的意见与老师不同,我常常:A、保持沉默B、不一定C、当场表明立场101 、“时间变成了永恒",这是比喻:A、时间过得很慢B、忘了时间C、光阴一去不复返102 、我的学习效率多有赖于:A、自已阅读书刊B、介于A、C之间C、参加集体讨论103 、我认为,安静的娱乐远远胜过热闹的宴会:A、是的B、不太确定C、不是的104 、有人烦扰我时,我总是:A、能不露声色B、介于A、C之间C、说给别人听,以泄气忿105 、当人们表扬我的时候,我总觉得不好意思:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的106 、对于性情急躁、爱发脾气的人,我仍能以礼相待:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的107 、不在万不得已的情况下,我总是回避参加应酬性活动:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的108 、在一般的困难情境中,我总能保持乐观:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的109 、在处理一些必须凭借智慧的事务中,我的父母的确:A、比一般人差B、普通C、超人一等110 、读报时,我喜欢读:A、当前基本社会问题B、介于A、C之间C、地方新闻111 、下列三项中,哪一项应接在“×○○○○××○○○×××”的后面:A、×○×B、○○×C、○××112 、我认为,凡是无法用理智来解决的问题,有时就不得不靠权力来处理:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的113 、每逢过年过节或亲友生日、结婚时,我:A、喜欢互相赠送礼品B、不太确定C、认为交换礼物是麻烦多事114 、我爱穿朴素的衣服,不愿穿惹人注目的服装:A、是的B、不太确定C、不是的115 、对于我来说在大众面前演讲或表演,是一件难事:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的116 、当我非常高兴时,总有一种“好景不长"的感觉:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的117 、如果待遇相同,我愿做一个:A、化学研究工作者B、不确定C、旅行社经理118 、“星火”与“燎原”犹如“姑息"与:A、同情B、养奸C、纵容119 、和一般人相比,我的朋友的确太少:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的120 、有时候我觉得我需要剧烈的体力活动:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的121 、未经医生处方,我是从不乱吃药的:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的122 、我喜欢从事需要精密技术的工作:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的123 、我希望我的爱人应擅长交际,而无须具有文艺才能:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的124 、我喜欢去处理被别人弄得一塌糊涂的工作:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的125 、我不擅长说笑话、讲趣事:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的126 、我喜欢做出差机会较多的工作:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的127 、我喜欢做戏剧、音乐、歌舞、新闻采访等工作:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的128 、在人声噪杂中,我仍能不受干扰,专心工作:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的129 、半夜醒来,我会为种种忧虑而不能再入睡:A、常常如此B、有时如此C、极少如此130 、当和立场相反的人辨论时,我主张:A、尽量找出基本观点差异B、不一定C、彼此让步以解决矛盾131 、我宁愿做一个:A、演员B、不确定C、建筑师132 、我认为对领导逢迎得当,比工作表现更重要:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的133 、我认为,有许多人之所以不敢犯罪,其主要原因是怕被惩罚:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的134 、若我手持一支装有子弹的手枪,我必须取出子弹后才安心:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的135 、如果我发现了别人的缺点,我会不计一切地提出指责:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的136 、按照我个人的意愿,我希望我的工作:A、有固定可靠工资收入B、介于A、C之间C、工资能随我工作表现随时调整137 、我的确比一般人幸运,能够从事自己所喜欢的专业和工作:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的138 、迁居是一件极不愉快的事:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的139 、阅读时,我喜欢读:A、自然科学书籍B、不确定C、政治理论书籍140 、下面列出的三个字词,哪个与其他两个不是同一类:A、狗B、石头C、牛141 、只要没有过错,不管别人怎么说,我总能心安理得:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的142 、若征求我的意见,我赞同:A、切实根绝有心理缺陷的人的生育B、不确定C、对杀人犯判处死刑143 、受人侍奉时我常感到不安:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的144 、参加竞赛时,我总是着重在竞赛的活动,而不计较其成败:A、总是如此B、一般如此C、偶然如此145 、如果有度假机会的话,我宁愿:A、到一个繁华的城市B、介于A、C之间C、闲居清静偏僻山区146 、我向来都对机械、汽车等发生兴趣:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的147 、我总喜欢参加规模庞大的晚会或集会:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的148 、有时我会无缘无故感到沮丧、痛苦:A、是的B、介于A、C之间149 、“钟表”与“时间”犹如“裁缝”与:A、服装B、剪刀C、布料150 、我在清早起身时,就常常感到疲乏不堪:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的151 、我愿意阅读:A、军事与政治的实事记载B、不一定C、富有情感和幻想的作品152 、因为我对一切问题都有些见解,所以大家公认我是个有头脑的人:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的153 、我愿意:A、指挥几个人工作B、不确定C、和同志们一起工作154 、我总是不敢大胆批评别人的言行:A、是的B、有时如此C、不是的155 、在年轻的时候,当我和父母的意见不同时,我经常:A、保留自已的意见B、介于A、C之间C、接受父母的意见156 、“铁锹”与“挖掘"犹如“刀子”与:A、琢磨B、切割C、铲除157 、我爱沉浸于幻想之中:A、是的C、不是的158 、从事体力或脑力劳动后,我比别人需要更多的休息才能恢复工作效率:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的159 、我在年青的时候和异性朋友交往:A、较别人多B、介于A、C之间C、较别人少160 、当我见到亲友或邻居争吵时,我总是:A、任其自已解决B、介于A、C之间C、予以劝解161 、在公共场合,若我突然成为大家注意的中心,我会感到局促不安:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的162 、就是在不顺利的情况下,我仍能保持精神振奋:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的163 、每当做一件困难工作时,我总是:A、预先做好准备B、介于A、C之间C、相信到时总会有办法解决164 、侮辱那些即使有错误的文化人如医生、教师等,也是不应该的:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的165 、当我工作时我不喜欢有许多人在旁参观:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的166 、我的父母从来不严格要求我事事顺从:B、不一定C、不是的167 、我宁愿住在嘈杂的闹市区,而不愿住在僻静的郊区:A、是的B、不太确定C、不是的168 、在就寝时,我:A、不易入睡B、介于A、C之间C、容易入睡169 、我有能力应付各种困难:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的170 、“惊讶”与“新奇”犹如“惧怕”与:A、勇敢B、焦虑C、恐怖171 、在参加讨论时,我总是能把握住自已的立场:A、经常如此B、一般如此C、必要时才能如此172 、我常常怀疑那些对我过于友善的人的动机是否如此:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的173 、在接受困难任务时,我通常是:A、有独立完成的信心B、不确定C、希望有别人帮助和指导174 、我希望我的家庭能成为:A、适合自身活动和娱乐的地方B、介于A、C之间C、邻里朋友交往活动的一部分175 、尽管有的同志和我的意见不和,但我仍能跟他团结:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的176 、我认为对任何人:A、都要和善B、不一定C、都要斗争177 、在做人处世的各个方面,我的父母很值得敬佩:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的178 、我认为未来二十年的世界局势定将好转:A、是的B、不一定C、不是的179 、我对人或物的兴趣,都很容易改变:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的180 、和不熟悉的人交谈,对我来讲:A、毫不困难B、介于A、C之间C、是一件难事181 、我喜欢阅读的书籍是有关:A、太空旅行的B、不太确定C、家庭教育的182 、我愿意做一个社会科学家而不愿做一个机械工程师:A、是的B、不确定C、不是的183 、在各种课程中,我喜欢:A、语文B、不确定C、数学184 、我愿意跟有教养的人来往,而不愿意同鲁莽的人交往:A、是的B、介于A、C之间C、不是的问卷21 、五个答案中哪个是最好的类比?A、AB、BC、CD、DE、E2 、找出与众不同的一个:A、AB、BC、CD、DE、E3 、“皮”对于“树”相当于“鳞”对于A、鳃B、大海C、渔夫D、鱼E、鳍4 、找出与众不同的一个:A、AB、BC、CD、DE、E5 、五个答案中哪一个是最好的类比?“工工人人人工人人工"对于“221112112”相当于“工工人人工人人工”对于A、221221122B、22112122C、22112112D、112212211E、2122112126 、五个答案中哪个是最好的类比?A、AB、BC、CD、DE、E7 、火车守车(车尾)长6.4米。













D 项中的“稀奇”有少见之意,比A项中的“奇怪”更为合适。






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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Var array1 = [10,20];
Var array2 = [8,5];
Var result = array1.add(array2);
2.解析dom tree
<input type=”text” name=”username” value=”请填写姓名”> </body>
3.要求按按钮后my word 向下移10px
Function fun(){
<div id=”name”>
My word
<input type=”button” onclick=”fun()”>
4.给出一段代码去替代addEventListener和attachEvent Function myAttachEvent(o,evt,fun){};
<div /*todo something*/>
<select /*todo something*/></select>
<input type=”button” id=”bu” onclick=”fun(/*todo something*/)” value=”add….”> 6.当选中后背景色改变
<select /*todo something*/>
<option value=”red”>red</option>
<option value=”gray”>gray</option>
<option value=” blue”>blue</option>
(1)var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
addAll(1,8); //结果:9
addAll(5,8,-7); 结果:6
10, 结果相同的语句
var o = {};
Var o = [];
Var o = //;
Var o = new Object();
Var o = new Array();
Var o = new reg(); //这个不正确,忘怎么写的了
<input type=”text” id=”num” value=”0”>
<input type=”button” onclick=”addNum()”/>
T4game 呈天游软件公司笔试题目
大部分时J2SE 的知识点。

1.JA V A的基本数据类型有哪几种?String是基本数据类型吗?它们之间的区别是什么?
5.Socket(TCP、UDP)和JA V A中的通信有什么却别,它们是怎样实现的?

9.JA V A三大特征是什么?
10 你希望公司能给你什么回报?











